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World Religions and Missions
Robert D. Patton
Missionary to Suriname,
South America
Animism – the prevailing
worldview of folk religion
 God is creator, but far away and usually not
 Spirits have control of virtually everything
Animism – South American
Indian shaman
Animism – the prevailing
worldview of folk religion
 There is mana - undifferentiated impersonal
spiritual power in things.
 It can be “god” or impersonal power, like
 it can be controlled
 the shaman, witchdoctor, can control this power
 Spirits themselves
 they also can be good or evil
 They can be controlled - but only partially
Folk vs. Formal Religion
 Folk religion - a group of persons who
have more direct contact with the
local people, who may not have such a
clear understanding of the theories
 Animism is closely related to folk
 Virtually every religion has a list of
gods (spirits) in their folk religion
Folk religion - small kin-based
 Egalitarianism and holism
 The leader works like everyone else
 The main questions are practical and local in
nature, and focus on the middle level
 In more complex societies, there is often a
mixture of things - formal and folk religion
with a lot of animism.
 The vast majority of people believe in folk
 The issues are power and success
Voodoo practice
 Basically amoral, belief that certain
rituals, etc result in what you want
 it is not supplicating a being
 Often homeopathy - like begets like
 .Often contiguity - using someone’s hair, etc.
 .Evil eye - a look may cause damage - thought
out of envy
 .Astrology - sun, moon & stars radiate force that
has influence here
 Medicines - usually no distinction between
physical and spiritual effects
Oral societies – magic
 You don’t need to know why it
works, but just that it works
 It is amoral, and can be used for
good or evil
6/4/2013 9Transforming Worldviews
Four main issues of folk religion
 Death
 Why and why now?
 How will this affect my family?
 The good life
 .The west will call things an accident, or bad
luck - but most folk want more definitive
 Guidance in the unknown
 The presence of evil
Folk vs. Formal Religion
 Folk religion - a group of persons who
have more direct contact with the
local people, who may not have such a
clear understanding of the theories
 Animism is closely related to folk
 Virtually every religion has a list of
gods (spirits) in their folk religion
Characteristics of Folk Religion
 Humans are seen as the center of existence -
and often only that clan is truly human.
 You can abuse others outside the group,
because they are “sub-human”
 All things and activities are interconnected
 No sharp boundaries between the mental and
physical world
 Mind can influence impersonal objects or power
Characteristics of Folk Religion
 People deal with what they can
control with science, and what
they cannot with folk religion
 Big offerings for big deities who
may require blood sacrifices.
 The group works often as a unit
 Holistic view of life
Characteristics of Folk Religion
 Time is different for different things -
planting, mythical, historical, ritual, etc.
 Land and space are local too
 Conversion is not attempted - can’t
change blood lines and locations
 They are pragmatic - cover the bases,
hoping one will work
 They are not worried about ultimate truth
 You can have conflicting beliefs together
Folk vs. Formal Religion
 There is usually a group of highly
trained specialists in “universal
religion” and the sacred books at the
centers of teaching.
 .Formal religion - ultimate truth,
ultimate reality & logical questions at
the top level cosmic reality, destiny of
persons, etc
 .This also has to do with groups of
people and with the individual
Characteristics of Folk Religion
 They are focused on power
 They are oral - relational, personal,
 Sounds are often important to
make things happen
 No absolute distinction between
human and animal; animate and
Worldview – Small oral
 The world is alive with visible and
invisible forces; they have a holistic view
of life, and do not break into categories
 Mother earth – brings forth life in all
 The earth is the lifeblood of the society,
although there is a high god who created
6/4/2013 17Transforming Worldviews
Ceremonial dance
Oral societies
 All things in the area – village, river,
trees, etc share the same life force
 All live together and interact; all are
inter-related and not apart
 No distinction between natural and
 Animals, plants can be related to
humans – totem
6/4/2013 19Transforming Worldviews
Oral societies
 Animals, spirits and humans are both
good and evil
 You can placate spirits and they will bless
you, or anger them and they are
 There is impersonal power – mana,
magic, medicines, evil eye, etc. energized
by the energy of the universe
6/4/2013 20Transforming Worldviews
Oral societies – how to cope
 Some places you can go meditate to
gain spiritual power, but some places
are dangerous (burial sites, etc) and
to be avoided.
