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Life on Other Planets. Essay
One of the most common unanswered questions scientists find themselves asking is "Is there life on other planets?" Since the first famously
documented UFO sighting in 1947, the idea of extra–terrestrial life has been debated almost non–stop. The subject has inspired many TV programs,
such as The X–Files, and films (Mars Attacks, Independence Day, and the Men in Black films to name but a few). Scientists have come up with
many new ideas and ways of trying to either prove or disprove the existence of life elsewhere.
Mars is a very similar planet to earth in relation to size and atmosphere. Therefore it seemed like the most likely place to search for life. At the end of
the 19th century, an American named Percival Lowell built himself more content...
These ideas spanned from the discovery of rock on our planet that originated from Mars; knocked from the planet when a comet collided with it. In
1996 a group of scientists created conflict by claiming that they had found evidence of fossilised bacteria in one of these rocks, but other scientists
disputed this idea.
The other possibility is that we can examine the atmosphere of other likely planets or moons. The planet Earth is largely made up of oxygen (20%)
due to the presence of photosynthesising plants producing oxygen as a waste product. If an indication of oxygen appeared in a different planetary
atmosphere, it would have a high chance of holding life forms on it. To learn about different atmospheres it isn't mandatory to visit the planet. We can
find this information by looking at the light spectrum it emits.
People however think it would be more fascinating to discover intelligent life elsewhere. The Search for Extra–Terrestrial Intelligence project (SETI)
has been running for several decades, but has not yet found any concrete evidence that intelligent beings truly exist outside of Earth.
Earth is constantly sending radiation into space. All broadcasting stations produce radio waves. These waves spread from a transmitter, and many of
these end up in space, travelling away from us at the speed of light. It is very possible that, if there is intelligent life
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Essay about Solar System
Solar System
Humans live on a small planet in a tiny part of a vast universe. This part of the universe is called the solar system, and is dominated by a single
brilliant star–the sun. The solar system is the earth's neighbourhood and the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto
are the Earth's neighbours. They all have the same stars in the sky and orbit the same sun.
Scientists believe the solar system began about 5 billion years ago, perhaps when a nearby star exploded and caused a large cloud of dust and gas to
collapse in on itself. The hot, central part of the cloud became the sun, while some smaller pieces formed around it and became the planets. Other
fragments became asteroids and comets, more content...
Future manned expeditions could melt the ice into water, for drinking, washing and turning into rocket–fuel: there is enough ice to make a lake 10km
across and 10m deep.
If you approached the Solar System from space, one planet would stand out as very odd. The third world from the sun is brightly coloured, in shades
of mainly blue, with patches of red and green, and constantly shifting patterns of white cloud. And it has an unusually large moon; which–by contrast–
is dull and uniformly brown.
The perfect planet
Come closer, and you find blue is liquid water. This is the only rocky planet with water. Test the atmosphere, and again this planet is unique: the air
contains a lot of reactive gas oxygen. And finally, take a closer look at the green areas. Here there is ample vegetation and animal life. This is the only
planet in the solar system obviously inhabited life forms.
The earth is special mainly because it is located at the perfect distance from the sun. The temperature here is just right for water to exist as a liquid:
get in as close Venus and the water just boils away as steam, while as far out as the orbit of Mars water is frozen to ice.
Soon after the birth of earth, it was a very different place from the one we know today.
Its "air" was made of the unbreathable and
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Are we alone in the universe? Is anything or anybody out there? These are age old questions, asked from people of all ages and races. But the first
questions we need to ask are if it is even possible? Are there any other planets out there that are habitable? What does a planet need to be habitable?
Without a habitable planet life cannot sustain in the universe, the search for life in the universe has been long and hard with no results proving life to
exist outside of earth. The most predominant searchers of those at the SETI Institute or Search for Extra–Terrestrial Intelligence Institute, a privately
funded organization, that uses various methods to search for electromagnetic transmissions, the assumed method of contact, from more
This means a planet could have simple single cell organisms living on the surface or below it, but if they were not capable of evolving because of the
planetary conditions the planet would not be considered habitable.
Earth, our home, and the only confirmed planet to have life. What makes earth different from all the rest? There are six factors that make earth the
habitable planet that it is now: water, temperature, atmosphere, energy, biogenic compounds and distance from a sun (What makes Earth Habitable).
Earth has liquid water available on a continuous basis, which is placed in areas that prevent it all from evaporating or freezing. There is a
temperature range adequate for living cells to live, around negative 15 degrees Celsius to 115 degrees Celsius. Temperatures to low and the reactions
in living cells would happen to slow to support life, and to high proteins and genetic compounds would begin to break down. Temperature is also
important to water, a temperature to hot and the water evaporates to low and it will freeze. Earth has a temperature that ranges between to the ends of
the spectrum. An atmosphere that supports life on the surface of the earth needs to moderate and support seasonal temperatures and day to night
changes. The atmosphere also needs to be dense enough to protect us from ultraviolet radiation. Earth has light energy from the sun as well as
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Planets and Solar System Essay example
Planets and Solar System
"A planet is a celestial body that revolves around a central star and does not shine by its own light " (Grolier, 1992). The only planetary system that is
known to man is our solar system. It is made up of nine planets which range in size and make–up. The nine major planets in our solar system are
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter,Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. There are also many other minor planets which are also in our solar system,
but they are unimportant compared to the nine major planets. In this paper I will discuss the planets and how they are each unique.
Mercury which is the planet that is closest to the sun is the first planet I will discuss. Mercury is the smallest of the more content...
It is called this because it closely resembles the Earth's mass, density and diameter. The only thing different is that Venus " is shrouded in thick clouds
that completely hide the surface of the planet " (Grolier, 1992). The surface temperature is also much warmer than that of Earth.
Venus completes one revolution around the sun in 224.7 days.
This makes the Venusian day equal to 117 earth days. It is thought that this slowrotation may be the reason why Venus has no magnetic field.
The atmosphere of Venus made up of 98% carbon dioxide and 2% Nitrogen. This atmosphere also has the presence of helium, neon and argon. This is
yet another thing which makes Venus different from Earth.
The surface of Venus is quite a bit like that of the Earth.
The surface has volcanoes and smooth plains. " Much of the volcanic activity on Venus takes the form of Basaltic eruptions that inundate large ares,
much as the mare volcanism flooded the impacted basins on the near side of the moon " (Morrison, 93,
1993). One thing that differs from Earth is that there is no water liquid on the Venusian surface.
Some of the scientific data that follows was taken out of Cattermole's book. The mean distance from the sun is 108.20 Km.
The equatorial diameter is 12,012 Km and the equatorial rotation is 243 days. Finally the mass of Venus is 4.87*10^24 (Cattermole, 63, 1993). Venus,
although different than Earth, is still our sister planet.
Mars is
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Pollution is Destroying Our Planet Essay
The Earth is a beautiful place to live in, it's amazing how many things we take for granted.
When you can't be bothered leaving your bed, you don't think about the experiences you can have in this world. You don't take notice of the true
beauty it brings, instead you overlook it and all you see is cold mornings and school. But what if one day you wake up and it's all gone? Then you
would have wished you appreciated it more. You never realise how much you take for granted until you've lost it.Pollution is destroying our planet,
through our air, water and land. When will you realise how much your planet does for you?
Above all, air pollution is threatening all life on earth. Most of air pollution we cause results from the burning more content...
Waterways are in serious danger of environmental catastrophe as a result of industrial waste and domestic rubbish. Everything living thing depends on
water for life.
