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                                             ANCHORS IN
    CONTENTS                                 THE STORM
                                             by Joe Stowell
    Truths That

    Hold Us Steady. . . . . . . . 2                  uring his years of
      Commonality . . . . . . . . . 3                   pastoring, radio
                                                       broadcasting, and
      Bearability . . . . . . . . . . . 5    the presidency of Moody
      Supernatural Options . . . 7           Bible Institute, Joe Stowell
      God’s Power . . . . . . . . . . 9      has helped many hurting
      God’s Divine Support . . 15            people find strength for the
                                             journey of life.
      A Process With                             With a reassuring realism
      A Purpose . . . . . . . . . . 15
                                             that is rooted in the timeless
    The Purpose Of                           counsel of the Word of God,
    Bringing About What
    Is Good . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24     Joe proclaims a message of
      Go With What                           hope and faith that can be ours
      You Know. . . . . . . . . . . 24       as we travel the wonderful yet
      Pain Is A Process. . . . . . 26        difficult road of life.
                                                 This is the kind of
      Pain Is A Process                      encouragement you will find
      With A Purpose . . . . . . 29
                                             in the following pages excerpted
                                             from The Upside Of Down by
                                             Discovery House Publishers.
                                                           Martin R. De Haan II
     Managing Editor: David Sper                                    Cover Photo:Terry Bidgood
     Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture is taken from the New International Version®. NIV®.
     Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of
     Zondervan. All rights reserved.
     This booklet is based on a portion of The Upside Of Down by Joseph M. Stowell, published by
     Discovery House Publishers, a member of the RBC Ministries family.
     © 2007 RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, Michigan                               Printed in USA
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    TRUTHS THAT                      from the neck up, but
    HOLD US STEADY                   somehow it doesn’t make
                                     sense in my heart.” We

           ilots flying in a storm   assume that if it only makes
            or in darkness quickly   sense in our heads, it’s not
          become disoriented and     helpful. But it is.
    deceived by their senses.            Part of the process of
    Pilots say that when they        working through pain is
    are flying without visibility,   learning to hang on to what
    they can be flying in a tight    we have from the neck up.
    circle while their senses        When our hearts are broken
    assure them that they are        and hurt, there won’t seem
    flying straight ahead. When      to be a pipeline from the
    a pilot becomes disoriented      brain to the emotions. That’s
    in this way, his body is         okay. Just don’t let go of
    telling him one thing and        what you know. That’s the
    his instruments are telling      key to making it in the midst
    him something completely         of difficulty. That’s exactly
    different. To keep flying        when God’s Word says,
    safely, he must rely on          “Consider it pure joy . . .
    the instruments in his           because you know that . . .”
    plane. Those instruments         (Jas. 1:2-3).
    will tell him what is actually       What can we know in
    and absolutely true.             the midst of trials? What are
        What we know to be           the reliable instruments that
    true when we’re in trouble       track us successfully in the
    is the instrument panel that     midst of difficulty?
    provides certainty regardless        In James 1:3-4, the
    of how we feel. People who       stabilizing truth is that we
    are hurting have often told      can know that “the testing
    me, “I know what’s true          of [our] faith produces
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    endurance” and that we         the scope of the verse. It’s
    should “let endurance have     interesting to note that the
    its perfect result, so that    word temptation is from the
    [we] may be perfect and        same word group we find in
    complete, lacking in           James 1:2 (italics added):
    nothing” (NASB). James is      “Consider it pure joy, my
    saying that we can know        brothers, whenever you
    that pain is a process with    face trials of many kinds.”
    a purpose. That specific       Actually 1 Corinthians 10:13
    piece of knowledge will        could read, “No trouble has
    enable us to implement         seized you except what is
    the joy response.              common to man.”
        There are at least six         This portion of verse 13
    mental anchors in Scripture    provides the first principle
    that give stability in the     we need to rely on in the
    midst of trouble.              face of problems. It’s the
                                   principle of commonality.
    COMMONALITY                    You can be absolutely sure
    Three of those                 that you are not the only one
    “knowable” truths              who has gone through this
    are found in 1 Corinthians     kind of problem. You haven’t
    10:13. The first portion of    been singled out by God to
    that verse reads, “No          be the one individual in the
    temptation has seized you      history of the human race
    except what is common to       selected to experience a
    man.” Unfortunately, we        situation like this. There
    tend to think of the word      were others before you, and
    temptation only in regard to   there will be others after you.
    sin. Although that is a part       It’s been said that
    of its meaning, limiting the   misery loves company.
    term to sin greatly reduces    What is true is that misery
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    needs company to keep            insight can be very helpful.
    us from terrible aloneness,      Look for heroes who have
    to enable us to find others      made it through with their
    who have struggled against       hands held high in victory.
    the same dragons, and to         What you’re suffering is
    prepare us to help others        common to others.
    who are yet to be                    And as God, by His
    ambushed.                        grace and in His time,
        In the American church,      begins to put the pieces of
    we have privileges that few      your growth and His glory
    other believers around the       together, you can fulfill the
    world have. One of them          truth of commonality by
    is good Christian literature.    becoming a support to
    Most Christian bookstores        someone else who is looking
    today have quality material      and listening for that “Can I
    available about people           help? I’ve been there too!”
    who have walked through              A tremendous frustration
    dark times—biographies of        for me as a pastor was to
    suffering heroes, and specific   stand with people who were
    titles on sudden tragedy,        experiencing terrible pain.
    abuse, broken homes,             I learned early on that
    disappointments, and a           I should not say, “I
    variety of other problems.       understand.” Because I
        If you are suffering         didn’t understand. I had
    through a trial, you should      never been there myself.
    be able to find someone who          But then some special
    has been there before, who       person who had been there
    has struggled and come to        before would walk up and
    know grace, growth, and          put his arm around this
    glory. Networking with others    suffering soldier and say,
    as a point of support and        “I understand. Let’s talk.”
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    BEARABILITY                       Matthew, followed me into
    The second reality is the         the garage and nobly said,
    truth of bearability. First       “Daddy, let me help!” (Why
    Corinthians 10:13 goes on to      is it that when children are
    say, “And God is faithful; He     too young to help they want
    will not let you be tempted       to help you, and when they
    beyond what you can bear.”        finally get old enough to
    That statement guarantees         be constructive, they aren’t
    that God never gives us           interested?) “Sure, Matt,”
    anything more than what we        was my reply. This precious
    can bear. It’s like the country   little boy took two cartons of
    road that has a sign posted       bottles and struggled to get
    before a bridge, “Load Limit      them into the car.
    5 Tons.” God, who knows                Off we went to the
    our “load limit,” limits the      grocery store. I got a cart
    load He permits us to carry.      and piled the bottles in,
       One of the states in           put some under my arms,
    which we lived had a bottle       and started to the store.
    return policy. Each empty         Matt had his two cartons.
    pop bottle was worth 10           Halfway across the parking
    cents. Neither Martie nor         lot he set his down, looked
    I especially liked to take the    at me, and exhaustedly
    bottles back. This meant          said, “Daddy, I can’t do
    that they accumulated             it. They’re too heavy.” I
    in our garage, leaving a          replied, “Listen, Matthew.
    veritable savings account         You started the project. You
    in pop bottles. One evening       wanted to help. Now buck
    when the stacks of bottles        up and do it right. Pick
    had gotten intolerably high,      those bottles up. I’ll count
    I decided to take them back.      to five.”
    Our then preschooler son,              Do you think I said that?
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        Not a chance! As his        become brittle and fatally
    father, I understood his        broken when, by poor
    limits. I picked up Matt’s      responses, we permit
    cartons and put them into       bitterness to add extra
    the grocery cart. Now if I,     weight to the load of our
    as an earthly, fallen father    struggle.
    would do that for my child,         There’s a particularly
    how much more will my           strategic side to this
    Father in heaven, who           principle that we dare not
    intimately knows me, be         miss. All of us have had the
    willing to never permit         feeling at times that God
    anything more than what         really hasn’t done anything
    I can bear. You can know        for us in a long, long time.
    that. If He permits trouble     We see Him at work for
    to come into your life, it’s    others, yet much of our life
    bearable.                       seems strangely lacking in
        It’s not that our           terms of the supernatural.
    trouble doesn’t often           We tend to sour and think
    seem unbearable. It often       that though God may be at
    does. It’s that we can know     work somewhere, “He’s not
    that if God has permitted it,   at work in my life!”
    in His intimate knowledge           Actually, if God did
    of who we are (and He           nothing more than redeem
    knows us better than we         me, He’s already done far
    know ourselves), we can be      more than I deserve. That’s
    assured that it is indeed not   reason enough to give Him
    beyond our capacity to bear.    praise and glory for the rest
        In this guarantee is the    of my life. Yet beyond that,
    promise that though we may      He’s active every day in
    become bent, we will never      my life as He stands as
    be broken. Our lives only       the sentinel at the gate of
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    my existence, weighing,           to rescue godly men from
    measuring, and excluding          trials.” It guarantees that
    everything that exceeds my        when I get into trouble,
    load limit. Those are the         though I may feel as though
    things I know nothing about.      I am trapped in a room with
    Periodically, as I fall asleep,   four walls closing in on me
    I like to thank God for the       and no windows or doors for
    things He did for me today        escape, God already knows
    that I am unaware of. When        how He is going to deliver
    there is nothing on your          me. He is in the business of
    thanksgiving list, thank Him      making ways of escape.
    that He has guaranteed that            When David was being
    your struggles are bearable       hunted by Saul, he found
    and that He has kept from         himself in a cold cave crying
    you things that would have        out to God, “How long, O
    been crushing blows.              Lord? Will You forget me
                                      forever? How long will You
    SUPERNATURAL                      hide Your face from me?
    OPTIONS                           How long shall I take
    The third reality we can          counsel in my soul, having
    know for sure is that God         sorrow in my heart all the
    has supernatural options          day? How long will my
    available for delivering us       enemy be exalted over me?”
    from trouble. The closing         (Ps. 13:1-2 NASB).
    portion of 1 Corinthians               Like David, when we feel
    10:13 says, “But when you         that God has forgotten us,
    are tempted, He will also         we are prone to plan our
    provide a way out so that         own escape. We say, “I
    you can stand up under it.”       know what I’ll do. I’ll—no,
    I love 2 Peter 2:9, which         that won’t work. Here’s what
    says, “The Lord knows how         I’ll do—no, I don’t think that
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    will work either.” It’s the total   stretch out your hand over
    despair of seeming to be            the sea to divide the water
    locked in with no way out.          so that the Israelites can
        The children of Israel,         go through the sea on dry
    finally delivered from Egypt        ground” (vv.15-16). We
    through God’s performance           know the rest of the story.
    of phenomenal miracles,             The sea parted and the
    stood with their backs to the       Israelites walked across.
    Red Sea watching the dust           The Egyptian army followed,
    of the approaching Egyptian         God closed the sea, and
    host on the horizon. Their          they sank like stones.
    response? “God has options          God’s people were free.
    we never dreamed of in              The trouble was past. God
    Egypt. Remember those 10            knows how to deliver the
    plagues? We never dreamed           righteous from trouble.
