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Aspect Oriented Programming

Problem area
• How to modularize concerns that span multiple classes
  and layers?

• Examples of cross-cutting concerns:
   –   Transaction management
   –   Logging
   –   Profiling
   –   Security
   –   Internationalisation
Logging: A naive approach

                 public class HibernateEventDAO
Retrieving log     p
                   private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog( HibernateEventDAO.class );
                                    g g       g      yg     g(
                   public Integer saveEvent( Event event )
            ”Executing saveEvent( Event ) with argument + ” event.toString() );
Logging method
  executions           Session session = sessionManager.getCurrentSession();

                       return (Integer) event );

                   public Event getEvent( Integer id )
            ”Executing getEvent( int )” );

                       Session session = sessionManager.getCurrentSession();

                       return (Event) session.get( Event.class, id );
Logging: A naive approach

Invokes methods on
     the DAOs
                            EventManager                         Service layer

                                           (method invocation)

 DAOs perform
both logging and
                     PersonDAO        EventDAO               Persistence layer
Shortcomings of naive approach
• Mixes persistence and logging functionality
   – Violates the principle of separation of concerns
   – Increases complexity

• Involves repetition of code
   – Violates the DRY principle
   – Makes it difficult to change

• Couples the LogFactory to the HibernateEventDAO
   – Prevents loosely coupled design
   – Makes re-use and testing problematic
Logging: The AOP approach

                            EventManager                            Service layer

                                              (method invocation)
 Intercepts method
  invocations and
  performs logging
                            AOP interceptor

 DAOs perform
persistence only
                     PersonDAO          EventDAO                Persistence layer
Advantages of AOP approach
• Separates persistence and logging functionality
   – The logging concern taken care of by the interceptor
   – Decreases complexity

• Promotes code reuse and modularization
   – The AOP interceptor is used by all methods in the DAOs
   – Makes it easier to change

• Decouples the LogFactory from the DAO impl’s
   – The HibernateEventDAO is unaware of being logged
   – Makes re-use and testing simple
Aspect Oriented Programming
• Definition: Enables encapsulation of functionality that
  affects multiple classes in separate units

• Complements object oriented programming

• Most popular implementation for Java is AspectJ
   – Aspect oriented extension for Java
   – Available as Eclipse plugin and standalone IDE
Spring overview
AOP with Spring
• The AOP framework is a key component of Spring

• Ai
  Aims at providing i t
        t     idi integration b t
                         ti between AOP and I C
                                          d IoC

• Integrates – but doesn’t compete – with AspectJ
                   doesn t

• Provides two techniques for defining aspects:
   – @AspectJ annotation
   – XML schema-based
AOP concepts
• Aspect
   – A concern that cuts across multiple classes and layers

• Join point
   – A method invocation during t e e ecut o o a p og a
        et od    ocat o du g the execution of program

• Advice
   – An implementation of a concern represented as an interceptor

• Pointcut
   – An expression mapped to a join point
@AspectJ support
 • Style of declaring aspects as regular Java classes with
   Java 5 annotations
 • R
   Requires aspectjweaver and aspectjrt on th classpath
         i          tj         d       tj t  the l       th
 • Enabled by including the following information in the
   Spring configuration file:

<beans xmlns=""

Declaring an aspect
• A concern that cuts across multiple classses and layers

  @Aspect annotation         import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect;

  Any bean with a class
                             public class LoggingInterceptor
                                            gg g        p
 annotated as an aspect
       t t d             t   {
   will be automatically       // ...
   detected by Spring        }

 Regular bean definition
 pointing t a b
   i ti to bean class
                    l        <bean id="loggingInterceptor"
    with the @Aspect           class="no.uio.inf5750.interceptor.LoggingInterceptor"/>
Declaring a pointcut
• An expression mapped to a join point (method

                                        AspectJ pointcut expression that determines
                                           which method executions to intercept