Pollution affects marine life and freshwater animals. Factories built on the banks of estuaries have been found dumping residue and waste in
waterways. Poisons and other toxins have leaked into the banks destroying species of native and endangered flora and causing outbreaks of disease
within these plants. Similar to this has been the impact on the habitats of waterborne creatures interrupting delicate ecosystems and leading to the
starvation and death of fish species. The flow on the effect of diseased estuaries can be found in oceans where the food sources of large fish species
are being depleted. The impact of waste is compounded by the dumping of domestic rubbish. Plastic bags, aluminium, tin and other rubbish that is an
eyesore, becomes an ideal breeding ground for dangerous bacteria that can cause disease. Did you know there is such thing as a pacific garbage patch?
In late 1997 there was a discovery of a new continent that exists between the Hawaiian
Islands and the coast of California. This continent which is approximately two times the size of Texas is not one that is comprised by land.
Disturbingly it is a result of an estimated 3.5 million tons of floating plastic garbage that continuously circles in
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We Are Destroying Our Planet Essay
Everyday we are destroying our planet. Global warming is one of the biggest problems in humanity. Our society has to take immediate action in
order to survive there is not much time left as we continue to grow with this problem at this rate. The increase of global warming is getting out of
control. We need to take care of our planet before we run out of time, and the damage become unfixable. One of the major problems is the gas
emissions called "The Greenhouse effect" this gas emissions are the most dangerous face of global warming. People believe this is a normal thing
and it is but as we pollute the world everyday this process becomes more harming to the environment. If we didn 't have greenhouse gases which they
trap heat in the atmosphere, the Earth would be a very cold place. Which it 'll cause us to freeze to death, Greenhouse gases keep the Earth warm
through a process called the greenhouse effect. We need the heat that is trapped by the greenhouse gases to keep us warm and alive. But the increasing
amount of methane and carbon dioxide is causing an accelerated greenhouse effect, raising up the temperature of the earth and causing global warming.
Global warming is then causing climate change. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the components of global warming.
Carbon dioxide is released through natural processes like respiration and volcano eruptions and through human activities such as deforestation, land use
changes, and burning fossil fuels.
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The Planet Of The Earth Essay
The earth might seem to be large enough with a radius of about 6400 km and large circumstance of about 40,000 km, but in fact, earth is the only
planet of the solar system and the only member of the myriads of systems in the universe, which presents a condition of air, water and land. Thus, it is
unique among the planets having abundant water, an atmosphere and surface temperature configuration that have supported life. So, "why is there life
on Earth?" Unlike other planets, the Earth has a strong magnetic field of its own. It is the densest planet. As an illustration, if it weren't for the Earth's
magnetic field we would be subject to bursts of radiation on the ground that would be, at the very least, unhealthy. Additionally, the more serious, long
term impact would be the erosion of the atmosphere. Without a doubt, the most important planet to us is the Earth that distinguishes itself from other
heavenly bodies of the solar system.
"We think that life develops spontaneously on Earth, so it must be possible for life to develop on suitable planets elsewhere in the universe." (Stephen
2. Summary:
In "The Nine Planets of the Solar System," posted on the NASA website, Earth is revealed to be a very nurturing planet as well as Earth is the only
one in which life exists. First, according to NASA, the Earth possesses a moderate pattern of temperature. Second, the article also states, the Earth
rotates around its axis, which is tilted 23.5 degree, to result in the
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jupiter Essay
Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and by far the largest mass object in the solar system of all the other planets. Jupiter is twice the size of all the
other planets combined. It is as 318 times the sizes of earth. The distance that Jupiter orbits the sun is 778,330,000 km (Gallant pp154). The diameter is
142,984 km and the mass that it has is 1.900e27 kg. Jupiter is the fourth brightest object in the sky after the Sun, the Moon and Venus. Mars is some
times brighter. Galileo discovered Jupiter in 1610(Gallant); another interesting fact is that Jupiter has 4 large moons. Which are known as the Galilean
moons. They were named Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. The first mission that went to Jupiter was Pioneer 10 in 1973 and more
The knowledge of what the inner core is made up is still and will remain unknown until we can create a satellite that can make into the atmosphere of
Jupiter and the other gas planets. Jupiter's atmosphere was also found to be quite turbulent. It is also know that Jupiter spins faster than any other
planet. This indicates that Jupiter's winds are driven in large part by its internal heat rather than from solar input as on Earth. The vivid colors seen
in Jupiter's clouds are probably the result of subtle chemical reactions of the trace elements in Jupiter's atmosphere, perhaps involving sulfur whose
compounds take on a wide variety of colors, but the details are unknown. The colors correlate with the cloud's altitude: blue lowest, followed by
browns and whites, with reds highest. Sometimes we see the lower layers through holes in the upper ones. Then we have the Great Red Spot that
everyone can identify as Jupiter. This reddish color of the "Great Red Spot" is a puzzle to scientist, but several chemicals, including phosphorus,
have been proposed as a reason. In fact, the color and mechanisms driving the appearance of the entire atmosphere are still not well understood. This
spot has been seen by Earthly observers for more than 300 years. Robert Hooke discovered it in the 17th century. The GRS is an oval about 12,000 by
25,000 km, big enough to hold two Earths. Another interesting feature about Jupiter is that it
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Top 10 Planet Research Paper
A planet is a large celestial body, smaller than a star but larger than an asteroid, that does not produce its own light but is illuminated by light from the
star around which it revolves.
Planets In Our Solar System
In Order from closet to farthest from the Sun.
1. Mercury: Smallest, Temperature at day в€’173 В°C to at night 427 В°C, no life, Solid.
2. Venus: Temperature all day 462 В°C, hottestplanet in solar system, referred to as Earths sister planet, no life, Solid.
3. Earth: Life Temperature ranges from –89В°2 C to 58В°C, Solid.
4. Mars: Temperature ranges from в€’143 В°C (в€’225 В°F) at the winter polar caps to highs of up to 35 В°C, no life, Solid.
5. Jupiter: Largest, 67 moons, Possibility of life, Temperature в€’108 В°C, Gas.
6. Saturn: Temperature в€’139В°C, no life, huge rings, Gas. more content...
Uranus: Temperature в€’197.2 В°C, no life, Gas.
8. Neptune: Temperature в€’201 В°C, no life, Gas.
9. Pluto (Not Counted As A Planet Anymore) + Eris (The second largest dwarf planet. Never counted as a planet).
Some Differences between Inner and Outer planets include:
Different Temperatures– the further you go from the Sun and not be close to another star, the colder it is and the closer you are to the Sun, the hotter it
Size – The inner planets are smaller than the outer planets. Earth Being the biggest inner planet with the diameter of п»їп»ї12,756 km and Mercury is
the smallest inner planet with a diameter of 4,878 km. п»їп»їJupiter is the largest planet with a diameter of 142,984 km and Neptune is the smallest of
the Outer Planets with a diameter of 49,532 km.
Made Of – Inner planets are only made of solid substances and outer planets are mainly gas.
Density – The inner planets have a big density and the outer planets have a smaller density.
Spin – Inner planets spin slowly and outer planets spin quickly.
Moons – Inner planets have few moons and outer planets have lots of moons.
