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22 Siebel Systems, Inc.              2003 Annual Report

Proven Products and Technology Leadership
Siebel Systems provides business software                           The Siebel Application Suite consists of the
solutions that empower organizations and the                        following complementary offerings:
people in them to deliver superior customer                          1. Siebel Industry Solutions
experiences and proven business results.                            2. Siebel CRM
Siebel is a leading provider of customer                            3. Siebel Incentive Compensation Management
relationship management solutions and                               4. Siebel Analytics
solutions for business intelligence, integration,                   5. Universal Application Network and
and employee relationship management.                                   Siebel Universal Customer Master
                                                                    6. Siebel CRM OnDemand

1. Siebel Industry Solutions

Public Sector          Communications       Finance                 Life Sciences             High Technology        Insurance and
                       and Media                                                                                     Healthcare

Siebel Public Sector   Siebel               Siebel Finance for      Siebel Clinical           Siebel High Tech       Siebel Healthcare
                       Communications for   Institutional Finance
                       Wireless Carriers

                       Siebel               Siebel Finance for      Siebel Medical                                   Siebel Insurance
                       Communications for   Retail Finance
                       Wireline Carriers

                       Siebel Media                                 Siebel Pharma

2. Siebel CRM
     Call Center and Service                  Sales                    Customer Order Management                     Marketing

3. Siebel Incentive Compensation Management

4. Siebel Analytics

5. Universal Application Network and Siebel Universal Customer Master

6. Siebel CRM OnDemand
23 Siebel Systems, Inc.               2003 Annual Report

                                                                                                                                        Proven Products and Technology Leadership
Travel, Transportation,   Consumer Goods     Energy               Complex                   Retail                  Automotive
and Hospitality                                                   Manufacturing

Siebel Hospitality        Siebel Consumer    Siebel Chemicals     Siebel Aerospace          Siebel Retail           Siebel Automotive
                          Goods                                   and Defense

Siebel Travel and                            Siebel Energy        Siebel Industrial
Transportation                                                    Manufacturing

                                             Siebel Oil and Gas

Partner Relationship Management             Field Service         Employee Relationship Management          CRM Professional Edition
24 Siebel Systems, Inc.                         2003 Annual Report

What Is CRM?
                                                                              The Siebel CRM Solution
CRM is an integrated approach to identifying,                                 Siebel applications provide the most comprehensive multichannel
acquiring, and retaining customers.                                           solution that allows organizations to manage, synchronize, and coordinate
                                                                              customer interactions across all channels.
By enabling organizations to manage and
                                                                              • Siebel Sales helps organizations grow revenues more quickly, predictably,
coordinate customer interactions across                                         and profitably by helping them focus on the right deals at the right time.
multiple channels, departments, lines of                                      • Siebel Customer Order Management supports complex pricing and
business, and geographies, CRM helps                                            product configuration, quote approval, availability checking, and credit
                                                                                and payment verification to ensure customer orders are complete, valid,
organizations maximize the value of every                                       and accurate.
customer interaction and drive superior                                       • Siebel Call Center and Service applications support end-to-end, closed-
corporate performance.                                                          loop service and enable organizations to increase service profitability,
                                                                                reduce cost per contact, optimize resource management, and enhance
                                                                                customer satisfaction and loyalty.
                                                                              • Siebel Field Service enables organizations to profitably manage all
Today’s organizations must manage customer interactions across multiple         aspects of their service operations, from preventive maintenance to
communications channels—including the Web, call centers, field sales,           invoicing and advanced parts exchange.
and dealer or partner networks. Many organizations also have multiple
                                                                              • Siebel Marketing applications provide a complete closed-loop solution
lines of business with many overlapping customers. The challenge is
                                                                                that enables organizations to better understand their customers; execute
to make it easy for customers to do business with the organization any
                                                                                personalized campaigns synchronized across all channels; and optimize
way they want—at any time, through any channel, in any language or
                                                                                strategies through continuous testing, measurement, and feedback.
currency—and to make customers feel that they are dealing with a single,
unified organization that recognizes them at every touchpoint.                • Siebel Partner Relationship Management automates and streamlines
                                                                                channel business processes, facilitates collaboration, supports real-time
                                                                                business-to-business integration with partners, and provides powerful
                                                                                insight into performance and effectiveness across the entire partner
Multichannel CRM                                                                network.
                                                                              • Siebel Incentive Compensation enables organizations to manage and
                   Web and Email                    Analytics                   modify their compensation plans so that employee and partner
                                                                                behaviors are aligned with corporate strategy.
                                                                              • Siebel CRM Professional Edition provides deep and focused CRM
Customers          Call Center                                                  functionality across sales, marketing, and customer service, packaged
                                                                                and priced to specifically meet the requirements of small and midsize
                                         Customer               Back Office
                   Field                Information
                                                                              • Siebel CRM OnDemand provides a fast, easy, and affordable hosted
                                                                                CRM service that organizations of any size and in any industry can
                                                                                rapidly deploy to get immediate results, with no up-front investment.
                   Partners                         Marketing

                                                                              CRM for Everyone
                                                                              Siebel Systems is committed to delivering “CRM for Everyone”—to any
Why Is CRM Important to an Organization?                                      type or size of organization, in any industry, with any type of user.
The benefits of CRM are clear: By streamlining processes and providing        We offer a broad range of CRM solutions and a highly flexible choice
sales, marketing, and service personnel with better, more complete            of deployment options—including hosted, on premise, or hybrid
customer information, CRM enables organizations to establish more             combinations of hosted and on premise.
profitable customer relationships and decrease operating costs.
• Sales organizations can shorten the sales cycle and increase key sales      Enterprise        Siebel CRM OnDemand                         Siebel CRM Enterprise
  performance metrics such as revenue per sales representative, average                                                                     Applications

  order size, and revenue per customer                                                          • Preintegrated with Siebel                 • Deep vertical capabilities
                                                                                                  CRM enterprise applications               • Unparalleled customization
• Marketing organizations can increase campaign response rates and                              • Rapid deployment for                        and scalability
  marketing-driven revenue while simultaneously decreasing lead                                   single division                           • Powerful integration
                                                                                                • Easy to use, immediate results              capabilities via UAN
  generation and customer acquisition costs                                                     • Affordable per-user pricing
• Customer service organizations can increase service agent productivity
  and customer retention while decreasing service costs, response times,
  and request resolution times                                                Small and         Siebel CRM OnDemand                         Siebel CRM Professional
                                                                              Midmarket                                                     Edition

Across every sector and industry, effective CRM is a strategic imperative                       • Easy to use                               • Deep functionality tailored
for corporate growth and survival. Research has shown that companies                            • Fast results                                for small/medium-sized
                                                                                                • Preintegrated with Siebel                   businesses
that create satisfied, loyal customers have more repeat business, lower                           CRM Professional Edition                  • Flexibility of pricing
customer acquisition costs, and stronger brand value—all of which translate                     • No up-front costs                         • Complete CRM solution
into better financial performance.

                                                                                                 Hosted                                     On Premise
25 Siebel Systems, Inc.                             2003 Annual Report

Gartner Magic Quadrant Placements

                                                                                                                                                                                                        What Is CRM?/Gartner Magic Quadrant Placements
Siebel Placed in Leader Quadrant in 5 out of 5                                                   The Magic Quadrant Framework
Gartner CRM Magic Quadrants*                                                                     The Magic Quadrant is a Gartner methodology through which enterprises
                                                                                                 can compare and evaluate a set of vendors from a specific technology
Gartner Magic Quadrant                                                   Quadrant Position       market by means of a matrixed representation of their performance,
                                                                                                 as judged against a set of objective and subjective criteria.
Magic Quadrant for CRM B2B                                           Leader Quadrant
Large-Enterprise Suites, 2004                                                                    Leader                    Leaders are performing well today, have a clear
                                                                                                                           vision of market direction, and are actively building
R. DeSisto, M. Maoz, 29 January 2004                                                                                       competencies to sustain their leadership position in
                                                                                                                           the market.
Magic Quadrant for                                                   Leader Quadrant Challenger                            Challengers execute well today, but have a less-defined
Business-to-Consumer                                                                                                       view of market direction and, therefore, may not be
CRM Suites                                                                                                                 aggressive in their preparation for the future.
G. Herschel, J. Radcliffe, K. Collins,                                                           Visionary                 Visionaries have a clear vision of market direction and
                                                                                                                           are focused on preparing for that, but they can still
M. Maoz, 12 March 2004                                                                                                     improve in terms of optimizing service delivery.
Magic Quadrant for                                                   Leader Quadrant Niche Player                          Niche Players focus on a particular segment of the
CRM CSS Suites, 2004                                                                                                       client base, as defined by characteristics such as size,
                                                                                                                           vertical, or project complexity. Their ability to outperform
M. Maoz, 27 January 2004                                                                                                   or innovate may be impacted by this narrow focus.
                                                                                                 The Magic Quadrant is copyrighted January and February 2004 by Gartner, Inc. and is reused
Magic Quadrant for CRM                                               Leader Quadrant             with permission. Gartner’s permission to print its Magic Quadrant should not be deemed to
Field Service Management, 2004                                                                   be an endorsement of any company or product depicted in the quadrant. The Magic Quadrant
                                                                                                 is Gartner’s opinion and is an analytical representation of a marketplace at and for a specific time
                                                                                                 period. It measures vendors against Gartner-defined criteria for a marketplace. The positioning
M. Maoz, 3 February 2004                                                                         of vendors within a Magic Quadrant is based on the complex interplay of many factors.

Magic Quadrant for                                                   Leader Quadrant
CRM Sales Suite Vendors, 2004
R. DeSisto, J. Galvin, 28 January 2004
*As of March 23, 2004, Gartner published a total of six CRM Software Magic Quadrants including
Marketing Resource Management (MRM), for which Siebel was not evaluated in 2004.
26 Siebel Systems, Inc.           2003 Annual Report

