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What is Digestion?

• Digestion is a catabolic process in which large
  complex molecules (carbohydrates, lipids,
  proteins, nucleic acids) are broken down into
  simpler monomers (monosaccharides, glycerol
  and fatty acids, amino acids, and nucleotides)
  which can be absorbed by the body.

Breakdown of ingested food

Absorption of nutrients into the blood

Production of cellular energy (ATP)

Constructive and degradative cellular activities
Types of Digestion

mechanical                 chemical

    no chemical               there is a
   change in the           chemical change
       food.                 in the food.

   food is broken down      hydrolysis reactions
    into smaller pieces,       carried out by
   mixed with digestive     enzymes contained
  juices secreted in the    within the digestive
           body.                   juices.
Proses Pencernaan

                         Mechanical   Chemical
Ingestion   Propulsion                            Absorption   Defecation
                         Digestion    Digestion
Six Processes of Digestion
1.Ingestion – getting food into the mouth
2.Propulsion – moving foods from one region of
  the digestive system to another
3.Mechanical digestion
  – Mixing of food in the mouth by the tongue
  – Churning of food in the stomach
  – Segmentation in the small intestine
4.Chemical Digestion
  – Enzymes break down food molecules into their
    building blocks
  – Each major food group uses different enzymes
     • Carbohydrates are broken to simple sugars
     • Proteins are broken to amino acids
     • Fats are broken to fatty acids and alcohols
  – End products of digestion are absorbed in the
    blood or lymph
  – Food must enter mucosal cells and then into
    blood or lymph capillaries
  – Elimination of indigestible substances as feces
Proses Pencernaan
Division of digestive
              system organs

Alimentary canal           Accessory organ

     continuous coiled          secrete digestive
   hollow tube that runs         juices by ducts
    from the mouth to         (exocrine glands) into
         the anus             the alimentary canal.
Alimentary Canal Organs
      Small intestine
      Large intestine
Accessory Digestive Organs

       Salivary glands




        Gall Bladder
Mouth Oral Cavity (Ac)
• Mastication (chewing)
  of food
• Mixing masticated food
  with saliva
• Initiation of swallowing
  by the tongue
• Allowing for the sense
  of taste
Salivary Glands (Ac)
Salivary Glands:
• Saliva-producing glands
   – Parotid glands – located anterior to ears
   – Submandibular glands
   – Sublingual glands
• Mixture of mucus and serous fluids
• Helps to form a food bolus
• Contains salivary amylase to begin starch digestion
• Dissolves chemicals so they can be tasted
Teeth (Ac)
• The role is to masticate (chew)
• Humans have two sets of teeth
    – Deciduous (baby or milk) teeth
    – 20 teeth are fully formed by age
• Permanent teeth
    – Replace deciduous teeth
      beginning between the ages of 6
      to 12
    – A full set is 32 teeth, but some
      people do not have wisdom
• Types of teeth:
       Incisors - cutting
       Canines - tearing
       Premolars – shearing,
       Molars - grinding
Tooth Structure
• Crown – exposed part
   – Outer enamel
   – Dentin
   – Pulp cavity
• Neck
   – Region in contact with the
   – Connects crown to root
• Root
   – Periodontal membrane
     attached to the bone
   – Root canal carrying blood
     vessels and nerves
Pharynx (Al)
• Serves as a passageway for
  air and food
• Food is propelled to the
  esophagus by two muscle
   – Longitudinal inner layer
   – Circular outer layer
• Food movement is by
  alternating contractions of
  the muscle layers
Esophagus (Al)
• Runs from pharynx to stomach through the
• Conducts food by peristalsis
  (slow rhythmic squeezing)
• Passageway for food only (respiratory system
  branches off after the pharynx)
Liver and Gall Bladder (Accessory Organs)
• Largest gland in the body
• Composition
   – Bile salts
   – Bile pigment (mostly bilirubin
     from the breakdown of
   – Cholesterol
   – Phospholipids
   – Electrolytes
• Stores bile from the liver by
  way of the cystic duct
• Bile is introduced into the
  duodenum in the presence of
  fatty food
• Gallstones can cause blockages
Stomach (Al)
• Located on the left side of the abdominal cavity
• Food enters at the cardioesophageal sphincter
• Regions of the stomach
   –   Cardiac region – near the heart
   –   Fundus
   –   Body
   –   Pylorus – funnel-shaped terminal end
• Food empties into the small intestine at the pyloric
• Rugae – internal folds of the mucosa
• External regions
   – Lesser curvature
   – Greater curvature
Function of Stomach
• Acts as a storage tank
  for food
• Site of food breakdown
• Chemical breakdown of
  protein begins
• Delivers chyme
  (processed food) to the
  small intestine
Pancreas (Ac)
• Produces a wide spectrum of digestive
  enzymes that break down all categories of
• Enzymes are secreted into the duodenum
• Alkaline fluid introduced with enzymes
  neutralizes acidic chyme
• Endocrine products of pancreas
  – Insulin
  – Glucagon
Large Intestine (Al)
• Larger in diameter, but shorter
  than the small intestine
• Frames the internal abdomen
• Cecum – saclike first part of
  the large intestine
• Appendix
   – Accumulation of lymphatic
     tissue that sometimes becomes
     inflamed (appendicitis)
   – Hangs from the cecum
• Colon
   –   Ascending
   –   Transverse
   –   Descending
   –   S-shaped sigmoidal
• Rectum
• Anus – external body opening
Functions of Large Intestine
• Absorption of water
• Eliminates indigestible food from the body as feces
• Does not participate in digestion or absorption of
  digested food
• Goblet cells produce mucus to act as a lubricant
• Site of production of Vitamin K by symbiotic bacteria
  which live off the remains of food that have not been
  digested or absorbed in the small intestine. These
  bacteria produce over 50% of fecal matter.
Small Intestine (Al)
• The body’s major digestive organ all digestion of food
  is completed in this organ
• Site of nutrient absorption into the blood
• Duodenum (25cm = 10 inches) “12 finger widths
   – Attached to the stomach
   – Curves around the head of the pancreas
   – Where bile and pancreatic juices enter the alimentary
• Jejunum (2.5m = 8 feet) “empty”
   – Attaches anteriorly to the duodenum
• Ileum (3.6m = 12 feet) “twisted”
   – Extends from jejunum to large intestine
Small Intestine (Internal Structure)
• Villi are small fingerlike
  structures formed by the
• Give the small intestine more
  surface area for absorption
• Fold in the intestine are called
  circular folds or plicae
• Deep folds of the mucosa and
• Do not disappear when filled
  with food
• The submucosa has Peyer’s
  patches (collections of
  lymphatic tissue)
Villi Internal Structure and Function
• Absorptive cells are found on the
  surface epithelium which are
  simple columnar microvilliated
• Blood capillaries are below the
  surface epithelium and this is
  where monosaccharides, amino
  acids, and nucleic acids enter into
  the blood stream and are taken
  to the liver for processing
• Lacteals (specialized lymphatic
  capillaries) where lipids are
  absorbed and eventually re-enter
  the blood stream to be taken to
  the liver for processing.
• Substance in food that is used by the body to
  promote normal growth ,maintenance and
• Divide into 6 categories
   major nutrient:carbohydrate,lipids,water and
   minor nutrient:vitamin and mineral
• Process of breaking down ingested food into
  small molecule
• For example:
  -In mouth,salivary amylase convert starch to
  maltose,maltotriose and a-dextrin
  -In stomach,pepsin convert protein to peptide
  -Lingual and gastric lipases convert
  triglycerides into fatty acid,diglycerides and
• Salivary amylase keep continue in stomach
  but then it was stop by acidic pH. So, just a
  few starches are broken down
• Starches that not already broken down into
  maltose,maltotriose and a-dextrins are
  cleaved by pancreatic amylase
• Although pancreatic amylase acts both on
  glycogen and starches but it doesn’t effect
• After amylase split starch into small
  fragment,a brush-border enzyme called a-
  dextrinase acts on the resulting a-
  dextrins,clipping off one glucose unit at a time
• Ingested molecules of sucrose,lactose and
  maltose (disaccharides)-are not acted on until
  they reach small intestine
• Sucrase breaks sucrose into molecule of
  glucose and fructose
• Lactase digest lactose into molecule of glucose
  and galactose
• Maltase split maltose and maltotriose into
  two or tree molecules of glucose,respectively
• Digestion of carbohydrate ends with
  production of monosaccharides,which the
  digestive system is able to absorb
• Protein are fragmented into peptide by action of
• Enzyme in pancreatic juice-
  trypsin,chymotrypsin,carboxypeptidase and
  elastase-continue to break down protein into
• Although all these enzyme convert whole protein
  into peptide,their action differ somewhere b’coz
  each split peptide bonds between different
  amino acid
• Trypsin,chymotrypsin and elastase all cleave
  the peptide bond between a specific amino
  acid and its neighbor
• Carboxypeptidase splits off the amino acid at
  the end of peptide
• Protein digestion is completed by two
  peptidase in aminopeptidase and dipeptidase
• Aminopeptidase cleaves off amino acid at the
  amino end of peptide
• Dipeptidase splits dipeptides into single
  amino acid
• The most abundant lipids in diet are
  triglycerides,consist of molecule of glycerol
  bonded to three fatty acid molecule
• Enzyme that split triglycerides and
  phospholipids are called lipase
• Three type of lipases that can participate in
  lipid digestion are lingual lipase,gastric lipase
  and pancreatic lipase
• Triglycerides are broken down by pancreatic
  lipase into fatty acid and monoglycerides
• Large lipid globule containing triglyceride can
  be digested in the small intestine,and it
  undergo emulsification
• Emulsification-process in which large lipid
  globule is broken down into several small lipid involve bile
• The small lipid globule formed from
  emulsification provide a large surface area
  that allow pancreatic juice to function more
• Pancreatic juice contain two
  nucleases:ribonuclease which digest RNA and
  deoxyribonuclease which digest DNA
• Result of the action of this two nuclease are
  further digested by nucleosidases and
  phosphatase into pentose,phosphates and
  nitrogenous base
• These product are absorbed via active
Passage of digested nutrients from
gastrointestinal tract into the blood
              or lymph
• The capacity of small intestine to absorb
  monosaccharide is huge-an estimated 120
  grams per hour
• As a result, all dietary carbohydrate that are
  digested normally are absorbed, leaving only
  indigestible cellulose and fiber in feces.
• Monosaccharides pass from the lumen
  through the apical membrane via facilitated
  diffusion or active transport.
-Fructose(found in fruit)-is transported via
  facilitated diffusion
  -Glucose and galactose are transported into
  absorptive cells of the villi via secondary active
  transport that is coupled to the active transport
  of Na+
• Monosaccharide then move out of absorptive
  cells through their basolateral surface via
  facilitated diffusion and enter the capillaries of
  the villi
• Protein is absorbed as amino acid via active
  transport, mainly occur in deodenum and
• Half of the absorbed amino acid are present in
  food and the other half come from the body
  itself as protein in digestive juice and dead
  cells that slough off the mucosal surface.
• 95-98% of the protein present in small
  intestine is digested and absorbed.
• Different transporter carry different type of
  amino acid
    -some amino acid enter absorptive cell of the
  villi via Na+ dependent secondary active
  transport which is silmilar to the glucose
  transporter and the other amino acid are
  actively transported by themselves
• Amino acid move out of the absorptive cells
  via diffusion and enter capillaries of the villus

