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The Art of the App: How can a mobile app bene t your business?
By Jhon Badalof March 20, 2021 Leave a comment | Edit
What do you use your smartphone for? The majority of users use mobile phones to call friends, family members, and
coworkers. After all, A smartphone is a phone.
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However, users who use phones primarily for phone calls may also use other mobile features. For example, mobile users
make calls through the FaceTime app to reach out to different contacts. Although communication is a key mobile function,
users also use mobile phones to better connect with others. More speci cally, users connect with others using mobile apps
to interact with other users daily.
In regards to internet consumption, mobile activity currently trends higher than desktop users. From this trend, mobile
activity is not expected to reverse course anytime in the future. Due to this trend, more individuals rely on mobile devices to
better connect with others while enhancing overall communication. As a result, mobile users expand social groups from
within their personal book of contacts to interact with others on a more global scale.
How do people stay connected? In large part, they use apps.
Apps and small businesses
On the daily, thousands of new mobile apps undergo publication on Google and Apple app stores. From within the app
stores, users view and download applications like games, productivity tools, photo editors, travel, and banking apps.
Potentially, apps outcompete more popular apps such as Facebook and eCommerce apps. Reasonably, the category of an
app classi es under its purpose and functionality for end-users.
In a 2018 study, Clutch revealed that 42 percent of small businesses in the United States currently operate a business
through an app. Statistically speaking, this study indicates no signi cant change from the prior year. However, the study also
shares that an additional 30 percent of small business owners will build a mobile app by the end of 2021.
Apps for different generations
For most business owners, the value of using apps is signi cant. Also, business owners from various generations conclude
that integrating apps into work environments better improves overall business. According to Clutch, 55 percent of
Millennial small business owners integrate mobile applications within the work ow. However, the study also states that only
13 percent of Baby Boomer small business owners own and incorporate mobile apps.
For a few reasons, small business owners across different generations choose to build a mobile app. For the rst reason,
nearly 30 percent of small business owners create an app to attract new customers. Secondly, 18 percent of business
owners build an app to earn a competitive advantage. Lastly, 17 percent of small business owners make an app to increase
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Decisions for creating an app
Understandably, business owners decide to create an app to achieve brand and business objectives. From an expert point of
view, using apps for better reaching business goals defeats the main purpose for app integration. To continue, most mobile
users do not browse through apps. Instead, mobile users look for an app for a speci c purpose.
In general, mobile apps are fantastic for enhancing communication with the existing clientele base. Ideally, mobile apps
support businesses with increasing loyalty programs. For this example, loyalty apps track rewards points and send push
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noti cations that can include discounts or information about new products and services. Moreover, these app functions
better increase consumer loyalty while improving customer satisfaction.
Although consumer loyalty is important, mobile apps bene t businesses in numerous ways.
Here are some of the bene ts:
Increase ef ciency
Improve work processes
Create additional value
Increase engagement with customers
Build brand awareness
Distinguish business from competitors
Developing an app and getting started
In regards to development, business owners begin the app integration process by sharing a collection of ideas with
developers. Through these ideas, business owners consider the app functions and the potential bene ts of app
integration. Important for app development, business owners position mobile apps to resolve issues customers experience
when interacting with the company brand. By understanding these issues, businesses plan mobile apps around attracting
customers within speci c target audiences.
Developing an app and app research
To better target customer audiences, business owners apply various research methods during app development. For
instance, using a Google Keyword Planner assists businesses with identifying consumer needs by searching relevant terms
on Google search. Through keyword research, businesses plan mobile apps to better accommodate target audience needs.
To better plan app development, businesses illustrate app demands through written content. Through writing, developers
and businesses organize app ow and feature to implement effective app design. From this process, businesses better
envision mobile app’s purpose for the software developer to then implement.
Hiring a developer
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Next in the app development process, businesses hire an app developer. For app
success, businesses seek out developers that value the importance of app designs.
Although development is vital for app success, designs ensure a better user
experience when users navigate through a mobile interface. Also, the app design
process incorporates adjustments to interface appearance and quality.
Research the development agency
When choosing a software company, organizations consider the talent and
experience of the development team. To learn more about the agency, businesses
refer to software developers before projects. Additionally, businesses seek lists of
references and review client testimonials to better understand a software
company’s customer values. Also, clients search an agency’s development history
before moving forward with app development. As an alternative, businesses also
review software companys’ apps within the mobile market. As an alternative to
the business portfolio, businesses test software agencies’ products and review
their performance.
