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Argumentative Essay Cell Phones
Writing an essay on the topic of "Argumentative Essay Cell Phones" can present both challenges
and opportunities for exploration. On one hand, cell phones have become an integral part of
modern life, influencing various aspects of society, communication, and daily routines. On the
other hand, the abundance of information and diverse perspectives on the subject can make it
challenging to navigate and present a well-reasoned argument.
One difficulty lies in striking a balance between acknowledging the undeniable benefits of cell
phones, such as improved communication, access to information, and convenience, while also
addressing the potential drawbacks, such as privacy concerns, addiction, and the impact on face-
to-face interactions. It requires a nuanced approach to avoid oversimplification and to provide a
comprehensive view of the topic.
Additionally, the rapid evolution of technology means that new developments and studies are
constantly emerging. Staying up-to-date with the latest research findings and societal trends
related to cell phones is essential for crafting a relevant and informed argument. This ongoing
process of research and synthesis can be time-consuming but is crucial for creating a well-
supported essay.
Crafting a compelling thesis statement that captures the essence of the argument and guides the
essay's direction is another challenge. It requires careful consideration of the chosen stance on
cell phones and a clear articulation of the main points to be discussed. Organizing these points in
a logical and coherent manner throughout the essay is equally important for ensuring clarity and
In conclusion, writing an argumentative essay on the topic of cell phones demands thorough
research, critical thinking, and the ability to present a well-balanced perspective. It involves
navigating through a plethora of information, addressing potential counterarguments, and staying
current with the latest developments in technology and society. Despite the challenges,
successfully tackling this topic can result in a thought-provoking and insightful essay.
For assistance with similar essays or any other writing needs, one can explore services like, where expert writers can provide guidance and support in crafting well-
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Argumentative Essay Cell Phones Argumentative Essay Cell Phones
Cell Theory
1.Cell theory just give a description of a cells. Like all living things are made up of
cells individually. Also describes how cells can reproduce and metabolize by
themselves; which means that they are living small organisms. Germ theory just
clarifies on how these microbes are responsible for the infectious diseases that enter
the body.
2.Acellular microbe is not a living cell, so its not able to reproduce or metabolize.
The acellular microbe is grown within a host (human). It can be identified as a
viru, virion, and prion. Its really small compared to a cellular microbe since it is
around the size of a organelle and a large molecule. While the cellular microbe is
bigger and can be spotted better on microscope. A cellular microbe is living.... Show
more content on ...
Unlike the gram negative wall, which has two. Beneath the glycocalyx there s the
first layer called the peptidoglycan for the gram positive cell wall. As for the gram
negative cell wall is a lot more complex. It has plasma membrane on the bottom of
the glycocalyx. This plasma membrane has a toxin (endotoxin) that can cause very
fatal symptoms to a patient; even shock can occur. Right under this toxin wall there s
the peptidoglycan.
4.During sporulation can occur when one cell can construct one spore. The way this
formation works is by when the cell that this bacteria is in a chemical environment in
which it is stressed that it ll form spores within the cell. The spore itself doesn t not
have a metabolism. Although it does put a battle whenever WBC (white blood cells)
and any type of disinfectants try to get rid of it. The bacterial endospore is made out
of a dense keratin outer coat and a chromosome that does contain genetic material.
5.The plasmid is a extra piece of genetic information of DNA that lies within the
bacterial cell. It results that there is a 2 sources of genomic material in the bacteria
within the cell. On the other hand transposon are combined to the genetic material of
the cell that was already there Resulting that there still is one source of genetic
information in the
The Ethnic Groups in Malaysia and Its Culture
The Ethnic Relation and Culture in Malaysia. By just looking at the title above, you
know what I am going to talk about. Yes, you are right, the culture of our magnificent
country. Our country is actually envied by many foreigners. Why? Well, one of the
main reasons is because of how we Malaysians can live in harmony for many years,
even though we consist of many different races and ethnic groups. The culture of our
country started out with the unique combination and amount of ethnic groups in our
country. Let s understand more of our country s ethnic group before we go on shall
Let me briefly introduce to you the three major ethnic groups in our country, the
Malay, Chinese and the Indians. Firstly, the Malays, also known... Show more
content on ...
In Sabah and Sarawak, they consists a large number of ethnic groups even I never
heard of! Although living in the same country, I still do not know much of my
people; it is a shame for many young people nowadays too, all they know are mainly
the three main ethnic groups. Besides that, another we must not forget about is that
many foreigners, or shall I say legal immigrants came to our country live as citizens
of Malaysia. For example, the Koreans, Japanese, Filipinos, Indonesians, etc because
of the way we live.
Being a Malaysian, we are very lucky. We live in a place where there are no serious
and deadly problems like natural disasters or war. Besides that, the pace of how we
live is very slow, carefree and we don t have much stress compare to other country.
Studies show that the Koreans and Japanese in the country came because they wanted
to live the Malaysian way.
The main question our country s people are asking is, why Malaysia? Of all
countries, why pick Malaysia? Why does so many people from the outside wants to
come to our country while we, people of Malaysia wants to migrate to other people s
country? Maybe one day, Malaysia s three major ethnic groups are Malays, Japanese
and Koreans. It would be very weird. Malaysia will not be Malaysia anymore.
Ethnic relations go way back into our country s history. They are not just the natural
consequences of the differences between cultures. Due to peninsular Malaysia s
The Philosophy Of The World
What must one do when confronted with the question of How to live ethically ? Is
there a set rule or guideline one must follow to live correctly? Is there a key to
happiness? These questions are common and are known as the philosophies of
life. The most difficult thing to communicate about philosophy is how ethical
ideas are rooted in ideas of how the world works. What we believe to be ethical or
not comes from simply our understanding of how the world works. A philosophy of
Epicureanism focuses on the pleasures of life. I will argue that the idea that pleasure
is the starting point and goal of living blessedly. (128) Epicureanism is a philosophy
that advocates hedonism, which classifies pleasures as being the highest good. The
key... Show more content on ...
For the third truth, he addresses how money and material things do not bring
happiness. Money and other possessions, besides food and shelter, do not correlate
with happiness. Lastly, the natural order of life shows how pain comes and goes and
how everything that is unpleasant will eventually pass. Epicurus explains how
suffering is temporary and with this mindset anything can be tolerable.
In Epicurus s Letter to Menoeceus, Epicurus gives advice on how to live a happy
life. He states: The unwavering contemplation of these enables one to refer every
choice and avoidance to the health of the body and the freedom of the soul from
disturbance, since this is the goal of a blessed life. (128) His advice expresses how
a happy life is twofold; health of the body and freedom of the soul from
disturbance. A man who become accustomed to the simple necessities of life is one
that is completely healthy; a man who searches for the reasons for his every choice,
while getting rid of other opinions, is one whose soul is free from disturbance. He
stresses three key points to obtain this happiness.
So every pleasure is a good thing, since it has a natural congenial [to us], but not
everyone is to be chosen. Just as every pain too is a bad thing, but not everyone is
such as to be always avoided. (129) It is, however, appropriate to make all these
decisions by comparative measurement and an examination of the advantages and
disadvantages. For at
The Plea Bargain System And Fairness, Morality, And
The entire plea bargain system has glaring issues of fairness, morality, and process.
It needs an overhaul. Plea bargains are a way to get rid of some cases due to the
sheer number of cases in the judicial system. There are not enough resources for most
cases to reach trial. Innocent defendants are often pressured and coerced into
accepting plea bargains. Prosecutors create uncertainty among defendants by
aggressively handling each individual each often making threats that they can not
actually back up. While this is fairly effective, it is not fair to the defendants.
Additionally, it more time is spent on strategy and games then on discovering the
truth. However, no case should receive biased treatment. Prosecutors sometimes
blatantly... Show more content on ...
The advantages, gamesmanship, and leverage that account for a plea bargain
override an honest and fair assessment of truth (Strutin, 2013). This statement is
painfully accurate. Yale Law Journal (1972) states that the elimination of the
maximum number of trials is the purpose of the plea bargain. Plea bargains are a
largely a result of a need for speed and efficiency in the courts. However, efficiency
comes at a significant cost: innocent defendants are induced to plead guilty
(Gilchrist, 2011). In many, cases plea bargains are too efficient. These wrongful
convictions not only harm the innocent persons who plead guilty; they undermine
the reliability of all convictions (Gilchrist, 2011). This brings controversy over all
plea bargains .Speed and efficiency should never be placed over reaching the
correct verdict. All that is needed for a plea bargain is admission from the
defendant; however, a defendant cannot convict themselves with a testimony in trial.
This practice illustrates the controversy of plea bargains as compared to more
reliable trials. Plea bargains allow for defendants to be coerced into giving false
admissions of guilt. Additionally, defendants are confused by their emotions during
the plea bargain process. When faced with the difficult decision of a plea bargain,
innocent defendants are often hurt by their emotions, which should not be the case.
Gilchrist (2011) writes, Plea bargaining generates
The Misrepresentation Of Arabs Culture In Hollywood
The misrepresentation of minorities is frequent in Hollywood films and Arabs are
one of the many minority groups Hollywood misrepresent. Arabs are portrayed
negatively in films for long time even before 9/11. The Arabs characters are
portrayed with always having accent, wearing traditional attire, untrustworthy,
aggressive and almost always associated with terrorism. The continuously
falsification could lead to stereotypes, misjudgment, and damage to Arabic culture.
There are handful of movies released featuring Arabs characters in a negative way
although the one that caught my attention is Rules of Engagement. The film Rules
of Engagement, was produced by Scott Rudin and Richard D. Zanuck, which was
released in March 31st 2000. The film star leading characters are Samuel L.
Jackson and Tommy Lee Jones. The film illustrates how misrepresentation of
Arabs culture and tradition is being normalized. The film is about a U.S. Marines
whose base was in Yemen and had conflict with the civilians. The Arabs in the film
were portrayed as violent people who were killing the Marines at the U.S. Embassy,
where the civilians were protesting. The film set unacceptable image of Arabs. In
American society where technology is advanced image is a big deal because society
perceive image as important. Hollywoodas the biggest entertainer in the world set
unacceptable image of Arabs and the images has a power to change people s
perspective of how to view/interpret the
A Critique Of The Chinese Room Argument
(Not) Mere Semantics: A Critique of the Chinese Room
The Roman Stoic, Seneca, is oft quoted that it is the power of the mind to be
unconquerable (Seneca, 1969). And so seems that, in recent times, Searle has
produced a similar rhetoric. (At least insofar as strong AI might conquer and
reducibly explain mental states). This essay will attempt to do two things: 1)
Examine three central objections to Searle s Chinese Room Argument (CRA); these
being the Systems Reply (SR), Deviant Causal Chain (DCC), and what I have
termed the Essence Problem. The CRA is found to survive the first three, while
damaged by the fourth for its question begging form. And, 2) it will propose a
The Chinese Room
Searle s 1980 essay, Minds, Brains and Programs is ... Show more content on ...
The latter more specifically states that thoughts are certain kinds of computation and,
as universal Turing machines can compute any kind of computable function, they can
in principle be programmed to actuate a human mind.
Searle s argument can be put propositionally as:
1.If Strong AI is true, then there is a program for Chinese such that if any computing
system runs that program, that system thereby comes to understand Chinese.
2.I could run a program for Chinese without thereby coming to understand Chinese.
3.Therefore Strong AI is false. (Cole, 2014)
Although it should be pointed out that what Searle s precise position has come under
scrutiny and there is reason to change what might be considered the success of the
paper depending on what these reading differences are. (Harnad, 2001)
Weak AI : the claim that computers are merely able to simulate rather than literally
It would seem that much of the battle over the CRA s validity turns on different
intuitions of whether semantic content is reducible to syntactic frameworks. (Can
computationalism provide a scientific theory which might elucidate the essential
nature of content?)
Systems Reply (Fodor and Block)
Searle (1991a) deftly produces an argument to block the systems objection, namely
that the individual internalise all the elements of the system. So he concludes, If he
doesn t understand, then there is no way the system could understand because the
The Importance Of School Choice
It is almost July, and the youth of Cambridge are becoming accustomed to their
(brief) period of summer freedom. For most, the law says they must go back to
school in September. There is no choice. But for some there is a difference.
Teenagers who will soon arrive at the age of sixteen will suddenly find a law that
is in their favor and for the first time they can make their own choice about going to
school. If sixteen year olds decide not to go to school, no truant officer will come
chasing after them trying to force their attendance. Whether kids stay in school or
not, that is a matter for their own independent choice. INDEPENDENT? Here we
are getting ready for July 4th and no one has identified a special role for youth. Think
about... Show more content on ...
We hold these truths to be self evident, that all boys and girls are created equal, that
they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these
are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, schools are
instituted among boys and girls, deriving their just powers from the consent of the
governed. That whenever any form of schooling becomes destructive of these ends, it
is the right of the students to reject such institutions at the earliest legal opportunity,
and to institute new forms of personal education, laying its foundation on such
principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely
to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that schools long
established should not be rejected for light and transient causes; and accordingly all
experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are
sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are
accustomed. But when a long train of abuses, pursuing invariably the same object,
evinces a design to reduce them under tedium, boredom, testing and and bullying, it is
their right, it is their duty, to reject such schooling, and to provide new methods for
What I Have Learned From Watching Blood Diamond And
All around the world, people go on with their daily lives focusing on what is
relevant to them at that given moment. Very rarely do we stop and think about how
our actions affect someone in another part of the world, and even more rarely do we
care. Every once in a while we donate, send our prayers over Facebook, or rally
against unjust treatment and terrorism. However, what I have learned from watching
Blood Diamondand Babel is that more often than not, we unknowingly contribute to
the very instances we seek to fight against. Every action we do, especially in affluent
countries, has a global affect. In the movies, the intertwined story lines of seemingly
separated characters impressively demonstrates themes of globalizationsuch as the
effect of war and affluence, the interconnections of countries and their habitants, and
cultural differences that can lead to violence and shock. The effects that shadow
networks and war have on the world deems them astonishingly global. The most
obvious case of this is in the movie Blood Diamond. The movie takes place during
the war between the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) and the government in
Sierra Leone, West Africa. The plot follows Danny Archer, a diamond smuggler for
the powerful Van De Kaap Diamond Company as he tries to find a rare diamond.
However, the most effective and global part of the movie is how it demonstrates the
shadows that run the economy. Archer describes for a journalist, Maddie, how the
system of the shadows
Social Mobility Essay
As a child I remember hearing stories about a lost family fortune from my father s
side of the family. I never put a lot of stock into those stories, but evidently they
were true. My father s side was comprised of farmers for many generations. The
Owens family owned thousands of acres of land in Kentucky, on which they farmed
tobacco and raised horses and cattle. My father, Leland, blames his grandfather s
generation for whittling away the familys money. Even with the loss of prestige of
owning such an abundance of land, the family continued to farm. I suppose it is all
they knew. They became good, working class farmers and small business owners,
working on their modest sized farms. But they did own the land which separates them
from the... Show more content on ...
Another older brother Mike was the first to go to college. My father was only a
teen ager when his brothers went away from the farm life. That, paired with the
death of their father, Harlan, in 1975 when my dad was 16, became the death of the
farm, as well.
While many of his siblings have simply moved horizontally and continue to be
working class, as machinists and factory employees, other have progressed to the
middle class, as factory managers. My father and his older brother Mike have
vertically shifted into the upper middle class. After a BS in Computer Science and
numerous certifications in software and web development, my father is now a
Software Analyst for Eli Lilly and Co.
