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Evan Schultz
Developer @Rangleio
Some rights reserved - Creative Commons 2.0 by-sa
A Typical Complex SPA
• Lots of parts.
• Everything is connected to everything else.
• Changing anything breaks something somewhere.
• Managing state becomes a challenge.
How State Really Becomes Painful
Component Model
Best Solutions Known as of Now
• Component-based UI.
• Unidirectional data-flow.
• A “stateless” approach deeper in the stack.
Stateless Architecture
Why Stateless is Good
• A lot of us were raised on OOP. Objects are stateful.
• The effect of calling a method depends on the arguments and
the object’s state.
• Very painful to test.
• Very hard to understand.
• Aims to mimic the real world.
• But why replicate the unnecessary complexity?
Alternative: Pure Functions
• The output of a pure function depends only on inputs.
• Pure functions have no side-effects.
• Pure functions have no state.
• Much easier to understand.
• Much easier to test.
Unidirectional Data Flow with Flux
API, etc.

Managing State with Redux
What is Redux?
Redux is a predictable state
container for JavaScript apps.
– @dan_ambrov
Redux Resources
• GitHub:
• Docs:
• Ecosystem:
• Training:
Redux Key Concepts
• Application State is a single object in a single store.
• Only way to change state is by emitting an Action.
• Actions describe what happened.
• State is transformed by reducers that handle actions.
Reducer Functions
• Basic reduce():
function sum (value, state) {
return state + value;
[1,2,3,4,5].reduce(sum, 0);
• Running through the items:
1: 0 => 1
2: 1 => 3
3: 3 => 6
4: 6 => 10
5: 10 => 15
Action Reducers in Redux
• Take an action and a state, return a new state.
• Your app’s state is a reduction over the actions.
• Each reducer operates on a subset of the global state.
• Simple reducers are combined into complex ones.
An Example
export const cats = (state: ICats = INITIAL_STATE, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
return state.filter(n => !==;
return [...state, action.payload];
return => {
return !== ? n :
Object.assign({}, n, action.payload); });
return state;
Testing Is Easy
describe('the cats reducer', () => {
it('should allow cats to be created', () => {
const initialState = cats([]);
const expectedState = [/* ... */];
const action = {
payload: { /* ... */ }
const nextState = todos(initialState, action);
Why Is This a Good Idea?
• Reducers are pure functions – easy to understand, easy to test.
• Reducers are synchronous.
• Data logic is 100% separated from view logic.
• You can still have modularity by combining reducers.
• New opportunities for tools.
• Information you send from your application to your store.
• The only source of change to your state.
• Represent what was done
• Simply JSON Objects with a ‘type’ property
Example Action
let action = {
payload: {
fullName: 'Evan Schultz'
Action Creators
• Functions that return actions.
• Can handle business logic
• Can handle API Calls and Async behaviour.
• Takes parameters and creates an Action
• Components should …
• Know what data to pass in.
• Not care about the structure of the payload.
ActionCreator / Action
let formFullName = (firstName, lastName) => {
return {
payload: {
fullName: `${firstName} ${lastName}`
Putting it together …
• Action Creators are the request to do something.
• Actions are the result of what happened.
• Reducers transform to represent what happened.
How Do We Avoid Mutating State?
• Reducers are supposed to not change the old state. But how do
we keep them honest?
• Immutable data structures store data without introducing
• Object.freeze() - shallow.
• “Seamless Immutable”: frozen all the way down.
• But what happens when you want to modify your data?
Derived Immutables
• You can’t change immutable objects. But you need to.
• So, you derive new ones. I.e., make a new immutable that is
different in a specified way, without altering the original.
• “Immutable.JS” is one library to use.
var newData = data.setIn(
['foo', 'bar', 'baz'],
Derived Immutables
• These are key building blocks for stateless architecture.
• ES6 Spread Syntax return [...state, action.payload];
• Object.assign return Object.assign({}, n, action.payload);
Change Detection
• Angular 2 has OnPush change detection.
• Only fires when reference to an Input changes.
• Do not need to do property by property checking.
• If used properly, can improve the performance of your
Angular 2 + Redux
• Angular 2 bindings for Redux.
• Expose state as an Observable.
• Property Decorators
• DevTools
• Compatible with existing Redux ecosystem.
Angular 2 + ng2-redux Setup
• Creating the Store - Root Reducer & Reducer Composition.
• Root Module Configuration.
• Component Architecture.
• Accessing State.
• Action Services.
• Middleware and DevTools.
Shelter Application
Store Configuration
Root Reducer
• Redux has a Global Application State.
• Root Reducer combines reducers into your Application State.
• Slices of state are handled by a reducer.
• Each Reducer can focus on a small area of concern.
