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And Then the Internet Happened
Prospective Thoughts about Concept Mapping in the New Millennium
Panel Session 599
Concept Mapping at 25:
Development, Application, and Future Directions
Columbia Section 2
Friday, Oct 18, 2:40 PM to 4:10 PM
Presentation at the annual conference of the American Evaluation Association
Washington, DC
William Trochim, PhD
Professor, Policy Analysis & Management
Cornell University
Daniel McLinden, EdD
Assistant Professor, General & Community Pediatrics
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Special thanks
Melida D. Busch, MLIS,
Manager, Edward L. Pratt Medical Research Library
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Predicting the future is easy - Getting it right is difficult
“The future is now, and we are
not impressed… Now is the time
to stop wishing, to stand up, and
to shout, "Where the hell is my
1 Wilson, DH. (2007). Dude, Where's My Jetpack? A look at the future that refuses to arrive. Discover, February, accessed
online at
2 Steve Jobs as quoted in BusinessWeek (12 May 1998) accessed online at
3 xkcd accessed online at :
“…people don't know
what they want until
you show it to them.” 2
The internet happened and it got big!
• Back in the day
– In 1989, while working at CERN, Tim Berners-Lee invented a network-
based implementation of the hypertext concept.4
– The first commercial dialup ISP in the United States …opened in 1989.4
– Websites in 1990 – one.5
– Concept mapping illustrates emergent internet properties of the future in
• More recently
– As of today, we see a total of 147,262,819 domains across the .COM, .NET,
.ORG, .INFO, .BIZ, and .US top level domains (TLDs).1
– The Indexed Web contains at least 4.32 billion pages.2
– One trillion unique URLs3
– Internet gives rise to new models of collaboration and methods of
studying collaboration.
1 "Domain Counts & Internet Statistics". Accessed online at:
2 "The size of the World Wide Web". Accessed online at:
3Alpert, Jesse; Hajaj, Nissan (25 July 2008). Accessed online at: "We knew the web was big...". The Official Google Blog.
4 History of the internet. Accessed online at:
5 How we got from 1 to 162 million websites on the internet. Accessed online at:
In order to increase the probability of being correct,
let’s stand here and predict the future
"Who Let the Dogs Out,"
Baha Men
The New York Yankees defeat
the New York Mets in Game 5
of the 2000 World Series
Gisbourne, New
Zealand population
32,754 is first city in the
world to welcome in
the new millennium
Looking Back
Agreement and consensus is the road that leads to the nowhere
Looking forward, concept mapping enables diverse thinking
1 Wikipedia at
2 Howe, J. (2006) ‘The rise of crowdsourcing’, Wired, vol. 14, no. 6. Accessed online at
3 Howe, J. (2008) Crowdsourcing: Why the Power of the Crowd is Driving the Future of Business, Crown: New York,
4 Benkler, Y. (2011). The Penguin and the Leviathan: The triumph of cooperation over self-interest. New York:
Crown Business.
“Crowdsourcing is the practice of obtaining needed services, ideas, or
content by soliciting contributions from a large group of people.”1
“…the more power you give a single individual
in the face of complexity and uncertainty, the
more likely it is that bad decisions will get
made... (p. 220)”
Surowiecki, J. (2004). The Wisdom of Crowds. New York: Doubleday
1. diversity of points of view,
2. independence from each other’s opinions,
3. some kind of mechanism for aggregating
private judgments into a collective decision.
Tapping into the wisdom of crowds requires
1. diversity of points of view,
2. independence from each other’s opinions,
3. some kind of mechanism for aggregating private judgments into a collective decision.
Surowiecki, J. (2004). The Wisdom of Crowds. New York: Doubleday
1. “…conceptualization is best when it includes a wide variety of relevant people (p.2).”
2(a). “… there should be no criticism or discussion regarding the legitimacy of statements
which are generated…also allow each participant to submit several statements
anonymously on paper so that confidentiality will be preserved (p.4-5).”
2(b). sort the cards into piles “in a way that makes sense to you (p.5).”