 You can learn to use impersonal
power to your advantage through
magic, bonoe, rituals, etc – or go to
shamans, witchdoctors,
6/4/2013 21Transforming Worldviews
Oral societies
 Humans are most important –
ancestors, those living, and those not
yet born
 To keep the clan or family going, you
may have to bribe the evil spirits
 Persons are seen not as individuals
but part of an endless stream of the
family. Their well-being is tied into
the family’s well being6/4/2013 22
Oral societies
 Ties between generations is more
than just blood-ties – but also spirit
and characteristics – social & spiritual
 Younger generations provide for the
elders by working; the older guide
and bless the younger
6/4/2013 23Transforming Worldviews
 The spirit of the deceased needs food,
articles, etc to go to the land of the
dead and show his status, etc.
Otherwise he may be condemned to
stay and haunt the land
 Ancestors are remembered but less and
less. Often they are prayed to for
blessing. Sometimes if you dream of an
ancestor, you need to make special
offerings6/4/2013 24
Oral societies
 Unborn – important to hold tribal
lands so that they have something
 Sometimes tribes are extended to
have relationships with animals or
plants – totemism
 Usually group orientation – against
pride, and for humility
6/4/2013 25Transforming Worldviews
Oral societies
 Relations are most important in living
 Names may give characteristics to the
 Sometimes it is taboo to use a name,
because you call their presence
 Renegotiation of relationships means
that life is always a bit unplanned
6/4/2013 26Transforming Worldviews
Oral societies
 Shame – they have let down the group
rather than guilt against a universal
moral law. Reconciliation is very
 The greatest punishment is shunning
and putting out of the group
6/4/2013 27Transforming Worldviews
Oral societies
 Fertility is very important
 Rituals are performed to continue
fertility of land, animals, game,
 Rituals are important for human
fertility, especially at the time of
birth, when they are vulnerable
6/4/2013 28Transforming Worldviews
Oral societies
 Earth – where humans, ancestors and
god meet – not a place to be exploited
 Land is important where ancestors and
we live. Although time separates, the
land can draw together – this is where
my ancestor…
 Land belongs to the gods; the families
decide who can use it…
6/4/2013 29Transforming Worldviews
Oral societies - Time
 Time – event time, not chronological
 They tend to eat to the full when food is
available, and go hungry when it is not
 Time cannot be bought or run out
 The past is not sharply demarcated from
the present – and future also not sharply
6/4/2013 30Transforming Worldviews
Oral societies
 Proverbs, sayings, “odo”, etc. are
wisdom itself – not supplemental to logic
 Little sense of conversion to our gods,
because they are not in our family
 Emphasis on particularity. People of our
family, tribe = human. Others are sub-
 Depend on relational logic, not abstract
6/4/2013 31Transforming Worldviews
Tribal shaman in Russia 1908
Characteristics of Folk Religion
 Evil spirits can transform into animals or
humans. Mana is transferred to those
who eat him. This may be well part of
 Spirits may be transported great
 Constant fear and need for security
South American shaman
Folk Religion vs. Christianity
 Catholic - mostly split level,
 Catholicism for church and life rites
 Folk religion for everyday life
 Examples may be in central and
South America
Folk Religion vs. Christianity
 Protestant - there was a shift in belief
of angels during the enlightenment so
that they were lumped with God in the
supernatural and separated from the
natural world
 There was a secularization of science
and mystification of religion
 By rejecting the middle, Christianity
became a secularizing force
Life cycles in folk religion
 Life cycles give persons worth as they pass
from one stage to another
 Birth, initiation, marriage,death
 Birth is considered important – the person is
given a spirit
 One becomes human when given a name
 May come from ancestral spirit,
 Gift from the spirits, etc.
Life cycles…
 All have some sort of initiation rites
when the person becomes fully a
member of the society - often puberty,
not always so
 Give information to become responsible
 Become active members
 Change in status may be a change in name
 Marriage rites are important - often
involving two families
 Readjustment of roles
 Often involves ancestors
Funeral rites
 How to respond to the challenge of
 Ritualize the separation of the
living from the dead
 Realign social order
 Assign the departed as ancestors
 Some are considered evil spirits
which can wreck havoc on the living
Meaning in belonging
 Most people see themselves as linked
in larger kinship groups as their true
 Life can be seen as a linkage from
one generation to another - tie is not
only biological but social and
spiritual as well.
Meaning in belonging
 Sins or righteousness of parents can
effect the children.
