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Analytical Review Apollo Shoes Essay example
Apollo Shoes, Inc.
Potential Problem Areas
December 31, 2011
The following refers to the Comparative Trial Balances, GA–7.1 through GA–7.5:
Accounts Receivable, Other Receivables, Allowance for Doubtful Accounts, Bad Debt ExpenseInventories and Reserve for Inventory Obsolescence
Prepaid Insurance and Insurance Expense
Machinery, Equipment, and Office Furniture
Accounts Payable
Taxes Payable
Line of Credit
Sales, Sales Returns, Net Sales – Relationship to Inventory
Research & Development
Administrative Wage Expense
Miscellaneous Income
The following refers to GA–7.5 – Selected Ratio Comparison:
Days Sales in Inventory
Days Sales in Accounts Receivable
Other points of interest:
Apollo Shoes, Inc. more content...
Account W/P Common Common # Title Ref. Balance Size Balance Size Amount Percentage REVENUE 40000 Sales 246,172,918.44 102.33%
245,213,452.88 106.40% –959,465.56 –0.39% 41000 Sales Returns 4,497,583.20 1.87% 13,600,220.89 5.90% 9,102,637.69 202.39% 42000 Warranty
Exp 1,100,281.48 0.46% 1,158,128.47 0.50% 57,846.99 5.26% Net Sales 240,575,053.76 100.00% 230,455,103.52 100.00% (10,119,950.24) –4.21%
EXPENSES 50000 COGS 141,569,221.61 58.85% 130,246,645.26 56.52% (11,322,576.35) –8.00% Gross Margin 99,005,832.15 41.15%
100,208,458.26 43.48% 1,202,626.11 1.21% GA–7.4
OPERATING EXPENSES 57500 Freight 4,302,951.46 1.79% 4,236,263.09 1.84% (66,688.37)–1.55% 60000 Advertising Expense 897,140.01 0.37%
986,854.01 0.43% 89,714.00 10.00% 61000 Auto Expenses 208,974.39 0.09% 214,502.80 0.09% 5,528.41 2.65% 62000 Research &
Development 31,212,334.17 12.97% 543,870.44 0.09% (30,668,463.73) –98.26% 64000 Depreciation Expense 133,000.00 0.06% 446,000.00 0.19%
313,000.00 235.34% 64500 Warehouse Salaries
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The School Voucher program was designed to give families a choice about where their children could go to school. The program offered a fixed
dollar amount each year to put toward a child's tuition. Their choices ranged from private or parochial schools, these are schools that many of these
children may not experience otherwise. Charter schools were also options because they are run much like private schools. The thought behind voucher
programs is that a sense of competition would be created. The hope is that a higher educational output and an improved level of education would be
provided. Proponents of the program believe that children from poor public school districts should have the same opportunity for quality education as
kids more content...
Although, the system would help some students they would not help them all, vouchers are offered in limited numbers. As each state works through
this political quagmire, the debate continues.
School vouchers are not the savior to public education that they set out to be, as long as the vouchers are not offered to everyone equally. Funding to
public education continues to be under siege so allocating funding toward a voucher program that everyone can not access may not be the best use of
these dollars. The assumption that a sense of competition may develop among schools for the best and the brightest may be true but what about
schools that can not compete. What happens to the children that will be left behind? Is the federal government prepared to improve public schools that
are suffering from lack of funds? "School voucher programs undermine two great American traditions: universal public education and the separation of
church and state" (Anti–Defamation League, 2005).
While researching the voucher system this writer found that there are several factors to take into consideration such as: is the use of funds for the
voucher program the best use of educational funds, what happens to the kids left behind in the public schools who do not get a voucher or can not
afford to take advantage of the option,
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Global Warming : A Critical Analysis
Climate Change; A Critical Analysis
Global warming has been a topic discussed for several decades (35 years). Along with the discussion about what should we do to prevent, stop, and
reverse the damaging effects. The scientific community has been researching and studying the climate and the effects humans and our pollution have
had and will continue to have if we do not change our environmental laws and our views towards the environment. With overwhelming support from
qualified scientist many new environmental movements should be going into effect, but negative opinions from the general population are causing
significate delays and obstacles in repairing and preventing damage to the environment. The following critical analysis will more
Gasses such as CO2, methane, water vapor, nitrous oxide, and CFCs are gasses that increase the greenhouse effect (1). The levels of CO2 in the
atmosphere has stayed between 180 and 300 parts per million for 800,000 years, in 2014 the CO2 levels has increased to 400 parts per million (5).
Why has there been just an increase in CO2 and other greenhouse gasses? Climate Change prior to the Industrial Revolution can be explained by
natural causes, recent climate change can not be explained by natural causes along, so humans are the most likely cause for Global Warming (5).
Human activities release over 30 billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year (5). We release these gasses through things like burning fossil fuels
(CO2), agriculture, and waste in landfills (methane), soil cultivation and fuel burning (nitrous oxide), automobiles, power plants, and industrial sources
(ozone), and the most abundant greenhouse gas water vapor, which is controlled by temperatures so as the temperatures rise more water vapor is
trapped (1). According to a group of 1,300 independent scientific experts from countries all over the world they concluded that "there 's a more than 90
percent probability that human activities over the past 50
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Analysis Of The Book ' Wonder '
The book "Wonder" written by R.J. Palacio follows a young boy named August Pullman and his struggles in fifth grade. The struggle of being the
only kid who looks the way he does. The struggle of being the only kid at his school who has Treacher Collins Syndrome. Even with all the
obstacles in his path, August's overall experience at Beecher Prep has had a positive impact on his life. Not only does August have to deal with
bullies because of his facial abnormalities, but he also has to adjust to a "real" school. August was always homeschooled due to his 27 surgeries. No
one sees August as ordinary, well, except himself. Everyone else is blinded by Auggie's looks and for awhile they can't seem to look past them. But more content...
