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Table of Contents  
CHAPTER 1: WHAT’S IDENTITY?………………………………………….7 
CHAPTER 2: YOU HAVE IDENTITY......................................11 
IDENTITY (Testimony) .............................................................35 
This book is dedicated to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 
You have shown me how you have created me. You have 
been there when I was at my lowest point, and through you I 
have reached my highest. You are my guider, my protector, 
my biggest cheerleader and my comfort who always holds me 
close in times of trouble. There is no name that can rise 
above yours. There is no power that can even compare. You 
are my God and I want to live and die in you. 
You have given me identity and a purpose to live for. You 
thought that I was needed on your list of creations. You 
rescued me from the snares of the enemy and showed my 
fingers how to fight. I can rest everyday knowing that even 
after this life has passed, it is in you that I have life eternally. 
I love you.  
Thank you for pouring into me and changing my life. 
“To be or not to be? That is the question...”...or at least a part 
of it.  
A​line taken from one of the greatest plays ever written by 
Shakespeare captures the despair that this life can bring. The 
speaker questions the value of human life, adding dimension 
and appeal to the character’s performance. However, this 
question, when spoken in your own reality, is void of any 
For years of my adult life I have grappled with the need to 
know if life was worth living. If I was “to be.” Between 
cancer, war, poverty, racial inequality, and everything that I 
saw going on in this world, I couldn’t help but to believe the 
Apostle Paul when he said “to die is gain.” I could remember 
sinking to such a low point in my life that instead of praying 
to God to sustain me, I was bold enough to ask Him to take 
For days I petitioned the same request over and over and did 
not cease. Until one day: I sat in my room for what felt like 
the 50th time saying the words of that same prayer. But 
during this time, I began to realize something:  
With every breath I released, another one came right after 
and another and another and another and this would only 
continue unless someone did something to stop it…..and that 
someone had to be me.  
I contemplated.  
I pictured myself reaching for the loads of medication in my 
bedside drawer. I pictured myself swallowing the tablets 
until my throat closed up and worked no longer, but I didn’t 
move to get them. 
I didn’t move because at that moment I realized that it would 
be the biggest insult to my Creator to use the very breath 
that He gave me to reject what He had in mind when He 
gave it to me. It would be the biggest offense to waste my 
breath grumbling instead of using it to speak change into 
this world and to broken people.  
The truth was we all will die and 100% of us will pass away 
Would I rather die asking God to take me? or Would I rather 
die doing something that would impact the world even when 
I leave it? 
The truth was I was sent here on purpose. I was given breath 
for a purpose. 
God was intentional about me. If He wanted me gone, He 
would’ve taken me. If He wanted me here, He would’ve 
brought me and that was exactly what He did. With all the 
trials of life I was allowing myself to forget who I was and 
whose I was.  
It’s easy to convince yourself that with all the tragedy in the 
world that God does not want you to live in it, but that is the 
sole truth. God never called us to ​live​ in this world. Our 
home is in Heaven. But, we are on this Earth with a plan to 
prepare for eternity, and do the work of God. Therefore, it is 
our responsibility to find out how we fit in the pieces of His 
plan by seeking out our identities, lives and purposes in Him 
before we depart.  
So Hamlet had the wrong idea. I had the wrong idea. We are 
to be. It’s not our job to decide whether we are not. It was 
never our job to give ourselves life nor do we have the power 
to do so. Our only mandate in this journey is to find out 
“​what”​ we are ​to be​ in order to change the world. 
“Identity Crisis” will help to restore your identity in Christ 
if it has been stolen by the enemy and the tragedies of this 
world. It will bring clarity and revelation into what it truly 
means to be a child of God so that you can begin to awaken 
your purpose, walk into the fullness of your calling, and 
claim your inheritance as a child of Christ Jesus.  
Chapter 1: What’s Identity? 
“​...Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.” -1 
John 4:4 (NIV) 
W​hen I think of the word identity, I always think of the 
image of a black silhouette head or fingerprint being 
scanned on a big futuristic machine. I’m not sure if I got 
those ideas from all of the old spy movies that I watched as a 
child or if that was just the inner workings of my mind 
having a cook-off with Bobby Flay. But either way: that 
image was always associated with that word for as long as I 
However, as I began to develop more in Christ and discover 
who I was in Him and who He was in me, when I hear the 
word identity now, I see a picture of a root.  
Identity to me is like a root because a root anchors you. It is 
where you get all of your nutrients, vitamins, and substances 
for life and if the roots are broken, the plant will show it... 
And identity is the exact same principle. It’s your base. It 
brings shape. It brings the meaning as to why you do the 
things you do. It is the filter through which every single idea, 
every decision, and every thought from you flows. 
If your identity lies within money, you’re more inclined to 
listen to music about money, hang with people who are 
moneymakers, and take a degree that offers a lot of money. 
Identity connects and determines every part of your life, and 
if that’s damaged, your life will show it. 
When the Holy Spirit revealed this concept to me at the age 
of 19, I had to now take things into perspective. If identity 
was my base, a good base does not have the permission to 
fail you.  
However, sadly, my identity at the time did just that. Who I 
was and I wanted to be were on the basis of friends, 
popularity, money, and acceptance, and every single one had 
the ability to shake and fail me. But through countless years 
of heartbreak, failure, and betrayal, I realized that the only 
thing that truly remained solid in the storms of my life was 
the rock of Jesus Christ, my hope and salvation and it was 
about time that I accepted His anchor in me. 
Your identity should come from what has been anchored in 
you, rather than what ​YOU​ decide to place your anchor in.  
In this world’s climate, when we think of identity, it’s all 
about how WE define ourselves and what WE associate 
ourselves with, but this is only a recipe for disaster. The 
world is so unsure of itself. Trends are here one day, then 
gone the next. We’re told to like something today, and 
tomorrow we hate it… 
So, why place your anchor in something that isn’t even 
anchored itself? How will it sustain YOU in YOUR times of 
Instability + instability with always = instability. 
We did not create ourselves. Therefore, to think that we have 
the ability to decide that something apart from the one who 
created us is considered our identity is insanely problematic. 
Psalm 100:3 says: ​“Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is 
he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his 
people, and the sheep of his pasture.” (KJV)​. We did not 
create ourselves, therefore we do not know who we are. Even 
if we think we do, we don’t know enough to give ourselves 
our own identity. Only God has that power. 
Take this example​: ​A mango tree was created to produce 
mangos. If one day it decided to identify with an apple tree, it 
would not work. The mango tree has been given the identity of a 
mango tree. Its leaves are that of a mango tree. Its biological 
makeup down to the cell structure is characteristic of a mango tree 
and any additions or deviations are considered unnatural and 
contradictory to its original identity. If it decided to act like an 
apple tree, the mango tree would become discouraged when it isn’t 
bearing apple fruit. It would spend its whole life wondering why it 
will never be good enough. And more importantly, the ecosystem 
around it is deprived of a much needed mango tree to feed 
animals that specifically eat mangos. The mango tree would 
always experience inner turmoil wondering why it is constantly 
being shaken and fruitless. The mango tree would be in a crisis… 
And the same follows for our spiritual identity.  
God has made each of us in Him. He created us with a 
specific image and spiritual makeup. He has given us 
specific skills and characteristics suited for the fruit He 
wanted us to bear. Thus, the only way we can know ourselves 
enough to give ourselves the power to “determine” our 
identity is if we had a hand in the creation process. 
Our lives will never know peace because we were not 
designed to create, but rather to live out what has already 
been wired inside of us from the Creator. We are not to yearn 
to identify with something outside of ourselves. 1 John 4:4 
says ​“...greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the 
world.” (KJV)​. Our only job is to ask and seek out “He” that 
is within us and operate in our original spiritual DNA. 
Chapter 2: You Have Identity  
“​Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were 
born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the 
nations.” -Jeremiah 1:5 (NIV) 
G​od has had a plan for us since the beginning of the 
beginning of the beginning of time. He told the prophet 
Jeremiah “​Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before 
you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to 
the nations..” (NIV)​. ​Before Jeremiah was born, God had put 
identity in Him to walk in. God gave Him a purpose, the 
assignment, and even the type of person Jeremiah would be 
in Him before flesh came into the picture.  
I’ve heard, said, and seen this verse more than one thousand 
times in my life span, but it wasn’t until I saw this verse the 
other day that something stood out to me in the word choice 
of God. God said to Jeremiah ​“​before I formed you.​” ​It isn’t 
until there is a problem that we create a solution or give 
purpose to something, but God is so intentional that He 
created solutions before problems.  
God did not wait until Jeremiah was born to ordain him and 
give him identity. God placed value in him when he was just 
a mere thought and ​as it applies to Jeremiah, the same 
applies to you, children of God.​ God loves you so much that 
He gave you identity even before you could accept or reject 
it. He sealed you as His own, and there is no one on this 
earth that can say there was a time that you weren’t God’s 
Even in your mess and sin, you are still God’s own and 
forever will be. He has created us with the end in mind and 
our messes in account. He has taken into play all things that 
we can not even see, therefore the identity that Christ has 
given us is far better than anything we could ever create.  
Before I gave my life to Christ fully, I was living a wayward 
life. Looking back, I realized that it wasn’t because I wanted 
to. I knew the things that I was doing were wrong and my 
conscience always gave me that alert. I knew that what my 
life showed was not pleasing unto God, but I did it anyway. 
