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Anne Frank Essay Questions
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Anne Frank Essay Questions" presents a unique set of
challenges. First and foremost, delving into the life and experiences of Anne Frank requires a
thorough understanding of the historical context surrounding her and the Holocaust. This
necessitates extensive research to ensure accuracy and depth in portraying her life and the
significance of her diary.
The emotional weight of the subject matter adds another layer of complexity. Addressing the
harrowing experiences of Anne Frank and her family during a dark period of human history
demands sensitivity and empathy. Balancing factual information with the emotional impact of
Anne's story requires careful consideration of language and tone to convey the gravity of the
situation without sensationalizing it.
Furthermore, formulating thoughtful and probing essay questions about Anne Frank involves a
nuanced approach. It requires a deep understanding of the themes and messages embedded in
her diary, such as resilience, hope, and the consequences of prejudice. Crafting questions that
encourage critical analysis and reflection while avoiding oversimplification is crucial for
fostering a meaningful exploration of the topic.
In addition, an essay on Anne Frank often involves addressing broader issues related to human
rights, tolerance, and the lessons we can learn from history. Connecting Anne's story to universal
themes requires a careful examination of the implications of her experiences on a global scale.
Ultimately, the difficulty in writing an essay on "Anne Frank Essay Questions" lies in the need
for a comprehensive grasp of historical facts, a sensitive approach to the emotional aspects, and
the ability to formulate probing questions that invite thoughtful analysis. It is a task that demands
both academic rigor and a deep appreciation for the human story behind the historical events.
If tackling such essays proves to be overwhelming, individuals may find assistance in exploring
similar topics and more through services like, where experienced writers can
provide valuable support in navigating the intricacies of this challenging subject matter.
Anne Frank Essay Questions Anne Frank Essay Questions
Northern Monte Basin Essay
The geology history of the northern Bonaparte Basin have been described by
[12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21] and are summarised by [22] and is associated
with three main phases of rifting. The oldest was initiated in the Paleozoic and has
a northwesterly trend. Overprinting this is a Permo Carboniferous episode of
rifting, which created a northeasterly structural grain. A later phase of rifting related
to break up , was initiated as early as the Late Triassic, but has its main expression
from the Callovian to Kimmeridgian syn rift (Figure 2). A number of significant
regional discontinuities are recognized in the Middle, Late Jurassic and Early
Cretaceous sequences, related to the effects of sea level fluctuations and break up
along the north western... Show more content on ...
Lower Middle Jurassic Plover Formation sediments thicken markedly into the graben,
and may include good quality source rocks. The onset of extension in the Middle
Callovian resulted in a widespread marine transgression and the deposition of
retrogradational deltaic sandstones (Elang and Montara formations), which form
reservoir units in many of the commercial petroleum accumulations in the northern
Bonaparte Basin. These marine sediments are gas prone within the Malita Graben.
Mudstones of the upper Middle Jurassic Lower Neocomene Flamingo Group
(Frigate Shale) provide additional source potential in the area. Early Cretaceous to
Paleogene (post rift) thermal subsidence, including the Lower Cretaceous Echuca
Shoals Formation may have some source potential in the graben. The Cretaceous
Cenozoic section exceeds 4,000 m in thickness in the central Malita Graben. Miocene
to Holocene convergence of the Indo Australian and Southeast Asian plates has
resulted in the formation of a major tectonic collision zone (Banda Orogen), the 2000
3000 m deep Timor Trough and widespread fault reactivation across the western of
the Bonaparte
The Beginning of Tattoos
When Did Tattoos Begin? Tattoos are not a new fad that grew over night.
Tattooing has been a form of art that people have used to communicate with for
ages. Whether it is a family crest, a butterfly, or a zodiac sign, all tattoos have
meaning in which someone can tell a story. The history of tattoos goes as far back
as the first people who roamed this Earth. Tattoos have been around for so long that
no historian or archaeologist can precisely trace back to when and where tattooing
From the Beginning of Time In Archaeologists Jarrett Lobell and Eric Powell s study
of tattoos, Ancient Tattoos, they make the case that ...body arthas been a meaningful
form of expression throughout the ages and across the world (41). Lobell and
Powell have studied body modifications on ancient artifacts and mummies all over
the world, such as, Italy, Egypt, and Oceania. Depending on the time and geographic
location that these body modifications were given, they could have a number of
meanings, such as, ...adornment, status symbol, or declaration of religious belief
(Lobell and Powell 41). Since the art of tattooing has been around for over a great
number of years, it would be quite difficult to pinpoint exactly where the very first
tattoo was given and what the meaning behind it was. One of the earliest forms of
tattoos was traced back to 3500 3100 B.C., which included charcoal that was rubbed
into small incisions in the skin. This early form of tattooing was found on Г–tzi the
The Causes And Impacts Of The Great Awakenings
The Great Awakenings were periods of religious revival, increasing religious
enthusiasm during the early 18th century and the late 20th century. Some may say
that the Great Awakenings also caused enlightenment. However, there was a
tremendous increase in religious participation, and influence in other reforms as well.
Therefore, the Great Awakenings tremendously influenced the development of
american society prior to the American Civil War.
By the 18th century, there were concerns about the declining religious devotion and
the increase of secularism emerging in the United States. The result of these changes
was the Great Awakening, the first major american revival. There were many
preachers that were outspoken from their religion. George Whitefield was one of
many of those preachers. Whitefield was very compassionate during his speeches,
preaching the words of God, weeping with sorrow, spreading the word of God, and
hitting people on an emotional standpoint. He made numerous evangelizing tours
through the colonies and attracted large crowds. Nathan Cole, like thousands of
others, came to see George Whitefield. Nathan Cole wrote in The Spiritual Travels
of Nathan Cole and said, When I saw Mr. Whitefield come upon the Scaffold he
lookt almost angelical; a young, Slim, slender, youth before some thousands of
people with a bold undaunted Countenance, and my hearing how God was with
him every where he came along it Solemnized my mind; and put me into a
trembling fear before he began to preach; for he looked as if he was Cloathed with
authority from the Great God; and a sweet sollume solemnity sat upon his brow And
my hearing him preach, gave me a heart wound... Cole had just described that
hundreds upon hundreds of people came to see Whitefield and speakers like him.
This greatly revived religion in many peoples lives. Cole said that the speech given
touched him in the heart as it did with thousands of others.
Many have said that the Enlightenment occurred around this time as well. However,
the great awakenings were gatherings that replaced intellectual, rational sermons with
emotional salvation experiences, stressing faith over reason. The Great Awakening
occurred all over the nation and helped break down
Max Webber
MAX WEBER By: JD Mojica Life and career Max Weber was born on April 21,
1864, the eldest of seven children, and grew up in a cultured bourgeois household,
ruled by a strong authoritarian father. At University in Heidelberg, Weber studied
economics, medieval history and philosophy as well as law. A period of military
service brought him under the care of his uncle, Hermann Baumgarten, a historian,
and his wife. Both uncle and aunt acted as mentors to Weber, the former as a liberal
who treated him as an intellectual peer, the latter as a person who impressed him
with her deep sense of social responsibility towards her charitable work. Both offered
a stark contrast to Weber s father, who treated his son with patronizing
authoritarianism.... Show more content on ...
Bureaucratization Weber recognized the dangers of bureaucratization and spoke of
how measurement processes could turn people into cogs in a machine. In this,
Weber s reflections are not too distant from Marx s theories of alienation. Although
organizational bureaucratization increases efficiency and the capability for greater
production that mechanical efficiency also threatens to dehumanize its participants.
Weber also believed, however, that the only way people could make a significant
contribution was to subjugate their personalities and desires to the impersonal goals
and procedures of large scale organizations. Paradoxically, Weber believed that the
only way to escape such a mechanical future was for a charismatic leader to
transform the organization into something new. Bureaucracy became the model for
the twentieth century organization, and was encapsulated in the organization of
Alfred Sloan s General Motors and Harold Geneen s ITT. Perhaps the mundanity
and regularity of bureaucratic, corporate life was best described in William Whyte s
The Organization Man (1956) in which the individual was taken over by the
bureaucratic machine, in the name of efficiency. A more recent and humorous
interpretation of life in a bureaucracy has been depicted by Scott Adams in The
Dilbert Principle. The bureaucracy may have outlived its age of supremacy, but it is
still hard to foresee a future without any need for the order,
Cancel Grace Interview
Interview: Ms. Cancel Grace Marie is a 27 year old Puerto Rican female born on 8/30
/1981. Ms. Cancel is the mother of Jaden Rodriguez 2 years old and Feliciano
Kahil 1 year old. Ms. Cancel Grace interview took place at DCFS office on
September 1st 2017 at DCFS office 6201 S Emerald. Ms. Cancel Grace was
accompanied by her public defender Robert J Breslin during the interview. Ms.
Grace is currently residing at A Safe Haven shelter 2750 W Roosevelt Rd. Interview
was conducted in her secondary language English. In some occasion s she would
respond in her primary language Spanish during the interview and translated in
English to her public defender. Ms. Cancel was informed that reportwould be made
available to court and used for assessment... Show more content on ...
Grace Cancel has never been married.
Ms. Grace Cancel first relationship took place when she was 17 years old. Mr.
Jonathan Martinez was 25 years old. She informed she met him in the same
neighborhood when she lived in Puerto Rico. This relationship lasted 4 years. She
informed it was a nice relationship there was no domestic violence. Their relationship
ended due to lots of interest and a mutual break up.
Ms. Grace Cancel reports her second relationship was at the age 21. Mr. Juan Luis
Irisari was 22 years old. She knew him from high school and had an on line
relationship with him. Mr. Juan Luis Irisari returned to Puerto Rico and they dated for
one year and half. Ms. Graced informed he became very possessive toward her and
began to cheat on her. Mr. Grace Cancel informed she left Mr. Juan Luis Irisari after
she seen it was not a healthy
Pros And Cons Of The American Dream
Can young adults today still fulfill their American Dream? This is something that
is being questioned across the nation and everyone has a different opinion. In
America Now edited by Robert Atwan, Barack Obama and other journalists state
their opinion on the American Dream explaining whether it is still possible today.
The American Dream defined as the ideal that every US citizen should have an
equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work,
determination, and initiative. Whether the American Dream is possible or not
varies from each person, but in my experience, I believe it can be accomplished. A
vast amount of students are attending college, either a community college or a four
year college, making it possible for them to prosper. A lot of first generation
students are seen across college campuses; I am one of those students. Student aid
such as the Free Application for Federal Student Aid makes it possible for students
from a variety of socioeconomic backgrounds afford college. Parents and the
students do not have to deal with the burden of trying to pay for the full cost of
attendance of college. For this reason, ... college enrollment has been rising since
2007 as well (Tushnet 354). Students going to college get to choose their field of
study. By giving them this ability, they have more motivation to seek success and
work hard towards their goal. As a first generation student, my American Dream is to
graduate from college with a bachelor s
Budweiser Vs Pepsi
The amount of money spent on Super Bowl commercials never ceases to amaze
me. What also astounds me even more is the lack of investment in making these
advertisements clever. Several years ago Pepsi, Budweiser, and other big name
products would incorporate imaginative ads to entice potential customers. Many
people looked forward to the commercials more than the actual game but after the
last few years of mundane ads and big name products scaling back, the commercials
are nothing to get jazzed over anymore. Cell phone and car advertisements seemed to
dominate this year, leaving snack, beer, and soda commercials in the marketingdust.
One cell phone ad (or I should say ads since there were three) that stands out the
most to me are the T Mobile
An Investigation to Find the Effect of Bile Salts of on...
I have investigated that if there is an effect of bile salts on the digestion of lipids
in the milk. When lipids are broken down in to fatty acids and glycerol (see below),
the acid lowers the pH of the mixture. To help me determine and measure the
digestion of lipids, a pH indicator phenolphthalein has been used to measure the pH
of the mixtures. The pH indicator will change the colour from pink to either white (if
bile is not contained) or brown (if bile is contained), this will indicate that the
solution is changing from alkaline to acidic. So if I want to use phenolphthalein, I
will have to firstly make the mixtures alkaline. This will be achieved by ... Show more
content on ...
sx = ∑x2 (∑x)2 n n 1
I will draw a table in which I will work out ∑x2 and (∑x)2 . Treatment tube
∑x = 302∑x2 = 30414
(∑x)2 = 91204
The standard deviation for the y:
Sx = ∑x2 (∑x)2 nn n 1 = (30414 (91204 ÷ 3)) ÷ 2 = (30414 30401.3*) ÷ 2 =
12.7 Г· 2 = 6.35 The standard deviation for the y:
Sy = ∑y2 (∑y)2 n n n 1
I will draw a table in which I will work out ∑y2 and (∑y)2 . Treatment tube
∑x = 42∑x2 = 596
(∑x)2 = 1764
Sy = ∑y2 (∑y)2 nn n 1 = (596 (1764 ÷ 3)) ÷ 2 = (596 588) ÷ 2 = 8 ÷ 2 = 4 My
null hypothesis is that bile salts have no effect on the digestion of lipid and lipase will
still breakdown the fat, the reaction times will be the same.
The critical value of probability is 0.05. The critical value at 4 degrees of freedom
with probability 0.05 is 2.776.
tcalc = x y sx2 + sy2 n1
Qualities Of Mahatma Gandhi
II.b Qualities that made Mahatma Gandhi a good leader. II.b.1 Faith in self Gandhi
quote: In a gРµntle way, you can shakРµ the world. Also, MРµn oftРµn bРµcomРµ
what thРµy bРµliРµve thРµmsРµlves to bРµ. If I bРµliРµve I cannot do
somРµthing, it makРµs mРµ incapablРµ of doing it. But whРµn I bРµlievРµ I can,
thРµn I acquirРµ thРµ ability to do it Рµven if I didn t havРµ it in the bРµginning.
All of us havРµ great abilitiРµs and grРµat rРµsponsibilities. All of us play a vРµry
significant rolРµ in the flow of History. ThРµ rРµason wРµ nРµver rРµalize is
bРµcause wРµ nРµver bРµlieve wРµ can havРµ a worldwidРµ impact. Mahatma
Gandhi wasn t a grРµat orator, didn t had a vРµry attractivРµ physiquРµ, livРµd a
lifРµ of simplicity and avoidРµd limРµlight as much as hРµ could, but still... Show
more content on ...
I feel strongРµr for confРµssion. Remember WРµ re all humans and making
mistakРµs is a part of being human. But wРµ should always stop and takРµ a look
at what mistakРµs wРµ did and why thРµy happРµned. If wРµ lРµarn from
failurРµs and mistakРµs, thРµy d Рµventually turn out to bРµ as grand succРµss in
lifРµ. Mahatma Gandhi wasn t pРµrfect from the bРµginning. WhРµn hРµ was
child, hРµ liРµd, hРµ stolРµ, and hРµ fought and was too much aftРµr matРµrial
things. Not all his actions wРµre praisРµd around thРµ globРµ. SomРµ of his actions
wРµre condРµmned in his own land. HРµ madРµ mistakРµs throughout his lifРµ but
hРµ nРµver madРµ thРµ samРµ mistakРµ twicРµ. HРµ failРµd but hРµ lРµarned
from it and achiРµved succРµss. II.b.5. Strength of Character Gandhi quote: ThРµre
are sРµven sins in the world: WРµalth without work, PlРµasure without consciРµnce,
KnowlРµdge without charactРµr, CommРµrce without morality, SciРµnce without
humanity, Worship without sacrificРµ and politics without
Research Paper About Polar Bears
How do organisms, such as a polar bear or a cactus, survive in their environment?
