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As a Man Thinketh:
So is He
0.0 Abstract
Given the relativity model of humans, RMH as L = 1/A F2
the attempt is made to establish the
fact of the agape constant, F. It is observed that to be optimized, F and become fully human, L
therefore, it would be sufficient to resolve anxiety, A. To corroborate this observation, the
thought pattern, f0 is observed as the sum of the index of objectivity, f0b with the index of the
human-power resource quality, HpRQ for f0 = 0.5 + f0H; where f0b = 0.5 and the HpRQ index,
f0H is evaluated as f0H = f0J / f0F. Then for an optimum thought pattern, objectivity would be
given as a constant, and it would suffice to optimize f0H. To further corroborate both
observations, at the threshold of the optimization path where the human heredity perturbation,
HdT is resolved, the accompanied capacity to resolve identities, IdT would induce happiness,
HpN for HdT = HpN. And at the benchmark where the HpRQ index, f0H is finally resolved,
happiness would equate joy for HpN = JoY where JoY = f0H. The data is presented below:
Moreover at the benchmark, subjects are observed as consistently reliable, albeit at low values
according to their performances, while at the threshold reliability is observed as inconsistent.
And women in general would be all wombs and no mind, being more intuitive, Pc than rational,
Rn; until they are done with babies, when the mind becomes active. It would be interesting to
observe this latter phenomenon in the character of the data, so that more women are observed to
be better intuitive and worse rational in the crowd, which is not the kernel purpose of this work;
which purpose has been a response to the thorny quandary of, what is man? See data below:
Agape Consultants
8, De-Bangler Street
Gboko, Nigeria
Peter Anyebe
Two, 2 instruments have been derived that include the identity kit, Id-K which measures thought
as behavioral, f0H and the signal detection model, SdM that measures behavior as objectivity at
thought, f0b. While the SdM predicts the intangible features of spirit and soul that include Pc,
Rn and √n; the Id-K predicts the more tangible f0b and f0H better, in demonstration of the twist
of contradiction that characterizes nature. The twist is also reenacted in the instruments, so that
the Id-K is fundamentally mental and the SdM, behavioral. To resolve the contradiction therefore
both instruments are coupled, to derive the data presented in this work.
Learning would be at the heart of the optimization into objectivity, f0b and the HpRQ index,
f0H which learning psychology has tagged as a none-or-all event. This implies that the ten, 10
subjects used to derive the models, would suffice. And to confirm the operation of the models,
the seven, 7 other subjects plus the three, 3 carried over from the first group, would also suffice.
The subjects are deliberately selected to reenact the inherent character of the SdM presented in
this work, which requires the administration of any one, 1 of the battery of tests that psychology
has developed, ten, 10 times, on every subject. Ten, 10 different tests could also be used,
according to the nature of the tests. The thrust is to derive beta, β as the number of events that are
correct and alpha, α as the events that are wrong, so that β + α = 10. Recall that the strength of a
chain is tested at its weakest link.
Finally, in line with the above dictum humans are reduced into a single value, NtG that measures
the human response to death, at the appearance of which death all human defenses crumble like
a pack of cards. R. B. Cattell has described a human nature into which people adjust which
adjustment, AdJ is evaluated in this work as the ratio of the number of truths that the soul has
gathered, following optimization, SXi’ on the number that mind has gathered that requires
optimization, SXi for AdJ = SXi’ / SXi where AdJ < 1. He also distinguished between the human
nature and its function, into which function people adapt, and which adaptation, AdT is
evaluated in this work as the ratio of the processes by which soul functions, which processes
would have been optimized, PF’ on the processes by which mind functions, which would
require optimization, PF for AdT = PF’ / PF where AdT < 1.
Then the integration of nature and its function, NtG is
evaluated on the optimization model as insert, right. The data is
also presented below, the first for model derivation and the second for model confirmation:
NtG = 0.71 / NtG,
NtG = (½(AdJ + AdT)) / √2
At the threshold where heredity is resolved, but where optimization is not based on the derivation
of the life-purpose or its analogue, people die. In the presence of any one, 1 of the life-purpose or
its analogue however, optimization would continue up to the benchmark, where soul is birthed at
maturity. In both cases, soul is severed, at death. But while the first death is physical and
involves the loss of protoplasm to decay, the second is the death to self, where soul is severed, to
locate above principalities and powers. In this latter case protoplasm is optimized, to function
with soul, spirit and mind at the minimum of level-10 consciousness, X10. On the average, most
humans would function on or below level-4 consciousness, X4 for X ≤ 4. Equivalently, the scores
on the SdM would be beta ≤ 6 and beta ≥ 10, respectively. For beta ≥ 10 the number of
administration of the tests, N is increased accordingly. The SdM is presented, as well as the
adjustments, where mF is the measure of faith and SkG is the skill gap:
If Beta > 10 Then
SkG = 0.0005
SkG = 0.005
End If
If Beta > 10 Then
mF = X / N
mF = X / 15
End If
SkG = 0.005: for mere mortals who think within the box
SkG = 0.0005: for creative minorities who think outside the box
x 2 ( )
SXi =
β = Correct Responses
α = Wrong Responses
10 = Number of Events
Sxi = Soul Mass
It is concluded that with the typical human system, if the strategic features that give it being have
been correctly identified, the output, L would be given and for optimization, F it would suffice to
focus on the input, A for L = F2
, A = F2
. Then the optimization process, F would also be given
and effort, A would be the square function of what is desired, L. Thus as square function, the item
that defines the input, A or effort, A would actually include the nature and function features, both
of which would make equal contributions. And the function would be given, being constant.
1.0 Preamble
This work is about the optimization of the human-power resource quality, HpRQ. The approach
is based on the conception of reality at the two, 2 levels that include the superficial where
appearances are dominant and the deep, or what physics has referred to as the quantum. Thus,
change at the superficial level would be rooted in the quantum, the depth from which all
appearances are controlled. Following Einstein‟s energy model, e = mc2
at the depth of the
quantum, the common phenomenon that binds all things would be energy, e and mass, m would
reign supreme at the superficial world of appearances. Then the appropriate link to the quantum
would be required, to influence the needed change in appearances. The core links invoked in this
work are summarized in the series below:
Thus the thought pattern, f0 would be basis to evaluate the measure of faith, mF which f0 would
be determined by the four, 4 strategic features listed on the left. And given the attitude, the BHI
would be determined, as evident in the measures of the other four, 4 features in the series. While
f0 is superficial, mF is deep. But for an accurate evaluation of f0, the attitude, which attitude is
deep, would have to be invoked, according to its effects on the BHI that is superficial. The four,
4 strategic features that make phenomena tick actually outline the natural order, N-O that in this
work is adopted from the duality series in operations research outlined above, right of the series.
Then given the attitude, which would be reflected in how appropriately thought has been
patterned, the items would be selected and located uniquely according to the N-O. The attitude
model is presented below, left:
And by the BHI if the items have been
correctly identified, the correlation between
the two, 2 inner items 1 and 2 would tend towards a zero for r1 → 0, while the correlation
between the two, 2 outer items 3 and 4 would tend towards a unity for r2 → 1. The evaluation of
the BHI is presented above, insert right. Objectivity measures the approximation of the N-O and
ScT indicates that the whole spectrum of what could be known about the phenomenon involved
in the analysis is traversed, from which pool of information the strategic four, 4 items are
identified. All of the five, 5 items define the measure of faith. Ultimately, faith, F is presented as
the link between the superficial and the deep. It connects spirit, mind and soul with protoplasm.
3. Self-Containment, ScT
2. Attitude, AtT 6. Measure of Faith, mF
1. Bill of Health Index, BHI 5. Thought pattern, f0
4. Objectivity, f0b
3. Maxima, F1
2. Minimax, L1 6.A2
1. Maximin, L2 5. A1
4. Minima, F2
A2 = √((F2 x ) / L2) A1
BHI = √ (BCI x VCI),
BCI = 2 - r1
VCI = 1 / VCI2
VCI2 = 1 - 1 / VCI1
VCI1 = 2 – r2
If VCI1 = 1 Then
VCI2 = 1
VCI2 = 1 - 1 / VCI1
End If
2.0 The Human Heritage
Humanity is conceptualized as faith-personalities, F defined uniquely by the agape constant, F
which F is constant for all humans at a value of F = 1.05 ± 0.02, but also variable for every
person, according to the „center of construction of their universe‟. This implies that all humans
have the capacity to approximate the objective center, which approximation would then be the
common human heritage.
Recall Sôrén Kierkegaard that every person is at the „center of construction of their universe‟,
which center is unique for everybody, although it could coincide with the objective center for
some people. It is at the objective center that the value of F = 1.05 ± 0.02 would be obtained.
This is an optimum value, with F = 0.4 as threshold and F = 1.34 as benchmark, although values
could reach F = 2.0. For merit, the optimum value of F = 1.05 would have to be derived. For
flukes, it is sufficient that values range between the threshold of F = 0.4 and the optimum.
Frauds would score below the threshold. They would not have accumulated „the firewood of this
world‟ in sufficient quantity, but would desire the accompanied compensation. Recall Chinua
Achebe in the dialogue credited to Obierika the wise crack, in the novel titled Things Fall Apart
that, the firewood of this world is for only those who can take heart, that is why not all can gather
it. It is the inability to take heart, f0 that translates into the inability to gather the firewood of this
world, f0F equivalently; both of which result in the unique location, PF of each person at the
center of construction of their universe, kG. While kG is the Kierkegaard factor, f0 measures the
thought pattern, f0F is measure of subjectivity and PF is the capacity to think outside the box.
Because humans are potentially constants, every person would be able to make the choice
between objectivity, ObJ and subjectivity, SbJ formally as follows:
ObJ' = √ ((ObJ x SbJ) / (SbJ / ObJ))
SbJ' = √ ((ObJ x SbJ) × ( SbJ / ObJ))
To make the right choice however would require that the person resolves their identity, IdT up to
the minimum value of IdT = 0.48, where it coincides with the measure of heredity, HdT which
heredity would be objective for HdT = ObJ. Formally:
IdT = (½ (HdT + UbG)) / √2,
HdT = √ (½ (√f0 x f0F6
UbG = f0F
Then for HdT = 0.48 and f0F = 0.87, identity and heredity would be equal, at IdT = HdT. To not
merely make the right choice but to also fulfill it, a higher level of resolution of the human
heritage would be required. This would define the higher benchmark case, where upbringing or
These relations are true for any 2 numbers. The difference between
both relations is the division sign that connects the 2 halves of the
first; which sign changes into a multiplication, for the second.
subjectivity, SbJ = 0.93 and heredity or objectivity, ObJ = 0.939
= 0.52 for a relationship between
ObJ and SbJ that is represented by ObJ = SbJ9
, in typical Markov Chain fashion. In general, the
heritage model would be presented as follows:
ObJ' = (½ (ObJ + SbJ)) / √2
Then the human heritage would be, to approximate the objective center of construction of the
universe, uniquely. This would be achieved by learning, LnG at which information, SXi is first
gathered as the mass of soul, SXi to discretize knowledge. After which the mass would be
streamlined into the required processes, PF according to the purpose that is to be achieved. This
is akin to the gestation that characterizes human reproduction, where fission and cell division
precedes the fusion that builds the body parts and organs. Learning is evaluated as what is left,
after the percentage skill gap, SkG is subtracted from a unity. Formally:
LnG = 1 – 100SkG
This places a limit, to demand that a certain minimum value of the skill gap is achieved, if the
value of learning is not to be negative. The value of the skill gap, which value is a fraction, must
be preceded by two, 2 zeros. Recall the rule of thumb that 90% of the times, what people worry
about do not happen. And 5% of the times, the person would usually be capable to resolve the
anxiety. This would imply that 5% of the times, someone out there would be able to resolve the
jinx. Then 5% of the information, SXI that people need would be at their disposal, and another
5% at the disposal of their acquaintances, to leave the 90% that remains to the sacred. Recall also
that at the statistical confidence limit of 0.05, 95% of the required information would have been
covered, to indicate how much of protoplasm has been transcended. At 0.0005 therefore, 99.95%
would have been covered, which would be an indication of the level of spirituality. Then to
transcend mind, for mind over matter, it would suffice for two, 2 zeros to precede the integer, for
a confidence limit of 0.005 that indicates 99.5% information coverage. Recall finally that at four,
4 standard deviations, 4σ on the normal curve, 0.9998 or 99.98% information would have been
derived, at a 0.02 confidence limit. Physics derived the fine structure constant, α for α =
0.007298, to define the basis for intelligent life in the universe. In this work the factorF, FF is
presented as basis for spiritual life in the universe, for F = 0.000851064. The optimum value of
the skill gap is evaluated as the square-root of both features. Formally:
SkG = √ (factorF × alpha),
= 0.0025
Then at this score, the person would be learned, 75% to define the threshold of relevance, RLV.
And learning would be purely mental, but requires that protoplasm is transcended and spirit
activated, for mind over matter. Recall that the sacred is spirit and accounts for 90% of the
information that people need. Then given sufficient information, three, 3 imprints would occur,
first on the brain for a clear mental picture or imagery, ImG then on the heart, as character, C
and on the soul as consciousness, X and the sub-conscious, X’. Imagery triggers procedure that
when followed imprints character, which character triggers process that when applied imprints
behavior, √n on the soul as consciousness for motivated responses to stimuli. When information
is rationalized, Rn for Rn = F√n and not merely intuitive, Pc for √n = 1/C Pc2
behavior would be
imprinted as sub-conscious memory, for automated responses to stimuli. Like the agape constant,
F all responses, RES would be appropriate, RGT for RES = RGT, but absolute values would
vary uniquely, to the extent of the person‟s learning and approximation of the objective center of
construction of the universe. Then like the skill gap, productivity, XtY is also evaluated as the
square-root of both the response and its appropriateness. Formally:
XtY = √ (RES x RGT)
A sample data is presented insert, right:
Similarly, all humans are endowed with the
minimum capacity to sample stimuli, for
which sampling, motive would be required.
In the same specific way that merits, flukes
and frauds, are differentiated for variability
despite the universal minimum capacities for
the choice of responses to stimuli, in general,
human limitations have reduced performance
from the achievement of expectations to the attainment of what can be done and what will be
done. Then motive is evaluated as the ratio of the-can, on the-ought. As with the heritage model,
given the consistency that characterizes merit, the ratio would yield what can be done. The data
is also presented insert, right:
For the four, 4 values that represent the pair of what can be
attained on the heart and health sets, when each is divided by
0.9998 that defines the ought, the mantissa is returned. Fourthly
the responses to stimuli require the emotion, for which all
humans are also adequately endowed. Love is reduced into the
two, 2 skills that include need clarification, N-C and need
satisfaction, N-S both of which would be required for responses.
N-C is fulfilled with scores that are above the minimum of
twenty-one, 21 for the system of values, Xi at Xi ≤ 21 for all the
subjects. And for N-S, the minimum of 0.007298 for the fine
structure constant is satisfied. The data is presented below:
0.99 0.99 0.98
0.98 0.98 0.98
0.84 0.86 0.82
0.85 0.87 0.84
0.89 0.9 0.87
0.83 0.84 0.81
0.58 0.59 0.57
0.33 0.3 0.36
0.86 0.88 0.85
1.0 1.0 1.0
Pc' Rn' √n' Fc
1.63 2.29 2.0 1.05
1.67 2.37 2.06 1.05
3.03 4.92 4.06 1.07
2.09 3.16 2.68 1.06
1.99 2.98 2.54 1.06
2.94 4.76 3.94 1.07
2.12 3.21 2.72 1.06
2.3 3.56 2.99 1.07
3.22 5.28 4.35 1.07
1.61 2.25 1.96 1.05
Health Heart Set Set
0.99503 0.9677 0.9921 0.99483
0.57723 0.5525 0.5755 0.57712
0.37783 0.3616 0.3767 0.37775
0.84062 0.8046 0.8381 0.84046
0.78319 0.7496 0.7808 0.78303
0.34614 0.3313 0.3451 0.34607
0.33793 0.3234 0.3369 0.33787
0.34903 0.3341 0.348 0.34896
0.36298 0.3474 0.3619 0.36291
0.95001 1.0136 0.9472 0.94982
By virtue of the agape constant, F and its variable variant that
define the universal capacity to make the connection between
the stimulus and response, as well as the capacity for choice
that is expressed at stimulus sampling and the responses to
stimuli; any observed deficiencies among humans would be
attributed to difficulties with learning, which difficulties
would be attitudinal. To make the appropriate connection
between the stimulus and response the requirement would be
the objective interpretation of the stimulus. For strategic
reasons this capacity would be evident in the thought pattern,
f0 and would translate into the value of the skill shortage, StG.