As my father s side was primarily farmers until his generation, my mother s side of
the family was comprised of primarily factory workers until her generation. Like
my father s family, Nancee s family was mostly working class, but there was a
tendency for them to become the working poor. Working in factories and on the
railways provided work for my Great Grandparents Bessie and Charles. But they
made a vertical shift downward to the working poor when Charles decided that he
would rather drink than work. Then Bessie began to do laundry and my
Grandmother, Ramona, had to get a job working in a shoe factory in the evenings
after school. Even
The Labor Market
Introduction The landscape of the labor market is a critical factor in the economic
comparison of different countries. Countries with a friendly job market are
economically stronger because such an economy is able to achieve high living
standards for its citizens. This paper therefore endeavors to explore some of the
trends in the labor market in the US, EU, Japan and China Unemployment Rates
As per August 2016 the unemployment rate was reported to be at 4.9% percent by
the Bureau of Labor Statistics and this is the first time the unemployment rate fell
below 5% since 2008. However, despite the fall in unemployment rates it is worth
considering that only a few of the adults are working. Only 62.7% of the adult
Americans are working and this has been so since the late 1970s.n On the other
hand, the unemployment rate in the EU was rated at 10.2% in April which is the
lowest rate since 2011. In the EU, Greece is by far the country with the highest
unemployment rate of 23.3% particularly due to its economic meltdown. On the
other hand Malta and Germany have recorded the lowest unemployment rates in
2016 of about 4%. In Asia, the unemployment rate in China by June 2016 was rated
to be 4.05%. In the first half of 2016, 7.17 million jobs were created in the majority
of the Chinese urban cities therefore accounting for 71.7% of China s yearly target
of 10 million jobs. In Japan, the jobless rate rose to 3.1 % in August 2016 from 3.0%
in July. The unemployment rate in Japan
Karen Horney Archer Personality Traits
Sterling Malory Archer is the main character in FX s cartoon series Archer. Archer
s personality is mainly shaped around his childhood. He is a smooth, insensitive,
borderline narcissistic, spy that works for his mother. Archer was a lonely a child
and didn t get a lot of attention from his mom, and he didn t know who his father
was till later on in the show. Karen Horney s view on personality shows best for an
assessment for Archer. I will be assessing Archer s personality using a
psychodynamic theory. Archer was raised mostly by his caretaker, Woodhouse, until
he was old enough for him to be able to attend Boarding School (15 years). His
mother also favorited her Afghan hound, Duchess, which later on Archer Adopts as a
nickname/call sign... Show more content on ...
As I said before Archer did not have a loving childhood, so Archer felt as if he was
nothing. Karen Horney believed that childhood tensions are more social, and not
sexual. She also believed that personality was mostly based on culture. In the
episode The Man from Jupiter, Burt Reynolds starts dating Archer s mom and
Boss, Malory. Archer just as when he was a kid, got jealous because his mom
shows again that she cares for someone other than him. Also Archer had a man
crush on Reynolds. Later in the episode Archer tries to break up their relationship
while being chased by a Cuban hit squad. Archer thinks that the world revolves
around him, he is very egotistic. If assist with anyone or anything else, it is for his
own benefit. In the episode White Knights, Archer travels to Russia to find out his
who his true father is. Archer then gets kidnapped by the KGB because Nikoli
Jakov, the head of the KGB believes Archer possibly could be his son. Malory
Archer (Archer s mom and Boss) concerned, sends Barry Dylan best ODIN agent to
rescue Archer. Archer later on Barry slip to his death, hanging from Archer s feet
from a couple stories, instead Archer uses the opportunity to
2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami Research Paper
2004 Indian Ocean tsunami
On the 26th of December ( Boxing Day) a monster earthquake and tsunami formed in
the Indian Ocean killing about a million people and displacing well over three
million. The earthquake measured 9.2 on the seismograph which is the third largest
earthquake ever recorded. If you think this is enough shortly after a tsunami formed
battering countries all around the Indian Ocean with monstrous swells and strong
winds. The epicentre of this disaster was in the mainland of Indonesia which also
happened to be the worst every affected country followed by Sri Lanka then
India.This made the earth move over a centre metre and caused aftershocks in
places as far away as Alaska. This also prompted the biggest ever humanitarian
response of over 14 billion dollars and also thousands of workers to help in the huge
clean up process which ended up to take about five years to complete.
What is Humanitarian aid?
Humanitarian response is providing short term help to those in need while the
government does not have the money to look after all its citizens. Humanitarian aid
is normally giving some of the simplest things like water, clothes and shelter which at
the time can be extremely ... Show more content on ...
Indonesia is one of the most disaster prone countries in the world meaning that
there are over 100 earthquakes every year and also 130 active volcanoes. This
means there are a lot of overseas aid agencies that go over there to help.Over the
years after the earthquake Red Cross alone provided sanitation to over 2000 people
and also built about 2100 homes for the displaced. The total amount raised by Red
Cross was about 125 million dollars which all went towards helping Indonesia
alone ( including pay for workers ). Along with this disaster Red Cross managed to
make a ambulance service in many parts of Indonesia and also trained a further sixty
people with basic first aid and ambulance
President Andrew Jackson Should Stay On The 20 Dollar
America has been shaped and reshaped in various instances throughout its history;
some of the men that played vital roles in achieving the status we now possess
have been immortalized in our currency. President Andrew Jackson, is one of the
few American leaders that was chosen to live on forever; however, many now argue
whether or not Jackson truly deserves the honor to be represented in the 20 dollar
bill arguing that there are other better qualified people to take his place; an example
being Harriet Tubman. I believe that President Andrew Jacksonshould stay on the 20
dollar bill. Although many of his personal beliefs contradict many of our current
beliefs and values, we shouldn t judge him on them; rather, we should judge
President Jackson on his actions as a president and how he impacted the nation as a
leader. Thanks to the hard decisions that President Jackson had to take America was
able to advance the way it did. We wouldn t be the United Statesof America we are
today without President Jackson. The son of Irish immigrants, Jackson started
from near to nothing and worked his way up just like the rest of us. His mother
was widowed while pregnant with him. The Revolutionary War that soon followed,
was very bloody in the rather wild and poor country where they lived, and Jackson
at 13 years, joined a regiment. Captured by the British, he was wounded and nearly
killed by a sword for not polishing a British officer s boots. He and his brother,
imprisoned together,
Cambodia Genocide Essay
The Cambodian Genocide was the result of imperialism, ethnic supremacy, ultra
nationalism, anti colonialism, a power grab, and religion. It began with the
Cambodian people struggling against French colonization and grew in inspiration
from Vietnam (end genocide). The French believed that Cambodia was a gateway
into China to expand their trade with Southeast Asia. The French occupied southern
Vietnamand wanted to expand their territory. There were many civil wars and
invasions in Cambodiafought between the Vietnamese and Thai, and it greatly
affected Cambodia. While the French did help Cambodia become independent and
grew their infrastructure, while exploiting Cambodian labor, they failed to educate
Cambodian people and establish a solid and effective judiciary system (Cambodia
tribunal). Thus began their feelings of anti colonialism. During the Vietnam War, the
U.S. used Cambodia as a base to regroup, but also bombed the country to kill
suspected Viet Cong targets. This began their feelings of imperialism and ultra
nationalism. The Khmer Rougebegan feeling great animosity towards the West for
their influenced corruption to Cambodian land and its people. Between January and
August of 1973, 300,000 Cambodians were killed by American bombers that had
joined forces with Lon Nol, head of the Khmer Republic. The killing of so many
Cambodian people fueled the Khmer Rouge to begin a power grab, where they
staged a coup to take control of the government. They succeeded and
Miss Brandy Monologue
I said goodbye to Miss Brandy as I took my leave and let me tell you now I am
extremely tired. I can t wait to just get back into my dormitory and sink into a good
book. I will worry about eating food later on. I don t have an appetite at all. I never
really do in all honestly. What time is it? I look down at my watch. 11pm. That
leaves me with plenty of time until the next lecture at 1pm. Luckily it is with Miss
Brandy again. I am terrified to meet the other tutors, what if they don t like me the
same way as Miss Brandy does? I m sure it will be fine. I can feel someone staring
into the back of me, it is very unnerving... Why do I feel like I know who it is? Infact
I know who it is, Chakotay Coal. My heart is begging to race again, I cannot
The Role Of Socialization, Gender, And Education As A...
Socialization, Gender, and Education as a social institution have all been topics that
have been heavily discussed in the classroom. Each of these sociological aspects of
society help create ideologies and norms in particular as to the role gender plays in
the household and in the workplace. From the extended interview on Adam Belaid, it
has become evident that the educationplays the largest role in socialization. In
particular, the public educational institutions that have been founded on the
principals of the state. Particularly, educational institutions and their effect on its
students views on gender. Through an analysis of the interviewee, Martin s
Becoming a Gendered Body: Practices of Preschools , and Bowles Education and
Inequality it is evident that the educational institution plays the greatest role in the
socialization of an individual. Adam Belaid is currently a software engineer at Riot
Games, whose job is primarily in back end development and program execution. He
was educated in several countries where each country has a slightly different
sociological norm. His adolescent education was in France, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan;
his high school education took place in what he defined as a small school that taught
an Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum in
Arizona. His undergraduate education took place at Virginia Tech with a major in
Computer Science. Adam identifies himself as a practicing Muslim with his parents
High Stakes Testing Pros And Cons
The concept of high stakes testing is that the outcomes of said testing is used to
make important life decisions regarding the knowledge of the educational
curriculum for the year. These high stakes test used to be only used for older
students going to college for example SAT and ACT, or for graduation. Now these
tests are being used in most all grades. High stakes testreally effect student s
outcomes in school. For those students that have a below grade level test result can
have repercussions even if they had good grades during the school year. Those
decisions can include summer school, repeating the grade level, refusal of diploma,
labeling the student, etc. For schools, below grade level testing reports can
including paying penalties, losing funding for their school and being labeled as a
below average school in their district. With the passage of the No Child Left Behind
Act in 2001 these high stakes test scores are used more to hold schools and... Show
more content on ...
Critic of high stakes testing believe that these high stakes tests narrow the
curriculum to included subjects and or topics that only appear on these high stakes
test. They feel that what is being taught is memorization of facts of the testing
curriculum and test preparation instead of real learning . (Yen, 2005) Higher test
scores are due to the fact that the curriculum is being lined with the state standards
of what needs to be learned and these test are made with the state approved
curriculum, so the scores should be higher if they are learning the curriculum right.
While some might feel that one subject is important but it isn t included in the
curriculum doesn t mean they are not learning. School curriculum evolves over time
and what one might have learned in the 1990 s or early 2000 s would be different
than what is learned in the year
Anatomy Of The Knee Injuries
Movement from the lower extremities of the human body depends on the strength,
agility and flexibility of the knee. Bones, cartilage, muscles, ligaments and tendons
assist with the knee getting the job done (NIH, n.d.). While supporting the body to
walk, run and jump, the knee is at risk for enduring a torn anterior cruciate ligament
(ACL). This type of injury can pose a threat to athletes and their careers. When the
ACL is torn, the body will lose stability and the inability to bear the weight of the
athlete. Sports competitors are vulnerable to enduring a torn ACL injury during their
sports career due to the roughness when playing sports, female athletes having a
higher risk, it is rated number one as the most common sports injury.... Show more
content on ...
The sports that are more inclined to suffer ACL tears include soccer, basketball,
football and tennis (Souryal, n.d.). The University of California, San Francisco
reveals that the ACL injury has an annual incidence of more than 200,000 cases with
~100,000 of these knees reconstructed annually (Kim, 2009). The vulnerability of a
torn ACL in athletes is 1,000 to one (Souryal, n.d.). //////////////////////////////
The ACL is the primary ligament which is considered as the stabilizer. The ACL is
just one of four major ligaments of the joints within the knees (Kim, 2009). The
posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), medial collateral ligament (MCL) and lateral
collateral ligament (LCL) make up the other three ligaments that supports the knee
joints. Signs and symptoms of a torn a torn ACL include swelling of the knee, pain
that is intensified when the weight of the body is placed on it. The inability to bend
the knee is another sign of a torn ACL due to the bleeding inside the joint
(MedicineNet, n.d.).
Methods to diagnosis a torn ACL injury includes
Lachman Test Passive accessory movement that is used to assess both the single
and sagittal plane instability (Physiopedia, n.d.). The body of the athlete is in a
supine position while their knee is flexed to about 20 to 30 degrees as well as
rotated externally. The physician or the physical therapist will then place their hands
on both the tibia and the
Television In The 1920 s Essay
Television is a gift of God and God will hold those who utilize his divine instrument
accountable to him Philo T. Farnsworth. In the 1920 s life in America, and around the
world, was blossoming with excitement and shock due to all the new things
happening around them. For instance, women were re imagining the rules of
feminism, alcohol was being banned everywhere, secret clubs were being brought up,
and also the televisioncoming to life. The television had to be the most talked about
thing in the 1920 s. All because a random guy decided he wanted to experiment with
things and later created the television. Not only was the television invented around
this time, but a year after it was he demonstrated it. Then shortly after demonstrating
... Show more content on ...
When Philo was growing up he didn t have electricity in his house. So he later
thought about shining a new light into the world of electricity. He created to
television by using a disc about 2 feet in diameter to scan and transport the image
onto the television screen. He used a glass slide, smoked it with carbon and
scratched a single line on it. This was placed in a carbon arc projector and shone
onto the photocathode of the first camera tube(Philo T. Farnsworth) .He also used
a disc about 2 feet in diameter to scan and transport the image onto the television
screen. Farnsworth had begun to conceive of a system that could capture moving
images in a form that could be coded onto radio waves and then transformed back
into a picture on a screen(Mitchell Stephens). He also used an image dissector , also
known as a video camera tube, to make the image transfer from one thing to another.
While creating the television he married a young woman named Pem Gardner. After
they got married he was very in depth in his research for the television. He then
decided to do something with his research and accepted a position at Philco
Philadelphia. After the years went by he then left there and got his own place for his
research. Farnsworth sold his company , but continued his research on
technologies(Philo T.
Middle School Student Research Paper
First of all, middle school students part time job meeting and learning conflict, thus
affecting learning. If we go to work after school and vacation, there will be no time
to attend to study, so students will learn less time. Besides, middle school students
are easily confused by the material society, which will lead to the wrong idea of
making money in the first place, which will lead to academic neglect. This is for the
middle schoolstudents, it is to pick up the sesame and lost the watermelon!
Second, it is easy for middle school students to go out to work. We can often see
from TV or newspaper that the students of a certain middle school go out to work and
are miserably unlawful peddlers. These inexperienced students, the cognition of
Two Gallants Essay
Two Gallants A short story by James Joyce published in his 1914 collection
Dubliners. Two men, Lenehan and Corley, are walking the streets of central Dublin
on a Sunday evening. Corley dominates the conversation telling Lenehan about a
girl he has recently seduced, a maid who works for a wealthy family. He brags
about how the girl supplies him with cigars and cigarettes, which she steals from the
family. Corley considers his relationship with this girl superior compared to when he
used to ask women out and spend money on them. The two men have arranged a
meeting with the maid, where the aim is to convince the maid to bring them money,
stolen from her employees. Corley has a date with the girl later that evening, and
before he... Show more content on ...
Joyce describes Corley as squat and ruddy and with a large, globular and oily head
not exactly how one imagine a gallant. Furthermore he seems rude and selfish,
because of his constant bragging and his behaviour towards the girl and Lenehan.
Lenahan on the other hand is described as a leech but a bit more self reflective than
Corley. Based on his expectations towards others, it would seem as if he has been
let down several times, for instance in the end where Corley hasn t arrived at the
appointed hour, Lenehan instantly assume, that Corley has cut him out of the plan.
Similarly, Corley only allows Lenehan a distant glimpse of the girl, for the fear of
competition. The two gallants both have a constant of being betrayed. The title is
obviously ironic, considered the two men s behaviour during the short story. The
two men are anything but gallant and fine men. Instead they exploit the young
woman. Corley has seduced her into giving both her body and some cash in
exchange for nothing but a lie. Corley hasn t even revealed his name for the girl.
Neither of the two gallants have a decent job, or the opportunity for advancement.
They both live a dissolute life, constantly searching for easy women and money. They
don t have any ambitions. When Lenehan sits in the bar and imagines an alternative
to his current lifestyle, his vision is to settle down in some smug and live happily
Emily Dickinson s I Taste A Liquor Never Brewed
Draft: Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson s works made her a woman ahead of her
time, through her unwillingness to conform to the norms of society. Emily
Dickinson was a poet from the 1850s. Many people tried to urge Dickinson to
publish, but she then had to start worrying about her punctuation in her works. Her
works held great power and they reached maturity quite quickly as she talks about
how dense the natural world is in one of her poems I taste a liquor never brewed .