Create Root Reducer
import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import { cats, ICat } from './cats';
import { catEdit, ICatEdit } from './cat-edit';
import { codeTables, ICodeTables } from './code-tables';
import { filters, IFilters } from './filters';
export interface IAppState {
cats?: ICat[];
catEdit?: ICatEdit;
codeTables?: ICodeTables;
filters?: IFilters;
export const rootReducer = combineReducers<IAppState>
({ cats, catEdit, codeTables, filters });
Create Root Reducer
import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import { cats, ICat } from './cats';
import { catEdit, ICatEdit } from './cat-edit';
import { codeTables, ICodeTables } from './code-tables';
import { filters, IFilters } from './filters';
export interface IAppState {
cats?: ICat[];
catEdit?: ICatEdit;
codeTables?: ICodeTables;
filters?: IFilters;
export const rootReducer = combineReducers<IAppState>
({ cats, catEdit, codeTables, filters });
Create Root Reducer
import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import { cats, ICat } from './cats';
import { catEdit, ICatEdit } from './cat-edit';
import { codeTables, ICodeTables } from './code-tables';
import { filters, IFilters } from './filters';
export interface IAppState {
cats?: ICat[];
catEdit?: ICatEdit;
codeTables?: ICodeTables;
filters?: IFilters;
export const rootReducer = combineReducers<IAppState>
({ cats, catEdit, codeTables, filters });
Resulting State …
resultingState = {
"cats": [{ "age": "senior", "breed": "munchkin", "description": "...",
/* .... */
"catEdit": { "isEditing": false, "currentCat": null, "isPending": false
"codeTables": {
"ages": [{ "value": "senior", "label": "Senior" }],
"breeds": [{ "value": "munchkin", "label": "Munchkin"}]
"genders": [/* ...*/ ]
"filters": {
"age": {},
"breed": {},
"gender": {}
"catsLoading": false
Reducer Composition
export const rootReducer =
• Keep reducers small and
• Focus on one area.
• Compose as needed.
• Responsible for Data
Combine Reducers
export const rootReducer =
Manages adding and removal of cats
Combine Reducers
export const rootReducer =
Manages the currently edited cat
Combine Reducers
export const rootReducer =
Manages list tables like
Combine Reducers
export const rootReducer =
Manages what filters are applied
Combine Reducers
export const rootReducer =
Is the cats list loading?
Nested CombineReducers
export const rootReducer =
import { ages } from './ages.reducer';
import { breeds } from './breeds.reducer';
import { genders } from './genders.reducer';
import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
export const codeTables = combineReducers({ages, breeds, genders});
Higher Order Reducers
export const rootReducer =
const filterReducer = (property, INITIAL_STATE = {}) =>
(state = INITIAL_STATE, action) => {
/* .... */
switch (action.type) {
case FilterActions.FILTER_ADDED:
return Object.assign({}, state, { [action.payload.value]: true });
/* ... */
return state;
Higher Order Reducers
export const rootReducer =
export const filters = combineReducers({
age: filterReducer('age'),
breed: filterReducer('breed'),
gender: filterReducer('gender')
Can be really … really small
export const rootReducer =
export const catsLoading = (state = false, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case CatsActions.CATS_LOADING:
return true;
case CatsActions.CATS_LOADED:
return false;
return state;
Whats the point?
• Can be built in many ways.
• Can be nested.
• Can be combined.
• Can be composed.
• Can be reusable.
Reducers …
NG2 Configuration
Angular 2 - Root Module
import { NgReduxModule, NgRedux } from 'ng2-redux';
import { rootReducer, IAppState } from './store';
declarations: [ AppComponent ],
imports: [ NgReduxModule ],
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {
constructor(private ngRedux: NgRedux<IAppState>) {
ngRedux.configureStore(rootReducer, {});
Angular 2 - Bootstrap
import './polyfills.ts';
import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-
import { enableProdMode } from '@angular/core';
import { environment } from './environments/environment';
import { AppModule } from './app/';
if (environment.production) {
Angular 2 - Component
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
@select() cats$: Observable<ICat[]>;
constructor(private ngRedux:NgRedux<IAppState>) { }
createCat(catDetails) {
this.ngRedux.dispatch({type: 'CREAT_CAT',
payload: catDetails
Component Types
• Also referred to as Smart or Stateful Components
• Knows about State and how to access it
• Responsible for …
• Getting the data from the state
• Passing down data
• Dispatching actions
Component Types - Container
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
/* Access State */
@select() cats$: Observable<ICat[]>;
constructor(private catsActions: CatsActions) { }
/* Dispatch Actions */
displayCat(cat) { this.ngRedux.dispatch({}); }
/* ActionService of CatActions deals with Dispatch */
submitCat(catModel) { this.catsActions.submitCat(catModel); }
Container Component
<md-grid-tile *ngFor="let cat of filteredCats$ | async">
* Cat Detail Card gets cats from the container.
* and emits events up for the container to handle.
Container Component
<div class="sm-col sm-col-4”>
<b>All Cats</b>
<!-- Short List is dumb -->
<div class="sm-col sm-col-4”>
<b>Filtered Cats</b>
<!-- Short List doesn't care where the cats came from,
just that it has them -->
Container Component
• Also referred to as Dumb or Stateless Components
• Receives data from containers
• Emits events up to parent
• Do not rely on external state that is not provided
• Do not modify external state
Presentation Component
Presentation Component
• Receives data from container or smart component.
@Input() cat: ICat;
• Emits events up to the parent
@Output() deleteCat: EventEmitter<ICat> = new EventEmitter();
• Responsible for …
• Rendering data.
• Emitting events.