Committed developers
Commonly, after app publications, businesses require additional updates after development. To retain app performance,
businesses review a software company that offers app maintenance post-development. If a development company does not
support business apps moving forward, then the option to choose another developer becomes wiser. After the app company
selection, the agency manages the remainder of the app development process. As a result, this management process consists
of app building, app testing, and mobile app publishing to app stores.
Apps help modernize business
Regardless of enterprise-scale, the mobile market is an expansive revenue source for businesses. Ideally, businesses with
mobile apps con gure operations to collect more data, revenue, and technological improvements through mobile app
integration. In regards to data, mobile apps monitor consumer behaviors, use various APIs to track users’ activities, and
accept various digital currencies beyond traditional wire transfers.
Mobile app data
With a mobile app, businesses collect data from end-users to better understand consumer needs and improve brand
offerings. Ideally, businesses pair analytical software within business mobile apps to better understand consumer
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preferences. In detail, these analytical technologies identify users by geographical region, demographics, and social activity.
Moreover, mobile analytics assists businesses with measuring sales ow to better price or promote different services. Also,
businesses bene t from mobile analytics to better optimize the user experience when users navigate within the app.
Mobile app revenue
Also important, businesses modernize productivity when understanding the implications of generating mobile app revenue.
For most businesses, developing an app for eCommerce is an ideal decision due to the bene ts. With an eCommerce mobile
application, customers better navigate through brand offerings and make purchases easier and more quickly. However,
businesses also take advantage of various mobile technologies to generate revenue.
Alternatively, businesses do not move forward with a Commerce app but instead convert websites into mobile apps. Put
simply, mobile apps support mobile features such as discounts, QR codes, advertisements, sponsors, and af liate links, which
consumers better interact with. In this example, businesses do not provide users another source to make purchases but
instead allow for more opportunities to increase app downloads, conversions, and subscriptions. As a result, this increase in
user activity typically attracts more users to make a sale.
Mobile app technological improvements
In regards to technology, mobile apps offer business opportunities to integrate more innovative technologies within
operations. Most commonly, once business apps publish within app stores, the necessary updates offer more security and
functionality for end-users. However, mobile apps encourage businesses to implement trending innovations such as Arti cial
Intelligence (AI) and Augmented Reality (AR).
To better modernize business, businesses integrate different features from these emerging trends. To list a few, businesses
with the interest to integrate more Arti cial Intelligence within operations incorporate mobile features such as chatbots, app
personalization, and API recognition technologies. By using these features, businesses better modernize operations while
differentiating from their competitors.
Differentiation from Competition
Overlooked by many, businesses rely on mobile apps to differentiate from their competitors. Reasonably, all business
customers already using desktop versions to interact with the brand website, will not transition to mobile versions easily. For
this reason, businesses begin experimentation on using mobile apps that target unique audiences. Since it is mobile,
businesses may implement different logos, brand, and product designs and concepts to generate more user attraction.
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To start, businesses rst run a test using the search engine app stores to see their
potential competitors. In detail, businesses search apps for relevant keywords
associated with their businesses to see what the results generated. Moreover,
mobile metric tools allow businesses to track competitor apps for various
activities. In-depth, these metric tools inform businesses on often competitors
update, post, and promote their apps. With the research, businesses strategize
mobile apps that outperform other competitors in terms of quality, relevance, and
customer engagement.
Bene ts of App Analytics
With most apps, businesses with mobile apps bene t from app analytics. From
these systems, businesses track end-user engagement reports. To explain,
engagement metrics record users’ activity when logging into different sessions,
active user devices, and overall user app retention. From the data, businesses run
additional tests and diagnostics to identify potential updates and changes needed. Furthermore, app analytics bene t
businesses because of the lters within the systems to better identify target audiences.
Grow Customer Loyalty
A popular feature within mobile apps is customer loyalty systems. In some cases, businesses struggle to maintain customer
retention levels after users visit websites or purchase products and services. As a solution, businesses implement loyalty app
programs. In particular, these programs assist businesses with driving additional sales, increasing user retention, and
expanding market audience. Moreover, businesses actively using loyalty programs gain more information on consumers’
prior purchase history, attributes, and behaviors. From this information, businesses that monitor user information may
promote and personalize offers to better relate to consumer needs.