     Indicated by the
    @P i t t annotation
                   t ti          @Aspect
                                 Public class LoggingInterceptor
                                   @Pointcut( "execution( * no.uio.inf5750.dao.*.*(..) )" )
                                   private void daoLayer() {}
Pointcut signature provided by
 a regular method definition
Pointcut expression pattern
• The execution pointcut designator is used most often

                                                            Method name.
  Pointcut                     Can use * to
                                                             Can use * to              Exception type.
 designator.                  match any type.
                                                            match any type.              Optional.
 Mandatory.                    Mandatory.

               designator( modifiers return-type declaring-type name(params) throws )
                   g     (                   yp          g yp       (p     )

                                                                              () = no params.
                                            Package and
                                            P k         d
               Public, private,                                          (..) = any nr of params.
                                            class name.
                etc. Optional.                                            (*,String) = one of any
                                                                            type, one of String.
Pointcut expression examples

        Any public method           execution( public * *(..) )

    Any public method defined
                                    execution( public * no.uio.inf5750.dao.*.*(..) )
       in the dao package

    Any method with a name
                                    execution( * save*(..) )
      beginning with save

    Any method defined by the
                                    execution( * no.uio.inf5750.dao.EventDAO.*(*) )
                                          i (        i i f5750 d E       DAO *(*)
EventDAO interface with one param
Declaring advice
• Implementation of concern represented as an interceptor
• Types
    – Before advice
    – After advice                                                  Provides access to the
                                                                current join point (target object,
    – Around advice                                           description of advised method, ect. )
                                                              d    i ti    f d i d       th d     t

  Before advice.       public class LoggingInterceptor
Executes before the    {
                         @Before( ”no.uio.inf5750.interceptor.LoggingInterceptor.daoLayer()” )
 matched method
          method.        public void intercept( JoinPoint joinPoint )
Declared using the       {
@Before annotation. ”Executing ” + joinPoint.getSignature().toShortString() );
After returning & throwing advice
After returning advice.   @Aspect
  Executes after the      public class LoggingInterceptor
matched method has        {
                            @AfterReturning( ”no.uio.inf5750.interceptor.LoggingInterceptor.daoLayer()” )
  returned normally.
            normally        public void i t
                               bli    id intercept( J i P i t j i P i t )
                                                 t( JoinPoint joinPoint
 Declared using the         {
  @AfterReturning     ”Executed successfully ” + joinPoint.getSignature().toShortString() );
      annotation.           }

After throwing advice.    public class LoggingInterceptor
  Executes after the      {
matched method has          @AfterThrowing( ”no.uio.inf5750.interceptor.LoggingInterceptor.daoLayer()” )
thrown an exception.        public void intercept( JoinPoint joinPoint )
   Declared using           {
                      ”Execution failed ” + joinPoint.getSignature().toShortString() );
Around advice
• Can do work both before and after the method executes
• Determines when, how and if the method is executed
                           public class LoggingInterceptor
                             @Around( ”
                             @A        d( ”no.uio.inf5750.interceptor.LoggingInterceptor.daoLayer()” )
                                               i i f5750 i t       t L    i I t       t d L          ()”
    Around advice.           public void intercept( ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint )
   The first parameter ”Executing ” + joinPoint.getSignature().toShortString() );
     must be of type
 ProceedingJoinPoint –          try
calling proceed() causes          joinPoint.proceed();
  the target method to          }
         execute.               catch ( Throwable t )
  Declared using the              log.error( t.getMessage() + ”: ” + joinPoint.getSignature().toShortString() );
 @Around annotation.              throw t;

                       ”Successfully executed ” + joinPoint.getSignature().toShortString() );
Accessing arguments
• The args binding form makes argument values available
  to the advice body
• A
  Argument name must correspond with advice method
           t          t         d ith d i       th d