3 (a). “…conduct a two-dimensional nonmetric multidimensional scaling… (p.7).”
3 (b). “…hierarchical cluster analysis … to group individual statements on the map into
clusters of statements which presumably reflect similar concepts (p.8).”
Trochim, W. M. K. (1989). An introduction to concept mapping for planning and evaluation. Evaluation and Program
Planning, 12(1), 1–16.
* Emphasis added
Similarities between now and then
Simple problems & simplifying problems.
Over Under
• 72% – hang toilet paper with the first
sheet going over the roll.
• 28%- prefer to hang the first sheet
under the roll.
“This is not rocket science.”Which is correct?
Source: Many internet sites that are
devoted to reporting this important and
fascinating result.
“It is much more difficult
than Rocket Science.”
Source: Me in response to
stakeholders wanting to
oversimplify a complex issue.
Looking forward, I predict an appreciation of
wicked problems & simple but profound insights
1 Rittel, HWJ & Webber, MM. (1973). Dilemmas in a general theory of planning. Policy Sciences,
4, 155-169.
2 Attributed to Thomas Schelling, date unknown.
“…wicked in a meaning akin to … vicious…or tricky…it
becomes morally objectionable for the planner to
treat a wicked problem as though it were a tame one,
or to tame a wicked problem prematurely, or to refuse to
recognize the inherent wickedness of social problems
(160-161).” 1
“One thing a person cannot do, no matter how rigorous
his analysis or heroic his imagination, is to draw up a list
of things that would never occur to him.” 2
Emphasis added.
1Burke, JG, O’Campo, P, Peak, GL, Gielen, AC, McDonell, KA, & Trochim, WMK. (2005). An introduction to
concept mapping as a participatory public health research method. Qualitative health research, 15(10), 1392-
2 Rosas, SR. (2012). The utility of concept mapping for actualizing participatory research. Cuadernos
Hispanoamericanos De Psycologia, 12(2), 7-24.
Concept mapping as a participatory method1,2 addressing
wicked problems
Thinking together with diverse perspectives
• characteristics of your school environment that could relate
in any way, good or bad, to a student’s experience of
• characteristics of neighborhoods that could relate in any way,
good or bad, to women’s experience of intimate partner
• role of drugs and alcohol in Newark’s low-income and
predominantly African American neighborhoods 3
• ways to deal with the problem of bullying in children4
• ways to deal with the problem of overweight/obesity in
children 4
1 Johnson, SL, Burke, JA, & Gielen, AC. (2011). Prioritizing the school environment in school violence prevention efforts. Journal
of School Health. 81, 331-340.
2 O’Campo, P., Burke, J., Peak, GL, McDonnell, KA, & Gielen, AC. (2004). Uncovering neighbourhood influences on intimate
partner violence using concept mapping. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 59(7), 603-608.
3 Windsor L.C. (2013). Using Concept Mapping in Community-Based Participatory Research: A Mixed Methods Approach. Journal
of Mixed Methods Research, 7(3), 274-293.
4 Vaughn, L.M.; Jacquez, F. & McLinden, D. (2013). The use of concept mapping to identify school-driven intervention strategies for
physical and mental health. Health Promotion Practice. 14(5), 675 - 685.
For example,
Looking forward I predict that participatory will expand to include youth
1 Borden, L., Perkins, D., Villarruel, F., Carleton-Hug, A., Stone, M., & Keith, J. (2006). Challenges and opportunities to Latino youth development: Increasing meaningful participation in youth development programs. Hispanic Journal
of Behavioral Sciences, 28(2), 187–208.
2 Chun, J. & Springer, D.W. (2005). Stress and coping strategies in runaway youths: An application of Concept Mapping. Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention, 5(1), 57-74.
3 Davis, T. S., Saltzburg, S., & Locke, C.R. (2010). Assessing Community Needs of Sexual Minority Youths: Modeling Concept Mapping for Service Planning. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services, 22(3), 226-249.
4 Johnson, S.L., Burke, J.G., Gielen, A.C., (2011). Prioritizing the School Environment in School Violence Prevention Efforts. Journal of School Health, 81(6), 331-340.
