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Android App
Marketing and
Google Play

Learn how to improve Android app
discovery, drive more installs, and
generate long-term, loyal usage.

          Mobile App Marketing


Where you get deep insights into the advertising that’s truly
driving your business.

And more than just insights. But a way to make those

insights highly actionable.

All in real time… When it matters most.

So you can drive more users. Get more from your ad
budget. And more for your business.

This is the way app marketing should be.

With Google Play and Fiksu.

1 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |
One of the biggest frustrations for app marketers is the
lack of visibility into what’s actually working – so we can
                                                                           APP MARKETERS
know how to invest our ad dollars to drive the highest user
volume at the lowest cost.                                                 NOW HAVE:
                                                                           Marketing attribution to know
Which traffic sources deliver our loyal users? Which
                                                                           what’s driving your users
campaigns deliver the highest average revenue per
user? What are the sources that drive our ROI positive
                                                                           Deep insights into where to target
                                                                           your ad spend
It’s too much of a guessing game.
                                                                           The power to make this intelligence
                                                                           actionable in real time
Fiksu and Google Play change all that.

                         +                                             =
2 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |
Now you can have the answers. And the ability to act on
those answers.

Google Play does its part by providing a framework that
ties every one of your app installs back to the source.
And the Fiksu user acquisition platform takes it to a
deeper level by anonymously linking each user’s post-
install actions and tying each distinct action back to
the traffic source. And Fiksu makes this intelligence
actionable by optimizing ad spend in real time to these

So you can invest your ad dollars on the advertising
that’s truly driving your business.

There’s no more guessing. No more
risks. Or compromised results.

3 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |
Google Play and Fiksu offer an innovative marketing
approach that can benefit your business in exceptional
new ways – ways that are different than what you may be
accustomed to with your iOS marketing program.

This eBook gives you an overview of the key Google Play
differences, and how you can exploit them to improve app
discovery, drive more installs, and generate long-term, loyal
app usage.

This eBook focuses on four key differences:
1. Deeper Marketing Attribution And Optimization
2. Organic Discovery That Is “Search” Driven
3. More Cost - Effective Ad Networks
4. Immediate App Approval Process

Let’s explore each in further detail.

4 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |
Marketing Attribution - Insights Into What’s Working

Google Play provides a marketing attribution framework that gives you insights that help you make more
informed advertising decisions.

A piece of tracking code called an “Android Referrer” anonymously “attributes” each of your app installs
back to the ad network and ad creative from which that install originated. This marketing attribution gives
you valuable marketing intelligence, while balancing the need for user privacy.

But this is just the beginning.

Google Play integrates with the Fiksu for Mobile Apps™ user acquisition platform to:

1) Take these insights to a much deeper level; and
2) Make them actionable in real time

Fiksu anonymously tracks each user’s post-install events (launches, purchases, registrations, game levels,
conversions, etc.) together with performance variables such as rank, installs, cost, and traffic source, for
highly granular market intelligence. So you can have the information you need to make the data-driven
marketing decisions that you as a marketer need, and are accustomed to.

5 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |
Real-Time Optimization - Turn Insights Into Results

What are insights without the power to act on them? With Google Play and
Fiksu, you have both. The Fiksu platform uses sophisticated, predictive
algorithms to convert marketing attribution into marketing action. Based
on the marketing attribution data, Fiksu optimizes your advertising to
the traffic sources that most cost-effectively deliver the users who take
the actions you want. So you can spend ad dollars wisely and, most
importantly, based on performance.

Real-time optimization
helps to:
·   Drive high volumes of loyal users
·   Achieve lower Cost Per Install (CPI)
·   Monetize more users and increase Average Revenue Per User (ARPU)
·   Realize higher advertising ROI

6 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |


                                   2                                   3
With a simple URL builder,
                                    The user clicks on the ad
                                    and gets directed to Google
                                    Play to download the app.
                                    Google Play ties the user
                                                                       Fiksu identifies key
                                                                       interactions within the         4
an advertiser creates a             to the source ad network           app (launches, purchases,       Fiksu uses this data to
unique ad link consisting           and ad creative. Fiksu ties        registrations, etc.) and ties   optimize your ad spend in
of a URL address and the            back to the actual publisher       them back to the original       real time, focusing on the
campaign variable to track.         within the network.                ad source and ad creative.      most effective sources.