Rings – Inner planets have no rings and outer planets all have
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All About Our Planet Earth Essay
The Earth is a relatively small celestial object. It is the third planet orbiting an average star, our Sun, located in the Orion arm, sometimes called the
Orion Spur; it is a minor arm located in between the Sagittarius Arm and the Perseus arm of the Milky Way, a barred spiral galaxy. Our solar system
orbits the central bulge of our galaxy at a radius of 1.7 billion AU and our period of galactic revolution is 230 million years at a tangential velocity of
828,000 km/hr relative to the center. Our solar system has one main sequence star, 4 inner rocky planets, the asteroid belt, 4 outer large gaseous planets,
the Kuiper Belt of small icy objects, and the outermost Oort Cloud of icy objects made of water, ammonia, and methane. It extends more
The supernova process generates elements more massive than iron, like the heavier elements we find within our solar system, and ejects them. With a
cloud of about 90% H, 9% He, and small amounts of everything else, such as iron, carbon, and oxygen, and the movement of pressure waves through
the cloud due to the At the center of this contracting and rotating cloud, compressed H and He gases formed a hot protostar. When temperature and
pressure within the core of this protostar increased to a critical point, a type of nuclear fusion, also called proton–proton fusion, began, and thus our sun
was born. At the same time, the remaining gas cloud that had enough inertia to avoid being swept into the Sun collapsed into the form of a rotating
sphere. According to the Condensation theory, the first solid particles formed and then grew as they accreted the surrounding material. Soon, these
larger bodies, called planetesimals, had enough gravity to pull in more matter. The planetesimals then collided to form the planets. The inner planets
formed at temperatures high enough that only heavier elements could form solids, so these planets are composed of rock and metal. The lighter
gaseous elements were swept outward by solarwinds. The Earth then began as an accreting molten sphere. The Earth's thermal energy came from an
initial stage of nuclear fission at its center. Radioactive decay of
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Saturn Essay
Saturn is one of the most interesting planets in the solar system. It is the sixth planet in the solar system, and is most famous for its stunning array of
rings. It is a very easy planet to pick out in the sky because it is one of the brightest lights in the shy. It also has a very faint greenish color that makes
it stand out from the rest of the objects in the sky ("Astronomy for Kids"). Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter being the only
planet that is bigger. It also has at least eighteen moons, more than any other planet in the solar system. There have been three voyages to this
extraordinary planet, and one is still in process today. The Pioneer II traveled to Saturn in September of 1979, more content...
Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system. Jupiter is the only planet that is larger. The gas giant is 72 thousand miles in diameter, almost
ten times the size of Earth. In spite of its huge size, though, Saturn weighs very little. It is a very light gas planet. Saturn is the least dense planet in the
solar system–– so light, in fact, that it would float in water. This planet is mostly composed of hydrogen and helium, like Jupiter, but it is much less
dense. The combination of its light weight and fast rotation causes Saturn to spread out, or oblate, its center. Since Saturn is a gas planet, it does not
have a solid surface. Spacecraft are unable to land on this type of surface. The clouds that are seen when looking at Saturn are just the top layer of a
very deep layer that covers a center of liquid hydrogen. The clouds are blown by constant winds that reach speeds up to one thousand miles per hour at
the equator of the planet ("Great Space Place").
The rings of Saturn are more spectacular than those of any other planet. Although this planet's rings are very wide, extending from the top of its
atmosphere to well beyond the orbits of its closest moons, they are very thin, measuring no more than a few kilometers (about a mile) in thickness
("Great Space Place"). The Pioneer 11 flyby made several discoveries about the rings. The rings are made of
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Descriptive Essay About A Dream Planet
The Dream Planet
The dream planet is far away in a distant galaxy. Its beautiful colors are lavender, sky blue, and a light pink swirl. There are three islands on the
planet. If you stood on the cloud island, you would smell the perfect smell of cotton candy seep into your nose. If you were on the escape island you
would smell the fruity smell of pineapples and mangos. If you were on the relaxed island you would smell clean fresh flowers.
First, let's talk about the cloud island. This is a land where there are huge cotton candy puffs in the atmosphere. It is like you are up in the sky
surrounded by clouds! In these cotton candy puffs, there are all kinds of candy. It is like a huge candy shop! Oh, and of course you can fly and eat
whatever candy you would like. Looking around cloud island, you may notice something to be quite peculiar. There are huge white unicorns with
rainbow–colored tails and manes flying around. You don't have to worry,they are kind and will fetch you anything you may want.
The second island is called escape island. This one is more of a tropical island with a beach. You can sit on a very relaxingchair and hear the waves
rushing up to catch you. There are also a bunch of seafood restaurants along the shoreline too! But of course, there are a million of drink options. The
best two drinks are their watermelon cooler and limeade punch located at a wooden bar on the beach. The watermelon cooler is a bright red color,but
the limeade punch is green. The
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Essay What We Are Doing to Our Planet
It's happening everywhere, you can see it and you can feel it. You may not feel it day by day, but as years progress you'll notice the difference.
Environmental change, Human factors, Economic effects and Political effects are what are causing our planet to change with our desirable needs.
There are many ways to reduce greenhouse gasses that trap heat in our atmosphere. We as a human race are growing at a rate of 251 babies every
minute, that's 361,481 every day and 131,940,565 every year. Food, shelter water and energy are ever so high in demand and we will even go far
enough to damage our own natural resources to sustain the new heads. Our environment has changed dramatically over the past 50–100 years. Ice
berks in the north more content...
As I said previously that we are growing as a race and demand more and more to sustain us. We are destroying our and slowly by Taking down
forests illegally and legally the most harm is done by the one legally destruction of forests. Also, we blow up and remove mountains to take natural
resources. Leaving behind a destructive land where before animals and forests thrived. We drill offshore in our oceans to suck oil out, but most of
the time these procedures are very dangerous and deadly. There are many cases that there are leaks on the oil rig and the wild life is dramatically
affected by it. Such as the Gulf of Mexico oil spill in 2010 where more than 200 million gallons of crude oil was spilled and it affected 16,000 miles
of coastline. More than 8000 animals were reported to dead after 6 months of the oil spill. As humans we can reduce our fossil fuel emissions
dramatically by finding alternative fuels. One way to change use of oil for our cars is to use hydrogen or electricity. I think in the near future
electricity will be a cheaper resource since we are using wind, solar panel and sunlight to provide energy. If every home had solor panels on the
roof they would dramatically save allot of energy. Plus solor energy is a win win situation since you will only pay for the maintains and not fot he
actual energy crated. Also, if every care had solar powered air condition that will dramatically increase your mile per gallon (or kilometer per
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Essay about Out Of The Silent Planet
Out of the Silent Planet
By: C.S. Lewis
C.S. Lewis produced a book that conveys vivid scenery, relatable characters, and a vague but detailed plot that gave rise to a novel with wonderful
clarity. Out of the Silent Planet is an account of the voyage of Ransom, a linguist, who is kidnapped and taken to another planet, Malacandra (Mars).
Where he learns that Thulcandra (Earth) is called the silent planet because there has been no communication from it in years. On the voyage there he
is led to believe he will be sacrificed. Instead, the creatures that inhabit the other world reveal extraordinary secrets about the nature of man and the
universe to him. Ransom is ultimately sent back to Thulcandra with the two earthlings who more content...
As the character Ransom walked across England the reader felt as if beside him the whole way. When he visited Mars, even with the bizarre scenery it
seemed so real.
"He saw nothing but colours – colours that refused to form themselves into things. Moreover, he new nothing yet well enough to see it: you can not
see things till you know roughly what they are. His first impression was a bright, pale world – a water–coloured world out of a child's paint box."
Lewis also has a gift for making strong points in his novel without making the reader feel guilty, because he uses such human characters that are
filled with normal and relatable flaws. Even with the main character's name, Ransom he sends a message, because as you read this book, you will
see how his name comes to play. This book is very involved and it's not a book to be taken lightly. This is a book with a lot of inner meaning. Ittalks
about the dark side of humanity. Filled with comedy, action, suspense andscience fiction. But though it's not a very long book, it really doesn't need to
The plot was uncertain at times but overall was detailed enough to present the over all struggle of one mans' journey through the cosmos. The
transitions from one chapter to the next were very well organized. Through many weeks passes in the book, it seamed to flow into one seamless
efficiently written story.
