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Mark Beekman
mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
1. Prioritizing Goals & Objectives.....................................5
2. Beyond App Install Campaigns....................................7
3. Measuring & Optimizing...............................................9
Testing & Learning......................................................... 10
4. Creating Your Ideal Customer....................................13
5. Driving Discovery.......................................................... 17
Paid Media...................................................................... 18
Mobile Ad Networks.......................................................19
What Are Bursts?...........................................................21
Paid Social Media.......................................................... 22
Digital Display...............................................................23
Native Advertising........................................................23
Paid Search................................................................... 24
Broadcast TV................................................................ 25
Radio............................................................................ 26
Owned Media..................................................................28
1. Blog...........................................................................29
2. Mobile Website..........................................................30
3. Email Newsletter.......................................................30
4. Social Media...............................................................31
5. Customer Referral Programs.....................................34
Earned Media..................................................................35
1. Blogs & Review Sites..................................................36
2. PR & Influencer Outreach..........................................36
3. Customer Reviews..................................................... 37
4. Partnerships & Stunts...............................................38
6. Optimizing App Store Rank.......................................39
7. A Note about Content..................................................41
8. 5 Fatal Errors................................................................. 42
Pappas Group: A DMI Company....................................46
 mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
Today, more than 86% of all time spent on mobile devices
is spent in apps vs. the less than 14% in mobile browsers.
It’s clear that consumers prefer the immediacy and
functionality of an app to the mobile web experience. This
is why everyone from big brands to startups has begun
to employ an app-first mobile strategy and why entire
businesses and revenue streams are centered around apps.
This shift brought with it a greater focus on marketing
mobile apps. With revenue forecasts, jobs, and even
entire companies at stake, marketers have become
much more strategic in how they drive app discovery,
acquire the right users, and retain them. Top marketers
are shifting greater resources toward mobile marketing
channels to support bigger and bigger bets on apps.
Growth hacking – a term used to describe ongoing user acquisition
and revenue experiments - has become omnipresent in startups and
big companies alike. This is the new high stakes game of poker.

Claim a space on a customer’s
mobile device - be downloaded,
frequently used, and loved.
There is no proven roadmap for
marketing an app, there are more
than a million competitors, and
the tools and tactics available to
marketers change everyday.
There is no formula, but thinking about an app as a brand or product
is a good starting point. This forces brands to think strategically and
focus on metrics that matter most to their business. And, you’ll not only
consider the building blocks of the mobile marketing playbook, but also
the strategies that will make your app standout in consumers’ minds,
fuel conversation and become part of your customers daily habits.
Here, we’ll provide a framework for marketing a mobile app based on our past
experience and expertise in this space. We outline the eight things apps
need to do to claim a place on a customer’s phone and earn a role in their
everyday lives. The eight things apps need to do to be successful are:
1.	 Prioritizing Goals & Objectives
2.	 Beyond App Install Campaigns
3.	 Measuring & Optimizing
4.	 Creating Your Ideal Customer
5.	 Driving Discovery
6.	 Optimizing App Store Rank
7.	 Content
8.	 Five Fatal Errors
We will also provide some examples from well-known and successful mobile apps.
mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
As with any marketing initiative, clearly defining and prioritizing goals
is imperative when it comes to marketing a mobile app. While there are
an overwhelming number of approaches to choose from, understanding
what you’re trying to achieve provides a solid foundation upon which
you can narrow your focus and develop a successful plan of action.
Many brands set a goal to be a top-10 app in a certain category. To get there,
most set install and cost-per-install (CPI) objectives. “I want to drive 100,000
installs of my app at a CPI of $3.50,” they’ll say. This number (cost per install)
usually comes from a revenue model that investors and developers are excited
about, but every model we’ve ever seen is off by some order of magnitude.
It is logical to assume that the number of downloads or installs an app receives
is a good indicator of whether or not a mobile app marketing campaign has
been successful. However, metrics that focus on retention like cost per daily
active user are far more useful key performance indicators (KPIs) to judge
the success of your efforts. The long-term success of an app is not marked
by raking in installs, but having loyal users that are regularly engaging with
the app, purchasing, converting, and incorporating it into their daily lives.
That’s why today, consumer-driven apps focus on the LTV (Lifetime Value).
It is certainly healthy to set long-term goals, but when it comes to app marketing,
its necessary to think in the short term, too. When doing so, think beyond the
install and cost-per-install targets. Instead, think about what you really want
to see from users. Is it engagement? Active use? Revenue? Figuring that out
will help you gain a clear picture of what your short-term objectives should be
and help you develop a plan to balance focusing on the short and long term.
Repeat users
25%more in-app
As of June 2014,
75billion mobile apps
downloaded from the
Apple Store
$6.4billion in total iOS
App Store Revenue
in 2013
65%of people stop using
apps three months
after it’s install
mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS1. prioritizing goals & objectives_ mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
Very important in the early
phases to gather initial
learnings about the users.
Other KPIs help optimize for
this KPI in later phases.
Anticipate slow data
acquisition due to long
window, therefore this KPI
become more important as
time progresses.
User interactions &
purchases reveal high
value segments & Lifetime
Value making this KPI #1 as
campaign progresses.
$$ $$$ $$$$
In mobile, many brands become too focused on low-cost, app-install campaigns.
The temptation to only run these low-cost efforts that yield immediate
returns is simply too great to turn down. However, these install campaigns
are part of what drives upward of 86% of downloaded apps to be deleted
without ever being opened. Before a brand dives headfirst into an app-
install campaign, it’s important you understand the critical role that multi-
channel marketing has on the overall success of their app and brand.
Simply put, multi-channel marketing means reaching out to new potential users
by increasing the level of awareness, promoting interest and building credibility
around your app. These are complementary activities to app-install campaigns that
increase your pool of potential users and provide a lift to your overall marketing
effectiveness. These activities also tend to aid in driving organic installs. Organic
users are more important, useful, and valuable than paid users. And, these are the
activities that differentiate truly meaningful, everyday brands vs. just another app.
86%of apps are deleted
without ever being
26avg number of
apps on
mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
2. beyond app install campaigns _ mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
For example, a user sees a billboard for a game app, hears a streaming
radio ad, a digital display ad and then sees an app install ad on his or her
mobile Facebook newsfeed. This is the beauty of a multi-channel approach
– by exposing more potential users to your app via strategic placements,
this extended exposure encourages them to install and use. Will this
user be more inclined to actually open the app and use it vs. the person
that was never exposed to a multi-channel message? We think yes.
Many of our clients have seen tremendous success with funnel-filling tactics
like event marketing, local radio, online video, content distribution, high-impact
banners, stunts, sponsorship, and outdoor advertising. This has been particularly
effective in localization strategies and among certain expected and unexpected
verticals (marketplaces, delivery services, and fashion). When done well, these are
idea-driven tactics that entertain, inform, and reward people for participation.
They turn an app into a brand that people want to engage with and talk about.
mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
If you plan on spending money to acquire users and you want succeed,
you need a way to measure and optimize what you’re doing. In mobile,
there are a number of unique challenges that are not present in traditional
digital channels – the biggest of which is dealing with cookies and pixels
(or lack thereof). This presents an attribution problem, but attribution is
a universal problem, one that many vendors claim to solve but don’t.
Even with these challenges, its still possible to take a data-centric approach to
marketing your mobile app. Though every app is different, and where you are in the
life-cycle of your app’s campaign can change which metrics are most important, we
have seen a few key performance indicators are shared amongst most of our clients.
1 2 43 5
Cost per
Cost per
loyal user
Cost per
Cost per
(or other action)
Paid vs. Organic
User Ratio
mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS3. measuring & optimizing_ mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
Measuring performance within your app and
within your marketing programs requires a
number of technology platforms. There is
plenty of overlap in their functionality, but in
this section, we will share some of the tools
we prefer for mobile app marketing.
A NOTE ABOUT TESTING AND LEARNING As we said earlier, there is no true formula for mobile marketing success. That’s why testing and learning is so important, especially when
it comes to growth. There are so many options to test, even in the app install space. Arriving at a scalable model requires extensive experimentation and optimization, from creative
and messaging to keywords, vendors, targets and platforms. We like to think about mobile marketing much like we think about development – conducting agile sprints against
an overall marketing roadmap. By adopting this methodology, especially for app launches, we are able process more tests and data to learn and optimize more quickly.
3. measuring & optimizing_ mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
Google Mobile Analytics not only shows where your app’s traffic comes
from but how your app is used. The platform offers numerous analysis
reports and features that allow you to understand and predict where
your mobile app, advertisement, and website’s traffic is coming from –
helping you figure out the best way to attract users and keep them.
Kiss Metrics tells you more about your customer by tracking and identifying
users to build a history on their behavior over time. It’s focused on the
people that you are attracting and are using your application and great
for in-app user metrics. It’s quite strong for analyzing individuals as well
as cohorts. Note: KissMetrics is built on top of your GA install.
3. measuring & optimizing_ mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
Mixpanel tracks any action a user takes while using your app. It provides
detailed “data points” which can be used to identify high value user
segments to help you understand why and how your users are using your
app. Similar to pay-per-install programs, Mixpanel charges by the range
of data points you want to use. The data can be as specific as how many
paying customers are Swiss, came from a Google ad, and haven’t logged in
for a month. You can see exactly who to target and how to target them.
Kochava is a leading mobile attribution and analytics platform integrated with more
than 350 mobile ad networks, exchanges, and major publishers (including Facebook,
Google, Yahoo!, and Pandora). It is a cloud-based, universal SDK that measures
clicks, installs, and custom post-install events to enable real-time optimization of
campaign performance management down to the site/placement and creative level.
mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
Goals and analytics are important in measuring a campaign’s success,
but in the end, mobile apps and the campaigns that promote them are
all about the user. Successful apps are deeply integrated into the lives of
its users. Similarly, a successful campaign should be constructed around
the wants, needs, likes, dislikes, and habits of the app’s target users.
When planning your mobile app campaign, we recommend first building in-
depth target personas and user journeys. When you better understand who
your ideal target is and how they behave, you can craft content and creative that
will better connect with them and a more comprehensive plan to reach them.
Although testing and media optimization will help you further narrow the target
while in market, it’s essential to have a solid foundation from which to start.
4. creating your ideal customer_ mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
AGE: 35
__ Works full time at a law office downtown
__ Interested in what’s trendy, new and hip
__ Very tech-savvy
__ I’m always working to better myself.
__ I want people to know how well I am doing. I can be an inspiration to others.
__ Always want to stay on top of what’s trending - what’s the next big thing?
__ I make sure to live the most active, healthy lifestyle I can.
__ Honestly, I’m the influencer amongst my friends. They come to me for advice.
__ Forward thinking brands, people and companies that
have really made a name for themselves.
mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS4. creating your ideal customer_ mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
User journeys map out the end-to-end experience a customer has with your
product or brand. Understanding a customer’s emotions and pain points over
time will help you see where there is opportunity for your app to solve problems,
improve the life of the user, and where there are marketing opportunities.
ExperiencingPre-Arrival Post-Check Out
mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS4. creating your ideal customer_ mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
These vendors offer access to troves of data they’ve collected from U.S.
Census studies and their own large, privately-fielded research studies.