Presentation Component
selector: ‘ ',
templateUrl: './cat-detail-card.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./cat-detail-card.component.scss']
export class CatDetailCardComponent {
@Input() cat: any;
@Output() displayEdit: EventEmitter<string> = /* ... */
@Output() deleteCat: EventEmitter<any> = /* ... */
Presentation Template
<img md-card-sm-image [src]="cat.imageUrl" />
<div [innerHtml]="cat.description"></div>
<button md-button (click)="displayEdit.emit(cat)">EDIT</button>
<button md-button (click)="deleteCat.emit(cat)">DELETE</button>
State and Actions
Accessing State
• Can access underlying Redux methods.
• getState - snapshot of current state.
• subscribe - callback for every state change.
• Can use ngRedux `select` slices of state as an Observable.
• @select() cats$: Observable<ICat[]>;
• this.cats$ =>cats);
Accessing State - @select
export class AppComponent {
@select() cats$: Observable<ICat[]>;
@select(['codeTables', 'breeds']) catBreeds$;
@select(['codeTables', 'ages']) catAges$;
@select((state)=>state.codeTables.genders) catGenders$;
• Injectable Angular 2 Classes.
• Access to Angular DI.
• Dispatch from the service.
• Class methods are similar to Action Creators.
• Actions still pass through middleware.
• Call dispatch from the service.
• Action is still a JSON object that gets passed into your reducers
Angular 2 - Synchronous Actions
export class CatsActions {
constructor(private ngRedux: NgRedux<IAppState>) { };
createCat = ({name, headline, /* … snip … */ }) => {
const randomImage = randomRange(100, 200);
const imageUrl = /* … snip … */
const id = generateId();
const cat = { name, headline,/* … snip … */}
.dispatch({ type: CatsActions.CAT_CREATED, payload: cat });
Asyncronous Actions
• Call an action creator to initiate a request.
• Action creator emits an action to inform everyone that a
request was made.
• Action creator emits an action to inform everyone that a
request was completed. (Or when it fails.)
• Push details of making a request into a module.
Angular 2 - Async Actions
listAll = () => {
this.ngRedux.dispatch({type: 'CATS_LOADING' }))
return this.cats
.subscribe(result => {
type: 'CATS_LOADED',
payload: result
(err) => this.ngRedux.dispatch({type: 'CATS_LOADING_ERROR'})
State is Observable
Observable State
@select() cats$: Observable<ICat[]>;
Remember this?
Its an RxJs Observable
map filtermergeMap
debounceTime groupBycombineLatest
…. and more
combine with other streams
Can use | async
[cat]="catEdit$ | async"
[catBreeds]="catBreeds$ | async"
[catAges]="catAges$ | async"
[catGenders]="catGenders$ | async"
*ngIf="isEditing$ | async"
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
@select(['catEdit', 'currentCat']) catEdit$: Observable<any>;
@select(['codeTables', 'genders']) catGenders$;
Async pipe can handle subscriptions and dispose for you
Combining Streams
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
@select() cats$: Observable<ICat[]>;
@select() filters$;
public filteredCats$;
ngOnInit() {
this.filteredCats$ = this.cats$
(cats, filters: any) => cats.filter(filters));
Transform State
• Functions passed into select are called every state change
• Transformations should happen only

when the state you care about has changed
Transform State
let greeter = p => `Hello ${p.firstName} ${p.lastName}`
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
@select(state=>greeter(state.people)) greetings$: Observable<string[]>;
greetings: string[]
greeter gets executed every state change!
Transform State
let greeter = p => `Hello ${p.firstName} ${p.lastName}`
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
@select() people$: Observable<IPerson[]>;
greetings$: Observable<string[]>
ngOnInit() {
this.greetings$ = this.people$
greeter gets executed only if people$ changes
(*) or how to decouple state structure from
Reducer: “How does my state change over time”?
: “How do other modules make sense of
my state?”
- @dan_abramov
• Containers can be smart, but not too smart.
• Risk tightly coupling components to the shape of your state.
• Can make refactoring difficult.
Selectors - Selecting State
export class Comp2 {
• Changes in state can lead to updating multiple locations.
• Brittle, error prone.
• Makes refactoring risky.
export class Comp1 {
Selectors - Selecting State
import { expenses } from './store';
export class Comp1 {
@select(expenses) expenses$:any
import { expenses } from './store';
export class Comp2 {
@select(expenses) expenses$:any
• Create a shared selector.
// colocated with the reducer
export const expenses = ['new','expense','path']
• Import and use.
Selectors - Transforming State
• Shape of state may not meet view needs.
• Can transform state.
• Can be used to derive data from existing state.
• Want to keep code DRY.
• Minimize logic in components.
Selectors - Transforming State
export expenses = ['path','to','expenses'];
export const approvedTotal = (expenses) => {
return expenses
.filter( n=> n.approved)
.reduce((acc,curExpense) => acc +,0)
Selectors - Transforming State
import { approvedTotal, expenses } from './store';
@Component({ /* ... */ })
export class ExpenseComponent {
ngOnInit() {$ = this.ngRedux
Developer Experience
• See all actions dispatched.
• See state before action.
• See state after action.