 This is the primary link, and family
can be called upon at any time to
help each other
 All aunts and uncles are mothers and
fathers; all cousins are brothers and
sisters are linked together
Further characteristics
 Totemism - the family is linked to some
animals - or also some plants.
 Usually they will not eat the totem but
work to see that other families have food
 Some land is linked with the gods and
sacred places and the cosmos
 Individuals in the clan don’t own the
land, but have the right to use it
Characteristics of Folk Religion
 The center of their location is often viewed
as the center of the universe
 The periphery is also defined and protected
against the onslaught of evil men or spirits
by various rites
 Homes may be important as well and are
more than simply places to dwell
 People are honored as they contribute to
the community by what they do - for
example, shaman, doctor, etc.
 Often people find meaning also in what
they buy
Religion gives meaning to
death -
 Formal religion - where is the person
 Forgiveness is important
 Meaning in life is important
 Formal religion - what happens to
people after death?
 .Folk religion - how can we keep
contact with the dead?
 Chinese believe that they must
continue to provide for dead
ancestors, or bad things will happen
Religion gives meaning to
death -
 Folk religion - what impacts the
 Why did this happen? There
must be a reason – not just
 Why did this happen to us?
 How can we be protected against
these things?
Witchdoctors in Africa
Shona Africa traditional healer
Ancestors in folk religion
 Many believe that ancestors are part
of the living and have influence
depending on whether or not you care
for them properly
 They founded the family
 They live in an area where they can see
spirits, witches, etc and help protect the
Ancester Worship Paper to
burn with paper money, etc
Syncretic religion except…
 Buddhism accommodates all other
religions except, of course, true
 Buddhists can add any god or spirit
to their belief system, as long as
Buddhism is not denounced.
 It becomes very important, then, to
press upon them the exclusivity of
The Bush-Negro culture has
much witchcraft
 Often the woman when pregnant will
make contact directly with the
witchdoctor. If she has trouble getting
pregnant, she will go sooner
 She may make further contact and do
certain things during the pregnancy
Bush-Negro culture
 After delivery: “poeroe da pikin na
doro” – the child is introduced to the
spirits, including dead ancestors, etc
 Marks to protect against the evil eye
 Amulets to protect early in childhood
 Witchcraft for any sickness
Bush-Negro culture
 Using
 Amulets around the body
 Wearing jewelry which has been “blessed”
 Burying witchcraft items in the ground near
the house
 Putting things over the door, or on the
path to the garden
Bush-Negro culture
 “Washing” to come clean with
witchcraft items, especially New Year
 Using white clay “Pimba doti” over the
 Burial ceremonies which have much
witchcraft in them
Generational sins - Nehemiah
confesses sins of his fathers
 Nehemiah 9:[16] But they and our
fathers dealt proudly, and hardened
their necks, and hearkened not to thy
commandments,…[34] Neither have our
kings, our princes, our priests, nor our
fathers, kept thy law, nor hearkened
unto thy commandments and thy
testimonies, wherewith thou didst testify
against them.
Generational sins – Daniel’s
 Daniel 9:[6] Neither have we hearkened unto thy
servants the prophets, which spake in thy name to
our kings, our princes, and our fathers, and to all
the people of the land.[7] O Lord, righteousness
belongeth unto thee, but unto us confusion of faces,
as at this day; to the men of Judah, and to the
inhabitants of Jerusalem, and unto all Israel, that are
near, and that are far off, through all the countries
whither thou hast driven them, because of their
trespass that they have trespassed against thee.
Generational sins
 This is apparently the basis foe the hold
of the evil spirits on many of our people
in Suriname….
 But this can be broken
 Any oaths
 Any witchcraft
 To the 4th generation – ourselves, parents,
grandparents, and parents of grandparents
What we see in our Bush
Negroes in Suriname
 Again – these things effect the children too as they
participate by proxy, or even just because they are
in the family
 They go to a “medicine person” while pregnant
 They “introduce” the child to the spirits of the
ancestors a week after birth
 They put a blue mark on the child to protect against
an “evil eye”
 They tie amulets around the child from birth
What we see in Suriname
 They go to a witch doctor with sicknesses
 They wear amulets for protection
 They have family rituals “washing with certain
plants” to help cleanse them from sins
 They rub white clay over their skins
 They have all sorts of ceremonies for the
dead spirits at death, and expect all the
family to participate.