Thus while both values are uniform for all subjects at 0.5, the
other seven, 7 related features on the table below return the
same scores for only those who have been observed to be
consistent. The data is presented below:
Recall that f0 = f0b + f0H where f0b = 0.5. Then at f0 = 0.5, the other half would be accounted
for by StG = 0.5. While f0H is the index of the human-power resource quality, HpRQ StG is skill
shortage. To further establish the thesis presented above, the data for the measure of reliability,
RLT is represented below, the derivation is also presented following:
The inputs to the data that include, beta, β and alpha, α are derived on the signal detection model,
Pf VRT' N-S' N-C'
6.35 0.77 0.9977 27.96
5.73 0,80 0.9977 27.19
2.01 0.93 0.9973 23.37
3.1 . 0.89 0.9974 24.42
4.62 0.84 0.9976 25.92
1.97 0.93 0.9973 23.3
2.40 0.92 0.9973 23.72
2.30 0.92 0.9973 23.12
2.03 0.93 0.9973 23.38
7.20 0.75 0.9978 29.08
SdM presented below the derivation of reliability:
Beta measures the number of correct responses and Alpha the number of wrong responses, on ten,
10 administrations of any one, 1 of the battery of signal detection tests that are available, for
Beta + Alpha = 10. The subjects for the data presented in this work were originally evaluated on
the identity kit, Id-K. They were deliberately selected to match the inverse of the best case with
the SdM, so that only the first is consistent and the other nine, 9 are inconsistent; except for the
last subject whose data was adjusted to fit the theory, to corroborate the first. Their scores on SXi
were reconstructed, to derive beta and alpha, for the purpose of the evaluation of reliability
presented above. It is Sxi that links the SdM and the Id-K. While SXi is the focus of the SdM,
the facto-PF is the main thrust of the Id-K. They are connected by the model presented below:
PF = √ ((SXi + 1) / Xi),
Xi = (1 / (1 - X/15)) + 1
X = Ln SXi
SXi measures the mass of soul, S in terms of the number of truths that have been gathered at the
learning process, to define the human size, uniquely. And X measures the level of consciousness,
to point forward to compensation in terms of the monetized return on investment, ROI. Recall
that PF measures thought outside the box to define location and points backwards, to the
resolution of the subjectivity, f0F limitation associated with ignorance, naivety and poverty; as
well as the analogous sickness, aging and death. Both sets of features would be rooted in the
attitude to the losses of spirit and sustenance as well as language at Eden and Babel respectively.
Then the bane of humanity would involve the recovery of spirit, SXi language, PF and thereafter,
sustenance in terms of the ROI. Ordinarily the ROI is evaluated as the monetary equivalent of
the unit of return on investment, ROI. It is conceptualized in this work to measure the unit cost of
production, for providing a service. It would therefore be sufficient start-up capital for new
ventures. Both models are presented below:
By Christian parlance, following Jesus Christ, "It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits
nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life”; John, 663
. SXi is therefore
conceptualized as the measure of spirit, according to the number of truths accumulated. A
shortage would therefore create singe, to cause sickness, aging and death. The skill shortage, StG
is optimum at StG = 0.4 and for consistency, the threshold of StG = 0.22 would have to be
attained, for relevance, RLV of RLV = 0.75.
Relevance, RLV is evaluated as presented below, where Pk measures conduct and Po, the
behavior pattern:
RLV = √ (L x A),
L = ⅓ (2Pk + 1)
A = 1/100 (SXi – 2)
Pk = 5√(½(f0 + Po)) / √2
Jesus also described Himself as “the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father
except through Me”; John, 146
. When the appropriate truths are chosen, to derive the six, 6 item
standard procedure and four, 4 item strategic process, the paths, PF operationalize the
knowledge of wisdom, following which, “there is a prospect, And your hope will not be cut off”;
Proverbs, 2414
. The natural order, N-O would have been reconstructed, to approximate the
ROI = Profit / ROI,
Profit = Revenue – Costs
ROI = Revenue / Costs
ROI = 10kG
kG = X / 0.95
Recall that kG is the Kierkegaard factor
f0F = 1 / BHI' × XF2
BHI' = 2ScT x √2
XF = 1 / 100 (72 + PF)
XF = 0.73 / XF
f0F = 0.71 / f0F
objective center of
construction of the
universe, in recovery
of language; to avoid
clogs and the related sickness, aging and death, like the singe. PF and SXi are basis to categorize
the workforce in particular and humans in general, as insert, above:
Recall Alfred Toynbee‟s conception of the cycle of civilizations, following which civilizations rise
and fall with creative minorities, who resolve thorny issues to make civilizations rise and that
could make the civilizations fall when the minorities are not available to resolve the crises.
Recall also Alfred Pareto in the 80-20 rule, by which 80% of the work in organizations would be
done by 20% of the personnel. Thirdly, recall that 99% of the earth‟s value has been observed to
be generated by 1% of humanity. The 1% constitutes the three, 3 and four, 4 talenters. They have
originated ideas, and run with same. The two, 2 talenters have also originated ideas, but which
ideas are run by others. Five, 5 talenters constitute the creative minorities, who sanitize the
environment, to ensure security and sustenance. They would usually have found and fulfilled
their life-purpose. The 2, 3 and 4 talenters would not have fulfilled the idea that would have been
associated with their life-purpose, but an idea, according to the needs of society. To find the idea,
it would be necessary to approximate the objective center of construction of the universe,
represented in this work by the natural order, N-O. Then the person‟s measure of reliability, RLT
would approximate a unity, at about 0.98, to indicate that the four, 4 standard deviations, 4σ on
the normal curve have been traversed, for whole spectrum knowledge.
3.0 Optimization
To be reliable, motive, MtV would need to be rooted in love, L. In general two, 2 emotions can
be observed that include love and fear, according to the person‟s responses to the anger, failure
and frustrations that are associated with the ignorance, naivety and poverty that accompany
sickness, ageing and death; all of which are rooted in the loss of spirit, language and sustenance.
To evaluate reliability love is
incorporated in the measure as
F’’’ = CCC / CsY, which is a
specific case of the general model,
L = A Fn
for Fn
= L / A where L =
CCC is the expected measure of
consistency, CsY and CsY = A
would then be the actual measure. Motive is incorporated in the measure by the relation RLT = F’
/ kG’, where F‟ defines the potential as what can be done, while kG‟ is expectations, according to
what ought to be done. Recall that people, F ought to approximate the Kierkegaard center of
3. e5
= 148 < SXi < e6
= 403, 1%ter
2. e4
= 55 < SXi < e5
= 148, 20%ter
1. SXi < e4
= 55, 80%ter
4. SXi > e6
= 403, Creative Minorities
3. 28 < PF < 30, 4-Talenter
2. 10 < PF < 28, 3-Talenter
1. PF < 10, 2-Talenter
4. PF > 30, 5-Talenter
Fear Love, (Emotions)
Wickedness Hard-work Truth, (Motives)
Anger Passion Compassion
: Sickness, Ageing, Death
: Spirit, Language, Sustenance
construction of the universe, kG. Then according to the location of motive on the love-fear
continuum, beliefs and values, as well as momentum would be determined, as presented on the
diagram insert, right above: By this diagram the features at the top of the blue arrow, which blue
arrow represents the love-fear continuum, are reflections and therefore images of those at the
bottom. Then the momentum, for success at work, would usually be accumulated at the cost of
health; which would lead to aging and subsequently death, to the extent that sin is not resolved.
Learning provides the opportunity to resolve sin. It progresses through three, 3 phases as
outlined below and formalized by the diagram, insert right, as well as the relation that follows:
Conscience is resolved,
Imagery is clarified and
Identity is recovered
Recall from the heritage model presented earlier in this work that the upbringing, UbG process is
fundamentally subjective. Then self would be lost when objectivity, ObJ overwrites subjectivity,
SbJ as represented below:
ObJ' = (½ (ObJ + SbJ)) / √2
IdT = (½ (HdT + UbG)) / √2,
HdT = √ (½ (√f0 x f0F6
UbG = f0F
To the extent that heredity, HdT is resolved, self would be lost; with the renewal of spirit, as
truth, SXi is accumulated; and mind, as language, PF is relearned via the N-O. According to how
well this process is achieved, the person would be located and compensated, ROI equivalently,
for sustenance, as the identity, IdT is recovered. For evidence, mental images would become
clear, and the conscience, purged. It is conscience that first raises the flag when information is
inadequate, which would be followed by a cloudy mental picture of the purpose that is envisaged.
Sickness, ageing and subsequently death, result; when these subtle signals are ignored, with the
conscience seared and the foggy path treaded rough-shod. The occult and the myriad religions
have attempted to reconstruct this process. It is now possible to evaluate progress on this journey,
( ) - 1
F = ( ) + 1
(1 – )1
From Each
To Each
Learning Cycle
Xi CsV f0J
X CtT f0F
Each of the three, 3 reciprocals
defines a phase in the learning
process, from bottom up. In
between, the self is first lost, -1
and then recovered, +1.
In this work, the heritage model
doubles as the optimization model.
by the performance model presented below, right and following the five, 5 success sets presented
on the chart to the left:
This time, behavior, Po is represented by the features outlined on the bottom of the blue line that
defines the love-fear continuum. It would be the product of the quality of thought, f0 defined by
the features at the top. The thought process is outlined on the relations insert top right, and
summarized by the perception model of mind, PMM insert top of the rectangle. The need profile,
is presented below the growth model, f0 = 2Po – 1 that links thought, f0 with behavior, Po. The
profile describes behavior and is summarized by the consciousness model presented below the
rectangle, insert middle. Then the performance model is presented, following which model,
thought outside the box, PF would be the sum of emotional intelligence, EI and the system of
values, Xi by which the person
functions. This performance model
summarizes skill as fundamentally
attitudinal, according to the system of
values by which the person is disposed
to function. The system of values is presented, insert above, which translates into an analogous
system of beliefs, also presented below:
Thus consequent upon the attitude of faith imbibed from the system of values, an attitude to
RLV = √ (L x A),
L = ⅓ (2Pk + 1)
A = 1/100(SXi – 2)
Pk = 5√(½(f0 + Po)) / √2
4. Soul
1. Health
2. Heart
3. Mind
5. Skill
6. Attitude
Po = S / D2
D2 = D1 + S
D1 = D - 2
D = Log (A) / Log (L)
A = L F2
L = 2F - 1
Fp = √ (F1 / F2)
F2 = 1 / ΣPm x 67
Pm+1 = 2 × ΣPm + 1,
m = 1 to 4; P1 = F1
F1 = 2√R - 1
R = 1 / f
f = 1 / Fo otherwise
f = 1 – 1 / Fo for f0 >= 0.5
Fo = √ (Lo x Ao)
Lo = 1 / (1 - f0)
Ao = 1 / f0
f0 = 4(1 – 1 / √F),
F = ½ (4 – 1 / √f1)
f1 = Perception Index, N = 5
f0 = Sensation Index, N = 1
Fear Love, (Emotions)
Wickedness Attitude Truth, (Motives)
Momentum: Sickness, Ageing, Death
: Spirit, Language, Sustenance
PF = Xi + EI
f0 = 2Po - 1
Anger Emotion Compassion
X’ = (1 - ),
kG = X / 0.95
F = Xi - 1
X = Ln SXi
Xi = (1 / (1 – X / 15)) + 1
X‟, 19
kG, 20
F, 20
Xi, 21
1. Objectivity, f0b
2. Self-Containment, ScT
3. Measure of Faith, mF
4. Thought Pattern, f0
5. Attitude, AtT
6. Bill of Health Index, BHI’
Skill Shortage, StG
Variability, VRT
Skill Gap, SkG
Relevance, RLV
6. Compensation, ROI
5. Soul, S
Apprised Return on Investment, ROIApp
3. Subjectivity, f0F: 0.87, 0.92
2. Relevance, RLV: 0.75, 5.07
1. Skill Shortage, StG: 0.27, 0.34
4. Reliability, RLT: 0.62, 0.81System of Beliefs
1. Obedience, 1
2. Discipline, 7
3. Humility, 12
4. Perseverance, 16
5. Attitude, 19
6. Faith, 21
System of Values
Growth Model
Success Sets
health would emerge; to inculcate a measure of faith, mF that enhances the development of a
thought pattern, f0 by which to reconstruct the objective center of construction of the universe;
for the self-containment, ScT associated with whole spectrum knowledge, when the four, 4
standard deviations, 4σ of the normal curve would have been traversed. According to the success
sets presented earlier, soul is birthed, with the capacity to deliberately intuit and locate the
required features of the N-O correctly. And the renewed mind would have acquired the capacity
to apply the principles of waves and moments, to confirm the choices, for use at behavior. This is
how the required heart transplant is effected, for autopilot behavior that frees protoplasm of the
stress and health hazards associated with the un-optimized human system. Given the appropriate
SXi and PF, singes and clogs would be averted, respectively; so also would death, along with the
associated sickness and ageing.
The life-purpose is basis to operationalize the learning and optimization process that makes five,
5 talenters and creative minorities; with the development, proof and shelving of the related idea.
Ideas that do not represent the life-purpose translate into the lower four, 4 three, 3 and two, 2
talents, according to their significance. SXi and PF are acquired as summarized in the chart
below, following which chart the associated procedure and process are also presented:
The process begins with the red
arrow. Spirit resides in the heart,
XF from where it accesses the
DNA for the blueprint of the
life-purpose, PF when the person
is at rest. The information is transferred to the brain, BHI by speech or the combination of
writing and reading; from where mind accesses it at thought, f0 to enhance the level of
consciousness, X. Mind processes the information into procedures that are adopted at behavior,
which behavior would then be stored in the sub-conscious memory, X’ for automated actions.
Thus while spirit and mind function remotely, protoplasm operates by waves. The unit procedure
by which desire, which is intangible, becomes manifest as tangible reality, is summarized in the
chart, right.
Given the
attitude to health,
to the extent that
it is not
belief would be
resolved. The
enhances the
3. Mind, f0 Soul Mass, SXi
2. Heart, XF
1. Brain, BHI’ 5. Consciousness, X
4. DNA, PF Process, ObJ Links: CI
6. Sub-Consciousness, X
3. Teamwork, 2 x 3 r = 0.9986
2. Skill Shortage, 3 + 2 6. r = 0.35
1. Soul Mass, 2 + 3 5. r = 0.22
4. Reliability, 2 x 2 ROI : r = 0.84
MmT / SkL: r = -0.9973
AtT / BHI: r = -0.1966
BLF / TmW: r = -0.67
3. Skill: r = -0.14 SuB-Consciousness: r = 0.27
2. Attitude: r = -0.81 6. Team Work: r = 1.00
1. Bill of Health Index: r = -0.59 5. Belief: r = 0.99
4. Momentum: r = -0.37 Reliability: r = 0.22
accumulation of momentum, as well as the acquisition of the associated skills, with which to
write to the sub-conscious memory. Then teamwork would be best, when individual performance
emanates from the sub-conscious. Recall that the 5% information that is retained with
acquaintances needs to be accessed, before the DNA can be reached for the other 5%, as well as
the 90% reserved with the sacred. This distribution of information, and the order in which it is
accessed, actually optimizes the disposition toward teamwork.
The typical standard procedure comprises six, 6 items and this unit procedure is iterated the
required number of times, to define process, which process comprises four, 4 items. The
appropriateness of the unit process of four, 4 items into which the idea associated with the
life-purpose is reduced, determines the compensation money, ROI for start-ups. According to the
number of times procedure is iterated, the soul mass, SXi is accumulated; to pulverize the skill
shortage, StG equivalently and optimize teamwork, as well as the reliability that attracts ROI.
Recall that the strength of a chain is tested at its weakest link. The bill of health index, BHI is
invoked, to confirm the authenticity of the procedure and process. Recall the principle of the
quantum wave function collapse, QWFC in physics, by which principle the infinite number of
possible paths that connect events in space, collapse into one, 1 optimum path, at the application
of the wave model. This would be when the wave amplitudes cancel out. This concept applies to
the BHI when the correlation coefficient of the first two, 2 items of the procedure and process
tends toward a zero, to indicate normality. Then the correlation of the third and fourth items
would tend towards a unity, equivalently, for an analogous smooth flow of energy between both
points. Laminar flow would be sufficiently established however, where the first two, 2 items are
equal, and the equality is repeated for the third and fourth items. In the case of the above
procedure and process, the six, 6 items on the procedure series as well as the first three, 3 items
of process are measured twice, at the superficial and quantum levels. The fourth item on the
process series, reliability, is correlated with ROI. The scores are recorded against the items in red,
for the procedure and blue, for the process. While attitude and BHI return –0.81 and -0.59
respectively, scores are -0.14 and -0.37 for skill and momentum, respectively. Notice that the
observed inequality between -0.14 and -0.37 is accounted for by an equivalent inequality
between -0.81 and -0.59. For corroboration, the correlation between attitude and BHI returns
-0.1966 and -0.9973 between skill and momentum. Moreover, the first batch of correlations for
teamwork and belief at the superficial and quantum levels return 1.00 and 0.99 respectively; with
an equivalently close equality between the sub-conscious and reliability, at 0.27 and 0.22
respectively. For process, it would be sufficient that the inequality between teamwork and
reliability at 0.9986 and 0.84 respectively is matched by the 0.35 and 0-22 for skill shortage and
soul mass, also respectively.