Logger Middleware
Logger - Setup
const createLogger = require('redux-logger');
const logger = createLogger({level:'info', collapse: true })
export const middleware = [logger];
import { rootReducer, IAppState, middleware } from './store';
@NgModule({/* ....*/ })
export class AppModule {
constructor(private ngRedux: NgRedux<IAppState>) {
ngRedux.configureStore(rootReducer, {}, [...middleware] );
Logger - Output
• Works with Redux Dev Tools.
• Available in Chrome Store - [Link].
• Action history.
• Time traveling.
• State Import & Export.
Redux Dev Tools
DevTools - Setup
import { NgReduxModule,
DevToolsExtension } from 'ng2-redux';
@NgModule({/* ...*/ })
export class AppModule {
constructor(private ngRedux: NgRedux<IAppState>,
devTools: DevToolsExtension) {
let enhancers = devTools.isEnabled() ?
[ devTools.enhancer() ] : [];
{ },
• Observe an Action stream as Observable.
• Handle complex workflows.
• Cancellable.
• Simplify action creators.
Middleware - redux-observable
• Focus on business / data logic.
• No longer concerned with coordinating async streams.
• Can begin to behave synchronously again.
Action Creators
• Focus on Async behaviour.
• Handling side effects.
• Take Actions in.
• Emit Actions out.
Create Cat - Epic
export class CatEpics {
/* ... */
create = (action$: ActionsObservable<IPayloadAction>) => {
let dispatch = this.dispatch;
let errorHandler = createErrorHandler(CatsActions.CAT_CREATE_ERROR);
let catCreated = createSuccessHandler(CatsActions.CAT_CREATED);
let createCat = ({payload}) => this.cats.create(payload)
.map(result => catCreated(result))
.catch(err => errorHandler(err));
return action$.ofType(CatsActions.CREATE_CAT)
.do(n => dispatch({ type: CatsActions.CREATING_CAT }))
.mergeMap(n => createCat(n));
Create Cat - Register Epic
import { rootReducer, IAppState, middleware, CatEpics } from './store';
import { createEpicMiddleware } from 'redux-observable';
export class AppModule {
constructor(private ngRedux: NgRedux<IAppState>,
devTools: DevToolsExtension,
catEpics: CatEpics) {
const createCatEpic = createEpicMiddleware(catEpics.create);
const updateCatEpic = createEpicMiddleware(catEpics.update);
let enhancers = devTools.isEnabled() ? [ devTools.enhancer() ] : [];
[...middleware, createCatEpic, updateCatEpic],
Create Cat - Action Creator
createCat = ({name, headline, description, age, gender, breed}) => {
const randomImage = randomRange(100, 200);
const imageUrl = `${randomImage}/${randomImage}`;
const id = generateId();
this.ngRedux.dispatch({type: CatsActions.CREATING_CAT});
this.cats.create({ /* .... */ })
.subscribe(result => this.ngRedux.dispatch({
type: CatsActions.CAT_CREATED,
payload: result })
err => this.ngRedux.dispatch({
type: CatsActions.CAT_CREATE_ERROR,
payload: err})
Create Cat - Action Creator
createCat = ({name, headline, description, age, gender, breed}) => {
const randomImage = randomRange(100, 200);
const imageUrl = `${randomImage}/${randomImage}`;
const id = generateId();
type: CatsActions.CREATE_CAT,
payload: {
/* .... */
Demo Time
• Summit Cat Shelter
• Its addictive.
• You won’t be happy using anything else.
• Your friends might not understand your obsession.
Evan Schultz

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Evan Schultz - Angular Summit - 2016

  • 1. Evan Schultz Developer @Rangleio Some rights reserved - Creative Commons 2.0 by-sa BUILDING ANGULAR 2 APPLICATIONS WITH REDUX
  • 2. A Typical Complex SPA • Lots of parts. • Everything is connected to everything else. • Changing anything breaks something somewhere. • Managing state becomes a challenge.
  • 3. How State Really Becomes Painful Component Model Model Model Model Component Component Component
  • 4. Best Solutions Known as of Now • Component-based UI. • Unidirectional data-flow. • A “stateless” approach deeper in the stack.
  • 6. Why Stateless is Good • A lot of us were raised on OOP. Objects are stateful. • The effect of calling a method depends on the arguments and the object’s state. • Very painful to test. • Very hard to understand. • Aims to mimic the real world. • But why replicate the unnecessary complexity?
  • 7. Alternative: Pure Functions • The output of a pure function depends only on inputs. • Pure functions have no side-effects. • Pure functions have no state. • Much easier to understand. • Much easier to test.
  • 8. Unidirectional Data Flow with Flux Component Store API, etc. Component Dispatcher Action(s)Action
  • 11. Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps. – @dan_ambrov “
  • 12. Redux Resources • GitHub: • Docs: • Ecosystem: • Training:
  • 13. Redux Key Concepts • Application State is a single object in a single store. • Only way to change state is by emitting an Action. • Actions describe what happened. • State is transformed by reducers that handle actions.
  • 14. Reducer Functions • Basic reduce(): function sum (value, state) { return state + value; } [1,2,3,4,5].reduce(sum, 0); • Running through the items: 1: 0 => 1 2: 1 => 3 3: 3 => 6 4: 6 => 10 5: 10 => 15
  • 15. Action Reducers in Redux • Take an action and a state, return a new state. • Your app’s state is a reduction over the actions. • Each reducer operates on a subset of the global state. • Simple reducers are combined into complex ones.
