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Social Media Customer Acquisition Strategies
        For Mobile Application Startups

              Case Study Fetchnotes

                 Drew Beaurline
       The scalability of the Internet dazzled businessmen and women of the 1990‘s and for a
short period of time, website valuations soared. However, the bubble eventually popped and
the financing for new Internet ventures became much more conservative. Older business
models hadn’t worked because consumers found it hard to trust transaction- focused sites.
Internet entrepreneurs had to reassess how to build a practical online business.
       The new websites that emerged following the Internet bubble are loosely defined as
Web 2.0. These sites are successful because, unlike the static websites of the 1990‘s, they
allow users to change and interact with online content. Sites with the highest amount of online
interaction are now the most valuable. Yelp overtook Yellow Pages in a few short years simply
by allowing users to comment and rate local businesses. Reviews help inform consumer
purchasing decisions which made Yelp a much more valuable resource than Yellow Pages.
       The relationship of total enterprise value to online interaction volume is often referred to
as network effects, and mobile computing is strengthening this correlation even further.
Consumers can now interact with online content at anytime of the day through a smartphone.
In fact, mobile online usage is expected to surpass desktop usage by 2014 ( Likes
and reviews from social media are becoming the first thing that people witness when
conducting an online search. Social media and mobile computing created a market that is
currently in flux, causing a new wave of mobile startups to emerge.

Mobile Application Challenges
       It is hard to scale a mobile application into a billion dollar company when there are so
many platform and device specifications. Each mobile operating system has a unique
presentation, interaction style and software stack. Devices have different screen sizes, input
modes and hardware capabilities. The number of developers needed to handle this constantly
changing landscape can be expensive for a startup on a limited budget.
       Yet, building product is only half the battle. A mobile application’s true value is
dependent upon its total number of users. This makes user acquisition equally as important as
engineering. Luckily, marketers can also take advantage of network effects. Marketing
content has the potential to spread quickly (go viral) on a highly trafficked social network at a
low cost. Marketing content includes anything from a blog post or video to an eBook or review.
Building a strong social presence helps acquire users and increases the likelihood a mobile
app will be successful. To gain a better understanding of effective social media marketing
strategies for mobile application startups, I worked with a TechStars company called
Fetchnotes that is pursuing a different approach to note taking.

Section 1: Popular Social Media Marketing Strategies for Mobile App Startups

Application Store Optimization
       The nature of being a mobile application makes obtaining users through social media
more difficult. Marketers use to drive people from across the Internet to desktop landing
pages. Now, to have a viable Internet business, consumers need to download a company’s
mobile application from an app store. Even if a user engages with a company’s social content,
they still need to:
       1.Pick up their phone or tablet
       2.Search for the application in the app store
       3.Select download
       4.Input their password
       5.Wait for the app to download
       6.Then login to the app
       This equation has a lot of steps and moving parts. Therefore, a social media strategy
for a mobile app should be designed to increase downloads by making the process of
downloading more efficient and a more positive experience for the consumer. However, the
majority of smartphone users discover apps by typing keywords into the app store search bar
(Exhibit 1). The mobile apps with the highest download rate, install base, social mentions and
review rating determine the overall rank of where an application will appear when specific
keywords and categories are searched (Exhibit 2). A mobile application’s app store ranking
means the difference between the company or their competitor obtaining more downloads.
The design of an effective social media strategy should therefore take into account increasing
all four of these factors.
Linking Social Content
         Social content is always linked so a consumer can easily check out a product if it seems
interesting. The end desire for a mobile application company is to be downloaded. To
encourage this behavior, some companies will link their social content directly to the app store.
However, there are so many formatting rules to follow that every app description looks the
same. The other alternative is to link to the companies desktop or mobile website. Yet, users
on a mobile website have to constantly slide and zoom which creates a horrible user
         LinkedIn neglected to play by the rules of the app store
and still encourage mobile app downloads by creating an
entirely separate mobile landing page. When a mobile user
clicks on the company’s social content or searches in Google,
it routes them to an ascetically pleasing page. The user is
prompted to either “Get the App” or use the mobile web
version by selecting “No Thanks.” This strategy makes for a
superior user experience, increases download velocity, the
overall install base and app store click through rate. These
things all add to LinkedIn’s rating and presence in the app

App Store Ratings and Reviews
         App store reviews are one of the most heavily weighted forms of social engagement for
consumers and app store ranking algorithms. A recent study by L.E.K. Consulting found that
“active mobile consumers value customer reviews above all other sources, including friends
and family, independent product reviews, store displays and sales associates.” Apple’s App
store redesign for iOS6 makes it clear that Facebook engagement is now a part of the Apple
ranking system. The Facebook friends that like an application show up at the top of the app
store description. However, Facebook likes and Twitter followers are better at creating brand
awareness and funneling people to the description. The app store reviews are what finalize the
decision to download.
The problem is that a great product does not guarantee a large amount of positive
reviews because the only convenient time to write a review is when the consumer sees the app
store description before they download. Why would someone write a review before they’ve
tried the product? If the user does end up loving the product and wants to write a review, he or
she needs to go back into the app store, search for the application again and then fill out the
review. This is another process with too many steps.
       The pop-up review box is one solution. A dialog box appears that links to the app store
description page. While this does streamline the process, it interrupts the user in the middle of
what ever they are doing. “Some apps will even remind a user multiple times which may
inspire a negative review” (Mobile Orchard). Gathering an increased amount of favorable
reviews and at the same time keeping bad reviews out of the app store is a delicate balance.
       The mobile application 360 Panorama discovered this balance. Under settings, there
are two buttons, “Send Feedback,” and “Send Love”. Send Feedback opens a screen that
looks and feels like a review, but sends an email directly to the developer. “Send love” takes
                                  the user to the app store where they can write an awesome
                                  review. When negative feedback comes to the company
                                  instead of the app store, the company can control it’s destiny.
                                  The firm can turn the angry user into a happy one by promptly
                                  responding and supporting them, learn more about the
                                  problem and fix it faster, optimize presence in the app store
                                  through fewer negative reviews and create a better user
                                  experience. 360 Panorama has a 4.5 star App Store rating.

Social Buttons
       Strategically placed social buttons that are built into the application increase the
likelihood of engagement. Users will be more inclined to like or follow a company if the ability
to do so is readily available. Furthermore, allowing users to export the things they create
within an app to a social media site showcases the purpose and functionality of a mobile
application to the user’s friends at no cost to the company.
       Instagram was one of the first mobile applications to implement this strategy. When a
picture is taken, the user can then decide if they want to upload the image to Facebook, Twitter
or Tumblr. Friends of the user see the value of adding filters to mobile images and are more
inclined to download the app. When social media touch points are integrated into the product, it
can create a viral loop. The company will not have to spend money or time creating marketing
content because the users do it simply by using the product.
         While this strategy seems too good to be true, there are also some challenges. Some
applications do not produce share- worthy content. For example, GroupMe is a private group
messaging service. People assume when they type a message to their friends that it will not
end up on a social network. In addition, when a user can upload app content to a social
network, the company runs the risks of showcasing the product in the wrong way. What if
some of the initial users of Instagram were uploading inappropriate images? Regardless,
placing buttons into an application to like or follow a brand helps increase overall exposure.

