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Special Presentation Summary:
Lea Zimmerman: gives presentation on student disability resources-get them equal access, make
sure people understand disabilities, and how it is part of life, only 5% of undergraduate get
served. Interactions with faculty is the biggest connection students will have, in effort to make
sure they are as educated as possible we do ethics training and disability training. Outreach for
first year-this is a huge focal point; we have added virtual programs through NSO. CAPS is on
speed dial, we are not them, we rely on them and have a CAPS liaison so we can work directly
with them.
Arts and architecture: department passed a law, later on a survey was sent out and found in favor
to renew the bill.
Agriculture sciences: instrumental in working with senior leadership members in developing
zero waste goals.
Earth mineral sciences: I’m here to support my immense support for this, this allows us to focus
on zero waste and ensure we are doing all we can to implement zero waste initiates.
Erin Boas: thank you to everyone who has participated in the tabling for the Vaxnow, tabling is
very important, and it makes a huge difference. There is going to be a new story going out about
the universities vax status, almost all of the winners for the draw have accepted their prizes and
more will continue to go out. Please pass out and read up on the vax guidelines. We will be
continuing this campaign throughout the semester and year. I am currently working to add vax
rates to the covid 19 dashboard, this was introduced in the meeting with president baron today. I
will be serving as the vice chair of student affairs with faulty senate. Vice pres. Rodrigues have
met with lionrpide to increase communication, we are doing biweekly meetings with several
groups to make sure we have consistent communication. On Tuesday I joined dr. Griffin in a live
and we talked about vaccines. VP Rodrigues met with the leadership pf trustees, we discussed
covid plans and it’s on us pledge to combat sexual assault, and the preparation for 2022 sexual
conduct survey, and food stamp acceptance in the dining hall. I also met about the flow to go
plan, to provide menstrual products throughout academics colleges. The student trustee board has
its first meeting this Friday.
Najee Rodriguez: please be sure to review the VP guide to Wednesday meetings, this is attached
to all of the calendars, on Wednesday I met to discuss the acceptance of EBT and food stamps.
Chair kullar will meet to discuss the future of the wellness fund. I met with the logistic teams to
discuss the future launch. I also followed up with the trustee to discuss the future of the student
committee. We discussed the interest of exploring ways to have students opt out of meal plan
and housing if they have food stamps or other needs. I met the AVP of diversity equity and
inclusion and filled him in on what we are doing here in the UPUA. I implore you to refer to the
steering minutes, and here what happened there especially about etiquette. We discussed
technology and the new strict rules of the usage of them, and when they are acceptable.
Birungi: in your conversations about the housing and food accommodations, can you ask them
questions about the different housing options, I think there is a lack of transparency, and what
happens in terms of billing and housing costs across the different living areas, and why the
renovation of pollock have been postponed.
Najee Rodriguez: thank you, yes that is something that has been brought up and can be brought
up again. We will now move into liaison and affiliate reports. Seeing none and no old business
we will now move into a breakout. We will start with line item the election of the chair of the
Ad-Hoc Committee on Continued Policy and Planning for COVID-19 and Its Variants please
rise if you wish to nominate. Representative
Ryan loscalzo: I motion to table this till next week because the only candidate is not here
Najee Rodriguez: this is tabled, we will now move into the confirmation of the director of
Patrick Kridaratikorn: hello, I’m a junior, majoring in political science minoring in business, the
only rememberable experience of my freshman year, was facilities, we handed things out to
people on a day-to-day basis, I want to implement more technological things as that is what so
many people need. So, if we can bridge the gap between peoples college experience and their
monetary experience, that would be great. I’m really excited to make an impact on what happens
in school.
Najee Rodriguez: any questions?
Samantha Browne: what is something unique that you will bring to this role
Patrick Kridaratikorn: I am pretty unique, I’m certified white water rafting instructor, I’m good
at Canva, but I think something I would bring is to further the culture that exists in freshman
culture, I want it to be less of an org. about work, and more of an exciting experience with
friends. When people hear about this, they have no idea what we do, and we do so much, so I
think if we could bridge that connection vocally that would be great.
