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Assessment Task 3: What are the functions of management?
· Due 7 Jun by 23:59
· Points 40
· Submitting a file upload
Course code and name: BUSM4176 Introduction to
Assignment name: ePortfolio & Reflective Report
Weight: 40%
Assignment due date: Friday of week 13 at 23:59
Length: 1500 words (+/- 10%; excluding
Guidelines: How do I complete this assignment?
Learning Objectives Assessed:
CLO1: Evaluate leadership and management research and
justify the application of management theory in contemporary
CLO2: Research management theory on and explain how this
theory applies to contemporary and socially responsible
CLO3: Effectively collaborate with others to locate appropriate
resources to organise information and generate management
CLO4: Critically reflect on the relationship between
management theory and management research evidence and
communicate your knowledge of responsible management
Assignment task: What do I need to do?
1. Design and create an e-portfolio which clearly and creatively
communicates your understanding of the work skills you will
need in the future and the marketplace where these may be
situated. Your e-Portfolio should include:
· an orientation/landing page for your e-portfolio website
· at least 3 artefacts / evidence-based examples corresponding
to three modules of course
· a copy of the badge from the Emotional Intelligence micro
credential using the following instructions: Claiming Your
Badge And Copying The URL For Submission.pdf
· the URL for your LinkedIn profile
· Instructions on how to create an ePortfolio are
here: ePortfolios
2. Write a report summarising (1) your understanding of
management theory presented in the course combined with (2)
self-reflection illustrated by your e-portfolio. Include:
· a link to your e-portfolio, Emotional intelligence Micro
credential badge and LinkedIn profile
· clearly explain how you would function as a manager and why
· suggest strategies for how you could demonstrate empathy to
people that you manage
· demonstrate awareness of possible factors that might prevent
you from managing effectively
· comment on artefacts in your e-portfolio which illustrate 'what
does it mean for me to be work-life ready?'
Rationale: Why is this important?
The contemporary workplace requires managers and leaders who
are strong communicators, effective networkers, and reflective
learners. When you apply for jobs while studying, or at the
completion of your studies, you will need to talk about the
skills you have, highlight your strengths, and demonstrate
awareness of growth areas.
Managers need to organise and manage information, to lead and
motivate others while developing positive relationships.
Reflective managers and leaders also understand their strengths
and actively look for opportunities to develop their skills and
knowledge, through understanding how they like to be managed
ITM - A3 - 2019
ITM - A3 - 2019
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeComprehension
10.0 to >8.0 Pts
The student has understood and addressed all task requirements
appropriately and developed a comprehensive e-portfolio and a
personal reflection. The key management functions were
identified and related to students’ own management practice
through a critical personal reflection.
8.0 to >7.0 Pts
The student has understood and addressed all task requirements
appropriately. The key management functions were identified
but not sufficiently related to students’ own management
practice through a critical, personal reflection.
7.0 to >6.0 Pts
The student has understood and addressed most of the task
requirements. However, some key management functions were
identified and not adequately disused and linked to own
managed practice through a critical personal reflection.
6.0 to >5.0 Pts
The student has understood and responded to a few task
requirements. However, some key management functions were
identified but the discussion was not linked to own management
practice through a critical personal reflection.
5.0 to >0 Pts
Apparently, the student has not properly understood what is
required in this task. Neither critical management practices
were identified nor were these linked to their own management
practice through a critical personal reflection.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeUse of Evidence
10.0 to >8.0 Pts
Evidence from emotional intelligence micro credential,
LinkedIn profile and academic literature are seamlessly
integrated to develop a comprehensive response to the
assessment task. Uses the Harvard referencing style without
8.0 to >7.0 Pts
Evidence from emotional intelligence micro credential,
LinkedIn profile and academic literature are integrated to
develop a coherent response to the assessment task. Uses the
Harvard referencing style without critical errors.
7.0 to >6.0 Pts
Evidence of some effort to integrate the evidence from
emotional intelligence micro credential, LinkedIn profile and
academic literature to develop a response to the assessment
task. Uses the Harvard referencing style with few errors.
6.0 to >5.0 Pts
Minimum evidence of effort has been made to integrate the
evidence from emotional intelligence micro credential, LinkedIn
profile and academic literature to develop a response to the
assessment task. Uses the Harvard referencing style with
frequent errors.
5.0 to >0 Pts
No visible evidence of the integration of evidence from
emotional intelligence micro credential, LinkedIn profile and
academic literature to develop a response to the assessment task
Uses the Harvard referencing style with frequent critical errors.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeStructure
8.0 to >6.4 Pts
The student has adopted the proposed reflective analysis
structure. Cohesive paragraph structure consistently encourages
engagement with the content. New information from research is
synthesised and presented thematically.
6.4 to >5.6 Pts
The student has adopted the proposed reflective analysis
structure. Cohesive paragraph structure supports engagement
with the content. Uses discrete paragraphs to present
information. New information from research is mostly
structured into themes.
5.6 to >4.8 Pts
The student has adopted the proposed reflective analysis
structure. Some effort was made to achieve a cohesive
paragraph structure. Some effort was made to include new
information from research and is structured into themes.
4.8 to >4.0 Pts
The student has loosely adopted the proposed reflective analysis
structure. Limited effort was made to achieve a cohesive
paragraph structure. Minimal effort to include new information
from research structured into themes.
4.0 to >0 Pts
Limited or no attempt to adopt the proposed reflective analysis
structure. Information presented randomly without proper
ordering. No sense of cohesion between ideas presented. No
analysis attempted.
8.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeWritten Expression
8.0 to >6.4 Pts
Uses discipline-specific language appropriate for an academic
or professional audience. Writing is fluent and uses appropriate
paragraph/sentence structures. No critical language or
grammatical errors.
