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             The Natural Order:
             Globalisation of HR Metrics to Optimise
             People Value for Sustained Organisational
             Growth and a Liquefied Business
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               Keywords: Sustenance, Data, Metrics, Ratings, Psychology, Behaviourism,
                        Philosophy, Physics, “Universal History”, “Nature’s Secret Plan”

                                            Peter Anyebe


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                                       16th November, 2012

The Natural Order:
A Globalisation of HR Metrics to Optimise
People Value for Sustained Organisational
Growth and a Liquefied Business Environment
                                  Peter Anyebe

    The Agape Research sought to put a value on people uniquely, against the
    background of the wave model. And then to demonstrate that any observed
    shortfall can be improved upon, to optimise the people value.
    Fourteen, 14 factors are identified; re-grouped into four, 4 sets of four, 4
    three, 3 three, 3 and four, 4 items; to reconstruct the human analogue of the
    The productivity model is presented as the outcome of the necessary
    negotiation to resolve the conflict between soul and belly. The system of
    values that is derived in the process, translates into the creation of value that
    includes organisational value, ROI and the value of the business
    environment, EB.
    Then, to improve upon organisational value and the value of the business
    environment, it would be sufficient to optimise the people value, by way of
    standardising the system of values, to approximate the natural order, N-O.
    The feasibility of this approach is rooted in the capacity to measure the
    system of values on the Rn-Kit, Pc-Kit, Vc-Kit and the √n-Kit; since what
    gets measured gets done.
    The research expands the current popular
    domain of psychology from its emphasis on
    behaviour, to include its complement,
    phenomenology; which was the original domain
    from the beginning.

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The Natural Order:
A Globalisation of HR Metrics to Optimise People
Value for Sustained Organisational Growth and a
Liquefied Business Environment
                                       Peter Anyebe

1.00       Preamble
The Agape Research sought to do as follows:

        Put a value on people
        Optimise the value

It was guided by the principles expressed in the following quotes:

       In any population of self-reproducing organisms, there will be
       variations in the genetic material and upbringing that different
       individuals have.
       These differences will mean that some individuals are better able than
       others to draw the right conclusions about the world around them and
       to act accordingly.
       These individuals will be more likely to survive and reproduce and so
       their pattern of behaviour and thought will come to dominate.
                                           Stephen Hawking on
                                          Charles Darwin’s natural selection

       Thirty-one years ago Dick Feynman told me about his 'sum over
       histories' version of quantum mechanics. "The electron does anything
       it likes," he said. "It just goes in any direction, at any speed, forward
       and backward in time, however it likes, and then you add up the
       amplitudes and it gives you the wave function." I said to him "You're
       crazy." But he isn't.
                                                           Freeman Dyson, 1980

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The history of mankind can be seen, in the large, as the realization of
      nature’s secret plan to bring forth a perfectly constituted state as the
      only condition in which the capacities of mankind can be fully
      developed, and also bring forth that external relation among states which
      is perfectly adequate to this end.

      A philosophical attempt to work out a universal history according to a
      natural plan directed to achieving the civic union of the human race
      must be regarded as possible and, indeed, as contributing to this end of
                                                            Immanuel Kant

                         All science rests upon and begins with
                         accurate description and measurement

                         Whatever exists, exists in some quantity
                         and can, in principle, be measured

                         The only things that can be known for sure
                         are those that can be measured

                                     Thorndike, E. L. (1874 – 1949)

To put a value on people therefore an operational definition was sought for, the
individuals that are better able than others to draw the right conclusions about the world
around them and to act accordingly; who would be more likely to survive and reproduce,
and whose pattern of behaviour and thought would then come to dominate. Following
Dyson’s rendition of Feynman, these individuals would be observed to be doing
anything they like; they would be seen to be going just in any direction, at any speed,
forward and backward in time, however they like. But when their lives are added up,
the whole would give the wave function (The natural order, N-O?).