Different mobile loyalty programs
More speci cally, customer app loyalty programs fall within various categories. One category, instant rewards, offers users
redeemable offerings or points when choosing brand products and services. Another example is product recommendations,
which occur when an app recognizes users’ preferences and offers timely promotions. Also, businesses boost customer
retention through the use of push messaging and noti cations to keep customers up-to-date with the brand. Lastly, loyalty
programs provide effective means for users to share their rewards through social media channels to raise brand awareness.
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Build more marketing and communication channels
Businesses may grow user audience and branding through mobile apps. Unlike other traditional communication channels,
mobile apps allow businesses to digitalize various media. For instance, the mobile app allows users to interact with online
newspapers and magazines, radio and podcasts, mail, and ads. From these channels, businesses use various marketing
strategies to boost revenue.
In detail, these marketing strategies include search engine optimization, inbound marketing, content and email marketing,
and social media marketing. Other forms of mobile app marketing also consist of PPC advertising, cold calls, and af liate link
Audience Targeting
A target audience describes a speci c group of users that brands communicate
with. With mobile applications, businesses apply various mobile app technologies
to identify, target, and communicate with different mobile user groups. When
using mobile audience targeting technologies, businesses better identify which
users fall within speci c demographics, geographical locations, and engagement
To better specify the target audience for mobile apps, businesses conduct various
protocols. More speci cally, businesses mainly try to identify consumer interests
by examining the different media channels that users operate. In other words,
consumers who already use apps relevant to the business industry are typically
the target audience. In this scenario, these apps also appear on social media
advertisements and various search browsers when users browse apps online.
Generate more sales in the mobile market
Once developed, businesses operating from a mobile app may follow various sales strategies. To list a few strategies, there
are strategies such as SMS marketing, social media marketing, video creation, content marketing, email marketing, and
customer reviews. From these strategies, businesses choose marketing practices that reach target audiences.
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For example, user-friendly and functional mobile apps trend higher than apps that require more user attention, time, and
purchases. In this example, businesses reach out to niche markets that appreciate instant access to app content and
personalized services. However, users who continue to use the app will be more inclined to make in-app purchases,
newsletter subscriptions, and app downloads from this feature. To maximize potential sales, businesses also offer additional
applications such as podcasts and videos, forums, and software tools to enhance the overall quality of a mobile app.
Improve social engagement
To improve overall social engagement, businesses add social media pro les to mobile apps. Mobile users appreciate a mobile
app that connects to social media accounts because of the many features within social media platforms. In detail, users feel
more inclined to share feedback and media-related posts and videos with popular social media brands to better enhance
brand quality. Typically, users visit various business social media channels to engage with other followers, join community
groups and subscribe to various events, newsletters, and subscriptions. In essence, social media serves as an alternative to
word-of-mouth marketing strategies as users share content through the media platforms.
Mobile app promotion
With a mobile app, businesses deliver promotions for different products and services in various ways. To describe,
businesses may opt-into creating landing pages, blogs, and social media pages to raise awareness for new app launches.
Additionally, businesses also adopt other promotional strategies by developing content for tech-related articles, posting app
reviews, constructing app loyalty programs, and hosting giveaways, podcasts, and advertisements for users. Overall, these
strategies assist businesses with better mobile app promotion and offer businesses ideal methods to market to target
App services and support
When opting into mobile apps, businesses utilize various customer app support tools to better manage communication
between client and host. With these tools, businesses take advantage of support tickets to resolve various client inquiries.
With every support ticket, businesses make use of the documentation provided to collect important customer data and
information. As a result, the collected data helps businesses to better optimize brand and company products and services to
meet consumer needs.
Brand recognition
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Many businesses develop a mobile app for the sole purpose to raise brand
recognition. Logically, businesses meet objectives when brands remain relevant
and unique within the market. As a solution, businesses offer apps to users with
greater user functionality over competing brands. For example, most apps
currently allow users to make their own pro les, save items and media to various
app folders, and be compatible with other brand-related products and services. In
another instance, businesses also develop apps that identify as audience-speci c
apps to accommodate a speci c audience group.
In another example, some businesses set up apps to offer promotions to users.
Regularly, an app may feature daily challenges or tasks for users to receive points
or rewards. Also, these promotional features may extend into email marketing
strategies to better raise brand recognition. Due to the design of the app,
businesses continue to keep brands relevant for users and raise overall brand
recognition as more users download and refer others to the mobile app.