6.4 to >5.6 Pts
Includes discipline-specific language sufficient for an academic
or professional audience. Writing is generally fluent and uses
mostly appropriate paragraph/sentence structures. Minor
language or grammatical errors and usually do not interfere with
meaning, but some editing and proofreading are required.
5.6 to >4.8 Pts
Some discipline-specific language included in meeting general
expectations of an academic or professional audience. Writing
is generally clear and mostly uses appropriate paragraph/
sentence structures. Editing and proofreading are required to
reduce errors and improve clarity.
4.8 to >4.0 Pts
Limited use of discipline-specific language which may not
always meet expectations of an academic or professional
audience. Inconsistent paragraph and sentence structures.
Language and grammatical errors are frequent. Little evidence
of proofreading or editing.
4.0 to >0 Pts
Limited vocabulary. Inappropriate or incorrect use of
discipline-specific language. Consistent and numerous errors in
writing (grammar, paragraph and sentence structure) make
reading difficult. No evidence of editing or proofreading.
8.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeEmotional
Intelligence Micro-credential
2.0 Pts
Evidence of badge presented in e-portfolio
0.0 Pts
No evidence of Badge
2.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeLinkedIn Profile
2.0 Pts
Evidence of LinkedIn profile created
0.0 Pts
No evidence of LinkedIn profile
2.0 pts
Total points: 40.0
How do I complete Assignment 3: Create an ePortfolio & Write
a 1500 word Reflection
All sections
No unread replies.No replies.1. e-Portfolio (part 1 of 2)
Directions on how to complete this assignment are available
(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Your electronic portfolio, or e-Portfolio, is a collection of
artefacts and reflections that can help you develop new or
deeper learning about yourself, as a student and an individual.
e-Portfolios can be shared with others and used to highlight
your achievements when applying for a job.
What is an artefact
Why do I need to include artefacts?
A good artefact is:
An artefact is something (written, audio, visual) that represents
some part of your learning. It should have personal meaning and
significance to you. It might be something that you are proud to
have achieved, something that challenged your thinking or
something that changed your behaviour - for the better.
Artefacts are evidence that you have a range of experiences that
are relevant to the job market, or that you have a range of skills
necessary for understanding how you manage and get things
Artefacts might include (but are not limited to):
· Peer feedback (given as part of your class, or informally by a
· Feedback from your teachers
· Course resources, readings and activities
· RMIT Creds (Links to an external site.)Links to an external
site.(credentials or learning aligned with your studies)
· Images / Audio
· Journal articles that you have read
· Online videos (e.g. TEDtalks)
· Photographs of environments related to your learning
· Selected case studies that illustrate theory
· carefully selected
· a representative of the standard of your learning at university
· presented professionally
· personally meaningful
and is paired with a relevant and insightful reflection.
Think about what this artefact represents to you, how it
connects to your study at this moment, and how might it inspire
your future studies, your personal life or your career. Each of
your artefacts should be accompanied by a reflective statement
which explains why it is important to you and how it contributes
to your future.
2. Reflective Report (part 2 of 2)
(1) You must create an e-portfolio which includes a minimum of
3 artefacts supporting your learning.
(2) Once the e-portfolio has been created, you must write a
report reflecting on why the artefacts were chosen. Reflect on
what each artefact represents to you, how it connects to your
study at this moment, and how might it inspire your future
studies, your personal life or your career.
You will receive 10% of the grade for this assignment by
completing two artefacts:
1. Emotional Intelligence micro-credential (5%)
2. Creating/updating your LinkedIn profile to include in your
report (5%)
The written reflection will be graded on Canvas (30%).
Refer to the marking rubric for the written reflection under the
Assignment Task 3 tab on Canvas. Note: the e-portfolio will not
be graded.
Step 1: Provide a short personal statement of yourself
Start the reflection by providing a short bio of yourself.
Highlight what you are currently doing, any work or other
professional experiences, your values, and what you hope to do
in the future.
Example 1:
A life-long data enthusiast: from analysing cricket statistics as a
child, to ‘living the dream’, getting paid to maintain data in my
part-time work along with demonstrating my knowledge of this
at the university. I have the somewhat rare ability to understand
both the technical and business side of company requirements,
and therefore am more than capable of tying the two together to
achieve optimal outcomes. A key aspiration is to further
Include your statement of purpose in your introduction. This
should align with your bio and the artefacts you have included.
Example 2:
I believe in making the complex simple… giving business users
an experience whereby they need never know the work that has
gone into producing their requirements. I will always ask ‘why’
a customer wants a piece produced, rather than just ‘what’, as
this gives me the information I need to produce the best
possible result, leveraging my knowledge of both business and
Step 2: Each of the three artefacts you have included in your e-
portfolio relate to the three learning modules in ITM.
MODULE 1. What is Management?
Briefly describe the artefact you chose for this module. Reflect
on how the artefact relates to managers’ work and how it will
help/assist you as a future manager.
If you chose the results of the values test as an artefact, you can
reflect on how this test will help you as a future manager and
also develop a statement of purpose based on your core values,
For example, The author aspires to be an effective
communicator who considers cultural identities when working
with others.
MODULE 2. What is involved in management in organisations?
Briefly describe the artefact you chose for this module. Reflect
on how this artefact shows how the context of managers’ work
has changed and how this artefact can help/assist you as a future
manager. Consider how you can answer the question: what is
involved in management in organisations?
For example, you may discuss your Myer Brigg’s style and how
this preference may influence your understanding of what is
involved in management but also what you perceive as
important in managers’ work.
MODULE 3. What are the key functions a manager needs to
address in order to be effective?
Briefly describe the Emotional Intelligence micro-credential.
Reflect on how this artefact relates to the main functions that
managers need to engage in to be effective.
For example, when you include the badge of the Emotional
Intelligence test done in Week 9 or 10 as your artefact, you can
reflect on how managers use emotions to motivate employees.
You must also reflect on your potential to use emotions to
motivate employees and yourself.
