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Psychological Trauma Essay
The term "Psychological trauma" refers to damage wrought from a traumatic event, which that damages one's ability to cope with stressors. "Trauma"
is commonly defined as an exposure to a situation in which a person is confronted with an event that involves actual or threatened death or serious
injury, or a threat to self or others' physical well–being (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Specific types of client trauma frequently
encountered by which therapists and other mental health workers frequently encounter in a clinical setting include sexual abuse, physical , or sexual
assault, natural disasters such as earthquakes or tsunamis, domestic violence, and school or/and work related violence (James & Gilliland, 2001). more content...
Van der Kolk (1987) notes that human responses to trauma are relatively constant across various types of traumatic stimuli, where individuals have
poor tolerance to arousal stimuli and may experience social and emotional withdrawal. These changes in the body's arousal and perception prevent the
continuance of "normal" life, and require help. Traumatic events also produce profound and lasting changes in physiological arousal, emotion,
cognition, and memory. Moreover, traumatic events may result in the severance of these normally integrated functions from one another. Traumatized
individuals may also suffer from the memories of the tragic or horrifying experiences they have undergone. Frequently, as a result of these many
symptoms, it becomes inevitable for the individual to develop certain complications associated with trauma–related disorders, such as posttraumatic
stress disorder. Herman (1992) categorizes the symptoms of post–traumatic stress disorder into three major categories: hyperarousal, intrusion, and
constriction. She describes hyperarousal as the "persistent expectation of danger," intrusion as the "indelible imprint of the traumatic moment," and
constriction as the "numbing response of surrender" (Herman, 1992, p. 35). There is, however, evidence that suggests that
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Psychological Disorders Essay
There are times when people are plagued with thoughts, behaviors or emotions that will inhibit them from normal behavior. These are known as
psychological disorders. These disorders come in many forms but all will have large effects on a person's life.
One of the types of psychological disorders is anxiety disorders. These disorders are broken down into five categories: generalized anxiety disorder,
panic disorder, phobia, obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), and Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). All of these categories describe disorders in
which a person displays extreme fear or nervousness. People will become afraid of objects, social situations, animals, reliving traumatic events, or many
other things. People suffering more content...
It is one extreme to the other leaving the person very unstable. Depression can give people a sense of hopelessness that can lead to them hurting
themselves or others.
"A personality disorder is a long–standing, inflexible, maladaptive pattern of perceiving, thinking, or behaving." (Gerrig, Zimbardo, 2008, 470). One
type of personality disorder is borderline personality disorder when a person is very instable and frequently lashes out in anger. The person will be very
impulsive and are prone to self–destructive behavior. Another is antisocial personality disorder in which a person is frequently displaying unlawful
behavior such as stealing or causing fights.
When a person has complaints about physical illnesses that cannot be explained medically and these claims lead to interference in their lives it is
known as a somatoform disorder. Hypochondriacs fall into this category of disorders. People may also actually experience loss of motor or sensory
functions that cannot be explained any damage or problems with their bodies. A dissociative disorder is involved more in the disturbance of identity
or memory. People will sometimes forget traumatic events in their lives or forget who they are. Other cases involve the development of multiple
personalities where a person assumes the identity of more than one person which are unaware of the other identities. This type of dissociative disorder
is often
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Psychological Development Essay
Psychological development is the development of a person's emotional, intellectual, cognitive, and social capabilities and functions that they acquire
throughout their lifetime. This starts from birth and carries on until death, but how does pregnancy affect the development stage? There are many
myths that when women become pregnant their cognitive capabilities begin to decrease and the mother suffers from 'baby brain' or 'placenta brain'.
Scientists are interested in this and some wondered what role pregnancy plays in the increase or decrease of a woman's cognitive function. An
experiment by Christensen et al (2010) they tested cognition speed, immediate recall, working memory, and delay memory in pregnant, non–pregnant
women, more content...