Emily Dickinson was born on December 10, 1830, in Amherst, Massachusetts. Five
years later in 1835 Emily begins four years of primary school (Bloom, Harold).
After graduating from primary school she attends Amherst Academy, where the
Amherst College student newspaper anonymously publishes one of Dickinson s
works. In 1855, Emily visits her father in Washington, D.C. and meets Charles
Wadsworth, her family then moves into the Homestead. Throughout this period in
Emily s life she starts to journal. Once Dickinson s works were shown to the public
for some time now Helen Hunt Jackson urges Dickinson to start publishing, but she
refuses. Out of nowhere Dickinson s father suddenly dies in Boston, and her
mother suffers a paralytic stroke but does not end up dying. This event shows
impacts in her poems and she starts writing about death. In I heard a Fly buzz when I
died Emily writes about a voice from the dead. Emily died on May 15, 1886 and
Lavinia, her sister, later discovered her sister s poems, which
Analysis Of The Movie Rodman Sterling
Rodman Sterling is considered one of the best television writers in American
history. Starting from a small city town within Syracuse, New York, the
experiences of war and the injustices within the workplace developed Rod s
concern for the state of society. He went forward to get a degree in English literature
and drama. As his talent for writing developed, he received several Emmy awards
and became one of the best things to happen to television(PBS). Sterling s playwright
ability enabled him to bring quality entertainment to Americans in a media infected
with mediocrity. Knowing Sterling s motivation to use the Twilight Zoneas a social
commentary enables a more in depth understanding of his use of ingenuity to sneak
in controversial themes into a fantastical world.Sterling s influence helped writers in
television to fight for a place where they could flourish in their creativity. Since its
invention, television had been trying to find its home somewhere between the
current modes of entertainment, that of radio and movies. Company sponsors,
having the power of monetary backing, were the main dictators of what made it to
the screen. Writers, on the other hand, had to somehow find a way to be able to
creatively express their works in a way that would not end in censorship from the
sponsors looming above them. The result was a level of mediocrity that the
companies desired, using TV as a mode of advertisement while providing just enough
entertainment for the viewers to
The Classification Of Municipal Government
From this Chapter, I understand the classification of municipal government from
small to big at different scale and also what do the local governments do. The main
role is the democratic and service provision. when studying the relationship between
these two aspects, some questions are also proposed: is that only when you have
property, can you really participate in the vote or democracy? Does the local
governmentresponsible to the province about the finances? Or should it responsible
to its people? Political part should not be taken away from the responsibility of a
local government otherwise it will be no difference with a private supplier.
Through reading the history of the local government, it is found that the municipal
governments were mainly established in response to the population growth and
service demand. Property tax is one of the approaches to increase the income of the
government, but had been opposed by the people since the beginning. The Ontario
model sets up in 1849 had been referenced for other provinces to establish their local
governments. Reforms were also taken during the 20th century to eliminate
corruption and to improve efficiency. It seems that the problems we are facing today
are the same with what we were facing 100 years. Maybe it is an inherent problem of
the government and politics.
Comparing with today s municipalities, the foundations of Canada s municipal
system were very different 200 years ago. Due to the changes of the structure of
Public Defenders
Overall, the research collected has examined juvenile delinquency, the persistent
consequences of incarceration, and suggestive measures from the Public Defenders
that could help reduce recidivism and provide justice for the offenders, the victims
and the community. The research highlighted the crime pattern in young offenders,
existing racial disparities in the juvenile criminal justicesystem and the lack of a
proper support structure that encourages the youth to make bad choices. Studies
included in the research demonstrated that most juvenile delinquents belong to
underprivileged backgrounds, where their mental and educational needs are not
properly addressed. They don t receive community policing and are more likely to
be viewed as criminals by the Law Enforcement and the public. Given their poor
background, these children are more likely to be incarcerated than their counterparts
and conclusively have a poor... Show more content on ...
The ultimate goal of the juvenile justice system should be to restore positive youth
development and public safety. As suggested by the Public Defenders, when working
with juveniles with poor backgrounds, it is crucial to understand the intellectual state
and overall development of each juvenile. Studying the nature of crime and its causes
is also crucial. For instance children who get involved in Domestic Violence may
have troubled relationships within their family or community. In such situations, it
would be better to place more services for the youth rather than putting them behind
bars. The research also discussed the long term consequences of juvenile
incarceration, such as difficulty transitioning back into the society, lack of
educational and employment facilities available or finding a reasonable residence.
Due to such reasons, many individuals turn to the same backgrounds and affiliations
to transition back into the
Ap Psychology Chapter 9 Answer Key
Psych Chapter Dos
Is our identity in the heart?
In the brain?
In the whole body?
Biological Psychologists explore the associations between body, mind, and behavior.
Cell Body The cell s life support center
Dendrites Receive messages from other cells
Axon passes messages away from the cell body to other neurons, muscles, or glands
Neutral Impulse (actin potential) electrical signal traveling down the axon
Myelin Sheath covers the axon of some neurons and helps speed neutral impulses
Terminal Branches of axon From junctions with other cells
There are billions of neurons throughout the body. Body s communication system.
Glial Cells
Glial Cells outnumber neurons 9 to 1
They provide nutrients to neurons/ protect
Action Potential: a neural impulse that travels down an axon like a wave
The Wave (sports stadium)
When does the cell send the action potential? When it reaches a threshold.
How neurons communicate (with each other).
The threshold is reached when excitatory(Fire!) signals outweigh the inhibitory (Don
t Fire!) signals by a certain amount.
The Synapse The synapse is a junction between the axon tip of the sending neuron
and the dendrite or cell body of the receiving neuron.
The synapse is also known is also known as a synapse junction or synaptic gap
Neurotransmitters are chemicals used to send a signal across the synaptic gap
Reuptake: After the neurotransmitters stimulate the receptors on the receiving neuron,
Effective Treatment Of Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C is an inflammatory condition of the liver that ultimately results in
cirrhosis consequently leading up to liver cell cancer due to a blood borne virus. The
infection is usually asymptomatic showing how those who are infected with
Hepatitis C are unaware of its presence until the condition has become potentially life
threatening. The main ways in which the virus is transmitted is from the transfusion
of unscreened blood, improper sterilization of invasive medical devices used in
surgery and other internal examinations of the patient and the reuse of syringes by
health care providers for common ailments or by narcotic users. Evidently, Pakistan
as the second highest prevalence rate of hepatitis C ranging from ... Show more
content on ...
I will be analysing these ethical issues with the use of my chemistry and economical
knowledge. The research question An investigation into the mortality and morbidity
of drug pricing from Hepatitis C in Pakistan mainly uses pharmaceutical sciences to
underline and justify the main objectives of drug pricing whilst identifying the
human implications from both perspectives of economics and chemistry. Economical
66% of Pakistan s population live in rural areas underlying the geographical issues
with suffering from Hepatitis C. The geographical consequences mainly ly with the
isolation the rural population have from the productive and thriving urban cities of
the country. Individuals are unable to be a part of an exponentially growing economy
as they are unfortunately marked as the less prosperous part of the country. This
evidently leads to unemployment. Unemployment is defined as the people of
working age who are without work, available for work and actively seeking
employment. This effectively contributes to the prevalence rate as due to being
unemployed people are unable to afford necessities, such as Hepatitis C treatment,
since there is no government system in place in aid of the unemployed. However, if
an individual is employed and earning an income, the income may not be sufficient
enough to accommodation an appropriate and successful course of treatment. In
order to access treatment, the amount of
Kinesio Tape Essay
PICO Question
What is the Effect of Kinesio Tape on Ankle joint Proprioception (Joint Position
Sense) and Isokinetic Muscle Strength in the athletes after fatigue.
The ankle joint is the most commonly injured part of the body for individuals who
participate in competitive activities, accounting for approximately 30% of all sports
related injuries (Boyas, Hajj, Bilodeau, 2013; Hootman, Dick, Agel, 2007; Waterman,
Owens, Davey, Zacchilli, Belmont, 2010). It was estimated that in the United States
alone, there are around 25,000 ankle sprains suffered each day(Olmsted, Vela,
Denegar, Hertel, 2004). A systematic review has analyzed articles published between
1977 and 2005 in 70 sports, and demonstrated that the ankle was the ... Show more
content on ...
This elastic tape was invented and developed by Dr. Kenso Kase in the 1970s. It is
about the thickness of human skin, and can be stretched to 20 40% of its original
length before being applied over the skin and it has a recoil action that generates a
pulling force on the skin (GГјner Alsancak, 2014). Kinesio tape is one of the new
techniques used in sports for many purposes. This tape can be used for several aims
such as pain reduction and restoring of range of motion (ROM) (Gonzalez Iglesias,
Fernandez de Las Penas, Cleland, Huijbregts, Del Rosario Gutierrez Vega, 2009),
assists muscle facilitation and inhibition (Fayson, Needle, Kaminski, 2015; Subasi et
al., 2016) and improving of joint function and stability (Chang et al., 2010; Hsu,
Chen, Lin, Wang, Shih, 2009). These effects of KT may help in treating and
preventing sport injuries. In addition, proprioception is believed to play an important
role in the prevention and treatment of ankle sprain (Arnold Docherty, 2004). The KT
action mechanism on proprioception is still not well established, especially in healthy
population. Stimulation of the cutaneous mechanoreceptors could be the mechanism
that responsible for improving proprioception when the KT is applied (Chang et al.,
Environmental Impact On Habitat Fragmentation
Habitat fragmentation is happening all around the world, even in developed
countries such as the USA and UK, and is having a detrimental impact on species
biodiversity (Hanski, 2015). Habitat fragmentation is a process by which a landscape
is transformed into an unsuitable habitat for the present species. When a habitat
becomes fragmentated this results in the habitats to develop into smaller patches and
can even create patches of isolation, completely different to its original state (Fahrig,
2003). Fragmentation can occur naturally, through processes such as wildfires and
windfall however, with the constant increase in human population (7 billion in 2017),
habitat fragmentationis becoming more frequent and destructive due to the rise in
human land use (Oikos, 1994).
Healthy biodiversity cannot be maintained with habitat fragmentation being present,
as this will decrease habitat space, structure and connectivity causing a decline in
biodiversity. To measure the impacts habitat fragmentation is having on species, there
have been certain methods which have been conducted to understand its full impact
(Oikos, 1994). Some methods include comparing species richness in artificial habitat
fragmentation patches to species richness in normal conditions, or the common one
being used is to test the relationship between density and patch size. When assessing
habitat fragmentation, species richness is the point of call, as this is believed to not
only show the number of species,
Research Paper On Subway
Subway is an American fast food restaurant franchise. It primarily sells submarine
sandwiches (subs) and salads.
Fred DeLuca along with Dr Peter Buck back in 1965 opened a sandwich store to
help pay his tution fees for medical college. Fred soon learned the basics of running
a business, as well as the importance of serving a well made, high quality product,
providing excellent customer service, keeping operating costs low and finding great
locations. These early lessons continue to serve as the foundation for successful
SUBWAY restaurants around the world.
The first shop was opened in Bridgeport, Connecticut in August, 1965. Then, they set
a goal of having 32 stores opened in 10 years.
By 1974, they owned and operated 16 submarine sandwich ... Show more content on ...
Subway advertise their products, employ personnel that personally sells, involve
public relations and sales promotions in its marketing mix promotional strategy. They
use their slogan, Eat fresh to promote the freshness and high quality food that they
make. Most of their promotions are directed to adults between 18 35, thus their
advertisements are broadcasted majorly during primetime, sports and on cable
networks. Like every other brand, Subway s advertisements are targeted so that the
customers move up the brand from awareness set to consideration set when it comes
to eating in fast food chains. They have been making the sandwiches in front of their
customers to flaunt the quality and freshness of their ingredients and the way their
sandwiches have been crafted by their Subway Sandwich Artists . Subway have
involved cartoon characters like Peter Griffin for promoting their new sandwiches.
They had a promotion series for product placement in US TV series, chuck . They
also had Buy one sandwich, Give one sandwich free promotional campaign on
National Sandwich
The Picture Of Dorian Gray And Doctor Faustus Analysis
Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full
grown, gives birth to death (James 1:15). In The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar
Wilde and Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe; the character progression in the
protagonists of both novels is the epitome of one s demise from greed. Both Dr.
Faustus and Dorian Gray had desires out of their mortal reach, fueling their deals with
Evil for the lust that dwelt within them. However our titular characters had different
motivations that fueled their sin, with this motivation ultimately turning to regret in
the end. Despite the opportunity to repent, both protagonists chose their desires
instead, leading them down a path towards damnation. Both Dorian Gray and Dr.
Faustus had self serving aspirations that goaded both characters to covenant with
demonic powers; however what these aspirations the immoral protagonists had
differed. Dorian Gray was an innocent youth that went down a course of
exceptional hedonism under the influence of Lord Henry and his own volition.
Dorian s journey starts when witnessing Basil s portrait of him stating, If it was I
who were to be forever young, and the picture that were to grow old! unknowingly
selling his soul through the words, I would give everything! Yes, there is nothing
in the whole world I would not give! (Wilde 42). It was this desire to stay eternally
youthful that allows Dorian to freely experience society s vices. The furthest
extent of Dorian s sin was his murder of former friend Basil, who wishes to have
Dorian s influence, be for good, not for evil but in the end this opportunity for
redemption was literally stabbed in the back (Wilde 197). This climax of Dorian s
wickedness leads him to question his actions and the dualist nature between his
angelic appearance and devilish essence; the guilt of his sins weighing heavily on
Dorian s mind. Dorian reminisces of the past stating:
Was it really true that one could never change? He felt a wild longing for the
unstained purity of his boyhood, his rose white boyhood, as Lord Henry had once
called it. He knew that he had tarnished himself, filled his mind with corruption, and
given horror to his fancy; that he had been an evil influence
Dallara Automobili Essay
Dallara Automobili SpA was founded in 1972 in Varano de Melegari, Parma
(Emilia Romagna Italy), by the engineer Gian Paolo Dallara. He is still the
president of the company, and he has a lot of experience starting to work at Ferrari
as soon as graduated at 22, and collecting a lot of skills and knowledge in Maserati,
Lamborghini and DeTommaso, all of them well known supercars manufacturer. At
one point in time of his life, in 1972, he decided to build his own company
following the dream of working in the world of the racing cars. Started alone in his
own garage (as many of the most successful company in the world) he manufactured
some cars body using his capabilities learned from his previous experiences. Years
over years the new small company increase with a few handful of employees,
specialized in designing and manufacturing... Show more content on
The company reached in 2015 €53 million in revenues, with net income around
7million, forecasting for this year, 2016, a turnover close to €70 million. The
consultancy services count about 40% of the revenues. The main markets in which
Dallara operates are Germany, UK, and US. Just 4% of the revenues coming from
Italy, 1/3 in Europe, 1/3 US and 1/3 in the rest of the word. As the CEO Pontremoli
told in a recent speech, the main competitors for Dallara aren t companies itself,
but are territories . In this particular segment of the industry it had been created two
main cluster that share knowledge from the beginning at the school level, till the
production outcome. One of them is the Oxfordshire in UK where are located
companies like McLaren, Mercedes, Lotus, Red Bull, Force India. The other one is
the Motor Valley where Dallara is located itself, in this area you can find Ferrari,
Ducati, Pagani, Toro Rosso, Maserati, Alfa Romeo and all the network
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Ohv Vs Side Valve
Overhead Valve Engine (OHV) VS Side Valve Engine
There are mainly two types of engines that you may see in lawn mowers side valve
and overhead valve engine. As per the research, the Overhead Valve Engine is
more durable as compare to Side Valve Engine. It is seen that Older mowers that
have Overhead Valve Engine give lesser problems because its design is more
efficient and it is more environment friendly. It uses less gas and less carbon build up
that helps prevent the wear down of the engine. The OHV engines are also quieter.
There are mainly two famous engine manufacturers: Honda and Briggs Stratton.
Honda engines manufacture OHV for quite a long time, whereas the Briggs Stratton
makes both OHV and Side Valve Engines. Honda engines are less noisy and reliable
which make them better as compare to others but Honda engines are a bit expensive.
There are other ... Show more content on ...