For each reflection, include findings from relevant and current
(i.e., within the past 10 years) credible and scholarly work. This
could include material you covered in class, from course
readings, research from your assignments, or additional research
based on the three modules.
These works need to be referenced within the body of the
reflection as in-text references as well as at the end, in your
reference list. You must use the RMIT Harvard referencing style
for formatting all references used in the reflection. See RMIT
Write a Conclusion to your report by briefly summarising the
artefacts chosen and how each relates to the three modules in
ITM and what you have learnt from the course that helps you
achieve your statement of purpose.
All references cited within the body of the reflection need to be
referenced according to the Harvard style in the reference list.
Ensure that you include relevant references in this reflection. A
minimum of 3 should be included.
Formatting requirements for the reflection: The word count for
the refection is 1500 words (+/- 10%) typed in Times New
Roman font size 12 with 1.5 spacing.
Personal Financial Plan Project
One of your major projects for the semester will be the
creation of a Personal Financial Plan. It is weighted at 30% of
your Consumer Finance grade. The narrative portion of this
paper should be a minimum of twelve pages in length.
Following are the minimum sections and items that are to be
considered and included when developing your plan:
1. INTRODUCTION: Introduce yourself and explain your
family situation. Discuss your philosophy towards money and
your current biggest financial challenge.
a. Short Term Goals (1-3 years): Choose at least two short-term
goals and discuss the details of each goal, why it is important,
what this goal will do for you and how you will accomplish this
goal. Support you goals with specific action plans.
b. Medium Goals (4-7 years): Choose at least two medium-term
goals and discuss the details of each goal, why it is important,
what this goal will do for you and how you will accomplish this
goal. Support you goals with specific action plans.
c. Long Term Goals: Choose at least two long-term goals and
discuss the details of each goal, why it is important, what this
goal will do for you and how you will accomplish this goal. One
goal that must be included in this section should be retirement.
When do you plan to retire, what do you plan to do in
retirement, how much you will need and how are you going to
get there?
Optional: You may wish to put your goals in a table with due
dates and brief action plans.
a. Personal Financial Statements (Balance Sheet, Budget, I&E
b. Raises: How do you manage your raises? Or do they get
absorbed into your spending? If you don’t manage your raises,
what changes might you make next time you get a raise?
c. Budget (annual, by month): how do you make a budget work
for you? If you don’t have a budget, how will you establish a
budget to make it an effective tool to help you meet your goals
and manage the household expenses?
d. Spending issues: If you live paycheck to paycheck or have
other spending issues, (impulse spending, free-loading adult
children, and a significant other not working with you toward
goals) this is the place to discuss specific strategies on how you
are going to change your behavior and overcome these hurdles
to get to a place to achieve your goals.
e. Debt Analysis
i. Credit Card Debt
ii. Installment Debt
iii. Other Debt
iv. Discuss your ratios, especially your debt to income ratio. If
it’s over 40% do you have a plan to reduce this number? How
soon will that happen? What things can you do to accelerate
your debt repayment? Check your credit rating. Are you happy
with this number? What steps can you take to improve this
number (a detailed discussion should follow if you score is
under 620). Would debt counseling help you? If you have a lot
of credit card debt, consider putting together a comprehensive
schedule for your debt reduction plan.
f. Savings
i. Emergency Savings: How much do you need for your
emergency savings? How much do you currently have and how
/when will you save the remainder? Where will you keep these
funds? Define what an emergency is and why you would tap
into these funds.
ii. Discretionary Savings Program: What is your current
financial picture? Are you happy with it? Will your current
budget allow you to make to meet your intermediate- and long-
term goals? Is your debt structured under the most favorable
rates and terms for your needs? How much credit card debt do
you have? Is there a better way to structure it? What changes
do you recommend for yourself? Do you know what your credit
bureau looks like? Do you know your credit score? Do you
need to take any action to improve your credit score?
What is your current situation? Are you where you need to be?
How does your current salary/benefits compare to the industry?
What is your career path? What else could you do to improve
your prospects? How marketable are you?
a. Housing
i. Housing Assessment
ii. Auto Assessment
Look at your current situation. Are you happy with your
current home? Auto? Want/need to make any changes? What
about your mortgage and/or auto loan? Are you happy with the
rates and terms?
b. Auto
i. Get the Nada value of your car.
ii. Do you have a loan? How can you pay it off early?
iii. When will you need to plan to get a new car?
1. What do you need to save today to pay cash for the next car?
i. Homeowner’s or Renter’s
ii. Auto and other vehicles including motorcraft
iii. Life
iv. Health
v. Disability: Short- and Long-Term
vi. Long-Term Care
What are your current coverages? Do you have enough? Too
much? How about the cost? Are you getting a good deal? Are
you happy with the service? What are your deductibles?
What financial services do you use? (Checking, Savings,
Money Market, CDs, and Loans) Who is your primary financial
institution? Why? What other institutions do you use? Are
you happy with the service you are receiving? Could you get a
better deal from your provider or elsewhere? Do you need to
make any changes?
i. Savings and Liquidity Analysis
What would you do if you lost your main household income
tomorrow? If it took you 6 months to replace this income, how
would you survive?
i. Payroll Withholding – too much, not enough or just right?
ii. What other deductions might be available to you?
Look at your situation now. Are there ways to save on taxes?
Tax deductible contributions? Additional mortgage interest?
Tax credits?
Do you have any other financial issues you need to consider?
For example: Will you need to help your adult children with
their finances? What about your parents or grandparents or
other family members? Are you planning on paying for your
children’s weddings? Is there anything other financial concerns
that haven’t been addressed?
a. Outline your savings plan or savings goal
b. Evaluate your current or planned investments
Do you need to plan for your children? How are you paying for
your current courses? Do you need to develop a plan to pay off
debt? If you could consolidate your student loans today – what
would the interest rate be? Can you pay at least the interest and
fees TODAY to avoid the balance growing? How can you
accelerate the repayment of your student loans? How much
interest would you save?
a. Investing: what are your investment goals? Discuss your risk
b. What does “Retirement” mean to you? What are your goals?
