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                                       DO WITH MY
CONTENTS                               WORRY?

                                               he Serenity Prayer is a
“I’m Worried!” . . . . . . . . 2             good place to start. Many
What Is Worry? . . . . . . . 4               have found peace of mind
Why Do We Worry? . . . 8               in the words, “God grant me
                                       serenity to accept the things
What Can We Do
With Our Worry? . . . . 10             I cannot change, courage to
                                       change the things I can, and the
  Turn Our Attention
  To God . . . . . . . . . . . . 11    wisdom to know the difference.”
                                           The Bible gives a basis for
  Trust Beyond
  Ourselves. . . . . . . . . . . 17    such a prayer. But it also gives
                                       so much more. The Scriptures
  Talk To Someone
  Who Cares . . . . . . . . . 20       tell us a great deal about the
                                       heart of the One who has asked
  Throw Our Cares
  On The Lord. . . . . . . . . 23      us to bring our cares to Him.
                                           In the following pages,
A Biblical Case
Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24   author Dave Egner expresses
                                       sensitivity for the anxieties that
Joanie’s Story . . . . . . . . 26
                                       wear us down, and a real basis
The Greatest                           for believing that there is a
Worry . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
                                       God who wants us to find our
                                       serenity, courage, and wisdom
                                       in Him.
                                                    Martin R. De Haan II
Managing Editor: David Sper                                 Cover Photo:Terry Bidgood
Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas
Nelson, Inc. Used by permission.All rights reserved.
© 1992,2003 RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, Michigan                     Printed in USA

                   © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
“I’M WORRIED!”                    quiet and withdrawn as the
                                  31st approached. Jan was

        ene and Jan were          waking up in the middle of
         worried. Rumors          the night, and not able to
         had been circulating     get back to sleep. They
for months that the plant         were worried.
where Gene had worked                 Gene and Jan are
for 27 years was going to         Christians. They attend
cut back 25-30 percent            church regularly and
in production. If this            consider themselves
was true, layoffs on all          spiritually mature. They
levels, including Gene’s          believe that Christians
supervisory ranking, were         shouldn’t worry. “God will
certain. Now the news had         take care of you,” their
leaked out that the cuts          pastor said. They believed
would occur at the end            that and they prayed about
of the month.                     it. But they were still
    Gene and Jan were             worried.
overwhelmed by the                    A lot of us are like Gene
uncertainty—bombarded             and Jan. We worry. So do
with questions about the          many Americans. Worry is
future. “If I lose my job, will   “the number one mental
we be able to make it? How        health disorder in America”
can we keep up with the           (Worry-Free Living, Minirth,
house payments? What are          Meier, Hawkins, p.17). For
we going to do about health       some, worry is linked to
insurance? What kind of           specific panic-inducing
job can I get at 56 years         situations that result in dry
old? Will Jan have to go          mouth, shortness of breath,
back to work?” Gene               or uncontrollable tears. For
became increasingly               others, worry is a chronic,
              © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
vague, never-ending fear         to be the right kind of
that something terrible is       Christian parent or spouse.
about to happen to wreck         We want to be a good
everything. For others, it’s     witness to our neighbor.
the fear that people are not     So we worry about it.
going to like them or will          We may even worry
disapprove of how they’re        because we see ourselves
dressed or the way they          as worriers. We know that
talk.                            we shouldn’t worry, but we
    One woman sought             just keep worrying. We
counsel because she was          don’t know what to do.
beside herself with worry
about the salvation of her
grown children. She woke
up at night thinking about
                                     Believing you
it. She examined her heart        shouldn’t worry can
again and again to see if          be something else
she really believed God
could save them. This
                                    to worry about.
woman was crippled with
worry, and she needed to
do something about it.              The purpose of this
    As followers of Christ,      booklet is to help us
we certainly aren’t immune       see, from a biblical and
to worry. We are living          practical point of view,
under the same pressures         what we can do with our
of society that everyone         worry. By understanding
else is. In addition,            what worry is, why we
sometimes even our               worry, and what the Bible
spiritual convictions can be     has to say, we can turn our
a source of worry. We want       worry into spiritual growth.
             © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
WHAT IS                             The primary New
WORRY?                           Testament word for worry
                                 (merimnao) means “to be

     efore we turn to the        anxious, to be distracted, to
       Bible to see what         have a divided mind.” It’s
       we can do with our        the word Jesus used when
worry, it might be helpful       He said, “Do not worry
to answer a few basic            about your life” (Mt. 6:25).
questions about worry.           And Paul used it when he
    What is worry?
It’s a feeling of uneasiness,
apprehension, or dread.             Worriers dwell in
These feelings are usually
related to negative thoughts
                                     the “what if ’s”
of something that may                    of life.
happen in the future. “What
will I do if my husband
comes in upset and angry?”       wrote, “Be anxious for
“If my daughter goes to a        nothing” (Phil. 4:6). People
state college, will she be       who worry are preoccupied
okay?” “If we go ahead and       or distracted. No matter
get this house, will we be       what else they may be
able to make the payments?”      doing, one part of their
“Will we survive the next        mind is worrying.
earthquake?”                         Who worries?
    Worriers live in the         Everyone! No person lives
future. They spend a             without some worry. A
disproportionate amount          person who claims he
of time speculating on           doesn’t have a care in the
what might occur, and            world is in a state of denial.
then fearing the worst.          Every person who takes
             © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
responsibility seriously          Suppose you live in a high-
can’t help but feel a certain     crime area and you have to
amount of worry. It’s one         arrive home from work after
reason things get done.           dark. You worry about being
Some of the greatest world        mugged, and you feel great
leaders were worriers:            relief when you arrive home
Alexander the Great,              safely and bolt the door
George Washington,                behind you. One reason
Winston Churchill.                people worry is that they
   Interestingly, many high       are physically threatened.
achievers are worriers. They          Other people are
are driven by their worries       threatened by what others
about what might happen if        think of them. They want to
they fall short. But people       look good and do well at all
who appear to be laid-back        times. When thrust into an
worry too. They just don’t        unfamiliar or demanding
show it. Yes, everyone            situation, they worry about
worries.                          doing the right thing. Many
  What do we worry                of these people avoid taking
about? It’s sometimes said        risks to escape the possibility
that worry superimposes the       of facing disapproval.
future on the present. Worry          Still others worry about
is a preoccupation with the       the threat of abandonment.
painful consequences of           They need continual
what might happen. Worries        reassurance that their
generally arise out of one of     spouse or friends will
three categories.                 not leave them.
    1. Threats. You don’t             2. Choices. Many people
have to live in New York or       worry when they have to
Chicago to recognize the          make a decision. They will
reality of the threat of crime.   do anything to avoid making
              © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
a wrong choice. This is true      us with a choice. We can
even when they are faced          choose to avoid the source
with two good options. For        of our worry. But this only
example, John was offered         increases the stress. Or we
two teaching positions. One       can face it, take appropriate
had better benefits; the other    action, and put it behind us.
gave him better courses and
the opportunity to coach
baseball. He was worried             Worry shifts the
about making the wrong
choice and ending up                burden from God’s
unhappy.                             strong shoulders
    3. Past Experiences. A             to our weak
third cause for worry comes
out of the past. A young man             shoulders.
may have trouble with male
authority figures because
of his relationship to his          What does the Bible
father or a bad incident          say about worry? The
with a teacher. He worries        Bible teaches that there
whenever he has to discuss        are two kinds of worry:
something with his boss. He       (1) a negative, harmful,
can’t stand the threat of         crippling worry, and
being humiliated again.           (2) a positive, beneficial
    Worry, then, is a             concern. The same Greek
preoccupation with bad            word (merimnao) is used in
things that may happen.           the New Testament for each.
It’s the fear that we’ll              Negative worry in
be embarrassed, suffer            the Bible is a troubled
pain, experience loss, or be      fretting and anxiety. Jesus
inconvenienced. This leaves       mentioned this kind of worry
              © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
six times in the Sermon           concerned about (same
on the Mount (Mt. 6). He          word) their welfare (Phil.
commanded His followers           2:20). This was a good kind
not to worry about the            of worry that spurred Paul
everyday cares of life: food,     and Timothy into loving
clothing, shelter, or even the    involvement for the sake of
future. Paul told us to “be       others. We will use the word
anxious for nothing” (Phil.       concern for this positive kind
4:6). And Peter instructed        of worry.
his readers to cast their           When am I worried
cares on God (1 Pet. 5:7).        too much? We have
In this booklet, when we use      moved from a healthy
the word worry, we usually        concern to an oppressive,
have this negative, crippling     crippling worry when we:
kind of worry in mind.               • Can’t sleep because
    But not all worry is               we can’t stop thinking
bad. The Bible also speaks             about what might
of a beneficial worry. In              happen.
2 Corinthians 11:28, Paul            • Feel guilty whenever
spoke of his “deep concern             we relax.
for all the churches.” The           • Are afraid of something
word translated concern here           all the time.
is the same Greek word used          • Feel panic in certain
for worry in the previous              situations.
references. Paul was worried         • Refuse to look at our
about the believers, so he             feelings.
wrote to them.                       • Blame others for
    Paul also told the                 everything.
believers in Philippi of his         • Have a vague fear
desire to send Timothy to              of disaster.
them because he was
              © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
WHY DO WE                        power of the wind and the
WORRY?                           huge waves. He thought
                                 about the danger he was

     n incident in the life      in and began to question
       of the apostle Peter      whether he could survive
        will help us answer      in a situation like that. He
this question. Do you            began to sink. He cried out
remember the time the            to Jesus, who reached out
disciples were out in a boat     His hand and escorted Peter
in a storm? Jesus had sent       back to the boat.
them ahead while He went             We’re so much like
to a mountain to pray (Mt.       Peter. His experience
14:22-33). A strong wind         illustrates why we worry.
swept across the Sea of              1. We worry because
Galilee. It was so powerful      we’re vulnerable. As
that the exhausted disciples     human beings, we are
could make no headway            susceptible to many things.
rowing into it. Then Jesus       Disease may strike. The
appeared, walking to them        economy may change. We
across the water. The            may get stranded by an
disciples were terrified.        automobile breakdown or a
   After Jesus identified        sudden airline strike. We
Himself, Peter was skeptical.    could get hit by a drunk
“Lord, if it is You, command     driver. We’re afraid someone
me to come to You on the         may say cutting words or
water” (v.28). When Jesus        offer harsh criticisms that
said “Come,” by faith Peter      will wound us deeply.
walked out on the water              We are frail, mortal,
toward Him.                      sensitive human beings. We
   But then he looked            are vulnerable physically,
around him. He saw the           emotionally, and spiritually.
             © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
We can get hurt in many            layoff at work. Whatever
ways. Like Peter, we are           it is, it forces us to see our
merely human and capable           weakness.
of drowning. We worry                   3. We worry because
because we are vulnerable.         we distrust God.
    2. We worry because            Confronted with our
we become aware of our             vulnerability, we have a
vulnerability. Most of the         choice. We can turn our
time we feel relatively safe.      safety over to God and trust
We can make our home               Him with our apprehensions.
secure. We can drive a             Or we can take our well-
reliable car and keep it in        being into our own hands.
good repair. We can get            That’s what Peter did on the
regular checkups. We can           water. Confronted by his
buy good insurance. We             frailty, he lost faith in Jesus.
can maintain peaceful              Yet he knew he couldn’t save
relationships. We take             himself.
care of ourselves physically,           Jesus’ words to Peter are
emotionally, and spiritually.      revealing. “O you of little
    But then something             faith,” He said (v.31). Peter
happens that makes us              stopped trusting Jesus.
painfully aware of our             When we no longer feel that
vulnerability. We’re like          we can trust Jesus with our
Peter when he saw the              lives, our feelings, or our
wind and was afraid. It            future, we worry. And that is
could be an engine that            sin because we are taking
begins to knock. Or one of         responsibilities on ourselves
our children is ill. Or there’s    that belong to the Lord. We
pressure in our chest. Or we       are stubbornly refusing to
discover a mysterious lump.        place ourselves in His strong
Or we hear rumors of a             hands. No wonder we worry!
               © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
WHAT CAN WE                       choices. First, she looked
DO WITH OUR                       at things differently. She
                                  began to see her feelings
WORRY?                            of vulnerability as an
                                  opportunity to grow, both

   inda was a worrier. She’s      emotionally and spiritually.
     the first to admit it. She   She did that in two ways.
       worried about her          She learned from the Bible
husband’s job, the                how to handle her worry.
neighbor’s dog, the               And she took some
children’s lunches,               practical steps to help her
the car’s rattles, the            break free. Oh, she still
family’s insurance, the           locks the house—and she
church’s nursery, the roast       should. But she is no longer
they were having for dinner.      crippled by feelings of
   Linda was particularly         helplessness.
concerned about the house             We too can get to the
being safe at night. She          place where we can make
made sure that every              our worry work for us.
window and door had a             To turn our worry into
double lock. Every night          opportunity, we can take
before going to bed, Linda        the following four steps:
made a couple of circuits             1. Turn Our Attention
around the house to make                 To God.
certain that all the doors            2. Trust Beyond
and windows were securely                Ourselves.
fastened. She knew she                3. Talk To Someone
worried too much.                        Who Cares.
   Linda is now free from             4. Throw Our Cares
her worry. Her release came              On The Lord.
as a result of a series of
              © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
                                  TO GOD
                                  heaven, and His kingdom
                                  rules over all” (Ps. 103:19).
                                  He is God Almighty (Ps.
                                  66:7). He is the sovereign
                                  Lord of all.
                                      Worriers feel that things
                                  are out of control—that
                                  something terrible is about
Worriers have focused their       to happen and they can’t
eyes on the consequences          stop it. When the questions
of events that have not           raised by those feelings
yet happened. They feel           create anxiety, worriers
vulnerable and expect             need to remember three
the worst. They take              important truths about God.
responsibility for things that        1. God is everywhere
are out of their control. But     (Ps. 139:7; Jer. 23:23-24).
if they will turn to God, they    We can’t get to a place
will find in His character the    where God is not. There
answer to their vulnerability.    is no place, no matter
God’s character is best seen      how alone we may feel,
in His Word.                      that God cannot be. He
   God Is In Charge.              is everywhere!
The Bible teaches that                2. God knows
nothing happens in this           everything (Job 7:20;
world that is beyond the          Ps. 33:13). He knows how
knowledge and control             afraid we are, how bad we
of God. “The Lord has             feel, what scares us. The
established His throne in         more worried we become,
              © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
the more we act as if            said, “I’m an athlete. I’ve
God were ignorant of our         always made my body do
situation. We don’t know         whatever I wanted and my
the future, but God does.        body responded. But when
He knows how everything is       I tell myself I must stop
going to turn out. He knows      being anxious and stressing
our needs.                       myself, I can’t.” The more
    3. God is all-powerful       he told himself to control
(Gen. 17:1; 18:14; Mt.           his anxiety, the worse it got.
19:26). Worriers feel that           Then it was as if God
no one has the power to          spoke to him. “Who’s in
stop the bad things that         charge here?” “You are,” he
might happen. Not even           answered meekly. And as
God, they think, can keep        that truth and commitment
their daughter from getting      came to his mind, peace
pregnant or their son out of     flooded his heart.
jail. But God has limitless        God Can Carry Our
power. The answer to the         Burdens. The cares of life
question, “Is anything too       that weigh on us so heavily
hard for the Lord?” (Gen.        can be placed on the
18:14) is no!                    shoulders of God. He is
    William Backus, in The       more concerned than we
Good News About Worry,           are about our health, our
wrote about his brother-in-      children and grandchildren,
law, an athlete who was          our loved one’s salvation,
in the hospital recovering       world peace. He helped
from an angioplasty. The         David kill the bear, the lion,
procedure was successful,        and the Philistine giant. He
but he remained in danger        protected David from the
the next 24 hours. He was        murderous rages of Saul.
worried! As he lay there, he     He kept him safe in enemy
             © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
country. Perhaps that’s the      rock-strewn beach. A little
reason David could write,        boy was trying to carry a
“Cast your burden on the         sack of rocks he had
Lord, and He shall sustain       collected. He couldn’t keep
you; He shall never permit       up with his family. Once or
the righteous to be moved”       twice he fell. He didn’t have
(Ps. 55:22).                     the strength to lug that big
                                 load. Then his big brother
                                 saw him. He went back,
 “Cast your burden               picked him and his sack of
   on the Lord,                  rocks up, and carried them
                                 both. That is what God is
   and He shall                  waiting to do with us once
   sustain you.”                 we hold our arms out to
       Psalm 55:22               Him. “Commit your way to
                                 the Lord,” the psalmist said,
                                 “trust also in Him” (37:5).
   But how do we give our         God Can Take Away
burdens to God? How do we        Our Fear. Worry is how
place them on His shoulders      we express our fear of the
and leave them there? By         future. We’re afraid of the
acting on what we know.          consequences of what lies
We know that He is an all-       ahead: What questions will
powerful, trustworthy God.       appear on the exam? How
When we worry, we hold           will I do at the dentist? Will
back from trusting Him. We       our city be hit by a tornado?
are putting ourselves in His        Worry began in Eden
place. We’re saying we can       after Adam and Eve had
do better. We need to turn it    sinned. They hid from God
over to Him.                     because they were afraid of
   I was walking along a         the consequences of their
             © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
choice to eat the forbidden      faceless, powerless
fruit (Gen. 3:10). “I was        apprehensions of the future.
afraid,” Adam said.
    Knowing that God is a
good God—that nothing evil
can originate in Him—helps          How much better
drive fear away. When we            it is to fear One
can say with David, “Good           who loves you to
and upright is the Lord” (Ps.
25:8), we find assurance.          the point of giving
When we are worried about           up His Son than
the future, we can follow the        to be afraid of
example of the psalmist and
“taste and see that the Lord          the nameless,
is good” (34:8).                   faceless, powerless
    Accepting God’s love             apprehensions
for us also helps drive fear
away. If we are to have any           of the future.
fear, the Bible tells us, it
is to be a fear of God (Dt.
10:12,20; 13:4). Yet to fear         David knew God’s
Him is to love Him and to        goodness and love by
accept and feel secure in His    experience. That’s why he
wonderful love for us. How       could tell us that even when
much better it is to fear the    he was in the darkest valleys
Creator than anything He         of life, he feared no evil (Ps.
has created. How much            23:4). In Psalm 31 he wrote
better it is to fear One who     of terrible life experiences—
loves you to the point of        being forsaken by his friends
giving up His Son than to        (vv.11-12) and attacked by
be afraid of the nameless,       his enemies (vv.13,15). Yet
             © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
he could say, “But as for         minds. We’re like a father
me, I trust in You, O Lord”       whose 3-year-old son is
(v.14), and “My times are         in the hospital fighting a
in Your hand” (v.15).             dangerous infection. He
    When we’re afraid, we         goes to work while Mom
can do something about it.        stays by the bedside. But
Time after time the Bible         even while he works, part of
tells us not to be afraid. Our    his thinking is always in that
responsibility, accepting the     hospital room with his little
goodness and love of God,         boy. Every mother who has
is to make the same choice        seen her son go off to war
David did. We must say,           knows that feeling. So does
“Therefore we will not fear”      Dad when his daughter is
(Ps. 46:2).                       on her first date or his
  God Can Sustain                 teenage son is late getting
Us. In a context where he         back with the car.
had spoken of war, famine,            God can sustain us
and evil men, David said          during those worrisome
that those who trust in God       times. David wrote, “Cast
“shall be satisfied” (Ps.         your burden on the Lord,
37:19). The basic meaning         and He shall sustain you”
here is that they will not        (Ps. 55:22). The God who
tremble; they will not be         cannot be moved will keep
shaken. In the midst of the       us from being shaken by the
legitimate concerns of life we    worries and cares of life.
need not quiver with fear.          God Will Always
Why? Because God can              Be With Us. Worry is a
sustain us by His power.          solitary burden. We tend to
   When we feel vulnerable,       carry it alone. The more we
we become distracted by the       worry, the more alone and
concerns that are on our          helpless we feel. But as
              © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
children of God we are           dismayed, for I am your
never alone. We will never       God” (41:10).
be abandoned. David                   Joshua knew of it. God
assured us of God’s              said to him, “As I was with
presence in Psalm 139,           Moses, so I will be with you.
where he said that God           I will not leave you nor
knew everything about him        forsake you” (Josh. 1:5).
before he was even born               Moses knew of it. “By
(vv.13-16), and that he          faith he forsook Egypt, not
could never escape God’s         fearing the wrath of the
Spirit (vv.7-12). Morning or     king; for he endured as
night, land or sea, heaven       seeing Him who is invisible”
or hades, God is there.          (Heb. 11:27).
