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Argumentative Essay On Video Games
In 2003, Paul Gee, a member of the National Academy of Education and an educational
researcher, wrote a prophetic article for Wired magazine, "Games, Not School, Are Teaching
Kids To Think". In which he explains the beneficial impact video games have on the brain,
making video games a viable option in the enhancement of learning. Consequently mitigating
the defamation of video games having them become ingrained into American culture.
Today, the Global Games Market is worth $101.1 billion in revenues alone, with the U.S
Games Market contributing $23.6 billion! 65% of American households own a device used for
playing video games, according to Emma McDonald, marketing director at Newzoo,
provider of market intel, monitoring the global games, esports, and mobile markets. A
Console is a device used exclusively for gaming and it is the heftiest money–spinner in the U.S
Games Market, with revenues of $11.4 billion in 2016 alone.
The first ever video game was created on October 1958 by a physicist named William
Higinbotham in the Brookhaven National Laboratory. Higinbotham's game was just a simple
tennis game on a cathode– ray oscilloscope; machines which were used to track the change of an
electrical signal over– time. Twelve years later, the firstarcade game, Computer Space, hit the
country by storm. Computer Space was created by Nolan Bushnell, an engineer working for
Nutting Associates. The arcade game made approximately $3 million dollars in
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Online Addiction : A Growing Problem
Online addiction is a growing problem. There have been numerous studies on online addiction and the affects it has on people, their lives and their
families. More and more people spend large amounts of time with their online endeavors. Some people spend so much time online that it affects their
everyday life in negative ways. They suffer from lose sleep, avoid family and friends and even skip out on school and work. What activities when
done in excess are considered online addiction? What causes these addictions? What can be done to combat online addiction? In the following paper
we will go over this subject and explore the many facets of online addiction.
Online Addiction
Online addiction is described as an impulse control disorder, which does not involve use of an intoxicating drug and is very similar to pathological
gambling. When it comes to the topic of addiction most people overlook online addiction. Many people think that it isn't a true addiction or are not
even aware of it as an issue at all. Those that suffer from online addiction often use social networking sites, instant messaging, or online gaming as a
safe way of establishing new relationships and more confidently relating to others. These activities in themselves are not a bad thing, but too much of
anything can lead to problems. Spending time online only becomes an issue when it takes up way too much of your time, causing you to ignore your
relationships, your work, school, or
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How Web 2.0 Has Forever Changed Online Communication And...
Web 2.0 has forever changed online communication and communication in general. Reddit has opened up new ways to communicate and be a part of
communities. These communities are now so integral to our modern culture that they are used for more than just people discussing interests online.
Reddit has given has given content creators, business men, and politicians among others to manage and monitor community activity. Filmmakers
/television executives use these communities to monitor the fan base of their respective media. They monitor these communities to look at fan
feedback, to see what fans like or dislike about the media they are associated with. This is common in television shows as television executives
need to know what fans are thinking about the show overall or the season currently airing so they know what to improve on or what the fans want.
An example of this is a television executive for the television show 'Arrow'. The executive Marc Guggenheim has an active Tumblr and Reddit
account and responds to comments on sub reddits and hosts AMA's (ask me anything) to actively engage with the 'Arrow' community. This helps
keep entertainment media alive and for shows in particular it helps keep fanbases active with weekly releases of shows. Shows such as 'Supernatural'
and 'Game of Thrones' have large active communities on Reddit with 'Game of Thrones' roughly having '465,699' active subscribers as of last year
(Wikidot, 2015). Part of 'Game of Thrones; success is due to
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Electronic games are taking over the world. Computers,...
Electronic games are taking over the world. Computers, which were once used mainly for work related tasks, come standard with Solitaire and
other electronic versions of board or card games. Social media is teeming with casual gamers, playing simple puzzles such as (x) and (y). If access
to a computer is unavailable, it's possible to fill moments of spare time on a downloadable app for a smartphone. Some prefer to purchase the newest
console with its array of exciting, albeit expensive, titles. Why are so many people drawn to gaming? Games are fun! They come in a multitude of
genres, have different kinds of challenges for their player base, and in most cases, offer(s) a social component./aspect.
A fun game depends first on what definition ... Show more content on ...
First person shooters, such as Call of Duty, allow individuals to live out stressful, usually military in nature, situations, without personal harm. If there
is an interest, there is a game associated with it somewhere on the market.
Challenge is the source of a term called "raging". A player will "rage quit," that is, quit the game in a fit of rage, if the challenge is too difficult,
however, challenge is necessary to achieving a sense of accomplishment. People enjoy challenges for different reasons. Some like to brag about their
feats, others gain a feeling of control over problems they have solved, while still others enjoy simply knowing what they are capable of. Most
computer or video games include two types of challenge: Player versus environment, and player versus player. In player versus environment, the focus
is to defeat the computer, which is programmed to fight back with algorithms. The computer does not think, it only does. After figuring out how to beat
the computer, the game can become boring. Player versus player creates an interesting confrontation because the person on the other side can make
unpredictable moves(decisions). Whether the player is satisfied with defeating a program or another person, the challenge is readily available to either
Just as in traditional sports, gaming is social. When attending a sporting event, people will bring their families and friends along, enjoying the
camaraderie of cheering for their favorite team
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Asian Women Stereotypes
Western portrayals of Asian women in media have often been stereotypical, one–dimensional characters such as the submissive and docile Lotus
Blossom, the strong and domineering, but deceitful Dragon Lady, or the Asian hooker who is used as nothing more than a mere prop for the male gaze
(Kuo, Rachel). However, the Western audience has also been exposed to other portrayals of Asian women through another form of entertainment called
anime. Anime, or Japanese animation, has many genres that are named according to the target audience it is made for. For shounen, meaning male
adolescents, is largely about action–packed adventures and accomplishing a goal or defeating an enemy (Eisenbeis, Richard). The shounen genre,
however, despite its target audience that is... Show more content on ...
An example of this would be Asuna from the light novel, manga, and anime, Sword Art Online by Reki Kawahara. For the purpose of this analysis,
this paper will only be focusing the the developments made in the animated series. This anime is about 10,000 people that get trapped inside a
VRMMORPG, a Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online Role–Playing Game, called Sword Art Online the first time all the players log in.
Unable to exit the game, all these people are stuck in a virtual world that stimulates all their five senses, much like a virtual reality, and when they die
in–game, they die in real life. The only way to escape the game is to defeat all 100 floors of a steel castle within the game. The protagonists are
Kirito, a 15 year old boy, who was among one of the 1,000 closed beta testers, and Asuna, the female protagonist. Both are
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How The Technology Behind Mmorpg Or Mmo Works Is That It...
Technologies behind MMORPG Description of how the technology behind MMORPG or MMO works is that it runs on Client Technology and
Server Technology. Client technology will typically refer to the player's computer systems i.e. laptop/desktop/phones/phablets and the program that
runs on your computer. Server technology will be the one where all datas and the process calculation is stored/processed and the machine that
players connect to when they're ready to play. Client side of the technology, it is a combination of play board of the game and the user interface used
to interact with the virtual game world. Every UIs that is present in this game, every characters, playable or not and of course the landscape of the
game will exist in files... Show more content on ...
If the client system does not have a high system specification (mainly the slow/old processors or low memory in the graphics) then the game play
can slow down rapidly. For this reason, many players tend to find that they'll need to exceed the game's minimum system requirements in order to
have a good in game playing experience. Server technology is only activated if there is an input from the client technology. In general terms, there
server: Calculates and processes the location of in game characters from other in game characters are. Calculates the distance the in game character is
from the other character and then processes whether it is close enough to attack or interact with that character and notifies the player's client of any
interaction from any characters from game to the player's in game character. Calculates the probability of player's attacks landing/critically hitting
successfully and then notifies game client of how much damage is done on the player or is received Notifies game clients of other online players of
other player's actions if it is relevant in any way. Provides algorithms for game clients to display different action animation in response to player's in
game character's action command. Calculates and
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The Pros And Cons Of Video Games
Many people stand behind the fact that video games do help people and kids in the development of their brain, while other people do not. The
argument based around the idea that video games help the development of people or not has been going on for a long time. Different stories come
up on how people are getting seriously harmed while playing video games, but there are other stories coming up about the positives about playing
video games. One side believes that playing video games hinders the development of a child's brain. Also, they believe the more violent video games
we see on the markets today cause children to be violent and lash out on family. On the other side of the argument though, scientists go deep in to their
research on how video games help the development of the human brain and the positive effects it can have for people long–term. Also, on the same
side of the argument video games can be used for educational purposes. This argument has valid points on both sides, while they have good
reasoning behind them. In the opposition's point of view, games often lead to poor health for the person playing the game. This comes from the fact
that most games involve sitting in front of the TV ("Eight Ways Video Games Are Bad For Your Health," par. 1). Most of the games out on the
market today are plain and simple. The user grabs a controller and sits in front of the TV and begins to play the game. This is all true but, there are
games that require physical motion like
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Market Analysis: Roccat
1.Market Analysis 1.1Global Game Market With the personal computer (PC) gaming market rapidly expanding worldwide, there are various types
of games available, such as real time strategy (RTS) games, massively multiplayer online (MMO) games, multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA)
games, etc. All these games require computer hardware or peripherals to house or complement for better gaming experiences for computer gamers
worldwide. Many computer gamers who spend a lot of time in their games will always on a lookout for peripherals that will enhance their gaming
experiences as well as an edge over their online peers while playing games online, such as gaming keyboards, gaming mice, headsets, etc. Across the
globe, there are more than 1 billion... Show more content on ...
The company's original name was Soft Trading, and it was changed to SteelSeries in 2007. Soft Trading made the IceMat and SteelPad mouse mats, the
latter of which influenced the company's eventual name change. In 2008, SteelSeries acquired Ideazon, a North American–based developer and
manufacturer of gaming peripherals. This acquisition literally gave Steelseries the breakthrough into the gaming market. (Steelseries 2015) ROCCAT
Roccat was founded in 2007 by RenГ© Korte, who is the current CEO of the company. The German brand is one of the top manufacturers of various
gaming peripherals selling across more than 70 nations. (Wallossek 2013) Given that it is a German born brand, it certainly holds certain competitive
advantages in its own home country's gaming market. Logitech The Swiss company was founded in 1981 in Apples in Switzerland, focusing on
innovation and quality, The brand has a broad portfolio of interface devices for computer, console game and other entertainment platforms, including its
own gaming series of keyboards and mice, Logitech G. With its products sold in various countries across the globe, Logitech been in the computer
market longer than any of the other three competing brands, giving it the experience to gain its fair share of the gaming peripherals market in
Germany. (Logitech
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Violent Video Games And Violent Behavior
Page 1 of 12 ZOOM RUNNING HEAD:VIOLENT VIDEO GAMES AND VIOLENT BEHAVIOR1Violent Video Games and Violent BehaviorJuan
HerradaGlendale Community College Violent Video Games and Violent Behavior2Violent Video Games and Violent BehaviorThere have been over
200 school shooting incidents ― an average of nearly one a week ― since the horrifying morning when 20–year–old Adam Lanza marched into
Sandy Hook Elementary School and did the unthinkable (Miller, H). Many adults including parents and psychologist attribute the increase in school
shootings and violent acts by children/adolescents to playing violent video games. Contrary to the belief of many adults and psychologists that
specialize in child development, violent video games are not an influence on violent behavior in children and should not be regulated by the
government any further than what is already in place, age restrictions. Violent video games and video games in general should not be regulated
because video games help in the development of cognitive skills, the gaming industry is an industry that is providing a lot of economic benefits to
the United States, and playing multiplayer or online video games allow users to socialize and relax.To begin with, one of the major reasons as to why
video games should not be regulated any further, besides age restricting, is that video games help in the development of cognitive skills such as
memory and problem solving. The best proof that video–gaming improves these
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Online Gaming Addiction Using Official Mental Disorder Essay
Kuss and Griffiths (2011) This study suggest that excessive gaming may actually lead to symptoms that substance addicts commonly experience from
their abuse of different drugs. Games usually apply to children, adolescents and young adults. These groups are at higher ricks for developing gaming
addiction because they are still growing. The review wants to present the classification basis of online gaming addiction using official mental disorder
frameworks (Kuss & Griffiths 2011). To also identify other studies that go into detail about online gaming addiction in children and adolescents, also
show the findings and pit them against related mental disorder criteria.
The empirical review in this study shows first how much children and adolescents have put into gaming over time. In 2010, both video and PC
game software retail sales amounted to approximately $15.5 (US) billion (as cited in Johnson, 2011). Games now have the ability to create massive
worlds that let players develop their own alter egos and avatars as they see fit. Having the whole world to join into with anyone one at any time at any
location that the user sees fit; making extremely massive committees that grow day to day. Making these games fully immerse in a virtual reality
setting, in which the world can be shape as those deemed it to be shaped. A recent systematic literature review suggests that it is particularly excessive
engagement with "Massively Multiplayer Online Role–Playing Game" (MMORPGs) that can
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Gaming: Is it really that harmful? Essay
Imagine a world that allows people to become someone else for a moment. This virtual world is undiscovered by many people and is competing
with each other. They are not afraid of others judging them. They can express their feelings anonymously without fear. This world is filled with
people who, in the real world, would usually be quiet and reserved, but in this world emerge as leaders. This virtual world is accessible to everyone,
but only used by a few. These few people who make up this virtual world are called gamers. They play games ranging from many different genres
like First Person Shooter, Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing, and Real Time Strategy. People of all ages enjoy these types of games and
spend the majority of their... Show more content on ...