Creating Share-worthy Social Content
         Although there are several ways to encourage social sharing through product
modification, distributing share-worthy social content helps attract initial users and build a
         Broad, visual social content increases engagement because it appeals to a wide
demographic and is quickly digestible on a mobile device. Research conducted by M Booth
revealed “photos and videos drive the most engagement on Facebook’s top ten brand pages.
Photos on Facebook are “liked” twice as often as text. Videos on Facebook are twelve times
more likely to be shared than links and text post
combined” (M Booth). Pictures can communicate
information quickly. The virtual recipe book, Epicurious,
posts high definition images of delicious looking meals
to Facebook and Twitter. Foodies love it. Epicurious
has over 250,000 Facebook likes and 350,000 followers.
They even coined a term around this campaign, “food
         High definition images work, but the new type of
visual content that is exciting everyone are info-
graphics. Info-graphics utilize the data that a mobile
application collects to deliver meaningful discoveries to users. Consumers today are hesitant
about sharing their personal data. Yet info-graphics help make a company’s “Big Data”
objectives more transparent. When transparency exists, people are more likely to provide their
personal information. The emphasis of visual content over text can also be seen in the new
layout of the Apple App Store. Comments and descriptions are in the background of large

Communication Speed
        When a user communicates on a social network, a company’s response time is
important. Most mobile apps and consumers use Twitter for customer support. A quick
response can make a dejected user feel valued and mitigate bad press. Mobile app’s should
take advantage of the feedback and avoid making a costly mistake. Negative news forms on
social media before it ever reaches mainstream media so it is important to react early and not

Section 2: Fetchnotes Overview

        Social networks have certainly helped connect the world. Yet there are now so many
devices, social networks and other communication mediums that it is difficult to stay focused
on what’s important. Individuals today have a lot to keep track of, and we’re not very good at
it. We miss deadlines, forget to follow- up, and the resulting stress is only getting worse as our
lives get busier. People are feeling fragmented and on information over load.
Fetchnotes is attempting to solve this problem by building a mobile application that combines
note-taking, task-management and communication. (Graphic)
Task Management
       Our lives our filled with direct actions we need to take like remembering an email to a
coworker or pickup the dry cleaning. Fetchnotes makes remembering these things easier.
Users can quickly organize their tasks as they type through hash tags (Exhibit 3).

Note Taking
       There are also the more latent things we want to jot down and save for a rainy day;
music to checkout, books to read, ideas to refer back to. Fetchnotes users can easily retrieve
any long-term idea from their tag drawer. For example, when I filter my tags based on the
word Brazil, I see all the ideas, to do’s, and things to research before I book my dream trip to
the 2014 World Cup. (Exhibit 4).

       Lastly, there is communication, which sends these notes or actions to the other people
in our lives through SMS, email or any of the other messaging applications. I can assign a task
to my travel companion Chuck by placing an @ symbol before his name. The next time Chuck
logs into Fetchnotes, and looks at his #todo list, he will see that he needs to buy our tickets to
Brazil (Exhibit 5).

The Competitive Landscape
       Note taking, task management and communication are crowded spaces with low
barriers to entry. Building a simple note-taking application requires little time and skill. But
what makes these spaces tough to penetrate is that Apple and Android develop their own note-
taking, task-management and communication apps that come preinstalled on their devices.
Evernote is a major player in the note-taking space because it provides a range of additional
features that go beyond simple text note taking. Astrid and Remember the Milk are task-
managers with large user bases. These apps provide many ways to manage reminders and
schedules. Web communication has been evolving since email was invented. There are
thousands of applications that allow a user to communicate with their friends or coworkers.

Fetchnotes Differentiation
       There are several players in each one of these categories, but none effectively address
all three. Unlike all other note-taking applications, Fetchnotes doesn’t have a folder hierarchy.
The notes are a stream- of- thought, which are organized by filtering hashtags. Actions and
ideas can’t be buried in a folder somewhere and forgotten.
       Fetchnotes is also pursuing a different business model than the larger incumbents. The
company will focus on idea conversion as opposed to idea capture. The most common tags in
the databases are latent with the intent to do something. Email, books, music, movies, read,
checkout, buy, groceries — it’s all intent (Exhibit 6). Fetchnotes will be a place for action and
monazite the app by matching users to the products and services they need to get things done.
The company wants to make the process of idea to action more efficient.

Section 3: SWOT Analysis
       Fetchnotes is part of the TechStars accelerator, which adds a tremendous
amount of value to the company. However, when entering a highly competitive space
like mobile application development, it is important to be aware of your company’s
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

   •TechStars: The TechStars accelerator has an exclusive 1% acceptance rate and provides
   a wealth of opportunity and resources. TechStars companies like Fetchnotes are given
   free access to video, UI and development experts to fill any temporary holes in the
   company. The TechStars program also exposes their companies to the most influential
   entrepreneurs in the Boston Area and showcases the teams to potential investors at a
   Demo Day presentation. The exposure and network makes it easier for each company to
   raise a seed round of investment.
   •Product: The product has already received significant traction and the proliferation of
   Twitter has made their note-taking syntax easy to understand. Since the product is also a
   communication tool, it has the opportunity to spread through its use. Users can send tasks
   and lists to their friends which then prompts the recipient to download Fetchnotes
   (Exhibit 7).
   •Data: Usage data is also strong. Daily active users divided by monthly active users is a
   measure of an application’s overall “stickiness.” Exhibit 8 shows that their “stickiness” is
   temporarily ahead of some of the most prominent apps on the market. Of the 35,000 users
   they have acquired since April, 25% are international and the application doesn’t even allow
   hashtags to be made with international characters.

   •Team: The team is a group of University of Michigan students that have little experience
   building a company. Their best engineer and CTO decided to leave the company.
   Fetchnotes does not have a UI designer or back-end engineer.
   •Space: There are many players in the note-taking, task-management and communication
   spaces which makes differentiating Fetchnotes a challenge. Note-taking isn’t a particularly
   exciting product to sell and there are many larger incumbents that offer a wealth of
•Free: Most note-taking applications are offered for free making monetization even more of
   a challenge. Matching people to specific products and services is a feat that Google has
   wrestled with for years and the tendency to write notes in shorthand will make uncovering a
   user’s intent even harder.

   •Intent: The fact that Fetchnotes captures intent is a powerful thing. That is why marketers
   love buying ads with Google. Fetchnotes captures intent once it leaves the brain and
   before it reaches Google which makes the company uniquely, positioned to broker it into
   action. The company has already begun testing their idea conversion hypothesis with
   #books and #read.

   •Evernote/Catch: Evernote and Catch are two well-developed platforms that also attempt to
   straddle the task-management, note-taking and communication spaces. Catch is a mobile
   app with the ability to take down any type of note and Evernote has a “family” of
   applications in its brand portfolio. Evernote could easily add an application like Fetchnotes
   and leverage their network effects.
   •Public Cloud: Business professionals enjoy incorporating Fetchnotes into their workflow.
   Businessmen and women can attach work- related documents to their notes so that they
   can reference the documents when they want to take action. However, many enterprises
   do not like the idea of a third party having control of their data and have started blocking
   public cloud sites like Dropbox. If working professionals can’t access Fetchnotes at work, it
   loses an element of convenience since it can’t go everywhere.