• :both monosaccharides and amino acid are
  transported in the blood to the liver by way of
  hepatic portal system.
• All dietary lipid are absorbed via simple diffusion
• Because of emulsification and digestion;
  triglycerides are mainly broken down into
  monoglycerides and fatty acid, which can be
  short-chain fatty acid or long-chain fatty acid
• Short-chain fatty acid are hydrophopic and small
  in size. Thus, they can dissolve in the watery
  instestinal chyme,pass through the absorptive
  cells via simple diffusion
• Long-chain fatty acid are large and
  hydrophobic and have difficulty being
  suspended in the watery environment of the
  intestinal chyme. So, bile salt help them to be
  more soluble
• Bile salt surround the long-chain fatty acid and
  forming tiny sphere called micelles.
• The micelles move from the interior of the
  small intestinal lumen to the absorptive cell.
• At that point, long-chain fatty acid diffuse out
  of the micelle into absorptive cells, leaving
  micelles behind the chyme
• Electrolyte that are absorbed by the small
  intestine come from gastrointestinal
  secretions and some are part of ingested
  foods and liquids
• Recall that electrolyte are compound that
  separate into ions in water and conduct
• Sodium ion are actively transported out of
  absorptive cells by basolateral sodium-
  potassium pump after they have moved into
  absorptive cells via diffusion and secondary
  active transport.
• Negatively charge bicarbonate,chloride,iodide
  and nitrate ion can passively follow Na+ or
  actively transported
• Calcium ion also are absorbed actively in a
  process stimulated by calcitriol
• Other electrolyte such as
  iron,potassium,magnesium and phosphate
  ions are absorbed via active transport
• Fat soluble vitamin A,D,E and K are included
  with digested dietary lipid and absorbed via
  simple diffusion
• Water-soluble vitamin such as B and C also
  absorbed via simple diffusion. However B12
  combine with intrinsic factor produced by the
  stomach and combination is absorbed in the
  ileum via an active transport mechanism
• the total volume of fluid that enter small intestine
  each day about 9.3 liters-comes from ingestion of
  liquid and from various gastrointestinal secretion
• The small intestine absorbs about 8.3 liters of
  fluid; the remainder passes into the large
  intestine, where most of the rest of it-about 0.9
• Only 0.1 liter of water is excreted in the feces
  each day. Most is excreted via urinary sytem
• All water absorption in GI tract occur via osmosis
  from the lumen of the intestine through
  absorptive cells and into blood capillaries
• Because water can move across the intestinal
  mucosa in both direction, the absorption of water
  from small intestine depend on the absorption of
  electrolyte and nutrient to maintain osmotic
  balance with blood
• The absorbed electrolyte,monosaccharides and
  amino acid establish a concentration gradient for
  water that promote water absorption via osmosis
• Tindak balas kimia yang berlaku dalam sel hidup
  yang membolehkan sel membesar dan membiak
  dan mengekalkan struktur mereka.

• Dibahagikan kepada dua jenis :

1) Katabolisme : menghasilkan tenaga, seperti
   pemecahan makanan dalam repirasi sel.

1) Anabolisme : memenggunakan tenaga untuk
   membentuk komponen sel seperti protein dan asid
Laluan Metabolik
Metabolisma karbohidrat
• T’dpt 3 jenis kmpln utama karbohidrat iaitu :
a) Monosakarida – gula ringkas : glukosa
b) Disakarida – gula kompleks : maltosa
c) Polisakarida – gula kompleks y bsr : kanji,glikogen

•   Laluan ini melibatkan pemecahan molekul-molekul karbohidrat di
    dalam organ hati, kerana hati menyimpan glukos.

•   Glukosa merupakan monosakarida yang paling penting dalam
    metabolisme tubuh.

•   Glukosa yang terkandung dalam nutrisi masuk ke dalam sistem
    sirkulasi atau ke dalam darah untuk dipindah ke sel-sel tubuh yang
    memerlukannya atau diubah pada hati menjadi molekul yang lain.

•   Glukosa adalah sumber tenaga utama bagi sel-sel haiwan, dan
    merupakan satu-satunya sumber tenaga bagi manusia.
           •Lipid ialah sebatian organik yang
           mengandungi karbon, hidrogen, dan
           •Jenis utama lipid adlh lemak,
           minyak, fosfolipid, dan steroid sprti
           kolesterol,testosteron,estrogen dan
           •Lemak & minyak adlh cnth lipid y
           dtempatkan dlm kategori
Lipid      trigliserida, y t’diri drp 1 gliserol dan
           3 asid lemak.

• Protein adalah molekul-molekul y bsr &
• Monomer bgi protein adlh asid amino.
• Sel badan akn mengeluarkan asid amino daripada
  darah dan menggunakannya untuk membina
  protein, untuk kegunaan sendiri(enzymes,
  membranes, muscle protein) dan untuk
• ATP akan t’bentuk jika glukosa dan lemak tidak
  mencukupi atau jika kekurangan Asid amino.

            • Asid nukleik merupakan
              sejenis makromolekul
              yang terdiri daripada
              rantaian nukleotida.
              Dalam biokimia molekul
              ini mampu membawa
              maklumat atau
              membentuk struktur
              dalam sel.
• Asid nukleik yang biasa termasuk asid deoksiribonukleik (DNA) dan asid ribonukleik
   (RNA). Asid nukleik terdapat dalam semua benda hidup, kerana mereka terkandung
               dalam segala sel. Asid nukleik juga terdapat di dalam virus.

    • Metabolisme asid nukleik adalah proses yang mana nukleotida disintesis .

                    • Sintesis asid nukleik juga merupakan satu
                mekanisme, anabolik umumnya melibatkan tindak balas
                   kimia fosfat, gula pentose, dan asas bernitrogen.

 • Pemusnahan asid nukleik adalah prosedur katabolik umumnya melibatkan tindak
                                      balas enzim.
Diet dan Pemakanan

Diet Seimbang
• Pengambilan makanan yang mengandungi
  semua nutrien seperti protein,karbohidrat,
  lemak, vitamin, garam mineral, dan air serta
  pelawas dalam kuantiti yang diperlukan.

• kajian berkaitan dengan pengambilan makanan
  untuk proses pertumbuhan ,pemulihan dan
  pengawalan kesihatan.
Kumpulan Makanan
Fungsi                      Kesan berlebihan      Kesan kekurangan

Karbohidrat   Membekalkan tenaga utama lebihan berat badan      Marasmus(p’tumbuha
              untuk keperluan badan                             n t’bantut)

Protein       membentuk dan membaiki      lemak mningkat, paras penghasilan antibodi
              tisu, membentuk enzim,      kalsium drh t’jejas   menurun & risiko
              antibodi, hormon, agen                            jangkitan meningkat.
              pengangkut                                        Penyakit Kwasyiokor

Lemak         membekalkan tenaga &        lebihan berat badan   Kekurangan berat
              pengekalan suhu,                                  badan
              membekalkan asid lemak
              perlu, penyerapan vitamin
              larut lemak
Garam Galian

• Dibahagikan kpd 2 kumpulan :
  - Makronutrien (dp’lukan dlm Kuantiti bsr)
  - Mikronutrien (dp’lukan dlm kuantiti kecil)
Makronutrien       sumber                             fungsi                             Kesan
  Kalsium      susu, keju, ikan m’bina tlg & gigi yang kuat, mnolong pmbekuan drh,   riket,osteoporosi
               bilis, bijirin   dp’lukan untk pengecutan otot & pmindahan impuls     s, p’darahan
                                saraf.                                               b’pnjangan.