By analyzing this statement, one could assume that if they were playing sports, their capacity to react to several events could be enhanced. A tennis
player for example, will need good visual skills to lock on to the tennis ball in order to hit the ball as it comes near the player. Also,first–person shooter
games have many visual effects like explosions and flashes of lights which all need to be comprehended in time and then transmitted to the brain for
the person to react back by shooting. Even the military uses these first–person shooter games to make it seem like a natural instinct to react to sudden
ambushes to improve fire rate: "The military has begun using Doom–like games to improve so–called fire rates–encouraging soldiers to pull the trigger
in–fifth of U.S. soldiers in World War II fired their weapons...pushed up to 95% by the Vietnam War" (Quittner).
Additionally, eye–sight can be improved even when playing video games. There are some misconceptions that spending long periods of time playing
video games on the computer or on the television worsens vision but that is not true. Games today have the "graphic capabilities allow[ing] the game
player to alter the visual perspective from narrow to panoramic" ("Electronic Game"). Due to the games ability to change viewpoints, the player can be
creative and view objects in different perspectives. As University of
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Benefits Of Playing Video Games
Online gaming has become a serious problem in the society especially among young adults. This is because, most young adults are now stuck on
their computers and internet, playing games all day. This has led to serious gaming problems among such individuals because they have no social life
outside of the game world. Playing game, is a good way of having fun and developing one's cognitive ability. The benefits of playing video games are
numerous when done in moderation. "Playing brain–teasing game for just two hours a week may help slow the degree of mental decay associated
with the natural aging process, according to a study this year from the University of Iowa"( Guarini. 2013). However, with the increase of video
games production and the availability of those games online comes a lot of gaming problem one which includes online gaming addiction. Online
games has become the popular outlet for young adults to play and socialise with other people online. However, it has also become a problem. One
type of videogame that has become a problem to young adults is the Massively Multiplayer Online Role–playing Games (MMORPGs). "A MMORPG
can be defined as a game in which numerous players around the globe inhabit a single virtual realm simultaneously, adopt alternative personas, and
interact with one another in multiple ways, and thus these games provide a variety of incentives for play" ( Kuss et al. 2012). MMORPG are quite
popular to the numbers of gamers that play over the world. It
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Online Role Playing Game Games
In many of the MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role–Playing Game) game there is always a guid to it but sometime the player are not
follow those guid and ending up complaining that the game are not good. Accroding to Menashe Kestenbaum in every game before the player start
playing its, the players should search up the and what kind of game they like and do they want to play solo or with everyone. (P.3: A
Beginner 's Guide to MMORPG) The players would also check to see if they like the game graphic or not. It might just be a simple game but for a
professional player 's gaming is life and they will help create the guide for new players.
For this, I will discuss about about the rule in MMORPG and the guide to becoming the best player in the game. The best way for the new player
to be successful in gaming and be good at follow the guideline provided by the developer. The guideline that provided by the developer would have
quests information, monsters, classes, weapons, armors, capes, and helms. Sometimes the rule would include about if the players use cheat code to
get something that is again the rule the players would be banned for 24 hours and and the player do it again it would be a week and so on. Also, if
the players use swear words the players would be banned from using chat for one minute and if the player continues to use the swear words the player
would get banned for five minutes, thirty minutes, sixty minutes, twenty–four hours, seventy–two hours,
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Gaming And The Media Industry
Gaming, the growing titan of the media industry, has affected almost everyone in some way, even if they do not play games themselves. Everyone
knows at least one person that plays games, and whether they play them on a computer, a console, or a mobile device, their gaming has most likely
affected their relationships and health in some way. They could cancel events with friends using the excuse that their World of Warcraft raiding guild
won't wait for their real life, or they may suddenly shave off a lot of belly fat, and credit their excessive play of Wii Sports Club for their rapid boost
in physical health. The two games mentioned prior, one being a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG) and the other being a
fitness game, are completely different, and thus, effect the people that play them in different ways. On top of that, the differences between these two
games are just an insanely small snapshot of the variety of games. Just like works of literature, there are several different genres that define games
such as: platformer, simulation, education games, and many more. This variety of genres attracts many diverse groups of people, and this allows
gaming to effect large groups of people in a multitude of ways. At face value, it may just seem like a form of entertainment, but this power that video
games have over significant portions of the masses allow them to change how people interact with themselves and others. There are several positive
mental and
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Culture As Defined By Video Games
Culture as Defined By Video Games In a society, culture has always been defined by the particular arts, beliefs and customs of that community and
formed a representation of what that society has to offer. Ancient Greece was well known for its achievements in the field of arts and literature with
examples being the Iliad or the tales of Greek gods such as Zeus. Each and every society had a unique aspect that acted as an equivalent for what their
culture meant to them and could be considered a defining element of that group, and in modern times the advancements in technology have created a
medium that provides both audio and visual stimulations for individuals that can showcase not only one, but thousands of cultures through the use of
video games. These tools can be manipulated to represent anything the developer wants to address to an audience, such as japanese folklore or the
controversial issue of sameВsex romances in traditional media (Moravec). While some games are created with the sole purpose of teaching the
player about a culture or philosophy that exist in the real world there are many other games in the world that people believe create their own worlds,
their own cultures the likes of which have never been seen before in history. The argument is questioning whether or not video games merely reflect
cultures that can be found in the real world or if they create a new culture of their own instead, and if they do what complications arise with this new
culture. Student
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Competitive Analysis
In growing the company, CanGo prepares to expand into online gaming. To assist in this endeavor, we present By Design's findings concerning the
competitive environment of online gaming. To begin with, there are many impressive competitors in the online gaming industry. The following tables
show the top 25 gaming companies in 2010 along with the fastest growing ones (Van Kooten, 2010). Despite this fierce competition, there are also
plentiful opportunities for entry into the online game market with forecasted trends showing huge growth. In 2007, online games generated $6.6 billion.
They are expected to increase to $14.4 billion in 2012. The top 10 fast growth companies indicate that online gaming is a goldmine (Caron, 2009). ...
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Virtual goods are virtual items that players purchase to reach new levels or limited edition items (Interview With CEO of Playdom, 2009). In
2009, Playdom had $50 million in profits and has about 42 million players per month. (Barnes & Miller, 2010). Aside from the point of access
for online games played, it is important to understand the market segments for online gamers. A study by Park Associates as cited by David
Edery, CEO of Spry Fox, outlines a diversification of gamers into six categories: 1. Power gamers who are 11% of the total gamer market but
represent 30% of current spending. 2. Social gamers account for 13% of the market. 3. Leisure gamers hold 14% of the market and spend an
average of 58 hours per month playing casual titles. This group prefers challenging games and show high interest in new gaming services . 4.
Dormant gamers are 26% of the market. They enjoy gaming, but spend very little time playing due to life's obligations. 5. Incidental gamers are 12%
of the market, with an average of 20 hours a month game time. They usually play out of boredom. 6: Occasional gamers comprise 24% of the market
and play puzzle, word, and board games (Edery, 2006). It is our conclusion that CanGo with its established brand can effectively compete in this
competitive field by focusing on the segmentation of gamers within a niche in the online gaming industry, particularly in
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The Problem Of The Internet
There is one illness in the U.S that is growing more and more and If you are a teen, then you are probably a victim of it. You may not even think it,
but you could be addicted to the internet. The Internet has made life alot easier by making information more accessible to all and creating connections
with different people around the world. Internet is more than likely the biggest piece of technology that we have today. The internet is a worldwide
system of computer networks and people use this technology everyday. It's on computers, on game systems, and even on phones. However, it has
also led a lot of people to spend too much time in front of the computer, so much so that it becomes the center of their lives. (PsychGuides) Now I
know what you're thinking "Now this isn't related to me at all". teenagers are the most prone to the addiction however. adolescents often become
addicted to the Internet as they become less dependent on their parents. Though some people continue to regard teen Internet addiction as little more
than a parenting issue, many experts in the field of addictions and compulsions have identified teen Internet addiction as a real issue that is deserving
of continued study (CRC health) so when it comes down to it, there is a real issue that everyone needs to consider assuring they don't have. The
amount of people who are affected by internet addiction is so high that the University of Hong Kong researchers estimate 6 percent of the world is
addict (Ben
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Information and Communication Technologies in Learning Essay
For members of the twenty–first century society, computers, mobile devices and the internet play a central role in everyday life. This is no different for
school children, who have unprecedented access to information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the classroom to aid their learning. The
integration of ICTs in the classroom does not stop with children– there is no argument that as a citizen of the digital age and a university student the
use of computers and the internet have revolutionised my life and education. Being networked virtually every minute of the day means that I not only
have more information and entertainment content at my fingertips than I could ever hope to absorb, but my learning is more effective than ever. My...
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This is because seventy nine percent of the population do not participate in online gaming. This may be explained by the prominence of females in
the course, as Winn et al (2009) identifies in regard to MMOs "[males] play an average of an hour and 34 min per day and girls half as long (40 min)"
(pp. 2). This suggests that if females play online games at all, they play a lot less. By spending ten percent of my online time e–learning, I was close to
my peers, who spend an average of around nine percent of their time learning online (Au et al, 2014). The time I dedicate to educational activities has
increased since starting university, as my studies require engagement with an online learning environment powered by Moodle. While I benefitted from
a one–to–one laptop program, the use of ICTs during my high school education, while frequently employed, was limited mostly to research and word
processing. My university learning on the other hand requires engaging with activities on the course Moodle, as well as from external websites– this
facilitates some extremely engaging learning. Compared to my cohort, I spend significantly less time looking at the news, browsing and using social
media. This is mostly because I feel disengaged from sites like Facebook, finding most of the information uploaded or posted by my friends to not be
coherent, useful or
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Porter's Five Forces Applied to Electronic Arts Essay
There are many people play video game, pc game, massively multiplayer online game and mobile game, the game industry is increasing. Because of
technology, the game industry can develop more game which have high quality, and develop more generation of console.
According case 15, author talked about how game industry increases recently and what situations for game industry are. He also divided game industry
for several segments, such as video game, pc game, massively multiplayer online game and mobile game. He also discussed how each segments is
developed. Moreover, the author also describes Electronic Art's situations in some parts, such as developing process, strategies, suppliers, distribution
and competitors.
This paper will briefly to ... Show more content on ...
Competitive pressures associated with the jockeying among rival sellers
For global game industry, every company competes violently.
According our case, there are several rivals in this industry, such as Electronic Art, Activision Inc, THQ, Take Two Interactive Software Ink, Midway
Game Inc. Moreover, as we know, some companies which produce game–playing device, like Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, also create their own game
with in–house staff, in this industry
Every company produce video game for different consoles, consoles are developed new generations fast, game developer should compete to gain
license for new generation console.
Every video game developer have good capability in faster processing speeds, digital and high–definition graphics capability and on line connectivity to
develop new game or new game–playing device, by those way, they can easily to attract extended consumer.
2. Competitive pressures associated with the threat of new entrants
To enter the game industry is difficult because new entry should possess high technology skill, high capital and well distribution, it's not easy to new
Entry barriers of global video game industry are high because every global game industry companies cooperates and competes each other, they have
force to influence this market, and new potential entrants are not easy to enter this market.
3. Competitive pressures from the sellers of substitute products
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The Earliest Application Of Data Communication
The earliest application of data communication in video games came from multiplayer gaming. Originally, and even in some instances today, the term
multiplayer in games meant that players were in the same room sharing a physical console. Two of the earliest examples of this were in 1972 the
game "Pong" and "MIT SpaceWar" on the Atari, which featured two joysticks to play the games (White, 2009). A few years later, as technology
continued advancing, the term multiplayer developed different meanings. By the late 70s many of the country's universities were linked through the
modern internet's predecessor ARPANET (The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) also known as "pre
–internet." ARPANET connected
universities through computer... Show more content on ...