The worst thing a reader could say is that they learned nothing from reading. If a person is
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Jovian Planets Essay
The Jovian Planets
Far beyond Earth in the solar nebula lies an ice belt and beyond that lay the four Jovian planets. They are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Jovian
means "Jupiter– like" in which the rest of the jovian planets do coincide with the name. Uranus Neptune and Saturn, all carry the same traits
as Jupiter. The jovian planets are large gas giants that contain mainly a thick atmosphere of Hydrogen and helium. These planets do not have solid
surfaces, rather they just get denser with depth. They contain high mass and are usually anywhere from 15 to 318 times the mass of earth. They also
contain many satellites and the gravity is much stronger than that of earth. The jovian more content...
The results are the strongest magnetic field in the solar system...." ( Seeds, 516). This magnetic field is so large that it extends beyond Saturn and
is electrified enough to send charges into the earth's magnetic field.
In the 1970's, Pioneer and Voyager flew past Jupiter and discovered the large magnetic field or magnetosphere. The magnetosphere is not a true sense a
perfect sphere. It is highly flattened due to the rapid rotation of Jupiter. This magnetic field causes phenomenon such as strong lightening and even an
aurora similar to earth's aurora borealis .
Jupiter, unlike earth, has three distinct weather producing zones or a troposphere. They are believed to contain Ammonia ice, ammonium
hydrosulfide, and water and ice. In the apparent or uppermost atmosphere, ammonia ice crystals thrive in a temperature of about 150 degrees Kelvin.
Most astronomers theorize that the next level of the atmosphere is primarily made up of Ammonium hydrosulfide crystals in a temperature of 200
degrees Kelvin. It is also theorized that the third and final level before the liquid metallic hydrogen is a layer of liquid ammonia and water droplets.
Jupiter's atmosphere is also plagued by high velocity winds that move in wide bands. These winds blow in opposite directions along the latitude of the
planet. Because of chemical reactions and differences, they can be seen wrapping
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Does Life Exist On Other Planets? Essay
Does life exist on other planets? There are many people who both believe in, and don't believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life in the universe.
While the people who don't believe that life exists on other planets so have some decent arguments, the universe is so vast that it is possible there are
other Earth–like planets capable of supporting life. It is highly probably due to the vastness of the universe and the many Earth–like planets we've
already discovered that are possibly capable of being a host for life. One prime example is the recently discovered planet Proxima b. A recent
discovery has uncovered the planet Proxima b, which is a planet with a rocky surface, and an exoplanet, which is a planet that orbits a star out of the
solar system, that orbits Proxima Centauri, which is the closest star to our sun. Proxima b, as far as researchers know, is most likely the closest
exoplanet to us in the universe. Proxima b is only about 4.2 light–years away from our solar system. This is about 266,000 times the distance between
the Earth and the sun, which are around 92.96 million miles. In the past, other rocky exoplanets that we've discovered, such as those orbiting the red
dwarf star TRAPPIST–1, have been considered close to us at around 40 light–years away, which is obviously much, much further from us than Proxima
b. Proxima b has many suitable characteristics for life that we already know of. It is about 1.3 times the size of our Earth, it orbits its star about
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The Time Capsule Found on the dead Plant. A story of a dead planet. Explaining how the planet was built, thrived, and fell. The poet, Margaret
Atwood launches herself into the future, to tell the story a dead planet's life. The attention grabber, the planet the speaker talks about is Earth. In this
essay I will explore the reason behind why Margaret wrote the capsule in five sections, who she was talking to, who she was writing as, the reason for
money being personified, and the goal of the motif of flight.
When you begin every story, anyone knows there will always be three common factors. A beginning, a middle, and an end. No matter how complex
the story. It is up to the author or poet to decide how they decide to organize their story. Margaret Atwood decides to break the story into five sections.
The first sections speaking about the creation of God. The more content...
Who is the speaker talking to? The two theories from the previous question, who is the speaker a–line with this current question; who is the audience.
If the speaker is someone from the distant future, then their audience could anyone who has landed on that planet. Or the audience a civilization with
enough technology to be able reach a message from a distant planet, earth. Either that civilization needs to hear the message. The reason is for a
civilization to be that advance, it is apparent that they are currently in their own version of section 3 of "Time Capsule found on Dead Planet". "Pray
for us, who once, too, thought we could fly."(Atwood) the last line of the time capsule,but pay close attention to the word: Too. The audience is a
civilization highly similar to Earth's, especially if they were intelligent enough to receive distant message. So as a result, the speaker is trying to warn
whoever the audience is that, matching Icarus, they are beginning to fly too close to the
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Essay on Uranus
The bland aquamarine face of Uranus bears witness to the fact that Uranus is enshrouded in clouds. The planet appears to be blue–green because the
atmosphere absorbs the, red wavelengths of the visible spectrum, . The uniformity of the planet's appearance confirms that the planet's atmosphere is
composed almost solely of one element, methane gas. There is a preponderance of haze, composed of ethane and other hydrocarbon ices high in the
stratosphere, and clouds of methane ice low in the troposphere. The cloud particles constantly recycle themselves, first creating then destroying the
heaviest crystals. This is an indication that Uranus' atmosphere is still evolving from its formation out of the solar nebula. Because Uranus lies on its more content...
These moons are part of a class of moons called the "Small Moons". Icy moons of Uranus are; Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, Oberon,
Caliban, and Sycorax. In 1999, four more Uranian moons were found. They include Prospero, Setebos, Stephano and 1986 U 10.
The Giant planets do not have the same kind of structure inside that the terrestrial planets do. Their evolution was quite different than that of the
terrestrial planets, and they have much more gas and ice inside.
Uranus's interior composition is primarily that of methane ice.
Motions in the interior of Uranus contribute to the formation of the magnetosphere of Uranus. Heat generated within Uranus contributes to the unusual
motions of the atmosphere.
The magnetosphere of Uranus is medium sized, but still much larger than the Earth's. It extends well beyond the orbits of Uranus' moons. It is
probably generated in the icy interior layers, rather than with a metallic component at the core.
The magnetosphere of Uranus has a very strange orientation, tilted by almost 60 degrees from the vertical. The extreme tilt, combined with the extreme
tilt of the rotation axis of Uranus, provides for a completely unique magnetosphere, one which has a twisting structure!
Mathematical theory suggests that the rings of Uranus affect the both the motion of particles in the magnetosphere, as well as creating a strange,
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Pluto: A Planet? Essay
Pluto: A Planet?
Many issues have arisen from the debate whether or not Pluto is a planet. Some astronomers say that Pluto should be classified as a "minor planet" due
to its size, physical characteristics, and other factors. On the other hand, some astronomers defend Pluto's planet status, citing several key features.
Indeed, most of the problem is that there is no formal definition of a planet. Furthermore, it is very difficult to invent one that would allow the solar
system to contain all nine planets. I suggest that for an object to be classified as a planet, it must embody three characteristics. It must be in orbit around
a star (thus removing the larger satellites from contention), it must be too small to generate heat by more content...
