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To Be, or Not to Be:
That is the Question,
But what is the Answer?
Peter Anyebe
September, 2015
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Focus would appear to be scarce, despite its significance to the
human psyche and to success; because of the inherent inability
to choose, from the infinite number of quantum possibilities
Keywords: Space, Time, Events, Universe, Humanity,
Society, Reality, Energy, Natural Order
8, De - Ba ng ler St.
P.O. Box 1243,
Gb oko
+ 234-808-080-2046
E-m a il: a n ye b e p e te r @ ya h o o . C o m
To Be, or Not to Be:
That is the Question,
But what is the Answer?
Peter Anyebe
0.00 Preamble
Humanity has been perturbed by several dilemmas. In this
writer’s works, the following three, 3 have been prominent:
Time, and
When it seemed as if these have been resolved, then comes
another, seemingly hydra headed. Thus the attempt to
understand humanity has been reduced into the following three,
3 features, for form:
Assumptions, in which the attempt is made to, identify a
goal, for the project
Principles, by which the goal is defined, for clarification
Models, for goal attainment
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1.00 The Assumptions
The first, 1st
assumption is to the effect that ultimately, every person creates their
own reality. But this would be feasible only after the age of accountability, which
has been fixed anywhere between 18 and 21 years. Even then, the distinction has to
be made between mental and chronological age. In general however, maturation
begins with the capacity to distinguish between good and evil, right and wrong. It
culminates with the capacity to stick to the right, which would be good. In practice,
this would be when the following three, 3 parties win; to generate the minimum
entropy possible, for sustainability:
The self,
The rest of humanity, and
The universe at large
In principle this assumption is corroborated by Einstein’s relativity, following which
an event in space would be viewed from an infinite number of locations; each of
which represents a perspective of the event, or the reality of the person on that
location. But following the normality principle in games theory, a game of infinite
moves can be reduced into one, 1 unit move; which is then iterated several times,
until the end of the game. This suggests the possibility of a perspective of reality that
is optimum, which perspective has been adopted in the duality series from
operations research as follows:
In principle this is corroborated by Plato’s duality, according to which there are two,
2 worlds as follows:
The world of forms, where perfection exists; and
The world of objects, which would be the crude replicas of the forms
This would require a procedure that links both worlds, which procedure would be
outlined by the duality series presented above.
This defines the basis for the second, 2nd
assumption that the potential for
unconscious competency would be universal, being available to all humans. In the
third, 3rd
assumption therefore, all of humanity starts on the wrong foot, and would
need to work at the challenge to attain the potential of unconscious competency.
Recall that Immanuel Kant distinguished between noumena and phenomena,
represented in this work as the natural order, N-O and the personal order, P-O
respectively. While noumena or the N-O represents things as they really are,
phenomena or the P-O represent things according to the person’s perspective.
Although Kant opined in the 17th
century that it would be impossible to reconstruct
noumena, this has been attempted in the 21st
century of our times. Then,
unconscious competency would involve the internalization of the N-O; in an
unlearning and a relearning process, which could be tedious. And the test of
humanity would be the extent of engagement, at this task. Unlearning would be
required because we all start on the wrong foot, and relearning because new
neurological pathways need to be developed for the alternative processes in which
the N-O would have been reconstructed. Then humanity would have to make the
shift, from creating their own realities, to reconstructing the optimum reality or N-O.
How well would this go down with us? To be, or not to be; that is the question. But
what is the answer?
2.00 The Principles
Psychology has reduced the quest for the human person into the behavior model,
which includes stimuli, S responses, R and personality, P for R = f (S, P). There has
been no agreement however, to a specification model that is acceptable all round.
This has awaited a better understanding of the thought process, so as to link it
objectively with the behavior process, both of which combine to define the person.
A specification model has been suggested however, which describes humans as
conduits, in the energy transfer between nature and society for Rn = F√n. This
model could be represented in the form of the behavior model, as the
phenomenology model, for √n = f (Rn, F). In this case, to perform at task by the
standard procedure, √n the person, F would have to be rational, Rn; to the extent that
they are able to reconstruct, the N-O. Then the response to stimuli would be
appropriate, for R = S only when the factor-F is a unity, for F = 1 and the N-O
would have been reconstructed. With every deviance from this standard, the entropy
that is generated would increase, equivalently. Entropy manifests as disharmony
and chaos, as well as deviance from the steady state of peace.