And boy will I tell you Julian deserved it. With all the stuff Julian puts Auggie through Julian deserved worse. On page 267 Amos stood up for
Auggie by saying, " Leave him alone dude." It was really strange for Amos to do this since he was on Julian's side for awhile.
Near the end of the book Auggie feels accepted. On page 282 we find evidence of this when he says, "It was like I was one of them." When he says
"them" he is referring to the other students. Auggie could finally feel "normal" and it is necessary for August to feel this way because people have
always seen Auggie as strange because of his face. At a point August even forgets he hasTreacher Collins syndrome. On page 307 we find an example
of this, "I wasn't even thinking about my face. I was just smiling a big happy smile." August felt like it didn 't matter what his face looked like. It
just mattered that he was happy. For once, Auggie didn 't feel like everyone was trying to get away from him; on the contrary, he said, "It kind of felt
like everyone wanted to get close to me." (pg 308) August can finally feel like a "normal" kid.
Some may argue that Auggie's experience had a negative impact because of the bullies, but in the end he had everyone on his side. Plus with the
conditions there will always be people who give you those long stares, or those people who do that look then look away
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Analytical Literary Review
The assignment required a selection and review of five different literary sources, designating three as resources for an analytical literary review of the
subject matter. The detailed review of the three selected resources is a culmination of our written critic. The first source, "Should College Athletes Be
Paid?" by Tiffany Patterson, has no firm stance is taken. The article is laid out in a manner to inform readers without prior knowledge of the subject,
information that would assist them towards drawing their own stance on the subject. Patterson does this by providing three pros and three cons on the
topic and then allowing the reader to decide. In her article, Patterson (2016) proclaims: "Journalist Michael Wilbon has written that seeing
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Analytical Review Of Jaws
The shark theme appeared for the first time on the film during the opening credits, with the camera view under the sea symbolizing the view of the
shark when it swims underwater. The theme has couple music arrangements played by different instruments which are bass, celli, trombone and tuba.
Part of the music seems be played by alternating two notes. Apart from that, the music is also played in high register and has a menacing tone. Part of
the music is in slow tempo, part of it has fast tempo.
The slow tempo part of the theme is signifying the behavior of the shark that comes to its victim quietly and cautiously without the acknowledgement of
the victim. Meanwhile, the fast tempo part of the theme symbolizes the moment when the shark attacks
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Executive summary. This report is prepared from the standpoint of a shareholder who is interested in the financial performance of Next plc with the
particular concern for dividends, earnings and share price. The main findings of this report are the following: accounting policies adopted by Next
plc correspond to the required standards and, in our views, prove to be relevant, reliable, understandable and consistent. Analysis of investment ratios,
gearing ratio and profitability ratios was done and, in our view, being a highly financed business Next plc managed to deliver quite decent results in
this testing and critical period. It adopted such policies and made such decisions that allowed earning per share rise 24% and more
Objectivity is another characteristic of the accounting information that is not easy to assess being an outsider. Accountants are human beings and they
have to exercise a certain amount of personal judgement when they prepare the financial statements. It is a characteristic that should be assessed
internally by the company management or by the auditors who have access to internal accounting information. 2. Analysis of the financial strengths
and weaknesses. Since this report is prepared from the standpoint of a shareholder we will look at the following ratios: investment, profitability and
gearing. Investment ratios are important for us as they assess the returns and performance of shares. Profitability ratios are crucial as they provide an
insight to the degree of success in creating wealth for the business (Peter Atrill, Eddie McLaney, 2008) that directly affects the future of the business
and can highlight additional indications of whether keeping on investing in this company or consider other alternatives. Gearing ratio will give us an
idea of risks associated with our investment. We will do the comparison with the same ratios for the past period, i.e. for the period of six months to
July 2009. Having done calculations by applying the appropriate formulas we have received results as follow. The investment ratios. 6 months to July
20106 months to July 2009 Dividend cover ratio
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Analytical Review of Lakeside Company's Financial Statements
Scan Trial Balance640–1 Repairs and Maintenance Expense: From $38,200 to $97,800. This is 2.56 times the value in 2011 to 2012This large
increase could be due to an error in reporting this expense. This expense should be verified. It is possible this change is due to additional assets which
means additional maintenance or existing equipment is breaking down and needs repairing more often. Assets should be evaluated and should
determine whether they were written off and/or capitalized when they shouldn't have been.
Scan Trial Balance520–1 & 520–2 Sales Returns: have risen significantly for the company stores at 149% and the distributorships
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Cost of goods sold in store 3 was 58.5% of sales in 2011 and in 2012 it dropped to 50.3%. This is odd because sales and inventory had increased from
2011 to 2012. When sales increase costs of goods should rise respectively. If a business is becoming more profitable the inventory generally doesn't
increase considerably. This increase in inventory could be due to obsolescence. All of these factors don't add up to an increase in sales.
Scan Trial Balance200–1 Bank Credit Line – Security National Bank: Increased by $108,000 from 2011 to 2012. As shown in the financial ratios
above, Lakeside has a low times interest earned ratio. An increase in debt and a low profit margins are not going to bode well for Lakeside. It is
going to be even more difficult to pay the interest as it becomes due and possibly make it more difficult to meet debt covenants and/or acquire
additional loans.