According to Thorndike, if this type of person existed, then they must exist in some
quantity and can, in principle, be measured. And because whatever gets measured
gets done, it would be possible to optimise those who fall short of this standard.
Immanuel Kant showed the direction in which to look, for the methodology for
optimisation, when he concluded that nature was working out a secret plan in a
universal history.
2.00      People Value
When the histories of knowledge and production are taken together, a meeting point
is found in, process. Following six sigma, 6σ when process is standardized to
maturation, then production is optimized. This is when process approximates the
natural order, N-O exactly. Hawking made allusions to this system of order when he
simulated the universe, to derive a shape that is a replica of the earth. These thoughts
are summarized in the following dictum:

               A God who is self-contained,
               Created a universe that is self-contained;
               And expects humans to become self-contained,
               So they can make institutions that are also self-contained

Then the task of putting a value on people was reduced to the following three, 3 steps:

       Find the analogue of the wave, with regards to humans
       Define the size of the person, from the analogue.
       Identify their location, accordingly

Following this path culminated in the following four, 4 conclusions:

       Humans are souls, S and the personality, F draws from energy that is in soul
       storage to express itself, for F = 1/S; thirdly, character, C is the conversion
       constant that drives the process, for F’ = 1/S C2

       Humans are split between their souls and their bellies, and the resolution of
       this antagonism defines the person’s system of values; which is what converts
       into the value that they create, for (Rn, Pc, Vc, and √n) → (C, ROI, and EB)

       This sets the limit of the quality of soul that a person can make at
       approximately 0.7, for CWk = 1 – 1/3 S

       Being the primary responsibility of every person to make their souls, this also
       sets the limit to the expression of the personality, F as well as to the
       performance at task generally. Rather than evaluate people against their full
       potential at Nu = 5 therefore, they are evaluated against a lesser standard, at
       Nu ≥ 4.
3.00       The Conflict of Soul and Belly
To confirm the first, 1st conclusion, a correlation coefficient, r of r = 0.99 was found
between F and F’. The second, 2nd was resolved with recourse to the Kantian
distinction between noumena and phenomena. The following questions were asked:

        What effort, Rn has the person made to approximate noumena, or the N-O?
        How does this level with the score on phenomena, Pc when compared
        against the standard defined by, Rn = 2Pc – 1?
        How does the observed slack reflect in the choice of profession, Vc?
        And subsequently, in the performance at task, √n?

Once more, two, 2 measures of F were compared and found to be perfectly
correlated, resulting in the following relationship between them:
                       HPRQ, F + 3
                  F=                   ,
                             4             F = Rn / √n,

                                           HPRQ, F = 2 (L / A) – 1,
                                                                 L = Rn / Vc
                                                                 A = Pc / √n
Follow this link for simulation of these relationships

The four, 4 factors in this analysis define the standard value system, in the following series:

        Rn, Rationality
        Pc, Phenomenological Compression
        Vc, Professionalism
        √n, The Standard Procedure Series

The factor-F evaluates the observed slack in the system of values by taking the
whole hug, involving only the two, 2 extreme points. But HPRQ, F considers the
observed gap between each pair of the four, 4 values. Whichever way, the two, 2
units measure the same thing. They measure how well the person has resolved the
conflict between soul and belly, as well as the quality of the system of values that is
derived in the process. It is the quality of the system of values that is measured on
the following kits:
The Rn-Kit
       The Pc-Kit
       The Vc-Kit
       The √n-Kit

Two, 2 sets of values link the system of values with the created values. Thus Rn, Pc,
Vc, and √n are first reduced into the factors S, C, and F; before the expansion into
RES, RGT, Nu, and Ps; and then the following created values are derived:

       People Value, C
       Organizational Value, ROI
       Value of the Business Environment, EB

This means that the capacity of a person, C to meaningfully contribute to the
organization, ROI as well as the environment, EB in general is determined by how
thoroughly they resolve the conflict between soul and belly.