Though quite expensive and subscription-based, the ability to query
this data in order to see demographic, psychographic and technographic
information is unmatched elsewhere. This helps build a core target,
inform creative messaging, guide where and when you try to connect
with them and more. If you love data, this is the place to start.
If you’re building an application, you’re likely already doing lots of primary
research. But perhaps you haven’t really done the research to understand your
audience beyond the product. Conducting surveys, focus groups, interviews,
etc. yields great insights into your audience, from what’s important to them to
the type of content they consume, how they behave online and even where and
what type of media they consume. These insights help further inform personas
and journeys as well as your actual media approach to drive discovery and
fill the funnel. There are plenty of ways to recruit and conduct this research.
We tend to skew toward the more informal methods in most situations.
There are plenty of other valuable research reports produced regularly.
This can be extremely valuable in providing further information into target
audience behavior, technographics, and even media consumption habits.
All of these can help shape messaging and media approaches. The Pew
Internet reports have the least bias and provide excellent insights. Others
are also valuable, we simply recommend taking them with a grain of salt,
as they are often produced by vendors looking to sell you something.
Many clients we work with have existing businesses that are now
launching mobile applications. In these situations, existing customer data
from analytics platforms and C.R.M. systems can provide an excellent
starting point from which to build a profile of your ideal customer.
There are endless ways to identify and understand your ideal customers. Typically, a mix of syndicated,
primary, secondary and owned data is used to do so. Here are some of the sources we recommend:
mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
Once you have your goals, audience, and an idea of what your budget is, you can begin
to explore which media channels will yield the best results for your brand’s campaign.
Marketing of mobile services can be done through a near-endless combination
of paid, owned, and earned media. There are literally thousands of marketing
tools, services, and channels that offer opportunities to promote apps and mobile
websites and this landscape changes continually. Just keeping track of the newest
technological capabilities and how best to leverage them within your budget is
challenging. The sheer number of choices makes it difficult to pick and choose,
but if you get it right, it can provide an amazing return on your investment.
In this section, we will outline what paid, owned, and earned
media are - and detail a few specific channels that you might
want to include in your app’s marketing campaign.
5. driving discovery_ PAID MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
In today’s media landscape, it’s difficult to tell between
what’s paid, owned, and earned content. The lines are
blurring, but paid media plays a critical role in scaling
any mobile application. If you have a solid understanding
of your target audience and a lot of confidence in
your projected lifetime value, you can begin to put
together a plan to launch your mobile app through
smart media tactics. In this section, we provide a
high level look at the role each channel may play.
We will explore the following paid media channels and some examples of apps that
have thoughtfully and successfully leveraged them:
__ Mobile Ad Networks
__ Paid Social Media
__ Digital Display
__ Native Advertising
__ Paid Search
__ Broadcast TV
__ Radio
__ Outdoor
__ Events
5. driving discovery_ PAID MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
Mobile ad networks have come a long way in the last three years, but are still
somewhat less sophisticated than traditional digital media networks. For the
most part, these ad networks are best used for app-install campaigns and
occasionally for branding. Mobile ad networks usually distinguish between
blind and premium networks. A blind advertising network allows advertisers to
target a specific audience or content category but gives them no control over
where the ads are displayed. Premium networks, on the other hand, can give
advertisers the choice of targeting specific sites. Additionally, some mobile
ad networks only operate in apps while others operate on the mobile web.
mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS5. driving discovery_ PAID MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
There are hundreds of app and
mobile ad services available – some
work better for certain geographies,
categories, audiences and objectives
than others – so selection really
depends on your specific app. We
can’t stress enough how much
testing must go into optimizing
a mobile ad campaign. A few that
we often use are listed here. They
all offer app-install solutions that
enable simple forecasting, which
is important for most apps.
The social-networking giant has a place in almost every app marketing plan. The key differentiator
for Facebook is their Sponsored App promotional tool and their huge mobile audience. Not only is
it great for targeting a specific audience, but the ads embedded into newsfeeds can also display
which friends already use the app, providing users with social proof that the app has value.
Tapjoy is a premium in-app promotion network offering several great targeting methods including pay-per-install and
pay-per-engagement pricing models. With the pay-per-engagement option you only pay once a user has performed
a specific action (e.g. opted in for push notifications). However, skeptics believe that the user incentive model for
accepting advertisement in exchange for viral rewards will result in less loyal users than other ad networks.
Google AdMob is a large mobile advertising network that enables users to create and target campaigns
across over 300,000 apps. One advantage of AdMob is that it is integrated into Google AdWords,
which provides increased targeting capabilities. Additionally, AdMob lets advertisers run “house
ads” which are ads that appear in your own app and encourage users to share activity.
Millennial Media is a mobile-first advertising network that offers strong targeting capabilities that many in the
digital media space will appreciate. Everything from behavioral to geographic to contextual and content targeting
is available as a means of targeting. Additionally, Millennial targets across screens in mobile web and apps, with 50+
million cross screen profiles already built. This enables retargeting and other tactics that help drive performance.
Other great ad networks include Adfonic, Apple iAds, InMobi, Buzzcity, Greystripe, Jumptap, Twitter and more. Apps
will often implement a burst strategy on mobile advertising networks at certain key points during a campaign.
5. driving discovery_ PAID MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
Bursts in mobile marketing refer to short time periods of increased spend. Usually,
bursts are isolated to mobile advertising networks and their purpose is to drive
high downloads in a short period of time in hopes of boosting app store rankings.
Why? Higher app store rankings help drive more natural
discovery and app downloads. While bursts aren’t a sustainable
solution, they can be an effective tactic to test. We advise
clients to plan bursts to coincide with other funnel filling
activities. Perhaps around specific event marketing, native
advertising or high impact digital advertising and a PR-
related activity. All of these burst activities working together
leads to even higher rankings and more natural downloads,
which are the most valuable users an app can acquire.
5. driving discovery_ PAID MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
All major social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, Foursquare, etc.) have paid
advertising options, in addition to free (owned) resources.
The user data available within each of the social channels provides a good
way to target specific audiences and give them a specific call to action,
be it to immediately download an app, re-engage, or simply like content.
The majority of activity on these networks occurs on mobile, which makes
installs and re-engagement tactics nearly frictionless for users.
FACEBOOK DRIVES ROI A clothing market place, doubled ad referral rates by using
Facebook’s App Install ads and enjoyed 3X better R.O.I. on Facebook ads verse other
digital channels. Facebook is a critical component for driving paid acquisition – but it is
complemented by offline funnel filling activities. Specifically, this brand utilizes in-home
launch parties to bring together target market influencers and drive buzz around the
brand. Incidentally, the offline activities are responsible for driving the majority of the app’s
organic installs and provide rich data upon which to better target Facebook users
5. driving discovery_ PAID MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
Digital display advertising can play an important role in most mobile application
marketing strategies. With the evolution of programmatic buying and sophisticated
data-driven targeting capabilities, digital display can be a cost-effective response
driver as well as funnel-filling awareness builder. Additionally, many digital display
networks offer device targeting. In addition to low-cost programmatic buying,
digital display has proven quite effective in launching new apps via a variety
of units. We recommend multiple ad formats, from standard banners to high-
impact, rich-media units to be part of the makeup of holistic bursts for apps.
Native ads follow the natural form and function of the user experience in which they
are placed. For example, paid content placed on a popular news website would appear
as a news story. This provides a natural way to introduce users to new apps. Through
content distribution platforms like Outbrain and Taboola, a video, blog, app review,
or infographic can be promoted across premium sites regardless of screen and
appear more like a headline for articles and editorial content than advertisements
or paid placements. It is one of the more recent effective brand-building tactics
that can expose a large number of potential users to your app and brand within
premium sites. The algorithms and pricing models favor engaging content.
AROUND THE WEB: An example of Taboola sponsored content on Time Magazine’s website.
5. driving discovery_ PAID MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
Paid search for mobile app campaigns takes the form of app promotion ads
which can be used in both paid search text and display. These ads directly pull
from the Apple App Store or Google Play to allow users to download the app
immediately. The ads are smart-designed , meaning Android apps are only shown
on Android devices, and so on. In search campaigns, these smart ads will exclude
non-relevant devices by matching the operating system (OS) of the app to the
device. Furthermore, app extensions on web search text ads can promote both
websites and apps by allowing users to download an app through an extension.
Extensions, while free to incorporate in web text ads, are subject to the PPC model.
Paid search is a necessary complement to offline advertising as users generally
default to search engine queries or searching within the respective app stores.
The Apple App Store search function is not as sophisticated as Google’s, and because
download volume plays into its ranking algorithms, App Store Optimization (ASO)
has evolved to become a necessary campaign component as users generally exhibit
similar behavior as with web search in that the top ranked search queries tend to
get the most engagement. Apple’s most recent updates are trying to improve and
solve app discoverability through scrolling results lists, suggested searches, trending
searches and explore tab as well as app video trailers. However, because Apple’s
algorithms still continue to rank and reward apps with significant downloads already,
significant investment in building awareness around your app, whether they are
considered best practices or not, are needed to boost visibility within the App Store.
5. driving discovery_ PAID MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
CANDY CRUSH King, the maker of Candy Crush, took this route and became the first mobile
game developer to advertise its game independently on TV. The month that Candy Crush
commercials began airing, it became the most popular game on Facebook. TV placements
were paired with app install bursts and other media to achieve this goal. Also, according to
AppAnniecom, the game’s download rank soared to number one after launching its campaign.
EAT 24 is a local food delivery app relies heavily on local spot TV to drive downloads and
revenue. With a day-parting strategy focused on dinner and late night eats, the app maker
buys inexpensive inventory that keeps costs down while reaching consumers when they
are most likely in need of the app. Immediate gratification is the consumer need and brand
promise, so the app can measure success of TV down to the exact time and place the ad ran.
TV is probably not on the radar for most mobile app marketers as an obvious
channel to use, but it does make sense in some instances. Generally speaking,
TV is an immediate awareness tactic that can introduce a mass audience to your
app and brand. If your application has broad consumer appeal and your projected
lifetime value meets certain thresholds, TV should be in your consideration set.
When big brands like Geico or launch a mobile app, TV is an essential
driver. Additionally, a number of smaller clients have leveraged various TV
approaches, from tactical national buys to local spot cable, to drive success.
5. driving discovery_
5. driving discovery_ PAID MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
Radio can be used effectively in app campaigns if the app’s utility and target
audience aligns to the market, program content or other relevant factor. With
the explosion of digital streaming platforms like Pandora and Spotify as well
as the emergence of Apps from stations across the country, consumers have
more choices than ever before to listen to their favorite content, anywhere.
In traditional radio, we’ve seen local, customized promotions featuring sponsorships
and live DJ reads operate as a funnel-filling and download driving tactics. This is
relevant for any app that might be taking a localized approach to building its user
base. Tracking and attributing results can be challenging, but not impossible. Many
of the streaming radio platforms offer greater targeting and tracking capabilities,
with many programs reaching an even larger audience than traditional radio.