Ryan loscalzo: what motivates you to get up in the morning
Patrick Kridaratikorn: I’m more of an afternoon guy, but if the meetings Sunday in the morning,
I’ll be there, but making an impact on someone’s life and making them smile is what matters to
me. I love meeting new people and talking to them, gaging who they are and what they bring to
the table, I love doing that and learning their values.
Hope steeger: do you have experience facilitating different things strength that would help?
Patrick Kridaratikorn: I was the president of___and the vice chair of caucus, so I’ve done a lot of
the administrative work that would be needed, so I have that which will help.
Najee Rodriguez: seeing no questions, Patrick please leave the room, and we will let you know
when you can come back in. congratulations Patrick, you are confirmed unanimously. We will
now move into the swearing in.
Erin Boas: raise your right hand and repeat after me “I promise to faithfully uphold the
constitution of University Park Undergraduate Association and to defend the rights of each
individual student while working towards to betterment of student life. I shall perform to the best
of my abilities, the responsibilities and duties that have been entrusted to me by the University
Park Undergraduate student body and the virtue to the office in which I hold.”
Najee Rodriguez: we will now move into line-item Bill 516
Noah Robertson: this bill does a few things, we want to do this because the way the world
consumes resources follows the model of consumptions and the world economic form the
products are manufactured, sold, and disposed. This model is kind of problematic since they are
disposed, the amount of waste is then unaudited or added to tons of waste, especially plastic.
This consumption contributes to environment and social impacts. These adverse impacts are
known to impact communities of color because of environment racism. Here at Penn state, we
have created audits of our own, they are contaminated waste lands and this needs to be taken care
of. Last year we had a presentation about recommendations. These include a spending plan, a
yearly subscription. Costs only 1,000 and I encourage al of you to check out the plan. While it
may not seem as useful, it is, and is very informative. With this, this can be maximized if this is
implicated through a group that holds power, this can be the UPSFB, student fee funded offices
should be encouraged to use the plan created to do this, and that students have increased
environment sustainability. I introduce you the purpose of the bill, and now stand for questions.
Lakyn meeder: clarification, who are the relative actors that the soft edge would be pushing at
Noah Robertson: we are hoping for PR and recommendation by the student fee board we would
also like for it to reach to President Barron at some point. It could be administrative, could be fee
board, that’s open for conversation.
Najee Rodriguez: seeing no questions, we will open the floor for discussion
Noah Robertson: can I motion to amend the type 40 number
Sydney Gibbard: $144730.17
Rounds Sorenson: I would like to motion to amend to add myself as co-sponsor
Sam ajah: I would like to motion to ad myself a co-sponsor
Sean Terrey: I would like to motion to remove my name to from the bill
Noah Robertson: I would like to motion to remove my name from the bill
Najee Rodriguez: seeing no more discussion, I will now close the floor for debate bill 0516
passes 31-2-0. We will now move into the judicial report
Zaia: we had our first in person meeting this week, all the members got onboarded and were
introduced to the work, how we are going to get the head start on elections, the clerical
application re still up. The social media has QR codes coming out. We want to have as many
hands as possible on deck to help out with all the matters that are coming out. Once these are
filled, we are going to look into changing the time so it can work for more people.
Jordan deibler: I was aware the google form for the google forms were down
Zaia: they are still down, there are technical difficulties at the moment
Ryan loscalzo: has there been any application with community seats
Zaia: there haven’t been any yet, we are going to see if there is any interest tin that going on.
Najee Rodriguez: seeing no further questions, we will move into reports from the chief of staff
and ex directions
Sarah Jordan: thank you for helping out with the involvement fair, we got a lot of sign-ups, we
have some applications open for coordinators, so if you know anyone interested, please send
them my way. These will be open for 2 more weeks. With this, if for some reason, if you are not
in any of the GroupMe’s, teams etc., please let me know because these are extremely important.
Your name tags are here, so if there are nay typos, please let me know, I will get it fixed. Emily
Zimbler exec of public relations sent me her report, we have rebranded, and our new website will
be coming out soon. Please also repost on social media this is very important. If you would like
to be featured on our Instagram please reach out and fill out the form I have created. The contact
sheet is also up to date so please refer to it. We also had our first cabinet meeting, so many great
things are going on!
Birungi: if you are posting the QR code, can you still click on it if its already on your camera.