Section 4: Customer Acquisition Strategies of the Fetchnotes Competitors

      Evernote is a note-taking application with a multitude of different services and
complimentary products. The company’s goal is to help people “Remember Everything.”
Users can create text, voice, image or video notes. Similar to other cloud service providers,
once a user reaches a specific data limit, they have to upgrade to a paid Evernote Pro account.
Thus, Evernote wants content that is “data rich.” The application is functional on all devices
and platforms and recently closed a $70 million financing round.
        Evernote has effectively acquired customers by distributing marketing content with an
informational tone across multiple social platforms. The company believes that if “content
helps to educate, then people will want to tell their friends.” Following the trend mentioned
earlier, Evernote’s marketing collateral is typically visual. The firm has amassed a large “trunk”
of videos that showcases everything from customer testimonials to partnership
announcements. Evernote also encourages their entire team to be active on social media so
that company content receives a viral kick when it is first released.
        Evernote also works hard to establish a connection with their most raving fans. Brand
advocates are far more likely to recommend the product to friends, provide insights for making
strategic decisions and engage with social content. Evernote “ambassadors” are eager to
share how the application has changed their lives, made them smarter, more productive, and
better gift givers. With the Evernote ambassador program, users can submit an application to
be profiled on the website. Currently, nine ambassadors are profiled on the company’s
website. They “teach, share and help other less active users get more out of Evernote. Each
was selected because of their passion for applying Evernote to a specific part of their daily
lives” (
        On Facebook, Evernote stresses the desire to go paperless and pushes product
updates and uses case videos. The company’s LinkedIn page focuses less on building
community and more on showcasing the team/open positions. Viral product features are
limited because the company only allows users to share notebooks if they have a pro account.
There are buttons within the application to make uploading any type of note to a variety of
social networks easy.

        Catch also aims to capture content that is “data rich” so that users will upgrade to a Pro
account. However, Catch has a faster and leaner mobile application than Evernote. The
biggest concern for Fetchnotes is that a component of the Catch application allows users to
organize notes with hashtags. Fortunately, these notes still have to be created in a specific
folder, which means there is still a hierarchy element. Collaboration is free. Users spread the
product by inviting their friends to share a workspace. Catch recently received $9 million in
series A financing.
       The company recently started investing in content marketing with an informational tone.
The Catch Facebook page is their mostly highly trafficked platform, which they use to distribute
animated graphics and customer support. The YouTube channel contains a couple low-
resolution movies demonstrating product features. The Catch Twitter following is about equal
in size to that of Fetchnotes.

Section 5: The Current Fetchnotes Customer Acquisition Strategy

       To obtain 35,000 users in six months, Fetchnotes followed a four tiered customer
acquisition strategy.

Public Relations
       Alex Schiff, the CEO of Fetchnotes, is a former writer for the popular financial blog
Benzinga. While working for the company, he established relationships with writers at other
niche startup and technology blogs. He then utilized those connections to obtain a small 1,000
person private beta group and generated hype for the product’s launch. Tech Zulu, All Things
Digital, The Next Web, Launch, Make Use Of and even TechCrunch have featured Fetchnotes
and helped the company gain some initial traction.

Distribution Partners
       One of the biggest successes for Fetchnotes was their distribution partnership with Users that signed up for Fetchnotes received 25GB of free cloud storage. The debut
of the promotion was a chaotic day. The servers were so overloaded that even the team
couldn’t log into the application.

Social Content
   •Blog:The Fetchnotes blog used to be hosted on the Fetchnotes website and featured text
   based product updates, how-to’s, use cases and guest posts. Postings have been
infrequent since launch and have lacked a common tone and theme. Some blog content
   was syndicated with other sites in the past, but the infrequency of posts has resulted in
   lower traffic levels. A couple weeks into TechStars, Fetchnotes began to recognize the
   correlation between visual content and total engagement. Fetchnotes moved their blog to
   Tumblr because the platform is better designed for sharing visual posts across multiple
   social networks.
   •Video: TechStars provided Fetchnotes with free video production services. During this
   time, six videos were created. Two were tutorials, three promoted the distribution
   partnership with Box and one highlighted the redesign of the interface. Their videos had
   the highest level of social engagement. However, it will be tough for the team to continue
   distributing video content since none of the team members have prior experience. A lack of
   time prevented Fetchnotes from distributing videos on a regular schedule.
   •Facebook/Twitter: Fetchnotes has 2,000 Twitter followers, yet original tweets are rare.
   The platform is mostly used for customer service, product updates, and video/blog
   distribution. Since TechStars began, Fetchnotes has lost 25% of their followers and their
   Facebook engagement is very low.
   •Email: While Fetchnotes would post their text and video content to Twitter, Facebook and
   Tumblr, promotion of their marketing content was mostly done through email. The user
   base receives an email when the product is updated. Fetchnotes would link the most
   recent video and blog posts in user emails. Sadly, the email list-serve is now encountering
   a bug. Fetchnotes was unable to promote the new redesign of their application or distribute
   a survey in late November.

Viral Loops
The primary focus of the Fetchnotes customer acquisition strategy is building viral loops into
the product. Fetchnotes will soon integrate with a user’s address book which will allow the
user to share a task via SMS or email. The recipient of the task will be prompted to download
the app via a link in the email or text message. Users will spread Fetchnotes simply by using
the product (Exhibit 7).
Section 6: Social Media Marketing Strategies for Mobile Productivity

Social Product Features
There is little doubt that building SMS, email and social sharing features will help grow a user
base, particularly for productivity/note-taking applications. Note-taking applications create
sharable content and users want to collaborate. If communication features are not suited for a
particular mobile app, developers should still look to inbed social buttons so that it becomes
easier for users to engage with the brand. Facebook engagement is an important element of
ASO. Note-taking applications certainly could use help differentiating their product in such a
crowded space. Viral loops are especially effective for mobile applications because they
prevent spending on content creation when resources are scarce.

Landing Page Optimization
Social media marketing content should link to mobile and desktop landing pages that
emphasize downloading the application. Many note-taking applications have a web
component, but the future of the Internet is mobile so encouraging application downloads is
crucial. Simplicity, speed and convenience are the primary objectives that users want from a
note-taking application. These criteria are not met when a user on a mobile device has to
continuously zoom in and out on a mobile web site. A landing page that emphasizes app
download increases the download velocity, install base and user experience which are critical
elements for ASO (Exhibit 2).

Positive Review Generation
App store reviews are also important for increasing an application’s presence and ranking in
the app store. As a result, encouraging users to rate an application without hindering the user
experience is important. A pop-up dialog box stops a note-taker from quickly jotting down a
thought. A better strategy for a note-taking application would be to place two buttons under
preferences; “Send Love” and “Send Feedback.” This encourages positive reviews to go to the
app store and negative reviews to travel to the company through email. This enhances the
total quantity of reviews and their average rating. Positive reviews mean a huge difference in a
space as crowded as mobile note taking.

Social Content
Visual content generates the most engagement on social networks because it is easily
digestible on a mobile device. However, note-taking applications should look to distribute
specific formats of image and video content.
   •Info-graphics: Info-graphics encourage users to share more personal information with a
   company. Info-graphics provide “Big Data” resources to consumers instead of other
   businesses. Note-taking application users would value data that reveals helpful productivity
   tips and strategies.
   •Tutorials/Use Cases: Users of productivity applications typically strive to increase their
   overall efficiency and possess strong type A personalities. Evernote leveraged these
   behavioral characteristics through their ambassador program. They essentially showcase
   the productivity kings and queens of a particular area by creating use case and tutorial
   videos around them. Tutorials highlight important app features for new users and use
   cases display new methods of applying the product in everyday life. If done correctly, these
   videos will flatter heavy users and encourage less frequent users to utilize the application in
   a different setting. This strategy increases word of mouth marketing on both sides. Yet,
   creating strong visual content can be expensive for a mobile application that is just starting

Communication Speed and Frequency
      Productivity app users are also action oriented and time sensitive. These individuals
are not afraid to make the extra effort to write an unfavorable review or blog post. Therefore,
when an unhappy customer sends a tweet or email, it is best to respond quickly and mitigate
the bad press.