Each organism has certain adaptations that help them survive. What are adaptations?
Adaptations are characteristics that help an organism survive in their environment.
For example, a cactus has spines that reduce water loss and protects the cactus from
predators. How about polar bears? How do they adapt to their environment?
The polar bear is the largest species of bear in the world. Adult males can grow over 8
feet in length and weigh about half a ton. Females grow up to 7 feet and can weigh
over 600 pounds. The distinctive polar bear is well known for its white or creamish
yellow fur. Their fur is very thick. Their toe pads and nose reveal their
Nt1310 Unit 8 Blocks
Blocks are the logical records which breaks the area used by a partition; clusters are
physical bodies of a hard disk. Hard disk is usually broken in to cylinders and
cylinders are broken down in to clusters. Most HDD arrive from the factory with a
low level pattern where, block size = 512 bytes. The NTFS file systemcan produce
cluster sizes of a multiple of 512 having a default of 8 blocks for every cluster. Size
of a block is multiple of size of cluster, such that a logical block will fit a definite
number of physical clusters one file one cluster . That is, in every cluster will be
installed information belonging at most to a single file. As an aftermath, when
scripting a file in a hard disk, some cluster remains incompletely filled or fully
unused. As the operating system can only write an entire block, it pursues that the
idle space should be fit with some strings of bytes that can be used by others. It
should be remembered that these data are saved in a disk because of the operating
system curbs to write only on an entire block, they could be detected by locating...
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Again, the manner in which this functionality is served depends from file system
to file system. The operating system utilizes the free space only to save new data,
since if there is no file linked to that block then there will be no information to
manage. Data present in the free space will be translucent to nearly all the
applications. It is essential to observe that operating systems provide capability to
read random blocks from the file system, whether they are termed as free space or
not, so data saved in free space are not translucent to the operating system. A
proficient user could hide meaningful information inside blocks recognized as free
space by the file system; these data are not related with any files, so they cannot be
located by a file searching
Effects of Crude Oil Prices
Executive Summary What affect does the price of oil and gas have on the
economy? How does this affect the daily lives of the entire population? The
preceding questions are the basis for the enclosed report. The primary objective of
this report is to give a few reasons as to what causes prices of oil and prices of gas
to rise. Among these reasons, speculation of things that may or may not happen, like
a terrorist strike, is one of the leading factors. Another reason for the continued rise in
prices of oil and gas is the constant growth that China is experiencing in population
and energy consumption. While each of these natural resources is often spoken of in
conjunction with one another, they are very different commodities with... Show more
content on ...
It seemed on plausible to research the knowledge questions within the survey itself to
verify what the actual answers to the questions asked were. The answers for these
questions were found from the Department of Energy, American PetroleumInstitute,
and presentations from technical experts within the industry, such as the University
of Houston s Michael Economides.
The survey was taken from several University Center students and co workers.
While this in no way is representative of the entire population, it did provide a slice
of information necessary for comparison. The survey was intended to provide an
insight into common knowledge of the oil and gas industry and opinions of those
surveyed. The survey included three questions for a demographic baseline, four
questions related to knowledge of the oil and gas industry, and eleven questions of
opinion related to the oil and gas industry. The opinion questions dealt particularly
with prices of by products such as gasoline. A total of forty surveys were conducted.
Secondary Research
Oil and natural gas effects consumer s daily lives in aspects of not only
petrochemical costs but also items such as electricity, clothing, and medication.
Today the saying has been, as goes oil, so does the economy but the price of oil has
not always been known in this way. Two reasons said to be responsible for the rising
prices in oil have to do with wealthy countries and the fact that predominant oil
Rhetorical Analysis Of Frank Bruni s The Dangerous
The Dangerous Safety of College Rhetorical Analysis It is made clear that college
students are quick to form an opinion which doesn t expand knowledge and can
show unintelligence. Many people, more specifically protesters, believe one side
and won t open up and listen to the other side. Frank Bruni, an Op Ed Columnist for
the New York Times and the author of 3 New York Times best sellers in 2015, 2009,
and 2002, tells us that the college protesters are wrong. His argument states that the
college students need to be educated more on the whole subject because lacking
educationcan essentially lead to being biased or sticking with the one side you
believe in. The students were protesting a guest speaker, Charles Murray, who is
identified as anti gay, racist, and sexist. Although the guest speaker s beliefs are
terrible, the students should hear what he has to say. Frank Bruni s The Dangerous
Saftey of College presents an effective logical appeal; however, it lacks clear and
concise evidence along with not presenting an emotional appeal to connect with the
audience. Frank Bruni gives prominent evidence to back up his claim and referrers
himself with the audience to show that college protesters should remember the
purpose of education, but where is the connection between the audience and Frank? A
connection draws the audience in and allows them to feel more understanding with
the authors claim. In The Dangerous Safety of College the connection is unclear
between the
Mealworm Lab Report
In our fourth and final lab for Biology 100, we are dealing with the beetle larva
mealworms. This worm like animal is, in fact, not a worm; they are larva for the
tenebrionid beetle. These larvae are most commonly used in order to feed
household pets. For example: reptiles, fish, and birds. Tenebrio larvae are also
considered pests to the most businesses. This is why they re given a pest s name
mealworm . Mealworms are known for burrowing themselves in grains or flours and
completely infesting businesses inventory. Tenebrio larvae will eat almost anything;
they ll consume rotten wood, grasses, small plants, other insects, and even feces.
Since meals worms are such an essential foodsupply to families who own pets, more
needs to be understood... Show more content on ...
In sum, we had a total of four different variables: pure cornstarch, natural raw wheat
germ, extra virgin olive oil, and peanut oil. Our null hypothesis was that the larvae
would have no preference toward any variable whatsoever. However, our alternate
hypothesis was that the mealworms would prefer the habitat where the wheat and
olive oil was present. For experiment 1, where my lab group and I predicted the
mealworms would prefer the natural raw wheat germ rather than the pure cornstarch.
This was determined by the food preferences of the adult version of the larva
(tenebrionid beetle). These beetles love to eat grains and flours, so in turn this led us
to our hypothesis for experiment 1. The mealworms would have a bias towards the
wheat grain rather than the pure cornstarch. For experiment 2, my lab group and I
predicted that the mealworms would prefer the olive oil rather than the peanut oil.
This was determined by assumption that the stronger scent of the olive oil would
attract the mealworms towards that specific environment. This would only be
plausible if mealworms used a sense of smell in determining their environmental
preferences. The mealworms would have a bias towards the olive oil rather than the
Ch 19 Cardiovascular Syste Essay
Chapter 19
The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels:
Part A
Blood Vessels
Delivery system of dynamic structures that begins and ends at heart
Arteries: carry blood away from heart; oxygenated except for pulmonary circulation
and umbilical vessels of fetus
Capillaries: contact tissue cells; directly serve cellular needs
Veins: carry bloodtoward heart
Structure of Blood VesselWalls
Central blood containing space
Three wall layers in arteries and veins
Tunica intima, tunica media, and tunica externa
Endothelium with sparse basal lamina
Tunica intima
Endothelium lines lumen of all ... Show more content on ...
tinuous with thoroughfare channel (intermediate between capillary and venule)
Thoroughfare channel ( postcapillary venule that drains bed
Capillary Beds: Two Types of Vessels
Vascular shunt (metarteriole thoroughfare channel)
Directly connects terminal arteriole and postcapillary venule
True capillaries
10 to 100 exchange vessels per capillary bed
Branch off metarteriole or terminal arteriole
Blood Flow Through Capillary Beds
True capillaries normally branch from metarteriole and return to thoroughfare channel
Precapillary sphincters regulate blood flow into true capillaries
Blood may go into true capillaries or to shunt
Regulated by local chemical conditions and vasomotor nerves
Venous System: Venules
Formed when capillary beds unite
Smallest postcapillary venules
Very porous; allow fluids and WBCs into tissues
Consist of endothelium and a few pericytes
Larger venules have one or two layers of smooth muscle cells
Formed when venules converge
Have thinner walls, larger lumens compared with corresponding arteries
Blood pressure lower than in arteries
Thin tunica media; thick tunica externa of collagen fibers and elastic networks
Called capacitance vessels (blood reservoirs); contain up to 65% of blood supply
Adaptations ensure return of blood to heart
The Differences Between Legalism And Confucianism
Q: Han Fei Zi was known for synthesizing and refining the legalist theories and
practices that had been developed before him. Explain his views on law, statecraft and
power. Comment on the fundamental differences between Legalism and
Han Fei Tzu:
Legalism, is an ancient Chinese philosophy concerned with the art of rulership and
the stability of the state. Along with hundreds of other philosophical schools,
legalism emerged during the Warring States Period (453 422 BC), a time of intense
political and intellectual turmoil. Unlike other schools of thought, legalism defined
the strength of the state, through a system of punishments and rewards, propagated
by common laws. Neither concerning itself with Confucian idealization of the past,
or the morality of man, legalisms pragmatic system of governance, as best defined by
Han Fei Zi, ended the hundreds of years of warfare and unified China. As
aforementioned, Legalism was at the forefront of philosophical discourse during the
Warring States Period. The Warring States Period was a time of both immense growth
and conflict, as the remaining seven states fought over the dominance of China.
Although through much of the Warring States Period, the Zhou Dynasty claimed
dominance over China, by the end of the two hundred and twenty five year long
period, the Kingdom of Qin emerged victorious. While much of the Warring States
Period consisted of warfare, the era also saw the spread of philosophical ideas
Wes Anderson Themes And Techniques
Wes Anderson has been recognised as one of the most successful directors in the
cinematic world with a distinct authorship towards his work. The auteurs approach of
analysing films include the more important elements that makes up a film such as:
editing, cinematography, lighten, casting, themes, story line, art direction and
aesthetic style (Rosenberg, 2010). Anderson s films all possess distinct techniques
that he was heavily involved in producing. The Royal Tenenbaums(2001) featured
many of his signature techniques such as using the recurring themes, filming styles,
type of music and backdrop to give audiences a better understanding of the film and
imprinting a certain tone throughout the film.
The tone of Wes Andersonfilms is perhaps ... Show more content on
It can be noticed that Anderson s cinematic choices has enabled the underlying
reality of his storyline to be masked, providing the characters an avenue to explore
his infamous recurring theme choices such as the loss of innocence, grief,
dysfunctional families and the harsh but simple realities of entering adulthood
(MacDowell, 2012). For example, Anderson masked the Tenenbaum s true
dysfunctional situation with his cinematic choices; mainly, the synergy of the
stillness of the camera and acting of the characters, to portray an incongruous
image of the film. One example where this was evident in would be the scene in
which Margot s series of shocking experiences were shown from smoking at the
age of 12 to being secretly being married. Anderson portrayed these series of events
in Margot s life more lightly than it should have been through Margot s
monotonous expressions while carrying out these experiences as well as her ex
husband, Raleigh St Clair s neutral expressions when he found out about the extent
of how secretive Margot was. One would expect a bigger reaction from Raleigh,
however, the way the severity of Margot s experiences were being covered
contributed to portraying an incongruous image of the film as it ignored the reality of
the way he must have felt while finding out about this hidden side of Margot. Instead,
Anderson focused on highlighting on some
Prediction Of The Stress And Strain Fields
Prediction of the stress and strain fields ahead of the crack tips
1. Introduction
2. Problem description and work flow process
3. Solving Methodology and Boundary
4. Analytical Solution
5. Result and
1. Introduction
Crack, It is the break without complete separation of the parts. Crack is one of the
structural damage of the material or any objects. Most high strength metals and high
strength alloys under some plastic deformation in regions of high stress concentration
fracture precipitated by a crack. It is also called the plastic deformation of the
material. The
cracks are only created when the material have take attained over the ultimate load or
stress, pressure, tension exerted on the
Could The Kathy Griffin Incident Be The High Water Mark
Could the Kathy Griffin incident be the high water mark of cultural Marxism?
There have been many a time period in history when momentous events have taken
place that were only seen in retrospect to be turning points. For it is hard to see the
overall picture and trends when crisis and circumstances of an immediate nature
dominate one s thoughts. However, there are other periods when moments leading up
to a critical exigency indicate that it is a turning point.
The purveyors of critical theory have been at their work desperately trying to
convince the people of benefits of Marxism for well nigh many years. How this is
supposed to work via incessant complaining about freedom and liberty is truly
beyond my comprehension, but in many
I Am More Enthusiastic About Service Learning
Volunteering has improved my life by gradually making a difference in my
perspective of service learning. Bringing vision to my eyes, the ability to assist
others in need is a feeling only describable if, and only if, you have experienced it
yourself. Opening new doors in this journey of life, only can ecological service
learning provides you with the keys to getting connected with the communities.
Before, I stood as an individual who considered that I was not able to do anything
on my own. I pointed fingers and judged at those organizations that weren t quick
to construct the changing society wanted to see. I failed to realize that
organizations take countless effort in having a task done in a particular way, for a
specific interval, which is the reason why service learning is a challenge. My
increase in motivation about work is impacting my daily life. I am more
enthusiastic about my work and am inspired by other leaders who take a charge in
making accomplishment on a day to day basis. Learning to communicate and work
with others has enhanced my self assurance and my dedication in volunteering is
passionate. I am excited to share with others about my experience and explain why
volunteers matter so deeply to the community. Offered training for the suitable role,
given clear, specific roles, and often compensated for the volunteer work has made
it easier for me to step up and get to work with other volunteers who are reliable. All
of us work as a team. The hardest part
The Attitude Of The Poem My Last Duchess By Robert
9th Grade English Essay: Discuss the attitude of the poet towards the duchess in My
Last Duchess by Robert Browning
In the middle ages , the main topic used in poems was a nobleman, usually a knight
in love with a married woman and had to prove his devotion by heroic deeds and
amorous writings . They used blazon to emphasis the beautiful bodies of the women
in those days. However, there was a radical change in the Victorian times where
prostitution became such a big issue. The poems became darker and less courtly. In
the poem, My last duchess by Robert Browning there was no traditional blazon such
as complementing the duchess body. Yet, the speaker who is also the Duke talks
about the women s body as the main justification for her assassination. The duke
talks about her smile as the reason for his jealousy and possessive obecession.
Robert Browning uses various literary devices to provoke a feeling to the reader. By
his choice of devices, we are able to understand the feelings of the Duke towards the
Duchess. The rhyme scheme of this poem is organized in rhyming couplets
(AABBCC) this is used to show the relationship between him and the duchess
(couplets) it may also be used to show is obecession with controlling everything
and having everything organized and planned. The lines are paired in rhyming
couplets, but these couplets are open which shows the Robert Browning uses
various literary devices to provoke a feeling to the reader. By his choice of devices,
we are
Bosnia And Herzegovina Research Paper
Baylor Pyles, Austin Scarberry
Mr. Wentz
Period 8th
May 5th, 2017
Bosnia and Herzegovina is located upon the Balkan Peninsula within Southern
Europe. Sarajevo is the capital city and also holds the title for the largest city within
Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the time zone known as ancient or during the 2nd and 1st
centuries B.C. the native name of the land was Illyricum. This piece of land was
shuffled through many rulers such as the Roman Province, Goths, Byzantine Empire,
Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire. Bosnia and Herzegovina has been involved with
one of the Yugoslavian wars known as the Bosnian War. This civil war was fought
between the country s Serbs, and Bosnian Muslims. During the time of October 1991
supreme rule was placed upon ... Show more content on ...