    God would deliver us like               I recall counseling a
    that. Can you imagine what          woman who had just come
    He’s going to do now? This          to know Christ. She was
    is going to be spectacular.”        interested in becoming
        Unfortunately they said,        God’s kind of woman, so
    “It would have been better          we were studying passages
    for us to serve the Egyptians       of Scripture that had to do
    than to die in the desert!”         with what a biblical wife is
    (Ex. 14:12).                        like and talking about the
        Yet God had a plan to           whole matter of gracious
    deliver them that they never        cooperation with her
    would have dreamed of.              husband’s leadership. She
    God said to Moses, “Why             came to me one day and
    are you crying out to Me?           said, “Pastor, I’ve got a
    Tell the Israelites to move         major problem. I have been
    on. Raise your staff and            saving up my money for a
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    dining room set. I love         she came back and said,
    the one my mother-in-law        “You’re not going to believe
    has and am looking for          this, but my mother-in-law
    something just like it. After   called me and said that she
    I’ve gone through the used      had bought a brand-new
    furniture ads in the paper,     dining room set and wanted
    my husband and I drive          to know if I wanted hers.”
    around and look at them.            God does not always
    But he doesn’t seem to be       work exactly like that.
    real interested. He’s so        But it’s clear that He has
    insensitive. We’ve been to      lots of different options of
    a couple of places where        deliverance. When we are
    I really liked the furniture,   faithful and patient through
    but he just says, ‘No, I        trouble, God will, in His
    don’t like those.’ ”            time, exercise options of
        I encouraged her to be      deliverance that are far
    patient and wait for the Lord   beyond what we ever
    to work in His way. The next    dreamed.
    week she came back and
    said it was worse. She said,    GOD’S POWER
    “The worst thing about it is    The fourth truth we
    that it’s my money and he       know is that God’s power
    couldn’t care less what kind    is at work in our difficulty.
    of furniture we have in the     I have a friend who has a
    house. He doesn’t know if       wonderfully engineered car.
    we have French Provincial       When we come to a light
    or Early Salvation Army.        and wait for it to change,
    He’s basically interested in    I feel like telling him, “Start
    his newspaper, easy chair,      the car.” It sits there with no
    and the TV.”                    vibration or noise from the
        A couple of weeks later     engine. If I had that car, I’d
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    probably break 10 dozen         the people closest to him,
    starters thinking it had gone   his own family, he was sold
    dead. If it weren’t for the     into Egypt as a slave. Rising
    tachometer sitting at idling    to a place of influence in
    RPMs, you’d think the           Potiphar’s house, Joseph
    power was gone.                 daily faced Potiphar’s wife’s
        Much of the time,           efforts to seduce him.
    we don’t notice that God’s          The Egyptians prided
    power is engineering our        themselves on having
    trouble toward resolution.      beautiful, sensual wives.
    Sometimes we see very little    Potiphar, being one of the
    evidence of His work. Yet       leading bureaucrats in the
    His power is busy at work in    land, no doubt had a wife
    at least three dimensions.      who was rather spectacular.
      God’s Power To                He was off on business
    Bring Good Out Of               much of the time, so she
    Bad. Dimension number           was probably lonely. Joseph,
    one is the claim of Romans      who was young and strong,
    8:28, where we are assured      was running the household
    of God’s power to bring that    every day. One day she
    which is bad to that which      grabs him, and he runs.
    is good. It’s His phenomenal    God looks down on Joseph
    ability to take the worst       and says, “Joseph, nice
    possible circumstances          going. You’re My kind of
    and transform them and          man!” But he gets 3 years
    ultimately bring good out       in the slammer. For 3 years
    of that which is terrible.      nobody remembers him.
        If you ever get really      (In those years God may
    disappointed or discouraged,    have been extracting the
    read the story of Joseph in     arrogance from his life.)
    Genesis 37–50. Betrayed by      Then, in His time, God
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    delivers Joseph and elevates    personally agonizing than
    him to the second highest       the moment when the Son of
    position in the empire.         God was hung as a criminal?
        There was a famine in       All of hell rejoiced for 3 days.
    the land and his treacherous    Satan had won the day.
    brothers came to him for        He had exterminated the
    food. Now their lives were in   conquering Son. Then
    his hands. In time, Joseph’s    God turned that which
    father, who had moved to        was incredibly bad into that
    Egypt, dies, and the brothers   which was wonderfully good.
    were fearful that Joseph was    Redemption from sin. Hell
    going to kill them in revenge   canceled and heaven gained.
    (Gen. 50:15). They came             Unfortunately, unwilling
    cowering before Joseph, only    to wait patiently, we often
    to hear him say, “Don’t be      get in the way by attempting
    afraid. Am I in the place of    to take the project into our
    God? You intended to harm       own hands. And while God
    me, but God intended it for     is trying to do His good
    good to accomplish what is      work, we’re down here
    now being done, the saving      messing up His project with
    of many lives” (vv.19-20).      vengeance, bitterness, and
    God had used His power to       other counterproductive
    turn the very worst moments     responses. We need to
    of Joseph’s life into that      walk in Christ’s footsteps,
    which was good.                 who “ ‘committed no sin,
        This capacity of God to     and no deceit was found
    bring good out of evil was      in His mouth.’ When they
    demonstrated in the cross.      hurled their insults at Him,
    Was there ever a moment in      He did not retaliate; when
    the history of humanity that    He suffered, He made
    was so brutal, unfair, and      no threats. Instead, He
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    entrusted Himself to             Romans 12:19-21 reads:
    Him who judges justly”              Do not take revenge, my
    (1 Pet. 2:22-23).                   friends, but leave room
      God’s Power                       for God’s wrath, for it is
    To Deal With Our                    written: “It is Mine to
    Enemies. The second                 avenge; I will repay,” says
    kind of power at work in            the Lord. On the contrary:
    the midst of trouble is             “If your enemy is hungry,
    God’s power to deal with            feed him; if he is thirsty,
    our enemies. Joseph said            give him something to
    to his brothers, “Am I in the       drink. In doing this, you
    place of God?” (Gen. 50:19).        will heap burning coals
    That’s a very important             on his head.” Do not be
    question. Romans 12:17              overcome by evil, but
    instructs, “Do not repay            overcome evil with good.
    anyone evil for evil. Be            It’s liberating to know
    careful to do what is right in   that God will deal with
    the eyes of everybody.” The      those who cause trouble in
    wonderful truth of this was      my life. That releases me to
    demonstrated when Joseph         love them. Jesus said:
    admitted he had no business         You have heard that it
    getting back at his brothers,       was said, “Love your
    because God is the one              neighbor and hate your
    who carries out justice.            enemy.” But I tell you:
    We experience emotional             Love your enemies
    liberation from our enemies         and pray for those who
    when we say, “God, they             persecute you, that you
    are Your business. You deal         may be sons of your
    with them.” We are then             Father in heaven. He
    released to be like God and         causes His sun to rise
    love our enemies in return.         on the evil and the
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        good, and sends rain          long she had been married.
        on the righteous and the      It had been more than 40
        unrighteous. If you love      years. I have never in my
        those who love you, what      life, nor would I ever,
        reward will you get? Are      counsel anyone to break
        not even the tax collectors   up a home. But as she
        doing that? And if you        went on and on about how
        greet only your brothers,     miserable he was, I finally
        what are you doing            said, “Why have you lived
        more than others? Do          with him so long if he’s so
        not even pagans do that?      bad? Did you ever think
        Be perfect, therefore, as     about just checking out? I’m
        your heavenly Father is       not advising it, but I’d like
        perfect (Mt. 5:43-48).        to know what you think.”
        Again, our problem            She said, “Oh, no! I’d never
    is that we get in the way.        walk out of this marriage.”
    God has not equipped us               I thought that was an
    or given us the capacity to       honorable attitude until she
    deal justice and vengeance        continued. It was evident
    to our enemies. That’s why        that she hated him so much
    it always gets messed up          that walking out of the
    when we try. He is the only       marriage would have meant
    one who has that right and        that she couldn’t torment
    the power and wisdom to           him anymore. For her, that
    do it well.                       was a reason for staying.
        I’ll never forget an          Why would she want to give
    older woman who came              up the opportunity to shred
    to my office and heatedly         her enemy at every turn?
    dumped on me a long list              God has called us to a
    of objections about her           better way. In the midst of
    husband. I asked how              trouble, we can count on the
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    power of God to deal with        sane and safe as I respond
    those who are against us.        properly to Him and to
    And we are then free to be       the trial.
    like our Father in heaven—           The psalmist often says
    free to bless those who curse    that God holds us with His
    us, to pray for those who        right hand. The “right hand
    spitefully use us, and to love   of God” is an Old Testament
    our enemies, because the         metaphor for strength. Think
    power of God will ultimately     about holding a child’s hand
    deal justly with them.           while you are walking. I
      God’s Power                    don’t know what it is, but
    To Hold On To Us.                somehow a child can be
    The third kind of power          walking along beside you,
    we can count on is found         and all of a sudden her legs
    in 2 Corinthians 4:7-9: “We      just fly out from under her—
    have this treasure in jars       for no reason at all. But
    of clay to show that this all-   even though she’s off
    surpassing power is from         balance and in danger of
    God and not from us. We          falling, your power keeps
    are hard pressed on every        her from “destruction.”
    side, but not crushed;               What a wonderful
    perplexed, but not in            picture! God holds me with
    despair; persecuted, but         His powerful right hand as
    not abandoned; struck            I walk the sidewalk of life.
    down, but not destroyed.”        If I trip and both feet go
       I love knowing that God       out from under me, it’s okay
    values the preciousness of       because He’s holding me.
    my being. Though I may           We can count on His power
    go to the edge, in His           to ultimately and finally
    wonderful, sovereign power       protect us and keep us from
    He will always keep me           complete destruction.
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    GOD’S DIVINE                     heart, “God’s grace
    SUPPORT                          is sufficient.” Like the
    The fifth truth we can           everlasting arms, God’s
    affirm in difficult times is     grace comes under us
    the reality of God’s divine      and wraps around us. It
    support. In 2 Corinthians        overtakes us, and we are
    12:7-9, Paul tells of his        supported.
    struggles with a thorn               His grace is His
    in the flesh. He prayed          unmerited help to us. In
    three times to be relieved       trouble, it will be there.
    from it, but to no avail.        How much? Is there a
    So he submitted to the           problem that is bigger than
    lifelong affliction and, with    the reservoir of God’s grace?
    a positive spirit, resolved to   The answer is no. That’s
    let God’s strength be made       why Paul said, “[God’s]
    strong in his weakness,          grace is sufficient” (12:9).
    discovering that God’s grace
    was sufficient to support        A PROCESS WITH
    him through the trial.           A PURPOSE
        In my many years in the      The sixth principle we can
    pastorate, I have stood by       count on during times of
    people who have endured          difficulty is that God uses
    phenomenal suffering and         trouble as a process with a
    trouble. And I have to tell      purpose in our lives. God
    you, a lot of times I walk       never wastes our sorrows.
    away and say, “I can’t           Any pain He permits is to
    believe how well they’re         be used by Him as a
    doing.” I think if that were     process with a purpose.
    me, I would be a basket              There are two biblical
    case. Then I hear Paul’s         purposes: our growth, which
    confidence ringing in my         is what James 1:2-4 speaks
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    of, and God’s glory (Jn. 9:3).   the world watching,
        Trouble attracts the         we can demonstrate the
    attention of people around       presence and power of
    us. Hebrews 10:33 says,          God in our lives. Trouble
    “Partly by being made a          becomes a platform for
    public spectacle through         God’s opportunity to glorify
    reproaches and tribulations,     Himself and show Himself
    and partly by becoming           strong.