Scan Trial Balance650–1 Utilities Expense: This has dropped $16,400This drop in utilities expense seems odd because Lakeside is in the process of
opening new stores. This decrease does not reflect this growth activity. This account should be reevaluated to ensure no mistakes in recording this
amount were
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Analysis Of The Movie ' Contagion '
Student's Name Institution Date Contagion is a movie that was released in 2011 which is based on fear, greed, heroism and greed and involves a lot of
sick people. This movie is very scary and provides lessons in the field of virology and epidemiology. The movie is set at ever–changing challenges as
well as threats of microbial origin that lead to the origin of casualties who vary from few individuals to lots and lots of millions of people. It has
been described as a global pandemic as it affected many people all over the world. The outbreak of the disease has been depicted from the rise,
vaccination and the prevention methods of a new disease. The origin of the disease has been described at the end of the movie where we find out that
a bat with a virus known as paramyxovirus that infects a pig. The pigs that are for human consumption were located near a forest that was being cut
down. The pig in turn infects human beings of the earth through a chef. The agent which is very infectious is known as MEV–1 and its potential spread
is estimated at 6–7 which suggests that the virus is highly transmissible from one person to the next. The virus has been compared to that of a
smallpox virus with a mortality rate of up to 30%. The chef later met a customer, Elizabeth Emhoff and he had not washed his hands after handling the
pigs. They shook hands and even took a picture together and later, Elizabeth developed flu–like symptoms which led to her death four days later. These
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Beetlejuice Analytical Review
In the movie Beetlejuice, the theme is that the afterlife is not really the end for us all; we live on a multiple level world between life and death, and
need to respect the dead. The theme is idealistic and not applicable in real life to all people. Throughout the movie, Burton reveals his take on the
living and life after death and the delicate interaction between the two. The character Otho, played by Glenn Shadix is key to Burton's interpretation and
scrutiny of the afterlife. Throughout the film Otho makes comments about the dead and even goes as far to steal The Handbook for the Recently
Deceased. Otho comments on those who commit suicide and how they become civil servant s in the afterlife. Barbra and Adam Maitland, played by more content...
Adam swerves the steering wheel while over a bridge to avoid hitting a dog, and as a result the car is teetering over the edge of the bridge towards
the river; the only thing keeping Adam and Barbra from their tragic death is a dog who's weight on a single plank is sustaining the balance of the
car. Oddly enough, the dog they saved was the one who sent them to their watery grave. It is uncommon in movies to kill off the main characters
early on in the film, but Burton did so in order to show the audience the shift in the main characters circumstances. The Maitlands return home
soaking wet, without knowing that they are dead but know that something is off; Barbra informs Adam of her arm feeling frozen, and the two go
towards the fire to warm up where Barbra's hand catches fire. Adam is in a frenzy and flees the dark and barley lit home and is sent into another
dimension (Saturn) where he encounters the giant vicious sandworms and is brought back to "reality" with the help of his wife. The stop motion
special effects for creatures like the Sandworms look like they were jumping towards the audience, without the need of 3D glasses. The Maitlands find
the Handbook for the Recently Deceased and comically comment that it reads like stereo instructions. Adam and Barbra find a filler in the handbook
for a bio–exorcist named Betelguese who specializes in the removal of human intruders. This is the first time we are introduced to
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Analysis Of The Musical ' Hamilton '
Hamilton Essay The musical "Hamilton" is the most sought after musical in years. It is the first seen rap musical and it has received the most 'Tony'
awards and nominations in Broadway history. Hamilton premiered off Broadway in 2015 and soon moved to Broadway to stun the world with it's
incredible everything, from plot to casting. For best albums, Hamilton was second ranked in Billboard magazine and has got endless supply of
recognition for the ingenious play written by the phenomenal Lin Manual Miranda. Hamilton is currently the most popular sensation on Broadway
because of the music with its creative lyrics and hidden messages, it's stellar performance and the perspectives it gives us on the people that founded
our county. (on the people that shaped our past and developed our future).
To begin with, Hamilton is popular because of its music. Hamilton is the first seen rap musical in Broadway history. The musical combines the most
popular genre of music in the current century with a Broadway style to portray the life of Alexander Hamilton in a series of songs. Most people adore
the musical because the songs can connect to people in a way where they can listen to all of the songs on replay and still not get tired of them. They
are songs that pull their audience in and keep them hooked, which is a huge factor in why thousands of people adore this musical. It all started at an
airport when Lin–Manuel Miranda read, 'Alexander Hamilton' for the first time by Ron Chernow. From
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The Five Stages Of Analytical Competition Essay
As I mentioned above, the company has two different areas that can be looked at when determining the five stages of analytical competition and I also
believe that each area is at two different stages. With respect to our clients, I believe that NextGen products can be categorized at Stage 5 – Analytical
Competitors with an understanding that the company will need to continue to improve and allow our customers to grow with each new release of
our product. In other words, I am saying that we can categorize the products at stage 5 but I don't feel NextGen is "done" with respect to the product
analytics. If NextGen doesn't continue to evolve and grow our analytics in our products, we will not be able to stay at that stage and allow our clients
to have the competitive edge. Our products provide our clients (hospitals and practices) with several layers of reporting to determine patient care,
patient services, patient billing and patient tracking. NextGen recognizes that the clients need to constantly review their data to provide better patient
care at lower costs for both the practice/hospital and the patient. As is indicated by our website, NextGen Healthcare provides our clients with
Ambulatory solutions, Revenue Cycle Management and Shared data services 1. NextGen openly boasts about our Analytics Solution to provide our
clients the data they need to "mange risks, enhance patient outcomes and improve overall decision making."2 For NextGen as a company including
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Macbeth Analytical Essay
In an effort to achieve, it is often in literature that the protagonist learns to accept his or her currently fortuitous circumstances and rather than
ambitiously seek what he or she wants, the protagonist acquires what they need. This is a way in which an author can teach a moral lesson about the ill
fate of those bridled by ambition, hubris, greed, etc., without being overtly sententious. Shakespeare, whether by intention or coincidence, wrote in a
similar sense in regards to some of his most famous and renowned tragedies. Often his works reflect a sense of morality, though rather than the
protagonists realizing the mistakes, their flaws become fatal and only after their actions take their grievous course do they acknowledge their more content...