 Magnesium     Bijirin,syrn     Menjana enzim yang diperlukan untuk mengeluarkan Otot lemah
               hijau,susu,      tenaga dalam tubuh. Diperlukan oleh tubuh dalam
               daging           pembentukan bahan genetik dan pertumbuhan

   kalium      Susu, daging,    Pemindahan impuls saraf, pengecutan otot             Ganguan dlm
               pisang,                                                               sstm saraf
               sayuran hijau

  Fosforus     Susu, daging,    M’bntk tulang & gigi yang kuat, menggiatkan enzim-   Tulang rapuh,
               bijirin, telur   enzim yang diperlukan tubuh untuk menukarkan         kerosakan gigi.
                                makanan kepada tenaga.

  Natrium      Garam, daging, Mngekalkan keseimbangan air dlm bdn, mngekalkan        Kekejangan otot
               telur, susu    tknn osmosis cecair dlm bdn.
Mikronutrien   sumber                 Fungsi               Kesan kekurangan

Iodin          Udang, kerang,         M’bntk hormon        Goiter, kretinisme pd
               makanan laut           tiroksina            knk-knk

Besi           Hati, bayam, kacang,   M’bntk hemoglobin    Anemia
               telur kuning

Florin         Air minuman, teh,      Mengukuhkan enamel Karies gigi
               sayuran                pd gigi
• Kumpulan sebatian organik yang diperlukan dalam kuantiti yang kecil
  untuk memelihara dan mengekalkan kesihatan.

• Dikelaskan kepada 2 kumpulan :

a)   Larut lemak:
     - tidak dapat dikumuh melalui air kencing tetapi disimpan dalam
     - vitamin A, D, E dan K.

a)   Larut air:
     - tidak dapat disimpan dalam badan dan sebarang kuantiti
     berlebihan akan larut dalam air dan dikumuhkan keluar melalui air
     - Vitamin B kompleks dan vitamin C.
jenis       sumber                     fungsi                               Kesan kekurangan

Vitamin C   buah-buahan.               memelihara tisu p’hubung, kshtn      skurvi ( gusi
                                       kulit & pemulihan luka yang cepat,   b’darah, kulit
                                       mngkatkan ketahanan t’hdp            lebam, sendi
                                       jgkitan                              bgkak)

Vitamin D   Keju, mentega dan telur.   m’bantu pnyerapan kalsium &          penyakit riket,
                                       fosforus, m’bina tulang dan gigi     karies gigi
                                       yang kuat
Vitamin E   sayuran hijau,minyak       memelihara kshtn sstm otot, saraf    kemorosotan otot
            kelapa sawit.              & sstm p’edaran darah, bhn           & saraf
                                       p’oksidaan bgi asid lmk tepu
Vitamin K   hati,bayam dan kubis.      m’bantu dalam pembekuan darah        b’darah secara

Vitamin A   susu, tomato, lobak        Membina pigmen pada retina           rabun malam,
            merah                      mata untuk penglihatan jelas pada    kulit tidak yang
                                       waktu malam & memastikan             sihat
                                       p’tumbuhan sel epitelium kulit
                                       yang sihat.
• Merupakan 70% drp berat bdn manusia.
• Peranan :
a) Sbg pelarut
b) Medium tndk bls kimia dlm bdn.
c) Medium pengangkutan bhn mknn t’cerna, oksigen,
   bhn p’kumuhan.
d) Pengawalaturan suhu bdn : Bila kekurangan air, suhu
   tubuh akan menjadi panas dan naik. Khdiran air akan
   m’bntu m’stabilkan suhu bdn.
e) Sbg pelincir : mngurangkan geseran tulang pd sendi.
f) P’kumuhan : urea,asid urik & grm mineral b’lebihan
   dsingkirkn melalui air kencing dan peluh.
Tenaga Penting dalam Tubuh
1. Tenaga Kinetik:
   Tenaga yang dibekalkan oleh sebatian
   ikatan bertenaga tinggi seperti ATP, ADP,
2. Tenaga berpotensi:
   Tenaga yang tidak aktif disimpan di
   dalam badan dalam bentuk glikogen dan
   yang terdapat dalam makanan.

Pengukuran Tenaga
1. Kalori: Jumlah tenaga haba yang
   diperlukan untuk menaikkan suhu satu gram
   air sebanyak satu darjah celsius.
2. Kilokalori (Kcal)
   Jumlah haba yang diperlukan untuk
   meningkatkan suhu 1 kg. air sebanyak
   sebanyak 1 darjah celsius.
3. Unit metrik yang digunakan ialah kilojoule(KJ)
   1 Kilokalori (Kcal) = 4.184 KJ)

Pengukuran Nilai Tenaga dalam Makanan

• Dengan menggunakan alat kalorimeter
• Jumlah tenaga yang dihasilkan oleh setiap
  sampel protein, lemak dan karbohidrat
  1 g. Karbohidrat   =    4 kcal
  1 g. Lemak         =    9 kcal
  1 g. Protein       =    4 kcal
  1 g. Alkohol       =    7 kcal

Contoh Pengiraan 1

• Berapakah nilai tenaga yang dalam satu gelas susu
  beratnya 244g ? Jika dalam susu 100g susu
  4.9g CHO; 3.5g protein; 3.7g lemak; 0.6 mineral
  dan 1.2g vitamin
  CHO = 244/100 x 4.9g x 4kcal = 47.8 kcal
  Protein = 244/100 x 3.5g x 4kcal = 34.2 kcal
  Lemak = 244/100 x 3.7g x 9kcal = 81.3 kcal
  Jumlah nilai tenaga         = 163.3 kcal

Contoh pengiraan 2

Diet mengandungi 2200 kcal dan mengandungi
  210g CHO, dan 120g lemak, kira:
• Berapakah jumlah g protein dalam sajian?
• Kira peratus setiap nutrien [CHO, protein dan
  lemak] dalam sajian?

a.   Jumlah g protein

•   CHO membekal = 210 x 4 kcal        = 840 kcal
•   Lemak membekal = 120 x 9 kcal      = 1080 kcal
•   Protein   = 2200 – (1080 + 840)   = 280 kcal
    Jumlah g protein = 280/4    =     70 g

b. Peratus CHO, Protein dan Lemak
   Peratus CHO = 840/2200 x 100 =          38.2%
   Peratus Lemak = 1080/2200 x 100 =       49.1%
   Peratus Protein = 280/2200 x 100 =      12.7%

1. Potato crisps mengandungi 6.3 g protein, 35.9g lemak
    dan 49.3 karbohidrat pada tiap-tiap 100 g.
    Kira nilai tenaga yang terdapat dalam 200 g potato

2. Berapakah jumlah nilai tenaga dalam satu keping
   daging beratnya 90g jika dalam 100g daging
   mengandungi 15.3g protein, 18.8g lemak, 0.1g
   karbohidrat , 0.2g mineral 0.2 vitamins dan 65.5g air ?

3. Diet Pak Ali membekal 2600 kcal sehari. Diet tersebut
   mengandungi 250g karbohidrat, 70g protein. Kira?
     a.     Berapakah jumlah g lemak dalam diet Pak Ali
            pada hari tersebut?

      b.    Kira peratus setiap nutrien (karbohidrat,
            protein dan lemak) yang terdapat dalam diet
            Pak Ali ?

Input Tenaga
Tenaga/kilokalori yang terdapat dalam makanan
                 Output Tenaga
Tenaga yang diperlukan @ digunakan
oleh tubuh untuk beberapa perkara:
• Kadar Metabolisme Asas [Basal Energy
• Aktiviti Fizikal
• Pertumbuhan
• Tindakan Spesifik Dinamik Makanan
Bilakah Kadar Metabolisme Asas diukur?

1. Selepas 12 – 18 jam mengambil
   makanan terakhir.
2. Seseorang dalam keadaan rehat.
3. Dalam bilik yang sesuai, suhu selesa.
4. Kebiasaan diukur selepas bangun
   tidur waktu pagi.

Pengukuran Penggunaan tenaga
• Jumlah tenaga yang dijana @ digunakan
  oleh tubuh dapat diukur secara langsung @
  tidak langsung.

Kilorimetri Langsung
• Individu diletakkan di dalam kilokalorimeter
  /bilik khas
• Kaedah sangat mahal. Cuma beberapa unit
  terdapat di seluruh dunia
• Di Malaysia hanya satu, terdapat di
  Universiti Hospital.
Kilorimetri Tak Langsung

• Kaedah yang lebih mudah
• Diukur dengan menentukan penggunaan oksigen dan
  pengeluaran karbon dioksida pada masa tertentu
  dengan menggunakan alat respirasi
• Dapat digunakan semasa individu berbaring rehat @
  menjalankan berbagai aktiviti
• Pada setiap liter oksigen yang digunakan akan
  memerlukan 4.825 kilokalori tenaga.