7 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |
We all know how important organic discovery is. Organic users seek your
app on their own – without paid advertising. These users are not only
“free,” but are much more likely to become loyal users than those who
install your app after viewing an ad.

The good news for Android app marketers is that you have more tools to
drive organic users on Google Play than you do in the Apple's App Store.

Google Play and the App Store use very different methods of determining
rank, and have different capabilities for supporting app discovery.

In the App Store, rank is the driving force behind organic discovery. Rank is
determined primarily by the number of installs, and how recent the installs
are. Apps that cannot sustain large numbers of installs find that their rank
slips quickly.

8 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |
In contrast, users find apps on Google Play via a
combination of searching and browsing. While app
rank is critical for generating organic users on iOS,
on Google Play - search - not rank, is the primary
                                                                       Organic App
means of organic discovery. Approximately 75% of
organic downloads on Google Play originate from
                                                                       Discovery on
a user search. About half come from searching for
a brand title, and one quarter from a more generic
                                                                       Google Play
search. Data shows that users who find an app
through search are 50% more likely to become long-                     Brand search: 50%
term, loyal app users.
                                                                       General search: 25%
Google Play provides a robust search capability,                       Browse: 20%
making it easier for users to search for apps of
interest no matter what the rank. Rank, while
still important, holds much less sway over how
an app is discovered on Google Play. A study by
Fiksu determined that 75% of users found apps on
Google Play through a search.

9 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |

1              Keyword In The App Title
               The most important element for Google Play rank. The proper keyword can
               increase search rank 80 to 100 spots.

               Keyword Frequency In The App Description
               When a keyword is used multiple times in the app description, rank is
               increased, often up to 20 spots.

               Number Of Net Installs
               Google’s ranking algorithm is skewed in favor of apps that show user
               retention. The more “net” installs, the higher the rank. The Google algorithm
               tracks uninstalls and takes into account only apps that remain installed.

10 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |
Google Play’s search capabilities level the playing field,
allowing lesser-known apps and brands additional
opportunities to reach prospective users.
                                                                        High volumes of low-
Google Browse Rank Algorithm                                            cost installs will not
Browse rank in Apple's App Store is determined by recent                help with browse
installs, and is driven primarily by current overall install            rank in Google Play-
activity. Users who install an app positively affect rank,
even if they decide to uninstall it. In Google Play, however,           it’s all about long-term
browse rank is determined by the number of net installs.                retention.
The Google ranking algorithm takes into account only apps
that remain installed. The more net installs, the higher the
browse rank. In short, high volumes of low cost installs will
not help with browse rank in Google Play – it’s all about
long-term retention.

11 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |
To be successful in today’s competitive market, an app needs to be
backed by solid marketing and advertising programs. Just like iOS, the
Android ecosystem has dozens of third-party ad networks that perform
well to drive user acquisition.

Overall, there is a greater supply of ad inventory for Android compared
to iOS. A recent analysis of available advertising inventory shows that

Android is able to deliver 12% more ad inventory than iOS.

This extra inventory has driven down Android advertising rates
substantially. Fiksu estimates the cost of that inventory is 40% lower
than for iOS. Android marketers therefore can expect the cost to
acquire a user to be much less for Android and than iOS. Lower ad
costs also give you an opportunity to have an even greater impact on
your app rank and organic discovery.

The good news for advertisers is that once improved rank is achieved,
rank does not degrade as quickly once an advertiser stops spending.
As such, the advertiser continues to enjoy incremental organic
downloads beyond those generated during a campaign.

12 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |
The app market moves fast and is constantly changing.
Marketers with the ability to adapt quickly can get a
significant competitive edge.

Google Play provides a perfect environment for apps
that need to adapt quickly to changing market dynamics.
Developers can react to feedback quickly and have an app
update available on Google Play literally in a few hours.

In contrast, updating an app can take weeks with iOS due
to the App Store’s submission and approval process.

Android developers can quickly iterate on designs, and can
quickly test features, promotions or offers that work best.
And, with Android’s lower advertising costs, it’s also a very
cost-effective platform to hone your marketing approach.