    Yes, David knew of                The disciples knew of
God’s ever-present care.         it. Jesus said to them just
He wrote, “When my father        before He ascended, “I am
and my mother forsake me,        with you always, even to the
then the Lord will take care     end of the age” (Mt. 28:20).
of me” (Ps. 27:10). Who               We know of it too. When
among us didn’t fear             Jesus gave that promise to
parental abandonment as          His disciples, He was also
children? Sometimes those        talking to us.
terrible feelings return to           The next time you start to
us. It is then that we must      be overcome by worry, turn
remember the promise of          to God and remember that
God that He will always          (1) He is in charge, (2) He
be with us.                      can carry your burdens, (3)
    Isaiah knew of God’s         He can take away your fear,
ever-present care. The Lord      (4) He can sustain you, and
said through him, “Fear not,     (5) He will never leave you.
for I am with you; be not
             © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
                                  living by faith. You’re too
                                  concerned about food and
                                  clothing and things. Put Me
                                  and My kingdom first and
                                  you’ll be all right.”
                                      Remember, the Lord
                                  had just been telling His
                                  followers to make choices
                                  that would lay up treasures
The major teaching on             in heaven, not on earth
worry in the New Testament        (6:19-24). We can almost
was given by Jesus in the         hear the silent objections
Sermon on the Mount (Mt.          of the crowd, “Oh, sure. If I
6:25-34). In that passage         lived like He says—always
He gave us the antidote to        thinking about heaven—I’d
worry. He was speaking to         starve to death. A person’s
devoutly religious people         got to eat, you know.”
(like many of us) who were        That’s probably the reason
looking for the Messiah but       Jesus began His teaching
were not ready for His            with the command, “Do
coming. Jesus mentioned           not worry” (v.25).
worry 6 times in these 10           Causes Of Worry
verses. What He had to say        (Mt. 6:25-32). Unless His
speaks to us as we cope           followers stopped worrying
with our fast-paced, stress-      about the cares of earth,
filled, materialistic society.    they would never be free
    Jesus said, in essence,       to store up treasures in
“You are filled with worry        heaven. Jesus said that
because you aren’t really         worrying about the essential
              © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
needs of life is unnecessary.    become so accustomed
If God takes care of the         to our materialism that
birds of the air and the         we worry about what will
flowers of the fields, He        happen if we don’t keep up.
certainly will take care            Jesus said that all our
of His children.                 worrying is unnecessary.
    We do have a                 He recognized it as a real
responsibility to work           problem, but a needless one.
and provide for the needs        Birds have to eat, but they
of ourselves and our             don’t get migraines worrying
families. The apostle Paul       about it. Flowers “wear
said, “If anyone will not        clothes,” but they don’t
work, neither shall he eat”      have to be treated for
(2 Th. 3:10). Jesus wasn’t       ulcers. Why? Because
teaching that we are to          their heavenly Father
become passive recipients.       takes care of them.
His point was that we              Worry’s Hidden
should not fret, worry, or be    Agenda (v.30). The
anxious about our needs.         underlying cause of worry
    Many of us, however, are     is identified in Jesus’ words,
worried about much more          “O you of little faith.” We’re
than meeting the essential       burdened down with care
needs of life. We want to be     because we do not trust
seen at the “in” restaurants,    God. We don’t really believe
have a car a little better       that He is running our world
than our neighbors, build        efficiently. We’ve stopped
a house with a little more       trusting Him to care for
square footage, dress in the     our needs, even though He
latest fashions, and many        promised that He would.
other things that our society    We’ve shifted our eyes
views as important. We’ve        from heaven to earth. We’re
             © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
trusting in ourselves instead     He said, “and all these
of trusting in God. We’ve         things shall be added to
taken the responsibility for      you” (v.33). Exercise faith.
the future onto our own           Give priority to God and
shoulders. We feel that           you’ll lay up treasures in
we can’t trust God with           heaven.
important matters like                When we listen to Jesus,
that any longer!                  we realize that getting rid of
                                  worry is a matter of choice.
                                  When we choose to trust
  Worry is unbelief               God rather than ourselves,
                                  our worries will subside.
      in disguise.                The answer lies with us.
   It comes down                      Are you obsessed with
       to the fact                worry about having enough
                                  to eat? What you’ll wear? If
    that we’re not                your house is big enough?
     trusting God.                Whether you’ve got the right
                                  car? If your retirement is
                                  secure? A lot of Christians in
 Jesus’ Antidote For              our world have learned from
Worry (vv.33-34). Jesus           hard experience that those
said that worry boils down        things aren’t nearly as
to a matter of priorities.        important as we think, and
We worry about food and           that God keeps His Word to
clothing, and competing,          provide. They’ve learned
and controlling the future,       that the things that nourish
instead of concentrating          faith are the most important,
on what is most important.        because in the real tough
“Seek first the kingdom of        issues of life it is faith that
God and His righteousness,”       they need the most.
              © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
                                  WHO CARES
                                     prayer and supplication,
                                     with thanksgiving, let your
                                     requests be made known
                                     to God; and the peace of
                                     God, which surpasses all
                                     understanding, will guard
                                     your hearts and minds
                                     through Christ Jesus
                                     (Phil. 4:6-7).
In Paul’s letter to the              There are three words
Philippians, we find an           used by Paul in Philippians
important alternative to          4:6 that describe what we
worry. Instead of giving in       are to be doing instead of
to our vulnerability, we can      worrying.
take positive action that will       1. Prayer. The word
help us to stop worrying.         Paul used here is the most
    Paul gave the believers in    common word for talking to
Philippi a specific command:      God—prayer. It refers to
“Be anxious for nothing”          prayer in general and is
(4:6). It was the same            most likely related to the
command Jesus gave on the         worship aspect of prayer.
Galilean hillside (Mt. 6:25).     When we pray, we are
Jesus went on to explain the      to acknowledge God’s
futility of worry, but Paul       greatness and give Him our
told the Philippians that         adoration, devotion, and
instead of worrying they          respect. Recognizing God as
were to pray.                     the sovereign Lord, we are
    Be anxious for nothing,       to bring our worries to Him.
    but in everything by             2. Supplication. The
              © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
second word Paul used in              When we pray as an
describing his alternative to     alternative to worry, we are
worry is supplication. This       removing the burden from
refers to the expressing of       our shoulders and placing
our needs to God. These           it on the broad shoulders of
are our earnest requests,         Almighty God. And once we
our desperate cries for help.     trust Him with our cares,
These supplications can be        we can thank Him for being
for ourselves or for others.      the kind of God who loves
    When you are worried,         us, who is keenly interested
take that worry to God.           in our problems, and who
Ask for His help. Earnestly       has the power to answer
petition Him. The God who         our prayer.
told us to ask, seek, and             Bring your vulnerabilities
knock will give, help us find,    to the One who has the
and answer (Mt. 7:7-8).           power to do something
    3.Thanksgiving. The           about them. When you
third word describing the         wake up at night worried
prayers that are to replace       about your sister or your
our worry is thanksgiving.        job or your little boy, pray.
Sometimes we become so            Train your mind to stop
concerned with our problems       and redirect all the energy
that we forget the gracious       from worry, which is
ways God has worked in the        destructive, to prayer,
past. We fail to see that He      which is constructive. Ask
has dealt with us according       God to help, to intercede, to
to His grace and mercy and        convict, to open a door, to
has met all of our needs. It      work the kind of miraculous
helps to calm us when we          change only He can work.
remember how God has                  When you’re
cared for us in the past.         overwhelmed by the
              © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
frightening prospects of the      You’ll be pleased at how
future, pray. Express your        much that will help keep
apprehensions to the Lord.        those worries from crippling
Turn them over to Him.            and controlling you.
While you’re waiting for
a traffic light and you’re
worrying about paying                     Bring your
the bills, pray. Ask God
to provide, then move on.
God hears your prayers.               to the One who
    In an article in Focal             has the power
Point, a publication of
Denver Seminary, Paul
                                      to do something
Borden gave a good action                about them.
suggestion for worriers. He
recommended making a
worry list. When you’re               Then Borden suggested
worried about something,          that you turn that prayer list
write it down. Perhaps it’s       into an action list. As God
the health of your aging          gives you insight and
mother, or replacing the          confidence, do something
refrigerator, or changing         about those cares. Even if
churches. Write it down.          you only do a little, you’ll
It will help you when you         soon find that a paralyzing
see that specific worry in        anxiety is replaced by a
black and white.                  healthy, manageable concern
    Next, turn that worry         for the responsibilities of life.
list into a prayer list. Pray         Are you worried? Pray.
about those things you            If you’ve done that, pray
are concerned about. Pray         again. Use the energy of
about them specifically.          worry to pray instead.
              © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
                                 ON THE LORD
                                 terms of our own
                                 happiness. We must
                                 be humble enough to
                                 accept what we receive
                                 from God’s mighty hand.
                                  2. Giving Our
                                 Worry To God. We are
                                 to put our helpless feelings
                                 of worry into those same
Peter offered an alternative     all-powerful hands. We are
to worry while writing to        to cast our cares on Him.
people undergoing intense        We are to entrust the future
persecution: “Humble             to the One who cared
yourselves under the mighty      enough for us to send His
hand of God, that He may         Son to die for us. But that
exalt you in due time,           goes against the philosophy
casting all your care upon       of our day. “You don’t
Him, for He cares for you”       need anyone but yourself,”
(1 Pet. 5:6-7). Two steps are    we’re told. “You’ve got to
involved in this process.        watch out for number one,
 1.Accepting What                because nobody else will.”