5. driving discovery_ PAID MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
Outdoor billboards and posters are strong funnel-filling tactics to complement
a multi-channel mobile app marketing campaign. Outdoor can be especially
effective for apps that follow a local market launch strategy and want to
quickly generate awareness and downloads in a specific market. We tend to see
overall lift in performance of online direct response and download drivers when
outdoor is also utilized. However, it should be noted that utilizing outdoor in
isolation is not advised. The possibilities here are really endless – table tents at
restaurants, taxi toppers, WiFi sponsorship, interactive wall screens, and more.
Events and guerrilla marketing are some of the most successful tactics we’ve seen
for filling the funnel and driving downloads. Events can be particularly successful in
local marketing campaigns. We tend to see immediate increases in downloads and in
social/community metrics coming from events. Whether this means sponsoring local
music festivals or sponsoring an industry or audience specific event, it can be quite
successful, especially when paired with strong content and a reason to participate.
Many events also have built-in PR opportunities, which is a plus. We group guerrilla
marketing here as well since this is typically executed at a local level. Again, for the
purposes of driving interest, shares, and downloads, event-centric tools like street
teams, wild posters, and other guerrilla tactics can be extremely successful.
IN A HURRY?: Qualcomm Mobile created a campaign called the Best Bus Stop Ever, which
included a poster that displayed a completely relatable bus shelter question (i.e. “Bored?”
or “Seen it all?”) and a mobile web URL. When people visited the site and pressed a button,
they would get a surprise ride in a horse-drawn carriage, or even a bus full of puppies.
5. driving discovery_ OWNED MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
Owned media consists of all the websites, apps, mobile sites,
Facebook pages, blogs, stores, and any other channel that
your brand owns and manages. If you succeed in attracting
your target audience to your owned properties, this will be
the most sustainable solution in the long run. But it takes
focus and great content to make this work for your app.
Examples of owned media that we’ll go through in this section are:
__ Blog
__ Mobile Website
__ Email Newsletter
__ Social Media
__ Customer Referral Programs
mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
5. driving discovery_ OWNED MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
Blogs are a great way to communicate with people about what you do, share/
discuss what you care about, and provide an opportunity to define your brand’s
position and tone. Many apps also use blogs as a way to communicate new features,
updates or changes that customers might want to learn more about. They provide
a free platform to speak directly to those seeking to learn more about your product.
Blogs are also great platforms for building and housing content. Such content helps
improve SEO (search engine optimization) and is easily shared via social media.
Both of these can help apps stay relevant and help build brand awareness.
SNAPCHAT uses its blog to highlight new feature updates to make sure its users understand
what is different and how to use new features. They also use it as a platform to address issues
with the app such as spam, and the finding friend features. As a company that is based around
the sharing and disappearance of images, their blog gives them the ability to communicate
– directly and textually – with its consumers and users. To maintain its brand, Snapchat
communicates with its users via photo and videos in the app, but they have strategically utilized
their blog to be another way to communicate with users outside of their trademark “snaps.”
5. driving discovery_ OWNED MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
Every app needs a mobile website and every website needs to offer a mobile-friendly
version. If your website is already a destination for customers like many service
brands (airlines, restaurant booking sites, etc.), this is the place to start promoting
your apps as well. Otherwise, you need a basic mobile website to ensure that there
is a place for customers to find your app through search engines, blogs, etc.
If you don’t already have a digital newsletter, this is a great way to promote
your app via email. Wunderlist, which was app of the week in over 100
countries in 2011, has a newsletter that updates users on upcoming
features, company news, and also unfinished tasks in their own app.
HOTEL TONIGHT Mobile websites like Hotel Tonight’s (right) prompt visitors to go directly to the
app store. If someone is searching for the app in their browser it helps drive traffic and downloads.
mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS5. driving discovery_ OWNED MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
Social media channels are a great resource for staying in contact and engaging with potential users while simultaneously building brand awareness. While you should maintain a unified
identity across platforms, each one should have its own strategy specific to serving existing fans and attracting followers on that channel. Each platform is an outlet for your brand to
have a voice and connect with users on a personal level, but not every channel may be relevant to your brand/app. In developing a strategy, you must first establish your goals for social
media. These should align to your business goals. For example: increase revenue, change brand sentiment, improve customer relationship management, aid marketing research.
A successful social media strategy also includes a defined target audience and an understanding of the audience’s use of social media, a plan on how/where/when to reach them, and
objectives and metrics for measuring success. Once you have chosen which platform(s) will help you reach your goals and aligned this with your content strategy, it’s time to execute.
mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS5. driving discovery_ OWNED MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
With over one billion monthly active users on its
mobile app, Facebook cannot be ignored. People
are seeking funny, interesting, or relevant content
to share with their friends and social network.
Unique and engaging content is recommended
on Facebook. Aim to get a conversation started
or provide information that’s share-worthy. Keep
your tone fairly conversational; you don’t want to
sound like a robot or an advertisement all the time.
Facebook also is the perfect platform to reach and
foster relationships with brand advocates. These
are “super fans” that will spread the word about your
brand/app and help you reach people who might not
have been a part of your existing (target) audience.
To foster a successful relationship, it’s important to
identify and reward brand advocates and maintain
ongoing engagement with these individuals.
In 2013, Google+ was named the second largest
active social network in the world, only behind
the behemoth Facebook. The social network
is projected to gain popularity over time, and
brands should be present – although your
goals for this platform might be different than
other large channels (think SEO). Google+ can
help improve a brand’s Google Search results,
engage communities through Hangouts,
enhance performance on Google Ad networks,
and aid tracking through Google Analytics.
Twitter is the best platform to engage with
(potential) customers in real-time, as well as listen
to any conversation and measure sentiment around
your brand/app. You can speak to something
that’s happening in the moment, and engage with
others who are posting about the same topic. To
grow your awareness and reach, you should listen
to real-time conversations, learn what people are
talking/passionate about and respond to that. Stay
relevant, timely, and ensure you can effectively and
naturally inject your brand into the conversation.
mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS5. driving discovery_ OWNED MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
Your Instagram account should post engaging
and relevant photos that speak to your brand
personality and product. Think mobile, real-time
and quality content. No stock images or blatant
advertising should be shared. Including relevant
hashtags helps gather followers and open up
your account (and brand) to new customers.
LinkedIn should be used for professional outreach
and to keep your network up-to-date on business
decisions, mergers, and any other updates relevant
to your product/company. Tone here should be
more professional but still true to who you are as a
brand. If you maintain a company blog, this is also
an ideal space to share these posts and highlight
your thought leadership within your industry.
Second only to Google, YouTube is now the
second most popular search engine in the world.
Worldwide, video content is viewed more than
50 billion times per month. Suffice it to say, the
world is consuming more video content every
day, and we recommend you start creating some
of that content if you’d like to be successful. It is
projected that by 2018, mobile video will represent
69% of all mobile traffic. Create a YouTube channel
that others can subscribe to. It’s a great way to
highlight new features on your app, show how
people are using it, and promote your app in a
visual way. This content can also be used on other
social media platforms and posted on your blog.
What’s great about online video promotion is that
with some good art direction, you can guide the
way you want users to perceive your app. Look at
the app Paper by FiftyThree, a beautifully-done
app promotion video got 1.7 million pays on Vimeo
and its subject became app of the year in 2012.
5. driving discovery_ OWNED MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
An oft-overlooked component of the owned media equation is your own
customers. While you don’t own them, of course, they are a resource that can
provide a great return on investment and help drive growth. Rewarding your
current customers for spreading the love has been a strong growth driver for
many well-known apps and brands. Bonobos, Lyft, Airbnb, PoshMarks, and
PostMates have all used referral programs to turbo-charge growth. These take
various forms, but most often the program involves some type of monetary
credit toward a user’s next purchase. The beauty with these programs is they
cost very little to get off the ground and can be launched along with your app.
PAYPAL: One of the most successful referral programs of all time was created for Paypal. When
it launched, it offered $10 cash to each new Paypal user and $10 to the customer who referred
them. This incentivized millions of people to join Paypal to the tune of consistent 7-10% daily
growth. Numerous mobile apps have been following the Paypal playbook at launch with great
success. Now, they turn to further optimizing this program by enabling social sharing, accessing
contacts, and other techniques to make the initial sharing experience as frictionless as possible.
5. driving discovery_ EARNED MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
The best type of marketing is word of mouth; having
real people talk about your app provides credibility and
drives viral growth. According to research by Nielson,
77% of consumers are more likely to buy a product
they learned about through friends of family.
Earlier, we stated that the most valuable users are those acquired organically and
earned media plays a large role in that. Whether it’s a PR hit or simply users inviting
others to join, earned helps drive viral growth. Besides, earned media is especially
attractive because this type of advertising is free. That being said, free is never really
entirely free due to the effort needed. Nevertheless, earned media does offer some
great ways to help you drive traffic to your app. In this section, we’ll dive into the
following types of earned media:
__ Blogs & Review Sites
__ PR & Influencer Outreach
__ Customer Reviews
__ Partnerships & Stunts
5. driving discovery_ EARNED MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
There is no secret to getting reviews for your app, but submitting to websites
that have review-specific sections, such as,,
148apps, and MacWorld is advised. This may be difficult as these websites get
numerous submissions, but these sites can provide good exposure for your app.
There are also numerous blogs that generate a lot of traffic you can leverage.
Try reaching out to these bloggers and ask them to review your app; this was
Snapchat’s strategy – the creators’ first choice blogger was Nicole James, a writer
for She wrote about Snapchat’s first release as Picaboo on her personal
blog in September 2011, around the same time the app’s ranks began to climb
(according to Now, Snapchat is valued as an $800 million.
Getting traction in PR is extremely challenging. Journalists and bloggers are
overwhelmed by brands and truly creating a differentiated pitch worth coverage
is tough. Additionally, the costs to work with many top PR firms are high and
success is still not guaranteed. That said, great coverage can dramatically boost
your user base and help fill the funnel. If you don’t have the budget for a traditional
PR agency, there are also numerous independent PR professionals that operate
on a pay-per-performance model. If you are a small team with limited funds,
this is worth investigating. Another valuable tactic here is to identify and court
influencers – highly influential people for your market or target audience. Tools like
Klout and Traackr can help you identify influencers, but you must come up with
the ideas for building relationships with these people. The goal is to turn them
into evangelists for your brand/app, taking your message to their communities.
APPADVICE.COM: Submitting your app to websites with review sections like
(above) can be helpful for increasing awareness about your app and driving downloads.
5. driving discovery_ EARNED MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
Your current customers are your most valuable asset. In mobile, app reviews are
an extremely important part of driving organic downloads. Prospective users
want to see positive reviews of your app and the only way to get them is to ask
your current customers to review you. We encourage all of our customers to utilize
in-app push notifications as well as email marketing (and sometimes even call
centers) to request reviews from current customers. This is a critical piece of earned
media, whether they are on an app store, social network or on a mobile site.
5. driving discovery_ EARNED MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
Another way to accelerate growth is through partnerships with existing brands and
stunts. Many apps look to leverage the credibility established brands have in order
to gain early awareness and reach into existing customer bases. This could simply
take the form of emails, tweets, posts, Instagram photos, etc. from a partner about
your app or it could be something more creative. Additionally, stunts can help drive
user and media interest in an app. Newsworthy activities – from flash mobs to
skywriting to free ice-cream – tend to drive social media conversation and interest
around brands and apps. Occasionally, they turn into monster success stories.