The Future of Customer Acquisition
      It is hard for a new mobile application to rise through the ranks. App stores feel like
search ten years ago. However, the launch of the new iOS 6 App Store proves that both
Google and Apple are trying to make application discovery more accurate. Now that the
Facebook likes of friends are incorporated into application description pages, it is only a matter
of time before Apple and Google start weighting reviews on other social platforms. Blog,
YouTube, Tumblr, Twitter and LinkedIn engagement will influence rankings in the future.
Beginning to develop social engagement from an early stage is therefore essential for any new
mobile application.

Section 7: Recommendations for the Fetchnotes Customer Acquisition Strategy

       Fetchnotes is facing branding, communication and targeting questions as the
application gains more users. The company plans to portray a fun and cute image and
potentially target busy mothers so that the app will proliferate to the rest of the family. When
questioned about this strategy, Megan Calhoun, cofounder of a popular blog called Social
Mom, explained that the Fetchnotes social tone and user interface felt “nerdy.” As TechStars
started to wrap up, the team issued a survey to help draft an effective customer acquisition
strategy for the company moving forward.

Due to problems with the email list serve, the survey was issued to 3,000 users and generated
40 responses. The final results can be viewed in Exhibit 9. The most important takeaways are
listed below:
       •80% of survey participants said they discovered Fetchnotes through word of mouth or
       public relations.
       •70% had tried more than three task managers.
       •95% proclaimed they juggle multiple roles in their lives.
       •80% identified as a business professional or self employed
       •80% identified as list makers both at home and at work.
       •Users enjoyed using Fetchnotes because it was simple, quick and convenient.
       •Age was evenly distributed between 18-65
       •80% of respondents were male.
Targeting and Brand Positioning
       It is advisable for Fetchnotes to reconsider targeting mothers. 80% of the survey
respondents were male and mothers would require an expensive PR push. The largest
demographics were male list makers who were identified as self-employed business
professionals. This can be explained by the initial PR push by Alex Schiff. Yet, the abundance
of males is concerning. If Fetchnotes is to effectively monetize the application through an
ecommerce/idea conversion business model, they need to get females onboard. Females
control 85% of household purchasing decisions, are more likely to talk about products with
their friends and share them on social media. Fetchnotes also should aim to target marketing
channels that span the wide age range and position the brand as a place for action instead of
just note taking.

       When communicating a mobile application’s value, especially for a startup in a crowded
space, it is important to create an entirely new category away from competitors. Differentiating
Fetchnotes based on its features will ruin the company. Larger incumbents like Evernote offer
so many more. Features alone will not persuade users to migrate from Evernote to
Fetchnotes. It is better to communicate a higher level of value and consumer benefit. It was
advised Fetchnotes proclaim that the product causes less stress, more action and is fun to
use. The tone of their marketing content should be broad productivity content with a comedic
twist. Broad content increases engagement and comedy makes the content more likely to be

Product Recommendations
   •Email: In addition to sharing tasks via SMS and email, Fetchnotes could benefit from a
   weekly email marketing campaign. Email is an effective channel because it spans the wide
   demographic. Weekly emails would display personalized productivity information. This
   information could potentially be a user’s completed tasks, old #todos or a productivity
   comparison to other users in their demographic. These emails would be cheap to
   implement and would share- worthy. The Nike Running application is a good example.
   Individuals enjoy posting the long runs they endure to Facebook. User of Nike Running can
display how hard they are exercising to friends and family. It would be the same for
   Fetchnotes users when they completed a record number of tasks.
   •Build a Preferences Tab: Similar to how 360 Panorama separates positive and negative
   customer feedback, Fetchnotes should have “Send Love” and “Send Feedback” buttons
   under preferences instead of annoying note-takers with a pop-up dialog box. This will send
   happy users to fill out a review in the app store and negative reviews to the company.
   Facebook likes currently play an important role in ASO. In addition to having “Send Love”
   and “Send Feedback” under preferences, Fetchnotes should also add “Like us on
   Facebook” and “Follow us on Twitter.” Streamlining the path to engagement increases the
   likelihood a user will act.
   •Export to Twitter: Fetchnotes utilizes the same syntax as Twitter. If a user is acting on a
   fun task like “#Buy tickets to #Brazil,” they may want to upload it to Twitter to show their
   friends. When a user hits the @ sign, they should be capable of sending a task through
   email, SMS or Twitter. This would significantly help increase awareness for Fetchnotes.

Distribution Partnerships and Public Relations Recommendations
       Alex Schiff’s prior experience at Benzinga allowed him to put the Fetchnotes logo on
some highly trafficked sites for free. Any press is good press for a startup in its early stages.
However, it may be helpful if the CEO try to direct his PR efforts toward application review
sites. These forums are important to consumers when searching for applications (Exhibit 1).
The prior distribution partnership was highly effective for Fetchnotes. Future partnerships and
discounts will help incentivize social engagement. Gartner Research found that discounts are
the primary reason a consumer will choose to engage a brand on social media.

Customer Support
       Customer support helps expose bugs, mitigate bad press and uncover brand advocates.
Evernote did a terrific job leveraging brand advocates to spread the product through word of
mouth. Brand advocates are also more willing to help create marketing collateral for the
company. An example would be a use case. Fetchnotes should explore a similar strategy by
keeping track of the users that engage with them the most.
Social Content Recommendations
       It is in Fetchnotes best interest to produce broad, visual, social media marketing content
because it is 15x more likely to be shared on a social network.
   •Image: An image campaign could potentially consist of funny celebrity/athlete to do lists. I
   advised Fetchnotes to consider focusing on celebrities at first since they tend to resonate
   with a broader demographic.
   •Video: Video content should help increase the utility users receive from Fetchnotes.
   Tutorials and use cases help users gain the most from Fetchnotes, are great for
   showcasing brand advocates and increase word of mouth marketing.

Social Platform Recommendations
The following platforms would also add value to Fetchnotes marketing and communication
   •Facebook: Facebook plays an important role in Apple App Store optimization.
   •Pinterest: Pinterest is a hot social network that recently released business accounts.
   Pinterest photos provide SEO back links.
   •Twitter: Twitter provides the majority of Fetchnotes social engagement. Loosing this
   following would significantly hurt the brand.
   •LinkedIn: LinkedIn could help Fetchnotes uncover a talented back-end engineer or UI
   designer. It may also be an effective platform for showcasing team strengths since they
   are younger than most entrepreneurs.

Mobile and Desktop Landing Pages
       Both the desktop and mobile landing pages should be modified to promote downloading
the application. Fetchnotes does have a web application, but the future is mobile. Linking to
the desktop and mobile landing pages in the Google Play and Apple App Store will help
Fetchnotes increase their overall presence in the respective stores. Social buttons should also
be available next to the web application login to promote engagement.

There are a lot of moving parts involved in creating an effective social media strategy.
Starting to address these issues early is essential. As Fetchnotes evolves, it is important that
the company differentiate itself by focusing on meaningful consumer benefits, more clearly
define their target and decide on a tone of voice for addressing users.
       Social media on mobile devices is starting to play a more important role in capturing
consumer reviews. Social engagement with a brand helps legitimize the purchasing decisions
of other consumers. In the preliminary stages of product development, a mobile application
startup should look to engineer viral loops into the application. This could be anything from
communication features to social media buttons. If traction is achieved, distributing social
media content is important for retaining their status. Social engagement legitimizes the
decision for other users to migrate from larger incumbents and is also playing a more important
role in application store rankings. A company’s level of social engagement increases the
install base, download rate, social mentions and positive reviews. The complexity of forming
an effective social media strategy means that a mobile application startup should look to start
early and not wait.