Now that I have found Christ and invited Him into my life, I 
realized that my rebellion of my past was coming from a 
place of not knowing who I was in Christ. I did not know 
who my identity lied in, therefore I did not know that I even 
had identity, let alone purpose, so I lived according to my 
flesh and the ways of the world. I did not know that I was 
placed on this earth not to live and figure out life on my own, 
but to carry out an assignment that was placed in me before 
the cells in my body were even formed. 
Everything in creation has identity in Christ. God is so 
particular in His works that just ​like the trees were made to 
give shade, just how fruit was made to be eaten, just how the 
sun was made to bring warmth, you too have been made to 
do something that no one else on this earth can do like you. 
That purpose and identity does not need to be sought out in 
the world, because it has already been hot-wired into us by 
our Creator.  
Therefore, do not believe the lies of the enemy that you are 
living for yourself and under your own anchor of identity. 
God has placed you on Earth with ​HIS​ seal and to live 
according to ​HIS​ will. You were made for a reason, and more 
importantly you were made in Him. So, begin to believe that 
you were made with a unique identity given only by God, 
because everything that God has given, no one has the ability 
to take away. 
Chapter 3: Identity Theft: Satan’s 
“identity crisis•noun: a period of uncertainty in which a 
person’s sense of identity becomes insecure.”-Google  
H​ave you ever heard the word of God referred to as a rock 
and strong foundation? It’s not just to add seasoning to your 
favourite Sunday sermon, but rather to reiterate the truth 
that no matter what is going on in our lives, God’s will, 
promises, and declarations will forever remain solid. The 
word of God is not contingent nor dependent on a situation 
or outcome, rather the situation or outcome is dependent on 
the word of God.  
With an identity rooted in Christ, this becomes your mantra 
and the only truth that you can ever live by. But, 
unfortunately when the truth shines its light in our lives, the 
forces of darkness tries its best to extinguish it. As 
Christians, we are not ignorant of this though. The enemy is 
a natural opposer of God and contradicts everything that 
God is. 1 Corinthians 2:11 says “​...for we are not unaware of 
his schemes.” We know Satan’s character. We know his 
identity. We know that: 
God is love, Satan is hate.  
God is peace, Satan is war.  
God is truth, Satan is untruth.  
Wherefore, if a spiritual identity in God brings security, then 
Satan, being a natural opposer to the nature of God’s will, 
will then bring insecurity into our lives.  
Examine your life:  
Do you find yourself being swayed by new doctrine? Do you 
find yourself questioning what your passion is? Do you 
compare yourself to the changing standard of the world and 
If the presence of insecurity and uncertainty about the 
purpose, vision, future and mandate of your life exists within 
you, this is a clear indication that you are a victim of not only 
a ​spiritual identity crisis​ but also​ satanic identity theft.  
Satan’s ultimate plan as a deceiver is to take away the 
identity that God has given us. There is nothing that He 
wants more than for us to forget who God has created us to 
be and become wrapped up in the world He prowls around. 
Forgetting who you are in Christ gives way for Him to knock 
you down with the storms of life because there is no true 
anchor. Satan is the author of lies, and he often uses lies 
disguised as truth to demolish what God has rooted in us 
through His identity.  
Satan often tells us: 
1. We have no future  
Satan loves to use the storms of our lives as an indication 
that there is no hope for us. He loves to remind us of our 
pasts. He loves to remind us through the media of the 
constant death, war and sicknesses happening in the world. 
He makes us believe that we have no future, therefore we 
should not even bother to see the fullness of God’s glory. But 
an identity in Christ reveals the truth that God never 
promised that the road of this life would be easy. The enemy 
is always working and is in a constant fight for our lives. But 
as children of God, we should not fear because God has 
given us the victory over every hard time we see once we 
cling to Him. It is through these hardships that we can really 
see God’s power at work. These disasters are not to scare us 
into a corner, but to allow us to face the battle head on and 
claim the win. God says ​“For I know the plans I have for 
you. Plans not to harm you, but to prosper you and give 
you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 11:29 (KJV) 
2. We are of this world  
One lie of the enemy that has so many youths caught up is 
that their identification is in the world. The ambition of 
some people of God lies within status, wealth, popularity, 
celebrity lifestyles, sex, relationships, and self glorification. 
The bible specifically tells us in 1 John 2:15-17:​ “Do not love 
the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the 
world, the love of the Father is not in him.” (KJV). ​The 
cars, the luxury, rappers, and celebrities will always pass 
away and 100% of us will die. But our souls and spirit will 
forever live on. Therefore, if we are to partner with 
something, let us partner with something that is long 
lasting. The only thing that we can say has remained when 
the world has seen disaster after disaster is the word of the 
Lord, therefore our souls must partner with that and that 
alone. To pursue a relationship, job, car, or house is not 
necessarily a bad thing in some instances, but when it is all 
we are consumed with and ask God for, it becomes an idol, 
and idols and God can not coexist in your world. 
3. We are not good enough  
God has made us fearfully and wonderfully. A spiritual 
identity in the lies of Satan tells you that you are not good 
enough due to your mistakes, your mishaps, and your 
missteps. But, I’m here to tell you that it is all a lie. We are 
not perfect, but God does not need perfection. We are made 
perfect in the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ, therefore 
when the imposition of imperfection is made upon us and 
our identity, we can look to the Father and say that our 
identity is in Him and Him only. 
When you identify with these lies, you identify with Satan. 
Every single thing that comes out of His mouth is not the 
reality of the situation. He is incapable of telling the truth. It 
is not his nature. Therefore, when you want to root yourself 
in someone or something, root it in something that wants 
you to know the truth about yourself. Root it in someone 
who wants you to live after you die. Root it in someone who 
remains steadfast in times of trouble.  
Satan can change His lies to conform to any situation, but 
the word of God commands every situation.  
Be not conformed to this world. Any identity that you 
assume that is not the original identity given to by the 
Father is identity theft and it is time that we reclaim it from 
the enemy. Satan is out to cover our true identities until we 
don’t look like what God has created, but know He can never 
alter your identity itself. An identity crisis is only meant to 
be a period of time or a moment of uncertainty.  
Satan was never meant to alter your whole DNA. He is only 
allowed to form weapons against our identities. It is your 
choice whether you give them a way to prosper. 
Chapter 4: The Mechanics of our 
“I was born like this, since one like this, immaculate conception 
I transform like this, perform like this, was Yeshua's new 
weapon.”-Kendrick Lamar  
B​iology was always one of my favourite subjects in high 
school. I always thought that if God had augmented the 
math part of my brain just five shoe sizes more, I would be 
pursuing a medical degree in the present day. Biology always 
fascinated me because for once it wasn’t just about the 
grades. We were discovering the core of our lives. It was so 
intriguing to peel away at an organ or dissect the parts of a 
plant under a microscope to see the cells, tissues, and veins 
responsible for an organism serving the very purpose that it 
did in this world. It was absolutely beautiful. 
That’s how our spiritual lives should be.  
We often want to take on the project of looking outside 
ourselves for meaning and purpose in the world. But God has 
been telling us: ​“Sit down and dissect yourself. I want you to peel 
away at YOUR core and see just how I created YOU. Your 
answers are where you’ve failed to look. I want you to see how 
your gifts, your talents, and your spiritual veins, your cells, and 
tissues all serve the purpose that I created for you in this world.” 
It took me 20 years to truly understand what my parts really 
meant in my identity and I’m happy to say that I am still 
dissecting. Many people know that they are children of God, 
but have never opened up their veins to study the meaning of 
that declaration. Identifying as a child of God has so many 
advantages, perks, and benefits that some of us don't even 
know of or realize.  
These include knowing that: 
1. You are regal.  
When you think of kings and queens, they lack nothing. 
They have the finest clothes, the finest meals and they use 
Gucci shirts as wash rags. As God’s children, we need to 
know that we are just as royal, and even far more with our 
Father in the Heavenly places. This can be proven through 
the parable of the Prodigal son.  
One of many profound biblical stories, “The Prodigal Son” 
follows the younger son of a King asking his father for an 
early inheritance. The Father grants his request and the son 
sets off on wild living. Eventually, the money runs out and a 
severe famine hits the country.  
The son finds himself in dire circumstances and a need for 
provisio, therefore, he takes a job feeding pigs. He has grown 
so destitute that during his work he begins to look at the 
pig’s food as appetizing. But, in a sudden moment, he 
realizes who He was and who belonged to and makes the 
decision to return home. When he returns, he is expecting of 
His Father’s rejection, but finds that His father has been 
watching and waiting. He receives his son back with open 
arms of compassion and rejoices to the servants of his 
household to prepare a feast. 
With identities in Christ, we are like the prodigal son. We 
are not perfect but we do have the privilege of returning to 
our Father even when we fall short of His glory. When we 
forget our identity in Christ, we are like the son, sitting and 
wallowing in the pig slop of our mistakes. But, it is only 
through our revelation of our identity in our Father that we 
are able to come back to Him to share in the goodness of His 
riches and forgiveness.  
2. You have promises. 
Being a child of God means truly believing that God has a 
purpose for your life and He always makes provision for your 
life. God never lies.  
One of my favorite songs “100 Billion X” by Cross Worship 
is a song that talks about God speaking things into creation. 