Kadar Metabolisme Asas [KMA]
       Basal Metabolisme Rate[BMR]

• Kadar Metabolisme Asas
  - Jumlah tenaga yang diperlukan oleh
     tubuh untuk menjalankan proses-proses
     penting dalam tubuh.
  - Kadar tubuh menggunakan tenaga untuk
     kekalkan fungsi penting untuk hidup.
• Kadar Metabolisme Rehat (KMR)
  - Penggunaan tenaga pada keadaan yang
     sama kecuali selepas makan atau berlatih

Kaedah mengira keperluan tenaga untuk
    KMA (Basal Metabolisme Rate)

1. Menggunakan anggaran 1
   = 60 m/jam X 24jam/hari
   = 1440 kilokalori/hari

2. Alat Respiratori Bebedict-Roth (Penggunaan O2)

Ali mengambil 1.08 liter O2 dalam masa 6 minit. Kira
berapa jumlah keperluan tenaga KMA dalam sehari ?
[Piawai 1 liter O2 = 4.825 kcal]

6 minit Ali mengambil 1.08 liter oksigen
1 jam (60 minit) =     1.08 x 60/6
                 =     10.8 liter Oksigen
Sehari (24 jam) =      10.8 liter x 24 jam
                 =     259.2 liter Oksigen
    KMA          =     259.2 x 4.825
                 =     1251 kcal.
3.   Berasaskan Berat badan, Umur &
• Lelaki
  < 50 tahun   = 1.0 kcal/kg X BB/1 Jam
  > 50 tahun   = 0.9 kcal/kg X BB/1 Jam
• Wanita
  < 50 tahun   = 0.9 kcal/kg X BB/1 Jam
  > 50 tahun   = 0.8 kcal/kg X BB/1 Jam

   Kira berapakah jumlah tenaga untuk KMA dalam
   sehari bagi mereka yang berikut?

a. En. Adam berumur 45 tahun mempunyai berat
   badan 65 kg
   Keperluan tenaga KMA = 1 x 65 x 24 jam
                          = 1560 kcal
b. Cik Fatimah berumur 26 tahun mempunyai berat
   badan 46 kg.
   Keperluan tenaga KMA = 0.9 x 46 x 24 jam
                          = 993.6 kcal
• Kira berapakah jumlah tenaga untuk KMA dalam sehari bagi
  mereka berikut?

  1. En. Ramlee berumur 45 tahun mempunyai berat badan
     65 kg ?
  2. Cik Fatimah berumur 25 tahun mempunyai berat badan
     46 kg.
  3. Pak Adam berumur 66 tahun mempunyai berat badan
     63 kg
  4. Mak Timah berumur 70 tahun mempunyai berat badan
     81 kg.

4. Kaedah Pengiraan WHO.
        Gunakan Berat badan (dalam kg)
•   Wanita
    Berat dalam Kg x 0.95 kcal x 24 jam
•   Lelaki
    Berat dalam Kg x 1.0 kcal x 24 jam

• Aminah berumur 13 tahun dan berat badan 50 kg.
   50kg x 0.95 kcal x 24 jam =  1140 Kcal

•   Ramlee, berat badan 58 kg dan berumur 25 tahun
    58kg x 1.0 kcal x 24 jam =     1392 Kcal

• Kira berapakah jumlah tenaga untuk KMA dalam sehari bagi
  mereka mengikut kiraan WHO?

  1. En. Yunus berumur 48 tahun mempunyai berat badan
     73 kg ?
  2. Cik Rohani berumur 28 tahun mempunyai berat badan
     53 kg.
  3. Hamidah berumur 35 tahun mempunyai berat badan
     62 kg
  4. Halim berumur 70 tahun mempunyai berat badan
     74 kg.

Formula FAO/WHO untuk ukur REE
    [Resting Energy Expenditure]

  3- 9           22.7w) + 495
  10 - 17        17.5w + 651
  18 - 29        15.3w + 679
  30 - 60        11.6w + 879
   > 60          13.5w + 487

Formula FAO/WHO untuk ukur REE bagi

        3-9       22.5w + 499
       10-17      12.2w + 746

       18-29      14.7w + 496

       30-60       8.7w + 829

        > 60      10.5w + 596

1. Aminah mempunyai berat badan 50 kg. , berumur 18
     tahun . Kirakan keperluan tenaga Aminah dalam sehari
     dengan menggunakan Formula REE ?
     = 14.7 w + 496
     = ( 14.7 x 50 ) + 496
     = 735 + 496
     = 1231 kcal/hari
2. Hamid mempunyai berat badan 78kg dan berumur 33
     tahun. Kirakan keperluan tenaga dengan Formula

Faktor-Faktor yang mempengaruhi
          Kadar Metabolisme Asas seseorang

1. Komposisi tubuh
   -    Kandungan tisu seseorang.
   -    Tisu tanpa lemak (otot) : tinggi KMA
   -    Tisu berlemak sedikit tenaga
   -    Lelaki perlu KMA tinggi kerana mempunyai
       lebih tisu tanpa lemak.

2.   Keadaan Tubuh: Jalankan aktiviti Fizikal
     - 2 lelaki sama umur, tinggi & berat badan
     - Jalankan tugas fizikal yang berbeza. Seorang buruh dan
        seorang akauntan
     - Buruh perlu banyak KMA berbanding akauntan kerana buruh
        mempunyai otot-otot terbentuk berbanding akauntan
3.   Jantina:
     - Lelaki lebih tenaga KMA berbanding wanita
     - Lelaki muda dewasa mempunyai 14% lemak daripada berat badan
     - Wanita muda dewasa mempunyai 23%- 32% lemak daripada berat
4.   Tidur:     Kurang tenaga KMA
5.   Malnutrisi:        Tenaga KMA rendah
6.   Tekanan mental: lebih tenaga bagi orang. yang mengalami masalah
7.   Suhu Tubuh
     - Kalau suhu tubuh tinggi KMA tinggi
     - Setiap 1 darjah tambahan suhu boleh tingkatkan 13 kcal KMA badan
8.   Suhu persekitaran
     - suhu panas kita perlu KMA yang rendah
     - suhu sejuk kadar KMA tinggi bagi panaskan badan
9.   Kehamilan
     - Tenaga KMA tinggi untuk menghamil bayi
       300- 330 kcal lebih daripada wanita biasa
     - Ibu menyusu KMA tinggi bagi proses mengeluarkan susu
       500- 550 kcal lebih daripada wanita biasa
10. Umur:     Umur meningkat keperluan KMA menurun
11. Merokok: lebih 10 peratus daripada orang tidak merokok
     Norzalina 25 tahun, tinggi 1.63 m dan berat badan
   65 kg. Berikut adalah jumlah kalori yang dimakan iaitu
karbohidrat 190g; protein 120g dan lemak 93g mengikut 24-
                   jam dietary recallnya.

a.   Dengan menggunakan data di atas kirakan:
     (i)     jumlah kalori dan tunjukkan peratus
             karbohidrat, protein dan lemak ?
     (ii)    Peratus pengambilan makanan
b.   Beri penjelasan tentang diet yang diamalkan oleh
     Norzalina mengikut perkiraan WHO menggunakan
     (i) berat badan dan (ii) norma REE

(i)   Jumlah pengambilan kalori:

a.    karbohidrat   =   190 X 4 kcal      = 760 kcal
b.    protein       =   120 X 4 kcal      = 480kcal
c.    lemak         =   93 X 9 kcal       = 837 kcal
                        Jumlah            = 2077kcal

(ii) Peratus pengambilan makanan

a.    karbohidrat   =   760/2077 X 100    = 36.6 %
b.    protein       =   480/2077 X 100    = 23.1 %
c.    lemak         =   837 /2077 X 100   = 40.3%

• i.   Berat badan dengan perkiraan WHO
       =    0.95 kcal X kg (berat badan) X 24 jam
       =    0.95 kcal X 65 kg X 24 jam
       =    1482 kcal

  ii. Berat badan berdasarkan Norm
      =     (14.7W) + 496
      =     (14.7 X 65 ) + 496
      =     955.5 + 496
      =     1451.5 kcal

• Berdasarkan penjadualan Pemakanan
  Norzalina telah mengambil lebihan
•    Mengikut kiraan berat badan mengikut
     Formula WHO
     =   595 kcal   [2077 – 1482]

•   Mengikut keperluan norm
    =    525.9 kcal [2077 – 1551.1 ]

Menu 3000-4000kcal

Menu 4000-5000kcal

Menu 5000-6000kcal

Body Energy Balance

      Energy intake = total energy output
      (heat + work + energy storage)
            Energy intake is liberated during food
            Energy output
                  Heat is usually about 60%
                  Storage energy is in the form of fat or
Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings   Slide
Digestive Homeostasis Disorders
• ULCERS – erosion of the surface of the
  alimentary canal generally associated with
  some kind of irritant
Digestive Homeostasis Disorders
  condition in which the
  large intestine is emptied
  with difficulty.
• Too much water is
• and the solid waste
Digestive Homeostasis Disorders

• DIARRHEA – a gastrointestinal
  disturbance characterized by
  decreased water absorption and
  increased peristaltic activity of the
  large intestine.
• This results in increased, multiple,
  watery feces.
• This condition may result in severe
  dehydration, especially in infants
Digestive Homeostasis Disorders

• APPENDICITIS – an inflammation of the
  appendix due to infection
• Common treatment is removal of the
  appendix via surgery
Digestive Homeostasis Disorders

• GALLSTONES – an accumulation of
  hardened cholesterol and/or calcium
  deposits in the gallbladder
• Can either be “passed” (OUCH!!) or
  surgically removed
Digestive Homeostasis Disorders

•   ANOREXIA NERVOSA - a psychological
    condition where an individual thinks they
    appear overweight and refuses to eat.
•   Weighs 85% or less than what is
    developmentally expected for age and height
•   Young girls do not begin to menstruate at the
    appropriate age.
Digestive Homeostasis Disorders

• HEART BURN – ACID from the stomach
  backs up into the esophagus.

