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My Career Goal Essay
What is your career goal? What steps have you taken (or will take) to reach your goal?
My career goal is to work as a software engineer/data scientist for a company that is always challenging and pushing the capabilities of technology.
I want to have the opportunity to help lead new and innovative technologies that will benefit and assist the lives of people from all over the world.
Nothing is more satisfying than working on something that is groundbreaking and new that will impact the lives of people all over the world. I want
to come to work every day knowing that I have a sense of purpose at my job because my work/code will be impacting the lives of people throughout
the world. I don't only want to explore the career opportunities more content...
I believe that people my age have overlooked local elections due to the highly publicized and controversial nature of the 2016 Presidential Election. It
was very concerning and worrisome to learn about the many threats and fears Latinos across America experienced when they heard the news of
Donald Trump being elected as President. However, that should not stop us from being able to voice our frustrations and focus our efforts and
attention towards local elections instead. We should never give up in standing up for our rights and our ability to use the first amendment to voice
our opinions for the rest of America to hear. Even though we cannot change the outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election, we can still make a
significant impact on future election both on a local and federal level. Even more, social media has become such a powerful platform for people of our
generation to voice our opinions.
Since receiving the scholarship, how have you helped the Hispanic Chamber achieve its mission?
Since receiving my scholarship, I have strived to achieve the Hispanic Chamber's mission by assisting and building with the Latino community at
Gonzaga University. One of the ways I have worked with the Latino community at Gonzaga is through my involvement with Gonzaga's La Raza Latina
Club where every year
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Psychology Career Goal
As a college student approaching my senior year at Albany State University, I have experienced a wide range of psychology courses that have
introduced me to different ways of critically thinking about my future. However, one particular class that has given me a new insight to the profession
that I hope to encounter would be the Professions of Psychology. The purpose of this course was to introduce scholars to the different professions
involved with psychology. While taking this course, I carefully researching the different fields, and cross–referenced the descriptions with my passion
for improvement, I decided that I wanted a career in the Industrial/ Organizational field of psychology. This course had the greatest impact because it
not only explored the different professions, but it also helped me understand what was needed in order to pursue more content...
In this field, my career goals include a wide variety of task. As the name suggests, there are two sides to this field, organizational and industrial. The
industrial side of industrial and organizational psychology generally focuses on the individuals and their relationship to the workplace. While I am
working from this viewpoint I might conduct a job analysis, employee safety, employee training, job performance measurement, and employee hiring
systems. The organizational side of industrial and organizational psychology, on the other hand, focuses on increasing productivity in the workplace,
improving the quality of life for employers and employees or even improves organizational structure. While I am working in this field I will be
working with business owners, CEOs, supervisors, and employees. I will be working in blue collar organizations, like factories, and construction sites.
I also plan on working in white collar organizations, such as office
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My Academic and Career Goals
My academic goal is to graduate Argosy University with a bachelors degree in Forensic Psychology in three years time. Forensic Psychology is the
study of the criminal mind, in a nutshell. The main motivation to achieve this goal would be intrinsic. I love asking questions and knowing the answers
as to why people do what they do, and in a criminals case, what led them to committing the crime. This goal, however, may have some extrinsic
motivation as well. Being knowledgeable about certain behaviors that criminals poses may help solve or even prevent a crime. In addition, having a
degree will help open different paths in life, ones that may present me with greater job opportunities. My attitude toward the learning process will help
my achievement of each goal because I am eager, determined and motivated. My greatest desire is to succeed in life, and obtaining an education is
one thing I know will help me. I perhaps will need to make some adjustments along my journey. I do not know yet if I will find another educational
path that intrigues me the most. For now, I do not feel that any adjustments need to be made. My career goal is to work in the Los Angeles Police
Department as part of their Forensics team. I want to do more than simply dig into the minds of criminals. I want to be active; take fingerprints, DNA
samples, and experience the crime scene. Most of this is taught through direct training from the department but I feel that having a degree in Forensic
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Career Goals Essay
My career path has led me down many different directions, but I always seem to return back to coaching sports. My passion lies with coaching all
different levels of sports. Recently, I have been giving hitting lessons at a local batting cage. During my time at the batting cages, many have asked
why don't I coach and teach. Since many have inquired, much thought has gone into this transition the past couple of months. My concern is how to
manage a classroom setting. Over the past three years at my current position as a Parole Officer, I believe that I have acquired some skills that will
transfer to a classroom setting. I have worked with many types of offenders and my main goal is to teach them how to reintegrate back into society
after being
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My Career as a Teacher Essay
As I begin my rewarding career as I teacher, I sit and reflect on what my goals and priorities are in the classroom. I am excited to be engaged in a
future career where I can implement my own beliefs and mold the future into something extremely positive. I believe the most important aspects that I
want to bring to my students are threefold: I want to educate, motivate, and inspire.
In order to have a productive learning environment where I will be able to educate my students, many different factors must take place. First and
foremost, it is important to me that I master exceptional classroom management skills. Effective and efficient learning takes place when expectations in
the classroom are consistent and clear. Also, discipline more content...