Dance ritual Suriname
Fire dance – Suriname
Prayer – Winti ritual
Winti offerings

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Animism and Folk Religion

  • 1. World Religions and Missions Robert D. Patton Missionary to Suriname, South America
  • 2. Animism – the prevailing worldview of folk religion  God is creator, but far away and usually not helpful  Spirits have control of virtually everything
  • 3. Animism – South American Indian shaman
  • 4. Animism – the prevailing worldview of folk religion  There is mana - undifferentiated impersonal spiritual power in things.  It can be “god” or impersonal power, like electricity  it can be controlled  the shaman, witchdoctor, can control this power  Spirits themselves  they also can be good or evil  They can be controlled - but only partially
  • 5. Folk vs. Formal Religion  Folk religion - a group of persons who have more direct contact with the local people, who may not have such a clear understanding of the theories involved...  Animism is closely related to folk religion  Virtually every religion has a list of gods (spirits) in their folk religion
  • 6. Folk religion - small kin-based  Egalitarianism and holism  The leader works like everyone else  The main questions are practical and local in nature, and focus on the middle level  In more complex societies, there is often a mixture of things - formal and folk religion with a lot of animism.  The vast majority of people believe in folk religion  The issues are power and success
  • 8. Magic  Basically amoral, belief that certain rituals, etc result in what you want  it is not supplicating a being  Often homeopathy - like begets like  .Often contiguity - using someone’s hair, etc.  .Evil eye - a look may cause damage - thought out of envy  .Astrology - sun, moon & stars radiate force that has influence here  Medicines - usually no distinction between physical and spiritual effects
  • 9. Oral societies – magic  You don’t need to know why it works, but just that it works  It is amoral, and can be used for good or evil 6/4/2013 9Transforming Worldviews
  • 10. Four main issues of folk religion  Death  Why and why now?  How will this affect my family?  The good life  .The west will call things an accident, or bad luck - but most folk want more definitive answers  Guidance in the unknown  The presence of evil
  • 11. Folk vs. Formal Religion  Folk religion - a group of persons who have more direct contact with the local people, who may not have such a clear understanding of the theories involved...  Animism is closely related to folk religion  Virtually every religion has a list of gods (spirits) in their folk religion
  • 12. Characteristics of Folk Religion  Humans are seen as the center of existence - and often only that clan is truly human.  You can abuse others outside the group, because they are “sub-human”  All things and activities are interconnected  No sharp boundaries between the mental and physical world  Mind can influence impersonal objects or power
  • 13. Characteristics of Folk Religion  People deal with what they can control with science, and what they cannot with folk religion  Big offerings for big deities who may require blood sacrifices.  The group works often as a unit  Holistic view of life
  • 14. Characteristics of Folk Religion  Time is different for different things - planting, mythical, historical, ritual, etc.  Land and space are local too  Conversion is not attempted - can’t change blood lines and locations  They are pragmatic - cover the bases, hoping one will work  They are not worried about ultimate truth  You can have conflicting beliefs together
  • 15. Folk vs. Formal Religion  There is usually a group of highly trained specialists in “universal religion” and the sacred books at the centers of teaching.  .Formal religion - ultimate truth, ultimate reality & logical questions at the top level cosmic reality, destiny of persons, etc  .This also has to do with groups of people and with the individual
  • 16. Characteristics of Folk Religion  They are focused on power  They are oral - relational, personal, immediate.  Sounds are often important to make things happen  No absolute distinction between human and animal; animate and inanimate.