Eckert, Peter. "Navigating the inherent challenges of creating a mobile app." Mobile Commerce
Daily. N.p., 09 2012. Web. 9 Dec 2012. <

"Mobile Commerce and Engagement Stats." Carlisle & Gallagher Consulting
Group, 2012) , 2012. Web. Web. 9 Dec. 2012. <>.

Pim Bilderbeek, . "The future of mobile." GigaOM Pro. 02 2011: 120. Web. 9 Dec. 2012.

"Improving Your App Store Rating." Mobile Orchard. N.p., 2011. Web. Web. 9 Dec. 2012.
< >.

Prete, Jared Del. "How To Navigate NEW Ranking Factors in Apple’s NEW App Store." The
ROI Factor. Blue Fountain Media, 10 2012. Web. 9 Dec 2012.

Hoffman, Paul. "The Limits of Public Clouds for Business Applications." . N.p.. Web. 9 Dec
Exhibit 1

Exhibit 2
Exhibit 3

Exhibit 4
Exhibit 5

Exhibit 6
Exhibit 7

Exhibit 8
Exhibit 9
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Acquire Customers at the Lowest Cost

  • 1. Social Media Customer Acquisition Strategies For Mobile Application Startups Case Study Fetchnotes Drew Beaurline
  • 2. Introduction The scalability of the Internet dazzled businessmen and women of the 1990‘s and for a short period of time, website valuations soared. However, the bubble eventually popped and the financing for new Internet ventures became much more conservative. Older business models hadn’t worked because consumers found it hard to trust transaction- focused sites. Internet entrepreneurs had to reassess how to build a practical online business. The new websites that emerged following the Internet bubble are loosely defined as Web 2.0. These sites are successful because, unlike the static websites of the 1990‘s, they allow users to change and interact with online content. Sites with the highest amount of online interaction are now the most valuable. Yelp overtook Yellow Pages in a few short years simply by allowing users to comment and rate local businesses. Reviews help inform consumer purchasing decisions which made Yelp a much more valuable resource than Yellow Pages. The relationship of total enterprise value to online interaction volume is often referred to as network effects, and mobile computing is strengthening this correlation even further. Consumers can now interact with online content at anytime of the day through a smartphone. In fact, mobile online usage is expected to surpass desktop usage by 2014 ( Likes and reviews from social media are becoming the first thing that people witness when conducting an online search. Social media and mobile computing created a market that is currently in flux, causing a new wave of mobile startups to emerge. Mobile Application Challenges It is hard to scale a mobile application into a billion dollar company when there are so many platform and device specifications. Each mobile operating system has a unique presentation, interaction style and software stack. Devices have different screen sizes, input modes and hardware capabilities. The number of developers needed to handle this constantly changing landscape can be expensive for a startup on a limited budget. Yet, building product is only half the battle. A mobile application’s true value is dependent upon its total number of users. This makes user acquisition equally as important as engineering. Luckily, marketers can also take advantage of network effects. Marketing content has the potential to spread quickly (go viral) on a highly trafficked social network at a low cost. Marketing content includes anything from a blog post or video to an eBook or review.
  • 3. Building a strong social presence helps acquire users and increases the likelihood a mobile app will be successful. To gain a better understanding of effective social media marketing strategies for mobile application startups, I worked with a TechStars company called Fetchnotes that is pursuing a different approach to note taking. Section 1: Popular Social Media Marketing Strategies for Mobile App Startups Application Store Optimization The nature of being a mobile application makes obtaining users through social media more difficult. Marketers use to drive people from across the Internet to desktop landing pages. Now, to have a viable Internet business, consumers need to download a company’s mobile application from an app store. Even if a user engages with a company’s social content, they still need to: 1.Pick up their phone or tablet 2.Search for the application in the app store 3.Select download 4.Input their password 5.Wait for the app to download 6.Then login to the app This equation has a lot of steps and moving parts. Therefore, a social media strategy for a mobile app should be designed to increase downloads by making the process of downloading more efficient and a more positive experience for the consumer. However, the majority of smartphone users discover apps by typing keywords into the app store search bar (Exhibit 1). The mobile apps with the highest download rate, install base, social mentions and review rating determine the overall rank of where an application will appear when specific keywords and categories are searched (Exhibit 2). A mobile application’s app store ranking means the difference between the company or their competitor obtaining more downloads. The design of an effective social media strategy should therefore take into account increasing all four of these factors.
  • 4. Linking Social Content Social content is always linked so a consumer can easily check out a product if it seems interesting. The end desire for a mobile application company is to be downloaded. To encourage this behavior, some companies will link their social content directly to the app store. However, there are so many formatting rules to follow that every app description looks the same. The other alternative is to link to the companies desktop or mobile website. Yet, users on a mobile website have to constantly slide and zoom which creates a horrible user experience. LinkedIn neglected to play by the rules of the app store and still encourage mobile app downloads by creating an entirely separate mobile landing page. When a mobile user clicks on the company’s social content or searches in Google, it routes them to an ascetically pleasing page. The user is prompted to either “Get the App” or use the mobile web version by selecting “No Thanks.” This strategy makes for a superior user experience, increases download velocity, the overall install base and app store click through rate. These things all add to LinkedIn’s rating and presence in the app store. App Store Ratings and Reviews App store reviews are one of the most heavily weighted forms of social engagement for consumers and app store ranking algorithms. A recent study by L.E.K. Consulting found that “active mobile consumers value customer reviews above all other sources, including friends and family, independent product reviews, store displays and sales associates.” Apple’s App store redesign for iOS6 makes it clear that Facebook engagement is now a part of the Apple ranking system. The Facebook friends that like an application show up at the top of the app store description. However, Facebook likes and Twitter followers are better at creating brand awareness and funneling people to the description. The app store reviews are what finalize the decision to download.
  • 5. The problem is that a great product does not guarantee a large amount of positive reviews because the only convenient time to write a review is when the consumer sees the app store description before they download. Why would someone write a review before they’ve tried the product? If the user does end up loving the product and wants to write a review, he or she needs to go back into the app store, search for the application again and then fill out the review. This is another process with too many steps. The pop-up review box is one solution. A dialog box appears that links to the app store description page. While this does streamline the process, it interrupts the user in the middle of what ever they are doing. “Some apps will even remind a user multiple times which may inspire a negative review” (Mobile Orchard). Gathering an increased amount of favorable reviews and at the same time keeping bad reviews out of the app store is a delicate balance. The mobile application 360 Panorama discovered this balance. Under settings, there are two buttons, “Send Feedback,” and “Send Love”. Send Feedback opens a screen that looks and feels like a review, but sends an email directly to the developer. “Send love” takes the user to the app store where they can write an awesome review. When negative feedback comes to the company instead of the app store, the company can control it’s destiny. The firm can turn the angry user into a happy one by promptly responding and supporting them, learn more about the problem and fix it faster, optimize presence in the app store through fewer negative reviews and create a better user experience. 360 Panorama has a 4.5 star App Store rating. Social Buttons Strategically placed social buttons that are built into the application increase the likelihood of engagement. Users will be more inclined to like or follow a company if the ability to do so is readily available. Furthermore, allowing users to export the things they create within an app to a social media site showcases the purpose and functionality of a mobile application to the user’s friends at no cost to the company. Instagram was one of the first mobile applications to implement this strategy. When a picture is taken, the user can then decide if they want to upload the image to Facebook, Twitter