   Makes the object       @Aspect
 argument available
    g                     public class LoggingInterceptor
  to the advice body      {
                            @Before( ”no.uio.inf5750.interceptor.LoggingInterceptor.daoLayer() and ” +
                               ”args( object, .. )” )
                            public void intercept( JoinPoint joinPoint, Object object )
                      ”Executing ” + joinPoint.getSignature().toShortString() +
 Will restrict matching           ” with argument ” + object.toString() );
 to methods declaring       }
at least one parameter
Accessing return values
• The returning binding form makes the return value
  available to the advice body
• R t
  Return value name must correspond with advice method
            l              t        d ith d i       th d

  Makes the object        @Aspect
    return value          public class LoggingInterceptor
  available to the        {
    advice body             @AfterReturning(
                               pointcut=”no.uio.inf5750.interceptor.LoggingInterceptor.daoLayer() ”,
                               returning=”object” )
                            public void intercept( JoinPoint joinPoint, Object object )
 Will restrict matching ”Executed ” + joinPoint.getSignature().toShortString() +
to methods returning a            ” with return value ” + object.toString() );
value of specified type
          Schema based support
• L t you d fi aspects using th aop namespace t
  Lets     define       t     i the           tags
  in the Spring configuration file

• Enabled by importing the Spring aop schema

• Pointcut expressions and advice types similar to

• Suitable when:
   – Y are unable to use J
     You        bl        Java 5
   – Prefer an XML based format
Declaring an aspect
• An aspect is a regular Java object defined as a bean in
  the Spring context

 All configuration inside
an <aop:config> element

                              <aop:aspect id=”logging” ref=”loggingInterceptor”>
 Aspect declared using
   p                    g
   the <aop:aspect>           </aop:aspect>
element. Backing bean       </aop:config>
      is referenced
  with the ref attribute.

                            <bean id="loggingInterceptor"

Regular bean definition
Declaring a pointcut
• Pointcut expressions are similar to @AspectJ
• A pointcut can be shared across advice

Pointcut declared inside
 <aop:config> element
       using the           <aop:config>
<aop:pointcut> element
                             <aop:pointcut id=”daoLayer”
                             <aop pointc t id ”daoLa er”
                               expression="execution( * no.uio.inf5750.dao.*.*(..) )”/>

 Can also be defined
   inside aspects
Declaring advice
  Before advice.       <aop:aspect id=”logging” ref=”loggingInterceptor”>

                         <aop:before pointcut-ref=”daoLayer” method=”intercept”/>
Declared inside an
     aspect            </aop:aspect>

                               Refers to pointcut                       Refers to advising method

                       public class LoggingInterceptor
Advice is a regular    {
    Java class           public void intercept( JoinPoint joinPoint )
                            // Do some useful intercepting work
Declaring advice
                          <aop:aspect id=”logging” ref=”loggingInterceptor”>

After returning advice      <aop:after-returning pointcut-ref=”daoLayer” method=”intercept”/>


                          <aop:aspect id=”logging” ref=”loggingInterceptor”>

After throwing advice       <aop:after-throwing pointcut-ref=”daoLayer” method=”intercept”/>


                          <aop:aspect id=”logging” ref=”loggingInterceptor”>

   Around advice            <aop:around pointcut-ref=”daoLayer” method=”intercept”/>

AOP - Transaction Management
                              public i
                                bli interface T
                                         f    TransactionManager
                                                      i M
  TransactionManager          {
       interface                public void enter();
                                public void abort();
                                public void leave();

Transaction management        public interface TransactionInterceptor
    implemented with          {
      around advice             @Around( ”execution( public no.uio.inf5750.dao.*.*(..) )” ) // In-line pointcut
                                public void intercept( ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint )
                                                    g         ();
   Enters transaction
before method invocation           try
  Aborts and rolls back            catch ( Throwable t )
transaction if method fails        {
                                     throw t;
 Leaves transaction if
method completes norm.             transactionManager.leave();
@AspectJ or Schema based?
• Advantages of schema style
   – Can be used with any JDK level
   – Clearer which aspects are present in the system

