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10/20 meeting minutes
Judicial board presentation: our role is to be a resource, solve disputes, maintain fairness and
equity, and serve as the elections commission. So, our set up and structure is that we have one
chief justice, 8 justices and 9 clerks. What is the hearing process? We have only had one hearing
which was last year, here we have laid out the steps you can take if you need to go about a
hearing. We also deal with group seat applications, just like the PAC seat last week, we review
all applications. We hold information sessions which provide you with all the information you
need when you run for a positions.
Presidential and vice-presidential platform, priorities, and insights: carry out the will of all of you
and the UPUA, for the president: the primary speaker of the university serve on committees and
board etc. VP: assisting the president and preside over assembly meetings, etc. explained the
priorities and expectations of the assembly. We also have office hours so please come by!
Najee Rodriguez: seeing no students here for open student forum we will move into a report
from president Boas.
Erin Boas: Hi everyone!! Happy Homecoming Week! There are a bunch of great events
happening this week and I encourage you all to walk with UPUA in the parade. Thank you so
much to everyone that came to retreat, and a special shoutout to Speaker Gibbard for doing a
fabulous job planning the day! It was great to spend the day with you all, and I look forward to
how we can continue the conversations we had throughout our day-to-day operations of the
organization. Great job to the Justice and Equity Committee on We CARE Week! So proud of
the positive impact you are having on students’ daily lives. Representative Gangl and I are
working together in collaboration with Borough leadership to establish the
#VaxxNowStateCollege campaign. I am continuing to serve on the Presidential Recruitment and
Selection Committee.
I have been working with Chair Meeder and university administration on “It’s on Us PA” state
grant funding and further state advocacy. On Thursday (10/14), Vice President Rodriguez,
Representative O’Toole, and I met to discuss our involvement with the Association of Big Ten
Students (ABTS). On Friday (10/15), I attended the Student Fee Board meeting. We are
discussing a handful of very exciting facilities projects and will be expanding our solicitation of
student opinions in the coming weeks. I serve on the Policies Influencing Equity (PIE)
Taskforce, which met on Friday (10/15). I will be focusing on initiatives related to Senate
petitions and entrance-to-major requirements. Chair Browne, Director Miller, and I met with the
interim directors of CAPS on Friday (10/15) regarding UPUA’s partnership and areas for greater
collaboration. On Tuesday (10/19), I attended the Faculty Senate meetings. I serve as the Vice
Chair of the Student Life Committee and am the project lead for the Student Sustainability
Literacy Project. On Tuesday (10/19), I attended the Executive Board meeting for the Graduate
and Professional Student Association (GPSA). On Tuesday (10/19), I attended the Student Fee
Board Steering Committee meeting. On Tuesday (10/19), Vice President Rodriguez and I
attended our biweekly meeting with Lion PRIDE and QTPOC. I have office hours on Mondays
from 12-1pm and Fridays from 12-2pm. Come hang out! If you have any questions about
initiatives, the university, or literally anything…. Please reach out! I’m always happy to meet,
call, or send over any information I have. I will now stand for any questions.
Najee Rodriguez: I had my first scheduled appointment with a student on Tuesday, that was
exciting! We are here to increase accessibility to ourselves. I have met with numerous
administrators in the office of student affairs and equity to talk about our goal with the fund, with
the meetings I’ve found a lot of budget constraints which can be alleviated. We talked about this
to the multicultural caucus so if you have anu ideas, please reach out to me. I’ve been working
with Brandon walker to discuss three fundraising events, it is going to be noodles and company,
chipotle, and panda express. Like I said I attended a strategic planning advisory committee, we
are working with the committee itself to discuss the creation and finishing od a white paper,
which is just a discussion of our plans for 5-10 years. So, if you have any ideas, please send
those to me. shout out to rep Robertson on the fossil fuels team. We recently had meetings with
secretary campos and director of communications suthern and to talk about their positions. The
class gift was chosen and that is the wellness fund which is so great. with that I stand for
Lakyn meeder: since it was chosen as the class gift what does that mean?