4.00      Need as an Exhaust Function
For the purpose of the third, 3rd and fourth, 4th conclusions, the distinction is made
between thought and behavior, to correspond to the distinction between soul and
personality respectively. Thus, soul derives from thought, while the personality is
the product of behavior. And the thought process involves the following two, 2 tasks:

       The derivation of the procedure for goal attainment or work, CWk = 1 – 1/3 S
       Contention with the detractors of the work process or need, CNd = LogC / Log(1/S)

Then, the motive strength, C’ is derived by summing up the energies expended on
both tasks, for C’ = CWk + CNd. This factor also correlates with the character factor-
C, at up to r = 0.99. Follow this link for simulation of these relationships

But CNd is exhausted, and only CWk contributes to the performance at task. The soul
factor–S has been observed to correlate exactly with the appraised performance,
APP, which is evaluated as presented below:
APP = APP O / APP E,                             SUS = Sustainability
                                                 CSN = Customer Satisfaction
                  APP E = SE / S                 FSY = Financial Security
                 APP O = SUS / OrgSUS            Rw = Reward
                                                 EB = Business Environment
SUS = 1 / √ (CSN x FSY),                         ROI = Return on Investment
                        FSY = √(Rw x EB)         XTY = Productivity
                                                 RES = Response to Stimuli
ROI = 2X – 1,           CSN = √(XTY x ROI)       RGT = Appropriateness of Responses
    X = 1 / (1 – 1 / C)    XTY = √(RGT x RES)    C = Character of Consistency
                                                 S = Soul Factor

                                                         Follow link for simulation data

5.00      The Human Analogue of the Wave
The factors RES, RGT, Nu, and Ps; which combine to describe the productivity model,
actually define the human analogue of the wave. Nu represents the size of the person,
and Ps defines the position. RES and RGT define the wave. On the left limb of this
wave analogue are the stimuli, or tasks that need to be performed. The right limb
lines up the appraised performance on each of these tasks. To reconstruct the
symmetry of the wave, every task ought to have been performed to specification, for
RE = RGT. Any observed deviance from this standard would therefore define the limits
of consistency, which is evaluated as follow:
                         CSY = Wk / Nd,
                                     Wk = F1 / XTY
                                      Nd = EFT / SUS

Inconsistencies are the consequence of a knowledge gap that is evaluated as follows:
         KGP = GAP / GEF,                         CSY = Consistency
                         GEF = F/ EFT             EFT = Effort
                         GAP = APP / S            F1 = Focus
                                                   KGP = Knowledge Gap
             EFT = 6Pc2 – Pc – 1                   Wk = Work
                      4Pc2                         Nd = Need
                                                   Pc = Phenomenological
             F = Rn / √n,                               Compression
                         Rn = 2Pc – 1              Rn = Rationality
                         √n = 1 / C x Pc2,         √n = Standard Procedure Index
                            C = (3Pc + 1) / 4
All these measures are actually expressions of the observed slack in the system of
values, including Rn, Pc, Vc, and √n. The slack is summarized in the productivity
model presented below:

                                      RES = Response to Stimuli
         RES = RGT,
                                      RGT = Appropriateness of Response
                 Nu ≥ 4               Nu = Number of Essentials Identified
                 Ps ≤ 20%             Ps = Position on the Pareto 80-20 Continuum

This model, like the set of created values that include C, ROI, and EB is
behavioural. But the system of values, and the set of three, 3 factors to which they
are reduced; including S, C, and F, are phenomenological. Taken together therefore,
the four, 4 sets of factors also reconstruct the symmetry of the wave. See the effect

                        Rn                          RES           H
              O                  C       C                        V
              M         P                           RGT           I
              E                  S       ROI                      O
                        Vc                          Nu            U
              L                  F       EB
              O         √n                          Ps            S

6.00      Concluding

What gets measured gets done! The value creation paradigm, which is designed to
complement the profit and loss paradigm, is operationalised in the T-AID Retention
Principle. The DMR Model of Organisational Culture actualises the paradigm and
principle, to present a step by step best practice for making people who are self-
contained and fit this description. ‘The Mentality Profile, Toward an Economy of
HR Metrics’ throws more light on these issues.
Selected Bibliography