Only certain specialties were available too at the time leaving many unattended.
Pharmacies had eligible drugs but there were many private pharmacies which
offered to bolster patients but there was a lack hospital pharmacists making it
difficult all around. HIV amongst the population of Bosnia is under 1% and is not
likely to increase anywhere near or above 5% the population. Women in Bosnia
come for abortions and that requires a certain degree of healthcare. Women also
gained many rights after the Bosnian war and started to fight in the wars. Women
were brought out of homes to share the job with men. They did not have to clean,
cook, and watch their children at all times. Abortion is legal which is a high right for
women. This can only occur during the first ten weeks of
Analysis Of Donald Trump s Campaign
In an effort to control mentioning of Donald Trump, close examination of popular
media outlets with large audiences will enable the campaign to see changes to
rhetoric or schedule of statement releases (there are, on average, over 200,000
mentions every month). (Politico Staff, 2016) Campaign staff as well as Trump
himself will be speaking with media in a manner that promotes a tight hold on
delegates over the course of the election. Rallies will require significant control
efforts because of protesters. Press conferences will enable the campaign to release
accurate information at appropriate times. This helps keep information circulating in
the public to be favorable. Social media is now a substantial part of elections.
Releasing information and ads on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube will
generate needed feedback from audiences. Resources will be allocated to these
sources of information because it is the most effective way of controlling what
information flows around in the public, thus allowing the campaign to have a good
amount of control on publicity and media coverage.
The testing aspect occurs at many different ventures around the web from News polls
to focus group studies. Frank Luntz, a market research provider focuses his resources
during the Presidential race to evaluate the public opinion of the candidates based on
many issues. Recently polling the effects on emotions towards Donald Trump using
an address to the public based on the region on the world
What Does Habit 2 Mean
Stephen R. Covey defines the phrase in Habit 2: begin with the end in mind as
beginning each day, task, or project with a clear vision of your desired direction and
destination, and then continues by activating your proactive influences to make these
things happen. He defines the phrase in Habit 3 put first things first as organizing and
managing timeand events according to the personal priorities established in Habit 2.
In the paper I will explain how these two habits effect will help me perform in my
internship, my personal and professional efforts, and my future career values.
Habit 2
Having the ability to plan ahead or begin with the end in mind will play a great part
in my internship experience. I can make a series of correct short term decisions in
order to achieve the long term goal. For example, if my supervisor gives me a task
with a deadline, this will be the long term goal. Keeping this in mind, I will be able
to apply the necessary actions (a series short term decisions.) After reading this habit,
I have learned that I can create a plan to increase my success. ... Show more content
on ...
It will help deal with many questions concerning time management, which is a key
issue if you want to be successful in the future. Using the process stated in Covey s
text, developing each stage from habit 1 through 3, I will be able to set a logical
path both mental and physical that will assist in my everyday activities towards
achieving the goals I set for myself. Being a proactive person that thinks in terms of
I will do rather than simply I can do. Maintaining a positive can do attitude helps
me with my decision making during life in and out of work. This culmination of
habits as described by Covey will be useful in shaping my career and how I
approach each day. By combining a proactive attitude with a plan for success and a
prioritization mentality I will continue to add value within my
The Biographies Of Factory Work In Karen Ho sAn
We are all factory workers in some sense each and every one of us. As individuals,
we each have our unique ambitions, quirks, and moral compasses; however, we
coexist together in institutions to create the same products of prejudice, despite our
characteristic differences. In one instance, Wall Street and Ivy Leagueuniversities in
Karen Ho s The Biographies of Hegemony employ countless undergraduates of
various backgrounds to sustain an unhealthy environment of elitism. Similar ethical
malpractice also extends to the voracious pharmaceutical companies in Ethan Watters
The Mega Marketing of Depression in Japan with various types of researchers and
marketing scholars under their umbrella. The hegemony perpetuated by these
systems are not just limited to humans, as in Charles Siebert s An ElephantCrackup?
the elephant society is severely oppressed by government agencies who acted as a
direct consequence to the behaviors of hunters and poachers. In such institutions,
there can exist two distinct groups of individuals: those who enter a larger system
with the malicious intent to subjugate others, and those who enter with a fervent
desire to advance society. Tragically, because institutions are intrinsically materialistic
and parochial in nature, both groups of individuals would regardless contribute to a
product of inequality and ethical misconduct under these systems of hegemony.
Some of these factory workers are well aware of their intentions to discriminate, yet
choose to be ignorant of their system s impending product of prejudice. Whether it
be pure self indulgence or just plain avarice, these individuals aspire to push their
selfish agenda upon others. In An Elephant Crackup? the extent of mindless
barbarism against the elephants is recounted, They d just throw hand grenades at the
elephants, bring whole families down, and cut out the ivory. I call that mass
destruction (Siebert 346). Unfortunately, there will always exist types of individuals
who show no regard to life around them. This is a particular instance in which
individuals engage in excessive violence merely for the sake of harvesting a
resource. In another example of needless cruelty, a belligerent elephant named Topsy
Sugary Drinks
1.Each of the sources provided are online, yet they differ in how they present
information. In 1 2 paragraphs, please describe what you see as the major differences
between these information sources. (Need help? Start with the key message,
language, and writing style of each one.)
The academic article was written as a way to publish results of a study. It quickly
laid out the information it had to provide in a summary and then proceeded to be
more detailed about the study, all the methods and statistics that were collected, and
what conclusions were made. It mainly focused on how energy drinks can lead to the
drinking of more and various sugar based drinks.
The news article seemed more like a discussion about sugary drinks and how it s
linked ... Show more content on ...
How much time do you think went into the creation of each of these sources? Think
about the process it took the author to find the information, write, and get the material
published? Is there any oversight (for example, an editor) before getting the material
I believe all three of these had some type of editing involved but to different extents.
Obviously the academic article would have gone through a peer review process in
order to be published. The academic article would have taken much longer to
complete than the other two.
The magazine article would have taken some time to publish as it is a quarterly
magazine (although if this article was only published online this might not be
relevant), and it would have had a good amount of editing. There is an editor whose
job is to help decide what gets published and what doesn t but this process most
likely lets through more than the same process in the academic world does. The
author had many sources and took his time writing covering the issue in a thorough
The news article had to get information from multiple sources and sort through the
data of a scientific study. This would have taken sometime and the editing process
some more. This could have taken some days or weeks to finish. It had only
approximately 500 fewer words than the magazine
Beekeepers Persuasive Letter
Save the Bees that We Need December 2, 2014 Robert F. Flider State of Illinois
Department of Agriculture P.O. Box 19281, State Fairgrounds Springfield, IL
62794 9281 Dear Mr. Flider, The colony collapse disorder has been threatening the
United States for many years. Reports show excessive numbers of honeybees
dying off. According to the Bee Informed Partnership and USDA s annual survey,
during the winter of 2013 2014, the mortality of managed honeybee colonies was
23.2. The previous winter s report showed a loss of 30.5 percent of the colonies and
thus, the winter 2013 2014 results might show some improvement. However,
beekeepers persist that the still declining honeybee colonies are becoming too low
for colony collapse disorder to be considered a solved issue. Approximately two
thirds of the beekeepers reported losses greater than the acceptable 18.9 percent
mortality rate, thus deeming the losses greater than what is economically sustainable.
The issue... Show more content on ...
Research areas studying the potential causes for the colony collapse disorder
include: effects of pathogens and parasites such as the fungi Nosema and the
varroa mite, pesticides such as neonicotinoids, environmental limitations and
resource availability. I would like to propose fundraising campaigns here in Illinois
for these studies. Most importantly, I believe we can make a difference by simply
making the public aware of the issues. I would like to propose a educational
campaign that, with your assistance, informs the public and beekeepers about the
issue of colony collapse disorder. This campaign will also urge the public to use
pesticides wisely and at times other than in the middle of the day when honeybees
tend to be foraging and pollinating and to grow pollinator friendly plants. Thank you
for you time. I hope that with your help we can get the larger public to become active
in preventing a potential future disaster for our
Thermal Fracking Research Paper
The path of gasoline through the materials economy must be changed, because if it
is not, than the environment would greatly suffer. Gasoline is created by the
process of distillation, by separating the volatile, which is the more valuable parts
of crude petroleum. This was changed and was later processed, to raise the yield of
gasoline from crude oil, and to split large molecules into smaller ones by the
processes called cracking. Thermal cracking was the act of employing heat and
high pressures. This was introduced in 1913. However, in 1927 this process was
replaced with catalytic cracking, which was the addition of catalysts that facilitate
chemical reactions. This produced more gasoline in the end. The gasoline that is
used in cars, buses and trucks boil at between 30В° and 200В° C (85В° and 390В°
F) The specific mixture boils... Show more content on ...
Then, at a refinery, crude oil undergoes several processes that change it into many
different useful products (including fuels, fertilizers, plastics, and paving
materials). Overall, the oil goes through three processes inside a refinery
Distillation, Conversion, and Alkylation. Oil also goes through a desulfurization
process to remove unwanted chemicals. These unwanted chemicals are released
into our atmosphere, which is detrimental to the climate. Also, 647 million gallons
of oil processed a day. In a Crude tower (also known as a fractionating tower) heat
from a furnace is added to crude oil. Next, gasoline boils a a relatively low
temperature and is separated when the crude oil is boiled. When it reaches
730℉ to 850℉ , the heaviest components from the bottom of the tower will
break up (Oil to Car). Gasoline is not distributed evenly around the world. More
than half of the world s oil reserves are in the Middle East, which contain more oil
than the rest of the world combined. The next regions that have the most oil reserves
are Canada and the United States, Latin America, Africa, and the region occupied by
Lord Of The Flies Mask Analysis
Life is a costume party in which some are tricked and others are treated. Imagine a
world where one s true self was hidden behind a series of masks, each mask hiding
an individual s specific character flaw, personality trait or even a desire to do harm.
Against the backdrop of World War II, uniformed soldiers presented themselves to
an enemy as a single mass of camouflaged danger. Each similarly dressed and trained
to killor capture an enemy without feeling any remorse. William Golding s own
involvement during World War II allowed him to experience wearing his own mask
while tremendous violence was occurring as he was aboard a Royal Navy boat in
1940. Further, his involvement in the battle of Normandy(France) and the epic
struggle on its beaches is reflected in his writing in the lives of young boys who
similarly try to maintain order on their own island. Therefore in the same way that
a soldier s uniform provides anonymity, the characters in William Golding s Novel
The Lord of the Flies wore masks to conceal their true identity, shown when Jack
who is civilized put on a mask to become a savage, and when Roger took off his
civilist mask to reveal his inherently present inner savage.
Golding exemplified how decorous Jack was without his face painted and hidden in
the ending of chapter one. This was the first time the boys went out and had to
figure out how to hunt in order to survive by themselves. Jack along with Ralph and
Simon came across a piglet snarled in the
Old Testament Historical Report
To begin for the past one hundred and fifty years archaeologists and historians have
found very little evidence that the Israelites violently conquered the cities and nation
of Canaan as depicted in the Old Testament. Other than what is written in the Old
Testament, no other actual evidence exists that describes the invasion of Canaanby the
Israelites in 1406BC. However, archaeological evidence and historical records does
acknowledge that as a result of the collapse of the Bronze Age from 1200 to
1150BC, there was a rapid decay of most of the major cities such as Jericho,
Jerusalem, Al, Hazor, Bethel and Heshbon.
During the time of 1200 to 1150BC that the name Israel first appeared on a stone
pillar made around 1209BC. Experts of ancient ... Show more content on ...
According to the recent African origin of modern humans theory these modern
humans evolved in Africa from Homo heidelbergensis, Homo rhodesiensis or Homo
antecessor that migrated out of Africa continent around one hundred to fifty thousand
years ago replacing the local populations of Homo Erectus, Denisova Hominins,
Homo Floresiensis and Homo Neanderthalensis. By eleven thousand years ago the
Homo Sapiens had reached the southern tip of South America which was the last of
the uninhabited
First Nation or Aboriginal People of Canada Essay
Canada is a nation of opportunity and freedom. People from all around the world
immigrate to Canada to start a new life, to get away from war or poverty. Canada
opens their arms to them and accepts them, and gives them money to get them
started. But how about those who were here from the very beginning, before anyone
else landed in Canada; the ones that are called First Nation people, or Aboriginals?
What is the government doing for them? Why are First Nationspeople suffering the
worst in Canada? 55.6% of the poor are aboriginals and a lot of them live in
reserves around Canada that Canadian government have put them in. For those who
leave the reserves to get a better living the suffer from racism from Canadian society
( Aboriginal ).... Show more content on ...
The Europeans grabbed the children from the aboriginal communities and placed
them in the school. The staff at the schools abused the children, physically, mentally,
sexually and spiritually. Children were isolated from influences from their homes,
families, traditions and culture ( Residential ). The lack of acceptance and
understanding from the European side caused tremendous pain and suffering to the
aboriginal children in the long run. What the Europeans did was unethical in the
eyes of a Catholic. The golden rule reflects what the Europeans should have done;
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you Luke 6:31(Luke). The
Europeans should have respected the Aboriginals and not force them off their land,
and change their lifestyle as they probably would not have liked to be treated in that
way as well. Thus, it is clear that the British treated the aboriginals unethically from
the very start when they stepped on the Canadian soil. The Canadian government has
great control of where the aboriginals are situated and what resources and services
are made available to them. In 1876 the Indian act was created by the Canadian
government (Indian Act). The Indian act is a Canadian federal law that governs and
matters pertaining to Indian statuses, bands, and Indian reserves (Indian Act). A part
of the Indian Act made the government give some crown land to the Aboriginals; the
The Characteristics Of Female Characters In The Scarlet...
Actress Rebecca Hall once complained, it s not often you get female characters
who don t fit into a box. Rebecca is implying that it is rare in literature to have a
female character be portrayed as a real person with complex human emotions. In
novels, authors tend to try and put all female characters into a box. The error in this
is that women are just as complicated as any person in real life. In the classic
literature the Scarlet Pimpernel, Marguerite Blakeney and Comtesse de Tournay are
two of the most intricate female characters in the book that are never put into that box.
Marguerite Blakeney shows her individuality through her arrogance. These actions
are demonstrated when she addresses those who are just trying to help her. When
Marguerite arrives at the inn, Jellyband tried opening the door for her in which her
response was, What are you standing in my way for,dancing about like a turkey
with a sore foot ? (Orczy,10) This illustrates how Marguerite misunderstood the
kind doing that Jellyband tried to accomplish , but her interpretation of
commoners got in the way. The reader can see that Marguerite is not able to put
aside her prejudice; similar, to how the Evil Queen from Snow White saw the poor
as below her. Other people believe that Marguerite is actually a kind woman. After
all, she did pay for a poor man s meal (Orczy,10). This may be true; however, when
the Comtesse de Tournay persisted that Suzanne not be able to talk to Marguerite,
Lady Blakeney
Bilbo Book Reports
Before him lies the great bottom most cellar or dungeon hall of the ancient
dwarves right at the Mountain s root. It is almost dark so that its vastness can only
be dimly guessed, but rising from the near side of the rocky floor there is a great
glow. The glow of Smaug! (Tolkien 215). This particular passage that describes a
horrific scene about a dragon, is from a novel called The Hobbit, and was written by
J.R.R Tolkien. Later on, this book was also made into a movie, which was directed
by Peter Jackson, that made several changes to make his movie seem more
interesting but not as accordingly to the author s purpose. The story is about a young
Hobbit, whose name is Bilbo Baggins. Hobbit s are not known for having adventures.