Terima Kasih

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Anatomi & fisiologi manusia pencernaan

  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. What is Digestion? • Digestion is a catabolic process in which large complex molecules (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids) are broken down into simpler monomers (monosaccharides, glycerol and fatty acids, amino acids, and nucleotides) which can be absorbed by the body.
  • 5. Function Breakdown of ingested food Absorption of nutrients into the blood Production of cellular energy (ATP) Constructive and degradative cellular activities
  • 6.
  • 7. Types of Digestion mechanical chemical no chemical there is a change in the chemical change food. in the food. food is broken down hydrolysis reactions into smaller pieces, carried out by mixed with digestive enzymes contained juices secreted in the within the digestive body. juices.
  • 8. Proses Pencernaan Mechanical Chemical Ingestion Propulsion Absorption Defecation Digestion Digestion
  • 9. Six Processes of Digestion 1.Ingestion – getting food into the mouth 2.Propulsion – moving foods from one region of the digestive system to another 3.Mechanical digestion – Mixing of food in the mouth by the tongue – Churning of food in the stomach – Segmentation in the small intestine
  • 10. 4.Chemical Digestion – Enzymes break down food molecules into their building blocks – Each major food group uses different enzymes • Carbohydrates are broken to simple sugars • Proteins are broken to amino acids • Fats are broken to fatty acids and alcohols 5.Absorption – End products of digestion are absorbed in the blood or lymph – Food must enter mucosal cells and then into blood or lymph capillaries 6.Defecation – Elimination of indigestible substances as feces
  • 12. Division of digestive system organs Alimentary canal Accessory organ continuous coiled secrete digestive hollow tube that runs juices by ducts from the mouth to (exocrine glands) into the anus the alimentary canal.
  • 13. Alimentary Canal Organs Mouth Pharynx Esophagus Stomach Small intestine Large intestine Anus
  • 14. Accessory Digestive Organs Salivary glands Teeth Pancreas Liver Gall Bladder
  • 15.
  • 16. Mouth Oral Cavity (Ac) • Mastication (chewing) of food • Mixing masticated food with saliva • Initiation of swallowing by the tongue • Allowing for the sense of taste
  • 17. Salivary Glands (Ac) Salivary Glands: • Saliva-producing glands – Parotid glands – located anterior to ears – Submandibular glands – Sublingual glands Saliva: • Mixture of mucus and serous fluids • Helps to form a food bolus • Contains salivary amylase to begin starch digestion • Dissolves chemicals so they can be tasted
  • 18. Teeth (Ac) • The role is to masticate (chew) food • Humans have two sets of teeth – Deciduous (baby or milk) teeth – 20 teeth are fully formed by age two • Permanent teeth – Replace deciduous teeth beginning between the ages of 6 to 12 – A full set is 32 teeth, but some people do not have wisdom teeth • Types of teeth: Incisors - cutting Canines - tearing Premolars – shearing, shredding Molars - grinding
  • 19. Tooth Structure • Crown – exposed part – Outer enamel – Dentin – Pulp cavity • Neck – Region in contact with the gum – Connects crown to root • Root – Periodontal membrane attached to the bone – Root canal carrying blood vessels and nerves
  • 20. Pharynx (Al) • Serves as a passageway for air and food • Food is propelled to the esophagus by two muscle layers – Longitudinal inner layer – Circular outer layer • Food movement is by alternating contractions of the muscle layers (peristalsis)
  • 21. Esophagus (Al) • Runs from pharynx to stomach through the diaphragm • Conducts food by peristalsis (slow rhythmic squeezing) • Passageway for food only (respiratory system branches off after the pharynx)
  • 22. Liver and Gall Bladder (Accessory Organs) • Largest gland in the body • Composition – Bile salts – Bile pigment (mostly bilirubin from the breakdown of hemoglobin) – Cholesterol – Phospholipids – Electrolytes • Stores bile from the liver by way of the cystic duct • Bile is introduced into the duodenum in the presence of fatty food • Gallstones can cause blockages
  • 24. Stomach (Al) • Located on the left side of the abdominal cavity • Food enters at the cardioesophageal sphincter • Regions of the stomach – Cardiac region – near the heart – Fundus – Body – Pylorus – funnel-shaped terminal end • Food empties into the small intestine at the pyloric sphincter • Rugae – internal folds of the mucosa • External regions – Lesser curvature – Greater curvature
  • 25. Function of Stomach • Acts as a storage tank for food • Site of food breakdown • Chemical breakdown of protein begins • Delivers chyme (processed food) to the small intestine
  • 26. Pancreas (Ac) • Produces a wide spectrum of digestive enzymes that break down all categories of food • Enzymes are secreted into the duodenum • Alkaline fluid introduced with enzymes neutralizes acidic chyme • Endocrine products of pancreas – Insulin – Glucagon
  • 27.
  • 28. Large Intestine (Al) • Larger in diameter, but shorter than the small intestine • Frames the internal abdomen • Cecum – saclike first part of the large intestine • Appendix – Accumulation of lymphatic tissue that sometimes becomes inflamed (appendicitis) – Hangs from the cecum • Colon – Ascending – Transverse – Descending – S-shaped sigmoidal • Rectum • Anus – external body opening
  • 29. Functions of Large Intestine • Absorption of water • Eliminates indigestible food from the body as feces • Does not participate in digestion or absorption of digested food • Goblet cells produce mucus to act as a lubricant • Site of production of Vitamin K by symbiotic bacteria which live off the remains of food that have not been digested or absorbed in the small intestine. These bacteria produce over 50% of fecal matter.
  • 30. Small Intestine (Al) • The body’s major digestive organ all digestion of food is completed in this organ • Site of nutrient absorption into the blood • Duodenum (25cm = 10 inches) “12 finger widths long” – Attached to the stomach – Curves around the head of the pancreas – Where bile and pancreatic juices enter the alimentary canal • Jejunum (2.5m = 8 feet) “empty” – Attaches anteriorly to the duodenum • Ileum (3.6m = 12 feet) “twisted” – Extends from jejunum to large intestine
  • 31.
  • 32. Small Intestine (Internal Structure) • Villi are small fingerlike structures formed by the mucosa • Give the small intestine more surface area for absorption • Fold in the intestine are called circular folds or plicae circulares • Deep folds of the mucosa and submucosa • Do not disappear when filled with food • The submucosa has Peyer’s patches (collections of lymphatic tissue)
  • 33. Villi Internal Structure and Function • Absorptive cells are found on the surface epithelium which are simple columnar microvilliated epithelium • Blood capillaries are below the surface epithelium and this is where monosaccharides, amino acids, and nucleic acids enter into the blood stream and are taken to the liver for processing • Lacteals (specialized lymphatic capillaries) where lipids are absorbed and eventually re-enter the blood stream to be taken to the liver for processing.
  • 35. WHAT IS NUTRIENT? • Substance in food that is used by the body to promote normal growth ,maintenance and repair. • Divide into 6 categories major nutrient:carbohydrate,lipids,water and protein minor nutrient:vitamin and mineral
  • 36. WHAT IS DIGESTION? • Process of breaking down ingested food into small molecule • For example: -In mouth,salivary amylase convert starch to maltose,maltotriose and a-dextrin -In stomach,pepsin convert protein to peptide -Lingual and gastric lipases convert triglycerides into fatty acid,diglycerides and monoglycerides
  • 37. DIGESTION OF CARBOHYDRATE • Salivary amylase keep continue in stomach but then it was stop by acidic pH. So, just a few starches are broken down • Starches that not already broken down into maltose,maltotriose and a-dextrins are cleaved by pancreatic amylase • Although pancreatic amylase acts both on glycogen and starches but it doesn’t effect cellulose