I CAN HAS UBER KITTENS Uber has taken a partnerships + stunts approach whenever it launches
a new market or even within existing markets. The key is that whatever they choose to do, they
ensure it is something that customers would be willing to tweet about to ensure some aspect
of virality. The app has partnered with local ice-cream shops to enable users to order ice cream
trucks on demand via the Uber app. They partnered with ProFlowers to deliver Valentine’s flowers
via Uber. They’ve offered Christmas Tree delivery service via Uber drivers in partnership with local
Christmas Tree farms. They even partnered with online cat-centric humor brand Cheezburger
to offer users the ability to have kittens delivered to their homes for 15 minutes of cuddling (via
Uber drivers, of course). All of this serves to create news and buzz around the brand and drive app
downloads and loyalty. After all, you couldn’t order those cute little kittens without the Uber app
DON’T FORGET THE ICON! Your app icon is actually one of the strongest drivers of downloads,
though one of the more difficult things to measure. In countless user feedback sessions, we’ve
heard “because of the icon” as one of the main reasons why users choose an app over a similar
competitor. The well-designed icons of leading brands like Facebook, Instagram, Evernote,
Uber, etc. provide legitimacy and trust for users, especially when they sit next to lesser-known
entities. We cannot stress enough how important the icon is to mobile app success.
Apple’s most recent updates are
trying to improve and solve app
discoverability through scrolling
lists of results, suggested searches,
trending searches, and explore
tab as well as app video trailers.
It’s time to optimize…again.
More apps are discovered through search in the app store than any other method. So,
how do you channel all that searching to your app? You have to optimize. App Store
Optimization is the process of optimizing mobile apps to rank higher in an app store’s
search results. The higher the app ranks in store search results, the more visible it
is to customers, which leads to increased organic downloads. To optimize your rank,
you need to understand keyword drivers in your category (for competitors) and take
a strategic approach to constantly tweaking the main factors that drive ranking.
The two main app stores operate quite differently, but there are some common
factors that affect rank like: title, keywords, total downloads, and reviews all
play a part. The title you choose for your app should take into account the top
keywords that customers search for in your category. It should also be as short
as possible to get to the point. Remember, most users are mobile. You only get
100 characters for keywords, so use them wisely. You can change these relatively
easily, which is part of the optimization process. Total downloads are an important
factor in both Apple App Store and Google Play, which is why we mentioned burst
tactics earlier. Lastly, reviews play an important part, especially in ranking against
keywords and in categories. Again, reaching out to users for reviews (and even
rewarding them for it) is a crucial part to your app’s overall marketing success.
mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
6. optimizing app store rank_
A select few get featured in app stores, but many apps that have been
featured saw a large number of new downloads after being featured.
Keep in mind that app stores like to feature apps that help their brand and its customers, so when trying to
get your app featured you may be asked to make some changes. Loverly, a bridal service app, was featured
in Apple’s app store upon launch, but was asked to make numerous User Interface and User Experience
changes with Apple’s development relations team before getting published on the feature list.
mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
In today’s hyper-connected world, people are bombarded
by ads and end up tuning them out, unless the ads are
entertaining, informative or additive. In mobile, creative
ideas, messaging and content remain supremely important
to your app’s success. While we’ve talked a lot about where
and how to reach new users, we haven’t talked much
about the content and creative you should use to do so.
Unfortunately, there is no silver bullet. Every brand and every app is different
and should have a different point of view and different voice in the world. It takes
creativity to develop content and messages to fuel your earned, owned and paid
media plans. Without a focus on the creative piece, you’re really only testing
the media side of the equation and leaving further opportunities for growth on
the table. Just as your app icon is one of the most important elements for app
marketing success, so too are the ads, videos, social posts, infographics and
other content that your brand produces. This is what turns an app into a brand
and what separates it from the millions of competitors in the apps store.
mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
Many applications get people interested but don’t make it convenient to
download. Some ads only provide a URL to a site that does not even have
a mobile web version. GoWallet had this problem – it featured a display in
grocery stores that didn’t include any sort of QR code, only a link to a site
that was full-version and loads much too slow . Be sure to have at least a
landing page that is mobile-friendly and includes an app download link.
However, marketers can easily annoy customers with anything from not reaching out enough
(which, according to Gartner, can lead to a 15% churn rate in existing users) to over-promotion (48%
unfollow on Twitter because of too much self-promotion). When there’s a will, there’s a way, and when
there’s a way, there’s a way to do it wrong. Here are five things we encourage you to avoid:
mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS8. five fatal errors_ mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
Let your ads be optical. Papa Johns had trouble with customers when it began
sending them spam texts without opting in, resulting in a 250 million dollar
lawsuit. So make sure to immediately remove a user from your mailing list if they
request to stop receiving newsletters or SMS messages. It’s always sad to see
a friend go, but in the end, it’s better for your brand image to set them free.
If you want high user retention, make sure to update your app or brand’s content
and continuously work on your marketing campaign. This was mentioned
in the previous section, but is worth noting again. According to a survey by
Chadwick Martin Bailey, 56% of users unsubscribe to emailing lists because
the content was no longer relevant. Ads get old really quickly, so don’t forget
to freshen up your promotional efforts and track results. After measuring your
promotion results, use the data to tailor your campaign in order to optimize;
this is especially important if you’re making a long term investment.
SHERWIN-WILLIAMS is a good role model. They have been connecting with their
customers through the ColorSnap app since 2009, and have not stopped marketing
their app since. For your app to grow it needs nourishment. After all, most of an app’s
growth comes after the first promotion when it lands a spot in an app store. According
to Nielsen, over 60% of smartphone users discover apps through the store.
mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS8. five fatal errors_ mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
Although in the previous section there are several measurement
options outlined, many experts still agree that measuring, tracking,
and attribution present the largest challenge to marketers today.
CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is something many marketers
miss out on leveraging to its fullest potential. To us, it’s the second half of
the customer’s journey. Retaining a customer is usually less expensive than
acquiring a new customer. CRM speaks to customer service management,
whether it’s through social media, a 1-800 number, or email contact form. It’s
also easier to promote new product launches or inform new updates with a built-
in customer base. Give them reasons (like useful content, exclusive benefits,
or discounts) to stay loyal and engaged. If you don’t, your competitor will.
mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
Developing an app that people love is only half of the
battle. You and your team pour blood, sweat, and tears
into creating something amazing that is projected to
be successful. But, the other half of the battle is getting
the right users to download your app instead of the
millions of other options available. Too often, we see
clients that just don’t put enough strategic thought
and creativity into a plan to acquire and retain users.
We recommend thinking of your app as a brand and business. Thinking this way
will help you develop a smart and strategic approach to reaching your goals
and making your app successful. Success comes down to the right audience,
the right content and the right tools to reach that audience. As consumer
habits evolve, the tools used to reach them are evolving, too. Sometimes it’s
tough to keep up. We hope this framework at least provides an introduction
and foundation on which to build. When you’re ready, we’re here to help.
mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESSconclusion_ mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
Pappas Group, founded in 2003 is one of Washington DC’s leading full-service
digital & mobile agencies. Pappas Group is a recent acquisition of DMI, the world’s
first fully integrated end-to-end mobility company. DMI is a leading provider of
enterprise mobile solutions and services, and together with Pappas they bring new
life to global brands through a full range of next generation mobility solutions.
Pappas Group provides a full range of mobile branding & marketing services
including: strategy & research, brand development, content creation and
campaign development, web & app development (full in-house UX, QA and
development), customer relationship management, and finally, a full media team
who specialize in mobile marketing strategy, creating full marketing & media
plans, executing them and running in-house analytics, testing & optimization.
Pappas Group provides a multi-disciplined approach to build brands that
people love. They’ve worked with blue chip brands like Rosetta Stone, AOL,
Blackboard, Discovery Channel, the SyFy Channel, Volkswagen Credit, Hilton
Worldwide, as well as startups like SocialRadar, Treater and the .CO domain.
This White Paper outlines basic processes and tools you’ll need to plan a
campaign to promote or launch an app. If you’d like to learn more about our media
strategy, planning, buying, and measurement services or inquire about any of
our other solution offerings, please contact Mark Beekman at 312.399.6111.