    sharers with those who               I had the opportunity
    were so treated” (NASB). One     to listen and watch as Joni
    Christmas somebody gave          Eareckson Tada told of
    one of our children a plastic    her deep love for God
    fireman’s hat. It was one        and her joy in Christ. She
    of those gifts you wish they     was paralyzed from the
    hadn’t given. It had a red       shoulders down, but her
    plastic flashing light on top    face beamed as she sat
    of it and a battery-operated     in her wheelchair. It was
    siren. Our kids ran all over     clear that God was real,
    the house with this siren and    satisfying, fulfilling, and
    light going. You couldn’t help   enabling in the midst of
    but notice their presence.       her lifelong trial. It was a
        It’s like that with          credible statement to the
    trouble. As soon as trouble      reality and power of God
    hits our lives, the lights       and His grace. Whereas
    start flashing and everybody     remorse, self-pity, and
    starts watching us. That’s       bitterness are the products
    why it’s such a wonderful        of nonbiblical responses to
    opportunity to process           suffering, the evidence in
    the trial in the biblical        her life of God’s power
    manner so that as a “public      and presence revealed
    spectacle” in trouble, with      through her pain was an
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    unimpeachable statement of      focuses on the purpose
    the grace and glory of God.     of enabling our growth
        Suffering is a platform     in character and in
    for the display of God’s        competency for living. James
    power. Sometimes that           1:2-4 states that we should
    power is displayed by His       count it all joy, knowing that
    miraculous deliverance, and     the process will contribute
    sometimes it is displayed by    to a life that is becoming
    the grace He gives to us to     “mature and complete, not
    positively endure as we         lacking anything.”
    reflect forgiveness and             How does that happen?
    peace during an ongoing,        The text goes on to speak
    sometimes lifelong, problem.    of the four-step process
        When trials put us on       that leads to our growth:
    public display, it’s our        the testing of our faith, the
    privilege, through biblical     testing of our endurance, the
    responses, to turn the tables   testing of our yieldedness,
    on Satan’s attempt to deface    and our reliance on prayer.
    God’s glory. Our troubles         The Testing Of Our
    allow us to demonstrate         Faith. This comes when
    clearly God’s worthiness        trouble challenges our faith
    to be worshiped, regardless;    and calls it to the witness
    to give Him our willing         stand. What is faith? Faith is
    allegiance, regardless; and     our unflinching reliance on
    to demonstrate the reality      God. I’m glad that God is
    of His presence, power, and     not a slippery commodity
    peace in the midst of pain.     that slides out of our hands
        Not only is pain a          or a moving target we cannot
    process with the purpose of     trust. God doesn’t play hide
    demonstrating God’s glory,      and seek with us. He has
    but it’s also a process that    revealed His promises, His
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    ways, and His character to          When trouble comes,
    us. They are reliable, solid,   by faith I cling to His
    and clearly true. They do       ways. At such times we
    not change. These are the       pray, “Heavenly Father, I
    handles that we cling to in     know what You’ve done in
    trouble.                        the past and how You have
       When trouble comes,          responded in real lives in
    by faith I cling to His         Scripture. Since that’s the
    promises:                       kind of God You are, I’ll
       Never will I leave you;      hang on to You through this.
       never will I forsake you     I will not become bitter or
       (Heb. 13:5).                 manipulative. I will simply
       And we know that in all      permit You to do Your work
       things God works for the     in Your time,” and by faith
       good of those who love       we hang on to that.
       Him, who have been               When trouble comes,
       called according to His      by faith I cling to His
       purpose (Rom. 8:28).         character. First Corinthians
       Perseverance must finish     10:13 says, “God is faithful.”
       its work so that you may     By faith we hang on to the
       be mature and complete,      fact that God will be faithful.
       not lacking anything         He’s not going to show up at
       (Jas. 1:4).                  the end of your trouble and
       Even when there’s            say, “I’m really sorry, but
    no light at the end of the      I’ve had a busy 3 weeks.
    tunnel, when you are in a       I just couldn’t quite get
    deepening darkness and          around to your situation.”
    your heart is broken, these     His character is firm and
    promises are true and will      reliable, fully worthy of our
    provide your source of          confidence. God is loving,
    stability.                      just (which helps in terms
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    of our enemies), righteous,     realized early on that if you
    gracious, and merciful.         put your thumb on a wet
        When troubles come,         watermelon seed and apply
    our faith is tested. It’s       a little pressure, it will spurt
    called to the witness stand     out and go flying across the
    to demonstrate whether or       table. It’s especially fun if
    not we will believe and         you can score a bull’s-eye
    non-negotiably apply            on your sister.
    His promises, ways, and             A lot of us respond to
    character to every situation    trouble in the same way. Life
    of life. When we give in to     begins pressing on us, and
    lesser responses, it reflects   what is our response? “Get
    the weakness of our faith.      me out of here! Lord, solve
      The Testing Of Our            this problem. Immediately.”
    Endurance. This comes           But when God says no,
    about when we apply the         instead of trying to wiggle
    “faith response” to our         out, by faith we claim God
    situation. If we cling          and hang in there as faith
    tenaciously to God, we          produces endurance. Staying
    won’t give up or give in.       under the pressure with a
    Interestingly, the English      good spirit is an important
    word endurance is made up       part of the divine process
    of two Greek words: hupo        as He works toward His
    and meno. Hupo means            productive end in our lives.
    “under”; meno means “to             In times of trouble, it
    remain.” Endurance is the       helps to list specific relevant
    capacity to remain under        truths about God and match
    the stress until God’s work     them with the supporting
    is done.                        passages. Memorizing
        Our family loves to eat     and praying through those
    watermelon. Our children        sections of Scripture will
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    anchor them in your             faith produces endurance.
    heart and mind. A pledge        And let endurance have
    to wait for God to fulfill      its perfect result, so
    those truths in your life       that you may be perfect
    while you unflinchingly         and complete, lacking in
    obey and trust Him is the       nothing” (Jas. 1:2-4 NASB).
    essence of endurance.               “And let endurance
        Look with anticipation      have its perfect result” is
    for grace, growth, and glory,   the command in the text.
    and rejoice in any signal       It’s like surgery. When the
    that the process is working     surgeon comes in and tells
    in your life. Regularly check   us we need an operation,
    your commitment. Have you       we say, “Okay, I’ll endure
    started trusting in yourself    the process and take the
    and your own ways? Have         pain.” We have confidence
    you become manipulative,        in the doctor and believe
    resentful, bitter, cutting,     that it’s ultimately for our
    unforgiving? Or are you by      good. Imagine the following
    faith clinging to God and       situation: We are wheeled
    responding in a biblical        into the operating room and
    way?                            the staff begins to prepare
     The Testing Of                 us for the surgery. When the
    Our Yieldedness. After          surgeon walks in, we watch
    exercising unflinching and      as he walks past the trays
    persisting faith in Him, the    of razor-sharp scalpels. The
    third dynamic is to yield       nurse puts his gloves on him
    to the process. “Consider       and then rolls the tray with
    it all joy, my brethren,        the scalpels on it toward the
    when you encounter              operating table. At that point
    various trials, knowing         we mutter under our breath,
    that the testing of your        “No way,” and leap off the
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    table. The doctor grabs a       wisdom from Him. But if
    scalpel and tries to operate    we’re so distressed that we
    as he chases us around the      can’t pray or don’t know
    operating room.                 how to pray, Romans 8:26
        Obviously that would        assures us that the Holy
    never happen. Yet many          Spirit takes the groanings
    of us give God that kind        we can’t even utter and
    of trouble when He seeks        brings them before the
    to produce growth in us         Father, untangles all their
    through a trial in our          confusion, and lays them
    lives. That’s why James 1:4     before Him on our behalf
    requires that we yield to the   in accord with His will.
    process. We must resist the         Prayer in the midst of
    initial impulse to jump off     trouble helps us see God
    the table. We need, instead,    again. It gets our eyes off
    to place unwavering faith       our problems and focuses
    in the divine surgeon           us afresh on God, who is all-
    and endure, knowing that        powerful, merciful, and just.
    ultimately it will culminate        Prayer reveals things
    in a way that we can claim      about myself. When I pray
    joy and praise for the          in the midst of trouble, I
    process.                        may say, “Lord, you know
      Our Reliance On               this mess with Bob and
    Prayer. Last, James tells       Sally. Well, they . . . ”
    us to pray. Verse 5 says, “If   Often the Lord interrupts
    any of you lacks wisdom, he     and says, “Yes, I know
    should ask God.” There will     about them. But can we talk
    be plenty of times when we      about you?” Prayer has a
    don’t know what to do or        way of revealing things in
    how to respond. We need         my own life that need to
    to go to the Father and seek    be faced if I am to become
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    “mature and complete, not       requires that our purposes
    lacking anything” (Jas. 1:4).   for life be like His purposes
    I find that God regularly       for us. If our purpose in
    responds, “I’ll take care of    life is to be comfortable,
    them. Let’s talk about you.”    well liked, happy, and
        When I’m in prayer, I’m     to accumulate enough
    often reminded of biblical      money to buy the things
    principles that are relevant    we want, then we will
    and true. His Word starts       never find hope in
    coming back to me and I’m       trouble. These are not
    reminded of passages and        God’s driving agendas for
    principles I need to apply.     our existence. Character
    This is wisdom from             is more important to God
    God. Wisdom about Him,          than cash, convenience, or
    wisdom about me, wisdom         comfort. Our competency
    about His Word. “If any         is of greater value to Him
    of you lacks wisdom, he         than simply going through
    should ask God” (Jas. 1:5).     life blissful yet unprepared
        There’s never an easy       and functionally unable
    way to go through trouble,      to make a contribution
    but there’s always a right      to people’s lives and to
    way—by counting it joy          the cause of eternity.
    because of what we                  The measure of how
    know to be true about           productive trials have been
    the process, by exercising      in our lives is how much
    faith, by yielding to the       more we are like Jesus Christ
    process, and by praying         now than we were when the
    for wisdom.                     trouble began. Pain is a
        Being committed to the      process with a divine
    fact that difficulties are a    purpose, and God never
    process with a purpose          wastes our sorrows.
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        Among all the                His character, and His
    question marks that              ways; yielding to the
    invade our hearts and            process; praying for wisdom
    heads in times of trouble,       and enduring under the
    the certainties revolve          pressure until there is
    around the answers to            measurable growth in both
    who and what.                    character and competency
        Who? It is God and me.       and a reflection of His glory.
    The reliable, trustworthy            The principles of
    God working in me and            growth and glory are often
    through me with an               demonstrated in Scripture.
    outpouring of His grace          The penetrating theme of the
    until my growth and His          New Testament is that God
    glory are realized.              will do what is necessary to
        What? My knowledge           bring us to the likeness of
    of what is clearly true and      His Son. His purpose
    reliable. Choosing to bypass     may be to “grow” us to be
    alternate, unproductive, and     capable and productive by
    destructive responses, we        using problems to reduce
    choose to reckon our trial       the risks that we bring to
    ultimately to be a thing         the kingdom. Growth may
    of joy in His powerful and       be fostered by the difficulty
    creative hand. Choosing          that finally forces us to be
    not to permit the baggage        God-sufficient rather than
    of our feelings to drive our     self-sufficient. And His glory
    responses, we direct our         through us will only become
    reactions by what we know        evident as we seek to turn
    to be true, counting it all      every attack of the adversary
    to be a thing of joy as we       into a clear testimony of
    cling by faith to what is true   God’s worth and work in
    about Him: His promises,         us and through us.
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    THE PURPOSE                        among many brothers
    OF BRINGING                        (Rom. 8:28-29).
                                       The guarantee of Romans
    ABOUT WHAT                      8:28-29 contains three truths
    IS GOOD                         that fortify us in difficulty.