  • 17. Worldview – Small oral societies  The world is alive with visible and invisible forces; they have a holistic view of life, and do not break into categories  Mother earth – brings forth life in all forms  The earth is the lifeblood of the society, although there is a high god who created everything 6/4/2013 17Transforming Worldviews
  • 19. Oral societies  All things in the area – village, river, trees, etc share the same life force  All live together and interact; all are inter-related and not apart  No distinction between natural and supernatural  Animals, plants can be related to humans – totem 6/4/2013 19Transforming Worldviews
  • 20. Oral societies  Animals, spirits and humans are both good and evil  You can placate spirits and they will bless you, or anger them and they are vindictive  There is impersonal power – mana, magic, medicines, evil eye, etc. energized by the energy of the universe 6/4/2013 20Transforming Worldviews
  • 21. Oral societies – how to cope  Some places you can go meditate to gain spiritual power, but some places are dangerous (burial sites, etc) and to be avoided.  You can learn to use impersonal power to your advantage through magic, bonoe, rituals, etc – or go to shamans, witchdoctors, 6/4/2013 21Transforming Worldviews
  • 22. Oral societies  Humans are most important – ancestors, those living, and those not yet born  To keep the clan or family going, you may have to bribe the evil spirits  Persons are seen not as individuals but part of an endless stream of the family. Their well-being is tied into the family’s well being6/4/2013 22
  • 23. Oral societies  Ties between generations is more than just blood-ties – but also spirit and characteristics – social & spiritual ties  Younger generations provide for the elders by working; the older guide and bless the younger 6/4/2013 23Transforming Worldviews
  • 24. Ancestors  The spirit of the deceased needs food, articles, etc to go to the land of the dead and show his status, etc. Otherwise he may be condemned to stay and haunt the land  Ancestors are remembered but less and less. Often they are prayed to for blessing. Sometimes if you dream of an ancestor, you need to make special offerings6/4/2013 24
  • 25. Oral societies  Unborn – important to hold tribal lands so that they have something  Sometimes tribes are extended to have relationships with animals or plants – totemism  Usually group orientation – against pride, and for humility 6/4/2013 25Transforming Worldviews
  • 26. Oral societies  Relations are most important in living  Names may give characteristics to the child  Sometimes it is taboo to use a name, because you call their presence  Renegotiation of relationships means that life is always a bit unplanned 6/4/2013 26Transforming Worldviews
  • 27. Oral societies  Shame – they have let down the group rather than guilt against a universal moral law. Reconciliation is very important.  The greatest punishment is shunning and putting out of the group 6/4/2013 27Transforming Worldviews
  • 28. Oral societies  Fertility is very important  Rituals are performed to continue fertility of land, animals, game, etc.  Rituals are important for human fertility, especially at the time of birth, when they are vulnerable 6/4/2013 28Transforming Worldviews
  • 29. Oral societies  Earth – where humans, ancestors and god meet – not a place to be exploited  Land is important where ancestors and we live. Although time separates, the land can draw together – this is where my ancestor…  Land belongs to the gods; the families decide who can use it… 6/4/2013 29Transforming Worldviews
  • 30. Oral societies - Time  Time – event time, not chronological time  They tend to eat to the full when food is available, and go hungry when it is not  Time cannot be bought or run out  The past is not sharply demarcated from the present – and future also not sharply demarcated 6/4/2013 30Transforming Worldviews
  • 31. Oral societies  Proverbs, sayings, “odo”, etc. are wisdom itself – not supplemental to logic  Little sense of conversion to our gods, because they are not in our family  Emphasis on particularity. People of our family, tribe = human. Others are sub- human  Depend on relational logic, not abstract 6/4/2013 31Transforming Worldviews
  • 32. Tribal shaman in Russia 1908
  • 33. Characteristics of Folk Religion  Evil spirits can transform into animals or humans. Mana is transferred to those who eat him. This may be well part of cannibalism  Spirits may be transported great distances  Constant fear and need for security
  • 35. Folk Religion vs. Christianity  Catholic - mostly split level,  Catholicism for church and life rites  Folk religion for everyday life  Examples may be in central and South America
  • 36. Folk Religion vs. Christianity  Protestant - there was a shift in belief of angels during the enlightenment so that they were lumped with God in the supernatural and separated from the natural world  There was a secularization of science and mystification of religion  By rejecting the middle, Christianity became a secularizing force
  • 37. Life cycles in folk religion  Life cycles give persons worth as they pass from one stage to another  Birth, initiation, marriage,death  Birth is considered important – the person is given a spirit  One becomes human when given a name  May come from ancestral spirit,  Gift from the spirits, etc.
  • 38. Life cycles…  All have some sort of initiation rites when the person becomes fully a member of the society - often puberty, not always so  Give information to become responsible  Become active members  Change in status may be a change in name  Marriage rites are important - often involving two families  Readjustment of roles  Often involves ancestors
  • 39. Funeral rites  How to respond to the challenge of death  Ritualize the separation of the living from the dead  Realign social order  Assign the departed as ancestors  Some are considered evil spirits which can wreck havoc on the living
  • 40. Meaning in belonging  Most people see themselves as linked in larger kinship groups as their true identity  Life can be seen as a linkage from one generation to another - tie is not only biological but social and spiritual as well.