Hamlet, one of Shakespeare's most beloved protagonists, shares character traits with well crafted villains. Though he is supposed to be a tragic hero, he
wittingly and cruelly hurts the people close to him in his despair and thirst for revenge. Towards the end of the play he claims he loved Ophelia more
than her own brother did, a brother who did not play with her emotions and use her for his own gain and bloody goals. Even if Hamlet did truly love
Ophelia, he manipulated and viciously abused her feelings, trust, and confidence, something one would find in a power–imbalanced relationship where
one is a villain and the other a victim. His downfall, though, is his play at madness. He chooses to donne a facade of insanity in order to take
revenge for his father's sake, but meanwhile compromises his authority and ability to be taken seriously. Had he rather been subtle and not abrasively
distance himself from every potential ally, perhaps he would not have met such a gruesome end. His own actions and selfish willingness to do
anything to satisfy his own lust for revenge was the direct cause of his death. His brash murder of Polonius, his alienation of Ophelia, his disturbing
confrontation and aggression towards his mother all lead to his death and the death of other innocent people. Again, Shakespeare has
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Analytical Reflection Essay
Analytical Reflection
The author said that American's equality and informality in this article, and he/she pointed out that negative perspective and following examples:
women, the higher–status person, and foreigners. In addition, the author implied that contradiction of American's equality with some common
situations. However, author illustrated that American's casual and friendly behavior, and he/she mentioned about equality of Americans with favorably.
I personally disagree that equality of the US because president Trump eliminated people of the Middle East countries and African countries.
Furthermore, he decided to build a huge wall between the US and Mexico, and the US government makes the Mexico government pay this construction
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Analysis Of The Movie ' The Help ' Essay
The film "The Help" (2011), is a story based on the daily lives of prominent white women and the relationships with their African–American
housemaids in Jackson, Mississippi, during the 1960s Civil Rights movement in America. A well–to–do white woman and central character in this film,
Eugenia "Skeeter" Phelan, aspires to be a journalist and decides to write and publish an exposГ© of the stories of the housemaids in Jackson to
achieve this goal, however, only two maids, Aibileen Clark and Minny Jackson are willing to discuss their experiences with her. The other maid's in
Jackson resist telling Skeeter their stories, fearing the punishments they would endure if the authorities were to find out. In spite of this, after the
malicious arrest of one of their befriended maids, all of the maids begin to share their experiences, which consist of racial hostility and being treated as
intrinsically subservient to white people. The story Skeeter publishes entitled The Help, creates a disturbance among the white families in Jackson, by
exposing the racism the maids are faced with, forcing the white families to reflect upon how they have treated their maids. The storyline represented in
The Help exhibits examples of the primordial approach to race and ethnicity, as well as numerous sociological concepts including segregation,
internalized oppression, and white privilege, which will be exemplified in this paper in order to uncover the race relations evident within this film.
The term
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'Analytical Review Of Ghostbusters'
"Ghostbusters" is the story of four women who gave up their jobs to hunt ghosts around New York City. These team of underdogs will win
everybody's heart, and not only that. This is a great movie to watch if you want to forget about your problems and just laugh, and the Guardian review
about it fully supports the idea. However, the NPR review about the movie does not entirely agree with this idea.
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Analysis Of The Movie ' Aladdin '
Whole New World Crossing social class was highly looked down upon for centuries, but had become accepted by society when social mobility had
expanded. To this day, however, it is still unacceptable within some families or groups. A man by the name of Walt Disney believed love could be
conquered no matter what the odds were. Disney's famous concept of crossing social classes to find true love, is used in almost every Disney film.
A major motion film, Aladdin, serves as a perfect example of the famous concept. Not only was this movie based on the crossing of the rich and
poor, but it also went as far as emphasizing the status of the royalty lifestyle, versus the peasant lifestyle. For those who are not familiar with
Disney's, Aladdin, the movie features a princess, Jasmine, and a "street rat, Aladdin. The two characters meet in the town's marketplace and they
create an overfriendly bond. Aladdin is later captured by the villain, Jafar, who convinces Jasmine that her new acquaintance is dead. Under Jafar's
capture, Aladdin is lead to the "Cave of Wonders", where he discovers a genie in a lamp. He breaks free from Jafar's capture and befriends the genie.
After each other's introduction, the genie grants three wishes to Aladdin. Since the genie cannot make people fall in love, Aladdin manipulates around
his restriction and requests to be made into a prince in order to gain the princess's love. With the help of the genie, Jasmine sees Aladdin as a prince,
but suspects something
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Meta-Analytical Review Paper
This paper is a meta–analytical review; the authors explain about the past research until present paper that published in human capital context. The
authors set six hypothesized and test them. They suggested more details in the implication for future research and limitation. They discussed that this
paper useful estimate of the true relationship between human capital and entrepreneurial success, and this paper guided practitioners to the evaluation
of small businesses and may resolve some of the controversies surrounding investment decisions and human capital criteria.