The only limit on the size of the moons of a planet is that they must be smaller than the planet. Thus, it is coincidence that Jupiter's and Saturn's large
moons are as small as they are: if Jupiter happened to have a moon one–fourth of its own size (as Earth does), that moon would be larger than Earth,
Venus, Mars, Mercury and Pluto, and all of these "planets" would have to be classified as asteroids. If Jupiter happened to have a moon half its own
size (as Pluto does), that moon would be larger than all of the other planets except Saturn, and we would have a two–planet solar system with seven
very large asteroids. The problems with this classification criterion are that they are arbitrary and non–general.
Pluto is unlike the other planets in that it has an icy surface instead of a rocky surface, like the inner 4 (terrestrial) planets, or a deep atmosphere, like
the next 4 (gas giant) planets.
Pluto has a crust believed to be composed mostly of water ice, with a relatively thin layer of nitrogen ice mixed with small fractions of methane and
carbon. However, there is no particular scientific reason why this should exclude Pluto from being classified as a planet. It is just as reasonable to
claim that all planets must have rocky surfaces, like the terrestrial planets: then Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune would have to classified as
something other than "planets" (perhaps they would be minor planets?). Alternatively, it could be declared that all
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Life On Other Planets. Essay

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  • 2. Essay about Solar System Solar System Humans live on a small planet in a tiny part of a vast universe. This part of the universe is called the solar system, and is dominated by a single brilliant star–the sun. The solar system is the earth's neighbourhood and the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are the Earth's neighbours. They all have the same stars in the sky and orbit the same sun. Scientists believe the solar system began about 5 billion years ago, perhaps when a nearby star exploded and caused a large cloud of dust and gas to collapse in on itself. The hot, central part of the cloud became the sun, while some smaller pieces formed around it and became the planets. Other fragments became asteroids and comets, more content... Future manned expeditions could melt the ice into water, for drinking, washing and turning into rocket–fuel: there is enough ice to make a lake 10km across and 10m deep. Earth If you approached the Solar System from space, one planet would stand out as very odd. The third world from the sun is brightly coloured, in shades of mainly blue, with patches of red and green, and constantly shifting patterns of white cloud. And it has an unusually large moon; which–by contrast– is dull and uniformly brown. The perfect planet Come closer, and you find blue is liquid water. This is the only rocky planet with water. Test the atmosphere, and again this planet is unique: the air contains a lot of reactive gas oxygen. And finally, take a closer look at the green areas. Here there is ample vegetation and animal life. This is the only planet in the solar system obviously inhabited life forms. The earth is special mainly because it is located at the perfect distance from the sun. The temperature here is just right for water to exist as a liquid: get in as close Venus and the water just boils away as steam, while as far out as the orbit of Mars water is frozen to ice.
  • 3. Soon after the birth of earth, it was a very different place from the one we know today. Its "air" was made of the unbreathable and Get more content on
  • 4. Are we alone in the universe? Is anything or anybody out there? These are age old questions, asked from people of all ages and races. But the first questions we need to ask are if it is even possible? Are there any other planets out there that are habitable? What does a planet need to be habitable? Without a habitable planet life cannot sustain in the universe, the search for life in the universe has been long and hard with no results proving life to exist outside of earth. The most predominant searchers of those at the SETI Institute or Search for Extra–Terrestrial Intelligence Institute, a privately funded organization, that uses various methods to search for electromagnetic transmissions, the assumed method of contact, from more content... This means a planet could have simple single cell organisms living on the surface or below it, but if they were not capable of evolving because of the planetary conditions the planet would not be considered habitable. Earth, our home, and the only confirmed planet to have life. What makes earth different from all the rest? There are six factors that make earth the habitable planet that it is now: water, temperature, atmosphere, energy, biogenic compounds and distance from a sun (What makes Earth Habitable). Earth has liquid water available on a continuous basis, which is placed in areas that prevent it all from evaporating or freezing. There is a temperature range adequate for living cells to live, around negative 15 degrees Celsius to 115 degrees Celsius. Temperatures to low and the reactions in living cells would happen to slow to support life, and to high proteins and genetic compounds would begin to break down. Temperature is also important to water, a temperature to hot and the water evaporates to low and it will freeze. Earth has a temperature that ranges between to the ends of the spectrum. An atmosphere that supports life on the surface of the earth needs to moderate and support seasonal temperatures and day to night changes. The atmosphere also needs to be dense enough to protect us from ultraviolet radiation. Earth has light energy from the sun as well as Get more content on
  • 5. Planets and Solar System Essay example Planets and Solar System "A planet is a celestial body that revolves around a central star and does not shine by its own light " (Grolier, 1992). The only planetary system that is known to man is our solar system. It is made up of nine planets which range in size and make–up. The nine major planets in our solar system are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter,Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. There are also many other minor planets which are also in our solar system, but they are unimportant compared to the nine major planets. In this paper I will discuss the planets and how they are each unique. Mercury which is the planet that is closest to the sun is the first planet I will discuss. Mercury is the smallest of the more content... It is called this because it closely resembles the Earth's mass, density and diameter. The only thing different is that Venus " is shrouded in thick clouds that completely hide the surface of the planet " (Grolier, 1992). The surface temperature is also much warmer than that of Earth. Venus completes one revolution around the sun in 224.7 days. This makes the Venusian day equal to 117 earth days. It is thought that this slowrotation may be the reason why Venus has no magnetic field. The atmosphere of Venus made up of 98% carbon dioxide and 2% Nitrogen. This atmosphere also has the presence of helium, neon and argon. This is yet another thing which makes Venus different from Earth. The surface of Venus is quite a bit like that of the Earth. The surface has volcanoes and smooth plains. " Much of the volcanic activity on Venus takes the form of Basaltic eruptions that inundate large ares, much as the mare volcanism flooded the impacted basins on the near side of the moon " (Morrison, 93, 1993). One thing that differs from Earth is that there is no water liquid on the Venusian surface. Some of the scientific data that follows was taken out of Cattermole's book. The mean distance from the sun is 108.20 Km.