5 Ridings, J.W., Powel, D.M., Johnson, J.E., Pullie, C.J., Jones, C.M., Jones, R.L., et al (2008). Using concept mapping to promote community building: The African American initiative at Roseland. Journal of Community Practice, 16(1),
6 Ries, A.V., Voorhees, C.C., Gittelsonhn, J., Roche, K.M., & Astone, N.M. (2008). Adolescents' Perceptions of Environmental Influences on Physical Activity. American Journal of Health Behavior, 32(1), 26-39.
7 Vaughn, L.M.; Jacquez, F. & McLinden, D. (2013). The use of concept mapping to identify school-driven intervention strategies for physical and mental health. Health Promotion Practice. 14(5), 675 - 685.
“(a) One of the reasons young people take part in youth
programs is ___” and (b) “One of the reasons other
young people are NOT involved in youth programs is ___
“…young people between the ages of 9 and 19 who
participated in some type of organized youth program and
identified their ethnicity as Latino (191).” 1
“Something GLBT youths need from their communities to
feel supported is ... (231).” 3
“…included youths ages 14–23 … identified their sexual
orientation as 55% lesbian, 35% gay, and 10% bisexual
(230).” 3
“…generate a list of items that describe characteristics
of your school environment that could relate in any way,
good or bad, to a student’s experience of violence (333).’’4
“…10th and 11th grade…” and “..9th and 10th
“The youth were recruited from both high school and
elementary levels…(44).” 5
“Please tell us about a problem or issue facing young
African American males between the ages of 10 to 16 in
the Greater Roseland Community…(47)” 5
“…9th through 12th graders from 2 magnet high schools
located in Baltimore…(26).” 6
"What things in the environment, both good and bad,
might influence physical activity among adolescents
“…runaway youths …ages of 13 and 18 years, had left their
homes without permission for more than 24 hours, and
currently lived in a runaway shelter (61)” 2
“… Things that stress me out are ___ …” and “…The
way I deal with stress is to ____ (60).” 2
“…college students and school stakeholders (students,
parents, teachers, administrators) (677).” 7
“Thinking of your school, list the ways to deal with the
problem of bullying in children… ((677).” 7
In the future, I speculate*…
• We can sort more than
• Visualizing & analyzing will
* I am less sure and more worried I may be predicting jet-packs
and flying cars.
Picture this…
Can we do more of this? Sort other items to make meaning?
“Seventy-seven photographs with 1-
to 2-sentence captions providing a
context for the photograph were
used as input and served as the
foundation for the sorting and rating
procedures (196)”
Haque, N & Rosas, S. (2010). Concept mapping of photovoices: Sequencing and integrating
methods to understand immigrants’ perceptions of neighborhood influences on health. Family
& Community Health, 33(3), 193-206.
Accessed online at:
Visualizing hard art & maybe not so soft science
But perhaps most of all, you may
find that some of the maps are
simply “pretty” and interesting
to look at (p 88).” 1
1 Trochim, WMK. 1989). Concept Mapping: Soft science or hard art? Evaluation and Program Planning. 12, 87-
2 Trochim, WMK. (1989). Outcome pattern matching and program theory. Evaluation and Program Planning.
12, 355-366.
“pattern matching approach implies a
different view of data … it treats relevant
data about programs, measures,
participants, or outcomes as patterns or
as a whole rather than just as a collection
of individual measures or observations (p
Emphasis added
Provide a Greater Community
and Global Perspective
Pay Attention to
Presentation Design
Impact Primary Care
Be Accessible through
Multiple Channels
Utilize Outside/Visiting
Highlight CCHMC Focus on Innovation
Include Topics for a
Diverse Audience
Cover Current Practice
Visualizing hard art & maybe not so soft science
But perhaps most of all, you may find
that some of the maps are simply
“pretty” and interesting to look at
(p 88).” 1
1 Trochim, WMK. 1989). Concept Mapping: Soft science or hard art? Evaluation and Program Planning. 12, 87-110.
2 Trochim, WMK. (1989). Outcome pattern matching and program theory. Evaluation and Program Planning. 12, 355-366.
“pattern matching approach implies a different
view of data … it treats relevant data about
programs, measures, participants, or outcomes
as patterns or as a whole rather than just as a
collection of individual measures or observations
(p 358).”2
Emphasis added
What goes around comes around,
visualizing program theory
1 Trochim, W. M. K. (1989). An introduction to concept mapping for planning and evaluation. Evaluation and
Program Planning, 12(1), 1–16.