Underlying the above conception is the principle of imagery, which requires a
common denominator between the P-O and the N-O that is represented by the mind.
In practice, quantum physics would appear to have resolved the dichotomy that
separated humanity from the rest of the universe. Thus at the quantum level, all
being is reduced to energy; as acknowledged by Einstein’s energy equation, e = mc2
following which energy, e and mass, m would be equivalent concepts with the
square of the speed of light, c as conversion constant. But by the fine structure
constant, α humanity is distinguished as intelligent, by virtue of a mind, which is
able to conceptualize being. At the ultimate, this capacity would be expressed in the
ability to reconstruct the N-O.
Notice that the N-O represented by the duality series defines the normal curve. This
suggests a thought pattern that would also be normal, to predict a behavior pattern
that would be necessarily normal. The monetized return on investment, ROI has
been identified as representative behavior for analytic purposes. Over time therefore,
the distribution of this value for an organization would be expected to define the
normal curve; as evidence that the workforce has performed at task by the standard
procedure, which would be the analogue of the N-O. See appendix.
This predictability principle is summarized in a model that links behaviorism, Fb
with phenomenology, Fp for Fb’ = 1/10 (10Fp - 1): Fp > 1. The same mind that
thinks, Fp is the same mind that behaves, Fb and at the ultimate, the same mind
would be expected to approximate the universal mind or N-O. The observed
approximation would actually be a measure of productivity, as defined by the
following model:
This is corroborated by a forth principle, leadership, according to which the scores
on the following variables would need to be equal:
3. Self-containment, ScT
2. Self-control, ScR
1. Objectivity, f0
4. Retention, RtN
All of nature is energy, but humans stand out, being intelligent. Similarly, every
human might be productive, but some turn out to become leaders. The difference
would be in the capacity to reconstruct the N-O, and its analogue, the standard
procedure series, SPS. All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others?
The humans that turn out to be more equal, would also be those that would be
retainable, RtN having been adequately engaged, EnG in the task of potential
attainment, for f0 = ScT = ScR = RtN. For the lesser mortals, it would be sufficient
that ScT = √ (f0 x ScR).
3.00 The models
By the assumptions and principles presented above, humanity would be reduced
into the following series:
Thus to reconstruct reality and the quantum possibility that approximates the N-O, it
would be sufficient that the person strives to attain unconscious competency. In this
case the work would be to unravel the mysteries of imagery and predictability, the
success at which would distinguish the merely productive from the leader. Then to
first, 1st
establish, and subsequently actualize this concept, the following models have
been required:
3. Productivity Humanity
2. Predictability 6. Reality
1. Imagery 5. Unconscious Competency
4. Leadership
3. Standard Procedure Engagement
2. Natural Order 6. Appraisal Model
1. Perception model of Mind 5. Bill of Health Index
4. Identity Kit
The universe in its entire expanse has been reduced into objects and the relationships
between them. To define the relationships however, it would be necessary to put a
value uniquely on every object; following which they could be arranged in a
hierarchy, to define a definite order or dimension. Dimensionality distinguishes
between the vector and the scalar, as well as the relative and the absolute;
respectively, to provide the basis for valuation. Following imagery it would be
sufficient that the relative is evaluated against the absolute, the vector against the
scalar. In this case, while the absolute would be a scalar quantity, being
dimensionless; the relative would be a vector quantity, being characteristically
dimensional. Moreover in this evaluation, the unit of measurement would be
The natural order, N-O reduces the absolute into a dimension uniquely, so that the
personal order, P-O could be evaluated against this standard. The evaluation is done
on the F-Scale presented below, to measure objectivity, f0 as the approximation of
the N-O:
The perception model of mind, PMM describes a mind that is objective, being able
to reduce tasks into the standard procedure. This would be achieved in the following
two, 2 stages:
Analysis, F1 and
Synthesis, F2
In analysis, the mind applies the principles of forms and waves to reduce phenomena
into the essential components. In synthesis, the forms are applied to put humpty
dumpty back together again, to reconstruct the standard procedure series, SPS as
While waves would be adequately defined by two, 2 features including size and
location; forms would require three, 3 features including the work, L that needs to be
done, the energy, F with which it is to be done, and the exhaust, A by which to keep
track of progress. The PMM is presented as follows:
The simulation of this model is presented below:
Thus thought is evaluated in the absolute as, F4
= √(F1/F2); which is the ratio of the
capacity for analysis, on the capacity for synthesis. Recall that in its relative form
which would be behavioral, thought is measured as F = Rn / √n; which is the ratio of
the rational, on the performance at task by the standard procedure. Then both
measures have been related as, Fb’ = 1/10 (10Fp - 1): Fp > 1. The factors Rn and√n,
as well as Pc which measures phenomenological compression are measured on the
identity kit, Id-Kit; which is the analogue of the PMM in the same way as the SPS is
analogue of the N-O. The Id-Kit goes beyond skill which is measured as the factor-
f0, to measure the factor-F as the ability of can; and the will, for commitment.