132). A complimentary study focused on emotional intelligence and its link to coping ability, fatigue, depression, stress, anxiety, and mental health
during pregnancy and motherhood (Akerjordel K & Severinsson E., 2009). Emotional intelligence differs from cognitive intelligence because it helps
people cope with daily demands, adapt to the world, manage their emotions, and be more effective, with healthy moods and social support systems
(Akerjordel K & Severinsson E., 2009). In this study 250 women over the age of 18 were subdued to surveys and questioners that were shaped to
determine the mental well being of pregnant women. When the results came in it showed that pregnant women are more prone to feeling depressed,
sad, lonely, fearful as well as uncertain throughout their pregnancy, however because all women are different and come from different socio–economic
backgrounds no solid conclusions could be drawn (Akerjordel K & Severinsson E., 2009). This study showed that the development of pregnancy must
not only include genes but environmental factors must be included as well. The last experiment that was reviewed was by Onyper, S.V (2010),
reviewed cognitive functioning, emotional intelligence, and executive functioning throughout a woman's pregnancy. Executive functioning would
include mental processes that allow people to achieve goals and
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Psychological Wellbeing
Studies have shown the effects of social relations on psychological wellbeing, where high quality relationships between individuals decrease the
negative effects of mental disorders like anxiety and depression, and increase longevity. In reducing anxiety and depression, cardiovascular health is
increased and the chances of risky coping behaviors such as smoking, drinking, and suicide are decreased. Typically, it is found that women form these
higher quality relationships more frequently than men. Higher female survivorship could also be the result of more proactive behaviors for preventive
treatment for mental and physical health issues, where early detection and treatment can prevent illnesses from becoming fatal. In general, increased
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Psychological Stress Essay
Psychological stress is a result of many factors and should be dealt with very carefully. Stress can be defined as "An excess of demand made upon the
adaptive capabilities of the mind and body".(Joseph 1). Another way of putting it, is that there are some things that put certain demands on us. The
effects of stress should not be limited to unpleasant emotional states. Many studies have concluded that the effects on our physical health from stress
can be extremely detrimental. These adverse physical effects include heart disease and formations of cancer. There are also some societal issues that
psychological stress can hamper.
There are numerous elements that trigger the effects of psychological stress. Frustration is one of more content...
Pressures that are brought about in our society are imposed by ourselves and by others. If one has too high of expectations for oneself it is
inevitable that they will burn themselves out. These expectations are derived out of our gender roles as men. Men are thought of in our society to be
the provider of money and security to their families. It is one way we measure or "manlyhood". Unrealistic pressures such as this, and pressures from
school, work and social life will lead to high levels of stress.
Conflict happens when two or more incompatible motivations or behavioral impulses compete for expression. There are three classifications of
conflict; approach/approach, avoidance/avoidance, approach/avoidance. Approach/approach conflicts occur when we have two attractive options
from which we have to chose. This can happen when we have two group of friends going out for New Year's Eve, both with exciting plans. It is
tough to decide which group of friends you want to hang out with. Avoidance/avoidance is the opposite of approach/approach. When you have to
decide between two unattractive choices or goals, stress sets in. This has occurred to me this past month or so in deciding what I am going to take for
my accounting elective. All of my options are very unappealing. Decisions may arise where both objects that you are to chose from have both attractive
and unattractive components. This type of conflict can be categorized as approach/avoidance conflict. An example
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Introduction to Psychology Essay examples
Introduction to Psychology The concern about life is a main human characteristic. No matter if his concern is concentrated in himself or in persons or
things that surround him and constitute his environment, everybody wants to know why people, himself included, behave the way they behave.
Everybody, also, wants to improve his behavior, so as to live in harmony with himself and the society. The Greek word Psychology, is a word consisted
of the words ψυχή–soul and λόγος–utterance, talk. So, generally, psychology is the science
that examines the soul. But , since the psychologists work on the problems of the personal, family, school, professional and social life, we could say, more content...