  • 38. • After amylase split starch into small fragment,a brush-border enzyme called a- dextrinase acts on the resulting a- dextrins,clipping off one glucose unit at a time • Ingested molecules of sucrose,lactose and maltose (disaccharides)-are not acted on until they reach small intestine
  • 39. • Sucrase breaks sucrose into molecule of glucose and fructose • Lactase digest lactose into molecule of glucose and galactose • Maltase split maltose and maltotriose into two or tree molecules of glucose,respectively • Digestion of carbohydrate ends with production of monosaccharides,which the digestive system is able to absorb
  • 40. DIGESTION OF PROTEIN • Protein are fragmented into peptide by action of pepsin • Enzyme in pancreatic juice- trypsin,chymotrypsin,carboxypeptidase and elastase-continue to break down protein into peptide • Although all these enzyme convert whole protein into peptide,their action differ somewhere b’coz each split peptide bonds between different amino acid
  • 41. • Trypsin,chymotrypsin and elastase all cleave the peptide bond between a specific amino acid and its neighbor • Carboxypeptidase splits off the amino acid at the end of peptide • Protein digestion is completed by two peptidase in aminopeptidase and dipeptidase
  • 42. • Aminopeptidase cleaves off amino acid at the amino end of peptide • Dipeptidase splits dipeptides into single amino acid
  • 43. DIGESTION OF LIPIDS • The most abundant lipids in diet are triglycerides,consist of molecule of glycerol bonded to three fatty acid molecule • Enzyme that split triglycerides and phospholipids are called lipase • Three type of lipases that can participate in lipid digestion are lingual lipase,gastric lipase and pancreatic lipase
  • 44. • Triglycerides are broken down by pancreatic lipase into fatty acid and monoglycerides • Large lipid globule containing triglyceride can be digested in the small intestine,and it undergo emulsification • Emulsification-process in which large lipid globule is broken down into several small lipid involve bile
  • 45. • The small lipid globule formed from emulsification provide a large surface area that allow pancreatic juice to function more effectively
  • 46. DIGESTION OF NUCLEIC ACID • Pancreatic juice contain two nucleases:ribonuclease which digest RNA and deoxyribonuclease which digest DNA • Result of the action of this two nuclease are further digested by nucleosidases and phosphatase into pentose,phosphates and nitrogenous base • These product are absorbed via active tansport
  • 48. WHAT IS ABSORPTION? Passage of digested nutrients from gastrointestinal tract into the blood or lymph
  • 49. ABSORPTION OF MONOSACCHARIDES • The capacity of small intestine to absorb monosaccharide is huge-an estimated 120 grams per hour • As a result, all dietary carbohydrate that are digested normally are absorbed, leaving only indigestible cellulose and fiber in feces. • Monosaccharides pass from the lumen through the apical membrane via facilitated diffusion or active transport.
  • 50. -Fructose(found in fruit)-is transported via facilitated diffusion -Glucose and galactose are transported into absorptive cells of the villi via secondary active transport that is coupled to the active transport of Na+ • Monosaccharide then move out of absorptive cells through their basolateral surface via facilitated diffusion and enter the capillaries of the villi
  • 51. ABSORPTION OF AMINO ACIDS,DIPEPTIDES AND TRIPEPTIDES • Protein is absorbed as amino acid via active transport, mainly occur in deodenum and jejunum • Half of the absorbed amino acid are present in food and the other half come from the body itself as protein in digestive juice and dead cells that slough off the mucosal surface.
  • 52. • 95-98% of the protein present in small intestine is digested and absorbed. • Different transporter carry different type of amino acid -some amino acid enter absorptive cell of the villi via Na+ dependent secondary active transport which is silmilar to the glucose transporter and the other amino acid are actively transported by themselves
  • 53. • Amino acid move out of the absorptive cells via diffusion and enter capillaries of the villus • :both monosaccharides and amino acid are transported in the blood to the liver by way of hepatic portal system.
  • 54. ABSORPTION OF LIPID • All dietary lipid are absorbed via simple diffusion • Because of emulsification and digestion; triglycerides are mainly broken down into monoglycerides and fatty acid, which can be short-chain fatty acid or long-chain fatty acid • Short-chain fatty acid are hydrophopic and small in size. Thus, they can dissolve in the watery instestinal chyme,pass through the absorptive cells via simple diffusion
  • 55. • Long-chain fatty acid are large and hydrophobic and have difficulty being suspended in the watery environment of the intestinal chyme. So, bile salt help them to be more soluble • Bile salt surround the long-chain fatty acid and forming tiny sphere called micelles.
  • 56. • The micelles move from the interior of the small intestinal lumen to the absorptive cell. • At that point, long-chain fatty acid diffuse out of the micelle into absorptive cells, leaving micelles behind the chyme
  • 57. ABSORPTION OF ELECTROLYTE • Electrolyte that are absorbed by the small intestine come from gastrointestinal secretions and some are part of ingested foods and liquids • Recall that electrolyte are compound that separate into ions in water and conduct electricity
  • 58. • Sodium ion are actively transported out of absorptive cells by basolateral sodium- potassium pump after they have moved into absorptive cells via diffusion and secondary active transport. • Negatively charge bicarbonate,chloride,iodide and nitrate ion can passively follow Na+ or actively transported
  • 59. • Calcium ion also are absorbed actively in a process stimulated by calcitriol • Other electrolyte such as iron,potassium,magnesium and phosphate ions are absorbed via active transport mechanism
  • 60. ABSORPTION OF VITAMINS • Fat soluble vitamin A,D,E and K are included with digested dietary lipid and absorbed via simple diffusion • Water-soluble vitamin such as B and C also absorbed via simple diffusion. However B12 combine with intrinsic factor produced by the stomach and combination is absorbed in the ileum via an active transport mechanism
  • 61. ABSORPTION OF WATER • the total volume of fluid that enter small intestine each day about 9.3 liters-comes from ingestion of liquid and from various gastrointestinal secretion • The small intestine absorbs about 8.3 liters of fluid; the remainder passes into the large intestine, where most of the rest of it-about 0.9 liter • Only 0.1 liter of water is excreted in the feces each day. Most is excreted via urinary sytem
  • 62. • All water absorption in GI tract occur via osmosis from the lumen of the intestine through absorptive cells and into blood capillaries • Because water can move across the intestinal mucosa in both direction, the absorption of water from small intestine depend on the absorption of electrolyte and nutrient to maintain osmotic balance with blood • The absorbed electrolyte,monosaccharides and amino acid establish a concentration gradient for water that promote water absorption via osmosis
  • 64. Metabolisma • Tindak balas kimia yang berlaku dalam sel hidup yang membolehkan sel membesar dan membiak dan mengekalkan struktur mereka. • Dibahagikan kepada dua jenis : 1) Katabolisme : menghasilkan tenaga, seperti pemecahan makanan dalam repirasi sel. 1) Anabolisme : memenggunakan tenaga untuk membentuk komponen sel seperti protein dan asid nukleik.
  • 66. Metabolisma karbohidrat • T’dpt 3 jenis kmpln utama karbohidrat iaitu : a) Monosakarida – gula ringkas : glukosa b) Disakarida – gula kompleks : maltosa c) Polisakarida – gula kompleks y bsr : kanji,glikogen • Laluan ini melibatkan pemecahan molekul-molekul karbohidrat di dalam organ hati, kerana hati menyimpan glukos. • Glukosa merupakan monosakarida yang paling penting dalam metabolisme tubuh. • Glukosa yang terkandung dalam nutrisi masuk ke dalam sistem sirkulasi atau ke dalam darah untuk dipindah ke sel-sel tubuh yang memerlukannya atau diubah pada hati menjadi molekul yang lain. • Glukosa adalah sumber tenaga utama bagi sel-sel haiwan, dan merupakan satu-satunya sumber tenaga bagi manusia.