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Analysis Of The Film ' Ratatouille '
Another part of the film that is also very Disney and very Pixar is the visual feast that the eyes enjoy while watching. Robertson says, "Pixar has
created something unique. The light. The colors. The textures. Ratatouille is not a film with brightly colored toys, fish, bugs, or cars", which would
allow it to perhaps be the most Disney of the films on which Disney and Pixar have created together (Robertson, 20). Yet, even without those
interesting aspects, Ratatouille is very visually appealing, like a dish one eats first with one's eyes. Robertson quotes Michael Fong the supervising
technical director at Pixar who says, "We tried to make this film look different...One of the big things was to break away from what standard CG
[computer graphics] looks like. We got rid of straight lines and did a lot of hand tweaking. We wanted it to feel handmade. The other part is lighting
and shading" (Robertson, 21). From that special attention, like a chef gives his signature dish, the team that collaborated to make Ratatouille created a
delicious result. The parallelism between the making of the film and the making of a wonderful dish is not all the elements that make Ratatouille such
a brilliant film. The fact that it was inspired by the food craze that was very big around 2007 when the film was made, did not hurt. One could not turn
on the television without seeing some chef creating something wonderful and in doing so, showing viewers that they could cook too. The interest that
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Analytical Review Apollo Shoes Essay Example

  • 1. Analytical Review Apollo Shoes Essay example Apollo Shoes, Inc. Potential Problem Areas December 31, 2011 The following refers to the Comparative Trial Balances, GA–7.1 through GA–7.5: Accounts Receivable, Other Receivables, Allowance for Doubtful Accounts, Bad Debt ExpenseInventories and Reserve for Inventory Obsolescence Prepaid Insurance and Insurance Expense Machinery, Equipment, and Office Furniture Accounts Payable Taxes Payable Line of Credit Sales, Sales Returns, Net Sales – Relationship to Inventory Research & Development Administrative Wage Expense Miscellaneous Income The following refers to GA–7.5 – Selected Ratio Comparison: Days Sales in Inventory Days Sales in Accounts Receivable Other points of interest: 7GA–7.1 Apollo Shoes, Inc. more content... Account W/P Common Common # Title Ref. Balance Size Balance Size Amount Percentage REVENUE 40000 Sales 246,172,918.44 102.33% 245,213,452.88 106.40% –959,465.56 –0.39% 41000 Sales Returns 4,497,583.20 1.87% 13,600,220.89 5.90% 9,102,637.69 202.39% 42000 Warranty Exp 1,100,281.48 0.46% 1,158,128.47 0.50% 57,846.99 5.26% Net Sales 240,575,053.76 100.00% 230,455,103.52 100.00% (10,119,950.24) –4.21% EXPENSES 50000 COGS 141,569,221.61 58.85% 130,246,645.26 56.52% (11,322,576.35) –8.00% Gross Margin 99,005,832.15 41.15% 100,208,458.26 43.48% 1,202,626.11 1.21% GA–7.4
  • 2. OPERATING EXPENSES 57500 Freight 4,302,951.46 1.79% 4,236,263.09 1.84% (66,688.37)–1.55% 60000 Advertising Expense 897,140.01 0.37% 986,854.01 0.43% 89,714.00 10.00% 61000 Auto Expenses 208,974.39 0.09% 214,502.80 0.09% 5,528.41 2.65% 62000 Research & Development 31,212,334.17 12.97% 543,870.44 0.09% (30,668,463.73) –98.26% 64000 Depreciation Expense 133,000.00 0.06% 446,000.00 0.19% 313,000.00 235.34% 64500 Warehouse Salaries Get more content on
  • 3. The School Voucher program was designed to give families a choice about where their children could go to school. The program offered a fixed dollar amount each year to put toward a child's tuition. Their choices ranged from private or parochial schools, these are schools that many of these children may not experience otherwise. Charter schools were also options because they are run much like private schools. The thought behind voucher programs is that a sense of competition would be created. The hope is that a higher educational output and an improved level of education would be provided. Proponents of the program believe that children from poor public school districts should have the same opportunity for quality education as kids more content... Although, the system would help some students they would not help them all, vouchers are offered in limited numbers. As each state works through this political quagmire, the debate continues. School vouchers are not the savior to public education that they set out to be, as long as the vouchers are not offered to everyone equally. Funding to public education continues to be under siege so allocating funding toward a voucher program that everyone can not access may not be the best use of these dollars. The assumption that a sense of competition may develop among schools for the best and the brightest may be true but what about schools that can not compete. What happens to the children that will be left behind? Is the federal government prepared to improve public schools that are suffering from lack of funds? "School voucher programs undermine two great American traditions: universal public education and the separation of church and state" (Anti–Defamation League, 2005). While researching the voucher system this writer found that there are several factors to take into consideration such as: is the use of funds for the voucher program the best use of educational funds, what happens to the kids left behind in the public schools who do not get a voucher or can not afford to take advantage of the option, Get more content on
  • 4. Global Warming : A Critical Analysis Climate Change; A Critical Analysis Global warming has been a topic discussed for several decades (35 years). Along with the discussion about what should we do to prevent, stop, and reverse the damaging effects. The scientific community has been researching and studying the climate and the effects humans and our pollution have had and will continue to have if we do not change our environmental laws and our views towards the environment. With overwhelming support from qualified scientist many new environmental movements should be going into effect, but negative opinions from the general population are causing significate delays and obstacles in repairing and preventing damage to the environment. The following critical analysis will more content... Gasses such as CO2, methane, water vapor, nitrous oxide, and CFCs are gasses that increase the greenhouse effect (1). The levels of CO2 in the atmosphere has stayed between 180 and 300 parts per million for 800,000 years, in 2014 the CO2 levels has increased to 400 parts per million (5). Why has there been just an increase in CO2 and other greenhouse gasses? Climate Change prior to the Industrial Revolution can be explained by natural causes, recent climate change can not be explained by natural causes along, so humans are the most likely cause for Global Warming (5). Human activities release over 30 billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year (5). We release these gasses through things like burning fossil fuels (CO2), agriculture, and waste in landfills (methane), soil cultivation and fuel burning (nitrous oxide), automobiles, power plants, and industrial sources (ozone), and the most abundant greenhouse gas water vapor, which is controlled by temperatures so as the temperatures rise more water vapor is trapped (1). According to a group of 1,300 independent scientific experts from countries all over the world they concluded that "there 's a more than 90 percent probability that human activities over the past 50 Get more content on