• Advantages of @AspectJ style
   – One single unit where information is encapsulated for an aspect
   – Possible to combine named pointcuts
   – Can be understood by AspectJ – easy to migrate later
• Key components in AOP are aspect, pointcut, join point,
  and advice

• AOP lets you encapsulate functionality that affects
  multiple classes in an interceptor

• Advantages of AOP:
   – Promotes separation of concern
   – Promotes code reuse and modularization
   – Promotes loosely coupled design
• The Spring reference documentation - Chapter 6

• AOP example code
   – www ifi uio no/INF5750/h07/undervisningsplan xml

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Aspect oriented programming_with_spring

  • 2. Problem area • How to modularize concerns that span multiple classes and layers? • Examples of cross-cutting concerns: – Transaction management – Logging – Profiling – Security – Internationalisation
  • 3. Logging: A naive approach public class HibernateEventDAO { Retrieving log p private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog( HibernateEventDAO.class ); g g g yg g( instance public Integer saveEvent( Event event ) { ”Executing saveEvent( Event ) with argument + ” event.toString() ); Logging method executions Session session = sessionManager.getCurrentSession(); return (Integer) event ); } public Event getEvent( Integer id ) { ”Executing getEvent( int )” ); Session session = sessionManager.getCurrentSession(); return (Event) session.get( Event.class, id ); }
  • 4. Logging: A naive approach Invokes methods on the DAOs EventManager Service layer (method invocation) DAOs perform both logging and persistence operations PersonDAO EventDAO Persistence layer
  • 5. Shortcomings of naive approach • Mixes persistence and logging functionality – Violates the principle of separation of concerns – Increases complexity • Involves repetition of code – Violates the DRY principle – Makes it difficult to change • Couples the LogFactory to the HibernateEventDAO – Prevents loosely coupled design – Makes re-use and testing problematic
  • 6. Logging: The AOP approach EventManager Service layer (method invocation) Intercepts method invocations and performs logging AOP interceptor DAOs perform persistence only PersonDAO EventDAO Persistence layer
  • 7. Advantages of AOP approach • Separates persistence and logging functionality – The logging concern taken care of by the interceptor – Decreases complexity • Promotes code reuse and modularization – The AOP interceptor is used by all methods in the DAOs – Makes it easier to change • Decouples the LogFactory from the DAO impl’s – The HibernateEventDAO is unaware of being logged – Makes re-use and testing simple
  • 8. Aspect Oriented Programming • Definition: Enables encapsulation of functionality that affects multiple classes in separate units • Complements object oriented programming • Most popular implementation for Java is AspectJ – Aspect oriented extension for Java – Available as Eclipse plugin and standalone IDE
  • 10. AOP with Spring • The AOP framework is a key component of Spring • Ai Aims at providing i t t idi integration b t ti between AOP and I C d IoC • Integrates – but doesn’t compete – with AspectJ doesn t • Provides two techniques for defining aspects: – @AspectJ annotation – XML schema-based
  • 11. AOP concepts • Aspect – A concern that cuts across multiple classes and layers • Join point – A method invocation during t e e ecut o o a p og a et od ocat o du g the execution of program • Advice – An implementation of a concern represented as an interceptor • Pointcut – An expression mapped to a join point
  • 12. @AspectJ support • Style of declaring aspects as regular Java classes with Java 5 annotations • R Requires aspectjweaver and aspectjrt on th classpath i tj d tj t the l th • Enabled by including the following information in the Spring configuration file: <beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:aop="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <aop:aspectj-autoproxy/>