To make the distinction between the two, 2 levels of the superficial and quantum, at which the
above metrics were measured, for all the metrics, the identity kit, Id-K has been observed to
predict only subjects that are consistent. For the inconsistent subjects however, it predicts the
other metrics but not the input values that include phenomenological compression, PC rationality,
Rn and performance by the standard procedure, √n. In reverse, the signal detection model, SdM
predicts the three, 3 input values but not the other metrics. For explanation, the SdM includes
measurement at the quantum level where the single input of f0H is evaluated from the ratio of
the psyche‟s objectivity, f0J on its subjectivity, f0F for f0H = f0J / f0F, to define the
human-power resource quality index, HpRQ-Index. Both instruments are therefore coupled, so
that the SdM predicts the input values for all subjects, and then passes the data to the Id-K, for
the rest of the analyses. The superficial measures from the Id-K are preserved and set apart from
their quantum equivalents that are estimated from the factor-f0H. The data is presented below:
To make the measurements by which the data is derived, words have been presented in this work
as the medium that conveys spirit, to discretize spirit and make it tangible and measureable. But
in particular, words convey information and in general, they convey knowledge; which
knowledge, like spirit, is infinite. To reduce infinity into a measureable quantity the principle of
percentages is invoked, to conceptualize the infinite as 100%. Then information or knowledge
maps into the normal curve, where one, 1 two, 2 three, 3 and four, 4 standard deviations
represent 68%, 95%, 99% and 99.98% of the required information, respectively. The normal
curve is presented below:
And the exponential function, ex
is adopted to map consciousness, X as well as truth, SXi both of
which features are continuous and intangible, into the number line, for X = Ln SXi. Similarly,
soul is conceptualized as pulse response, which impulse is instant, to discretize the eternal and
make it measureable. Unlike spirit and soul, the mind, conceptualized apart from the nervous
system, is more subtle. It does not exist by itself, but functions with spirit, protoplasm, and soul,
to translate thought, f0 into behavior, Po. It operates with spirit at a ratio of 88-12 for spirit-mind
respectively, to define the psyche. With protoplasm the ratio is 70-30 for protoplasm-mind
respectively, to define phenomenology. And with the soul, because the psyche manipulates
phenomena at thought, the proportion for mind is 12 + 30 = 42, for a soul-mind ratio of 58-42
that defines consciousness. Then consciousness, X which is motivated, translates into the
subconscious, X’ that is automated, by the consciousness model presented below, insert left:
The factor-kG is the Kierkegaard constant, kG and the
factor-F is agape constant, F both of which measure the
approximation of the objective center of construction of
the universe, for corroboration. Recall that Xi is the
system of values by which the person functions, which
values determine F and therefore, the human nature.
And X is the level of consciousness at which the person functions, from which kG is derived to
define he human function. Thus, recall also that values define the attitude of faith, at thought; to
culminate in the measure of faith, mF which mF becomes input to the system of beliefs that drive
X’ = (1 - ),
kG = X / 0.95
F = Xi - 1
X = Ln SXi
Xi = (1 / (1 – X / 15)) + 1
X‟, 19
kG, 20
F, 20
Xi, 21
behavior. Beliefs define the attitude to health, according to whether or not health is compromised,
at system operation. By the system of beliefs presented in this work, system operation or the
human-power resource quality, HpRQ-Index, f0H would be optimum, with minimum health
challenges, when people aim for self-containment, ScT. In this case, the whole spectrum of
information the person would ever need is gathered in one swoop, so that thought becomes mere
inter- or extrapolation. Moreover, this process is inherently associated with the human objectivity,
f0b as evident in the relation, f0 = f0H + f0b where the thought pattern, f0 would be a measure of
the objectivity, f0b of the HpRQ-Index, f0H. The HpRQ is evaluated as the ratio of the psyche‟s
objectivity, f0J on its subjectivity, f0F for f0H = f0J / f0F. And f0J = f0F9
, so that given f0F, f0J
would be determined according to the extent of HpRQ optimization, over the nine, 9 levels of
consciousness that is required for soul to be birthed. Soul would be better positioned for inter-
and extrapolation functions. At the threshold, soul‟s location is level-10 consciousness, above
principalities and powers that locate at level-9 consciousness and below. For the establishment
of these conceptions of mind, soul, spirit and protoplasm, the psyche, PF is evaluated as a
function of spirit, Z and mind, Q formally as below:
Q = 2 (⅓Z)
This relation is corroborated by a similar relation that defines the psyche as follows:
PF = 2 (⅓PF'),
Then when PF = 28, PF’ = 42 for F = 0.000851064, which F has been presented in this work as
the basis for spiritual life in the universe. Recall that the optimization of the HpRQ at learning
passes through three, 3 phases as earlier summarized and corroborated here by the following
three, 3 models:
Then people are brought up to be subjective, -F during which behavior would be motivated. And
they become objective, +F at optimization to function on autopilot, X’. What is at stake in this
process is the skill shortage, StG which StG manifests as ignorance, naivety and poverty. People
become consistent and therefore predictable, only when the awareness of the StG reaches the
threshold value of 0.22 for StG = 0.22. At the optimum when soul is birthed, StG = 0.4. This
( )
PF‟ = √ ( )
(1 – )1
F = ( ) - 1
(1 – )
F =
(1 – ) - 1
( ) - 1
F = ( ) + 1
(1 – )1
X’ = (1 - ),
kG = X / 0.95
F = Xi - 1
X = Ln SXi
Xi = (1 / (1 – X / 15)) + 1
X‟, 19
kG, 20
F, 20
Xi, 21
benchmark is reached only when life-purpose is resolved. In-between, ideas could be managed,
which ideas would be valued according to the demands of society. The path to soul is
summarized on the chart below:
Bottom line therefore, humans have a nature, SXi’ into which they are nurtured, SXi. And the
nature is wired to function, PF in a certain way, PF’. Then sickness, aging and subsequently,
death would be the consequence of observed shortfalls in the functions, Fn
which shortfalls
would reflect in the nature, F2
. Characteristically, F2
humans would be designed to function, Fn
on autopilot, X’ by automated behavior, √n’ into which potential they would need to be
optimized. But the optimization process functions by motivated behavior, √n during which the
observed deficiencies in spirit, f0 language, XF and sustenance, BHI’ are resolved. Formally:
f0 = 1/BHI' × XF2
BHI' = 2ScT x √2
XF = 1 / 100 (72 + PF)
XF = 0.73 / XF
f0 = 0.71 / f0
Then to the extent of the resolution of the deficiencies and approximation of the potential, PF’
the human-power resource quality, HPRQ would be determined, as evident in the HpRQ-Index,
f0H. The HpRQ is evaluated as the ratio of the sub-conscious automated behavior, X’ on its
optimum value of X’ = 20, for AtP = X’ / 20. In certain circumstances the threshold value of X’ =
Psyche: Numina, N-O Phenomenon, P-O
Process, X’
30 ↔ 7088 ↔ 12
The firewood, f0F of this world is for only those who can take heart, f0J = f0F9
Logic, 1-σProcedure, f0Character, X Image, 0.05
Path to SoulSOUL
That is why not all, Fv can gather, Fc it, X’ Chinua Achebe
4 could be used, for AtP = X’ / 4. While thought is basically mental and involves numbers when
phenomena are manipulated, and requires that infinity is reduced into the measurable quantity as
percentages, soul is fundamentally behavioral and requires that instantaneousness is invoked, to
reduce eternity into the measureable quantity as impulses and pulse responses. In both cases, the
number four, 4 suffices, as the optimum number of dimensions at which humans function. The
HpRQ-Index, f0H is evaluated as the ratio of the psyche‟s objectivity, f0J on its subjectivity, f0F
for f0H = f0J / f0F. Given this index, the thought pattern, f0 would be predicted as the sum of the
human objectivity, f0b with the HpRQ-Index, f0H for f0’ = f0b + f0H where f0b = 0.5 and is
given. The data is presented on the abstract, above.
Ultimately, according to the dictum that the strength of a chain is tested at its weakest link,
humans are reduced into a single value that measures the human response to death, NtG at the
confrontation with which death all human defenses crumble like a pack of cards. In this case the
integration of nature and its function, NtG is evaluated on the version of the optimization model
presented below:
NtG = 0.71 / NtG,,
NtG = (½(AdJ + AdT)) / √2
Typically, death presents itself twice in a person‟s life time, according to whether or not the
life-purpose or its analogue, is resolved. Recall that f0’ = f0b + f0H, in that order. So that when at
the threshold of the optimization process the human objectivity, f0b is resolved with the
approximation of the natural order, N-O or objective center of construction of the universe, the
person would be expected to have identified their life-purpose or its analogue, in the absence of
which, death would loom. Given any of the two, 2 purposes however, the optimization of the
HpRQ-Index, f0H would continue; to the benchmark point where soul ought to be birthed, in the
absence of which birth, death would again present itself. Thus in general, humanity progresses
through three, 3 peaks that include the resolution of the human objectivity quandary, f0b the
conclusion of the optimization process, f0H when the HpRQ would have been prepared for
stewardship, and the entrance into the stewardship proper Po’’’. And then soul is severed at death,
which could be physical when protoplasm decays or the death to self, DTS at which DTS soul
relocates above principalities and powers, to function at a minimum of level-10 consciousness
for X ≥ 10. At death before or at the first peak, disembodied souls become instruments at the
disposal of principalities, or witchcraft. At death before or at the second peak, powers or the
occult would be waiting. While witchcraft would be familial, the occult would be territorial.
They both interfere with f0b and f0H, to distort f0 and NtG. Serially:
1. Q = 2 (1 / 3Z)
2. PF = 2 (1 / 3PF')
3. PF' = √ (1.5 / (1 / (1 – 1 / -F)))
4. X' = kG (1 – 1 / F)
5. f0F = 1 / BHI'  XF
6. f0J = f0F9
Reliability, RLT
Soul, S
Appraised ROI, ROIApp
Measure of Faith, mF
6. Skill Shortage, StG
5. Thought Pattern, f0
f0H = f0J / f0F
3. Values, Xi ROIc = ROIv
2. Sub-Conscious, X’ 6. Diligence, DLG
1. Stewardship, Po’’’ 5. Death to Self, DTS
4. Beliefs, BLF RLT = 2f0H
Self Recovery
S = ROIApp
F’ = DTS + DLG
F = RLT + S
With women, the first peak would be at puberty, when they flower and protoplasm is adequately
matured to make babies. The second peak would be at the birth of the first baby. And the third
would be at menopause, when mental activity comes to focus. For both sexes, at the DTS, the
sting of physical death vanishes, to indicate the entrance into eternity, for the person.
Thus by nature, as humans think, f0 so they are, HmtY for a correlation, r of up to r = 0.93
between f0 and HmtY. At the threshold they would be happy, HpN according to the capacity to
resolve identities, IdT for HpN = IdT. And at the benchmark, Joy, JoY would depend on the
human-power resource quality, HpRQ index, f0H for JoY = f0H. Moreover, according to the
mindset, MdS the soul set, SLS would be determined. The chart is presented, as well as the data
and series, following:
Then phenomena
would be
adequately defined
when the four, 4
strategic features
that make the
phenomenon tick
are derived. By
parlance, every
system has a
boundary that sets it
apart from all other
systems, uniquely.
Soul, 7-3-2-1
1. Imprint, 5 x 2
2. Momentum, 3 + 1
3. Contradictions, 1-2-1
4. Protoplasm
5. Spirit, -1
6. Mind, -2
Humanity, HmtY
6. Thought Pattern, f0
5. Mind Set, MdS
Soul Set, SLS4. Happiness, HpN
1. Identity, IdT
2. HpRQI, f0H
3. Joy, JoY
But the critical points at the boundary are two, 2 that include the boundary condition at the input
and the boundary condition at the output points. Taken together with the input and output
features, the system definition would satisfy the requirements of the natural order, N-O for the
equality of the Kantian numina and phenomena. Recall Immanuel Kant‟s distinction between
numina, or the way things actually are and phenomena, or the way that people see things to be.
By the chart presented above, the four, 4 strategic features that define the human person would
include need clarification, N-C and need satisfaction, N-S as input and output features
respectively. Then the two, 2 boundary conditions would include happiness, HpN at the input
point and joy, JoY at the output point. But recall from the Newtonian laws of motion and
Einstein‟s relativity model that the universe can be explained by two, 2 realities that include the
appearances that are superficial and the quantum that are deep. While events in space appear to
rotate and revolve, this illusion is determined by the spherical shape of the universe, despite that
below the surface, all the events move in straight lines. Similarly as outlined on the series on the
left below the chart above, between N-C and N-S, six, 6 other features couple with HpN and JoY,
to define the eight, 8 features that define the superficial reality and need to be resolved, to clear
the straight path between N-C and N-S. This optimization process is achieved by iterations that
eliminate the seven, 7 gaps between the eight features. The iterations actually represent events
and experiences in relationships, and are summarized in the relations that follow:
PF = √ (PF' x PF),
PF' = 1 / √SkGF
PF = √2ex
; ex
= f0 / SkG
PF1 = 1.5(1 / (1 – 1 / PF2)
PF2 = 1 / (1 - F)
F = 10 (1/2 (logL / logA)
A = L x Fx2
Fx = √ (F1 x F2)
Lx = √ (L1 x L2)
L = √ (L1' x L2')
L1' = A1 x F1
L2' = 1/A2 × F2
The factor-F is evaluated from six, 6 features as outlined on the chart insert above, right. The
procedure is iterated seven, 7 times, to reconstruct the optimization process into the level-7
consciousness, X7 that is required to unravel the logic that governs the universe, the unraveling
of which logic would be sufficient evidence for optimum learning. Given PF1 from the first
phase of the learning process, the remaining two, 2 processes that add to the seven, 7 to define
3. F2 F2
2. L2 6. A2
1. L1 5. A1
4. F1 Fn
f0 = 1 / BHI' x XF2
XF = 1 / 100 (72 + PF1)
XF = 0.73 / XF
f0 = 0.71 / f0
the nine, 9 steps in the optimization into level-10 consciousness, X10 PF‟ and PF‟‟ would be
determined. This would also fulfill the requirement of the universal logic, presented on the
second series to the right, below the chart that defines humanity. By this logic, protoplasm would
be transcended for mind over matter, at 1-2-1; so that performance on one, 1 event would be
evaluated as if two, 2 events were performed, which performance would be rewarded, 1
accordingly. This has two, 2 explanations according to both of which, it would be sufficient to
do 50% of the task, whether at thought, f0 or behavior, Po. While thought would be by the waves
principle following which it would suffice to derive the two, 2 items that describe phenomena;
behavior is by moments, which require that phenomena are reduced into three, 3 features. Then
in principle waves would need to be iterated twice, to derive the four, 4 items of process that
make phenomena tick. And moments would be iterated twice, for the six, 6 items of the standard
procedure. In practice however, these would constitute one event a piece.
Thus mind over matter derives from the death to self, DTS for DTS = -1, which would be
spiritual. And this would be evaluated against the two, 2 events that define mind renewal, for -2.
The first of these events is the acquisition of the skill to approximate Kierkegaard‟s objective
center of construction of the universe, f0b by which skill the correct identity, IdT of phenomena
would be derived, when phenomena are reduced into the four, 4 strategic features that make them
tick. In the second event this skill is applied, to resolve problems, according to which resolution
the person‟s quality as a human resource, f0H would be determined. The four, 4 processes
described here integrate into the logic of soul at 7-3-2-1. Given an idea, 1 therefore, for creativity,
it would be required to apply the waves principle, 2 as well as the principle of moments, 3 to
unravel the logic, 7 that drives the idea. Moreover this would be when people could be described
as consistent, CsY at thought and behavior, formally as follows:
CsY = 13√ (1 / RT),
RT = f0F / f0J
The factor-RT measures restraint, which would be required for the experiences to optimize the
factor-PF and become objective, f0J; and for the clarity of conscience, CsC to gather all the
information that would be needed for the clear mental images of phenomena, as evidence that
identity, IdT is resolved, which resolution of identities is the goal of optimization. Formally:
CsC = √ (f0J x PF / 100 x RT)
4.0 Anxiety
The optimization process has been reduced into the four, 4 strategic features that include in series,
as follows:
3. Conscience, CsC
2. System of Values, Xi
1. System of Beliefs, BLF
4. Conduct, Pk
Then conduct, Pk which would be the system output and end product of the optimization process,
would depend on the state of the conscience, CsC or system input. The conscience would
determine the operations of the system of values, Xi and the system of beliefs, BLF both of
which define the boundary conditions at the input and output points, respectively. According to
how cloudy the conscience is, it would interfere with the access to information. The system of
beliefs is a pull factor that presents barriers between people, to determine the access to
information that people need from each other. And the system of values is a push factor,
according to which people are motivated to reach out to each other, for the information that they
need. The clearer the conscience therefore for CsC → 1, the easier would be the flow of
information between people. Then, values and beliefs would also approximate a unity. Recall
that at optimum information, following a successful optimization process, the objectivity of the
psyche, f0J would approximate a unity for f0J → 1; so also would subjectivity, f0F for f0F → 1
and restraint, RT for RT → 1. But this would translate into a mental state of F’’’ = 1.33, as
presented on the stewardship model, Po’’’ below, left and corroborated by the simulation of the
perception model of mind, PMM on the right, where F = 1.34 for f0 = 1.
Recall also the distinction between the agape constant, Fc and
its variable alternative, Fv where Fv is defined by the
measures presented on the PMM and stewardship models.