1. Aaron, Raymond (1967) Main Currents in Sociological Thought, 1
                              Penguine Books; Auguste Comte: pp63-109
2. Aaron, Raymond (1967) Main Currents in Sociological Thought, 2
                              Penguine Books; Emile Durheim: pp 21-117
                                                Max Werber: pp 185-258
3. Brooks, Harry C (1922) The Practice of Autosuggestion by the Method of Emile
                             Coue. Dodd, Mead & Co.
4. Carpenter, Harry W. (2005) The Power of your Sub-Conscious Mind: How it
                                 works, and how to use it. Anaphase Publishing 2739
                                 Wightman Street Sandiego CA 92104-3526
5. Carroll, H.A. (1969) Mental Hygiene The Dynamics of Adjustment
                          Prentice – Hall Inc.
6. Catell, R. B. (1965) The Scientific Analysis of Personality. Penguine Books
7. Coombs, C. et al (1970) Mathematical Psychology, An Elementary Introduction.
                              Prentice Hall Inc.
8. Cosgrove, M. P. (1977) The Essence of Human Nature. Zondervan Publishers
9. Coué, E (1920) Self Mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion
                     PSI TEK edition
10. De La Cruz, A. et al (1981) Physiological Basis of Human Behaviour
                                 KEN inc. Quezon City Philippines
11. Gladwell, Malcolm (2008) OUTLIERS The Story of Success. Little, Brown and
                                Company New York • Boston • London
12. Fitz-enz, Jac (2,000) The ROI of Human Capital: Measuring the Economic Value
                         of Employee Performance. American Management
                         Association; AMACOM
13. Freud, Sigmund (1924) A General Introduction to Psycho-Analysis Washington
                            Square Press Inc. N.Y. June 1966.
14. Hume, D. (1740). A Treatise of Human Nature (1967, edition).
                       Oxford University Press, Oxford.
15. Kant, Immanuel (1963) Critique of Pure Reason (1781; rev. ed. 1787),
                             trans. N. K. Smith (London: MacMillan & Co.).
16. Maltz, Maxwell (1960) Psycho-Cybernetics: A New Approach for using your
                            Subconscious Power. Prentice-Hall, Inc.
                                                  Englewood Cliffs, N.J
17. Nido Qubein (2006) How to Motivate Yourself to Greatness
                         Creative Series Inc. USA
18. Niven, David (2000) THE 100 SIMPLE SECRETS OF Happy People: What
                          Scientists Have Learned And How You Can Use It.
                     Harper San Francisco; A Division of Harper Co Ums Publisbers
19. Pickering, W. S. F. (1975) Durkheime on Religion, A Selection of Readings.
20. Rae Alastair (1986) Quantum Physics, Illusion or Reality?
                        Cambridge University Press, NY
21. St. Augustine (1950) The City of God. Edited by Vernon J Bourke Image Books,
                          1958 Garden City, N.Y.
22. Wann, T. W. (1964) Behaviourism and Phenomenology, Contrasting Bases for
                          Modern Psychology. University of Chicago Press.
                          Contributors: Sigmund Kock,
                                        R. B. Macleod,
                                        Nroman Malcolm,
                                        Carl Rogers,
                                        Micheal Scriven,
                                        B. F. Skinner.

Internet Resources

       The Breath that Fires the Equations that Describe the Universe
       Philosophy in the 3rd Millennium, The Meeting Point of Physics and Psychology
       Precision, Making the Best of the Information Revolution
       The Agape Constant, F
       The Productivity Model, Toward an HRM that is at once a People Protector and Driver of Business Results
       A Synopsis of the Agape Research
       T-AID Retention A Best Practice with the Potential for Creating Migration from the Pareto 80%ters into the
       The Path to Soul

        God, The Breath that Fires the Equations that Describe the Universe
        Philosophy in the 3rd Millennium, The Meeting Point of Physics and Psychology
        Precision, Making the Best of the Information Revolution
        The Agape Constant, F
        A Synopsis of the Agape Research

The Value Creation Model:
HPRQ Hierarchy:

The Saga against the 1%
Merit Does It
ITEL in Benue
The Mentality Profile
The Character Profile
 Self fulfilment
Thematic Analysis
Christian Youths and Business
The 99%
Changing role of the Human Resource Function
The Limits of Reality
Application of the Value Creation Model
The Value Creation Model
The Perception Model Of Mind
The Path To Soul Document
Business ethics
The Duality Series Org Kit
The Need Profile
Value Creation Chart
Whole Spectrum Knowledge Chart
The PMM Simulation Chart
The Path to Soul Chart
The Organizational Kit Chart
The Natural Order Chart
The Concatenation Model Chart
The Character Model Chart
Appreciation Model Sample Simulation Data
A Unitary History of Humanity, Char
Whole-Spectrum Knowledge, Chart
The Mind, Chart
The Path To Soul Video
T Aid Retention Video

A Model Of Learning Video

Where is thy Sting?