           urgery. Many of us
             have experienced it.   GO WITH WHAT
            It is inconvenient,     YOU KNOW
    painful, unpleasant,            Trouble brings with it a
    frightening, and disruptive.    bucketful of emotions:
    Yet we choose to submit to      despair, hurt, revenge,
    it. Why? Because the pain is    self-pity, anger, sorrow,
    worth the gain. It promises     and a dozen other feelings.
    to produce a good result.       If we’re not careful, those
        God’s Word assures the      feelings can dominate us
    believer that all pain is a     and disorient us from what
    process with a purpose. In      we know. Emotions derail
    fact, God guarantees that       our thoughts and detour our
    the purpose will have a         commitments. How we feel
    good outcome.                   tends to distort what we
        And we know that in         know.
        all things God works for        Our resource in pain is
        the good of those who       not what we feel but what
        love Him, who have          we know. When Romans
        been called according       8:28 begins with the words
        to His purpose. For         “And we know,” it literally
        those God foreknew He       means that we have an
        also predestined to be      absolute knowledge. Our
        conformed to the likeness   knowledge in pain is not
        of His Son, that He         a “hope so” or “maybe”
        might be the firstborn      or “might be”—but a
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    “know so” reality. While our    we can cling in trouble.
    emotions are like quicksand,        What do we know? We
    knowledge is bedrock.           know that trouble develops
        Notice that each major      character (Rom. 5:3-5) and
    section on difficulty in        that trials equip us to be
    Scripture begins with an        more useful (Jas. 1:2-5).
    appeal to what we know.         Because of Romans 8:28,
    “We also rejoice in our         we know that good is the
    sufferings, because we          ultimate purpose of the
    know that suffering             process of pain. Knowing
    produces perseverance;          and clinging to what we
    perseverance, character;        know make the difference.
    and character, hope” (Rom.      Truth is our stability factor
    5:3-4). As we have seen,        in trouble.
    James 1:2-4 directs us to           A friend told me about
    “consider it pure joy . . .     the devastating months
    whenever you face trials of     of depression that she had
    many kinds, because you         gone through. Nothing had
    know that the testing of your   seemed to help. She said
    faith develops perseverance.    that the only thing that kept
    Perseverance must finish        her from breaking was “the
    its work so that you may        truth that heaven is real.”
    be mature and complete,         That basic bit of knowledge
    not lacking anything.”          kept her head above the
    When our emotions jade          swirling flood of her
    our perspectives, God’s         emotional despair.
    truth doesn’t change.               Another friend, whose
    Truth is truth regardless       child had died 2 months
    of how we feel.                 before, told me, “It hurts
        God’s truth gives us        more now than it did then.
    a unique edge to which          All we have is the fact that
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    God is sovereign and               It’s An All-
    omniscient,” he said as his      Encompassing
    voice broke. That’s pretty       Process. Since God
    basic, but it was enough         works “in all things,”
    to get him through.              we are guaranteed that
        As God’s people, we          whatever He permits—
    have the advantage of truth      whether pain or pleasure,
    in pain. It’s a definite edge    bane or blessing—He is able
    in trouble. It’s our resource.   to use it all to transform us.
    Cling to it.                         Beautiful automobiles
                                     are especially alluring. They
    PAIN IS A PROCESS                become beautiful and useful
    Romans 8:28 goes on to           through a process. The
    remind us that pain is a         process involves a design
    process toward an ultimate       concept that is reached
    good. Foundational to the        through bending, banging,
    acceptance of pain is the        shaping, heating, riveting,
    awareness that God has           fusing, and tightening.
    us in process. None of           It’s a slow process as the
    us is what God wants us          assembly line moves at an
    to be. Though God loves          almost imperceptible speed,
    and accepts us the way           but it’s a specific process
    we are, He sees all that we      with a desirable goal.
    can become. Pleasure has         Hundreds of component
    a way of making us satisfied     parts make up the whole.
    with ourselves. Pain catches     Some are unsightly and
    our attention so that God        added under great pressure,
    can develop us into His          whereas others beautify; yet
    dream for our lives.             each is essential to the
       That process is defined       process.
    in several dimensions:               The truth that pain is
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    a part of God’s process          changing, limiting, applying
    is seen in the context           pressure, providing strength,
    (Rom. 8:18,23,26). To wish       rearranging. God is the one
    to be transformed by God         working all things together
    without pain in the process      for good.
    is to expect a hunk of               Auguste Bartholdi
    shapeless steel to become        went from France to Egypt
    a beautiful and useful           in 1856. He was awestruck
    commodity without the            by the grandeur of the
    trauma of the assembly line.     pyramids, the magnitude
      It’s A Continuous              of the mighty Nile, and the
    Process. In Romans 8:28,         beauty of the stately Sphinx
    the phrase “God works”           of the desert. His artistic
    indicates a present,             mind was stimulated. While
    continuous process. God          on this trip he met another
    will never abandon His           visitor to Egypt, Ferdinand
    purpose for us, nor the          de Lesseps. Ferdinand was
    process to accomplish it.        there to sell an idea to cut
       I have many unfinished        a canal from the Red Sea to
    projects in my basement—         the Mediterranean Sea that
    things I tore apart to restore   would save merchant ships
    and antiques that I have         the long journey around the
    begun to refinish. With God,     tip of the African continent.
    I am never an abandoned          Auguste was taken by the
    project.                         concept. He decided to
      It’s A Divinely                design a lighthouse to stand
    Supervised Process.              at the entrance to this canal.
    Note that Romans 8:28                It wouldn’t be an
    says, “God works.” Behind        ordinary lighthouse. It
    the scenes of my life story is   would symbolize the light of
    the hand of God—moving,          Western civilization flowing
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    to the East. It took 10          a gift to America. The Statue
    years to build the Suez          of Liberty lighting the New
    Canal. And for 10 years          York harbor demonstrates
    Auguste worked on his idea.      that what happens in the
    He drew plans, made clay         midst of disappointments
    models, and scrapped plan        can often be a prelude to
    after plan. Then he had the      good things beyond our
    right one. It was the perfect    imagination.
    design.                              If, in the normal course
        There was only one           of life, things that seem to
    problem. Who would               be disappointing, difficult,
    pay for it? He looked            and defeating can be
    everywhere, but no one           processed into something
    was interested. The Suez         magnificent and significant,
    Canal was opened—without         how much surer is this
    a lighthouse. Auguste went       process with the hand of
    back to France defeated.         our wise and powerful God
    Ten years of toil and effort     guaranteeing the outcome.
    were wasted.                         We must take caution,
        You would have liked his     however, against slipping
    idea. It was a colossal robed    into an irresponsible
    lady that stood taller than      fatalism that sees God as
    the Sphinx in the desert. She    both the source and the
    held the books of justice in     processor of pain. Within
    one hand and a torch lifted      the “all things” of Romans
    high in the other to light the   8:28 are the reality of
    entrance to the canal.           human choices and
        After Auguste returned       consequences.
    to France, the French                In her book Affliction,
    government sought his            Edith Schaeffer tells of a
    artistic services to design      child who fell off a cliff to
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    his death and of another          thing of beauty. That’s
    who slipped through the ice       what we know.
    into a frozen lake. Did God          As Paul affirmed, “He
    push the child from the           who began a good work
    cliff? Did God push the           in you will carry it on to
    boy through the ice? No,          completion until the day
    these tragedies occurred          of Christ Jesus” (Phil. 1:6).
    because we live in a fallen
    place and are a part of a         PAIN IS A PROCESS
    fallen race. It was a choice      WITH A PURPOSE
    to venture too close to the       The third dynamic is that
    edge of the cliff, a choice       God has no process without
    not to check the safety           purpose. The guarantee of
    of the ice. But it is the         Romans 8:28 states that we
    powerful, creative hand           know that God processes
    of God that takes these           in us all things toward good.
    tragic settings of life and       That’s His purpose. For the
    works them all together for       believer, there’s no pain
    good—regardless.                  without the purpose of a
        Life is a lot like a jigsaw   good result.
    puzzle. Often our lives can           I stood in the church
    seem like a thousand pieces       foyer and said to a set of
    spilled onto the table.           relieved parents, “God has
    They seem to be confused,         certainly been good to spare
    disoriented, senseless, and       you your son.” The night
    tragic. But then God comes        before, their son had been in
    and carefully, wisely, in His     a terrible auto accident. He
    way and in His time, puts         was rushed to a hospital
    the pieces together. In the       more than an hour away for
    end, the puzzle is something      special treatment. All night
    that makes sense—a good           he hung on to life by a
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    thread. He had made it!          He takes all that He permits
        Standing next to his         and makes it a part of the
    parents was another couple       process to bring us to reflect
    whose daughter had been          the image of Christ.
    killed in a car wreck a few          When our family was
    years before. It was then        at a conference years ago,
    that it hit me. Had God not      Matthew, our youngest
    been good to them? What          child, fell and broke his
    was I saying about my            wrist. I have never seen
    definition of “good”? What       anything like it. His arm
    must my comment have             took a sharp left at his wrist
    meant to the parents who         and then turned again to
    were less fortunate?             resume its normal journey to
        God defines good for us      his hand. It was grotesque.
    in Romans 8:29. The text             We rushed Matthew
    says that this process is for    to the hospital where the
    those who have been called       doctor began to set his
    according to God’s purpose.      wrist. I watched as the
    What is God’s purpose?           doctor pulled and twisted
    According to verse 29 it is to   Matthew’s arm. The doctor
    conform us to the image of       began to perspire, and I felt
    His Son—and that is good.        like jumping up and pulling
         Anything that will          the doctor off my son. But
    bring us to a more accurate      I simply sat and watched.
    reflection of the quality of     I knew that Matt’s arm
    Christ in and through our        needed to be restored to its
    lives is good. Whatever it       original design and purpose.
    takes, pain or pleasure, is      But pain and several weeks
    good if it conforms us to        of inconvenience would be
    His likeness. That’s God’s       a part of the process.
    goal in the process of pain.         When we are broken and
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    hurt by sin and self-will, our    sculpture David out of a
    good and loving God must          hunk of stone. Other artists
    often reset us too. Set back      take colored oils and canvas
    to His intended purpose, the      and create masterpieces.
    image of His Son. Set back        Beams of steel are bent and
    to a heart of compassion,         welded to create strange-
    righteousness, and love. Set      looking monuments in our
    into the original purpose of      city squares. But I have
    His glory through us.             never seen an artist even
        God not only has the          attempt to make something
    intention of conforming us        beautiful from ashes. Only
    into what is good, but He         God can do that (Isa. 61:3).
    also has the power to                 God is able to bring
    complete the project.             the love of Christ into our
        I love what the prophet       lives. It may take some
    Isaiah said when he wrote         brokenness. It may require
    that God would “comfort           that we go through a time of
    all who mourn, to console         need to become sensitized
    those who mourn in Zion, to       to the needs of others. If it
    give them beauty for ashes,       requires pain to do that,
    the oil of joy for mourning,      then it is good.
    the garment of praise for             Can we weep with those
    the spirit of heaviness; that     who weep? God may need
    they may be called trees of       to stain our cheeks with
    righteousness, the planting       tears so that we can
    of the Lord, that He may be       genuinely empathize as
    glorified” (Isa. 61:2b-3 NKJV).   Christ does.