13 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |

                                                       Exploit the Marketing Attribution
                                                       Capabilities of Google Play and Fiksu

To get the best return from your ad spend, take full
advantage of the Google Play and Fiksu marketing
attribution capabilities. This will allow you or your agency to
conduct closed-loop analysis of your advertising, and base
ongoing advertising decisions on known performance.

As you acquire users, use this data to steer your marketing
toward the sources that generate your most desired users,
at the best cost. Measure in real-time key performance
metrics such as, rank, downloads, source, and cost. Also
measure post-install events important to your business,
such as launches, purchases, registrations, usage, game
levels, conversions, etc.

14 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |

                                                       OPTIMIZE ADVERTISING IN
                                                       REAL TIME

With the insights gained from marketing attribution, optimize your
advertising in real time toward traffic sources that are delivering the
best results.

You can leverage the Fiksu platform to target the types of users your
business needs, in high volumes, and for the most efficient cost
possible. If you want users who make in-app purchases, Fiksu can
optimize your advertising to the sources that have generated these
users in the highest volumes. If you monetize your app by selling ads,
Fiksu can optimize your advertising to the sources that generate loyal
users who use your app repeatedly. Fiksu manages this on your behalf,
so there is no complex software to install or learn.

With the combination of marketing attribution and real-time
optimization, you are virtually guaranteed a better return on your
marketing investment, and the ability to build a long-term app business.

15 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |

                                                       OPTIMIZE YOUR APP FOR SEARCH

In Google Play, search is the primary means of organic discovery. You can greatly influence
search rank, and therefore app discovery, by following these tips.

Keyword in the App Title
A keyword in your app title is the most important element that impacts search rank. The
right keyword in your title can affect rank position 80 to 100 spots. Identify your most
successful keyword and include it in the title.

Keywords in the App Description and Promo Text
Within the app description, frequency of keywords increases search rank. Try to use a
keyword multiple times. This can impact rank position 10 to 20 spots.

Also, include the app name in the body of the app description. Unlike iOS, the body
description is searched under Google Play.

Since updating your submission is easy and quick, you should consider experimenting with
different keywords and combinations to see which yield better results.

16 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |
1      Define keywords that are relevant to your app
       (Use Google AdWords Traffic Estimator to help you prioritize)

2      Include top keywords in the app title

3      Include app name and all other keywords multiple times in description.
       Use city and country names if the description of geographies are relevant
       to your app

4      Test search rank for all your keywords

5      Measure and optimize your results from search on keywords

17 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |

                                                       CONDUCT LONGER-TERM AD CAMPAIGNS
                                                       WITH MULTIPLE NETWORKS

Google Play’s ranking algorithm rewards long-term user acquisition - apps that acquire and
retain users are rewarded with higher ranks. Therefore, advertising campaigns should be
run over a longer term and sustained over several months, as opposed to the short bursts
of activity often seen in the iOS market.

The best strategy is to try to work with as many traffic sources as possible. This will
enable you to reach your largest potential audience, realize the lowest-possible cost per
acquisition, and also protect your app from audience saturation.

Fiksu works with all the major ad networks, real-time bidding platforms, and incentivized
download programs. This gives you access to all the major traffic sources with just one
lightweight SDK and one reporting dashboard.

Work with many traffic sources to:
• Identify the best-performing sources
• Drive installs from more loyal users
• Insulate your app from audience saturation
• Keep your costs down

18 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |

                                                       TEST YOUR APP PRESENTATION ON
                                                       GOOGLE PLAY

Take advantage of the fact that you can update your app
immediately on Google Play. Test the way your app is
presented. Try different app titles, and meta tags. Test
the app name in the logo. Explore new ways to describe
your app, and look for new keywords. You can apply
these learnings to your iOS versions and reduce your
costs and risks.

19 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |

                                                       TARGET LOYAL USERS – NOT JUST

To build a thriving app business, you need installs by loyal
users. It is loyal users who use your app repeatedly, make
purchases, register, or take other actions that tie back to
an ROI. An install, or even an app launch, does not mean
that you have a loyal user. In fact, studies show that many
users who install an app never even use it, or abandon it
after a single use.

It is loyal users on which you ultimately build your app

Loyal user acquisition also benefits your rank on Google
Play, since Google Play’s rank algorithm rewards retention.
Try to optimize your Android marketing efforts on traffic
sources that are delivering your loyal users. Use the
Google Play and Fiksu attribution capabilities to help you
understand the traffic sources driving your loyal users, and
Fiksu’s optimization capabilities to go get them.