The Fruit of Life
The Mind
The Natural Order
The Soul
Making a Difference

You Tube

T-AID Retention
A Model of Learning

Whole-Spectrum Knowledge
The Natural Order
The Model Human
Sustained Organisational Growth
The Path to Soul
The Perception Model of Mind
The Identity Kit
Religion and Science
A Unitary History

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The Natural Order, Globalisation Of Hr Metrics To Optimise People Value For Sustained Organisational Growth And A Liquefied Business Environment

  • 1. +234-703-430-2486 The Natural Order: Globalisation of HR Metrics to Optimise People Value for Sustained Organisational Growth and a Liquefied Business View my profile Environment Keywords: Sustenance, Data, Metrics, Ratings, Psychology, Behaviourism, Philosophy, Physics, “Universal History”, “Nature’s Secret Plan” By Peter Anyebe WordPress AGAPE Google Me CONSULTANTS 16th November, 2012
  • 2. +234-703-430-2486 The Natural Order: A Globalisation of HR Metrics to Optimise People Value for Sustained Organisational Growth and a Liquefied Business Environment By Peter Anyebe Abstract The Agape Research sought to put a value on people uniquely, against the background of the wave model. And then to demonstrate that any observed shortfall can be improved upon, to optimise the people value. Fourteen, 14 factors are identified; re-grouped into four, 4 sets of four, 4 three, 3 three, 3 and four, 4 items; to reconstruct the human analogue of the wave. The productivity model is presented as the outcome of the necessary negotiation to resolve the conflict between soul and belly. The system of values that is derived in the process, translates into the creation of value that includes organisational value, ROI and the value of the business environment, EB. Then, to improve upon organisational value and the value of the business environment, it would be sufficient to optimise the people value, by way of standardising the system of values, to approximate the natural order, N-O. The feasibility of this approach is rooted in the capacity to measure the system of values on the Rn-Kit, Pc-Kit, Vc-Kit and the √n-Kit; since what gets measured gets done. The research expands the current popular domain of psychology from its emphasis on behaviour, to include its complement, phenomenology; which was the original domain from the beginning. View my profile Google Me WordPress
  • 3. +234-703-430-2486 The Natural Order: A Globalisation of HR Metrics to Optimise People Value for Sustained Organisational Growth and a Liquefied Business Environment By Peter Anyebe 1.00 Preamble The Agape Research sought to do as follows: Put a value on people Optimise the value It was guided by the principles expressed in the following quotes: In any population of self-reproducing organisms, there will be variations in the genetic material and upbringing that different individuals have. These differences will mean that some individuals are better able than others to draw the right conclusions about the world around them and to act accordingly. These individuals will be more likely to survive and reproduce and so their pattern of behaviour and thought will come to dominate. Stephen Hawking on Charles Darwin’s natural selection Thirty-one years ago Dick Feynman told me about his 'sum over histories' version of quantum mechanics. "The electron does anything it likes," he said. "It just goes in any direction, at any speed, forward and backward in time, however it likes, and then you add up the amplitudes and it gives you the wave function." I said to him "You're crazy." But he isn't. Freeman Dyson, 1980 View my profile Google Me WordPress
  • 4. The history of mankind can be seen, in the large, as the realization of nature’s secret plan to bring forth a perfectly constituted state as the only condition in which the capacities of mankind can be fully developed, and also bring forth that external relation among states which is perfectly adequate to this end. A philosophical attempt to work out a universal history according to a natural plan directed to achieving the civic union of the human race must be regarded as possible and, indeed, as contributing to this end of nature. Immanuel Kant All science rests upon and begins with accurate description and measurement Whatever exists, exists in some quantity and can, in principle, be measured The only things that can be known for sure are those that can be measured Thorndike, E. L. (1874 – 1949) To put a value on people therefore an