What do you envision your life to be like?
c. Retirement Income and Needs Analysis – how much money
do you need and where will it come from?
d. How will you save for retirement? 401K, Roth IRA,
Annuities? If you have a 401k or an IRA, discuss how these
funds are invested and what you project the balances to be at
e. Detail your current investment choices and why you chose
What will you do when you retire? Travel? Leisure? Work
part time? Volunteer? Really think about what your daily life
will be like. What are your retirement needs and are you on
track to meet them? Statistically, how long are you going to
a. Do you have/need a Will or Trust?
b. Who is/would be your Executor, Witnesses, Guardian for
your children
c. List your Beneficiaries and any specific items to be
bequeathed to them
d. Think about the inventory of your estate – who do you want
to inherit what?
9. Required Tables/Schedules -
a. Balance Statement and Income and Expense Statement
b. Budget; INCLUDE YOUR Solvency and Liquidity ratios
c. Debt Schedule
d. Retirement Needs Estimate
Are you willing to take action now or make a commitment to do
something in the future to improve your financial life? For
example: Within the next two months, I will create a will for
my family. Remember this is a pledge you are making to
yourself – be specific and put a date to it.
11. Outside Research: Consider the areas of your personal
financial plan where there’s room for improvement. Go out and
research these topics further and discuss your findings and how
you can apply these personally to improve your plan. Four
additional appropriate sources are properly cited and used in the
paper to add to the student’s knowledge base. No direct quotes
are to be used in the paper.
There are many worksheets in the books that may give you some
direction. The Internet has great information as well. The goal
is for you to apply the many topics we discuss in this class and
create a very meaningful document for yourself.
12. Recap: Remember that this narrative paper should be at
least 12 pages in length with no charts, graphs or spreadsheets
included in the narrative portion of the paper. Charts, graphs,
and/or spreadsheets should be included in the packet after your
paper. They should be of reasonable size and referenced in the
paper. Internet printouts and other copies do not count at all –
but may be submitted as supporting documents. This is a formal
research paper – don’t forget to document your sources. It
should be narrative – but due to the personal nature of this
project you may write in first person.
Personal Financial Plan Grading Rubric
Your grade is based on how well you are able to apply personal
financial planning concepts to your personal situation.
Paper Requirements: See below
Timely Submission: refer to the syllabus for late assignment
policies and penalties
Length: 12 pages – 3 percentage point deduction for each page
Grammar and Punctuation: percentage point deduction for
typos, grammar and structure errors
Needs Work (D)
Introduction 5%
Thorough Introduction describing family and biggest challenge.
Adequate introduction describing family and biggest challenge.
Some details provided.
Poorly organized with vague details.
Goals 10%
Goals appropriate and specific action steps are identified
Goals identified, but weak action plans are identified.
Goals are somewhat defined or are not the best course of action,
weak or no action plans defined.
Goals and action plans are missing or poorly defined or are
copied from the workbook.
Financial 25%
Strong discussion of current working budget although it may
still need some tweaking.
Good discussion of budget, but the process is being developed
or has not been started.
Budget is something that will be developed in the future.
Budget is poorly constructed and not a working budget
Career 5%
Career Plans appropriately discussed.
Career Plans mostly appropriately discussed.
Career Plans vaguely discussed.
Not discussed.
Household 20%
Housing, autos and other pertinent topics thoroughly discussed.
Housing, autos and other pertinent topics adequately discussed.
Housing, autos and other pertinent topics are somewhat
Housing, autos and other pertinent topics are poorly discussed.
College 5%
Thorough discussion of college funding needs and a clear plan
to meet college costs.
Good discussion of college funding needs and with some
discussion about meeting college costs.
Some discussion of college funding needs and a no clear plan to
meet college costs.
No college discussion included in the paper.
Thorough discussion of retirement and investment goals, risk
tolerance, and investment choices.
Adequate discussion of retirement and investment goals, risk
tolerance, and investment choices.
Limited discussion of retirement and investment goals, risk
tolerance, and investment choices.
Poorly developed discussion of retirement and investment goals,
risk tolerance, and investment choices.
Estate Planning choices are thoroughly discussed.
Estate Planning choices are adequately discussed.
Estate Planning choices are somewhat discussed.
Estate Planning choices are missing or poorly discussed.
Research/Works Cited
Four additional appropriate sources are properly cited using the
MLA format and used in the paper to add to the student’s
knowledge base. No direct quotes are used in the paper.
Four additional appropriate sources are somewhat cited using
the MLA format and used in the paper to add to the student’s
knowledge base.
Lacks required sources and does not add to knowledge base for
research on weak areas. Possibly not properly cited.
Lacks required additional sources used in the paper and proper
Required Tables
Required tables/Schedules included and thoroughly completed.
Required tables/Schedules included and mostly completed.
Required tables/Schedules included but not thorough.
Missing schedules.
Action Commitment Statement 3%
Immediate Action statement clearly identified.
Action/commitment statement discussed for some point in the
Action Commitment statement discussed with no commitment.
Action Commitment statement not included.
Paper requirements
Paper at least 12 pages in length, follows MLA format, and has
properly cited sources. No typos and uses correct grammar. No
schedules or charts are included in the paper, but added as an
Paper at least 12 pages in length, generally follows MLA
format, and has properly cited sources. Contains few typos and
grammatical errors.
Paper not 12 pages in length, does not always follow MLA
format, and contains some typos or grammatical errors.