Sarah Jordan: we are going to be posting the links in the bio, and you can click on it.
Najee Rodriguez: seeing no questions
Amy Garry: co-exec of first year council, as of right now we have 29 applications, which is very
exciting, they close September 10th, interview will be the week after that, but it should be a great
Hope steeger: do we have an official cap off of how many people will be on freshman council
Amy Garry: not set in stone, we were thinking around 30-35.
Janelle: where can we find the application
Amy Garry: the application is on the website
Najee Rodriguez: seeing no questions, are there any other exec reports
Richardson: J&E we have our application out now, the website is having issues, but we are
trying to push this through social media, I am asking all of you to push that so we can get
everyone to apply. We really want to focus on disability coordinator to work specially with the
student disability resource center. We also have many other positions, like sexual identity
coordinator, religious coordinators, and the gender equity coordinator. We did those because it
aligns with the J&E tracking form, so that if a representative has a specific place, they want to
work with we have that. I will be meeting with the different directors of these groups on campus
so they can put a face to my name and know that I will be reaching out. If anyone else wants to
reach out and meet with anyone, please let me know.
Director of sustainability: our first meeting is this Sunday at 7:30, if you have any ideas or ant to
stop by, please do. Feel free to reach out on any ideas you want to share, I love hearing
everyone’s ideas. I want to give some insight into some projects we are working on, if you
haven’t seen our new search engine, please check it out we might be doing a tabling event to
promote this. We are also working to promote many of our other projects and inform students
about all that we have been working in making and things as accessible as possible.
Najee Rodriguez:
Sydney gibbard: the biggest thing after that retreat is going to be October 16th, I will send that in
the GroupMe and in the emails. You all know that we are aware of the 2 at large vacancies, I
have been reaching out to all of you about this. We have 15 applications which is great. I have
been working with arts and architecture and the arts, working to make. PAC liaison in the
UPUA. We are exploring some options with that. If you have any questions about external
events, please let me know, there is an external events channel in the teams, which has a bunch
of stuff there so check it out. I’ve be talking to rep. loscalzo to set up a meeting with gpsa voting
system, which is a rank voting system, and that has been a conversation within the upua, so I
think that starting this conversation early is a really good idea. If you want to talk anything
policy related, please let me know. I was able to attend the first meeting for the ad-hoc
committee for covid, so I can give a little insight, this is planning for different covid things that
can happen with the university, providing students with information about where to get test4ed,
or vaccinated etc. also pairing with different coalitions, about rallies etc. that are going on and
getting involved or showing support. If you have any questions, please reach out.
Najee Rodriguez: are there any questions, seeing none we will move onto committees
Lewis Richardson: AA- no committee this week because of Labor Day, so pay attention to your
email inbox, if the committee time does not work for you, please let me know, it is required, and
I want to work with you. Faculty senate is on sept 14, we will brief you all on that in the next
committee meeting., so reach out to your professors in advance. Tuesday sept 7 at 9am the
faculty senate will be having a new senate orientation, so watch for that. Take a look at the
initiative spreadsheet I made, that’s all the stuff we will be working on this semester, so they will
be assigned next semester. [lease continue making progress reaching out to your academic
college deans and attend those student council meetings.
Cara fliegel: facilities are going to start picking up rapidly in the next week, our first meeting
will be Thursday at 5, we will go over introductions, expectations etc. please contact me if you
cannot make it. I sent out an email with a survey, please fill it out. I’m excited to give an update
on the fuel rod, we will have reusable chargers at beaver stadium, and I am so excited about that.
Meeting for this happened Tuesday, and they will be having another one soon, if you want more
information reach out to me and I can give you further contact information. The last two weeks I
enjoyed tabling, so thank you for everyone who came out to support upua and vaxnow.
Lakyn Meeder: first committee meeting is tomorrow, today vice chair ajah and I encouraged our
director, she will be there tomorrow, the meeting will have a special presentation tomorrow, but
our liaison will be reaching out the big 10 schools for more exciting initiative plans, so look out
for that. I have been in collaboration with college repub, democ, and indep, to work together for
voter registration. We will be having elections for civic engagement liaison. I have a meeting to
talk about psu votes.