Najee Rodrigues: the main concern that we had is that it was rapidly depleting, but not this fast,
so the student insurance advocate and I discussed this to work with different entities to work with
this fund and find a way for it to work similar to the STI testing, with this additionally money
that is from donors and alumni, the medical things can expand to students who need it the most.
So, we are relying on philanthropy and GPSA and we are struggling with that and now I’m going
to give it to president boas
Erin boas: in 2 weeks there will be a donation page open until the end of the year and basically,
we are going to crowd source from students and donors to donate to the fund. Then after that
then the donation is up. But we are working to create our own donation fund and page so it can
run on, we are hoping that it will be extremely successful with donations since it is the gift.
Najee Rodriguez: are there any other questions. Seeing none, we will move into liaison and
affiliate reports.
Nora o’toole: I got to meet with president boas and VP Rodriguez, I got to talk about ABTS, we
aren’t really doing much right now, but if you have any ideas or questions, please reach out to
Jordan diebler: Pennsylvania state legislature is looking to change how they fund higher
education, but essentially this will affect Penn state students is that anyone who gets those PA
grants, will get less. The Pell grant will also be less because of budgets, but if you have any other
questions please reach out.
Najee Rodriguez: we will now move into line-item A, the swearing in of Latino Caucus Rep,
Evelyn Juanacio. We will move into line-item B, bill 10-16.
Ryan loscalzo: UPUA funds breaks subsidies through lyft, some students use the airport to travel
during the breaks, and we do this for every break. This is so students don’t have to pay for the
rides to and from the airport, this is really important for them and its. Great initiative. We are
planning on funding 125 codes for the fall and the winter. I went to the ARSH meeting this
Monday and they are willing to give an extra 25 codes for the fall. So, we see how many we
want to do, we see how we may use, and we only pay for what we use. We came to this number
based on what it was in the past. So, we are trying to aim for the 150 mark, we aren’t entirely
sure about that which is why were at 125.
Hope Steger: you said that we only pay for how many we use, is it possible for wit to go over?
Ryan loscalzo: they cut it off after a certain amount.
Jeanelle Loiseau: fall and winter are covered but what happens in the spring?
Ryan loscalzo: that is what we have done, because it is how we pay for it. Setting up the spring
right now it very far in advance so it would be better to wait.
Najee Rodriguez: seeing no further questions, we will move into discussion. Bill 10-16 passes
with a vote 33-0-0. We will now move into line-item C.
Ryan loscalzo: what to fix day is another one of our programming events, we raffle off things,
we give off prizes and raise advocacy of the issues on campus and we encourage students to fill
this out and let us know what the problems are. We then look over this and we give the reports
back to appropriate people to get it fixed. This year we are going to be giving out the four echo
dots that are in our office and some other stuff.
Najee Rodriguez: so, I see that this is motioned to pass by unanimous consent, so this passes
Jordan Zaia: The Judicial Board is meeting this Monday at 7:30. I am contacting the Smeal
Student Council President regarding the previous Judicial Board decision. The Judicial Boards
going to be presenting at Assembly on Wednesday, looking forward to it! The Chief Justice
application has been posted to the website and is open till October 29
Najee Rodriguez: seeing no questions we will move into executive reports.
Sarah Jordan: I had a lot of fun with all of you at retreat. Huge shoutout to Speaker Sydney
Gibbard for all of her hard work planning and executing a productive and resourceful retreat! I
had a meeting with our newest Director of Governmental Affairs, Connor Kelly last week with
Chair Meeder. I have been working a lot for preparations for our Giving Tuesday events. I will
need a lot of help from the assembly when this event gets closer so be on the lookout for more
information from me. This week we will be onboarding the new coordinators of Justice & Equity
and Student Life. The Director of Alumni Engagement application is still open and will be
closing soon. I have closed the applications for Coordinator of SVAP within the Student Life
committee. I hope to hold interviews next week. On Monday, I met with Misha Shearer who is
our AIG contact for the UPUA. I am working on strengthening our AIG and going to come up
with concrete ways to utilize our AIG. The Cabinet met this past Monday. Please be sure to
reach out to any Executive Director if you need any help with a project, initiative, or
programming event. PLEASE SIGN UP FOR THE HOMECOMING PARADE. You can find
the link to sign up in our Teams channel. Please sign up for We Care tabling as well. Justice &
Equity has worked so hard for this week. Reach out to me if you have any comments, questions,
or concerns. Have a lovely week.