Siebel 7
Setting the Standard for Performance,                                                          Siebel 7 Delivers Best-in-Class CRM
Functionality, and Lowest Total Cost                                                           Feature                          Benefit
of Ownership                                                                                   Smart Web Architecture           • Fast, easy-to-use, and highly intuitive
                                                                                                                                  browser-based Web client for CRM
                                                                                                                                • Provides rich levels of interactivity
Siebel 7 is the seventh major release of Siebel                                                                                   previously available only from
                                                                                                                                  desktop applications
Systems’ suite of CRM enterprise applications.                                                                                  • Increases satisfaction and productivity
Siebel 7 sets the bar for delivering the most                                                                                     for employees and customers
functionally complete and highest-performance                                                  Depth and Breadth                • Finely tuned to support industry-
                                                                                               of Functionality                   specific business processes,
suite of CRM applications that meet the                                                                                           enabling organizations to leverage
requirements of the world’s largest and most                                                                                      best practices for sales, marketing,
                                                                                                                                  and service
demanding enterprises.                                                                                                          • The most comprehensive and
                                                                                                                                  functionally complete CRM
                                                                                                                                  offering available
Market-Leading Proven Products and Technology
                                                                                               Comprehensive                    • Establishes a common view
With more than $1.4 billion invested in product development over ten years,
                                                                                               Multichannel Capabilities          of the customer
Siebel Systems has engineered the world’s leading CRM application suite.
                                                                                                                                • Allows the synchronization of
Siebel applications are the standard for the largest enterprise-wide CRM
                                                                                                                                  customer interactions across
deployments on the planet, such as IBM (with 60,000 users), HP (57,000
                                                                                                                                  all channels
users under deployment), and BT (28,000 users). No other vendor has
                                                                                                                                • Increases productivity, maximizes
referenceable customers with CRM deployments of this scale. Leading
                                                                                                                                  revenue and profit, and significantly
companies worldwide rely on Siebel for proven CRM success.
                                                                                                                                  enhances customer satisfaction
Empowering People to Deliver Proven Business Results                                           Industry-Specific Applications   • Comprehensive out-of-the-box
Siebel applications are used by 2.2 million people at more than 4,000                                                             functionality streamlines processes
organizations globally to deliver exceptional customer experiences and                                                            through best practices
proven business results. According to a third-party audit, Siebel customers                                                     • Minimizes customization,
have achieved substantial benefits from their Siebel deployments: In 2003,                                                        significantly reducing total cost
they reported on average increases of 8% in revenue, 13% in customer                                                              of ownership
retention, and 18% in both customer satisfaction and employee productivity,
                                                                                               Analytics Everywhere             • Delivers personalized, role-based
as well as an 8% decrease in operating costs.
                                                                                                                                  intelligence to employees, partners,
                                                                                                                                  and customers, just in time
Industry Applications Reduce Cost, Minimize Risk, and Speed Deployment
                                                                                                                                • Improves decision response time
Siebel Industry Applications provide deep functionality, best practices,
                                                                                                                                  and decision results
analytics, and business processes that are tailored to meet the specific
requirements for more than 20 industries and industry segments.                                Employee Relationship            • Aligns organizations around key
For Siebel customers, this means fewer customization needs, faster                             Management                         objectives through corporate-wide
deployments, and reduced cost and risk.                                                                                           access to resources, news, and
                                                                                                                                  other information
Lowest Total Cost of Ownership                                                                                                  • Drives superior business execution
Total cost of ownership is a function of multiple cost drivers, including                                                         through performance management,
configuration, operation, integration, and usability. With each successive                                                        training, and employee self-service
release, Siebel 7 has been engineered to drive cost out of these factors,
                                                                                               Universal Application Network    • A vendor-independent integration
enabling customers to significantly reduce their total cost of ownership.
                                                                                               and Web Services Support           solution, UAN is based on Web
                                                                                                                                  Services standards
Siebel Production Users                                                                                                         • Allows business processes to be
                                                                                                                                  executed across the enterprise—
2,500,000                                                                                                                         reducing integration costs and
                                                                                                                                  accelerating time to market
                                                                                               Global Deployment Support        • Enhancements to Unicode support,
2,000,000                                                                                                                         multilingual data, installation, and
                                                                                                                                  localization for global deployments
                                                                                                                                  enable Siebel 7 to lower
                                                                                                                                  deployment and maintenance
                                                                                                                                  costs for global organizations
                                                                                               Automated Upgrades               • Automated upgrades of data and
                                                          960,000                                                                 customizations, desktop integration,
1,000,000                                                                                                                         and scripting support help to shorten
                                                                                                                                  the time required for upgrading
                                             590,000                                                                            • Results in a faster, more
                                                                                                                                  comprehensive, and simpler
                                                                                                                                  upgrade method
                     60,000                                                                    Low Total Cost of Ownership      • By reducing costs in the critical
                                                                                                                                  areas of customization, configuration,
0           1997     1998         1999        2000        2001         2002        2003                                           integration, maintenance, upgrades,
                                                                                                                                  and training, and by minimizing
Production user counts are based on a subset of all Siebel implementations where deployed                                         deployment risk, Siebel 7 delivers
user counts are known and then are extrapolated to the total set of Siebel implementations.
In Q4 2003, the sample size consisted of approximately 1,000 implementations with an average                                      a low total cost of ownership
number of users equal to 981. Figures have been rounded to the nearest 10,000.
27 Siebel Systems, Inc.                            2003 Annual Report

Acknowledged Industry Leadership

                                                                                                                                                                         Siebel 7
Ongoing Analyst Recognition for                                        META Group Continues to Place Siebel
Industry Excellence                                                    Systems as Clear Leader in CRM
                                                                       In an evaluation of a field of ten CRM vendors, industry analyst META

                                                                                                                                                                                 /Acknowledged Industry Leadership
                                                                       Group placed Siebel Systems as the only vendor in the leadership area
Industry analysts continue to recognize                                for the second year of the METAspectrum evaluation of the CRM industry.
Siebel Systems as a global CRM software                                According to META, “Leaders exhibit excellence in several key areas:
                                                                       customer life cycle management vision, ecosystem investment strategy,
leader, citing Siebel Systems’ excellence                              execution, feature/function depth, mindshare, technology/architecture,
in vision, execution, architecture, technology,                        value management, vertical coverage, and viability.” META Group released
                                                                       its analysis in an April 2003 report entitled “CRM Application Suites,
industry-specific product functionality, and                           METAspectrum Evaluation.”
domain expertise. Across a spectrum of
products—from sales to service to partner
relationship management—and across a                                   CRM Suite Vendor Landscape
diverse range of geographies—EMEA, North                                              100
America, and worldwide—Siebel Systems is
acknowledged as a company redefining CRM                                                                                                            Leader
to the increasing benefit of its customers.                                           80

“CDI [Customer Data Integration] Leaders                                                                      Challenger
exhibit excellence in several key areas to the                                                        Oracle

degree that they surpass the broad group of                                           40          Amdocs        Pivotal
CDI challengers. Acxiom, DWL, and Siebel                                                                     Chordiant

are currently the vendors whose position in                                                           Kana
the leader sector is predicated in part on                                            20
excellence in the areas of vision/strategy,
channel strategy, and vertical focus.”                                                0
                                                                                                                                      Source: META Group.*
                                                                                                                                      Date of analysis: April 1, 2003.
META, “META Group Market Review: Customer Data Integration, 2003/04”
                                                                                          0      20              40              60                80              100

                                                                       *META Group, Inc., “METAspectrum 3.1 CRM Application Suites,” Steve Bonadio, April 1, 2003.

“Leaders exhibit excellence in several key
areas: customer life cycle management vision,
ecosystem investment strategy, execution,        Siebel Ranked “Excellent” in Industry Focus,
feature/function depth, mindshare, technology/ Market Share, and Investment
                                                 Siebel was the sole vendor to receive “excellent” ratings for the evaluation
architecture, value management, vertical         categories of Industry Focus, Market Share, and Investments (investment
coverage, and viability. Despite the economic in both product R&D and the partner ecosystem). META confirmed the
challenges of 2002, Siebel is currently the only importance of industry-focused CRM applications, commenting that
                                                 “vendors’ CRM domain expertise surrounding specific business processes...
vendor whose position in the leader sector       has become critical for facilitating application implementation and
                                                 reducing up-front application customization.”
is predicated in part on excellence in the
areas of vision/strategy and vertical focus.”
META, “2003 CRM Application Suites METAspectrum:                       Siebel Ranks at the Top in 9 of 15 Evaluation Categories
Part 1—Market Overview”
                                                                       Evaluation Category                                Siebel Systems Ranking
                                                                       Vision/Strategy                                    • Top rank: Good/Very Good
                                                                       Geographic Coverage                                • Top rank: Very Good
                                                                       Business Drivers                                   • Top rank: Good
                                                                       Industry Focus                                     • Top rank: Excellent
                                                                       Investments                                        • Top rank: Very Good/Excellent
                                                                       Share                                              • Top rank: Very Good/Excellent
                                                                       Technology                                         • Top rank: Good/Very Good
                                                                       Agility                                            • Top rank: Very Good
                                                                       Personnel                                          • Top rank: Good/Very Good                                                   28 Siebel Systems, Inc.   2003 Annual Report

Public Sector
Enabling Performance-Driven Government                                        South African Revenue
Siebel Solution Sets for the Public Sector                                    Service is saving
enable national, regional, and local
governments to deliver world-class service                                    $3 million a day
to their key constituents, including citizens,
businesses, partners, and legislators. Used
                                                                              using Siebel’s Single View
by leading government agencies worldwide,                                     of the Taxpayer solution
Siebel Solution Sets for the Public Sector
support the evolution toward performance-
driven government—government that
addresses constituent needs efficiently and
effectively and delivers the highest return
on government and taxpayer investments.                                       The City of New York      Select Siebel Customers

                                                                              expects to answer         Social Services
Public Sector Imperatives                                                                               Agefiph (France)
                                                                              more than 14 million
• Improve Citizen Service: As pressure grows to improve the quality and                                 Centers for Medicare &
  speed of public services, citizens also want to interact with government
                                                                              citizen calls annually,    Medicaid Services
  through multiple channels—Web, phone, face to face, mail, fax—and           using Siebel Public       City of Leeds
  they want to traverse these channels at will, confident that government
  will recognize them every step of the way.
                                                                              Sector applications       City of New York, Department
• Streamline Case Management: Government agencies process millions                                       of Information Technology
  of cases annually, the majority of which are managed using inefficient      The Centers for            & Telecommunications
  and outdated systems and processes. Consequently, case management                                     Commonwealth of Australia,
  is often slow and cumbersome, leading to frustration for both citizens
                                                                              Medicare & Medicaid
  and agency employees.                                                       Services are utilizing     Department of Family &
• Close Budget Gaps: Facing constant budget pressures, government                                        Community Services
  must become as efficient as possible in collecting fees and taxes,
                                                                              Siebel applications to    State of Kansas Department
  while reducing costs.                                                       consolidate 69 stand-      of Human Resources
• Improve Homeland Security: In an increasingly uncertain world,
  homeland security is of paramount importance. Citizens want to feel
                                                                              alone call centers
  safe, and both private citizens and government agencies need to be          into a single “virtual”   Tax and Revenues
  not only better informed, but also better able to share information.
                                                                              call center that          Commonwealth of Virginia,
• Increase Employee Productivity: Many governments worldwide face                                        Department of Taxation
  a looming human capital challenge and the daunting prospect of              handles more than         Royal Mail
  delivering more services to an increasingly demanding public—but with
  fewer resources than in the past.
                                                                              42 million inquiries      South African
                                                                              from Medicare              Revenue Service
Siebel Solution Sets for the Public Sector                                    beneficiaries annually    U.S. Census Bureau
                                                                                                        U.S. Postal Service
• Citizen Response: Equips service representatives with timely, accurate
  information, enabling them to respond quickly and effectively to citizen
  inquiries. Also supports automatic call routing, enabling agencies to
                                                                                                        Homeland Security
  rapidly route calls to the appropriate experts.                                                       Citizenship and
• Immigration Services: Allows agencies to maintain better records of                                    Immigration Canada
  visitors and their stays as well as share information securely with                                   U.S. Citizenship &
  collaborating agencies. Also provides tools that streamline immigration
  and citizenship procedures.
                                                                                                         Immigration Services
• Benefits Case Management: Provides social services agencies with an
  integrated case management solution that enables them to manage                                       Nonprofit and Education
  cases from initiation to close. By providing a 360-degree view of citizen                             American Heart
  information, Siebel Public Sector enables optimal service and rapid case
  resolution. Further, the solution streamlines case processing, leading to
                                                                                                          Association, Inc.
  higher employee productivity and greater citizen satisfaction.                                        International Institute for
• Single View of the Taxpayer: By providing a consolidated view of                                        Management Development
  taxpayers, their past history, and all outstanding balances, tax agencies                               (IMD)
  can improve collections while eliminating erroneous refunds.
• Better Manage Revenues: Assists agencies in growing and maintaining
                                                                                                        Regents of the University
  their revenue base by supporting targeted outreach campaigns,                                           of Michigan
  streamlined licensing processes, and superior service. Government
  agencies can improve revenue generation while reducing service
  expenses, resulting in an excellent return on investment.
• Defense Personnel and Logistics Management: Enables defense forces to
  rapidly align around key objectives and improve operational and logistics
  execution. Military organizations can provide soldier-centric services—
  bolstering efforts to recruit, retain, and reward those serving in the
  armed forces—all at reduced taxpayer cost.
29 Siebel Systems, Inc.                    2003 Annual Report

                                                                                                                                                                              Public Sector
Citizenship and                          South African Revenue Service            Leeds City Council                         Improving Citizen Response
Immigration Canada                                                                                                           in New York City