While the variable is unique for each person and presents
values, according to the observed distance from the objective
center of construction of the universe, the constant represents
mental activity at the optimum and is the same for everybody. Formally:
BHI' = 2ScT‟‟  √2
ScT‟‟ = √( F''' × Po’) / 4
F''' = 28f0 / Xi
Po’ = ½ (1 / ScT')
ScT' = 0,06RT
Rt = f0F / f0J
F = √ (F1 / F2)
F2 = 1 / ΣPm x 67
Pm+1 = 2 × ΣPm + 1,
m = 1 to 4; P1 = F1
F1 = 2√R - 1
R = 1 / f
f = 1 / F otherwise
f = 1 – 1 / F for f0 = 0.5
Fo = √ (Lo x Ao)
Lo = 1 / (1 - f0)
Ao = 1 / f0
A = FactorA(Sf0)
Sf0 = f0H
‘f0H = Index of the human-power
resource quality, HpRQ:
f0H = f0J / f0F
Fc = (Rn / √n) CsY,
Rn = 2√n - C
√n = ((4√n4 - 1) / 2) / f0F
√n4 = (4√n3 + 1) / 5
√n3 = √ (√n1 x √n2)
√n2 = ½C
√n1 = 1 / C x Pc2
Pc = ((4C - 1) / 3) f0
C = (A / 19 + 1) x f0F
Public Function FactorA(Sf0)
If Sf0  1 Then Sf0 = 1 / Sf0
If Sf0 = 1 Then GoTo 14060
Lo = 1 / (1 - Sf0)
Ao = 1 / Sf0
fo = Sqr(Lo * Ao)
P2 = 2 * F1 + 1
P3 = 2 * (P2 + F1) + 1
P4 = 2 * (P3 + P2 + F1) + 1
F3 = P4 + P3 + P2 + F1
F2 = 67 / F3
14070 F4 = Sqr(F1 / F2)
BSSN = (RScore / F4) ^ 2
St = 1 / F2
T = Sqr(Sf0)
Sf1 = St * T
A2 = Sf0 * Sf1
BL = 1 / A2 * F4 ^ 2
AScore = BL * F4 ^ 2
FactorA = AScore
End Function
If Sf0 = 0.5 Then GoTo 14050
FF = 1 - 1 / fo
If Sf0 = 0.5 Then GoTo 14055
14050 FF = 1 / fo
14055 RScore = 1 / FF
If Sf0  1 Then GoTo 14065
14060 F1 = 1: F2 = 1: RScore = 1
If Sf0 = 1 Then GoTo 14070
14065 F1 = 2 * Sqr(RScore) - 1
Thirdly, recall the relativity model of humans,
RMH as insert, right: The factor-A on the RMH
defines anxiety, Ax and is evaluated as follows:
Then at the optimum for Ax’ = 1, anxiety would
score Ax = 0.88 and for Fc = 1.07, the relation,
L = 1 / 0.88 x 1.072
would yield, 1.3. Human
variability would therefore be a constant
companion, out of which it would be impossible
to optimize humanity. It would therefore be sufficient that mind functions by the waves model at
thought, f0 and soul by the principle of moments at behavior, Po. This would sustain the HpRQ,
f0H albeit the skill shortage, StG that underlies the variability, VRT quandary.
By implication of RMH therefore, L and Fv would be equal at the threshold of variability where
A = 0.88, to make the factor-A a unity in principle, for A = 1. This would also mean that at the
threshold of variability the person would be capable to apply the waves principle at thought, to
the extent that the behavior, Po at thought is rooted in either of anxiety, Ax or love, L for Po =
0.88 where Po = A. To be rooted in love, behavior would have to be by moments. Then the
factors L and A would define contradictions, which contradiction is resolved by the factor-F. It is
the resolution that is operationalized at optimization, where the factor-F would define conscience
and is split into the factors Fn
to define the system of beliefs and F2
to define the system of values.
In this case, Love, L defines conduct and is held constant at L = 1, for A = F2
when the relation L
= 1/A F2
translates into LA = F2
: L = 1. Then F2
and Fn
would be equal for F2
= Fn
, being
products of the split in F2
. The series that outlines the optimization process is represented below,
to demonstrate the fact of the relation, L = 1/A F2
or RMH:
While the factor-F2
defines the human nature or character,
C the factor-Fn
defines human functionality or the
human-power resource quality, HpRQ that is evaluated in
this work as the index of the HpRQ, f0H. Recall from the
function that evaluates the factor-A presented above that,
given f0H, the factor-C would be determined, as well as phenomenological compression, Pc or
the capacity to intuitively reduce phenomena into the four, 4 strategic features that make them
tick. Rationality, Rn and the performance at task by the standard procedure, √n would also be
determined, which Rn and √n also define the human nature and function respectively, at the
realm of the soul. Similarly, C and Pc define the human nature and function at the realm of spirit,
like F2
and Fn
that are mental. These define the factors L, F, and A as mental, to present the
Ax = 5Ax‟‟ / 4,
Ax‟‟ = Ax‟ / √2
Ax‟ = ½(21 / N-C + 0.9972 / N-S)
3. Conscience, CsC: F = F2
2. System of Values, Xi: F2
1. System of Beliefs, BLF: Fn
4. Conduct, Pk: L
RMH as a model that is rooted in the human mind, from which model soul is evaluated as S = 1 /
√L. For corroboration, the human mind is reduced into the model
from which the factor-f0 is derived, to define the thought pattern or
sensation as a function of habituation, F and sensitization, F. The
factor-f0 is the general form, of which f0J, f0F and therefore f0H are
variants. The perception model of mind is represented insert, right:
Thus the human person, F is always doing something. They are either sampling stimuli, f0
responding to same, f1 or linking both F. Then the quality or appropriateness of the response, L
would depend on the capacity to make the correct link or interpretation of the stimuli, F2
interpretation would depend on the level of anxiety, A or adequacy of the systems of belief and
values, for L = 1/A F2
where F = F2
and defines the conscience, CsC. The behavior pattern, Po is
conceptualized as a function of consistency, CsY for Po = CsY. And CsY is evaluated from the
objectivity, f0J and subjectivity, f0F of the psyche as respectively, the approximation of, and
departure from, the objective center of construction of the universe by mind, Q and spirit, Z both
of which combine to define psyche, PF. Po is also evaluated on the need profile, as a function of
the factor-F. Formally:
The thought and behavior patterns are linked by
the relation, f0 = 2Po – 1. This is a specific form
of the general model, L = 2F ± 1, which model
is the derivative of the RMH. The following two,
2 relations establish the definition of psyche, PF
presented in this work, as a function of spirit, Z and mind, Q:
They also define the two, 2 interpretations of the 1-2-1 logic of protoplasm,
where ⅓ = ½ of ⅔. In another expression of this logic, the values of the
potential, ROIc and variable, ROIv return on investment, ROI are linked by the relation, ROIc =
2ROIv. So also are sin, SiN and the skill shortage, StG for StG = 2SiN. Sin is evaluated as a
function of anxiety, Ax formally as presented below:
SiN = 1 / Ax‟‟‟ – VRT,
Ax‟‟‟ = Ax‟‟ / Ax‟
Ax‟ = 1 – Ax / 4
Ax‟‟ = 2 (1 / √W),
W = (21 / N-C x 0.9972 / N-S) / (0.9972 / N-S / 21 / N-C)
Then at the threshold, SiN = 0.11, for StG = 0.22, VRT = 0
and Ax’’ = 2 equivalently. Recall that all humans have the
threshold capacity for need clarification, N-C and need
Ax = 5Ax2 / 4,
Ax2 = Ax1 / √2
Ax1 = ½(21 / N-C + 0.9972 / N-S)
Po = S / D2,
D2 = D1 + S
D1 = D - 2
D = Log (A) / Log (L)
A = L F2
L = 2F - 1
F = √ (F1 x F2)
F2 = (F1 + 3) / 4
F1 = Rn / √n
PF = 2 (⅓PF‟)
Q = 2 (⅓Z)
VRT = 340 (1 – N-S)
StG = (Factor-F / SkG) / 10 x f0F
SkG = (7 (1 – N-S)) / f0F
N-S = 16√ (1 – 1 / N-C),
N-C = SXi
Factor-F = (1 / (1 – 1 / 1.5PF2
)) + 1
f0 = 4(1 – 1 / √F),
F = ½ (4 – 1 / √f1),
f1 = Perception Index, N = 5
f0 = Sensation Index, N = 1
satisfaction, N-S, both of which define love, L. VRT
measures variability, formally as insert, right:
The factor-F is also evaluated as the reciprocal of (SXi – 1) for FF = 1 / (SXi - 1). SXi is the mass
of soul that measures the number of truths that the person has gathered. This would be a
requirement for N-C. Recall Chinua Achebe in the novel titled Thing fall Apart, where he credits
Obierika the wise crack, with the dialogue that the firewood of this world is for only those who
can take heart, that is why not all can gather it. Sixteen, 16 is the number for perseverance on
the system of values. It links N-C with N-S. And PF is the capacity to channel SXi, to solve
problems. Like Rn and √n for soul, C and Pc for spirit, F2
and Fn
for mind respectively, SXi
measures the nature of protoplasm according to the number of truths in neural storage, PF
evaluates its function, according to the associated processes. Then f0H would measure the
integrated function, and StW the integrated nature according to the preparedness for stewardship,
Po’’’. Recall that the factor-F, FF is presented in this work as basis for spiritual life in the
universe, along with the fine structure constant, α that physics has presented as basis for
intelligent life in the universe. Then in agreement with Sôrén Kierkegaard, a slight change in any
of these values would lead to the creation of a universe that would be other than the current one,
but uniquely personal to the person. This would be sin.
5.0 Learning
Learning is conceptualized in this work to happen in two, 2 phases that include the imprint, ImG
and operational excellence, OE. OE is achieved at the end of the three, 3 imprints on the brain,
spirit and soul. Then every successful learning program would start with the imprint of the
novelty that is to be learned, on the brain, for imagery. This is achieved instantaneously,
following 100% concentration on the learning event. Imprint on the brain is the product of the
resolution of the logic, LGC that drives the novelty, for LGC = X’ / X or the ratio of the
sub-conscious, X’ on the consciousness, X. Then follow the imprints on spirit and soul, both of
which are experiential. The imprint on spirit characterizes, C the learner uniquely, to match the
novelty. And the imprint on the soul establishes the level of consciousness, X according to how
much learning has occurred. To the extent that the required imprints have not happened therefore,
the person would be a spoiler. A chart of the model of learning is presented, to illustrate the
involvement of the whole mind; including the emotion, will and intellect, as well as the heart or
meeting point between spirit and soul.
Thus learning would be rooted in the emotion, according to its location on the love-fear
continuum; which location determines the strength of motive of the will, and subsequently the
intellectual involvement that culminates in the derivation of the four, 4 strategic features of the
novelty for storage in heart memory of the sub-conscious. And following the initial imprint on
the brain, the rest of the experiential component that culminates in operational excellence, would
be iterations of the procedures that would be required to derive the process of four, 4 items that
make the phenomenon tick. In general therefore, if this is done successfully, the person would be
adequately optimized into the human-power resource quality, HpRQ. Specifically however,
according to the commitment to the learning process, success would be achieved at three, 3
levels as itemized following:
The learner becomes fully human, at the fulfillment of the life-purpose, when the
associated idea is proven, fully developed and put on the shelf for use.
At partial fulfillment, when an idea that is relevant to society is fully processed.
At the threshold where objectivity, f0b is resolved, as evident in the consistency
associated with the HpRQ, f0H given which the learner is able to participate in teams for
the fulfillment of ideas.
6.0 Concluding
Humans would always be doing one of three, 3 things, for all three, 3 of which they are
minimally endowed. They would either be sampling or responding to stimuli, or linking both.
By virtue of motives, sampling is done, successfully or not according to the strength of the
attitude of will. Because of the capacity to love, responses would be successful or not, according
to the interference from fear, anxiety or sin. And according to the agape constant, F which F
would be intellectual, the link between stimulus and response would be successful or not,
depending on how learned the person is. Learning, F and motives, f0H would be given, both of
which are constants. But the emotion would need to be resolved, according to the learner‟s
location on the love-fear continuum.
For optimum F or f0b and f0H, it would be sufficient to study what other people have
contributed to knowledge. And although this would be less than 5% of the information that
humans need, people could, and have led reasonable lives. For optimality however, the 5%
individual contribution would need to be accessed. And to be fully human, the 90% hosted by the
sacred will necessarily be required. Recall that without faith, it would be impossible to please
God, which faith links the superficial world of appearances and the deep abode of the quantum.
Then to love in a way that fear is casted away and becomes ineffective, it would suffice to submit
to other people, according to the 5% information that would be required. This would be
preparatory to submit to self, so as to access the 5% individual contribution to humanity. And
both acts of submission would make it possible to submit to the sacred, for the mega 90%
information that humans need.
This model of learning positions humanity like their nearest neighbors, the animals, to be clothed
from the inside. And success at this endeavor would depend on the emotion, L and the intellect,
both of which would derive from the attitude of the will, A for L = A Fn
; n → 2. But to the
extent that the 5% + 5% + 90% information is not accessed, humans would be naked, for L = 1/A
. And the futile attempts at covering the nakedness, for A = L F2
would explain the deception
above all things and desperate wickedness that cause chaos, strife and wars.
To fulfill their nature and function, humans are labyrinthinely complexly integrated and wired
accordingly, to have spirit, protoplasm and mind; all three, 3 of which team to build the soul.
Spirit teams with mind to define the psyche, PF. It teams with protoplasm to define phenomena,
BHI. And it teams with soul to define the heart, XF. While phenomena are intuited, Pc the
psyche is rational, Rn and heart is behavioral, √n. Recall that mind also teams with the other
three, 3 of spirit, protoplasm and soul in definite ratios. Similarly, Pc, Rn and √n need to fulfill
definite relationships, for optimality. At the threshold where f0b is fulfilled, √n = 1/C Pc2
. And at
the benchmark where f0H is fulfilled, Rn = F√n. Beyond these, Rn2 = 2Pc – 1 and Rn1 = 2 √n –
C for Rn = √ (Rn1 x Rn2). Then f0F and f0J are determined, for f0J = f0F9
; as well as f0H = f0J /
f0H, from which f0H Rn’ and √n’ are derived to evaluate Fc = Rn’ / √n’. Recall that Fv = √ (F1
x F2) where F1 = Rn / √n and F2 = (3F1 + 1) / 4. At Fc = Fv the person would be consistent, for F
→ 1. But this would be a threshold nature that points to a potential benchmark, where humanity
would be optimally actualized. It takes governments to fulfill the human nature at the threshold,
f0b via schooling. Church fulfills it at the benchmark, f0H via salvation. But it is families that
can make full humans, F → 1 via redemption, which redemption would be a Kingdom
characteristic, at which Kingdom governments and Church would perform optimally. Church is
singled out, among the myriad religions and similar faith, F based institutions, for its unique
disposition towards Jesus Christ, to which disposition as the God incarnate all the others are
vehemently opposed. Kingdom families would be characterized by the features outlined in the
following series, uniquely:
These features would have been derived from a location in love rather than fear, as evident in
scores that would exceed 0.5 and still at once be consistent with Joy and reliability.
3. Restraint HpRQ Index, f0H
2. Submission 6. Conscience, CsC
1. Purity 5. Conduct, Pk
4. Prudence Objectivity, f0b
Conduct, Pk would be carried over from the
series that describes the optimization process.