  • 6. The equatorial diameter is 12,012 Km and the equatorial rotation is 243 days. Finally the mass of Venus is 4.87*10^24 (Cattermole, 63, 1993). Venus, although different than Earth, is still our sister planet. Mars is Get more content on
  • 7. Pollution is Destroying Our Planet Essay The Earth is a beautiful place to live in, it's amazing how many things we take for granted. When you can't be bothered leaving your bed, you don't think about the experiences you can have in this world. You don't take notice of the true beauty it brings, instead you overlook it and all you see is cold mornings and school. But what if one day you wake up and it's all gone? Then you would have wished you appreciated it more. You never realise how much you take for granted until you've lost it.Pollution is destroying our planet, through our air, water and land. When will you realise how much your planet does for you? Above all, air pollution is threatening all life on earth. Most of air pollution we cause results from the burning more content... Waterways are in serious danger of environmental catastrophe as a result of industrial waste and domestic rubbish. Everything living thing depends on water for life. Pollution affects marine life and freshwater animals. Factories built on the banks of estuaries have been found dumping residue and waste in waterways. Poisons and other toxins have leaked into the banks destroying species of native and endangered flora and causing outbreaks of disease within these plants. Similar to this has been the impact on the habitats of waterborne creatures interrupting delicate ecosystems and leading to the starvation and death of fish species. The flow on the effect of diseased estuaries can be found in oceans where the food sources of large fish species are being depleted. The impact of waste is compounded by the dumping of domestic rubbish. Plastic bags, aluminium, tin and other rubbish that is an eyesore, becomes an ideal breeding ground for dangerous bacteria that can cause disease. Did you know there is such thing as a pacific garbage patch? In late 1997 there was a discovery of a new continent that exists between the Hawaiian Islands and the coast of California. This continent which is approximately two times the size of Texas is not one that is comprised by land. Disturbingly it is a result of an estimated 3.5 million tons of floating plastic garbage that continuously circles in Get more content on
  • 8. We Are Destroying Our Planet Essay Everyday we are destroying our planet. Global warming is one of the biggest problems in humanity. Our society has to take immediate action in order to survive there is not much time left as we continue to grow with this problem at this rate. The increase of global warming is getting out of control. We need to take care of our planet before we run out of time, and the damage become unfixable. One of the major problems is the gas emissions called "The Greenhouse effect" this gas emissions are the most dangerous face of global warming. People believe this is a normal thing and it is but as we pollute the world everyday this process becomes more harming to the environment. If we didn 't have greenhouse gases which they trap heat in the atmosphere, the Earth would be a very cold place. Which it 'll cause us to freeze to death, Greenhouse gases keep the Earth warm through a process called the greenhouse effect. We need the heat that is trapped by the greenhouse gases to keep us warm and alive. But the increasing amount of methane and carbon dioxide is causing an accelerated greenhouse effect, raising up the temperature of the earth and causing global warming. Global warming is then causing climate change. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the components of global warming. Carbon dioxide is released through natural processes like respiration and volcano eruptions and through human activities such as deforestation, land use changes, and burning fossil fuels. Get more content on
  • 9. The Planet Of The Earth Essay The earth might seem to be large enough with a radius of about 6400 km and large circumstance of about 40,000 km, but in fact, earth is the only planet of the solar system and the only member of the myriads of systems in the universe, which presents a condition of air, water and land. Thus, it is unique among the planets having abundant water, an atmosphere and surface temperature configuration that have supported life. So, "why is there life on Earth?" Unlike other planets, the Earth has a strong magnetic field of its own. It is the densest planet. As an illustration, if it weren't for the Earth's magnetic field we would be subject to bursts of radiation on the ground that would be, at the very least, unhealthy. Additionally, the more serious, long term impact would be the erosion of the atmosphere. Without a doubt, the most important planet to us is the Earth that distinguishes itself from other heavenly bodies of the solar system. "We think that life develops spontaneously on Earth, so it must be possible for life to develop on suitable planets elsewhere in the universe." (Stephen Hawking) 2. Summary: In "The Nine Planets of the Solar System," posted on the NASA website, Earth is revealed to be a very nurturing planet as well as Earth is the only one in which life exists. First, according to NASA, the Earth possesses a moderate pattern of temperature. Second, the article also states, the Earth rotates around its axis, which is tilted 23.5 degree, to result in the Get more content on
  • 10. jupiter Essay Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and by far the largest mass object in the solar system of all the other planets. Jupiter is twice the size of all the other planets combined. It is as 318 times the sizes of earth. The distance that Jupiter orbits the sun is 778,330,000 km (Gallant pp154). The diameter is 142,984 km and the mass that it has is 1.900e27 kg. Jupiter is the fourth brightest object in the sky after the Sun, the Moon and Venus. Mars is some times brighter. Galileo discovered Jupiter in 1610(Gallant); another interesting fact is that Jupiter has 4 large moons. Which are known as the Galilean moons. They were named Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. The first mission that went to Jupiter was Pioneer 10 in 1973 and more content... The knowledge of what the inner core is made up is still and will remain unknown until we can create a satellite that can make into the atmosphere of Jupiter and the other gas planets. Jupiter's atmosphere was also found to be quite turbulent. It is also know that Jupiter spins faster than any other planet. This indicates that Jupiter's winds are driven in large part by its internal heat rather than from solar input as on Earth. The vivid colors seen in Jupiter's clouds are probably the result of subtle chemical reactions of the trace elements in Jupiter's atmosphere, perhaps involving sulfur whose compounds take on a wide variety of colors, but the details are unknown. The colors correlate with the cloud's altitude: blue lowest, followed by browns and whites, with reds highest. Sometimes we see the lower layers through holes in the upper ones. Then we have the Great Red Spot that everyone can identify as Jupiter. This reddish color of the "Great Red Spot" is a puzzle to scientist, but several chemicals, including phosphorus, have been proposed as a reason. In fact, the color and mechanisms driving the appearance of the entire atmosphere are still not well understood. This spot has been seen by Earthly observers for more than 300 years. Robert Hooke discovered it in the 17th century. The GRS is an oval about 12,000 by 25,000 km, big enough to hold two Earths. Another interesting feature about Jupiter is that it Get more content on
  • 11. Top 10 Planet Research Paper Planets A planet is a large celestial body, smaller than a star but larger than an asteroid, that does not produce its own light but is illuminated by light from the star around which it revolves. Planets In Our Solar System In Order from closet to farthest from the Sun. 1. Mercury: Smallest, Temperature at day в€’173 В°C to at night 427 В°C, no life, Solid. 2. Venus: Temperature all day 462 В°C, hottestplanet in solar system, referred to as Earths sister planet, no life, Solid. 3. Earth: Life Temperature ranges from –89В°2 C to 58В°C, Solid. 4. Mars: Temperature ranges from в€’143 В°C (в€’225 В°F) at the winter polar caps to highs of up to 35 В°C, no life, Solid. 5. Jupiter: Largest, 67 moons, Possibility of life, Temperature в€’108 В°C, Gas. 6. Saturn: Temperature в€’139В°C, no life, huge rings, Gas. more content... Uranus: Temperature в€’197.2 В°C, no life, Gas. 8. Neptune: Temperature в€’201 В°C, no life, Gas. 9. Pluto (Not Counted As A Planet Anymore) + Eris (The second largest dwarf planet. Never counted as a planet). Differences Some Differences between Inner and Outer planets include: Different Temperatures– the further you go from the Sun and not be close to another star, the colder it is and the closer you are to the Sun, the hotter it is. Size – The inner planets are smaller than the outer planets. Earth Being the biggest inner planet with the diameter of п»їп»ї12,756 km and Mercury is the smallest inner planet with a diameter of 4,878 km. п»їп»їJupiter is the largest planet with a diameter of 142,984 km and Neptune is the smallest of the Outer Planets with a diameter of 49,532 km. Made Of – Inner planets are only made of solid substances and outer planets are mainly gas. Density – The inner planets have a big density and the outer planets have a smaller density. Spin – Inner planets spin slowly and outer planets spin quickly. Moons – Inner planets have few moons and outer planets have lots of moons. Rings – Inner planets have no rings and outer planets all have
  • 12. Get more content on