One of the lines that stood out to me in this song and gave 
me revelation was ​“God of your promise. You don’t speak 
in vain, no syllable empty or void.”  
Do you realize how powerful that thought is? God is so 
deliberate and so true to His words that right down to the 
syllables, the vowels, the consonants, and the similes there is 
a purpose behind it. God does not play around with the 
words that He says.  
We make promises that we break. but God is not a man. He 
doesn’t lie. So if God has promised you something, it will 
come to pass. No ifs or buts.  
In Genesis, God spoke to the darkness, and there was light. 
He spoke to the oceans, He spoke to the creatures and by His 
command it all came into existence. So with that same 
breath, if God has spoken something into your life, just as 
the oceans, and the mountains, and the creatures, don’t you 
think that it will come to pass?  
It may not be on your timing, but in God’s timing it will 
come to pass because Philippians 1:6 reads​ “Being confident 
of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work 
in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.”​ ​(KJV) 
Everyone has a promise and God will never leave them 
3. You always have the upperhand and the victory.  
God is the most clever author because instead of writing the 
story from beginning to end, God has given us the end to the 
beginning. We have the final chapter.  
Being God’s child means knowing that no matter what you 
are going through, it is all working in your favour and all 
roads lead to the victory. 2 Corinthians 12:9 says​ “Each time 
he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in 
weakness. So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, 
so that the power of Christ can work through me.” (KJV).  
Therefore look trials and temptations in the face. Put on 
your armour and fight, because it is those weak moments 
and those vulnerable moments that there is a guarantee that 
Christ will work through you. Most importantly, when you 
know that when Christ is in the mix, the battle is already a 
done deal. You have the strength of God on your side at all 
times and on all angles. 
4. Your citizenship is Heaven 
Philippians 3:20 says ​“But our citizenship is in heaven. And 
we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus 
Christ,” (NIV). ​God has created our identities to be spiritual. 
Everyday we must die to the needs of our flesh and 
remember that it is our spirit that we must feed. God is 
spiritual and He lives spiritually within us and His spirit can 
not be slain.  
Secular music often can provide a tied message with the 
gospel (rarely), but a song “DNA,” by American rapper 
Kendrick Lamar, attests to the truth that the mechanics of 
our spiritual DNA can not be altered. He sings: ​“I was born 
like this, since one like this, immaculate conception. I transform 
like this, perform like this, was Yeshua's new weapon.”​ We were 
all born to be a weapon of Christ to use to conquer a problem 
in this world. This battle is not against flesh and blood but 
against rulers of the dark realms.  
So when we fight, we must fight with a spiritual mind. There 
is a spiritual place that we can not see, but we must believe 
that it is very very real. Therefore, fighting and having a 
carnal identity will leave you dead, but to fight spiritually 
gives you more life and peace in the battle. 
5. You are a child of light  
As an identifier of the Kingdom we must understand that we 
are not to be as the darkness of this world. Satan is deemed 
the Prince of this world and of the air. Therefore, it is no 
surprise that evil, greed, murder, division, lust, and pride 
lines the very fibers of this corrupt Earth. As children of 
God, we are called to be the ​exact opposite​ of the world. We 
are called to follow God’s commands and live Godly lives 
fully. We are not to dabble in the darkness, and shine our 
light partially. We are called to be hot and on fire for Christ 
and not lukewarm. Isaiah 59:19 says ​“When the enemy shall 
come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a 
standard against him.” (NIV). ​We are not to be of the 
darkness, but rise against it. We carry ourselves, dress 
ourselves, conduct and speak as Kingdom children and we 
are expected to do it always. 
Chapter 5: Restoring Your Identity 
“...He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus 
Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will--.”Ephesians 
1:5 (NIV)  
T​he enemy may have tried to shake what God has placed in 
you, but just know that He was never given the power to 
destroy it. God’s identity is standard, and can not be moved, 
only covered. The book of Ephesians says “​...He predestined 
us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance 
with his pleasure and will--.”Ephesians 1:5 (NIV) ​What God 
has placed in you can never be erased. You must know that 
the devil may try to uproot you through his lies and his 
schemes, but you have entered partnership with a name that 
brings every single power, principality, and ruler of the dark 
world to its knees. Therefore, you have the power to restore 
your identity every single time that it has been tampered 
God has sent His son Jesus Christ to reclaim the mistakes 
and time that the enemy has captured, and it is never too late 
to restore your identity to its default setting. Coming to 
know who you are in God is a process, but a simple 
declaration can bring you into right standing with your Lord 
and Savior. If you have strayed away from the Lord and want 
to rededicate your life, say this prayer and believe it in your 
“God I come into your presence thanking you. You are Lord over 
my life and rule every part of my being. You are my creator and I 
will make a joyful noise unto you always. I come into your courts 
praising you and thanking you for all that you have done for me 
even when I did not deserve it. Father I have strayed. Father I 
have fallen prey to the wiles of the devil. I have realized that I can 
not fight this battle alone, therefore I need you by my side. God I 
apologize for rebelling and running away from your love, but now 
I am ready to assume my position in your sonship. Have your way 
with me Lord. I am your vessel. Complete the work that you have 
started in me. I believe in your Son Jesus Christ, and the power of 
your Holy Spirit. Send down a fresh anointing of your helper God. 
I am yours. Amen.” 
If you believed every word you prayed, God has heard your 
words. He loves you and He wants you to be everything that 
He created you to be. Again, remember that being all who 
God has called you to be takes time, effort, and progress.  
But you can journey on to this walk always remembering 
God Loves You 
No matter what you have done, God sees you just how He 
has created you. No mistake is too great to cause God to 
reject you. Repent, and know that there is absolutely nothing 
that can separate us from the love of God. Jesus Christ paid 
the price for you to experience God’s love. Don’t let His 
sacrifice be in vain. 
You Need to Need God - Make a Choice 
God can only begin to shine through your identity when you 
make room for Him to do so. Some of us never see the 
fullness of our identities because we fail to show God that we 
need Him. We take everything into our own control, but God 
wants to be God over your life…..your whole life. Make the 
choice to either allow God to be fully God in your life, or not 
be God at all. Following God is a denial of self and what we 
want in exchange for His perfect will. Ask yourself which 
road you will take. 
Submit Your Life To Him and Know He Is In Control 
God wants full submission to Him. We need to know that 
our lives are not our own. We are not our own creation. God 
has placed us all on Earth with a purpose and it is only fair to 
allow that purpose to play out in our lives. Know that God is 
in control always.  
Create a Friendship With Him 
There is nothing more damaging than the spirit of religion. 
Some people believe that just by being a good person, or 
completing rituals, going to church, participating in 
communion, and giving offerings is all that God needs from 
us. If that was the case, Jesus’ death was a mistake. Jesus was 
sent to restore our relationship and identities in God. God 
wants to know you for you. He wants His own personal 
relationship with you. It is not through robotic rituals that 
God loves us. The righteous live by faith and that faith has to 
come from knowing God personally. 
Start and Progress 
No relationship in Christ is the same, therefore the biggest 
mistake you could ever make is emulating someone else’s. 
Some of us are waiting for the right time when all of our Ts 
are crossed and Is are dotted to usher into the presence of 
God. But God wants us just how we are. God does not want 
us to pray the right prayer, or interpret a verse correctly in 
order to be deemed His. God just wants us to start small, 
submit to Him and progress. He will work within us to 
mature and evolve our relationships, but that can only 
happen through your submission. Listen to a sermon a day. 
Read one verse everyday. You have to sacrifice and go the 
extra mile to truly show God that you want His control over 
your life. 
You know who God told you to break up with. You know 
what addiction God told you to surrender. You know what 
heartache He told you to let go. You know what habits He 
said to destroy. 
What are you waiting for? Obedience is better than sacrifice. 
Know That Your Position is in The Heavenly Places  
As children of light begin to remember that our citizenship 
is in the heavenly places. Everything you see around you is 
temporary: both good and bad. Our ultimate goal is to be in 
Heaven with our Father when the time is right. We are not 
part of this world, so keep your focus on the one above. 
Chapter 6: It was Never About You  
“Seek Ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and 
all of these things shall be added unto you.”-Matthew 6:33 
W​e may believe that the acceptance of our identity in 
Christ is solely for our benefit, but we would be living a lie. 
In my walk, I have realized that God is a kingdom God. I 
used to pray to Him to give me what I wanted when I wanted 
it. But through revelation and conviction of the Holy Spirit, 
that is not how Kingdom identifiers ought to live their lives. 
God gives gifts not to bless us solely, but to bless those 
around us. He creates apostles, teachers, business owners, 
and visionaries not so that they may be glorified, but to 
glorify the name of God and convert more disciples into His 
Therefore, you assuming your identity was never about you, 
but about the people around you that you were assigned to 
impact. Many of us were called to be teachers, prophets, 
youth leaders and children of light to impact our coworkers 
who struggle with gossip, or the little boy who hangs on the 
corner of street who is doubting God’s love due to the loss of 
both his parents, or the little girl in our place of employment 
who is struggling with loving herself. 
But some of us are sitting on purposes because we fail to see 
the urgency and cost of our complacency. 