Citizenship and Immigration Canada       With more than 9.5 million taxpayer      Leeds City Council is the government       In January 2002, Mayor Michael
(CIC) manages the selection,             records, numerous tax types, and         leadership for the city of Leeds, the      Bloomberg announced plans for the
admission, and processing of all         multiple systems of taxpayer             financial capital of Northern England,     creation of a 311 Citizen Response
potential new citizens to Canada.        records, South African Revenue           with more than 750,000 citizens.           Center to simplify government
Established in 1994, CIC currently       Service (SARS) faced the daunting        Leeds City Council initially deployed      interactions for the 8 million New
aims to replace several of its current   task of delivering high-quality          Siebel Public Sector among 40 call         York City residents who were then
legacy systems with a new integrated     customer service while collecting        center agents and 100 One-Stop             faced with more than 40 different
solution. This set of applications       revenues accurately and efficiently.     Center customer service staff to           call centers, 14 pages of phone
and infrastructure components will       Faced with numerous views of its         track citizen service requests and         numbers, and a host of help lines
support all of CIC’s client case         customers and extremely difficult        provide resolutions quickly and            in order to obtain service from
management, operations, and              and complex account management           accurately—saving more than                city agencies. As a result of the
requirements and will replace            processes, SARS used a time-             $500,000 in annual customer                confusion over where to find
outdated, nonintegrated legacy           consuming, manual process to             service costs and deploying on             information, citizen access to city
systems. This project, the Global        prevent issuing a refund related         budget in five months’ time.               services was inconsistent, and
Case Management System (GCMS),           to one tax type when a customer                                                     service delivery was inefficient.
is an integral component of CIC’s        might owe a larger balance for           Recently, Leeds City Council
vision for the future and includes       a different tax type. Utilizing Siebel   expanded its use of Siebel Public          “It’s not just a citizen
2,500 seats of Case Management           Public Sector applications, SARS         Sector applications to 2,500 social
Analytics in combination with            quickly linked records from various      service caseworkers in order to            service hotline, it is
5,000 seats of Siebel Public Sector      systems to produce one aggregated        deliver consistent, rapid, and effective   the most powerful
Call Center. Siebel Public Sector        account per taxable entity, giving       case management. “If a child is
will leverage the lessons learned        tax administrators instant debt          referred to Social Services, we can        management tool
from the CIC experience to bring         equalization capabilities; SARS can      use Siebel applications to quickly         ever developed
to market a complete Immigration         also now update numerous systems         compile a complete profile of the
Services solution. As a charter          of record through the single             child and the circumstances,”              for New York City
client, CIC will also influence the      interface. This initial deployment       says Eileen Wainwright, Director           government. I can’t
future directions of the product         has demonstrated that revenues           for Strategy and Development.
to ensure its requirements are           will not only increase with a single     “These details are instantly sent          imagine running the
continuously met. With recent            view of the taxpayer, but that the       to the relevant social worker for          city without it.”
changes announced last month,            new complementary systems will           follow-up. Workflow ensures that
the newly formed Canada Border           also create significant cost reduction   the correct procedures occur quickly       Michael Bloomberg,
Services Agency (CBSA) will              and better citizen service.              and in the right order.” This helps        Mayor of New York City
also utilize the new system for                                                   Leeds to identify cases in hours as
interdiction and enforcement                                                      opposed to days—without the need           To address this issue, the new 311
functions previously performed                                                    for prolonged telephone calls and          Citizen Response System provides
by CIC.                                                                           unnecessary paperwork.                     a single number for residents,
                                                                                                                             businesses, and visitors to initiate all
                                                                                                                             interactions with the city. All of the
                                                                                                                             city’s police precincts are networked
                                                                                                                             to the 311 system and calls,
                                                                                                                             complaints, and service requests are
                                                                                                                             routed to the appropriate police
                                                                                                                             precinct, allowing police to decide on
                                                                                                                             an effective response more quickly
                                                                                                                             than before. NYC 311 handles more
                                                                                                                             than 40,000 calls daily, making it
U.S. Postal Service                      postal service’s sales organization      at the U.S. Postal Service today           the largest 311 system in the
                                         and information technology staff         to more than 1,400. The postal             United States. Ultimately, the 311
                                         chose Siebel because of its ability      service has nine areas of operation        Citizen Response Center provides
                                         to align all marketing and sales         in the U.S. and Caribbean and              city officials with a holistic view of
To support its ongoing efforts to        systems into a unified, complete         required a CRM solution that could         citywide operations, empowering
integrate its sales and service          view of postal customers and for         not only handle the current scope          them to allocate resources more
operations, the U.S. Postal Service      its ease of integration with the         of its operations and massive              quickly and efficiently to address
is standardizing on Siebel Public        existing Siebel project for the          customer base, but also one that           citizen needs.
Sector for its Sales Support             Integrated Business Service              had the capacity to expand to
Solution (S3) project. With more         Network. These two projects bring        other service fronts in the future.        (From NY Times article entitled “New Yorkers
                                                                                                                             Love to Complain, and Hotline Is Making the
than 900 users nationwide, the           the total number of Siebel users                                                    Most of It,” December 1, 2003, by Winnie Hou.)                                                       30 Siebel Systems, Inc.                       2003 Annual Report

Communications and Media
Maximizing Customer Loyalty and                                                                                                   9 of the top 10 Global
Profitability in the Communications                                                                                               500 telecommunications
and Media Industries                                                                                                              companies have selected
                                                                                                                                  Siebel CRM

Designed specifically for service providers
in the local, long distance, broadband,
cable, satellite, wireless, Internet, and media
content industries, Siebel Solution Sets
for Communications and Media enable
organizations to enhance customer service,
streamline sales operations, improve
collaboration across the demand chain,
increase marketing effectiveness, and
improve the customer buying experience.                                             Median ROI for Siebel                         Select Siebel Customers
                                                                                    Communications and Media
                                                                                    Customers                                     Wireline
Industry Imperatives                                                                                                              BT
                                                                                                                                  NTT Communications
• Defend the core
                           • Improve customer
                                                      • Reduce customer
                                                                                    8%                                            Telecom Italia S.p.A.
                                                                                                                                  Telstra Corporation Limited
  business                   understanding              churn                       Revenue Increase
• Drive customer           • Increase customer        • Up-sell and cross-sell
  retention                  value                    • Widen the net into new
• Reduce operating
• Expand into new
                           • Drive customer
                           • Improve operational
                                                        customer segments
                                                      • Improve ad sales
                                                                                    12%                                           Sonofon A/S
                                                                                                                                  Telecom Italia Mobile S.p.A.
  markets                    efficiencies             • Reduce operational
                                                                                    Customer Retention
• Offer new, value-        • Improve partner            costs                       Increase                                      Virgin Mobile USA
  added services             effectiveness            • Improve visibility into                                                   Vodafone Telecel
                                                        key performance                                                             Comunicacoes Pessoais,
                                                                                    23%                                             S.A.

Siebel Solution Sets for                                                            Employee                                      Media
Communications and Media                                                            Productivity Gains                            Business Week
                                                                                                                                  DIRECTV Operations, Inc.
Wireline                   Wireless                   Media                                                                       Dun & Bradstreet Holdings
• Intelligence-Driven
  Marketing: Enables
                           • Intelligence-Driven
                             Marketing: Improves
                                                      • Subscriber Life Cycle
                                                                                    23%                                           LexisNexis
                                                                                                                                  Reuters Limited
  score-based                segmentation and           Leverages customer
  segmentation of            campaign targeting,        management best             Satisfaction Increase
  customers, proactive       resulting in increased     practice to improve the
  churn management,          marketingeffectiveness     customer experience
  and closed-loop
                           • Deliver the Perfect
                             Order: Streamlines
                                                        while decreasing
                                                        service costs
                                                      • Ad Sales Management:
• Partner Network            process, reducing          Provides complete
                                                                                    Operating Costs
  Optimization:              transaction costs          view of the customer        Decrease
  Supports collaborative     and improving the          and streamlines sales
  sales, service, and        customer buying            processes, leading to
  marketing programs         experience                 improved ad sales
                                                                                    Return on Siebel
  with partners and        • One-and-Done Service:      effectiveness               Investment:
  resellers                  Provides a 360-degree    • Deliver the Perfect
• One-and-Done               view of the customer,      Order: Automates the
                                                                                    18 Months
  Service: Provides          resulting in shorter       customer order
  comprehensive view of      resolution times and       process, reducing           Source: Satmetrix Systems surveys, 2003.
                                                                                    Figures are median values based on all
  customer information,      increased customer         transaction costs and       quantitative responses provided on all 2003
  resulting in shorter       satisfaction               improving the               quarterly customer surveys.
  resolution times         • Optimize Partner           customer buying
• Deliver the Perfect        Networks: Improves         experience
  Order: Streamlines the     collaboration across     • Optimized Field
  customer order             the demand chain,          Service: Streamlines
  process by providing       leading to improved        work processes for
  intelligent                partner-delivered          delivering service in the
  recommendations            service and higher         field, resulting in cost
  and simplifying            partner-driven             savings and improved
  service negotiation        revenues                   customer service levels
31 Siebel Systems, Inc.              2003 Annual Report

Virgin Mobile USA Achieves “Now” Customer Service

                                                                                                                                         Communications and Media
A joint venture between Virgin         Using Siebel Workflow to Deliver
Group and Sprint, Virgin Mobile        “Now” Service
is the first mobile virtual network    Since Virgin Mobile offers Pay
operator (MVNO) in the United          As You Go service, it’s critical that
States—and the nation’s first          customers can quickly and easily
wireless service to solely target      “Top-Up” their accounts. When
the youth market. Instead of           an automatic top-up trigger
undertaking the expense of             is activated—for example, when
building its own cellular network      a low balance threshold is
infrastructure, Virgin Mobile          reached—Siebel Workflow sends
utilizes Sprint’s wireless network     the transaction out through BEA,
to deliver service to its customers,   charges the customer’s credit card,
while retaining all responsibility     updates the balance information,
for all aspects of the customer        and sends a text message
experiences, including customer        confirming top-up to the customer’s
service, billing, development of the   cell phone. “All four core systems
handset user interface, design and     can execute a customer’s request
maintenance of the Web site, and       in seconds,” says Parks, “so there
the selection of handsets.             is virtually no latency between
                                       request and execution.”
The Customer Service Imperative
Virgin Mobile USA realized early
on that providing the best
                                       Empowering the Call Center
                                       Siebel Communications has also
                                                                               “Siebel offers the greatest
customer service in the industry
would be vital to its success.
                                       improved productivity in Virgin
                                       Mobile’s “At Your Service” call
                                                                               value at the lowest risk.
“We are fundamentally different        center. “In focus groups with both
from any other operator in North
America,” says Mike Parks, CIO,
                                       novice and expert customer service
                                       representatives, the feedback has
                                                                               I don’t know why anyone
Virgin Mobile USA. “Although we
are running on top of the Sprint
                                       been very positive,” says Parks.
                                       “A number of these agents have
                                                                               would choose anything else.”
network, our customers have            been in environments where they
                                                                               Mike Parks, CIO, Virgin Mobile USA
a uniquely Virgin Mobile experience.   have to page through multiple
Everything that happens—in terms       screens to get what they need to
of customers’ interactions with        serve a customer. With Siebel,
our user interface, Web site, and      all of the functionality is available
customer care environment—is           to them on the screen, and
supported by systems that Virgin       handling specific customer
Mobile integrated, built, or           situations is managed through
customized. Another differentiator     screen pops. As a result, we can
is that, because we are Pay As You     handle the vast majority of
Go, we need to be very real time.      inquiries with no transfers.”
If a customer’s balance goes to
zero, they want to put additional      Customer Service Levels
money into their account and make      above Industry Average
another call instantaneously—they      The customer service focus at
don’t want to wait 24 hours. It’s      Virgin Mobile has resulted in real,
critical that we are able to deliver   measurable results. “From the
a ‘now’ offering.”                     onset, we contracted a third party
                                       to provide customer service
Needed: Real-Time Offerings            monitoring. We’ve experienced very
for Outstanding Service                high service levels, scoring higher
Virgin Mobile’s vision required        than industry averages by 10 to 15
applications that could support        points,” says Parks. “In fact, we’re
the delivery of a real-time            already approaching world-class
experience at any time of day,         service levels. From day one,
across multiple channels. To help      we’ve had a real focus on providing
meet that challenge, Virgin Mobile     a very positive experience to our
turned to Siebel Communications.       customers, whether they’re dealing
“Siebel Communications was the         with automated voice response or
most comprehensive and reliable        a live agent.”
solution that we evaluated,” says
Parks. “I had experience with Siebel   Looking forward, Virgin Mobile is
applications in a prior company,       considering Siebel Communications
and we were very comfortable           for customer life cycle management.
with the quality of Siebel Systems’    “We’re looking at ways to use Siebel
support infrastructure, as well        to help us better understand
as with the responsiveness of the      our customers’ behaviors and
local account team and the Siebel      preferences, and to start crafting
Communications product team.”          offers that could expand their
                                       relationship with Virgin Mobile,”
                                       says Parks. “That’s the next level
                                       of sophistication.”                                                               32 Siebel Systems, Inc.                       2003 Annual Report