The corded mowers are lighter in weight since they don t require any battery. As
long as the cord is plugged into the power socket you don t have to worry about the
electric power issues, unlike the cordless mowers in which you need to check if the
mower is fully charged before using it.
Cons OF Corded Lawn Mower
The corded lawn mower has some limitations like it is required to be plugged in all
time while you are mowing, it gets really annoying when you want to mow around
the tree area or any similar obstacle and you definitely don t want the cord to get
entangled around the tree while you are mowing.
Cordless Lawn Mower
A Cordless Lawn Mower is one that runs on battery and does not require any cables
or cords to be plugged in to run the mower. It comes with lithium batteries which are
required to be charged before you mow your lawn. Let s go through some pros and
cons of the cordless lawn mower.
Pros Of Cordless Lawn
Nature and Causes of Global Money Laundering
Kiran Aftab (Roll # 01) Afifa Naseer (Roll # 68) MBA 2004 4th Semester
Introduction 6
History 9
Money laundering and Globalization 13
Nature of Money laundering ... Show more content on ...
Money laundering is the processing of these criminal proceeds to disguise their
illegal origin. This process is of critical importance, as it enables the criminal to enjoy
these profits without jeopardizing their source.
Illegal arms sales, smuggling, and the activities of organized crime, including for
example drug trafficking and prostitution rings, can generate huge sums.
Embezzlement, insider trading, bribery and computer fraud schemes can also
produce large profits and create the incentive to legitimize the ill gotten gains through
money laundering.
When a criminal activity generates substantial profits, the individual or group
involved must find a way to control the funds without attracting attention to the
underlying activity or the persons involved. Criminals do this by disguising the
sources, changing the form, or moving the funds to a place where they are less likely
to attract attention.
As money laundering is a necessary consequence of almost all profit generating
crime, it can occur practically anywhere in the world. Generally, money launderers
tend to seek out areas in which there is a low risk of detection due to weak or
ineffective anti money laundering programmes. Because the objective of money
laundering is to get the illegal funds back to the individual who generated them,
launderers usually prefer to move funds through areas with stable financial systems.
It is very
What Is The Difference Between Bernard Ponemerance And
Bernard Pomerance and the Elephant Man
Bernard Pomerance was born in 1940 in Brooklyn, New York. He attended college
at the University of Chicago, where he received a degree in English. In the 1970 s
Pomerance moved to London, England to become a novelist. He was unsuccessful
and then decided to try his hand as a dramatist. He quickly got involved with
several left wing fringe groups, which where at the time thriving in England. Then,
along with director Ronald Rees, he founded the Foco Nove Theater group.
Throughout Pomeranc s career nearly all of his plays were at one time preformed at
his Foco Novo theater..
Pomerance became fairly successful as a play write. His first play, High in Vietnam
Hot Damn, was first produced by the ... Show more content on ...
The movie was also popular and received high praise. John Hurt, Anthony Hopkins,
Wendy Hiller, and Anne Bancraft all stared in the movie and did an excellent job.
Although the movie was as popular as the play, it was extemely different. One of
the major problems with the movie is the makeup of John Merrick, the main
character. Because it is a movie they can not rely on the theatricalness of the play.
Merrick s character is forced to where a horrible costume which makes him almost
to difficult to look at. This makes it very different from the play because in the play
it is extremely important that the actor does nothing to make himself look the way
the real John Merrick looked. In 1980, in one of the most famous productions of
The Elephant Man, the main character of John Merrick was played by David
Bowie. Merrick s character is extremely difficult to play. The entire play, including
the tittle is based on the deformities of John Merrick, yet the actor who preforms
his roll is forced to do so using no padding or makeup to make himself look
deformed. They must rely solely on their talent to persuade the audience to believe
how terrible he looks. It is imperative to the play that they do not ware any kind of
costume to make themselves look deformed. The only thing they are allowed to do
is bend their bodies. Anything else is believed to take away form the play
The Elephant Man is a true story inspired by a man named John Merrick.
A Neglected Anniversary Of The New York Evening Mail
Journalism has held an important role in society since the seventeenth century;
people have depended on journalists to provide new and important information
concerning a wide variety of topics. This dependency has led to a great deal of trust
in journalists and their word and allowed for journalists to publish what they please.
Mencken took advantage of the people s trust when he published the article A
Neglected Anniversary in the New York Evening Mail. Mencken created his own
history of the bathtub and released it to the public in 1917. The manner in which the
article is written completely deceived the readers; many truly believed Mencken s
account was true, and the story was believed for quite some time, even after Mencken
revealed the truth. The developing trust in journalism and a journalist s word during
the early twentieth century created for the instant acceptance and longevity in belief
of Mencken s hoax. As previously stated, the hoax began with the publication of the
article A Neglected Anniversary in 1917, which was reprinted in 1926 in the article
The Bathtub Fable That Caused a Furore; Mencken stated that the bathtub was
considered a health hazard and the use of them was frowned upon until President
Fillmore installed the first bathtub in the White House. The hoax gained nation wide
publicity when newspapers, including The Philadelphia Inquirer, began publishing
Rise of the Bathtub, which was a summary of Mencken s original article. Mencken
Neolithic Revolution Turning Points
Political, economic, and social conditions have often led to turning points that have
changed the course of history for nations and peoples. For instance, neolithic
revolution and the fall of Rome has greatly contributed to changes that has occurred
in history. The Neolithic Revolution was a great shift from a nomadic style of living
such as hunting into a settled down society. The idea of farming was created making
the society s life more structured. In the 15th and 16th centuries, the renaissance came
to full power. This introduced a newer and broader outlook on life. The society s
view became more secular. This became the turning point in history, causing people
to look more into logic and reasoning, causing the enlightenment. Before the
Neolithic Revolution, there was nomadic lifestyle of hunting and gathering food for
survival. People stayed in one place as long as the sources they needed to survive
was present. If sources weren t available, people would move to another place for
survival. Therefore, there was no permanent or final settlement.Due to the discovery
of farming, the Neolithic Revolution began. Once the techniques of... Show more
content on ...
The Renaissance was a cultural movement that first began in Florence, Italy, and then
it later spread throughout Europe. It started around 1350 and ended around 1600.
Renaissance structured the educational and cultural advancements. Education became
more on science than simply learning what ancient authorities said. Before the
Renaissance, in the middle age, the outlook of the society was very narrow. People
believed highly on superstitions and myths rather than on the truth and the scientific
facts. Education was usually centered around the Church. It was based on Biblical
teachings and its whole purpose was to get people ready to be leaders in the
The Role Of Faith In The Fire Next Time, By James Baldwin
Baldwin questions problems in faith and how to address them, as well as continuing
his insistence that relations with God must be forged in the fires of repentance and
humility. To question faith only to rise from the temptation causes one to become
stronger, but one must also repent in order to become holy (Bloom). In The Fire Next
Time, He writes that It is not too much to say that whoever wishes to become a truly
moral human being... must first divorce himself from all the prohibitions, crimes, and
hypocrisies of the Christian Church (The Fire Next Time, 42). The Christian church
is not perfect, and through questioning religionand determining one s faith one can
create a connection with God. He questions the necessity of the existence of... Show
more content on ...
This theme of religious conflict carries on to another of Baldwin s stories.
Throughout Go Tell It on the Mountain, Baldwin shows the suffering and
temptations that lead to his characters downfalls and how their refusal to admit to
being anything less than virtuous leads to their spiritual failures (Welsh). Aunt
Florence s confrontation with death is clouded by ambition, as well as the envy
and hatred towards her brother, which she does not admit to herself (Leer, 3).
Elizabeth s love for John s father, while valid, is not strong enough to bridge the
gap between her and her husband. Rory is aggressive towards whites, and he is
unable to be saved through religion because he does not accept his flaws. John,
through his experience on the church floor, is able to be redeemed while battling the
hellish side of himself. He battles with his father Gabriel, a walking metaphor for
God, and eventually he kneels before the cross (Leer, 7). Gabriel, while the most
passionate about religion, is also the most hypocritical and reprehensible character in
Mother-Daughter Conflict in Amy Tan s The Joy Luck
We live in a mobile and global world with the development of the technology. Still
America continues to be the symbol of the land of freedom and of opportunity.
Arriving to America, the Chinese immigrants who come from a traditional,
structured, old world struggle to find a balance in a modern and dynamic new world.
In order to realize the American dream, the first generation of immigrants have to
learn the language, acquire education, and assimilate into the dominant culture. They
courageously leave the past behind except what they carry in their memory. Thus,
immigrants often experience shock and resistance in dealing with the new world
culture. This is especially true for the second generation Chinese Americans who
resist and are... Show more content on ...
Both Tan and Maxine Hong Kingston recognize the difficulties faced by women in
such a regimented society. Kingston in The Woman Warrior tells of the folk sayings
that proclaimed the worthlessness of women, such as [t]here s not profit in raising
girls. Better to raise geese than girls, or [w]hen fishing for treasures in the flood, be
careful not to pull in girls (195,6). According to Anne P. Standley, Kingston tells of
her lifelong struggle to fashion an identity on her own terms and to draw sustenance
from her Chinese culture while rejecting its sexist values (165).
For her part, Tan in Joy Luck Club illustrates the cultural differences between these
two conflicting generations by alternating the voices of the mothers with those of the
daughters. Four mothers with a painful past in pre 1949 describe their struggles in
China against traditional female roles and family domination. By coming to
America they are bringing their hope for a better life which they try to instill into
their children. At the start of the book, Jing Mei sits in the seat for her deceased
mother who had started the mah jong club in 1949 in San Francisco. The Joy Luck
aunties inform Jing Mei that she has two half sisters in China. She has to go to
China to instill in the sisters the spirit of their mother. Jing Mei cries out, What can I
tell about my mother? I don t know anything (31). Jing Mei is ashamed of her cultural
background. She thinks of
Zzzquil Case Analysis
Zzzquil, our client, is a sleep aid product from the makers of Vicks NyQuil. It
belongs to the OTC Sleep Aid Industry and is looking to further its market share
since our client is fairly new to the industry, joining in 2012. Zzzquil is primarily
focused on gaining market share by targeting primarily single adult women (ages
35+) with a household income no greater then 50k. This Situation Analysis will
thoroughly explore six main topics with each their own subtopics. The six main
topics that will be covered are the following: Industry Overview, Client Profile,
Competitor Profiles, Comparative Analysis, and Consumer Analysis. Industry
Overview will take a look at how the Industry came about, whether or not the industry
is growing or declining,
Les Miserables Movie Analysis
Les MisГ©rables is a movie that takes place in 1815 to 1832 during June Rebellion.
During this time period, King Louis XVIII holds the throne for the beginning and it
changes to King Charles X who is exiled during the July revolution. Louis Philippe d
OrlГ©ans then assumes the power and starts the July monarchy. Les MisГ©rables
details the story about a man, Jean Valjean, who was once a prisoner for 19 years
freed by Javert. Jean Valjean reinvents himself into a mayor and factory owner
through unlawful behaviors. Javert however, vows to make sure that he captures
Jean and puts him back into prison. Eight years later, Valjean takes in a child,
Cosette, after her mother s death. However, Jean s life is not peaceful due to
Javert s pursuit. A memorable quote shown in the movie was Don t you fret,
Monsieur Marius. I don t feel any pain. A little fall of rain can hardly hurt me now.
You re here. That s all I need to know. And you will keep me safe, and you will keep
me close, and rain will make the flowers grow. This quote is significant as it allows
readers to directly The movie Les MisГ©rables is a historically accurate movie
because it displays the horrendous living conditions, the will for change as well as
the funeral of General Lamarque accurately. France s living condition was shown as
very poor during the 1832 rebellion as child labor, starvation and food shortages
were present. However, these conditions did not really change since 1789. Children
are seen in the movie
Life Alterations In The Pigman By Paul Zindel
Life Alterations
Has a friend or family member recently had a life altering hardship which affected
their lifestyle? In the Book The Pigman by Paul Zindel there were many examples
of hardships that led to a changing of the character s feelings, attitude and lifestyle.
Such changes are like chunks of snow on a paved, smooth road. They are bumps
which alter one s view for moments, but when the bump is surpassed one can see
clearly again and are back on the smoothly paved road. Throughout the story, many
ice chunks were overcome. For example, Concetta died, Lorraine s dad cheated on
her mom, and Lorraine and John threw a party. Ultimately, these events resulted in
the changing of character traits. Hardships can make a big change in someone s
Falling in love is an easy way to become heartbroken. If a loved one may leave, that
change may alter your everyday life or mood. Likewise, Pigman experienced
complications once his wife had died. For example, as Pigman whimpered She loved
me, we loved each other, we didn t ... Show more content on ...
For example, Lorraine, seeing a chance to throw a party at someone elseЕ› house
which is the ВЁcoolВЁ thing to do, threw a party at PigmanЕ› home while he way
away. Deep down the two knew that throwing the party was a betrayal of trust
Pigman had in them. The distress Pigman had when he found his home trashed was
overwhelming for him. As Lorraine wrote ВЁHe was just standing there looking
down at me, and there was no smile on his face. No smile at all (Zindel 128). After
the fact, Pigman ignored Lorraine and John which resulted in them having to spend
time in their own homes, which was a big change for them. During the time which
the three were not talking many changes arose. The party changed Pigman, Lorraine
and JohnЕ› lives temporarily. Rather, few may say that the party was harmless and
had only wrecked physical possessions, but that is inaccurate in that theirs and
PigmanЕ› trust was
Compare And Contrast The Molarity Of Acetic Acid And...
Concentration is the profusion of a component divided by the solvent. Dilute
solutions contain relatively little solute in a particular volume of solvent. While
concentrated solution has relatively great amount of solute in a particular quantity of
solvent. There are many term that can be used to describe concentration and two of
them are percent by mass and molarity.
Molarity means number of moles of a solute in a litre of solution. molarity(M)=(mole
of solute)/(liter of solution)
Percent by mass means the mass (g) of solute per mass (g) of solution
Percent solute=(grams solute)/(grams solution) x 100%
Vinegar is a diluted acetic acid (CH3COOH) and the concentration of the vinegar can
be determined by using titration method. ... Show more content on ...
Volume of NaOH required to neutralize vinegar (mL)10.210.3
Calculate the molarity of acetic acid in vinegar for titration 1 and 2.
Titration 1:
10.2 mL NaOH x 1L/1000mL=0.0102L NaOH
0.0102 L NaOH x (0.61005 mol NaOH)/(1L NaOH solution)=0.006223 mol NaOH
0.006223 mol NaOH x (1 mol acetic acid)/(1 mol NaOH)=0.006223 mol acetic acid
10 Ml acetic acid x 1L/(1000 mL)=0.01L acetic acid solution
M= (mol acetic acid)/(L of solution)=0.006223/(0.01 L solution)=0.6223 M acetic
Titration 2:
10.3 mL NaOH x 1L/1000mL=0.0103L NaOH
0.0103 L NaOH x (0.61005 mol NaOH)/(1L NaOH solution)=0.006284 mol NaOH
0.006284 mol NaOH x (1 mol acetic acid)/(1 mol NaOH)=0.006284 mol acetic acid
10 Ml acetic acid x 1L/(1000 mL)=0.01L acetic acid solution
M= (mol acetic acid)/(L of solution)=0.006284/(0.01 L solution)=0.6284 M acetic
Calculate the average molarity of acetic acid for each titration
(0.6223 M acetic acid+ 0.6284 M acetic acid )/2=0.6254 M acetic acid Calculate the
percentage by mass of acetic acid for each titration 1 and 2.
Titration 1:
0.01L acetic acid x (0.6223 M acetic acid)/(1L solution) x (60.06 g acetic acid)/(1 mol
acetic acid)=0.3738 g acetic
Summary Of King Leary s Gross Misconduct
King Leary s Gross Misconduct
The term gross misconduct is defined as, a match penalty that was imposed to
players and team personnel for extreme unsportsmanlike conduct. ( Gross
Misconduct par. 1) This hockey term fits the character Percival King Leary
appropriately as he treated his dear friend Manny Oz very poorly. Although Leary
made many mistakes in his friendship with Manfred, he manages to redeem himself
at the end of the novel. In this paper, I will explain how Leary betrays Manny, how
he feels guilt throughout the entire novel, and finally, how he manages to redeem
himself in the end. Leary accomplishes betraying Manfred multiple times in the
novel. The initial betrayal eventually leads Manny to his death, which will be
explained later. The first example can be found on pages 137 138, where Poppa
Rivers and Leary have a conversation: Poppa Rivers said, Tell Manfred to stop
drinking. (...) Say to him, Manfred, stop drinking liquor. Do not drink it anymore.