Emily Zimmler: so tomorrow we are going to be sending out a spreadsheet for graphic requests
instead of a form, you can put information in as you go, you can go back in and change as we go,
but we do need to know a lot as soon as possible. So please look at that. We are going to have
another round of headshots the time is TBD. I want you guys to use out director of data analytics
more, when making legislation, having the data is really great and she can be used for that.
Dan Risser: for reps, as you can see the FYC are here, the mentees should be reaching out to
their mentors by Friday, so be nice and reach out them. Also look out for our annual fresh-co vs.
the assembly football game.
Najee Rodriguez: seeing no questions or reports we will be moving into a report from the
Sydney Gibbard: Thank you to everyone for such an amazing retreat! You can give us feedback
for future retreats here. Your External Events submissions are due this cycle on FRIDAY,
OCTOBER 22. That is this Friday!! You can find events on our calendar here and submit your
events here. We have four academic rep vacancies in the College of EMS, DUS, Nursing, and
Smeal. I will be working with the college student councils to fill those positions. I have launched
a public application for the Nursing Representative position and have sent it to all student
nursing organizations. I have decided to extend the deadline to this Friday 10/22. College of
EMS did elections last week on Tuesday 10/12. Smeal is waiting on the JBoard decision. I
reached out to Representative Li, a member of the DUS Council, to recommend a candidate on
Sunday 10/17. I have uploaded a new bill template to our Google Drive following the passing of
the policy last week. I had 1:1’s with Chairs this week (10/18-10/22), and I am finishing up 1:
1’s with all representatives as well this week (10/11-10/22). I have been creating an internal
leadership feedback form to collect any anonymous thoughts post rep 1:1s. Be on the lookout for
that and please fill it out if you have anything! I will be onboarding all new reps (First-Year
Reps, Latino Caucus Rep, MGC Rep) on Wednesday 10/20. I am beginning to think about
Elections Code changes. I am setting up a meeting during the first or second week of November
(11/1-11/8) with Chair Loscalzo and Chief Justice Zaia to discuss elections code changes. Let me
know if you would like to be a part of it! If you would like to be involved in the planning of
UPUA Formal and AIG Weekend, let me know! I talked to President Schonn Franklin of GPSA
on Monday 10/18 and it is likely we will be co-hosting our formal. I attended faculty senate on
Tuesday 10/19 by going to my committee meeting for ARSSA (Admissions, Records,
Scheduling, and Student Aid). I will be shadowing all committees besides Facilities this week
and next (10/18-10/29).
Najee Rodriguez: are there any questions for speaker gibbard, seeing none we will move into
comments of the committees.
Lewis Richardson: first of all, we tabled the test prep week because today we received an email
from Princeton review that they have no books, so they are on back order and they have no
MCAT books, so they won’t have the books by the day we need them, and they won’t be
printing them until November 16th. We will have some iteration of test prep week, but it is just
going to be a little different. So that legislation should comeback up next week. Second, faculty
senate yesterday, there have been so many people in faculty senate this year and its great, the
students are speaking up and being really active. Great questions throughout the meeting, I
suggest looking at some of the things that were brought up. The committee will be meeting on
Ryan Loscalzo: what to fix day is on October 26-27 in the hub, the assignments office has finally
gotten back to me, I have a meeting with them on November 1st there will be a piece of
legislation going with that. In committee this week all the members were asked to come up with
plans for the initiatives so hopefully we will be seeing a lot more progress.
Lakyn Meeder: Had committee on Thursday and gave assignments to each initiative group Went
to retreat on Saturday. Also, we were supposed to have legislation brought to you today, but that
did not happen on know your rights campaign, so I will be talking to speaker gibbard about that.