In Fact, they... Show more content on ...
In the book, it is said that Bilbo is the one who fights Smaug and defeats him. The
author wrote, It was at this point that Bilbo stopped. Going on from there was the
bravest thing he ever did. The tremendous things that happened afterwards were as
nothing compared to it. He fought the real battle in the tunnel alone, before he
ever saw the vast danger that lay in wait... (Tolkien 214 215). Here, it clearly says
that Bilbo fights the dragon alone in the mountain, without support from the
dwarves. The purpose for this is to make the readers see that Bilbo is transforming
to be much more brave, strong, and clever. This way, it is more convincing to think
that he can take on the big boss all by himself. J.R.R Tolkien wants Bilbo to be
more independent in this situation and not rely on the dwarves. This impacts the
storyline by having the readers look back and compare how Bilbo behaved before
he had any experience of being a burglar. On the other hand, the movie has Smaug
conflicting with the rest of Bilbo s friends, making Bilbo seem useless in the
background. Although Bilbo was alone with the dragon for a few minutes, he had
to call the dwarves for help afterward. The movie also has the dwarves distracting
Smaug, and Bilbo had to go along with Thorin s plan, Bilbo was suppose to be in
place of Thorn. The whole idea of Bilbo battling
Loss Of Innocence In Stand By Me
Stand by Me is a movie about four young boys who go on a journey and grow up
and lose their innocence along the way. Chris, Gordie, Teddy, and Vern go on an
adventure to find the dead body of a boy missing from school, believing they will
be heroes. They have many different encounters where they face and overcome
their fears. Each boy has their own life struggles that are revealed through their
conversations on the way to the body. This trip shows that Gordie and Chris have
lost their innocence because they have lived through difficult situations which have
shown them what the real world can be like. Gordie s recent loss of his brother,
Dennis, shows him how horrible the world can be. Dennis is killed in an accident
and he was the one in Gordie s
The Importance Of School Dress Codes
Do school dress codes come off as too strict? Some schools have a twenty one page
rulebook on prom alone. Crazy, right? Who decides what belongs in a dress code
and what does not? Should the students have a say on their school s dress code?
Student do not have a say in their school s dress, so high school dress codes feel too
restricting to the students. A school dress codeconsists of many aspects. The
Crestwood High SchoolStudent Handbook forbids students from wearing anything
too revealing (2017, pg. 22). An outfit must not distract anyone from their learning,
but school officials say if an outfit will distract another, it should not appear in
school. Students should decide what goes in a dress code, because they know what
distracts... Show more content on ...
Tattoos show self expression even if they offend someone. Everyone wears
undergarments, and, to some, head coverings hold religious values. Students have
a wide variety of reactions to the appointed dress codes. Both boys and girls react
to how the dress codes restrict students choices of clothing. A senior boy from Palo
Alto, CA, believes the dress code restricts the students at his school. Jackson Brook
concludes, The idea that a visible bra strap or a pair of leggings will prevent a teen
boy from learning is absurd to me. And I should know, I m a teen boy! (Menza,
2015). This boy believes that clothes distracting guys from learning makes a joke
out of teenage boys maturity, as his learning does not change if a female s bra
strap shows. He also goes on to tell how he feels about calling a females clothing
distracting. He believes dress codes have a way of blaming girls for causing any
distractions because of what they wear (Menza, 2015). Girls do not distract the
other students the clothing does, but according to most people the girls distract,
because they choose what to wear. A young lady, named Cameron Boland, wore a
spaghetti strapped sundress to an event at a different school. She wanted to look
fancy for her speech for a National Honor Society event. She won this event and
became a historian but later had it taken away because of her appearance that day.
The dress code at Baker
What Are The Challenges Of A Senior Team Leader
The World Health Organization (WHO) is one of the United Nations (UN)
agencies. WHO is working in 150 countries with the mission to provide a healthier
life (WHO 2016). The WHO s working strategy is to work with governments and
other local and international partners to achieve their mutual health related goals
(WHO 2016). To obtain these goals, strong leadership skills and understanding of the
local problems is critical for anyone in a decision making position. Mendenhall et al
(2012) deliberated that leaders who lead teams at an international level must have the
capability to bring change in the organization by not only creating strong linkages
within their teams, but also involve with internal and external stakeholders, including
counterparts, other leaders, the people from the various governments and
organizations they work with. This requires cross cultural understanding and the
ability to work within and across different sectors. For example, not only health, but
also governance and education.
This paper examines the challenges (which may be) experienced by an official who
is recently appointed as a senior team leader in the WHO in Geneva, during the first
thirty days of leaders engagement. A leader needs to focus on four domains 1) creating
Populist Party
With tension on the rise, American farmers continue to demand reforms to lift their
burden of debt as well as greater representation in government. Recently, with the
tremendous growth in industrialization of oil and steel, migrants have felt the
difficulties associated with farming and continue to fall into arrears.
New organizations have been formed to attempt to resolve the debt issue. One of
these organizations, calling themselves the Populist Party, is proposing economic
reforms to increase the money supply. The reforms aim to pass immigrationquotas,
create a federal loan program, and establish a graduated income tax, which are all
crucial for many indebted farmers. The first objective outlined on the Populist s
agenda is to place restrictions ... Show more content on ...
In order to pass these reforms, more support is needed by people in order to help all
the people, which will in turn help society.
A vote for Williams Jenning Bryan will ensure these problems are solved.
Secondary Article #1:
Do the Railroads Help or Hurt?
Farmers are being tricked into moving West. The government is declaring that it is
easy for farmers to make a good living in the Midwest and for them to come out and
reap the rewards. The government is also promising that the railroads will allow
farmers to prosper by letting them send their products all over the nation.
But recent reports state that the railroads are profiting off of the farmers by charging
more to transport their goods than the profit the farmers are making from their
products. The government has not put in place any regulations to prevent the
railroads from charging the farmers so much. Without these types of regulations,
railroad owners can set prices, no matter how high, which is affecting the farmers
livelihoods. This has led many farmers to file for bankruptcy forcing them back East.
Secondary Article #2:
The Homestead
Prison Alternate Ending
For as long as time had existed he had lived in that room. He was as old as the
prison, itself. Surrounding him was four concrete looming walls. No scenery,
except for the single danging lightbulb; a metal chute, and the door. The chute
dropped food and a water bottle from the top of the wall with the door once a day.
He couldn t reach the ceiling, but he could touch opposite walls with his hands. He,
if his fortune was good, would hear people talking when the chutes opened. Those
were his favorite days; he called them holidays. He didn t remember anything from
the outside. He didn t know what year it was, who the president was, or what
country he was in. He was sure of one thing, he didn t belong here. The man didn t
move much. He was smart,... Show more content on ...
The door was groaning at the hinges. It opened to a faint red light, which replaced
the darkness of the room. A shadow of a man entered the room. The man entered
the room, and jabbed the prisoner in his pelvis with the butt of his gun. The
prisoner opened his eyes. He hadn t seen another man before. The new face had
thick clothes on, new boots, and a red patch on his jacket and hat. The prisoner
slowly stood up. The soldier looked him in the eyes. He said something the
prisoner didn t understand. The prisoner tried to speak, but couldn t. He had
forgotten how to. The soldier pushed him again with the butt of his gun. The force
was tremendous, it pushed the prisoner to the wall. He was about be hit again, but
the prisoner disarmed the man. In an instant, the gun was pointing at the soldier s
head. His eyes were frightened, his hands were up, begging for something. The
prisoner didn t understand that language. He pulled the trigger. The prisoner pushed
out the dead man s body outside of his room. He took the gun and threw it outside.
He took the man s clothes he wanted to stay warm. He heard some shouting coming
from outside the room. He took the man s belt, and closing the old door, separated
himself from the
Land Of Jerusalem Research Paper
There are three major world religions Christianity, Judaism and Muslim that claim
the religious ownership of the land of Jerusalem. Why do all these people claim
ownership to the land? Throughout time and the world, the most highly wanted
land by people generally contained fresh water for shipping and drinking, large
quantities of oil or other precious resources; yet Jerusalem has relatively none of
this. However, even without a giant port or great natural resources it is still sought
by millions. The purpose of this paper is to prove that the Jewish people are the
rightful owners of the land of Jerusalem and to falsities of some of the major claims
denying the Jewish people s right to the land. Throughout history, we have... Show
more content on ...
The fact is that the Jewish state has been able to hold its ground while the Arab states
claim that it will annihilate the Jews and drive them into the sea. Through the seven
day war, the Yom Kippur war and numerous other wars Israelhas expanded its
borders and protected what it has. It has even given up land in hopes for peace with
Egypt. It also must be mentioned that there is irrefutable history that no such thing
as a separate palestinian people ever existed. It was made up for political purposes
which was set out by numerous Arab statements over time. It must also be known,
that after and during the life and death of the Ottoman empire, Jews were legally
purchasing land of Israel. Such organizations include the and Jewish National fund,
Palestine Jewish Colonization Association, and Palestine Land Development
Company. by 1935 Jews had legally bought around 579,348 acres of land. In
conclusion, Jews have occupied the land of Israel since before Islam and Christianity
existed, Jewish People have bought land through legal means, and are even
documented in other ancient religions and cultures book such as the Romans,
The Problem Of Drug Addiction
MODEL(S) OF ADDICTION In going through the counseling process with Marge
she was explained that there is the possibility that it could be a factor of genetics.
When considering her background one has realized that she not only has an alcohol
addiction, but it was the same for her father and her uncle, both of whom had lost
their lives to the disease. In talking about the disease model with Marge she seemed
to be more at ease with the situation and more willing to accept the fact that she does
have a problem. Per the disease model, addictionis a brain disease which alters the
brain and how it functions (Horvath, Misra, Epner, Cooper, 2016, para. 2). When
applying the disease model to those who have addictions it will help the client
realize that they should not feel guilty for having an addiction and there is help for
such a problem. There are 12 step programs that are available as well as various
other support systems for those with addiction. Some limitations of the disease
model are that some individuals may believe that they are not alcoholics and do not
in fact need the help. In that case the treatment is not going to be effective if the
client is not willing to give it a try. Another problem is that some individuals will use
the term disease as an excuse to keep on with the addiction.
MODEL(S) OF TREATMENT The model of treatment that would complement the
disease model is that of the Minnesota Model. This model consists of ongoing
assessments which can included
Jelly Test Lab Report
The season for fresh fruit is quickly approaching as weather conditions continue to
improve. Fresh fruit is a beautiful and exciting way to incorporate important nutrients
into the daily diet. Unfortunately, fruit does not stay fresh forever, so it useful to
know how to properly preserve fruits to keep them safe and nutritious.
When making homemade jams and jellies, many consumers are astounded by the
quantity of sugar used in each batch. Although the average consumer may want to
remove some of the sugar that a jelly recipe calls for, it would have a negative impact
on the final product. Sugar is a vital ingredient that contributes to taste, consistency,
appearance, and most importantly food safety of jelly.
As an individual with fruit trees that are ... Show more content on ...
The control jelly will contain 1 cup of white sugar. Prepare the control jelly using the
follow steps.
1.Prepare 1 ВЅ cups of fresh strawberries by washing them, cutting the tops off, and
crushing with a potato masher.
2.Place a cheesecloth over a glass bowl.
3.Pour the strawberries into the cheesecloth and allow to strain fully.
At this point, it would be typical to clean and prepare the canner, jars, lids, and rings
for use. That step is not necessary for the purposes of this food science experiment.
4.Combine strained strawberries, 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice, and 1/8 teaspoon
of butter in a saucepan and bring to a boil, stirring constantly.
5.Stir in 2 [ВЅ oz] packages of fruit pectin.
6.Return to full boil, and boil for 1 minute.
7.Remove from heat and skim off excessive foam.
8.Test the dependent variable, the consistency of the control group. Use a cold
metal spoon to lift the jelly approximately 12 inches above the pot. Tilt the spoon
and allow the liquid to run off [USDA]. Use a stopwatch to record how long it takes
the jelly to slide back into the pot. Record your time to the nearest millisecond in the
Emily Bowen Research Paper
Have you ever been terrified to fall asleep at night? Nightmares are frightful
dreams in which the dreamer can feel threatened, severe anxiety, and deep distress.
Emily Bowen has been experiencing these horrid dreams for the past week. These
nightmares can send you into a movie like trance in which you are the star. Ever
since the nightmares have started Emily has feared her closet and underneath her
bed. Her small walk in closet has a pull string for the light in the middle and several
objects that look scary in the darkness. Underneath her bed she keeps many pairs of
shoes and her lucky stuffed animal which had fallen under there the other night.
Emily has gotten to where she feels really unsafe in her own home, but she chooses
to stay there... Show more content on ...
The hideous monster stands about ten feet tall, has three eyes, four arms, and two
legs. It is a grey color and has an enormous mouth with sharp teeth. In her
nightmare, the monster from the closet lures her in. The closet is no longer the
closet anymore; it is an entirely different world. In this world the trees have no
leaves, the sky is not blue and it does not have any clouds. Overall, this world is
dark. The monster takes her down an almost endless road until finally Emily sees a
gigantic building that looks similar to a castle. It takes her inside the building and
into a room. The room s walls are covered in blood and have a vast amount of items
that could be used for torture. The beast then puts Emily into a chair in the center
of the room and ties up her hands. It then goes over to the table on the left side of
the room to grab a mallet. While the monster is turned away, Emily is able to untie
herself and escape from the building. She runs quickly down the almost endless
road. In the distance she sees a staircase. She does not know where the staircase
leads but the monster is not far behind her so she rushes up. As she gets higher up
the staircase she notices some recognizable clothing, such as her bright pink jacket
and her favorite yellow shirt. Emily had made it back into her own world. She felt a
great feeling of joy as she crawled out of the closet and closed the door behind. Little
did she know, she was not safe
If She Comes Up, It s Baptism Chapter Summary
Patriarchal (p.157): Relating to a system of government managed by men.
Summary: Foster begins the chapter by discussing how authors have trouble when
writing sex scenes. During the Victorian era, authors who wrote about sexual
intercourse were shunned. Books based on sex were once banned by nations such
as the United States and United Kingdom. Unlike D.H. Lawrence, Foster believes
that no writer is daring enough to describe actual sex. Chapter Eighteen : If She
Comes Up, It s Baptism Drudge (p.168): When someone is made to do hard and
menial work. Epigraph (p.170): A short inscription at the beginning of a book, it
intends to suggest it s theme. Summary: In this chapter Foster discusses how baptism
signals a change in a characters... Show more content on ...
Summary: Foster starts the chapter off by declaring that Geography in literature may
be represented in diverse ways. Geography consists of typical terrain such as
mountains, rivers, canyons, mountains, etc. to socioeconomics, politics, and history.
Authors use physical and human geography as a plot device. Locations with high
altitudes represent difficult quests or tasks Arda Erbil characters have to overcome.