  • 6. or Tumblr. Friends of the user see the value of adding filters to mobile images and are more inclined to download the app. When social media touch points are integrated into the product, it can create a viral loop. The company will not have to spend money or time creating marketing content because the users do it simply by using the product. While this strategy seems too good to be true, there are also some challenges. Some applications do not produce share- worthy content. For example, GroupMe is a private group messaging service. People assume when they type a message to their friends that it will not end up on a social network. In addition, when a user can upload app content to a social network, the company runs the risks of showcasing the product in the wrong way. What if some of the initial users of Instagram were uploading inappropriate images? Regardless, placing buttons into an application to like or follow a brand helps increase overall exposure. Creating Share-worthy Social Content Although there are several ways to encourage social sharing through product modification, distributing share-worthy social content helps attract initial users and build a brand. Broad, visual social content increases engagement because it appeals to a wide demographic and is quickly digestible on a mobile device. Research conducted by M Booth revealed “photos and videos drive the most engagement on Facebook’s top ten brand pages. Photos on Facebook are “liked” twice as often as text. Videos on Facebook are twelve times more likely to be shared than links and text post combined” (M Booth). Pictures can communicate information quickly. The virtual recipe book, Epicurious, posts high definition images of delicious looking meals to Facebook and Twitter. Foodies love it. Epicurious has over 250,000 Facebook likes and 350,000 followers. They even coined a term around this campaign, “food porn.” High definition images work, but the new type of visual content that is exciting everyone are info- graphics. Info-graphics utilize the data that a mobile
  • 7. application collects to deliver meaningful discoveries to users. Consumers today are hesitant about sharing their personal data. Yet info-graphics help make a company’s “Big Data” objectives more transparent. When transparency exists, people are more likely to provide their personal information. The emphasis of visual content over text can also be seen in the new layout of the Apple App Store. Comments and descriptions are in the background of large screenshots. Communication Speed When a user communicates on a social network, a company’s response time is important. Most mobile apps and consumers use Twitter for customer support. A quick response can make a dejected user feel valued and mitigate bad press. Mobile app’s should take advantage of the feedback and avoid making a costly mistake. Negative news forms on social media before it ever reaches mainstream media so it is important to react early and not wait. Section 2: Fetchnotes Overview Social networks have certainly helped connect the world. Yet there are now so many devices, social networks and other communication mediums that it is difficult to stay focused on what’s important. Individuals today have a lot to keep track of, and we’re not very good at it. We miss deadlines, forget to follow- up, and the resulting stress is only getting worse as our lives get busier. People are feeling fragmented and on information over load. Fetchnotes is attempting to solve this problem by building a mobile application that combines note-taking, task-management and communication. (Graphic)
  • 8. Task Management Our lives our filled with direct actions we need to take like remembering an email to a coworker or pickup the dry cleaning. Fetchnotes makes remembering these things easier. Users can quickly organize their tasks as they type through hash tags (Exhibit 3). Note Taking There are also the more latent things we want to jot down and save for a rainy day; music to checkout, books to read, ideas to refer back to. Fetchnotes users can easily retrieve any long-term idea from their tag drawer. For example, when I filter my tags based on the word Brazil, I see all the ideas, to do’s, and things to research before I book my dream trip to the 2014 World Cup. (Exhibit 4). Communication Lastly, there is communication, which sends these notes or actions to the other people in our lives through SMS, email or any of the other messaging applications. I can assign a task to my travel companion Chuck by placing an @ symbol before his name. The next time Chuck
  • 9. logs into Fetchnotes, and looks at his #todo list, he will see that he needs to buy our tickets to Brazil (Exhibit 5). The Competitive Landscape Note taking, task management and communication are crowded spaces with low barriers to entry. Building a simple note-taking application requires little time and skill. But what makes these spaces tough to penetrate is that Apple and Android develop their own note- taking, task-management and communication apps that come preinstalled on their devices. Evernote is a major player in the note-taking space because it provides a range of additional features that go beyond simple text note taking. Astrid and Remember the Milk are task- managers with large user bases. These apps provide many ways to manage reminders and schedules. Web communication has been evolving since email was invented. There are thousands of applications that allow a user to communicate with their friends or coworkers. Fetchnotes Differentiation There are several players in each one of these categories, but none effectively address all three. Unlike all other note-taking applications, Fetchnotes doesn’t have a folder hierarchy. The notes are a stream- of- thought, which are organized by filtering hashtags. Actions and ideas can’t be buried in a folder somewhere and forgotten. Fetchnotes is also pursuing a different business model than the larger incumbents. The company will focus on idea conversion as opposed to idea capture. The most common tags in the databases are latent with the intent to do something. Email, books, music, movies, read, checkout, buy, groceries — it’s all intent (Exhibit 6). Fetchnotes will be a place for action and monazite the app by matching users to the products and services they need to get things done. The company wants to make the process of idea to action more efficient. Section 3: SWOT Analysis Fetchnotes is part of the TechStars accelerator, which adds a tremendous amount of value to the company. However, when entering a highly competitive space
  • 10. like mobile application development, it is important to be aware of your company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Strengths •TechStars: The TechStars accelerator has an exclusive 1% acceptance rate and provides a wealth of opportunity and resources. TechStars companies like Fetchnotes are given free access to video, UI and development experts to fill any temporary holes in the company. The TechStars program also exposes their companies to the most influential entrepreneurs in the Boston Area and showcases the teams to potential investors at a Demo Day presentation. The exposure and network makes it easier for each company to raise a seed round of investment. •Product: The product has already received significant traction and the proliferation of Twitter has made their note-taking syntax easy to understand. Since the product is also a communication tool, it has the opportunity to spread through its use. Users can send tasks and lists to their friends which then prompts the recipient to download Fetchnotes (Exhibit 7). •Data: Usage data is also strong. Daily active users divided by monthly active users is a measure of an application’s overall “stickiness.” Exhibit 8 shows that their “stickiness” is temporarily ahead of some of the most prominent apps on the market. Of the 35,000 users they have acquired since April, 25% are international and the application doesn’t even allow hashtags to be made with international characters. Weaknesses •Team: The team is a group of University of Michigan students that have little experience building a company. Their best engineer and CTO decided to leave the company. Fetchnotes does not have a UI designer or back-end engineer. •Space: There are many players in the note-taking, task-management and communication spaces which makes differentiating Fetchnotes a challenge. Note-taking isn’t a particularly exciting product to sell and there are many larger incumbents that offer a wealth of features.
  • 11. •Free: Most note-taking applications are offered for free making monetization even more of a challenge. Matching people to specific products and services is a feat that Google has wrestled with for years and the tendency to write notes in shorthand will make uncovering a user’s intent even harder. Opportunities •Intent: The fact that Fetchnotes captures intent is a powerful thing. That is why marketers love buying ads with Google. Fetchnotes captures intent once it leaves the brain and before it reaches Google which makes the company uniquely, positioned to broker it into action. The company has already begun testing their idea conversion hypothesis with #books and #read. Threats •Evernote/Catch: Evernote and Catch are two well-developed platforms that also attempt to straddle the task-management, note-taking and communication spaces. Catch is a mobile app with the ability to take down any type of note and Evernote has a “family” of applications in its brand portfolio. Evernote could easily add an application like Fetchnotes and leverage their network effects. •Public Cloud: Business professionals enjoy incorporating Fetchnotes into their workflow. Businessmen and women can attach work- related documents to their notes so that they can reference the documents when they want to take action. However, many enterprises do not like the idea of a third party having control of their data and have started blocking public cloud sites like Dropbox. If working professionals can’t access Fetchnotes at work, it loses an element of convenience since it can’t go everywhere. Section 4: Customer Acquisition Strategies of the Fetchnotes Competitors Evernote Evernote is a note-taking application with a multitude of different services and complimentary products. The company’s goal is to help people “Remember Everything.” Users can create text, voice, image or video notes. Similar to other cloud service providers,