Taking all the four, 4 factors that are measured on the kit together, the capacity for
perseverance, to start and finish a task, is evaluated as self-containment, ScT. This
would be when the person is sufficiently robust, to contain all the vagaries of the
environment that connive to stop accomplishment. Formally:
But behavior in its real form is evaluated on the
bill of health index, BHI. Given that thought is
normal therefore, the monetized return on
investment, ROI which is a derivative of the
BHI would also define the normal curve, with
68% of occurrences between one, 1 and three,
3 standard deviations. See appendix. BHI is
evaluated from revenue, profit, and cost of
materials; all of which are recorded in the
organization’s books. Formally:
The MROI, ROI is evaluated as the ratio of profit on the regular return of
investment, ROI as follows:
The appraisal model is actually a measure of the ROI uniquely for the workforce,
with input from both the Id-Kit and the BHI. This is an operationalization of the
principle of one for all, all for one, popularized by the military. Both inputs of the
ROI from the individual and from the organization are evaluated as follows:
Then workforce engagement, EnG would be evaluated as presented below:
ROI = Profit / ROI,
Profit = Revenue – Costs
ROI = Revenue / Costs
4.00 Concluding
As creative beings therefore, humans have the capacity to define their
own reality, uniquely. But imagine a situation where an infinite number
of conflicting realities must coexist! Being gregarious therefore humans
have had to learn, to surrender their individual good for the group; which
has created another difficulty, with mind control by a handful of the elite
class. At optimum then, it would seem, adopting the N-O for the
common good of all would level the playing ground. This would be
additional to the fact of this being the optimum dimension or perspective
of reality, with the potential of ensured excellence for everyone
Moreover focus would appear to be scarce, despite its significance to the
human psyche and to success; apparently because of the inherent
difficulty with choice, from the infinite number of quantum possibilities.
Consequently, bottom line would appear to be that most humans may not
have a good image of themselves; leading to the associated physical
ailments, as well as relationship difficulties that characterize our
Adopting the SPS defines a common goal for the entire workforce, as
well as all of humanity: A level playing ground: A worthwhile focus and
goal to strive for, against which success would be evaluated objectively,
to soothe the psyche.
Above all of these, in the case of a conflict, only the quantum possibility
that approximates the N-O can be expected to prevail. Makes good sense
therefore to flow with it.
Could this be the answer that we seek?
5.00 Appendix Business Results
These are graphs of the monetized
return on investments, ROI which
would then be the output factor; on
the cost of materials, CM which
would then be the input factor to
business performance.
If thought has been normal, then
behavior would also be normal, as
evident in the scatter of the plots,
else the graph would fail the
normality test
The graph at the top represents a
motor company, with BHI = 2.1424
and equivalently R2
= 0.000; as well
as t = 0.021 and Pr > |t| = 0.984
which establish normality; with the
risk to reject the null hypothesis, H0
while it is true at 94.77% for CM
and 67.76% for ROI
The graph at the middle represents a
service company, with BHI =
1.5141 and equivalently R2
= 0.044;
as well as t = 0.642 and Pr > |t| =
0.537 which establish normality;
with the risk to reject the null
hypothesis, H0 while it is true at
44.77% for CM and 99.51% for
The graph at the end represents a
cement company, with BHI = 11.19
and equivalently R2
= 0.989; as well
as t = 22.769 and Pr > |t| = 0.0001
which establish normality; with the
risk to reject the null hypothesis, H0
while it is true at 31.88% for CM
and 29.23% for ROI

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To Be or not to Be, that is the Question; but what is the Answer?