Not living in the identity of Christ deprives others of His 
goodness, which is highly detrimental because the cost is 
saved souls. When you allow Satan to use you and you 
assume an incorrect identity, you are robbing the kingdom of 
precious lives and God’s fulfilled plans. 
The scriptures say ​“Seek Ye first the kingdom of God, and 
His righteousness, and all of these things shall be added 
unto you.” (KJV).  
Therefore, it is imperative that we understand that living in 
the identity that God has created us in affects those around 
us. So, it is important that we seek to be more like Him first 
and not like the world.  
If God has placed you in an organization that is ridden with 
darkness, negativity, people who are broken, and people 
dealing with damaged hearts: How can God’s will be done if 
you decide to adopt the identity of those people instead of 
the one you were given in Christ?  
If you are cursing, fighting, and gossiping just as they are 
and suppressing the standard that God has called to live up 
to, there’s no way that there can be change. You’re adding 
darkness to darkness which only brings more darkness.  
But, if God has placed the identity in you to minister the 
gospel, to speak of His goodness to those members, and walk 
in that identity proudly and truly, it is THEN that you’ll be 
able to see change. You won’t look nor sound like the norm 
and all it ever takes is one light. 
Chapter 7: Your Identity is Your 
“The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into 
blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come." 
-Joel 2:31. 
E​veryday I think about the day that the Lord comes to 
Earth and sweeps up His bride. It’s a day that I can only cry 
for and hope is very near. It’s funny because the image I have 
of Heaven may seem wacky to some people, but it’s my 
personal hope that I hold onto.  
I picture this image of God’s people in line at Heaven’s 
gates, parking their Toyota Camrys and carrying the 
spiritual fruit that they beared on Earth up to security with 
the angels working the front desk. I picture them checking 
our IDs to ensure that we are children of God. 
I believe God has this image of us that He created and he 
stores it in His industrial heavenly database that lists 
everything from our facial features, blood type, and the plans 
that He had for us before he sent us into the world. 
But what happens is that everytime we decide to allow 
spiritual identity theft by the enemy, and identify and look 
like the things of this world, we deface the original photo in 
that heavenly database.   
When we’re horrible to one another, our identity becomes 
defaced. When we lie, steal, cheat, blaspheme, run away from 
purpose, and gossip, our caricature is bruised. 
It is only by the washing of the blood of Jesus that we receive 
by constant repentance, walking with Him, and walking in 
the light of the Holy Spirit that allows us to be restored to 
the image in the original database.  
Therefore, when the day of the Lord comes and we’re all 
lining up at Heaven’s gates while the angels are checking us 
in, if our identity in the world does not match the ones in the 
heavenly databases through our repentance and faith in Him, 
we are absolutely done for.  
The angels Gabriel and Michael are going to scan our faces 
and how we looked in the world, and compare it with our 
Godly one and the conclusion is either that we preserved it 
or defaced it.  
If it’s preserved it’s “Well done my good and faithful 
But If it’s defaced it’s “ERROR 404”  
If it’s defaced it’s “We can’t verify you.”  
If it’s defaced it’s ​“Depart from me. I never knew you.”  
Because it’s so true. God only sees what He has created. He 
does not recognize nor identify with anything of this world.  
I can imagine us calling through the security door for 
management to clear up the confusion. We’’ll ask Jesus: 
“Bro Daddy Jesus, Am I not your son?” 
“Yo God, Am I not your daughter?” 
“Father, didn’t I go to church every other Sunday? Didn’t I 
pray to you when I needed that job?” 
But when we look at what Matthew 7:21-23 it reads: 
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the 
kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father 
who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, 
did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your 
name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will 
I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you 
workers of lawlessness.”  
The one who does the will of the Father and the will of the 
Father is that we strive to identify with Him.  
His will is that we seek Him and lean onto Him as our 
salvation and our God. 
It is only the ones who do the WILL of the Father in Heaven 
that will gain access through the heavenly gates, and not 
those who lived life how they wanted.  
It’s no longer enough to acknowledge that God is real. As 
identifiers we must walk everyday in His spirit and do the 
will and purpose that He has called us to do to prove to Him 
that He is not just a figurehead in our lives.  
So ask yourself:  
Does your ID match?  
When Gabriel holds your card side by side with you will it 
pair up?  
People of God: Don’t be denied.  
Live out your identity. It is your ticket after death.  
It is your ticket to eternal life. 
Chapter 8: Don’t Run From Identity 
”And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by 
the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, 
and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” -Romans 12:2 
I​believe in grandmother’s prayers. If you’re a Christian and 
have grown up with Christian parents or elderly seasoned 
Christ warriors, you’re most likely familiar with your 
grandmother or your mother praying over you.  
You’d be sleeping peacefully and entering your third dream 
at 2am when all of a sudden, you’d feel the oily palm of your 
grandmother on your forehead. You wake up crusty eyed and 
disillusioned to the sound of her speaking in tongues and 
commanding the devil’s hands be loosed in Jesus’ name.  
It may seem comical to some when we reminisce, but I truly 
believe that it was my grandmother’s 2am covering that has 
saved me and led me to truly following Christ today. If it 
wasn’t for her fervent petitioning to God to cover me, instill 
in me wisdom and guide me as I grew up, I would not be 
where I am today.  
Growing up, Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit were always part 
of my life. I went to church regularly, knew that Hell was a 
place where all the bad people went, and I was always 
thankful for all the things in my life. 
But, it wasn’t until I was about 14 or 15 that I truly began to 
question why I believed what I believed. I knew who God 
was in my aunt’s life, my pastor’s life and my grandmother’s 
life, but I had never truly found out who God was to me. 
Fourteen was pivotal because for the first time I had a hand 
in deciding who I was going to be…..​or at least I thought. 
I could now make my own conscious decisions therefore, 
this was the perfect opportunity to really grow into myself. 
Now, it’s easy to say that we want to live for Christ, and I’m 
sure that’s what my heart was even saying at that time, but at 
fourteen, the truth was I didn’t want to make the sacrifices 
necessary to identify in Christ.  
Identifying in Christ meant not looking or sounding like the 
world. It meant not walking how the world walked, but in my 
fourteen year old mind, that was not enticing. I did not want 
to risk standing out, being called a “goodie-two-shoes,” or a 
“buzzkill” though I knew that God had called me out to live 
my life for Him. ​I didn’t want to wear a yellow shirt in a 
room full of people wearing orange.  
I listened to the music everyone listened to. I dressed how 
the world told me to dress. I wanted to be what I saw was 
being accepted by others. As I grew up, God eventually just 
became a figure on the shelf in my life as I continued to 
suppress my identity in Him. I became numb to His calling 
and I became Lord over my own life.  
Instead of listening to His word, I ran away from it. Instead 
of being eager to go to church, I was eager to go to the next 
club event or party. Instead of surrounding myself with 
believers who could mature me, I decided to hang with 
people who weren’t necessarily concerned with God’s will 
for their lives. Instead of waiting for God’s match for me in a 
husband, I decided His ways were outdated and got involved 
in numerous situationships and ungodly involvements that 
took more out of me than they put in. 
This led me to becoming empty years later. I felt as if I was 
just a body being swayed on its own. I did and said things 
that in my spiritual mind I knew were wrong, but somehow 
my outer body had its own control. I was hurting, and lost 
and fell into a deep depression because of this. 
I was a slave to sin.  
It wasn’t until I had an encounter in my dorm room in 2019. I 
had become so overwhelmed with the state of my life and 
doing things on my own, I felt purposeless and life came to 
an ultimate downward spiral. I was beginning to see that I 
did not have the control that I believed I had. I made a 
terrible God and I’d made a terrible identity for myself. 
Overwhelmed, I sat on my bed and randomly decided to turn 
on a song called “Just Want You” by Travis Greene. I could 
remember just praying to God to show up. I bawled and 
bawled for what seemed like hours until I felt a rush of wind 
overcome me on my bed. It was cooler than any wind I’ve 
ever felt before in my life and in the blink of an eye, I fell to 
the ground. I began calling out to God and telling Him that I 
was sorry for everything. It was a deep sorrow that I never 
felt before.  
I realized that I had been running from the only person who 
gave me my true identity. I had realized that I was not the 
one given the responsibility to create my own identity or give 
myself what I thought was purpose.  
From that point on, right in my dorm room, ​I decided that I 
was going to wear the yellow shirt.​ I was ready to risk it all, 
even if it meant standing out and losing everything that I 
was holding onto. Even if it meant being an anomaly in 
today’s culture. 
Many of you may have been like me, or are still like that 
today, but take what I have learned. I learned that an identity 
in Christ is the only way to go.  
Lusting after the things of this world, the status, the careers, 
the relationship, etc should all be after thoughts, because 
when the world passes away, none of those things can be 
carried. When you’re in a spiritual drought, none of these 
things can feed you.  
We often want to bury that identity or assume only a part of 
it in hopes of blending in with the world and following the 
crowd, however that is not what God has called us to do. God 
wants us to change the world. 
You know that God has called you out: ​Do not wait to walk 
in Him. ​There is purpose inside of you and it is time that 
you begin to live your life according to that purpose. Do not 
deny what you know is inside of you because you do not 
understand it. Trust God. 
If God has called you to sing and lead choirs, start today. If 
God has placed in you the gift of spoken word, share that gift 
today. If God has called you to lead a youth ministry, work 
your way up to that today! Do not tarry.  