Onboarded the new Director, Conor Kelley. Sent out emails about PSU Votes. Deadline to
request a mail in ballot is Oct 26th
Aarathi Kallur: It’s We Care Week! Thank you to everyone who has signed up to table and put
together bags! We still have a few more bags that we need to assemble so any help with that
would be much appreciated. Please sign up to table if you are available. I have a meeting with
Dr. Wong in educational equity to discuss DEI spaces around campus. Director Richardson and
Representative Gangle will also be in the meeting. Planning for a collaboration with IPSA and
UPUA for the wear red campaign and Indigenous Peoples’ Month. Committee will be shortened
on Friday due to Homecoming, but we will have a meeting Sunday via zoom. Sign up for the
Homecoming Parade!
Samantha Browne: Make sure you fill out your weekly Student Life Report form in the teams by
Sunday night! Mental Health and Wellness Team should be prepared to meet this week to
discuss further plans. HUB 330 at 4:30 on Mondays as always!
Najee Rodriguez: seeing no questions we will move into comments for the good of the order
Lewis Richardson: AAC reps be sure to fill out four report by Monday.
Ryan loscalzo: at retreat I won the report for longest comments of the good order, happy
international pronouns day, tomorrow wear purple for lgbt, there will be a drag show at 3 dots
tomorrow. Saturday October 30th, there will be sock puppet workshop and rocky horror; the final
thing is the that the center for sexual diversity is looking for models.
Erin boas: I will be working with facilities and the public relations team on this, about a month
ago you all should’ve gotten something from lyft, it’s an actual program, we are going to be
working with them to display it a little better. This is the ride smart program, and they provide 8
$10 per ride credits for UP students between 2am-7am. it is separate from ours, but we are going
to be working to better this.
Lakyn meeder: the league of women voters at Penn state no longer has a president, so because of
they are unable to fulfill their duties, so if anyone is interested in that, reach out to me and I can
get you in contact with them.
Aarushi Jadhav: alpha kappa delta phi is holding our ball on Sunday, if you are interested,
proceeds go to breast cancer awareness, the MGC is hosting something this week.
Sean Terrey: this Friday the singing lions will be performing at the protect the lion shrine
Patricia Birungi: come to the PRCC homecoming event tomorrow, I will send more information.
Jeanelle Loiseau: if you scan the QR code, you can get a free PRCC t-shirt.
Megan Neely: if you are working on the women’s empowerment roundtable, please look out for
the GroupMe for general information. If you want to get involved it’s never too late.
Ben brauser: I posted the sign up for what to fix day in the group me.

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Assembly minutes 10:20

  • 1. 10/20 meeting minutes Judicial board presentation: our role is to be a resource, solve disputes, maintain fairness and equity, and serve as the elections commission. So, our set up and structure is that we have one chief justice, 8 justices and 9 clerks. What is the hearing process? We have only had one hearing which was last year, here we have laid out the steps you can take if you need to go about a hearing. We also deal with group seat applications, just like the PAC seat last week, we review all applications. We hold information sessions which provide you with all the information you need when you run for a positions. Presidential and vice-presidential platform, priorities, and insights: carry out the will of all of you and the UPUA, for the president: the primary speaker of the university serve on committees and board etc. VP: assisting the president and preside over assembly meetings, etc. explained the priorities and expectations of the assembly. We also have office hours so please come by! Najee Rodriguez: seeing no students here for open student forum we will move into a report from president Boas. Erin Boas: Hi everyone!! Happy Homecoming Week! There are a bunch of great events happening this week and I encourage you all to walk with UPUA in the parade. Thank you so much to everyone that came to retreat, and a special shoutout to Speaker Gibbard for doing a fabulous job planning the day! It was great to spend the day with you all, and I look forward to how we can continue the conversations we had throughout our day-to-day operations of the organization. Great job to the Justice and Equity Committee on We CARE Week! So proud of the positive impact you are having on students’ daily lives. Representative Gangl and I are working together in collaboration with Borough leadership to establish the #VaxxNowStateCollege campaign. I am continuing to serve on the Presidential Recruitment and Selection Committee. I have been working with Chair Meeder and university administration on “It’s on Us PA” state grant funding and further state advocacy. On Thursday (10/14), Vice President Rodriguez, Representative O’Toole, and I met to discuss our involvement with the Association of Big Ten Students (ABTS). On Friday (10/15), I attended the Student Fee Board meeting. We are discussing a handful of very exciting facilities projects and will be expanding our solicitation of student opinions in the coming weeks. I serve on the Policies Influencing Equity (PIE) Taskforce, which met on Friday (10/15). I will be focusing on initiatives related to Senate petitions and entrance-to-major requirements. Chair Browne, Director Miller, and I met with the interim directors of CAPS on Friday (10/15) regarding UPUA’s partnership and areas for greater collaboration. On Tuesday (10/19), I attended the Faculty Senate meetings. I serve as the Vice Chair of the Student Life Committee and am the project lead for the Student Sustainability Literacy Project. On Tuesday (10/19), I attended the Executive Board meeting for the Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA). On Tuesday (10/19), I attended the Student Fee Board Steering Committee meeting. On Tuesday (10/19), Vice President Rodriguez and I attended our biweekly meeting with Lion PRIDE and QTPOC. I have office hours on Mondays from 12-1pm and Fridays from 12-2pm. Come hang out! If you have any questions about initiatives, the university, or literally anything…. Please reach out! I’m always happy to meet, call, or send over any information I have. I will now stand for any questions.