We Can’t Change.                     Have you been
Instead of fuming and            dragging around a big
stewing, or avoiding reality     load of worries? You know,
by denying our worry, we         worries that you’re too
are to humbly accept that        proud or ashamed to talk
these circumstances are          about? Give them to God.
part of our life. We don’t       You’ve dragged them
have the right to dictate the    around long enough!
             © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
A BIBLICAL                       everything to be perfect
CASE STUDY                       for the Master. She felt
                                 frustrated and helpless.
OF A WORRIER                     “Distracted with much
                                 serving,” she glanced into

        octor Luke gave          the living room, hoping
         us a valuable look      Mary would come and help.
         at how Jesus helped     Enthralled by the words of
a worrier in his account of      Jesus, Mary showed no
the Lord’s visit to the home     signs of moving.
of Mary, Martha, and                 Finally, Martha
Lazarus (Lk. 10:38-42).          could stand it no longer.
As He and His disciples          She marched into the
traveled, they stopped           living room. “Lord,” she
for a visit at Martha’s          demanded, hands on
invitation. I can envision       her hips, “do You not
the following scene.             care that my sister has left
    Caring for the needs         me to serve alone?” Then
of the group was no small        she gave the Lord an order:
task. While Martha was           “Tell her to help me” (v.40).
busy in the kitchen with all         Perhaps you are a
the preparations (cutting up     Martha—or you live
the vegetables for the salad,    with one. Jesus’ patient,
getting out the good china,      understanding response to
preparing the main dish,         Martha is a wonderful model
getting the dessert ready),      for you. Note what He did.
Mary was sitting idly at             First, He made her
the feet of Jesus.               aware of her worry. “Martha,
    Things weren’t coming        Martha,” the Lord answered,
together for Martha. All         “you are worried and
that work—and she wanted         troubled about many things”
             © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
(v.41). I believe there was       has chosen that good part,”
real tenderness in His voice      He told Martha, “which will
as He repeated her name.          not be taken away from her”
He addressed the issue with       (v.42). The meal would be
Martha. He let her know she       forgotten, but the words of
had a problem to be dealt         Jesus would stay in Mary’s
with. There’s nothing wrong       heart and bear fruit for
with being a good hostess.        eternity.
There’s nothing wrong with            What if Martha had
wanting things the very best.     come and joined Mary?
Jesus didn’t judge Martha.        They would never have
He drew her attention to          eaten, right? Wrong! They
her worry.                        all could have helped. Or
    Second, Jesus showed          Jesus could have spoken a
her that worry is a choice.       gourmet 7-course meal into
Martha had chosen to              existence.
become filled with anxiety            I believe Martha learned
over the preparations.            from Jesus. He was again at
Her choice had led her to         their house for dinner a year
criticize her sister, to imply    or so later. The family was
that Jesus was insensitive,       giving the dinner in Jesus’
and to give Him an order.         honor to celebrate the
Without condemning                raising of Lazarus (Jn.
Martha, Jesus pointed             12:1-11). We are told
out that Mary had made            simply, “Martha served”
a choice too (v.42).              (v.2). She was still the
    Third, Jesus told Martha      worker, but this time she
that the choice was between       was not overwhelmed by
that which is earthly and         the responsibility. I believe
temporary and that which is       she learned to control her
heavenly and eternal. “Mary       tendency to worry.
              © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
JOANIE’S STORY                       I had become
                                 agoraphobic, which
The following story is           is a dread of open spaces,
taken from an interview          a fear of going out. For me,
with author Joanie Yoder,        it was a fear of going into
which was recorded for the       the supermarket. It was so
RBC television program           intense that I would panic
Day Of Discovery.                and go into a sweat. I
                                 was afraid that I would go

           y life was filled     totally insane in front of
            with anxiety and     people—or even worse, die.
            worry, but I was         So sometimes I would
unaware of it. I was able        interrupt my shopping,
to cover it up, like a lot of    shove my cart into a
people do, until I had an        corner, and run home. As
experience that caused me        soon as I was in the house,
to hit rock bottom. It was       I would have this sudden
then that I was forced to        relief of being safe and
face my anxieties, my fears,     secure again.
my dread, my worries.                I thought I was the only
Catherine Marshall once          person who felt like this.
said that the greatest           My eating habits changed,
discovery we can make            my sleep was erratic, I was
is to realize that our own       trembly and shaky, and
strength is not enough. I        I was generally anxious
experienced that discovery.      about life and all its
I had nothing left of my         responsibilities. I couldn’t
own inner resources. I           face anything. I felt I was
didn’t seem to have the          all washed up by the time
strength, physically or          I was in my early thirties.
emotionally, to go on.               There were underlying
             © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
reasons for my difficulty.        breakdown, but a
As I look back now, I             breakdown of my
realize that there were three     self-sufficiency.
reasons for my inability to           From my own
manage life. One was              experience, and also
extreme immaturity. I             in observing other people
was underdeveloped                who are in this painful
emotionally to handle             situation of running out of
responsibility. Second,           their resources, one of the
I had developed a                 characteristics is a need to
bitterness habit. I didn’t        control—the need to control
really recognize it as such,      life, circumstances, people,
because I felt I was always       and unwittingly, God—
justified in feeling as I did.    because we feel afraid of
Mine was always a just            what might happen. We
cause. And then the third         feel that if we can control
reason, which I think is          things and make things go
common to all of us, was          a certain way, we will be
a tendency to be self-            less afraid.
sufficient. I tried to do             My problem was that
everything in my own              I couldn’t feel in control
strength. And when I              of my self-protection—
realized that I couldn’t          protection from the things
do it on my own, I felt that      that I was afraid of. So I
I ought to be able to.            began to build a cocoon
    Those three factors           around myself. That cocoon
had a crumbling effect. It        became as small as the
led me toward a breakdown         word implies. I had a tiny
that I needed. I think it’s       space in which I felt safe
a breakdown we all need.          and secure—the four walls
It wasn’t a nervous               of my house. In fact, I so
              © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
cocooned my life that it         showed me four disciplines,
contained a population of        which still have a profound
one—me.                          effect in my life: read, pray,
    During this time, I was a    trust, and obey. Read the
Christian. And even though       Bible—something to feast
I strongly believed in God,      on. Pray—Someone to
He had no scope in my life.      feast with. This goes beyond
I was terribly unhappy. And      the boundary of a little time
even worse, I felt that I had    of prayer. It goes out into
missed the unique purpose        the marketplace, out into
for which God had created        our cars, out into our
me.                              circumstances. Trust—
    I had to hit rock bottom.    trusting God for the
I had to come to the end         things we cannot control.
of myself before I could         Releasing them, not into
discover the sufficiency         thin air but to God. Obey—
of Christ and allow Him          God wants us to obey Him
to change me. God began          in the things we can control.
to rehabilitate me according         These four disciplines
to what Paul described in        are very familiar. The whole
Philippians 1:6, “That He        idea of dependence on
who has begun a good             God is an obvious truth
work in you [which starts        scripturally but an obscure
at conversion] will complete     truth experientially. We
it until the day of Jesus        must actually practice
Christ.” The process doesn’t     them, not just know about
take 6 easy lessons or 6         them, talk about them, or
months, but continues until      believe fiercely about them.
“the day of Jesus Christ.”       The blessing of being in a
    Early on in my progress      weakened condition and
toward wholeness, God            running out of our own
             © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
resources is that it helps        stretched me, He would
motivate us to actually do        come through for me.
the things that we already           God eventually led
believe.                          me out of the cocoon that
     As I began to incorporate    I had built around myself
these disciplines into my         with a population of one.
daily living, I found that        He did this by involving
it cultivated an intimate         me in the leadership of a
relationship with Christ          neighborhood Bible study.
that developed confidence         I believe I was able to
in Him. He began to prove         minister to the women in
His sufficiency to me at          the group effectively because
small levels. And as He           they realized I needed Christ
continued to come through         as much as they did. So I
for me, I began to trust Him      wasn’t a threat. I was an
more and more.                    encouragement to their
     The four disciplines of      growth.
reading, praying, trusting,          God then led my
and obeying interacted            husband and me overseas.
with one another. This            One day we met a drug
interaction meant that there      addict on the London
was something for me to           subway, and we brought
do. But as I did, it set God      him home to live with us.
free to do the things that        Through him, and a few
only He could do. So I            others that we brought
began to find less and less       home to live with us, I
reason for worry. It became       had my moment of truth.
superfluous. I began to           Up until then I had felt
realize that whatever He          somewhat apologetic that I
led me to undertake, even         had to depend on God for
if it were something that         things that many people do
              © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
with very little effort. But      to Christ, assuming for
through my involvement            discussion’s sake that they
with these drug-dependent         want to be won to Christ?
people, I realized that their     Would they prefer to be
cure, as well as mine, was        won through strong people
not independence. The key         who look like they don’t
was in being God-                 know what it is to be weak?
dependent.                        Or would they prefer to be
   Through my experience          won through weak people
with drug addicts, I              who have discovered how
discovered that dependence        to be strong?
on God was something for              I believe that without
which we were created. I          exception they would prefer
also learned that what had        the latter. Although we may
been effective in a crisis        think we are doing God’s
was effective all the time.       service and impressing
So I found that I could offer     people for God by coming
to a drug-dependent person        across as strong people, we
a radical, shocking remedy.       may be depriving them of
They had been taught to get       the last hope they had that
rid of all the dependencies       God might have something
in their lives. But I was able    for them. This is because
to show them that the             their reaction is not, “Oh,
answer was in moving from         that’s for me!” Instead they
drug-dependence to God-           say, “I could never be like
dependence—not replacing          that.” But if they see a
drugs with God, but moving        weak person who has
to the one dependence for         learned to be strong and
which we were created.            is still learning to take that
   How do you think               strength from God, they will
people prefer to be won           be filled with hope. They
              © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
will say, “Wow! If that          story is about a woman
works for her, maybe there’s     who had nothing in herself
something in it for me.”         but found everything she
   I really identify with the    needed through a life of
average person. This is not      dependence on God. It’s
only a fact, it is also my       not a sad state of affairs
heart’s desire. Except for       to have to depend on
the truth that we’re all         God—it’s God’s perfect
unique creations, I’m very       design. The creature
ordinary. Without Christ I       becomes his or her very
would be a dead loss. In         best when depending
fact, I was introduced this      on the Creator. I used to
way in a meeting once.           depend on God as a last
They said, “This is Joanie,      resort. Now it’s the first
who without Christ would         thing I do!
be a dead loss.” At                  The beginning of
one time, that kind of           progress in my spiritual
introduction would have          life was a rock-bottom
appalled me. But God has         experience. I didn’t look
brought me to the place in       good. I didn’t feel good. But
my life where He’s allowed       it was the most spiritual
me to be a spectacle of          moment in my life. I hope
weakness so that I can           this is an encouragement
go out and share with the        to others who are at that
world and testify to others      point. So often we think
what God can do in and           that to be spiritual we must
through human weakness.          always be on top. That’s
So if He can do it in and        not true. To be spiritual is
through me, why not them?        to come to the place where
   Dependence on God is          there’s nothing of us and
the theme of my life. My         all of God.
             © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
THE GREATEST                     for our sin. Then came the
WORRY                            miracle we needed. Jesus
                                 rose from the dead as proof

          othing makes us        that God had accepted His
           feel more helpless    sacrifice for us. There is
           than the thought      nothing we can do; it’s a
of dying. The end of life        miracle of grace God has
confronts us with the issue      already done.
of what lies beyond. The             Second, the way to
Bible says it’s either           heaven is not by works
heaven or hell. And hell         but by faith. Our response
is definitely something to       to the death of Christ and
worry about!                     God’s offer of love is to
    Ask most people if           believe on Jesus. We can’t
they’re going to heaven          lose it once we have it.
and they’ll say, “I hope so”     Salvation is a free gift of
or “Maybe, if I don’t blow       grace that cares for our
it.” If they are honest, they    spiritual vulnerability.
will admit that the thought          Once we believe in the
of going to hell terrifies       finished work of Christ on
them.                            the cross, we don’t have to
    But God said in the          worry that we’ll lose our
Bible that we can know           chance at heaven when
beyond any doubt that we         we sin. God has accepted
are on our way to heaven.        us in Christ. He could not
And He told us why.              write us off without writing
    First, the requirements      off His own Son, and He
for heaven have been met         would never do that! Trust
for us by Christ. He lived a     in Christ, and eternity
perfect life and then died on    will be nothing to worry
the cross to pay the penalty     about!
             © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
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What Can I Do With My Worry

  • 1. WHAT CAN I DO WITH MY CONTENTS WORRY? T he Serenity Prayer is a “I’m Worried!” . . . . . . . . 2 good place to start. Many What Is Worry? . . . . . . . 4 have found peace of mind Why Do We Worry? . . . 8 in the words, “God grant me serenity to accept the things What Can We Do With Our Worry? . . . . 10 I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the Turn Our Attention To God . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 wisdom to know the difference.” The Bible gives a basis for Trust Beyond Ourselves. . . . . . . . . . . 17 such a prayer. But it also gives so much more. The Scriptures Talk To Someone Who Cares . . . . . . . . . 20 tell us a great deal about the heart of the One who has asked Throw Our Cares On The Lord. . . . . . . . . 23 us to bring our cares to Him. In the following pages, A Biblical Case Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 author Dave Egner expresses sensitivity for the anxieties that Joanie’s Story . . . . . . . . 26 wear us down, and a real basis The Greatest for believing that there is a Worry . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 God who wants us to find our serenity, courage, and wisdom in Him. Martin R. De Haan II Managing Editor: David Sper Cover Photo:Terry Bidgood Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission.All rights reserved. © 1992,2003 RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, Michigan Printed in USA © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 2. “I’M WORRIED!” quiet and withdrawn as the 31st approached. Jan was G ene and Jan were waking up in the middle of worried. Rumors the night, and not able to had been circulating get back to sleep. They for months that the plant were worried. where Gene had worked Gene and Jan are for 27 years was going to Christians. They attend cut back 25-30 percent church regularly and in production. If this consider themselves was true, layoffs on all spiritually mature. They levels, including Gene’s believe that Christians supervisory ranking, were shouldn’t worry. “God will certain. Now the news had take care of you,” their leaked out that the cuts pastor said. They believed would occur at the end that and they prayed about of the month. it. But they were still Gene and Jan were worried. overwhelmed by the A lot of us are like Gene uncertainty—bombarded and Jan. We worry. So do with questions about the many Americans. Worry is future. “If I lose my job, will “the number one mental we be able to make it? How health disorder in America” can we keep up with the (Worry-Free Living, Minirth, house payments? What are Meier, Hawkins, p.17). For we going to do about health some, worry is linked to insurance? What kind of specific panic-inducing job can I get at 56 years situations that result in dry old? Will Jan have to go mouth, shortness of breath, back to work?” Gene or uncontrollable tears. For became increasingly others, worry is a chronic, 2 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 3. vague, never-ending fear to be the right kind of that something terrible is Christian parent or spouse. about to happen to wreck We want to be a good everything. For others, it’s witness to our neighbor. the fear that people are not So we worry about it. going to like them or will We may even worry disapprove of how they’re because we see ourselves dressed or the way they as worriers. We know that talk. we shouldn’t worry, but we One woman sought just keep worrying. We counsel because she was don’t know what to do. beside herself with worry about the salvation of her grown children. She woke up at night thinking about Believing you it. She examined her heart shouldn’t worry can again and again to see if be something else she really believed God could save them. This to worry about. woman was crippled with worry, and she needed to do something about it. The purpose of this As followers of Christ, booklet is to help us we certainly aren’t immune see, from a biblical and to worry. We are living practical point of view, under the same pressures what we can do with our of society that everyone worry. By understanding else is. In addition, what worry is, why we sometimes even our worry, and what the Bible spiritual convictions can be has to say, we can turn our a source of worry. We want worry into spiritual growth. 3 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 4. WHAT IS The primary New WORRY? Testament word for worry (merimnao) means “to be B efore we turn to the anxious, to be distracted, to Bible to see what have a divided mind.” It’s we can do with our the word Jesus used when worry, it might be helpful He said, “Do not worry to answer a few basic about your life” (Mt. 6:25). questions about worry. And Paul used it when he What is worry? It’s a feeling of uneasiness, apprehension, or dread. Worriers dwell in These feelings are usually related to negative thoughts the “what if ’s” of something that may of life. happen in the future. “What will I do if my husband comes in upset and angry?” wrote, “Be anxious for “If my daughter goes to a nothing” (Phil. 4:6). People state college, will she be who worry are preoccupied okay?” “If we go ahead and or distracted. No matter get this house, will we be what else they may be able to make the payments?” doing, one part of their “Will we survive the next mind is worrying. earthquake?” Who worries? Worriers live in the Everyone! No person lives future. They spend a without some worry. A disproportionate amount person who claims he of time speculating on doesn’t have a care in the what might occur, and world is in a state of denial. then fearing the worst. Every person who takes 4 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 5. responsibility seriously Suppose you live in a high- can’t help but feel a certain crime area and you have to amount of worry. It’s one arrive home from work after reason things get done. dark. You worry about being Some of the greatest world mugged, and you feel great leaders were worriers: relief when you arrive home Alexander the Great, safely and bolt the door George Washington, behind you. One reason Winston Churchill. people worry is that they Interestingly, many high are physically threatened. achievers are worriers. They Other people are are driven by their worries threatened by what others about what might happen if think of them. They want to they fall short. But people look good and do well at all who appear to be laid-back times. When thrust into an worry too. They just don’t unfamiliar or demanding show it. Yes, everyone situation, they worry about worries. doing the right thing. Many What do we worry of these people avoid taking about? It’s sometimes said risks to escape the possibility that worry superimposes the of facing disapproval. future on the present. Worry Still others worry about is a preoccupation with the the threat of abandonment. painful consequences of They need continual what might happen. Worries reassurance that their generally arise out of one of spouse or friends will three categories. not leave them. 1. Threats. You don’t 2. Choices. Many people have to live in New York or worry when they have to Chicago to recognize the make a decision. They will reality of the threat of crime. do anything to avoid making 5 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 6. a wrong choice. This is true us with a choice. We can even when they are faced choose to avoid the source with two good options. For of our worry. But this only example, John was offered increases the stress. Or we two teaching positions. One can face it, take appropriate had better benefits; the other action, and put it behind us. gave him better courses and the opportunity to coach baseball. He was worried Worry shifts the about making the wrong choice and ending up burden from God’s unhappy. strong shoulders 3. Past Experiences. A to our weak third cause for worry comes out of the past. A young man shoulders. may have trouble with male authority figures because of his relationship to his What does the Bible father or a bad incident say about worry? The with a teacher. He worries Bible teaches that there whenever he has to discuss are two kinds of worry: something with his boss. He (1) a negative, harmful, can’t stand the threat of crippling worry, and being humiliated again. (2) a positive, beneficial Worry, then, is a concern. The same Greek preoccupation with bad word (merimnao) is used in things that may happen. the New Testament for each. It’s the fear that we’ll Negative worry in be embarrassed, suffer the Bible is a troubled pain, experience loss, or be fretting and anxiety. Jesus inconvenienced. This leaves mentioned this kind of worry 6 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 7. six times in the Sermon concerned about (same on the Mount (Mt. 6). He word) their welfare (Phil. commanded His followers 2:20). This was a good kind not to worry about the of worry that spurred Paul everyday cares of life: food, and Timothy into loving clothing, shelter, or even the involvement for the sake of future. Paul told us to “be others. We will use the word anxious for nothing” (Phil. concern for this positive kind 4:6). And Peter instructed of worry. his readers to cast their When am I worried cares on God (1 Pet. 5:7). too much? We have In this booklet, when we use moved from a healthy the word worry, we usually concern to an oppressive, have this negative, crippling crippling worry when we: kind of worry in mind. • Can’t sleep because But not all worry is we can’t stop thinking bad. The Bible also speaks about what might of a beneficial worry. In happen. 