20 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |
Are you planning an Android ad campaign? Or do you                      Speak with a Fiksu marketing expert
believe your current Android campaign can perform better?               about ways to:
                                                                        · Drive high install volumes
Contact Fiksu today to get started on the path to success.
                                                                        · Acquire loyal users dedicated to
A Fiksu marketing expert is ready to speak with you about
                                                                          your app
ways to achieve the results your business needs.
                                                                        · Monetize more users and drive
Many of the world’s leading app developers turn to Fiksu
                                                                          more revenue
for Android marketing success. Join our community of
successful app marketers.
                                                                        · Achieve ROI-positive ad
Contact Fiksu today:
                                                                        · Gain high-value insights into
Phone: 1.855.463.4578                                                     ad performance and key business
Email:                                                    drivers

21 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |
Mobile App Marketing


US Office                                                            UK Office
101 Arch Street, Suite 304                                           20 Hanover Square
Boston, MA 02110                                                     London
Phone: 855-463-4578                                                  W1S 1JY
Email:                                               Phone: +44 (0) 203-585-3412

                            Copyright © 2012 Fiksu. All rights reserved. Fiksu and Fluent News are registered trademarks and the Fiksu logo is a trademark of Fiksu, Inc. Apple and the App Store are registered trademarks of
22 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing is a registered trademark |and Inc. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective holders.
                      Apple, Inc. Android eBook Series           Google Play is a trademark of Google,

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Android app marketing and google play - what you need to know - Fiksu