Mobile app SEO
If an app ranks high on app distribution platforms, it is more visible within the mobile market. Naturally, businesses develop
apps with the goal in mind to rank high on mobile app stores. For this reason, businesses implement various mobile app
search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to achieve this goal. As a basic rule, mobile apps require titles, descriptions,
images, tags, and captions that users commonly search for in-app stores. After correct keyword and content development,
businesses seek more advanced strategies to raise mobile app SEO.
For example, businesses may devise backlink strategies to persuade speci c target audiences to download a brands’ mobile
application. In this scenario, a business will add a link for users on their website to redirect users into using the mobile app.
Moreover, this direct link to the company’s mobile app downloading page may embed to other sites through the use of guest
posts and af liate links. As a result, businesses that develop multiple channels towards a brand’s app page lead to more users
reviewing and downloading the app.
In conclusion, mobile apps offer users access to company brands easily, quickly, and ef ciently. With a mobile app, end-users
navigate through easy-to-read interfaces with various tabs, products, and functions without having to search for speci c
websites. Moreover, mobile apps with compatibility with various mobile devices allow businesses more opportunities to Privacy - Terms
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advertise and connect with various mobile market users. Overall, businesses integrate mobile app strategies into current
work ows to generate more revenue, boost the brand, and increase customer satisfaction.
This article was posted in android development, App Development, Digital Marketing. Edit
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Jhon Badalof
Jhonathon believes in providing high-quality project management services. He currently works for Sunlight Media LLC in
Downtown Los Angeles, California. As a Project Manager, Jhon collaborates with clients on website design and development,
marketing, and creative solutions for campaigns. In addition to Project Management, Jhon is a content writer who writes articles
that rank well on Google and other social media platforms. His skill sets include social media marketing, eCommerce, brand
development, programming, web design, and graphic design.
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The art of the App: Brand awareness & app marketing strategies

  • 1. Privacy - Terms Services Portfolio About FAQ Blog Contact  323.868.3581 Start!        English
  • 2. The Art of the App: How can a mobile app bene t your business? By Jhon Badalof March 20, 2021 Leave a comment | Edit What do you use your smartphone for? The majority of users use mobile phones to call friends, family members, and coworkers. After all, A smartphone is a phone. Privacy - Terms Services Portfolio About FAQ Blog Contact  323.868.3581 Start!        English
  • 3. However, users who use phones primarily for phone calls may also use other mobile features. For example, mobile users make calls through the FaceTime app to reach out to different contacts. Although communication is a key mobile function, users also use mobile phones to better connect with others. More speci cally, users connect with others using mobile apps to interact with other users daily. In regards to internet consumption, mobile activity currently trends higher than desktop users. From this trend, mobile activity is not expected to reverse course anytime in the future. Due to this trend, more individuals rely on mobile devices to better connect with others while enhancing overall communication. As a result, mobile users expand social groups from within their personal book of contacts to interact with others on a more global scale. How do people stay connected? In large part, they use apps. Apps and small businesses On the daily, thousands of new mobile apps undergo publication on Google and Apple app stores. From within the app stores, users view and download applications like games, productivity tools, photo editors, travel, and banking apps. Potentially, apps outcompete more popular apps such as Facebook and eCommerce apps. Reasonably, the category of an app classi es under its purpose and functionality for end-users. In a 2018 study, Clutch revealed that 42 percent of small businesses in the United States currently operate a business through an app. Statistically speaking, this study indicates no signi cant change from the prior year. However, the study also shares that an additional 30 percent of small business owners will build a mobile app by the end of 2021. Apps for different generations For most business owners, the value of using apps is signi cant. Also, business owners from various generations conclude that integrating apps into work environments better improves overall business. According to Clutch, 55 percent of Millennial small business owners integrate mobile applications within the work ow. However, the study also states that only 13 percent of Baby Boomer small business owners own and incorporate mobile apps. For a few reasons, small business owners across different generations choose to build a mobile app. For the rst reason, nearly 30 percent of small business owners create an app to attract new customers. Secondly, 18 percent of business owners build an app to earn a competitive advantage. Lastly, 17 percent of small business owners make an app to increase sales. Privacy - Terms Services Portfolio About FAQ Blog Contact  323.868.3581 Start!        English
  • 4. Decisions for creating an app Understandably, business owners decide to create an app to achieve brand and business objectives. From an expert point of view, using apps for better reaching business goals defeats the main purpose for app integration. To continue, most mobile users do not browse through apps. Instead, mobile users look for an app for a speci c purpose. In general, mobile apps are fantastic for enhancing communication with the existing clientele base. Ideally, mobile apps support businesses with increasing loyalty programs. For this example, loyalty apps track rewards points and send push Privacy - Terms Services Portfolio About FAQ Blog Contact  323.868.3581 Start!        English