2 Corinthians 11:28, Paul • Feel guilty whenever spoke of his “deep concern we relax. for all the churches.” The • Are afraid of something word translated concern here all the time. is the same Greek word used • Feel panic in certain for worry in the previous situations. references. Paul was worried • Refuse to look at our about the believers, so he feelings. wrote to them. • Blame others for Paul also told the everything. believers in Philippi of his • Have a vague fear desire to send Timothy to of disaster. them because he was 7 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 8. WHY DO WE power of the wind and the WORRY? huge waves. He thought about the danger he was A n incident in the life in and began to question of the apostle Peter whether he could survive will help us answer in a situation like that. He this question. Do you began to sink. He cried out remember the time the to Jesus, who reached out disciples were out in a boat His hand and escorted Peter in a storm? Jesus had sent back to the boat. them ahead while He went We’re so much like to a mountain to pray (Mt. Peter. His experience 14:22-33). A strong wind illustrates why we worry. swept across the Sea of 1. We worry because Galilee. It was so powerful we’re vulnerable. As that the exhausted disciples human beings, we are could make no headway susceptible to many things. rowing into it. Then Jesus Disease may strike. The appeared, walking to them economy may change. We across the water. The may get stranded by an disciples were terrified. automobile breakdown or a After Jesus identified sudden airline strike. We Himself, Peter was skeptical. could get hit by a drunk “Lord, if it is You, command driver. We’re afraid someone me to come to You on the may say cutting words or water” (v.28). When Jesus offer harsh criticisms that said “Come,” by faith Peter will wound us deeply. walked out on the water We are frail, mortal, toward Him. sensitive human beings. We But then he looked are vulnerable physically, around him. He saw the emotionally, and spiritually. 8 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 9. We can get hurt in many layoff at work. Whatever ways. Like Peter, we are it is, it forces us to see our merely human and capable weakness. of drowning. We worry 3. We worry because because we are vulnerable. we distrust God. 2. We worry because Confronted with our we become aware of our vulnerability, we have a vulnerability. Most of the choice. We can turn our time we feel relatively safe. safety over to God and trust We can make our home Him with our apprehensions. secure. We can drive a Or we can take our well- reliable car and keep it in being into our own hands. good repair. We can get That’s what Peter did on the regular checkups. We can water. Confronted by his buy good insurance. We frailty, he lost faith in Jesus. can maintain peaceful Yet he knew he couldn’t save relationships. We take himself. care of ourselves physically, Jesus’ words to Peter are emotionally, and spiritually. revealing. “O you of little But then something faith,” He said (v.31). Peter happens that makes us stopped trusting Jesus. painfully aware of our When we no longer feel that vulnerability. We’re like we can trust Jesus with our Peter when he saw the lives, our feelings, or our wind and was afraid. It future, we worry. And that is could be an engine that sin because we are taking begins to knock. Or one of responsibilities on ourselves our children is ill. Or there’s that belong to the Lord. We pressure in our chest. Or we are stubbornly refusing to discover a mysterious lump. place ourselves in His strong Or we hear rumors of a hands. No wonder we worry! 9 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 10. WHAT CAN WE choices. First, she looked DO WITH OUR at things differently. She began to see her feelings WORRY? of vulnerability as an opportunity to grow, both L inda was a worrier. She’s emotionally and spiritually. the first to admit it. She She did that in two ways. worried about her She learned from the Bible husband’s job, the how to handle her worry. neighbor’s dog, the And she took some children’s lunches, practical steps to help her the car’s rattles, the break free. Oh, she still family’s insurance, the locks the house—and she church’s nursery, the roast should. But she is no longer they were having for dinner. crippled by feelings of Linda was particularly helplessness. concerned about the house We too can get to the being safe at night. She place where we can make made sure that every our worry work for us. window and door had a To turn our worry into double lock. Every night opportunity, we can take before going to bed, Linda the following four steps: made a couple of circuits 1. Turn Our Attention around the house to make To God. certain that all the doors 2. Trust Beyond and windows were securely Ourselves. fastened. She knew she 3. Talk To Someone worried too much. Who Cares. Linda is now free from 4. Throw Our Cares her worry. Her release came On The Lord. as a result of a series of 10 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 11. URN OUR ATTENTION TO GOD heaven, and His kingdom rules over all” (Ps. 103:19). He is God Almighty (Ps. 66:7). He is the sovereign Lord of all. Worriers feel that things are out of control—that something terrible is about Worriers have focused their to happen and they can’t eyes on the consequences stop it. When the questions of events that have not raised by those feelings yet happened. They feel create anxiety, worriers vulnerable and expect need to remember three the worst. They take important truths about God. responsibility for things that 1. God is everywhere are out of their control. But (Ps. 139:7; Jer. 23:23-24). if they will turn to God, they We can’t get to a place will find in His character the where God is not. There answer to their vulnerability. is no place, no matter God’s character is best seen how alone we may feel, in His Word. that God cannot be. He God Is In Charge. is everywhere! The Bible teaches that 2. God knows nothing happens in this everything (Job 7:20; world that is beyond the Ps. 33:13). He knows how knowledge and control afraid we are, how bad we of God. “The Lord has feel, what scares us. The established His throne in more worried we become, 11 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 12. the more we act as if said, “I’m an athlete. I’ve God were ignorant of our always made my body do situation. We don’t know whatever I wanted and my the future, but God does. body responded. But when He knows how everything is I tell myself I must stop going to turn out. He knows being anxious and stressing our needs. myself, I can’t.” The more 3. God is all-powerful he told himself to control (Gen. 17:1; 18:14; Mt. his anxiety, the worse it got. 19:26). Worriers feel that Then it was as if God no one has the power to spoke to him. “Who’s in stop the bad things that charge here?” “You are,” he might happen. Not even answered meekly. And as God, they think, can keep that truth and commitment their daughter from getting came to his mind, peace pregnant or their son out of flooded his heart. jail. But God has limitless God Can Carry Our power. The answer to the Burdens. The cares of life question, “Is anything too that weigh on us so heavily hard for the Lord?” (Gen. can be placed on the 18:14) is no! shoulders of God. He is William Backus, in The more concerned than we Good News About Worry, are about our health, our wrote about his brother-in- children and grandchildren, law, an athlete who was our loved one’s salvation, in the hospital recovering world peace. He helped from an angioplasty. The David kill the bear, the lion, procedure was successful, and the Philistine giant. He but he remained in danger protected David from the the next 24 hours. He was murderous rages of Saul. worried! As he lay there, he He kept him safe in enemy 12 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 13. country. Perhaps that’s the rock-strewn beach. A little reason David could write, boy was trying to carry a “Cast your burden on the sack of rocks he had Lord, and He shall sustain collected. He couldn’t keep you; He shall never permit up with his family. Once or the righteous to be moved” twice he fell. He didn’t have (Ps. 55:22). the strength to lug that big load. Then his big brother saw him. He went back, “Cast your burden picked him and his sack of on the Lord, rocks up, and carried them both. That is what God is and He shall waiting to do with us once sustain you.” we hold our arms out to Psalm 55:22 Him. “Commit your way to the Lord,” the psalmist said, “trust also in Him” (37:5). But how do we give our God Can Take Away burdens to God? How do we Our Fear. Worry is how place them on His shoulders we express our fear of the and leave them there? By future. We’re afraid of the acting on what we know. consequences of what lies We know that He is an all- ahead: What questions will powerful, trustworthy God. appear on the exam? How When we worry, we hold will I do at the dentist? Will back from trusting Him. We our city be hit by a tornado? are putting ourselves in His Worry began in Eden place. We’re saying we can after Adam and Eve had do better. We need to turn it sinned. They hid from God over to Him. because they were afraid of I was walking along a the consequences of their 13 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 14. choice to eat the forbidden faceless, powerless fruit (Gen. 3:10). “I was apprehensions of the future. afraid,” Adam said. Knowing that God is a good God—that nothing evil can originate in Him—helps How much better drive fear away. When we it is to fear One can say with David, “Good who loves you to and upright is the Lord” (Ps. 25:8), we find assurance. the point of giving When we are worried about up His Son than the future, we can follow the to be afraid of example of the psalmist and “taste and see that the Lord the nameless, is good” (34:8). faceless, powerless Accepting God’s love apprehensions for us also helps drive fear away. If we are to have any of the future. fear, the Bible tells us, it is to be a fear of God (Dt. 10:12,20; 13:4). Yet to fear David knew God’s Him is to love Him and to goodness and love by accept and feel secure in His experience. That’s why he wonderful love for us. How could tell us that even when much better it is to fear the he was in the darkest valleys Creator than anything He of life, he feared no evil (Ps. has created. How much 23:4). In Psalm 31 he wrote better it is to fear One who of terrible life experiences— loves you to the point of being forsaken by his friends giving up His Son than to (vv.11-12) and attacked by be afraid of the nameless, his enemies (vv.13,15). Yet 14 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 15. he could say, “But as for minds. We’re like a father me, I trust in You, O Lord” whose 3-year-old son is (v.14), and “My times are in the hospital fighting a in Your hand” (v.15). dangerous infection. He When we’re afraid, we goes to work while Mom can do something about it. stays by the bedside. But Time after time the Bible even while he works, part of tells us not to be afraid. Our his thinking is always in that responsibility, accepting the hospital room with his little goodness and love of God, boy. Every mother who has is to make the same choice seen her son go off to war David did. We must say, knows that feeling. So does “Therefore we will not fear” Dad when his daughter is (Ps. 46:2). on her first date or his God Can Sustain teenage son is late getting Us. In a context where he back with the car. had spoken of war, famine, God can sustain us and evil men, David said during those worrisome that those who trust in God times. David wrote, “Cast “shall be satisfied” (Ps. your burden on the Lord, 37:19). The basic meaning and He shall sustain you” here is that they will not (Ps. 55:22). The God who tremble; they will not be cannot be moved will keep shaken. In the midst of the us from being shaken by the legitimate concerns of life we worries and cares of life. need not quiver with fear. God Will Always Why? Because God can Be With Us. Worry is a sustain us by His power. solitary burden. We tend to When we feel vulnerable, carry it alone. The more we we become distracted by the worry, the more alone and concerns that are on our helpless we feel. But as 15 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 16. children of God we are dismayed, for I am your never alone. We will never God” (41:10). be abandoned. David Joshua knew of it. God assured us of God’s said to him, “As I was with presence in Psalm 139, Moses, so I will be with you. where he said that God I will not leave you nor knew everything about him forsake you” (Josh. 1:5). before he was even born Moses knew of it. “By (vv.13-16), and that he faith he forsook Egypt, not could never escape God’s fearing the wrath of the Spirit (vv.7-12). Morning or king; for he endured as night, land or sea, heaven seeing Him who is invisible” or hades, God is there. (Heb. 11:27). Yes, David knew of The disciples knew of God’s ever-present care. it. Jesus said to them just He wrote, “When my father before He ascended, “I am and my mother forsake me, with you always, even to the then the Lord will take care end of the age” (Mt. 28:20). of me” (Ps. 27:10). Who We know of it too. When among us didn’t fear Jesus gave