The heartbeats, the movements of our head are behavior. The way we eat, the way we drink, the way we walk, we talk, are behavior. The
construction of a bridge, the composition of a song are behavior. The fantasies of a child, the dreams of a adolescent, the illusions of an alcoholic
are behavior. Although we are all familiar with human behavior, a little do we understand or we can explain about it. Since our infancy we learn
about behavior through the experiences and the knowledge that we get by observing other people or having relations with them. Living in society
leads us to watch and try to explain the way people behave. But that is not always easy. Sometimes we cannot understand even ourselves. Psychology
comes to give answers to all this uncertainty. Therefore, according to modern psychology, the term behavior means all the conscious, unconscious,
verbal, mental and kinetic expressions of ourselves. Psychology uses statistic researches so as to distinguish the normal behavior from the abnormal
one. Such a thing is very difficult because every society has its own behavior standards, and, consequently, an act that is normal according to one
society, may be abnormal according to another. For example, polygamy is not permitted in Europe, but it is permitted in certain societies in Africa. So,
the judgement of a behavior must bear in mind the social environment in which it takes place .
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Psychological Care
The most important part of physical care in a patient with terminal illness is to keep him as comfortable as possible until death. Therefore relief of
pain and symptomatic management of other problems are extremely important. A general practitioner may have to manage whole lot of symptoms
such as weakness, fatigue, drowsiness, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, mouth problems, dysphagia, hiccups, ascites, constipation and diarrhea,
bed sores, cough and breathlessness, bleeding, oedema and some psychological conditions such as anxiety and depression as well. Diet is another
aspect of physical care. The primary care doctor should advise the care givers to give adequate food and liquid to the patient in a form that can be
easily more content...
Psychological distress is common among people needing palliative care and is an understandable response to a traumatic and threatening experience.
Patients draw on their own inner resources to help them to cope and many derive emotional support from family and friends. Some patients,
however, are likely to benefit from additional professional intervention. To provide psychological care to the dying patient, the doctor should know
the patient's personality and the way that patient views death. Primary care doctors are ideal for this because of their long term relationship with
patients and family members. In fact some families consider their family doctor as a family friend. Therefore a family doctor is in a unique position to
provide comprehensive care to the patient while keeping a good doctor– patient relationship. The general practitioners should make sure that the
psychological status of the patients and carers are assessed at key points of the disease and given appropriate psychological support. This can be done
by being patient's bedside, communicating effectively while showing concerns, touching the patient when appropriate, active listening to patient's fears,
frustrations, hopes and needs. Primary care doctors are able to reassure the patient and make them comfortable. Patients should be given hope when it
is possible, so that they may live the remaining part of their life in good psychological health.
The social impact of cancer is considerable and can reach beyond the patient and immediate family. Patients may need support with personal care,
advice on employment issues and assistance in securing financial benefits. General practitioner, being an active member of the community, will be
able to help the patient with these needs or direct to relevant services. All such support may be provided informally or formally, in either a planned or
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Essay about Definition of Psychology
Definition of Psychology
The term psychology comes from two Greek words: psyche, which means
1. The spirit or soul. 2. The human mind. 3. In psychoanalysis, the mind functioning as the center of thought, emotion, and behavior.
And logos, "the study of." or according to modern researches "science"
These root words were first combined in the 16th century, at a time when the human soul, spirit, or mind was seen as distinct from the body.
Definition of Psychology:
Psychology is one of the youngest sciences. It is still going through the process of its development. There has been much fierce controversy about its
definition. It has been variously defined as the science of soul, more content...
Great psychologist like Sigmand Freud support this fact.
The science of Behavior:
J.B. Watson described Psychology as the science of Behavior.. He said that external action or behavior is the only concern of Psychology. He totally
ignored mental processes. He said that what goes on in our mind eventually comes out as our behavior. But this is not true for all times so this was
considered incomplete.