  • 5. Analysis Of The Book ' Wonder ' The book "Wonder" written by R.J. Palacio follows a young boy named August Pullman and his struggles in fifth grade. The struggle of being the only kid who looks the way he does. The struggle of being the only kid at his school who has Treacher Collins Syndrome. Even with all the obstacles in his path, August's overall experience at Beecher Prep has had a positive impact on his life. Not only does August have to deal with bullies because of his facial abnormalities, but he also has to adjust to a "real" school. August was always homeschooled due to his 27 surgeries. No one sees August as ordinary, well, except himself. Everyone else is blinded by Auggie's looks and for awhile they can't seem to look past them. But more content... And boy will I tell you Julian deserved it. With all the stuff Julian puts Auggie through Julian deserved worse. On page 267 Amos stood up for Auggie by saying, " Leave him alone dude." It was really strange for Amos to do this since he was on Julian's side for awhile. Near the end of the book Auggie feels accepted. On page 282 we find evidence of this when he says, "It was like I was one of them." When he says "them" he is referring to the other students. Auggie could finally feel "normal" and it is necessary for August to feel this way because people have always seen Auggie as strange because of his face. At a point August even forgets he hasTreacher Collins syndrome. On page 307 we find an example of this, "I wasn't even thinking about my face. I was just smiling a big happy smile." August felt like it didn 't matter what his face looked like. It just mattered that he was happy. For once, Auggie didn 't feel like everyone was trying to get away from him; on the contrary, he said, "It kind of felt like everyone wanted to get close to me." (pg 308) August can finally feel like a "normal" kid. Some may argue that Auggie's experience had a negative impact because of the bullies, but in the end he had everyone on his side. Plus with the conditions there will always be people who give you those long stares, or those people who do that look then look away Get more content on
  • 6. Analytical Literary Review The assignment required a selection and review of five different literary sources, designating three as resources for an analytical literary review of the subject matter. The detailed review of the three selected resources is a culmination of our written critic. The first source, "Should College Athletes Be Paid?" by Tiffany Patterson, has no firm stance is taken. The article is laid out in a manner to inform readers without prior knowledge of the subject, information that would assist them towards drawing their own stance on the subject. Patterson does this by providing three pros and three cons on the topic and then allowing the reader to decide. In her article, Patterson (2016) proclaims: "Journalist Michael Wilbon has written that seeing Get more content on
  • 7. Analytical Review Of Jaws The shark theme appeared for the first time on the film during the opening credits, with the camera view under the sea symbolizing the view of the shark when it swims underwater. The theme has couple music arrangements played by different instruments which are bass, celli, trombone and tuba. Part of the music seems be played by alternating two notes. Apart from that, the music is also played in high register and has a menacing tone. Part of the music is in slow tempo, part of it has fast tempo. The slow tempo part of the theme is signifying the behavior of the shark that comes to its victim quietly and cautiously without the acknowledgement of the victim. Meanwhile, the fast tempo part of the theme symbolizes the moment when the shark attacks Get more content on
  • 8. Executive summary. This report is prepared from the standpoint of a shareholder who is interested in the financial performance of Next plc with the particular concern for dividends, earnings and share price. The main findings of this report are the following: accounting policies adopted by Next plc correspond to the required standards and, in our views, prove to be relevant, reliable, understandable and consistent. Analysis of investment ratios, gearing ratio and profitability ratios was done and, in our view, being a highly financed business Next plc managed to deliver quite decent results in this testing and critical period. It adopted such policies and made such decisions that allowed earning per share rise 24% and more content... Objectivity is another characteristic of the accounting information that is not easy to assess being an outsider. Accountants are human beings and they have to exercise a certain amount of personal judgement when they prepare the financial statements. It is a characteristic that should be assessed internally by the company management or by the auditors who have access to internal accounting information. 2. Analysis of the financial strengths and weaknesses. Since this report is prepared from the standpoint of a shareholder we will look at the following ratios: investment, profitability and gearing. Investment ratios are important for us as they assess the returns and performance of shares. Profitability ratios are crucial as they provide an insight to the degree of success in creating wealth for the business (Peter Atrill, Eddie McLaney, 2008) that directly affects the future of the business and can highlight additional indications of whether keeping on investing in this company or consider other alternatives. Gearing ratio will give us an idea of risks associated with our investment. We will do the comparison with the same ratios for the past period, i.e. for the period of six months to July 2009. Having done calculations by applying the appropriate formulas we have received results as follow. The investment ratios. 6 months to July 20106 months to July 2009 Dividend cover ratio Get more content on
  • 9. Analytical Review of Lakeside Company's Financial Statements ProcedureFindingsSignificance Scan Trial Balance640–1 Repairs and Maintenance Expense: From $38,200 to $97,800. This is 2.56 times the value in 2011 to 2012This large increase could be due to an error in reporting this expense. This expense should be verified. It is possible this change is due to additional assets which means additional maintenance or existing equipment is breaking down and needs repairing more often. Assets should be evaluated and should determine whether they were written off and/or capitalized when they shouldn't have been. Scan Trial Balance520–1 & 520–2 Sales Returns: have risen significantly for the company stores at 149% and the distributorships more content... Cost of goods sold in store 3 was 58.5% of sales in 2011 and in 2012 it dropped to 50.3%. This is odd because sales and inventory had increased from 2011 to 2012. When sales increase costs of goods should rise respectively. If a business is becoming more profitable the inventory generally doesn't increase considerably. This increase in inventory could be due to obsolescence. All of these factors don't add up to an increase in sales. Scan Trial Balance200–1 Bank Credit Line – Security National Bank: Increased by $108,000 from 2011 to 2012. As shown in the financial ratios above, Lakeside has a low times interest earned ratio. An increase in debt and a low profit margins are not going to bode well for Lakeside. It is going to be even more difficult to pay the interest as it becomes due and possibly make it more difficult to meet debt covenants and/or acquire additional loans. Scan Trial Balance650–1 Utilities Expense: This has dropped $16,400This drop in utilities expense seems odd because Lakeside is in the process of opening new stores. This decrease does not reflect this growth activity. This account should be reevaluated to ensure no mistakes in recording this amount were Get more content on