operational definition was sought for, the individuals that are better able than others to draw the right conclusions about the world around them and to act accordingly; who would be more likely to survive and reproduce, and whose pattern of behaviour and thought would then come to dominate. Following Dyson’s rendition of Feynman, these individuals would be observed to be doing anything they like; they would be seen to be going just in any direction, at any speed, forward and backward in time, however they like. But when their lives are added up, the whole would give the wave function (The natural order, N-O?). According to Thorndike, if this type of person existed, then they must exist in some quantity and can, in principle, be measured. And because whatever gets measured gets done, it would be possible to optimise those who fall short of this standard. Immanuel Kant showed the direction in which to look, for the methodology for optimisation, when he concluded that nature was working out a secret plan in a universal history.
  • 5. 2.00 People Value When the histories of knowledge and production are taken together, a meeting point is found in, process. Following six sigma, 6σ when process is standardized to maturation, then production is optimized. This is when process approximates the natural order, N-O exactly. Hawking made allusions to this system of order when he simulated the universe, to derive a shape that is a replica of the earth. These thoughts are summarized in the following dictum: A God who is self-contained, Created a universe that is self-contained; And expects humans to become self-contained, So they can make institutions that are also self-contained Then the task of putting a value on people was reduced to the following three, 3 steps: Find the analogue of the wave, with regards to humans Define the size of the person, from the analogue. Identify their location, accordingly Following this path culminated in the following four, 4 conclusions: Humans are souls, S and the personality, F draws from energy that is in soul storage to express itself, for F = 1/S; thirdly, character, C is the conversion constant that drives the process, for F’ = 1/S C2 Humans are split between their souls and their bellies, and the resolution of this antagonism defines the person’s system of values; which is what converts into the value that they create, for (Rn, Pc, Vc, and √n) → (C, ROI, and EB) This sets the limit of the quality of soul that a person can make at approximately 0.7, for CWk = 1 – 1/3 S Being the primary responsibility of every person to make their souls, this also sets the limit to the expression of the personality, F as well as to the performance at task generally. Rather than evaluate people against their full potential at Nu = 5 therefore, they are evaluated against a lesser standard, at Nu ≥ 4.
  • 6. 3.00 The Conflict of Soul and Belly To confirm the first, 1st conclusion, a correlation coefficient, r of r = 0.99 was found between F and F’. The second, 2nd was resolved with recourse to the Kantian distinction between noumena and phenomena. The following questions were asked: What effort, Rn has the person made to approximate noumena, or the N-O? How does this level with the score on phenomena, Pc when compared against the standard defined by, Rn = 2Pc – 1? How does the observed slack reflect in the choice of profession, Vc? And subsequently, in the performance at task, √n? Once more, two, 2 measures of F were compared and found to be perfectly correlated, resulting in the following relationship between them: HPRQ, F + 3 F= , 4 F = Rn / √n, HPRQ, F = 2 (L / A) – 1, L = Rn / Vc A = Pc / √n Follow this link for simulation of these relationships The four, 4 factors in this analysis define the standard value system, in the following series: Rn, Rationality Pc, Phenomenological Compression Vc, Professionalism √n, The Standard Procedure Series The factor-F evaluates the observed slack in the system of values by taking the whole hug, involving only the two, 2 extreme points. But HPRQ, F considers the observed gap between each pair of the four, 4 values. Whichever way, the two, 2 units measure the same thing. They measure how well the person has resolved the conflict between soul and belly, as well as the quality of the system of values that is derived in the process. It is the quality of the system of values that is measured on the following kits:
  • 7. The Rn-Kit The Pc-Kit The Vc-Kit The √n-Kit Two, 2 sets of values link the system of values with the created values. Thus Rn, Pc, Vc, and √n are first reduced into the factors S, C, and F; before the expansion into RES, RGT, Nu, and Ps; and then the following created values are derived: People Value, C Organizational Value, ROI Value of the Business Environment, EB This means that the capacity of a person, C to meaningfully contribute to the organization, ROI as well as the environment, EB in general is determined by how thoroughly they resolve the conflict between soul and belly. 4.00 Need as an Exhaust Function For the purpose of the third, 3rd and fourth, 4th conclusions, the distinction is made between thought and behavior, to correspond to the distinction between soul and personality respectively. Thus, soul derives from thought, while the personality is the product of behavior. And the thought process involves the following two, 2 tasks: The derivation of the procedure for goal attainment or work, CWk = 1 – 1/3 S Contention with the detractors of the work process or need, CNd = LogC / Log(1/S) Then, the motive strength, C’ is derived by summing up the energies expended on both tasks, for C’ = CWk + CNd. This factor also correlates with the character factor- C, at up to r = 0.99. Follow this link for simulation of these relationships But CNd is exhausted, and only CWk contributes to the performance at task. The soul factor–S has been observed to correlate exactly with the appraised performance, APP, which is evaluated as presented below:
  • 8. APP = APP O / APP E, SUS = Sustainability CSN = Customer Satisfaction APP E = SE / S FSY = Financial Security APP O = SUS / OrgSUS Rw = Reward EB = Business Environment SUS = 1 / √ (CSN x FSY), ROI = Return on Investment FSY = √(Rw x EB) XTY = Productivity RES = Response to Stimuli ROI = 2X – 1, CSN = √(XTY x ROI) RGT = Appropriateness of Responses X = 1 / (1 – 1 / C) XTY = √(RGT x RES) C = Character of Consistency S = Soul Factor Follow link for simulation data 5.00 The Human Analogue of the Wave The factors RES, RGT, Nu, and Ps; which combine to describe the productivity model, actually define the human analogue of the wave. Nu represents the size of the person, and Ps defines the position. RES and RGT define the wave. On the left limb of this wave analogue are the stimuli, or tasks that need to be performed. The right limb lines up the appraised performance on each of these tasks. To reconstruct the symmetry of the wave, every task ought to have been performed to specification, for RE = RGT. Any observed deviance from this standard would therefore define the limits of consistency, which is evaluated as follow: CSY = Wk / Nd, Wk = F1 / XTY Nd = EFT / SUS Inconsistencies are the consequence of a knowledge gap that is evaluated as follows: KGP = GAP / GEF, CSY = Consistency GEF = F/ EFT EFT = Effort GAP = APP / S F1 = Focus KGP = Knowledge Gap EFT = 6Pc2 – Pc – 1 Wk = Work 4Pc2 Nd = Need Pc = Phenomenological F = Rn / √n, Compression Rn = 2Pc – 1 Rn = Rationality √n = 1 / C x Pc2, √n = Standard Procedure Index C = (3Pc + 1) / 4
  • 9. All these measures are actually expressions of the observed slack in the system of values, including Rn, Pc, Vc, and √n. The slack is summarized in the productivity model presented below: RES = Response to Stimuli RES = RGT, RGT = Appropriateness of Response Nu ≥ 4 Nu = Number of Essentials Identified Ps ≤ 20% Ps = Position on the Pareto 80-20 Continuum This model, like the set of created values that include C, ROI, and EB is behavioural. But the system of values, and the set of three, 3 factors to which they are reduced; including S, C, and F, are phenomenological. Taken together therefore, the four, 4 sets of factors also reconstruct the symmetry of the wave. See the effect below: P B H E E N Rn RES H A O C C V M P RGT I E S ROI O N O Vc Nu U R L F EB I O √n Ps S G M Y 6.00 Concluding What gets measured gets done! The value creation paradigm, which is designed to complement the profit and loss paradigm, is operationalised in the T-AID Retention Principle. The DMR Model of Organisational Culture actualises the paradigm and principle, to present a step by step best practice for making people who are self- contained and fit this description. ‘The Mentality Profile, Toward an Economy of HR Metrics’ throws more light on these issues.