  • 16. An Example export const cats = (state: ICats = INITIAL_STATE, action) => { switch (action.type) { case CAT_DELETED: return state.filter(n => !==; case CAT_CREATED: return [...state, action.payload]; case CAT_UPDATED: return => { return !== ? n : Object.assign({}, n, action.payload); }); default: return state; } };
  • 17. Testing Is Easy describe('the cats reducer', () => { it('should allow cats to be created', () => { const initialState = cats([]); const expectedState = [/* ... */]; const action = { type:’CAT_CREATED', payload: { /* ... */ } }; const nextState = todos(initialState, action); expect(nextState).to.deep.equal(expectedState); }); });
  • 18. Why Is This a Good Idea? • Reducers are pure functions – easy to understand, easy to test. • Reducers are synchronous. • Data logic is 100% separated from view logic. • You can still have modularity by combining reducers. • New opportunities for tools.
  • 19. Actions • Information you send from your application to your store. • The only source of change to your state. • Represent what was done • Simply JSON Objects with a ‘type’ property
  • 20. Example Action let action = { type: ‘FULL_NAME_FORMED’, payload: { fullName: 'Evan Schultz' } }
  • 21. Action Creators • Functions that return actions. • Can handle business logic • Can handle API Calls and Async behaviour. • Takes parameters and creates an Action • Components should … • Know what data to pass in. • Not care about the structure of the payload.
  • 22. ActionCreator / Action let formFullName = (firstName, lastName) => { return { type: ‘FULL_NAME_FORMED’, payload: { fullName: `${firstName} ${lastName}` } } }
  • 23. Putting it together … • Action Creators are the request to do something. • Actions are the result of what happened. • Reducers transform to represent what happened.
  • 24. How Do We Avoid Mutating State? • Reducers are supposed to not change the old state. But how do we keep them honest? • Immutable data structures store data without introducing “state”. • Object.freeze() - shallow. • “Seamless Immutable”: frozen all the way down. • But what happens when you want to modify your data?
  • 25. Derived Immutables • You can’t change immutable objects. But you need to. • So, you derive new ones. I.e., make a new immutable that is different in a specified way, without altering the original. • “Immutable.JS” is one library to use. var newData = data.setIn( ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], 42 );
  • 26. Derived Immutables • These are key building blocks for stateless architecture. • ES6 Spread Syntax return [...state, action.payload]; • Object.assign return Object.assign({}, n, action.payload);
  • 27. Change Detection • Angular 2 has OnPush change detection. • Only fires when reference to an Input changes. • Do not need to do property by property checking. • If used properly, can improve the performance of your application.
  • 28. Angular 2 + Redux
  • 29. ng2-redux • Angular 2 bindings for Redux. • • Expose state as an Observable. • Property Decorators • DevTools • Compatible with existing Redux ecosystem. •
  • 30. Angular 2 + ng2-redux Setup • Creating the Store - Root Reducer & Reducer Composition. • Root Module Configuration. • Component Architecture. • Accessing State. • Action Services. • Middleware and DevTools.
  • 33. Root Reducer • Redux has a Global Application State. • Root Reducer combines reducers into your Application State. • Slices of state are handled by a reducer. • Each Reducer can focus on a small area of concern.
  • 34. Create Root Reducer import { combineReducers } from 'redux'; import { cats, ICat } from './cats'; import { catEdit, ICatEdit } from './cat-edit'; import { codeTables, ICodeTables } from './code-tables'; import { filters, IFilters } from './filters'; export interface IAppState { cats?: ICat[]; catEdit?: ICatEdit; codeTables?: ICodeTables; filters?: IFilters; }; export const rootReducer = combineReducers<IAppState> ({ cats, catEdit, codeTables, filters });
  • 35. Create Root Reducer import { combineReducers } from 'redux'; import { cats, ICat } from './cats'; import { catEdit, ICatEdit } from './cat-edit'; import { codeTables, ICodeTables } from './code-tables'; import { filters, IFilters } from './filters'; export interface IAppState { cats?: ICat[]; catEdit?: ICatEdit; codeTables?: ICodeTables; filters?: IFilters; }; export const rootReducer = combineReducers<IAppState> ({ cats, catEdit, codeTables, filters });
  • 36. Create Root Reducer import { combineReducers } from 'redux'; import { cats, ICat } from './cats'; import { catEdit, ICatEdit } from './cat-edit'; import { codeTables, ICodeTables } from './code-tables'; import { filters, IFilters } from './filters'; export interface IAppState { cats?: ICat[]; catEdit?: ICatEdit; codeTables?: ICodeTables; filters?: IFilters; }; export const rootReducer = combineReducers<IAppState> ({ cats, catEdit, codeTables, filters });
  • 37. Resulting State … resultingState = { "cats": [{ "age": "senior", "breed": "munchkin", "description": "...", /* .... */ }], "catEdit": { "isEditing": false, "currentCat": null, "isPending": false }, "codeTables": { "ages": [{ "value": "senior", "label": "Senior" }], "breeds": [{ "value": "munchkin", "label": "Munchkin"}] "genders": [/* ...*/ ] }, "filters": { "age": {}, "breed": {}, "gender": {} }, "catsLoading": false }
  • 38. Reducer Composition export const rootReducer = combineReducers<IAppState> ({ cats, catEdit, codeTables, filters, catsLoading }); • Keep reducers small and simple. • Focus on one area. • Compose as needed. • Responsible for Data Management.