In 1989: “Group concept mapping is consistent
with the growing interest in the role of theory in
planning and evaluation (p 2).” 1
Logic Model for TTURC-I Evaluation accessed online at:
See also: Trochim, WM, Marcus, SE, Masse, LC, Moser, RP, & Weld, PC. (2008). The evaluation of larger research initiatives: A participatory
integrative mixed –methods approach. American Journal of Evaluation, 29(1), 8-28.
Stokols D., Fuqua J., Gress J., Harvey R., Phillips
K., Baezconde-Garbanati L., Unger J., Palmer
P., Clark M.A., Colby S.M., Morgan G., Trochim
W. (2003). Evaluating transdisciplinary science.
Nicotine and Tobacco Research. 5(SUPPL. 1),
Yampolskaya, S., Nexman, TM, Hernandez, M., &
Koch, D. (2004). Using concept mapping to
develop a logic model and articulate program
theory: A case example. American Journal of
Evaluation, 25(2), 191-207.
Trochim, W., Milstein, B., Wood, B. J., Jackson,
S., & Pressler, V.(2003). Setting objectives for
community and systems change: an application
of concept mapping for planning a statewide
health improvement initiative. Health Promotion
Practice, 8, 1-12.
In the new millennium, The logic
model connection to concept mapping:
What does a group of people think
about an issue, a problem, an
Concept mapping
How does a thought (or other
things) travel among a group of
Social Network Analysis
The rise of network of analysis will influence concept mapping.
See for example,
Christakis, NA & Fowler, JH. (2009). Connected: The amazing power of social networks and how they shape our
lives. New York, NY: Little, Brown & Co.
Durland, M. M. & Fredricks, K. A. (Eds.), (2005a). New directions for evaluation: Social network analysis in program
evaluation: San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Gloor, P.A. (2006). Swarm Creativity. Oxford. Oxford University Press.
18 19
46 47
63 64
66 67
Practice change
Diverse audience
Visiting presenters
This is a concept map
See for example, McLinden, D. (2013). Concept maps as network data: Analysis of a concept map using the
methods of social network analysis. Evaluation and Program Planning, 36(1), 40-48.
This is a network analysis of a concept map
Finding additional meaning
* Dichotomized the
sorting matrix, GE 11=
1, LT 11=0
Practice change
Diverse audience
A little more network analysis of a concept map.
What more could we do?
Practice change
Diverse audience
Visiting presenters
Organization-centric Innovation
* Increasing point size
corresponds to increasing
degree centrality
See for example, McLinden, D. (2013). Concept maps as network data: Analysis of a concept map using the
methods of social network analysis. Evaluation and Program Planning, 36(1), 40-48.
I speculate that visualization will increase
Also see, Borner, K. (2010). Atlas
of science: Visualizing what we
know. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Check out Jove, the first
scientific video journal
This is a spherical plot of a concept map using
SmacofShpere in R, Stress=0.045.*
Could 3D visualization make a
Should we emulate a trend in the
physical sciences?