Aarthi kallur: Penn state pal applications should be going live this week, please apply to be a
mentor, this is a mentor mentee program with international students. For my committee, please
reach out to me if you want to run for vice chair, J&E will be meeting this Friday, so please
attend, the meeting will be focused on getting a vice chair and assigning initiatives.
Samantha Browne: no school on Monday, so no committee, but you should check the initiative
sheet, and talk to me about any problems you may have. please be ready by the following
Monday to have ideas started with those initiatives, I have been meeting with sexual misconduct,
and that really exciting. I will also be meeting with the professional attire committee. We also
have RedZone action week coming up.
Najee Rodriguez
Richardson: keep in mind that your student tuition bill is due today.
Terrey: we did lights off, it was great, Jeremih was here, thank you for those who came out. I
know that this club is heavily tied to Penn state advocacy, we have forms to sign up and apply
and you work toa advocate for Penn state, getting more funding, the Pell grant etc. so reach out
to me if you are interested or know someone who is. I also want to comment on the abstain, I am
a member of the student fee board, and felt that it required and abstain there. There were also
issues with the fund and implement that, some said it might require different precedent for
certain things and I wasn’t sure if I felt comfortable putting that forward.
Loscalzo: lion pride is going to be here tomorrow for our general body meeting. Also, I want to
plug a cutie club, for trans people of color. There was. Be an ally. I put this in the external events
chat, Penn state’s drag society has drag shows every 2 weeks. So, go!
Robertson: we had a conversation with the chair of the student fee board, and if we should vote
to abstain, so we decided to switch the sponsors around.
Gibbard: if you have any orgs that would be super beneficial for the rest of the org to come, then
please let me know and I will add it to the calendar. If you want to add to the relax with a rep,
please feel free to add some.
Sarah Jordan: director of analytics created a form if you want anything done of that sort
Cathy Zhou: I ordered a bunch of crew necks left over and they are left over, so if you are
interested in getting a free crew neck, please let me know.
Najee Rodriguez: seeing no more comments, I want to make notes that happened, abstentions, as
long as you don’t discuss you abstention first, you can do that then discuss later. Also comments
for the good of the order is 2 mins. Also please be patient with us if there is an awk pause. There
will be pauses after bill votes. Please be aware of the internal feedback form. Finally, please be
sure to state your name and constituency and face the chair when you are speaking. Seeing none.
Secretary campos, please take closing role.

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Assembly 9 1 minutes

  • 1. Special Presentation Summary: Lea Zimmerman: gives presentation on student disability resources-get them equal access, make sure people understand disabilities, and how it is part of life, only 5% of undergraduate get served. Interactions with faculty is the biggest connection students will have, in effort to make sure they are as educated as possible we do ethics training and disability training. Outreach for first year-this is a huge focal point; we have added virtual programs through NSO. CAPS is on speed dial, we are not them, we rely on them and have a CAPS liaison so we can work directly with them. Minutes: Arts and architecture: department passed a law, later on a survey was sent out and found in favor to renew the bill. Agriculture sciences: instrumental in working with senior leadership members in developing zero waste goals. Earth mineral sciences: I’m here to support my immense support for this, this allows us to focus on zero waste and ensure we are doing all we can to implement zero waste initiates. Erin Boas: thank you to everyone who has participated in the tabling for the Vaxnow, tabling is very important, and it makes a huge difference. There is going to be a new story going out about the universities vax status, almost all of the winners for the draw have accepted their prizes and more will continue to go out. Please pass out and read up on the vax guidelines. We will be continuing this campaign throughout the semester and year. I am currently working to add vax rates to the covid 19 dashboard, this was introduced in the meeting with president baron today. I will be serving as the vice chair of student affairs with faulty senate. Vice pres. Rodrigues have met with lionrpide to increase communication, we are doing biweekly meetings with several groups to make sure we have consistent communication. On Tuesday I joined dr. Griffin in a live and we talked about vaccines. VP Rodrigues met with the leadership pf trustees, we discussed covid plans and it’s on us pledge to combat sexual assault, and the preparation for 2022 sexual conduct survey, and food stamp acceptance in the dining hall. I also met about the flow to go plan, to provide menstrual products throughout academics colleges. The student trustee board has its first meeting this Friday. Najee Rodriguez: please be sure to review the VP guide to Wednesday meetings, this is attached to all of the calendars, on Wednesday I met to discuss the acceptance of EBT and food stamps. Chair kullar will meet to discuss the future of the wellness fund. I met with the logistic teams to discuss the future launch. I also followed up with the trustee to discuss the future of the student committee. We discussed the interest of exploring ways to have students opt out of meal plan and housing if they have food stamps or other needs. I met the AVP of diversity equity and inclusion and filled him in on what we are doing here in the UPUA. I implore you to refer to the steering minutes, and here what happened there especially about etiquette. We discussed technology and the new strict rules of the usage of them, and when they are acceptable.