  • 39. Combine Reducers export const rootReducer = combineReducers<IAppState>({ }); cats, catEdit, codeTables, filters, catsLoading Manages adding and removal of cats
  • 40. Combine Reducers export const rootReducer = combineReducers<IAppState>({ }); cats, catEdit, codeTables, filters, catsLoading Manages the currently edited cat
  • 41. Combine Reducers export const rootReducer = combineReducers<IAppState>({ }); cats, catEdit, codeTables, filters, catsLoading Manages list tables like •Breeds •Age •Gender
  • 42. Combine Reducers export const rootReducer = combineReducers<IAppState>({ }); cats, catEdit, codeTables, filters, catsLoading Manages what filters are applied
  • 43. Combine Reducers export const rootReducer = combineReducers<IAppState>({ }); cats, catEdit, codeTables, filters, catsLoading Is the cats list loading?
  • 44. Nested CombineReducers export const rootReducer = combineReducers<IAppState>({ }); import { ages } from './ages.reducer'; import { breeds } from './breeds.reducer'; import { genders } from './genders.reducer'; import { combineReducers } from 'redux'; export const codeTables = combineReducers({ages, breeds, genders}); app/store/code-tables/code-tables.reducer.ts codeTables,
  • 45. Higher Order Reducers export const rootReducer = combineReducers<IAppState>({ }); filters, const filterReducer = (property, INITIAL_STATE = {}) => (state = INITIAL_STATE, action) => { /* .... */ switch (action.type) { case FilterActions.FILTER_ADDED: return Object.assign({}, state, { [action.payload.value]: true }); /* ... */ default: return state; }}; app/store/filters/filters.reducer.ts
  • 46. Higher Order Reducers export const rootReducer = combineReducers<IAppState>({ }); filters, export const filters = combineReducers({ age: filterReducer('age'), breed: filterReducer('breed'), gender: filterReducer('gender') }); app/store/filters/filters.reducer.ts
  • 47. Can be really … really small export const rootReducer = combineReducers<IAppState>({ }); export const catsLoading = (state = false, action) => { switch (action.type) { case CatsActions.CATS_LOADING: return true; case CatsActions.CATS_LOADED: return false; default: return state; }}; app/store/cats/cats-loading.reducer.ts catsLoading
  • 49. • Can be built in many ways. • Can be nested. • Can be combined. • Can be composed. • Can be reusable. Reducers …
  • 51. Angular 2 - Root Module import { NgReduxModule, NgRedux } from 'ng2-redux'; import { rootReducer, IAppState } from './store'; @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent ], imports: [ NgReduxModule ], providers: [], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { constructor(private ngRedux: NgRedux<IAppState>) { ngRedux.configureStore(rootReducer, {}); } }
  • 52. Angular 2 - Bootstrap import './polyfills.ts'; import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform- browser-dynamic'; import { enableProdMode } from '@angular/core'; import { environment } from './environments/environment'; import { AppModule } from './app/'; if (environment.production) { enableProdMode(); } platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(AppModule);
  • 53. Angular 2 - Component export class AppComponent implements OnInit { @select() cats$: Observable<ICat[]>; constructor(private ngRedux:NgRedux<IAppState>) { } createCat(catDetails) { this.ngRedux.dispatch({type: 'CREAT_CAT', payload: catDetails }); } }
  • 55. • Also referred to as Smart or Stateful Components • Knows about State and how to access it • Responsible for … • Getting the data from the state • Passing down data • Dispatching actions Component Types - Container
  • 56. export class AppComponent implements OnInit { /* Access State */ @select() cats$: Observable<ICat[]>; constructor(private catsActions: CatsActions) { } /* Dispatch Actions */ displayCat(cat) { this.ngRedux.dispatch({}); } /* ActionService of CatActions deals with Dispatch */ submitCat(catModel) { this.catsActions.submitCat(catModel); } } Container Component
  • 57. <md-grid-tile *ngFor="let cat of filteredCats$ | async"> <!-- * Cat Detail Card gets cats from the container. * and emits events up for the container to handle. --> <app-cat-detail-card [cat]="cat" (displayEdit)="displayCat($event);" (deleteCat)="deleteCat($event)"> </app-cat-detail-card> </md-grid-tile> Container Component
  • 58. <div class="sm-col sm-col-4”> <b>All Cats</b> <!-- Short List is dumb --> <app-cat-short-list [cats]="cats$" [breeds]="catBreeds$"> </app-cat-short-list> </div> <div class="sm-col sm-col-4”> <b>Filtered Cats</b> <!-- Short List doesn't care where the cats came from, just that it has them --> <app-cat-short-list [cats]="filteredCats$" [breeds]="catBreeds$"> </app-cat-short-list> </div> Container Component
  • 59. • Also referred to as Dumb or Stateless Components • Receives data from containers • Emits events up to parent • Do not rely on external state that is not provided • Do not modify external state Presentation Component
  • 60. Presentation Component • Receives data from container or smart component. @Input() cat: ICat; • Emits events up to the parent @Output() deleteCat: EventEmitter<ICat> = new EventEmitter(); • Responsible for … • Rendering data. • Emitting events.