These learning styles include; auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. By mastering and using as many learning styles as I can, I will make sure each student
is able to get the most out of their learning experience. I understand that every child learns differently and understanding how to use different
approaches in each lesson plan will benefit every student. Not only is it important to use different learning styles but I will also use different teaching
styles during the curriculum. The different methods I would like to use to teach my lessons include but are not limited to; scientific investigation which
uses the scientific method. The scientific method includes first investigating the problem, coming up with a logical hypothesis, performing the
experiment, reading the results, and finally completing an analysis of the results. The next method I would explore is decision making which is the
thought process of selecting a logical choice from the available options. Next is problem solving. When I teach the students to problem solve
accurately they be able to overcome obstacles and find a solution that best resolves the issue. Next, I will help my students think critically which
includes identification and evaluation to problem solving. Finally, I will use the method of cooperative learning which is an approach to organizing
classroom activities into academic and social learning experience. I believe that every one of these method can be valued
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What Is Your Long Term Career Goal
My long term career goal is to earn my Bachelor of Science in Nursing, and become an essential part of a professional team. Whether in a hospital
or outpatient surgical center, caring for patients is my priority. I am especially interested in a cardiac unit or an endoscopy lab. After graduation, my
objective is to pass the state board exam (NCLEX) and then bridge to Registered Nurse, while working as a Licensed Practical Nurse. I received my
General Education Diploma in 1989, but continued to be a "stay–at–home" mom to raise my children. After they were grown, I took a job at a daycare
to finance my Certified Nurse Aide training. I earned the certification with an "A" then began working in a nursing home for 2 years. I completed all
my prerequisites
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Nutrition And Career Goals
Proper nutrition is vital to promoting a healthy body and preventing disease. Nutritionists are experts in combining food science and nutrition to
educate their clients on how to improve their health. A nutritionist will first carry out a wellness consultation on their client to assess their health and
needs. Then they will be able to develop a plan, keeping in mind that it must be practical for the client to commit to. Nutritionists will typically follow
up with clients as a way to support them through what may be a major change in their lifestyle. This also gives them the ability to track the progress of
their clients and possibly make changes to their plan for greater results.
Excluding the degree I will obtain from Kaplan University, more content...
The greatest part about it is the services are available not only throughout your time in school, but also after you graduate! You can make your
own personal profile on the career network, which you can use to connect to fellow students or alumni for support. There is a job search engine to
help you find jobs near your location, or in other places if you are planning to move. There are also job leads posted to show new opportunities as
soon as they are available. KU Career Services offers resources and articles to assist you with the steps to obtaining your dream job, like preparing
for interviews. They also help you create resumes and cover letters, or they can review them if you have already completed them. KU Career Services
are something every student should take advantage of because it can be exceptionally beneficial for our future. In five years, I see myself as a Kaplan
University graduate pursuing a career as a nutritionist, while also furthering my education with an institution that is accredited by ACEND. By that
time, I will also have my personal training certification through NASM, and possibly working part–time in a gym to get the experience of training
clients. I will spread my knowledge to as many people as possible to change the way people view nutrition. Good nutrition is key to minimizing the
chance of disease like obesity, and overall living a healthy
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Career Goals During College
My projected career goals during college consist of finding out the best degree path to obtain for my life calling. All my life I have been asked the
most common question, "what do you want to be when you grow up". It is the question everyone gets asked throughout all stages of life. A person's
career depends on the choices they make leading up to graduation of college. One choice could forever affect someone's life whether it is for the good
or the bad. For me, when I grow up I want to help rescue women from human trafficking and give them a chance to change their life for the better.
Interstate 20 stretches from West Texas to South Carolina and is called the "Sex Trafficking Superhighway" which is the interstate with the most
human trafficking.
I, unlike others, do not have a regular career that I plan to pursue. I have chosen a career that is very unheard of, rescuing women from human
trafficking. Although, I have found my passion I have not found the correct degree I need. This summer I plan to go to a trusted individual to find
out the best degree suited for my career choice. I plan to take the required classes for my degree this fall, the following spring, and summer at Wallace
State. I believe I will receive my chosen more content...
God so graciously saved me and calls me His own and that's what I intend to do for his lost children. Human trafficking is something very
commonly overlooked because it is not a light subject to touch on. Human trafficking on interstate 20 does not just involve women, it involves
young children as well. This is one of the highest rates of marketing in the world, and every inch of my body wants to completely shut it down.
None of these women or children chose to be in this, they were forced against their will and I will try with all I have got to save them and give them a
new life with God by their
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1. Introduction
This portfolio has been developed for the sole purpose to explore my personal experiences in BSB124 Working in Business and particularly my
interpersonal effectiveness. In order for me to achieve my career goal in Human Resource Management, understanding interpersonal aspects will have
a positive affect on me within the workplace (Gregorio, 2012). Within this portfolio, I will examine my own intrapersonal strengths and weaknesses
regarding these competencies likely to help me in my general pursuit for professional success. I will specifically reflect on my intrapersonal
effectiveness using the Schutte's Emotional Intelligence scale measure of emotional intelligence and relate these to my future profession. Relating to my
chosen profession within a Human Resources managerial position, I will produce effective ideas to improve my weaknesses. I also specify how I
intend to develop such competencies based on my career goals, articulated in terms of the 'SMART' criteria.
1.Interpersonal Effectiveness
Intrapersonal effectiveness is defined as 'understanding your goals, strengths, weaknesses, style and biases. and improving self–management skills, such
as time management and stress management you are using interpersonal effectiveness.' (De Janasz, Wood, Gottschlk, Dowd & Schneider, 2006, p.3).
Knowing my capabilities is a valuable asset to employees. It indicates my capability to capitalize on my strengths and work on my weaknesses (Norm,
2004). Schutte's
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Career Goals
Essay Question: What are your short–term and long–term career goals? How will the Columbia Business School MBA help you achieve these goals? I
have always been told to figure out what you like to do and then make a career out of it. Eight years ago, armed with this bit of philosophy, I set out
to find out what I liked to do. Before entering college I realized that my interests lay in business. In college, my courses in business were the ones
looked forward to the most, and my business projects and presentations were the most challenging and rewarding of all my undergraduate course
work. So, it was easy for me to decide to pursue a career in business when I graduated from college, leading to a career as a defined
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While I have gained some international exposure in my current role, I know that there is still a great deal more than I need to learn before I can
achieve my dream of building a business in the Asia market. The programs and resources that Columbia offers in international business will help
me to bolster my knowledge in this area. I would love to have the chance to participate in the Chazen Institute's exchange program with a partner
school, especially the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Not only would I learn a lot by participating in this program, but I am also confident that I
could teach my fellow students the things that I have learned in my previous Chinese studies. Also, given the fact that I want to one day pursue a life
of entrepreneurship, I am interested in Columbia's emphasis on this area. While I do not plan on launching my new venture immediately after school,
I would like to participate in the Columbia Entrepreneurs Organization or compete with a team in a business plan competition. There are so many
bright students attending Columbia from all over the globe, I am excited about exploring the idea of entrepreneurship with them. My professional
experiences thus far have enabled me to learn a great deal while reaching my aggressive professional goals. I know I will maintain the personal
dedication and hard work necessary to achieve even greater goals in the next ten years. These
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Essay on Academic and Career Goals
ACADEMIC2 Academic and Career Goals
Sometimes it seems like life is inhibiting me from achieving my goals. I define my objectives as I see them. I associate them with my values.