  • 2. Birungi: in your conversations about the housing and food accommodations, can you ask them questions about the different housing options, I think there is a lack of transparency, and what happens in terms of billing and housing costs across the different living areas, and why the renovation of pollock have been postponed. Najee Rodriguez: thank you, yes that is something that has been brought up and can be brought up again. We will now move into liaison and affiliate reports. Seeing none and no old business we will now move into a breakout. We will start with line item the election of the chair of the Ad-Hoc Committee on Continued Policy and Planning for COVID-19 and Its Variants please rise if you wish to nominate. Representative . Ryan loscalzo: I motion to table this till next week because the only candidate is not here Najee Rodriguez: this is tabled, we will now move into the confirmation of the director of facilizes Patrick Kridaratikorn: hello, I’m a junior, majoring in political science minoring in business, the only rememberable experience of my freshman year, was facilities, we handed things out to people on a day-to-day basis, I want to implement more technological things as that is what so many people need. So, if we can bridge the gap between peoples college experience and their monetary experience, that would be great. I’m really excited to make an impact on what happens in school. Najee Rodriguez: any questions? Samantha Browne: what is something unique that you will bring to this role Patrick Kridaratikorn: I am pretty unique, I’m certified white water rafting instructor, I’m good at Canva, but I think something I would bring is to further the culture that exists in freshman culture, I want it to be less of an org. about work, and more of an exciting experience with friends. When people hear about this, they have no idea what we do, and we do so much, so I think if we could bridge that connection vocally that would be great. Ryan loscalzo: what motivates you to get up in the morning Patrick Kridaratikorn: I’m more of an afternoon guy, but if the meetings Sunday in the morning, I’ll be there, but making an impact on someone’s life and making them smile is what matters to me. I love meeting new people and talking to them, gaging who they are and what they bring to the table, I love doing that and learning their values. Hope steeger: do you have experience facilitating different things strength that would help? Patrick Kridaratikorn: I was the president of___and the vice chair of caucus, so I’ve done a lot of the administrative work that would be needed, so I have that which will help.
  • 3. Najee Rodriguez: seeing no questions, Patrick please leave the room, and we will let you know when you can come back in. congratulations Patrick, you are confirmed unanimously. We will now move into the swearing in. Erin Boas: raise your right hand and repeat after me “I promise to faithfully uphold the constitution of University Park Undergraduate Association and to defend the rights of each individual student while working towards to betterment of student life. I shall perform to the best of my abilities, the responsibilities and duties that have been entrusted to me by the University Park Undergraduate student body and the virtue to the office in which I hold.” Najee Rodriguez: we will now move into line-item Bill 516 Noah Robertson: this bill does a few things, we want to do this because the way the world consumes resources follows the model of consumptions and the world economic form the products are manufactured, sold, and disposed. This model is kind of problematic since they are disposed, the amount of waste is then unaudited or added to tons of waste, especially plastic. This consumption contributes to environment and social impacts. These adverse impacts are known to impact communities of color because of environment racism. Here at Penn state, we have created audits of our own, they are contaminated waste lands and this needs to be taken care of. Last year we had a presentation about recommendations. These include a spending plan, a yearly subscription. Costs only 1,000 and I encourage al of you to check out the plan. While it may not seem as useful, it is, and is very informative. With this, this can be maximized if this is implicated through a group that holds power, this can be the UPSFB, student fee funded offices should be encouraged to use the plan created to do this, and that students have increased environment sustainability. I introduce you the purpose of the bill, and now stand for questions. Lakyn meeder: clarification, who are the relative actors that the soft edge would be pushing at Noah Robertson: we are hoping for PR and recommendation by the student fee board we would also like for it to reach to President Barron at some point. It could be administrative, could be fee board, that’s open for conversation. Najee Rodriguez: seeing no questions, we will open the floor for discussion Noah Robertson: can I motion to amend the type 40 number Sydney Gibbard: $144730.17 Rounds Sorenson: I would like to motion to amend to add myself as co-sponsor Sam ajah: I would like to motion to ad myself a co-sponsor Sean Terrey: I would like to motion to remove my name to from the bill Noah Robertson: I would like to motion to remove my name from the bill