  • 12. once a user reaches a specific data limit, they have to upgrade to a paid Evernote Pro account. Thus, Evernote wants content that is “data rich.” The application is functional on all devices and platforms and recently closed a $70 million financing round. Evernote has effectively acquired customers by distributing marketing content with an informational tone across multiple social platforms. The company believes that if “content helps to educate, then people will want to tell their friends.” Following the trend mentioned earlier, Evernote’s marketing collateral is typically visual. The firm has amassed a large “trunk” of videos that showcases everything from customer testimonials to partnership announcements. Evernote also encourages their entire team to be active on social media so that company content receives a viral kick when it is first released. Evernote also works hard to establish a connection with their most raving fans. Brand advocates are far more likely to recommend the product to friends, provide insights for making strategic decisions and engage with social content. Evernote “ambassadors” are eager to share how the application has changed their lives, made them smarter, more productive, and better gift givers. With the Evernote ambassador program, users can submit an application to be profiled on the website. Currently, nine ambassadors are profiled on the company’s website. They “teach, share and help other less active users get more out of Evernote. Each was selected because of their passion for applying Evernote to a specific part of their daily lives” ( On Facebook, Evernote stresses the desire to go paperless and pushes product updates and uses case videos. The company’s LinkedIn page focuses less on building community and more on showcasing the team/open positions. Viral product features are limited because the company only allows users to share notebooks if they have a pro account. There are buttons within the application to make uploading any type of note to a variety of social networks easy. Catch Catch also aims to capture content that is “data rich” so that users will upgrade to a Pro account. However, Catch has a faster and leaner mobile application than Evernote. The biggest concern for Fetchnotes is that a component of the Catch application allows users to organize notes with hashtags. Fortunately, these notes still have to be created in a specific
  • 13. folder, which means there is still a hierarchy element. Collaboration is free. Users spread the product by inviting their friends to share a workspace. Catch recently received $9 million in series A financing. The company recently started investing in content marketing with an informational tone. The Catch Facebook page is their mostly highly trafficked platform, which they use to distribute animated graphics and customer support. The YouTube channel contains a couple low- resolution movies demonstrating product features. The Catch Twitter following is about equal in size to that of Fetchnotes. Section 5: The Current Fetchnotes Customer Acquisition Strategy To obtain 35,000 users in six months, Fetchnotes followed a four tiered customer acquisition strategy. Public Relations Alex Schiff, the CEO of Fetchnotes, is a former writer for the popular financial blog Benzinga. While working for the company, he established relationships with writers at other niche startup and technology blogs. He then utilized those connections to obtain a small 1,000 person private beta group and generated hype for the product’s launch. Tech Zulu, All Things Digital, The Next Web, Launch, Make Use Of and even TechCrunch have featured Fetchnotes and helped the company gain some initial traction. Distribution Partners One of the biggest successes for Fetchnotes was their distribution partnership with Users that signed up for Fetchnotes received 25GB of free cloud storage. The debut of the promotion was a chaotic day. The servers were so overloaded that even the team couldn’t log into the application. Social Content •Blog:The Fetchnotes blog used to be hosted on the Fetchnotes website and featured text based product updates, how-to’s, use cases and guest posts. Postings have been
  • 14. infrequent since launch and have lacked a common tone and theme. Some blog content was syndicated with other sites in the past, but the infrequency of posts has resulted in lower traffic levels. A couple weeks into TechStars, Fetchnotes began to recognize the correlation between visual content and total engagement. Fetchnotes moved their blog to Tumblr because the platform is better designed for sharing visual posts across multiple social networks. •Video: TechStars provided Fetchnotes with free video production services. During this time, six videos were created. Two were tutorials, three promoted the distribution partnership with Box and one highlighted the redesign of the interface. Their videos had the highest level of social engagement. However, it will be tough for the team to continue distributing video content since none of the team members have prior experience. A lack of time prevented Fetchnotes from distributing videos on a regular schedule. •Facebook/Twitter: Fetchnotes has 2,000 Twitter followers, yet original tweets are rare. The platform is mostly used for customer service, product updates, and video/blog distribution. Since TechStars began, Fetchnotes has lost 25% of their followers and their Facebook engagement is very low. •Email: While Fetchnotes would post their text and video content to Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr, promotion of their marketing content was mostly done through email. The user base receives an email when the product is updated. Fetchnotes would link the most recent video and blog posts in user emails. Sadly, the email list-serve is now encountering a bug. Fetchnotes was unable to promote the new redesign of their application or distribute a survey in late November. Viral Loops The primary focus of the Fetchnotes customer acquisition strategy is building viral loops into the product. Fetchnotes will soon integrate with a user’s address book which will allow the user to share a task via SMS or email. The recipient of the task will be prompted to download the app via a link in the email or text message. Users will spread Fetchnotes simply by using the product (Exhibit 7).
  • 15. Section 6: Social Media Marketing Strategies for Mobile Productivity Applications Social Product Features There is little doubt that building SMS, email and social sharing features will help grow a user base, particularly for productivity/note-taking applications. Note-taking applications create sharable content and users want to collaborate. If communication features are not suited for a particular mobile app, developers should still look to inbed social buttons so that it becomes easier for users to engage with the brand. Facebook engagement is an important element of ASO. Note-taking applications certainly could use help differentiating their product in such a crowded space. Viral loops are especially effective for mobile applications because they prevent spending on content creation when resources are scarce. Landing Page Optimization Social media marketing content should link to mobile and desktop landing pages that emphasize downloading the application. Many note-taking applications have a web component, but the future of the Internet is mobile so encouraging application downloads is crucial. Simplicity, speed and convenience are the primary objectives that users want from a note-taking application. These criteria are not met when a user on a mobile device has to continuously zoom in and out on a mobile web site. A landing page that emphasizes app download increases the download velocity, install base and user experience which are critical elements for ASO (Exhibit 2). Positive Review Generation App store reviews are also important for increasing an application’s presence and ranking in the app store. As a result, encouraging users to rate an application without hindering the user experience is important. A pop-up dialog box stops a note-taker from quickly jotting down a thought. A better strategy for a note-taking application would be to place two buttons under preferences; “Send Love” and “Send Feedback.” This encourages positive reviews to go to the app store and negative reviews to travel to the company through email. This enhances the
  • 16. total quantity of reviews and their average rating. Positive reviews mean a huge difference in a space as crowded as mobile note taking. Social Content Visual content generates the most engagement on social networks because it is easily digestible on a mobile device. However, note-taking applications should look to distribute specific formats of image and video content. •Info-graphics: Info-graphics encourage users to share more personal information with a company. Info-graphics provide “Big Data” resources to consumers instead of other businesses. Note-taking application users would value data that reveals helpful productivity tips and strategies. •Tutorials/Use Cases: Users of productivity applications typically strive to increase their overall efficiency and possess strong type A personalities. Evernote leveraged these behavioral characteristics through their ambassador program. They essentially showcase the productivity kings and queens of a particular area by creating use case and tutorial videos around them. Tutorials highlight important app features for new users and use cases display new methods of applying the product in everyday life. If done correctly, these videos will flatter heavy users and encourage less frequent users to utilize the application in a different setting. This strategy increases word of mouth marketing on both sides. Yet, creating strong visual content can be expensive for a mobile application that is just starting out. Communication Speed and Frequency Productivity app users are also action oriented and time sensitive. These individuals are not afraid to make the extra effort to write an unfavorable review or blog post. Therefore, when an unhappy customer sends a tweet or email, it is best to respond quickly and mitigate the bad press. The Future of Customer Acquisition It is hard for a new mobile application to rise through the ranks. App stores feel like search ten years ago. However, the launch of the new iOS 6 App Store proves that both