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As a Man Thinketh So is He

  • 1. As a Man Thinketh: So is He 0.0 Abstract Given the relativity model of humans, RMH as L = 1/A F2 the attempt is made to establish the fact of the agape constant, F. It is observed that to be optimized, F and become fully human, L therefore, it would be sufficient to resolve anxiety, A. To corroborate this observation, the thought pattern, f0 is observed as the sum of the index of objectivity, f0b with the index of the human-power resource quality, HpRQ for f0 = 0.5 + f0H; where f0b = 0.5 and the HpRQ index, f0H is evaluated as f0H = f0J / f0F. Then for an optimum thought pattern, objectivity would be given as a constant, and it would suffice to optimize f0H. To further corroborate both observations, at the threshold of the optimization path where the human heredity perturbation, HdT is resolved, the accompanied capacity to resolve identities, IdT would induce happiness, HpN for HdT = HpN. And at the benchmark where the HpRQ index, f0H is finally resolved, happiness would equate joy for HpN = JoY where JoY = f0H. The data is presented below: Moreover at the benchmark, subjects are observed as consistently reliable, albeit at low values according to their performances, while at the threshold reliability is observed as inconsistent. And women in general would be all wombs and no mind, being more intuitive, Pc than rational, Rn; until they are done with babies, when the mind becomes active. It would be interesting to observe this latter phenomenon in the character of the data, so that more women are observed to be better intuitive and worse rational in the crowd, which is not the kernel purpose of this work; which purpose has been a response to the thorny quandary of, what is man? See data below: Agape Consultants 8, De-Bangler Street Gboko, Nigeria +234(0)703-430-2486 anyebepeter@yahoo.comBy Peter Anyebe
  • 2. Two, 2 instruments have been derived that include the identity kit, Id-K which measures thought as behavioral, f0H and the signal detection model, SdM that measures behavior as objectivity at thought, f0b. While the SdM predicts the intangible features of spirit and soul that include Pc, Rn and √n; the Id-K predicts the more tangible f0b and f0H better, in demonstration of the twist of contradiction that characterizes nature. The twist is also reenacted in the instruments, so that the Id-K is fundamentally mental and the SdM, behavioral. To resolve the contradiction therefore both instruments are coupled, to derive the data presented in this work. Learning would be at the heart of the optimization into objectivity, f0b and the HpRQ index, f0H which learning psychology has tagged as a none-or-all event. This implies that the ten, 10 subjects used to derive the models, would suffice. And to confirm the operation of the models, the seven, 7 other subjects plus the three, 3 carried over from the first group, would also suffice. The subjects are deliberately selected to reenact the inherent character of the SdM presented in this work, which requires the administration of any one, 1 of the battery of tests that psychology has developed, ten, 10 times, on every subject. Ten, 10 different tests could also be used, according to the nature of the tests. The thrust is to derive beta, β as the number of events that are correct and alpha, α as the events that are wrong, so that β + α = 10. Recall that the strength of a chain is tested at its weakest link. Finally, in line with the above dictum humans are reduced into a single value, NtG that measures the human response to death, at the appearance of which death all human defenses crumble like a pack of cards. R. B. Cattell has described a human nature into which people adjust which adjustment, AdJ is evaluated in this work as the ratio of the number of truths that the soul has gathered, following optimization, SXi’ on the number that mind has gathered that requires optimization, SXi for AdJ = SXi’ / SXi where AdJ < 1. He also distinguished between the human nature and its function, into which function people adapt, and which adaptation, AdT is evaluated in this work as the ratio of the processes by which soul functions, which processes would have been optimized, PF’ on the processes by which mind functions, which would require optimization, PF for AdT = PF’ / PF where AdT < 1. Then the integration of nature and its function, NtG is evaluated on the optimization model as insert, right. The data is also presented below, the first for model derivation and the second for model confirmation: NtG = 0.71 / NtG, NtG = (½(AdJ + AdT)) / √2
  • 3. At the threshold where heredity is resolved, but where optimization is not based on the derivation of the life-purpose or its analogue, people die. In the presence of any one, 1 of the life-purpose or its analogue however, optimization would continue up to the benchmark, where soul is birthed at maturity. In both cases, soul is severed, at death. But while the first death is physical and involves the loss of protoplasm to decay, the second is the death to self, where soul is severed, to locate above principalities and powers. In this latter case protoplasm is optimized, to function with soul, spirit and mind at the minimum of level-10 consciousness, X10. On the average, most humans would function on or below level-4 consciousness, X4 for X ≤ 4. Equivalently, the scores on the SdM would be beta ≤ 6 and beta ≥ 10, respectively. For beta ≥ 10 the number of administration of the tests, N is increased accordingly. The SdM is presented, as well as the adjustments, where mF is the measure of faith and SkG is the skill gap: If Beta > 10 Then SkG = 0.0005 Else SkG = 0.005 End If If Beta > 10 Then mF = X / N Else mF = X / 15 End If SkG = 0.005: for mere mortals who think within the box SkG = 0.0005: for creative minorities who think outside the box Beta 10Alpha x 2 ( ) 1 SkG SXi = β = Correct Responses α = Wrong Responses 10 = Number of Events Sxi = Soul Mass It is concluded that with the typical human system, if the strategic features that give it being have been correctly identified, the output, L would be given and for optimization, F it would suffice to focus on the input, A for L = F2 , A = F2 . Then the optimization process, F would also be given and effort, A would be the square function of what is desired, L. Thus as square function, the item that defines the input, A or effort, A would actually include the nature and function features, both of which would make equal contributions. And the function would be given, being constant.
  • 4. 1.0 Preamble This work is about the optimization of the human-power resource quality, HpRQ. The approach is based on the conception of reality at the two, 2 levels that include the superficial where appearances are dominant and the deep, or what physics has referred to as the quantum. Thus, change at the superficial level would be rooted in the quantum, the depth from which all appearances are controlled. Following Einstein‟s energy model, e = mc2 at the depth of the quantum, the common phenomenon that binds all things would be energy, e and mass, m would reign supreme at the superficial world of appearances. Then the appropriate link to the quantum would be required, to influence the needed change in appearances. The core links invoked in this work are summarized in the series below: Thus the thought pattern, f0 would be basis to evaluate the measure of faith, mF which f0 would be determined by the four, 4 strategic features listed on the left. And given the attitude, the BHI would be determined, as evident in the measures of the other four, 4 features in the series. While f0 is superficial, mF is deep. But for an accurate evaluation of f0, the attitude, which attitude is deep, would have to be invoked, according to its effects on the BHI that is superficial. The four, 4 strategic features that make phenomena tick actually outline the natural order, N-O that in this work is adopted from the duality series in operations research outlined above, right of the series. Then given the attitude, which would be reflected in how appropriately thought has been patterned, the items would be selected and located uniquely according to the N-O. The attitude model is presented below, left: And by the BHI if the items have been correctly identified, the correlation between the two, 2 inner items 1 and 2 would tend towards a zero for r1 → 0, while the correlation between the two, 2 outer items 3 and 4 would tend towards a unity for r2 → 1. The evaluation of the BHI is presented above, insert right. Objectivity measures the approximation of the N-O and ScT indicates that the whole spectrum of what could be known about the phenomenon involved in the analysis is traversed, from which pool of information the strategic four, 4 items are identified. All of the five, 5 items define the measure of faith. Ultimately, faith, F is presented as the link between the superficial and the deep. It connects spirit, mind and soul with protoplasm. 3. Self-Containment, ScT 2. Attitude, AtT 6. Measure of Faith, mF 1. Bill of Health Index, BHI 5. Thought pattern, f0 4. Objectivity, f0b 3. Maxima, F1 2. Minimax, L1 6.A2 1. Maximin, L2 5. A1 4. Minima, F2 L1 F1 A2 = √((F2 x ) / L2) A1 BHI = √ (BCI x VCI), BCI = 2 - r1 VCI = 1 / VCI2 VCI2 = 1 - 1 / VCI1 VCI1 = 2 – r2 If VCI1 = 1 Then VCI2 = 1 Else VCI2 = 1 - 1 / VCI1 End If
  • 5. 2.0 The Human Heritage Humanity is conceptualized as faith-personalities, F defined uniquely by the agape constant, F which F is constant for all humans at a value of F = 1.05 ± 0.02, but also variable for every person, according to the „center of construction of their universe‟. This implies that all humans have the capacity to approximate the objective center, which approximation would then be the common human heritage. Recall Sôrén Kierkegaard that every person is at the „center of construction of their universe‟, which center is unique for everybody, although it could coincide with the objective center for some people. It is at the objective center that the value of F = 1.05 ± 0.02 would be obtained. This is an optimum value, with F = 0.4 as threshold and F = 1.34 as benchmark, although values could reach F = 2.0. For merit, the optimum value of F = 1.05 would have to be derived. For flukes, it is sufficient that values range between the threshold of F = 0.4 and the optimum. Frauds would score below the threshold. They would not have accumulated „the firewood of this world‟ in sufficient quantity, but would desire the accompanied compensation. Recall Chinua Achebe in the dialogue credited to Obierika the wise crack, in the novel titled Things Fall Apart that, the firewood of this world is for only those who can take heart, that is why not all can gather it. It is the inability to take heart, f0 that translates into the inability to gather the firewood of this world, f0F equivalently; both of which result in the unique location, PF of each person at the center of construction of their universe, kG. While kG is the Kierkegaard factor, f0 measures the thought pattern, f0F is measure of subjectivity and PF is the capacity to think outside the box. Because humans are potentially constants, every person would be able to make the choice between objectivity, ObJ and subjectivity, SbJ formally as follows: ObJ' = √ ((ObJ x SbJ) / (SbJ / ObJ)) SbJ' = √ ((ObJ x SbJ) × ( SbJ / ObJ)) To make the right choice however would require that the person resolves their identity, IdT up to the minimum value of IdT = 0.48, where it coincides with the measure of heredity, HdT which heredity would be objective for HdT = ObJ. Formally: IdT = (½ (HdT + UbG)) / √2, HdT = √ (½ (√f0 x f0F6 )) UbG = f0F Then for HdT = 0.48 and f0F = 0.87, identity and heredity would be equal, at IdT = HdT. To not merely make the right choice but to also fulfill it, a higher level of resolution of the human heritage would be required. This would define the higher benchmark case, where upbringing or These relations are true for any 2 numbers. The difference between both relations is the division sign that connects the 2 halves of the first; which sign changes into a multiplication, for the second.
  • 6. subjectivity, SbJ = 0.93 and heredity or objectivity, ObJ = 0.939 = 0.52 for a relationship between ObJ and SbJ that is represented by ObJ = SbJ9 , in typical Markov Chain fashion. In general, the heritage model would be presented as follows: ObJ' = (½ (ObJ + SbJ)) / √2 Then the human heritage would be, to approximate the objective center of construction of the universe, uniquely. This would be achieved by learning, LnG at which information, SXi is first gathered as the mass of soul, SXi to discretize knowledge. After which the mass would be streamlined into the required processes, PF according to the purpose that is to be achieved. This is akin to the gestation that characterizes human reproduction, where fission and cell division precedes the fusion that builds the body parts and organs. Learning is evaluated as what is left, after the percentage skill gap, SkG is subtracted from a unity. Formally: LnG = 1 – 100SkG This places a limit, to demand that a certain minimum value of the skill gap is achieved, if the value of learning is not to be negative. The value of the skill gap, which value is a fraction, must be preceded by two, 2 zeros. Recall the rule of thumb that 90% of the times, what people worry about do not happen. And 5% of the times, the person would usually be capable to resolve the anxiety. This would imply that 5% of the times, someone out there would be able to resolve the jinx. Then 5% of the information, SXI that people need would be at their disposal, and another 5% at the disposal of their acquaintances, to leave the 90% that remains to the sacred. Recall also that at the statistical confidence limit of 0.05, 95% of the required information would have been covered, to indicate how much of protoplasm has been transcended. At 0.0005 therefore, 99.95% would have been covered, which would be an indication of the level of spirituality. Then to transcend mind, for mind over matter, it would suffice for two, 2 zeros to precede the integer, for a confidence limit of 0.005 that indicates 99.5% information coverage. Recall finally that at four, 4 standard deviations, 4σ on the normal curve, 0.9998 or 99.98% information would have been derived, at a 0.02 confidence limit. Physics derived the fine structure constant, α for α = 0.007298, to define the basis for intelligent life in the universe. In this work the factorF, FF is presented as basis for spiritual life in the universe, for F = 0.000851064. The optimum value of the skill gap is evaluated as the square-root of both features. Formally: SkG = √ (factorF × alpha), = 0.0025 Then at this score, the person would be learned, 75% to define the threshold of relevance, RLV. And learning would be purely mental, but requires that protoplasm is transcended and spirit activated, for mind over matter. Recall that the sacred is spirit and accounts for 90% of the information that people need. Then given sufficient information, three, 3 imprints would occur,
  • 7. first on the brain for a clear mental picture or imagery, ImG then on the heart, as character, C and on the soul as consciousness, X and the sub-conscious, X’. Imagery triggers procedure that when followed imprints character, which character triggers process that when applied imprints behavior, √n on the soul as consciousness for motivated responses to stimuli. When information is rationalized, Rn for Rn = F√n and not merely intuitive, Pc for √n = 1/C Pc2 behavior would be imprinted as sub-conscious memory, for automated responses to stimuli. Like the agape constant, F all responses, RES would be appropriate, RGT for RES = RGT, but absolute values would vary uniquely, to the extent of the person‟s learning and approximation of the objective center of construction of the universe. Then like the skill gap, productivity, XtY is also evaluated as the square-root of both the response and its appropriateness. Formally: XtY = √ (RES x RGT) A sample data is presented insert, right: Similarly, all humans are endowed with the minimum capacity to sample stimuli, for which sampling, motive would be required. In the same specific way that merits, flukes and frauds, are differentiated for variability despite the universal minimum capacities for the choice of responses to stimuli, in general, human limitations have reduced performance from the achievement of expectations to the attainment of what can be done and what will be done. Then motive is evaluated as the ratio of the-can, on the-ought. As with the heritage model, given the consistency that characterizes merit, the ratio would yield what can be done. The data is also presented insert, right: For the four, 4 values that represent the pair of what can be attained on the heart and health sets, when each is divided by 0.9998 that defines the ought, the mantissa is returned. Fourthly the responses to stimuli require the emotion, for which all humans are also adequately endowed. Love is reduced into the two, 2 skills that include need clarification, N-C and need satisfaction, N-S both of which would be required for responses. N-C is fulfilled with scores that are above the minimum of twenty-one, 21 for the system of values, Xi at Xi ≤ 21 for all the subjects. And for N-S, the minimum of 0.007298 for the fine structure constant is satisfied. The data is presented below: XtY RES RGT 0.99 0.99 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.84 0.86 0.82 0.85 0.87 0.84 0.89 0.9 0.87 0.83 0.84 0.81 0.58 0.59 0.57 0.33 0.3 0.36 0.86 0.88 0.85 1.0 1.0 1.0 Pc' Rn' √n' Fc 1.63 2.29 2.0 1.05 1.67 2.37 2.06 1.05 3.03 4.92 4.06 1.07 2.09 3.16 2.68 1.06 1.99 2.98 2.54 1.06 2.94 4.76 3.94 1.07 2.12 3.21 2.72 1.06 2.3 3.56 2.99 1.07 3.22 5.28 4.35 1.07 1.61 2.25 1.96 1.05 Nature Adjustment MRL ETH' PTH' ETS' Health Heart Set Set 0.99503 0.9677 0.9921 0.99483 0.57723 0.5525 0.5755 0.57712 0.37783 0.3616 0.3767 0.37775 0.84062 0.8046 0.8381 0.84046 0.78319 0.7496 0.7808 0.78303 0.34614 0.3313 0.3451 0.34607 0.33793 0.3234 0.3369 0.33787 0.34903 0.3341 0.348 0.34896 0.36298 0.3474 0.3619 0.36291 0.95001 1.0136 0.9472 0.94982
  • 8. By virtue of the agape constant, F and its variable variant that define the universal capacity to make the connection between the stimulus and response, as well as the capacity for choice that is expressed at stimulus sampling and the responses to stimuli; any observed deficiencies among humans would be attributed to difficulties with learning, which difficulties would be attitudinal. To make the appropriate connection between the stimulus and response the requirement would be the objective interpretation of the stimulus. For strategic reasons this capacity would be evident in the thought pattern, f0 and would translate into the value of the skill shortage, StG. Thus while both values are uniform for all subjects at 0.5, the other seven, 7 related features on the table below return the same scores for only those who have been observed to be consistent. The data is presented below: Recall that f0 = f0b + f0H where f0b = 0.5. Then at f0 = 0.5, the other half would be accounted for by StG = 0.5. While f0H is the index of the human-power resource quality, HpRQ StG is skill shortage. To further establish the thesis presented above, the data for the measure of reliability, RLT is represented below, the derivation is also presented following: The inputs to the data that include, beta, β and alpha, α are derived on the signal detection model, Pf VRT' N-S' N-C' 6.35 0.77 0.9977 27.96 5.73 0,80 0.9977 27.19 2.01 0.93 0.9973 23.37 3.1 . 0.89 0.9974 24.42 4.62 0.84 0.9976 25.92 1.97 0.93 0.9973 23.3 2.40 0.92 0.9973 23.72 2.30 0.92 0.9973 23.12 2.03 0.93 0.9973 23.38 7.20 0.75 0.9978 29.08