  • 4. Najee Rodriguez: seeing no more discussion, I will now close the floor for debate bill 0516 passes 31-2-0. We will now move into the judicial report Zaia: we had our first in person meeting this week, all the members got onboarded and were introduced to the work, how we are going to get the head start on elections, the clerical application re still up. The social media has QR codes coming out. We want to have as many hands as possible on deck to help out with all the matters that are coming out. Once these are filled, we are going to look into changing the time so it can work for more people. Jordan deibler: I was aware the google form for the google forms were down Zaia: they are still down, there are technical difficulties at the moment Ryan loscalzo: has there been any application with community seats Zaia: there haven’t been any yet, we are going to see if there is any interest tin that going on. Najee Rodriguez: seeing no further questions, we will move into reports from the chief of staff and ex directions Sarah Jordan: thank you for helping out with the involvement fair, we got a lot of sign-ups, we have some applications open for coordinators, so if you know anyone interested, please send them my way. These will be open for 2 more weeks. With this, if for some reason, if you are not in any of the GroupMe’s, teams etc., please let me know because these are extremely important. Your name tags are here, so if there are nay typos, please let me know, I will get it fixed. Emily Zimbler exec of public relations sent me her report, we have rebranded, and our new website will be coming out soon. Please also repost on social media this is very important. If you would like to be featured on our Instagram please reach out and fill out the form I have created. The contact sheet is also up to date so please refer to it. We also had our first cabinet meeting, so many great things are going on! Birungi: if you are posting the QR code, can you still click on it if its already on your camera. Sarah Jordan: we are going to be posting the links in the bio, and you can click on it. Najee Rodriguez: seeing no questions Amy Garry: co-exec of first year council, as of right now we have 29 applications, which is very exciting, they close September 10th, interview will be the week after that, but it should be a great time. Hope steeger: do we have an official cap off of how many people will be on freshman council Amy Garry: not set in stone, we were thinking around 30-35. Janelle: where can we find the application
  • 5. Amy Garry: the application is on the website Najee Rodriguez: seeing no questions, are there any other exec reports Richardson: J&E we have our application out now, the website is having issues, but we are trying to push this through social media, I am asking all of you to push that so we can get everyone to apply. We really want to focus on disability coordinator to work specially with the student disability resource center. We also have many other positions, like sexual identity coordinator, religious coordinators, and the gender equity coordinator. We did those because it aligns with the J&E tracking form, so that if a representative has a specific place, they want to work with we have that. I will be meeting with the different directors of these groups on campus so they can put a face to my name and know that I will be reaching out. If anyone else wants to reach out and meet with anyone, please let me know. Director of sustainability: our first meeting is this Sunday at 7:30, if you have any ideas or ant to stop by, please do. Feel free to reach out on any ideas you want to share, I love hearing everyone’s ideas. I want to give some insight into some projects we are working on, if you haven’t seen our new search engine, please check it out we might be doing a tabling event to promote this. We are also working to promote many of our other projects and inform students about all that we have been working in making and things as accessible as possible. Najee Rodriguez: Sydney gibbard: the biggest thing after that retreat is going to be October 16th, I will send that in the GroupMe and in the emails. You all know that we are aware of the 2 at large vacancies, I have been reaching out to all of you about this. We have 15 applications which is great. I have been working with arts and architecture and the arts, working to make. PAC liaison in the UPUA. We are exploring some options with that. If you have any questions about external events, please let me know, there is an external events channel in the teams, which has a bunch of stuff there so check it out. I’ve be talking to rep. loscalzo to set up a meeting with gpsa voting system, which is a rank voting system, and that has been a conversation within the upua, so I think that starting this conversation early is a really good idea. If you want to talk anything policy related, please let me know. I was able to attend the first meeting for the ad-hoc committee for covid, so I can give a little insight, this is planning for different