Knowing that the task at hand is essential to realizing my dreams, but I am unable to do it. I have thought about other ways to get around the problem,
I keep getting back to the talent I'm missing. Accomplishing a new ability might feel like a huge undertaking. It's been my experience that if a talent is
necessary in getting closer to achieving my dreams, education is not a bad thing after all. I begin on an excursion to take the first of many steps gaining more content...
During this day and age, numerous individuals are going back to the school to further their education; due to many families having challenging times in
making their ends meet. The employers are seeking individuals who possess college degrees; which inspires people to further their education. Having a
college degree often leads individuals into a secure and a well–paying job in order to adequately support their family. In today's society and principles,
individuals with a college degree are viewed to be more devoted, well–informed, teachable, and respected to potential businesses.
Additionally, when I was younger and inexperienced, my day dreams were of going college and gaining the experience that would lead me to a
successful career. Unnecessary time had passed; and unfortunately, I had to work instead of continuing on with school. Many of my older friends talked
about their experiences, and my high school friends were also excited about the idea of joining the working class. After being employed with several
jobs, I felt as if my life was not reaching full potential. My self–esteem became low and I felt distraught. Furthermore, I needed to motivate myself and
decided to pursue my college degree. There is a point in everyone's life where they will have to become financially independent. Unfortunately, for
some people this process can be difficult. Planning my life has been a roller
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My Career Goal
My career goal is to become a United States Marine. I chose this path to my future at a young age, of course I grew up like a normal kid wanting to
become an astronaut, police officer, fireman or teacher, but I knew that a future in the armed force was for me. I think that I will be very successful
in my career choice, why ? because i'm very competitive and I love a challenge and that's exactly what the USMC gives you. Growing up I had multiple
military experiences, my uncle was in the navy and growing up with my cousins we would always pretend we were in the armed force whether it was
the Air Force, Army or Navy we did it. I attended my first ROTC summer camp 3 years ago as a flat source to make sure that this was for me. And now
I play more content...
The job description of a Marine varies in so many different ways depending on your MOS (a 4 digit code used to organize and designate variety of
jobs). My personal MOS goal is 4421, which is legal affairs, depending on my ASVAB score I could possibly not even place a high enough score to
obtain this MOS , but I could be placed in multiple positions of this MOS from recruit to chief. My duties in this position Is to handle all varieties of
legal work, including research, preparing forms, reports, wills, powers of attorney and other documents that deal with legal and quasi–legal matters. In
order to obtain this job position I also have to be able to type 35 words per minute, and required to complete a legal services specialist course. The
benefits of becoming a Marine start with the pride, you also have an education, financial resources, family health care and insurance, housing and
security, travel, recreation and vacation. The cost of education is 100% free, you are taught everything for your MOS after boot camp time does vary
all depending on your rank and the training you are required to obtain. In conclusion, my career comes with many advantages and disadvantages.
Little vacation time to visit family falls under a disadvantage. As education, financial resources, family health care and insurance, housing and
security, travel, vacation and recreation all fall under advantages. At this point I am now playing the waiting game, as I mentally and physically
prepare myself for boot camp and my future job. Sooner than I know it, I will be a United States Marine serving my country for the
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My Career Goals For Social Work
My career goals following completion of graduate education in social work are to become a licensed clinical social worker and to open an
individual private practice with a focus on serving children and families. My educational background in child and youth studies has taught me that
children, families and couples encounter mental, emotional, behavioral and relationship challenges. I have also learned that these populations
experience issues such as marital problems, family conflicts, depression/anxiety, bullying, isolation and other social issues (domestic abuse,
substance abuse, academic/professional struggles). My ultimate goal with my private practice would be to address these challenges through
individual therapy, group therapy and/or a combination of both to help clients sort through the causes of their problems. I would like to specialize
in counselling children who have been victims or perpetrators of bullying, while also working with other parties in preventing and addressing
bullying and cyberbullying. I want to specialize in this area because I was both a victim and a bully when I was younger. My classmates would
tease me by calling me fat and ugly. Older boys would taunt me or make inappropriate comments towards me. Most of the time, I would make the
situations escalate by bullying them back and calling them names. My friends and I were considered the "mean girls" so we would do things like:
purposely leave other girls out of our group, spread rumors about
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Essay on Career Plan
My Career Plan The future is uncertain for me, but it is important to develop a career plan that will provide financial support and personal fulfillment
over the course of my professional life. To make this transition from school to a professional career, I am going to plan a plan that will help me stay
focused and motivated in meeting my goals and objectives. In the next paragraphs, I will explain my ten–year plan for more content...
I will be receiving a bachelor's in Business Administration with a minor in International Management. I am in the process of applying for a master's in
Management and Organizational Behavior at Benedictine University. Upon graduating from CSUMB, I will be currently working for the Dollar
Tree Store, Inc. as a cashier. I hope that after the training workshop for assistant manager, I will be accepted and train in the new Marina store at
the end of the year. In the book What Color is your Parachute, I learned that I could go into a kind of rejection shock, if a promotion in not in the
cards.[2] As he puts it, I would have to keep going and stay motivated, because I want full exposure of the knowledge and operations at the Dollar
Tree. I am achieving most of this by interning this semester. Tammi Huntsman is the manager there and I am shadowing her as she performs skills of
managing. I have ordered inventory, payroll, reset the store a few times, and cashed out cashiers with her help. All skills I have acquired will help me
down the line in managerial positions.