  • 41. Meaning in belonging  Sins or righteousness of parents can effect the children.  This is the primary link, and family can be called upon at any time to help each other  All aunts and uncles are mothers and fathers; all cousins are brothers and sisters are linked together
  • 42. Further characteristics  Totemism - the family is linked to some animals - or also some plants.  Usually they will not eat the totem but work to see that other families have food  Some land is linked with the gods and sacred places and the cosmos  Individuals in the clan don’t own the land, but have the right to use it
  • 43. Characteristics of Folk Religion  The center of their location is often viewed as the center of the universe  The periphery is also defined and protected against the onslaught of evil men or spirits by various rites  Homes may be important as well and are more than simply places to dwell  People are honored as they contribute to the community by what they do - for example, shaman, doctor, etc.  Often people find meaning also in what they buy
  • 44. Religion gives meaning to death -  Formal religion - where is the person gone  Forgiveness is important  Meaning in life is important  Formal religion - what happens to people after death?  .Folk religion - how can we keep contact with the dead?  Chinese believe that they must continue to provide for dead ancestors, or bad things will happen
  • 45. Religion gives meaning to death -  Folk religion - what impacts the living  Why did this happen? There must be a reason – not just chance  Why did this happen to us?  How can we be protected against these things?
  • 48. Ancestors in folk religion  Many believe that ancestors are part of the living and have influence depending on whether or not you care for them properly  They founded the family  They live in an area where they can see spirits, witches, etc and help protect the family
  • 49. Ancester Worship Paper to burn with paper money, etc
  • 50. Syncretic religion except…  Buddhism accommodates all other religions except, of course, true Christianity.  Buddhists can add any god or spirit to their belief system, as long as Buddhism is not denounced.  It becomes very important, then, to press upon them the exclusivity of Christ.
  • 51. The Bush-Negro culture has much witchcraft  Often the woman when pregnant will make contact directly with the witchdoctor. If she has trouble getting pregnant, she will go sooner  She may make further contact and do certain things during the pregnancy
  • 52. Bush-Negro culture  After delivery: “poeroe da pikin na doro” – the child is introduced to the spirits, including dead ancestors, etc  Marks to protect against the evil eye  Amulets to protect early in childhood  Witchcraft for any sickness
  • 53. Bush-Negro culture  Using  Amulets around the body  Wearing jewelry which has been “blessed”  Burying witchcraft items in the ground near the house  Putting things over the door, or on the path to the garden
  • 54. Bush-Negro culture  “Washing” to come clean with witchcraft items, especially New Year  Using white clay “Pimba doti” over the body  Burial ceremonies which have much witchcraft in them
  • 55. Generational sins - Nehemiah confesses sins of his fathers  Nehemiah 9:[16] But they and our fathers dealt proudly, and hardened their necks, and hearkened not to thy commandments,…[34] Neither have our kings, our princes, our priests, nor our fathers, kept thy law, nor hearkened unto thy commandments and thy testimonies, wherewith thou didst testify against them.
  • 56. Generational sins – Daniel’s confession  Daniel 9:[6] Neither have we hearkened unto thy servants the prophets, which spake in thy name to our kings, our princes, and our fathers, and to all the people of the land.[7] O Lord, righteousness belongeth unto thee, but unto us confusion of faces, as at this day; to the men of Judah, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and unto all Israel, that are near, and that are far off, through all the countries whither thou hast driven them, because of their trespass that they have trespassed against thee.
  • 57. Generational sins  This is apparently the basis foe the hold of the evil spirits on many of our people in Suriname….  But this can be broken  Any oaths  Any witchcraft  To the 4th generation – ourselves, parents, grandparents, and parents of grandparents
  • 58. What we see in our Bush Negroes in Suriname  Again – these things effect the children too as they participate by proxy, or even just because they are in the family  They go to a “medicine person” while pregnant  They “introduce” the child to the spirits of the ancestors a week after birth  They put a blue mark on the child to protect against an “evil eye”  They tie amulets around the child from birth
  • 59. What we see in Suriname  They go to a witch doctor with sicknesses  They wear amulets for protection  They have family rituals “washing with certain plants” to help cleanse them from sins  They rub white clay over their skins  They have all sorts of ceremonies for the dead spirits at death, and expect all the family to participate.
  • 61. Fire dance – Suriname