Now a days the most comprehensive definition of Psychology is:
"Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behavior, and its application to solve human problems"
"Psychology is the schematic study of behavior and mental processes"
This definition contains three elements. The first is that psychology is a scientific enterprise that obtains knowledge through systematic and objective
methods of observation and experimentation. Second is that psychologists study behavior, which refers to any action or reaction that can be measured
or observed–such as the blink of an eye, an increase in heart rate, or the unruly violence that often erupts in a mob. Third is that psychologists study the
mind, which refers to both conscious and unconscious mental states. These states cannot actually be seen, only inferred from
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Psychological Trauma Essay

  • 1. Psychological Trauma Essay The term "Psychological trauma" refers to damage wrought from a traumatic event, which that damages one's ability to cope with stressors. "Trauma" is commonly defined as an exposure to a situation in which a person is confronted with an event that involves actual or threatened death or serious injury, or a threat to self or others' physical well–being (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Specific types of client trauma frequently encountered by which therapists and other mental health workers frequently encounter in a clinical setting include sexual abuse, physical , or sexual assault, natural disasters such as earthquakes or tsunamis, domestic violence, and school or/and work related violence (James & Gilliland, 2001). more content... Van der Kolk (1987) notes that human responses to trauma are relatively constant across various types of traumatic stimuli, where individuals have poor tolerance to arousal stimuli and may experience social and emotional withdrawal. These changes in the body's arousal and perception prevent the continuance of "normal" life, and require help. Traumatic events also produce profound and lasting changes in physiological arousal, emotion, cognition, and memory. Moreover, traumatic events may result in the severance of these normally integrated functions from one another. Traumatized individuals may also suffer from the memories of the tragic or horrifying experiences they have undergone. Frequently, as a result of these many symptoms, it becomes inevitable for the individual to develop certain complications associated with trauma–related disorders, such as posttraumatic stress disorder. Herman (1992) categorizes the symptoms of post–traumatic stress disorder into three major categories: hyperarousal, intrusion, and constriction. She describes hyperarousal as the "persistent expectation of danger," intrusion as the "indelible imprint of the traumatic moment," and constriction as the "numbing response of surrender" (Herman, 1992, p. 35). There is, however, evidence that suggests that Get more content on
  • 2. Psychological Disorders Essay There are times when people are plagued with thoughts, behaviors or emotions that will inhibit them from normal behavior. These are known as psychological disorders. These disorders come in many forms but all will have large effects on a person's life. One of the types of psychological disorders is anxiety disorders. These disorders are broken down into five categories: generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobia, obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), and Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). All of these categories describe disorders in which a person displays extreme fear or nervousness. People will become afraid of objects, social situations, animals, reliving traumatic events, or many other things. People suffering more content... It is one extreme to the other leaving the person very unstable. Depression can give people a sense of hopelessness that can lead to them hurting themselves or others. "A personality disorder is a long–standing, inflexible, maladaptive pattern of perceiving, thinking, or behaving." (Gerrig, Zimbardo, 2008, 470). One type of personality disorder is borderline personality disorder when a person is very instable and frequently lashes out in anger. The person will be very impulsive and are prone to self–destructive behavior. Another is antisocial personality disorder in which a person is frequently displaying unlawful behavior such as stealing or causing fights. When a person has complaints about physical illnesses that cannot be explained medically and these claims lead to interference in their lives it is known as a somatoform disorder. Hypochondriacs fall into this category of disorders. People may also actually experience loss of motor or sensory functions that cannot be explained any damage or problems with their bodies. A dissociative disorder is involved more in the disturbance of identity or memory. People will sometimes forget traumatic events in their lives or forget who they are. Other cases involve the development of multiple personalities where a person assumes the identity of more than one person which are unaware of the other identities. This type of dissociative disorder is often Get more content on