  • 5. noti cations that can include discounts or information about new products and services. Moreover, these app functions better increase consumer loyalty while improving customer satisfaction. Although consumer loyalty is important, mobile apps bene t businesses in numerous ways. Here are some of the bene ts: Increase ef ciency Improve work processes Create additional value Increase engagement with customers Build brand awareness Distinguish business from competitors Developing an app and getting started In regards to development, business owners begin the app integration process by sharing a collection of ideas with developers. Through these ideas, business owners consider the app functions and the potential bene ts of app integration. Important for app development, business owners position mobile apps to resolve issues customers experience when interacting with the company brand. By understanding these issues, businesses plan mobile apps around attracting customers within speci c target audiences. Developing an app and app research To better target customer audiences, business owners apply various research methods during app development. For instance, using a Google Keyword Planner assists businesses with identifying consumer needs by searching relevant terms on Google search. Through keyword research, businesses plan mobile apps to better accommodate target audience needs. To better plan app development, businesses illustrate app demands through written content. Through writing, developers and businesses organize app ow and feature to implement effective app design. From this process, businesses better envision mobile app’s purpose for the software developer to then implement. Hiring a developer Privacy - Terms Services Portfolio About FAQ Blog Contact  323.868.3581 Start!        English
  • 6. Next in the app development process, businesses hire an app developer. For app success, businesses seek out developers that value the importance of app designs. Although development is vital for app success, designs ensure a better user experience when users navigate through a mobile interface. Also, the app design process incorporates adjustments to interface appearance and quality. Research the development agency When choosing a software company, organizations consider the talent and experience of the development team. To learn more about the agency, businesses refer to software developers before projects. Additionally, businesses seek lists of references and review client testimonials to better understand a software company’s customer values. Also, clients search an agency’s development history before moving forward with app development. As an alternative, businesses also review software companys’ apps within the mobile market. As an alternative to the business portfolio, businesses test software agencies’ products and review their performance. Committed developers Commonly, after app publications, businesses require additional updates after development. To retain app performance, businesses review a software company that offers app maintenance post-development. If a development company does not support business apps moving forward, then the option to choose another developer becomes wiser. After the app company selection, the agency manages the remainder of the app development process. As a result, this management process consists of app building, app testing, and mobile app publishing to app stores. Apps help modernize business Regardless of enterprise-scale, the mobile market is an expansive revenue source for businesses. Ideally, businesses with mobile apps con gure operations to collect more data, revenue, and technological improvements through mobile app integration. In regards to data, mobile apps monitor consumer behaviors, use various APIs to track users’ activities, and accept various digital currencies beyond traditional wire transfers. Mobile app data With a mobile app, businesses collect data from end-users to better understand consumer needs and improve brand offerings. Ideally, businesses pair analytical software within business mobile apps to better understand consumer Privacy - Terms Services Portfolio About FAQ Blog Contact  323.868.3581 Start!        English
  • 7. preferences. In detail, these analytical technologies identify users by geographical region, demographics, and social activity. Moreover, mobile analytics assists businesses with measuring sales ow to better price or promote different services. Also, businesses bene t from mobile analytics to better optimize the user experience when users navigate within the app. Mobile app revenue Also important, businesses modernize productivity when understanding the implications of generating mobile app revenue. For most businesses, developing an app for eCommerce is an ideal decision due to the bene ts. With an eCommerce mobile application, customers better navigate through brand offerings and make purchases easier and more quickly. However, businesses also take advantage of various mobile technologies to generate revenue. Alternatively, businesses do not move forward with a Commerce app but instead convert websites into mobile apps. Put simply, mobile apps support mobile features such as discounts, QR codes, advertisements, sponsors, and af liate links, which consumers better interact with. In this example, businesses do not provide users another source to make purchases but instead allow for more opportunities to increase app downloads, conversions, and subscriptions. As a result, this increase in user activity typically attracts more users to make a sale. Mobile app technological improvements In regards to technology, mobile apps offer business opportunities to integrate more innovative technologies within operations. Most commonly, once business apps publish within app stores, the