  • 9. SdM presented below the derivation of reliability: Beta measures the number of correct responses and Alpha the number of wrong responses, on ten, 10 administrations of any one, 1 of the battery of signal detection tests that are available, for Beta + Alpha = 10. The subjects for the data presented in this work were originally evaluated on the identity kit, Id-K. They were deliberately selected to match the inverse of the best case with the SdM, so that only the first is consistent and the other nine, 9 are inconsistent; except for the last subject whose data was adjusted to fit the theory, to corroborate the first. Their scores on SXi were reconstructed, to derive beta and alpha, for the purpose of the evaluation of reliability presented above. It is Sxi that links the SdM and the Id-K. While SXi is the focus of the SdM, the facto-PF is the main thrust of the Id-K. They are connected by the model presented below: PF = √ ((SXi + 1) / Xi), Xi = (1 / (1 - X/15)) + 1 X = Ln SXi SXi measures the mass of soul, S in terms of the number of truths that have been gathered at the learning process, to define the human size, uniquely. And X measures the level of consciousness, to point forward to compensation in terms of the monetized return on investment, ROI. Recall that PF measures thought outside the box to define location and points backwards, to the
  • 10. resolution of the subjectivity, f0F limitation associated with ignorance, naivety and poverty; as well as the analogous sickness, aging and death. Both sets of features would be rooted in the attitude to the losses of spirit and sustenance as well as language at Eden and Babel respectively. Formally: Then the bane of humanity would involve the recovery of spirit, SXi language, PF and thereafter, sustenance in terms of the ROI. Ordinarily the ROI is evaluated as the monetary equivalent of the unit of return on investment, ROI. It is conceptualized in this work to measure the unit cost of production, for providing a service. It would therefore be sufficient start-up capital for new ventures. Both models are presented below: By Christian parlance, following Jesus Christ, "It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life”; John, 663 . SXi is therefore conceptualized as the measure of spirit, according to the number of truths accumulated. A shortage would therefore create singe, to cause sickness, aging and death. The skill shortage, StG is optimum at StG = 0.4 and for consistency, the threshold of StG = 0.22 would have to be attained, for relevance, RLV of RLV = 0.75. Relevance, RLV is evaluated as presented below, where Pk measures conduct and Po, the behavior pattern: RLV = √ (L x A), L = ⅓ (2Pk + 1) A = 1/100 (SXi – 2) Pk = 5√(½(f0 + Po)) / √2 Jesus also described Himself as “the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me”; John, 146 . When the appropriate truths are chosen, to derive the six, 6 item standard procedure and four, 4 item strategic process, the paths, PF operationalize the knowledge of wisdom, following which, “there is a prospect, And your hope will not be cut off”; Proverbs, 2414 . The natural order, N-O would have been reconstructed, to approximate the ROI = Profit / ROI, Profit = Revenue – Costs ROI = Revenue / Costs ROI = 10kG , kG = X / 0.95 Recall that kG is the Kierkegaard factor f0F = 1 / BHI' × XF2 BHI' = 2ScT x √2 XF = 1 / 100 (72 + PF) XF = 0.73 / XF f0F = 0.71 / f0F
  • 11. objective center of construction of the universe, in recovery of language; to avoid clogs and the related sickness, aging and death, like the singe. PF and SXi are basis to categorize the workforce in particular and humans in general, as insert, above: Recall Alfred Toynbee‟s conception of the cycle of civilizations, following which civilizations rise and fall with creative minorities, who resolve thorny issues to make civilizations rise and that could make the civilizations fall when the minorities are not available to resolve the crises. Recall also Alfred Pareto in the 80-20 rule, by which 80% of the work in organizations would be done by 20% of the personnel. Thirdly, recall that 99% of the earth‟s value has been observed to be generated by 1% of humanity. The 1% constitutes the three, 3 and four, 4 talenters. They have originated ideas, and run with same. The two, 2 talenters have also originated ideas, but which ideas are run by others. Five, 5 talenters constitute the creative minorities, who sanitize the environment, to ensure security and sustenance. They would usually have found and fulfilled their life-purpose. The 2, 3 and 4 talenters would not have fulfilled the idea that would have been associated with their life-purpose, but an idea, according to the needs of society. To find the idea, it would be necessary to approximate the objective center of construction of the universe, represented in this work by the natural order, N-O. Then the person‟s measure of reliability, RLT would approximate a unity, at about 0.98, to indicate that the four, 4 standard deviations, 4σ on the normal curve have been traversed, for whole spectrum knowledge. 3.0 Optimization To be reliable, motive, MtV would need to be rooted in love, L. In general two, 2 emotions can be observed that include love and fear, according to the person‟s responses to the anger, failure and frustrations that are associated with the ignorance, naivety and poverty that accompany sickness, ageing and death; all of which are rooted in the loss of spirit, language and sustenance. To evaluate reliability love is incorporated in the measure as F’’’ = CCC / CsY, which is a specific case of the general model, L = A Fn for Fn = L / A where L = CCC is the expected measure of consistency, CsY and CsY = A would then be the actual measure. Motive is incorporated in the measure by the relation RLT = F’ / kG’, where F‟ defines the potential as what can be done, while kG‟ is expectations, according to what ought to be done. Recall that people, F ought to approximate the Kierkegaard center of 3. e5 = 148 < SXi < e6 = 403, 1%ter 2. e4 = 55 < SXi < e5 = 148, 20%ter 1. SXi < e4 = 55, 80%ter 4. SXi > e6 = 403, Creative Minorities 3. 28 < PF < 30, 4-Talenter 2. 10 < PF < 28, 3-Talenter 1. PF < 10, 2-Talenter 4. PF > 30, 5-Talenter Fear Love, (Emotions) Wickedness Hard-work Truth, (Motives) Anger Passion Compassion Momentum Values Beliefs Failure Frustration Sin : Sickness, Ageing, Death : Spirit, Language, Sustenance
  • 12. construction of the universe, kG. Then according to the location of motive on the love-fear continuum, beliefs and values, as well as momentum would be determined, as presented on the diagram insert, right above: By this diagram the features at the top of the blue arrow, which blue arrow represents the love-fear continuum, are reflections and therefore images of those at the bottom. Then the momentum, for success at work, would usually be accumulated at the cost of health; which would lead to aging and subsequently death, to the extent that sin is not resolved. Learning provides the opportunity to resolve sin. It progresses through three, 3 phases as outlined below and formalized by the diagram, insert right, as well as the relation that follows: Conscience is resolved, Imagery is clarified and Identity is recovered Recall from the heritage model presented earlier in this work that the upbringing, UbG process is fundamentally subjective. Then self would be lost when objectivity, ObJ overwrites subjectivity, SbJ as represented below: ObJ' = (½ (ObJ + SbJ)) / √2 IdT = (½ (HdT + UbG)) / √2, HdT = √ (½ (√f0 x f0F6 )) UbG = f0F To the extent that heredity, HdT is resolved, self would be lost; with the renewal of spirit, as truth, SXi is accumulated; and mind, as language, PF is relearned via the N-O. According to how well this process is achieved, the person would be located and compensated, ROI equivalently, for sustenance, as the identity, IdT is recovered. For evidence, mental images would become clear, and the conscience, purged. It is conscience that first raises the flag when information is inadequate, which would be followed by a cloudy mental picture of the purpose that is envisaged. Sickness, ageing and subsequently death, result; when these subtle signals are ignored, with the conscience seared and the foggy path treaded rough-shod. The occult and the myriad religions have attempted to reconstruct this process. It is now possible to evaluate progress on this journey, 1 ( ) - 1 F = ( ) + 1 (1 – )1 F 1 From Each To Each One4All All4One M B O T S W O Discernment Analysis Synthesis Imprint √n Rn Pc Vc ConscienceImageryIdentityMind-Over-Matter Freewill-Determinism Heredity-Up-Bringing Casual-Interaction Learning Cycle LnT RdT RcT Xi CsV f0J X CtT f0F 123 Each of the three, 3 reciprocals defines a phase in the learning process, from bottom up. In between, the self is first lost, -1 and then recovered, +1. In this work, the heritage model doubles as the optimization model.
  • 13. by the performance model presented below, right and following the five, 5 success sets presented on the chart to the left: This time, behavior, Po is represented by the features outlined on the bottom of the blue line that defines the love-fear continuum. It would be the product of the quality of thought, f0 defined by the features at the top. The thought process is outlined on the relations insert top right, and summarized by the perception model of mind, PMM insert top of the rectangle. The need profile, is presented below the growth model, f0 = 2Po – 1 that links thought, f0 with behavior, Po. The profile describes behavior and is summarized by the consciousness model presented below the rectangle, insert middle. Then the performance model is presented, following which model, thought outside the box, PF would be the sum of emotional intelligence, EI and the system of values, Xi by which the person functions. This performance model summarizes skill as fundamentally attitudinal, according to the system of values by which the person is disposed to function. The system of values is presented, insert above, which translates into an analogous system of beliefs, also presented below: Thus consequent upon the attitude of faith imbibed from the system of values, an attitude to RLV = √ (L x A), L = ⅓ (2Pk + 1) A = 1/100(SXi – 2) Pk = 5√(½(f0 + Po)) / √2 4. Soul 1. Health 2. Heart 3. Mind 5. Skill 6. Attitude Death Heritage Clog Singe Po = S / D2 D2 = D1 + S D1 = D - 2 D = Log (A) / Log (L) A = L F2 L = 2F - 1 Fp = √ (F1 / F2) F2 = 1 / ΣPm x 67 Pm+1 = 2 × ΣPm + 1, m = 1 to 4; P1 = F1 F1 = 2√R - 1 R = 1 / f f = 1 / Fo otherwise f = 1 – 1 / Fo for f0 >= 0.5 Fo = √ (Lo x Ao) Lo = 1 / (1 - f0) Ao = 1 / f0 f0 = 4(1 – 1 / √F), F = ½ (4 – 1 / √f1) f1 = Perception Index, N = 5 f0 = Sensation Index, N = 1 Fear Love, (Emotions) Wickedness Attitude Truth, (Motives) Relevance Skill-Shortage Soul-Mass Motive Belief Momentum: Sickness, Ageing, Death : Spirit, Language, Sustenance PF = Xi + EI f0 = 2Po - 1 Anger Emotion Compassion Xi EI kG 1 F X’ = (1 - ), kG = X / 0.95 F = Xi - 1 X = Ln SXi Xi = (1 / (1 – X / 15)) + 1 X‟, 19 kG, 20 F, 20 Xi, 21 Performance Model 1. Objectivity, f0b 2. Self-Containment, ScT 3. Measure of Faith, mF 4. Thought Pattern, f0 5. Attitude, AtT 6. Bill of Health Index, BHI’ Skill Shortage, StG Variability, VRT Skill Gap, SkG Relevance, RLV 6. Compensation, ROI 5. Soul, S Apprised Return on Investment, ROIApp 3. Subjectivity, f0F: 0.87, 0.92 2. Relevance, RLV: 0.75, 5.07 1. Skill Shortage, StG: 0.27, 0.34 4. Reliability, RLT: 0.62, 0.81System of Beliefs T S W O Temperament 1. Obedience, 1 2. Discipline, 7 3. Humility, 12 4. Perseverance, 16 5. Attitude, 19 6. Faith, 21 System of Values PMM Simulation PMM Need Profile Consciousness Model Growth Model Success Sets Relevance Model
  • 14. health would emerge; to inculcate a measure of faith, mF that enhances the development of a thought pattern, f0 by which to reconstruct the objective center of construction of the universe; for the self-containment, ScT associated with whole spectrum knowledge, when the four, 4 standard deviations, 4σ of the normal curve would have been traversed. According to the success sets presented earlier, soul is birthed, with the capacity to deliberately intuit and locate the required features of the N-O correctly. And the renewed mind would have acquired the capacity to apply the principles of waves and moments, to confirm the choices, for use at behavior. This is how the required heart transplant is effected, for autopilot behavior that frees protoplasm of the stress and health hazards associated with the un-optimized human system. Given the appropriate SXi and PF, singes and clogs would be averted, respectively; so also would death, along with the associated sickness and ageing. The life-purpose is basis to operationalize the learning and optimization process that makes five, 5 talenters and creative minorities; with the development, proof and shelving of the related idea. Ideas that do not represent the life-purpose translate into the lower four, 4 three, 3 and two, 2 talents, according to their significance. SXi and PF are acquired as summarized in the chart below, following which chart the associated procedure and process are also presented: The process begins with the red arrow. Spirit resides in the heart, XF from where it accesses the DNA for the blueprint of the life-purpose, PF when the person is at rest. The information is transferred to the brain, BHI by speech or the combination of writing and reading; from where mind accesses it at thought, f0 to enhance the level of consciousness, X. Mind processes the information into procedures that are adopted at behavior, which behavior would then be stored in the sub-conscious memory, X’ for automated actions. Thus while spirit and mind function remotely, protoplasm operates by waves. The unit procedure by which desire, which is intangible, becomes manifest as tangible reality, is summarized in the chart, right. Given the attitude to health, to the extent that it is not compromised, belief would be resolved. The resolution enhances the 3. Mind, f0 Soul Mass, SXi 2. Heart, XF 1. Brain, BHI’ 5. Consciousness, X 4. DNA, PF Process, ObJ Links: CI 6. Sub-Consciousness, X 3. Teamwork, 2 x 3 r = 0.9986 2. Skill Shortage, 3 + 2 6. r = 0.35 1. Soul Mass, 2 + 3 5. r = 0.22 4. Reliability, 2 x 2 ROI : r = 0.84 MmT / SkL: r = -0.9973 AtT / BHI: r = -0.1966 BLF / TmW: r = -0.67 3. Skill: r = -0.14 SuB-Consciousness: r = 0.27 2. Attitude: r = -0.81 6. Team Work: r = 1.00 1. Bill of Health Index: r = -0.59 5. Belief: r = 0.99 4. Momentum: r = -0.37 Reliability: r = 0.22 Procedure Process
  • 15. accumulation of momentum, as well as the acquisition of the associated skills, with which to write to the sub-conscious memory. Then teamwork would be best, when individual performance emanates from the sub-conscious. Recall that the 5% information that is retained with acquaintances needs to be accessed, before the DNA can be reached for the other 5%, as well as the 90% reserved with the sacred. This distribution of information, and the order in which it is accessed, actually optimizes the disposition toward teamwork. The typical standard procedure comprises six, 6 items and this unit procedure is iterated the required number of times, to define process, which process comprises four, 4 items. The appropriateness of the unit process of four, 4 items into which the idea associated with the life-purpose is reduced, determines the compensation money, ROI for start-ups. According to the number of times procedure is iterated, the soul mass, SXi is accumulated; to pulverize the skill shortage, StG equivalently and optimize teamwork, as well as the reliability that attracts ROI. Recall that the strength of a chain is tested at its weakest link. The bill of health index, BHI is invoked, to confirm the authenticity of the procedure and process. Recall the principle of the quantum wave function collapse, QWFC in physics, by which principle the infinite number of possible paths that connect events in space, collapse into one, 1 optimum path, at the application of the wave model. This would be when the wave amplitudes cancel out. This concept applies to the BHI when the correlation coefficient of the first two, 2 items of the procedure and process tends toward a zero, to indicate normality. Then the correlation of the third and fourth items would tend towards a unity, equivalently, for an analogous smooth flow of energy between both points. Laminar flow would be sufficiently established however, where the first two, 2 items are equal, and the equality is repeated for the third and fourth items. In the case of the above procedure and process, the six, 6 items on the procedure series as well as the first three, 3 items of process are measured twice, at the superficial and quantum levels. The fourth item on the process series, reliability, is correlated with ROI. The scores are recorded against the items in red, for the procedure and blue, for the process. While attitude and BHI return –0.81 and -0.59 respectively, scores are -0.14 and -0.37 for skill and momentum, respectively. Notice that the observed inequality between -0.14 and -0.37 is accounted for by an equivalent inequality between -0.81 and -0.59. For corroboration, the correlation between attitude and BHI returns -0.1966 and -0.9973 between skill and momentum. Moreover, the first batch of correlations for teamwork and belief at the superficial and quantum levels return 1.00 and 0.99 respectively; with an equivalently close equality between the sub-conscious and reliability, at 0.27 and 0.22 respectively. For process, it would be sufficient that the inequality between teamwork and reliability at 0.9986 and 0.84 respectively is matched by the 0.35 and 0-22 for skill shortage and soul mass, also respectively. To make the distinction between the two, 2 levels of the superficial and quantum, at which the above metrics were measured, for all the metrics, the identity kit, Id-K has been observed to