Paper short, does not follow MLA format, and does not have
properly cited sources. Contains several typos and grammatical

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  • 1. Assessment Task 3: What are the functions of management? (Individual) · Due 7 Jun by 23:59 · Points 40 · Submitting a file upload Course code and name: BUSM4176 Introduction to Management Assignment name: ePortfolio & Reflective Report Weight: 40% Assignment due date: Friday of week 13 at 23:59 Length: 1500 words (+/- 10%; excluding references) Guidelines: How do I complete this assignment? Learning Objectives Assessed: CLO1: Evaluate leadership and management research and justify the application of management theory in contemporary contexts. CLO2: Research management theory on and explain how this theory applies to contemporary and socially responsible practices. CLO3: Effectively collaborate with others to locate appropriate resources to organise information and generate management solutions. CLO4: Critically reflect on the relationship between management theory and management research evidence and communicate your knowledge of responsible management practices. Assignment task: What do I need to do? 1. Design and create an e-portfolio which clearly and creatively communicates your understanding of the work skills you will need in the future and the marketplace where these may be
  • 2. situated. Your e-Portfolio should include: · an orientation/landing page for your e-portfolio website · at least 3 artefacts / evidence-based examples corresponding to three modules of course · a copy of the badge from the Emotional Intelligence micro credential using the following instructions: Claiming Your Badge And Copying The URL For Submission.pdf Actions · the URL for your LinkedIn profile · Instructions on how to create an ePortfolio are here: ePortfolios 2. Write a report summarising (1) your understanding of management theory presented in the course combined with (2) self-reflection illustrated by your e-portfolio. Include: · a link to your e-portfolio, Emotional intelligence Micro credential badge and LinkedIn profile · clearly explain how you would function as a manager and why · suggest strategies for how you could demonstrate empathy to people that you manage · demonstrate awareness of possible factors that might prevent you from managing effectively · comment on artefacts in your e-portfolio which illustrate 'what does it mean for me to be work-life ready?' 1. Rationale: Why is this important? The contemporary workplace requires managers and leaders who are strong communicators, effective networkers, and reflective learners. When you apply for jobs while studying, or at the completion of your studies, you will need to talk about the skills you have, highlight your strengths, and demonstrate awareness of growth areas. Managers need to organise and manage information, to lead and motivate others while developing positive relationships. Reflective managers and leaders also understand their strengths and actively look for opportunities to develop their skills and knowledge, through understanding how they like to be managed
  • 3. themselves. Rubric ITM - A3 - 2019 ITM - A3 - 2019 Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeComprehension 10.0 to >8.0 Pts HD The student has understood and addressed all task requirements appropriately and developed a comprehensive e-portfolio and a personal reflection. The key management functions were identified and related to students’ own management practice through a critical personal reflection. 8.0 to >7.0 Pts D The student has understood and addressed all task requirements appropriately. The key management functions were identified but not sufficiently related to students’ own management practice through a critical, personal reflection. 7.0 to >6.0 Pts CR The student has understood and addressed most of the task requirements. However, some key management functions were identified and not adequately disused and linked to own managed practice through a critical personal reflection. 6.0 to >5.0 Pts PA The student has understood and responded to a few task requirements. However, some key management functions were identified but the discussion was not linked to own management practice through a critical personal reflection. 5.0 to >0 Pts NN Apparently, the student has not properly understood what is
  • 4. required in this task. Neither critical management practices were identified nor were these linked to their own management practice through a critical personal reflection. 10.0 pts This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeUse of Evidence 10.0 to >8.0 Pts HD Evidence from emotional intelligence micro credential, LinkedIn profile and academic literature are seamlessly integrated to develop a comprehensive response to the assessment task. Uses the Harvard referencing style without errors. 8.0 to >7.0 Pts D Evidence from emotional intelligence micro credential, LinkedIn profile and academic literature are integrated to develop a coherent response to the assessment task. Uses the Harvard referencing style without critical errors. 7.0 to >6.0 Pts CR Evidence of some effort to integrate the evidence from emotional intelligence micro credential, LinkedIn profile and academic literature to develop a response to the assessment task. Uses the Harvard referencing style with few errors. 6.0 to >5.0 Pts PA Minimum evidence of effort has been made to integrate the evidence from emotional intelligence micro credential, LinkedIn profile and academic literature to develop a response to the assessment task. Uses the Harvard referencing style with frequent errors. 5.0 to >0 Pts NN No visible evidence of the integration of evidence from emotional intelligence micro credential, LinkedIn profile and
  • 5. academic literature to develop a response to the assessment task Uses the Harvard referencing style with frequent critical errors. 10.0 pts This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeStructure 8.0 to >6.4 Pts HD The student has adopted the proposed reflective analysis structure. Cohesive paragraph structure consistently encourages engagement with the content. New information from research is synthesised and presented thematically. 6.4 to >5.6 Pts D The student has adopted the proposed reflective analysis structure. Cohesive paragraph structure supports engagement with the content. Uses discrete paragraphs to present information. New information from research is mostly structured into themes. 5.6 to >4.8 Pts CR The student has adopted the proposed reflective analysis structure. Some effort was made to achieve a cohesive paragraph structure. Some effort was made to include new information from research and is structured into themes. 4.8 to >4.0 Pts PA The student has loosely adopted the proposed reflective analysis structure. Limited effort was made to achieve a cohesive paragraph structure. Minimal effort to include new information from research structured into themes. 4.0 to >0 Pts NN Limited or no attempt to adopt the proposed reflective analysis structure. Information presented randomly without proper ordering. No sense of cohesion between ideas presented. No analysis attempted.