  • 67. METABOLISMA LIPID •Lipid ialah sebatian organik yang mengandungi karbon, hidrogen, dan oksigen. •Jenis utama lipid adlh lemak, minyak, fosfolipid, dan steroid sprti kolesterol,testosteron,estrogen dan progesteron. •Lemak & minyak adlh cnth lipid y dtempatkan dlm kategori Lipid trigliserida, y t’diri drp 1 gliserol dan 3 asid lemak.
  • 68. METABOLISMA PROTEIN • Protein adalah molekul-molekul y bsr & kompleks. • Monomer bgi protein adlh asid amino. • Sel badan akn mengeluarkan asid amino daripada darah dan menggunakannya untuk membina protein, untuk kegunaan sendiri(enzymes, membranes, muscle protein) dan untuk mengeksport(mucus,hormones). • ATP akan t’bentuk jika glukosa dan lemak tidak mencukupi atau jika kekurangan Asid amino.
  • 69. METABOLISMA NUKLEIK ASID • Asid nukleik merupakan sejenis makromolekul yang terdiri daripada rantaian nukleotida. Dalam biokimia molekul ini mampu membawa maklumat atau membentuk struktur dalam sel.
  • 70. • Asid nukleik yang biasa termasuk asid deoksiribonukleik (DNA) dan asid ribonukleik (RNA). Asid nukleik terdapat dalam semua benda hidup, kerana mereka terkandung dalam segala sel. Asid nukleik juga terdapat di dalam virus. • Metabolisme asid nukleik adalah proses yang mana nukleotida disintesis . • Sintesis asid nukleik juga merupakan satu mekanisme, anabolik umumnya melibatkan tindak balas kimia fosfat, gula pentose, dan asas bernitrogen. • Pemusnahan asid nukleik adalah prosedur katabolik umumnya melibatkan tindak balas enzim.
  • 71. Diet dan Pemakanan Diet Seimbang • Pengambilan makanan yang mengandungi semua nutrien seperti protein,karbohidrat, lemak, vitamin, garam mineral, dan air serta pelawas dalam kuantiti yang diperlukan. Pemakanan • kajian berkaitan dengan pengambilan makanan untuk proses pertumbuhan ,pemulihan dan pengawalan kesihatan.
  • 73.
  • 74. Fungsi Kesan berlebihan Kesan kekurangan Karbohidrat Membekalkan tenaga utama lebihan berat badan Marasmus(p’tumbuha untuk keperluan badan n t’bantut) Protein membentuk dan membaiki lemak mningkat, paras penghasilan antibodi tisu, membentuk enzim, kalsium drh t’jejas menurun & risiko antibodi, hormon, agen jangkitan meningkat. pengangkut Penyakit Kwasyiokor Lemak membekalkan tenaga & lebihan berat badan Kekurangan berat pengekalan suhu, badan membekalkan asid lemak perlu, penyerapan vitamin larut lemak
  • 75. Garam Galian • Dibahagikan kpd 2 kumpulan : - Makronutrien (dp’lukan dlm Kuantiti bsr) - Mikronutrien (dp’lukan dlm kuantiti kecil)
  • 76. Makronutrien sumber fungsi Kesan kekurangan Kalsium susu, keju, ikan m’bina tlg & gigi yang kuat, mnolong pmbekuan drh, riket,osteoporosi bilis, bijirin dp’lukan untk pengecutan otot & pmindahan impuls s, p’darahan saraf. b’pnjangan. Magnesium Bijirin,syrn Menjana enzim yang diperlukan untuk mengeluarkan Otot lemah hijau,susu, tenaga dalam tubuh. Diperlukan oleh tubuh dalam daging pembentukan bahan genetik dan pertumbuhan tulang. kalium Susu, daging, Pemindahan impuls saraf, pengecutan otot Ganguan dlm pisang, sstm saraf sayuran hijau Fosforus Susu, daging, M’bntk tulang & gigi yang kuat, menggiatkan enzim- Tulang rapuh, bijirin, telur enzim yang diperlukan tubuh untuk menukarkan kerosakan gigi. makanan kepada tenaga. Natrium Garam, daging, Mngekalkan keseimbangan air dlm bdn, mngekalkan Kekejangan otot telur, susu tknn osmosis cecair dlm bdn.
  • 77. Mikronutrien sumber Fungsi Kesan kekurangan Iodin Udang, kerang, M’bntk hormon Goiter, kretinisme pd makanan laut tiroksina knk-knk Besi Hati, bayam, kacang, M’bntk hemoglobin Anemia telur kuning Florin Air minuman, teh, Mengukuhkan enamel Karies gigi sayuran pd gigi
  • 78. Vitamin • Kumpulan sebatian organik yang diperlukan dalam kuantiti yang kecil untuk memelihara dan mengekalkan kesihatan. • Dikelaskan kepada 2 kumpulan : a) Larut lemak: - tidak dapat dikumuh melalui air kencing tetapi disimpan dalam badan - vitamin A, D, E dan K. a) Larut air: - tidak dapat disimpan dalam badan dan sebarang kuantiti berlebihan akan larut dalam air dan dikumuhkan keluar melalui air kencing. - Vitamin B kompleks dan vitamin C.
  • 79. jenis sumber fungsi Kesan kekurangan Vitamin C buah-buahan. memelihara tisu p’hubung, kshtn skurvi ( gusi kulit & pemulihan luka yang cepat, b’darah, kulit mngkatkan ketahanan t’hdp lebam, sendi jgkitan bgkak) Vitamin D Keju, mentega dan telur. m’bantu pnyerapan kalsium & penyakit riket, fosforus, m’bina tulang dan gigi karies gigi yang kuat Vitamin E sayuran hijau,minyak memelihara kshtn sstm otot, saraf kemorosotan otot kelapa sawit. & sstm p’edaran darah, bhn & saraf p’oksidaan bgi asid lmk tepu Vitamin K hati,bayam dan kubis. m’bantu dalam pembekuan darah b’darah secara berlebihan Vitamin A susu, tomato, lobak Membina pigmen pada retina rabun malam, merah mata untuk penglihatan jelas pada kulit tidak yang waktu malam & memastikan sihat p’tumbuhan sel epitelium kulit yang sihat.
  • 80. Air • Merupakan 70% drp berat bdn manusia. • Peranan : a) Sbg pelarut b) Medium tndk bls kimia dlm bdn. c) Medium pengangkutan bhn mknn t’cerna, oksigen, bhn p’kumuhan. d) Pengawalaturan suhu bdn : Bila kekurangan air, suhu tubuh akan menjadi panas dan naik. Khdiran air akan m’bntu m’stabilkan suhu bdn. e) Sbg pelincir : mngurangkan geseran tulang pd sendi. f) P’kumuhan : urea,asid urik & grm mineral b’lebihan dsingkirkn melalui air kencing dan peluh.
  • 82. Tenaga Penting dalam Tubuh 1. Tenaga Kinetik: Tenaga yang dibekalkan oleh sebatian ikatan bertenaga tinggi seperti ATP, ADP, dll. 2. Tenaga berpotensi: Tenaga yang tidak aktif disimpan di dalam badan dalam bentuk glikogen dan yang terdapat dalam makanan. 83
  • 83. Pengukuran Tenaga 1. Kalori: Jumlah tenaga haba yang diperlukan untuk menaikkan suhu satu gram air sebanyak satu darjah celsius. 2. Kilokalori (Kcal) Jumlah haba yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan suhu 1 kg. air sebanyak sebanyak 1 darjah celsius. 3. Unit metrik yang digunakan ialah kilojoule(KJ) 1 Kilokalori (Kcal) = 4.184 KJ) 84
  • 84. Pengukuran Nilai Tenaga dalam Makanan • Dengan menggunakan alat kalorimeter • Jumlah tenaga yang dihasilkan oleh setiap sampel protein, lemak dan karbohidrat 1 g. Karbohidrat = 4 kcal 1 g. Lemak = 9 kcal 1 g. Protein = 4 kcal 1 g. Alkohol = 7 kcal 85
  • 85. Contoh Pengiraan 1 • Berapakah nilai tenaga yang dalam satu gelas susu beratnya 244g ? Jika dalam susu 100g susu mengandungi: 4.9g CHO; 3.5g protein; 3.7g lemak; 0.6 mineral dan 1.2g vitamin CHO = 244/100 x 4.9g x 4kcal = 47.8 kcal Protein = 244/100 x 3.5g x 4kcal = 34.2 kcal Lemak = 244/100 x 3.7g x 9kcal = 81.3 kcal Jumlah nilai tenaga = 163.3 kcal 86
  • 86. Contoh pengiraan 2 Diet mengandungi 2200 kcal dan mengandungi 210g CHO, dan 120g lemak, kira: • Berapakah jumlah g protein dalam sajian? • Kira peratus setiap nutrien [CHO, protein dan lemak] dalam sajian? 87
  • 87. a. Jumlah g protein • CHO membekal = 210 x 4 kcal = 840 kcal • Lemak membekal = 120 x 9 kcal = 1080 kcal • Protein = 2200 – (1080 + 840) = 280 kcal Jumlah g protein = 280/4 = 70 g b. Peratus CHO, Protein dan Lemak Peratus CHO = 840/2200 x 100 = 38.2% Peratus Lemak = 1080/2200 x 100 = 49.1% Peratus Protein = 280/2200 x 100 = 12.7% 88
  • 88. Soalan: 1. Potato crisps mengandungi 6.3 g protein, 35.9g lemak dan 49.3 karbohidrat pada tiap-tiap 100 g. Kira nilai tenaga yang terdapat dalam 200 g potato crips? 2. Berapakah jumlah nilai tenaga dalam satu keping daging beratnya 90g jika dalam 100g daging mengandungi 15.3g protein, 18.8g lemak, 0.1g karbohidrat , 0.2g mineral 0.2 vitamins dan 65.5g air ? 89
  • 89. 3. Diet Pak Ali membekal 2600 kcal sehari. Diet tersebut mengandungi 250g karbohidrat, 70g protein. Kira? a. Berapakah jumlah g lemak dalam diet Pak Ali pada hari tersebut? b. Kira peratus setiap nutrien (karbohidrat, protein dan lemak) yang terdapat dalam diet Pak Ali ? 90
  • 90. Input Tenaga Tenaga/kilokalori yang terdapat dalam makanan Output Tenaga Tenaga yang diperlukan @ digunakan oleh tubuh untuk beberapa perkara: • Kadar Metabolisme Asas [Basal Energy Rate] • Aktiviti Fizikal • Pertumbuhan • Tindakan Spesifik Dinamik Makanan 91
  • 91. Bilakah Kadar Metabolisme Asas diukur? 1. Selepas 12 – 18 jam mengambil makanan terakhir. 2. Seseorang dalam keadaan rehat. 3. Dalam bilik yang sesuai, suhu selesa. 4. Kebiasaan diukur selepas bangun tidur waktu pagi. 92