As Roy Trubshaw stated: (1980) "MUD was originally little more than a series of interconnected locations where you could move and chat"
(Indvik, 2012). By the early 80s MUDs had approximately 1000 users, primarily in the U.K and U.S. This early system set the foundation for
multiplayer gaming. After the introduction of various MUDs, the idea of gaming over a network began to really catch on by the middle 1980s. In
1985 owners of the board game "Dungeons and Dragons" began licensing the game to software developers. The company wanted to take advantage of
the adoption of personal computers in the home, such as Macintosh, and provide a digital medium for their game. Thirteen games were developed in
all and were connected through a "PPP" system. Each game required extensive instruction manuals to use, some as long as twenty–eight pages (Indvik,
2012). As sort of a payoff for the complexity, these games were more advanced than the previous generation of MUDs. Most provided
two–dimensional interfaces and characters and were the first of their kind. Meanwhile in 1987, Atari developed its own gaming system named the
Atari ST. These consoles could be connected to one another on a network known as MIDI. The MIDI architecture was a simple iteration of the
"Dungeons and Dragons" system. Players could connect to one another and form a "MIDI ring" that connected one another's computer. Up to sixteen
players could
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Player Modes Of Video Games
Player Modes in Video Games
Player mode selection is not an option in every game, but there are specific player modes designed in all game genres to best serve every kind of
gamer. Video games have become more popular in the past couple of decades, providing the uprising of advertisement and stores which cater to the
hobby. Developers compete to pump out quantity and quality. Consequently, games have evolved beyond graphics alone. Now games come packed
with achievements, leaderboards, side quests, in–game shops, customizable characters, and a chock–full of other options, including the use of real
world money to buy items for a character. Not only have games evolved in these ways, but the way we play modern games has changed as well. ...
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Be that as it may, the single–player mode is the only one which can quench the thirst for a story–rich game, in a self–reliant environment, which is free
from awkward and problematic social miscommunication–unlike two or multiplayer or massively multiplayer modes.
Single–Player Mode
First, the single–player mode is typically largely story–rich. Developers found a way to engage lone players, by captivating them with a story
background, often with an unfolding story throughout the game. For example, in Ori and the Blind Forest, the game begins with a touching story
about Ori, the main protagonist. His heartfelt story coupled with the enchanting musical score and artwork, plus the often challenging obstacles a
player must overcome, makes this platformer game story–rich and memorable. Similarly, some games include an interactive story, where the player can
select conversational responses or make detrimental decisions as to how the character 's morale develops and how the story goes. In the role–playing
Fable series, the choices made by the player, dictate how the character develops and how the story pans out. The player determines whether their
character is good or evil, in regards to the way their character responds to the built–in characters, or commonly referred to as artificial intelligence, in
the game, along with what personal, social and political choices they deem fit. Second, single–player mode offers players a self–reliant environment.
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Exploring The Potential For Addiction
On–line gaming has grown a great deal in the last decade, connecting players in countries around the world. World of Warcraft is perhaps the
best–known massively multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG). These games are incredibly immersive and generally have no real ending,
with players able to continue the game indefinitely via expansions and new content being added. A pilot study by Hussain and Griffiths (2009) set out
to explore the potential for addiction to an MMORPG, within its psychological and psychosocial effects on players. Generally, studies of MMORPGs
have not had a specific focus on addiction or the psychology of on–line gaming (as cited in Hussain & Griffiths, 2009).
At the time of their study, it was estimated that there were five million online gamers worldwide (as cited in Hussain & Griffiths, 2009). According to
the statistical analysis site Statista, as of 2013 approximately 144.9 million people worldwide are active daily players of online games, an increase of
almost 3000 percent. Hussain and Griffiths note that playing an MMORPG can become an escape from a player's real life, and a substitute for the
social interactions involved in reality. Therefore, the importance of studying MMORPG's potential for addiction, and research regarding possible
pathology, is even more relevant.
Hussain and Griffiths explored two hypotheses: (1) assess the impact of online gaming on the lives of gamers, the independent variable being online
gaming, the dependent,
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The Issues Of Cyber Bullying
Coastal Carolina University
The Issues of Cyber–bullying
Alyssa Staub
CSCI 101 – D1
Professor Matthews
October 23, 2017 Cyber bullying has been a topic for scholarly inquiry, political debate, and policy reform since the commercialization of the Internet.
Pre–internet bullying involved socially marginalized children and teenagers picking on their friends and other marginalized children at school.
Traditional discipline included detentions, phone calls to their parents, and some type of discipline between the children involved. Today however, for
bullies has dramatically changed and the risk–reward balance has been significantly tilted in favor of the bullies.
The Emergence of Technology
Today, bullies can... Show more content on ...
A case can be made that for engaged participants within massively multiplayer online role playing games, their social well being is paramount in their
realization of happiness and acceptance. This paper will also try to make a case for why bullying in these virtual gaming worlds can be more damaging
to participants than traditional bullying.
Cyber Bullying as a Criminological Issue
The world has adopted the Internet as one of the most popular mediums for exchanging information, and criminologists need to be well versed in its
complexities in order to make meaningful, relevant, and thought–provoking research. Cyber bullying piggy backs on the foundations of traditional
bullying in principle, but provides instigators with a presumed veil of anonymity which modernizes the bullies' process of bullying. Bullies naturally
have less inhibition when they are bullying online because they can be safe at home without fear of repercussion. This is extremely troubling
considering there is very little fear of reprisal in an online environment. There are no "internet police" actively monitoring conversations or information.
The cold truth is that nothing will ever happen to a cyber bully unless the victim(s) report it and pursue it legally. The situation
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The New Community: MMORPGs and Social Networking Essay
Community is changing. As far back as the twentieth century, a social community was a group of real life acquaintances that had a common interest,
goal, or career. Back then, to update one's "status" might mean to attempt to improve a person's social standing within a particular community or group
of friends. Today, people don't need to be told what online social networking is. It's so engrained into the current culture that people almost can't
remember how they interacted before the internet came along. How did people keep in touch? How did they interact and socialize and play? Before
social networking sites like Facebook existed, people had to rely on the email, now the cultural norm for written communication. And prior to that,...
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Although not everyone is aware of the MMO subculture, most people are familiar with a related and more commonly used technology called
social networking sites, or SNSs. According to Leena Rao, a writer for online technology journal, over 600 million people
worldwide were using Facebook by December of 2010 (Rao, 2011.) Facebook is one of the most visited SMSs currently on the internet. In the
same article, Rao states that as of December 2010, social networks and other blogging sites currently occupy 10% of U.S. internet page views
(Rao, 2011.) So naturally, advertisers have identified the growing user base as a prime audience for all new marketing and sales strategies. In fact,
SMSs like Facebook exist because of the huge profits from selling advertising space to any company that can pony up the cash for a virtual
billboard. Even candidates running for office are using these sites as a platform to raise awareness for their campaigns. In fact, the White House
formed the Office of New Media "to reform our government so that it is more efficient, more transparent, and more creative," according to President
Obama (, 2011.) In fact, an online presence is a necessity for any business today that seriously wants to be part of the culture. And why
wouldn't they? People are constantly updating their statuses or their Twitter feeds or
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Video Gaming And High Performance Gamming Computers
In the past decade gamming has evolved from the most simplistic of forms to one of the most action packed entertainment that rivals that of a
movie. Along with games the hardware use to run those games has also evolved to some of the most advanced technology's we know. With this new
hardware there are different type of systems classifications like consoles, and high performance gamming computers. Among these two classifications
I believe the gamming pc's are better than consoles. Here I am going to go over why I believe this based on price, functions available, control of
functionality, choices of games, and community size. To start off let's look at the background of video games and how it evolved in to what it is today.
Video gaming started becoming popular around the 1970's when Atari released their pong arcade machine. (Atari, 99)during this time many first
generation consoles started being released which included the Magnavox Odyssey, TV Tennis Electronics, and Home pong. Alongside those consoles
home computers were starting to emerge like the commodore VIC–20, and the Amstrad CPC. (Bagnall & Melick)Even though video gaming at the
time was still in its infancy it was still a large factor in the market for selling of both of these consoles and computers. Also with such a big demand
for video games the technology for both video games and the hardware to run video games got better, and cheaper. In a comparison that encyclopedia
Britannica did between an Apple I Mack from
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Reality Is Broken Summary
Zhang Huijing Fashion Marketing English 2nd Year We always regard "GAMES" as "pastimes", but in reality the functions of games are more than
that. First Part_ Introduction: Reality is broken Games have had enough of reality. You are one of gamers or you definitely know some of them.
Who are the gamers? From different professions, ages of people could be the gamers. They play different types of games from World of Warcraft,
Guitar Hero, Rock Band to Halo3... and the gamers are from different countries. They may have jobs, goals, school works, families, commitments and
real lives they care aboutпјЊbut they devote more and... Show more content on ...
The feedback system that not only allows you to know when and if you've achieved the goal, but also holds out the hope of potentially achieving
the goal in increasingly satisfying ways: in fewer strokes, or against more players. Scrabble Your goal is to spell out long and interesting words
with lettered tiles. You have only seven letters to work with at a time. You don't get to choose which keys, or letters, you can use. You also have to
base your words on the words that other players have already created. And there's a finite number of times each letter can be used. A set of obstacles
or unnecessary work enthralled millions people over the past seventy years. Tetris Often dubbed"the greatest computer game of all time," is a perfect
example of a game you cannot win. What makes Tetris so addictive, despite the impossibility of winning, is the intensity of the feedback it provides.
visual–you can see row after row of pieces disappearing with a satisfying poof; quantitative–a prominently displayed score constantly ticks upward; and
qualitative–you experience a steady increase in how challenging the game feels. Portal A significantly more complex video game: the single–player
action/puzzle game. In the beginning, you find yourself in a small, clinical–looking room with no obvious way out. There's nothing obvious to do: no
enemies to fight, no treasure to pick up, no falling objects to avoid. With so few clues for how to proceed, your
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Lazzaro Four Fun Keys Essay
Lazzaro's Four Fun Keys
Lazzaro's work on emotions and feelings in games identified four different aspects of fun in games that were labeled the Four Fun Keys.
Hard fun is induced by achievement and attainment of goals in games. Lazzaro associated Hard Fun with "fiero" (triumph over adversity).
Lazzaro's Easy Fun is based on the role of intrigue and curiosity in the enjoyment of games. Easy fun is crucial to maintaining the player's attention and
increasing the player's engagement.
Serious fun is based on the generation of a feeling of excitement in the game. Lazzaro also identifies serious fun as form of escapism that some players
seek when playing video games.
People fun is associated with competitive and collaborative experiences in some games. Lazzaro stated that competing against and collaborating allows
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Therefore, they must understand their customer base, the players' perception of these items, and the reasons that might push them to spend money on
these items (Hamari, 2011).
Hamari (2011) presented a model (figure below) to explain the reasons behind the purchase of virtual goods based on players' attitudes and game
enjoyment. Hamari found that: Perceived enjoyment of the game was correlated with the intention of players to continue playing the game (H1).
Subjective norm was found to be positively associated with players' attitudes towards purchasable virtual items (H4). Players' attitude was determined
to be associated with players' purchase intention (H6). While subjective norm also affects purchase intentions directly (H5).
Park and Lee (2011) used consumption value theory to study players' purchasing decisions in online games and determined that game users' propensity
to purchase in–game items increases when they perceive a greater value of the
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Essay On Racism And Stereotyping In World Of Warcraft
Racism and Stereotyping in World of Warcraft: The inside look that the company doesn't want to admit too
Massively multiplayer online games (MMOs) are played by millions of people around the globe, and by one in five Americans (Entertainment Software
Association, 2015). Role–playing games (MMORPGs) are a popular subcategory which lets gamers take on a new character, created for the digital
world, to play the game. Three of the top five bestselling computer games in the US in 2014 were MMORPGs, and three of them were from the
fantasy genre: Diablo III: Reaper of Souls, The Elder Scrolls Online, and World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor expansion pack. (Entertainment
Software Association, 2015, p.11) World of Warcraft was the most played MMORPG, with more than 12 million active players and over 100 million
accounts. While playing MMORPGs players are exposed to Racism and Stereotyping from the game itself down to the gamers playing the game.
Research concerning race and video games usually focus on games set in the real world such as games like the Grand Theft Auto franchise. It shows
that minorities are rarely represented, and that when they do appear the characters are usually racial stereotypes (Burgess, Dill, Stermer, Burgess, &
Brown, 2011). Thus meaning that while video games are supposed to take gamers out of the real world and ... Show more content on ...
As stated in Does Racism Affect Health? Evidence From The United States And The United Kingdom by Muennig and Murphy it states "The indirect
effects of racial discrimination are thought to affect health by effectively "stressing" the individual, leading to neuroendocrine disruptions that affect
one's physical and mental health." Which could show that when a player is being racist towards another player it just might be because of the fact that
he/she was being acted upon
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Argumentative: Are Video Games Addictive?
Are Video Games Addictive?
Off the bat anything can be addictive. Like food, shopping or shopping for food. Addiction is not always about an item that hooks you in like a
magnet. Many times addiction is psychological, how you view it. Please keep that in mind while you read. Video gaming is an increasingly popular
pastime, because you can get them on your phone, mobile device, computer, and tablet. But can video games be addicting? Yes they can! Video games
can start to take priority in your life, and here's why.
Video games are made to be addicting.