  • 6. 8.0 pts This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeWritten Expression 8.0 to >6.4 Pts HD Uses discipline-specific language appropriate for an academic or professional audience. Writing is fluent and uses appropriate paragraph/sentence structures. No critical language or grammatical errors. 6.4 to >5.6 Pts D Includes discipline-specific language sufficient for an academic or professional audience. Writing is generally fluent and uses mostly appropriate paragraph/sentence structures. Minor language or grammatical errors and usually do not interfere with meaning, but some editing and proofreading are required. 5.6 to >4.8 Pts CR Some discipline-specific language included in meeting general expectations of an academic or professional audience. Writing is generally clear and mostly uses appropriate paragraph/ sentence structures. Editing and proofreading are required to reduce errors and improve clarity. 4.8 to >4.0 Pts PA Limited use of discipline-specific language which may not always meet expectations of an academic or professional audience. Inconsistent paragraph and sentence structures. Language and grammatical errors are frequent. Little evidence of proofreading or editing. 4.0 to >0 Pts NN Limited vocabulary. Inappropriate or incorrect use of discipline-specific language. Consistent and numerous errors in writing (grammar, paragraph and sentence structure) make reading difficult. No evidence of editing or proofreading.
  • 7. 8.0 pts This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeEmotional Intelligence Micro-credential 2.0 Pts Evidence of badge presented in e-portfolio 0.0 Pts No evidence of Badge 2.0 pts This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeLinkedIn Profile 2.0 Pts Evidence of LinkedIn profile created 0.0 Pts No evidence of LinkedIn profile 2.0 pts Total points: 40.0 How do I complete Assignment 3: Create an ePortfolio & Write a 1500 word Reflection All sections No unread replies.No replies.1. e-Portfolio (part 1 of 2) Directions on how to complete this assignment are available below. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Your electronic portfolio, or e-Portfolio, is a collection of artefacts and reflections that can help you develop new or deeper learning about yourself, as a student and an individual. e-Portfolios can be shared with others and used to highlight your achievements when applying for a job. What is an artefact
  • 8. Why do I need to include artefacts? A good artefact is: An artefact is something (written, audio, visual) that represents some part of your learning. It should have personal meaning and significance to you. It might be something that you are proud to have achieved, something that challenged your thinking or something that changed your behaviour - for the better. Artefacts are evidence that you have a range of experiences that are relevant to the job market, or that you have a range of skills necessary for understanding how you manage and get things done!. Artefacts might include (but are not limited to): · Peer feedback (given as part of your class, or informally by a friend) · Feedback from your teachers · Course resources, readings and activities · RMIT Creds (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.(credentials or learning aligned with your studies) · Images / Audio · Journal articles that you have read · Online videos (e.g. TEDtalks) · Photographs of environments related to your learning · Selected case studies that illustrate theory · carefully selected · a representative of the standard of your learning at university · presented professionally · personally meaningful and is paired with a relevant and insightful reflection. Think about what this artefact represents to you, how it connects to your study at this moment, and how might it inspire your future studies, your personal life or your career. Each of your artefacts should be accompanied by a reflective statement which explains why it is important to you and how it contributes to your future.
  • 9. 2. Reflective Report (part 2 of 2) WHAT STUDENTS NEED TO DO. (1) You must create an e-portfolio which includes a minimum of 3 artefacts supporting your learning. (2) Once the e-portfolio has been created, you must write a report reflecting on why the artefacts were chosen. Reflect on what each artefact represents to you, how it connects to your study at this moment, and how might it inspire your future studies, your personal life or your career. MARKING RUBRIC You will receive 10% of the grade for this assignment by completing two artefacts: 1. Emotional Intelligence micro-credential (5%) 2. Creating/updating your LinkedIn profile to include in your report (5%) The written reflection will be graded on Canvas (30%). Refer to the marking rubric for the written reflection under the Assignment Task 3 tab on Canvas. Note: the e-portfolio will not be graded. COMPOSING YOUR WRITTEN REFLECTION Step 1: Provide a short personal statement of yourself Start the reflection by providing a short bio of yourself. Highlight what you are currently doing, any work or other professional experiences, your values, and what you hope to do in the future. Example 1: A life-long data enthusiast: from analysing cricket statistics as a child, to ‘living the dream’, getting paid to maintain data in my part-time work along with demonstrating my knowledge of this at the university. I have the somewhat rare ability to understand both the technical and business side of company requirements, and therefore am more than capable of tying the two together to achieve optimal outcomes. A key aspiration is to further strengthen….. Include your statement of purpose in your introduction. This
  • 10. should align with your bio and the artefacts you have included. Example 2: I believe in making the complex simple… giving business users an experience whereby they need never know the work that has gone into producing their requirements. I will always ask ‘why’ a customer wants a piece produced, rather than just ‘what’, as this gives me the information I need to produce the best possible result, leveraging my knowledge of both business and technology. Step 2: Each of the three artefacts you have included in your e- portfolio relate to the three learning modules in ITM. MODULE 1. What is Management? Briefly describe the artefact you chose for this module. Reflect on how the artefact relates to managers’ work and how it will help/assist you as a future manager. If you chose the results of the values test as an artefact, you can reflect on how this test will help you as a future manager and also develop a statement of purpose based on your core values, For example, The author aspires to be an effective communicator who considers cultural identities when working with others. MODULE 2. What is involved in management in organisations? Briefly describe the artefact you chose for this module. Reflect on how this artefact shows how the context of managers’ work has changed and how this artefact can help/assist you as a future manager. Consider how you can answer the question: what is involved in management in organisations? For example, you may discuss your Myer Brigg’s style and how this preference may influence your understanding of what is involved in management but also what you perceive as important in managers’ work. MODULE 3. What are the key functions a manager needs to address in order to be effective? Briefly describe the Emotional Intelligence micro-credential. Reflect on how this artefact relates to the main functions that