  • 3. Psychological Development Essay Psychological development is the development of a person's emotional, intellectual, cognitive, and social capabilities and functions that they acquire throughout their lifetime. This starts from birth and carries on until death, but how does pregnancy affect the development stage? There are many myths that when women become pregnant their cognitive capabilities begin to decrease and the mother suffers from 'baby brain' or 'placenta brain'. Scientists are interested in this and some wondered what role pregnancy plays in the increase or decrease of a woman's cognitive function. An experiment by Christensen et al (2010) they tested cognition speed, immediate recall, working memory, and delay memory in pregnant, non–pregnant women, more content... 132). A complimentary study focused on emotional intelligence and its link to coping ability, fatigue, depression, stress, anxiety, and mental health during pregnancy and motherhood (Akerjordel K & Severinsson E., 2009). Emotional intelligence differs from cognitive intelligence because it helps people cope with daily demands, adapt to the world, manage their emotions, and be more effective, with healthy moods and social support systems (Akerjordel K & Severinsson E., 2009). In this study 250 women over the age of 18 were subdued to surveys and questioners that were shaped to determine the mental well being of pregnant women. When the results came in it showed that pregnant women are more prone to feeling depressed, sad, lonely, fearful as well as uncertain throughout their pregnancy, however because all women are different and come from different socio–economic backgrounds no solid conclusions could be drawn (Akerjordel K & Severinsson E., 2009). This study showed that the development of pregnancy must not only include genes but environmental factors must be included as well. The last experiment that was reviewed was by Onyper, S.V (2010), reviewed cognitive functioning, emotional intelligence, and executive functioning throughout a woman's pregnancy. Executive functioning would include mental processes that allow people to achieve goals and Get more content on
  • 4. Psychological Wellbeing Studies have shown the effects of social relations on psychological wellbeing, where high quality relationships between individuals decrease the negative effects of mental disorders like anxiety and depression, and increase longevity. In reducing anxiety and depression, cardiovascular health is increased and the chances of risky coping behaviors such as smoking, drinking, and suicide are decreased. Typically, it is found that women form these higher quality relationships more frequently than men. Higher female survivorship could also be the result of more proactive behaviors for preventive treatment for mental and physical health issues, where early detection and treatment can prevent illnesses from becoming fatal. In general, increased tobacco Get more content on
  • 5. Psychological Stress Essay Psychological stress is a result of many factors and should be dealt with very carefully. Stress can be defined as "An excess of demand made upon the adaptive capabilities of the mind and body".(Joseph 1). Another way of putting it, is that there are some things that put certain demands on us. The effects of stress should not be limited to unpleasant emotional states. Many studies have concluded that the effects on our physical health from stress can be extremely detrimental. These adverse physical effects include heart disease and formations of cancer. There are also some societal issues that psychological stress can hamper. There are numerous elements that trigger the effects of psychological stress. Frustration is one of more content... Pressures that are brought about in our society are imposed by ourselves and by others. If one has too high of expectations for oneself it is inevitable that they will burn themselves out. These expectations are derived out of our gender roles as men. Men are thought of in our society to be the provider of money and security to their families. It is one way we measure or "manlyhood". Unrealistic pressures such as this, and pressures from school, work and social life will lead to high levels of stress. Conflict happens when two or more incompatible motivations or behavioral impulses compete for expression. There are three classifications of conflict; approach/approach, avoidance/avoidance, approach/avoidance. Approach/approach conflicts occur when we have two attractive options from which we have to chose. This can happen when we have two group of friends going out for New Year's Eve, both with exciting plans. It is tough to decide which group of friends you want to hang out with. Avoidance/avoidance is the opposite of approach/approach. When you have to decide between two unattractive choices or goals, stress sets in. This has occurred to me this past month or so in deciding what I am going to take for my accounting elective. All of my options are very unappealing. Decisions may arise where both objects that you are to chose from have both attractive and unattractive components. This type of conflict can be categorized as approach/avoidance conflict. An example Get more content on
  • 6. Introduction to Psychology Essay examples Introduction to Psychology The concern about life is a main human characteristic. No matter if his concern is concentrated in himself or in persons or things that surround him and constitute his environment, everybody wants to know why people, himself included, behave the way they behave. Everybody, also, wants to improve his behavior, so as to live in harmony with himself and the society. The Greek word Psychology, is a word consisted of the words ψυχή–soul and λόγος–utterance, talk. So, generally, psychology is the science that examines the soul. But , since the psychologists work on the problems of the personal, family, school, professional and social life, we could say, more content... The heartbeats, the movements of our head are behavior. The way we eat, the way we drink, the way we walk, we talk, are behavior. The construction of a bridge, the composition of a song are behavior. The fantasies of a child, the dreams of a adolescent, the illusions of an alcoholic are behavior. Although we are all