Game makers specifically make games to be addictive. They launch alpha betas and open betas for players to try out and give their input for game
improvements. They do that so games are exactly how the players imagined and will want to just keep playing. It is noted that the ... Show more content
on ...
whether its dunking on your dad in NBA 2k14 or running that perfect play in Madden 13 you have a sense of joy. In Minecraft building to your
hearts content, without the hindrance of real life and gravity. Several psychologist use violent video games as outlets for patients with anger
problems. Video games are also a social outlet for people that may not otherwise interact with new people. MMOs (massively multiplayer online)
connects you with people not just from across town, but across the planet. Socially awkward people find it easier to start by typing in a chat box ("How
Video GameAddiction Treatment Centers Can Help Compulsive Gamers.")(."Why Video Games Are So Addictive.") Next they work up to game
and voice chat. Then they can become a part of a party and Skype with the people they are playing with. Joining parties and being active in the game
community gives them a sense of friendship, family and belonging. This can be good in theory, however, if this is the only way you can feel these
emotions then is it too
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Video Gaming And High Performance Gamming Computers
In the past decade gamming has evolved from the most simplistic of forms to one of the most action packed entertainment that rivals that of a
movie. Along with games the hardware use to run those games has also evolved to some of the most advanced technology's we know. With this new
hardware there are different type of systems classifications like consoles, and high performance gamming computers. Among these two classifications
I believe the gamming pc's are better than consoles. Here I am going to go over why I believe this based on price, functions available, control of
functionality, choices of games, and community size. To start off let's look at the background of video games and how it evolved in to what it is today.
Video gaming started becoming popular around the 1970's when Atari released their pong arcade machine. (Atari, 99)during this time many first
generation consoles started being released which included the Magnavox Odyssey, TV Tennis Electronics, and Home pong. Alongside those consoles
home computers were starting to emerge like the commodore VIC–20, and the Amstrad CPC. (Bagnall & Melick)Even though video gaming at the
time was still in its infancy it was still a large factor in the market for selling of both of these consoles and computers. Also with such a big demand
for video games the technology for both video games and the hardware to run video games got better, and cheaper. In a comparison that encyclopedia
Britannica did between an Apple I Mack from
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Positive Effects of Video Games on Learning
Nowadays, video games are frequently accused of having detrimental effects on children and adolescents. The main arguments against video games are
that they lead to addiction, that they provoke violence, and that they impair social development. Whether or not such claims are true has not been
determined with certainty as scientific studies have produced contradictory results ("Video game controversies"). Nevertheless, video games also have
beneficial effects, which tend to be underrated, as they do not receive the same level of media coverage that adverse ones do, and are thus unknown to
the general public. Some of the positive effects of playing video games on mental development include: stimulating analytical thinking, improving
concentration, and encouraging planning and anticipation. I have been playing video games since I was in kindergarten and I believe that they have
been invaluable to my intellectual development. I owe about one third of my English vocabulary to video games. Strategy games such as Age of
Empires and Age of Mythology have taught me planning and resource management, as well as a great deal about the history and culture of human
civilizations. Shooters such as Counter–Strike and Unreal Tournament have taught me how to quickly make decisions while under stress, and have
enhanced my hand–eye coordination and spatial orientation. Adventure and puzzle games such as Darksiders and Minesweeper have taught me
problem solving and logical reasoning, in
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Video Games : A New Realm Of Possibility
The persona that the average video gamer is an obvious one. To many, the term "gamer" tends to inspire the idea of a young, lonely boy who
consumes a little too much junk food on a daily basis. This solitude is exactly what is wrong with the gamer stereotype. Today's gamers are
experiencing the forefront of technology. An effective combination of new technology and cultural practices has thrust gamers into a new realm of
possibility. Gamers are not social outcasts, but rather social pioneers. From MMO's to MOBA's, Youtube to Twitch, the power of the gamer has been
recognized in profits and sheer levels of participation. With the introduction and development of innovative technology, video games are an elevated
social platform. Many millennials who grew up in the United States (and around the world) have a history with video games. From the age of the
joystick to today's virtual reality, children (and plenty of adults) find wonder in playing video games. On the playground, kids would trade tips and
tricks as they learned to maneuver the gaming world. They grew and learned together, bound by the mutual fascination with what could appear on their
television screen. Friends would sit in front of the television together, engaging in multiplayer games or, perhaps, just watch one player do their thing.
This is certainly not an antisocial endeavor. These children do not do this in their basement in solitude, but rather among friends and family, behind a
television that gathers
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Should Video Games Be Addictive?
Gaming has been a way for adolescents and adults to escape reality and pass the time. It not only provides them with a recreational hobby, but also
allows them to connect and communicate with those alike. The field of gaming is constantly growing and allowing new opportunities for creative
ideas. There is such a large variety to choose from, making it a truly diverse and engaging world. The question of whether video games can be
addictive is left unanswered because many articles and studies provide evidence that supports both sides of the debate. The article, "Online Gaming
Addiction? Motives Predict Addictive Play Behavior in Massively Multiplayer Online Role–Playing Games" by Kuss et al, primarily covers Massively
Multiplayer Online... Show more content on ...
They hope to continue further research in an attempt to create prevention protocols and treatments. I find that the overall message of the article is that,
in order to prevent and possibly treat the addictive behaviors and consequences associated with MMORPGs, researchers must begin to understand and
research the motivations associated with playing MMORPGs. The article outlines many of the motivations that drive players to addictive behavior,
such as competition, rank reputation, social interactions, relationships, customization, role–playing, and escapism. The article also contains many
studies and research findings which reinforce that claim and make it more credible. What is interesting to me is that the studies show that participants
who play MMORPGs are more likely to experience game–related problems and addictive behaviors than players who did not play MMORPGs.
According to the article, the characteristics of MMORPGs (escapism and immersion) may be variables that influence these outcomes. Kuss et al stated,
"Results indicated that... the gaming motivations escapism and mechanics significantly predicted excessive gaming and appeared as stronger
predictors than time investment in game." The material I read reinforced the idea that MMORPGs are more addictive because of the immersive nature.
The article consistently keeps its focus on the addictive nature of MMORPGs and the correlation between
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The Negative Effects Of Video Games
Most of the research done on video games tends to be done on the possible negative effects associated with the medium. From aggression and
violence to the connection to mood disorders, video games tend to get a bad reputation. However, there are studies that have been done about the
possible positive effects of games as well. There are definitely fewer positive studies than negative, but they are out there for those who search them
out. The study that was used by Kendall Ashley in her article "How Videogames Can Help with Depression andAnxiety", was not one of those studies.
News Article Purpose and Study Fit (250)
The news article by Kendall Ashley, "How Videogames Can Help with Depression and Anxiety", claimed exactly as its title suggests. The article
went into how different types of games, such as MMORPGs (massively multiplayer online role playing games), puzzle games, and games based on
depression supposedly assisted with anxiety and depression. I went into reading this article favorably, as someone who both enjoys video games and as
someone who is diagnosed with anxiety. However, after comparing what the study said with what the article presented it as, I found myself
disappointed. Ashley either did not understand what the study said or just named dropped the study to make her article seem more valid. Most of the
time when Ashley claims that "Studies show that..." she is either referring to an uncited study, or straight out lying about the content of
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Video Game Reduces Social Anxiety
Video Game Reduces Social Anxiety Whether it is in a real world or cyber space, meeting people seems to be an almost inevitable part of modern
daily life. Meeting or interacting with new people can be stressful. When people encounter a stranger, they try to avoid or reduce it by getting as much
information as possible in the course of the conversation or interaction. There is an average of two gamers in each game–playing U.S household as
shown in the research of ESA Entertainment Software Association (2013). According to ESA's Effective Facts, over 50% of Americans are playing
video games that means at least one of the average U.S. household owns dedicated game console such as Xbox360, PS series, etc., Computer, or
smartphone. The average age of game players is 30 years old. In that manner, the video games are not the property of the children anymore. Playing
video game becomes as an important social issue. This particular study investigates video game reduces the social anxiety.
Video Game Addiction A great deal of research has focused on the identification of addicted adolescent gamers (Van Rooij, Schoenmakers, Vermulst,
Van Den Eijnden, & Van de Mheen, 2011). Van Rooij et al. (2011) assumed to provide empirical data
–driven to identify a group of addicted online
gamers. The video game industry is among the fastest growing sectors of the US economy (ESA Entertainment Software Association, 2013). Both
Korean and western researchers report specifically that Massive
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Online Gaming And Why Is It Addictive?
What is online gaming and why is it addictive? Online gaming is a booming market. In 2012, more than one billion individuals played computer
games, which was an 8% growth of the computer gaming industry compared to the previous year (Kuss, 2013) and this number has been growing
since. With this huge player base, there are different types of online gaming, to please everyone interested in gaming. Massively Multiplayer Online
games (MMOs), offer the possibility to play together with many other players and can be differentiated based on game content and player experience.
The most popular MMOs are role– playing games, first–person shooters and real–time strategy. First–person MMO shooter games are based on skill
because they require good reaction... Show more content on ...
For this reason, a lot of research has been done on the consequences of online gaming, however, there are only a few longitudinal studies that mainly
focus on the excessive online gamers. Lemmens, Valkenburg and Peter (2011), for example, researched whether psychosocial factors such as
loneliness and a low self–esteem were a cause or a consequence of pathological online gaming. Their first main finding was that lower psychosocial
well–being was an antecedent of pathological gaming. Specifically, declined social competence, increased loneliness and lower self–esteem predicted
an increase in pathological gaming six months later. The second main finding was a complementary relation between loneliness and pathological
gaming, indicating that loneliness is both a cause and a consequence. Nevertheless, the authors say it is important that we do not overstate the dangers
of playing computer and video games, as this study also indicated that adolescents' time spent playing video games was not related to their
psychosocial well–being. Therefore, playing games does not decrease well–being, nor does lower well–being necessarily lead to increased use of
games. (Lemmens, Valkenburg,& Peter,
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The Effects Of Addiction On The World Of Warcraft
David Dinh Megan Ozima English 101 2 June 2016 Negative Effects of Addictions What is the cause of addiction(s)? An addiction is cause by a
person's psychological habit that got developed into the person's mental and physical condition, in which a person is unable to take control. The
reason why people develop an addiction is because they have psychological, emotional, and interpersonal problem that they don't want to deal with,
so they find alternative ways to avoid the problems. Some people turn to drugs as a way to escape reality, but the majority of the people turn to the
virtual online world to escape from their psychological, emotional, and interpersonal problem. A virtual online game that is currently popular for
people to escape their psychological, emotional and interpersonal problem would be a game called World of Warcraft. World of Warcraft is a
massively multiplayer online role–playing game(MMORPG), in which player have a vast of task they can do, ranging from exploring areas, fight
monsters to level up, quests, interacting and battle with other players to unlocking abilities and spells. World of Warcraft, like many other
MMORPG, is a highly addicting game. The reason for that is because there are always new things to do, there are a lot of people to socialize with,
and it is a place where a person can go to escape from reality. World of Warcraft, get people addicted by creating habit(s) to their consumer causing
them to want to play regularly. In the book, The
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Why Video Games Is Well, Obviously Because It 's Fun
Why Play Video Games
Well, obviously because it's fun. Gaming is just another kind of entertainment, after all. However, there are many kinds of games with each their
own reason why I play them. Often times, I play different kinds of games for entirely different reasons. Most of the time I play it for either the story
or for the challenge. However, I play various kinds of games and there are various different reasons why I play them. Moreover despite popular beliefs
that game causes violence, there are further benefits from playing a game than just a simple entertainment.
I play adventure games to experience stories and escapades. There are other sources of stories, such as books and TV shows, but video game is
the only kind of entertainment which offers interactive storytelling. I don't want to just passively learn about stories. I want to immerse in it, and
try to live with various characters inside those stories. I want to be an active participant of that story. One of the best games I've played which
provides me with a good story is 'The Walking Dead'. It's a game about living after a zombie apocalypse. Players play as Lee, a guy who's trying to
survive with his group of survivors. Early in the game, he meets Clementine, a little girl who was separated from her parents. As they try to live their
lives, there will be a lot of thought provoking choices which can actually change what would happen later. For example, due to the lack of food you
need to choose who among your
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Essay about Exploring the Issue of Cyber Bullying
Cyber bullying has been a topic for scholarly inquiry, political debate, and policy reform since the commercialization of the Internet. Pre–internet
bullying involved socially marginalized children and teenagers picking on their friends and other marginalized children in the school yard. Traditional
discipline included detentions, phone calls to their parents, and some sort of reconciliation between the children involved. Today however, the climate
for bullies has dramatically changed and the risk–reward balance has been significantly tilted in favour of the bullies. The Emergence of Technology
Today, bullies can simply connect to the Internet and create aliases (real or anonymous) through free e–mail services, instant messaging ... Show more
content on ...
Considering there have been cases of suicide and homicide resulting from interactions between participants within these virtual worlds, one can safely
assume that the emotional toll of cyber bullying on engaged participants is nothing less than traditional bullying or cyber bullying. A case can be made
that for engaged participants within massively multiplayer online role playing games, their social well being is paramount in their realization of
happiness and acceptance. This paper will also try to make a case for why bullying in these virtual gaming worlds can be more damaging to participants
than traditional bullying.