* R Core Team (2013). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical
Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL
Back to the future
In the new millennium, concept mapping has provided an approach to:
• Address wicked problems
• Enable collaborative & participatory decision-making
• Embrace diverse thinking
• Visualize the issues of a community
What more can we do to further the art and science?
xkcd accessed online at: HTTP://XKCD.COM/209/

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And Then the Internet Happened Prospective Thoughts about Concept Mapping in the New Millennium

  • 1. And Then the Internet Happened Prospective Thoughts about Concept Mapping in the New Millennium Panel Session 599 Concept Mapping at 25: Development, Application, and Future Directions Columbia Section 2 Friday, Oct 18, 2:40 PM to 4:10 PM Presentation at the annual conference of the American Evaluation Association Washington, DC William Trochim, PhD Professor, Policy Analysis & Management Cornell University Daniel McLinden, EdD Assistant Professor, General & Community Pediatrics Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Special thanks Melida D. Busch, MLIS, Manager, Edward L. Pratt Medical Research Library Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
  • 2. Predicting the future is easy - Getting it right is difficult “The future is now, and we are not impressed… Now is the time to stop wishing, to stand up, and to shout, "Where the hell is my jetpack?!”1 1 Wilson, DH. (2007). Dude, Where's My Jetpack? A look at the future that refuses to arrive. Discover, February, accessed online at 2 Steve Jobs as quoted in BusinessWeek (12 May 1998) accessed online at 3 xkcd accessed online at : “…people don't know what they want until you show it to them.” 2
  • 3. The internet happened and it got big! • Back in the day – In 1989, while working at CERN, Tim Berners-Lee invented a network- based implementation of the hypertext concept.4 – The first commercial dialup ISP in the United States …opened in 1989.4 – Websites in 1990 – one.5 – Concept mapping illustrates emergent internet properties of the future in 1989. • More recently – As of today, we see a total of 147,262,819 domains across the .COM, .NET, .ORG, .INFO, .BIZ, and .US top level domains (TLDs).1 – The Indexed Web contains at least 4.32 billion pages.2 – One trillion unique URLs3 – Internet gives rise to new models of collaboration and methods of studying collaboration. 1 "Domain Counts & Internet Statistics". Accessed online at: 2 "The size of the World Wide Web". Accessed online at: 3Alpert, Jesse; Hajaj, Nissan (25 July 2008). Accessed online at: "We knew the web was big...". The Official Google Blog. 4 History of the internet. Accessed online at: 5 How we got from 1 to 162 million websites on the internet. Accessed online at: from-1-to-162-million-websites-on-the-internet/.
  • 4. In order to increase the probability of being correct, let’s stand here and predict the future "Who Let the Dogs Out," Baha Men 2000 The New York Yankees defeat the New York Mets in Game 5 of the 2000 World Series Gisbourne, New Zealand population 32,754 is first city in the world to welcome in the new millennium
  • 5. Looking Back Agreement and consensus is the road that leads to the nowhere
  • 6. Looking forward, concept mapping enables diverse thinking
  • 7. 1 Wikipedia at 2 Howe, J. (2006) ‘The rise of crowdsourcing’, Wired, vol. 14, no. 6. Accessed online at 3 Howe, J. (2008) Crowdsourcing: Why the Power of the Crowd is Driving the Future of Business, Crown: New York, NY. 4 Benkler, Y. (2011). The Penguin and the Leviathan: The triumph of cooperation over self-interest. New York: Crown Business. “Crowdsourcing is the practice of obtaining needed services, ideas, or content by soliciting contributions from a large group of people.”1
  • 8. “…the more power you give a single individual in the face of complexity and uncertainty, the more likely it is that bad decisions will get made... (p. 220)” Surowiecki, J. (2004). The Wisdom of Crowds. New York: Doubleday 1. diversity of points of view, 2. independence from each other’s opinions, 3. some kind of mechanism for aggregating private judgments into a collective decision. Tapping into the wisdom of crowds requires
  • 9. 1. diversity of points of view, 2. independence from each other’s opinions, 3. some kind of mechanism for aggregating private judgments into a collective decision. Surowiecki, J. (2004). The Wisdom of Crowds. New York: Doubleday 1. “…conceptualization is best when it includes a wide variety of relevant people (p.2).” 2(a). “… there should be no criticism or discussion regarding the legitimacy of statements which are generated…also allow each participant to submit several statements anonymously on paper so that confidentiality will be preserved (p.4-5).” 2(b). sort the cards into piles “in a way that makes sense to you (p.5).” 3 (a). “…conduct a two-dimensional nonmetric multidimensional scaling… (p.7).” 3 (b). “…hierarchical cluster analysis … to group individual statements on the map into clusters of statements which presumably reflect similar concepts (p.8).” Trochim, W. M. K. (1989). An introduction to concept mapping for planning and evaluation. Evaluation and Program Planning, 12(1), 1–16. * Emphasis added Similarities between now and then
  • 10. Simple problems & simplifying problems. Over Under • 72% – hang toilet paper with the first sheet going over the roll. • 28%- prefer to hang the first sheet under the roll. “This is not rocket science.”Which is correct? Source: Many internet sites that are devoted to reporting this important and fascinating result. “It is much more difficult than Rocket Science.” Source: Me in response to stakeholders wanting to oversimplify a complex issue.