  • 16. predict only subjects that are consistent. For the inconsistent subjects however, it predicts the other metrics but not the input values that include phenomenological compression, PC rationality, Rn and performance by the standard procedure, √n. In reverse, the signal detection model, SdM predicts the three, 3 input values but not the other metrics. For explanation, the SdM includes measurement at the quantum level where the single input of f0H is evaluated from the ratio of the psyche‟s objectivity, f0J on its subjectivity, f0F for f0H = f0J / f0F, to define the human-power resource quality index, HpRQ-Index. Both instruments are therefore coupled, so that the SdM predicts the input values for all subjects, and then passes the data to the Id-K, for the rest of the analyses. The superficial measures from the Id-K are preserved and set apart from their quantum equivalents that are estimated from the factor-f0H. The data is presented below: To make the measurements by which the data is derived, words have been presented in this work as the medium that conveys spirit, to discretize spirit and make it tangible and measureable. But in particular, words convey information and in general, they convey knowledge; which knowledge, like spirit, is infinite. To reduce infinity into a measureable quantity the principle of
  • 17. percentages is invoked, to conceptualize the infinite as 100%. Then information or knowledge maps into the normal curve, where one, 1 two, 2 three, 3 and four, 4 standard deviations represent 68%, 95%, 99% and 99.98% of the required information, respectively. The normal curve is presented below: And the exponential function, ex is adopted to map consciousness, X as well as truth, SXi both of which features are continuous and intangible, into the number line, for X = Ln SXi. Similarly, soul is conceptualized as pulse response, which impulse is instant, to discretize the eternal and make it measureable. Unlike spirit and soul, the mind, conceptualized apart from the nervous system, is more subtle. It does not exist by itself, but functions with spirit, protoplasm, and soul, to translate thought, f0 into behavior, Po. It operates with spirit at a ratio of 88-12 for spirit-mind respectively, to define the psyche. With protoplasm the ratio is 70-30 for protoplasm-mind respectively, to define phenomenology. And with the soul, because the psyche manipulates phenomena at thought, the proportion for mind is 12 + 30 = 42, for a soul-mind ratio of 58-42 that defines consciousness. Then consciousness, X which is motivated, translates into the subconscious, X’ that is automated, by the consciousness model presented below, insert left: The factor-kG is the Kierkegaard constant, kG and the factor-F is agape constant, F both of which measure the approximation of the objective center of construction of the universe, for corroboration. Recall that Xi is the system of values by which the person functions, which values determine F and therefore, the human nature. And X is the level of consciousness at which the person functions, from which kG is derived to define he human function. Thus, recall also that values define the attitude of faith, at thought; to culminate in the measure of faith, mF which mF becomes input to the system of beliefs that drive kG 1 F X’ = (1 - ), kG = X / 0.95 F = Xi - 1 X = Ln SXi Xi = (1 / (1 – X / 15)) + 1 X‟, 19 kG, 20 F, 20 Xi, 21
  • 18. behavior. Beliefs define the attitude to health, according to whether or not health is compromised, at system operation. By the system of beliefs presented in this work, system operation or the human-power resource quality, HpRQ-Index, f0H would be optimum, with minimum health challenges, when people aim for self-containment, ScT. In this case, the whole spectrum of information the person would ever need is gathered in one swoop, so that thought becomes mere inter- or extrapolation. Moreover, this process is inherently associated with the human objectivity, f0b as evident in the relation, f0 = f0H + f0b where the thought pattern, f0 would be a measure of the objectivity, f0b of the HpRQ-Index, f0H. The HpRQ is evaluated as the ratio of the psyche‟s objectivity, f0J on its subjectivity, f0F for f0H = f0J / f0F. And f0J = f0F9 , so that given f0F, f0J would be determined according to the extent of HpRQ optimization, over the nine, 9 levels of consciousness that is required for soul to be birthed. Soul would be better positioned for inter- and extrapolation functions. At the threshold, soul‟s location is level-10 consciousness, above principalities and powers that locate at level-9 consciousness and below. For the establishment of these conceptions of mind, soul, spirit and protoplasm, the psyche, PF is evaluated as a function of spirit, Z and mind, Q formally as below: Q = 2 (⅓Z) This relation is corroborated by a similar relation that defines the psyche as follows: PF = 2 (⅓PF'), Then when PF = 28, PF’ = 42 for F = 0.000851064, which F has been presented in this work as the basis for spiritual life in the universe. Recall that the optimization of the HpRQ at learning passes through three, 3 phases as earlier summarized and corroborated here by the following three, 3 models: Then people are brought up to be subjective, -F during which behavior would be motivated. And they become objective, +F at optimization to function on autopilot, X’. What is at stake in this process is the skill shortage, StG which StG manifests as ignorance, naivety and poverty. People become consistent and therefore predictable, only when the awareness of the StG reaches the threshold value of 0.22 for StG = 0.22. At the optimum when soul is birthed, StG = 0.4. This 1.5 ( ) PF‟ = √ ( ) (1 – )1 -F 1 1 1 1.5PF2 F = ( ) - 1 (1 – ) 1 1 -F F = (1 – ) - 1 1 ( ) - 1 F = ( ) + 1 (1 – )1 F 1 kG 1 F X’ = (1 - ), kG = X / 0.95 F = Xi - 1 X = Ln SXi Xi = (1 / (1 – X / 15)) + 1 X‟, 19 kG, 20 F, 20 Xi, 21
  • 19. benchmark is reached only when life-purpose is resolved. In-between, ideas could be managed, which ideas would be valued according to the demands of society. The path to soul is summarized on the chart below: Bottom line therefore, humans have a nature, SXi’ into which they are nurtured, SXi. And the nature is wired to function, PF in a certain way, PF’. Then sickness, aging and subsequently, death would be the consequence of observed shortfalls in the functions, Fn which shortfalls would reflect in the nature, F2 . Characteristically, F2 humans would be designed to function, Fn on autopilot, X’ by automated behavior, √n’ into which potential they would need to be optimized. But the optimization process functions by motivated behavior, √n during which the observed deficiencies in spirit, f0 language, XF and sustenance, BHI’ are resolved. Formally: f0 = 1/BHI' × XF2 , BHI' = 2ScT x √2 XF = 1 / 100 (72 + PF) XF = 0.73 / XF f0 = 0.71 / f0 Then to the extent of the resolution of the deficiencies and approximation of the potential, PF’ the human-power resource quality, HPRQ would be determined, as evident in the HpRQ-Index, f0H. The HpRQ is evaluated as the ratio of the sub-conscious automated behavior, X’ on its optimum value of X’ = 20, for AtP = X’ / 20. In certain circumstances the threshold value of X’ = PROTOPLASMSPIRIT MIND Psyche: Numina, N-O Phenomenon, P-O RATIONALITY INTUITION Process, X’ SXiPF XikG Fv 30 ↔ 7088 ↔ 12 42 58 The firewood, f0F of this world is for only those who can take heart, f0J = f0F9 Fc Logic, 1-σProcedure, f0Character, X Image, 0.05 1-2-1 Path to SoulSOUL f0Ff0J That is why not all, Fv can gather, Fc it, X’ Chinua Achebe
  • 20. 4 could be used, for AtP = X’ / 4. While thought is basically mental and involves numbers when phenomena are manipulated, and requires that infinity is reduced into the measurable quantity as percentages, soul is fundamentally behavioral and requires that instantaneousness is invoked, to reduce eternity into the measureable quantity as impulses and pulse responses. In both cases, the number four, 4 suffices, as the optimum number of dimensions at which humans function. The HpRQ-Index, f0H is evaluated as the ratio of the psyche‟s objectivity, f0J on its subjectivity, f0F for f0H = f0J / f0F. Given this index, the thought pattern, f0 would be predicted as the sum of the human objectivity, f0b with the HpRQ-Index, f0H for f0’ = f0b + f0H where f0b = 0.5 and is given. The data is presented on the abstract, above. Ultimately, according to the dictum that the strength of a chain is tested at its weakest link, humans are reduced into a single value that measures the human response to death, NtG at the confrontation with which death all human defenses crumble like a pack of cards. In this case the integration of nature and its function, NtG is evaluated on the version of the optimization model presented below: NtG = 0.71 / NtG,, NtG = (½(AdJ + AdT)) / √2 Typically, death presents itself twice in a person‟s life time, according to whether or not the life-purpose or its analogue, is resolved. Recall that f0’ = f0b + f0H, in that order. So that when at the threshold of the optimization process the human objectivity, f0b is resolved with the approximation of the natural order, N-O or objective center of construction of the universe, the person would be expected to have identified their life-purpose or its analogue, in the absence of which, death would loom. Given any of the two, 2 purposes however, the optimization of the HpRQ-Index, f0H would continue; to the benchmark point where soul ought to be birthed, in the absence of which birth, death would again present itself. Thus in general, humanity progresses through three, 3 peaks that include the resolution of the human objectivity quandary, f0b the conclusion of the optimization process, f0H when the HpRQ would have been prepared for stewardship, and the entrance into the stewardship proper Po’’’. And then soul is severed at death, which could be physical when protoplasm decays or the death to self, DTS at which DTS soul relocates above principalities and powers, to function at a minimum of level-10 consciousness for X ≥ 10. At death before or at the first peak, disembodied souls become instruments at the disposal of principalities, or witchcraft. At death before or at the second peak, powers or the occult would be waiting. While witchcraft would be familial, the occult would be territorial. They both interfere with f0b and f0H, to distort f0 and NtG. Serially: 1. Q = 2 (1 / 3Z) 2. PF = 2 (1 / 3PF') 3. PF' = √ (1.5 / (1 / (1 – 1 / -F))) 4. X' = kG (1 – 1 / F) 5. f0F = 1 / BHI' XF 2 6. f0J = f0F9 Reliability, RLT Soul, S Appraised ROI, ROIApp Measure of Faith, mF 6. Skill Shortage, StG 5. Thought Pattern, f0 f0H = f0J / f0F 3. Values, Xi ROIc = ROIv 2. Sub-Conscious, X’ 6. Diligence, DLG 1. Stewardship, Po’’’ 5. Death to Self, DTS 4. Beliefs, BLF RLT = 2f0H Self Recovery T S W O S = ROIApp F’ = DTS + DLG F = RLT + S
  • 21. With women, the first peak would be at puberty, when they flower and protoplasm is adequately matured to make babies. The second peak would be at the birth of the first baby. And the third would be at menopause, when mental activity comes to focus. For both sexes, at the DTS, the sting of physical death vanishes, to indicate the entrance into eternity, for the person. Thus by nature, as humans think, f0 so they are, HmtY for a correlation, r of up to r = 0.93 between f0 and HmtY. At the threshold they would be happy, HpN according to the capacity to resolve identities, IdT for HpN = IdT. And at the benchmark, Joy, JoY would depend on the human-power resource quality, HpRQ index, f0H for JoY = f0H. Moreover, according to the mindset, MdS the soul set, SLS would be determined. The chart is presented, as well as the data and series, following: Then phenomena would be adequately defined when the four, 4 strategic features that make the phenomenon tick are derived. By mathematical parlance, every system has a boundary that sets it apart from all other systems, uniquely. Soul, 7-3-2-1 Logic 1. Imprint, 5 x 2 2. Momentum, 3 + 1 3. Contradictions, 1-2-1 4. Protoplasm 5. Spirit, -1 6. Mind, -2 Humanity, HmtY 6. Thought Pattern, f0 5. Mind Set, MdS Soul Set, SLS4. Happiness, HpN 1. Identity, IdT 2. HpRQI, f0H 3. Joy, JoY
  • 22. But the critical points at the boundary are two, 2 that include the boundary condition at the input and the boundary condition at the output points. Taken together with the input and output features, the system definition would satisfy the requirements of the natural order, N-O for the equality of the Kantian numina and phenomena. Recall Immanuel Kant‟s distinction between numina, or the way things actually are and phenomena, or the way that people see things to be. By the chart presented above, the four, 4 strategic features that define the human person would include need clarification, N-C and need satisfaction, N-S as input and output features respectively. Then the two, 2 boundary conditions would include happiness, HpN at the input point and joy, JoY at the output point. But recall from the Newtonian laws of motion and Einstein‟s relativity model that the universe can be explained by two, 2 realities that include the appearances that are superficial and the quantum that are deep. While events in space appear to rotate and revolve, this illusion is determined by the spherical shape of the universe, despite that below the surface, all the events move in straight lines. Similarly as outlined on the series on the left below the chart above, between N-C and N-S, six, 6 other features couple with HpN and JoY, to define the eight, 8 features that define the superficial reality and need to be resolved, to clear the straight path between N-C and N-S. This optimization process is achieved by iterations that eliminate the seven, 7 gaps between the eight features. The iterations actually represent events and experiences in relationships, and are summarized in the relations that follow: PF = √ (PF' x PF), PF' = 1 / √SkGF PF = √2ex ; ex = f0 / SkG PF1 = 1.5(1 / (1 – 1 / PF2) PF2 = 1 / (1 - F) F = 10 (1/2 (logL / logA) A = L x Fx2 Fx = √ (F1 x F2) Lx = √ (L1 x L2) L = √ (L1' x L2') L1' = A1 x F1 L2' = 1/A2 × F2 The factor-F is evaluated from six, 6 features as outlined on the chart insert above, right. The procedure is iterated seven, 7 times, to reconstruct the optimization process into the level-7 consciousness, X7 that is required to unravel the logic that governs the universe, the unraveling of which logic would be sufficient evidence for optimum learning. Given PF1 from the first phase of the learning process, the remaining two, 2 processes that add to the seven, 7 to define 3. F2 F2 2. L2 6. A2 1. L1 5. A1 4. F1 Fn f0 = 1 / BHI' x XF2 , XF = 1 / 100 (72 + PF1) XF = 0.73 / XF f0 = 0.71 / f0
  • 23. the nine, 9 steps in the optimization into level-10 consciousness, X10 PF‟ and PF‟‟ would be determined. This would also fulfill the requirement of the universal logic, presented on the second series to the right, below the chart that defines humanity. By this logic, protoplasm would be transcended for mind over matter, at 1-2-1; so that performance on one, 1 event would be evaluated as if two, 2 events were performed, which performance would be rewarded, 1 accordingly. This has two, 2 explanations according to both of which, it would be sufficient to do 50% of the task, whether at thought, f0 or behavior, Po. While thought would be by the waves principle following which it would suffice to derive the two, 2 items that describe phenomena; behavior is by moments, which require that phenomena are reduced into three, 3 features. Then in principle waves would need to be iterated twice, to derive the four, 4 items of process that make phenomena tick. And moments would be iterated twice, for the six, 6 items of the standard procedure. In practice however, these would constitute one event a piece. Thus mind over matter derives from the death to self, DTS for DTS = -1, which would be spiritual. And this would be evaluated against the two, 2 events that define mind renewal, for -2. The first of these events is the acquisition of the skill to approximate Kierkegaard‟s objective center of construction of the universe, f0b by which skill the correct identity, IdT of phenomena would be derived, when phenomena are reduced into the four, 4 strategic features that make them tick. In the second event this skill is applied, to resolve problems, according to which resolution the person‟s quality as a human resource, f0H would be determined. The four, 4 processes described here integrate into the logic of soul at 7-3-2-1. Given an idea, 1 therefore, for creativity, it would be required to apply the waves principle, 2 as well as the principle of moments, 3 to unravel the logic, 7 that drives the idea. Moreover this would be when people could be described as consistent, CsY at thought and behavior, formally as follows: CsY = 13√ (1 / RT), RT = f0F / f0J The factor-RT measures restraint, which would be required for the experiences to optimize the factor-PF and become objective, f0J; and for the clarity of conscience, CsC to gather all the information that would be needed for the clear mental images of phenomena, as evidence that identity, IdT is resolved, which resolution of identities is the goal of optimization. Formally: CsC = √ (f0J x PF / 100 x RT) 4.0 Anxiety The optimization process has been reduced into the four, 4 strategic features that include in series, as follows: 3. Conscience, CsC 2. System of Values, Xi 1. System of Beliefs, BLF 4. Conduct, Pk
  • 24. Then conduct, Pk which would be the system output and end product of the optimization process, would depend on the state of the conscience, CsC or system input. The conscience would determine the operations of the system of values, Xi and the system of beliefs, BLF both of which define the boundary conditions at the input and output points, respectively. According to how cloudy the conscience is, it would interfere with the access to information. The system of beliefs is a pull factor that presents barriers between people, to determine the access to information that people need from each other. And the system of values is a push factor, according to which people are motivated to reach out to each other, for the information that they need. The clearer the conscience therefore for CsC → 1, the easier would be the flow of information between people. Then, values and beliefs would also approximate a unity. Recall that at optimum information, following a successful optimization process, the objectivity of the psyche, f0J would approximate a unity for f0J → 1; so also would subjectivity, f0F for f0F → 1 and restraint, RT for RT → 1. But this would translate into a mental state of F’’’ = 1.33, as presented on the stewardship model, Po’’’ below, left and corroborated by the simulation of the perception model of mind, PMM on the right, where F = 1.34 for f0 = 1. Recall also the distinction between the agape constant, Fc and its variable alternative, Fv where Fv is defined by the measures presented on the PMM and stewardship models. While the variable is unique for each person and presents values, according to the observed distance from the objective center of construction of the universe, the constant represents mental activity at the optimum and is the same for everybody. Formally: BHI' = 2ScT‟‟ √2 ScT‟‟ = √( F''' × Po’) / 4 F''' = 28f0 / Xi Po’ = ½ (1 / ScT') ScT' = 0,06RT Rt = f0F / f0J F = √ (F1 / F2) F2 = 1 / ΣPm x 67 Pm+1 = 2 × ΣPm + 1, m = 1 to 4; P1 = F1 F1 = 2√R - 1 R = 1 / f f = 1 / F otherwise f = 1 – 1 / F for f0 = 0.5 Fo = √ (Lo x Ao) Lo = 1 / (1 - f0) Ao = 1 / f0 A = FactorA(Sf0) Sf0 = f0H ‘f0H = Index of the human-power resource quality, HpRQ: f0H = f0J / f0F Fc = (Rn / √n) CsY, Rn = 2√n - C √n = ((4√n4 - 1) / 2) / f0F √n4 = (4√n3 + 1) / 5 √n3 = √ (√n1 x √n2) √n2 = ½C √n1 = 1 / C x Pc2 Pc = ((4C - 1) / 3) f0 C = (A / 19 + 1) x f0F Public Function FactorA(Sf0) 'CALCULATE R If Sf0 1 Then Sf0 = 1 / Sf0 If Sf0 = 1 Then GoTo 14060 Lo = 1 / (1 - Sf0) Ao = 1 / Sf0 fo = Sqr(Lo * Ao) P2 = 2 * F1 + 1 P3 = 2 * (P2 + F1) + 1 P4 = 2 * (P3 + P2 + F1) + 1 F3 = P4 + P3 + P2 + F1 F2 = 67 / F3 14070 F4 = Sqr(F1 / F2) 'CALCULATE n BSSN = (RScore / F4) ^ 2 'CALCULATE L S St = 1 / F2 T = Sqr(Sf0) Sf1 = St * T A2 = Sf0 * Sf1 BL = 1 / A2 * F4 ^ 2 AScore = BL * F4 ^ 2 FactorA = AScore End Function If Sf0 = 0.5 Then GoTo 14050 FF = 1 - 1 / fo If Sf0 = 0.5 Then GoTo 14055 14050 FF = 1 / fo 14055 RScore = 1 / FF 'CALCULATE F = F4 If Sf0 1 Then GoTo 14065 14060 F1 = 1: F2 = 1: RScore = 1 If Sf0 = 1 Then GoTo 14070 14065 F1 = 2 * Sqr(RScore) - 1