  • 1. Android App Marketing and Google Play WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW Learn how to improve Android app discovery, drive more installs, and generate long-term, loyal usage. Mobile App Marketing
  • 3. WELCOME TO THE WAY APP MARKETING SHOULD BE . Where you get deep insights into the advertising that’s truly driving your business. And more than just insights. But a way to make those A+ insights highly actionable. All in real time… When it matters most. So you can drive more users. Get more from your ad budget. And more for your business. This is the way app marketing should be. With Google Play and Fiksu. 1 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |
  • 4. One of the biggest frustrations for app marketers is the lack of visibility into what’s actually working – so we can APP MARKETERS know how to invest our ad dollars to drive the highest user volume at the lowest cost. NOW HAVE: Marketing attribution to know Which traffic sources deliver our loyal users? Which what’s driving your users campaigns deliver the highest average revenue per user? What are the sources that drive our ROI positive Deep insights into where to target campaigns? your ad spend It’s too much of a guessing game. The power to make this intelligence actionable in real time Fiksu and Google Play change all that. + = 2 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |
  • 5. Now you can have the answers. And the ability to act on those answers. Google Play does its part by providing a framework that ties every one of your app installs back to the source. And the Fiksu user acquisition platform takes it to a deeper level by anonymously linking each user’s post- install actions and tying each distinct action back to the traffic source. And Fiksu makes this intelligence actionable by optimizing ad spend in real time to these sources. So you can invest your ad dollars on the advertising that’s truly driving your business. There’s no more guessing. No more risks. Or compromised results. AT LAST! 3 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |
  • 6. Google Play and Fiksu offer an innovative marketing approach that can benefit your business in exceptional new ways – ways that are different than what you may be accustomed to with your iOS marketing program. This eBook gives you an overview of the key Google Play differences, and how you can exploit them to improve app discovery, drive more installs, and generate long-term, loyal app usage. This eBook focuses on four key differences: 1. Deeper Marketing Attribution And Optimization 2. Organic Discovery That Is “Search” Driven 3. More Cost - Effective Ad Networks 4. Immediate App Approval Process Let’s explore each in further detail. 4 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |
  • 7. WHAT’S DIFFERENT ABOUT GOOGLE PLAY? 1. ATTRIBUTION & OPTIMIZATION 1 Marketing Attribution - Insights Into What’s Working Google Play provides a marketing attribution framework that gives you insights that help you make more informed advertising decisions. A piece of tracking code called an “Android Referrer” anonymously “attributes” each of your app installs back to the ad network and ad creative from which that install originated. This marketing attribution gives you valuable marketing intelligence, while balancing the need for user privacy. But this is just the beginning. Google Play integrates with the Fiksu for Mobile Apps™ user acquisition platform to: 1) Take these insights to a much deeper level; and 2) Make them actionable in real time Fiksu anonymously tracks each user’s post-install events (launches, purchases, registrations, game levels, conversions, etc.) together with performance variables such as rank, installs, cost, and traffic source, for highly granular market intelligence. So you can have the information you need to make the data-driven marketing decisions that you as a marketer need, and are accustomed to. 5 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |
  • 8. WHAT’S DIFFERENT ABOUT GOOGLE PLAY? 1. ATTRIBUTION & OPTIMIZATION 1 Real-Time Optimization - Turn Insights Into Results What are insights without the power to act on them? With Google Play and Fiksu, you have both. The Fiksu platform uses sophisticated, predictive algorithms to convert marketing attribution into marketing action. Based on the marketing attribution data, Fiksu optimizes your advertising to the traffic sources that most cost-effectively deliver the users who take the actions you want. So you can spend ad dollars wisely and, most importantly, based on performance. Real-time optimization helps to: · Drive high volumes of loyal users · Achieve lower Cost Per Install (CPI) · Monetize more users and increase Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) · Realize higher advertising ROI 6 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |
  • 9. HERE’S HOW REAL -TIME OPTIMIZATION WORKS WITH GOOGLE PLAY AND FIKSU: ?utm_source=ad 2 3 1 With a simple URL builder, The user clicks on the ad and gets directed to Google Play to download the app. Google Play ties the user Fiksu identifies key interactions within the 4 an advertiser creates a to the source ad network app (launches, purchases, Fiksu uses this data to unique ad link consisting and ad creative. Fiksu ties registrations, etc.) and ties optimize your ad spend in of a URL address and the back to the actual publisher them back to the original real time, focusing on the campaign variable to track. within the network. ad source and ad creative. most effective sources. 7 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |
  • 10. WHAT’S DIFFERENT ABOUT GOOGLE PLAY? 2. ORGANIC DISCOVERY THAT IS “SEARCH” DRIVEN 2 We all know how important organic discovery is. Organic users seek your app on their own – without paid advertising. These users are not only “free,” but are much more likely to become loyal users than those who install your app after viewing an ad. The good news for Android app marketers is that you have more tools to drive organic users on Google Play than you do in the Apple's App Store. Google Play and the App Store use very different methods of determining rank, and have different capabilities for supporting app discovery. In the App Store, rank is the driving force behind organic discovery. Rank is determined primarily by the number of installs, and how recent the installs are. Apps that cannot sustain large numbers of installs find that their rank slips quickly. 8 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |
  • 11. WHAT’S DIFFERENT ABOUT GOOGLE PLAY? 2. ORGANIC DISCOVERY THAT IS “SEARCH” DRIVEN 2 In contrast, users find apps on Google Play via a combination of searching and browsing. While app rank is critical for generating organic users on iOS, on Google Play - search - not rank, is the primary Organic App means of organic discovery. Approximately 75% of organic downloads on Google Play originate from Discovery on a user search. About half come from searching for a brand title, and one quarter from a more generic Google Play search. Data shows that users who find an app through search are 50% more likely to become long- Brand search: 50% term, loyal app users. General search: 25% Google Play provides a robust search capability, Browse: 20% making it easier for users to search for apps of interest no matter what the rank. Rank, while still important, holds much less sway over how an app is discovered on Google Play. A study by Fiksu determined that 75% of users found apps on Google Play through a search. 9 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |
  • 12. GOOGLE SEARCH RANK ALGORITHM THE GOOGLE PLAY SEARCH ALGORITHM CONSIDERS THREE VARIABLES THAT DETERMINE AN APP’S SEARCH RANK: 1 Keyword In The App Title The most important element for Google Play rank. The proper keyword can increase search rank 80 to 100 spots. 2 Keyword Frequency In The App Description When a keyword is used multiple times in the app description, rank is increased, often up to 20 spots. 3 Number Of Net Installs Google’s ranking algorithm is skewed in favor of apps that show user retention. The more “net” installs, the higher the rank. The Google algorithm tracks uninstalls and takes into account only apps that remain installed. 10 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |
  • 13. WHAT’S DIFFERENT ABOUT GOOGLE PLAY? 2. ORGANIC DISCOVERY THAT IS “SEARCH” DRIVEN 2 Google Play’s search capabilities level the playing field, allowing lesser-known apps and brands additional opportunities to reach prospective users. High volumes of low- Google Browse Rank Algorithm cost installs will not Browse rank in Apple's App Store is determined by recent help with browse installs, and is driven primarily by current overall install rank in Google Play- activity. Users who install an app positively affect rank, even if they decide to uninstall it. In Google Play, however, it’s all about long-term browse rank is determined by the number of net installs. retention. The Google ranking algorithm takes into account only apps that remain installed. The more net installs, the higher the browse rank. In short, high volumes of low cost installs will not help with browse rank in Google Play – it’s all about long-term retention. 11 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |
  • 14. WHAT’S DIFFERENT ABOUT GOOGLE PLAY? 3. MORE COST-EFFECTIVE ADVERTISING 3 To be successful in today’s competitive market, an app needs to be backed by solid marketing and advertising programs. Just like iOS, the Android ecosystem has dozens of third-party ad networks that perform well to drive user acquisition. Overall, there is a greater supply of ad inventory for Android compared to iOS. A recent analysis of available advertising inventory shows that $ Android is able to deliver 12% more ad inventory than iOS. This extra inventory has driven down Android advertising rates substantially. Fiksu estimates the cost of that inventory is 40% lower than for iOS. Android marketers therefore can expect the cost to acquire a user to be much less for Android and than iOS. Lower ad costs also give you an opportunity to have an even greater impact on your app rank and organic discovery. The good news for advertisers is that once improved rank is achieved, rank does not degrade as quickly once an advertiser stops spending. As such, the advertiser continues to enjoy incremental organic downloads beyond those generated during a campaign. 12 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |
  • 15. WHAT’S DIFFERENT ABOUT GOOGLE PLAY? 4. IMMEDIATE APP APPROVAL 4 The app market moves fast and is constantly changing. Marketers with the ability to adapt quickly can get a significant competitive edge. Google Play provides a perfect environment for apps that need to adapt quickly to changing market dynamics. Developers can react to feedback quickly and have an app update available on Google Play literally in a few hours. In contrast, updating an app can take weeks with iOS due to the App Store’s submission and approval process. Android developers can quickly iterate on designs, and can quickly test features, promotions or offers that work best. And, with Android’s lower advertising costs, it’s also a very cost-effective platform to hone your marketing approach. 13 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |
  • 16. TIPS FOR ANDROID MARKETING SUCCESS TIP:1 Exploit the Marketing Attribution Capabilities of Google Play and Fiksu To get the best return from your ad spend, take full advantage of the Google Play and Fiksu marketing attribution capabilities. This will allow you or your agency to conduct closed-loop analysis of your advertising, and base ongoing advertising decisions on known performance. As you acquire users, use this data to steer your marketing toward the sources that generate your most desired users, at the best cost. Measure in real-time key performance metrics such as, rank, downloads, source, and cost. Also measure post-install events important to your business, such as launches, purchases, registrations, usage, game levels, conversions, etc. 14 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |
  • 17. TIPS FOR ANDROID MARKETING SUCCESS TIP:2 OPTIMIZE ADVERTISING IN REAL TIME With the insights gained from marketing attribution, optimize your advertising in real time toward traffic sources that are delivering the best results. You can leverage the Fiksu platform to target the types of users your business needs, in high volumes, and for the most efficient cost possible. If you want users who make in-app purchases, Fiksu can optimize your advertising to the sources that have generated these users in the highest volumes. If you monetize your app by selling ads, Fiksu can optimize your advertising to the sources that generate loyal users who use your app repeatedly. Fiksu manages this on your behalf, so there is no complex software to install or learn. With the combination of marketing attribution and real-time optimization, you are virtually guaranteed a better return on your marketing investment, and the ability to build a long-term app business. 15 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |
  • 18. TIPS FOR ANDROID MARKETING SUCCESS TIP:3 OPTIMIZE YOUR APP FOR SEARCH In Google Play, search is the primary means of organic discovery. You can greatly influence search rank, and therefore app discovery, by following these tips. Keyword in the App Title A keyword in your app title is the most important element that impacts search rank. The right keyword in your title can affect rank position 80 to 100 spots. Identify your most successful keyword and include it in the title. Keywords in the App Description and Promo Text Within the app description, frequency of keywords increases search rank. Try to use a keyword multiple times. This can impact rank position 10 to 20 spots. Also, include the app name in the body of the app description. Unlike iOS, the body description is searched under Google Play. Since updating your submission is easy and quick, you should consider experimenting with different keywords and combinations to see which yield better results. 16 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |
  • 19. 5 STEPS TO IMPROVE ORGANIC DISCOVERY ON GOOGLE PLAY 1 Define keywords that are relevant to your app (Use Google AdWords Traffic Estimator to help you prioritize) 2 Include top keywords in the app title 3 Include app name and all other keywords multiple times in description. Use city and country names if the description of geographies are relevant to your app 4 Test search rank for all your keywords 5 Measure and optimize your results from search on keywords 17 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |
  • 20. TIPS FOR ANDROID MARKETING SUCCESS TIP:4 CONDUCT LONGER-TERM AD CAMPAIGNS WITH MULTIPLE NETWORKS Google Play’s ranking algorithm rewards long-term user acquisition - apps that acquire and retain users are rewarded with higher ranks. Therefore, advertising campaigns should be run over a longer term and sustained over several months, as opposed to the short bursts of activity often seen in the iOS market. The best strategy is to try to work with as many traffic sources as possible. This will enable you to reach your largest potential audience, realize the lowest-possible cost per acquisition, and also protect your app from audience saturation. Fiksu works with all the major ad networks, real-time bidding platforms, and incentivized download programs. This gives you access to all the major traffic sources with just one lightweight SDK and one reporting dashboard. Work with many traffic sources to: • Identify the best-performing sources • Drive installs from more loyal users • Insulate your app from audience saturation • Keep your costs down 18 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |
  • 21. TIPS FOR ANDROID MARKETING SUCCESS TIP:5 TEST YOUR APP PRESENTATION ON GOOGLE PLAY Take advantage of the fact that you can update your app immediately on Google Play. Test the way your app is presented. Try different app titles, and meta tags. Test the app name in the logo. Explore new ways to describe your app, and look for new keywords. You can apply these learnings to your iOS versions and reduce your costs and risks. 19 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |
  • 22. TIPS FOR ANDROID MARKETING SUCCESS TIP:6 TARGET LOYAL USERS – NOT JUST INSTALLS To build a thriving app business, you need installs by loyal users. It is loyal users who use your app repeatedly, make purchases, register, or take other actions that tie back to an ROI. An install, or even an app launch, does not mean that you have a loyal user. In fact, studies show that many users who install an app never even use it, or abandon it after a single use. It is loyal users on which you ultimately build your app business. Loyal user acquisition also benefits your rank on Google Play, since Google Play’s rank algorithm rewards retention. Try to optimize your Android marketing efforts on traffic sources that are delivering your loyal users. Use the Google Play and Fiksu attribution capabilities to help you understand the traffic sources driving your loyal users, and Fiksu’s optimization capabilities to go get them. 20 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |
  • 23. ANDROID MARKETING SUCCESS STARTS HERE Are you planning an Android ad campaign? Or do you Speak with a Fiksu marketing expert believe your current Android campaign can perform better? about ways to: · Drive high install volumes Contact Fiksu today to get started on the path to success. · Acquire loyal users dedicated to A Fiksu marketing expert is ready to speak with you about your app ways to achieve the results your business needs. · Monetize more users and drive Many of the world’s leading app developers turn to Fiksu more revenue for Android marketing success. Join our community of successful app marketers. · Achieve ROI-positive ad campaigns Contact Fiksu today: · Gain high-value insights into Phone: 1.855.463.4578 ad performance and key business Email: drivers Website: 21 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |
  • 24. Mobile App Marketing Online: US Office UK Office 101 Arch Street, Suite 304 20 Hanover Square Boston, MA 02110 London Phone: 855-463-4578 W1S 1JY Email: Phone: +44 (0) 203-585-3412 Email: Copyright © 2012 Fiksu. All rights reserved. Fiksu and Fluent News are registered trademarks and the Fiksu logo is a trademark of Fiksu, Inc. Apple and the App Store are registered trademarks of 22 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing is a registered trademark |and Inc. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective holders. Apple, Inc. Android eBook Series Google Play is a trademark of Google,