  • 11. Looking forward, I predict an appreciation of wicked problems & simple but profound insights 1 Rittel, HWJ & Webber, MM. (1973). Dilemmas in a general theory of planning. Policy Sciences, 4, 155-169. 2 Attributed to Thomas Schelling, date unknown. “…wicked in a meaning akin to … vicious…or tricky…it becomes morally objectionable for the planner to treat a wicked problem as though it were a tame one, or to tame a wicked problem prematurely, or to refuse to recognize the inherent wickedness of social problems (160-161).” 1 “One thing a person cannot do, no matter how rigorous his analysis or heroic his imagination, is to draw up a list of things that would never occur to him.” 2 Emphasis added.
  • 12. 1Burke, JG, O’Campo, P, Peak, GL, Gielen, AC, McDonell, KA, & Trochim, WMK. (2005). An introduction to concept mapping as a participatory public health research method. Qualitative health research, 15(10), 1392- 410. 2 Rosas, SR. (2012). The utility of concept mapping for actualizing participatory research. Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos De Psycologia, 12(2), 7-24. Concept mapping as a participatory method1,2 addressing wicked problems Thinking together with diverse perspectives
  • 13. • characteristics of your school environment that could relate in any way, good or bad, to a student’s experience of violence.1 • characteristics of neighborhoods that could relate in any way, good or bad, to women’s experience of intimate partner violence.2 • role of drugs and alcohol in Newark’s low-income and predominantly African American neighborhoods 3 • ways to deal with the problem of bullying in children4 • ways to deal with the problem of overweight/obesity in children 4 1 Johnson, SL, Burke, JA, & Gielen, AC. (2011). Prioritizing the school environment in school violence prevention efforts. Journal of School Health. 81, 331-340. 2 O’Campo, P., Burke, J., Peak, GL, McDonnell, KA, & Gielen, AC. (2004). Uncovering neighbourhood influences on intimate partner violence using concept mapping. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 59(7), 603-608. 3 Windsor L.C. (2013). Using Concept Mapping in Community-Based Participatory Research: A Mixed Methods Approach. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 7(3), 274-293. 4 Vaughn, L.M.; Jacquez, F. & McLinden, D. (2013). The use of concept mapping to identify school-driven intervention strategies for physical and mental health. Health Promotion Practice. 14(5), 675 - 685. For example,
  • 14. Looking forward I predict that participatory will expand to include youth 1 Borden, L., Perkins, D., Villarruel, F., Carleton-Hug, A., Stone, M., & Keith, J. (2006). Challenges and opportunities to Latino youth development: Increasing meaningful participation in youth development programs. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 28(2), 187–208. 2 Chun, J. & Springer, D.W. (2005). Stress and coping strategies in runaway youths: An application of Concept Mapping. Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention, 5(1), 57-74. 3 Davis, T. S., Saltzburg, S., & Locke, C.R. (2010). Assessing Community Needs of Sexual Minority Youths: Modeling Concept Mapping for Service Planning. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services, 22(3), 226-249. 4 Johnson, S.L., Burke, J.G., Gielen, A.C., (2011). Prioritizing the School Environment in School Violence Prevention Efforts. Journal of School Health, 81(6), 331-340. 5 Ridings, J.W., Powel, D.M., Johnson, J.E., Pullie, C.J., Jones, C.M., Jones, R.L., et al (2008). Using concept mapping to promote community building: The African American initiative at Roseland. Journal of Community Practice, 16(1), 39-63. 6 Ries, A.V., Voorhees, C.C., Gittelsonhn, J., Roche, K.M., & Astone, N.M. (2008). Adolescents' Perceptions of Environmental Influences on Physical Activity. American Journal of Health Behavior, 32(1), 26-39. 7 Vaughn, L.M.; Jacquez, F. & McLinden, D. (2013). The use of concept mapping to identify school-driven intervention strategies for physical and mental health. Health Promotion Practice. 