Deepening Customer Relationships in                                                                                                22 of the top 25 Global 500
Institutional Finance and Retail Banking                                                                                           banks are Siebel customers

                                                                                                                                   37 of the top 50 Global 500
Siebel Solution Sets for Finance enable                                                                                            banks are Siebel customers
organizations in the institutional finance
and retail banking industries to maximize                                                                                          Siebel has 130,000 users
customer profitability, improve customer                                                                                           in production in the world’s
satisfaction and retention, and streamline                                                                                         top 10 banks alone
the account and credit origination processes
to lower operating costs.
Industry Imperatives
Institutional Finance                      Retail Banking
                                                                                     Median ROI for Siebel Financial               Select Siebel Customers
• Maximize customer profitability          • Transform the branch experience
                                                                                     Services Customers
• Deliver differentiated service           • Maximize customer profitability                                                       Abbey
• Regain investor trust                    • Increase customer retention
                                                                                                                                   Allfirst Bank
Siebel Solution Sets for Finance                                                     8%                                            Australian Finance Group Ltd.
                                                                                                                                   Banco de Galicia y
                                                                                     Revenue Increase                                Buenos Aires, S.A.
Institutional Finance                      Retail Banking
                                                                                                                                   Bank of America Corporation
• Profitable Cross-Selling: Improves       • Branch Transformation: Equips
  commercial bankers’ ability to
  cross-sell noninterest, higher-
                                             branch personnel with fully
                                             integrated sales, service, analytics,
                                                                                     13%                                           Bank of Montreal
                                                                                                                                   Barclays Bank Plc
                                                                                                                                   Countrywide Home
  margin products such as cash               and robust financial transaction        Customer Retention
  management and treasury                    processing capabilities, enabling
                                                                                     Increase                                        Loans, Inc.
  services to their existing customer        them to deliver an outstanding                                                        Deutsche Bank AG
  base, leading to greater profitability     customer experience. Automates
• Customer-First Service: Enables            the offer management and referral
                                                                                                                                   Dresdner Bank AG
  commercial banks to retain their
  most valuable customers by
                                             capture process for tellers, platform
                                             officers, and managers, leading to
                                                                                     18%                                           First National Bank of Omaha
                                                                                                                                   Fleet National Bank
  improving overall customer                 increased sales per employee in         Employee                                      HSBC Investment Bank Plc
  knowledge and by supporting                the branch channel.
  proactive, personalized service          • Service to Sales: Ensures that all
                                                                                     Productivity Gains                            RBC Financial Group
• Trusted Advisor: Provides                  customer inquiries are addressed                                                      Scudder Financials
  investment management                      efficiently with minimal errors                                                       Société Générale
  professionals with tools that enable
  them to more effectively target
                                             across all channels, leading to
                                             higher customer satisfaction
                                                                                     18%                                           Standard Chartered Bank
                                                                                                                                   The Bank of New York
  their customers with tailored              and retention.                          Customer
  cross-sell and up-sell offers,           • Relationship-Powered Lending:                                                         UBS AG
  leading to greater customer                Equips lending officers with
                                                                                     Satisfaction Increase
  profitability and loyalty                  detailed customer intelligence
                                             and supports an end-to-end sales
                                             and credit origination process,
                                             leading to increased revenue
                                             and reduced processing times.           Operating Costs
                                                                                     Return on Siebel
                                                                                     12 Months
                                                                                     Source: Satmetrix Systems surveys, 2003.
                                                                                     Figures are median values based on all
                                                                                     quantitative responses provided on all 2003
                                                                                     quarterly customer surveys.
33 Siebel Systems, Inc.                2003 Annual Report

Helping Clients Succeed in Today’s Rapidly Evolving Markets

The Bank of New York, founded           The Company began the
by Alexander Hamilton in 1784,          implementation of its SFA system
is the United States’ oldest bank       in July 2002, testing pilot programs
and the principal subsidiary of         in its U.S. and European offices.
The Bank of New York Company,           Successful pilots led to strategic
Inc., a financial holding company.      deployment in remaining locations
With total assets of $92 billion,       including Asia, the Middle East,
total assets under custody of           South Africa, and Latin America.
$8.3 trillion, and operations in        “We implemented our SFA system
33 countries, it’s also a global        across all institutional product areas
leader in securities servicing for      of the Bank, in over 30 countries,
issuers, investors, and financial       which few if any other financial
intermediaries. The Company has         institutions have been able to
a distinguished history of serving      successfully manage,” says Miller.
global corporations, financial
institutions, asset managers,           Significant Business Benefits
governments, nonprofit                  With the Siebel Finance solution
organizations, and individuals          fully deployed, the Bank has
around the world through its five       realized a host of benefits:
primary businesses: Securities
                                        Increased Cross-Selling—Sales
Servicing and Global Payment
Services, Private Client Services
and Asset Management, Corporate
                                        personnel are more quickly informed
                                        of new business opportunities
                                                                                 “The technology foundation
                                        around the world on a daily basis
Banking, Global Market Services,
and Retail Banking.
                                        and are better able to coordinate
                                        the sale of additional products into
                                                                                 provided by Siebel Finance
A Legacy of Acquisitions
Over the last decade, The Bank
                                        existing and new relationships
                                        Increased Employee Productivity
                                                                                 plays an important role in
of New York has made over 80
acquisitions worldwide, resulting
                                        and Efficiency—Sales personnel
                                        have a shared system for managing
                                                                                 helping us achieve our goals.”
in the broadest array of products       contacts and activities, which
                                                                                 Bruce Miller, Senior Vice President, Institutional Cross Selling
and services offered in the industry    leads to improved coordination of
                                                                                 and Strategic Sales, The Bank of New York
and the addition of thousands of        individual and group sales activities
new customer relationships and
                                        Better Planning of Sales Efforts—
contacts. Faced with increasingly
                                        Management has deeper insight into
complex, cross-border customer
                                        the sales pipeline, allowing them
relationships and multiple customer
                                        to better predict sales performance
database and tracking systems,
                                        and monitor clients at risk
the Bank sought a technology
solution that would unify its           Increased Customer Satisfaction—
sales force and complement              By improving the Bank’s ability
its corporate vision—helping            to develop value-added solutions
its clients identify opportunities,     and coordinate customer outreach,
address challenges, and navigate        Siebel Finance has helped the
a constantly changing marketplace.      organization improve customer
Establishing a 360-Degree
                                        Reduced IT Maintenance Costs—
View of the Customer
                                        Now relying on a single technology
To address these issues, The Bank
                                        solution, the Bank has sunset
of New York rolled out its custom
                                        several legacy systems, reducing
Siebel Finance application, named
                                        its total cost of ownership
Global Sales Force Automation
(SFA), to client-facing professionals
                                        “We strive to be the acknowledged
based in various parts of the globe.
                                        global leader and preferred partner
The application is used by client
                                        in helping our clients succeed
executives, country managers, sales
                                        in the world’s rapidly evolving
officers, and product relationship
                                        financial markets,” says Miller.
managers to manage and track
                                        “The technology foundation
all customer contact and sales
                                        provided by Siebel Finance plays
activities. “We wanted a customized
                                        an important role in helping us
solution that would provide us
                                        achieve our goals.”
with a 360-degree view of all our
institutional customers, accessible
anytime and anywhere in the
world,” explains Bruce Miller,
Senior Vice President, Institutional
Cross Selling and Strategic Sales
at The Bank of New York.                                                    34 Siebel Systems, Inc.                       2003 Annual Report

Life Sciences
Driving Efficiencies, Effectiveness,                                                                                         25 of the top 25
and Growth in Life Sciences                                                                                                  pharmaceutical
                                                                                                                             companies have chosen
                                                                                                                             Siebel applications
Siebel Solution Sets for Life Sciences
enable organizations in the pharmaceutical,                                                                                  8 of the top 10 medical
biotechnology, clinical research, and medical                                                                                products companies have
products industries to deploy customer-centric                                                                               chosen Siebel applications
strategies that will allow them to accelerate
time to market, improve sales and marketing
effectiveness, ensure regulatory compliance,
and deliver world-class service across
all channels.                                                                   100%
Industry Imperatives                                                           Median ROI for Siebel Life                    Select Siebel Customers
                                                                               Sciences Customers
Pharmaceuticals                        Medical                                                                               Pharmaceuticals
• Accelerate time to market            • Deliver world-class service
• Improve sales effectiveness
• Achieve marketing excellence
                                       • Improve sales effectiveness
                                       • Realize contract revenue
                                                                               8%                                            Aventis Pharma
                                                                                                                             Bayer AG
• Improve medical communications       • Achieve regulatory compliance         Revenue Increase                              Biogen Inc.
  and service                          • Increase marketing value
• Maximize human capital
                                                                                                                             Boehringer Ingelheim

Siebel Solution Sets for Life Sciences                                         8%                                             International GmbH
                                                                                                                             Novo Nordisk
                                                                               Customer Retention
Pharmaceuticals                        Medical                                 Increase                                       Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
                                                                                                                             Organon NV
• Clinical Trial Management:           • Intelligent Customer Service:
  Accelerates time to market             Enables world-class service by
                                                                                                                             Pfizer BV
  by streamlining clinical trial
  processes, enhancing CRA
                                         providing customer-facing
                                         employees with a 360-degree view
                                                                               18%                                           Roche Laboratories, Inc.
                                                                                                                             Shionogi & Co., Ltd.
  productivity, strengthening            of the customer and an embedded       Employee                                      Takeda Pharmaceuticals
  investigator relationships,            solutions knowledge base
  and providing real-time clinical     • Relationship-Driven Selling:
                                                                               Productivity Gains                             America, Inc.
  trial status                           Increases close rates and reduces                                                   Wyeth
• Intelligence-Driven Sales Planning     sales cycles through quote-to-order
  and Execution: Integrates
  customer and market intelligence
                                         automation, real-time customer
                                         intelligence, and best-practice
                                                                               13%                                           Clinical
                                                                                                                             Duke Clinical
  from multiple sources, enabling        sales methodologies                   Customer
  sales professionals to plan more     • Contract Life Cycle Management:                                                       Research Institute
  effective sales strategies and         Enables companies to execute
                                                                               Satisfaction Increase                         Inveresk Clinical
  deliver personalized sales             contracts as negotiated, including                                                    Research, Ltd.
  messages to physicians                 compliance to terms and
• Closed-Loop Marketing: Enables
  one-to-one marketing by
                                         conditions, resulting in higher
                                         revenue, reduced administration,
                                                                               8%                                            Novartis
                                                                                                                             Pfizer BV
  providing an integrated system         and increased renewals and profits    Operating Costs                               Pharmaceutical Product
  for designing and executing          • Closed-Loop Complaints                                                                Development, Inc.
  campaigns across multiple              Management: Enables seamless
  channels, including field sales,       capture and tracking of product
                                                                                                                             PRA International, Inc.
  the Web, and the call center           complaints and adverse events,        Source: Satmetrix Systems surveys, 2003.      TAP Pharmaceutical
                                                                               Figures are median values based on all
• Integrated Medical                     leading to improved reporting,        quantitative responses provided on all 2003     Products, Inc.
  Communications, Drug Safety,           faster resolution, and improved       quarterly customer surveys.
  and Product Complaints:                compliance
  Provides one view of medical         • Integrated Marketing: Automates
  information requests and case          the design, approval, and                                                           Alcon S.A.
  management activities across           execution of product marketing                                                      Aspect Medical Systems
  multiple departments and               campaigns to increase market                                                        Baxter International Inc.
  geographies to ensure regulatory       share, accelerate new product
  compliance and high levels of          introductions, and increase sales
                                                                                                                             Dade Behring Inc.
  customer satisfaction                  to the installed customer base                                                      GE Healthcare
• KPI-Driven Performance                                                                                                     Gen-Probe, Inc.
  Management: Aligns employees’                                                                                              Guidant Corporation
  individual objectives with key
  performance indicators (KPIs)
                                                                                                                             Philips Medical Systems
  of each functional department,                                                                                             PSS World Medical, Inc.
  leading to enhanced business                                                                                               STERIS Corporation
35 Siebel Systems, Inc.   2003 Annual Report