(...) But no one has said this to him: because you love me I m asking you for this
promise, that you will stop drinking this liquor that hurts you so badly. (...) If you
were going to do it, you would have said yes. But you haven t. So you won t. (...)
Oh, I suppose you might say, Hey Manny, go easy on the boozing, but you won t
make him promise, and it won t work. (Quarrington) By Leary never telling this to
Manfred, he passed away on New Year s Day, 1937. (Quarrington, 100) That
example proves that Leary

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Argumentative Essay Cell Phones. cell phone argument writing unit Argumentative essay, Essay, Cell ...

  • 1. Argumentative Essay Cell Phones Writing an essay on the topic of "Argumentative Essay Cell Phones" can present both challenges and opportunities for exploration. On one hand, cell phones have become an integral part of modern life, influencing various aspects of society, communication, and daily routines. On the other hand, the abundance of information and diverse perspectives on the subject can make it challenging to navigate and present a well-reasoned argument. One difficulty lies in striking a balance between acknowledging the undeniable benefits of cell phones, such as improved communication, access to information, and convenience, while also addressing the potential drawbacks, such as privacy concerns, addiction, and the impact on face- to-face interactions. It requires a nuanced approach to avoid oversimplification and to provide a comprehensive view of the topic. Additionally, the rapid evolution of technology means that new developments and studies are constantly emerging. Staying up-to-date with the latest research findings and societal trends related to cell phones is essential for crafting a relevant and informed argument. This ongoing process of research and synthesis can be time-consuming but is crucial for creating a well- supported essay. Crafting a compelling thesis statement that captures the essence of the argument and guides the essay's direction is another challenge. It requires careful consideration of the chosen stance on cell phones and a clear articulation of the main points to be discussed. Organizing these points in a logical and coherent manner throughout the essay is equally important for ensuring clarity and persuasiveness. In conclusion, writing an argumentative essay on the topic of cell phones demands thorough research, critical thinking, and the ability to present a well-balanced perspective. It involves navigating through a plethora of information, addressing potential counterarguments, and staying current with the latest developments in technology and society. Despite the challenges, successfully tackling this topic can result in a thought-provoking and insightful essay. For assistance with similar essays or any other writing needs, one can explore services like, where expert writers can provide guidance and support in crafting well- researched and compelling pieces on a variety of subjects. Argumentative Essay Cell Phones Argumentative Essay Cell Phones
  • 2. Cell Theory 1.Cell theory just give a description of a cells. Like all living things are made up of cells individually. Also describes how cells can reproduce and metabolize by themselves; which means that they are living small organisms. Germ theory just clarifies on how these microbes are responsible for the infectious diseases that enter the body. 2.Acellular microbe is not a living cell, so its not able to reproduce or metabolize. The acellular microbe is grown within a host (human). It can be identified as a viru, virion, and prion. Its really small compared to a cellular microbe since it is around the size of a organelle and a large molecule. While the cellular microbe is bigger and can be spotted better on microscope. A cellular microbe is living.... Show more content on ... Unlike the gram negative wall, which has two. Beneath the glycocalyx there s the first layer called the peptidoglycan for the gram positive cell wall. As for the gram negative cell wall is a lot more complex. It has plasma membrane on the bottom of the glycocalyx. This plasma membrane has a toxin (endotoxin) that can cause very fatal symptoms to a patient; even shock can occur. Right under this toxin wall there s the peptidoglycan. 4.During sporulation can occur when one cell can construct one spore. The way this formation works is by when the cell that this bacteria is in a chemical environment in which it is stressed that it ll form spores within the cell. The spore itself doesn t not have a metabolism. Although it does put a battle whenever WBC (white blood cells) and any type of disinfectants try to get rid of it. The bacterial endospore is made out of a dense keratin outer coat and a chromosome that does contain genetic material. 5.The plasmid is a extra piece of genetic information of DNA that lies within the bacterial cell. It results that there is a 2 sources of genomic material in the bacteria within the cell. On the other hand transposon are combined to the genetic material of the cell that was already there Resulting that there still is one source of genetic information in the
  • 3. The Ethnic Groups in Malaysia and Its Culture The Ethnic Relation and Culture in Malaysia. By just looking at the title above, you know what I am going to talk about. Yes, you are right, the culture of our magnificent country. Our country is actually envied by many foreigners. Why? Well, one of the main reasons is because of how we Malaysians can live in harmony for many years, even though we consist of many different races and ethnic groups. The culture of our country started out with the unique combination and amount of ethnic groups in our country. Let s understand more of our country s ethnic group before we go on shall we? Let me briefly introduce to you the three major ethnic groups in our country, the Malay, Chinese and the Indians. Firstly, the Malays, also known... Show more content on ... In Sabah and Sarawak, they consists a large number of ethnic groups even I never heard of! Although living in the same country, I still do not know much of my people; it is a shame for many young people nowadays too, all they know are mainly the three main ethnic groups. Besides that, another we must not forget about is that many foreigners, or shall I say legal immigrants came to our country live as citizens of Malaysia. For example, the Koreans, Japanese, Filipinos, Indonesians, etc because of the way we live. Being a Malaysian, we are very lucky. We live in a place where there are no serious and deadly problems like natural disasters or war. Besides that, the pace of how we live is very slow, carefree and we don t have much stress compare to other country. Studies show that the Koreans and Japanese in the country came because they wanted to live the Malaysian way. The main question our country s people are asking is, why Malaysia? Of all countries, why pick Malaysia? Why does so many people from the outside wants to come to our country while we, people of Malaysia wants to migrate to other people s country? Maybe one day, Malaysia s three major ethnic groups are Malays, Japanese and Koreans. It would be very weird. Malaysia will not be Malaysia anymore. Ethnic relations go way back into our country s history. They are not just the natural consequences of the differences between cultures. Due to peninsular Malaysia s strategic
  • 4. The Philosophy Of The World What must one do when confronted with the question of How to live ethically ? Is there a set rule or guideline one must follow to live correctly? Is there a key to happiness? These questions are common and are known as the philosophies of life. The most difficult thing to communicate about philosophy is how ethical ideas are rooted in ideas of how the world works. What we believe to be ethical or not comes from simply our understanding of how the world works. A philosophy of Epicureanism focuses on the pleasures of life. I will argue that the idea that pleasure is the starting point and goal of living blessedly. (128) Epicureanism is a philosophy that advocates hedonism, which classifies pleasures as being the highest good. The key... Show more content on ... For the third truth, he addresses how money and material things do not bring happiness. Money and other possessions, besides food and shelter, do not correlate with happiness. Lastly, the natural order of life shows how pain comes and goes and how everything that is unpleasant will eventually pass. Epicurus explains how suffering is temporary and with this mindset anything can be tolerable. In Epicurus s Letter to Menoeceus, Epicurus gives advice on how to live a happy life. He states: The unwavering contemplation of these enables one to refer every choice and avoidance to the health of the body and the freedom of the soul from disturbance, since this is the goal of a blessed life. (128) His advice expresses how a happy life is twofold; health of the body and freedom of the soul from disturbance. A man who become accustomed to the simple necessities of life is one that is completely healthy; a man who searches for the reasons for his every choice, while getting rid of other opinions, is one whose soul is free from disturbance. He stresses three key points to obtain this happiness. So every pleasure is a good thing, since it has a natural congenial [to us], but not everyone is to be chosen. Just as every pain too is a bad thing, but not everyone is such as to be always avoided. (129) It is, however, appropriate to make all these decisions by comparative measurement and an examination of the advantages and disadvantages. For at
  • 5. The Plea Bargain System And Fairness, Morality, And Process The entire plea bargain system has glaring issues of fairness, morality, and process. It needs an overhaul. Plea bargains are a way to get rid of some cases due to the sheer number of cases in the judicial system. There are not enough resources for most cases to reach trial. Innocent defendants are often pressured and coerced into accepting plea bargains. Prosecutors create uncertainty among defendants by aggressively handling each individual each often making threats that they can not actually back up. While this is fairly effective, it is not fair to the defendants. Additionally, it more time is spent on strategy and games then on discovering the truth. However, no case should receive biased treatment. Prosecutors sometimes blatantly... Show more content on ... The advantages, gamesmanship, and leverage that account for a plea bargain override an honest and fair assessment of truth (Strutin, 2013). This statement is painfully accurate. Yale Law Journal (1972) states that the elimination of the maximum number of trials is the purpose of the plea bargain. Plea bargains are a largely a result of a need for speed and efficiency in the courts. However, efficiency comes at a significant cost: innocent defendants are induced to plead guilty (Gilchrist, 2011). In many, cases plea bargains are too efficient. These wrongful convictions not only harm the innocent persons who plead guilty; they undermine the reliability of all convictions (Gilchrist, 2011). This brings controversy over all plea bargains .Speed and efficiency should never be placed over reaching the correct verdict. All that is needed for a plea bargain is admission from the defendant; however, a defendant cannot convict themselves with a testimony in trial. This practice illustrates the controversy of plea bargains as compared to more reliable trials. Plea bargains allow for defendants to be coerced into giving false admissions of guilt. Additionally, defendants are confused by their emotions during the plea bargain process. When faced with the difficult decision of a plea bargain, innocent defendants are often hurt by their emotions, which should not be the case. Gilchrist (2011) writes, Plea bargaining generates
  • 6. The Misrepresentation Of Arabs Culture In Hollywood The misrepresentation of minorities is frequent in Hollywood films and Arabs are one of the many minority groups Hollywood misrepresent. Arabs are portrayed negatively in films for long time even before 9/11. The Arabs characters are portrayed with always having accent, wearing traditional attire, untrustworthy, aggressive and almost always associated with terrorism. The continuously falsification could lead to stereotypes, misjudgment, and damage to Arabic culture. There are handful of movies released featuring Arabs characters in a negative way although the one that caught my attention is Rules of Engagement. The film Rules of Engagement, was produced by Scott Rudin and Richard D. Zanuck, which was released in March 31st 2000. The film star leading characters are Samuel L. Jackson and Tommy Lee Jones. The film illustrates how misrepresentation of Arabs culture and tradition is being normalized. The film is about a U.S. Marines whose base was in Yemen and had conflict with the civilians. The Arabs in the film were portrayed as violent people who were killing the Marines at the U.S. Embassy, where the civilians were protesting. The film set unacceptable image of Arabs. In American society where technology is advanced image is a big deal because society perceive image as important. Hollywoodas the biggest entertainer in the world set unacceptable image of Arabs and the images has a power to change people s perspective of how to view/interpret the
  • 7. A Critique Of The Chinese Room Argument (Not) Mere Semantics: A Critique of the Chinese Room The Roman Stoic, Seneca, is oft quoted that it is the power of the mind to be unconquerable (Seneca, 1969). And so seems that, in recent times, Searle has produced a similar rhetoric. (At least insofar as strong AI might conquer and reducibly explain mental states). This essay will attempt to do two things: 1) Examine three central objections to Searle s Chinese Room Argument (CRA); these being the Systems Reply (SR), Deviant Causal Chain (DCC), and what I have termed the Essence Problem. The CRA is found to survive the first three, while damaged by the fourth for its question begging form. And, 2) it will propose a The Chinese Room Searle s 1980 essay, Minds, Brains and Programs is ... Show more content on ... The latter more specifically states that thoughts are certain kinds of computation and, as universal Turing machines can compute any kind of computable function, they can in principle be programmed to actuate a human mind. Searle s argument can be put propositionally as: 1.If Strong AI is true, then there is a program for Chinese such that if any computing system runs that program, that system thereby comes to understand Chinese. 2.I could run a program for Chinese without thereby coming to understand Chinese. 3.Therefore Strong AI is false. (Cole, 2014) Although it should be pointed out that what Searle s precise position has come under scrutiny and there is reason to change what might be considered the success of the paper depending on what these reading differences are. (Harnad, 2001) Weak AI : the claim that computers are merely able to simulate rather than literally think. It would seem that much of the battle over the CRA s validity turns on different intuitions of whether semantic content is reducible to syntactic frameworks. (Can computationalism provide a scientific theory which might elucidate the essential nature of content?) Systems Reply (Fodor and Block) Searle (1991a) deftly produces an argument to block the systems objection, namely that the individual internalise all the elements of the system. So he concludes, If he doesn t understand, then there is no way the system could understand because the
  • 8. The Importance Of School Choice It is almost July, and the youth of Cambridge are becoming accustomed to their (brief) period of summer freedom. For most, the law says they must go back to school in September. There is no choice. But for some there is a difference. Teenagers who will soon arrive at the age of sixteen will suddenly find a law that is in their favor and for the first time they can make their own choice about going to school. If sixteen year olds decide not to go to school, no truant officer will come chasing after them trying to force their attendance. Whether kids stay in school or not, that is a matter for their own independent choice. INDEPENDENT? Here we are getting ready for July 4th and no one has identified a special role for youth. Think about... Show more content on ... We hold these truths to be self evident, that all boys and girls are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, schools are instituted among boys and girls, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of schooling becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the students to reject such institutions at the earliest legal opportunity, and to institute new forms of personal education, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that schools long established should not be rejected for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under tedium, boredom, testing and and bullying, it is their right, it is their duty, to reject such schooling, and to provide new methods for their
  • 9. What I Have Learned From Watching Blood Diamond And Babel All around the world, people go on with their daily lives focusing on what is relevant to them at that given moment. Very rarely do we stop and think about how our actions affect someone in another part of the world, and even more rarely do we care. Every once in a while we donate, send our prayers over Facebook, or rally against unjust treatment and terrorism. However, what I have learned from watching Blood Diamondand Babel is that more often than not, we unknowingly contribute to the very instances we seek to fight against. Every action we do, especially in affluent countries, has a global affect. In the movies, the intertwined story lines of seemingly separated characters impressively demonstrates themes of globalizationsuch as the effect of war and affluence, the interconnections of countries and their habitants, and cultural differences that can lead to violence and shock. The effects that shadow networks and war have on the world deems them astonishingly global. The most obvious case of this is in the movie Blood Diamond. The movie takes place during the war between the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) and the government in Sierra Leone, West Africa. The plot follows Danny Archer, a diamond smuggler for the powerful Van De Kaap Diamond Company as he tries to find a rare diamond. However, the most effective and global part of the movie is how it demonstrates the shadows that run the economy. Archer describes for a journalist, Maddie, how the system of the shadows