  • 25. Thirdly, recall the relativity model of humans, RMH as insert, right: The factor-A on the RMH defines anxiety, Ax and is evaluated as follows: Then at the optimum for Ax’ = 1, anxiety would score Ax = 0.88 and for Fc = 1.07, the relation, L = 1 / 0.88 x 1.072 would yield, 1.3. Human variability would therefore be a constant companion, out of which it would be impossible to optimize humanity. It would therefore be sufficient that mind functions by the waves model at thought, f0 and soul by the principle of moments at behavior, Po. This would sustain the HpRQ, f0H albeit the skill shortage, StG that underlies the variability, VRT quandary. By implication of RMH therefore, L and Fv would be equal at the threshold of variability where A = 0.88, to make the factor-A a unity in principle, for A = 1. This would also mean that at the threshold of variability the person would be capable to apply the waves principle at thought, to the extent that the behavior, Po at thought is rooted in either of anxiety, Ax or love, L for Po = 0.88 where Po = A. To be rooted in love, behavior would have to be by moments. Then the factors L and A would define contradictions, which contradiction is resolved by the factor-F. It is the resolution that is operationalized at optimization, where the factor-F would define conscience and is split into the factors Fn to define the system of beliefs and F2 to define the system of values. In this case, Love, L defines conduct and is held constant at L = 1, for A = F2 when the relation L = 1/A F2 translates into LA = F2 : L = 1. Then F2 and Fn would be equal for F2 = Fn , being products of the split in F2 . The series that outlines the optimization process is represented below, to demonstrate the fact of the relation, L = 1/A F2 or RMH: While the factor-F2 defines the human nature or character, C the factor-Fn defines human functionality or the human-power resource quality, HpRQ that is evaluated in this work as the index of the HpRQ, f0H. Recall from the function that evaluates the factor-A presented above that, given f0H, the factor-C would be determined, as well as phenomenological compression, Pc or the capacity to intuitively reduce phenomena into the four, 4 strategic features that make them tick. Rationality, Rn and the performance at task by the standard procedure, √n would also be determined, which Rn and √n also define the human nature and function respectively, at the realm of the soul. Similarly, C and Pc define the human nature and function at the realm of spirit, like F2 and Fn that are mental. These define the factors L, F, and A as mental, to present the Ax = 5Ax‟‟ / 4, Ax‟‟ = Ax‟ / √2 Ax‟ = ½(21 / N-C + 0.9972 / N-S) A 3. Conscience, CsC: F = F2 2. System of Values, Xi: F2 1. System of Beliefs, BLF: Fn 4. Conduct, Pk: L
  • 26. RMH as a model that is rooted in the human mind, from which model soul is evaluated as S = 1 / √L. For corroboration, the human mind is reduced into the model from which the factor-f0 is derived, to define the thought pattern or sensation as a function of habituation, F and sensitization, F. The factor-f0 is the general form, of which f0J, f0F and therefore f0H are variants. The perception model of mind is represented insert, right: Thus the human person, F is always doing something. They are either sampling stimuli, f0 responding to same, f1 or linking both F. Then the quality or appropriateness of the response, L would depend on the capacity to make the correct link or interpretation of the stimuli, F2 which interpretation would depend on the level of anxiety, A or adequacy of the systems of belief and values, for L = 1/A F2 where F = F2 and defines the conscience, CsC. The behavior pattern, Po is conceptualized as a function of consistency, CsY for Po = CsY. And CsY is evaluated from the objectivity, f0J and subjectivity, f0F of the psyche as respectively, the approximation of, and departure from, the objective center of construction of the universe by mind, Q and spirit, Z both of which combine to define psyche, PF. Po is also evaluated on the need profile, as a function of the factor-F. Formally: The thought and behavior patterns are linked by the relation, f0 = 2Po – 1. This is a specific form of the general model, L = 2F ± 1, which model is the derivative of the RMH. The following two, 2 relations establish the definition of psyche, PF presented in this work, as a function of spirit, Z and mind, Q: They also define the two, 2 interpretations of the 1-2-1 logic of protoplasm, where ⅓ = ½ of ⅔. In another expression of this logic, the values of the potential, ROIc and variable, ROIv return on investment, ROI are linked by the relation, ROIc = 2ROIv. So also are sin, SiN and the skill shortage, StG for StG = 2SiN. Sin is evaluated as a function of anxiety, Ax formally as presented below: SiN = 1 / Ax‟‟‟ – VRT, Ax‟‟‟ = Ax‟‟ / Ax‟ Ax‟ = 1 – Ax / 4 Ax‟‟ = 2 (1 / √W), W = (21 / N-C x 0.9972 / N-S) / (0.9972 / N-S / 21 / N-C) Then at the threshold, SiN = 0.11, for StG = 0.22, VRT = 0 and Ax’’ = 2 equivalently. Recall that all humans have the threshold capacity for need clarification, N-C and need Ax = 5Ax2 / 4, Ax2 = Ax1 / √2 Ax1 = ½(21 / N-C + 0.9972 / N-S) Po = S / D2, D2 = D1 + S D1 = D - 2 D = Log (A) / Log (L) A = L F2 L = 2F - 1 F = √ (F1 x F2) F2 = (F1 + 3) / 4 F1 = Rn / √n PF = 2 (⅓PF‟) Q = 2 (⅓Z) VRT = 340 (1 – N-S) StG = (Factor-F / SkG) / 10 x f0F SkG = (7 (1 – N-S)) / f0F N-S = 16√ (1 – 1 / N-C), N-C = SXi Factor-F = (1 / (1 – 1 / 1.5PF2 )) + 1 f0 = 4(1 – 1 / √F), F = ½ (4 – 1 / √f1), f1 = Perception Index, N = 5 f0 = Sensation Index, N = 1 satisfaction, N-S, both of which define love, L. VRT measures variability, formally as insert, right:
  • 27. The factor-F is also evaluated as the reciprocal of (SXi – 1) for FF = 1 / (SXi - 1). SXi is the mass of soul that measures the number of truths that the person has gathered. This would be a requirement for N-C. Recall Chinua Achebe in the novel titled Thing fall Apart, where he credits Obierika the wise crack, with the dialogue that the firewood of this world is for only those who can take heart, that is why not all can gather it. Sixteen, 16 is the number for perseverance on the system of values. It links N-C with N-S. And PF is the capacity to channel SXi, to solve problems. Like Rn and √n for soul, C and Pc for spirit, F2 and Fn for mind respectively, SXi measures the nature of protoplasm according to the number of truths in neural storage, PF evaluates its function, according to the associated processes. Then f0H would measure the integrated function, and StW the integrated nature according to the preparedness for stewardship, Po’’’. Recall that the factor-F, FF is presented in this work as basis for spiritual life in the universe, along with the fine structure constant, α that physics has presented as basis for intelligent life in the universe. Then in agreement with Sôrén Kierkegaard, a slight change in any of these values would lead to the creation of a universe that would be other than the current one, but uniquely personal to the person. This would be sin. 5.0 Learning Learning is conceptualized in this work to happen in two, 2 phases that include the imprint, ImG and operational excellence, OE. OE is achieved at the end of the three, 3 imprints on the brain, spirit and soul. Then every successful learning program would start with the imprint of the novelty that is to be learned, on the brain, for imagery. This is achieved instantaneously, following 100% concentration on the learning event. Imprint on the brain is the product of the resolution of the logic, LGC that drives the novelty, for LGC = X’ / X or the ratio of the sub-conscious, X’ on the consciousness, X. Then follow the imprints on spirit and soul, both of which are experiential. The imprint on spirit characterizes, C the learner uniquely, to match the novelty. And the imprint on the soul establishes the level of consciousness, X according to how much learning has occurred. To the extent that the required imprints have not happened therefore, the person would be a spoiler. A chart of the model of learning is presented, to illustrate the involvement of the whole mind; including the emotion, will and intellect, as well as the heart or meeting point between spirit and soul.
  • 28. Thus learning would be rooted in the emotion, according to its location on the love-fear continuum; which location determines the strength of motive of the will, and subsequently the intellectual involvement that culminates in the derivation of the four, 4 strategic features of the novelty for storage in heart memory of the sub-conscious. And following the initial imprint on the brain, the rest of the experiential component that culminates in operational excellence, would be iterations of the procedures that would be required to derive the process of four, 4 items that make the phenomenon tick. In general therefore, if this is done successfully, the person would be adequately optimized into the human-power resource quality, HpRQ. Specifically however, according to the commitment to the learning process, success would be achieved at three, 3 levels as itemized following: The learner becomes fully human, at the fulfillment of the life-purpose, when the associated idea is proven, fully developed and put on the shelf for use. At partial fulfillment, when an idea that is relevant to society is fully processed. At the threshold where objectivity, f0b is resolved, as evident in the consistency associated with the HpRQ, f0H given which the learner is able to participate in teams for the fulfillment of ideas. 6.0 Concluding Humans would always be doing one of three, 3 things, for all three, 3 of which they are minimally endowed. They would either be sampling or responding to stimuli, or linking both. By virtue of motives, sampling is done, successfully or not according to the strength of the attitude of will. Because of the capacity to love, responses would be successful or not, according to the interference from fear, anxiety or sin. And according to the agape constant, F which F would be intellectual, the link between stimulus and response would be successful or not, depending on how learned the person is. Learning, F and motives, f0H would be given, both of which are constants. But the emotion would need to be resolved, according to the learner‟s location on the love-fear continuum. For optimum F or f0b and f0H, it would be sufficient to study what other people have contributed to knowledge. And although this would be less than 5% of the information that humans need, people could, and have led reasonable lives. For optimality however, the 5% individual contribution would need to be accessed. And to be fully human, the 90% hosted by the sacred will necessarily be required. Recall that without faith, it would be impossible to please God, which faith links the superficial world of appearances and the deep abode of the quantum. Then to love in a way that fear is casted away and becomes ineffective, it would suffice to submit to other people, according to the 5% information that would be required. This would be
  • 29. preparatory to submit to self, so as to access the 5% individual contribution to humanity. And both acts of submission would make it possible to submit to the sacred, for the mega 90% information that humans need. This model of learning positions humanity like their nearest neighbors, the animals, to be clothed from the inside. And success at this endeavor would depend on the emotion, L and the intellect, Fn both of which would derive from the attitude of the will, A for L = A Fn ; n → 2. But to the extent that the 5% + 5% + 90% information is not accessed, humans would be naked, for L = 1/A F2 . And the futile attempts at covering the nakedness, for A = L F2 would explain the deception above all things and desperate wickedness that cause chaos, strife and wars. To fulfill their nature and function, humans are labyrinthinely complexly integrated and wired accordingly, to have spirit, protoplasm and mind; all three, 3 of which team to build the soul. Spirit teams with mind to define the psyche, PF. It teams with protoplasm to define phenomena, BHI. And it teams with soul to define the heart, XF. While phenomena are intuited, Pc the psyche is rational, Rn and heart is behavioral, √n. Recall that mind also teams with the other three, 3 of spirit, protoplasm and soul in definite ratios. Similarly, Pc, Rn and √n need to fulfill definite relationships, for optimality. At the threshold where f0b is fulfilled, √n = 1/C Pc2 . And at the benchmark where f0H is fulfilled, Rn = F√n. Beyond these, Rn2 = 2Pc – 1 and Rn1 = 2 √n – C for Rn = √ (Rn1 x Rn2). Then f0F and f0J are determined, for f0J = f0F9 ; as well as f0H = f0J / f0H, from which f0H Rn’ and √n’ are derived to evaluate Fc = Rn’ / √n’. Recall that Fv = √ (F1 x F2) where F1 = Rn / √n and F2 = (3F1 + 1) / 4. At Fc = Fv the person would be consistent, for F → 1. But this would be a threshold nature that points to a potential benchmark, where humanity would be optimally actualized. It takes governments to fulfill the human nature at the threshold, f0b via schooling. Church fulfills it at the benchmark, f0H via salvation. But it is families that can make full humans, F → 1 via redemption, which redemption would be a Kingdom characteristic, at which Kingdom governments and Church would perform optimally. Church is singled out, among the myriad religions and similar faith, F based institutions, for its unique disposition towards Jesus Christ, to which disposition as the God incarnate all the others are vehemently opposed. Kingdom families would be characterized by the features outlined in the following series, uniquely: These features would have been derived from a location in love rather than fear, as evident in scores that would exceed 0.5 and still at once be consistent with Joy and reliability. 3. Restraint HpRQ Index, f0H 2. Submission 6. Conscience, CsC 1. Purity 5. Conduct, Pk 4. Prudence Objectivity, f0b Conduct, Pk would be carried over from the series that describes the optimization process.
  • 30. Selected Bibliography 1. Aaron, Raymond (1967) Main Currents in Sociological Thought, 1 Penguine Books; Auguste Comte: pp63-109 2. Aaron, Raymond (1967) Main Currents in Sociological Thought, 2; Penguine Books; Emile Durheim: pp 21-117; Max Werber: pp 185-258 3. Broder, David et al (1980) The Pursuit of the Presidency, The Washington Post; Ed. by Richard Harwood; PP 17, 14, 10 4. Brooks, Harry C (1922) The Practice of Autosuggestion by the Method of Emile Coue. Dodd, Mead Co. 5. Carpenter, Harry W. (2005) The Power of your Sub-Conscious Mind: How it works, and how to use it. Anaphase Publishing 2739 Wightman Street Sandiego CA 92104-3526 6. Carroll, H.A. (1969) Mental Hygiene The Dynamics of Adjustment Prentice – Hall Inc. 7. Catell, R. B. (1965) The Scientific Analysis of Personality. Penguine Books 8. Clark, T. W. (2005a). Hodgson's black box. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 12(1), 38–59. 9. Collins, Robin Modern Physics and the Energy Conservation Objection to Mind-Body Dualism The American Philosophical Quarterly, Volume 45, Number 1, January 2008, pp. 31-42 10. Coombs, C. et al (1970) Mathematical Psychology, An Elementary Introduction. Prentice Hall Inc. 11. Cosgrove, M. P. (1977) The Essence of Human Nature. Zondervan Publishers 12. Coué, E (1920) Self Mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion PSI TEK edition 13. De La Cruz, A. et al (1981) Physiological Basis of Human Behaviour KEN inc. Quezon City Philippines 14. Gladwell, Malcolm (2008) OUTLIERS The Story of Success. Little, Brown and Company New York • Boston • London 15. Fitz-enz, Jac (2,000) The ROI of Human Capital: Measuring the Economic Value of Employee Performance. American Management Association; AMACOM 16. Freud, Sigmund (1924) A General Introduction to Psycho-Analysis Washington Square Press Inc. N.Y. June 1966. 17. Hume, D. (1740). A Treatise of Human Nature (1967, edition). Oxford University Press, Oxford. 18. Jaswal, L. (2005). Isolating disparate challenges to Hodgson's account of free will. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 12(1), 43–46. 19. Jac Fitz-enz, 2000: The ROI of Human Capital; Measuring the Economic Value of Employee Performance
  • 31. 20. Kant, Immanuel (1963) Critique of Pure Reason (1781; rev. ed. 1787), trans. N. K. Smith (London: MacMillan Co.). 21. Laming Donald (1973) Mathematical Pschology; Academic Press, London 22. Maher, Michael (1909) The Law of Conservation of Energy, Catholic Encyclopedia, vol. 5, pp. 422 ff, 23. Maltz, Maxwell (1960) Psycho-Cybernetics: A New Approach for using your Subconscious Power. Prentice-Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, N.J 24. Mohrhoff, U. (1999). The physics of interaction. In B. Libet, A. Freeman, K. Sutherland (Eds.), The Volitional Brain (pp. 165–184). Thorverton, UK: Imprint Academic. 25. Marshall Goldsmith, Vijay Govindarajan, Beverly Kaye, and Albert A. Vicere (editors), 2002: The Many Facets of Leadership: 26. Murphy, Nancy (2009). Downward Causation and the Neurobiology of Free Will. Springer. ISBN 978-3642032042. 27. Niven, David (2000) THE 100 SIMPLE SECRETS OF Happy People: What Scientists Have Learned And How You Can Use It. Harper San Francisco; A Division of Harper Co Ums Publisbers 28. Pickering, W. S. F. (1975) Durkheime on Religion, A Selection of Readings. RKP 29. Rae Alastair (1986) Quantum Physics, Illusion or Reality? Cambridge University Press, NY 30. Ralph Christensen, Foreword by Dave Ulrich, 2005: Roadmap to Strategic Hr: Turning a Great Idea into a Business Reality 31. Robert Kiyosaki, Conspiracy of the Rich: The 8 New Rules of Money 32. Robinson, Howard, Dualism, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy(Fall 2003 Edition), ed. Edward N. Zalta, 33. Soyinka, Wole NL (1972), The Man Died prison notes PP 179 to 180 34. St. Augustine (1950) The City of God. Edited by Vernon J Bourke Image Books, 1958 Garden City, N.Y. 35. Wann, T. W. (1964) Behaviourism and Phenomenology, Constrasting Bases for Modern Psychology. University of Chicago Press. Contributors: Sigmund Kock, R. B. Macleod, Nroman Malcolm, Carl Rogers, Micheal Scriven, B. F. Skinner. 36. Wilson, D. L. (1999). Mind-brain interaction and the violation of physical laws. In B. Libet, A. Freeman, K. Sutherland (Eds.), The Volitional Brain (pp. 185–200). Thorverton, UK: Imprint Academic. 37. Yusuf Bala Usman (1979), For the Liberation of Nigeria PP 36