familiar with human behavior, a little do we understand or we can explain about it. Since our infancy we learn about behavior through the experiences and the knowledge that we get by observing other people or having relations with them. Living in society leads us to watch and try to explain the way people behave. But that is not always easy. Sometimes we cannot understand even ourselves. Psychology comes to give answers to all this uncertainty. Therefore, according to modern psychology, the term behavior means all the conscious, unconscious, verbal, mental and kinetic expressions of ourselves. Psychology uses statistic researches so as to distinguish the normal behavior from the abnormal one. Such a thing is very difficult because every society has its own behavior standards, and, consequently, an act that is normal according to one society, may be abnormal according to another. For example, polygamy is not permitted in Europe, but it is permitted in certain societies in Africa. So, the judgement of a behavior must bear in mind the social environment in which it takes place . Get more content on
  • 7. Psychological Care The most important part of physical care in a patient with terminal illness is to keep him as comfortable as possible until death. Therefore relief of pain and symptomatic management of other problems are extremely important. A general practitioner may have to manage whole lot of symptoms such as weakness, fatigue, drowsiness, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, mouth problems, dysphagia, hiccups, ascites, constipation and diarrhea, bed sores, cough and breathlessness, bleeding, oedema and some psychological conditions such as anxiety and depression as well. Diet is another aspect of physical care. The primary care doctor should advise the care givers to give adequate food and liquid to the patient in a form that can be easily more content... Psychological distress is common among people needing palliative care and is an understandable response to a traumatic and threatening experience. Patients draw on their own inner resources to help them to cope and many derive emotional support from family and friends. Some patients, however, are likely to benefit from additional professional intervention. To provide psychological care to the dying patient, the doctor should know the patient's personality and the way that patient views death. Primary care doctors are ideal for this because of their long term relationship with patients and family members. In fact some families consider their family doctor as a family friend. Therefore a family doctor is in a unique position to provide comprehensive care to the patient while keeping a good doctor– patient relationship. The general practitioners should make sure that the psychological status of the patients and carers are assessed at key points of the disease and given appropriate psychological support. This can be done by being patient's bedside, communicating effectively while showing concerns, touching the patient when appropriate, active listening to patient's fears, frustrations, hopes and needs. Primary care doctors are able to reassure the patient and make them comfortable. Patients should be given hope when it is possible, so that they may live the remaining part of their life in good psychological health. The social impact of cancer is considerable and can reach beyond the patient and immediate family. Patients may need support with personal care, advice on employment issues and assistance in securing financial benefits. General practitioner, being an active member of the community, will be able to help the patient with these needs or direct to relevant services. All such support may be provided informally or formally, in either a planned or reactive Get more content on
  • 8. Essay about Definition of Psychology Definition of Psychology The term psychology comes from two Greek words: psyche, which means 1. The spirit or soul. 2. The human mind. 3. In psychoanalysis, the mind functioning as the center of thought, emotion, and behavior. And logos, "the study of." or according to modern researches "science" These root words were first combined in the 16th century, at a time when the human soul, spirit, or mind was seen as distinct from the body. Definition of Psychology: Psychology is one of the youngest sciences. It is still going through the process of its development. There has been much fierce controversy about its definition. It has been variously defined as the science of soul, more content... Great psychologist like Sigmand Freud support this fact. The science of Behavior: J.B. Watson described Psychology as the science of Behavior.. He said that external action or behavior is the only concern of Psychology. He totally ignored mental processes. He said that what goes on in our mind eventually comes out as our behavior. But this is not true for all times so this was considered incomplete. Now a days the most comprehensive definition of Psychology is: "Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behavior, and its application to solve human problems"
  • 9. OR "Psychology is the schematic study of behavior and mental processes" This definition contains three elements. The first is that psychology is a scientific enterprise that obtains knowledge through systematic and objective methods of observation and experimentation. Second is that psychologists study behavior, which refers to any action or reaction that can be measured or observed–such as the blink of an eye, an increase in heart rate, or the unruly violence that often erupts in a mob. Third is that psychologists study the mind, which refers to both conscious and unconscious mental states. These states cannot actually be seen, only inferred from Get more content on