  • 10. Social Mobility Essay As a child I remember hearing stories about a lost family fortune from my father s side of the family. I never put a lot of stock into those stories, but evidently they were true. My father s side was comprised of farmers for many generations. The Owens family owned thousands of acres of land in Kentucky, on which they farmed tobacco and raised horses and cattle. My father, Leland, blames his grandfather s generation for whittling away the familys money. Even with the loss of prestige of owning such an abundance of land, the family continued to farm. I suppose it is all they knew. They became good, working class farmers and small business owners, working on their modest sized farms. But they did own the land which separates them from the... Show more content on ... Another older brother Mike was the first to go to college. My father was only a teen ager when his brothers went away from the farm life. That, paired with the death of their father, Harlan, in 1975 when my dad was 16, became the death of the farm, as well. While many of his siblings have simply moved horizontally and continue to be working class, as machinists and factory employees, other have progressed to the middle class, as factory managers. My father and his older brother Mike have vertically shifted into the upper middle class. After a BS in Computer Science and numerous certifications in software and web development, my father is now a Software Analyst for Eli Lilly and Co. As my father s side was primarily farmers until his generation, my mother s side of the family was comprised of primarily factory workers until her generation. Like my father s family, Nancee s family was mostly working class, but there was a tendency for them to become the working poor. Working in factories and on the railways provided work for my Great Grandparents Bessie and Charles. But they made a vertical shift downward to the working poor when Charles decided that he would rather drink than work. Then Bessie began to do laundry and my Grandmother, Ramona, had to get a job working in a shoe factory in the evenings after school. Even
  • 11. The Labor Market Introduction The landscape of the labor market is a critical factor in the economic comparison of different countries. Countries with a friendly job market are economically stronger because such an economy is able to achieve high living standards for its citizens. This paper therefore endeavors to explore some of the trends in the labor market in the US, EU, Japan and China Unemployment Rates As per August 2016 the unemployment rate was reported to be at 4.9% percent by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and this is the first time the unemployment rate fell below 5% since 2008. However, despite the fall in unemployment rates it is worth considering that only a few of the adults are working. Only 62.7% of the adult Americans are working and this has been so since the late 1970s.n On the other hand, the unemployment rate in the EU was rated at 10.2% in April which is the lowest rate since 2011. In the EU, Greece is by far the country with the highest unemployment rate of 23.3% particularly due to its economic meltdown. On the other hand Malta and Germany have recorded the lowest unemployment rates in 2016 of about 4%. In Asia, the unemployment rate in China by June 2016 was rated to be 4.05%. In the first half of 2016, 7.17 million jobs were created in the majority of the Chinese urban cities therefore accounting for 71.7% of China s yearly target of 10 million jobs. In Japan, the jobless rate rose to 3.1 % in August 2016 from 3.0% in July. The unemployment rate in Japan
  • 12. Karen Horney Archer Personality Traits Sterling Malory Archer is the main character in FX s cartoon series Archer. Archer s personality is mainly shaped around his childhood. He is a smooth, insensitive, borderline narcissistic, spy that works for his mother. Archer was a lonely a child and didn t get a lot of attention from his mom, and he didn t know who his father was till later on in the show. Karen Horney s view on personality shows best for an assessment for Archer. I will be assessing Archer s personality using a psychodynamic theory. Archer was raised mostly by his caretaker, Woodhouse, until he was old enough for him to be able to attend Boarding School (15 years). His mother also favorited her Afghan hound, Duchess, which later on Archer Adopts as a nickname/call sign... Show more content on ... As I said before Archer did not have a loving childhood, so Archer felt as if he was nothing. Karen Horney believed that childhood tensions are more social, and not sexual. She also believed that personality was mostly based on culture. In the episode The Man from Jupiter, Burt Reynolds starts dating Archer s mom and Boss, Malory. Archer just as when he was a kid, got jealous because his mom shows again that she cares for someone other than him. Also Archer had a man crush on Reynolds. Later in the episode Archer tries to break up their relationship while being chased by a Cuban hit squad. Archer thinks that the world revolves around him, he is very egotistic. If assist with anyone or anything else, it is for his own benefit. In the episode White Knights, Archer travels to Russia to find out his who his true father is. Archer then gets kidnapped by the KGB because Nikoli Jakov, the head of the KGB believes Archer possibly could be his son. Malory Archer (Archer s mom and Boss) concerned, sends Barry Dylan best ODIN agent to rescue Archer. Archer later on Barry slip to his death, hanging from Archer s feet from a couple stories, instead Archer uses the opportunity to
  • 13. 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami Research Paper 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami Introduction On the 26th of December ( Boxing Day) a monster earthquake and tsunami formed in the Indian Ocean killing about a million people and displacing well over three million. The earthquake measured 9.2 on the seismograph which is the third largest earthquake ever recorded. If you think this is enough shortly after a tsunami formed battering countries all around the Indian Ocean with monstrous swells and strong winds. The epicentre of this disaster was in the mainland of Indonesia which also happened to be the worst every affected country followed by Sri Lanka then India.This made the earth move over a centre metre and caused aftershocks in places as far away as Alaska. This also prompted the biggest ever humanitarian response of over 14 billion dollars and also thousands of workers to help in the huge clean up process which ended up to take about five years to complete. What is Humanitarian aid? Humanitarian response is providing short term help to those in need while the government does not have the money to look after all its citizens. Humanitarian aid is normally giving some of the simplest things like water, clothes and shelter which at the time can be extremely ... Show more content on ... Indonesia is one of the most disaster prone countries in the world meaning that there are over 100 earthquakes every year and also 130 active volcanoes. This means there are a lot of overseas aid agencies that go over there to help.Over the years after the earthquake Red Cross alone provided sanitation to over 2000 people and also built about 2100 homes for the displaced. The total amount raised by Red Cross was about 125 million dollars which all went towards helping Indonesia alone ( including pay for workers ). Along with this disaster Red Cross managed to make a ambulance service in many parts of Indonesia and also trained a further sixty people with basic first aid and ambulance
  • 14. President Andrew Jackson Should Stay On The 20 Dollar Bill America has been shaped and reshaped in various instances throughout its history; some of the men that played vital roles in achieving the status we now possess have been immortalized in our currency. President Andrew Jackson, is one of the few American leaders that was chosen to live on forever; however, many now argue whether or not Jackson truly deserves the honor to be represented in the 20 dollar bill arguing that there are other better qualified people to take his place; an example being Harriet Tubman. I believe that President Andrew Jacksonshould stay on the 20 dollar bill. Although many of his personal beliefs contradict many of our current beliefs and values, we shouldn t judge him on them; rather, we should judge President Jackson on his actions as a president and how he impacted the nation as a leader. Thanks to the hard decisions that President Jackson had to take America was able to advance the way it did. We wouldn t be the United Statesof America we are today without President Jackson. The son of Irish immigrants, Jackson started from near to nothing and worked his way up just like the rest of us. His mother was widowed while pregnant with him. The Revolutionary War that soon followed, was very bloody in the rather wild and poor country where they lived, and Jackson at 13 years, joined a regiment. Captured by the British, he was wounded and nearly killed by a sword for not polishing a British officer s boots. He and his brother, imprisoned together,
  • 15. Cambodia Genocide Essay The Cambodian Genocide was the result of imperialism, ethnic supremacy, ultra nationalism, anti colonialism, a power grab, and religion. It began with the Cambodian people struggling against French colonization and grew in inspiration from Vietnam (end genocide). The French believed that Cambodia was a gateway into China to expand their trade with Southeast Asia. The French occupied southern Vietnamand wanted to expand their territory. There were many civil wars and invasions in Cambodiafought between the Vietnamese and Thai, and it greatly affected Cambodia. While the French did help Cambodia become independent and grew their infrastructure, while exploiting Cambodian labor, they failed to educate Cambodian people and establish a solid and effective judiciary system (Cambodia tribunal). Thus began their feelings of anti colonialism. During the Vietnam War, the U.S. used Cambodia as a base to regroup, but also bombed the country to kill suspected Viet Cong targets. This began their feelings of imperialism and ultra nationalism. The Khmer Rougebegan feeling great animosity towards the West for their influenced corruption to Cambodian land and its people. Between January and August of 1973, 300,000 Cambodians were killed by American bombers that had joined forces with Lon Nol, head of the Khmer Republic. The killing of so many Cambodian people fueled the Khmer Rouge to begin a power grab, where they staged a coup to take control of the government. They succeeded and
  • 16. Miss Brandy Monologue I said goodbye to Miss Brandy as I took my leave and let me tell you now I am extremely tired. I can t wait to just get back into my dormitory and sink into a good book. I will worry about eating food later on. I don t have an appetite at all. I never really do in all honestly. What time is it? I look down at my watch. 11pm. That leaves me with plenty of time until the next lecture at 1pm. Luckily it is with Miss Brandy again. I am terrified to meet the other tutors, what if they don t like me the same way as Miss Brandy does? I m sure it will be fine. I can feel someone staring into the back of me, it is very unnerving... Why do I feel like I know who it is? Infact I know who it is, Chakotay Coal. My heart is begging to race again, I cannot
  • 17. The Role Of Socialization, Gender, And Education As A... Socialization, Gender, and Education as a social institution have all been topics that have been heavily discussed in the classroom. Each of these sociological aspects of society help create ideologies and norms in particular as to the role gender plays in the household and in the workplace. From the extended interview on Adam Belaid, it has become evident that the educationplays the largest role in socialization. In particular, the public educational institutions that have been founded on the principals of the state. Particularly, educational institutions and their effect on its students views on gender. Through an analysis of the interviewee, Martin s Becoming a Gendered Body: Practices of Preschools , and Bowles Education and Inequality it is evident that the educational institution plays the greatest role in the socialization of an individual. Adam Belaid is currently a software engineer at Riot Games, whose job is primarily in back end development and program execution. He was educated in several countries where each country has a slightly different sociological norm. His adolescent education was in France, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan; his high school education took place in what he defined as a small school that taught an Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum in Arizona. His undergraduate education took place at Virginia Tech with a major in Computer Science. Adam identifies himself as a practicing Muslim with his parents
  • 18. High Stakes Testing Pros And Cons The concept of high stakes testing is that the outcomes of said testing is used to make important life decisions regarding the knowledge of the educational curriculum for the year. These high stakes test used to be only used for older students going to college for example SAT and ACT, or for graduation. Now these tests are being used in most all grades. High stakes testreally effect student s outcomes in school. For those students that have a below grade level test result can have repercussions even if they had good grades during the school year. Those decisions can include summer school, repeating the grade level, refusal of diploma, labeling the student, etc. For schools, below grade level testing reports can including paying penalties, losing funding for their school and being labeled as a below average school in their district. With the passage of the No Child Left Behind Act in 2001 these high stakes test scores are used more to hold schools and... Show more content on ... Critic of high stakes testing believe that these high stakes tests narrow the curriculum to included subjects and or topics that only appear on these high stakes test. They feel that what is being taught is memorization of facts of the testing curriculum and test preparation instead of real learning . (Yen, 2005) Higher test scores are due to the fact that the curriculum is being lined with the state standards of what needs to be learned and these test are made with the state approved curriculum, so the scores should be higher if they are learning the curriculum right. While some might feel that one subject is important but it isn t included in the curriculum doesn t mean they are not learning. School curriculum evolves over time and what one might have learned in the 1990 s or early 2000 s would be different than what is learned in the year
  • 19. Anatomy Of The Knee Injuries Movement from the lower extremities of the human body depends on the strength, agility and flexibility of the knee. Bones, cartilage, muscles, ligaments and tendons assist with the knee getting the job done (NIH, n.d.). While supporting the body to walk, run and jump, the knee is at risk for enduring a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). This type of injury can pose a threat to athletes and their careers. When the ACL is torn, the body will lose stability and the inability to bear the weight of the athlete. Sports competitors are vulnerable to enduring a torn ACL injury during their sports career due to the roughness when playing sports, female athletes having a higher risk, it is rated number one as the most common sports injury.... Show more content on ... The sports that are more inclined to suffer ACL tears include soccer, basketball, football and tennis (Souryal, n.d.). The University of California, San Francisco reveals that the ACL injury has an annual incidence of more than 200,000 cases with ~100,000 of these knees reconstructed annually (Kim, 2009). The vulnerability of a torn ACL in athletes is 1,000 to one (Souryal, n.d.). ////////////////////////////// The ACL is the primary ligament which is considered as the stabilizer. The ACL is just one of four major ligaments of the joints within the knees (Kim, 2009). The posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), medial collateral ligament (MCL) and lateral collateral ligament (LCL) make up the other three ligaments that supports the knee joints. Signs and symptoms of a torn a torn ACL include swelling of the knee, pain that is intensified when the weight of the body is placed on it. The inability to bend the knee is another sign of a torn ACL due to the bleeding inside the joint (MedicineNet, n.d.). Methods to diagnosis a torn ACL injury includes Lachman Test Passive accessory movement that is used to assess both the single and sagittal plane instability (Physiopedia, n.d.). The body of the athlete is in a supine position while their knee is flexed to about 20 to 30 degrees as well as rotated externally. The physician or the physical therapist will then place their hands on both the tibia and the
  • 20. Television In The 1920 s Essay Television is a gift of God and God will hold those who utilize his divine instrument accountable to him Philo T. Farnsworth. In the 1920 s life in America, and around the world, was blossoming with excitement and shock due to all the new things happening around them. For instance, women were re imagining the rules of feminism, alcohol was being banned everywhere, secret clubs were being brought up, and also the televisioncoming to life. The television had to be the most talked about thing in the 1920 s. All because a random guy decided he wanted to experiment with things and later created the television. Not only was the television invented around this time, but a year after it was he demonstrated it. Then shortly after demonstrating ... Show more content on ... When Philo was growing up he didn t have electricity in his house. So he later thought about shining a new light into the world of electricity. He created to television by using a disc about 2 feet in diameter to scan and transport the image onto the television screen. He used a glass slide, smoked it with carbon and scratched a single line on it. This was placed in a carbon arc projector and shone onto the photocathode of the first camera tube(Philo T. Farnsworth) .He also used a disc about 2 feet in diameter to scan and transport the image onto the television screen. Farnsworth had begun to conceive of a system that could capture moving images in a form that could be coded onto radio waves and then transformed back into a picture on a screen(Mitchell Stephens). He also used an image dissector , also known as a video camera tube, to make the image transfer from one thing to another. While creating the television he married a young woman named Pem Gardner. After they got married he was very in depth in his research for the television. He then decided to do something with his research and accepted a position at Philco Philadelphia. After the years went by he then left there and got his own place for his research. Farnsworth sold his company , but continued his research on technologies(Philo T.