necessary updates offer more security and functionality for end-users. However, mobile apps encourage businesses to implement trending innovations such as Arti cial Intelligence (AI) and Augmented Reality (AR). To better modernize business, businesses integrate different features from these emerging trends. To list a few, businesses with the interest to integrate more Arti cial Intelligence within operations incorporate mobile features such as chatbots, app personalization, and API recognition technologies. By using these features, businesses better modernize operations while differentiating from their competitors. Differentiation from Competition Overlooked by many, businesses rely on mobile apps to differentiate from their competitors. Reasonably, all business customers already using desktop versions to interact with the brand website, will not transition to mobile versions easily. For this reason, businesses begin experimentation on using mobile apps that target unique audiences. Since it is mobile, businesses may implement different logos, brand, and product designs and concepts to generate more user attraction. Privacy - Terms Services Portfolio About FAQ Blog Contact  323.868.3581 Start!        English
  • 8. To start, businesses rst run a test using the search engine app stores to see their potential competitors. In detail, businesses search apps for relevant keywords associated with their businesses to see what the results generated. Moreover, mobile metric tools allow businesses to track competitor apps for various activities. In-depth, these metric tools inform businesses on often competitors update, post, and promote their apps. With the research, businesses strategize mobile apps that outperform other competitors in terms of quality, relevance, and customer engagement. Bene ts of App Analytics With most apps, businesses with mobile apps bene t from app analytics. From these systems, businesses track end-user engagement reports. To explain, engagement metrics record users’ activity when logging into different sessions, active user devices, and overall user app retention. From the data, businesses run additional tests and diagnostics to identify potential updates and changes needed. Furthermore, app analytics bene t businesses because of the lters within the systems to better identify target audiences. Grow Customer Loyalty A popular feature within mobile apps is customer loyalty systems. In some cases, businesses struggle to maintain customer retention levels after users visit websites or purchase products and services. As a solution, businesses implement loyalty app programs. In particular, these programs assist businesses with driving additional sales, increasing user retention, and expanding market audience. Moreover, businesses actively using loyalty programs gain more information on consumers’ prior purchase history, attributes, and behaviors. From this information, businesses that monitor user information may promote and personalize offers to better relate to consumer needs. Different mobile loyalty programs More speci cally, customer app loyalty programs fall within various categories. One category, instant rewards, offers users redeemable offerings or points when choosing brand products and services. Another example is product recommendations, which occur when an app recognizes users’ preferences and offers timely promotions. Also, businesses boost customer retention through the use of push messaging and noti cations to keep customers up-to-date with the brand. Lastly, loyalty programs provide effective means for users to share their rewards through social media channels to raise brand awareness. Privacy - Terms Services Portfolio About FAQ Blog Contact  323.868.3581 Start!        English
  • 9. Build more marketing and communication channels Businesses may grow user audience and branding through mobile apps. Unlike other traditional communication channels, mobile apps allow businesses to digitalize various media. For instance, the mobile app allows users to interact with online newspapers and magazines, radio and podcasts, mail, and ads. From these channels, businesses use various marketing strategies to boost revenue. In detail, these marketing strategies include search engine optimization, inbound marketing, content and email marketing, and social media marketing. Other forms of mobile app marketing also consist of PPC advertising, cold calls, and af liate link marketing. Audience Targeting A target audience describes a speci c group of users that brands communicate with. With mobile applications, businesses apply various mobile app technologies to identify, target, and communicate with different mobile user groups. When using mobile audience targeting technologies, businesses better identify which users fall within speci c demographics, geographical locations, and engagement levels. To better specify the target audience for mobile apps, businesses conduct various protocols. More speci cally, businesses mainly try to identify consumer interests by examining the different media channels that users operate. In other words, consumers who already use apps relevant to the business industry are typically the target audience. In this scenario, these apps also appear on social media advertisements and various search browsers when users browse apps online.   Generate more sales in the mobile market Once developed, businesses operating from a mobile app may follow various sales strategies. To list a few strategies, there are strategies such as SMS marketing, social media marketing, video creation, content marketing, email marketing, and customer reviews. From these strategies, businesses choose marketing practices that reach target audiences. Privacy - Terms Services Portfolio About FAQ Blog Contact  323.868.3581 Start!        English