A Prescription for Closer Customer Relationships at Wyeth

                                                                                                                               Life Sciences
The pharmaceutical industry              Quick Return on Investment
has long been challenged by              Wyeth’s decision made it the first
the risk and complexity of drug          top-tier pharmaceutical company
development. Lately, a new               to deploy a major CRM solution.
challenge has emerged—just               This investment has quickly paid
getting in to see the busy               off for the company in measurable
physician “customer.” Wyeth              ways. The following benefits were
responded by implementing                achieved as a result of deploying
Siebel CRM solutions to improve          the Siebel CRM solution:
customer relationships and sales
                                         Operational Spend—Reduced 20%
execution, while reducing costs.
                                         in the first year
With annual revenues of $15.8 billion,   Average Call Answer Time—
Wyeth is one of the largest              Now 37 seconds, down 40%
research-driven pharmaceutical
                                         First-Call Resolution—Has increased
and healthcare products companies
                                         from 39% to a remarkable 93%
in the world. In the high-risk
business of manufacturing and            Escalation Resolution Time—
marketing prescription and over-         An astounding 1,500% reduction,
the-counter medicines, Wyeth             decreasing the time to resolve
has a remarkable track record—           problems requiring escalation
producing a long list of category
winners, including Advil, Alavert
                                         by 36 hours                            Wyeth looked to Siebel for a
allergy medicine, Centrum
vitamins, Effexor antidepressants,
                                         Other Key Benefits
                                         With the Siebel CRM solution,
                                                                                competitive edge—to help its
Prevnar pneumococcal vaccine             Wyeth is also enjoying benefits
for infants, and Robitussin cough
and cold medicine.
                                         in other key areas. Among them
                                         are providing its field and call
                                                                                field reps gain better access
But even with Wyeth’s consistent
                                         center sales reps with timely and
                                         integrated sales data, reducing
                                                                                to physicians and, once in
success in the laboratory, growing       the number of email and voice
demands on physicians’ time—
compounded by a significant
                                         messages reps handle, offering
                                         superior analytical capabilities
                                                                                the door, get its medicines
increase in the number of
pharmaceutical field sales
                                         for evaluating target effectiveness,
                                         facilitating integrated precall
                                                                                and other products
representatives—has made it              planning at the point of need,
increasingly difficult to get in
the door.
                                         and supplying a complete view
                                         of promotional activity around
                                                                                prescribed more often.
                                         each physician customer.
Obstacles to Successful Sales
and Service                              Further, despite additional contact
In addition to more field salespeople    information and activities that need
competing for less time, several         to be tracked and logged today,
other factors have worked against        Siebel CRM is delivering integrated
the effectiveness and efficiency of      sales data from Wyeth’s custom
the pharmaceutical sales process.        data warehouse as fast as or faster
                                         than previous “point” systems.
• Many companies, Wyeth included,
  have been unable to avoid the
                                         Developing new medicines will
  confusion created by multiple
                                         always require intelligent
  salespeople from one firm
                                         investment and a willingness to
  selling different products to
                                         take calculated risks. With Siebel
  the same physicians
                                         CRM applications, Wyeth now has
• Field salespeople and call center      the powerful solution it needs to
  representatives do not have            enhance the ROI of its sales and
  the latest technology tools such       marketing activities and build on
  as a fully integrated repository of    its tradition of market leadership.
  customer data; handheld devices
  for real-time field access; and
  sophisticated management,
  analysis, and reporting capabilities
• Entrenched legacy systems
  have made it more challenging
  to implement the needed next-
  generation solutions

In 2002, Wyeth selected Siebel
CRM solutions to bring it closer
to physicians and reduce spending
on sales, service, and support.
Siebel Annual Report
Siebel Annual Report
Siebel Annual Report
Siebel Annual Report
Siebel Annual Report
Siebel Annual Report
Siebel Annual Report
Siebel Annual Report
Siebel Annual Report
Siebel Annual Report
Siebel Annual Report
Siebel Annual Report
Siebel Annual Report
Siebel Annual Report
Siebel Annual Report
Siebel Annual Report
Siebel Annual Report
Siebel Annual Report
Siebel Annual Report
Siebel Annual Report
Siebel Annual Report
Siebel Annual Report
Siebel Annual Report
Siebel Annual Report
Siebel Annual Report
Siebel Annual Report
Siebel Annual Report
Siebel Annual Report
Siebel Annual Report
Siebel Annual Report
Siebel Annual Report
Siebel Annual Report
Siebel Annual Report
Siebel Annual Report