  • 1. CONSULTANTS 8, De - Ba ng ler St. P.O. Box 1243, Gb oko + 234-808-080-2046 E-m a il: a n ye b e p e te r @ ya h o o . C o m +234-703-430-2486 To Be, or Not to Be: That is the Question, But what is the Answer? By Peter Anyebe AGAPE CONSULTANTS 15th September, 2015 HubPages View my profile WordPress Google Me Google+ Website: www.identi Focus would appear to be scarce, despite its significance to the human psyche and to success; because of the inherent inability to choose, from the infinite number of quantum possibilities Keywords: Space, Time, Events, Universe, Humanity, Society, Reality, Energy, Natural Order
  • 2. CONSULTANTS 8, De - Ba ng ler St. P.O. Box 1243, Gb oko + 234-808-080-2046 E-m a il: a n ye b e p e te r @ ya h o o . C o m +234-703-430-2486 To Be, or Not to Be: That is the Question, But what is the Answer? By Peter Anyebe 0.00 Preamble Humanity has been perturbed by several dilemmas. In this writer’s works, the following three, 3 have been prominent: Space, Time, and Events When it seemed as if these have been resolved, then comes another, seemingly hydra headed. Thus the attempt to understand humanity has been reduced into the following three, 3 features, for form: Assumptions, in which the attempt is made to, identify a goal, for the project Principles, by which the goal is defined, for clarification Models, for goal attainment . View my profile Google Me WordPress
  • 3. 1.00 The Assumptions The first, 1st assumption is to the effect that ultimately, every person creates their own reality. But this would be feasible only after the age of accountability, which has been fixed anywhere between 18 and 21 years. Even then, the distinction has to be made between mental and chronological age. In general however, maturation begins with the capacity to distinguish between good and evil, right and wrong. It culminates with the capacity to stick to the right, which would be good. In practice, this would be when the following three, 3 parties win; to generate the minimum entropy possible, for sustainability: The self, The rest of humanity, and The universe at large In principle this assumption is corroborated by Einstein’s relativity, following which an event in space would be viewed from an infinite number of locations; each of which represents a perspective of the event, or the reality of the person on that location. But following the normality principle in games theory, a game of infinite moves can be reduced into one, 1 unit move; which is then iterated several times, until the end of the game. This suggests the possibility of a perspective of reality that is optimum, which perspective has been adopted in the duality series from operations research as follows: Maxima Minimax Maximin Minima In principle this is corroborated by Plato’s duality, according to which there are two, 2 worlds as follows: The world of forms, where perfection exists; and The world of objects, which would be the crude replicas of the forms This would require a procedure that links both worlds, which procedure would be outlined by the duality series presented above.
  • 4. This defines the basis for the second, 2nd assumption that the potential for unconscious competency would be universal, being available to all humans. In the third, 3rd assumption therefore, all of humanity starts on the wrong foot, and would need to work at the challenge to attain the potential of unconscious competency. Recall that Immanuel Kant distinguished between noumena and phenomena, represented in this work as the natural order, N-O and the personal order, P-O respectively. While noumena or the N-O represents things as they really are, phenomena or the P-O represent things according to the person’s perspective. Although Kant opined in the 17th century that it would be impossible to reconstruct noumena, this has been attempted in the 21st century of our times. Then, unconscious competency would involve the internalization of the N-O; in an unlearning and a relearning process, which could be tedious. And the test of humanity would be the extent of engagement, at this task. Unlearning would be required because we all start on the wrong foot, and relearning because new neurological pathways need to be developed for the alternative processes in which the N-O would have been reconstructed. Then humanity would have to make the shift, from creating their own realities, to reconstructing the optimum reality or N-O. How well would this go down with us? To be, or not to be; that is the question. But what is the answer? 2.00 The Principles Psychology has reduced the quest for the human person into the behavior model, which includes stimuli, S responses, R and personality, P for R = f (S, P). There has been no agreement however, to a specification model that is acceptable all round. This has awaited a better understanding of the thought process, so as to link it objectively with the behavior process, both of which combine to define the person. A specification model has been suggested however, which describes humans as conduits, in the energy transfer between nature and society for Rn = F√n. This model could be represented in the form of the behavior model, as the phenomenology model, for √n = f (Rn, F). In this case, to perform at task by the standard procedure, √n the person, F would have to be rational, Rn; to the extent that they are able to reconstruct, the N-O. Then the response to stimuli would be