  • 2. Najee Rodriguez: I had my first scheduled appointment with a student on Tuesday, that was exciting! We are here to increase accessibility to ourselves. I have met with numerous administrators in the office of student affairs and equity to talk about our goal with the fund, with the meetings I’ve found a lot of budget constraints which can be alleviated. We talked about this to the multicultural caucus so if you have anu ideas, please reach out to me. I’ve been working with Brandon walker to discuss three fundraising events, it is going to be noodles and company, chipotle, and panda express. Like I said I attended a strategic planning advisory committee, we are working with the committee itself to discuss the creation and finishing od a white paper, which is just a discussion of our plans for 5-10 years. So, if you have any ideas, please send those to me. shout out to rep Robertson on the fossil fuels team. We recently had meetings with secretary campos and director of communications suthern and to talk about their positions. The class gift was chosen and that is the wellness fund which is so great. with that I stand for questions. Lakyn meeder: since it was chosen as the class gift what does that mean? Najee Rodrigues: the main concern that we had is that it was rapidly depleting, but not this fast, so the student insurance advocate and I discussed this to work with different entities to work with this fund and find a way for it to work similar to the STI testing, with this additionally money that is from donors and alumni, the medical things can expand to students who need it the most. So, we are relying on philanthropy and GPSA and we are struggling with that and now I’m going to give it to president boas Erin boas: in 2 weeks there will be a donation page open until the end of the year and basically, we are going to crowd source from students and donors to donate to the fund. Then after that then the donation is up. But we are working to create our own donation fund and page so it can run on, we are hoping that it will be extremely successful with donations since it is the gift. Najee Rodriguez: are there any other questions. Seeing none, we will move into liaison and affiliate reports. Nora o’toole: I got to meet with president boas and VP Rodriguez, I got to talk about ABTS, we aren’t really doing much right now, but if you have any ideas or questions, please reach out to me. Jordan diebler: Pennsylvania state legislature is looking to change how they fund higher education, but essentially this will affect Penn state students is that anyone who gets those PA grants, will get less. The Pell grant will also be less because of budgets, but if you have any other questions please reach out. Najee Rodriguez: we will now move into line-item A, the swearing in of Latino Caucus Rep, Evelyn Juanacio. We will move into line-item B, bill 10-16. Ryan loscalzo: UPUA funds breaks subsidies through lyft, some students use the airport to travel during the breaks, and we do this for every break. This is so students don’t have to pay for the rides to and from the airport, this is really important for them and its. Great initiative. We are
  • 3. planning on funding 125 codes for the fall and the winter. I went to the ARSH meeting this Monday and they are willing to give an extra 25 codes for the fall. So, we see how many we want to do, we see how we may use, and we only pay for what we use. We came to this number based on what it was in the past. So, we are trying to aim for the 150 mark, we aren’t entirely sure about that which is why were at 125. Hope Steger: you said that we only pay for how many we use, is it possible for wit to go over? Ryan loscalzo: they cut it off after a certain amount. Jeanelle Loiseau: fall and winter are covered but what happens in the spring? Ryan loscalzo: that is what we have done, because it is how we pay for it. Setting up the spring right now it very far in advance so it would be better to wait. Najee Rodriguez: seeing no further questions, we will move into discussion. Bill 10-16 passes with a vote 33-0-0. We will now move into line-item C. Ryan loscalzo: what to fix day is another one of our programming events, we raffle off things, we give off prizes and raise advocacy of the issues on campus and we encourage students to fill this out and let us know what the problems are. We then look over this and we give the reports back to appropriate people to get it fixed. This year we are going to be giving out the four echo dots that are in our office and some other stuff. Najee Rodriguez: so, I see that this is motioned to pass by unanimous consent, so this passes unanimously Jordan Zaia: The Judicial Board is meeting this Monday at 7:30. I am contacting