    God is able to restore the            Are we self-sufficient?
    years that the locusts have       The tragedy of our affluent
    eaten (Joel 2:25).                culture is that we rarely
        Michelangelo carved the       sense our need for God,
                        © 2007 RBC Ministries
HP073 Anchors pp.qxp     7/23/07     12:01 PM        Page 32

    when in reality we               know God, pain is a
    desperately do need              process with a certain
    Him. God may need to             purpose. We don’t make
    strip away some of our           it through tough times.
    security, as painful as          We are made through
    that may be, to conform          tough times—made into
    us to the God-sufficiency        the beauty of Christ
    that Christ displayed.           Jesus.
    That would be good.                  And that is good.
        Are we faithless? It
    may take the impact of a
    tragedy for us to experience
    the reality of God so that we
    learn to lean on and trust
    Him as Christ did. That
    would be good.
        Are we proud, indifferent,
    carnal, selfish, unforgiving,
    negative, or angry? God
                                     This booklet is excerpted from
    has something better—the         The Upside Of Down by Joe Stowell,
                                     which is published by Discovery
    lifestyle of His Son.            House Publishers, a member of
        God is able to effect        the RBC Ministries family. Joe
    positive change in us.           served for 18 years as the president
                                     of Moody Bible Institute. Currently
    He knows what is best.           he is Teaching Pastor at Harvest
    He knows what it takes.          Bible Chapel in Chicago. He is also
    He will, as the loving, all-     partnering with RBC Ministries in
                                     radio, writing, and television
    powerful sculptor, chip          productions.
    away until Jesus is seen           If this booklet has been helpful to
    in the hardened hunk             you, check out Joe’s ministry online
                                     at for his
    of our lives.                    weekly thought-provoking messages
        For those of us who          or his “Daily Strength” devotionals.
                       © 2007 RBC Ministries
Get your free Bible
Resources catalog!
                            Discovery Series
                            booklets can be
                            valuable guides to
                            help you learn what
                            the Bible says about a
                            broad range of topics.
                            Each 32-page booklet
                            can be used in your
                            personal Bible study
                            or in a small-group

                              Your free Bible
                              Resources catalog
                              includes a brief
description of each Discovery Series booklet.
To get your copy, write to us at the address below
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Anchors in-the-storm

  • 1. HP073 Anchors pp.qxp 7/23/07 12:01 PM Page 1 ANCHORS IN CONTENTS THE STORM by Joe Stowell Truths That D Hold Us Steady. . . . . . . . 2 uring his years of Commonality . . . . . . . . . 3 pastoring, radio broadcasting, and Bearability . . . . . . . . . . . 5 the presidency of Moody Supernatural Options . . . 7 Bible Institute, Joe Stowell God’s Power . . . . . . . . . . 9 has helped many hurting God’s Divine Support . . 15 people find strength for the journey of life. A Process With With a reassuring realism A Purpose . . . . . . . . . . 15 that is rooted in the timeless The Purpose Of counsel of the Word of God, Bringing About What Is Good . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Joe proclaims a message of Go With What hope and faith that can be ours You Know. . . . . . . . . . . 24 as we travel the wonderful yet Pain Is A Process. . . . . . 26 difficult road of life. This is the kind of Pain Is A Process encouragement you will find With A Purpose . . . . . . 29 in the following pages excerpted from The Upside Of Down by Discovery House Publishers. Martin R. De Haan II Managing Editor: David Sper Cover Photo:Terry Bidgood Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture is taken from the New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. This booklet is based on a portion of The Upside Of Down by Joseph M. Stowell, published by Discovery House Publishers, a member of the RBC Ministries family. © 2007 RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, Michigan Printed in USA
  • 2. HP073 Anchors pp.qxp 7/23/07 12:01 PM Page 2 TRUTHS THAT from the neck up, but HOLD US STEADY somehow it doesn’t make sense in my heart.” We P ilots flying in a storm assume that if it only makes or in darkness quickly sense in our heads, it’s not become disoriented and helpful. But it is. deceived by their senses. Part of the process of Pilots say that when they working through pain is are flying without visibility, learning to hang on to what they can be flying in a tight we have from the neck up. circle while their senses When our hearts are broken assure them that they are and hurt, there won’t seem flying straight ahead. When to be a pipeline from the a pilot becomes disoriented brain to the emotions. That’s in this way, his body is okay. Just don’t let go of telling him one thing and what you know. That’s the his instruments are telling key to making it in the midst him something completely of difficulty. That’s exactly different. To keep flying when God’s Word says, safely, he must rely on “Consider it pure joy . . . the instruments in his because you know that . . .” plane. Those instruments (Jas. 1:2-3). will tell him what is actually What can we know in and absolutely true. the midst of trials? What are What we know to be the reliable instruments that true when we’re in trouble track us successfully in the is the instrument panel that midst of difficulty? provides certainty regardless In James 1:3-4, the of how we feel. People who stabilizing truth is that we are hurting have often told can know that “the testing me, “I know what’s true of [our] faith produces 2 © 2007 RBC Ministries
  • 3. HP073 Anchors pp.qxp 7/23/07 12:01 PM Page 3 endurance” and that we the scope of the verse. It’s should “let endurance have interesting to note that the its perfect result, so that word temptation is from the [we] may be perfect and same word group we find in complete, lacking in James 1:2 (italics added): nothing” (NASB). James is “Consider it pure joy, my saying that we can know brothers, whenever you that pain is a process with face trials of many kinds.” a purpose. That specific Actually 1 Corinthians 10:13 piece of knowledge will could read, “No trouble has enable us to implement seized you except what is the joy response. common to man.” There are at least six This portion of verse 13 mental anchors in Scripture provides the first principle that give stability in the we need to rely on in the midst of trouble. face of problems. It’s the principle of commonality. COMMONALITY You can be absolutely sure Three of those that you are not the only one “knowable” truths who has gone through this are found in 1 Corinthians kind of problem. You haven’t 10:13. The first portion of been singled out by God to that verse reads, “No be the one individual in the temptation has seized you history of the human race except what is common to selected to experience a man.” Unfortunately, we situation like this. There tend to think of the word were others before you, and temptation only in regard to there will be others after you. sin. Although that is a part It’s been said that of its meaning, limiting the misery loves company. term to sin greatly reduces What is true is that misery 3 © 2007 RBC Ministries
  • 4. HP073 Anchors pp.qxp 7/23/07 12:01 PM Page 4 needs company to keep insight can be very helpful. us from terrible aloneness, Look for heroes who have to enable us to find others made it through with their who have struggled against hands held high in victory. the same dragons, and to What you’re suffering is prepare us to help others common to others. who are yet to be And as God, by His ambushed. grace and in His time, In the American church, begins to put the pieces of we have privileges that few your growth and His glory other believers around the together, you can fulfill the world have. One of them truth of commonality by is good Christian literature. becoming a support to Most Christian bookstores someone else who is looking today have quality material and listening for that “Can I available about people help? I’ve been there too!” who have walked through A tremendous frustration dark times—biographies of for me as a pastor was to suffering heroes, and specific stand with people who were titles on sudden tragedy, experiencing terrible pain. abuse, broken homes, I learned early on that disappointments, and a I should not say, “I variety of other problems. understand.” Because I If you are suffering didn’t understand. I had through a trial, you should never been there myself. be able to find someone who But then some special has been there before, who person who had been there has struggled and come to before would walk up and know grace, growth, and put his arm around this glory. Networking with others suffering soldier and say, as a point of support and “I understand. Let’s talk.” 4 © 2007 RBC Ministries
  • 5. HP073 Anchors pp.qxp 7/23/07 12:01 PM Page 5 BEARABILITY Matthew, followed me into The second reality is the the garage and nobly said, truth of bearability. First “Daddy, let me help!” (Why Corinthians 10:13 goes on to is it that when children are say, “And God is faithful; He too young to help they want will not let you be tempted to help you, and when they beyond what you can bear.” finally get old enough to That statement guarantees be constructive, they aren’t that God never gives us interested?) “Sure, Matt,” anything more than what we was my reply. This precious can bear. It’s like the country little boy took two cartons of road that has a sign posted bottles and struggled to get before a bridge, “Load Limit them into the car. 5 Tons.” God, who knows Off we went to the our “load limit,” limits the grocery store. I got a cart load He permits us to carry. and piled the bottles in, One of the states in put some under my arms, which we lived had a bottle and started to the store. return policy. Each empty Matt had his two cartons. pop bottle was worth 10 Halfway across the parking cents. Neither Martie nor lot he set his down, looked I especially liked to take the at me, and exhaustedly bottles back. This meant said, “Daddy, I can’t do that they accumulated it. They’re too heavy.” I in our garage, leaving a replied, “Listen, Matthew. veritable savings account You started the project. You in pop bottles. One evening wanted to help. Now buck when the stacks of bottles up and do it right. Pick had gotten intolerably high, those bottles up. I’ll count I decided to take them back. to five.” Our then preschooler son, Do you think I said that? 5 © 2007 RBC Ministries
  • 6. HP073 Anchors pp.qxp 7/23/07 12:01 PM Page 6 Not a chance! As his become brittle and fatally father, I understood his broken when, by poor limits. I picked up Matt’s responses, we permit cartons and put them into bitterness to add extra the grocery cart. Now if I, weight to the load of our as an earthly, fallen father struggle. would do that for my child, There’s a particularly how much more will my strategic side to this Father in heaven, who principle that we dare not intimately knows me, be miss. All of us have had the willing to never permit feeling at times that God anything more than what really hasn’t done anything I can bear. You can know for us in a long, long time. that. If He permits trouble We see Him at work for to come into your life, it’s others, yet much of our life bearable. seems strangely lacking in It’s not that our terms of the supernatural. trouble doesn’t often We tend to sour and think seem unbearable. It often that though God may be at does. It’s that we can know work somewhere, “He’s not that if God has permitted it, at work in my life!” in His intimate knowledge Actually, if God did of who we are (and He nothing more than redeem knows us better than we me, He’s already done far know ourselves), we can be more than I deserve. That’s assured that it is indeed not reason enough to give Him beyond our capacity to bear. praise and glory for the rest In this guarantee is the of my life. Yet beyond that, promise that though we may He’s active every day in become bent, we will never my life as He stands as be broken. Our lives only the sentinel at the gate of 6 © 2007 RBC Ministries
  • 7. HP073 Anchors pp.qxp 7/23/07 12:01 PM Page 7 my existence, weighing, to rescue godly men from measuring, and excluding trials.” It guarantees that everything that exceeds my when I get into trouble, load limit. Those are the though I may feel as though things I know nothing about. I am trapped in a room with Periodically, as I fall asleep, four walls closing in on me I like to thank God for the and no windows or doors for things He did for me today escape, God already knows that I am unaware of. When how He is going to deliver there is nothing on your me. He is in the business of thanksgiving list, thank Him making ways of escape. that He has guaranteed that When David was being your struggles are bearable hunted by Saul, he found and that He has kept from himself in a cold cave crying you things that would have out to God, “How long, O been crushing blows. Lord? Will You forget me forever? How long will You SUPERNATURAL hide Your face from me? OPTIONS How long shall I take The third reality we can counsel in my soul, having know for sure is that God sorrow in my heart all the has supernatural options day? How long will my available for delivering us enemy be exalted over me?” from trouble. The closing (Ps. 13:1-2 NASB). portion of 1 Corinthians Like David, when we feel 10:13 says, “But when you that God has forgotten us, are tempted, He will also we are prone to plan our provide a way out so that own escape. We say, “I you can stand up under it.” know what I’ll do. I’ll—no, I love 2 Peter 2:9, which that won’t work. Here’s what says, “The Lord knows how I’ll do—no, I don’t think that 7 © 2007 RBC Ministries