Cyber Bullying as a Criminological Issue
The world has adopted the Internet as one of the most popular mediums for exchanging information, and criminologists need to be well versed in its
complexities in order to make meaningful, relevant, and thought–provoking research. Cyber bullying piggy backs on the foundations of traditional
bullying in principle, but provides instigators with a presumed veil of anonymity which modernizes the bullies' process of bullying. Bullies naturally
have less inhibition when they are bullying online because they can be safe at home without fear of repercussion. This is extremely troubling
considering there is very little fear of reprisal in an online environment. There are no "internet police" actively monitoring conversations or
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Argumentative Essay On Video Games

  • 1. Argumentative Essay On Video Games In 2003, Paul Gee, a member of the National Academy of Education and an educational researcher, wrote a prophetic article for Wired magazine, "Games, Not School, Are Teaching Kids To Think". In which he explains the beneficial impact video games have on the brain, making video games a viable option in the enhancement of learning. Consequently mitigating the defamation of video games having them become ingrained into American culture. Today, the Global Games Market is worth $101.1 billion in revenues alone, with the U.S Games Market contributing $23.6 billion! 65% of American households own a device used for playing video games, according to Emma McDonald, marketing director at Newzoo, provider of market intel, monitoring the global games, esports, and mobile markets. A Console is a device used exclusively for gaming and it is the heftiest money–spinner in the U.S Games Market, with revenues of $11.4 billion in 2016 alone. The first ever video game was created on October 1958 by a physicist named William Higinbotham in the Brookhaven National Laboratory. Higinbotham's game was just a simple tennis game on a cathode– ray oscilloscope; machines which were used to track the change of an
  • 2. electrical signal over– time. Twelve years later, the firstarcade game, Computer Space, hit the country by storm. Computer Space was created by Nolan Bushnell, an engineer working for Nutting Associates. The arcade game made approximately $3 million dollars in ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Online Addiction : A Growing Problem Abstract Online addiction is a growing problem. There have been numerous studies on online addiction and the affects it has on people, their lives and their families. More and more people spend large amounts of time with their online endeavors. Some people spend so much time online that it affects their everyday life in negative ways. They suffer from lose sleep, avoid family and friends and even skip out on school and work. What activities when done in excess are considered online addiction? What causes these addictions? What can be done to combat online addiction? In the following paper we will go over this subject and explore the many facets of online addiction. Online Addiction Online addiction is described as an impulse control disorder, which does not involve use of an intoxicating drug and is very similar to pathological gambling. When it comes to the topic of addiction most people overlook online addiction. Many people think that it isn't a true addiction or are not even aware of it as an issue at all. Those that suffer from online addiction often use social networking sites, instant messaging, or online gaming as a safe way of establishing new relationships and more confidently relating to others. These activities in themselves are not a bad thing, but too much of anything can lead to problems. Spending time online only becomes an issue when it takes up way too much of your time, causing you to ignore your relationships, your work, school, or ... Get more on ...
  • 4. How Web 2.0 Has Forever Changed Online Communication And... Web 2.0 has forever changed online communication and communication in general. Reddit has opened up new ways to communicate and be a part of communities. These communities are now so integral to our modern culture that they are used for more than just people discussing interests online. Reddit has given has given content creators, business men, and politicians among others to manage and monitor community activity. Filmmakers /television executives use these communities to monitor the fan base of their respective media. They monitor these communities to look at fan feedback, to see what fans like or dislike about the media they are associated with. This is common in television shows as television executives need to know what fans are thinking about the show overall or the season currently airing so they know what to improve on or what the fans want. An example of this is a television executive for the television show 'Arrow'. The executive Marc Guggenheim has an active Tumblr and Reddit account and responds to comments on sub reddits and hosts AMA's (ask me anything) to actively engage with the 'Arrow' community. This helps keep entertainment media alive and for shows in particular it helps keep fanbases active with weekly releases of shows. Shows such as 'Supernatural' and 'Game of Thrones' have large active communities on Reddit with 'Game of Thrones' roughly having '465,699' active subscribers as of last year (Wikidot, 2015). Part of 'Game of Thrones; success is due to ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Electronic games are taking over the world. Computers,... Electronic games are taking over the world. Computers, which were once used mainly for work related tasks, come standard with Solitaire and other electronic versions of board or card games. Social media is teeming with casual gamers, playing simple puzzles such as (x) and (y). If access to a computer is unavailable, it's possible to fill moments of spare time on a downloadable app for a smartphone. Some prefer to purchase the newest console with its array of exciting, albeit expensive, titles. Why are so many people drawn to gaming? Games are fun! They come in a multitude of genres, have different kinds of challenges for their player base, and in most cases, offer(s) a social component./aspect. A fun game depends first on what definition ... Show more content on ... First person shooters, such as Call of Duty, allow individuals to live out stressful, usually military in nature, situations, without personal harm. If there is an interest, there is a game associated with it somewhere on the market. Challenge is the source of a term called "raging". A player will "rage quit," that is, quit the game in a fit of rage, if the challenge is too difficult, however, challenge is necessary to achieving a sense of accomplishment. People enjoy challenges for different reasons. Some like to brag about their feats, others gain a feeling of control over problems they have solved, while still others enjoy simply knowing what they are capable of. Most computer or video games include two types of challenge: Player versus environment, and player versus player. In player versus environment, the focus is to defeat the computer, which is programmed to fight back with algorithms. The computer does not think, it only does. After figuring out how to beat the computer, the game can become boring. Player versus player creates an interesting confrontation because the person on the other side can make unpredictable moves(decisions). Whether the player is satisfied with defeating a program or another person, the challenge is readily available to either party. Just as in traditional sports, gaming is social. When attending a sporting event, people will bring their families and friends along, enjoying the camaraderie of cheering for their favorite team ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Asian Women Stereotypes Western portrayals of Asian women in media have often been stereotypical, one–dimensional characters such as the submissive and docile Lotus Blossom, the strong and domineering, but deceitful Dragon Lady, or the Asian hooker who is used as nothing more than a mere prop for the male gaze (Kuo, Rachel). However, the Western audience has also been exposed to other portrayals of Asian women through another form of entertainment called anime. Anime, or Japanese animation, has many genres that are named according to the target audience it is made for. For shounen, meaning male adolescents, is largely about action–packed adventures and accomplishing a goal or defeating an enemy (Eisenbeis, Richard). The shounen genre, however, despite its target audience that is... Show more content on ... An example of this would be Asuna from the light novel, manga, and anime, Sword Art Online by Reki Kawahara. For the purpose of this analysis, this paper will only be focusing the the developments made in the animated series. This anime is about 10,000 people that get trapped inside a VRMMORPG, a Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online Role–Playing Game, called Sword Art Online the first time all the players log in. Unable to exit the game, all these people are stuck in a virtual world that stimulates all their five senses, much like a virtual reality, and when they die in–game, they die in real life. The only way to escape the game is to defeat all 100 floors of a steel castle within the game. The protagonists are Kirito, a 15 year old boy, who was among one of the 1,000 closed beta testers, and Asuna, the female protagonist. Both are ... Get more on ...
  • 7. How The Technology Behind Mmorpg Or Mmo Works Is That It... Technologies behind MMORPG Description of how the technology behind MMORPG or MMO works is that it runs on Client Technology and Server Technology. Client technology will typically refer to the player's computer systems i.e. laptop/desktop/phones/phablets and the program that runs on your computer. Server technology will be the one where all datas and the process calculation is stored/processed and the machine that players connect to when they're ready to play. Client side of the technology, it is a combination of play board of the game and the user interface used to interact with the virtual game world. Every UIs that is present in this game, every characters, playable or not and of course the landscape of the game will exist in files... Show more content on ... If the client system does not have a high system specification (mainly the slow/old processors or low memory in the graphics) then the game play can slow down rapidly. For this reason, many players tend to find that they'll need to exceed the game's minimum system requirements in order to have a good in game playing experience. Server technology is only activated if there is an input from the client technology. In general terms, there server: Calculates and processes the location of in game characters from other in game characters are. Calculates the distance the in game character is from the other character and then processes whether it is close enough to attack or interact with that character and notifies the player's client of any interaction from any characters from game to the player's in game character. Calculates the probability of player's attacks landing/critically hitting successfully and then notifies game client of how much damage is done on the player or is received Notifies game clients of other online players of other player's actions if it is relevant in any way. Provides algorithms for game clients to display different action animation in response to player's in game character's action command. Calculates and ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Pros And Cons Of Video Games Many people stand behind the fact that video games do help people and kids in the development of their brain, while other people do not. The argument based around the idea that video games help the development of people or not has been going on for a long time. Different stories come up on how people are getting seriously harmed while playing video games, but there are other stories coming up about the positives about playing video games. One side believes that playing video games hinders the development of a child's brain. Also, they believe the more violent video games we see on the markets today cause children to be violent and lash out on family. On the other side of the argument though, scientists go deep in to their research on how video games help the development of the human brain and the positive effects it can have for people long–term. Also, on the same side of the argument video games can be used for educational purposes. This argument has valid points on both sides, while they have good reasoning behind them. In the opposition's point of view, games often lead to poor health for the person playing the game. This comes from the fact that most games involve sitting in front of the TV ("Eight Ways Video Games Are Bad For Your Health," par. 1). Most of the games out on the market today are plain and simple. The user grabs a controller and sits in front of the TV and begins to play the game. This is all true but, there are games that require physical motion like ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Market Analysis: Roccat 1.Market Analysis 1.1Global Game Market With the personal computer (PC) gaming market rapidly expanding worldwide, there are various types of games available, such as real time strategy (RTS) games, massively multiplayer online (MMO) games, multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) games, etc. All these games require computer hardware or peripherals to house or complement for better gaming experiences for computer gamers worldwide. Many computer gamers who spend a lot of time in their games will always on a lookout for peripherals that will enhance their gaming experiences as well as an edge over their online peers while playing games online, such as gaming keyboards, gaming mice, headsets, etc. Across the globe, there are more than 1 billion... Show more content on ... The company's original name was Soft Trading, and it was changed to SteelSeries in 2007. Soft Trading made the IceMat and SteelPad mouse mats, the latter of which influenced the company's eventual name change. In 2008, SteelSeries acquired Ideazon, a North American–based developer and manufacturer of gaming peripherals. This acquisition literally gave Steelseries the breakthrough into the gaming market. (Steelseries 2015) ROCCAT Roccat was founded in 2007 by RenГ© Korte, who is the current CEO of the company. The German brand is one of the top manufacturers of various gaming peripherals selling across more than 70 nations. (Wallossek 2013) Given that it is a German born brand, it certainly holds certain competitive advantages in its own home country's gaming market. Logitech The Swiss company was founded in 1981 in Apples in Switzerland, focusing on innovation and quality, The brand has a broad portfolio of interface devices for computer, console game and other entertainment platforms, including its own gaming series of keyboards and mice, Logitech G. With its products sold in various countries across the globe, Logitech been in the computer market longer than any of the other three competing brands, giving it the experience to gain its fair share of the gaming peripherals market in Germany. (Logitech ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Violent Video Games And Violent Behavior Page 1 of 12 ZOOM RUNNING HEAD:VIOLENT VIDEO GAMES AND VIOLENT BEHAVIOR1Violent Video Games and Violent BehaviorJuan HerradaGlendale Community College Violent Video Games and Violent Behavior2Violent Video Games and Violent BehaviorThere have been over 200 school shooting incidents ― an average of nearly one a week ― since the horrifying morning when 20–year–old Adam Lanza marched into Sandy Hook Elementary School and did the unthinkable (Miller, H). Many adults including parents and psychologist attribute the increase in school shootings and violent acts by children/adolescents to playing violent video games. Contrary to the belief of many adults and psychologists that specialize in child development, violent video games are not an influence on violent behavior in children and should not be regulated by the government any further than what is already in place, age restrictions. Violent video games and video games in general should not be regulated because video games help in the development of cognitive skills, the gaming industry is an industry that is providing a lot of economic benefits to the United States, and playing multiplayer or online video games allow users to socialize and relax.To begin with, one of the major reasons as to why video games should not be regulated any further, besides age restricting, is that video games help in the development of cognitive skills such as memory and problem solving. The best proof that video–gaming improves these ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Online Gaming Addiction Using Official Mental Disorder Essay Kuss and Griffiths (2011) This study suggest that excessive gaming may actually lead to symptoms that substance addicts commonly experience from their abuse of different drugs. Games usually apply to children, adolescents and young adults. These groups are at higher ricks for developing gaming addiction because they are still growing. The review wants to present the classification basis of online gaming addiction using official mental disorder frameworks (Kuss & Griffiths 2011). To also identify other studies that go into detail about online gaming addiction in children and adolescents, also show the findings and pit them against related mental disorder criteria. The empirical review in this study shows first how much children and adolescents have put into gaming over time. In 2010, both video and PC game software retail sales amounted to approximately $15.5 (US) billion (as cited in Johnson, 2011). Games now have the ability to create massive worlds that let players develop their own alter egos and avatars as they see fit. Having the whole world to join into with anyone one at any time at any location that the user sees fit; making extremely massive committees that grow day to day. Making these games fully immerse in a virtual