  • 13. All About Our Planet Earth Essay The Earth is a relatively small celestial object. It is the third planet orbiting an average star, our Sun, located in the Orion arm, sometimes called the Orion Spur; it is a minor arm located in between the Sagittarius Arm and the Perseus arm of the Milky Way, a barred spiral galaxy. Our solar system orbits the central bulge of our galaxy at a radius of 1.7 billion AU and our period of galactic revolution is 230 million years at a tangential velocity of 828,000 km/hr relative to the center. Our solar system has one main sequence star, 4 inner rocky planets, the asteroid belt, 4 outer large gaseous planets, the Kuiper Belt of small icy objects, and the outermost Oort Cloud of icy objects made of water, ammonia, and methane. It extends more content... The supernova process generates elements more massive than iron, like the heavier elements we find within our solar system, and ejects them. With a cloud of about 90% H, 9% He, and small amounts of everything else, such as iron, carbon, and oxygen, and the movement of pressure waves through the cloud due to the At the center of this contracting and rotating cloud, compressed H and He gases formed a hot protostar. When temperature and pressure within the core of this protostar increased to a critical point, a type of nuclear fusion, also called proton–proton fusion, began, and thus our sun was born. At the same time, the remaining gas cloud that had enough inertia to avoid being swept into the Sun collapsed into the form of a rotating sphere. According to the Condensation theory, the first solid particles formed and then grew as they accreted the surrounding material. Soon, these larger bodies, called planetesimals, had enough gravity to pull in more matter. The planetesimals then collided to form the planets. The inner planets formed at temperatures high enough that only heavier elements could form solids, so these planets are composed of rock and metal. The lighter gaseous elements were swept outward by solarwinds. The Earth then began as an accreting molten sphere. The Earth's thermal energy came from an initial stage of nuclear fission at its center. Radioactive decay of Get more content on
  • 14. Saturn Essay Saturn Saturn is one of the most interesting planets in the solar system. It is the sixth planet in the solar system, and is most famous for its stunning array of rings. It is a very easy planet to pick out in the sky because it is one of the brightest lights in the shy. It also has a very faint greenish color that makes it stand out from the rest of the objects in the sky ("Astronomy for Kids"). Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter being the only planet that is bigger. It also has at least eighteen moons, more than any other planet in the solar system. There have been three voyages to this extraordinary planet, and one is still in process today. The Pioneer II traveled to Saturn in September of 1979, more content... Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system. Jupiter is the only planet that is larger. The gas giant is 72 thousand miles in diameter, almost ten times the size of Earth. In spite of its huge size, though, Saturn weighs very little. It is a very light gas planet. Saturn is the least dense planet in the solar system–– so light, in fact, that it would float in water. This planet is mostly composed of hydrogen and helium, like Jupiter, but it is much less dense. The combination of its light weight and fast rotation causes Saturn to spread out, or oblate, its center. Since Saturn is a gas planet, it does not have a solid surface. Spacecraft are unable to land on this type of surface. The clouds that are seen when looking at Saturn are just the top layer of a very deep layer that covers a center of liquid hydrogen. The clouds are blown by constant winds that reach speeds up to one thousand miles per hour at the equator of the planet ("Great Space Place"). The rings of Saturn are more spectacular than those of any other planet. Although this planet's rings are very wide, extending from the top of its atmosphere to well beyond the orbits of its closest moons, they are very thin, measuring no more than a few kilometers (about a mile) in thickness ("Great Space Place"). The Pioneer 11 flyby made several discoveries about the rings. The rings are made of Get more content on
  • 15. Descriptive Essay About A Dream Planet The Dream Planet The dream planet is far away in a distant galaxy. Its beautiful colors are lavender, sky blue, and a light pink swirl. There are three islands on the planet. If you stood on the cloud island, you would smell the perfect smell of cotton candy seep into your nose. If you were on the escape island you would smell the fruity smell of pineapples and mangos. If you were on the relaxed island you would smell clean fresh flowers. First, let's talk about the cloud island. This is a land where there are huge cotton candy puffs in the atmosphere. It is like you are up in the sky surrounded by clouds! In these cotton candy puffs, there are all kinds of candy. It is like a huge candy shop! Oh, and of course you can fly and eat whatever candy you would like. Looking around cloud island, you may notice something to be quite peculiar. There are huge white unicorns with rainbow–colored tails and manes flying around. You don't have to worry,they are kind and will fetch you anything you may want. The second island is called escape island. This one is more of a tropical island with a beach. You can sit on a very relaxingchair and hear the waves rushing up to catch you. There are also a bunch of seafood restaurants along the shoreline too! But of course, there are a million of drink options. The best two drinks are their watermelon cooler and limeade punch located at a wooden bar on the beach. The watermelon cooler is a bright red color,but the limeade punch is green. The Get more content on
  • 16. Essay What We Are Doing to Our Planet It's happening everywhere, you can see it and you can feel it. You may not feel it day by day, but as years progress you'll notice the difference. Environmental change, Human factors, Economic effects and Political effects are what are causing our planet to change with our desirable needs. There are many ways to reduce greenhouse gasses that trap heat in our atmosphere. We as a human race are growing at a rate of 251 babies every minute, that's 361,481 every day and 131,940,565 every year. Food, shelter water and energy are ever so high in demand and we will even go far enough to damage our own natural resources to sustain the new heads. Our environment has changed dramatically over the past 50–100 years. Ice berks in the north more content... As I said previously that we are growing as a race and demand more and more to sustain us. We are destroying our and slowly by Taking down forests illegally and legally the most harm is done by the one legally destruction of forests. Also, we blow up and remove mountains to take natural resources. Leaving behind a destructive land where before animals and forests thrived. We drill offshore in our oceans to suck oil out, but most of the time these procedures are very dangerous and deadly. There are many cases that there are leaks on the oil rig and the wild life is dramatically affected by it. Such as the Gulf of Mexico oil spill in 2010 where more than 200 million gallons of crude oil was spilled and it affected 16,000 miles of coastline. More than 8000 animals were reported to dead after 6 months of the oil spill. As humans we can reduce our fossil fuel emissions dramatically by finding alternative fuels. One way to change use of oil for our cars is to use hydrogen or electricity. I think in the near future electricity will be a cheaper resource since we are using wind, solar panel and sunlight to provide energy. If every home had solor panels on the roof they would dramatically save allot of energy. Plus solor energy is a win win situation since you will only pay for the maintains and not fot he actual energy crated. Also, if every care had solar powered air condition that will dramatically increase your mile per gallon (or kilometer per Get more content on
  • 17. Essay about Out Of The Silent Planet Out of the Silent Planet By: C.S. Lewis C.S. Lewis produced a book that conveys vivid scenery, relatable characters, and a vague but detailed plot that gave rise to a novel with wonderful clarity. Out of the Silent Planet is an account of the voyage of Ransom, a linguist, who is kidnapped and taken to another planet, Malacandra (Mars). Where he learns that Thulcandra (Earth) is called the silent planet because there has been no communication from it in years. On the voyage there he is led to believe he will be sacrificed. Instead, the creatures that inhabit the other world reveal extraordinary secrets about the nature of man and the universe to him. Ransom is ultimately sent back to Thulcandra with the two earthlings who more content... As the character Ransom walked across England the reader felt as if beside him the whole way. When he visited Mars, even with the bizarre scenery it seemed so real. "He saw nothing but colours – colours that refused to form themselves into things. Moreover, he new nothing yet well enough to see it: you can not see things till you know roughly what they are. His first impression was a bright, pale world – a water–coloured world out of a child's paint box." Lewis also has a gift for making strong points in his novel without making the reader feel guilty, because he uses such human characters that are filled with normal and relatable flaws. Even with the main character's name, Ransom he sends a message, because as you read this book, you will see how his name comes to play. This book is very involved and it's not a book to be taken lightly. This is a book with a lot of inner meaning. Ittalks about the dark side of humanity. Filled with comedy, action, suspense andscience fiction. But though it's not a very long book, it really doesn't need to be. The plot was uncertain at times but overall was detailed enough to present the over all struggle of one mans' journey through the cosmos. The transitions from one chapter to the next were very well organized. Through many weeks passes in the book, it seamed to flow into one seamless efficiently written story. The worst thing a reader could say is that they learned nothing from reading. If a person is