the Smeal Student Council President regarding the previous Judicial Board decision. The Judicial Boards going to be presenting at Assembly on Wednesday, looking forward to it! The Chief Justice application has been posted to the website and is open till October 29 Najee Rodriguez: seeing no questions we will move into executive reports. Sarah Jordan: I had a lot of fun with all of you at retreat. Huge shoutout to Speaker Sydney Gibbard for all of her hard work planning and executing a productive and resourceful retreat! I had a meeting with our newest Director of Governmental Affairs, Connor Kelly last week with Chair Meeder. I have been working a lot for preparations for our Giving Tuesday events. I will need a lot of help from the assembly when this event gets closer so be on the lookout for more information from me. This week we will be onboarding the new coordinators of Justice & Equity and Student Life. The Director of Alumni Engagement application is still open and will be closing soon. I have closed the applications for Coordinator of SVAP within the Student Life committee. I hope to hold interviews next week. On Monday, I met with Misha Shearer who is our AIG contact for the UPUA. I am working on strengthening our AIG and going to come up with concrete ways to utilize our AIG. The Cabinet met this past Monday. Please be sure to reach out to any Executive Director if you need any help with a project, initiative, or
  • 4. programming event. PLEASE SIGN UP FOR THE HOMECOMING PARADE. You can find the link to sign up in our Teams channel. Please sign up for We Care tabling as well. Justice & Equity has worked so hard for this week. Reach out to me if you have any comments, questions, or concerns. Have a lovely week. Emily Zimmler: so tomorrow we are going to be sending out a spreadsheet for graphic requests instead of a form, you can put information in as you go, you can go back in and change as we go, but we do need to know a lot as soon as possible. So please look at that. We are going to have another round of headshots the time is TBD. I want you guys to use out director of data analytics more, when making legislation, having the data is really great and she can be used for that. Dan Risser: for reps, as you can see the FYC are here, the mentees should be reaching out to their mentors by Friday, so be nice and reach out them. Also look out for our annual fresh-co vs. the assembly football game. Najee Rodriguez: seeing no questions or reports we will be moving into a report from the speaker. Sydney Gibbard: Thank you to everyone for such an amazing retreat! You can give us feedback for future retreats here. Your External Events submissions are due this cycle on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22. That is this Friday!! You can find events on our calendar here and submit your events here. We have four academic rep vacancies in the College of EMS, DUS, Nursing, and Smeal. I will be working with the college student councils to fill those positions. I have launched a public application for the Nursing Representative position and have sent it to all student nursing organizations. I have decided to extend the deadline to this Friday 10/22. College of EMS did elections last week on Tuesday 10/12. Smeal is waiting on the JBoard decision. I reached out to Representative Li, a member of the DUS Council, to recommend a candidate on Sunday 10/17. I have uploaded a new bill template to our Google Drive following the passing of the policy last week. I had 1:1’s with Chairs this week (10/18-10/22), and I am finishing up 1: 1’s with all representatives as well this week (10/11-10/22). I have been creating an internal leadership feedback form to collect any anonymous thoughts post rep 1:1s. Be on the lookout for that and please fill it out if you have anything! I will be onboarding all new reps (First-Year Reps, Latino Caucus Rep, MGC Rep) on Wednesday 10/20. I am beginning to think about Elections Code changes. I am setting up a meeting during the first or second week of November (11/1-11/8) with Chair Loscalzo and Chief Justice Zaia to discuss elections code changes. Let me know if you would like to be a part of it! If you would like to be involved in the planning of UPUA Formal and AIG Weekend, let me know! I talked to President Schonn Franklin of GPSA on Monday 10/18 and it is likely we will be co-hosting our formal. I attended faculty senate on Tuesday 10/19 by going to my committee meeting for ARSSA (Admissions, Records, Scheduling, and Student Aid). I will be shadowing all committees besides Facilities this week and next (10/18-10/29). Najee Rodriguez: are there any questions for speaker gibbard, seeing none we will move into comments of the committees.