reality setting, in which the world can be shape as those deemed it to be shaped. A recent systematic literature review suggests that it is particularly excessive engagement with "Massively Multiplayer Online Role–Playing Game" (MMORPGs) that can ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Gaming: Is it really that harmful? Essay Imagine a world that allows people to become someone else for a moment. This virtual world is undiscovered by many people and is competing with each other. They are not afraid of others judging them. They can express their feelings anonymously without fear. This world is filled with people who, in the real world, would usually be quiet and reserved, but in this world emerge as leaders. This virtual world is accessible to everyone, but only used by a few. These few people who make up this virtual world are called gamers. They play games ranging from many different genres like First Person Shooter, Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing, and Real Time Strategy. People of all ages enjoy these types of games and spend the majority of their... Show more content on ... By analyzing this statement, one could assume that if they were playing sports, their capacity to react to several events could be enhanced. A tennis player for example, will need good visual skills to lock on to the tennis ball in order to hit the ball as it comes near the player. Also,first–person shooter games have many visual effects like explosions and flashes of lights which all need to be comprehended in time and then transmitted to the brain for the person to react back by shooting. Even the military uses these first–person shooter games to make it seem like a natural instinct to react to sudden ambushes to improve fire rate: "The military has begun using Doom–like games to improve so–called fire rates–encouraging soldiers to pull the trigger in–fifth of U.S. soldiers in World War II fired their weapons...pushed up to 95% by the Vietnam War" (Quittner). Additionally, eye–sight can be improved even when playing video games. There are some misconceptions that spending long periods of time playing video games on the computer or on the television worsens vision but that is not true. Games today have the "graphic capabilities allow[ing] the game player to alter the visual perspective from narrow to panoramic" ("Electronic Game"). Due to the games ability to change viewpoints, the player can be creative and view objects in different perspectives. As University of ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Benefits Of Playing Video Games Online gaming has become a serious problem in the society especially among young adults. This is because, most young adults are now stuck on their computers and internet, playing games all day. This has led to serious gaming problems among such individuals because they have no social life outside of the game world. Playing game, is a good way of having fun and developing one's cognitive ability. The benefits of playing video games are numerous when done in moderation. "Playing brain–teasing game for just two hours a week may help slow the degree of mental decay associated with the natural aging process, according to a study this year from the University of Iowa"( Guarini. 2013). However, with the increase of video games production and the availability of those games online comes a lot of gaming problem one which includes online gaming addiction. Online games has become the popular outlet for young adults to play and socialise with other people online. However, it has also become a problem. One type of videogame that has become a problem to young adults is the Massively Multiplayer Online Role–playing Games (MMORPGs). "A MMORPG can be deп¬Ѓned as a game in which numerous players around the globe inhabit a single virtual realm simultaneously, adopt alternative personas, and interact with one another in multiple ways, and thus these games provide a variety of incentives for play" ( Kuss et al. 2012). MMORPG are quite popular to the numbers of gamers that play over the world. It ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Online Role Playing Game Games In many of the MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role–Playing Game) game there is always a guid to it but sometime the player are not follow those guid and ending up complaining that the game are not good. Accroding to Menashe Kestenbaum in every game before the player start playing its, the players should search up the and what kind of game they like and do they want to play solo or with everyone. (P.3: A Beginner 's Guide to MMORPG) The players would also check to see if they like the game graphic or not. It might just be a simple game but for a professional player 's gaming is life and they will help create the guide for new players. For this, I will discuss about about the rule in MMORPG and the guide to becoming the best player in the game. The best way for the new player to be successful in gaming and be good at follow the guideline provided by the developer. The guideline that provided by the developer would have quests information, monsters, classes, weapons, armors, capes, and helms. Sometimes the rule would include about if the players use cheat code to get something that is again the rule the players would be banned for 24 hours and and the player do it again it would be a week and so on. Also, if the players use swear words the players would be banned from using chat for one minute and if the player continues to use the swear words the player would get banned for five minutes, thirty minutes, sixty minutes, twenty–four hours, seventy–two hours, ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Gaming And The Media Industry Gaming, the growing titan of the media industry, has affected almost everyone in some way, even if they do not play games themselves. Everyone knows at least one person that plays games, and whether they play them on a computer, a console, or a mobile device, their gaming has most likely affected their relationships and health in some way. They could cancel events with friends using the excuse that their World of Warcraft raiding guild won't wait for their real life, or they may suddenly shave off a lot of belly fat, and credit their excessive play of Wii Sports Club for their rapid boost in physical health. The two games mentioned prior, one being a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG) and the other being a fitness game, are completely different, and thus, effect the people that play them in different ways. On top of that, the differences between these two games are just an insanely small snapshot of the variety of games. Just like works of literature, there are several different genres that define games such as: platformer, simulation, education games, and many more. This variety of genres attracts many diverse groups of people, and this allows gaming to effect large groups of people in a multitude of ways. At face value, it may just seem like a form of entertainment, but this power that video games have over significant portions of the masses allow them to change how people interact with themselves and others. There are several positive mental and ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Culture As Defined By Video Games Culture as Defined By Video Games In a society, culture has always been defined by the particular arts, beliefs and customs of that community and formed a representation of what that society has to offer. Ancient Greece was well known for its achievements in the field of arts and literature with examples being the Iliad or the tales of Greek gods such as Zeus. Each and every society had a unique aspect that acted as an equivalent for what their culture meant to them and could be considered a defining element of that group, and in modern times the advancements in technology have created a medium that provides both audio and visual stimulations for individuals that can showcase not only one, but thousands of cultures through the use of video games. These tools can be manipulated to represent anything the developer wants to address to an audience, such as japanese folklore or the controversial issue of sameВsex romances in traditional media (Moravec). While some games are created with the sole purpose of teaching the player about a culture or philosophy that exist in the real world there are many other games in the world that people believe create their own worlds, their own cultures the likes of which have never been seen before in history. The argument is questioning whether or not video games merely reflect cultures that can be found in the real world or if they create a new culture of their own instead, and if they do what complications arise with this new culture. Student ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Competitive Analysis In growing the company, CanGo prepares to expand into online gaming. To assist in this endeavor, we present By Design's findings concerning the competitive environment of online gaming. To begin with, there are many impressive competitors in the online gaming industry. The following tables show the top 25 gaming companies in 2010 along with the fastest growing ones (Van Kooten, 2010). Despite this fierce competition, there are also plentiful opportunities for entry into the online game market with forecasted trends showing huge growth. In 2007, online games generated $6.6 billion. They are expected to increase to $14.4 billion in 2012. The top 10 fast growth companies indicate that online gaming is a goldmine (Caron, 2009). ... Show more content on ... Virtual goods are virtual items that players purchase to reach new levels or limited edition items (Interview With CEO of Playdom, 2009). In 2009, Playdom had $50 million in profits and has about 42 million players per month. (Barnes & Miller, 2010). Aside from the point of access for online games played, it is important to understand the market segments for online gamers. A study by Park Associates as cited by David Edery, CEO of Spry Fox, outlines a diversification of gamers into six categories: 1. Power gamers who are 11% of the total gamer market but represent 30% of current spending. 2. Social gamers account for 13% of the market. 3. Leisure gamers hold 14% of the market and spend an average of 58 hours per month playing casual titles. This group prefers challenging games and show high interest in new gaming services . 4. Dormant gamers are 26% of the market. They enjoy gaming, but spend very little time playing due to life's obligations. 5. Incidental gamers are 12% of the market, with an average of 20 hours a month game time. They usually play out of boredom. 6: Occasional gamers comprise 24% of the market and play puzzle, word, and board games (Edery, 2006). It is our conclusion that CanGo with its established brand can effectively compete in this competitive field by focusing on the segmentation of gamers within a niche in the online gaming industry, particularly in ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Problem Of The Internet There is one illness in the U.S that is growing more and more and If you are a teen, then you are probably a victim of it. You may not even think it, but you could be addicted to the internet. The Internet has made life alot easier by making information more accessible to all and creating connections with different people around the world. Internet is more than likely the biggest piece of technology that we have today. The internet is a worldwide system of computer networks and people use this technology everyday. It's on computers, on game systems, and even on phones. However, it has also led a lot of people to spend too much time in front of the computer, so much so that it becomes the center of their lives. (PsychGuides) Now I know what you're thinking "Now this isn't related to me at all". teenagers are the most prone to the addiction however. adolescents often become addicted to the Internet as they become less dependent on their parents. Though some people continue to regard teen Internet addiction as little more than a parenting issue, many experts in the field of addictions and compulsions have identified teen Internet addiction as a real issue that is deserving of continued study (CRC health) so when it comes down to it, there is a real issue that everyone needs to consider assuring they don't have. The amount of people who are affected by internet addiction is so high that the University of Hong Kong researchers estimate 6 percent of the world is addict (Ben ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Information and Communication Technologies in Learning Essay For members of the twenty–first century society, computers, mobile devices and the internet play a central role in everyday life. This is no different for school children, who have unprecedented access to information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the classroom to aid their learning. The integration of ICTs in the classroom does not stop with children– there is no argument that as a citizen of the digital age and a university student the use of computers and the internet have revolutionised my life and education. Being networked virtually every minute of the day means that I not only have more information and entertainment content at my fingertips than I could ever hope to absorb, but my learning is more effective than ever. My... Show more content on ... This is because seventy nine percent of the population do not participate in online gaming. This may be explained by the prominence of females in the course, as Winn et al (2009) identifies in regard to MMOs "[males] play an average of an hour and 34 min per day and girls half as long (40 min)" (pp. 2). This suggests that if females play online games at all, they play a lot less. By spending ten percent of my online time e–learning, I was close to my peers, who spend an average of around nine percent of their time learning online (Au et al, 2014). The time I dedicate to educational activities has increased since starting university, as my studies require engagement with an online learning environment powered by Moodle. While I benefitted from a one–to–one laptop program, the use of ICTs during my high school education, while frequently employed, was limited mostly to research and word processing. My university learning on the other hand requires engaging with activities on the course Moodle, as well as from external websites– this facilitates some extremely engaging learning. Compared to my cohort, I spend significantly less time looking at the news, browsing and using social media. This is mostly because I feel disengaged from sites like Facebook, finding most of the information uploaded or posted by my friends to not be coherent, useful or ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Porter's Five Forces Applied to Electronic Arts Essay There are many people play video game, pc game, massively multiplayer online game and mobile game, the game industry is increasing. Because of technology, the game industry can develop more game which have high quality, and develop more generation of console. According case 15, author talked about how game industry increases recently and what situations for game industry are. He also divided game industry for several segments, such as video game, pc game, massively multiplayer online game and mobile game. He also discussed how each segments is developed. Moreover, the author also describes Electronic Art's situations in some parts, such as developing process, strategies, suppliers, distribution and competitors. This paper will briefly to ... Show more content on ... Competitive pressures associated with the jockeying among rival sellers For global game industry, every company competes violently. According our case, there are several rivals in this industry, such as Electronic Art, Activision Inc, THQ, Take Two Interactive Software Ink, Midway Game Inc. Moreover, as we know, some companies which produce game–playing device, like Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, also create their own game with in–house staff, in this industry Every company produce video game for different consoles, consoles are developed new generations fast, game developer should compete to gain license for new generation console. Every video game developer have good capability in faster processing speeds, digital and high–definition graphics capability and on line connectivity to develop new game or new game–playing device, by those way, they can easily to attract extended consumer. 2. Competitive pressures associated with the threat of new entrants To enter the game industry is difficult because new entry should possess high technology skill, high capital and well distribution, it's not easy to new entry. Entry barriers of global video game industry are high because every global game industry companies cooperates and competes each other, they have force to influence this market, and new potential entrants are not easy to enter this market. 