  • 61. Presentation Component @Component({ selector: ‘ ', templateUrl: './cat-detail-card.component.html', styleUrls: ['./cat-detail-card.component.scss'] }) export class CatDetailCardComponent { @Input() cat: any; @Output() displayEdit: EventEmitter<string> = /* ... */ @Output() deleteCat: EventEmitter<any> = /* ... */ } app-cat-detail-card
  • 62. Presentation Template <md-card> <md-card-title-group> <md-card-subtitle>{{cat.headline}}</md-card-subtitle> <md-card-title>{{}}</md-card-title> <img md-card-sm-image [src]="cat.imageUrl" /> </md-card-title-group> <md-card-content> <div [innerHtml]="cat.description"></div> </md-card-content> <md-card-actions> <button md-button (click)="displayEdit.emit(cat)">EDIT</button> <button md-button (click)="deleteCat.emit(cat)">DELETE</button> </md-card-actions> </md-card> app-cat-detail-card
  • 64. Accessing State • Can access underlying Redux methods. • getState - snapshot of current state. • subscribe - callback for every state change. • Can use ngRedux `select` slices of state as an Observable. • @select() cats$: Observable<ICat[]>; • this.cats$ =>cats);
  • 65. Accessing State - @select export class AppComponent { @select() cats$: Observable<ICat[]>; @select(['codeTables', 'breeds']) catBreeds$; @select(['codeTables', 'ages']) catAges$; @select((state)=>state.codeTables.genders) catGenders$; }
  • 66. ActionServices • Injectable Angular 2 Classes. • Access to Angular DI. • Dispatch from the service. • Class methods are similar to Action Creators.
  • 67. ActionServices • Actions still pass through middleware. • Call dispatch from the service. • Action is still a JSON object that gets passed into your reducers
  • 68. Angular 2 - Synchronous Actions @Injectable() export class CatsActions { static CAT_CREATED = 'CAT_CREATED'; constructor(private ngRedux: NgRedux<IAppState>) { }; createCat = ({name, headline, /* … snip … */ }) => { const randomImage = randomRange(100, 200); const imageUrl = /* … snip … */ const id = generateId(); const cat = { name, headline,/* … snip … */} this.ngRedux .dispatch({ type: CatsActions.CAT_CREATED, payload: cat }); };
  • 69. Asyncronous Actions • Call an action creator to initiate a request. • Action creator emits an action to inform everyone that a request was made. • Action creator emits an action to inform everyone that a request was completed. (Or when it fails.) • Push details of making a request into a module.
  • 70. Angular 2 - Async Actions listAll = () => { this.ngRedux.dispatch({type: 'CATS_LOADING' })) return this.cats .listAll() .subscribe(result => { this.ngRedux.dispatch({ type: 'CATS_LOADED', payload: result }); }, (err) => this.ngRedux.dispatch({type: 'CATS_LOADING_ERROR'}) ); };
  • 72. Observable State @select() cats$: Observable<ICat[]>; Remember this? Its an RxJs Observable map filtermergeMap debounceTime groupBycombineLatest …. and more combine with other streams
  • 73. Can use | async <app-cat-edit-form [cat]="catEdit$ | async" [catBreeds]="catBreeds$ | async" [catAges]="catAges$ | async" [catGenders]="catGenders$ | async" *ngIf="isEditing$ | async" (submitCat)="submitCat($event)"> </app-cat-edit-form> export class AppComponent implements OnInit { @select(['catEdit', 'currentCat']) catEdit$: Observable<any>; @select(['codeTables', 'genders']) catGenders$; } Async pipe can handle subscriptions and dispose for you
  • 74. Combining Streams export class AppComponent implements OnInit { @select() cats$: Observable<ICat[]>; @select() filters$; public filteredCats$; ngOnInit() { this.filteredCats$ = this.cats$ .combineLatest(this.filters$.map(activeFilters), (cats, filters: any) => cats.filter(filters)); }
  • 75. Transform State • Functions passed into select are called every state change • Transformations should happen only
 when the state you care about has changed
  • 76. Transform State let greeter = p => `Hello ${p.firstName} ${p.lastName}` export class AppComponent implements OnInit { @select(state=>greeter(state.people)) greetings$: Observable<string[]>; greetings: string[] } greeter gets executed every state change!
  • 77. Transform State let greeter = p => `Hello ${p.firstName} ${p.lastName}` export class AppComponent implements OnInit { @select() people$: Observable<IPerson[]>; greetings$: Observable<string[]> ngOnInit() { this.greetings$ = this.people$ .map(greeter) } } greeter gets executed only if people$ changes
  • 78. Selectors (*) or how to decouple state structure from components
  • 79. Reducer: “How does my state change over time”? : “How do other modules make sense of my state?” - @dan_abramov “ Selectors
  • 80. • Containers can be smart, but not too smart. • Risk tightly coupling components to the shape of your state. • Can make refactoring difficult. Selectors
  • 81. Selectors - Selecting State export class Comp2 { @select([‘path','to','expenses']) expenses$:Observable<IExpenses[]> } • Changes in state can lead to updating multiple locations. • Brittle, error prone. • Makes refactoring risky. export class Comp1 { @select([‘path','to','expenses']) expenses$:Observable<IExpenses[]> }
  • 82. Selectors - Selecting State import { expenses } from './store'; export class Comp1 { @select(expenses) expenses$:any } import { expenses } from './store'; export class Comp2 { @select(expenses) expenses$:any } • Create a shared selector. // colocated with the reducer export const expenses = ['new','expense','path'] • Import and use.