  • 92. Pengukuran Penggunaan tenaga • Jumlah tenaga yang dijana @ digunakan oleh tubuh dapat diukur secara langsung @ tidak langsung. Kilorimetri Langsung • Individu diletakkan di dalam kilokalorimeter /bilik khas • Kaedah sangat mahal. Cuma beberapa unit terdapat di seluruh dunia • Di Malaysia hanya satu, terdapat di Universiti Hospital. 93
  • 93. Kilorimetri Tak Langsung • Kaedah yang lebih mudah • Diukur dengan menentukan penggunaan oksigen dan pengeluaran karbon dioksida pada masa tertentu dengan menggunakan alat respirasi • Dapat digunakan semasa individu berbaring rehat @ menjalankan berbagai aktiviti • Pada setiap liter oksigen yang digunakan akan memerlukan 4.825 kilokalori tenaga. 94
  • 94. Kadar Metabolisme Asas [KMA] Basal Metabolisme Rate[BMR] • Kadar Metabolisme Asas - Jumlah tenaga yang diperlukan oleh tubuh untuk menjalankan proses-proses penting dalam tubuh. - Kadar tubuh menggunakan tenaga untuk kekalkan fungsi penting untuk hidup. • Kadar Metabolisme Rehat (KMR) - Penggunaan tenaga pada keadaan yang sama kecuali selepas makan atau berlatih 95
  • 95. Kaedah mengira keperluan tenaga untuk KMA (Basal Metabolisme Rate) 1. Menggunakan anggaran 1 kilokalori/minit = 60 m/jam X 24jam/hari = 1440 kilokalori/hari 96
  • 96. 2. Alat Respiratori Bebedict-Roth (Penggunaan O2) Ali mengambil 1.08 liter O2 dalam masa 6 minit. Kira berapa jumlah keperluan tenaga KMA dalam sehari ? [Piawai 1 liter O2 = 4.825 kcal] 6 minit Ali mengambil 1.08 liter oksigen 1 jam (60 minit) = 1.08 x 60/6 = 10.8 liter Oksigen Sehari (24 jam) = 10.8 liter x 24 jam = 259.2 liter Oksigen KMA = 259.2 x 4.825 = 1251 kcal. 97
  • 97. 3. Berasaskan Berat badan, Umur & Jantina • Lelaki < 50 tahun = 1.0 kcal/kg X BB/1 Jam > 50 tahun = 0.9 kcal/kg X BB/1 Jam • Wanita < 50 tahun = 0.9 kcal/kg X BB/1 Jam > 50 tahun = 0.8 kcal/kg X BB/1 Jam 98
  • 98. Contoh: Kira berapakah jumlah tenaga untuk KMA dalam sehari bagi mereka yang berikut? a. En. Adam berumur 45 tahun mempunyai berat badan 65 kg Keperluan tenaga KMA = 1 x 65 x 24 jam = 1560 kcal b. Cik Fatimah berumur 26 tahun mempunyai berat badan 46 kg. Keperluan tenaga KMA = 0.9 x 46 x 24 jam = 993.6 kcal 99
  • 99. • Kira berapakah jumlah tenaga untuk KMA dalam sehari bagi mereka berikut? 1. En. Ramlee berumur 45 tahun mempunyai berat badan 65 kg ? 2. Cik Fatimah berumur 25 tahun mempunyai berat badan 46 kg. 3. Pak Adam berumur 66 tahun mempunyai berat badan 63 kg 4. Mak Timah berumur 70 tahun mempunyai berat badan 81 kg. 100
  • 100. 4. Kaedah Pengiraan WHO. Gunakan Berat badan (dalam kg) • Wanita Berat dalam Kg x 0.95 kcal x 24 jam • Lelaki Berat dalam Kg x 1.0 kcal x 24 jam Contoh: • Aminah berumur 13 tahun dan berat badan 50 kg. 50kg x 0.95 kcal x 24 jam = 1140 Kcal • Ramlee, berat badan 58 kg dan berumur 25 tahun 58kg x 1.0 kcal x 24 jam = 1392 Kcal 101
  • 101. • Kira berapakah jumlah tenaga untuk KMA dalam sehari bagi mereka mengikut kiraan WHO? 1. En. Yunus berumur 48 tahun mempunyai berat badan 73 kg ? 2. Cik Rohani berumur 28 tahun mempunyai berat badan 53 kg. 3. Hamidah berumur 35 tahun mempunyai berat badan 62 kg 4. Halim berumur 70 tahun mempunyai berat badan 74 kg. 102
  • 102. Formula FAO/WHO untuk ukur REE [Resting Energy Expenditure] Lelaki 3- 9 22.7w) + 495 10 - 17 17.5w + 651 18 - 29 15.3w + 679 30 - 60 11.6w + 879 > 60 13.5w + 487 103
  • 103. Formula FAO/WHO untuk ukur REE bagi Wanita 3-9 22.5w + 499 10-17 12.2w + 746 18-29 14.7w + 496 30-60 8.7w + 829 > 60 10.5w + 596 104
  • 104. Latihan: 1. Aminah mempunyai berat badan 50 kg. , berumur 18 tahun . Kirakan keperluan tenaga Aminah dalam sehari dengan menggunakan Formula REE ? = 14.7 w + 496 = ( 14.7 x 50 ) + 496 = 735 + 496 = 1231 kcal/hari 2. Hamid mempunyai berat badan 78kg dan berumur 33 tahun. Kirakan keperluan tenaga dengan Formula REE? 105
  • 105. Faktor-Faktor yang mempengaruhi Kadar Metabolisme Asas seseorang 1. Komposisi tubuh - Kandungan tisu seseorang. - Tisu tanpa lemak (otot) : tinggi KMA - Tisu berlemak sedikit tenaga - Lelaki perlu KMA tinggi kerana mempunyai lebih tisu tanpa lemak. 106
  • 106. 2. Keadaan Tubuh: Jalankan aktiviti Fizikal - 2 lelaki sama umur, tinggi & berat badan - Jalankan tugas fizikal yang berbeza. Seorang buruh dan seorang akauntan - Buruh perlu banyak KMA berbanding akauntan kerana buruh mempunyai otot-otot terbentuk berbanding akauntan 3. Jantina: - Lelaki lebih tenaga KMA berbanding wanita - Lelaki muda dewasa mempunyai 14% lemak daripada berat badan - Wanita muda dewasa mempunyai 23%- 32% lemak daripada berat badan 4. Tidur: Kurang tenaga KMA 5. Malnutrisi: Tenaga KMA rendah 107
  • 107. 6. Tekanan mental: lebih tenaga bagi orang. yang mengalami masalah mental 7. Suhu Tubuh - Kalau suhu tubuh tinggi KMA tinggi - Setiap 1 darjah tambahan suhu boleh tingkatkan 13 kcal KMA badan 8. Suhu persekitaran - suhu panas kita perlu KMA yang rendah - suhu sejuk kadar KMA tinggi bagi panaskan badan 9. Kehamilan - Tenaga KMA tinggi untuk menghamil bayi 300- 330 kcal lebih daripada wanita biasa - Ibu menyusu KMA tinggi bagi proses mengeluarkan susu 500- 550 kcal lebih daripada wanita biasa 10. Umur: Umur meningkat keperluan KMA menurun 11. Merokok: lebih 10 peratus daripada orang tidak merokok 108
  • 108. Soalan: Norzalina 25 tahun, tinggi 1.63 m dan berat badan 65 kg. Berikut adalah jumlah kalori yang dimakan iaitu karbohidrat 190g; protein 120g dan lemak 93g mengikut 24- jam dietary recallnya. a. Dengan menggunakan data di atas kirakan: (i) jumlah kalori dan tunjukkan peratus karbohidrat, protein dan lemak ? (ii) Peratus pengambilan makanan b. Beri penjelasan tentang diet yang diamalkan oleh Norzalina mengikut perkiraan WHO menggunakan (i) berat badan dan (ii) norma REE 109
  • 109. (i) Jumlah pengambilan kalori: a. karbohidrat = 190 X 4 kcal = 760 kcal b. protein = 120 X 4 kcal = 480kcal c. lemak = 93 X 9 kcal = 837 kcal Jumlah = 2077kcal (ii) Peratus pengambilan makanan a. karbohidrat = 760/2077 X 100 = 36.6 % b. protein = 480/2077 X 100 = 23.1 % c. lemak = 837 /2077 X 100 = 40.3% 110
  • 110. • i. Berat badan dengan perkiraan WHO = 0.95 kcal X kg (berat badan) X 24 jam = 0.95 kcal X 65 kg X 24 jam = 1482 kcal ii. Berat badan berdasarkan Norm = (14.7W) + 496 = (14.7 X 65 ) + 496 = 955.5 + 496 = 1451.5 kcal 111
  • 111. • Berdasarkan penjadualan Pemakanan Norzalina telah mengambil lebihan makanan: • Mengikut kiraan berat badan mengikut Formula WHO = 595 kcal [2077 – 1482] • Mengikut keperluan norm = 525.9 kcal [2077 – 1551.1 ] 112
  • 115. Body Energy Balance Energy intake = total energy output (heat + work + energy storage) Energy intake is liberated during food oxidation Energy output Heat is usually about 60% Storage energy is in the form of fat or glycogen Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings Slide
  • 116. Digestive Homeostasis Disorders • ULCERS – erosion of the surface of the alimentary canal generally associated with some kind of irritant
  • 117. Digestive Homeostasis Disorders • CONSTIPATION – a condition in which the large intestine is emptied with difficulty. • Too much water is reabsorbed • and the solid waste hardens
  • 118. Digestive Homeostasis Disorders • DIARRHEA – a gastrointestinal disturbance characterized by decreased water absorption and increased peristaltic activity of the large intestine. • This results in increased, multiple, watery feces. • This condition may result in severe dehydration, especially in infants
  • 119. Digestive Homeostasis Disorders • APPENDICITIS – an inflammation of the appendix due to infection • Common treatment is removal of the appendix via surgery
  • 120. Digestive Homeostasis Disorders • GALLSTONES – an accumulation of hardened cholesterol and/or calcium deposits in the gallbladder • Can either be “passed” (OUCH!!) or surgically removed
  • 121. Digestive Homeostasis Disorders • ANOREXIA NERVOSA - a psychological condition where an individual thinks they appear overweight and refuses to eat. • Weighs 85% or less than what is developmentally expected for age and height • Young girls do not begin to menstruate at the appropriate age.
  • 122. Digestive Homeostasis Disorders • HEART BURN – ACID from the stomach backs up into the esophagus.