Year Two through Five: Achieving my of the goals
I want to be accepted into Benedictine University working on my master's part time and working as an assistant manager fulltime at the Dollar Tree in
Seaside, California. My short–term goal is to keep working at the Dollar Tree and my long–term
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Essay about Career and University Goals
I have always wanted to go to university, somewhere busy, that excites me and where every day there is something innovative to do or see. I want
to go to university to experience life in a city, meet new people and be inspired by everything around me and reflect this in my work. I chose to
study English Language, as I have consistently enjoyed writing for a variety of purposes and studying how language can be used. Continuing this
through university will build upon my skills and style as a writer. Fashion is a subject that has always fascinated me and through studying Textiles I
have been able to broaden my skills, within textile techniques and fashion design. I feel that fashion stimulates me, as every time I start a new project I more content...
I have based some of my projects on Fashion Photography, as a way to include my passion in other aspects of my studies. At university I want to
move forward with my enthusiasm for Textiles either as a design degree or combined with the Journalism aspect of English Language. This comes
from my passion for magazines, such as Vogue, Glamour, Elle and Bazaar; they never fail in increasing my love for fashion and the creative writing
they feature. I believe studying this course in a wonderful city like London Manchester or Newcastle would amplify my enthusiasm for fashion. I have
worked part–time in The Seahorse Restaurant, Llandudno since July 2008. As a waitress I think I have learnt how to be independent and tolerant
when needed. During demanding times at work, I think I have maintained a calm attitude and learnt to follow instructions and accomplish tasks
under pressure which I think will help me to succeed in the challenging and diverse curriculum involved in studying a Fashion Degree. As the
second oldest of four children I have grown up understanding the importance of responsibility. I believe it is very important to be polite especially
when meeting new people. I think this will assist me in university as it will be a very new experience and there will be a lot of new people to meet,
both fellow students and tutors who I will be working with frequently. The biggest skills I have to offer in university are
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My Career Goals And Objectives Essay
Nine years ago when I first joined faculty of engineering at Alexandria University, I would have never imagined that I would apply for a
Management PhD program one day. My dream was to become an electrical engineer but another thing was perfectly destined and planned for me. It
has all started during my last year in the college. I was majoring electrical engineering and I took a project management course. This course has changed
all my goals and objectives. I have become really impressed by how it could be so important to simulate and optimize process, and how that can save
much money, time and resources. Unconsciously my career objectives have taken a twist during studying that subject. Quantitative analysis,
mathematical modelling and optimization of different business processes have become my major interests.
In 2012, I completed the BSc degree in Electrical Engineering with an excellent cumulative grade with degree of honor which is the highest possible
grade in Egypt. My ranking was also the fourth student among 196 students' class. After graduation, my vision was not so clear but I wanted to learn
more about business and its different areas. Therefore, I decided to enroll ina Master of Business Administration program to pursue my goals. I applied
to ESLSCA, a French business school which has a campus in Alexandria, MBA program and fortunately I was accepted with a scholarship too. I was a
little bit afraid at the beginning of the program as I was the youngest and the
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Career Goals Essay
Over the course of my educational career, I have picked up many skills that have made me a valuable candidate for the Charles Herbert Flowers
High School Chapter of the National Honors Society. Some of the many valuable personal attributes I have obtained are that I have built a computer
from scratch, I am familiar with the basics of the programming language C, I have over 90 student service hours as a sophomore, I do many after
school activities while still maintaining a 3.6 cumulative GPA, and I am a student in the Science & Technology Program. With these attributes my 10
year plan is for me to graduate high school with at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA, attend a four–year college where I will graduate and earn my masters
degree in Computer Hardware Engineering, and use the information I gained from networking with the friends more content...
If I stay on track and follow my plan to graduate high school, I am sure to make it into a four–year college. Some of the colleges I would consider
attending are The University of Maryland, University of Arizona, University of Florida, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Michigan State
University for their strong engineering field backgrounds. While in college, I will continue to use the same skills I have used to succeed in addition
to studying longer and networking. I will be studying longer because I know teachers in college do not give much homework for the students to
practice the material taught or make sure everyone fully understands the materials, so I have to take the initiative to study and make sure I fully
understand the material being taught. Also, to increase my chances of getting a job in the field of my choice, I will have to network with students and
teachers to find job opportunities. After graduating college with my bachelor's degree I plan on continuing to earn my masters
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Career Goals Research Paper
My career goals are to develop technology and techniques to improve the human living condition. I fully believe that more efficient and clever use
of our resources leads to better quality of life, and that the key to improving the world is to expand scientific knowledge and develop technology.
Over and thousand years of scientific exploration and innovation is what brought human civilization to where it is today, and even more progress is
what's required to push it farther for tomorrow. Therefore, I want to improve the quality of life for people all over the world, and for me, the way to
directly do that is through biomedical engineering. Whether it's through discovering medical treatments for difficult to treat diseases, or reducing side
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My Professional Goals Essay
Choosing a career in medicine is my first career choice, and in many ways it is the only career choice I want. From professional athletes that we see
on television, to the educators that have taught me and many others through the years, they all have committed themselves to extensive study. They
have practiced countless of hours to master their individual skill set for their profession. I see myself following in the same footsteps, but as a
pediatrician. I want to also master the skills that it takes to be a great doctor. It may not be simple and the outcome may not be near, but with
extensive studying and practice I want to achieve and master the set of skills of pediatric diagnosis and eventually improve the medical process. This
is more content...
My working experience with Dr. Sure has taught me that to exercise good clinical judgment required extensive study, practice, and endless hours of
work. As a pediatrician, I will strive to make every effort to empower and educate my own patients with the knowledge that will give them control over
there aliments. With each visit I hope that we can work together for a brighter and healthier tomorrow.