Your last day may be tomorrow, and you can never turn back. 
Assume your identity in Christ today and stand in it. You 
were called out for a reason.  
Romans 12:2 says: ​“And be not conformed to this world: 
but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that 
ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and 
perfect, will of God.”  
Will you put on your yellow shirt? 

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Identity Crisis

  • 2. Table of Contents         DEDICATION...............................................................................3  INTRODUCTION.........................................................................4  CHAPTER 1: WHAT’S IDENTITY?………………………………………….7  CHAPTER 2: YOU HAVE IDENTITY......................................11  CHAPTER 3: IDENTITY THEFT: SATAN’S PLAN…………..14  CHAPTER 4: THE MECHANICS OF OUR DNA………………..19  CHAPTER 5: RESTORING YOUR DNA……………………………..25  CHAPTER 6: IT WAS NEVER ABOUT YOU……………………..29  CHAPTER 7: YOUR IDENTITY IS YOUR TICKET………….31  CHAPTER 8: DON’T RUN FROM   IDENTITY (Testimony) .............................................................35                              2
  • 3.     Dedication      This book is dedicated to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  You have shown me how you have created me. You have  been there when I was at my lowest point, and through you I  have reached my highest. You are my guider, my protector,  my biggest cheerleader and my comfort who always holds me  close in times of trouble. There is no name that can rise  above yours. There is no power that can even compare. You  are my God and I want to live and die in you.    You have given me identity and a purpose to live for. You  thought that I was needed on your list of creations. You  rescued me from the snares of the enemy and showed my  fingers how to fight. I can rest everyday knowing that even  after this life has passed, it is in you that I have life eternally.  I love you.     Thank you for pouring into me and changing my life.                                3
  • 4.   Introduction    “To be or not to be? That is the question...”...or at least a part  of it.     A​line taken from one of the greatest plays ever written by  Shakespeare captures the despair that this life can bring. The  speaker questions the value of human life, adding dimension  and appeal to the character’s performance. However, this  question, when spoken in your own reality, is void of any  applause.  For years of my adult life I have grappled with the need to  know if life was worth living. If I was “to be.” Between  cancer, war, poverty, racial inequality, and everything that I  saw going on in this world, I couldn’t help but to believe the  Apostle Paul when he said “to die is gain.” I could remember  sinking to such a low point in my life that instead of praying  to God to sustain me, I was bold enough to ask Him to take  me.  For days I petitioned the same request over and over and did  not cease. Until one day: I sat in my room for what felt like  the 50th time saying the words of that same prayer. But  during this time, I began to realize something:   With every breath I released, another one came right after  and another and another and another and this would only  4
  • 5. continue unless someone did something to stop it…..and that  someone had to be me.   I contemplated.   I pictured myself reaching for the loads of medication in my  bedside drawer. I pictured myself swallowing the tablets  until my throat closed up and worked no longer, but I didn’t  move to get them.  I didn’t move because at that moment I realized that it would  be the biggest insult to my Creator to use the very breath  that He gave me to reject what He had in mind when He  gave it to me. It would be the biggest offense to waste my  breath grumbling instead of using it to speak change into  this world and to broken people.   The truth was we all will die and 100% of us will pass away  therefore:  Would I rather die asking God to take me? or Would I rather  die doing something that would impact the world even when  I leave it?  The truth was I was sent here on purpose. I was given breath  for a purpose.  God was intentional about me. If He wanted me gone, He  would’ve taken me. If He wanted me here, He would’ve  brought me and that was exactly what He did. With all the  trials of life I was allowing myself to forget who I was and  whose I was.   It’s easy to convince yourself that with all the tragedy in the  world that God does not want you to live in it, but that is the  5
  • 6. sole truth. God never called us to ​live​ in this world. Our  home is in Heaven. But, we are on this Earth with a plan to  prepare for eternity, and do the work of God. Therefore, it is  our responsibility to find out how we fit in the pieces of His  plan by seeking out our identities, lives and purposes in Him  before we depart.   So Hamlet had the wrong idea. I had the wrong idea. We are  to be. It’s not our job to decide whether we are not. It was  never our job to give ourselves life nor do we have the power  to do so. Our only mandate in this journey is to find out  “​what”​ we are ​to be​ in order to change the world.  “Identity Crisis” will help to restore your identity in Christ  if it has been stolen by the enemy and the tragedies of this  world. It will bring clarity and revelation into what it truly  means to be a child of God so that you can begin to awaken  your purpose, walk into the fullness of your calling, and  claim your inheritance as a child of Christ Jesus.                   6
  • 7.   Chapter 1: What’s Identity?    “​...Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.” -1  John 4:4 (NIV)    W​hen I think of the word identity, I always think of the  image of a black silhouette head or fingerprint being  scanned on a big futuristic machine. I’m not sure if I got  those ideas from all of the old spy movies that I watched as a  child or if that was just the inner workings of my mind  having a cook-off with Bobby Flay. But either way: that  image was always associated with that word for as long as I  remembered.   However, as I began to develop more in Christ and discover  who I was in Him and who He was in me, when I hear the  word identity now, I see a picture of a root.   Identity to me is like a root because a root anchors you. It is  where you get all of your nutrients, vitamins, and substances  for life and if the roots are broken, the plant will show it...  And identity is the exact same principle. It’s your base. It  brings shape. It brings the meaning as to why you do the  things you do. It is the filter through which every single idea,  every decision, and every thought from you flows.  If your identity lies within money, you’re more inclined to  listen to music about money, hang with people who are  7
  • 8. moneymakers, and take a degree that offers a lot of money.  Identity connects and determines every part of your life, and  if that’s damaged, your life will show it.  When the Holy Spirit revealed this concept to me at the age  of 19, I had to now take things into perspective. If identity  was my base, a good base does not have the permission to  fail you.   However, sadly, my identity at the time did just that. Who I  was and I wanted to be were on the basis of friends,  popularity, money, and acceptance, and every single one had  the ability to shake and fail me. But through countless years  of heartbreak, failure, and betrayal, I realized that the only  thing that truly remained solid in the storms of my life was  the rock of Jesus Christ, my hope and salvation and it was  about time that I accepted His anchor in me.  Your identity should come from what has been anchored in  you, rather than what ​YOU​ decide to place your anchor in.   In this world’s climate, when we think of identity, it’s all  about how WE define ourselves and what WE associate  ourselves with, but this is only a recipe for disaster. The  world is so unsure of itself. Trends are here one day, then  gone the next. We’re told to like something today, and  tomorrow we hate it…  So, why place your anchor in something that isn’t even  anchored itself? How will it sustain YOU in YOUR times of  trouble?  Instability + instability with always = instability.  8
  • 9. We did not create ourselves. Therefore, to think that we have  the ability to decide that something apart from the one who  created us is considered our identity is insanely problematic.  Psalm 100:3 says: ​“Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is  he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his  people, and the sheep of his pasture.” (KJV)​. We did not  create ourselves, therefore we do not know who we are. Even  if we think we do, we don’t know enough to give ourselves  our own identity. Only God has that power.  Take this example​: ​A mango tree was created to produce  mangos. If one day it decided to identify with an apple tree, it  would not work. The mango tree has been given the identity of a  mango tree. Its leaves are that of a mango tree. Its biological  makeup down to the cell structure is characteristic of a mango tree  and any additions or deviations are considered unnatural and  contradictory to its original identity. If it decided to act like an  apple tree, the mango tree would become discouraged when it isn’t  bearing apple fruit. It would spend its whole life wondering why it  will never be good enough. And more importantly, the ecosystem  around it is deprived of a much needed mango tree to feed  animals that specifically eat mangos. The mango tree would  always experience inner turmoil wondering why it is constantly  being shaken and fruitless. The mango tree would be in a crisis…  And the same follows for our spiritual identity.   God has made each of us in Him. He created us with a  specific image and spiritual makeup. He has given us  specific skills and characteristics suited for the fruit He  wanted us to bear. Thus, the only way we can know ourselves  enough to give ourselves the power to “determine” our  identity is if we had a hand in the creation process.  9
  • 10. Our lives will never know peace because we were not  designed to create, but rather to live out what has already  been wired inside of us from the Creator. We are not to yearn  to identify with something outside of ourselves. 1 John 4:4  says ​“...greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the  world.” (KJV)​. Our only job is to ask and seek out “He” that  is within us and operate in our original spiritual DNA.                              10
  • 11.   Chapter 2: You Have Identity   “​Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were  born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the  nations.” -Jeremiah 1:5 (NIV)    G​od has had a plan for us since the beginning of the  beginning of the beginning of time. He told the prophet  Jeremiah “​Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before  you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to  the nations..” (NIV)​. ​Before Jeremiah was born, God had put  identity in Him to walk in. God gave Him a purpose, the  assignment, and even the type of person Jeremiah would be  in Him before flesh came into the picture.   I’ve heard, said, and seen this verse more than one thousand  times in my life span, but it wasn’t until I saw this verse the  other day that something stood out to me in the word choice  of God. God said to Jeremiah ​“​before I formed you.​” ​It isn’t  until there is a problem that we create a solution or give  purpose to something, but God is so intentional that He  created solutions before problems.   God did not wait until Jeremiah was born to ordain him and  give him identity. God placed value in him when he was just  a mere thought and ​as it applies to Jeremiah, the same  applies to you, children of God.​ God loves you so much that  He gave you identity even before you could accept or reject  it. He sealed you as His own, and there is no one on this  11