  • 10. For example, user-friendly and functional mobile apps trend higher than apps that require more user attention, time, and purchases. In this example, businesses reach out to niche markets that appreciate instant access to app content and personalized services. However, users who continue to use the app will be more inclined to make in-app purchases, newsletter subscriptions, and app downloads from this feature. To maximize potential sales, businesses also offer additional applications such as podcasts and videos, forums, and software tools to enhance the overall quality of a mobile app. Improve social engagement To improve overall social engagement, businesses add social media pro les to mobile apps. Mobile users appreciate a mobile app that connects to social media accounts because of the many features within social media platforms. In detail, users feel more inclined to share feedback and media-related posts and videos with popular social media brands to better enhance brand quality. Typically, users visit various business social media channels to engage with other followers, join community groups and subscribe to various events, newsletters, and subscriptions. In essence, social media serves as an alternative to word-of-mouth marketing strategies as users share content through the media platforms. Mobile app promotion With a mobile app, businesses deliver promotions for different products and services in various ways. To describe, businesses may opt-into creating landing pages, blogs, and social media pages to raise awareness for new app launches. Additionally, businesses also adopt other promotional strategies by developing content for tech-related articles, posting app reviews, constructing app loyalty programs, and hosting giveaways, podcasts, and advertisements for users. Overall, these strategies assist businesses with better mobile app promotion and offer businesses ideal methods to market to target audiences. App services and support When opting into mobile apps, businesses utilize various customer app support tools to better manage communication between client and host. With these tools, businesses take advantage of support tickets to resolve various client inquiries. With every support ticket, businesses make use of the documentation provided to collect important customer data and information. As a result, the collected data helps businesses to better optimize brand and company products and services to meet consumer needs. Brand recognition Privacy - Terms Services Portfolio About FAQ Blog Contact  323.868.3581 Start!        English
  • 11. Many businesses develop a mobile app for the sole purpose to raise brand recognition. Logically, businesses meet objectives when brands remain relevant and unique within the market. As a solution, businesses offer apps to users with greater user functionality over competing brands. For example, most apps currently allow users to make their own pro les, save items and media to various app folders, and be compatible with other brand-related products and services. In another instance, businesses also develop apps that identify as audience-speci c apps to accommodate a speci c audience group. In another example, some businesses set up apps to offer promotions to users. Regularly, an app may feature daily challenges or tasks for users to receive points or rewards. Also, these promotional features may extend into email marketing strategies to better raise brand recognition. Due to the design of the app, businesses continue to keep brands relevant for users and raise overall brand recognition as more users download and refer others to the mobile app. Mobile app SEO If an app ranks high on app distribution platforms, it is more visible within the mobile market. Naturally, businesses develop apps with the goal in mind to rank high on mobile app stores. For this reason, businesses implement various mobile app search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to achieve this goal. As a basic rule, mobile apps require titles, descriptions, images, tags, and captions that users commonly search for in-app stores. After correct keyword and content development, businesses seek more advanced strategies to raise mobile app SEO. For example, businesses may devise backlink strategies to persuade speci c target audiences to download a brands’ mobile application. In this scenario, a business will add a link for users on their website to redirect users into using the mobile app. Moreover, this direct link to the company’s mobile app downloading page may embed to other sites through the use of guest posts and af liate links. As a result, businesses that develop multiple channels towards a brand’s app page lead to more users reviewing and downloading the app. Conclusion In conclusion, mobile apps offer users access to company brands easily, quickly, and ef ciently. With a mobile app, end-users navigate through easy-to-read interfaces with various tabs, products, and functions without having to search for speci c websites. Moreover, mobile apps with compatibility with various mobile devices allow businesses more opportunities to Privacy - Terms Services Portfolio About FAQ Blog Contact  323.868.3581 Start!        English
  • 12. Comment advertise and connect with various mobile market users. Overall, businesses integrate mobile app strategies into current work ows to generate more revenue, boost the brand, and increase customer satisfaction. This article was posted in android development, App Development, Digital Marketing. Edit Post a Comment Logged in as Angelo Frisina. Log out? Comments are moderated. Your email is kept private. Required elds are marked * Jhon Badalof Jhonathon believes in providing high-quality project management services. He currently works for Sunlight Media LLC in Downtown Los Angeles, California. As a Project Manager, Jhon collaborates with clients on website design and development, marketing, and creative solutions for campaigns. In addition to Project Management, Jhon is a content writer who writes articles that rank well on Google and other social media platforms. His skill sets include social media marketing, eCommerce, brand development, programming, web design, and graphic design. Privacy - Terms Settings  Services Portfolio About FAQ Blog Contact  323.868.3581 Start!        English
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