14(5), 675 - 685. “(a) One of the reasons young people take part in youth programs is ___” and (b) “One of the reasons other young people are NOT involved in youth programs is ___ (191).”1 “…young people between the ages of 9 and 19 who participated in some type of organized youth program and identified their ethnicity as Latino (191).” 1 “Something GLBT youths need from their communities to feel supported is ... (231).” 3 “…included youths ages 14–23 … identified their sexual orientation as 55% lesbian, 35% gay, and 10% bisexual (230).” 3 “…generate a list of items that describe characteristics of your school environment that could relate in any way, good or bad, to a student’s experience of violence (333).’’4 “…10th and 11th grade…” and “..9th and 10th grade…(332)”4 “The youth were recruited from both high school and elementary levels…(44).” 5 “Please tell us about a problem or issue facing young African American males between the ages of 10 to 16 in the Greater Roseland Community…(47)” 5 “…9th through 12th graders from 2 magnet high schools located in Baltimore…(26).” 6 "What things in the environment, both good and bad, might influence physical activity among adolescents (27)?“6 “…runaway youths …ages of 13 and 18 years, had left their homes without permission for more than 24 hours, and currently lived in a runaway shelter (61)” 2 “… Things that stress me out are ___ …” and “…The way I deal with stress is to ____ (60).” 2 “…college students and school stakeholders (students, parents, teachers, administrators) (677).” 7 “Thinking of your school, list the ways to deal with the problem of bullying in children… ((677).” 7
  • 15. In the future, I speculate*… • We can sort more than text? • Visualizing & analyzing will evolve. * I am less sure and more worried I may be predicting jet-packs and flying cars.
  • 16. Picture this… Can we do more of this? Sort other items to make meaning? “Seventy-seven photographs with 1- to 2-sentence captions providing a context for the photograph were used as input and served as the foundation for the sorting and rating procedures (196)” Haque, N & Rosas, S. (2010). Concept mapping of photovoices: Sequencing and integrating methods to understand immigrants’ perceptions of neighborhood influences on health. Family & Community Health, 33(3), 193-206. Accessed online at: 20090901-Integration-of-Concept-Mapping-and-Photovoice.pdf
  • 17. Visualizing hard art & maybe not so soft science But perhaps most of all, you may find that some of the maps are simply “pretty” and interesting to look at (p 88).” 1 1 Trochim, WMK. 1989). Concept Mapping: Soft science or hard art? Evaluation and Program Planning. 12, 87- 110. 2 Trochim, WMK. (1989). Outcome pattern matching and program theory. Evaluation and Program Planning. 12, 355-366. “pattern matching approach implies a different view of data … it treats relevant data about programs, measures, participants, or outcomes as patterns or as a whole rather than just as a collection of individual measures or observations (p 358).”2 Emphasis added Provide a Greater Community and Global Perspective Pay Attention to Presentation Design Impact Primary Care Be Accessible through Multiple Channels Utilize Outside/Visiting Presenters Highlight CCHMC Focus on Innovation Include Topics for a Diverse Audience Cover Current Practice A B A B
  • 18. Visualizing hard art & maybe not so soft science But perhaps most of all, you may find that some of the maps are simply “pretty” and interesting to look at (p 88).” 1 1 Trochim, WMK. 1989). Concept Mapping: Soft science or hard art? Evaluation and Program Planning. 12, 87-110. 2 Trochim, WMK. (1989). Outcome pattern matching and program theory. Evaluation and Program Planning. 12, 355-366. “pattern matching approach implies a different view of data … it treats relevant data about programs, measures, participants, or outcomes as patterns or as a whole rather than just as a collection of individual measures or observations (p 358).”2 Emphasis added