  • 12. earth that can say there was a time that you weren’t God’s  property.   Even in your mess and sin, you are still God’s own and  forever will be. He has created us with the end in mind and  our messes in account. He has taken into play all things that  we can not even see, therefore the identity that Christ has  given us is far better than anything we could ever create.   Before I gave my life to Christ fully, I was living a wayward  life. Looking back, I realized that it wasn’t because I wanted  to. I knew the things that I was doing were wrong and my  conscience always gave me that alert. I knew that what my  life showed was not pleasing unto God, but I did it anyway.  Now that I have found Christ and invited Him into my life, I  realized that my rebellion of my past was coming from a  place of not knowing who I was in Christ. I did not know  who my identity lied in, therefore I did not know that I even  had identity, let alone purpose, so I lived according to my  flesh and the ways of the world. I did not know that I was  placed on this earth not to live and figure out life on my own,  but to carry out an assignment that was placed in me before  the cells in my body were even formed.  Everything in creation has identity in Christ. God is so  particular in His works that just ​like the trees were made to  give shade, just how fruit was made to be eaten, just how the  sun was made to bring warmth, you too have been made to  do something that no one else on this earth can do like you.  That purpose and identity does not need to be sought out in  the world, because it has already been hot-wired into us by  our Creator.   Therefore, do not believe the lies of the enemy that you are  living for yourself and under your own anchor of identity.  12
  • 13. God has placed you on Earth with ​HIS​ seal and to live  according to ​HIS​ will. You were made for a reason, and more  importantly you were made in Him. So, begin to believe that  you were made with a unique identity given only by God,  because everything that God has given, no one has the ability  to take away.                            13
  • 14. Chapter 3: Identity Theft: Satan’s  Plan  “identity crisis•noun: a period of uncertainty in which a  person’s sense of identity becomes insecure.”-Google     H​ave you ever heard the word of God referred to as a rock  and strong foundation? It’s not just to add seasoning to your  favourite Sunday sermon, but rather to reiterate the truth  that no matter what is going on in our lives, God’s will,  promises, and declarations will forever remain solid. The  word of God is not contingent nor dependent on a situation  or outcome, rather the situation or outcome is dependent on  the word of God.   With an identity rooted in Christ, this becomes your mantra  and the only truth that you can ever live by. But,  unfortunately when the truth shines its light in our lives, the  forces of darkness tries its best to extinguish it. As  Christians, we are not ignorant of this though. The enemy is  a natural opposer of God and contradicts everything that  God is. 1 Corinthians 2:11 says “​...for we are not unaware of  his schemes.” We know Satan’s character. We know his  identity. We know that:  God is love, Satan is hate.   God is peace, Satan is war.   14
  • 15. God is truth, Satan is untruth.   Wherefore, if a spiritual identity in God brings security, then  Satan, being a natural opposer to the nature of God’s will,  will then bring insecurity into our lives.   Examine your life:   Do you find yourself being swayed by new doctrine? Do you  find yourself questioning what your passion is? Do you  compare yourself to the changing standard of the world and  conform?   If the presence of insecurity and uncertainty about the  purpose, vision, future and mandate of your life exists within  you, this is a clear indication that you are a victim of not only  a ​spiritual identity crisis​ but also​ satanic identity theft.   Satan’s ultimate plan as a deceiver is to take away the  identity that God has given us. There is nothing that He  wants more than for us to forget who God has created us to  be and become wrapped up in the world He prowls around.  Forgetting who you are in Christ gives way for Him to knock  you down with the storms of life because there is no true  anchor. Satan is the author of lies, and he often uses lies  disguised as truth to demolish what God has rooted in us  through His identity.   Satan often tells us:  1. We have no future   Satan loves to use the storms of our lives as an indication  that there is no hope for us. He loves to remind us of our  15
  • 16. pasts. He loves to remind us through the media of the  constant death, war and sicknesses happening in the world.  He makes us believe that we have no future, therefore we  should not even bother to see the fullness of God’s glory. But  an identity in Christ reveals the truth that God never  promised that the road of this life would be easy. The enemy  is always working and is in a constant fight for our lives. But  as children of God, we should not fear because God has  given us the victory over every hard time we see once we  cling to Him. It is through these hardships that we can really  see God’s power at work. These disasters are not to scare us  into a corner, but to allow us to face the battle head on and  claim the win. God says ​“For I know the plans I have for  you. Plans not to harm you, but to prosper you and give  you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 11:29 (KJV)  2. We are of this world   One lie of the enemy that has so many youths caught up is  that their identification is in the world. The ambition of  some people of God lies within status, wealth, popularity,  celebrity lifestyles, sex, relationships, and self glorification.  The bible specifically tells us in 1 John 2:15-17:​ “Do not love  the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the  world, the love of the Father is not in him.” (KJV). ​The  cars, the luxury, rappers, and celebrities will always pass  away and 100% of us will die. But our souls and spirit will  forever live on. Therefore, if we are to partner with  something, let us partner with something that is long  lasting. The only thing that we can say has remained when  the world has seen disaster after disaster is the word of the  Lord, therefore our souls must partner with that and that  alone. To pursue a relationship, job, car, or house is not  necessarily a bad thing in some instances, but when it is all  16
  • 17. we are consumed with and ask God for, it becomes an idol,  and idols and God can not coexist in your world.  3. We are not good enough   God has made us fearfully and wonderfully. A spiritual  identity in the lies of Satan tells you that you are not good  enough due to your mistakes, your mishaps, and your  missteps. But, I’m here to tell you that it is all a lie. We are  not perfect, but God does not need perfection. We are made  perfect in the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ, therefore  when the imposition of imperfection is made upon us and  our identity, we can look to the Father and say that our  identity is in Him and Him only.  When you identify with these lies, you identify with Satan.  Every single thing that comes out of His mouth is not the  reality of the situation. He is incapable of telling the truth. It  is not his nature. Therefore, when you want to root yourself  in someone or something, root it in something that wants  you to know the truth about yourself. Root it in someone  who wants you to live after you die. Root it in someone who  remains steadfast in times of trouble.   Satan can change His lies to conform to any situation, but  the word of God commands every situation.   Be not conformed to this world. Any identity that you  assume that is not the original identity given to by the  Father is identity theft and it is time that we reclaim it from  the enemy. Satan is out to cover our true identities until we  don’t look like what God has created, but know He can never  alter your identity itself. An identity crisis is only meant to  be a period of time or a moment of uncertainty.   17
  • 18. Satan was never meant to alter your whole DNA. He is only  allowed to form weapons against our identities. It is your  choice whether you give them a way to prosper.                                18
  • 19. Chapter 4: The Mechanics of our  DNA  “I was born like this, since one like this, immaculate conception  I transform like this, perform like this, was Yeshua's new  weapon.”-Kendrick Lamar     B​iology was always one of my favourite subjects in high  school. I always thought that if God had augmented the  math part of my brain just five shoe sizes more, I would be  pursuing a medical degree in the present day. Biology always  fascinated me because for once it wasn’t just about the  grades. We were discovering the core of our lives. It was so  intriguing to peel away at an organ or dissect the parts of a  plant under a microscope to see the cells, tissues, and veins  responsible for an organism serving the very purpose that it  did in this world. It was absolutely beautiful.  That’s how our spiritual lives should be.   We often want to take on the project of looking outside  ourselves for meaning and purpose in the world. But God has  been telling us: ​“Sit down and dissect yourself. I want you to peel  away at YOUR core and see just how I created YOU. Your  answers are where you’ve failed to look. I want you to see how  your gifts, your talents, and your spiritual veins, your cells, and  tissues all serve the purpose that I created for you in this world.”  It took me 20 years to truly understand what my parts really  meant in my identity and I’m happy to say that I am still  19
  • 20. dissecting. Many people know that they are children of God,  but have never opened up their veins to study the meaning of  that declaration. Identifying as a child of God has so many  advantages, perks, and benefits that some of us don't even  know of or realize.   These include knowing that:  1. You are regal.   When you think of kings and queens, they lack nothing.  They have the finest clothes, the finest meals and they use  Gucci shirts as wash rags. As God’s children, we need to  know that we are just as royal, and even far more with our  Father in the Heavenly places. This can be proven through  the parable of the Prodigal son.   One of many profound biblical stories, “The Prodigal Son”  follows the younger son of a King asking his father for an  early inheritance. The Father grants his request and the son  sets off on wild living. Eventually, the money runs out and a  severe famine hits the country.   The son finds himself in dire circumstances and a need for  provisio, therefore, he takes a job feeding pigs. He has grown  so destitute that during his work he begins to look at the  pig’s food as appetizing. But, in a sudden moment, he  realizes who He was and who belonged to and makes the  decision to return home. When he returns, he is expecting of  His Father’s rejection, but finds that His father has been  watching and waiting. He receives his son back with open  arms of compassion and rejoices to the servants of his  household to prepare a feast.  20