  • 10. Analysis Of The Movie ' Contagion ' Student's Name Institution Date Contagion is a movie that was released in 2011 which is based on fear, greed, heroism and greed and involves a lot of sick people. This movie is very scary and provides lessons in the field of virology and epidemiology. The movie is set at ever–changing challenges as well as threats of microbial origin that lead to the origin of casualties who vary from few individuals to lots and lots of millions of people. It has been described as a global pandemic as it affected many people all over the world. The outbreak of the disease has been depicted from the rise, vaccination and the prevention methods of a new disease. The origin of the disease has been described at the end of the movie where we find out that a bat with a virus known as paramyxovirus that infects a pig. The pigs that are for human consumption were located near a forest that was being cut down. The pig in turn infects human beings of the earth through a chef. The agent which is very infectious is known as MEV–1 and its potential spread is estimated at 6–7 which suggests that the virus is highly transmissible from one person to the next. The virus has been compared to that of a smallpox virus with a mortality rate of up to 30%. The chef later met a customer, Elizabeth Emhoff and he had not washed his hands after handling the pigs. They shook hands and even took a picture together and later, Elizabeth developed flu–like symptoms which led to her death four days later. These Get more content on
  • 11. Beetlejuice Analytical Review In the movie Beetlejuice, the theme is that the afterlife is not really the end for us all; we live on a multiple level world between life and death, and need to respect the dead. The theme is idealistic and not applicable in real life to all people. Throughout the movie, Burton reveals his take on the living and life after death and the delicate interaction between the two. The character Otho, played by Glenn Shadix is key to Burton's interpretation and scrutiny of the afterlife. Throughout the film Otho makes comments about the dead and even goes as far to steal The Handbook for the Recently Deceased. Otho comments on those who commit suicide and how they become civil servant s in the afterlife. Barbra and Adam Maitland, played by more content... Adam swerves the steering wheel while over a bridge to avoid hitting a dog, and as a result the car is teetering over the edge of the bridge towards the river; the only thing keeping Adam and Barbra from their tragic death is a dog who's weight on a single plank is sustaining the balance of the car. Oddly enough, the dog they saved was the one who sent them to their watery grave. It is uncommon in movies to kill off the main characters early on in the film, but Burton did so in order to show the audience the shift in the main characters circumstances. The Maitlands return home soaking wet, without knowing that they are dead but know that something is off; Barbra informs Adam of her arm feeling frozen, and the two go towards the fire to warm up where Barbra's hand catches fire. Adam is in a frenzy and flees the dark and barley lit home and is sent into another dimension (Saturn) where he encounters the giant vicious sandworms and is brought back to "reality" with the help of his wife. The stop motion special effects for creatures like the Sandworms look like they were jumping towards the audience, without the need of 3D glasses. The Maitlands find the Handbook for the Recently Deceased and comically comment that it reads like stereo instructions. Adam and Barbra find a filler in the handbook for a bio–exorcist named Betelguese who specializes in the removal of human intruders. This is the first time we are introduced to Get more content on
  • 12. Analysis Of The Musical ' Hamilton ' Hamilton Essay The musical "Hamilton" is the most sought after musical in years. It is the first seen rap musical and it has received the most 'Tony' awards and nominations in Broadway history. Hamilton premiered off Broadway in 2015 and soon moved to Broadway to stun the world with it's incredible everything, from plot to casting. For best albums, Hamilton was second ranked in Billboard magazine and has got endless supply of recognition for the ingenious play written by the phenomenal Lin Manual Miranda. Hamilton is currently the most popular sensation on Broadway because of the music with its creative lyrics and hidden messages, it's stellar performance and the perspectives it gives us on the people that founded our county. (on the people that shaped our past and developed our future). To begin with, Hamilton is popular because of its music. Hamilton is the first seen rap musical in Broadway history. The musical combines the most popular genre of music in the current century with a Broadway style to portray the life of Alexander Hamilton in a series of songs. Most people adore the musical because the songs can connect to people in a way where they can listen to all of the songs on replay and still not get tired of them. They are songs that pull their audience in and keep them hooked, which is a huge factor in why thousands of people adore this musical. It all started at an airport when Lin–Manuel Miranda read, 'Alexander Hamilton' for the first time by Ron Chernow. From Get more content on
  • 13. The Five Stages Of Analytical Competition Essay As I mentioned above, the company has two different areas that can be looked at when determining the five stages of analytical competition and I also believe that each area is at two different stages. With respect to our clients, I believe that NextGen products can be categorized at Stage 5 – Analytical Competitors with an understanding that the company will need to continue to improve and allow our customers to grow with each new release of our product. In other words, I am saying that we can categorize the products at stage 5 but I don't feel NextGen is "done" with respect to the product analytics. If NextGen doesn't continue to evolve and grow our analytics in our products, we will not be able to stay at that stage and allow our clients to have the competitive edge. Our products provide our clients (hospitals and practices) with several layers of reporting to determine patient care, patient services, patient billing and patient tracking. NextGen recognizes that the clients need to constantly review their data to provide better patient care at lower costs for both the practice/hospital and the patient. As is indicated by our website, NextGen Healthcare provides our clients with Ambulatory solutions, Revenue Cycle Management and Shared data services 1. NextGen openly boasts about our Analytics Solution to provide our clients the data they need to "mange risks, enhance patient outcomes and improve overall decision making."2 For NextGen as a company including Get more content on