Naturally, my eagerness to learn came about at a very young age. I always wanted to know how the human body worked. Growing up in the age of
YouTube, I often poured over countless hours of videoslearning simple concepts that I could easily understand at that time. As I grew I was always
looking to learn something new. Finally, in high school I took advantage of College Now, a program where students in high school had access to
college classes on a college campus while receiving college credits. While I was there, I earned a Certificate in Computer Science from CUNY
Queens College. This eagerness to learn came about of a very simple reason. My parents had high aspirations for me since no one on either side of
their families had ever gone beyond a high school education. They wanted me to be the first in the family to achieve a Bachelor's degree. Finally in
2012, I graduated from St. Johns University with a
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My Career Goal Essay

  • 1. My Career Goal Essay What is your career goal? What steps have you taken (or will take) to reach your goal? My career goal is to work as a software engineer/data scientist for a company that is always challenging and pushing the capabilities of technology. I want to have the opportunity to help lead new and innovative technologies that will benefit and assist the lives of people from all over the world. Nothing is more satisfying than working on something that is groundbreaking and new that will impact the lives of people all over the world. I want to come to work every day knowing that I have a sense of purpose at my job because my work/code will be impacting the lives of people throughout the world. I don't only want to explore the career opportunities more content... I believe that people my age have overlooked local elections due to the highly publicized and controversial nature of the 2016 Presidential Election. It was very concerning and worrisome to learn about the many threats and fears Latinos across America experienced when they heard the news of Donald Trump being elected as President. However, that should not stop us from being able to voice our frustrations and focus our efforts and attention towards local elections instead. We should never give up in standing up for our rights and our ability to use the first amendment to voice our opinions for the rest of America to hear. Even though we cannot change the outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election, we can still make a significant impact on future election both on a local and federal level. Even more, social media has become such a powerful platform for people of our generation to voice our opinions. Since receiving the scholarship, how have you helped the Hispanic Chamber achieve its mission? Since receiving my scholarship, I have strived to achieve the Hispanic Chamber's mission by assisting and building with the Latino community at Gonzaga University. One of the ways I have worked with the Latino community at Gonzaga is through my involvement with Gonzaga's La Raza Latina Club where every year Get more content on
  • 2. Psychology Career Goal As a college student approaching my senior year at Albany State University, I have experienced a wide range of psychology courses that have introduced me to different ways of critically thinking about my future. However, one particular class that has given me a new insight to the profession that I hope to encounter would be the Professions of Psychology. The purpose of this course was to introduce scholars to the different professions involved with psychology. While taking this course, I carefully researching the different fields, and cross–referenced the descriptions with my passion for improvement, I decided that I wanted a career in the Industrial/ Organizational field of psychology. This course had the greatest impact because it not only explored the different professions, but it also helped me understand what was needed in order to pursue more content... In this field, my career goals include a wide variety of task. As the name suggests, there are two sides to this field, organizational and industrial. The industrial side of industrial and organizational psychology generally focuses on the individuals and their relationship to the workplace. While I am working from this viewpoint I might conduct a job analysis, employee safety, employee training, job performance measurement, and employee hiring systems. The organizational side of industrial and organizational psychology, on the other hand, focuses on increasing productivity in the workplace, improving the quality of life for employers and employees or even improves organizational structure. While I am working in this field I will be working with business owners, CEOs, supervisors, and employees. I will be working in blue collar organizations, like factories, and construction sites. I also plan on working in white collar organizations, such as office Get more content on
  • 3. My Academic and Career Goals My academic goal is to graduate Argosy University with a bachelors degree in Forensic Psychology in three years time. Forensic Psychology is the study of the criminal mind, in a nutshell. The main motivation to achieve this goal would be intrinsic. I love asking questions and knowing the answers as to why people do what they do, and in a criminals case, what led them to committing the crime. This goal, however, may have some extrinsic motivation as well. Being knowledgeable about certain behaviors that criminals poses may help solve or even prevent a crime. In addition, having a degree will help open different paths in life, ones that may present me with greater job opportunities. My attitude toward the learning process will help my achievement of each goal because I am eager, determined and motivated. My greatest desire is to succeed in life, and obtaining an education is one thing I know will help me. I perhaps will need to make some adjustments along my journey. I do not know yet if I will find another educational path that intrigues me the most. For now, I do not feel that any adjustments need to be made. My career goal is to work in the Los Angeles Police Department as part of their Forensics team. I want to do more than simply dig into the minds of criminals. I want to be active; take fingerprints, DNA samples, and experience the crime scene. Most of this is taught through direct training from the department but I feel that having a degree in Forensic Psychology Get more content on
  • 4. Career Goals Essay My career path has led me down many different directions, but I always seem to return back to coaching sports. My passion lies with coaching all different levels of sports. Recently, I have been giving hitting lessons at a local batting cage. During my time at the batting cages, many have asked why don't I coach and teach. Since many have inquired, much thought has gone into this transition the past couple of months. My concern is how to manage a classroom setting. Over the past three years at my current position as a Parole Officer, I believe that I have acquired some skills that will transfer to a classroom setting. I have worked with many types of offenders and my main goal is to teach them how to reintegrate back into society after being Get more content on
  • 5. My Career as a Teacher Essay As I begin my rewarding career as I teacher, I sit and reflect on what my goals and priorities are in the classroom. I am excited to be engaged in a future career where I can implement my own beliefs and mold the future into something extremely positive. I believe the most important aspects that I want to bring to my students are threefold: I want to educate, motivate, and inspire. In order to have a productive learning environment where I will be able to educate my students, many different factors must take place. First and foremost, it is important to me that I master exceptional classroom management skills. Effective and efficient learning takes place when expectations in the classroom are consistent and clear. Also, discipline more content... These learning styles include; auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. By mastering and using as many learning styles as I can, I will make sure each student is able to get the most out of their learning experience. I understand that every child learns differently and understanding how to use different approaches in each lesson plan will benefit every student. Not only is it important to use different learning styles but I will also use different teaching styles during the curriculum. The different methods I would like to use to teach my lessons include but are not limited to; scientific investigation which uses the scientific method. The scientific method includes first investigating the problem, coming up with a logical hypothesis, performing the experiment, reading the results, and finally completing an analysis of the results. The next method I would explore is decision making which is the thought process of selecting a logical choice from the available options. Next is problem solving. When I teach the students to problem solve accurately they be able to overcome obstacles and find a solution that best resolves the issue. Next, I will help my students think critically which includes identification and evaluation to problem solving. Finally, I will use the method of cooperative learning which is an approach to organizing classroom activities into academic and social learning experience. I believe that every one of these method can be valued Get more content on