  • 21. With identities in Christ, we are like the prodigal son. We  are not perfect but we do have the privilege of returning to  our Father even when we fall short of His glory. When we  forget our identity in Christ, we are like the son, sitting and  wallowing in the pig slop of our mistakes. But, it is only  through our revelation of our identity in our Father that we  are able to come back to Him to share in the goodness of His  riches and forgiveness.   2. You have promises.  Being a child of God means truly believing that God has a  purpose for your life and He always makes provision for your  life. God never lies.   One of my favorite songs “100 Billion X” by Cross Worship  is a song that talks about God speaking things into creation.  One of the lines that stood out to me in this song and gave  me revelation was ​“God of your promise. You don’t speak  in vain, no syllable empty or void.”   Do you realize how powerful that thought is? God is so  deliberate and so true to His words that right down to the  syllables, the vowels, the consonants, and the similes there is  a purpose behind it. God does not play around with the  words that He says.   We make promises that we break. but God is not a man. He  doesn’t lie. So if God has promised you something, it will  come to pass. No ifs or buts.   In Genesis, God spoke to the darkness, and there was light.  He spoke to the oceans, He spoke to the creatures and by His  command it all came into existence. So with that same  breath, if God has spoken something into your life, just as  21
  • 22. the oceans, and the mountains, and the creatures, don’t you  think that it will come to pass?   It may not be on your timing, but in God’s timing it will  come to pass because Philippians 1:6 reads​ “Being confident  of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work  in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.”​ ​(KJV)  Everyone has a promise and God will never leave them  incomplete.  3. You always have the upperhand and the victory.   God is the most clever author because instead of writing the  story from beginning to end, God has given us the end to the  beginning. We have the final chapter.   Being God’s child means knowing that no matter what you  are going through, it is all working in your favour and all  roads lead to the victory. 2 Corinthians 12:9 says​ “Each time  he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in  weakness. So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses,  so that the power of Christ can work through me.” (KJV).   Therefore look trials and temptations in the face. Put on  your armour and fight, because it is those weak moments  and those vulnerable moments that there is a guarantee that  Christ will work through you. Most importantly, when you  know that when Christ is in the mix, the battle is already a  done deal. You have the strength of God on your side at all  times and on all angles.  4. Your citizenship is Heaven  Philippians 3:20 says ​“But our citizenship is in heaven. And  we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus  22
  • 23. Christ,” (NIV). ​God has created our identities to be spiritual.  Everyday we must die to the needs of our flesh and  remember that it is our spirit that we must feed. God is  spiritual and He lives spiritually within us and His spirit can  not be slain.   Secular music often can provide a tied message with the  gospel (rarely), but a song “DNA,” by American rapper  Kendrick Lamar, attests to the truth that the mechanics of  our spiritual DNA can not be altered. He sings: ​“I was born  like this, since one like this, immaculate conception. I transform  like this, perform like this, was Yeshua's new weapon.”​ We were  all born to be a weapon of Christ to use to conquer a problem  in this world. This battle is not against flesh and blood but  against rulers of the dark realms.   So when we fight, we must fight with a spiritual mind. There  is a spiritual place that we can not see, but we must believe  that it is very very real. Therefore, fighting and having a  carnal identity will leave you dead, but to fight spiritually  gives you more life and peace in the battle.  5. You are a child of light   As an identifier of the Kingdom we must understand that we  are not to be as the darkness of this world. Satan is deemed  the Prince of this world and of the air. Therefore, it is no  surprise that evil, greed, murder, division, lust, and pride  lines the very fibers of this corrupt Earth. As children of  God, we are called to be the ​exact opposite​ of the world. We  are called to follow God’s commands and live Godly lives  fully. We are not to dabble in the darkness, and shine our  light partially. We are called to be hot and on fire for Christ  and not lukewarm. Isaiah 59:19 says ​“When the enemy shall  come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a  23
  • 24. standard against him.” (NIV). ​We are not to be of the  darkness, but rise against it. We carry ourselves, dress  ourselves, conduct and speak as Kingdom children and we  are expected to do it always.                                24
  • 25. Chapter 5: Restoring Your Identity  “...He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus  Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will--.”Ephesians  1:5 (NIV)     T​he enemy may have tried to shake what God has placed in  you, but just know that He was never given the power to  destroy it. God’s identity is standard, and can not be moved,  only covered. The book of Ephesians says “​...He predestined  us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance  with his pleasure and will--.”Ephesians 1:5 (NIV) ​What God  has placed in you can never be erased. You must know that  the devil may try to uproot you through his lies and his  schemes, but you have entered partnership with a name that  brings every single power, principality, and ruler of the dark  world to its knees. Therefore, you have the power to restore  your identity every single time that it has been tampered  with.   God has sent His son Jesus Christ to reclaim the mistakes  and time that the enemy has captured, and it is never too late  to restore your identity to its default setting. Coming to  know who you are in God is a process, but a simple  declaration can bring you into right standing with your Lord  and Savior. If you have strayed away from the Lord and want  to rededicate your life, say this prayer and believe it in your  heart:  “God I come into your presence thanking you. You are Lord over  my life and rule every part of my being. You are my creator and I  25
  • 26. will make a joyful noise unto you always. I come into your courts  praising you and thanking you for all that you have done for me  even when I did not deserve it. Father I have strayed. Father I  have fallen prey to the wiles of the devil. I have realized that I can  not fight this battle alone, therefore I need you by my side. God I  apologize for rebelling and running away from your love, but now  I am ready to assume my position in your sonship. Have your way  with me Lord. I am your vessel. Complete the work that you have  started in me. I believe in your Son Jesus Christ, and the power of  your Holy Spirit. Send down a fresh anointing of your helper God.  I am yours. Amen.”  If you believed every word you prayed, God has heard your  words. He loves you and He wants you to be everything that  He created you to be. Again, remember that being all who  God has called you to be takes time, effort, and progress.   But you can journey on to this walk always remembering  that:  God Loves You  No matter what you have done, God sees you just how He  has created you. No mistake is too great to cause God to  reject you. Repent, and know that there is absolutely nothing  that can separate us from the love of God. Jesus Christ paid  the price for you to experience God’s love. Don’t let His  sacrifice be in vain.  You Need to Need God - Make a Choice  God can only begin to shine through your identity when you  make room for Him to do so. Some of us never see the  fullness of our identities because we fail to show God that we  need Him. We take everything into our own control, but God  26
  • 27. wants to be God over your life…..your whole life. Make the  choice to either allow God to be fully God in your life, or not  be God at all. Following God is a denial of self and what we  want in exchange for His perfect will. Ask yourself which  road you will take.  Submit Your Life To Him and Know He Is In Control  God wants full submission to Him. We need to know that  our lives are not our own. We are not our own creation. God  has placed us all on Earth with a purpose and it is only fair to  allow that purpose to play out in our lives. Know that God is  in control always.   Create a Friendship With Him  There is nothing more damaging than the spirit of religion.  Some people believe that just by being a good person, or  completing rituals, going to church, participating in  communion, and giving offerings is all that God needs from  us. If that was the case, Jesus’ death was a mistake. Jesus was  sent to restore our relationship and identities in God. God  wants to know you for you. He wants His own personal  relationship with you. It is not through robotic rituals that  God loves us. The righteous live by faith and that faith has to  come from knowing God personally.  Start and Progress  No relationship in Christ is the same, therefore the biggest  mistake you could ever make is emulating someone else’s.  Some of us are waiting for the right time when all of our Ts  are crossed and Is are dotted to usher into the presence of  God. But God wants us just how we are. God does not want  us to pray the right prayer, or interpret a verse correctly in  27
  • 28. order to be deemed His. God just wants us to start small,  submit to Him and progress. He will work within us to  mature and evolve our relationships, but that can only  happen through your submission. Listen to a sermon a day.  Read one verse everyday. You have to sacrifice and go the  extra mile to truly show God that you want His control over  your life.  You know who God told you to break up with. You know  what addiction God told you to surrender. You know what  heartache He told you to let go. You know what habits He  said to destroy.  What are you waiting for? Obedience is better than sacrifice.  Know That Your Position is in The Heavenly Places   As children of light begin to remember that our citizenship  is in the heavenly places. Everything you see around you is  temporary: both good and bad. Our ultimate goal is to be in  Heaven with our Father when the time is right. We are not  part of this world, so keep your focus on the one above.                28
  • 29. Chapter 6: It was Never About You     “Seek Ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and  all of these things shall be added unto you.”-Matthew 6:33  (KJV).    W​e may believe that the acceptance of our identity in  Christ is solely for our benefit, but we would be living a lie.  In my walk, I have realized that God is a kingdom God. I  used to pray to Him to give me what I wanted when I wanted  it. But through revelation and conviction of the Holy Spirit,  that is not how Kingdom identifiers ought to live their lives.  God gives gifts not to bless us solely, but to bless those  around us. He creates apostles, teachers, business owners,  and visionaries not so that they may be glorified, but to  glorify the name of God and convert more disciples into His  sonship.   Therefore, you assuming your identity was never about you,  but about the people around you that you were assigned to  impact. Many of us were called to be teachers, prophets,  youth leaders and children of light to impact our coworkers  who struggle with gossip, or the little boy who hangs on the  corner of street who is doubting God’s love due to the loss of  both his parents, or the little girl in our place of employment  who is struggling with loving herself.  But some of us are sitting on purposes because we fail to see  the urgency and cost of our complacency.  29