covid things that can happen with the university, providing students with information about where to get test4ed, or vaccinated etc. also pairing with different coalitions, about rallies etc. that are going on and getting involved or showing support. If you have any questions, please reach out. Najee Rodriguez: are there any questions, seeing none we will move onto committees Lewis Richardson: AA- no committee this week because of Labor Day, so pay attention to your email inbox, if the committee time does not work for you, please let me know, it is required, and I want to work with you. Faculty senate is on sept 14, we will brief you all on that in the next committee meeting., so reach out to your professors in advance. Tuesday sept 7 at 9am the faculty senate will be having a new senate orientation, so watch for that. Take a look at the initiative spreadsheet I made, that’s all the stuff we will be working on this semester, so they will
  • 6. be assigned next semester. [lease continue making progress reaching out to your academic college deans and attend those student council meetings. Cara fliegel: facilities are going to start picking up rapidly in the next week, our first meeting will be Thursday at 5, we will go over introductions, expectations etc. please contact me if you cannot make it. I sent out an email with a survey, please fill it out. I’m excited to give an update on the fuel rod, we will have reusable chargers at beaver stadium, and I am so excited about that. Meeting for this happened Tuesday, and they will be having another one soon, if you want more information reach out to me and I can give you further contact information. The last two weeks I enjoyed tabling, so thank you for everyone who came out to support upua and vaxnow. Lakyn Meeder: first committee meeting is tomorrow, today vice chair ajah and I encouraged our director, she will be there tomorrow, the meeting will have a special presentation tomorrow, but our liaison will be reaching out the big 10 schools for more exciting initiative plans, so look out for that. I have been in collaboration with college repub, democ, and indep, to work together for voter registration. We will be having elections for civic engagement liaison. I have a meeting to talk about psu votes. Aarthi kallur: Penn state pal applications should be going live this week, please apply to be a mentor, this is a mentor mentee program with international students. For my committee, please reach out to me if you want to run for vice chair, J&E will be meeting this Friday, so please attend, the meeting will be focused on getting a vice chair and assigning initiatives. Samantha Browne: no school on Monday, so no committee, but you should check the initiative sheet, and talk to me about any problems you may have. please be ready by the following Monday to have ideas started with those initiatives, I have been meeting with sexual misconduct, and that really exciting. I will also be meeting with the professional attire committee. We also have RedZone action week coming up. Najee Rodriguez Richardson: keep in mind that your student tuition bill is due today. Terrey: we did lights off, it was great, Jeremih was here, thank you for those who came out. I know that this club is heavily tied to Penn state advocacy, we have forms to sign up and apply and you work toa advocate for Penn state, getting more funding, the Pell grant etc. so reach out to me if you are interested or know someone who is. I also want to comment on the abstain, I am a member of the student fee board, and felt that it required and abstain there. There were also issues with the fund and implement that, some said it might require different precedent for certain things and I wasn’t sure if I felt comfortable putting that forward. Loscalzo: lion pride is going to be here tomorrow for our general body meeting. Also, I want to plug a cutie club, for trans people of color. There was. Be an ally. I put this in the external events chat, Penn state’s drag society has drag shows every 2 weeks. So, go!
  • 7. Robertson: we had a conversation with the chair of the student fee board, and if we should vote to abstain, so we decided to switch the sponsors around. Gibbard: if you have any orgs that would be super beneficial for the rest of the org to come, then please let me know and I will add it to the calendar. If you want to add to the relax with a rep, please feel free to add some. Sarah Jordan: director of analytics created a form if you want anything done of that sort Cathy Zhou: I ordered a bunch of crew necks left over and they are left over, so if you are interested in getting a free crew neck, please let me know. Najee Rodriguez: seeing no more comments, I want to make notes that happened, abstentions, as long as you don’t discuss you abstention first, you can do that then discuss later. Also comments for the good of the order is 2 mins. Also please be patient with us if there is an awk pause. There will be pauses after bill votes. Please be aware of the internal feedback form. Finally, please be sure to state your name and constituency and face the chair when you are speaking. Seeing none. Secretary campos, please take closing role.