  • 11. managers need to engage in to be effective. For example, when you include the badge of the Emotional Intelligence test done in Week 9 or 10 as your artefact, you can reflect on how managers use emotions to motivate employees. You must also reflect on your potential to use emotions to motivate employees and yourself. SUPPORT YOUR WORK WITH ACADEMIC REFERENCES: For each reflection, include findings from relevant and current (i.e., within the past 10 years) credible and scholarly work. This could include material you covered in class, from course readings, research from your assignments, or additional research based on the three modules. These works need to be referenced within the body of the reflection as in-text references as well as at the end, in your reference list. You must use the RMIT Harvard referencing style for formatting all references used in the reflection. See RMIT Easycite. STEP 3: WRITE A CONCLUSION Write a Conclusion to your report by briefly summarising the artefacts chosen and how each relates to the three modules in ITM and what you have learnt from the course that helps you achieve your statement of purpose. STEP 4: INCLUDE THE REFERENCE LIST All references cited within the body of the reflection need to be referenced according to the Harvard style in the reference list. Ensure that you include relevant references in this reflection. A minimum of 3 should be included. Formatting requirements for the reflection: The word count for the refection is 1500 words (+/- 10%) typed in Times New Roman font size 12 with 1.5 spacing. Personal Financial Plan Project One of your major projects for the semester will be the creation of a Personal Financial Plan. It is weighted at 30% of
  • 12. your Consumer Finance grade. The narrative portion of this paper should be a minimum of twelve pages in length. Following are the minimum sections and items that are to be considered and included when developing your plan: 1. INTRODUCTION: Introduce yourself and explain your family situation. Discuss your philosophy towards money and your current biggest financial challenge. 2. PERSONAL FINANCIAL GOALS: a. Short Term Goals (1-3 years): Choose at least two short-term goals and discuss the details of each goal, why it is important, what this goal will do for you and how you will accomplish this goal. Support you goals with specific action plans. b. Medium Goals (4-7 years): Choose at least two medium-term goals and discuss the details of each goal, why it is important, what this goal will do for you and how you will accomplish this goal. Support you goals with specific action plans. c. Long Term Goals: Choose at least two long-term goals and discuss the details of each goal, why it is important, what this goal will do for you and how you will accomplish this goal. One goal that must be included in this section should be retirement. When do you plan to retire, what do you plan to do in retirement, how much you will need and how are you going to get there? Optional: You may wish to put your goals in a table with due dates and brief action plans. 3. FINANCIAL INFORMATION: a. Personal Financial Statements (Balance Sheet, Budget, I&E statement) b. Raises: How do you manage your raises? Or do they get
  • 13. absorbed into your spending? If you don’t manage your raises, what changes might you make next time you get a raise? c. Budget (annual, by month): how do you make a budget work for you? If you don’t have a budget, how will you establish a budget to make it an effective tool to help you meet your goals and manage the household expenses? d. Spending issues: If you live paycheck to paycheck or have other spending issues, (impulse spending, free-loading adult children, and a significant other not working with you toward goals) this is the place to discuss specific strategies on how you are going to change your behavior and overcome these hurdles to get to a place to achieve your goals. e. Debt Analysis i. Credit Card Debt ii. Installment Debt iii. Other Debt iv. Discuss your ratios, especially your debt to income ratio. If it’s over 40% do you have a plan to reduce this number? How soon will that happen? What things can you do to accelerate your debt repayment? Check your credit rating. Are you happy with this number? What steps can you take to improve this number (a detailed discussion should follow if you score is under 620). Would debt counseling help you? If you have a lot of credit card debt, consider putting together a comprehensive schedule for your debt reduction plan. f. Savings i. Emergency Savings: How much do you need for your emergency savings? How much do you currently have and how /when will you save the remainder? Where will you keep these funds? Define what an emergency is and why you would tap into these funds.
  • 14. ii. Discretionary Savings Program: What is your current financial picture? Are you happy with it? Will your current budget allow you to make to meet your intermediate- and long- term goals? Is your debt structured under the most favorable rates and terms for your needs? How much credit card debt do you have? Is there a better way to structure it? What changes do you recommend for yourself? Do you know what your credit bureau looks like? Do you know your credit score? Do you need to take any action to improve your credit score? 4. EMPLOYMENT ANALYSIS: What is your current situation? Are you where you need to be? How does your current salary/benefits compare to the industry? What is your career path? What else could you do to improve your prospects? How marketable are you? 5. HOUSEHOLD ANALYSIS: a. Housing i. Housing Assessment ii. Auto Assessment Look at your current situation. Are you happy with your current home? Auto? Want/need to make any changes? What about your mortgage and/or auto loan? Are you happy with the rates and terms? b. Auto i. Get the Nada value of your car. ii. Do you have a loan? How can you pay it off early? iii. When will you need to plan to get a new car? 1. What do you need to save today to pay cash for the next car? c. INSURANCE ANALYSIS: i. Homeowner’s or Renter’s ii. Auto and other vehicles including motorcraft iii. Life
  • 15. iv. Health v. Disability: Short- and Long-Term vi. Long-Term Care What are your current coverages? Do you have enough? Too much? How about the cost? Are you getting a good deal? Are you happy with the service? What are your deductibles? d. FINANCIAL SERVICE PROVIDERS: What financial services do you use? (Checking, Savings, Money Market, CDs, and Loans) Who is your primary financial institution? Why? What other institutions do you use? Are you happy with the service you are receiving? Could you get a better deal from your provider or elsewhere? Do you need to make any changes? e. CONTINGENCY PLANNING: i. Savings and Liquidity Analysis What would you do if you lost your main household income tomorrow? If it took you 6 months to replace this income, how would you survive? f. TAX PLANNING i. Payroll Withholding – too much, not enough or just right? ii. What other deductions might be available to you? Look at your situation now. Are there ways to save on taxes? Tax deductible contributions? Additional mortgage interest? Tax credits? g. OTHER FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS/CONCERNS: Do you have any other financial issues you need to consider? For example: Will you need to help your adult children with their finances? What about your parents or grandparents or other family members? Are you planning on paying for your children’s weddings? Is there anything other financial concerns that haven’t been addressed?