  • 21. Middle School Student Research Paper First of all, middle school students part time job meeting and learning conflict, thus affecting learning. If we go to work after school and vacation, there will be no time to attend to study, so students will learn less time. Besides, middle school students are easily confused by the material society, which will lead to the wrong idea of making money in the first place, which will lead to academic neglect. This is for the middle schoolstudents, it is to pick up the sesame and lost the watermelon! Second, it is easy for middle school students to go out to work. We can often see from TV or newspaper that the students of a certain middle school go out to work and are miserably unlawful peddlers. These inexperienced students, the cognition of
  • 22. Two Gallants Essay Two Gallants A short story by James Joyce published in his 1914 collection Dubliners. Two men, Lenehan and Corley, are walking the streets of central Dublin on a Sunday evening. Corley dominates the conversation telling Lenehan about a girl he has recently seduced, a maid who works for a wealthy family. He brags about how the girl supplies him with cigars and cigarettes, which she steals from the family. Corley considers his relationship with this girl superior compared to when he used to ask women out and spend money on them. The two men have arranged a meeting with the maid, where the aim is to convince the maid to bring them money, stolen from her employees. Corley has a date with the girl later that evening, and before he... Show more content on ... Joyce describes Corley as squat and ruddy and with a large, globular and oily head not exactly how one imagine a gallant. Furthermore he seems rude and selfish, because of his constant bragging and his behaviour towards the girl and Lenehan. Lenahan on the other hand is described as a leech but a bit more self reflective than Corley. Based on his expectations towards others, it would seem as if he has been let down several times, for instance in the end where Corley hasn t arrived at the appointed hour, Lenehan instantly assume, that Corley has cut him out of the plan. Similarly, Corley only allows Lenehan a distant glimpse of the girl, for the fear of competition. The two gallants both have a constant of being betrayed. The title is obviously ironic, considered the two men s behaviour during the short story. The two men are anything but gallant and fine men. Instead they exploit the young woman. Corley has seduced her into giving both her body and some cash in exchange for nothing but a lie. Corley hasn t even revealed his name for the girl. Neither of the two gallants have a decent job, or the opportunity for advancement. They both live a dissolute life, constantly searching for easy women and money. They don t have any ambitions. When Lenehan sits in the bar and imagines an alternative to his current lifestyle, his vision is to settle down in some smug and live happily
  • 23. Emily Dickinson s I Taste A Liquor Never Brewed Draft: Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson s works made her a woman ahead of her time, through her unwillingness to conform to the norms of society. Emily Dickinson was a poet from the 1850s. Many people tried to urge Dickinson to publish, but she then had to start worrying about her punctuation in her works. Her works held great power and they reached maturity quite quickly as she talks about how dense the natural world is in one of her poems I taste a liquor never brewed . Emily Dickinson was born on December 10, 1830, in Amherst, Massachusetts. Five years later in 1835 Emily begins four years of primary school (Bloom, Harold). After graduating from primary school she attends Amherst Academy, where the Amherst College student newspaper anonymously publishes one of Dickinson s works. In 1855, Emily visits her father in Washington, D.C. and meets Charles Wadsworth, her family then moves into the Homestead. Throughout this period in Emily s life she starts to journal. Once Dickinson s works were shown to the public for some time now Helen Hunt Jackson urges Dickinson to start publishing, but she refuses. Out of nowhere Dickinson s father suddenly dies in Boston, and her mother suffers a paralytic stroke but does not end up dying. This event shows impacts in her poems and she starts writing about death. In I heard a Fly buzz when I died Emily writes about a voice from the dead. Emily died on May 15, 1886 and Lavinia, her sister, later discovered her sister s poems, which
  • 24. Analysis Of The Movie Rodman Sterling Rodman Sterling is considered one of the best television writers in American history. Starting from a small city town within Syracuse, New York, the experiences of war and the injustices within the workplace developed Rod s concern for the state of society. He went forward to get a degree in English literature and drama. As his talent for writing developed, he received several Emmy awards and became one of the best things to happen to television(PBS). Sterling s playwright ability enabled him to bring quality entertainment to Americans in a media infected with mediocrity. Knowing Sterling s motivation to use the Twilight Zoneas a social commentary enables a more in depth understanding of his use of ingenuity to sneak in controversial themes into a fantastical world.Sterling s influence helped writers in television to fight for a place where they could flourish in their creativity. Since its invention, television had been trying to find its home somewhere between the current modes of entertainment, that of radio and movies. Company sponsors, having the power of monetary backing, were the main dictators of what made it to the screen. Writers, on the other hand, had to somehow find a way to be able to creatively express their works in a way that would not end in censorship from the sponsors looming above them. The result was a level of mediocrity that the companies desired, using TV as a mode of advertisement while providing just enough entertainment for the viewers to
  • 25. The Classification Of Municipal Government From this Chapter, I understand the classification of municipal government from small to big at different scale and also what do the local governments do. The main role is the democratic and service provision. when studying the relationship between these two aspects, some questions are also proposed: is that only when you have property, can you really participate in the vote or democracy? Does the local governmentresponsible to the province about the finances? Or should it responsible to its people? Political part should not be taken away from the responsibility of a local government otherwise it will be no difference with a private supplier. Through reading the history of the local government, it is found that the municipal governments were mainly established in response to the population growth and service demand. Property tax is one of the approaches to increase the income of the government, but had been opposed by the people since the beginning. The Ontario model sets up in 1849 had been referenced for other provinces to establish their local governments. Reforms were also taken during the 20th century to eliminate corruption and to improve efficiency. It seems that the problems we are facing today are the same with what we were facing 100 years. Maybe it is an inherent problem of the government and politics. Comparing with today s municipalities, the foundations of Canada s municipal system were very different 200 years ago. Due to the changes of the structure of
  • 26. Public Defenders Overall, the research collected has examined juvenile delinquency, the persistent consequences of incarceration, and suggestive measures from the Public Defenders that could help reduce recidivism and provide justice for the offenders, the victims and the community. The research highlighted the crime pattern in young offenders, existing racial disparities in the juvenile criminal justicesystem and the lack of a proper support structure that encourages the youth to make bad choices. Studies included in the research demonstrated that most juvenile delinquents belong to underprivileged backgrounds, where their mental and educational needs are not properly addressed. They don t receive community policing and are more likely to be viewed as criminals by the Law Enforcement and the public. Given their poor background, these children are more likely to be incarcerated than their counterparts and conclusively have a poor... Show more content on ... The ultimate goal of the juvenile justice system should be to restore positive youth development and public safety. As suggested by the Public Defenders, when working with juveniles with poor backgrounds, it is crucial to understand the intellectual state and overall development of each juvenile. Studying the nature of crime and its causes is also crucial. For instance children who get involved in Domestic Violence may have troubled relationships within their family or community. In such situations, it would be better to place more services for the youth rather than putting them behind bars. The research also discussed the long term consequences of juvenile incarceration, such as difficulty transitioning back into the society, lack of educational and employment facilities available or finding a reasonable residence. Due to such reasons, many individuals turn to the same backgrounds and affiliations to transition back into the
  • 27. Ap Psychology Chapter 9 Answer Key Psych Chapter Dos Is our identity in the heart? In the brain? In the whole body? Biological Psychologists explore the associations between body, mind, and behavior. Cell Body The cell s life support center Dendrites Receive messages from other cells Axon passes messages away from the cell body to other neurons, muscles, or glands Neutral Impulse (actin potential) electrical signal traveling down the axon Myelin Sheath covers the axon of some neurons and helps speed neutral impulses Terminal Branches of axon From junctions with other cells There are billions of neurons throughout the body. Body s communication system. Glial Cells Glial Cells outnumber neurons 9 to 1 They provide nutrients to neurons/ protect Action Potential: a neural impulse that travels down an axon like a wave The Wave (sports stadium) When does the cell send the action potential? When it reaches a threshold. How neurons communicate (with each other). The threshold is reached when excitatory(Fire!) signals outweigh the inhibitory (Don t Fire!) signals by a certain amount. The Synapse The synapse is a junction between the axon tip of the sending neuron and the dendrite or cell body of the receiving neuron. The synapse is also known is also known as a synapse junction or synaptic gap Neurotransmitters Neurotransmitters are chemicals used to send a signal across the synaptic gap Reuptake Reuptake: After the neurotransmitters stimulate the receptors on the receiving neuron, the
  • 28. Effective Treatment Of Hepatitis C Introduction Hepatitis C is an inflammatory condition of the liver that ultimately results in cirrhosis consequently leading up to liver cell cancer due to a blood borne virus. The infection is usually asymptomatic showing how those who are infected with Hepatitis C are unaware of its presence until the condition has become potentially life threatening. The main ways in which the virus is transmitted is from the transfusion of unscreened blood, improper sterilization of invasive medical devices used in surgery and other internal examinations of the patient and the reuse of syringes by health care providers for common ailments or by narcotic users. Evidently, Pakistan as the second highest prevalence rate of hepatitis C ranging from ... Show more content on ... Approach I will be analysing these ethical issues with the use of my chemistry and economical knowledge. The research question An investigation into the mortality and morbidity of drug pricing from Hepatitis C in Pakistan mainly uses pharmaceutical sciences to underline and justify the main objectives of drug pricing whilst identifying the human implications from both perspectives of economics and chemistry. Economical Justification 66% of Pakistan s population live in rural areas underlying the geographical issues with suffering from Hepatitis C. The geographical consequences mainly ly with the isolation the rural population have from the productive and thriving urban cities of the country. Individuals are unable to be a part of an exponentially growing economy as they are unfortunately marked as the less prosperous part of the country. This evidently leads to unemployment. Unemployment is defined as the people of working age who are without work, available for work and actively seeking employment. This effectively contributes to the prevalence rate as due to being unemployed people are unable to afford necessities, such as Hepatitis C treatment, since there is no government system in place in aid of the unemployed. However, if an individual is employed and earning an income, the income may not be sufficient enough to accommodation an appropriate and successful course of treatment. In order to access treatment, the amount of
  • 29. Kinesio Tape Essay PICO Question What is the Effect of Kinesio Tape on Ankle joint Proprioception (Joint Position Sense) and Isokinetic Muscle Strength in the athletes after fatigue. Background: The ankle joint is the most commonly injured part of the body for individuals who participate in competitive activities, accounting for approximately 30% of all sports related injuries (Boyas, Hajj, Bilodeau, 2013; Hootman, Dick, Agel, 2007; Waterman, Owens, Davey, Zacchilli, Belmont, 2010). It was estimated that in the United States alone, there are around 25,000 ankle sprains suffered each day(Olmsted, Vela, Denegar, Hertel, 2004). A systematic review has analyzed articles published between 1977 and 2005 in 70 sports, and demonstrated that the ankle was the ... Show more content on ... This elastic tape was invented and developed by Dr. Kenso Kase in the 1970s. It is about the thickness of human skin, and can be stretched to 20 40% of its original length before being applied over the skin and it has a recoil action that generates a pulling force on the skin (GГјner Alsancak, 2014). Kinesio tape is one of the new techniques used in sports for many purposes. This tape can be used for several aims such as pain reduction and restoring of range of motion (ROM) (Gonzalez Iglesias, Fernandez de Las Penas, Cleland, Huijbregts, Del Rosario Gutierrez Vega, 2009), assists muscle facilitation and inhibition (Fayson, Needle, Kaminski, 2015; Subasi et al., 2016) and improving of joint function and stability (Chang et al., 2010; Hsu, Chen, Lin, Wang, Shih, 2009). These effects of KT may help in treating and preventing sport injuries. In addition, proprioception is believed to play an important role in the prevention and treatment of ankle sprain (Arnold Docherty, 2004). The KT action mechanism on proprioception is still not well established, especially in healthy population. Stimulation of the cutaneous mechanoreceptors could be the mechanism that responsible for improving proprioception when the KT is applied (Chang et al.,
  • 30. Environmental Impact On Habitat Fragmentation Habitat fragmentation is happening all around the world, even in developed countries such as the USA and UK, and is having a detrimental impact on species biodiversity (Hanski, 2015). Habitat fragmentation is a process by which a landscape is transformed into an unsuitable habitat for the present species. When a habitat becomes fragmentated this results in the habitats to develop into smaller patches and can even create patches of isolation, completely different to its original state (Fahrig, 2003). Fragmentation can occur naturally, through processes such as wildfires and windfall however, with the constant increase in human population (7 billion in 2017), habitat fragmentationis becoming more frequent and destructive due to the rise in human land use (Oikos, 1994). Healthy biodiversity cannot be maintained with habitat fragmentation being present, as this will decrease habitat space, structure and connectivity causing a decline in biodiversity. To measure the impacts habitat fragmentation is having on species, there have been certain methods which have been conducted to understand its full impact (Oikos, 1994). Some methods include comparing species richness in artificial habitat fragmentation patches to species richness in normal conditions, or the common one being used is to test the relationship between density and patch size. When assessing habitat fragmentation, species richness is the point of call, as this is believed to not only show the number of species,
  • 31. Research Paper On Subway SUBWAY Subway is an American fast food restaurant franchise. It primarily sells submarine sandwiches (subs) and salads. Fred DeLuca along with Dr Peter Buck back in 1965 opened a sandwich store to help pay his tution fees for medical college. Fred soon learned the basics of running a business, as well as the importance of serving a well made, high quality product, providing excellent customer service, keeping operating costs low and finding great locations. These early lessons continue to serve as the foundation for successful SUBWAY restaurants around the world. The first shop was opened in Bridgeport, Connecticut in August, 1965. Then, they set a goal of having 32 stores opened in 10 years. By 1974, they owned and operated 16 submarine sandwich ... Show more content on ... Subway advertise their products, employ personnel that personally sells, involve public relations and sales promotions in its marketing mix promotional strategy. They use their slogan, Eat fresh to promote the freshness and high quality food that they make. Most of their promotions are directed to adults between 18 35, thus their advertisements are broadcasted majorly during primetime, sports and on cable networks. Like every other brand, Subway s advertisements are targeted so that the customers move up the brand from awareness set to consideration set when it comes to eating in fast food chains. They have been making the sandwiches in front of their customers to flaunt the quality and freshness of their ingredients and the way their sandwiches have been crafted by their Subway Sandwich Artists . Subway have involved cartoon characters like Peter Griffin for promoting their new sandwiches. They had a promotion series for product placement in US TV series, chuck . They also had Buy one sandwich, Give one sandwich free promotional campaign on National Sandwich
  • 32. The Picture Of Dorian Gray And Doctor Faustus Analysis Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full grown, gives birth to death (James 1:15). In The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde and Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe; the character progression in the protagonists of both novels is the epitome of one s demise from greed. Both Dr. Faustus and Dorian Gray had desires out of their mortal reach, fueling their deals with Evil for the lust that dwelt within them. However our titular characters had different motivations that fueled their sin, with this motivation ultimately turning to regret in the end. Despite the opportunity to repent, both protagonists chose their desires instead, leading them down a path towards damnation. Both Dorian Gray and Dr. Faustus had self serving aspirations that goaded both characters to covenant with demonic powers; however what these aspirations the immoral protagonists had differed. Dorian Gray was an innocent youth that went down a course of exceptional hedonism under the influence of Lord Henry and his own volition. Dorian s journey starts when witnessing Basil s portrait of him stating, If it was I who were to be forever young, and the picture that were to grow old! unknowingly selling his soul through the words, I would give everything! Yes, there is nothing in the whole world I would not give! (Wilde 42). It was this desire to stay eternally youthful that allows Dorian to freely experience society s vices. The furthest extent of Dorian s sin was his murder of former friend Basil, who wishes to have Dorian s influence, be for good, not for evil but in the end this opportunity for redemption was literally stabbed in the back (Wilde 197). This climax of Dorian s wickedness leads him to question his actions and the dualist nature between his angelic appearance and devilish essence; the guilt of his sins weighing heavily on Dorian s mind. Dorian reminisces of the past stating: Was it really true that one could never change? He felt a wild longing for the unstained purity of his boyhood, his rose white boyhood, as Lord Henry had once called it. He knew that he had tarnished himself, filled his mind with corruption, and given horror to his fancy; that he had been an evil influence
  • 33. Dallara Automobili Essay Dallara Automobili SpA was founded in 1972 in Varano de Melegari, Parma (Emilia Romagna Italy), by the engineer Gian Paolo Dallara. He is still the president of the company, and he has a lot of experience starting to work at Ferrari as soon as graduated at 22, and collecting a lot of skills and knowledge in Maserati, Lamborghini and DeTommaso, all of them well known supercars manufacturer. At one point in time of his life, in 1972, he decided to build his own company following the dream of working in the world of the racing cars. Started alone in his own garage (as many of the most successful company in the world) he manufactured some cars body using his capabilities learned from his previous experiences. Years over years the new small company increase with a few handful of employees, specialized in designing and manufacturing... Show more content on ... The company reached in 2015 €53 million in revenues, with net income around 7million, forecasting for this year, 2016, a turnover close to €70 million. The consultancy services count about 40% of the revenues. The main markets in which Dallara operates are Germany, UK, and US. Just 4% of the revenues coming from Italy, 1/3 in Europe, 1/3 US and 1/3 in the rest of the word. As the CEO Pontremoli told in a recent speech, the main competitors for Dallara aren t companies itself, but are territories . In this particular segment of the industry it had been created two main cluster that share knowledge from the beginning at the school level, till the production outcome. One of them is the Oxfordshire in UK where are located companies like McLaren, Mercedes, Lotus, Red Bull, Force India. The other one is the Motor Valley where Dallara is located itself, in this area you can find Ferrari, Ducati, Pagani, Toro Rosso, Maserati, Alfa Romeo and all the network
  • 34. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Ohv Vs Side Valve Engine Overhead Valve Engine (OHV) VS Side Valve Engine There are mainly two types of engines that you may see in lawn mowers side valve and overhead valve engine. As per the research, the Overhead Valve Engine is more durable as compare to Side Valve Engine. It is seen that Older mowers that have Overhead Valve Engine give lesser problems because its design is more efficient and it is more environment friendly. It uses less gas and less carbon build up that helps prevent the wear down of the engine. The OHV engines are also quieter. There are mainly two famous engine manufacturers: Honda and Briggs Stratton. Honda engines manufacture OHV for quite a long time, whereas the Briggs Stratton makes both OHV and Side Valve Engines. Honda engines are less noisy and reliable which make them better as compare to others but Honda engines are a bit expensive. There are other ... Show more content on ... The corded mowers are lighter in weight since they don t require any battery. As long as the cord is plugged into the power socket you don t have to worry about the electric power issues, unlike the cordless mowers in which you need to check if the mower is fully charged before using it. Cons OF Corded Lawn Mower The corded lawn mower has some limitations like it is required to be plugged in all time while you are mowing, it gets really annoying when you want to mow around the tree area or any similar obstacle and you definitely don t want the cord to get entangled around the tree while you are mowing. Cordless Lawn Mower A Cordless Lawn Mower is one that runs on battery and does not require any cables or cords to be plugged in to run the mower. It comes with lithium batteries which are required to be charged before you mow your lawn. Let s go through some pros and cons of the cordless lawn mower. Pros Of Cordless Lawn
  • 35. Nature and Causes of Global Money Laundering NATURE AND CAUSES OF GLOBAL MONEY LAUNDERING PRESENTED BY: Kiran Aftab (Roll # 01) Afifa Naseer (Roll # 68) MBA 2004 4th Semester INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB LAHORE TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 6 History 9 Money laundering and Globalization 13 Nature of Money laundering ... Show more content on ... Money laundering is the processing of these criminal proceeds to disguise their illegal origin. This process is of critical importance, as it enables the criminal to enjoy these profits without jeopardizing their source. Illegal arms sales, smuggling, and the activities of organized crime, including for example drug trafficking and prostitution rings, can generate huge sums. Embezzlement, insider trading, bribery and computer fraud schemes can also produce large profits and create the incentive to legitimize the ill gotten gains through money laundering. When a criminal activity generates substantial profits, the individual or group involved must find a way to control the funds without attracting attention to the underlying activity or the persons involved. Criminals do this by disguising the sources, changing the form, or moving the funds to a place where they are less likely to attract attention. As money laundering is a necessary consequence of almost all profit generating crime, it can occur practically anywhere in the world. Generally, money launderers tend to seek out areas in which there is a low risk of detection due to weak or ineffective anti money laundering programmes. Because the objective of money laundering is to get the illegal funds back to the individual who generated them, launderers usually prefer to move funds through areas with stable financial systems. HISTORY ACT OF MERCHANTS IN CHINA It is very
  • 36. What Is The Difference Between Bernard Ponemerance And The... Bernard Pomerance and the Elephant Man Bernard Pomerance was born in 1940 in Brooklyn, New York. He attended college at the University of Chicago, where he received a degree in English. In the 1970 s Pomerance moved to London, England to become a novelist. He was unsuccessful and then decided to try his hand as a dramatist. He quickly got involved with several left wing fringe groups, which where at the time thriving in England. Then, along with director Ronald Rees, he founded the Foco Nove Theater group. Throughout Pomeranc s career nearly all of his plays were at one time preformed at his Foco Novo theater.. Pomerance became fairly successful as a play write. His first play, High in Vietnam Hot Damn, was first produced by the ... Show more content on ... The movie was also popular and received high praise. John Hurt, Anthony Hopkins, Wendy Hiller, and Anne Bancraft all stared in the movie and did an excellent job. Although the movie was as popular as the play, it was extemely different. One of the major problems with the movie is the makeup of John Merrick, the main character. Because it is a movie they can not rely on the theatricalness of the play. Merrick s character is forced to where a horrible costume which makes him almost to difficult to look at. This makes it very different from the play because in the play it is extremely important that the actor does nothing to make himself look the way the real John Merrick looked. In 1980, in one of the most famous productions of The Elephant Man, the main character of John Merrick was played by David Bowie. Merrick s character is extremely difficult to play. The entire play, including the tittle is based on the deformities of John Merrick, yet the actor who preforms his roll is forced to do so using no padding or makeup to make himself look deformed. They must rely solely on their talent to persuade the audience to believe how terrible he looks. It is imperative to the play that they do not ware any kind of costume to make themselves look deformed. The only thing they are allowed to do is bend their bodies. Anything else is believed to take away form the play tremendously. The Elephant Man is a true story inspired by a man named John Merrick.