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Siebel Annual Report

  • 3. 22 Siebel Systems, Inc. 2003 Annual Report Proven Products and Technology Leadership Siebel Systems provides business software The Siebel Application Suite consists of the solutions that empower organizations and the following complementary offerings: people in them to deliver superior customer 1. Siebel Industry Solutions experiences and proven business results. 2. Siebel CRM Siebel is a leading provider of customer 3. Siebel Incentive Compensation Management relationship management solutions and 4. Siebel Analytics solutions for business intelligence, integration, 5. Universal Application Network and and employee relationship management. Siebel Universal Customer Master 6. Siebel CRM OnDemand 1. Siebel Industry Solutions Public Sector Communications Finance Life Sciences High Technology Insurance and and Media Healthcare Siebel Public Sector Siebel Siebel Finance for Siebel Clinical Siebel High Tech Siebel Healthcare Communications for Institutional Finance Wireless Carriers Siebel Siebel Finance for Siebel Medical Siebel Insurance Communications for Retail Finance Wireline Carriers Siebel Media Siebel Pharma 2. Siebel CRM Call Center and Service Sales Customer Order Management Marketing 3. Siebel Incentive Compensation Management 4. Siebel Analytics 5. Universal Application Network and Siebel Universal Customer Master 6. Siebel CRM OnDemand
  • 4. 23 Siebel Systems, Inc. 2003 Annual Report Proven Products and Technology Leadership Travel, Transportation, Consumer Goods Energy Complex Retail Automotive and Hospitality Manufacturing Siebel Hospitality Siebel Consumer Siebel Chemicals Siebel Aerospace Siebel Retail Siebel Automotive Goods and Defense Siebel Travel and Siebel Energy Siebel Industrial Transportation Manufacturing Siebel Oil and Gas Partner Relationship Management Field Service Employee Relationship Management CRM Professional Edition
  • 5. 24 Siebel Systems, Inc. 2003 Annual Report What Is CRM? The Siebel CRM Solution CRM is an integrated approach to identifying, Siebel applications provide the most comprehensive multichannel acquiring, and retaining customers. solution that allows organizations to manage, synchronize, and coordinate customer interactions across all channels. By enabling organizations to manage and • Siebel Sales helps organizations grow revenues more quickly, predictably, coordinate customer interactions across and profitably by helping them focus on the right deals at the right time. multiple channels, departments, lines of • Siebel Customer Order Management supports complex pricing and business, and geographies, CRM helps product configuration, quote approval, availability checking, and credit and payment verification to ensure customer orders are complete, valid, organizations maximize the value of every and accurate. customer interaction and drive superior • Siebel Call Center and Service applications support end-to-end, closed- corporate performance. loop service and enable organizations to increase service profitability, reduce cost per contact, optimize resource management, and enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. • Siebel Field Service enables organizations to profitably manage all Today’s organizations must manage customer interactions across multiple aspects of their service operations, from preventive maintenance to communications channels—including the Web, call centers, field sales, invoicing and advanced parts exchange. and dealer or partner networks. Many organizations also have multiple • Siebel Marketing applications provide a complete closed-loop solution lines of business with many overlapping customers. The challenge is that enables organizations to better understand their customers; execute to make it easy for customers to do business with the organization any personalized campaigns synchronized across all channels; and optimize way they want—at any time, through any channel, in any language or strategies through continuous testing, measurement, and feedback. currency—and to make customers feel that they are dealing with a single, unified organization that recognizes them at every touchpoint. • Siebel Partner Relationship Management automates and streamlines channel business processes, facilitates collaboration, supports real-time business-to-business integration with partners, and provides powerful insight into performance and effectiveness across the entire partner Multichannel CRM network. • Siebel Incentive Compensation enables organizations to manage and Web and Email Analytics modify their compensation plans so that employee and partner behaviors are aligned with corporate strategy. • Siebel CRM Professional Edition provides deep and focused CRM Customers Call Center functionality across sales, marketing, and customer service, packaged and priced to specifically meet the requirements of small and midsize Customer Back Office businesses. Field Information • Siebel CRM OnDemand provides a fast, easy, and affordable hosted CRM service that organizations of any size and in any industry can rapidly deploy to get immediate results, with no up-front investment. Partners Marketing CRM for Everyone Siebel Systems is committed to delivering “CRM for Everyone”—to any Why Is CRM Important to an Organization? type or size of organization, in any industry, with any type of user. The benefits of CRM are clear: By streamlining processes and providing We offer a broad range of CRM solutions and a highly flexible choice sales, marketing, and service personnel with better, more complete of deployment options—including hosted, on premise, or hybrid customer information, CRM enables organizations to establish more combinations of hosted and on premise. profitable customer relationships and decrease operating costs. • Sales organizations can shorten the sales cycle and increase key sales Enterprise Siebel CRM OnDemand Siebel CRM Enterprise performance metrics such as revenue per sales representative, average Applications Hybrid order size, and revenue per customer • Preintegrated with Siebel • Deep vertical capabilities CRM enterprise applications • Unparalleled customization • Marketing organizations can increase campaign response rates and • Rapid deployment for and scalability marketing-driven revenue while simultaneously decreasing lead single division • Powerful integration • Easy to use, immediate results capabilities via UAN generation and customer acquisition costs • Affordable per-user pricing • Customer service organizations can increase service agent productivity and customer retention while decreasing service costs, response times, and request resolution times Small and Siebel CRM OnDemand Siebel CRM Professional Midmarket Edition Hybrid Across every sector and industry, effective CRM is a strategic imperative • Easy to use • Deep functionality tailored for corporate growth and survival. Research has shown that companies • Fast results for small/medium-sized • Preintegrated with Siebel businesses that create satisfied, loyal customers have more repeat business, lower CRM Professional Edition • Flexibility of pricing customer acquisition costs, and stronger brand value—all of which translate • No up-front costs • Complete CRM solution into better financial performance. Hosted On Premise
  • 6. 25 Siebel Systems, Inc. 2003 Annual Report Gartner Magic Quadrant Placements What Is CRM?/Gartner Magic Quadrant Placements Siebel Placed in Leader Quadrant in 5 out of 5 The Magic Quadrant Framework Gartner CRM Magic Quadrants* The Magic Quadrant is a Gartner methodology through which enterprises can compare and evaluate a set of vendors from a specific technology Gartner Magic Quadrant Quadrant Position market by means of a matrixed representation of their performance, as judged against a set of objective and subjective criteria. Magic Quadrant for CRM B2B Leader Quadrant Large-Enterprise Suites, 2004 Leader Leaders are performing well today, have a clear vision of market direction, and are actively building R. DeSisto, M. Maoz, 29 January 2004 competencies to sustain their leadership position in the market. Magic Quadrant for Leader Quadrant Challenger Challengers execute well today, but have a less-defined Business-to-Consumer view of market direction and, therefore, may not be CRM Suites aggressive in their preparation for the future. G. Herschel, J. Radcliffe, K. Collins, Visionary Visionaries have a clear vision of market direction and are focused on preparing for that, but they can still M. Maoz, 12 March 2004 improve in terms of optimizing service delivery. Magic Quadrant for Leader Quadrant Niche Player Niche Players focus on a particular segment of the CRM CSS Suites, 2004 client base, as defined by characteristics such as size, vertical, or project complexity. Their ability to outperform M. Maoz, 27 January 2004 or innovate may be impacted by this narrow focus. The Magic Quadrant is copyrighted January and February 2004 by Gartner, Inc. and is reused Magic Quadrant for CRM Leader Quadrant with permission. Gartner’s permission to print its Magic Quadrant should not be deemed to Field Service Management, 2004 be an endorsement of any company or product depicted in the quadrant. The Magic Quadrant is Gartner’s opinion and is an analytical representation of a marketplace at and for a specific time period. It measures vendors against Gartner-defined criteria for a marketplace. The positioning M. Maoz, 3 February 2004 of vendors within a Magic Quadrant is based on the complex interplay of many factors. Magic Quadrant for Leader Quadrant CRM Sales Suite Vendors, 2004 R. DeSisto, J. Galvin, 28 January 2004 *As of March 23, 2004, Gartner published a total of six CRM Software Magic Quadrants including Marketing Resource Management (MRM), for which Siebel was not evaluated in 2004.
  • 7. 26 Siebel Systems, Inc. 2003 Annual Report Siebel 7 Setting the Standard for Performance, Siebel 7 Delivers Best-in-Class CRM Functionality, and Lowest Total Cost Feature Benefit of Ownership Smart Web Architecture • Fast, easy-to-use, and highly intuitive browser-based Web client for CRM • Provides rich levels of interactivity Siebel 7 is the seventh major release of Siebel previously available only from desktop applications Systems’ suite of CRM enterprise applications. • Increases satisfaction and productivity Siebel 7 sets the bar for delivering the most for employees and customers functionally complete and highest-performance Depth and Breadth • Finely tuned to support industry- of Functionality specific business processes, suite of CRM applications that meet the enabling organizations to leverage requirements of the world’s largest and most best practices for sales, marketing, and service demanding enterprises. • The most comprehensive and functionally complete CRM offering available Market-Leading Proven Products and Technology Comprehensive • Establishes a common view With more than $1.4 billion invested in product development over ten years, Multichannel Capabilities of the customer Siebel Systems has engineered the world’s leading CRM application suite. • Allows the synchronization of Siebel applications are the standard for the largest enterprise-wide CRM customer interactions across deployments on the planet, such as IBM (with 60,000 users), HP (57,000 all channels users under deployment), and BT (28,000 users). No other vendor has • Increases productivity, maximizes referenceable customers with CRM deployments of this scale. Leading revenue and profit, and significantly companies worldwide rely on Siebel for proven CRM success. enhances customer satisfaction Empowering People to Deliver Proven Business Results Industry-Specific Applications • Comprehensive out-of-the-box Siebel applications are used by 2.2 million people at more than 4,000 functionality streamlines processes organizations globally to deliver exceptional customer experiences and through best practices proven business results. According to a third-party audit, Siebel customers • Minimizes customization, have achieved substantial benefits from their Siebel deployments: In 2003, significantly reducing total cost they reported on average increases of 8% in revenue, 13% in customer of ownership retention, and 18% in both customer satisfaction and employee productivity, Analytics Everywhere • Delivers personalized, role-based as well as an 8% decrease in operating costs. intelligence to employees, partners, and customers, just in time Industry Applications Reduce Cost, Minimize Risk, and Speed Deployment • Improves decision response time Siebel Industry Applications provide deep functionality, best practices, and decision results analytics, and business processes that are tailored to meet the specific requirements for more than 20 industries and industry segments. Employee Relationship • Aligns organizations around key For Siebel customers, this means fewer customization needs, faster Management objectives through corporate-wide deployments, and reduced cost and risk. access to resources, news, and other information Lowest Total Cost of Ownership • Drives superior business execution Total cost of ownership is a function of multiple cost drivers, including through performance management, configuration, operation, integration, and usability. With each successive training, and employee self-service release, Siebel 7 has been engineered to drive cost out of these factors, Universal Application Network • A vendor-independent integration enabling customers to significantly reduce their total cost of ownership. and Web Services Support solution, UAN is based on Web Services standards Siebel Production Users • Allows business processes to be executed across the enterprise— 2,500,000 reducing integration costs and accelerating time to market 2,170,000 Global Deployment Support • Enhancements to Unicode support, 2,000,000 multilingual data, installation, and localization for global deployments enable Siebel 7 to lower deployment and maintenance 1,500,000 1,290,000 costs for global organizations Automated Upgrades • Automated upgrades of data and 960,000 customizations, desktop integration, 1,000,000 and scripting support help to shorten the time required for upgrading 590,000 • Results in a faster, more comprehensive, and simpler 500,000 upgrade method 200,000 60,000 Low Total Cost of Ownership • By reducing costs in the critical 20,000 areas of customization, configuration, 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 integration, maintenance, upgrades, and training, and by minimizing Production user counts are based on a subset of all Siebel implementations where deployed deployment risk, Siebel 7 delivers user counts are known and then are extrapolated to the total set of Siebel implementations. In Q4 2003, the sample size consisted of approximately 1,000 implementations with an average a low total cost of ownership number of users equal to 981. Figures have been rounded to the nearest 10,000.
  • 8. 27 Siebel Systems, Inc. 2003 Annual Report Acknowledged Industry Leadership Siebel 7 Ongoing Analyst Recognition for META Group Continues to Place Siebel Industry Excellence Systems as Clear Leader in CRM In an evaluation of a field of ten CRM vendors, industry analyst META /Acknowledged Industry Leadership Group placed Siebel Systems as the only vendor in the leadership area Industry analysts continue to recognize for the second year of the METAspectrum evaluation of the CRM industry. Siebel Systems as a global CRM software According to META, “Leaders exhibit excellence in several key areas: customer life cycle management vision, ecosystem investment strategy, leader, citing Siebel Systems’ excellence execution, feature/function depth, mindshare, technology/architecture, in vision, execution, architecture, technology, value management, vertical coverage, and viability.” META Group released its analysis in an April 2003 report entitled “CRM Application Suites, industry-specific product functionality, and METAspectrum Evaluation.” domain expertise. Across a spectrum of products—from sales to service to partner relationship management—and across a CRM Suite Vendor Landscape diverse range of geographies—EMEA, North 100 America, and worldwide—Siebel Systems is acknowledged as a company redefining CRM Leader to the increasing benefit of its customers. 80 Siebel PeopleSoft Performance 60 “CDI [Customer Data Integration] Leaders Challenger exhibit excellence in several key areas to the Oracle E.piphany SAP degree that they surpass the broad group of 40 Amdocs Pivotal CDI challengers. Acxiom, DWL, and Siebel Chordiant Onyx are currently the vendors whose position in Kana the leader sector is predicated in part on 20 Follower excellence in the areas of vision/strategy, channel strategy, and vertical focus.” 0 Source: META Group.* Date of analysis: April 1, 2003. Presence META, “META Group Market Review: Customer Data Integration, 2003/04” 0 20 40 60 80 100 *META Group, Inc., “METAspectrum 3.1 CRM Application Suites,” Steve Bonadio, April 1, 2003. “Leaders exhibit excellence in several key areas: customer life cycle management vision, ecosystem investment strategy, execution, Siebel Ranked “Excellent” in Industry Focus, feature/function depth, mindshare, technology/ Market Share, and Investment Siebel was the sole vendor to receive “excellent” ratings for the evaluation architecture, value management, vertical categories of Industry Focus, Market Share, and Investments (investment coverage, and viability. Despite the economic in both product R&D and the partner ecosystem). META confirmed the challenges of 2002, Siebel is currently the only importance of industry-focused CRM applications, commenting that “vendors’ CRM domain expertise surrounding specific business processes... vendor whose position in the leader sector has become critical for facilitating application implementation and reducing up-front application customization.” is predicated in part on excellence in the areas of vision/strategy and vertical focus.” META, “2003 CRM Application Suites METAspectrum: Siebel Ranks at the Top in 9 of 15 Evaluation Categories Part 1—Market Overview” Evaluation Category Siebel Systems Ranking Vision/Strategy • Top rank: Good/Very Good Geographic Coverage • Top rank: Very Good Business Drivers • Top rank: Good Industry Focus • Top rank: Excellent Investments • Top rank: Very Good/Excellent Share • Top rank: Very Good/Excellent Technology • Top rank: Good/Very Good Agility • Top rank: Very Good Personnel • Top rank: Good/Very Good