  • 8. HP073 Anchors pp.qxp 7/23/07 12:01 PM Page 8 will work either.” It’s the total stretch out your hand over despair of seeming to be the sea to divide the water locked in with no way out. so that the Israelites can The children of Israel, go through the sea on dry finally delivered from Egypt ground” (vv.15-16). We through God’s performance know the rest of the story. of phenomenal miracles, The sea parted and the stood with their backs to the Israelites walked across. Red Sea watching the dust The Egyptian army followed, of the approaching Egyptian God closed the sea, and host on the horizon. Their they sank like stones. response? “God has options God’s people were free. we never dreamed of in The trouble was past. God Egypt. Remember those 10 knows how to deliver the plagues? We never dreamed righteous from trouble. God would deliver us like I recall counseling a that. Can you imagine what woman who had just come He’s going to do now? This to know Christ. She was is going to be spectacular.” interested in becoming Unfortunately they said, God’s kind of woman, so “It would have been better we were studying passages for us to serve the Egyptians of Scripture that had to do than to die in the desert!” with what a biblical wife is (Ex. 14:12). like and talking about the Yet God had a plan to whole matter of gracious deliver them that they never cooperation with her would have dreamed of. husband’s leadership. She God said to Moses, “Why came to me one day and are you crying out to Me? said, “Pastor, I’ve got a Tell the Israelites to move major problem. I have been on. Raise your staff and saving up my money for a 8 © 2007 RBC Ministries
  • 9. HP073 Anchors pp.qxp 7/23/07 12:01 PM Page 9 dining room set. I love she came back and said, the one my mother-in-law “You’re not going to believe has and am looking for this, but my mother-in-law something just like it. After called me and said that she I’ve gone through the used had bought a brand-new furniture ads in the paper, dining room set and wanted my husband and I drive to know if I wanted hers.” around and look at them. God does not always But he doesn’t seem to be work exactly like that. real interested. He’s so But it’s clear that He has insensitive. We’ve been to lots of different options of a couple of places where deliverance. When we are I really liked the furniture, faithful and patient through but he just says, ‘No, I trouble, God will, in His don’t like those.’ ” time, exercise options of I encouraged her to be deliverance that are far patient and wait for the Lord beyond what we ever to work in His way. The next dreamed. week she came back and said it was worse. She said, GOD’S POWER “The worst thing about it is The fourth truth we that it’s my money and he know is that God’s power couldn’t care less what kind is at work in our difficulty. of furniture we have in the I have a friend who has a house. He doesn’t know if wonderfully engineered car. we have French Provincial When we come to a light or Early Salvation Army. and wait for it to change, He’s basically interested in I feel like telling him, “Start his newspaper, easy chair, the car.” It sits there with no and the TV.” vibration or noise from the A couple of weeks later engine. If I had that car, I’d 9 © 2007 RBC Ministries
  • 10. HP073 Anchors pp.qxp 7/23/07 12:01 PM Page 10 probably break 10 dozen the people closest to him, starters thinking it had gone his own family, he was sold dead. If it weren’t for the into Egypt as a slave. Rising tachometer sitting at idling to a place of influence in RPMs, you’d think the Potiphar’s house, Joseph power was gone. daily faced Potiphar’s wife’s Much of the time, efforts to seduce him. we don’t notice that God’s The Egyptians prided power is engineering our themselves on having trouble toward resolution. beautiful, sensual wives. Sometimes we see very little Potiphar, being one of the evidence of His work. Yet leading bureaucrats in the His power is busy at work in land, no doubt had a wife at least three dimensions. who was rather spectacular. God’s Power To He was off on business Bring Good Out Of much of the time, so she Bad. Dimension number was probably lonely. Joseph, one is the claim of Romans who was young and strong, 8:28, where we are assured was running the household of God’s power to bring that every day. One day she which is bad to that which grabs him, and he runs. is good. It’s His phenomenal God looks down on Joseph ability to take the worst and says, “Joseph, nice possible circumstances going. You’re My kind of and transform them and man!” But he gets 3 years ultimately bring good out in the slammer. For 3 years of that which is terrible. nobody remembers him. If you ever get really (In those years God may disappointed or discouraged, have been extracting the read the story of Joseph in arrogance from his life.) Genesis 37–50. Betrayed by Then, in His time, God 10 © 2007 RBC Ministries
  • 11. HP073 Anchors pp.qxp 7/23/07 12:01 PM Page 11 delivers Joseph and elevates personally agonizing than him to the second highest the moment when the Son of position in the empire. God was hung as a criminal? There was a famine in All of hell rejoiced for 3 days. the land and his treacherous Satan had won the day. brothers came to him for He had exterminated the food. Now their lives were in conquering Son. Then his hands. In time, Joseph’s God turned that which father, who had moved to was incredibly bad into that Egypt, dies, and the brothers which was wonderfully good. were fearful that Joseph was Redemption from sin. Hell going to kill them in revenge canceled and heaven gained. (Gen. 50:15). They came Unfortunately, unwilling cowering before Joseph, only to wait patiently, we often to hear him say, “Don’t be get in the way by attempting afraid. Am I in the place of to take the project into our God? You intended to harm own hands. And while God me, but God intended it for is trying to do His good good to accomplish what is work, we’re down here now being done, the saving messing up His project with of many lives” (vv.19-20). vengeance, bitterness, and God had used His power to other counterproductive turn the very worst moments responses. We need to of Joseph’s life into that walk in Christ’s footsteps, which was good. who “ ‘committed no sin, This capacity of God to and no deceit was found bring good out of evil was in His mouth.’ When they demonstrated in the cross. hurled their insults at Him, Was there ever a moment in He did not retaliate; when the history of humanity that He suffered, He made was so brutal, unfair, and no threats. Instead, He 11 © 2007 RBC Ministries
  • 12. HP073 Anchors pp.qxp 7/23/07 12:01 PM Page 12 entrusted Himself to Romans 12:19-21 reads: Him who judges justly” Do not take revenge, my (1 Pet. 2:22-23). friends, but leave room God’s Power for God’s wrath, for it is To Deal With Our written: “It is Mine to Enemies. The second avenge; I will repay,” says kind of power at work in the Lord. On the contrary: the midst of trouble is “If your enemy is hungry, God’s power to deal with feed him; if he is thirsty, our enemies. Joseph said give him something to to his brothers, “Am I in the drink. In doing this, you place of God?” (Gen. 50:19). will heap burning coals That’s a very important on his head.” Do not be question. Romans 12:17 overcome by evil, but instructs, “Do not repay overcome evil with good. anyone evil for evil. Be It’s liberating to know careful to do what is right in that God will deal with the eyes of everybody.” The those who cause trouble in wonderful truth of this was my life. That releases me to demonstrated when Joseph love them. Jesus said: admitted he had no business You have heard that it getting back at his brothers, was said, “Love your because God is the one neighbor and hate your who carries out justice. enemy.” But I tell you: We experience emotional Love your enemies liberation from our enemies and pray for those who when we say, “God, they persecute you, that you are Your business. You deal may be sons of your with them.” We are then Father in heaven. He released to be like God and causes His sun to rise love our enemies in return. on the evil and the 12 © 2007 RBC Ministries
  • 13. HP073 Anchors pp.qxp 7/23/07 12:01 PM Page 13 good, and sends rain long she had been married. on the righteous and the It had been more than 40 unrighteous. If you love years. I have never in my those who love you, what life, nor would I ever, reward will you get? Are counsel anyone to break not even the tax collectors up a home. But as she doing that? And if you went on and on about how greet only your brothers, miserable he was, I finally what are you doing said, “Why have you lived more than others? Do with him so long if he’s so not even pagans do that? bad? Did you ever think Be perfect, therefore, as about just checking out? I’m your heavenly Father is not advising it, but I’d like perfect (Mt. 5:43-48). to know what you think.” Again, our problem She said, “Oh, no! I’d never is that we get in the way. walk out of this marriage.” God has not equipped us I thought that was an or given us the capacity to honorable attitude until she deal justice and vengeance continued. It was evident to our enemies. That’s why that she hated him so much it always gets messed up that walking out of the when we try. He is the only marriage would have meant one who has that right and that she couldn’t torment the power and wisdom to him anymore. For her, that do it well. was a reason for staying. I’ll never forget an Why would she want to give older woman who came up the opportunity to shred to my office and heatedly her enemy at every turn? dumped on me a long list God has called us to a of objections about her better way. In the midst of husband. I asked how trouble, we can count on the 13 © 2007 RBC Ministries
  • 14. HP073 Anchors pp.qxp 7/23/07 12:01 PM Page 14 power of God to deal with sane and safe as I respond those who are against us. properly to Him and to And we are then free to be the trial. like our Father in heaven— The psalmist often says free to bless those who curse that God holds us with His us, to pray for those who right hand. The “right hand spitefully use us, and to love of God” is an Old Testament our enemies, because the metaphor for strength. Think power of God will ultimately about holding a child’s hand deal justly with them. while you are walking. I God’s Power don’t know what it is, but To Hold On To Us. somehow a child can be The third kind of power walking along beside you, we can count on is found and all of a sudden her legs in 2 Corinthians 4:7-9: “We just fly out from under her— have this treasure in jars for no reason at all. But of clay to show that this all- even though she’s off surpassing power is from balance and in danger of God and not from us. We falling, your power keeps are hard pressed on every her from “destruction.” side, but not crushed; What a wonderful perplexed, but not in picture! God holds me with despair; persecuted, but His powerful right hand as not abandoned; struck I walk the sidewalk of life. down, but not destroyed.” If I trip and both feet go I love knowing that God out from under me, it’s okay values the preciousness of because He’s holding me. my being. Though I may We can count on His power go to the edge, in His to ultimately and finally wonderful, sovereign power protect us and keep us from He will always keep me complete destruction. 14 © 2007 RBC Ministries
  • 15. HP073 Anchors pp.qxp 7/23/07 12:01 PM Page 15 GOD’S DIVINE heart, “God’s grace SUPPORT is sufficient.” Like the The fifth truth we can everlasting arms, God’s affirm in difficult times is grace comes under us the reality of God’s divine and wraps around us. It support. In 2 Corinthians overtakes us, and we are 12:7-9, Paul tells of his supported. struggles with a thorn His grace is His in the flesh. He prayed unmerited help to us. In three times to be relieved trouble, it will be there. from it, but to no avail. How much? Is there a So he submitted to the problem that is bigger than lifelong affliction and, with the reservoir of God’s grace? a positive spirit, resolved to The answer is no. That’s let God’s strength be made why Paul said, “[God’s] strong in his weakness, grace is sufficient” (12:9). discovering that God’s grace was sufficient to support A PROCESS WITH him through the trial. A PURPOSE In my many years in the The sixth principle we can pastorate, I have stood by count on during times of people who have endured difficulty is that God uses phenomenal suffering and trouble as a process with a trouble. And I have to tell purpose in our lives. God you, a lot of times I walk never wastes our sorrows. away and say, “I can’t Any pain He permits is to believe how well they’re be used by Him as a doing.” I think if that were process with a purpose. me, I would be a basket There are two biblical case. Then I hear Paul’s purposes: our growth, which confidence ringing in my is what James 1:2-4 speaks 15 © 2007 RBC Ministries