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  • 19. Jovian Planets Essay The Jovian Planets Far beyond Earth in the solar nebula lies an ice belt and beyond that lay the four Jovian planets. They are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Jovian means "Jupiter– like" in which the rest of the jovian planets do coincide with the name. Uranus Neptune and Saturn, all carry the same traits as Jupiter. The jovian planets are large gas giants that contain mainly a thick atmosphere of Hydrogen and helium. These planets do not have solid surfaces, rather they just get denser with depth. They contain high mass and are usually anywhere from 15 to 318 times the mass of earth. They also contain many satellites and the gravity is much stronger than that of earth. The jovian more content... The results are the strongest magnetic field in the solar system...." ( Seeds, 516). This magnetic field is so large that it extends beyond Saturn and is electrified enough to send charges into the earth's magnetic field. In the 1970's, Pioneer and Voyager flew past Jupiter and discovered the large magnetic field or magnetosphere. The magnetosphere is not a true sense a perfect sphere. It is highly flattened due to the rapid rotation of Jupiter. This magnetic field causes phenomenon such as strong lightening and even an aurora similar to earth's aurora borealis . Jupiter, unlike earth, has three distinct weather producing zones or a troposphere. They are believed to contain Ammonia ice, ammonium hydrosulfide, and water and ice. In the apparent or uppermost atmosphere, ammonia ice crystals thrive in a temperature of about 150 degrees Kelvin. Most astronomers theorize that the next level of the atmosphere is primarily made up of Ammonium hydrosulfide crystals in a temperature of 200 degrees Kelvin. It is also theorized that the third and final level before the liquid metallic hydrogen is a layer of liquid ammonia and water droplets. Jupiter's atmosphere is also plagued by high velocity winds that move in wide bands. These winds blow in opposite directions along the latitude of the planet. Because of chemical reactions and differences, they can be seen wrapping Get more content on
  • 20. Does Life Exist On Other Planets? Essay Does life exist on other planets? There are many people who both believe in, and don't believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life in the universe. While the people who don't believe that life exists on other planets so have some decent arguments, the universe is so vast that it is possible there are other Earth–like planets capable of supporting life. It is highly probably due to the vastness of the universe and the many Earth–like planets we've already discovered that are possibly capable of being a host for life. One prime example is the recently discovered planet Proxima b. A recent discovery has uncovered the planet Proxima b, which is a planet with a rocky surface, and an exoplanet, which is a planet that orbits a star out of the solar system, that orbits Proxima Centauri, which is the closest star to our sun. Proxima b, as far as researchers know, is most likely the closest exoplanet to us in the universe. Proxima b is only about 4.2 light–years away from our solar system. This is about 266,000 times the distance between the Earth and the sun, which are around 92.96 million miles. In the past, other rocky exoplanets that we've discovered, such as those orbiting the red dwarf star TRAPPIST–1, have been considered close to us at around 40 light–years away, which is obviously much, much further from us than Proxima b. Proxima b has many suitable characteristics for life that we already know of. It is about 1.3 times the size of our Earth, it orbits its star about Get more content on
  • 21. The Time Capsule Found on the dead Plant. A story of a dead planet. Explaining how the planet was built, thrived, and fell. The poet, Margaret Atwood launches herself into the future, to tell the story a dead planet's life. The attention grabber, the planet the speaker talks about is Earth. In this essay I will explore the reason behind why Margaret wrote the capsule in five sections, who she was talking to, who she was writing as, the reason for money being personified, and the goal of the motif of flight. When you begin every story, anyone knows there will always be three common factors. A beginning, a middle, and an end. No matter how complex the story. It is up to the author or poet to decide how they decide to organize their story. Margaret Atwood decides to break the story into five sections. The first sections speaking about the creation of God. The more content... Who is the speaker talking to? The two theories from the previous question, who is the speaker a–line with this current question; who is the audience. If the speaker is someone from the distant future, then their audience could anyone who has landed on that planet. Or the audience a civilization with enough technology to be able reach a message from a distant planet, earth. Either that civilization needs to hear the message. The reason is for a civilization to be that advance, it is apparent that they are currently in their own version of section 3 of "Time Capsule found on Dead Planet". "Pray for us, who once, too, thought we could fly."(Atwood) the last line of the time capsule,but pay close attention to the word: Too. The audience is a civilization highly similar to Earth's, especially if they were intelligent enough to receive distant message. So as a result, the speaker is trying to warn whoever the audience is that, matching Icarus, they are beginning to fly too close to the Get more content on
  • 22. Essay on Uranus The bland aquamarine face of Uranus bears witness to the fact that Uranus is enshrouded in clouds. The planet appears to be blue–green because the atmosphere absorbs the, red wavelengths of the visible spectrum, . The uniformity of the planet's appearance confirms that the planet's atmosphere is composed almost solely of one element, methane gas. There is a preponderance of haze, composed of ethane and other hydrocarbon ices high in the stratosphere, and clouds of methane ice low in the troposphere. The cloud particles constantly recycle themselves, first creating then destroying the heaviest crystals. This is an indication that Uranus' atmosphere is still evolving from its formation out of the solar nebula. Because Uranus lies on its more content... These moons are part of a class of moons called the "Small Moons". Icy moons of Uranus are; Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, Oberon, Caliban, and Sycorax. In 1999, four more Uranian moons were found. They include Prospero, Setebos, Stephano and 1986 U 10. The Giant planets do not have the same kind of structure inside that the terrestrial planets do. Their evolution was quite different than that of the terrestrial planets, and they have much more gas and ice inside. Uranus's interior composition is primarily that of methane ice. Motions in the interior of Uranus contribute to the formation of the magnetosphere of Uranus. Heat generated within Uranus contributes to the unusual motions of the atmosphere. The magnetosphere of Uranus is medium sized, but still much larger than the Earth's. It extends well beyond the orbits of Uranus' moons. It is probably generated in the icy interior layers, rather than with a metallic component at the core. The magnetosphere of Uranus has a very strange orientation, tilted by almost 60 degrees from the vertical. The extreme tilt, combined with the extreme tilt of the rotation axis of Uranus, provides for a completely unique magnetosphere, one which has a twisting structure! Mathematical theory suggests that the rings of Uranus affect the both the motion of particles in the magnetosphere, as well as creating a strange, Get more content on
  • 23. Pluto: A Planet? Essay Pluto: A Planet? Many issues have arisen from the debate whether or not Pluto is a planet. Some astronomers say that Pluto should be classified as a "minor planet" due to its size, physical characteristics, and other factors. On the other hand, some astronomers defend Pluto's planet status, citing several key features. Indeed, most of the problem is that there is no formal definition of a planet. Furthermore, it is very difficult to invent one that would allow the solar system to contain all nine planets. I suggest that for an object to be classified as a planet, it must embody three characteristics. It must be in orbit around a star (thus removing the larger satellites from contention), it must be too small to generate heat by more content... The only limit on the size of the moons of a planet is that they must be smaller than the planet. Thus, it is coincidence that Jupiter's and Saturn's large moons are as small as they are: if Jupiter happened to have a moon one–fourth of its own size (as Earth does), that moon would be larger than Earth, Venus, Mars, Mercury and Pluto, and all of these "planets" would have to be classified as asteroids. If Jupiter happened to have a moon half its own size (as Pluto does), that moon would be larger than all of the other planets except Saturn, and we would have a two–planet solar system with seven very large asteroids. The problems with this classification criterion are that they are arbitrary and non–general. Pluto is unlike the other planets in that it has an icy surface instead of a rocky surface, like the inner 4 (terrestrial) planets, or a deep atmosphere, like the next 4 (gas giant) planets. Pluto has a crust believed to be composed mostly of water ice, with a relatively thin layer of nitrogen ice mixed with small fractions of methane and carbon. However, there is no particular scientific reason why this should exclude Pluto from being classified as a planet. It is just as reasonable to claim that all planets must have rocky surfaces, like the terrestrial planets: then Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune would have to classified as something other than "planets" (perhaps they would be minor planets?). Alternatively, it could be declared that all Get more content on