  • 37. A Neglected Anniversary Of The New York Evening Mail Journalism has held an important role in society since the seventeenth century; people have depended on journalists to provide new and important information concerning a wide variety of topics. This dependency has led to a great deal of trust in journalists and their word and allowed for journalists to publish what they please. Mencken took advantage of the people s trust when he published the article A Neglected Anniversary in the New York Evening Mail. Mencken created his own history of the bathtub and released it to the public in 1917. The manner in which the article is written completely deceived the readers; many truly believed Mencken s account was true, and the story was believed for quite some time, even after Mencken revealed the truth. The developing trust in journalism and a journalist s word during the early twentieth century created for the instant acceptance and longevity in belief of Mencken s hoax. As previously stated, the hoax began with the publication of the article A Neglected Anniversary in 1917, which was reprinted in 1926 in the article The Bathtub Fable That Caused a Furore; Mencken stated that the bathtub was considered a health hazard and the use of them was frowned upon until President Fillmore installed the first bathtub in the White House. The hoax gained nation wide publicity when newspapers, including The Philadelphia Inquirer, began publishing Rise of the Bathtub, which was a summary of Mencken s original article. Mencken finally
  • 38. Neolithic Revolution Turning Points Political, economic, and social conditions have often led to turning points that have changed the course of history for nations and peoples. For instance, neolithic revolution and the fall of Rome has greatly contributed to changes that has occurred in history. The Neolithic Revolution was a great shift from a nomadic style of living such as hunting into a settled down society. The idea of farming was created making the society s life more structured. In the 15th and 16th centuries, the renaissance came to full power. This introduced a newer and broader outlook on life. The society s view became more secular. This became the turning point in history, causing people to look more into logic and reasoning, causing the enlightenment. Before the Neolithic Revolution, there was nomadic lifestyle of hunting and gathering food for survival. People stayed in one place as long as the sources they needed to survive was present. If sources weren t available, people would move to another place for survival. Therefore, there was no permanent or final settlement.Due to the discovery of farming, the Neolithic Revolution began. Once the techniques of... Show more content on ... The Renaissance was a cultural movement that first began in Florence, Italy, and then it later spread throughout Europe. It started around 1350 and ended around 1600. Renaissance structured the educational and cultural advancements. Education became more on science than simply learning what ancient authorities said. Before the Renaissance, in the middle age, the outlook of the society was very narrow. People believed highly on superstitions and myths rather than on the truth and the scientific facts. Education was usually centered around the Church. It was based on Biblical teachings and its whole purpose was to get people ready to be leaders in the
  • 39. The Role Of Faith In The Fire Next Time, By James Baldwin Baldwin questions problems in faith and how to address them, as well as continuing his insistence that relations with God must be forged in the fires of repentance and humility. To question faith only to rise from the temptation causes one to become stronger, but one must also repent in order to become holy (Bloom). In The Fire Next Time, He writes that It is not too much to say that whoever wishes to become a truly moral human being... must first divorce himself from all the prohibitions, crimes, and hypocrisies of the Christian Church (The Fire Next Time, 42). The Christian church is not perfect, and through questioning religionand determining one s faith one can create a connection with God. He questions the necessity of the existence of... Show more content on ... This theme of religious conflict carries on to another of Baldwin s stories. Throughout Go Tell It on the Mountain, Baldwin shows the suffering and temptations that lead to his characters downfalls and how their refusal to admit to being anything less than virtuous leads to their spiritual failures (Welsh). Aunt Florence s confrontation with death is clouded by ambition, as well as the envy and hatred towards her brother, which she does not admit to herself (Leer, 3). Elizabeth s love for John s father, while valid, is not strong enough to bridge the gap between her and her husband. Rory is aggressive towards whites, and he is unable to be saved through religion because he does not accept his flaws. John, through his experience on the church floor, is able to be redeemed while battling the hellish side of himself. He battles with his father Gabriel, a walking metaphor for God, and eventually he kneels before the cross (Leer, 7). Gabriel, while the most passionate about religion, is also the most hypocritical and reprehensible character in the
  • 40. Mother-Daughter Conflict in Amy Tan s The Joy Luck Club... We live in a mobile and global world with the development of the technology. Still America continues to be the symbol of the land of freedom and of opportunity. Arriving to America, the Chinese immigrants who come from a traditional, structured, old world struggle to find a balance in a modern and dynamic new world. In order to realize the American dream, the first generation of immigrants have to learn the language, acquire education, and assimilate into the dominant culture. They courageously leave the past behind except what they carry in their memory. Thus, immigrants often experience shock and resistance in dealing with the new world culture. This is especially true for the second generation Chinese Americans who resist and are... Show more content on ... Both Tan and Maxine Hong Kingston recognize the difficulties faced by women in such a regimented society. Kingston in The Woman Warrior tells of the folk sayings that proclaimed the worthlessness of women, such as [t]here s not profit in raising girls. Better to raise geese than girls, or [w]hen fishing for treasures in the flood, be careful not to pull in girls (195,6). According to Anne P. Standley, Kingston tells of her lifelong struggle to fashion an identity on her own terms and to draw sustenance from her Chinese culture while rejecting its sexist values (165). For her part, Tan in Joy Luck Club illustrates the cultural differences between these two conflicting generations by alternating the voices of the mothers with those of the daughters. Four mothers with a painful past in pre 1949 describe their struggles in China against traditional female roles and family domination. By coming to America they are bringing their hope for a better life which they try to instill into their children. At the start of the book, Jing Mei sits in the seat for her deceased mother who had started the mah jong club in 1949 in San Francisco. The Joy Luck aunties inform Jing Mei that she has two half sisters in China. She has to go to China to instill in the sisters the spirit of their mother. Jing Mei cries out, What can I tell about my mother? I don t know anything (31). Jing Mei is ashamed of her cultural background. She thinks of
  • 41. Zzzquil Case Analysis Zzzquil, our client, is a sleep aid product from the makers of Vicks NyQuil. It belongs to the OTC Sleep Aid Industry and is looking to further its market share since our client is fairly new to the industry, joining in 2012. Zzzquil is primarily focused on gaining market share by targeting primarily single adult women (ages 35+) with a household income no greater then 50k. This Situation Analysis will thoroughly explore six main topics with each their own subtopics. The six main topics that will be covered are the following: Industry Overview, Client Profile, Competitor Profiles, Comparative Analysis, and Consumer Analysis. Industry Overview will take a look at how the Industry came about, whether or not the industry is growing or declining,
  • 42. Les Miserables Movie Analysis Les MisГ©rables is a movie that takes place in 1815 to 1832 during June Rebellion. During this time period, King Louis XVIII holds the throne for the beginning and it changes to King Charles X who is exiled during the July revolution. Louis Philippe d OrlГ©ans then assumes the power and starts the July monarchy. Les MisГ©rables details the story about a man, Jean Valjean, who was once a prisoner for 19 years freed by Javert. Jean Valjean reinvents himself into a mayor and factory owner through unlawful behaviors. Javert however, vows to make sure that he captures Jean and puts him back into prison. Eight years later, Valjean takes in a child, Cosette, after her mother s death. However, Jean s life is not peaceful due to Javert s pursuit. A memorable quote shown in the movie was Don t you fret, Monsieur Marius. I don t feel any pain. A little fall of rain can hardly hurt me now. You re here. That s all I need to know. And you will keep me safe, and you will keep me close, and rain will make the flowers grow. This quote is significant as it allows readers to directly The movie Les MisГ©rables is a historically accurate movie because it displays the horrendous living conditions, the will for change as well as the funeral of General Lamarque accurately. France s living condition was shown as very poor during the 1832 rebellion as child labor, starvation and food shortages were present. However, these conditions did not really change since 1789. Children are seen in the movie
  • 43. Life Alterations In The Pigman By Paul Zindel Life Alterations Has a friend or family member recently had a life altering hardship which affected their lifestyle? In the Book The Pigman by Paul Zindel there were many examples of hardships that led to a changing of the character s feelings, attitude and lifestyle. Such changes are like chunks of snow on a paved, smooth road. They are bumps which alter one s view for moments, but when the bump is surpassed one can see clearly again and are back on the smoothly paved road. Throughout the story, many ice chunks were overcome. For example, Concetta died, Lorraine s dad cheated on her mom, and Lorraine and John threw a party. Ultimately, these events resulted in the changing of character traits. Hardships can make a big change in someone s lifestyle. Falling in love is an easy way to become heartbroken. If a loved one may leave, that change may alter your everyday life or mood. Likewise, Pigman experienced complications once his wife had died. For example, as Pigman whimpered She loved me, we loved each other, we didn t ... Show more content on ... For example, Lorraine, seeing a chance to throw a party at someone elseЕ› house which is the ВЁcoolВЁ thing to do, threw a party at PigmanЕ› home while he way away. Deep down the two knew that throwing the party was a betrayal of trust Pigman had in them. The distress Pigman had when he found his home trashed was overwhelming for him. As Lorraine wrote ВЁHe was just standing there looking down at me, and there was no smile on his face. No smile at all (Zindel 128). After the fact, Pigman ignored Lorraine and John which resulted in them having to spend time in their own homes, which was a big change for them. During the time which the three were not talking many changes arose. The party changed Pigman, Lorraine and JohnЕ› lives temporarily. Rather, few may say that the party was harmless and had only wrecked physical possessions, but that is inaccurate in that theirs and PigmanЕ› trust was
  • 44. Compare And Contrast The Molarity Of Acetic Acid And... INTRODUCTION Concentration is the profusion of a component divided by the solvent. Dilute solutions contain relatively little solute in a particular volume of solvent. While concentrated solution has relatively great amount of solute in a particular quantity of solvent. There are many term that can be used to describe concentration and two of them are percent by mass and molarity. Molarity means number of moles of a solute in a litre of solution. molarity(M)=(mole of solute)/(liter of solution) Percent by mass means the mass (g) of solute per mass (g) of solution Percent solute=(grams solute)/(grams solution) x 100% Vinegar is a diluted acetic acid (CH3COOH) and the concentration of the vinegar can be determined by using titration method. ... Show more content on ... TITRATION 1TITRATION 2 Volume of NaOH required to neutralize vinegar (mL)10.210.3 Calculate the molarity of acetic acid in vinegar for titration 1 and 2. Titration 1: 10.2 mL NaOH x 1L/1000mL=0.0102L NaOH 0.0102 L NaOH x (0.61005 mol NaOH)/(1L NaOH solution)=0.006223 mol NaOH 0.006223 mol NaOH x (1 mol acetic acid)/(1 mol NaOH)=0.006223 mol acetic acid 10 Ml acetic acid x 1L/(1000 mL)=0.01L acetic acid solution M= (mol acetic acid)/(L of solution)=0.006223/(0.01 L solution)=0.6223 M acetic acid Titration 2: 10.3 mL NaOH x 1L/1000mL=0.0103L NaOH 0.0103 L NaOH x (0.61005 mol NaOH)/(1L NaOH solution)=0.006284 mol NaOH 0.006284 mol NaOH x (1 mol acetic acid)/(1 mol NaOH)=0.006284 mol acetic acid 10 Ml acetic acid x 1L/(1000 mL)=0.01L acetic acid solution M= (mol acetic acid)/(L of solution)=0.006284/(0.01 L solution)=0.6284 M acetic acid Calculate the average molarity of acetic acid for each titration (0.6223 M acetic acid+ 0.6284 M acetic acid )/2=0.6254 M acetic acid Calculate the percentage by mass of acetic acid for each titration 1 and 2. Titration 1: 0.01L acetic acid x (0.6223 M acetic acid)/(1L solution) x (60.06 g acetic acid)/(1 mol acetic acid)=0.3738 g acetic
  • 45. Summary Of King Leary s Gross Misconduct King Leary s Gross Misconduct The term gross misconduct is defined as, a match penalty that was imposed to players and team personnel for extreme unsportsmanlike conduct. ( Gross Misconduct par. 1) This hockey term fits the character Percival King Leary appropriately as he treated his dear friend Manny Oz very poorly. Although Leary made many mistakes in his friendship with Manfred, he manages to redeem himself at the end of the novel. In this paper, I will explain how Leary betrays Manny, how he feels guilt throughout the entire novel, and finally, how he manages to redeem himself in the end. Leary accomplishes betraying Manfred multiple times in the novel. The initial betrayal eventually leads Manny to his death, which will be explained later. The first example can be found on pages 137 138, where Poppa Rivers and Leary have a conversation: Poppa Rivers said, Tell Manfred to stop drinking. (...) Say to him, Manfred, stop drinking liquor. Do not drink it anymore. (...) But no one has said this to him: because you love me I m asking you for this promise, that you will stop drinking this liquor that hurts you so badly. (...) If you were going to do it, you would have said yes. But you haven t. So you won t. (...) Oh, I suppose you might say, Hey Manny, go easy on the boozing, but you won t make him promise, and it won t work. (Quarrington) By Leary never telling this to Manfred, he passed away on New Year s Day, 1937. (Quarrington, 100) That example proves that Leary