  • 16. HP073 Anchors pp.qxp 7/23/07 12:01 PM Page 16 of, and God’s glory (Jn. 9:3). the world watching, Trouble attracts the we can demonstrate the attention of people around presence and power of us. Hebrews 10:33 says, God in our lives. Trouble “Partly by being made a becomes a platform for public spectacle through God’s opportunity to glorify reproaches and tribulations, Himself and show Himself and partly by becoming strong. sharers with those who I had the opportunity were so treated” (NASB). One to listen and watch as Joni Christmas somebody gave Eareckson Tada told of one of our children a plastic her deep love for God fireman’s hat. It was one and her joy in Christ. She of those gifts you wish they was paralyzed from the hadn’t given. It had a red shoulders down, but her plastic flashing light on top face beamed as she sat of it and a battery-operated in her wheelchair. It was siren. Our kids ran all over clear that God was real, the house with this siren and satisfying, fulfilling, and light going. You couldn’t help enabling in the midst of but notice their presence. her lifelong trial. It was a It’s like that with credible statement to the trouble. As soon as trouble reality and power of God hits our lives, the lights and His grace. Whereas start flashing and everybody remorse, self-pity, and starts watching us. That’s bitterness are the products why it’s such a wonderful of nonbiblical responses to opportunity to process suffering, the evidence in the trial in the biblical her life of God’s power manner so that as a “public and presence revealed spectacle” in trouble, with through her pain was an 16 © 2007 RBC Ministries
  • 17. HP073 Anchors pp.qxp 7/23/07 12:01 PM Page 17 unimpeachable statement of focuses on the purpose the grace and glory of God. of enabling our growth Suffering is a platform in character and in for the display of God’s competency for living. James power. Sometimes that 1:2-4 states that we should power is displayed by His count it all joy, knowing that miraculous deliverance, and the process will contribute sometimes it is displayed by to a life that is becoming the grace He gives to us to “mature and complete, not positively endure as we lacking anything.” reflect forgiveness and How does that happen? peace during an ongoing, The text goes on to speak sometimes lifelong, problem. of the four-step process When trials put us on that leads to our growth: public display, it’s our the testing of our faith, the privilege, through biblical testing of our endurance, the responses, to turn the tables testing of our yieldedness, on Satan’s attempt to deface and our reliance on prayer. God’s glory. Our troubles The Testing Of Our allow us to demonstrate Faith. This comes when clearly God’s worthiness trouble challenges our faith to be worshiped, regardless; and calls it to the witness to give Him our willing stand. What is faith? Faith is allegiance, regardless; and our unflinching reliance on to demonstrate the reality God. I’m glad that God is of His presence, power, and not a slippery commodity peace in the midst of pain. that slides out of our hands Not only is pain a or a moving target we cannot process with the purpose of trust. God doesn’t play hide demonstrating God’s glory, and seek with us. He has but it’s also a process that revealed His promises, His 17 © 2007 RBC Ministries
  • 18. HP073 Anchors pp.qxp 7/23/07 12:01 PM Page 18 ways, and His character to When trouble comes, us. They are reliable, solid, by faith I cling to His and clearly true. They do ways. At such times we not change. These are the pray, “Heavenly Father, I handles that we cling to in know what You’ve done in trouble. the past and how You have When trouble comes, responded in real lives in by faith I cling to His Scripture. Since that’s the promises: kind of God You are, I’ll Never will I leave you; hang on to You through this. never will I forsake you I will not become bitter or (Heb. 13:5). manipulative. I will simply And we know that in all permit You to do Your work things God works for the in Your time,” and by faith good of those who love we hang on to that. Him, who have been When trouble comes, called according to His by faith I cling to His purpose (Rom. 8:28). character. First Corinthians Perseverance must finish 10:13 says, “God is faithful.” its work so that you may By faith we hang on to the be mature and complete, fact that God will be faithful. not lacking anything He’s not going to show up at (Jas. 1:4). the end of your trouble and Even when there’s say, “I’m really sorry, but no light at the end of the I’ve had a busy 3 weeks. tunnel, when you are in a I just couldn’t quite get deepening darkness and around to your situation.” your heart is broken, these His character is firm and promises are true and will reliable, fully worthy of our provide your source of confidence. God is loving, stability. just (which helps in terms 18 © 2007 RBC Ministries
  • 19. HP073 Anchors pp.qxp 7/23/07 12:01 PM Page 19 of our enemies), righteous, realized early on that if you gracious, and merciful. put your thumb on a wet When troubles come, watermelon seed and apply our faith is tested. It’s a little pressure, it will spurt called to the witness stand out and go flying across the to demonstrate whether or table. It’s especially fun if not we will believe and you can score a bull’s-eye non-negotiably apply on your sister. His promises, ways, and A lot of us respond to character to every situation trouble in the same way. Life of life. When we give in to begins pressing on us, and lesser responses, it reflects what is our response? “Get the weakness of our faith. me out of here! Lord, solve The Testing Of Our this problem. Immediately.” Endurance. This comes But when God says no, about when we apply the instead of trying to wiggle “faith response” to our out, by faith we claim God situation. If we cling and hang in there as faith tenaciously to God, we produces endurance. Staying won’t give up or give in. under the pressure with a Interestingly, the English good spirit is an important word endurance is made up part of the divine process of two Greek words: hupo as He works toward His and meno. Hupo means productive end in our lives. “under”; meno means “to In times of trouble, it remain.” Endurance is the helps to list specific relevant capacity to remain under truths about God and match the stress until God’s work them with the supporting is done. passages. Memorizing Our family loves to eat and praying through those watermelon. Our children sections of Scripture will 19 © 2007 RBC Ministries
  • 20. HP073 Anchors pp.qxp 7/23/07 12:01 PM Page 20 anchor them in your faith produces endurance. heart and mind. A pledge And let endurance have to wait for God to fulfill its perfect result, so those truths in your life that you may be perfect while you unflinchingly and complete, lacking in obey and trust Him is the nothing” (Jas. 1:2-4 NASB). essence of endurance. “And let endurance Look with anticipation have its perfect result” is for grace, growth, and glory, the command in the text. and rejoice in any signal It’s like surgery. When the that the process is working surgeon comes in and tells in your life. Regularly check us we need an operation, your commitment. Have you we say, “Okay, I’ll endure started trusting in yourself the process and take the and your own ways? Have pain.” We have confidence you become manipulative, in the doctor and believe resentful, bitter, cutting, that it’s ultimately for our unforgiving? Or are you by good. Imagine the following faith clinging to God and situation: We are wheeled responding in a biblical into the operating room and way? the staff begins to prepare The Testing Of us for the surgery. When the Our Yieldedness. After surgeon walks in, we watch exercising unflinching and as he walks past the trays persisting faith in Him, the of razor-sharp scalpels. The third dynamic is to yield nurse puts his gloves on him to the process. “Consider and then rolls the tray with it all joy, my brethren, the scalpels on it toward the when you encounter operating table. At that point various trials, knowing we mutter under our breath, that the testing of your “No way,” and leap off the 20 © 2007 RBC Ministries
  • 21. HP073 Anchors pp.qxp 7/23/07 12:01 PM Page 21 table. The doctor grabs a wisdom from Him. But if scalpel and tries to operate we’re so distressed that we as he chases us around the can’t pray or don’t know operating room. how to pray, Romans 8:26 Obviously that would assures us that the Holy never happen. Yet many Spirit takes the groanings of us give God that kind we can’t even utter and of trouble when He seeks brings them before the to produce growth in us Father, untangles all their through a trial in our confusion, and lays them lives. That’s why James 1:4 before Him on our behalf requires that we yield to the in accord with His will. process. We must resist the Prayer in the midst of initial impulse to jump off trouble helps us see God the table. We need, instead, again. It gets our eyes off to place unwavering faith our problems and focuses in the divine surgeon us afresh on God, who is all- and endure, knowing that powerful, merciful, and just. ultimately it will culminate Prayer reveals things in a way that we can claim about myself. When I pray joy and praise for the in the midst of trouble, I process. may say, “Lord, you know Our Reliance On this mess with Bob and Prayer. Last, James tells Sally. Well, they . . . ” us to pray. Verse 5 says, “If Often the Lord interrupts any of you lacks wisdom, he and says, “Yes, I know should ask God.” There will about them. But can we talk be plenty of times when we about you?” Prayer has a don’t know what to do or way of revealing things in how to respond. We need my own life that need to to go to the Father and seek be faced if I am to become 21 © 2007 RBC Ministries
  • 22. HP073 Anchors pp.qxp 7/23/07 12:01 PM Page 22 “mature and complete, not requires that our purposes lacking anything” (Jas. 1:4). for life be like His purposes I find that God regularly for us. If our purpose in responds, “I’ll take care of life is to be comfortable, them. Let’s talk about you.” well liked, happy, and When I’m in prayer, I’m to accumulate enough often reminded of biblical money to buy the things principles that are relevant we want, then we will and true. His Word starts never find hope in coming back to me and I’m trouble. These are not reminded of passages and God’s driving agendas for principles I need to apply. our existence. Character This is wisdom from is more important to God God. Wisdom about Him, than cash, convenience, or wisdom about me, wisdom comfort. Our competency about His Word. “If any is of greater value to Him of you lacks wisdom, he than simply going through should ask God” (Jas. 1:5). life blissful yet unprepared There’s never an easy and functionally unable way to go through trouble, to make a contribution but there’s always a right to people’s lives and to way—by counting it joy the cause of eternity. because of what we The measure of how know to be true about productive trials have been the process, by exercising in our lives is how much faith, by yielding to the more we are like Jesus Christ process, and by praying now than we were when the for wisdom. trouble began. Pain is a Being committed to the process with a divine fact that difficulties are a purpose, and God never process with a purpose wastes our sorrows. 22 © 2007 RBC Ministries
  • 23. HP073 Anchors pp.qxp 7/23/07 12:01 PM Page 23 Among all the His character, and His question marks that ways; yielding to the invade our hearts and process; praying for wisdom heads in times of trouble, and enduring under the the certainties revolve pressure until there is around the answers to measurable growth in both who and what. character and competency Who? It is God and me. and a reflection of His glory. The reliable, trustworthy The principles of God working in me and growth and glory are often through me with an demonstrated in Scripture. outpouring of His grace The penetrating theme of the until my growth and His New Testament is that God glory are realized. will do what is necessary to What? My knowledge bring us to the likeness of of what is clearly true and His Son. His purpose reliable. Choosing to bypass may be to “grow” us to be alternate, unproductive, and capable and productive by destructive responses, we using problems to reduce choose to reckon our trial the risks that we bring to ultimately to be a thing the kingdom. Growth may of joy in His powerful and be fostered by the difficulty creative hand. Choosing that finally forces us to be not to permit the baggage God-sufficient rather than of our feelings to drive our self-sufficient. And His glory responses, we direct our through us will only become reactions by what we know evident as we seek to turn to be true, counting it all every attack of the adversary to be a thing of joy as we into a clear testimony of cling by faith to what is true God’s worth and work in about Him: His promises, us and through us. 23 © 2007 RBC Ministries