  • 6. What Is Your Long Term Career Goal My long term career goal is to earn my Bachelor of Science in Nursing, and become an essential part of a professional team. Whether in a hospital or outpatient surgical center, caring for patients is my priority. I am especially interested in a cardiac unit or an endoscopy lab. After graduation, my objective is to pass the state board exam (NCLEX) and then bridge to Registered Nurse, while working as a Licensed Practical Nurse. I received my General Education Diploma in 1989, but continued to be a "stay–at–home" mom to raise my children. After they were grown, I took a job at a daycare to finance my Certified Nurse Aide training. I earned the certification with an "A" then began working in a nursing home for 2 years. I completed all my prerequisites Get more content on
  • 7. Nutrition And Career Goals Proper nutrition is vital to promoting a healthy body and preventing disease. Nutritionists are experts in combining food science and nutrition to educate their clients on how to improve their health. A nutritionist will first carry out a wellness consultation on their client to assess their health and needs. Then they will be able to develop a plan, keeping in mind that it must be practical for the client to commit to. Nutritionists will typically follow up with clients as a way to support them through what may be a major change in their lifestyle. This also gives them the ability to track the progress of their clients and possibly make changes to their plan for greater results. Excluding the degree I will obtain from Kaplan University, more content... The greatest part about it is the services are available not only throughout your time in school, but also after you graduate! You can make your own personal profile on the career network, which you can use to connect to fellow students or alumni for support. There is a job search engine to help you find jobs near your location, or in other places if you are planning to move. There are also job leads posted to show new opportunities as soon as they are available. KU Career Services offers resources and articles to assist you with the steps to obtaining your dream job, like preparing for interviews. They also help you create resumes and cover letters, or they can review them if you have already completed them. KU Career Services are something every student should take advantage of because it can be exceptionally beneficial for our future. In five years, I see myself as a Kaplan University graduate pursuing a career as a nutritionist, while also furthering my education with an institution that is accredited by ACEND. By that time, I will also have my personal training certification through NASM, and possibly working part–time in a gym to get the experience of training clients. I will spread my knowledge to as many people as possible to change the way people view nutrition. Good nutrition is key to minimizing the chance of disease like obesity, and overall living a healthy Get more content on
  • 8. Career Goals During College My projected career goals during college consist of finding out the best degree path to obtain for my life calling. All my life I have been asked the most common question, "what do you want to be when you grow up". It is the question everyone gets asked throughout all stages of life. A person's career depends on the choices they make leading up to graduation of college. One choice could forever affect someone's life whether it is for the good or the bad. For me, when I grow up I want to help rescue women from human trafficking and give them a chance to change their life for the better. Interstate 20 stretches from West Texas to South Carolina and is called the "Sex Trafficking Superhighway" which is the interstate with the most human trafficking. I, unlike others, do not have a regular career that I plan to pursue. I have chosen a career that is very unheard of, rescuing women from human trafficking. Although, I have found my passion I have not found the correct degree I need. This summer I plan to go to a trusted individual to find out the best degree suited for my career choice. I plan to take the required classes for my degree this fall, the following spring, and summer at Wallace State. I believe I will receive my chosen more content... God so graciously saved me and calls me His own and that's what I intend to do for his lost children. Human trafficking is something very commonly overlooked because it is not a light subject to touch on. Human trafficking on interstate 20 does not just involve women, it involves young children as well. This is one of the highest rates of marketing in the world, and every inch of my body wants to completely shut it down. None of these women or children chose to be in this, they were forced against their will and I will try with all I have got to save them and give them a new life with God by their Get more content on
  • 9. 1. Introduction This portfolio has been developed for the sole purpose to explore my personal experiences in BSB124 Working in Business and particularly my interpersonal effectiveness. In order for me to achieve my career goal in Human Resource Management, understanding interpersonal aspects will have a positive affect on me within the workplace (Gregorio, 2012). Within this portfolio, I will examine my own intrapersonal strengths and weaknesses regarding these competencies likely to help me in my general pursuit for professional success. I will specifically reflect on my intrapersonal effectiveness using the Schutte's Emotional Intelligence scale measure of emotional intelligence and relate these to my future profession. Relating to my chosen profession within a Human Resources managerial position, I will produce effective ideas to improve my weaknesses. I also specify how I intend to develop such competencies based on my career goals, articulated in terms of the 'SMART' criteria. 1.Interpersonal Effectiveness Intrapersonal effectiveness is defined as 'understanding your goals, strengths, weaknesses, style and biases. and improving self–management skills, such as time management and stress management you are using interpersonal effectiveness.' (De Janasz, Wood, Gottschlk, Dowd & Schneider, 2006, p.3). Knowing my capabilities is a valuable asset to employees. It indicates my capability to capitalize on my strengths and work on my weaknesses (Norm, 2004). Schutte's Get more content on
  • 10. Career Goals Essay Question: What are your short–term and long–term career goals? How will the Columbia Business School MBA help you achieve these goals? I have always been told to figure out what you like to do and then make a career out of it. Eight years ago, armed with this bit of philosophy, I set out to find out what I liked to do. Before entering college I realized that my interests lay in business. In college, my courses in business were the ones looked forward to the most, and my business projects and presentations were the most challenging and rewarding of all my undergraduate course work. So, it was easy for me to decide to pursue a career in business when I graduated from college, leading to a career as a defined more content... While I have gained some international exposure in my current role, I know that there is still a great deal more than I need to learn before I can achieve my dream of building a business in the Asia market. The programs and resources that Columbia offers in international business will help me to bolster my knowledge in this area. I would love to have the chance to participate in the Chazen Institute's exchange program with a partner school, especially the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Not only would I learn a lot by participating in this program, but I am also confident that I could teach my fellow students the things that I have learned in my previous Chinese studies. Also, given the fact that I want to one day pursue a life of entrepreneurship, I am interested in Columbia's emphasis on this area. While I do not plan on launching my new venture immediately after school, I would like to participate in the Columbia Entrepreneurs Organization or compete with a team in a business plan competition. There are so many bright students attending Columbia from all over the globe, I am excited about exploring the idea of entrepreneurship with them. My professional experiences thus far have enabled me to learn a great deal while reaching my aggressive professional goals. I know I will maintain the personal dedication and hard work necessary to achieve even greater goals in the next ten years. These Get more content on