  • 10. Selected Bibliography 1. Aaron, Raymond (1967) Main Currents in Sociological Thought, 1 Penguine Books; Auguste Comte: pp63-109 2. Aaron, Raymond (1967) Main Currents in Sociological Thought, 2 Penguine Books; Emile Durheim: pp 21-117 Max Werber: pp 185-258 3. Brooks, Harry C (1922) The Practice of Autosuggestion by the Method of Emile Coue. Dodd, Mead & Co. 4. Carpenter, Harry W. (2005) The Power of your Sub-Conscious Mind: How it works, and how to use it. Anaphase Publishing 2739 Wightman Street Sandiego CA 92104-3526 5. Carroll, H.A. (1969) Mental Hygiene The Dynamics of Adjustment Prentice – Hall Inc. 6. Catell, R. B. (1965) The Scientific Analysis of Personality. Penguine Books 7. Coombs, C. et al (1970) Mathematical Psychology, An Elementary Introduction. Prentice Hall Inc. 8. Cosgrove, M. P. (1977) The Essence of Human Nature. Zondervan Publishers 9. Coué, E (1920) Self Mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion PSI TEK edition 10. De La Cruz, A. et al (1981) Physiological Basis of Human Behaviour KEN inc. Quezon City Philippines 11. Gladwell, Malcolm (2008) OUTLIERS The Story of Success. Little, Brown and Company New York • Boston • London 12. Fitz-enz, Jac (2,000) The ROI of Human Capital: Measuring the Economic Value of Employee Performance. American Management Association; AMACOM 13. Freud, Sigmund (1924) A General Introduction to Psycho-Analysis Washington Square Press Inc. N.Y. June 1966. 14. Hume, D. (1740). A Treatise of Human Nature (1967, edition). Oxford University Press, Oxford. 15. Kant, Immanuel (1963) Critique of Pure Reason (1781; rev. ed. 1787), trans. N. K. Smith (London: MacMillan & Co.).
  • 11. 16. Maltz, Maxwell (1960) Psycho-Cybernetics: A New Approach for using your Subconscious Power. Prentice-Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, N.J 17. Nido Qubein (2006) How to Motivate Yourself to Greatness Creative Series Inc. USA 18. Niven, David (2000) THE 100 SIMPLE SECRETS OF Happy People: What Scientists Have Learned And How You Can Use It. Harper San Francisco; A Division of Harper Co Ums Publisbers 19. Pickering, W. S. F. (1975) Durkheime on Religion, A Selection of Readings. RKP 20. Rae Alastair (1986) Quantum Physics, Illusion or Reality? Cambridge University Press, NY 21. St. Augustine (1950) The City of God. Edited by Vernon J Bourke Image Books, 1958 Garden City, N.Y. 22. Wann, T. W. (1964) Behaviourism and Phenomenology, Contrasting Bases for Modern Psychology. University of Chicago Press. Contributors: Sigmund Kock, R. B. Macleod, Nroman Malcolm, Carl Rogers, Micheal Scriven, B. F. Skinner. Internet Resources The Breath that Fires the Equations that Describe the Universe Philosophy in the 3rd Millennium, The Meeting Point of Physics and Psychology Precision, Making the Best of the Information Revolution The Agape Constant, F The Productivity Model, Toward an HRM that is at once a People Protector and Driver of Business Results A Synopsis of the Agape Research T-AID Retention A Best Practice with the Potential for Creating Migration from the Pareto 80%ters into the 20%ters The Path to Soul
  • 12. Scribd God, The Breath that Fires the Equations that Describe the Universe Philosophy in the 3rd Millennium, The Meeting Point of Physics and Psychology Precision, Making the Best of the Information Revolution The Agape Constant, F A Synopsis of the Agape Research The Value Creation Model: HPRQ Hierarchy: Maturation: HPRQ, F The Saga against the 1% Merit Does It ITEL in Benue The Mentality Profile The Character Profile Self fulfilment Thematic Analysis Christian Youths and Business The 99% Changing role of the Human Resource Function The Limits of Reality
  • 13. Recommendations Normality Leadership Growth Application of the Value Creation Model The Value Creation Model The Perception Model Of Mind The Path To Soul Document Business ethics The Duality Series Org Kit The Need Profile Value Creation Chart Whole Spectrum Knowledge Chart The PMM Simulation Chart The Path to Soul Chart The Organizational Kit Chart The Natural Order Chart The Concatenation Model Chart The Character Model Chart Appreciation Model Sample Simulation Data A Unitary History of Humanity, Char Whole-Spectrum Knowledge, Chart The Mind, Chart The Path To Soul Video T Aid Retention Video A Model Of Learning Video
  • 14. WordPress About Death: Where is thy Sting? Love: The Fruit of Life Knowledge The Mind The Natural Order The Soul Making a Difference You Tube Knowledge Nature Humanity Society T-AID Retention A Model of Learning Whole-Spectrum Knowledge The Natural Order The Model Human Sustained Organisational Growth
  • 15. The Path to Soul The Perception Model of Mind The Identity Kit Religion and Science A Unitary History