  • 24. HP073 Anchors pp.qxp 7/23/07 12:01 PM Page 24 THE PURPOSE among many brothers OF BRINGING (Rom. 8:28-29). The guarantee of Romans ABOUT WHAT 8:28-29 contains three truths IS GOOD that fortify us in difficulty. S urgery. Many of us have experienced it. GO WITH WHAT It is inconvenient, YOU KNOW painful, unpleasant, Trouble brings with it a frightening, and disruptive. bucketful of emotions: Yet we choose to submit to despair, hurt, revenge, it. Why? Because the pain is self-pity, anger, sorrow, worth the gain. It promises and a dozen other feelings. to produce a good result. If we’re not careful, those God’s Word assures the feelings can dominate us believer that all pain is a and disorient us from what process with a purpose. In we know. Emotions derail fact, God guarantees that our thoughts and detour our the purpose will have a commitments. How we feel good outcome. tends to distort what we And we know that in know. all things God works for Our resource in pain is the good of those who not what we feel but what love Him, who have we know. When Romans been called according 8:28 begins with the words to His purpose. For “And we know,” it literally those God foreknew He means that we have an also predestined to be absolute knowledge. Our conformed to the likeness knowledge in pain is not of His Son, that He a “hope so” or “maybe” might be the firstborn or “might be”—but a 24 © 2007 RBC Ministries
  • 25. HP073 Anchors pp.qxp 7/23/07 12:01 PM Page 25 “know so” reality. While our we can cling in trouble. emotions are like quicksand, What do we know? We knowledge is bedrock. know that trouble develops Notice that each major character (Rom. 5:3-5) and section on difficulty in that trials equip us to be Scripture begins with an more useful (Jas. 1:2-5). appeal to what we know. Because of Romans 8:28, “We also rejoice in our we know that good is the sufferings, because we ultimate purpose of the know that suffering process of pain. Knowing produces perseverance; and clinging to what we perseverance, character; know make the difference. and character, hope” (Rom. Truth is our stability factor 5:3-4). As we have seen, in trouble. James 1:2-4 directs us to A friend told me about “consider it pure joy . . . the devastating months whenever you face trials of of depression that she had many kinds, because you gone through. Nothing had know that the testing of your seemed to help. She said faith develops perseverance. that the only thing that kept Perseverance must finish her from breaking was “the its work so that you may truth that heaven is real.” be mature and complete, That basic bit of knowledge not lacking anything.” kept her head above the When our emotions jade swirling flood of her our perspectives, God’s emotional despair. truth doesn’t change. Another friend, whose Truth is truth regardless child had died 2 months of how we feel. before, told me, “It hurts God’s truth gives us more now than it did then. a unique edge to which All we have is the fact that 25 © 2007 RBC Ministries
  • 26. HP073 Anchors pp.qxp 7/23/07 12:01 PM Page 26 God is sovereign and It’s An All- omniscient,” he said as his Encompassing voice broke. That’s pretty Process. Since God basic, but it was enough works “in all things,” to get him through. we are guaranteed that As God’s people, we whatever He permits— have the advantage of truth whether pain or pleasure, in pain. It’s a definite edge bane or blessing—He is able in trouble. It’s our resource. to use it all to transform us. Cling to it. Beautiful automobiles are especially alluring. They PAIN IS A PROCESS become beautiful and useful Romans 8:28 goes on to through a process. The remind us that pain is a process involves a design process toward an ultimate concept that is reached good. Foundational to the through bending, banging, acceptance of pain is the shaping, heating, riveting, awareness that God has fusing, and tightening. us in process. None of It’s a slow process as the us is what God wants us assembly line moves at an to be. Though God loves almost imperceptible speed, and accepts us the way but it’s a specific process we are, He sees all that we with a desirable goal. can become. Pleasure has Hundreds of component a way of making us satisfied parts make up the whole. with ourselves. Pain catches Some are unsightly and our attention so that God added under great pressure, can develop us into His whereas others beautify; yet dream for our lives. each is essential to the That process is defined process. in several dimensions: The truth that pain is 26 © 2007 RBC Ministries
  • 27. HP073 Anchors pp.qxp 7/23/07 12:01 PM Page 27 a part of God’s process changing, limiting, applying is seen in the context pressure, providing strength, (Rom. 8:18,23,26). To wish rearranging. God is the one to be transformed by God working all things together without pain in the process for good. is to expect a hunk of Auguste Bartholdi shapeless steel to become went from France to Egypt a beautiful and useful in 1856. He was awestruck commodity without the by the grandeur of the trauma of the assembly line. pyramids, the magnitude It’s A Continuous of the mighty Nile, and the Process. In Romans 8:28, beauty of the stately Sphinx the phrase “God works” of the desert. His artistic indicates a present, mind was stimulated. While continuous process. God on this trip he met another will never abandon His visitor to Egypt, Ferdinand purpose for us, nor the de Lesseps. Ferdinand was process to accomplish it. there to sell an idea to cut I have many unfinished a canal from the Red Sea to projects in my basement— the Mediterranean Sea that things I tore apart to restore would save merchant ships and antiques that I have the long journey around the begun to refinish. With God, tip of the African continent. I am never an abandoned Auguste was taken by the project. concept. He decided to It’s A Divinely design a lighthouse to stand Supervised Process. at the entrance to this canal. Note that Romans 8:28 It wouldn’t be an says, “God works.” Behind ordinary lighthouse. It the scenes of my life story is would symbolize the light of the hand of God—moving, Western civilization flowing 27 © 2007 RBC Ministries
  • 28. HP073 Anchors pp.qxp 7/23/07 12:01 PM Page 28 to the East. It took 10 a gift to America. The Statue years to build the Suez of Liberty lighting the New Canal. And for 10 years York harbor demonstrates Auguste worked on his idea. that what happens in the He drew plans, made clay midst of disappointments models, and scrapped plan can often be a prelude to after plan. Then he had the good things beyond our right one. It was the perfect imagination. design. If, in the normal course There was only one of life, things that seem to problem. Who would be disappointing, difficult, pay for it? He looked and defeating can be everywhere, but no one processed into something was interested. The Suez magnificent and significant, Canal was opened—without how much surer is this a lighthouse. Auguste went process with the hand of back to France defeated. our wise and powerful God Ten years of toil and effort guaranteeing the outcome. were wasted. We must take caution, You would have liked his however, against slipping idea. It was a colossal robed into an irresponsible lady that stood taller than fatalism that sees God as the Sphinx in the desert. She both the source and the held the books of justice in processor of pain. Within one hand and a torch lifted the “all things” of Romans high in the other to light the 8:28 are the reality of entrance to the canal. human choices and After Auguste returned consequences. to France, the French In her book Affliction, government sought his Edith Schaeffer tells of a artistic services to design child who fell off a cliff to 28 © 2007 RBC Ministries
  • 29. HP073 Anchors pp.qxp 7/23/07 12:01 PM Page 29 his death and of another thing of beauty. That’s who slipped through the ice what we know. into a frozen lake. Did God As Paul affirmed, “He push the child from the who began a good work cliff? Did God push the in you will carry it on to boy through the ice? No, completion until the day these tragedies occurred of Christ Jesus” (Phil. 1:6). because we live in a fallen place and are a part of a PAIN IS A PROCESS fallen race. It was a choice WITH A PURPOSE to venture too close to the The third dynamic is that edge of the cliff, a choice God has no process without not to check the safety purpose. The guarantee of of the ice. But it is the Romans 8:28 states that we powerful, creative hand know that God processes of God that takes these in us all things toward good. tragic settings of life and That’s His purpose. For the works them all together for believer, there’s no pain good—regardless. without the purpose of a Life is a lot like a jigsaw good result. puzzle. Often our lives can I stood in the church seem like a thousand pieces foyer and said to a set of spilled onto the table. relieved parents, “God has They seem to be confused, certainly been good to spare disoriented, senseless, and you your son.” The night tragic. But then God comes before, their son had been in and carefully, wisely, in His a terrible auto accident. He way and in His time, puts was rushed to a hospital the pieces together. In the more than an hour away for end, the puzzle is something special treatment. All night that makes sense—a good he hung on to life by a 29 © 2007 RBC Ministries
  • 30. HP073 Anchors pp.qxp 7/23/07 12:01 PM Page 30 thread. He had made it! He takes all that He permits Standing next to his and makes it a part of the parents was another couple process to bring us to reflect whose daughter had been the image of Christ. killed in a car wreck a few When our family was years before. It was then at a conference years ago, that it hit me. Had God not Matthew, our youngest been good to them? What child, fell and broke his was I saying about my wrist. I have never seen definition of “good”? What anything like it. His arm must my comment have took a sharp left at his wrist meant to the parents who and then turned again to were less fortunate? resume its normal journey to God defines good for us his hand. It was grotesque. in Romans 8:29. The text We rushed Matthew says that this process is for to the hospital where the those who have been called doctor began to set his according to God’s purpose. wrist. I watched as the What is God’s purpose? doctor pulled and twisted According to verse 29 it is to Matthew’s arm. The doctor conform us to the image of began to perspire, and I felt His Son—and that is good. like jumping up and pulling Anything that will the doctor off my son. But bring us to a more accurate I simply sat and watched. reflection of the quality of I knew that Matt’s arm Christ in and through our needed to be restored to its lives is good. Whatever it original design and purpose. takes, pain or pleasure, is But pain and several weeks good if it conforms us to of inconvenience would be His likeness. That’s God’s a part of the process. goal in the process of pain. When we are broken and 30 © 2007 RBC Ministries
  • 31. HP073 Anchors pp.qxp 7/23/07 12:01 PM Page 31 hurt by sin and self-will, our sculpture David out of a good and loving God must hunk of stone. Other artists often reset us too. Set back take colored oils and canvas to His intended purpose, the and create masterpieces. image of His Son. Set back Beams of steel are bent and to a heart of compassion, welded to create strange- righteousness, and love. Set looking monuments in our into the original purpose of city squares. But I have His glory through us. never seen an artist even God not only has the attempt to make something intention of conforming us beautiful from ashes. Only into what is good, but He God can do that (Isa. 61:3). also has the power to God is able to bring complete the project. the love of Christ into our I love what the prophet lives. It may take some Isaiah said when he wrote brokenness. It may require that God would “comfort that we go through a time of all who mourn, to console need to become sensitized those who mourn in Zion, to to the needs of others. If it give them beauty for ashes, requires pain to do that, the oil of joy for mourning, then it is good. the garment of praise for Can we weep with those the spirit of heaviness; that who weep? God may need they may be called trees of to stain our cheeks with righteousness, the planting tears so that we can of the Lord, that He may be genuinely empathize as glorified” (Isa. 61:2b-3 NKJV). Christ does. God is able to restore the Are we self-sufficient? years that the locusts have The tragedy of our affluent eaten (Joel 2:25). culture is that we rarely Michelangelo carved the sense our need for God, 31 © 2007 RBC Ministries
  • 32. HP073 Anchors pp.qxp 7/23/07 12:01 PM Page 32 when in reality we know God, pain is a desperately do need process with a certain Him. God may need to purpose. We don’t make strip away some of our it through tough times. security, as painful as We are made through that may be, to conform tough times—made into us to the God-sufficiency the beauty of Christ that Christ displayed. Jesus. That would be good. And that is good. Are we faithless? It may take the impact of a tragedy for us to experience the reality of God so that we learn to lean on and trust Him as Christ did. That would be good. Are we proud, indifferent, carnal, selfish, unforgiving, negative, or angry? God h This booklet is excerpted from has something better—the The Upside Of Down by Joe Stowell, which is published by Discovery lifestyle of His Son. House Publishers, a member of God is able to effect the RBC Ministries family. Joe positive change in us. served for 18 years as the president of Moody Bible Institute. Currently He knows what is best. he is Teaching Pastor at Harvest He knows what it takes. Bible Chapel in Chicago. He is also He will, as the loving, all- partnering with RBC Ministries in radio, writing, and television powerful sculptor, chip productions. away until Jesus is seen If this booklet has been helpful to in the hardened hunk you, check out Joe’s ministry online at for his of our lives. weekly thought-provoking messages For those of us who or his “Daily Strength” devotionals. 32 © 2007 RBC Ministries
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