  • 30. Not living in the identity of Christ deprives others of His  goodness, which is highly detrimental because the cost is  saved souls. When you allow Satan to use you and you  assume an incorrect identity, you are robbing the kingdom of  precious lives and God’s fulfilled plans.  The scriptures say ​“Seek Ye first the kingdom of God, and  His righteousness, and all of these things shall be added  unto you.” (KJV).   Therefore, it is imperative that we understand that living in  the identity that God has created us in affects those around  us. So, it is important that we seek to be more like Him first  and not like the world.   If God has placed you in an organization that is ridden with  darkness, negativity, people who are broken, and people  dealing with damaged hearts: How can God’s will be done if  you decide to adopt the identity of those people instead of  the one you were given in Christ?   If you are cursing, fighting, and gossiping just as they are  and suppressing the standard that God has called to live up  to, there’s no way that there can be change. You’re adding  darkness to darkness which only brings more darkness.   But, if God has placed the identity in you to minister the  gospel, to speak of His goodness to those members, and walk  in that identity proudly and truly, it is THEN that you’ll be  able to see change. You won’t look nor sound like the norm  and all it ever takes is one light.    30
  • 31. Chapter 7: Your Identity is Your  Ticket    “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into  blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come."  -Joel 2:31.    E​veryday I think about the day that the Lord comes to  Earth and sweeps up His bride. It’s a day that I can only cry  for and hope is very near. It’s funny because the image I have  of Heaven may seem wacky to some people, but it’s my  personal hope that I hold onto.   I picture this image of God’s people in line at Heaven’s  gates, parking their Toyota Camrys and carrying the  spiritual fruit that they beared on Earth up to security with  the angels working the front desk. I picture them checking  our IDs to ensure that we are children of God.  I believe God has this image of us that He created and he  stores it in His industrial heavenly database that lists  everything from our facial features, blood type, and the plans  that He had for us before he sent us into the world.  But what happens is that everytime we decide to allow  spiritual identity theft by the enemy, and identify and look  like the things of this world, we deface the original photo in  that heavenly database.    31
  • 32. When we’re horrible to one another, our identity becomes  defaced. When we lie, steal, cheat, blaspheme, run away from  purpose, and gossip, our caricature is bruised.  It is only by the washing of the blood of Jesus that we receive  by constant repentance, walking with Him, and walking in  the light of the Holy Spirit that allows us to be restored to  the image in the original database.   Therefore, when the day of the Lord comes and we’re all  lining up at Heaven’s gates while the angels are checking us  in, if our identity in the world does not match the ones in the  heavenly databases through our repentance and faith in Him,  we are absolutely done for.   The angels Gabriel and Michael are going to scan our faces  and how we looked in the world, and compare it with our  Godly one and the conclusion is either that we preserved it  or defaced it.   If it’s preserved it’s “Well done my good and faithful  servant.”   But If it’s defaced it’s “ERROR 404”   If it’s defaced it’s “We can’t verify you.”   If it’s defaced it’s ​“Depart from me. I never knew you.”   Because it’s so true. God only sees what He has created. He  does not recognize nor identify with anything of this world.   I can imagine us calling through the security door for  management to clear up the confusion. We’’ll ask Jesus:  32
  • 33. “Bro Daddy Jesus, Am I not your son?”  “Yo God, Am I not your daughter?”  “Father, didn’t I go to church every other Sunday? Didn’t I  pray to you when I needed that job?”  But when we look at what Matthew 7:21-23 it reads:  “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the  kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father  who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord,  did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your  name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will  I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you  workers of lawlessness.”   The one who does the will of the Father and the will of the  Father is that we strive to identify with Him.   His will is that we seek Him and lean onto Him as our  salvation and our God.  It is only the ones who do the WILL of the Father in Heaven  that will gain access through the heavenly gates, and not  those who lived life how they wanted.   It’s no longer enough to acknowledge that God is real. As  identifiers we must walk everyday in His spirit and do the  will and purpose that He has called us to do to prove to Him  that He is not just a figurehead in our lives.   So ask yourself:   Does your ID match?   33
  • 34. When Gabriel holds your card side by side with you will it  pair up?   People of God: Don’t be denied.   Live out your identity. It is your ticket after death.   It is your ticket to eternal life.                      34
  • 35. Chapter 8: Don’t Run From Identity  (Testimony)    ”And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by  the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good,  and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” -Romans 12:2  I​believe in grandmother’s prayers. If you’re a Christian and  have grown up with Christian parents or elderly seasoned  Christ warriors, you’re most likely familiar with your  grandmother or your mother praying over you.   You’d be sleeping peacefully and entering your third dream  at 2am when all of a sudden, you’d feel the oily palm of your  grandmother on your forehead. You wake up crusty eyed and  disillusioned to the sound of her speaking in tongues and  commanding the devil’s hands be loosed in Jesus’ name.   It may seem comical to some when we reminisce, but I truly  believe that it was my grandmother’s 2am covering that has  saved me and led me to truly following Christ today. If it  wasn’t for her fervent petitioning to God to cover me, instill  in me wisdom and guide me as I grew up, I would not be  where I am today.   Growing up, Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit were always part  of my life. I went to church regularly, knew that Hell was a  place where all the bad people went, and I was always  thankful for all the things in my life.  But, it wasn’t until I was about 14 or 15 that I truly began to  question why I believed what I believed. I knew who God  35
  • 36. was in my aunt’s life, my pastor’s life and my grandmother’s  life, but I had never truly found out who God was to me.  Fourteen was pivotal because for the first time I had a hand  in deciding who I was going to be…..​or at least I thought.  I could now make my own conscious decisions therefore,  this was the perfect opportunity to really grow into myself.  Now, it’s easy to say that we want to live for Christ, and I’m  sure that’s what my heart was even saying at that time, but at  fourteen, the truth was I didn’t want to make the sacrifices  necessary to identify in Christ.   Identifying in Christ meant not looking or sounding like the  world. It meant not walking how the world walked, but in my  fourteen year old mind, that was not enticing. I did not want  to risk standing out, being called a “goodie-two-shoes,” or a  “buzzkill” though I knew that God had called me out to live  my life for Him. ​I didn’t want to wear a yellow shirt in a  room full of people wearing orange.   I listened to the music everyone listened to. I dressed how  the world told me to dress. I wanted to be what I saw was  being accepted by others. As I grew up, God eventually just  became a figure on the shelf in my life as I continued to  suppress my identity in Him. I became numb to His calling  and I became Lord over my own life.   Instead of listening to His word, I ran away from it. Instead  of being eager to go to church, I was eager to go to the next  club event or party. Instead of surrounding myself with  believers who could mature me, I decided to hang with  people who weren’t necessarily concerned with God’s will  for their lives. Instead of waiting for God’s match for me in a  husband, I decided His ways were outdated and got involved  36
  • 37. in numerous situationships and ungodly involvements that  took more out of me than they put in.  This led me to becoming empty years later. I felt as if I was  just a body being swayed on its own. I did and said things  that in my spiritual mind I knew were wrong, but somehow  my outer body had its own control. I was hurting, and lost  and fell into a deep depression because of this.  I was a slave to sin.   It wasn’t until I had an encounter in my dorm room in 2019. I  had become so overwhelmed with the state of my life and  doing things on my own, I felt purposeless and life came to  an ultimate downward spiral. I was beginning to see that I  did not have the control that I believed I had. I made a  terrible God and I’d made a terrible identity for myself.  Overwhelmed, I sat on my bed and randomly decided to turn  on a song called “Just Want You” by Travis Greene. I could  remember just praying to God to show up. I bawled and  bawled for what seemed like hours until I felt a rush of wind  overcome me on my bed. It was cooler than any wind I’ve  ever felt before in my life and in the blink of an eye, I fell to  the ground. I began calling out to God and telling Him that I  was sorry for everything. It was a deep sorrow that I never  felt before.   I realized that I had been running from the only person who  gave me my true identity. I had realized that I was not the  one given the responsibility to create my own identity or give  myself what I thought was purpose.   From that point on, right in my dorm room, ​I decided that I  was going to wear the yellow shirt.​ I was ready to risk it all,  37
  • 38. even if it meant standing out and losing everything that I  was holding onto. Even if it meant being an anomaly in  today’s culture.  Many of you may have been like me, or are still like that  today, but take what I have learned. I learned that an identity  in Christ is the only way to go.   Lusting after the things of this world, the status, the careers,  the relationship, etc should all be after thoughts, because  when the world passes away, none of those things can be  carried. When you’re in a spiritual drought, none of these  things can feed you.   We often want to bury that identity or assume only a part of  it in hopes of blending in with the world and following the  crowd, however that is not what God has called us to do. God  wants us to change the world.  You know that God has called you out: ​Do not wait to walk  in Him. ​There is purpose inside of you and it is time that  you begin to live your life according to that purpose. Do not  deny what you know is inside of you because you do not  understand it. Trust God.  If God has called you to sing and lead choirs, start today. If  God has placed in you the gift of spoken word, share that gift  today. If God has called you to lead a youth ministry, work  your way up to that today! Do not tarry.   Your last day may be tomorrow, and you can never turn back.  Assume your identity in Christ today and stand in it. You  were called out for a reason.   38
  • 39. Romans 12:2 says: ​“And be not conformed to this world:  but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that  ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and  perfect, will of God.”   Will you put on your yellow shirt?                39