  • 83. Selectors - Transforming State • Shape of state may not meet view needs. • Can transform state. • Can be used to derive data from existing state. • Want to keep code DRY. • Minimize logic in components.
  • 84. Selectors - Transforming State export expenses = ['path','to','expenses']; export const approvedTotal = (expenses) => { return expenses .filter( n=> n.approved) .reduce((acc,curExpense) => acc +,0) }
  • 85. Selectors - Transforming State import { approvedTotal, expenses } from './store'; @Component({ /* ... */ }) export class ExpenseComponent { total$:Observable<string> ngOnInit() {$ = this.ngRedux .select(expenses) .map(approvedTotal) } }
  • 87. • See all actions dispatched. • See state before action. • See state after action. Logger Middleware
  • 88. Logger - Setup const createLogger = require('redux-logger'); const logger = createLogger({level:'info', collapse: true }) export const middleware = [logger]; app/store/store.ts import { rootReducer, IAppState, middleware } from './store'; @NgModule({/* ....*/ }) export class AppModule { constructor(private ngRedux: NgRedux<IAppState>) { ngRedux.configureStore(rootReducer, {}, [...middleware] ); } } app/app.module.ts
  • 90. • Works with Redux Dev Tools. • Available in Chrome Store - [Link]. • Action history. • Time traveling. • State Import & Export. Redux Dev Tools
  • 91. DevTools - Setup import { NgReduxModule, NgRedux, DevToolsExtension } from 'ng2-redux'; @NgModule({/* ...*/ }) export class AppModule { constructor(private ngRedux: NgRedux<IAppState>, devTools: DevToolsExtension) { let enhancers = devTools.isEnabled() ? [ devTools.enhancer() ] : []; ngRedux.configureStore(rootReducer, { }, [...middleware], [...enhancers]); } } app/app.module.ts
  • 92.
  • 93. Epics
  • 94. • Observe an Action stream as Observable. • Handle complex workflows. • Cancellable. • Simplify action creators. Middleware - redux-observable
  • 95. • Focus on business / data logic. • No longer concerned with coordinating async streams. • Can begin to behave synchronously again. Action Creators
  • 96. • Focus on Async behaviour. • Handling side effects. • Take Actions in. • Emit Actions out. Epics
  • 97. Create Cat - Epic @Injectable() export class CatEpics { /* ... */ create = (action$: ActionsObservable<IPayloadAction>) => { let dispatch = this.dispatch; let errorHandler = createErrorHandler(CatsActions.CAT_CREATE_ERROR); let catCreated = createSuccessHandler(CatsActions.CAT_CREATED); let createCat = ({payload}) => this.cats.create(payload) .map(result => catCreated(result)) .catch(err => errorHandler(err)); return action$.ofType(CatsActions.CREATE_CAT) .do(n => dispatch({ type: CatsActions.CREATING_CAT })) .mergeMap(n => createCat(n)); } }
  • 98. Create Cat - Register Epic import { rootReducer, IAppState, middleware, CatEpics } from './store'; import { createEpicMiddleware } from 'redux-observable'; export class AppModule { constructor(private ngRedux: NgRedux<IAppState>, devTools: DevToolsExtension, catEpics: CatEpics) { const createCatEpic = createEpicMiddleware(catEpics.create); const updateCatEpic = createEpicMiddleware(catEpics.update); let enhancers = devTools.isEnabled() ? [ devTools.enhancer() ] : []; ngRedux.configureStore(rootReducer, {}, [...middleware, createCatEpic, updateCatEpic], [...enhancers]); } }
  • 99. Create Cat - Action Creator createCat = ({name, headline, description, age, gender, breed}) => { const randomImage = randomRange(100, 200); const imageUrl = `${randomImage}/${randomImage}`; const id = generateId(); this.ngRedux.dispatch({type: CatsActions.CREATING_CAT}); this.cats.create({ /* .... */ }) .subscribe(result => this.ngRedux.dispatch({ type: CatsActions.CAT_CREATED, payload: result }) , err => this.ngRedux.dispatch({ type: CatsActions.CAT_CREATE_ERROR, payload: err}) ); }; Before
  • 100. Create Cat - Action Creator createCat = ({name, headline, description, age, gender, breed}) => { const randomImage = randomRange(100, 200); const imageUrl = `${randomImage}/${randomImage}`; const id = generateId(); this.ngRedux.dispatch({ type: CatsActions.CREATE_CAT, payload: { /* .... */ } }); After
  • 102. Demo • Summit Cat Shelter •
  • 103. Caveats • Its addictive. • You won’t be happy using anything else. • Your friends might not understand your obsession.