  • 14. Macbeth Analytical Essay In an effort to achieve, it is often in literature that the protagonist learns to accept his or her currently fortuitous circumstances and rather than ambitiously seek what he or she wants, the protagonist acquires what they need. This is a way in which an author can teach a moral lesson about the ill fate of those bridled by ambition, hubris, greed, etc., without being overtly sententious. Shakespeare, whether by intention or coincidence, wrote in a similar sense in regards to some of his most famous and renowned tragedies. Often his works reflect a sense of morality, though rather than the protagonists realizing the mistakes, their flaws become fatal and only after their actions take their grievous course do they acknowledge their more content... Hamlet, one of Shakespeare's most beloved protagonists, shares character traits with well crafted villains. Though he is supposed to be a tragic hero, he wittingly and cruelly hurts the people close to him in his despair and thirst for revenge. Towards the end of the play he claims he loved Ophelia more than her own brother did, a brother who did not play with her emotions and use her for his own gain and bloody goals. Even if Hamlet did truly love Ophelia, he manipulated and viciously abused her feelings, trust, and confidence, something one would find in a power–imbalanced relationship where one is a villain and the other a victim. His downfall, though, is his play at madness. He chooses to donne a facade of insanity in order to take revenge for his father's sake, but meanwhile compromises his authority and ability to be taken seriously. Had he rather been subtle and not abrasively distance himself from every potential ally, perhaps he would not have met such a gruesome end. His own actions and selfish willingness to do anything to satisfy his own lust for revenge was the direct cause of his death. His brash murder of Polonius, his alienation of Ophelia, his disturbing confrontation and aggression towards his mother all lead to his death and the death of other innocent people. Again, Shakespeare has Get more content on
  • 15. Analytical Reflection Essay Analytical Reflection The author said that American's equality and informality in this article, and he/she pointed out that negative perspective and following examples: women, the higher–status person, and foreigners. In addition, the author implied that contradiction of American's equality with some common situations. However, author illustrated that American's casual and friendly behavior, and he/she mentioned about equality of Americans with favorably. I personally disagree that equality of the US because president Trump eliminated people of the Middle East countries and African countries. Furthermore, he decided to build a huge wall between the US and Mexico, and the US government makes the Mexico government pay this construction cost. Get more content on
  • 16. Analysis Of The Movie ' The Help ' Essay The film "The Help" (2011), is a story based on the daily lives of prominent white women and the relationships with their African–American housemaids in Jackson, Mississippi, during the 1960s Civil Rights movement in America. A well–to–do white woman and central character in this film, Eugenia "Skeeter" Phelan, aspires to be a journalist and decides to write and publish an exposГ© of the stories of the housemaids in Jackson to achieve this goal, however, only two maids, Aibileen Clark and Minny Jackson are willing to discuss their experiences with her. The other maid's in Jackson resist telling Skeeter their stories, fearing the punishments they would endure if the authorities were to find out. In spite of this, after the malicious arrest of one of their befriended maids, all of the maids begin to share their experiences, which consist of racial hostility and being treated as intrinsically subservient to white people. The story Skeeter publishes entitled The Help, creates a disturbance among the white families in Jackson, by exposing the racism the maids are faced with, forcing the white families to reflect upon how they have treated their maids. The storyline represented in The Help exhibits examples of the primordial approach to race and ethnicity, as well as numerous sociological concepts including segregation, internalized oppression, and white privilege, which will be exemplified in this paper in order to uncover the race relations evident within this film. The term Get more content on
  • 17. 'Analytical Review Of Ghostbusters' "Ghostbusters" is the story of four women who gave up their jobs to hunt ghosts around New York City. These team of underdogs will win everybody's heart, and not only that. This is a great movie to watch if you want to forget about your problems and just laugh, and the Guardian review about it fully supports the idea. However, the NPR review about the movie does not entirely agree with this idea. Get more content on
  • 18. Analysis Of The Movie ' Aladdin ' Whole New World Crossing social class was highly looked down upon for centuries, but had become accepted by society when social mobility had expanded. To this day, however, it is still unacceptable within some families or groups. A man by the name of Walt Disney believed love could be conquered no matter what the odds were. Disney's famous concept of crossing social classes to find true love, is used in almost every Disney film. A major motion film, Aladdin, serves as a perfect example of the famous concept. Not only was this movie based on the crossing of the rich and poor, but it also went as far as emphasizing the status of the royalty lifestyle, versus the peasant lifestyle. For those who are not familiar with Disney's, Aladdin, the movie features a princess, Jasmine, and a "street rat, Aladdin. The two characters meet in the town's marketplace and they create an overfriendly bond. Aladdin is later captured by the villain, Jafar, who convinces Jasmine that her new acquaintance is dead. Under Jafar's capture, Aladdin is lead to the "Cave of Wonders", where he discovers a genie in a lamp. He breaks free from Jafar's capture and befriends the genie. After each other's introduction, the genie grants three wishes to Aladdin. Since the genie cannot make people fall in love, Aladdin manipulates around his restriction and requests to be made into a prince in order to gain the princess's love. With the help of the genie, Jasmine sees Aladdin as a prince, but suspects something Get more content on
  • 19. Meta-Analytical Review Paper This paper is a meta–analytical review; the authors explain about the past research until present paper that published in human capital context. The authors set six hypothesized and test them. They suggested more details in the implication for future research and limitation. They discussed that this paper useful estimate of the true relationship between human capital and entrepreneurial success, and this paper guided practitioners to the evaluation of small businesses and may resolve some of the controversies surrounding investment decisions and human capital criteria. Get more content on
  • 20. Analysis Of The Film ' Ratatouille ' Another part of the film that is also very Disney and very Pixar is the visual feast that the eyes enjoy while watching. Robertson says, "Pixar has created something unique. The light. The colors. The textures. Ratatouille is not a film with brightly colored toys, fish, bugs, or cars", which would allow it to perhaps be the most Disney of the films on which Disney and Pixar have created together (Robertson, 20). Yet, even without those interesting aspects, Ratatouille is very visually appealing, like a dish one eats first with one's eyes. Robertson quotes Michael Fong the supervising technical director at Pixar who says, "We tried to make this film look different...One of the big things was to break away from what standard CG [computer graphics] looks like. We got rid of straight lines and did a lot of hand tweaking. We wanted it to feel handmade. The other part is lighting and shading" (Robertson, 21). From that special attention, like a chef gives his signature dish, the team that collaborated to make Ratatouille created a delicious result. The parallelism between the making of the film and the making of a wonderful dish is not all the elements that make Ratatouille such a brilliant film. The fact that it was inspired by the food craze that was very big around 2007 when the film was made, did not hurt. One could not turn on the television without seeing some chef creating something wonderful and in doing so, showing viewers that they could cook too. The interest that the Get more content on