  • 9. 28 Siebel Systems, Inc. 2003 Annual Report Public Sector Enabling Performance-Driven Government South African Revenue Siebel Solution Sets for the Public Sector Service is saving enable national, regional, and local governments to deliver world-class service $3 million a day to their key constituents, including citizens, businesses, partners, and legislators. Used using Siebel’s Single View by leading government agencies worldwide, of the Taxpayer solution Siebel Solution Sets for the Public Sector support the evolution toward performance- driven government—government that addresses constituent needs efficiently and effectively and delivers the highest return on government and taxpayer investments. The City of New York Select Siebel Customers expects to answer Social Services Public Sector Imperatives Agefiph (France) more than 14 million • Improve Citizen Service: As pressure grows to improve the quality and Centers for Medicare & speed of public services, citizens also want to interact with government citizen calls annually, Medicaid Services through multiple channels—Web, phone, face to face, mail, fax—and using Siebel Public City of Leeds they want to traverse these channels at will, confident that government will recognize them every step of the way. Sector applications City of New York, Department • Streamline Case Management: Government agencies process millions of Information Technology of cases annually, the majority of which are managed using inefficient The Centers for & Telecommunications and outdated systems and processes. Consequently, case management Commonwealth of Australia, is often slow and cumbersome, leading to frustration for both citizens Medicare & Medicaid and agency employees. Services are utilizing Department of Family & • Close Budget Gaps: Facing constant budget pressures, government Community Services must become as efficient as possible in collecting fees and taxes, Siebel applications to State of Kansas Department while reducing costs. consolidate 69 stand- of Human Resources • Improve Homeland Security: In an increasingly uncertain world, homeland security is of paramount importance. Citizens want to feel alone call centers safe, and both private citizens and government agencies need to be into a single “virtual” Tax and Revenues not only better informed, but also better able to share information. call center that Commonwealth of Virginia, • Increase Employee Productivity: Many governments worldwide face Department of Taxation a looming human capital challenge and the daunting prospect of handles more than Royal Mail delivering more services to an increasingly demanding public—but with fewer resources than in the past. 42 million inquiries South African from Medicare Revenue Service Siebel Solution Sets for the Public Sector beneficiaries annually U.S. Census Bureau U.S. Postal Service • Citizen Response: Equips service representatives with timely, accurate information, enabling them to respond quickly and effectively to citizen inquiries. Also supports automatic call routing, enabling agencies to Homeland Security rapidly route calls to the appropriate experts. Citizenship and • Immigration Services: Allows agencies to maintain better records of Immigration Canada visitors and their stays as well as share information securely with U.S. Citizenship & collaborating agencies. Also provides tools that streamline immigration and citizenship procedures. Immigration Services • Benefits Case Management: Provides social services agencies with an integrated case management solution that enables them to manage Nonprofit and Education cases from initiation to close. By providing a 360-degree view of citizen American Heart information, Siebel Public Sector enables optimal service and rapid case resolution. Further, the solution streamlines case processing, leading to Association, Inc. higher employee productivity and greater citizen satisfaction. International Institute for • Single View of the Taxpayer: By providing a consolidated view of Management Development taxpayers, their past history, and all outstanding balances, tax agencies (IMD) can improve collections while eliminating erroneous refunds. • Better Manage Revenues: Assists agencies in growing and maintaining Regents of the University their revenue base by supporting targeted outreach campaigns, of Michigan streamlined licensing processes, and superior service. Government agencies can improve revenue generation while reducing service expenses, resulting in an excellent return on investment. • Defense Personnel and Logistics Management: Enables defense forces to rapidly align around key objectives and improve operational and logistics execution. Military organizations can provide soldier-centric services— bolstering efforts to recruit, retain, and reward those serving in the armed forces—all at reduced taxpayer cost.
  • 10. 29 Siebel Systems, Inc. 2003 Annual Report Public Sector Citizenship and South African Revenue Service Leeds City Council Improving Citizen Response Immigration Canada in New York City Citizenship and Immigration Canada With more than 9.5 million taxpayer Leeds City Council is the government In January 2002, Mayor Michael (CIC) manages the selection, records, numerous tax types, and leadership for the city of Leeds, the Bloomberg announced plans for the admission, and processing of all multiple systems of taxpayer financial capital of Northern England, creation of a 311 Citizen Response potential new citizens to Canada. records, South African Revenue with more than 750,000 citizens. Center to simplify government Established in 1994, CIC currently Service (SARS) faced the daunting Leeds City Council initially deployed interactions for the 8 million New aims to replace several of its current task of delivering high-quality Siebel Public Sector among 40 call York City residents who were then legacy systems with a new integrated customer service while collecting center agents and 100 One-Stop faced with more than 40 different solution. This set of applications revenues accurately and efficiently. Center customer service staff to call centers, 14 pages of phone and infrastructure components will Faced with numerous views of its track citizen service requests and numbers, and a host of help lines support all of CIC’s client case customers and extremely difficult provide resolutions quickly and in order to obtain service from management, operations, and and complex account management accurately—saving more than city agencies. As a result of the requirements and will replace processes, SARS used a time- $500,000 in annual customer confusion over where to find outdated, nonintegrated legacy consuming, manual process to service costs and deploying on information, citizen access to city systems. This project, the Global prevent issuing a refund related budget in five months’ time. services was inconsistent, and Case Management System (GCMS), to one tax type when a customer service delivery was inefficient. is an integral component of CIC’s might owe a larger balance for Recently, Leeds City Council vision for the future and includes a different tax type. Utilizing Siebel expanded its use of Siebel Public “It’s not just a citizen 2,500 seats of Case Management Public Sector applications, SARS Sector applications to 2,500 social Analytics in combination with quickly linked records from various service caseworkers in order to service hotline, it is 5,000 seats of Siebel Public Sector systems to produce one aggregated deliver consistent, rapid, and effective the most powerful Call Center. Siebel Public Sector account per taxable entity, giving case management. “If a child is will leverage the lessons learned tax administrators instant debt referred to Social Services, we can management tool from the CIC experience to bring equalization capabilities; SARS can use Siebel applications to quickly ever developed to market a complete Immigration also now update numerous systems compile a complete profile of the Services solution. As a charter of record through the single child and the circumstances,” for New York City client, CIC will also influence the interface. This initial deployment says Eileen Wainwright, Director government. I can’t future directions of the product has demonstrated that revenues for Strategy and Development. to ensure its requirements are will not only increase with a single “These details are instantly sent imagine running the continuously met. With recent view of the taxpayer, but that the to the relevant social worker for city without it.” changes announced last month, new complementary systems will follow-up. Workflow ensures that the newly formed Canada Border also create significant cost reduction the correct procedures occur quickly Michael Bloomberg, Services Agency (CBSA) will and better citizen service. and in the right order.” This helps Mayor of New York City also utilize the new system for Leeds to identify cases in hours as interdiction and enforcement opposed to days—without the need To address this issue, the new 311 functions previously performed for prolonged telephone calls and Citizen Response System provides by CIC. unnecessary paperwork. a single number for residents, businesses, and visitors to initiate all interactions with the city. All of the city’s police precincts are networked to the 311 system and calls, complaints, and service requests are routed to the appropriate police precinct, allowing police to decide on an effective response more quickly than before. NYC 311 handles more than 40,000 calls daily, making it U.S. Postal Service postal service’s sales organization at the U.S. Postal Service today the largest 311 system in the and information technology staff to more than 1,400. The postal United States. Ultimately, the 311 chose Siebel because of its ability service has nine areas of operation Citizen Response Center provides to align all marketing and sales in the U.S. and Caribbean and city officials with a holistic view of To support its ongoing efforts to systems into a unified, complete required a CRM solution that could citywide operations, empowering integrate its sales and service view of postal customers and for not only handle the current scope them to allocate resources more operations, the U.S. Postal Service its ease of integration with the of its operations and massive quickly and efficiently to address is standardizing on Siebel Public existing Siebel project for the customer base, but also one that citizen needs. Sector for its Sales Support Integrated Business Service had the capacity to expand to Solution (S3) project. With more Network. These two projects bring other service fronts in the future. (From NY Times article entitled “New Yorkers Love to Complain, and Hotline Is Making the than 900 users nationwide, the the total number of Siebel users Most of It,” December 1, 2003, by Winnie Hou.)
  • 11. 30 Siebel Systems, Inc. 2003 Annual Report Communications and Media Maximizing Customer Loyalty and 9 of the top 10 Global Profitability in the Communications 500 telecommunications and Media Industries companies have selected Siebel CRM Designed specifically for service providers in the local, long distance, broadband, cable, satellite, wireless, Internet, and media content industries, Siebel Solution Sets for Communications and Media enable organizations to enhance customer service, streamline sales operations, improve collaboration across the demand chain, increase marketing effectiveness, and 90% improve the customer buying experience. Median ROI for Siebel Select Siebel Customers Communications and Media Customers Wireline Industry Imperatives BT NTT Communications Wireline • Defend the core Wireless • Improve customer Media • Reduce customer 8% Telecom Italia S.p.A. Telstra Corporation Limited business understanding churn Revenue Increase • Drive customer • Increase customer • Up-sell and cross-sell retention value • Widen the net into new Wireless • Reduce operating costs • Expand into new • Drive customer retention • Improve operational customer segments • Improve ad sales effectiveness 12% Sonofon A/S T-Mobile Telecom Italia Mobile S.p.A. markets efficiencies • Reduce operational Customer Retention • Offer new, value- • Improve partner costs Increase Virgin Mobile USA added services effectiveness • Improve visibility into Vodafone Telecel key performance Comunicacoes Pessoais, metrics 23% S.A. Siebel Solution Sets for Employee Media Communications and Media Productivity Gains Business Week DIRECTV Operations, Inc. Wireline Wireless Media Dun & Bradstreet Holdings • Intelligence-Driven Marketing: Enables • Intelligence-Driven Marketing: Improves • Subscriber Life Cycle Management: 23% LexisNexis Reuters Limited score-based segmentation and Leverages customer Customer segmentation of campaign targeting, management best Satisfaction Increase customers, proactive resulting in increased practice to improve the churn management, marketingeffectiveness customer experience and closed-loop campaign management • Deliver the Perfect Order: Streamlines quote-to-contract while decreasing service costs • Ad Sales Management: 13% • Partner Network process, reducing Provides complete Operating Costs Optimization: transaction costs view of the customer Decrease Supports collaborative and improving the and streamlines sales sales, service, and customer buying processes, leading to marketing programs experience improved ad sales Return on Siebel with partners and • One-and-Done Service: effectiveness Investment: resellers Provides a 360-degree • Deliver the Perfect • One-and-Done view of the customer, Order: Automates the 18 Months Service: Provides resulting in shorter customer order comprehensive view of resolution times and process, reducing Source: Satmetrix Systems surveys, 2003. Figures are median values based on all customer information, increased customer transaction costs and quantitative responses provided on all 2003 resulting in shorter satisfaction improving the quarterly customer surveys. resolution times • Optimize Partner customer buying • Deliver the Perfect Networks: Improves experience Order: Streamlines the collaboration across • Optimized Field customer order the demand chain, Service: Streamlines process by providing leading to improved work processes for intelligent partner-delivered delivering service in the recommendations service and higher field, resulting in cost and simplifying partner-driven savings and improved service negotiation revenues customer service levels
  • 12. 31 Siebel Systems, Inc. 2003 Annual Report Virgin Mobile USA Achieves “Now” Customer Service Communications and Media A joint venture between Virgin Using Siebel Workflow to Deliver Group and Sprint, Virgin Mobile “Now” Service is the first mobile virtual network Since Virgin Mobile offers Pay operator (MVNO) in the United As You Go service, it’s critical that States—and the nation’s first customers can quickly and easily wireless service to solely target “Top-Up” their accounts. When the youth market. Instead of an automatic top-up trigger undertaking the expense of is activated—for example, when building its own cellular network a low balance threshold is infrastructure, Virgin Mobile reached—Siebel Workflow sends utilizes Sprint’s wireless network the transaction out through BEA, to deliver service to its customers, charges the customer’s credit card, while retaining all responsibility updates the balance information, for all aspects of the customer and sends a text message experiences, including customer confirming top-up to the customer’s service, billing, development of the cell phone. “All four core systems handset user interface, design and can execute a customer’s request maintenance of the Web site, and in seconds,” says Parks, “so there the selection of handsets. is virtually no latency between request and execution.” The Customer Service Imperative Virgin Mobile USA realized early on that providing the best Empowering the Call Center Siebel Communications has also “Siebel offers the greatest customer service in the industry would be vital to its success. improved productivity in Virgin Mobile’s “At Your Service” call value at the lowest risk. “We are fundamentally different center. “In focus groups with both from any other operator in North America,” says Mike Parks, CIO, novice and expert customer service representatives, the feedback has I don’t know why anyone Virgin Mobile USA. “Although we are running on top of the Sprint been very positive,” says Parks. “A number of these agents have would choose anything else.” network, our customers have been in environments where they Mike Parks, CIO, Virgin Mobile USA a uniquely Virgin Mobile experience. have to page through multiple Everything that happens—in terms screens to get what they need to of customers’ interactions with serve a customer. With Siebel, our user interface, Web site, and all of the functionality is available customer care environment—is to them on the screen, and supported by systems that Virgin handling specific customer Mobile integrated, built, or situations is managed through customized. Another differentiator screen pops. As a result, we can is that, because we are Pay As You handle the vast majority of Go, we need to be very real time. inquiries with no transfers.” If a customer’s balance goes to zero, they want to put additional Customer Service Levels money into their account and make above Industry Average another call instantaneously—they The customer service focus at don’t want to wait 24 hours. It’s Virgin Mobile has resulted in real, critical that we are able to deliver measurable results. “From the a ‘now’ offering.” onset, we contracted a third party to provide customer service Needed: Real-Time Offerings monitoring. We’ve experienced very for Outstanding Service high service levels, scoring higher Virgin Mobile’s vision required than industry averages by 10 to 15 applications that could support points,” says Parks. “In fact, we’re the delivery of a real-time already approaching world-class experience at any time of day, service levels. From day one, across multiple channels. To help we’ve had a real focus on providing meet that challenge, Virgin Mobile a very positive experience to our turned to Siebel Communications. customers, whether they’re dealing “Siebel Communications was the with automated voice response or most comprehensive and reliable a live agent.” solution that we evaluated,” says Parks. “I had experience with Siebel Looking forward, Virgin Mobile is applications in a prior company, considering Siebel Communications and we were very comfortable for customer life cycle management. with the quality of Siebel Systems’ “We’re looking at ways to use Siebel support infrastructure, as well to help us better understand as with the responsiveness of the our customers’ behaviors and local account team and the Siebel preferences, and to start crafting Communications product team.” offers that could expand their relationship with Virgin Mobile,” says Parks. “That’s the next level of sophistication.”