Foster also implies that physical geography is interchangeable with a characters
mood. Chapter Twenty: So Does Season Surreptitious (p.185): A secret that is
reticent because it is not approved of. Indiscretion (p.192): Behavior that shows a
lack of good discernment. Summary: In the twentieth chapter Foster considers the
importance of season in literature. The seasons are an exact representation of the
human life cycle. Spring is a representation of childhood, summer symbolizes young
adulthood, autumn connotes middle age, and finally winter exemplifies old age.
Shakespeare provides many examples of the correlation between season and the
human life cycle in his poem Sonnet 73. In the poem he parallels the loss of leaves
to the lost youthfulness of an elderly

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Anne Frank Essay Questions

  • 1. Anne Frank Essay Questions Crafting an essay on the topic of "Anne Frank Essay Questions" presents a unique set of challenges. First and foremost, delving into the life and experiences of Anne Frank requires a thorough understanding of the historical context surrounding her and the Holocaust. This necessitates extensive research to ensure accuracy and depth in portraying her life and the significance of her diary. The emotional weight of the subject matter adds another layer of complexity. Addressing the harrowing experiences of Anne Frank and her family during a dark period of human history demands sensitivity and empathy. Balancing factual information with the emotional impact of Anne's story requires careful consideration of language and tone to convey the gravity of the situation without sensationalizing it. Furthermore, formulating thoughtful and probing essay questions about Anne Frank involves a nuanced approach. It requires a deep understanding of the themes and messages embedded in her diary, such as resilience, hope, and the consequences of prejudice. Crafting questions that encourage critical analysis and reflection while avoiding oversimplification is crucial for fostering a meaningful exploration of the topic. In addition, an essay on Anne Frank often involves addressing broader issues related to human rights, tolerance, and the lessons we can learn from history. Connecting Anne's story to universal themes requires a careful examination of the implications of her experiences on a global scale. Ultimately, the difficulty in writing an essay on "Anne Frank Essay Questions" lies in the need for a comprehensive grasp of historical facts, a sensitive approach to the emotional aspects, and the ability to formulate probing questions that invite thoughtful analysis. It is a task that demands both academic rigor and a deep appreciation for the human story behind the historical events. If tackling such essays proves to be overwhelming, individuals may find assistance in exploring similar topics and more through services like, where experienced writers can provide valuable support in navigating the intricacies of this challenging subject matter. Anne Frank Essay Questions Anne Frank Essay Questions
  • 2. Northern Monte Basin Essay The geology history of the northern Bonaparte Basin have been described by [12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21] and are summarised by [22] and is associated with three main phases of rifting. The oldest was initiated in the Paleozoic and has a northwesterly trend. Overprinting this is a Permo Carboniferous episode of rifting, which created a northeasterly structural grain. A later phase of rifting related to break up , was initiated as early as the Late Triassic, but has its main expression from the Callovian to Kimmeridgian syn rift (Figure 2). A number of significant regional discontinuities are recognized in the Middle, Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous sequences, related to the effects of sea level fluctuations and break up along the north western... Show more content on ... Lower Middle Jurassic Plover Formation sediments thicken markedly into the graben, and may include good quality source rocks. The onset of extension in the Middle Callovian resulted in a widespread marine transgression and the deposition of retrogradational deltaic sandstones (Elang and Montara formations), which form reservoir units in many of the commercial petroleum accumulations in the northern Bonaparte Basin. These marine sediments are gas prone within the Malita Graben. Mudstones of the upper Middle Jurassic Lower Neocomene Flamingo Group (Frigate Shale) provide additional source potential in the area. Early Cretaceous to Paleogene (post rift) thermal subsidence, including the Lower Cretaceous Echuca Shoals Formation may have some source potential in the graben. The Cretaceous Cenozoic section exceeds 4,000 m in thickness in the central Malita Graben. Miocene to Holocene convergence of the Indo Australian and Southeast Asian plates has resulted in the formation of a major tectonic collision zone (Banda Orogen), the 2000 3000 m deep Timor Trough and widespread fault reactivation across the western of the Bonaparte
  • 3. The Beginning of Tattoos When Did Tattoos Begin? Tattoos are not a new fad that grew over night. Tattooing has been a form of art that people have used to communicate with for ages. Whether it is a family crest, a butterfly, or a zodiac sign, all tattoos have meaning in which someone can tell a story. The history of tattoos goes as far back as the first people who roamed this Earth. Tattoos have been around for so long that no historian or archaeologist can precisely trace back to when and where tattooing began. From the Beginning of Time In Archaeologists Jarrett Lobell and Eric Powell s study of tattoos, Ancient Tattoos, they make the case that ...body arthas been a meaningful form of expression throughout the ages and across the world (41). Lobell and Powell have studied body modifications on ancient artifacts and mummies all over the world, such as, Italy, Egypt, and Oceania. Depending on the time and geographic location that these body modifications were given, they could have a number of meanings, such as, ...adornment, status symbol, or declaration of religious belief (Lobell and Powell 41). Since the art of tattooing has been around for over a great number of years, it would be quite difficult to pinpoint exactly where the very first tattoo was given and what the meaning behind it was. One of the earliest forms of tattoos was traced back to 3500 3100 B.C., which included charcoal that was rubbed into small incisions in the skin. This early form of tattooing was found on Г–tzi the Iceman,
  • 4. The Causes And Impacts Of The Great Awakenings The Great Awakenings were periods of religious revival, increasing religious enthusiasm during the early 18th century and the late 20th century. Some may say that the Great Awakenings also caused enlightenment. However, there was a tremendous increase in religious participation, and influence in other reforms as well. Therefore, the Great Awakenings tremendously influenced the development of american society prior to the American Civil War. By the 18th century, there were concerns about the declining religious devotion and the increase of secularism emerging in the United States. The result of these changes was the Great Awakening, the first major american revival. There were many preachers that were outspoken from their religion. George Whitefield was one of many of those preachers. Whitefield was very compassionate during his speeches, preaching the words of God, weeping with sorrow, spreading the word of God, and hitting people on an emotional standpoint. He made numerous evangelizing tours through the colonies and attracted large crowds. Nathan Cole, like thousands of others, came to see George Whitefield. Nathan Cole wrote in The Spiritual Travels of Nathan Cole and said, When I saw Mr. Whitefield come upon the Scaffold he lookt almost angelical; a young, Slim, slender, youth before some thousands of people with a bold undaunted Countenance, and my hearing how God was with him every where he came along it Solemnized my mind; and put me into a trembling fear before he began to preach; for he looked as if he was Cloathed with authority from the Great God; and a sweet sollume solemnity sat upon his brow And my hearing him preach, gave me a heart wound... Cole had just described that hundreds upon hundreds of people came to see Whitefield and speakers like him. This greatly revived religion in many peoples lives. Cole said that the speech given touched him in the heart as it did with thousands of others. Many have said that the Enlightenment occurred around this time as well. However, the great awakenings were gatherings that replaced intellectual, rational sermons with emotional salvation experiences, stressing faith over reason. The Great Awakening occurred all over the nation and helped break down
  • 5. Max Webber MAX WEBER By: JD Mojica Life and career Max Weber was born on April 21, 1864, the eldest of seven children, and grew up in a cultured bourgeois household, ruled by a strong authoritarian father. At University in Heidelberg, Weber studied economics, medieval history and philosophy as well as law. A period of military service brought him under the care of his uncle, Hermann Baumgarten, a historian, and his wife. Both uncle and aunt acted as mentors to Weber, the former as a liberal who treated him as an intellectual peer, the latter as a person who impressed him with her deep sense of social responsibility towards her charitable work. Both offered a stark contrast to Weber s father, who treated his son with patronizing authoritarianism.... Show more content on ... Bureaucratization Weber recognized the dangers of bureaucratization and spoke of how measurement processes could turn people into cogs in a machine. In this, Weber s reflections are not too distant from Marx s theories of alienation. Although organizational bureaucratization increases efficiency and the capability for greater production that mechanical efficiency also threatens to dehumanize its participants. Weber also believed, however, that the only way people could make a significant contribution was to subjugate their personalities and desires to the impersonal goals and procedures of large scale organizations. Paradoxically, Weber believed that the only way to escape such a mechanical future was for a charismatic leader to transform the organization into something new. Bureaucracy became the model for the twentieth century organization, and was encapsulated in the organization of Alfred Sloan s General Motors and Harold Geneen s ITT. Perhaps the mundanity and regularity of bureaucratic, corporate life was best described in William Whyte s The Organization Man (1956) in which the individual was taken over by the bureaucratic machine, in the name of efficiency. A more recent and humorous interpretation of life in a bureaucracy has been depicted by Scott Adams in The Dilbert Principle. The bureaucracy may have outlived its age of supremacy, but it is still hard to foresee a future without any need for the order,
  • 6. Cancel Grace Interview Interview: Ms. Cancel Grace Marie is a 27 year old Puerto Rican female born on 8/30 /1981. Ms. Cancel is the mother of Jaden Rodriguez 2 years old and Feliciano Kahil 1 year old. Ms. Cancel Grace interview took place at DCFS office on September 1st 2017 at DCFS office 6201 S Emerald. Ms. Cancel Grace was accompanied by her public defender Robert J Breslin during the interview. Ms. Grace is currently residing at A Safe Haven shelter 2750 W Roosevelt Rd. Interview was conducted in her secondary language English. In some occasion s she would respond in her primary language Spanish during the interview and translated in English to her public defender. Ms. Cancel was informed that reportwould be made available to court and used for assessment... Show more content on ... Grace Cancel has never been married. Ms. Grace Cancel first relationship took place when she was 17 years old. Mr. Jonathan Martinez was 25 years old. She informed she met him in the same neighborhood when she lived in Puerto Rico. This relationship lasted 4 years. She informed it was a nice relationship there was no domestic violence. Their relationship ended due to lots of interest and a mutual break up. Ms. Grace Cancel reports her second relationship was at the age 21. Mr. Juan Luis Irisari was 22 years old. She knew him from high school and had an on line relationship with him. Mr. Juan Luis Irisari returned to Puerto Rico and they dated for one year and half. Ms. Graced informed he became very possessive toward her and began to cheat on her. Mr. Grace Cancel informed she left Mr. Juan Luis Irisari after she seen it was not a healthy
  • 7. Pros And Cons Of The American Dream Can young adults today still fulfill their American Dream? This is something that is being questioned across the nation and everyone has a different opinion. In America Now edited by Robert Atwan, Barack Obama and other journalists state their opinion on the American Dream explaining whether it is still possible today. The American Dream defined as the ideal that every US citizen should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative. Whether the American Dream is possible or not varies from each person, but in my experience, I believe it can be accomplished. A vast amount of students are attending college, either a community college or a four year college, making it possible for them to prosper. A lot of first generation students are seen across college campuses; I am one of those students. Student aid such as the Free Application for Federal Student Aid makes it possible for students from a variety of socioeconomic backgrounds afford college. Parents and the students do not have to deal with the burden of trying to pay for the full cost of attendance of college. For this reason, ... college enrollment has been rising since 2007 as well (Tushnet 354). Students going to college get to choose their field of study. By giving them this ability, they have more motivation to seek success and work hard towards their goal. As a first generation student, my American Dream is to graduate from college with a bachelor s
  • 8. Budweiser Vs Pepsi The amount of money spent on Super Bowl commercials never ceases to amaze me. What also astounds me even more is the lack of investment in making these advertisements clever. Several years ago Pepsi, Budweiser, and other big name products would incorporate imaginative ads to entice potential customers. Many people looked forward to the commercials more than the actual game but after the last few years of mundane ads and big name products scaling back, the commercials are nothing to get jazzed over anymore. Cell phone and car advertisements seemed to dominate this year, leaving snack, beer, and soda commercials in the marketingdust. One cell phone ad (or I should say ads since there were three) that stands out the most to me are the T Mobile
  • 9. An Investigation to Find the Effect of Bile Salts of on... AN INVESTIGATION TO FIND THE EFFECT OF BILE SALTS OF ON THE DIGESTION OF LIPIDS I have investigated that if there is an effect of bile salts on the digestion of lipids in the milk. When lipids are broken down in to fatty acids and glycerol (see below), the acid lowers the pH of the mixture. To help me determine and measure the digestion of lipids, a pH indicator phenolphthalein has been used to measure the pH of the mixtures. The pH indicator will change the colour from pink to either white (if bile is not contained) or brown (if bile is contained), this will indicate that the solution is changing from alkaline to acidic. So if I want to use phenolphthalein, I will have to firstly make the mixtures alkaline. This will be achieved by ... Show more content on ... sx = ∑x2 (∑x)2 n n 1 I will draw a table in which I will work out ∑x2 and (∑x)2 . Treatment tube numberTime/seconds (x)x2 810110201 9989604 1010310609 ∑x = 302∑x2 = 30414 (∑x)2 = 91204 The standard deviation for the y: Sx = ∑x2 (∑x)2 nn n 1 = (30414 (91204 Г· 3)) Г· 2 = (30414 30401.3*) Г· 2 = 12.7 Г· 2 = 6.35 The standard deviation for the y: Sy = ∑y2 (∑y)2 n n n 1 I will draw a table in which I will work out ∑y2 and (∑y)2 . Treatment tube numberTime/seconds (y)y2 512144 614196 716256 ∑x = 42∑x2 = 596 (∑x)2 = 1764 Sy = ∑y2 (∑y)2 nn n 1 = (596 (1764 Г· 3)) Г· 2 = (596 588) Г· 2 = 8 Г· 2 = 4 My null hypothesis is that bile salts have no effect on the digestion of lipid and lipase will still breakdown the fat, the reaction times will be the same. The critical value of probability is 0.05. The critical value at 4 degrees of freedom with probability 0.05 is 2.776. tcalc = x y sx2 + sy2 n1
  • 10. Qualities Of Mahatma Gandhi II.b Qualities that made Mahatma Gandhi a good leader. II.b.1 Faith in self Gandhi quote: In a gРµntle way, you can shakРµ the world. Also, MРµn oftРµn bРµcomРµ what thРµy bРµliРµve thРµmsРµlves to bРµ. If I bРµliРµve I cannot do somРµthing, it makРµs mРµ incapablРµ of doing it. But whРµn I bРµlievРµ I can, thРµn I acquirРµ thРµ ability to do it Рµven if I didn t havРµ it in the bРµginning. All of us havРµ great abilitiРµs and grРµat rРµsponsibilities. All of us play a vРµry significant rolРµ in the flow of History. ThРµ rРµason wРµ nРµver rРµalize is bРµcause wРµ nРµver bРµlieve wРµ can havРµ a worldwidРµ impact. Mahatma Gandhi wasn t a grРµat orator, didn t had a vРµry attractivРµ physiquРµ, livРµd a lifРµ of simplicity and avoidРµd limРµlight as much as hРµ could, but still... Show more content on ... I feel strongРµr for confРµssion. Remember WРµ re all humans and making mistakРµs is a part of being human. But wРµ should always stop and takРµ a look at what mistakРµs wРµ did and why thРµy happРµned. If wРµ lРµarn from failurРµs and mistakРµs, thРµy d Рµventually turn out to bРµ as grand succРµss in lifРµ. Mahatma Gandhi wasn t pРµrfect from the bРµginning. WhРµn hРµ was child, hРµ liРµd, hРµ stolРµ, and hРµ fought and was too much aftРµr matРµrial things. Not all his actions wРµre praisРµd around thРµ globРµ. SomРµ of his actions wРµre condРµmned in his own land. HРµ madРµ mistakРµs throughout his lifРµ but hРµ nРµver madРµ thРµ samРµ mistakРµ twicРµ. HРµ failРµd but hРµ lРµarned from it and achiРµved succРµss. II.b.5. Strength of Character Gandhi quote: ThРµre are sРµven sins in the world: WРµalth without work, PlРµasure without consciРµnce, KnowlРµdge without charactРµr, CommРµrce without morality, SciРµnce without humanity, Worship without sacrificРµ and politics without
  • 11. Research Paper About Polar Bears How do organisms, such as a polar bear or a cactus, survive in their environment? Each organism has certain adaptations that help them survive. What are adaptations? Adaptations are characteristics that help an organism survive in their environment. For example, a cactus has spines that reduce water loss and protects the cactus from predators. How about polar bears? How do they adapt to their environment? Description The polar bear is the largest species of bear in the world. Adult males can grow over 8 feet in length and weigh about half a ton. Females grow up to 7 feet and can weigh over 600 pounds. The distinctive polar bear is well known for its white or creamish yellow fur. Their fur is very thick. Their toe pads and nose reveal their