that promise to parental abandonment as His disciples, He was also children? Sometimes those talking to us. terrible feelings return to The next time you start to us. It is then that we must be overcome by worry, turn remember the promise of to God and remember that God that He will always (1) He is in charge, (2) He be with us. can carry your burdens, (3) Isaiah knew of God’s He can take away your fear, ever-present care. The Lord (4) He can sustain you, and said through him, “Fear not, (5) He will never leave you. for I am with you; be not 16 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 17. RUST BEYOND OURSELVES living by faith. You’re too concerned about food and clothing and things. Put Me and My kingdom first and you’ll be all right.” Remember, the Lord had just been telling His followers to make choices that would lay up treasures The major teaching on in heaven, not on earth worry in the New Testament (6:19-24). We can almost was given by Jesus in the hear the silent objections Sermon on the Mount (Mt. of the crowd, “Oh, sure. If I 6:25-34). In that passage lived like He says—always He gave us the antidote to thinking about heaven—I’d worry. He was speaking to starve to death. A person’s devoutly religious people got to eat, you know.” (like many of us) who were That’s probably the reason looking for the Messiah but Jesus began His teaching were not ready for His with the command, “Do coming. Jesus mentioned not worry” (v.25). worry 6 times in these 10 Causes Of Worry verses. What He had to say (Mt. 6:25-32). Unless His speaks to us as we cope followers stopped worrying with our fast-paced, stress- about the cares of earth, filled, materialistic society. they would never be free Jesus said, in essence, to store up treasures in “You are filled with worry heaven. Jesus said that because you aren’t really worrying about the essential 17 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 18. needs of life is unnecessary. become so accustomed If God takes care of the to our materialism that birds of the air and the we worry about what will flowers of the fields, He happen if we don’t keep up. certainly will take care Jesus said that all our of His children. worrying is unnecessary. We do have a He recognized it as a real responsibility to work problem, but a needless one. and provide for the needs Birds have to eat, but they of ourselves and our don’t get migraines worrying families. The apostle Paul about it. Flowers “wear said, “If anyone will not clothes,” but they don’t work, neither shall he eat” have to be treated for (2 Th. 3:10). Jesus wasn’t ulcers. Why? Because teaching that we are to their heavenly Father become passive recipients. takes care of them. His point was that we Worry’s Hidden should not fret, worry, or be Agenda (v.30). The anxious about our needs. underlying cause of worry Many of us, however, are is identified in Jesus’ words, worried about much more “O you of little faith.” We’re than meeting the essential burdened down with care needs of life. We want to be because we do not trust seen at the “in” restaurants, God. We don’t really believe have a car a little better that He is running our world than our neighbors, build efficiently. We’ve stopped a house with a little more trusting Him to care for square footage, dress in the our needs, even though He latest fashions, and many promised that He would. other things that our society We’ve shifted our eyes views as important. We’ve from heaven to earth. We’re 18 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 19. trusting in ourselves instead He said, “and all these of trusting in God. We’ve things shall be added to taken the responsibility for you” (v.33). Exercise faith. the future onto our own Give priority to God and shoulders. We feel that you’ll lay up treasures in we can’t trust God with heaven. important matters like When we listen to Jesus, that any longer! we realize that getting rid of worry is a matter of choice. When we choose to trust Worry is unbelief God rather than ourselves, our worries will subside. in disguise. The answer lies with us. It comes down Are you obsessed with to the fact worry about having enough to eat? What you’ll wear? If that we’re not your house is big enough? trusting God. Whether you’ve got the right car? If your retirement is secure? A lot of Christians in Jesus’ Antidote For our world have learned from Worry (vv.33-34). Jesus hard experience that those said that worry boils down things aren’t nearly as to a matter of priorities. important as we think, and We worry about food and that God keeps His Word to clothing, and competing, provide. They’ve learned and controlling the future, that the things that nourish instead of concentrating faith are the most important, on what is most important. because in the real tough “Seek first the kingdom of issues of life it is faith that God and His righteousness,” they need the most. 19 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 20. ALK TO SOMEONE WHO CARES prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:6-7). In Paul’s letter to the There are three words Philippians, we find an used by Paul in Philippians important alternative to 4:6 that describe what we worry. Instead of giving in are to be doing instead of to our vulnerability, we can worrying. take positive action that will 1. Prayer. The word help us to stop worrying. Paul used here is the most Paul gave the believers in common word for talking to Philippi a specific command: God—prayer. It refers to “Be anxious for nothing” prayer in general and is (4:6). It was the same most likely related to the command Jesus gave on the worship aspect of prayer. Galilean hillside (Mt. 6:25). When we pray, we are Jesus went on to explain the to acknowledge God’s futility of worry, but Paul greatness and give Him our told the Philippians that adoration, devotion, and instead of worrying they respect. Recognizing God as were to pray. the sovereign Lord, we are Be anxious for nothing, to bring our worries to Him. but in everything by 2. Supplication. The 20 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 21. second word Paul used in When we pray as an describing his alternative to alternative to worry, we are worry is supplication. This removing the burden from refers to the expressing of our shoulders and placing our needs to God. These it on the broad shoulders of are our earnest requests, Almighty God. And once we our desperate cries for help. trust Him with our cares, These supplications can be we can thank Him for being for ourselves or for others. the kind of God who loves When you are worried, us, who is keenly interested take that worry to God. in our problems, and who Ask for His help. Earnestly has the power to answer petition Him. The God who our prayer. told us to ask, seek, and Bring your vulnerabilities knock will give, help us find, to the One who has the and answer (Mt. 7:7-8). power to do something 3.Thanksgiving. The about them. When you third word describing the wake up at night worried prayers that are to replace about your sister or your our worry is thanksgiving. job or your little boy, pray. Sometimes we become so Train your mind to stop concerned with our problems and redirect all the energy that we forget the gracious from worry, which is ways God has worked in the destructive, to prayer, past. We fail to see that He which is constructive. Ask has dealt with us according God to help, to intercede, to to His grace and mercy and convict, to open a door, to has met all of our needs. It work the kind of miraculous helps to calm us when we change only He can work. remember how God has When you’re cared for us in the past. overwhelmed by the 21 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 22. frightening prospects of the You’ll be pleased at how future, pray. Express your much that will help keep apprehensions to the Lord. those worries from crippling Turn them over to Him. and controlling you. While you’re waiting for a traffic light and you’re worrying about paying Bring your the bills, pray. Ask God to provide, then move on. vulnerabilities God hears your prayers. to the One who In an article in Focal has the power Point, a publication of Denver Seminary, Paul to do something Borden gave a good action about them. suggestion for worriers. He recommended making a worry list. When you’re Then Borden suggested worried about something, that you turn that prayer list write it down. Perhaps it’s into an action list. As God the health of your aging gives you insight and mother, or replacing the confidence, do something refrigerator, or changing about those cares. Even if churches. Write it down. you only do a little, you’ll It will help you when you soon find that a paralyzing see that specific worry in anxiety is replaced by a black and white. healthy, manageable concern Next, turn that worry for the responsibilities of life. list into a prayer list. Pray Are you worried? Pray. about those things you If you’ve done that, pray are concerned about. Pray again. Use the energy of about them specifically. worry to pray instead. 22 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 23. HROW OUR CARES ON THE LORD terms of our own happiness. We must be humble enough to accept what we receive from God’s mighty hand. 2. Giving Our Worry To God. We are to put our helpless feelings of worry into those same Peter offered an alternative all-powerful hands. We are to worry while writing to to cast our cares on Him. people undergoing intense We are to entrust the future persecution: “Humble to the One who cared yourselves under the mighty enough for us to send His hand of God, that He may Son to die for us. But that exalt you in due time, goes against the philosophy casting all your care upon of our day. “You don’t Him, for He cares for you” need anyone but yourself,” (1 Pet. 5:6-7). Two steps are we’re told. “You’ve got to involved in this process. watch out for number one, 1.Accepting What because nobody else will.” We Can’t Change. Have you been Instead of fuming and dragging around a big stewing, or avoiding reality load of worries? You know, by denying our worry, we worries that you’re too are to humbly accept that proud or ashamed to talk these circumstances are about? Give them to God. part of our life. We don’t You’ve dragged them have the right to dictate the around long enough! 23 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 24. A BIBLICAL everything to be perfect CASE STUDY for the Master. She felt frustrated and helpless. OF A WORRIER “Distracted with much serving,” she glanced into D octor Luke gave the living room, hoping us a valuable look Mary would come and help. at how Jesus helped Enthralled by the words of a worrier in his account of Jesus, Mary showed no the Lord’s visit to the home signs of moving. of Mary, Martha, and Finally, Martha Lazarus (Lk. 10:38-42). could stand it no longer. As He and His disciples She marched into the traveled, they stopped living room. “Lord,” she for a visit at Martha’s demanded, hands on invitation. I can envision her hips, “do You not the following scene. care that my sister has left Caring for the needs me to serve alone?” Then of the group was no small she gave the Lord an order: task. While Martha was “Tell her to help me” (v.40). busy in the kitchen with all Perhaps you are a the preparations (cutting up Martha—or you live the vegetables for the salad, with one. Jesus’ patient, getting out the good china, understanding response to preparing the main dish, Martha is a wonderful model getting the dessert ready), for you. Note what He did. Mary was sitting idly at First, He made her the feet of Jesus. aware of her worry. “Martha, Things weren’t coming Martha,” the Lord answered, together for Martha. All “you are worried and that work—and she wanted troubled about many things” 24 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 25. (v.41). I believe there was has chosen that good part,” real tenderness in His voice He told Martha, “which will as He repeated her name. not be taken away from her” He addressed the issue with (v.42). The meal would be Martha. He let her know she forgotten, but the words of had a problem to be dealt Jesus would stay in Mary’s with. There’s nothing wrong heart and bear fruit for with being a good hostess. eternity. There’s nothing wrong with What if Martha had wanting things the very best. come and joined Mary? Jesus didn’t judge Martha. They would never have He drew her attention to eaten, right? Wrong! They her worry. all could have helped. Or Second, Jesus showed Jesus could have spoken a her that worry is a choice. gourmet 7-course meal into Martha had chosen to existence. become filled with anxiety I believe Martha learned over the preparations. from Jesus. He was again at Her choice had led her to their house for dinner a year criticize her sister, to imply or so later. The family was that Jesus was insensitive, giving the dinner in Jesus’ and to give Him an order. honor to celebrate the Without condemning raising of Lazarus (Jn. Martha, Jesus pointed 12:1-11). We are told out that Mary had made simply, “Martha served” a choice too (v.42). (v.2). She was still the Third, Jesus told Martha worker, but this time she that the choice was between was not overwhelmed by that which is earthly and the responsibility. I believe temporary and that which is she learned to control her heavenly and eternal. “Mary tendency to worry. 