  • 13. 32 Siebel Systems, Inc. 2003 Annual Report Finance Deepening Customer Relationships in 22 of the top 25 Global 500 Institutional Finance and Retail Banking banks are Siebel customers 37 of the top 50 Global 500 Siebel Solution Sets for Finance enable banks are Siebel customers organizations in the institutional finance and retail banking industries to maximize Siebel has 130,000 users customer profitability, improve customer in production in the world’s satisfaction and retention, and streamline top 10 banks alone the account and credit origination processes to lower operating costs. Industry Imperatives Institutional Finance Retail Banking 88% Median ROI for Siebel Financial Select Siebel Customers • Maximize customer profitability • Transform the branch experience Services Customers • Deliver differentiated service • Maximize customer profitability Abbey • Regain investor trust • Increase customer retention Allfirst Bank Siebel Solution Sets for Finance 8% Australian Finance Group Ltd. Banco de Galicia y Revenue Increase Buenos Aires, S.A. Institutional Finance Retail Banking Bank of America Corporation • Profitable Cross-Selling: Improves • Branch Transformation: Equips commercial bankers’ ability to cross-sell noninterest, higher- branch personnel with fully integrated sales, service, analytics, 13% Bank of Montreal Barclays Bank Plc Countrywide Home margin products such as cash and robust financial transaction Customer Retention management and treasury processing capabilities, enabling Increase Loans, Inc. services to their existing customer them to deliver an outstanding Deutsche Bank AG base, leading to greater profitability customer experience. Automates • Customer-First Service: Enables the offer management and referral Dresdner Bank AG commercial banks to retain their most valuable customers by capture process for tellers, platform officers, and managers, leading to 18% First National Bank of Omaha Fleet National Bank improving overall customer increased sales per employee in Employee HSBC Investment Bank Plc knowledge and by supporting the branch channel. proactive, personalized service • Service to Sales: Ensures that all Productivity Gains RBC Financial Group • Trusted Advisor: Provides customer inquiries are addressed Scudder Financials investment management efficiently with minimal errors Société Générale professionals with tools that enable them to more effectively target across all channels, leading to higher customer satisfaction 18% Standard Chartered Bank The Bank of New York their customers with tailored and retention. Customer cross-sell and up-sell offers, • Relationship-Powered Lending: UBS AG leading to greater customer Equips lending officers with Satisfaction Increase profitability and loyalty detailed customer intelligence and supports an end-to-end sales and credit origination process, leading to increased revenue 8% and reduced processing times. Operating Costs Decrease Return on Siebel Investment: 12 Months Source: Satmetrix Systems surveys, 2003. Figures are median values based on all quantitative responses provided on all 2003 quarterly customer surveys.
  • 14. 33 Siebel Systems, Inc. 2003 Annual Report Helping Clients Succeed in Today’s Rapidly Evolving Markets Finance The Bank of New York, founded The Company began the by Alexander Hamilton in 1784, implementation of its SFA system is the United States’ oldest bank in July 2002, testing pilot programs and the principal subsidiary of in its U.S. and European offices. The Bank of New York Company, Successful pilots led to strategic Inc., a financial holding company. deployment in remaining locations With total assets of $92 billion, including Asia, the Middle East, total assets under custody of South Africa, and Latin America. $8.3 trillion, and operations in “We implemented our SFA system 33 countries, it’s also a global across all institutional product areas leader in securities servicing for of the Bank, in over 30 countries, issuers, investors, and financial which few if any other financial intermediaries. The Company has institutions have been able to a distinguished history of serving successfully manage,” says Miller. global corporations, financial institutions, asset managers, Significant Business Benefits governments, nonprofit With the Siebel Finance solution organizations, and individuals fully deployed, the Bank has around the world through its five realized a host of benefits: primary businesses: Securities Increased Cross-Selling—Sales Servicing and Global Payment Services, Private Client Services and Asset Management, Corporate personnel are more quickly informed of new business opportunities “The technology foundation around the world on a daily basis Banking, Global Market Services, and Retail Banking. and are better able to coordinate the sale of additional products into provided by Siebel Finance A Legacy of Acquisitions Over the last decade, The Bank existing and new relationships Increased Employee Productivity plays an important role in of New York has made over 80 acquisitions worldwide, resulting and Efficiency—Sales personnel have a shared system for managing helping us achieve our goals.” in the broadest array of products contacts and activities, which Bruce Miller, Senior Vice President, Institutional Cross Selling and services offered in the industry leads to improved coordination of and Strategic Sales, The Bank of New York and the addition of thousands of individual and group sales activities new customer relationships and Better Planning of Sales Efforts— contacts. Faced with increasingly Management has deeper insight into complex, cross-border customer the sales pipeline, allowing them relationships and multiple customer to better predict sales performance database and tracking systems, and monitor clients at risk the Bank sought a technology solution that would unify its Increased Customer Satisfaction— sales force and complement By improving the Bank’s ability its corporate vision—helping to develop value-added solutions its clients identify opportunities, and coordinate customer outreach, address challenges, and navigate Siebel Finance has helped the a constantly changing marketplace. organization improve customer satisfaction Establishing a 360-Degree Reduced IT Maintenance Costs— View of the Customer Now relying on a single technology To address these issues, The Bank solution, the Bank has sunset of New York rolled out its custom several legacy systems, reducing Siebel Finance application, named its total cost of ownership Global Sales Force Automation (SFA), to client-facing professionals “We strive to be the acknowledged based in various parts of the globe. global leader and preferred partner The application is used by client in helping our clients succeed executives, country managers, sales in the world’s rapidly evolving officers, and product relationship financial markets,” says Miller. managers to manage and track “The technology foundation all customer contact and sales provided by Siebel Finance plays activities. “We wanted a customized an important role in helping us solution that would provide us achieve our goals.” with a 360-degree view of all our institutional customers, accessible anytime and anywhere in the world,” explains Bruce Miller, Senior Vice President, Institutional Cross Selling and Strategic Sales at The Bank of New York.
  • 15. 34 Siebel Systems, Inc. 2003 Annual Report Life Sciences Driving Efficiencies, Effectiveness, 25 of the top 25 and Growth in Life Sciences pharmaceutical companies have chosen Siebel applications Siebel Solution Sets for Life Sciences enable organizations in the pharmaceutical, 8 of the top 10 medical biotechnology, clinical research, and medical products companies have products industries to deploy customer-centric chosen Siebel applications strategies that will allow them to accelerate time to market, improve sales and marketing effectiveness, ensure regulatory compliance, and deliver world-class service across all channels. 100% Industry Imperatives Median ROI for Siebel Life Select Siebel Customers Sciences Customers Pharmaceuticals Medical Pharmaceuticals • Accelerate time to market • Deliver world-class service Amgen • Improve sales effectiveness • Achieve marketing excellence • Improve sales effectiveness • Realize contract revenue 8% Aventis Pharma Bayer AG • Improve medical communications • Achieve regulatory compliance Revenue Increase Biogen Inc. and service • Increase marketing value • Maximize human capital Boehringer Ingelheim Siebel Solution Sets for Life Sciences 8% International GmbH Novartis Novo Nordisk Customer Retention Pharmaceuticals Medical Increase Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Organon NV • Clinical Trial Management: • Intelligent Customer Service: Accelerates time to market Enables world-class service by Pfizer BV by streamlining clinical trial processes, enhancing CRA providing customer-facing employees with a 360-degree view 18% Roche Laboratories, Inc. Shionogi & Co., Ltd. productivity, strengthening of the customer and an embedded Employee Takeda Pharmaceuticals investigator relationships, solutions knowledge base and providing real-time clinical • Relationship-Driven Selling: Productivity Gains America, Inc. trial status Increases close rates and reduces Wyeth • Intelligence-Driven Sales Planning sales cycles through quote-to-order and Execution: Integrates customer and market intelligence automation, real-time customer intelligence, and best-practice 13% Clinical Duke Clinical from multiple sources, enabling sales methodologies Customer sales professionals to plan more • Contract Life Cycle Management: Research Institute effective sales strategies and Enables companies to execute Satisfaction Increase Inveresk Clinical deliver personalized sales contracts as negotiated, including Research, Ltd. messages to physicians compliance to terms and • Closed-Loop Marketing: Enables one-to-one marketing by conditions, resulting in higher revenue, reduced administration, 8% Novartis Pfizer BV providing an integrated system and increased renewals and profits Operating Costs Pharmaceutical Product for designing and executing • Closed-Loop Complaints Development, Inc. campaigns across multiple Management: Enables seamless Decrease channels, including field sales, capture and tracking of product PRA International, Inc. the Web, and the call center complaints and adverse events, Source: Satmetrix Systems surveys, 2003. TAP Pharmaceutical Figures are median values based on all • Integrated Medical leading to improved reporting, quantitative responses provided on all 2003 Products, Inc. Communications, Drug Safety, faster resolution, and improved quarterly customer surveys. and Product Complaints: compliance Provides one view of medical • Integrated Marketing: Automates Medical information requests and case the design, approval, and Alcon S.A. management activities across execution of product marketing Aspect Medical Systems multiple departments and campaigns to increase market Baxter International Inc. geographies to ensure regulatory share, accelerate new product compliance and high levels of introductions, and increase sales Dade Behring Inc. customer satisfaction to the installed customer base GE Healthcare • KPI-Driven Performance Gen-Probe, Inc. Management: Aligns employees’ Guidant Corporation individual objectives with key performance indicators (KPIs) Philips Medical Systems of each functional department, PSS World Medical, Inc. leading to enhanced business STERIS Corporation performance
  • 16. 35 Siebel Systems, Inc. 2003 Annual Report A Prescription for Closer Customer Relationships at Wyeth Life Sciences The pharmaceutical industry Quick Return on Investment has long been challenged by Wyeth’s decision made it the first the risk and complexity of drug top-tier pharmaceutical company development. Lately, a new to deploy a major CRM solution. challenge has emerged—just This investment has quickly paid getting in to see the busy off for the company in measurable physician “customer.” Wyeth ways. The following benefits were responded by implementing achieved as a result of deploying Siebel CRM solutions to improve the Siebel CRM solution: customer relationships and sales Operational Spend—Reduced 20% execution, while reducing costs. in the first year With annual revenues of $15.8 billion, Average Call Answer Time— Wyeth is one of the largest Now 37 seconds, down 40% research-driven pharmaceutical First-Call Resolution—Has increased and healthcare products companies from 39% to a remarkable 93% in the world. In the high-risk business of manufacturing and Escalation Resolution Time— marketing prescription and over- An astounding 1,500% reduction, the-counter medicines, Wyeth decreasing the time to resolve has a remarkable track record— problems requiring escalation producing a long list of category winners, including Advil, Alavert by 36 hours Wyeth looked to Siebel for a allergy medicine, Centrum vitamins, Effexor antidepressants, Other Key Benefits With the Siebel CRM solution, competitive edge—to help its Prevnar pneumococcal vaccine Wyeth is also enjoying benefits for infants, and Robitussin cough and cold medicine. in other key areas. Among them are providing its field and call field reps gain better access But even with Wyeth’s consistent center sales reps with timely and integrated sales data, reducing to physicians and, once in success in the laboratory, growing the number of email and voice demands on physicians’ time— compounded by a significant messages reps handle, offering superior analytical capabilities the door, get its medicines increase in the number of pharmaceutical field sales for evaluating target effectiveness, facilitating integrated precall and other products representatives—has made it planning at the point of need, increasingly difficult to get in the door. and supplying a complete view of promotional activity around prescribed more often. each physician customer. Obstacles to Successful Sales and Service Further, despite additional contact In addition to more field salespeople information and activities that need competing for less time, several to be tracked and logged today, other factors have worked against Siebel CRM is delivering integrated the effectiveness and efficiency of sales data from Wyeth’s custom the pharmaceutical sales process. data warehouse as fast as or faster than previous “point” systems. • Many companies, Wyeth included, have been unable to avoid the Developing new medicines will confusion created by multiple always require intelligent salespeople from one firm investment and a willingness to selling different products to take calculated risks. With Siebel the same physicians CRM applications, Wyeth now has • Field salespeople and call center the powerful solution it needs to representatives do not have enhance the ROI of its sales and the latest technology tools such marketing activities and build on as a fully integrated repository of its tradition of market leadership. customer data; handheld devices for real-time field access; and sophisticated management, analysis, and reporting capabilities • Entrenched legacy systems have made it more challenging to implement the needed next- generation solutions In 2002, Wyeth selected Siebel CRM solutions to bring it closer to physicians and reduce spending on sales, service, and support.