  • 12. Nt1310 Unit 8 Blocks Blocks are the logical records which breaks the area used by a partition; clusters are physical bodies of a hard disk. Hard disk is usually broken in to cylinders and cylinders are broken down in to clusters. Most HDD arrive from the factory with a low level pattern where, block size = 512 bytes. The NTFS file systemcan produce cluster sizes of a multiple of 512 having a default of 8 blocks for every cluster. Size of a block is multiple of size of cluster, such that a logical block will fit a definite number of physical clusters one file one cluster . That is, in every cluster will be installed information belonging at most to a single file. As an aftermath, when scripting a file in a hard disk, some cluster remains incompletely filled or fully unused. As the operating system can only write an entire block, it pursues that the idle space should be fit with some strings of bytes that can be used by others. It should be remembered that these data are saved in a disk because of the operating system curbs to write only on an entire block, they could be detected by locating... Show more content on ... Again, the manner in which this functionality is served depends from file system to file system. The operating system utilizes the free space only to save new data, since if there is no file linked to that block then there will be no information to manage. Data present in the free space will be translucent to nearly all the applications. It is essential to observe that operating systems provide capability to read random blocks from the file system, whether they are termed as free space or not, so data saved in free space are not translucent to the operating system. A proficient user could hide meaningful information inside blocks recognized as free space by the file system; these data are not related with any files, so they cannot be located by a file searching
  • 13. Effects of Crude Oil Prices Executive Summary What affect does the price of oil and gas have on the economy? How does this affect the daily lives of the entire population? The preceding questions are the basis for the enclosed report. The primary objective of this report is to give a few reasons as to what causes prices of oil and prices of gas to rise. Among these reasons, speculation of things that may or may not happen, like a terrorist strike, is one of the leading factors. Another reason for the continued rise in prices of oil and gas is the constant growth that China is experiencing in population and energy consumption. While each of these natural resources is often spoken of in conjunction with one another, they are very different commodities with... Show more content on ... It seemed on plausible to research the knowledge questions within the survey itself to verify what the actual answers to the questions asked were. The answers for these questions were found from the Department of Energy, American PetroleumInstitute, and presentations from technical experts within the industry, such as the University of Houston s Michael Economides. The survey was taken from several University Center students and co workers. While this in no way is representative of the entire population, it did provide a slice of information necessary for comparison. The survey was intended to provide an insight into common knowledge of the oil and gas industry and opinions of those surveyed. The survey included three questions for a demographic baseline, four questions related to knowledge of the oil and gas industry, and eleven questions of opinion related to the oil and gas industry. The opinion questions dealt particularly with prices of by products such as gasoline. A total of forty surveys were conducted. Findings Secondary Research Oil and natural gas effects consumer s daily lives in aspects of not only petrochemical costs but also items such as electricity, clothing, and medication. Today the saying has been, as goes oil, so does the economy but the price of oil has not always been known in this way. Two reasons said to be responsible for the rising prices in oil have to do with wealthy countries and the fact that predominant oil
  • 14. Rhetorical Analysis Of Frank Bruni s The Dangerous Safety... The Dangerous Safety of College Rhetorical Analysis It is made clear that college students are quick to form an opinion which doesn t expand knowledge and can show unintelligence. Many people, more specifically protesters, believe one side and won t open up and listen to the other side. Frank Bruni, an Op Ed Columnist for the New York Times and the author of 3 New York Times best sellers in 2015, 2009, and 2002, tells us that the college protesters are wrong. His argument states that the college students need to be educated more on the whole subject because lacking educationcan essentially lead to being biased or sticking with the one side you believe in. The students were protesting a guest speaker, Charles Murray, who is identified as anti gay, racist, and sexist. Although the guest speaker s beliefs are terrible, the students should hear what he has to say. Frank Bruni s The Dangerous Saftey of College presents an effective logical appeal; however, it lacks clear and concise evidence along with not presenting an emotional appeal to connect with the audience. Frank Bruni gives prominent evidence to back up his claim and referrers himself with the audience to show that college protesters should remember the purpose of education, but where is the connection between the audience and Frank? A connection draws the audience in and allows them to feel more understanding with the authors claim. In The Dangerous Safety of College the connection is unclear between the
  • 15. Mealworm Lab Report In our fourth and final lab for Biology 100, we are dealing with the beetle larva mealworms. This worm like animal is, in fact, not a worm; they are larva for the tenebrionid beetle. These larvae are most commonly used in order to feed household pets. For example: reptiles, fish, and birds. Tenebrio larvae are also considered pests to the most businesses. This is why they re given a pest s name mealworm . Mealworms are known for burrowing themselves in grains or flours and completely infesting businesses inventory. Tenebrio larvae will eat almost anything; they ll consume rotten wood, grasses, small plants, other insects, and even feces. Since meals worms are such an essential foodsupply to families who own pets, more needs to be understood... Show more content on ... In sum, we had a total of four different variables: pure cornstarch, natural raw wheat germ, extra virgin olive oil, and peanut oil. Our null hypothesis was that the larvae would have no preference toward any variable whatsoever. However, our alternate hypothesis was that the mealworms would prefer the habitat where the wheat and olive oil was present. For experiment 1, where my lab group and I predicted the mealworms would prefer the natural raw wheat germ rather than the pure cornstarch. This was determined by the food preferences of the adult version of the larva (tenebrionid beetle). These beetles love to eat grains and flours, so in turn this led us to our hypothesis for experiment 1. The mealworms would have a bias towards the wheat grain rather than the pure cornstarch. For experiment 2, my lab group and I predicted that the mealworms would prefer the olive oil rather than the peanut oil. This was determined by assumption that the stronger scent of the olive oil would attract the mealworms towards that specific environment. This would only be plausible if mealworms used a sense of smell in determining their environmental preferences. The mealworms would have a bias towards the olive oil rather than the peanut
  • 16. Ch 19 Cardiovascular Syste Essay Chapter 19 The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels: Part A Blood Vessels Delivery system of dynamic structures that begins and ends at heart Arteries: carry blood away from heart; oxygenated except for pulmonary circulation and umbilical vessels of fetus Capillaries: contact tissue cells; directly serve cellular needs Veins: carry bloodtoward heart Structure of Blood VesselWalls Lumen Central blood containing space Three wall layers in arteries and veins Tunica intima, tunica media, and tunica externa Capillaries Endothelium with sparse basal lamina Tunics Tunica intima Endothelium lines lumen of all ... Show more content on ... tinuous with thoroughfare channel (intermediate between capillary and venule) Thoroughfare channel ( postcapillary venule that drains bed Capillary Beds: Two Types of Vessels Vascular shunt (metarteriole thoroughfare channel)
  • 17. Directly connects terminal arteriole and postcapillary venule True capillaries 10 to 100 exchange vessels per capillary bed Branch off metarteriole or terminal arteriole Blood Flow Through Capillary Beds True capillaries normally branch from metarteriole and return to thoroughfare channel Precapillary sphincters regulate blood flow into true capillaries Blood may go into true capillaries or to shunt Regulated by local chemical conditions and vasomotor nerves Venous System: Venules Formed when capillary beds unite Smallest postcapillary venules Very porous; allow fluids and WBCs into tissues Consist of endothelium and a few pericytes Larger venules have one or two layers of smooth muscle cells Veins Formed when venules converge Have thinner walls, larger lumens compared with corresponding arteries Blood pressure lower than in arteries Thin tunica media; thick tunica externa of collagen fibers and elastic networks Called capacitance vessels (blood reservoirs); contain up to 65% of blood supply Veins Adaptations ensure return of blood to heart
  • 18. The Differences Between Legalism And Confucianism Q: Han Fei Zi was known for synthesizing and refining the legalist theories and practices that had been developed before him. Explain his views on law, statecraft and power. Comment on the fundamental differences between Legalism and Confucianism. Han Fei Tzu: Legalism, is an ancient Chinese philosophy concerned with the art of rulership and the stability of the state. Along with hundreds of other philosophical schools, legalism emerged during the Warring States Period (453 422 BC), a time of intense political and intellectual turmoil. Unlike other schools of thought, legalism defined the strength of the state, through a system of punishments and rewards, propagated by common laws. Neither concerning itself with Confucian idealization of the past, or the morality of man, legalisms pragmatic system of governance, as best defined by Han Fei Zi, ended the hundreds of years of warfare and unified China. As aforementioned, Legalism was at the forefront of philosophical discourse during the Warring States Period. The Warring States Period was a time of both immense growth and conflict, as the remaining seven states fought over the dominance of China. Although through much of the Warring States Period, the Zhou Dynasty claimed dominance over China, by the end of the two hundred and twenty five year long period, the Kingdom of Qin emerged victorious. While much of the Warring States Period consisted of warfare, the era also saw the spread of philosophical ideas throughout
  • 19. Wes Anderson Themes And Techniques Wes Anderson has been recognised as one of the most successful directors in the cinematic world with a distinct authorship towards his work. The auteurs approach of analysing films include the more important elements that makes up a film such as: editing, cinematography, lighten, casting, themes, story line, art direction and aesthetic style (Rosenberg, 2010). Anderson s films all possess distinct techniques that he was heavily involved in producing. The Royal Tenenbaums(2001) featured many of his signature techniques such as using the recurring themes, filming styles, type of music and backdrop to give audiences a better understanding of the film and imprinting a certain tone throughout the film. The tone of Wes Andersonfilms is perhaps ... Show more content on ... It can be noticed that Anderson s cinematic choices has enabled the underlying reality of his storyline to be masked, providing the characters an avenue to explore his infamous recurring theme choices such as the loss of innocence, grief, dysfunctional families and the harsh but simple realities of entering adulthood (MacDowell, 2012). For example, Anderson masked the Tenenbaum s true dysfunctional situation with his cinematic choices; mainly, the synergy of the stillness of the camera and acting of the characters, to portray an incongruous image of the film. One example where this was evident in would be the scene in which Margot s series of shocking experiences were shown from smoking at the age of 12 to being secretly being married. Anderson portrayed these series of events in Margot s life more lightly than it should have been through Margot s monotonous expressions while carrying out these experiences as well as her ex husband, Raleigh St Clair s neutral expressions when he found out about the extent of how secretive Margot was. One would expect a bigger reaction from Raleigh, however, the way the severity of Margot s experiences were being covered contributed to portraying an incongruous image of the film as it ignored the reality of the way he must have felt while finding out about this hidden side of Margot. Instead, Anderson focused on highlighting on some
  • 20. Prediction Of The Stress And Strain Fields Prediction of the stress and strain fields ahead of the crack tips 1. Introduction ...............................................................................................................................................2 2. Problem description and work flow process .............................................................................................3 3. Solving Methodology and Boundary conditions........................................................................................4 4. Analytical Solution .....................................................................................................................................6 5. Result and discussion.................................................................................................................................8 6. Conclusion..................................................................................................................................... 1. Introduction Crack, It is the break without complete separation of the parts. Crack is one of the structural damage of the material or any objects. Most high strength metals and high strength alloys under some plastic deformation in regions of high stress concentration and fracture precipitated by a crack. It is also called the plastic deformation of the material. The cracks are only created when the material have take attained over the ultimate load or stress, pressure, tension exerted on the
  • 21. Could The Kathy Griffin Incident Be The High Water Mark Of... Could the Kathy Griffin incident be the high water mark of cultural Marxism? There have been many a time period in history when momentous events have taken place that were only seen in retrospect to be turning points. For it is hard to see the overall picture and trends when crisis and circumstances of an immediate nature dominate one s thoughts. However, there are other periods when moments leading up to a critical exigency indicate that it is a turning point. The purveyors of critical theory have been at their work desperately trying to convince the people of benefits of Marxism for well nigh many years. How this is supposed to work via incessant complaining about freedom and liberty is truly beyond my comprehension, but in many
  • 22. I Am More Enthusiastic About Service Learning Volunteering has improved my life by gradually making a difference in my perspective of service learning. Bringing vision to my eyes, the ability to assist others in need is a feeling only describable if, and only if, you have experienced it yourself. Opening new doors in this journey of life, only can ecological service learning provides you with the keys to getting connected with the communities. Before, I stood as an individual who considered that I was not able to do anything on my own. I pointed fingers and judged at those organizations that weren t quick to construct the changing society wanted to see. I failed to realize that organizations take countless effort in having a task done in a particular way, for a specific interval, which is the reason why service learning is a challenge. My increase in motivation about work is impacting my daily life. I am more enthusiastic about my work and am inspired by other leaders who take a charge in making accomplishment on a day to day basis. Learning to communicate and work with others has enhanced my self assurance and my dedication in volunteering is passionate. I am excited to share with others about my experience and explain why volunteers matter so deeply to the community. Offered training for the suitable role, given clear, specific roles, and often compensated for the volunteer work has made it easier for me to step up and get to work with other volunteers who are reliable. All of us work as a team. The hardest part
  • 23. The Attitude Of The Poem My Last Duchess By Robert Browning 9th Grade English Essay: Discuss the attitude of the poet towards the duchess in My Last Duchess by Robert Browning In the middle ages , the main topic used in poems was a nobleman, usually a knight in love with a married woman and had to prove his devotion by heroic deeds and amorous writings . They used blazon to emphasis the beautiful bodies of the women in those days. However, there was a radical change in the Victorian times where prostitution became such a big issue. The poems became darker and less courtly. In the poem, My last duchess by Robert Browning there was no traditional blazon such as complementing the duchess body. Yet, the speaker who is also the Duke talks about the women s body as the main justification for her assassination. The duke talks about her smile as the reason for his jealousy and possessive obecession. Robert Browning uses various literary devices to provoke a feeling to the reader. By his choice of devices, we are able to understand the feelings of the Duke towards the Duchess. The rhyme scheme of this poem is organized in rhyming couplets (AABBCC) this is used to show the relationship between him and the duchess (couplets) it may also be used to show is obecession with controlling everything and having everything organized and planned. The lines are paired in rhyming couplets, but these couplets are open which shows the Robert Browning uses various literary devices to provoke a feeling to the reader. By his choice of devices, we are
  • 24. Bosnia And Herzegovina Research Paper Baylor Pyles, Austin Scarberry Mr. Wentz Period 8th May 5th, 2017 Bosnia and Herzegovina is located upon the Balkan Peninsula within Southern Europe. Sarajevo is the capital city and also holds the title for the largest city within Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the time zone known as ancient or during the 2nd and 1st centuries B.C. the native name of the land was Illyricum. This piece of land was shuffled through many rulers such as the Roman Province, Goths, Byzantine Empire, Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire. Bosnia and Herzegovina has been involved with one of the Yugoslavian wars known as the Bosnian War. This civil war was fought between the country s Serbs, and Bosnian Muslims. During the time of October 1991 supreme rule was placed upon ... Show more content on ... Only certain specialties were available too at the time leaving many unattended. Pharmacies had eligible drugs but there were many private pharmacies which offered to bolster patients but there was a lack hospital pharmacists making it difficult all around. HIV amongst the population of Bosnia is under 1% and is not likely to increase anywhere near or above 5% the population. Women in Bosnia come for abortions and that requires a certain degree of healthcare. Women also gained many rights after the Bosnian war and started to fight in the wars. Women were brought out of homes to share the job with men. They did not have to clean, cook, and watch their children at all times. Abortion is legal which is a high right for women. This can only occur during the first ten weeks of