  • 19. What goes around comes around, visualizing program theory 1 Trochim, W. M. K. (1989). An introduction to concept mapping for planning and evaluation. Evaluation and Program Planning, 12(1), 1–16. In 1989: “Group concept mapping is consistent with the growing interest in the role of theory in planning and evaluation (p 2).” 1 Logic Model for TTURC-I Evaluation accessed online at: See also: Trochim, WM, Marcus, SE, Masse, LC, Moser, RP, & Weld, PC. (2008). The evaluation of larger research initiatives: A participatory integrative mixed –methods approach. American Journal of Evaluation, 29(1), 8-28. Stokols D., Fuqua J., Gress J., Harvey R., Phillips K., Baezconde-Garbanati L., Unger J., Palmer P., Clark M.A., Colby S.M., Morgan G., Trochim W. (2003). Evaluating transdisciplinary science. Nicotine and Tobacco Research. 5(SUPPL. 1), S21-S39. Yampolskaya, S., Nexman, TM, Hernandez, M., & Koch, D. (2004). Using concept mapping to develop a logic model and articulate program theory: A case example. American Journal of Evaluation, 25(2), 191-207. Trochim, W., Milstein, B., Wood, B. J., Jackson, S., & Pressler, V.(2003). Setting objectives for community and systems change: an application of concept mapping for planning a statewide health improvement initiative. Health Promotion Practice, 8, 1-12. In the new millennium, The logic model connection to concept mapping:
  • 20. What does a group of people think about an issue, a problem, an opportunity? Concept mapping How does a thought (or other things) travel among a group of people? Social Network Analysis The rise of network of analysis will influence concept mapping. See for example, Christakis, NA & Fowler, JH. (2009). Connected: The amazing power of social networks and how they shape our lives. New York, NY: Little, Brown & Co. Durland, M. M. & Fredricks, K. A. (Eds.), (2005a). New directions for evaluation: Social network analysis in program evaluation: San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Gloor, P.A. (2006). Swarm Creativity. Oxford. Oxford University Press.
  • 21. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 Practice change Broad Perspective Multidisciplinary Diverse audience Access/format Visiting presenters Organization-centric Innovation Inspiration This is a concept map
  • 22. See for example, McLinden, D. (2013). Concept maps as network data: Analysis of a concept map using the methods of social network analysis. Evaluation and Program Planning, 36(1), 40-48. This is a network analysis of a concept map Finding additional meaning * Dichotomized the sorting matrix, GE 11= 1, LT 11=0 Practice change Broad Perspective Multidisciplinary Diverse audience Access/format Visiting presenters Organization-centric Innovation Inspiration
  • 23. A little more network analysis of a concept map. What more could we do? Practice change Broad Perspective Diverse audience Access/format Visiting presenters Organization-centric Innovation Inspiration Multidisciplinary * Increasing point size corresponds to increasing degree centrality See for example, McLinden, D. (2013). Concept maps as network data: Analysis of a concept map using the methods of social network analysis. Evaluation and Program Planning, 36(1), 40-48.
  • 24. I speculate that visualization will increase Also see, Borner, K. (2010). Atlas of science: Visualizing what we know. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Check out Jove, the first scientific video journal This is a spherical plot of a concept map using SmacofShpere in R, Stress=0.045.* Could 3D visualization make a comeback? Should we emulate a trend in the physical sciences? * R Core Team (2013). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL
  • 25. Back to the future In the new millennium, concept mapping has provided an approach to: • Address wicked problems • Enable collaborative & participatory decision-making • Embrace diverse thinking • Visualize the issues of a community What more can we do to further the art and science? xkcd accessed online at: HTTP://XKCD.COM/209/