3. Competitive pressures from the sellers of substitute products ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Earliest Application Of Data Communication The earliest application of data communication in video games came from multiplayer gaming. Originally, and even in some instances today, the term multiplayer in games meant that players were in the same room sharing a physical console. Two of the earliest examples of this were in 1972 the game "Pong" and "MIT SpaceWar" on the Atari, which featured two joysticks to play the games (White, 2009). A few years later, as technology continued advancing, the term multiplayer developed different meanings. By the late 70s many of the country's universities were linked through the modern internet's predecessor ARPANET (The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) also known as "pre –internet." ARPANET connected universities through computer... Show more content on ... As Roy Trubshaw stated: (1980) "MUD was originally little more than a series of interconnected locations where you could move and chat" (Indvik, 2012). By the early 80s MUDs had approximately 1000 users, primarily in the U.K and U.S. This early system set the foundation for multiplayer gaming. After the introduction of various MUDs, the idea of gaming over a network began to really catch on by the middle 1980s. In 1985 owners of the board game "Dungeons and Dragons" began licensing the game to software developers. The company wanted to take advantage of the adoption of personal computers in the home, such as Macintosh, and provide a digital medium for their game. Thirteen games were developed in all and were connected through a "PPP" system. Each game required extensive instruction manuals to use, some as long as twenty–eight pages (Indvik, 2012). As sort of a payoff for the complexity, these games were more advanced than the previous generation of MUDs. Most provided two–dimensional interfaces and characters and were the first of their kind. Meanwhile in 1987, Atari developed its own gaming system named the Atari ST. These consoles could be connected to one another on a network known as MIDI. The MIDI architecture was a simple iteration of the "Dungeons and Dragons" system. Players could connect to one another and form a "MIDI ring" that connected one another's computer. Up to sixteen players could ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Player Modes Of Video Games Player Modes in Video Games Player mode selection is not an option in every game, but there are specific player modes designed in all game genres to best serve every kind of gamer. Video games have become more popular in the past couple of decades, providing the uprising of advertisement and stores which cater to the hobby. Developers compete to pump out quantity and quality. Consequently, games have evolved beyond graphics alone. Now games come packed with achievements, leaderboards, side quests, in–game shops, customizable characters, and a chock–full of other options, including the use of real world money to buy items for a character. Not only have games evolved in these ways, but the way we play modern games has changed as well. ... Show more content on ... Be that as it may, the single–player mode is the only one which can quench the thirst for a story–rich game, in a self–reliant environment, which is free from awkward and problematic social miscommunication–unlike two or multiplayer or massively multiplayer modes. Single–Player Mode First, the single–player mode is typically largely story–rich. Developers found a way to engage lone players, by captivating them with a story background, often with an unfolding story throughout the game. For example, in Ori and the Blind Forest, the game begins with a touching story about Ori, the main protagonist. His heartfelt story coupled with the enchanting musical score and artwork, plus the often challenging obstacles a player must overcome, makes this platformer game story–rich and memorable. Similarly, some games include an interactive story, where the player can select conversational responses or make detrimental decisions as to how the character 's morale develops and how the story goes. In the role–playing Fable series, the choices made by the player, dictate how the character develops and how the story pans out. The player determines whether their character is good or evil, in regards to the way their character responds to the built–in characters, or commonly referred to as artificial intelligence, in the game, along with what personal, social and political choices they deem fit. Second, single–player mode offers players a self–reliant environment. ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Exploring The Potential For Addiction On–line gaming has grown a great deal in the last decade, connecting players in countries around the world. World of Warcraft is perhaps the best–known massively multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG). These games are incredibly immersive and generally have no real ending, with players able to continue the game indefinitely via expansions and new content being added. A pilot study by Hussain and Griffiths (2009) set out to explore the potential for addiction to an MMORPG, within its psychological and psychosocial effects on players. Generally, studies of MMORPGs have not had a specific focus on addiction or the psychology of on–line gaming (as cited in Hussain & Griffiths, 2009). At the time of their study, it was estimated that there were five million online gamers worldwide (as cited in Hussain & Griffiths, 2009). According to the statistical analysis site Statista, as of 2013 approximately 144.9 million people worldwide are active daily players of online games, an increase of almost 3000 percent. Hussain and Griffiths note that playing an MMORPG can become an escape from a player's real life, and a substitute for the social interactions involved in reality. Therefore, the importance of studying MMORPG's potential for addiction, and research regarding possible pathology, is even more relevant. Hussain and Griffiths explored two hypotheses: (1) assess the impact of online gaming on the lives of gamers, the independent variable being online gaming, the dependent, ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Issues Of Cyber Bullying Coastal Carolina University The Issues of Cyber–bullying Alyssa Staub CSCI 101 – D1 Professor Matthews October 23, 2017 Cyber bullying has been a topic for scholarly inquiry, political debate, and policy reform since the commercialization of the Internet. Pre–internet bullying involved socially marginalized children and teenagers picking on their friends and other marginalized children at school. Traditional discipline included detentions, phone calls to their parents, and some type of discipline between the children involved. Today however, for bullies has dramatically changed and the risk–reward balance has been significantly tilted in favor of the bullies. The Emergence of Technology Today, bullies can... Show more content on ... A case can be made that for engaged participants within massively multiplayer online role playing games, their social well being is paramount in their realization of happiness and acceptance. This paper will also try to make a case for why bullying in these virtual gaming worlds can be more damaging to participants than traditional bullying. Cyber Bullying as a Criminological Issue The world has adopted the Internet as one of the most popular mediums for exchanging information, and criminologists need to be well versed in its complexities in order to make meaningful, relevant, and thought–provoking research. Cyber bullying piggy backs on the foundations of traditional bullying in principle, but provides instigators with a presumed veil of anonymity which modernizes the bullies' process of bullying. Bullies naturally have less inhibition when they are bullying online because they can be safe at home without fear of repercussion. This is extremely troubling considering there is very little fear of reprisal in an online environment. There are no "internet police" actively monitoring conversations or information. The cold truth is that nothing will ever happen to a cyber bully unless the victim(s) report it and pursue it legally. The situation
  • 25. ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The New Community: MMORPGs and Social Networking Essay Community is changing. As far back as the twentieth century, a social community was a group of real life acquaintances that had a common interest, goal, or career. Back then, to update one's "status" might mean to attempt to improve a person's social standing within a particular community or group of friends. Today, people don't need to be told what online social networking is. It's so engrained into the current culture that people almost can't remember how they interacted before the internet came along. How did people keep in touch? How did they interact and socialize and play? Before social networking sites like Facebook existed, people had to rely on the email, now the cultural norm for written communication. And prior to that,... Show more content on ... Although not everyone is aware of the MMO subculture, most people are familiar with a related and more commonly used technology called social networking sites, or SNSs. According to Leena Rao, a writer for online technology journal, over 600 million people worldwide were using Facebook by December of 2010 (Rao, 2011.) Facebook is one of the most visited SMSs currently on the internet. In the same article, Rao states that as of December 2010, social networks and other blogging sites currently occupy 10% of U.S. internet page views (Rao, 2011.) So naturally, advertisers have identified the growing user base as a prime audience for all new marketing and sales strategies. In fact, SMSs like Facebook exist because of the huge profits from selling advertising space to any company that can pony up the cash for a virtual billboard. Even candidates running for office are using these sites as a platform to raise awareness for their campaigns. In fact, the White House formed the Office of New Media "to reform our government so that it is more efficient, more transparent, and more creative," according to President Obama (, 2011.) In fact, an online presence is a necessity for any business today that seriously wants to be part of the culture. And why wouldn't they? People are constantly updating their statuses or their Twitter feeds or ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Video Gaming And High Performance Gamming Computers In the past decade gamming has evolved from the most simplistic of forms to one of the most action packed entertainment that rivals that of a movie. Along with games the hardware use to run those games has also evolved to some of the most advanced technology's we know. With this new hardware there are different type of systems classifications like consoles, and high performance gamming computers. Among these two classifications I believe the gamming pc's are better than consoles. Here I am going to go over why I believe this based on price, functions available, control of functionality, choices of games, and community size. To start off let's look at the background of video games and how it evolved in to what it is today. Video gaming started becoming popular around the 1970's when Atari released their pong arcade machine. (Atari, 99)during this time many first generation consoles started being released which included the Magnavox Odyssey, TV Tennis Electronics, and Home pong. Alongside those consoles home computers were starting to emerge like the commodore VIC–20, and the Amstrad CPC. (Bagnall & Melick)Even though video gaming at the time was still in its infancy it was still a large factor in the market for selling of both of these consoles and computers. Also with such a big demand for video games the technology for both video games and the hardware to run video games got better, and cheaper. In a comparison that encyclopedia Britannica did between an Apple I Mack from ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Reality Is Broken Summary REALITY IS BROKEN| WHY GAMES MAKE US BETTER AND HOW THEY CAN CHANGE THE WORLD| JANE MCGONIGAL| Summary Zhang Huijing Fashion Marketing English 2nd Year We always regard "GAMES" as "pastimes", but in reality the functions of games are more than that. First Part_ Introduction: Reality is broken Games have had enough of reality. You are one of gamers or you definitely know some of them. Who are the gamers? From different professions, ages of people could be the gamers. They play different types of games from World of Warcraft, Guitar Hero, Rock Band to Halo3... and the gamers are from different countries. They may have jobs, goals, school works, families, commitments and real lives they care aboutпјЊbut they devote more and... Show more content on ... The feedback system that not only allows you to know when and if you've achieved the goal, but also holds out the hope of potentially achieving the goal in increasingly satisfying ways: in fewer strokes, or against more players. Scrabble Your goal is to spell out long and interesting words with lettered tiles. You have only seven letters to work with at a time. You don't get to choose which keys, or letters, you can use. You also have to base your words on the words that other players have already created. And there's a finite number of times each letter can be used. A set of obstacles or unnecessary work enthralled millions people over the past seventy years. Tetris Often dubbed"the greatest computer game of all time," is a perfect example of a game you cannot win. What makes Tetris so addictive, despite the impossibility of winning, is the intensity of the feedback it provides. visual–you can see row after row of pieces disappearing with a satisfying poof; quantitative–a prominently displayed score constantly ticks upward; and qualitative–you experience a steady increase in how challenging the game feels. Portal A significantly more complex video game: the single–player action/puzzle game. In the beginning, you find yourself in a small, clinical–looking room with no obvious way out. There's nothing obvious to do: no enemies to fight, no treasure to pick up, no falling objects to avoid. With so few clues for how to proceed, your ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Lazzaro Four Fun Keys Essay Lazzaro's Four Fun Keys Lazzaro's work on emotions and feelings in games identified four different aspects of fun in games that were labeled the Four Fun Keys. Hard fun is induced by achievement and attainment of goals in games. Lazzaro associated Hard Fun with "fiero" (triumph over adversity). Lazzaro's Easy Fun is based on the role of intrigue and curiosity in the enjoyment of games. Easy fun is crucial to maintaining the player's attention and increasing the player's engagement. Serious fun is based on the generation of a feeling of excitement in the game. Lazzaro also identifies serious fun as form of escapism that some players seek when playing video games. People fun is associated with competitive and collaborative experiences in some games. Lazzaro stated that competing against and collaborating allows ... Show more content on ... Therefore, they must understand their customer base, the players' perception of these items, and the reasons that might push them to spend money on these items (Hamari, 2011). Hamari (2011) presented a model (figure below) to explain the reasons behind the purchase of virtual goods based on players' attitudes and game enjoyment. Hamari found that: Perceived enjoyment of the game was correlated with the intention of players to continue playing the game (H1). Subjective norm was found to be positively associated with players' attitudes towards purchasable virtual items (H4). Players' attitude was determined to be associated with players' purchase intention (H6). While subjective norm also affects purchase intentions directly (H5). Park and Lee (2011) used consumption value theory to study players' purchasing decisions in online games and determined that game users' propensity to purchase in–game items increases when they perceive a greater value of the ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Essay On Racism And Stereotyping In World Of Warcraft Racism and Stereotyping in World of Warcraft: The inside look that the company doesn't want to admit too Massively multiplayer online games (MMOs) are played by millions of people around the globe, and by one in five Americans (Entertainment Software Association, 2015). Role–playing games (MMORPGs) are a popular subcategory which lets gamers take on a new character, created for the digital world, to play the game. Three of the top five bestselling computer games in the US in 2014 were MMORPGs, and three of them were from the fantasy genre: Diablo III: Reaper of Souls, The Elder Scrolls Online, and World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor expansion pack. (Entertainment Software Association, 2015, p.11) World of Warcraft was the most played MMORPG, with more than 12 million active players and over 100 million accounts. While playing MMORPGs players are exposed to Racism and Stereotyping from the game itself down to the gamers playing the game. Research concerning race and video games usually focus on games set in the real world such as games like the Grand Theft Auto franchise. It shows that minorities are rarely represented, and that when they do appear the characters are usually racial stereotypes (Burgess, Dill, Stermer, Burgess, & Brown, 2011). Thus meaning that while video games are supposed to take gamers out of the real world and ... Show more content on ... As stated in Does Racism Affect Health? Evidence From The United States And The United Kingdom by Muennig and Murphy it states "The indirect effects of racial discrimination are thought to affect health by effectively "stressing" the individual, leading to neuroendocrine disruptions that affect one's physical and mental health." Which could show that when a player is being racist towards another player it just might be because of the fact that he/she was being acted upon ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Argumentative: Are Video Games Addictive? Are Video Games Addictive? Off the bat anything can be addictive. Like food, shopping or shopping for food. Addiction is not always about an item that hooks you in like a magnet. Many times addiction is psychological, how you view it. Please keep that in mind while you read. Video gaming is an increasingly popular pastime, because you can get them on your phone, mobile device, computer, and tablet. But can video games be addicting? Yes they can! Video games can start to take priority in your life, and here's why. Video games are made to be addicting. Game makers specifically make games to be addictive. They launch alpha betas and open betas for players to try out and give their input for game improvements. They do that so games are exactly how the players imagined and will want to just keep playing. It is noted that the ... Show more content on ... whether its dunking on your dad in NBA 2k14 or running that perfect play in Madden 13 you have a sense of joy. In Minecraft building to your hearts content, without the hindrance of real life and gravity. Several psychologist use violent video games as outlets for patients with anger problems. Video games are also a social outlet for people that may not otherwise interact with new people. MMOs (massively multiplayer online) connects you with people not just from across town, but across the planet. Socially awkward people find it easier to start by typing in a chat box ("How Video GameAddiction Treatment Centers Can Help Compulsive Gamers.")