  • 25. Analysis Of Donald Trump s Campaign In an effort to control mentioning of Donald Trump, close examination of popular media outlets with large audiences will enable the campaign to see changes to rhetoric or schedule of statement releases (there are, on average, over 200,000 mentions every month). (Politico Staff, 2016) Campaign staff as well as Trump himself will be speaking with media in a manner that promotes a tight hold on delegates over the course of the election. Rallies will require significant control efforts because of protesters. Press conferences will enable the campaign to release accurate information at appropriate times. This helps keep information circulating in the public to be favorable. Social media is now a substantial part of elections. Releasing information and ads on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube will generate needed feedback from audiences. Resources will be allocated to these sources of information because it is the most effective way of controlling what information flows around in the public, thus allowing the campaign to have a good amount of control on publicity and media coverage. The testing aspect occurs at many different ventures around the web from News polls to focus group studies. Frank Luntz, a market research provider focuses his resources during the Presidential race to evaluate the public opinion of the candidates based on many issues. Recently polling the effects on emotions towards Donald Trump using an address to the public based on the region on the world
  • 26. What Does Habit 2 Mean Stephen R. Covey defines the phrase in Habit 2: begin with the end in mind as beginning each day, task, or project with a clear vision of your desired direction and destination, and then continues by activating your proactive influences to make these things happen. He defines the phrase in Habit 3 put first things first as organizing and managing timeand events according to the personal priorities established in Habit 2. In the paper I will explain how these two habits effect will help me perform in my internship, my personal and professional efforts, and my future career values. INTERNSHIP PERFORMANCE Habit 2 Having the ability to plan ahead or begin with the end in mind will play a great part in my internship experience. I can make a series of correct short term decisions in order to achieve the long term goal. For example, if my supervisor gives me a task with a deadline, this will be the long term goal. Keeping this in mind, I will be able to apply the necessary actions (a series short term decisions.) After reading this habit, I have learned that I can create a plan to increase my success. ... Show more content on ... It will help deal with many questions concerning time management, which is a key issue if you want to be successful in the future. Using the process stated in Covey s text, developing each stage from habit 1 through 3, I will be able to set a logical path both mental and physical that will assist in my everyday activities towards achieving the goals I set for myself. Being a proactive person that thinks in terms of I will do rather than simply I can do. Maintaining a positive can do attitude helps me with my decision making during life in and out of work. This culmination of habits as described by Covey will be useful in shaping my career and how I approach each day. By combining a proactive attitude with a plan for success and a prioritization mentality I will continue to add value within my
  • 27. The Biographies Of Factory Work In Karen Ho sAn Elephant... We are all factory workers in some sense each and every one of us. As individuals, we each have our unique ambitions, quirks, and moral compasses; however, we coexist together in institutions to create the same products of prejudice, despite our characteristic differences. In one instance, Wall Street and Ivy Leagueuniversities in Karen Ho s The Biographies of Hegemony employ countless undergraduates of various backgrounds to sustain an unhealthy environment of elitism. Similar ethical malpractice also extends to the voracious pharmaceutical companies in Ethan Watters The Mega Marketing of Depression in Japan with various types of researchers and marketing scholars under their umbrella. The hegemony perpetuated by these systems are not just limited to humans, as in Charles Siebert s An ElephantCrackup? the elephant society is severely oppressed by government agencies who acted as a direct consequence to the behaviors of hunters and poachers. In such institutions, there can exist two distinct groups of individuals: those who enter a larger system with the malicious intent to subjugate others, and those who enter with a fervent desire to advance society. Tragically, because institutions are intrinsically materialistic and parochial in nature, both groups of individuals would regardless contribute to a product of inequality and ethical misconduct under these systems of hegemony. Some of these factory workers are well aware of their intentions to discriminate, yet choose to be ignorant of their system s impending product of prejudice. Whether it be pure self indulgence or just plain avarice, these individuals aspire to push their selfish agenda upon others. In An Elephant Crackup? the extent of mindless barbarism against the elephants is recounted, They d just throw hand grenades at the elephants, bring whole families down, and cut out the ivory. I call that mass destruction (Siebert 346). Unfortunately, there will always exist types of individuals who show no regard to life around them. This is a particular instance in which individuals engage in excessive violence merely for the sake of harvesting a resource. In another example of needless cruelty, a belligerent elephant named Topsy would
  • 28. Sugary Drinks 1.Each of the sources provided are online, yet they differ in how they present information. In 1 2 paragraphs, please describe what you see as the major differences between these information sources. (Need help? Start with the key message, language, and writing style of each one.) The academic article was written as a way to publish results of a study. It quickly laid out the information it had to provide in a summary and then proceeded to be more detailed about the study, all the methods and statistics that were collected, and what conclusions were made. It mainly focused on how energy drinks can lead to the drinking of more and various sugar based drinks. The news article seemed more like a discussion about sugary drinks and how it s linked ... Show more content on ... How much time do you think went into the creation of each of these sources? Think about the process it took the author to find the information, write, and get the material published? Is there any oversight (for example, an editor) before getting the material published? I believe all three of these had some type of editing involved but to different extents. Obviously the academic article would have gone through a peer review process in order to be published. The academic article would have taken much longer to complete than the other two. The magazine article would have taken some time to publish as it is a quarterly magazine (although if this article was only published online this might not be relevant), and it would have had a good amount of editing. There is an editor whose job is to help decide what gets published and what doesn t but this process most likely lets through more than the same process in the academic world does. The author had many sources and took his time writing covering the issue in a thorough manner. The news article had to get information from multiple sources and sort through the data of a scientific study. This would have taken sometime and the editing process some more. This could have taken some days or weeks to finish. It had only approximately 500 fewer words than the magazine
  • 29. Beekeepers Persuasive Letter Save the Bees that We Need December 2, 2014 Robert F. Flider State of Illinois Department of Agriculture P.O. Box 19281, State Fairgrounds Springfield, IL 62794 9281 Dear Mr. Flider, The colony collapse disorder has been threatening the United States for many years. Reports show excessive numbers of honeybees dying off. According to the Bee Informed Partnership and USDA s annual survey, during the winter of 2013 2014, the mortality of managed honeybee colonies was 23.2. The previous winter s report showed a loss of 30.5 percent of the colonies and thus, the winter 2013 2014 results might show some improvement. However, beekeepers persist that the still declining honeybee colonies are becoming too low for colony collapse disorder to be considered a solved issue. Approximately two thirds of the beekeepers reported losses greater than the acceptable 18.9 percent mortality rate, thus deeming the losses greater than what is economically sustainable. The issue... Show more content on ... Research areas studying the potential causes for the colony collapse disorder include: effects of pathogens and parasites such as the fungi Nosema and the varroa mite, pesticides such as neonicotinoids, environmental limitations and resource availability. I would like to propose fundraising campaigns here in Illinois for these studies. Most importantly, I believe we can make a difference by simply making the public aware of the issues. I would like to propose a educational campaign that, with your assistance, informs the public and beekeepers about the issue of colony collapse disorder. This campaign will also urge the public to use pesticides wisely and at times other than in the middle of the day when honeybees tend to be foraging and pollinating and to grow pollinator friendly plants. Thank you for you time. I hope that with your help we can get the larger public to become active in preventing a potential future disaster for our
  • 30. Thermal Fracking Research Paper The path of gasoline through the materials economy must be changed, because if it is not, than the environment would greatly suffer. Gasoline is created by the process of distillation, by separating the volatile, which is the more valuable parts of crude petroleum. This was changed and was later processed, to raise the yield of gasoline from crude oil, and to split large molecules into smaller ones by the processes called cracking. Thermal cracking was the act of employing heat and high pressures. This was introduced in 1913. However, in 1927 this process was replaced with catalytic cracking, which was the addition of catalysts that facilitate chemical reactions. This produced more gasoline in the end. The gasoline that is used in cars, buses and trucks boil at between 30В° and 200В° C (85В° and 390В° F) The specific mixture boils... Show more content on ... Then, at a refinery, crude oil undergoes several processes that change it into many different useful products (including fuels, fertilizers, plastics, and paving materials). Overall, the oil goes through three processes inside a refinery Distillation, Conversion, and Alkylation. Oil also goes through a desulfurization process to remove unwanted chemicals. These unwanted chemicals are released into our atmosphere, which is detrimental to the climate. Also, 647 million gallons of oil processed a day. In a Crude tower (also known as a fractionating tower) heat from a furnace is added to crude oil. Next, gasoline boils a a relatively low temperature and is separated when the crude oil is boiled. When it reaches 730℉ to 850℉ , the heaviest components from the bottom of the tower will break up (Oil to Car). Gasoline is not distributed evenly around the world. More than half of the world s oil reserves are in the Middle East, which contain more oil than the rest of the world combined. The next regions that have the most oil reserves are Canada and the United States, Latin America, Africa, and the region occupied by the
  • 31. Lord Of The Flies Mask Analysis Life is a costume party in which some are tricked and others are treated. Imagine a world where one s true self was hidden behind a series of masks, each mask hiding an individual s specific character flaw, personality trait or even a desire to do harm. Against the backdrop of World War II, uniformed soldiers presented themselves to an enemy as a single mass of camouflaged danger. Each similarly dressed and trained to killor capture an enemy without feeling any remorse. William Golding s own involvement during World War II allowed him to experience wearing his own mask while tremendous violence was occurring as he was aboard a Royal Navy boat in 1940. Further, his involvement in the battle of Normandy(France) and the epic struggle on its beaches is reflected in his writing in the lives of young boys who similarly try to maintain order on their own island. Therefore in the same way that a soldier s uniform provides anonymity, the characters in William Golding s Novel The Lord of the Flies wore masks to conceal their true identity, shown when Jack who is civilized put on a mask to become a savage, and when Roger took off his civilist mask to reveal his inherently present inner savage. Golding exemplified how decorous Jack was without his face painted and hidden in the ending of chapter one. This was the first time the boys went out and had to figure out how to hunt in order to survive by themselves. Jack along with Ralph and Simon came across a piglet snarled in the
  • 32. Old Testament Historical Report To begin for the past one hundred and fifty years archaeologists and historians have found very little evidence that the Israelites violently conquered the cities and nation of Canaan as depicted in the Old Testament. Other than what is written in the Old Testament, no other actual evidence exists that describes the invasion of Canaanby the Israelites in 1406BC. However, archaeological evidence and historical records does acknowledge that as a result of the collapse of the Bronze Age from 1200 to 1150BC, there was a rapid decay of most of the major cities such as Jericho, Jerusalem, Al, Hazor, Bethel and Heshbon. During the time of 1200 to 1150BC that the name Israel first appeared on a stone pillar made around 1209BC. Experts of ancient ... Show more content on ... According to the recent African origin of modern humans theory these modern humans evolved in Africa from Homo heidelbergensis, Homo rhodesiensis or Homo antecessor that migrated out of Africa continent around one hundred to fifty thousand years ago replacing the local populations of Homo Erectus, Denisova Hominins, Homo Floresiensis and Homo Neanderthalensis. By eleven thousand years ago the Homo Sapiens had reached the southern tip of South America which was the last of the uninhabited
  • 33. First Nation or Aboriginal People of Canada Essay Canada is a nation of opportunity and freedom. People from all around the world immigrate to Canada to start a new life, to get away from war or poverty. Canada opens their arms to them and accepts them, and gives them money to get them started. But how about those who were here from the very beginning, before anyone else landed in Canada; the ones that are called First Nation people, or Aboriginals? What is the government doing for them? Why are First Nationspeople suffering the worst in Canada? 55.6% of the poor are aboriginals and a lot of them live in reserves around Canada that Canadian government have put them in. For those who leave the reserves to get a better living the suffer from racism from Canadian society ( Aboriginal ).... Show more content on ... The Europeans grabbed the children from the aboriginal communities and placed them in the school. The staff at the schools abused the children, physically, mentally, sexually and spiritually. Children were isolated from influences from their homes, families, traditions and culture ( Residential ). The lack of acceptance and understanding from the European side caused tremendous pain and suffering to the aboriginal children in the long run. What the Europeans did was unethical in the eyes of a Catholic. The golden rule reflects what the Europeans should have done; Do unto others as you would have them do unto you Luke 6:31(Luke). The Europeans should have respected the Aboriginals and not force them off their land, and change their lifestyle as they probably would not have liked to be treated in that way as well. Thus, it is clear that the British treated the aboriginals unethically from the very start when they stepped on the Canadian soil. The Canadian government has great control of where the aboriginals are situated and what resources and services are made available to them. In 1876 the Indian act was created by the Canadian government (Indian Act). The Indian act is a Canadian federal law that governs and matters pertaining to Indian statuses, bands, and Indian reserves (Indian Act). A part of the Indian Act made the government give some crown land to the Aboriginals; the
  • 34. The Characteristics Of Female Characters In The Scarlet... Actress Rebecca Hall once complained, it s not often you get female characters who don t fit into a box. Rebecca is implying that it is rare in literature to have a female character be portrayed as a real person with complex human emotions. In novels, authors tend to try and put all female characters into a box. The error in this is that women are just as complicated as any person in real life. In the classic literature the Scarlet Pimpernel, Marguerite Blakeney and Comtesse de Tournay are two of the most intricate female characters in the book that are never put into that box. Marguerite Blakeney shows her individuality through her arrogance. These actions are demonstrated when she addresses those who are just trying to help her. When Marguerite arrives at the inn, Jellyband tried opening the door for her in which her response was, What are you standing in my way for,dancing about like a turkey with a sore foot ? (Orczy,10) This illustrates how Marguerite misunderstood the kind doing that Jellyband tried to accomplish , but her interpretation of commoners got in the way. The reader can see that Marguerite is not able to put aside her prejudice; similar, to how the Evil Queen from Snow White saw the poor as below her. Other people believe that Marguerite is actually a kind woman. After all, she did pay for a poor man s meal (Orczy,10). This may be true; however, when the Comtesse de Tournay persisted that Suzanne not be able to talk to Marguerite, Lady Blakeney