  • 13. Declaring an aspect • A concern that cuts across multiple classses and layers @Aspect annotation import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect; @Aspect Any bean with a class p public class LoggingInterceptor gg g p annotated as an aspect t t d t { will be automatically // ... detected by Spring } Regular bean definition pointing t a b i ti to bean class l <bean id="loggingInterceptor" with the @Aspect class="no.uio.inf5750.interceptor.LoggingInterceptor"/> annotation
  • 14. Declaring a pointcut • An expression mapped to a join point (method invocation) AspectJ pointcut expression that determines which method executions to intercept Indicated by the @Pointcut @P i t t annotation t ti @Aspect Public class LoggingInterceptor { @Pointcut( "execution( * no.uio.inf5750.dao.*.*(..) )" ) private void daoLayer() {} Pointcut signature provided by a regular method definition
  • 15. Pointcut expression pattern • The execution pointcut designator is used most often Method name. Pointcut Can use * to Can use * to Exception type. designator. match any type. match any type. Optional. Mandatory. Mandatory. Mandatory. designator( modifiers return-type declaring-type name(params) throws ) g ( yp g yp (p ) () = no params. Package and P k d Public, private, (..) = any nr of params. class name. etc. Optional. (*,String) = one of any Optional. type, one of String.
  • 16. Pointcut expression examples Any public method execution( public * *(..) ) Any public method defined execution( public * no.uio.inf5750.dao.*.*(..) ) in the dao package Any method with a name execution( * save*(..) ) beginning with save Any method defined by the execution( * no.uio.inf5750.dao.EventDAO.*(*) ) i ( i i f5750 d E DAO *(*) EventDAO interface with one param
  • 17. Declaring advice • Implementation of concern represented as an interceptor • Types – Before advice – After advice Provides access to the current join point (target object, – Around advice description of advised method, ect. ) d i ti f d i d th d t @Aspect Before advice. public class LoggingInterceptor Executes before the { @Before( ”no.uio.inf5750.interceptor.LoggingInterceptor.daoLayer()” ) matched method method. public void intercept( JoinPoint joinPoint ) Declared using the { @Before annotation. ”Executing ” + joinPoint.getSignature().toShortString() ); }
  • 18. After returning & throwing advice After returning advice. @Aspect Executes after the public class LoggingInterceptor matched method has { @AfterReturning( ”no.uio.inf5750.interceptor.LoggingInterceptor.daoLayer()” ) returned normally. normally public void i t bli id intercept( J i P i t j i P i t ) t( JoinPoint joinPoint Declared using the { @AfterReturning ”Executed successfully ” + joinPoint.getSignature().toShortString() ); annotation. } @Aspect After throwing advice. public class LoggingInterceptor Executes after the { matched method has @AfterThrowing( ”no.uio.inf5750.interceptor.LoggingInterceptor.daoLayer()” ) thrown an exception. public void intercept( JoinPoint joinPoint ) Declared using { ”Execution failed ” + joinPoint.getSignature().toShortString() ); @AfterThrowing. }
  • 19. Around advice • Can do work both before and after the method executes • Determines when, how and if the method is executed @Aspect public class LoggingInterceptor { @Around( ” @A d( ”no.uio.inf5750.interceptor.LoggingInterceptor.daoLayer()” ) i i f5750 i t t L i I t t d L ()” Around advice. public void intercept( ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint ) { The first parameter ”Executing ” + joinPoint.getSignature().toShortString() ); must be of type ProceedingJoinPoint – try { calling proceed() causes joinPoint.proceed(); the target method to } execute. catch ( Throwable t ) { Declared using the log.error( t.getMessage() + ”: ” + joinPoint.getSignature().toShortString() ); @Around annotation. throw t; } ”Successfully executed ” + joinPoint.getSignature().toShortString() ); }
  • 20. Accessing arguments • The args binding form makes argument values available to the advice body • A Argument name must correspond with advice method t t d ith d i th d signature Makes the object @Aspect argument available g public class LoggingInterceptor to the advice body { @Before( ”no.uio.inf5750.interceptor.LoggingInterceptor.daoLayer() and ” + ”args( object, .. )” ) public void intercept( JoinPoint joinPoint, Object object ) { ”Executing ” + joinPoint.getSignature().toShortString() + Will restrict matching ” with argument ” + object.toString() ); to methods declaring } at least one parameter