  • 11. Essay on Academic and Career Goals ACADEMIC2 Academic and Career Goals Sometimes it seems like life is inhibiting me from achieving my goals. I define my objectives as I see them. I associate them with my values. Knowing that the task at hand is essential to realizing my dreams, but I am unable to do it. I have thought about other ways to get around the problem, I keep getting back to the talent I'm missing. Accomplishing a new ability might feel like a huge undertaking. It's been my experience that if a talent is necessary in getting closer to achieving my dreams, education is not a bad thing after all. I begin on an excursion to take the first of many steps gaining more content... During this day and age, numerous individuals are going back to the school to further their education; due to many families having challenging times in making their ends meet. The employers are seeking individuals who possess college degrees; which inspires people to further their education. Having a college degree often leads individuals into a secure and a well–paying job in order to adequately support their family. In today's society and principles, individuals with a college degree are viewed to be more devoted, well–informed, teachable, and respected to potential businesses. Additionally, when I was younger and inexperienced, my day dreams were of going college and gaining the experience that would lead me to a successful career. Unnecessary time had passed; and unfortunately, I had to work instead of continuing on with school. Many of my older friends talked about their experiences, and my high school friends were also excited about the idea of joining the working class. After being employed with several jobs, I felt as if my life was not reaching full potential. My self–esteem became low and I felt distraught. Furthermore, I needed to motivate myself and decided to pursue my college degree. There is a point in everyone's life where they will have to become financially independent. Unfortunately, for some people this process can be difficult. Planning my life has been a roller Get more content on
  • 12. My Career Goal My career goal is to become a United States Marine. I chose this path to my future at a young age, of course I grew up like a normal kid wanting to become an astronaut, police officer, fireman or teacher, but I knew that a future in the armed force was for me. I think that I will be very successful in my career choice, why ? because i'm very competitive and I love a challenge and that's exactly what the USMC gives you. Growing up I had multiple military experiences, my uncle was in the navy and growing up with my cousins we would always pretend we were in the armed force whether it was the Air Force, Army or Navy we did it. I attended my first ROTC summer camp 3 years ago as a flat source to make sure that this was for me. And now I play more content... The job description of a Marine varies in so many different ways depending on your MOS (a 4 digit code used to organize and designate variety of jobs). My personal MOS goal is 4421, which is legal affairs, depending on my ASVAB score I could possibly not even place a high enough score to obtain this MOS , but I could be placed in multiple positions of this MOS from recruit to chief. My duties in this position Is to handle all varieties of legal work, including research, preparing forms, reports, wills, powers of attorney and other documents that deal with legal and quasi–legal matters. In order to obtain this job position I also have to be able to type 35 words per minute, and required to complete a legal services specialist course. The benefits of becoming a Marine start with the pride, you also have an education, financial resources, family health care and insurance, housing and security, travel, recreation and vacation. The cost of education is 100% free, you are taught everything for your MOS after boot camp time does vary all depending on your rank and the training you are required to obtain. In conclusion, my career comes with many advantages and disadvantages. Little vacation time to visit family falls under a disadvantage. As education, financial resources, family health care and insurance, housing and security, travel, vacation and recreation all fall under advantages. At this point I am now playing the waiting game, as I mentally and physically prepare myself for boot camp and my future job. Sooner than I know it, I will be a United States Marine serving my country for the Get more content on
  • 13. My Career Goals For Social Work My career goals following completion of graduate education in social work are to become a licensed clinical social worker and to open an individual private practice with a focus on serving children and families. My educational background in child and youth studies has taught me that children, families and couples encounter mental, emotional, behavioral and relationship challenges. I have also learned that these populations experience issues such as marital problems, family conflicts, depression/anxiety, bullying, isolation and other social issues (domestic abuse, substance abuse, academic/professional struggles). My ultimate goal with my private practice would be to address these challenges through individual therapy, group therapy and/or a combination of both to help clients sort through the causes of their problems. I would like to specialize in counselling children who have been victims or perpetrators of bullying, while also working with other parties in preventing and addressing bullying and cyberbullying. I want to specialize in this area because I was both a victim and a bully when I was younger. My classmates would tease me by calling me fat and ugly. Older boys would taunt me or make inappropriate comments towards me. Most of the time, I would make the situations escalate by bullying them back and calling them names. My friends and I were considered the "mean girls" so we would do things like: purposely leave other girls out of our group, spread rumors about Get more content on
  • 14. Essay on Career Plan My Career Plan The future is uncertain for me, but it is important to develop a career plan that will provide financial support and personal fulfillment over the course of my professional life. To make this transition from school to a professional career, I am going to plan a plan that will help me stay focused and motivated in meeting my goals and objectives. In the next paragraphs, I will explain my ten–year plan for more content... I will be receiving a bachelor's in Business Administration with a minor in International Management. I am in the process of applying for a master's in Management and Organizational Behavior at Benedictine University. Upon graduating from CSUMB, I will be currently working for the Dollar Tree Store, Inc. as a cashier. I hope that after the training workshop for assistant manager, I will be accepted and train in the new Marina store at the end of the year. In the book What Color is your Parachute, I learned that I could go into a kind of rejection shock, if a promotion in not in the cards.[2] As he puts it, I would have to keep going and stay motivated, because I want full exposure of the knowledge and operations at the Dollar Tree. I am achieving most of this by interning this semester. Tammi Huntsman is the manager there and I am shadowing her as she performs skills of managing. I have ordered inventory, payroll, reset the store a few times, and cashed out cashiers with her help. All skills I have acquired will help me down the line in managerial positions. Year Two through Five: Achieving my of the goals I want to be accepted into Benedictine University working on my master's part time and working as an assistant manager fulltime at the Dollar Tree in Seaside, California. My short–term goal is to keep working at the Dollar Tree and my long–term Get more content on