(."Why Video Games Are So Addictive.") Next they work up to game and voice chat. Then they can become a part of a party and Skype with the people they are playing with. Joining parties and being active in the game community gives them a sense of friendship, family and belonging. This can be good in theory, however, if this is the only way you can feel these emotions then is it too ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Video Gaming And High Performance Gamming Computers In the past decade gamming has evolved from the most simplistic of forms to one of the most action packed entertainment that rivals that of a movie. Along with games the hardware use to run those games has also evolved to some of the most advanced technology's we know. With this new hardware there are different type of systems classifications like consoles, and high performance gamming computers. Among these two classifications I believe the gamming pc's are better than consoles. Here I am going to go over why I believe this based on price, functions available, control of functionality, choices of games, and community size. To start off let's look at the background of video games and how it evolved in to what it is today. Video gaming started becoming popular around the 1970's when Atari released their pong arcade machine. (Atari, 99)during this time many first generation consoles started being released which included the Magnavox Odyssey, TV Tennis Electronics, and Home pong. Alongside those consoles home computers were starting to emerge like the commodore VIC–20, and the Amstrad CPC. (Bagnall & Melick)Even though video gaming at the time was still in its infancy it was still a large factor in the market for selling of both of these consoles and computers. Also with such a big demand for video games the technology for both video games and the hardware to run video games got better, and cheaper. In a comparison that encyclopedia Britannica did between an Apple I Mack from ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Positive Effects of Video Games on Learning Nowadays, video games are frequently accused of having detrimental effects on children and adolescents. The main arguments against video games are that they lead to addiction, that they provoke violence, and that they impair social development. Whether or not such claims are true has not been determined with certainty as scientific studies have produced contradictory results ("Video game controversies"). Nevertheless, video games also have beneficial effects, which tend to be underrated, as they do not receive the same level of media coverage that adverse ones do, and are thus unknown to the general public. Some of the positive effects of playing video games on mental development include: stimulating analytical thinking, improving concentration, and encouraging planning and anticipation. I have been playing video games since I was in kindergarten and I believe that they have been invaluable to my intellectual development. I owe about one third of my English vocabulary to video games. Strategy games such as Age of Empires and Age of Mythology have taught me planning and resource management, as well as a great deal about the history and culture of human civilizations. Shooters such as Counter–Strike and Unreal Tournament have taught me how to quickly make decisions while under stress, and have enhanced my hand–eye coordination and spatial orientation. Adventure and puzzle games such as Darksiders and Minesweeper have taught me problem solving and logical reasoning, in ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Video Games : A New Realm Of Possibility The persona that the average video gamer is an obvious one. To many, the term "gamer" tends to inspire the idea of a young, lonely boy who consumes a little too much junk food on a daily basis. This solitude is exactly what is wrong with the gamer stereotype. Today's gamers are experiencing the forefront of technology. An effective combination of new technology and cultural practices has thrust gamers into a new realm of possibility. Gamers are not social outcasts, but rather social pioneers. From MMO's to MOBA's, Youtube to Twitch, the power of the gamer has been recognized in profits and sheer levels of participation. With the introduction and development of innovative technology, video games are an elevated social platform. Many millennials who grew up in the United States (and around the world) have a history with video games. From the age of the joystick to today's virtual reality, children (and plenty of adults) find wonder in playing video games. On the playground, kids would trade tips and tricks as they learned to maneuver the gaming world. They grew and learned together, bound by the mutual fascination with what could appear on their television screen. Friends would sit in front of the television together, engaging in multiplayer games or, perhaps, just watch one player do their thing. This is certainly not an antisocial endeavor. These children do not do this in their basement in solitude, but rather among friends and family, behind a television that gathers ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Should Video Games Be Addictive? Gaming has been a way for adolescents and adults to escape reality and pass the time. It not only provides them with a recreational hobby, but also allows them to connect and communicate with those alike. The field of gaming is constantly growing and allowing new opportunities for creative ideas. There is such a large variety to choose from, making it a truly diverse and engaging world. The question of whether video games can be addictive is left unanswered because many articles and studies provide evidence that supports both sides of the debate. The article, "Online Gaming Addiction? Motives Predict Addictive Play Behavior in Massively Multiplayer Online Role–Playing Games" by Kuss et al, primarily covers Massively Multiplayer Online... Show more content on ... They hope to continue further research in an attempt to create prevention protocols and treatments. I find that the overall message of the article is that, in order to prevent and possibly treat the addictive behaviors and consequences associated with MMORPGs, researchers must begin to understand and research the motivations associated with playing MMORPGs. The article outlines many of the motivations that drive players to addictive behavior, such as competition, rank reputation, social interactions, relationships, customization, role–playing, and escapism. The article also contains many studies and research findings which reinforce that claim and make it more credible. What is interesting to me is that the studies show that participants who play MMORPGs are more likely to experience game–related problems and addictive behaviors than players who did not play MMORPGs. According to the article, the characteristics of MMORPGs (escapism and immersion) may be variables that influence these outcomes. Kuss et al stated, "Results indicated that... the gaming motivations escapism and mechanics significantly predicted excessive gaming and appeared as stronger predictors than time investment in game." The material I read reinforced the idea that MMORPGs are more addictive because of the immersive nature. The article consistently keeps its focus on the addictive nature of MMORPGs and the correlation between ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The Negative Effects Of Video Games Introduction Most of the research done on video games tends to be done on the possible negative effects associated with the medium. From aggression and violence to the connection to mood disorders, video games tend to get a bad reputation. However, there are studies that have been done about the possible positive effects of games as well. There are definitely fewer positive studies than negative, but they are out there for those who search them out. The study that was used by Kendall Ashley in her article "How Videogames Can Help with Depression andAnxiety", was not one of those studies. News Article Purpose and Study Fit (250) The news article by Kendall Ashley, "How Videogames Can Help with Depression and Anxiety", claimed exactly as its title suggests. The article went into how different types of games, such as MMORPGs (massively multiplayer online role playing games), puzzle games, and games based on depression supposedly assisted with anxiety and depression. I went into reading this article favorably, as someone who both enjoys video games and as someone who is diagnosed with anxiety. However, after comparing what the study said with what the article presented it as, I found myself disappointed. Ashley either did not understand what the study said or just named dropped the study to make her article seem more valid. Most of the time when Ashley claims that "Studies show that..." she is either referring to an uncited study, or straight out lying about the content of ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Video Game Reduces Social Anxiety Video Game Reduces Social Anxiety Whether it is in a real world or cyber space, meeting people seems to be an almost inevitable part of modern daily life. Meeting or interacting with new people can be stressful. When people encounter a stranger, they try to avoid or reduce it by getting as much information as possible in the course of the conversation or interaction. There is an average of two gamers in each game–playing U.S household as shown in the research of ESA Entertainment Software Association (2013). According to ESA's Effective Facts, over 50% of Americans are playing video games that means at least one of the average U.S. household owns dedicated game console such as Xbox360, PS series, etc., Computer, or smartphone. The average age of game players is 30 years old. In that manner, the video games are not the property of the children anymore. Playing video game becomes as an important social issue. This particular study investigates video game reduces the social anxiety. Video Game Addiction A great deal of research has focused on the identification of addicted adolescent gamers (Van Rooij, Schoenmakers, Vermulst, Van Den Eijnden, & Van de Mheen, 2011). Van Rooij et al. (2011) assumed to provide empirical data –driven to identify a group of addicted online gamers. The video game industry is among the fastest growing sectors of the US economy (ESA Entertainment Software Association, 2013). Both Korean and western researchers report specifically that Massive ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Online Gaming And Why Is It Addictive? What is online gaming and why is it addictive? Online gaming is a booming market. In 2012, more than one billion individuals played computer games, which was an 8% growth of the computer gaming industry compared to the previous year (Kuss, 2013) and this number has been growing since. With this huge player base, there are different types of online gaming, to please everyone interested in gaming. Massively Multiplayer Online games (MMOs), offer the possibility to play together with many other players and can be differentiated based on game content and player experience. The most popular MMOs are role– playing games, first–person shooters and real–time strategy. First–person MMO shooter games are based on skill because they require good reaction... Show more content on ... For this reason, a lot of research has been done on the consequences of online gaming, however, there are only a few longitudinal studies that mainly focus on the excessive online gamers. Lemmens, Valkenburg and Peter (2011), for example, researched whether psychosocial factors such as loneliness and a low self–esteem were a cause or a consequence of pathological online gaming. Their first main finding was that lower psychosocial well–being was an antecedent of pathological gaming. Specifically, declined social competence, increased loneliness and lower self–esteem predicted an increase in pathological gaming six months later. The second main finding was a complementary relation between loneliness and pathological gaming, indicating that loneliness is both a cause and a consequence. Nevertheless, the authors say it is important that we do not overstate the dangers of playing computer and video games, as this study also indicated that adolescents' time spent playing video games was not related to their psychosocial well–being. Therefore, playing games does not decrease well–being, nor does lower well–being necessarily lead to increased use of games. (Lemmens, Valkenburg,& Peter, ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Effects Of Addiction On The World Of Warcraft David Dinh Megan Ozima English 101 2 June 2016 Negative Effects of Addictions What is the cause of addiction(s)? An addiction is cause by a person's psychological habit that got developed into the person's mental and physical condition, in which a person is unable to take control. The reason why people develop an addiction is because they have psychological, emotional, and interpersonal problem that they don't want to deal with, so they find alternative ways to avoid the problems. Some people turn to drugs as a way to escape reality, but the majority of the people turn to the virtual online world to escape from their psychological, emotional, and interpersonal problem. A virtual online game that is currently popular for people to escape their psychological, emotional and interpersonal problem would be a game called World of Warcraft. World of Warcraft is a massively multiplayer online role–playing game(MMORPG), in which player have a vast of task they can do, ranging from exploring areas, fight monsters to level up, quests, interacting and battle with other players to unlocking abilities and spells. World of Warcraft, like many other MMORPG, is a highly addicting game. The reason for that is because there are always new things to do, there are a lot of people to socialize with, and it is a place where a person can go to escape from reality. World of Warcraft, get people addicted by creating habit(s) to their consumer causing them to want to play regularly. In the book, The ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Why Video Games Is Well, Obviously Because It 's Fun Why Play Video Games Well, obviously because it's fun. Gaming is just another kind of entertainment, after all. However, there are many kinds of games with each their own reason why I play them. Often times, I play different kinds of games for entirely different reasons. Most of the time I play it for either the story or for the challenge. However, I play various kinds of games and there are various different reasons why I play them. Moreover despite popular beliefs that game causes violence, there are further benefits from playing a game than just a simple entertainment. I play adventure games to experience stories and escapades. There are other sources of stories, such as books and TV shows, but video game is the only kind of entertainment which offers interactive storytelling. I don't want to just passively learn about stories. I want to immerse in it, and try to live with various characters inside those stories. I want to be an active participant of that story. One of the best games I've played which provides me with a good story is 'The Walking Dead'. It's a game about living after a zombie apocalypse. Players play as Lee, a guy who's trying to survive with his group of survivors. Early in the game, he meets Clementine, a little girl who was separated from her parents. As they try to live their lives, there will be a lot of thought provoking choices which can actually change what would happen later. For example, due to the lack of food you need to choose who among your ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Essay about Exploring the Issue of Cyber Bullying Cyber bullying has been a topic for scholarly inquiry, political debate, and policy reform since the commercialization of the Internet. Pre–internet bullying involved socially marginalized children and teenagers picking on their friends and other marginalized children in the school yard. Traditional discipline included detentions, phone calls to their parents, and some sort of reconciliation between the children involved. Today however, the climate for bullies has dramatically changed and the risk–reward balance has been significantly tilted in favour of the bullies. The Emergence of Technology Today, bullies can simply connect to the Internet and create aliases (real or anonymous) through free e–mail services, instant messaging ... Show more content on ... Considering there have been cases of suicide and homicide resulting from interactions between participants within these virtual worlds, one can safely assume that the emotional toll of cyber bullying on engaged participants is nothing less than traditional bullying or cyber bullying. A case can be made that for engaged participants within massively multiplayer online role playing games, their social well being is paramount in their realization of happiness and acceptance. This paper will also try to make a case for why bullying in these virtual gaming worlds can be more damaging to participants than traditional bullying. Cyber Bullying as a Criminological Issue The world has adopted the Internet as one of the most popular mediums for exchanging information, and criminologists need to be well versed in its complexities in order to make meaningful, relevant, and thought–provoking research. Cyber bullying piggy backs on the foundations of traditional bullying in principle, but provides instigators with a presumed veil of anonymity which modernizes the bullies' process of bullying. Bullies naturally have less inhibition when they are bullying online because they can be safe at home without fear of repercussion. This is extremely troubling considering there is very little fear of reprisal in an online environment. There are no "internet police" actively monitoring conversations or ... Get more on ...