  • 21. Accessing return values • The returning binding form makes the return value available to the advice body • R t Return value name must correspond with advice method l t d ith d i th d signature Makes the object @Aspect return value public class LoggingInterceptor available to the { advice body @AfterReturning( pointcut=”no.uio.inf5750.interceptor.LoggingInterceptor.daoLayer() ”, returning=”object” ) public void intercept( JoinPoint joinPoint, Object object ) { Will restrict matching ”Executed ” + joinPoint.getSignature().toShortString() + to methods returning a ” with return value ” + object.toString() ); } value of specified type
  • 22. Schema-based Schema based support • L t you d fi aspects using th aop namespace t Lets define t i the tags in the Spring configuration file • Enabled by importing the Spring aop schema • Pointcut expressions and advice types similar to @AspectJ • Suitable when: – Y are unable to use J You bl Java 5 – Prefer an XML based format
  • 23. Declaring an aspect • An aspect is a regular Java object defined as a bean in the Spring context All configuration inside an <aop:config> element <aop:config> <aop:aspect id=”logging” ref=”loggingInterceptor”> Aspect declared using p g the <aop:aspect> </aop:aspect> element. Backing bean </aop:config> is referenced with the ref attribute. <bean id="loggingInterceptor" class="no.uio.inf5750.interceptor.LoggingInterceptor"/> Regular bean definition
  • 24. Declaring a pointcut • Pointcut expressions are similar to @AspectJ • A pointcut can be shared across advice Pointcut declared inside <aop:config> element using the <aop:config> <aop:pointcut> element <aop:pointcut id=”daoLayer” <aop pointc t id ”daoLa er” expression="execution( * no.uio.inf5750.dao.*.*(..) )”/> </aop:config> Can also be defined inside aspects
  • 25. Declaring advice Before advice. <aop:aspect id=”logging” ref=”loggingInterceptor”> <aop:before pointcut-ref=”daoLayer” method=”intercept”/> Declared inside an aspect. aspect </aop:aspect> Refers to pointcut Refers to advising method public class LoggingInterceptor Advice is a regular { Java class public void intercept( JoinPoint joinPoint ) { // Do some useful intercepting work } }
  • 26. Declaring advice <aop:aspect id=”logging” ref=”loggingInterceptor”> After returning advice <aop:after-returning pointcut-ref=”daoLayer” method=”intercept”/> </aop:aspect> <aop:aspect id=”logging” ref=”loggingInterceptor”> After throwing advice <aop:after-throwing pointcut-ref=”daoLayer” method=”intercept”/> </aop:aspect> <aop:aspect id=”logging” ref=”loggingInterceptor”> Around advice <aop:around pointcut-ref=”daoLayer” method=”intercept”/> </aop:aspect>
  • 27. AOP - Transaction Management public i bli interface T f TransactionManager i M TransactionManager { interface public void enter(); public void abort(); p public void leave(); (); @Aspect Transaction management public interface TransactionInterceptor implemented with { around advice @Around( ”execution( public no.uio.inf5750.dao.*.*(..) )” ) // In-line pointcut public void intercept( ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint ) { transactionManager.enter(); g (); Enters transaction before method invocation try { joinPoint.proceed(); } Aborts and rolls back catch ( Throwable t ) transaction if method fails { transactionManager.abort(); throw t; } Leaves transaction if method completes norm. transactionManager.leave();
  • 28. @AspectJ or Schema based? Schema-based? • Advantages of schema style – Can be used with any JDK level – Clearer which aspects are present in the system • Advantages of @AspectJ style – One single unit where information is encapsulated for an aspect – Possible to combine named pointcuts – Can be understood by AspectJ – easy to migrate later
  • 29. Summary • Key components in AOP are aspect, pointcut, join point, and advice • AOP lets you encapsulate functionality that affects multiple classes in an interceptor • Advantages of AOP: – Promotes separation of concern – Promotes code reuse and modularization – Promotes loosely coupled design
  • 30. References • The Spring reference documentation - Chapter 6 – • AOP example code – www ifi uio no/INF5750/h07/undervisningsplan xml