Mark Beekman
mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESSsources_

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Mobile App Marketing: The Ultimate Guide to Success

  • 2. mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS Introduction.........................................................................3 1. Prioritizing Goals & Objectives.....................................5 2. Beyond App Install Campaigns....................................7 3. Measuring & Optimizing...............................................9 Testing & Learning......................................................... 10 4. Creating Your Ideal Customer....................................13 5. Driving Discovery.......................................................... 17 Paid Media...................................................................... 18 Mobile Ad Networks.......................................................19 What Are Bursts?...........................................................21 Paid Social Media.......................................................... 22 Digital Display...............................................................23 Native Advertising........................................................23 Paid Search................................................................... 24 Broadcast TV................................................................ 25 Radio............................................................................ 26 Outdoor.........................................................................27 Events...........................................................................27 Owned Media..................................................................28 1. Blog...........................................................................29 2. Mobile Website..........................................................30 3. Email Newsletter.......................................................30 4. Social Media...............................................................31 5. Customer Referral Programs.....................................34 Earned Media..................................................................35 1. Blogs & Review Sites..................................................36 2. PR & Influencer Outreach..........................................36 3. Customer Reviews..................................................... 37 4. Partnerships & Stunts...............................................38 6. Optimizing App Store Rank.......................................39 7. A Note about Content..................................................41 8. 5 Fatal Errors................................................................. 42 Conclusion.........................................................................45 Pappas Group: A DMI Company....................................46 Sources................................................................................47 © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLC TABLE OF CONTENTS_ _ PAGE 2 OF 17WWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM
  • 3.  mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS Today, more than 86% of all time spent on mobile devices is spent in apps vs. the less than 14% in mobile browsers. It’s clear that consumers prefer the immediacy and functionality of an app to the mobile web experience. This is why everyone from big brands to startups has begun to employ an app-first mobile strategy and why entire businesses and revenue streams are centered around apps. This shift brought with it a greater focus on marketing mobile apps. With revenue forecasts, jobs, and even entire companies at stake, marketers have become much more strategic in how they drive app discovery, acquire the right users, and retain them. Top marketers are shifting greater resources toward mobile marketing channels to support bigger and bigger bets on apps. Growth hacking – a term used to describe ongoing user acquisition and revenue experiments - has become omnipresent in startups and big companies alike. This is the new high stakes game of poker. THE ERA OF MOBILITY IS UPON US AND MOBILE APPS REIGN SUPREME_ © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLC _ PAGE 3 OF 17WWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM
  • 4.  THE GOAL_ Claim a space on a customer’s mobile device - be downloaded, frequently used, and loved. THE CHALLENGE_ There is no proven roadmap for marketing an app, there are more than a million competitors, and the tools and tactics available to marketers change everyday. SO, HOW DO YOU WIN? There is no formula, but thinking about an app as a brand or product is a good starting point. This forces brands to think strategically and focus on metrics that matter most to their business. And, you’ll not only consider the building blocks of the mobile marketing playbook, but also the strategies that will make your app standout in consumers’ minds, fuel conversation and become part of your customers daily habits. Here, we’ll provide a framework for marketing a mobile app based on our past experience and expertise in this space. We outline the eight things apps need to do to claim a place on a customer’s phone and earn a role in their everyday lives. The eight things apps need to do to be successful are: 1. Prioritizing Goals & Objectives 2. Beyond App Install Campaigns 3. Measuring & Optimizing 4. Creating Your Ideal Customer 5. Driving Discovery 6. Optimizing App Store Rank 7. Content 8. Five Fatal Errors We will also provide some examples from well-known and successful mobile apps. INTRODUCTION_ © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLC _ PAGE 4 OF 17 mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS WWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM
  • 5. As with any marketing initiative, clearly defining and prioritizing goals is imperative when it comes to marketing a mobile app. While there are an overwhelming number of approaches to choose from, understanding what you’re trying to achieve provides a solid foundation upon which you can narrow your focus and develop a successful plan of action. Many brands set a goal to be a top-10 app in a certain category. To get there, most set install and cost-per-install (CPI) objectives. “I want to drive 100,000 installs of my app at a CPI of $3.50,” they’ll say. This number (cost per install) usually comes from a revenue model that investors and developers are excited about, but every model we’ve ever seen is off by some order of magnitude. It is logical to assume that the number of downloads or installs an app receives is a good indicator of whether or not a mobile app marketing campaign has been successful. However, metrics that focus on retention like cost per daily active user are far more useful key performance indicators (KPIs) to judge the success of your efforts. The long-term success of an app is not marked by raking in installs, but having loyal users that are regularly engaging with the app, purchasing, converting, and incorporating it into their daily lives. That’s why today, consumer-driven apps focus on the LTV (Lifetime Value). It is certainly healthy to set long-term goals, but when it comes to app marketing, its necessary to think in the short term, too. When doing so, think beyond the install and cost-per-install targets. Instead, think about what you really want to see from users. Is it engagement? Active use? Revenue? Figuring that out will help you gain a clear picture of what your short-term objectives should be and help you develop a plan to balance focusing on the short and long term. 1. PRIORITIZING GOALS & OBJECTIVES Repeat users generate 25%more in-app purchases As of June 2014, 75billion mobile apps downloaded from the Apple Store $6.4billion in total iOS App Store Revenue in 2013 65%of people stop using apps three months after it’s install © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLC _ PAGE 5 OF 17WWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
  • 6. mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS1. prioritizing goals & objectives_ mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS USE, NOT INSTALLS AWARENESS INSTALLS USERS PURCHASES $ _IMPRESSIONS _MENTIONS _TRAFFIC _COST / INSTALL _COST / LAUNCH _COST / LOYAL USER Very important in the early phases to gather initial learnings about the users. Other KPIs help optimize for this KPI in later phases. Anticipate slow data acquisition due to long window, therefore this KPI become more important as time progresses. User interactions & purchases reveal high value segments & Lifetime Value making this KPI #1 as campaign progresses. $$ $$$ $$$$ THE FIRST MAJOR DECISION IS TO DETERMINE WHAT METRIC IS MOST IMPORTANT TO YOU. TO BUILD A SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS, WE RECOMMEND FOCUSING AND OPTIMIZING ALL ACTIVITIES ON HIGH VALUE USERS AS DETERMINED BY COST/LAUNCH AND COST/LOYAL USER. 1. WE RECOMMNED: © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLC _ PAGE 6 OF 17WWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM
  • 7. In mobile, many brands become too focused on low-cost, app-install campaigns. The temptation to only run these low-cost efforts that yield immediate returns is simply too great to turn down. However, these install campaigns are part of what drives upward of 86% of downloaded apps to be deleted without ever being opened. Before a brand dives headfirst into an app- install campaign, it’s important you understand the critical role that multi- channel marketing has on the overall success of their app and brand. Simply put, multi-channel marketing means reaching out to new potential users by increasing the level of awareness, promoting interest and building credibility around your app. These are complementary activities to app-install campaigns that increase your pool of potential users and provide a lift to your overall marketing effectiveness. These activities also tend to aid in driving organic installs. Organic users are more important, useful, and valuable than paid users. And, these are the activities that differentiate truly meaningful, everyday brands vs. just another app. 2. BEYOND APP INSTALL CAMPAIGNS 86%of apps are deleted without ever being opened 26avg number of apps on phone © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLC _ PAGE 7 OF 17WWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
  • 8. 2. beyond app install campaigns _ mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS For example, a user sees a billboard for a game app, hears a streaming radio ad, a digital display ad and then sees an app install ad on his or her mobile Facebook newsfeed. This is the beauty of a multi-channel approach – by exposing more potential users to your app via strategic placements, this extended exposure encourages them to install and use. Will this user be more inclined to actually open the app and use it vs. the person that was never exposed to a multi-channel message? We think yes. Many of our clients have seen tremendous success with funnel-filling tactics like event marketing, local radio, online video, content distribution, high-impact banners, stunts, sponsorship, and outdoor advertising. This has been particularly effective in localization strategies and among certain expected and unexpected verticals (marketplaces, delivery services, and fashion). When done well, these are idea-driven tactics that entertain, inform, and reward people for participation. They turn an app into a brand that people want to engage with and talk about. © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLCWWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM _ PAGE 8 OF 17
  • 9. mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS If you plan on spending money to acquire users and you want succeed, you need a way to measure and optimize what you’re doing. In mobile, there are a number of unique challenges that are not present in traditional digital channels – the biggest of which is dealing with cookies and pixels (or lack thereof). This presents an attribution problem, but attribution is a universal problem, one that many vendors claim to solve but don’t. Even with these challenges, its still possible to take a data-centric approach to marketing your mobile app. Though every app is different, and where you are in the life-cycle of your app’s campaign can change which metrics are most important, we have seen a few key performance indicators are shared amongst most of our clients. 3. MEASURING & OPTIMIZING COMMON METRICS: 1 2 43 5 Cost per install Cost per loyal user Cost per launch Cost per purchase (or other action) Paid vs. Organic User Ratio © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLC _ PAGE 9 OF 17WWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM
  • 10. mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS3. measuring & optimizing_ mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS Measuring performance within your app and within your marketing programs requires a number of technology platforms. There is plenty of overlap in their functionality, but in this section, we will share some of the tools we prefer for mobile app marketing. A NOTE ABOUT TESTING AND LEARNING As we said earlier, there is no true formula for mobile marketing success. That’s why testing and learning is so important, especially when it comes to growth. There are so many options to test, even in the app install space. Arriving at a scalable model requires extensive experimentation and optimization, from creative and messaging to keywords, vendors, targets and platforms. We like to think about mobile marketing much like we think about development – conducting agile sprints against an overall marketing roadmap. By adopting this methodology, especially for app launches, we are able process more tests and data to learn and optimize more quickly. © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLC _ PAGE 10 OF 17WWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM
  • 11. 3. measuring & optimizing_ mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS GOOGLE MOBILE ANALYTICS Google Mobile Analytics not only shows where your app’s traffic comes from but how your app is used. The platform offers numerous analysis reports and features that allow you to understand and predict where your mobile app, advertisement, and website’s traffic is coming from – helping you figure out the best way to attract users and keep them. KISS METRICS Kiss Metrics tells you more about your customer by tracking and identifying users to build a history on their behavior over time. It’s focused on the people that you are attracting and are using your application and great for in-app user metrics. It’s quite strong for analyzing individuals as well as cohorts. Note: KissMetrics is built on top of your GA install. © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLC _ PAGE 11 OF 17WWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM
  • 12. 3. measuring & optimizing_ mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS MIXPANEL Mixpanel tracks any action a user takes while using your app. It provides detailed “data points” which can be used to identify high value user segments to help you understand why and how your users are using your app. Similar to pay-per-install programs, Mixpanel charges by the range of data points you want to use. The data can be as specific as how many paying customers are Swiss, came from a Google ad, and haven’t logged in for a month. You can see exactly who to target and how to target them. KOCHAVA Kochava is a leading mobile attribution and analytics platform integrated with more than 350 mobile ad networks, exchanges, and major publishers (including Facebook, Google, Yahoo!, and Pandora). It is a cloud-based, universal SDK that measures clicks, installs, and custom post-install events to enable real-time optimization of campaign performance management down to the site/placement and creative level. © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLC _ PAGE 12 OF 17WWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM
  • 13. mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS Goals and analytics are important in measuring a campaign’s success, but in the end, mobile apps and the campaigns that promote them are all about the user. Successful apps are deeply integrated into the lives of its users. Similarly, a successful campaign should be constructed around the wants, needs, likes, dislikes, and habits of the app’s target users. When planning your mobile app campaign, we recommend first building in- depth target personas and user journeys. When you better understand who your ideal target is and how they behave, you can craft content and creative that will better connect with them and a more comprehensive plan to reach them. Although testing and media optimization will help you further narrow the target while in market, it’s essential to have a solid foundation from which to start. 4. CREATING YOUR IDEAL CUSTOMER © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLC _ PAGE 13 OF 17WWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM
  • 14. 4. creating your ideal customer_ mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS LOUIS WATSON_ AGE: 35 HOUSEHOLD INCOME: $100,000 __ Works full time at a law office downtown __ Interested in what’s trendy, new and hip __ Very tech-savvy GOALS AND MOTIVATIONS __ I’m always working to better myself. __ I want people to know how well I am doing. I can be an inspiration to others. ATTITUDES __ Always want to stay on top of what’s trending - what’s the next big thing? __ I make sure to live the most active, healthy lifestyle I can. INFLUENCERS __ Honestly, I’m the influencer amongst my friends. They come to me for advice. __ Forward thinking brands, people and companies that have really made a name for themselves. © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLC _ PAGE 14 OF 17WWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM
  • 15. mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS4. creating your ideal customer_ mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE JOURNEY_ User journeys map out the end-to-end experience a customer has with your product or brand. Understanding a customer’s emotions and pain points over time will help you see where there is opportunity for your app to solve problems, improve the life of the user, and where there are marketing opportunities. ExperiencingPre-Arrival Post-Check Out PLANNING BOOKING TRAVELING CHECK IN DINING GAMING SHOPPING ENTERTAINMENT RELAXING IN ROOM CHECK OUT TRAVELING SHARING PLANNING EXCITEMENT SURPRISE EMPOWERED OVERWHELMING FRUSTRATION INTENSITY © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLC _ PAGE 15 OF 17WWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM
  • 16. mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS4. creating your ideal customer_ mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS SYNDICATED RESEARCH SIMMONS, MRI, COMSCORE These vendors offer access to troves of data they’ve collected from U.S. Census studies and their own large, privately-fielded research studies. Though quite expensive and subscription-based, the ability to query this data in order to see demographic, psychographic and technographic information is unmatched elsewhere. This helps build a core target, inform creative messaging, guide where and when you try to connect with them and more. If you love data, this is the place to start. PRIMARY RESEARCH SURVEY MONKEY, CRAIGSLIST, MAN ON THE STREET If you’re building an application, you’re likely already doing lots of primary research. But perhaps you haven’t really done the research to understand your audience beyond the product. Conducting surveys, focus groups, interviews, etc. yields great insights into your audience, from what’s important to them to the type of content they consume, how they behave online and even where and what type of media they consume. These insights help further inform personas and journeys as well as your actual media approach to drive discovery and fill the funnel. There are plenty of ways to recruit and conduct this research. We tend to skew toward the more informal methods in most situations. SECONDARY RESEARCH PEW, MOBILE MARKETER, GOOGLE THINK, VENDOR RESEARCH There are plenty of other valuable research reports produced regularly. This can be extremely valuable in providing further information into target audience behavior, technographics, and even media consumption habits. All of these can help shape messaging and media approaches. The Pew Internet reports have the least bias and provide excellent insights. Others are also valuable, we simply recommend taking them with a grain of salt, as they are often produced by vendors looking to sell you something. EXISTING CUSTOMER DATA C.R.M., ANALYTICS PLATFORMS Many clients we work with have existing businesses that are now launching mobile applications. In these situations, existing customer data from analytics platforms and C.R.M. systems can provide an excellent starting point from which to build a profile of your ideal customer. There are endless ways to identify and understand your ideal customers. Typically, a mix of syndicated, primary, secondary and owned data is used to do so. Here are some of the sources we recommend: © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLC _ PAGE 16 OF 17WWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM
  • 17. mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS Once you have your goals, audience, and an idea of what your budget is, you can begin to explore which media channels will yield the best results for your brand’s campaign. Marketing of mobile services can be done through a near-endless combination of paid, owned, and earned media. There are literally thousands of marketing tools, services, and channels that offer opportunities to promote apps and mobile websites and this landscape changes continually. Just keeping track of the newest technological capabilities and how best to leverage them within your budget is challenging. The sheer number of choices makes it difficult to pick and choose, but if you get it right, it can provide an amazing return on your investment. In this section, we will outline what paid, owned, and earned media are - and detail a few specific channels that you might want to include in your app’s marketing campaign. 5. DRIVING DISCOVERY © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLC _ PAGE 17 OF 17WWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM
  • 18. 5. driving discovery_ PAID MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS In today’s media landscape, it’s difficult to tell between what’s paid, owned, and earned content. The lines are blurring, but paid media plays a critical role in scaling any mobile application. If you have a solid understanding of your target audience and a lot of confidence in your projected lifetime value, you can begin to put together a plan to launch your mobile app through smart media tactics. In this section, we provide a high level look at the role each channel may play. We will explore the following paid media channels and some examples of apps that have thoughtfully and successfully leveraged them: __ Mobile Ad Networks __ Paid Social Media __ Digital Display __ Native Advertising __ Paid Search __ Broadcast TV __ Radio __ Outdoor __ Events PAID MEDIA_ © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLC _ PAGE 18 OF 27WWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM
  • 19. 5. driving discovery_ PAID MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS MOBILE AD NETWORKS Mobile ad networks have come a long way in the last three years, but are still somewhat less sophisticated than traditional digital media networks. For the most part, these ad networks are best used for app-install campaigns and occasionally for branding. Mobile ad networks usually distinguish between blind and premium networks. A blind advertising network allows advertisers to target a specific audience or content category but gives them no control over where the ads are displayed. Premium networks, on the other hand, can give advertisers the choice of targeting specific sites. Additionally, some mobile ad networks only operate in apps while others operate on the mobile web. © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLCWWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM _ PAGE 19 OF 27
  • 20. mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS5. driving discovery_ PAID MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS There are hundreds of app and mobile ad services available – some work better for certain geographies, categories, audiences and objectives than others – so selection really depends on your specific app. We can’t stress enough how much testing must go into optimizing a mobile ad campaign. A few that we often use are listed here. They all offer app-install solutions that enable simple forecasting, which is important for most apps. RECOMMENDED MOBILE AD NETWORKS FACEBOOK AUDIENCE NETWORK The social-networking giant has a place in almost every app marketing plan. The key differentiator for Facebook is their Sponsored App promotional tool and their huge mobile audience. Not only is it great for targeting a specific audience, but the ads embedded into newsfeeds can also display which friends already use the app, providing users with social proof that the app has value. TAPJOY Tapjoy is a premium in-app promotion network offering several great targeting methods including pay-per-install and pay-per-engagement pricing models. With the pay-per-engagement option you only pay once a user has performed a specific action (e.g. opted in for push notifications). However, skeptics believe that the user incentive model for accepting advertisement in exchange for viral rewards will result in less loyal users than other ad networks. GOOGLE ADMOB Google AdMob is a large mobile advertising network that enables users to create and target campaigns across over 300,000 apps. One advantage of AdMob is that it is integrated into Google AdWords, which provides increased targeting capabilities. Additionally, AdMob lets advertisers run “house ads” which are ads that appear in your own app and encourage users to share activity. MILLENNIAL MEDIA Millennial Media is a mobile-first advertising network that offers strong targeting capabilities that many in the digital media space will appreciate. Everything from behavioral to geographic to contextual and content targeting is available as a means of targeting. Additionally, Millennial targets across screens in mobile web and apps, with 50+ million cross screen profiles already built. This enables retargeting and other tactics that help drive performance. Other great ad networks include Adfonic, Apple iAds, InMobi, Buzzcity, Greystripe, Jumptap, Twitter and more. Apps will often implement a burst strategy on mobile advertising networks at certain key points during a campaign. © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLC _ PAGE 20 OF 27WWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM
  • 21. 5. driving discovery_ PAID MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS Bursts in mobile marketing refer to short time periods of increased spend. Usually, bursts are isolated to mobile advertising networks and their purpose is to drive high downloads in a short period of time in hopes of boosting app store rankings. Why? Higher app store rankings help drive more natural discovery and app downloads. While bursts aren’t a sustainable solution, they can be an effective tactic to test. We advise clients to plan bursts to coincide with other funnel filling activities. Perhaps around specific event marketing, native advertising or high impact digital advertising and a PR- related activity. All of these burst activities working together leads to even higher rankings and more natural downloads, which are the most valuable users an app can acquire. SO, WHAT ARE BURSTS?_ © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLC _ PAGE 21 OF 27WWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM
  • 22. 5. driving discovery_ PAID MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS PAID SOCIAL MEDIA All major social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, Foursquare, etc.) have paid advertising options, in addition to free (owned) resources. The user data available within each of the social channels provides a good way to target specific audiences and give them a specific call to action, be it to immediately download an app, re-engage, or simply like content. The majority of activity on these networks occurs on mobile, which makes installs and re-engagement tactics nearly frictionless for users. FACEBOOK DRIVES ROI A clothing market place, doubled ad referral rates by using Facebook’s App Install ads and enjoyed 3X better R.O.I. on Facebook ads verse other digital channels. Facebook is a critical component for driving paid acquisition – but it is complemented by offline funnel filling activities. Specifically, this brand utilizes in-home launch parties to bring together target market influencers and drive buzz around the brand. Incidentally, the offline activities are responsible for driving the majority of the app’s organic installs and provide rich data upon which to better target Facebook users © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLCWWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM _ PAGE 22 OF 27
  • 23. 5. driving discovery_ PAID MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS DIGITAL DISPLAY Digital display advertising can play an important role in most mobile application marketing strategies. With the evolution of programmatic buying and sophisticated data-driven targeting capabilities, digital display can be a cost-effective response driver as well as funnel-filling awareness builder. Additionally, many digital display networks offer device targeting. In addition to low-cost programmatic buying, digital display has proven quite effective in launching new apps via a variety of units. We recommend multiple ad formats, from standard banners to high- impact, rich-media units to be part of the makeup of holistic bursts for apps. NATIVE ADVERTISING Native ads follow the natural form and function of the user experience in which they are placed. For example, paid content placed on a popular news website would appear as a news story. This provides a natural way to introduce users to new apps. Through content distribution platforms like Outbrain and Taboola, a video, blog, app review, or infographic can be promoted across premium sites regardless of screen and appear more like a headline for articles and editorial content than advertisements or paid placements. It is one of the more recent effective brand-building tactics that can expose a large number of potential users to your app and brand within premium sites. The algorithms and pricing models favor engaging content. AROUND THE WEB: An example of Taboola sponsored content on Time Magazine’s website. © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLCWWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM _ PAGE 23 OF 27
  • 24. 5. driving discovery_ PAID MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS PAID SEARCH Paid search for mobile app campaigns takes the form of app promotion ads which can be used in both paid search text and display. These ads directly pull from the Apple App Store or Google Play to allow users to download the app immediately. The ads are smart-designed , meaning Android apps are only shown on Android devices, and so on. In search campaigns, these smart ads will exclude non-relevant devices by matching the operating system (OS) of the app to the device. Furthermore, app extensions on web search text ads can promote both websites and apps by allowing users to download an app through an extension. Extensions, while free to incorporate in web text ads, are subject to the PPC model. Paid search is a necessary complement to offline advertising as users generally default to search engine queries or searching within the respective app stores. The Apple App Store search function is not as sophisticated as Google’s, and because download volume plays into its ranking algorithms, App Store Optimization (ASO) has evolved to become a necessary campaign component as users generally exhibit similar behavior as with web search in that the top ranked search queries tend to get the most engagement. Apple’s most recent updates are trying to improve and solve app discoverability through scrolling results lists, suggested searches, trending searches and explore tab as well as app video trailers. However, because Apple’s algorithms still continue to rank and reward apps with significant downloads already, significant investment in building awareness around your app, whether they are considered best practices or not, are needed to boost visibility within the App Store. © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLCWWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM _ PAGE 24 OF 27