  • 15. Essay about Career and University Goals I have always wanted to go to university, somewhere busy, that excites me and where every day there is something innovative to do or see. I want to go to university to experience life in a city, meet new people and be inspired by everything around me and reflect this in my work. I chose to study English Language, as I have consistently enjoyed writing for a variety of purposes and studying how language can be used. Continuing this through university will build upon my skills and style as a writer. Fashion is a subject that has always fascinated me and through studying Textiles I have been able to broaden my skills, within textile techniques and fashion design. I feel that fashion stimulates me, as every time I start a new project I more content... I have based some of my projects on Fashion Photography, as a way to include my passion in other aspects of my studies. At university I want to move forward with my enthusiasm for Textiles either as a design degree or combined with the Journalism aspect of English Language. This comes from my passion for magazines, such as Vogue, Glamour, Elle and Bazaar; they never fail in increasing my love for fashion and the creative writing they feature. I believe studying this course in a wonderful city like London Manchester or Newcastle would amplify my enthusiasm for fashion. I have worked part–time in The Seahorse Restaurant, Llandudno since July 2008. As a waitress I think I have learnt how to be independent and tolerant when needed. During demanding times at work, I think I have maintained a calm attitude and learnt to follow instructions and accomplish tasks under pressure which I think will help me to succeed in the challenging and diverse curriculum involved in studying a Fashion Degree. As the second oldest of four children I have grown up understanding the importance of responsibility. I believe it is very important to be polite especially when meeting new people. I think this will assist me in university as it will be a very new experience and there will be a lot of new people to meet, both fellow students and tutors who I will be working with frequently. The biggest skills I have to offer in university are Get more content on
  • 16. My Career Goals And Objectives Essay Nine years ago when I first joined faculty of engineering at Alexandria University, I would have never imagined that I would apply for a Management PhD program one day. My dream was to become an electrical engineer but another thing was perfectly destined and planned for me. It has all started during my last year in the college. I was majoring electrical engineering and I took a project management course. This course has changed all my goals and objectives. I have become really impressed by how it could be so important to simulate and optimize process, and how that can save much money, time and resources. Unconsciously my career objectives have taken a twist during studying that subject. Quantitative analysis, mathematical modelling and optimization of different business processes have become my major interests. In 2012, I completed the BSc degree in Electrical Engineering with an excellent cumulative grade with degree of honor which is the highest possible grade in Egypt. My ranking was also the fourth student among 196 students' class. After graduation, my vision was not so clear but I wanted to learn more about business and its different areas. Therefore, I decided to enroll ina Master of Business Administration program to pursue my goals. I applied to ESLSCA, a French business school which has a campus in Alexandria, MBA program and fortunately I was accepted with a scholarship too. I was a little bit afraid at the beginning of the program as I was the youngest and the Get more content on
  • 17. Career Goals Essay Over the course of my educational career, I have picked up many skills that have made me a valuable candidate for the Charles Herbert Flowers High School Chapter of the National Honors Society. Some of the many valuable personal attributes I have obtained are that I have built a computer from scratch, I am familiar with the basics of the programming language C, I have over 90 student service hours as a sophomore, I do many after school activities while still maintaining a 3.6 cumulative GPA, and I am a student in the Science & Technology Program. With these attributes my 10 year plan is for me to graduate high school with at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA, attend a four–year college where I will graduate and earn my masters degree in Computer Hardware Engineering, and use the information I gained from networking with the friends more content... If I stay on track and follow my plan to graduate high school, I am sure to make it into a four–year college. Some of the colleges I would consider attending are The University of Maryland, University of Arizona, University of Florida, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Michigan State University for their strong engineering field backgrounds. While in college, I will continue to use the same skills I have used to succeed in addition to studying longer and networking. I will be studying longer because I know teachers in college do not give much homework for the students to practice the material taught or make sure everyone fully understands the materials, so I have to take the initiative to study and make sure I fully understand the material being taught. Also, to increase my chances of getting a job in the field of my choice, I will have to network with students and teachers to find job opportunities. After graduating college with my bachelor's degree I plan on continuing to earn my masters Get more content on
  • 18. Career Goals Research Paper My career goals are to develop technology and techniques to improve the human living condition. I fully believe that more efficient and clever use of our resources leads to better quality of life, and that the key to improving the world is to expand scientific knowledge and develop technology. Over and thousand years of scientific exploration and innovation is what brought human civilization to where it is today, and even more progress is what's required to push it farther for tomorrow. Therefore, I want to improve the quality of life for people all over the world, and for me, the way to directly do that is through biomedical engineering. Whether it's through discovering medical treatments for difficult to treat diseases, or reducing side effects Get more content on
  • 19. My Professional Goals Essay Choosing a career in medicine is my first career choice, and in many ways it is the only career choice I want. From professional athletes that we see on television, to the educators that have taught me and many others through the years, they all have committed themselves to extensive study. They have practiced countless of hours to master their individual skill set for their profession. I see myself following in the same footsteps, but as a pediatrician. I want to also master the skills that it takes to be a great doctor. It may not be simple and the outcome may not be near, but with extensive studying and practice I want to achieve and master the set of skills of pediatric diagnosis and eventually improve the medical process. This is more content... My working experience with Dr. Sure has taught me that to exercise good clinical judgment required extensive study, practice, and endless hours of work. As a pediatrician, I will strive to make every effort to empower and educate my own patients with the knowledge that will give them control over there aliments. With each visit I hope that we can work together for a brighter and healthier tomorrow. Naturally, my eagerness to learn came about at a very young age. I always wanted to know how the human body worked. Growing up in the age of YouTube, I often poured over countless hours of videoslearning simple concepts that I could easily understand at that time. As I grew I was always looking to learn something new. Finally, in high school I took advantage of College Now, a program where students in high school had access to college classes on a college campus while receiving college credits. While I was there, I earned a Certificate in Computer Science from CUNY Queens College. This eagerness to learn came about of a very simple reason. My parents had high aspirations for me since no one on either side of their families had ever gone beyond a high school education. They wanted me to be the first in the family to achieve a Bachelor's degree. Finally in 2012, I graduated from St. Johns University with a Get more content on