  • 17. Google and Apple are trying to make application discovery more accurate. Now that the Facebook likes of friends are incorporated into application description pages, it is only a matter of time before Apple and Google start weighting reviews on other social platforms. Blog, YouTube, Tumblr, Twitter and LinkedIn engagement will influence rankings in the future. Beginning to develop social engagement from an early stage is therefore essential for any new mobile application. Section 7: Recommendations for the Fetchnotes Customer Acquisition Strategy Fetchnotes is facing branding, communication and targeting questions as the application gains more users. The company plans to portray a fun and cute image and potentially target busy mothers so that the app will proliferate to the rest of the family. When questioned about this strategy, Megan Calhoun, cofounder of a popular blog called Social Mom, explained that the Fetchnotes social tone and user interface felt “nerdy.” As TechStars started to wrap up, the team issued a survey to help draft an effective customer acquisition strategy for the company moving forward. Survey Due to problems with the email list serve, the survey was issued to 3,000 users and generated 40 responses. The final results can be viewed in Exhibit 9. The most important takeaways are listed below: •80% of survey participants said they discovered Fetchnotes through word of mouth or public relations. •70% had tried more than three task managers. •95% proclaimed they juggle multiple roles in their lives. •80% identified as a business professional or self employed •80% identified as list makers both at home and at work. •Users enjoyed using Fetchnotes because it was simple, quick and convenient. •Age was evenly distributed between 18-65 •80% of respondents were male.
  • 18. Targeting and Brand Positioning It is advisable for Fetchnotes to reconsider targeting mothers. 80% of the survey respondents were male and mothers would require an expensive PR push. The largest demographics were male list makers who were identified as self-employed business professionals. This can be explained by the initial PR push by Alex Schiff. Yet, the abundance of males is concerning. If Fetchnotes is to effectively monetize the application through an ecommerce/idea conversion business model, they need to get females onboard. Females control 85% of household purchasing decisions, are more likely to talk about products with their friends and share them on social media. Fetchnotes also should aim to target marketing channels that span the wide age range and position the brand as a place for action instead of just note taking. Communication When communicating a mobile application’s value, especially for a startup in a crowded space, it is important to create an entirely new category away from competitors. Differentiating Fetchnotes based on its features will ruin the company. Larger incumbents like Evernote offer so many more. Features alone will not persuade users to migrate from Evernote to Fetchnotes. It is better to communicate a higher level of value and consumer benefit. It was advised Fetchnotes proclaim that the product causes less stress, more action and is fun to use. The tone of their marketing content should be broad productivity content with a comedic twist. Broad content increases engagement and comedy makes the content more likely to be shared. Product Recommendations •Email: In addition to sharing tasks via SMS and email, Fetchnotes could benefit from a weekly email marketing campaign. Email is an effective channel because it spans the wide demographic. Weekly emails would display personalized productivity information. This information could potentially be a user’s completed tasks, old #todos or a productivity comparison to other users in their demographic. These emails would be cheap to implement and would share- worthy. The Nike Running application is a good example. Individuals enjoy posting the long runs they endure to Facebook. User of Nike Running can
  • 19. display how hard they are exercising to friends and family. It would be the same for Fetchnotes users when they completed a record number of tasks. •Build a Preferences Tab: Similar to how 360 Panorama separates positive and negative customer feedback, Fetchnotes should have “Send Love” and “Send Feedback” buttons under preferences instead of annoying note-takers with a pop-up dialog box. This will send happy users to fill out a review in the app store and negative reviews to the company. Facebook likes currently play an important role in ASO. In addition to having “Send Love” and “Send Feedback” under preferences, Fetchnotes should also add “Like us on Facebook” and “Follow us on Twitter.” Streamlining the path to engagement increases the likelihood a user will act. •Export to Twitter: Fetchnotes utilizes the same syntax as Twitter. If a user is acting on a fun task like “#Buy tickets to #Brazil,” they may want to upload it to Twitter to show their friends. When a user hits the @ sign, they should be capable of sending a task through email, SMS or Twitter. This would significantly help increase awareness for Fetchnotes. Distribution Partnerships and Public Relations Recommendations Alex Schiff’s prior experience at Benzinga allowed him to put the Fetchnotes logo on some highly trafficked sites for free. Any press is good press for a startup in its early stages. However, it may be helpful if the CEO try to direct his PR efforts toward application review sites. These forums are important to consumers when searching for applications (Exhibit 1). The prior distribution partnership was highly effective for Fetchnotes. Future partnerships and discounts will help incentivize social engagement. Gartner Research found that discounts are the primary reason a consumer will choose to engage a brand on social media. Customer Support Customer support helps expose bugs, mitigate bad press and uncover brand advocates. Evernote did a terrific job leveraging brand advocates to spread the product through word of mouth. Brand advocates are also more willing to help create marketing collateral for the company. An example would be a use case. Fetchnotes should explore a similar strategy by keeping track of the users that engage with them the most.
  • 20. Social Content Recommendations It is in Fetchnotes best interest to produce broad, visual, social media marketing content because it is 15x more likely to be shared on a social network. •Image: An image campaign could potentially consist of funny celebrity/athlete to do lists. I advised Fetchnotes to consider focusing on celebrities at first since they tend to resonate with a broader demographic. •Video: Video content should help increase the utility users receive from Fetchnotes. Tutorials and use cases help users gain the most from Fetchnotes, are great for showcasing brand advocates and increase word of mouth marketing. Social Platform Recommendations The following platforms would also add value to Fetchnotes marketing and communication strategy: •Facebook: Facebook plays an important role in Apple App Store optimization. •Pinterest: Pinterest is a hot social network that recently released business accounts. Pinterest photos provide SEO back links. •Twitter: Twitter provides the majority of Fetchnotes social engagement. Loosing this following would significantly hurt the brand. •LinkedIn: LinkedIn could help Fetchnotes uncover a talented back-end engineer or UI designer. It may also be an effective platform for showcasing team strengths since they are younger than most entrepreneurs. Mobile and Desktop Landing Pages Both the desktop and mobile landing pages should be modified to promote downloading the application. Fetchnotes does have a web application, but the future is mobile. Linking to the desktop and mobile landing pages in the Google Play and Apple App Store will help Fetchnotes increase their overall presence in the respective stores. Social buttons should also be available next to the web application login to promote engagement. Conclusion
  • 21. There are a lot of moving parts involved in creating an effective social media strategy. Starting to address these issues early is essential. As Fetchnotes evolves, it is important that the company differentiate itself by focusing on meaningful consumer benefits, more clearly define their target and decide on a tone of voice for addressing users. Social media on mobile devices is starting to play a more important role in capturing consumer reviews. Social engagement with a brand helps legitimize the purchasing decisions of other consumers. In the preliminary stages of product development, a mobile application startup should look to engineer viral loops into the application. This could be anything from communication features to social media buttons. If traction is achieved, distributing social media content is important for retaining their status. Social engagement legitimizes the decision for other users to migrate from larger incumbents and is also playing a more important role in application store rankings. A company’s level of social engagement increases the install base, download rate, social mentions and positive reviews. The complexity of forming an effective social media strategy means that a mobile application startup should look to start early and not wait.
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