  • 5. Lewis Richardson: first of all, we tabled the test prep week because today we received an email from Princeton review that they have no books, so they are on back order and they have no MCAT books, so they won’t have the books by the day we need them, and they won’t be printing them until November 16th. We will have some iteration of test prep week, but it is just going to be a little different. So that legislation should comeback up next week. Second, faculty senate yesterday, there have been so many people in faculty senate this year and its great, the students are speaking up and being really active. Great questions throughout the meeting, I suggest looking at some of the things that were brought up. The committee will be meeting on Monday. Ryan Loscalzo: what to fix day is on October 26-27 in the hub, the assignments office has finally gotten back to me, I have a meeting with them on November 1st there will be a piece of legislation going with that. In committee this week all the members were asked to come up with plans for the initiatives so hopefully we will be seeing a lot more progress. Lakyn Meeder: Had committee on Thursday and gave assignments to each initiative group Went to retreat on Saturday. Also, we were supposed to have legislation brought to you today, but that did not happen on know your rights campaign, so I will be talking to speaker gibbard about that. Onboarded the new Director, Conor Kelley. Sent out emails about PSU Votes. Deadline to request a mail in ballot is Oct 26th Aarathi Kallur: It’s We Care Week! Thank you to everyone who has signed up to table and put together bags! We still have a few more bags that we need to assemble so any help with that would be much appreciated. Please sign up to table if you are available. I have a meeting with Dr. Wong in educational equity to discuss DEI spaces around campus. Director Richardson and Representative Gangle will also be in the meeting. Planning for a collaboration with IPSA and UPUA for the wear red campaign and Indigenous Peoples’ Month. Committee will be shortened on Friday due to Homecoming, but we will have a meeting Sunday via zoom. Sign up for the Homecoming Parade! Samantha Browne: Make sure you fill out your weekly Student Life Report form in the teams by Sunday night! Mental Health and Wellness Team should be prepared to meet this week to discuss further plans. HUB 330 at 4:30 on Mondays as always! Najee Rodriguez: seeing no questions we will move into comments for the good of the order Lewis Richardson: AAC reps be sure to fill out four report by Monday. Ryan loscalzo: at retreat I won the report for longest comments of the good order, happy international pronouns day, tomorrow wear purple for lgbt, there will be a drag show at 3 dots tomorrow. Saturday October 30th, there will be sock puppet workshop and rocky horror; the final thing is the that the center for sexual diversity is looking for models. Erin boas: I will be working with facilities and the public relations team on this, about a month ago you all should’ve gotten something from lyft, it’s an actual program, we are going to be working with them to display it a little better. This is the ride smart program, and they provide 8
  • 6. $10 per ride credits for UP students between 2am-7am. it is separate from ours, but we are going to be working to better this. Lakyn meeder: the league of women voters at Penn state no longer has a president, so because of they are unable to fulfill their duties, so if anyone is interested in that, reach out to me and I can get you in contact with them. Aarushi Jadhav: alpha kappa delta phi is holding our ball on Sunday, if you are interested, proceeds go to breast cancer awareness, the MGC is hosting something this week. Sean Terrey: this Friday the singing lions will be performing at the protect the lion shrine Patricia Birungi: come to the PRCC homecoming event tomorrow, I will send more information. Jeanelle Loiseau: if you scan the QR code, you can get a free PRCC t-shirt. Megan Neely: if you are working on the women’s empowerment roundtable, please look out for the GroupMe for general information. If you want to get involved it’s never too late. Ben brauser: I posted the sign up for what to fix day in the group me.