25 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 26. JOANIE’S STORY I had become agoraphobic, which The following story is is a dread of open spaces, taken from an interview a fear of going out. For me, with author Joanie Yoder, it was a fear of going into which was recorded for the the supermarket. It was so RBC television program intense that I would panic Day Of Discovery. and go into a sweat. I was afraid that I would go M y life was filled totally insane in front of with anxiety and people—or even worse, die. worry, but I was So sometimes I would unaware of it. I was able interrupt my shopping, to cover it up, like a lot of shove my cart into a people do, until I had an corner, and run home. As experience that caused me soon as I was in the house, to hit rock bottom. It was I would have this sudden then that I was forced to relief of being safe and face my anxieties, my fears, secure again. my dread, my worries. I thought I was the only Catherine Marshall once person who felt like this. said that the greatest My eating habits changed, discovery we can make my sleep was erratic, I was is to realize that our own trembly and shaky, and strength is not enough. I I was generally anxious experienced that discovery. about life and all its I had nothing left of my responsibilities. I couldn’t own inner resources. I face anything. I felt I was didn’t seem to have the all washed up by the time strength, physically or I was in my early thirties. emotionally, to go on. There were underlying 26 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 27. reasons for my difficulty. breakdown, but a As I look back now, I breakdown of my realize that there were three self-sufficiency. reasons for my inability to From my own manage life. One was experience, and also extreme immaturity. I in observing other people was underdeveloped who are in this painful emotionally to handle situation of running out of responsibility. Second, their resources, one of the I had developed a characteristics is a need to bitterness habit. I didn’t control—the need to control really recognize it as such, life, circumstances, people, because I felt I was always and unwittingly, God— justified in feeling as I did. because we feel afraid of Mine was always a just what might happen. We cause. And then the third feel that if we can control reason, which I think is things and make things go common to all of us, was a certain way, we will be a tendency to be self- less afraid. sufficient. I tried to do My problem was that everything in my own I couldn’t feel in control strength. And when I of my self-protection— realized that I couldn’t protection from the things do it on my own, I felt that that I was afraid of. So I I ought to be able to. began to build a cocoon Those three factors around myself. That cocoon had a crumbling effect. It became as small as the led me toward a breakdown word implies. I had a tiny that I needed. I think it’s space in which I felt safe a breakdown we all need. and secure—the four walls It wasn’t a nervous of my house. In fact, I so 27 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 28. cocooned my life that it showed me four disciplines, contained a population of which still have a profound one—me. effect in my life: read, pray, During this time, I was a trust, and obey. Read the Christian. And even though Bible—something to feast I strongly believed in God, on. Pray—Someone to He had no scope in my life. feast with. This goes beyond I was terribly unhappy. And the boundary of a little time even worse, I felt that I had of prayer. It goes out into missed the unique purpose the marketplace, out into for which God had created our cars, out into our me. circumstances. Trust— I had to hit rock bottom. trusting God for the I had to come to the end things we cannot control. of myself before I could Releasing them, not into discover the sufficiency thin air but to God. Obey— of Christ and allow Him God wants us to obey Him to change me. God began in the things we can control. to rehabilitate me according These four disciplines to what Paul described in are very familiar. The whole Philippians 1:6, “That He idea of dependence on who has begun a good God is an obvious truth work in you [which starts scripturally but an obscure at conversion] will complete truth experientially. We it until the day of Jesus must actually practice Christ.” The process doesn’t them, not just know about take 6 easy lessons or 6 them, talk about them, or months, but continues until believe fiercely about them. “the day of Jesus Christ.” The blessing of being in a Early on in my progress weakened condition and toward wholeness, God running out of our own 28 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 29. resources is that it helps stretched me, He would motivate us to actually do come through for me. the things that we already God eventually led believe. me out of the cocoon that As I began to incorporate I had built around myself these disciplines into my with a population of one. daily living, I found that He did this by involving it cultivated an intimate me in the leadership of a relationship with Christ neighborhood Bible study. that developed confidence I believe I was able to in Him. He began to prove minister to the women in His sufficiency to me at the group effectively because small levels. And as He they realized I needed Christ continued to come through as much as they did. So I for me, I began to trust Him wasn’t a threat. I was an more and more. encouragement to their The four disciplines of growth. reading, praying, trusting, God then led my and obeying interacted husband and me overseas. with one another. This One day we met a drug interaction meant that there addict on the London was something for me to subway, and we brought do. But as I did, it set God him home to live with us. free to do the things that Through him, and a few only He could do. So I others that we brought began to find less and less home to live with us, I reason for worry. It became had my moment of truth. superfluous. I began to Up until then I had felt realize that whatever He somewhat apologetic that I led me to undertake, even had to depend on God for if it were something that things that many people do 29 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 30. with very little effort. But to Christ, assuming for through my involvement discussion’s sake that they with these drug-dependent want to be won to Christ? people, I realized that their Would they prefer to be cure, as well as mine, was won through strong people not independence. The key who look like they don’t was in being God- know what it is to be weak? dependent. Or would they prefer to be Through my experience won through weak people with drug addicts, I who have discovered how discovered that dependence to be strong? on God was something for I believe that without which we were created. I exception they would prefer also learned that what had the latter. Although we may been effective in a crisis think we are doing God’s was effective all the time. service and impressing So I found that I could offer people for God by coming to a drug-dependent person across as strong people, we a radical, shocking remedy. may be depriving them of They had been taught to get the last hope they had that rid of all the dependencies God might have something in their lives. But I was able for them. This is because to show them that the their reaction is not, “Oh, answer was in moving from that’s for me!” Instead they drug-dependence to God- say, “I could never be like dependence—not replacing that.” But if they see a drugs with God, but moving weak person who has to the one dependence for learned to be strong and which we were created. is still learning to take that How do you think strength from God, they will people prefer to be won be filled with hope. They 30 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 31. will say, “Wow! If that story is about a woman works for her, maybe there’s who had nothing in herself something in it for me.” but found everything she I really identify with the needed through a life of average person. This is not dependence on God. It’s only a fact, it is also my not a sad state of affairs heart’s desire. Except for to have to depend on the truth that we’re all God—it’s God’s perfect unique creations, I’m very design. The creature ordinary. Without Christ I becomes his or her very would be a dead loss. In best when depending fact, I was introduced this on the Creator. I used to way in a meeting once. depend on God as a last They said, “This is Joanie, resort. Now it’s the first who without Christ would thing I do! be a dead loss.” At The beginning of one time, that kind of progress in my spiritual introduction would have life was a rock-bottom appalled me. But God has experience. I didn’t look brought me to the place in good. I didn’t feel good. But my life where He’s allowed it was the most spiritual me to be a spectacle of moment in my life. I hope weakness so that I can this is an encouragement go out and share with the to others who are at that world and testify to others point. So often we think what God can do in and that to be spiritual we must through human weakness. always be on top. That’s So if He can do it in and not true. To be spiritual is through me, why not them? to come to the place where Dependence on God is there’s nothing of us and the theme of my life. My all of God. 31 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 32. THE GREATEST for our sin. Then came the WORRY miracle we needed. Jesus rose from the dead as proof N othing makes us that God had accepted His feel more helpless sacrifice for us. There is than the thought nothing we can do; it’s a of dying. The end of life miracle of grace God has confronts us with the issue already done. of what lies beyond. The Second, the way to Bible says it’s either heaven is not by works heaven or hell. And hell but by faith. Our response is definitely something to to the death of Christ and worry about! God’s offer of love is to Ask most people if believe on Jesus. We can’t they’re going to heaven lose it once we have it. and they’ll say, “I hope so” Salvation is a free gift of or “Maybe, if I don’t blow grace that cares for our it.” If they are honest, they spiritual vulnerability. will admit that the thought Once we believe in the of going to hell terrifies finished work of Christ on them. the cross, we don’t have to But God said in the worry that we’ll lose our Bible that we can know chance at heaven when beyond any doubt that we we sin. God has accepted are on our way to heaven. us in Christ. He could not And He told us why. write us off without writing First, the requirements off His own Son, and He for heaven have been met would never do that! Trust for us by Christ. He lived a in Christ, and eternity perfect life and then died on will be nothing to worry the cross to pay the penalty about! 32 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 33. Get your free Bible Resources catalog! Discovery Series booklets can be valuable guides to help you learn what the Bible says about a broad range of topics. Each 32-page booklet can be used in your personal Bible study or in a small-group setting. Your free Bible Resources catalog includes a brief description of each Discovery Series booklet. To get your copy, write to us at the address below and ask for a catalog. Or follow the link below to request your copy today. USA: PO Box 2222, Grand Rapids, MI 49501-2222 Canada: Box 1622, Windsor, ON N9A 6Z7