  • 16. 6. COLLEGE PLANNING: a. Outline your savings plan or savings goal b. Evaluate your current or planned investments Do you need to plan for your children? How are you paying for your current courses? Do you need to develop a plan to pay off debt? If you could consolidate your student loans today – what would the interest rate be? Can you pay at least the interest and fees TODAY to avoid the balance growing? How can you accelerate the repayment of your student loans? How much interest would you save? 7. RETIREMENT AND INVESTMENT PLANNING: a. Investing: what are your investment goals? Discuss your risk tolerance. b. What does “Retirement” mean to you? What are your goals? What do you envision your life to be like? c. Retirement Income and Needs Analysis – how much money do you need and where will it come from? d. How will you save for retirement? 401K, Roth IRA, Annuities? If you have a 401k or an IRA, discuss how these funds are invested and what you project the balances to be at retirement. e. Detail your current investment choices and why you chose them. What will you do when you retire? Travel? Leisure? Work part time? Volunteer? Really think about what your daily life will be like. What are your retirement needs and are you on track to meet them? Statistically, how long are you going to live? 8. ESTATE PLANNING: a. Do you have/need a Will or Trust? b. Who is/would be your Executor, Witnesses, Guardian for your children
  • 17. c. List your Beneficiaries and any specific items to be bequeathed to them d. Think about the inventory of your estate – who do you want to inherit what? 9. Required Tables/Schedules - a. Balance Statement and Income and Expense Statement b. Budget; INCLUDE YOUR Solvency and Liquidity ratios c. Debt Schedule d. Retirement Needs Estimate 10. Conclusion: ACTION / COMMITMENT STATEMENT Are you willing to take action now or make a commitment to do something in the future to improve your financial life? For example: Within the next two months, I will create a will for my family. Remember this is a pledge you are making to yourself – be specific and put a date to it. 11. Outside Research: Consider the areas of your personal financial plan where there’s room for improvement. Go out and research these topics further and discuss your findings and how you can apply these personally to improve your plan. Four additional appropriate sources are properly cited and used in the paper to add to the student’s knowledge base. No direct quotes are to be used in the paper. There are many worksheets in the books that may give you some direction. The Internet has great information as well. The goal is for you to apply the many topics we discuss in this class and create a very meaningful document for yourself. 12. Recap: Remember that this narrative paper should be at least 12 pages in length with no charts, graphs or spreadsheets included in the narrative portion of the paper. Charts, graphs, and/or spreadsheets should be included in the packet after your paper. They should be of reasonable size and referenced in the
  • 18. paper. Internet printouts and other copies do not count at all – but may be submitted as supporting documents. This is a formal research paper – don’t forget to document your sources. It should be narrative – but due to the personal nature of this project you may write in first person. Personal Financial Plan Grading Rubric Your grade is based on how well you are able to apply personal financial planning concepts to your personal situation. Paper Requirements: See below Timely Submission: refer to the syllabus for late assignment policies and penalties Length: 12 pages – 3 percentage point deduction for each page short Grammar and Punctuation: percentage point deduction for typos, grammar and structure errors Excellent(A) Good(B) Average(C) Needs Work (D) Introduction 5% Thorough Introduction describing family and biggest challenge. Adequate introduction describing family and biggest challenge. Some details provided. Poorly organized with vague details. Goals 10% Goals appropriate and specific action steps are identified Goals identified, but weak action plans are identified. Goals are somewhat defined or are not the best course of action, weak or no action plans defined. Goals and action plans are missing or poorly defined or are copied from the workbook.
  • 19. Financial 25% Strong discussion of current working budget although it may still need some tweaking. Good discussion of budget, but the process is being developed or has not been started. Budget is something that will be developed in the future. Budget is poorly constructed and not a working budget Career 5% Career Plans appropriately discussed. Career Plans mostly appropriately discussed. Career Plans vaguely discussed. Not discussed. Household 20% Housing, autos and other pertinent topics thoroughly discussed. Housing, autos and other pertinent topics adequately discussed. Housing, autos and other pertinent topics are somewhat discussed. Housing, autos and other pertinent topics are poorly discussed. College 5% Thorough discussion of college funding needs and a clear plan to meet college costs. Good discussion of college funding needs and with some discussion about meeting college costs. Some discussion of college funding needs and a no clear plan to meet college costs. No college discussion included in the paper. Retirement 15% Thorough discussion of retirement and investment goals, risk tolerance, and investment choices. Adequate discussion of retirement and investment goals, risk tolerance, and investment choices. Limited discussion of retirement and investment goals, risk tolerance, and investment choices. Poorly developed discussion of retirement and investment goals, risk tolerance, and investment choices.
  • 20. Estate 5% Estate Planning choices are thoroughly discussed. Estate Planning choices are adequately discussed. Estate Planning choices are somewhat discussed. Estate Planning choices are missing or poorly discussed. Research/Works Cited 2% Four additional appropriate sources are properly cited using the MLA format and used in the paper to add to the student’s knowledge base. No direct quotes are used in the paper. Four additional appropriate sources are somewhat cited using the MLA format and used in the paper to add to the student’s knowledge base. Lacks required sources and does not add to knowledge base for research on weak areas. Possibly not properly cited. Lacks required additional sources used in the paper and proper citations. Required Tables 5% Required tables/Schedules included and thoroughly completed. Required tables/Schedules included and mostly completed. Required tables/Schedules included but not thorough. Missing schedules. Action Commitment Statement 3% Immediate Action statement clearly identified. Action/commitment statement discussed for some point in the future. Action Commitment statement discussed with no commitment. Action Commitment statement not included. Paper requirements Paper at least 12 pages in length, follows MLA format, and has properly cited sources. No typos and uses correct grammar. No schedules or charts are included in the paper, but added as an exhibit. Paper at least 12 pages in length, generally follows MLA
  • 21. format, and has properly cited sources. Contains few typos and grammatical errors. Paper not 12 pages in length, does not always follow MLA format, and contains some typos or grammatical errors. Paper short, does not follow MLA format, and does not have properly cited sources. Contains several typos and grammatical errors.