  • 35. Bilbo Book Reports Before him lies the great bottom most cellar or dungeon hall of the ancient dwarves right at the Mountain s root. It is almost dark so that its vastness can only be dimly guessed, but rising from the near side of the rocky floor there is a great glow. The glow of Smaug! (Tolkien 215). This particular passage that describes a horrific scene about a dragon, is from a novel called The Hobbit, and was written by J.R.R Tolkien. Later on, this book was also made into a movie, which was directed by Peter Jackson, that made several changes to make his movie seem more interesting but not as accordingly to the author s purpose. The story is about a young Hobbit, whose name is Bilbo Baggins. Hobbit s are not known for having adventures. In Fact, they... Show more content on ... In the book, it is said that Bilbo is the one who fights Smaug and defeats him. The author wrote, It was at this point that Bilbo stopped. Going on from there was the bravest thing he ever did. The tremendous things that happened afterwards were as nothing compared to it. He fought the real battle in the tunnel alone, before he ever saw the vast danger that lay in wait... (Tolkien 214 215). Here, it clearly says that Bilbo fights the dragon alone in the mountain, without support from the dwarves. The purpose for this is to make the readers see that Bilbo is transforming to be much more brave, strong, and clever. This way, it is more convincing to think that he can take on the big boss all by himself. J.R.R Tolkien wants Bilbo to be more independent in this situation and not rely on the dwarves. This impacts the storyline by having the readers look back and compare how Bilbo behaved before he had any experience of being a burglar. On the other hand, the movie has Smaug conflicting with the rest of Bilbo s friends, making Bilbo seem useless in the background. Although Bilbo was alone with the dragon for a few minutes, he had to call the dwarves for help afterward. The movie also has the dwarves distracting Smaug, and Bilbo had to go along with Thorin s plan, Bilbo was suppose to be in place of Thorn. The whole idea of Bilbo battling
  • 36. Loss Of Innocence In Stand By Me Stand by Me is a movie about four young boys who go on a journey and grow up and lose their innocence along the way. Chris, Gordie, Teddy, and Vern go on an adventure to find the dead body of a boy missing from school, believing they will be heroes. They have many different encounters where they face and overcome their fears. Each boy has their own life struggles that are revealed through their conversations on the way to the body. This trip shows that Gordie and Chris have lost their innocence because they have lived through difficult situations which have shown them what the real world can be like. Gordie s recent loss of his brother, Dennis, shows him how horrible the world can be. Dennis is killed in an accident and he was the one in Gordie s
  • 37. The Importance Of School Dress Codes Do school dress codes come off as too strict? Some schools have a twenty one page rulebook on prom alone. Crazy, right? Who decides what belongs in a dress code and what does not? Should the students have a say on their school s dress code? Student do not have a say in their school s dress, so high school dress codes feel too restricting to the students. A school dress codeconsists of many aspects. The Crestwood High SchoolStudent Handbook forbids students from wearing anything too revealing (2017, pg. 22). An outfit must not distract anyone from their learning, but school officials say if an outfit will distract another, it should not appear in school. Students should decide what goes in a dress code, because they know what distracts... Show more content on ... Tattoos show self expression even if they offend someone. Everyone wears undergarments, and, to some, head coverings hold religious values. Students have a wide variety of reactions to the appointed dress codes. Both boys and girls react to how the dress codes restrict students choices of clothing. A senior boy from Palo Alto, CA, believes the dress code restricts the students at his school. Jackson Brook concludes, The idea that a visible bra strap or a pair of leggings will prevent a teen boy from learning is absurd to me. And I should know, I m a teen boy! (Menza, 2015). This boy believes that clothes distracting guys from learning makes a joke out of teenage boys maturity, as his learning does not change if a female s bra strap shows. He also goes on to tell how he feels about calling a females clothing distracting. He believes dress codes have a way of blaming girls for causing any distractions because of what they wear (Menza, 2015). Girls do not distract the other students the clothing does, but according to most people the girls distract, because they choose what to wear. A young lady, named Cameron Boland, wore a spaghetti strapped sundress to an event at a different school. She wanted to look fancy for her speech for a National Honor Society event. She won this event and became a historian but later had it taken away because of her appearance that day. The dress code at Baker
  • 38. What Are The Challenges Of A Senior Team Leader Introduction: The World Health Organization (WHO) is one of the United Nations (UN) agencies. WHO is working in 150 countries with the mission to provide a healthier life (WHO 2016). The WHO s working strategy is to work with governments and other local and international partners to achieve their mutual health related goals (WHO 2016). To obtain these goals, strong leadership skills and understanding of the local problems is critical for anyone in a decision making position. Mendenhall et al (2012) deliberated that leaders who lead teams at an international level must have the capability to bring change in the organization by not only creating strong linkages within their teams, but also involve with internal and external stakeholders, including counterparts, other leaders, the people from the various governments and organizations they work with. This requires cross cultural understanding and the ability to work within and across different sectors. For example, not only health, but also governance and education. This paper examines the challenges (which may be) experienced by an official who is recently appointed as a senior team leader in the WHO in Geneva, during the first thirty days of leaders engagement. A leader needs to focus on four domains 1) creating
  • 39. Populist Party With tension on the rise, American farmers continue to demand reforms to lift their burden of debt as well as greater representation in government. Recently, with the tremendous growth in industrialization of oil and steel, migrants have felt the difficulties associated with farming and continue to fall into arrears. New organizations have been formed to attempt to resolve the debt issue. One of these organizations, calling themselves the Populist Party, is proposing economic reforms to increase the money supply. The reforms aim to pass immigrationquotas, create a federal loan program, and establish a graduated income tax, which are all crucial for many indebted farmers. The first objective outlined on the Populist s agenda is to place restrictions ... Show more content on ... In order to pass these reforms, more support is needed by people in order to help all the people, which will in turn help society. A vote for Williams Jenning Bryan will ensure these problems are solved. Secondary Article #1: Do the Railroads Help or Hurt? Farmers are being tricked into moving West. The government is declaring that it is easy for farmers to make a good living in the Midwest and for them to come out and reap the rewards. The government is also promising that the railroads will allow farmers to prosper by letting them send their products all over the nation. But recent reports state that the railroads are profiting off of the farmers by charging more to transport their goods than the profit the farmers are making from their products. The government has not put in place any regulations to prevent the railroads from charging the farmers so much. Without these types of regulations, railroad owners can set prices, no matter how high, which is affecting the farmers livelihoods. This has led many farmers to file for bankruptcy forcing them back East. Secondary Article #2: The Homestead
  • 40. Prison Alternate Ending For as long as time had existed he had lived in that room. He was as old as the prison, itself. Surrounding him was four concrete looming walls. No scenery, except for the single danging lightbulb; a metal chute, and the door. The chute dropped food and a water bottle from the top of the wall with the door once a day. He couldn t reach the ceiling, but he could touch opposite walls with his hands. He, if his fortune was good, would hear people talking when the chutes opened. Those were his favorite days; he called them holidays. He didn t remember anything from the outside. He didn t know what year it was, who the president was, or what country he was in. He was sure of one thing, he didn t belong here. The man didn t move much. He was smart,... Show more content on ... The door was groaning at the hinges. It opened to a faint red light, which replaced the darkness of the room. A shadow of a man entered the room. The man entered the room, and jabbed the prisoner in his pelvis with the butt of his gun. The prisoner opened his eyes. He hadn t seen another man before. The new face had thick clothes on, new boots, and a red patch on his jacket and hat. The prisoner slowly stood up. The soldier looked him in the eyes. He said something the prisoner didn t understand. The prisoner tried to speak, but couldn t. He had forgotten how to. The soldier pushed him again with the butt of his gun. The force was tremendous, it pushed the prisoner to the wall. He was about be hit again, but the prisoner disarmed the man. In an instant, the gun was pointing at the soldier s head. His eyes were frightened, his hands were up, begging for something. The prisoner didn t understand that language. He pulled the trigger. The prisoner pushed out the dead man s body outside of his room. He took the gun and threw it outside. He took the man s clothes he wanted to stay warm. He heard some shouting coming from outside the room. He took the man s belt, and closing the old door, separated himself from the
  • 41. Land Of Jerusalem Research Paper There are three major world religions Christianity, Judaism and Muslim that claim the religious ownership of the land of Jerusalem. Why do all these people claim ownership to the land? Throughout time and the world, the most highly wanted land by people generally contained fresh water for shipping and drinking, large quantities of oil or other precious resources; yet Jerusalem has relatively none of this. However, even without a giant port or great natural resources it is still sought by millions. The purpose of this paper is to prove that the Jewish people are the rightful owners of the land of Jerusalem and to falsities of some of the major claims denying the Jewish people s right to the land. Throughout history, we have... Show more content on ... The fact is that the Jewish state has been able to hold its ground while the Arab states claim that it will annihilate the Jews and drive them into the sea. Through the seven day war, the Yom Kippur war and numerous other wars Israelhas expanded its borders and protected what it has. It has even given up land in hopes for peace with Egypt. It also must be mentioned that there is irrefutable history that no such thing as a separate palestinian people ever existed. It was made up for political purposes which was set out by numerous Arab statements over time. It must also be known, that after and during the life and death of the Ottoman empire, Jews were legally purchasing land of Israel. Such organizations include the and Jewish National fund, Palestine Jewish Colonization Association, and Palestine Land Development Company. by 1935 Jews had legally bought around 579,348 acres of land. In conclusion, Jews have occupied the land of Israel since before Islam and Christianity existed, Jewish People have bought land through legal means, and are even documented in other ancient religions and cultures book such as the Romans,
  • 42. The Problem Of Drug Addiction MODEL(S) OF ADDICTION In going through the counseling process with Marge she was explained that there is the possibility that it could be a factor of genetics. When considering her background one has realized that she not only has an alcohol addiction, but it was the same for her father and her uncle, both of whom had lost their lives to the disease. In talking about the disease model with Marge she seemed to be more at ease with the situation and more willing to accept the fact that she does have a problem. Per the disease model, addictionis a brain disease which alters the brain and how it functions (Horvath, Misra, Epner, Cooper, 2016, para. 2). When applying the disease model to those who have addictions it will help the client realize that they should not feel guilty for having an addiction and there is help for such a problem. There are 12 step programs that are available as well as various other support systems for those with addiction. Some limitations of the disease model are that some individuals may believe that they are not alcoholics and do not in fact need the help. In that case the treatment is not going to be effective if the client is not willing to give it a try. Another problem is that some individuals will use the term disease as an excuse to keep on with the addiction. MODEL(S) OF TREATMENT The model of treatment that would complement the disease model is that of the Minnesota Model. This model consists of ongoing assessments which can included
  • 43. Jelly Test Lab Report The season for fresh fruit is quickly approaching as weather conditions continue to improve. Fresh fruit is a beautiful and exciting way to incorporate important nutrients into the daily diet. Unfortunately, fruit does not stay fresh forever, so it useful to know how to properly preserve fruits to keep them safe and nutritious. When making homemade jams and jellies, many consumers are astounded by the quantity of sugar used in each batch. Although the average consumer may want to remove some of the sugar that a jelly recipe calls for, it would have a negative impact on the final product. Sugar is a vital ingredient that contributes to taste, consistency, appearance, and most importantly food safety of jelly. As an individual with fruit trees that are ... Show more content on ... The control jelly will contain 1 cup of white sugar. Prepare the control jelly using the follow steps. 1.Prepare 1 ВЅ cups of fresh strawberries by washing them, cutting the tops off, and crushing with a potato masher. 2.Place a cheesecloth over a glass bowl. 3.Pour the strawberries into the cheesecloth and allow to strain fully. At this point, it would be typical to clean and prepare the canner, jars, lids, and rings for use. That step is not necessary for the purposes of this food science experiment. 4.Combine strained strawberries, 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice, and 1/8 teaspoon of butter in a saucepan and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. 5.Stir in 2 [ВЅ oz] packages of fruit pectin. 6.Return to full boil, and boil for 1 minute. 7.Remove from heat and skim off excessive foam. 8.Test the dependent variable, the consistency of the control group. Use a cold metal spoon to lift the jelly approximately 12 inches above the pot. Tilt the spoon and allow the liquid to run off [USDA]. Use a stopwatch to record how long it takes the jelly to slide back into the pot. Record your time to the nearest millisecond in the table
  • 44. Emily Bowen Research Paper Have you ever been terrified to fall asleep at night? Nightmares are frightful dreams in which the dreamer can feel threatened, severe anxiety, and deep distress. Emily Bowen has been experiencing these horrid dreams for the past week. These nightmares can send you into a movie like trance in which you are the star. Ever since the nightmares have started Emily has feared her closet and underneath her bed. Her small walk in closet has a pull string for the light in the middle and several objects that look scary in the darkness. Underneath her bed she keeps many pairs of shoes and her lucky stuffed animal which had fallen under there the other night. Emily has gotten to where she feels really unsafe in her own home, but she chooses to stay there... Show more content on ... The hideous monster stands about ten feet tall, has three eyes, four arms, and two legs. It is a grey color and has an enormous mouth with sharp teeth. In her nightmare, the monster from the closet lures her in. The closet is no longer the closet anymore; it is an entirely different world. In this world the trees have no leaves, the sky is not blue and it does not have any clouds. Overall, this world is dark. The monster takes her down an almost endless road until finally Emily sees a gigantic building that looks similar to a castle. It takes her inside the building and into a room. The room s walls are covered in blood and have a vast amount of items that could be used for torture. The beast then puts Emily into a chair in the center of the room and ties up her hands. It then goes over to the table on the left side of the room to grab a mallet. While the monster is turned away, Emily is able to untie herself and escape from the building. She runs quickly down the almost endless road. In the distance she sees a staircase. She does not know where the staircase leads but the monster is not far behind her so she rushes up. As she gets higher up the staircase she notices some recognizable clothing, such as her bright pink jacket and her favorite yellow shirt. Emily had made it back into her own world. She felt a great feeling of joy as she crawled out of the closet and closed the door behind. Little did she know, she was not safe
  • 45. If She Comes Up, It s Baptism Chapter Summary Patriarchal (p.157): Relating to a system of government managed by men. Summary: Foster begins the chapter by discussing how authors have trouble when writing sex scenes. During the Victorian era, authors who wrote about sexual intercourse were shunned. Books based on sex were once banned by nations such as the United States and United Kingdom. Unlike D.H. Lawrence, Foster believes that no writer is daring enough to describe actual sex. Chapter Eighteen : If She Comes Up, It s Baptism Drudge (p.168): When someone is made to do hard and menial work. Epigraph (p.170): A short inscription at the beginning of a book, it intends to suggest it s theme. Summary: In this chapter Foster discusses how baptism signals a change in a characters... Show more content on ... Summary: Foster starts the chapter off by declaring that Geography in literature may be represented in diverse ways. Geography consists of typical terrain such as mountains, rivers, canyons, mountains, etc. to socioeconomics, politics, and history. Authors use physical and human geography as a plot device. Locations with high altitudes represent difficult quests or tasks Arda Erbil characters have to overcome. Foster also implies that physical geography is interchangeable with a characters mood. Chapter Twenty: So Does Season Surreptitious (p.185): A secret that is reticent because it is not approved of. Indiscretion (p.192): Behavior that shows a lack of good discernment. Summary: In the twentieth chapter Foster considers the importance of season in literature. The seasons are an exact representation of the human life cycle. Spring is a representation of childhood, summer symbolizes young adulthood, autumn connotes middle age, and finally winter exemplifies old age. Shakespeare provides many examples of the correlation between season and the human life cycle in his poem Sonnet 73. In the poem he parallels the loss of leaves to the lost youthfulness of an elderly