  • 25. 5. driving discovery_ PAID MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS CANDY CRUSH King, the maker of Candy Crush, took this route and became the first mobile game developer to advertise its game independently on TV. The month that Candy Crush commercials began airing, it became the most popular game on Facebook. TV placements were paired with app install bursts and other media to achieve this goal. Also, according to AppAnniecom, the game’s download rank soared to number one after launching its campaign. EAT 24 is a local food delivery app relies heavily on local spot TV to drive downloads and revenue. With a day-parting strategy focused on dinner and late night eats, the app maker buys inexpensive inventory that keeps costs down while reaching consumers when they are most likely in need of the app. Immediate gratification is the consumer need and brand promise, so the app can measure success of TV down to the exact time and place the ad ran. BROADCAST TV TV is probably not on the radar for most mobile app marketers as an obvious channel to use, but it does make sense in some instances. Generally speaking, TV is an immediate awareness tactic that can introduce a mass audience to your app and brand. If your application has broad consumer appeal and your projected lifetime value meets certain thresholds, TV should be in your consideration set. When big brands like Geico or launch a mobile app, TV is an essential driver. Additionally, a number of smaller clients have leveraged various TV approaches, from tactical national buys to local spot cable, to drive success. © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLC 5. driving discovery_ WWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM _ PAGE 25 OF 27
  • 26. 5. driving discovery_ PAID MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS RADIO Radio can be used effectively in app campaigns if the app’s utility and target audience aligns to the market, program content or other relevant factor. With the explosion of digital streaming platforms like Pandora and Spotify as well as the emergence of Apps from stations across the country, consumers have more choices than ever before to listen to their favorite content, anywhere. In traditional radio, we’ve seen local, customized promotions featuring sponsorships and live DJ reads operate as a funnel-filling and download driving tactics. This is relevant for any app that might be taking a localized approach to building its user base. Tracking and attributing results can be challenging, but not impossible. Many of the streaming radio platforms offer greater targeting and tracking capabilities, with many programs reaching an even larger audience than traditional radio. © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLCWWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM _ PAGE 26 OF 27
  • 27. 5. driving discovery_ PAID MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS OUTDOOR Outdoor billboards and posters are strong funnel-filling tactics to complement a multi-channel mobile app marketing campaign. Outdoor can be especially effective for apps that follow a local market launch strategy and want to quickly generate awareness and downloads in a specific market. We tend to see overall lift in performance of online direct response and download drivers when outdoor is also utilized. However, it should be noted that utilizing outdoor in isolation is not advised. The possibilities here are really endless – table tents at restaurants, taxi toppers, WiFi sponsorship, interactive wall screens, and more. EVENTS Events and guerrilla marketing are some of the most successful tactics we’ve seen for filling the funnel and driving downloads. Events can be particularly successful in local marketing campaigns. We tend to see immediate increases in downloads and in social/community metrics coming from events. Whether this means sponsoring local music festivals or sponsoring an industry or audience specific event, it can be quite successful, especially when paired with strong content and a reason to participate. Many events also have built-in PR opportunities, which is a plus. We group guerrilla marketing here as well since this is typically executed at a local level. Again, for the purposes of driving interest, shares, and downloads, event-centric tools like street teams, wild posters, and other guerrilla tactics can be extremely successful. IN A HURRY?: Qualcomm Mobile created a campaign called the Best Bus Stop Ever, which included a poster that displayed a completely relatable bus shelter question (i.e. “Bored?” or “Seen it all?”) and a mobile web URL. When people visited the site and pressed a button, they would get a surprise ride in a horse-drawn carriage, or even a bus full of puppies. © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLCWWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM _ PAGE 27 OF 27
  • 28. 5. driving discovery_ OWNED MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS Owned media consists of all the websites, apps, mobile sites, Facebook pages, blogs, stores, and any other channel that your brand owns and manages. If you succeed in attracting your target audience to your owned properties, this will be the most sustainable solution in the long run. But it takes focus and great content to make this work for your app. Examples of owned media that we’ll go through in this section are: __ Blog __ Mobile Website __ Email Newsletter __ Social Media __ Customer Referral Programs OWNED MEDIA_ mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLC _ PAGE 28 OF 34WWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM
  • 29. 5. driving discovery_ OWNED MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS BLOG Blogs are a great way to communicate with people about what you do, share/ discuss what you care about, and provide an opportunity to define your brand’s position and tone. Many apps also use blogs as a way to communicate new features, updates or changes that customers might want to learn more about. They provide a free platform to speak directly to those seeking to learn more about your product. Blogs are also great platforms for building and housing content. Such content helps improve SEO (search engine optimization) and is easily shared via social media. Both of these can help apps stay relevant and help build brand awareness. SNAPCHAT uses its blog to highlight new feature updates to make sure its users understand what is different and how to use new features. They also use it as a platform to address issues with the app such as spam, and the finding friend features. As a company that is based around the sharing and disappearance of images, their blog gives them the ability to communicate – directly and textually – with its consumers and users. To maintain its brand, Snapchat communicates with its users via photo and videos in the app, but they have strategically utilized their blog to be another way to communicate with users outside of their trademark “snaps.” © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLCWWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM _ PAGE 29 OF 34
  • 30. 5. driving discovery_ OWNED MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS MOBILE WEBSITE Every app needs a mobile website and every website needs to offer a mobile-friendly version. If your website is already a destination for customers like many service brands (airlines, restaurant booking sites, etc.), this is the place to start promoting your apps as well. Otherwise, you need a basic mobile website to ensure that there is a place for customers to find your app through search engines, blogs, etc. EMAIL NEWSLETTER If you don’t already have a digital newsletter, this is a great way to promote your app via email. Wunderlist, which was app of the week in over 100 countries in 2011, has a newsletter that updates users on upcoming features, company news, and also unfinished tasks in their own app. HOTEL TONIGHT Mobile websites like Hotel Tonight’s (right) prompt visitors to go directly to the app store. If someone is searching for the app in their browser it helps drive traffic and downloads. © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLCWWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM _ PAGE 30 OF 34
  • 31. mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS5. driving discovery_ OWNED MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS SOCIAL MEDIA Social media channels are a great resource for staying in contact and engaging with potential users while simultaneously building brand awareness. While you should maintain a unified identity across platforms, each one should have its own strategy specific to serving existing fans and attracting followers on that channel. Each platform is an outlet for your brand to have a voice and connect with users on a personal level, but not every channel may be relevant to your brand/app. In developing a strategy, you must first establish your goals for social media. These should align to your business goals. For example: increase revenue, change brand sentiment, improve customer relationship management, aid marketing research. A successful social media strategy also includes a defined target audience and an understanding of the audience’s use of social media, a plan on how/where/when to reach them, and objectives and metrics for measuring success. Once you have chosen which platform(s) will help you reach your goals and aligned this with your content strategy, it’s time to execute. © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLC _ PAGE 31 OF 34WWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM
  • 32. mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS5. driving discovery_ OWNED MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS FACEBOOK With over one billion monthly active users on its mobile app, Facebook cannot be ignored. People are seeking funny, interesting, or relevant content to share with their friends and social network. Unique and engaging content is recommended on Facebook. Aim to get a conversation started or provide information that’s share-worthy. Keep your tone fairly conversational; you don’t want to sound like a robot or an advertisement all the time. Facebook also is the perfect platform to reach and foster relationships with brand advocates. These are “super fans” that will spread the word about your brand/app and help you reach people who might not have been a part of your existing (target) audience. To foster a successful relationship, it’s important to identify and reward brand advocates and maintain ongoing engagement with these individuals. GOOGLE+ In 2013, Google+ was named the second largest active social network in the world, only behind the behemoth Facebook. The social network is projected to gain popularity over time, and brands should be present – although your goals for this platform might be different than other large channels (think SEO). Google+ can help improve a brand’s Google Search results, engage communities through Hangouts, enhance performance on Google Ad networks, and aid tracking through Google Analytics. TWITTER Twitter is the best platform to engage with (potential) customers in real-time, as well as listen to any conversation and measure sentiment around your brand/app. You can speak to something that’s happening in the moment, and engage with others who are posting about the same topic. To grow your awareness and reach, you should listen to real-time conversations, learn what people are talking/passionate about and respond to that. Stay relevant, timely, and ensure you can effectively and naturally inject your brand into the conversation. © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLC _ PAGE 32 OF 34WWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM
  • 33. mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS5. driving discovery_ OWNED MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS INSTAGRAM Your Instagram account should post engaging and relevant photos that speak to your brand personality and product. Think mobile, real-time and quality content. No stock images or blatant advertising should be shared. Including relevant hashtags helps gather followers and open up your account (and brand) to new customers. LINKEDIN LinkedIn should be used for professional outreach and to keep your network up-to-date on business decisions, mergers, and any other updates relevant to your product/company. Tone here should be more professional but still true to who you are as a brand. If you maintain a company blog, this is also an ideal space to share these posts and highlight your thought leadership within your industry. YOUTUBE Second only to Google, YouTube is now the second most popular search engine in the world. Worldwide, video content is viewed more than 50 billion times per month. Suffice it to say, the world is consuming more video content every day, and we recommend you start creating some of that content if you’d like to be successful. It is projected that by 2018, mobile video will represent 69% of all mobile traffic. Create a YouTube channel that others can subscribe to. It’s a great way to highlight new features on your app, show how people are using it, and promote your app in a visual way. This content can also be used on other social media platforms and posted on your blog. What’s great about online video promotion is that with some good art direction, you can guide the way you want users to perceive your app. Look at the app Paper by FiftyThree, a beautifully-done app promotion video got 1.7 million pays on Vimeo and its subject became app of the year in 2012. © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLC _ PAGE 33 OF 34WWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM
  • 34. 5. driving discovery_ OWNED MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS CUSTOMER REFERRAL PROGRAMS An oft-overlooked component of the owned media equation is your own customers. While you don’t own them, of course, they are a resource that can provide a great return on investment and help drive growth. Rewarding your current customers for spreading the love has been a strong growth driver for many well-known apps and brands. Bonobos, Lyft, Airbnb, PoshMarks, and PostMates have all used referral programs to turbo-charge growth. These take various forms, but most often the program involves some type of monetary credit toward a user’s next purchase. The beauty with these programs is they cost very little to get off the ground and can be launched along with your app. PAYPAL: One of the most successful referral programs of all time was created for Paypal. When it launched, it offered $10 cash to each new Paypal user and $10 to the customer who referred them. This incentivized millions of people to join Paypal to the tune of consistent 7-10% daily growth. Numerous mobile apps have been following the Paypal playbook at launch with great success. Now, they turn to further optimizing this program by enabling social sharing, accessing contacts, and other techniques to make the initial sharing experience as frictionless as possible. © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLCWWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM _ PAGE 34 OF 34
  • 35. 5. driving discovery_ EARNED MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS The best type of marketing is word of mouth; having real people talk about your app provides credibility and drives viral growth. According to research by Nielson, 77% of consumers are more likely to buy a product they learned about through friends of family. Earlier, we stated that the most valuable users are those acquired organically and earned media plays a large role in that. Whether it’s a PR hit or simply users inviting others to join, earned helps drive viral growth. Besides, earned media is especially attractive because this type of advertising is free. That being said, free is never really entirely free due to the effort needed. Nevertheless, earned media does offer some great ways to help you drive traffic to your app. In this section, we’ll dive into the following types of earned media: __ Blogs & Review Sites __ PR & Influencer Outreach __ Customer Reviews __ Partnerships & Stunts EARNED MEDIA_ © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLC _ PAGE 35 OF 38WWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM
  • 36. 5. driving discovery_ EARNED MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS BLOGS & REVIEW SITES There is no secret to getting reviews for your app, but submitting to websites that have review-specific sections, such as,, 148apps, and MacWorld is advised. This may be difficult as these websites get numerous submissions, but these sites can provide good exposure for your app. There are also numerous blogs that generate a lot of traffic you can leverage. Try reaching out to these bloggers and ask them to review your app; this was Snapchat’s strategy – the creators’ first choice blogger was Nicole James, a writer for She wrote about Snapchat’s first release as Picaboo on her personal blog in September 2011, around the same time the app’s ranks began to climb (according to Now, Snapchat is valued as an $800 million. PR & INFLUENCER OUTREACH Getting traction in PR is extremely challenging. Journalists and bloggers are overwhelmed by brands and truly creating a differentiated pitch worth coverage is tough. Additionally, the costs to work with many top PR firms are high and success is still not guaranteed. That said, great coverage can dramatically boost your user base and help fill the funnel. If you don’t have the budget for a traditional PR agency, there are also numerous independent PR professionals that operate on a pay-per-performance model. If you are a small team with limited funds, this is worth investigating. Another valuable tactic here is to identify and court influencers – highly influential people for your market or target audience. Tools like Klout and Traackr can help you identify influencers, but you must come up with the ideas for building relationships with these people. The goal is to turn them into evangelists for your brand/app, taking your message to their communities. APPADVICE.COM: Submitting your app to websites with review sections like (above) can be helpful for increasing awareness about your app and driving downloads. © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLCWWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM _ PAGE 36 OF 38
  • 37. 5. driving discovery_ EARNED MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS CUSTOMER REVIEWS Your current customers are your most valuable asset. In mobile, app reviews are an extremely important part of driving organic downloads. Prospective users want to see positive reviews of your app and the only way to get them is to ask your current customers to review you. We encourage all of our customers to utilize in-app push notifications as well as email marketing (and sometimes even call centers) to request reviews from current customers. This is a critical piece of earned media, whether they are on an app store, social network or on a mobile site. © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLCWWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM _ PAGE 37 OF 38
  • 38. 5. driving discovery_ EARNED MEDIA mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS PARTNERSHIPS & STUNTS Another way to accelerate growth is through partnerships with existing brands and stunts. Many apps look to leverage the credibility established brands have in order to gain early awareness and reach into existing customer bases. This could simply take the form of emails, tweets, posts, Instagram photos, etc. from a partner about your app or it could be something more creative. Additionally, stunts can help drive user and media interest in an app. Newsworthy activities – from flash mobs to skywriting to free ice-cream – tend to drive social media conversation and interest around brands and apps. Occasionally, they turn into monster success stories. I CAN HAS UBER KITTENS Uber has taken a partnerships + stunts approach whenever it launches a new market or even within existing markets. The key is that whatever they choose to do, they ensure it is something that customers would be willing to tweet about to ensure some aspect of virality. The app has partnered with local ice-cream shops to enable users to order ice cream trucks on demand via the Uber app. They partnered with ProFlowers to deliver Valentine’s flowers via Uber. They’ve offered Christmas Tree delivery service via Uber drivers in partnership with local Christmas Tree farms. They even partnered with online cat-centric humor brand Cheezburger to offer users the ability to have kittens delivered to their homes for 15 minutes of cuddling (via Uber drivers, of course). All of this serves to create news and buzz around the brand and drive app downloads and loyalty. After all, you couldn’t order those cute little kittens without the Uber app © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLCWWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM _ PAGE 38 OF 38
  • 39. 6. OPTIMIZING APP STORE RANK DON’T FORGET THE ICON! Your app icon is actually one of the strongest drivers of downloads, though one of the more difficult things to measure. In countless user feedback sessions, we’ve heard “because of the icon” as one of the main reasons why users choose an app over a similar competitor. The well-designed icons of leading brands like Facebook, Instagram, Evernote, Uber, etc. provide legitimacy and trust for users, especially when they sit next to lesser-known entities. We cannot stress enough how important the icon is to mobile app success. Apple’s most recent updates are trying to improve and solve app discoverability through scrolling lists of results, suggested searches, trending searches, and explore tab as well as app video trailers. It’s time to optimize…again. More apps are discovered through search in the app store than any other method. So, how do you channel all that searching to your app? You have to optimize. App Store Optimization is the process of optimizing mobile apps to rank higher in an app store’s search results. The higher the app ranks in store search results, the more visible it is to customers, which leads to increased organic downloads. To optimize your rank, you need to understand keyword drivers in your category (for competitors) and take a strategic approach to constantly tweaking the main factors that drive ranking. The two main app stores operate quite differently, but there are some common factors that affect rank like: title, keywords, total downloads, and reviews all play a part. The title you choose for your app should take into account the top keywords that customers search for in your category. It should also be as short as possible to get to the point. Remember, most users are mobile. You only get 100 characters for keywords, so use them wisely. You can change these relatively easily, which is part of the optimization process. Total downloads are an important factor in both Apple App Store and Google Play, which is why we mentioned burst tactics earlier. Lastly, reviews play an important part, especially in ranking against keywords and in categories. Again, reaching out to users for reviews (and even rewarding them for it) is a crucial part to your app’s overall marketing success. © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLC _ PAGE 39 OF 47WWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
  • 40. 6. optimizing app store rank_ FEATURED APPS_ A select few get featured in app stores, but many apps that have been featured saw a large number of new downloads after being featured. Keep in mind that app stores like to feature apps that help their brand and its customers, so when trying to get your app featured you may be asked to make some changes. Loverly, a bridal service app, was featured in Apple’s app store upon launch, but was asked to make numerous User Interface and User Experience changes with Apple’s development relations team before getting published on the feature list. © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLC _ PAGE 40 OF 47WWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS
  • 41. mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS In today’s hyper-connected world, people are bombarded by ads and end up tuning them out, unless the ads are entertaining, informative or additive. In mobile, creative ideas, messaging and content remain supremely important to your app’s success. While we’ve talked a lot about where and how to reach new users, we haven’t talked much about the content and creative you should use to do so. Unfortunately, there is no silver bullet. Every brand and every app is different and should have a different point of view and different voice in the world. It takes creativity to develop content and messages to fuel your earned, owned and paid media plans. Without a focus on the creative piece, you’re really only testing the media side of the equation and leaving further opportunities for growth on the table. Just as your app icon is one of the most important elements for app marketing success, so too are the ads, videos, social posts, infographics and other content that your brand produces. This is what turns an app into a brand and what separates it from the millions of competitors in the apps store. 7. A NOTE ABOUT CONTENT © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLC _ PAGE 41 OF 47WWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM
  • 42. mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS 1. HALF BAKED CALL TO ACTIONS Many applications get people interested but don’t make it convenient to download. Some ads only provide a URL to a site that does not even have a mobile web version. GoWallet had this problem – it featured a display in grocery stores that didn’t include any sort of QR code, only a link to a site that was full-version and loads much too slow . Be sure to have at least a landing page that is mobile-friendly and includes an app download link. 8. FIVE FATAL ERRORS BRANDS AND DEVELOPERS WANT TO SPREAD THE WORD ABOUT THEIR BRAND AND APP AND MAKE PEOPLE LOVE IT AS MUCH AS THEY DO_ However, marketers can easily annoy customers with anything from not reaching out enough (which, according to Gartner, can lead to a 15% churn rate in existing users) to over-promotion (48% unfollow on Twitter because of too much self-promotion). When there’s a will, there’s a way, and when there’s a way, there’s a way to do it wrong. Here are five things we encourage you to avoid: © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLC _ PAGE 42 OF 47WWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM
  • 43. mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS8. five fatal errors_ mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS 2. HOLDING YOUR USERS HOSTAGE Let your ads be optical. Papa Johns had trouble with customers when it began sending them spam texts without opting in, resulting in a 250 million dollar lawsuit. So make sure to immediately remove a user from your mailing list if they request to stop receiving newsletters or SMS messages. It’s always sad to see a friend go, but in the end, it’s better for your brand image to set them free. 3. CONTENT WEAR-OUT If you want high user retention, make sure to update your app or brand’s content and continuously work on your marketing campaign. This was mentioned in the previous section, but is worth noting again. According to a survey by Chadwick Martin Bailey, 56% of users unsubscribe to emailing lists because the content was no longer relevant. Ads get old really quickly, so don’t forget to freshen up your promotional efforts and track results. After measuring your promotion results, use the data to tailor your campaign in order to optimize; this is especially important if you’re making a long term investment. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS is a good role model. They have been connecting with their customers through the ColorSnap app since 2009, and have not stopped marketing their app since. For your app to grow it needs nourishment. After all, most of an app’s growth comes after the first promotion when it lands a spot in an app store. According to Nielsen, over 60% of smartphone users discover apps through the store. © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLC _ PAGE 43 OF 47WWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM
  • 44. mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS8. five fatal errors_ mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS 4. MEASUREMENT Although in the previous section there are several measurement options outlined, many experts still agree that measuring, tracking, and attribution present the largest challenge to marketers today. 5. LEAVING CUSTOMERS (AND MONEY) ON THE TABLE CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is something many marketers miss out on leveraging to its fullest potential. To us, it’s the second half of the customer’s journey. Retaining a customer is usually less expensive than acquiring a new customer. CRM speaks to customer service management, whether it’s through social media, a 1-800 number, or email contact form. It’s also easier to promote new product launches or inform new updates with a built- in customer base. Give them reasons (like useful content, exclusive benefits, or discounts) to stay loyal and engaged. If you don’t, your competitor will. © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLC _ PAGE 44 OF 47WWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM
  • 45. mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS Developing an app that people love is only half of the battle. You and your team pour blood, sweat, and tears into creating something amazing that is projected to be successful. But, the other half of the battle is getting the right users to download your app instead of the millions of other options available. Too often, we see clients that just don’t put enough strategic thought and creativity into a plan to acquire and retain users. We recommend thinking of your app as a brand and business. Thinking this way will help you develop a smart and strategic approach to reaching your goals and making your app successful. Success comes down to the right audience, the right content and the right tools to reach that audience. As consumer habits evolve, the tools used to reach them are evolving, too. Sometimes it’s tough to keep up. We hope this framework at least provides an introduction and foundation on which to build. When you’re ready, we’re here to help. CONCLUSION © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLC _ PAGE 45 OF 47WWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM
  • 46. mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESSconclusion_ mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESS ABOUT PAPPAS GROUP - A DMI COMPANY Pappas Group, founded in 2003 is one of Washington DC’s leading full-service digital & mobile agencies. Pappas Group is a recent acquisition of DMI, the world’s first fully integrated end-to-end mobility company. DMI is a leading provider of enterprise mobile solutions and services, and together with Pappas they bring new life to global brands through a full range of next generation mobility solutions. Pappas Group provides a full range of mobile branding & marketing services including: strategy & research, brand development, content creation and campaign development, web & app development (full in-house UX, QA and development), customer relationship management, and finally, a full media team who specialize in mobile marketing strategy, creating full marketing & media plans, executing them and running in-house analytics, testing & optimization. Pappas Group provides a multi-disciplined approach to build brands that people love. They’ve worked with blue chip brands like Rosetta Stone, AOL, Blackboard, Discovery Channel, the SyFy Channel, Volkswagen Credit, Hilton Worldwide, as well as startups like SocialRadar, Treater and the .CO domain. This White Paper outlines basic processes and tools you’ll need to plan a campaign to promote or launch an app. If you’d like to learn more about our media strategy, planning, buying, and measurement services or inquire about any of our other solution offerings, please contact Mark Beekman at 312.399.6111. CONTACT US PAPPAS GROUP - A DMI COMPANY Mark Beekman 312.399.6111 © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLC _ PAGE 46 OF 47WWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM
  • 47. mobile app marketing: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR SUCCESSsources_ cheezburger-will-deliver-15-minutes-cat-playtime-20/ customize-their-mobile-app-install-ads-to-drive-user-engagement/ cities-advertising-campaign-ogilvy-france-video ted-and-tedx-are-so-incredibly-appealing-infographic/ more-likely-to-buy-new-products-from-familiar-b0.html stories--shopping--fashion-and-open-graph/ SOURCES © COPYRIGHT 2014 PAPPAS GROUP, LLC _ PAGE 47 OF 47WWW.PAPPASGROUP.COM