  • 5. appropriate, for R = S only when the factor-F is a unity, for F = 1 and the N-O would have been reconstructed. With every deviance from this standard, the entropy that is generated would increase, equivalently. Entropy manifests as disharmony and chaos, as well as deviance from the steady state of peace. Underlying the above conception is the principle of imagery, which requires a common denominator between the P-O and the N-O that is represented by the mind. In practice, quantum physics would appear to have resolved the dichotomy that separated humanity from the rest of the universe. Thus at the quantum level, all being is reduced to energy; as acknowledged by Einstein’s energy equation, e = mc2 following which energy, e and mass, m would be equivalent concepts with the square of the speed of light, c as conversion constant. But by the fine structure constant, α humanity is distinguished as intelligent, by virtue of a mind, which is able to conceptualize being. At the ultimate, this capacity would be expressed in the ability to reconstruct the N-O. Notice that the N-O represented by the duality series defines the normal curve. This suggests a thought pattern that would also be normal, to predict a behavior pattern that would be necessarily normal. The monetized return on investment, ROI has been identified as representative behavior for analytic purposes. Over time therefore, the distribution of this value for an organization would be expected to define the normal curve; as evidence that the workforce has performed at task by the standard procedure, which would be the analogue of the N-O. See appendix. This predictability principle is summarized in a model that links behaviorism, Fb with phenomenology, Fp for Fb’ = 1/10 (10Fp - 1): Fp > 1. The same mind that thinks, Fp is the same mind that behaves, Fb and at the ultimate, the same mind would be expected to approximate the universal mind or N-O. The observed approximation would actually be a measure of productivity, as defined by the following model:
  • 6. This is corroborated by a forth principle, leadership, according to which the scores on the following variables would need to be equal: 3. Self-containment, ScT 2. Self-control, ScR 1. Objectivity, f0 4. Retention, RtN All of nature is energy, but humans stand out, being intelligent. Similarly, every human might be productive, but some turn out to become leaders. The difference would be in the capacity to reconstruct the N-O, and its analogue, the standard procedure series, SPS. All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others? The humans that turn out to be more equal, would also be those that would be retainable, RtN having been adequately engaged, EnG in the task of potential attainment, for f0 = ScT = ScR = RtN. For the lesser mortals, it would be sufficient that ScT = √ (f0 x ScR). 3.00 The models By the assumptions and principles presented above, humanity would be reduced into the following series: Thus to reconstruct reality and the quantum possibility that approximates the N-O, it would be sufficient that the person strives to attain unconscious competency. In this case the work would be to unravel the mysteries of imagery and predictability, the success at which would distinguish the merely productive from the leader. Then to first, 1st establish, and subsequently actualize this concept, the following models have been required: 3. Productivity Humanity 2. Predictability 6. Reality 1. Imagery 5. Unconscious Competency 4. Leadership 3. Standard Procedure Engagement 2. Natural Order 6. Appraisal Model 1. Perception model of Mind 5. Bill of Health Index 4. Identity Kit
  • 7. The universe in its entire expanse has been reduced into objects and the relationships between them. To define the relationships however, it would be necessary to put a value uniquely on every object; following which they could be arranged in a hierarchy, to define a definite order or dimension. Dimensionality distinguishes between the vector and the scalar, as well as the relative and the absolute; respectively, to provide the basis for valuation. Following imagery it would be sufficient that the relative is evaluated against the absolute, the vector against the scalar. In this case, while the absolute would be a scalar quantity, being dimensionless; the relative would be a vector quantity, being characteristically dimensional. Moreover in this evaluation, the unit of measurement would be retained. The natural order, N-O reduces the absolute into a dimension uniquely, so that the personal order, P-O could be evaluated against this standard. The evaluation is done on the F-Scale presented below, to measure objectivity, f0 as the approximation of the N-O: The perception model of mind, PMM describes a mind that is objective, being able to reduce tasks into the standard procedure. This would be achieved in the following two, 2 stages: Analysis, F1 and Synthesis, F2 In analysis, the mind applies the principles of forms and waves to reduce phenomena into the essential components. In synthesis, the forms are applied to put humpty dumpty back together again, to reconstruct the standard procedure series, SPS as follows:
  • 8. While waves would be adequately defined by two, 2 features including size and location; forms would require three, 3 features including the work, L that needs to be done, the energy, F with which it is to be done, and the exhaust, A by which to keep track of progress. The PMM is presented as follows: The simulation of this model is presented below:
  • 9. Thus thought is evaluated in the absolute as, F4 2 = √(F1/F2); which is the ratio of the capacity for analysis, on the capacity for synthesis. Recall that in its relative form which would be behavioral, thought is measured as F = Rn / √n; which is the ratio of the rational, on the performance at task by the standard procedure. Then both measures have been related as, Fb’ = 1/10 (10Fp - 1): Fp > 1. The factors Rn and√n, as well as Pc which measures phenomenological compression are measured on the identity kit, Id-Kit; which is the analogue of the PMM in the same way as the SPS is analogue of the N-O. The Id-Kit goes beyond skill which is measured as the factor- f0, to measure the factor-F as the ability of can; and the will, for commitment. Taking all the four, 4 factors that are measured on the kit together, the capacity for perseverance, to start and finish a task, is evaluated as self-containment, ScT. This would be when the person is sufficiently robust, to contain all the vagaries of the environment that connive to stop accomplishment. Formally: But behavior in its real form is evaluated on the bill of health index, BHI. Given that thought is normal therefore, the monetized return on investment, ROI which is a derivative of the BHI would also define the normal curve, with 68% of occurrences between one, 1 and three, 3 standard deviations. See appendix. BHI is evaluated from revenue, profit, and cost of materials; all of which are recorded in the organization’s books. Formally:
  • 10. The MROI, ROI is evaluated as the ratio of profit on the regular return of investment, ROI as follows: The appraisal model is actually a measure of the ROI uniquely for the workforce, with input from both the Id-Kit and the BHI. This is an operationalization of the principle of one for all, all for one, popularized by the military. Both inputs of the ROI from the individual and from the organization are evaluated as follows: Then workforce engagement, EnG would be evaluated as presented below: ROI = Profit / ROI, Profit = Revenue – Costs ROI = Revenue / Costs
  • 11. 4.00 Concluding As creative beings therefore, humans have the capacity to define their own reality, uniquely. But imagine a situation where an infinite number of conflicting realities must coexist! Being gregarious therefore humans have had to learn, to surrender their individual good for the group; which has created another difficulty, with mind control by a handful of the elite class. At optimum then, it would seem, adopting the N-O for the common good of all would level the playing ground. This would be additional to the fact of this being the optimum dimension or perspective of reality, with the potential of ensured excellence for everyone involved. Moreover focus would appear to be scarce, despite its significance to the human psyche and to success; apparently because of the inherent difficulty with choice, from the infinite number of quantum possibilities. Consequently, bottom line would appear to be that most humans may not have a good image of themselves; leading to the associated physical ailments, as well as relationship difficulties that characterize our societies. Adopting the SPS defines a common goal for the entire workforce, as well as all of humanity: A level playing ground: A worthwhile focus and goal to strive for, against which success would be evaluated objectively, to soothe the psyche. Above all of these, in the case of a conflict, only the quantum possibility that approximates the N-O can be expected to prevail. Makes good sense therefore to flow with it. Could this be the answer that we seek?
  • 12. 5.00 Appendix Business Results These are graphs of the monetized return on investments, ROI which would then be the output factor; on the cost of materials, CM which would then be the input factor to business performance. If thought has been normal, then behavior would also be normal, as evident in the scatter of the plots, else the graph would fail the normality test The graph at the top represents a motor company, with BHI = 2.1424 and equivalently R2 = 0.000; as well as t = 0.021 and Pr > |t| = 0.984 which establish normality; with the risk to reject the null hypothesis, H0 while it is true at 94.77% for CM and 67.76% for ROI The graph at the middle represents a service company, with BHI = 1.5141 and equivalently R2 = 0.044; as well as t = 0.642 and Pr > |t| = 0.537 which establish normality; with the risk to reject the null hypothesis, H0 while it is true at 44.77% for CM and 99.51% for ROI The graph at the end represents a cement company, with BHI = 11.19 and equivalently R2 = 0.989; as well as t = 22.769 and Pr > |t| = 0.0001 which establish normality; with the risk to reject the null hypothesis, H0 while it is true at 31.88% for CM and 29.23% for ROI