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An Approach to Product Roadmapping in Small
Software Product Businesses
Jarno Vähäniitty, Casper Lassenius and Kristian Rautiainen
Helsinki University of Technology, Software Business and Engineering Institute,
POB 9600, FIN-02015 HUT, Finland
{jvahanii, cls, kqr}
Abstract. Success in software product business requires the release of new
products and product upgrades with the right amount of features and quality
within an open market window. For this, a systematic approach for managing
the contents, timing and roles of future product releases as well as the product
architecture is needed. In practice, such an approach is often missing, espe-
cially in small companies, due to inexperience, unclear priorities, time-to-
market pressures, or the lack of suitable process infrastructure. In this paper,
we present an approach based on product roadmapping that can aid such com-
panies in their product planning. We also discuss initial experiences from us-
ing the approach in three small software companies. The product roadmap ex-
presses the release and development schedules, composition of individual re-
leases, changes to the underlying technology, services requiring attention from
product development and the planned resource usage.
1 Introduction
In addition to the capability to invent new solutions and realise them as software,
success in the software product business requires delivering the right kind of prod-
ucts to the market at the right time. Managing contents, timing and roles for future
product releases based on the market information available is a prerequisite for
timely delivery of good-enough quality [16]. Contents refer to linking product fea-
tures to business requirements and market opportunities, and deciding which features
to include in which release. Timing is about identifying and exploiting a window of
opportunity, making necessary trade-offs between functionality, quality and time-to-
market based on assessing the product against its competitors and market needs.
Roles refer to the releases’type (major, minor, patch etc.), intended business impli-
cations for the company and the planned audience for the release. Successful ap-
proaches to software product development, for example those described in [6] and
[7], often involve evolving both the individual products and the technologies they are
based on at the same time. Thus, planning the product architecture together with
future releases is crucial for success.
Especially small1
companies in the product business risk extensive rework and
market failure due to shortcomings in product and release planning. A systematic
approach is often missing because of inexperience, time-to-market pressures [2], or
the lack of process infrastructure such as requirements management [11]. In our
experience from working with several small software product companies, key per-
sonnel often have truly cross-functional roles, ranging from architecting to installing
the system, systems integration, consulting and sales. Combined with unclear priori-
ties caused by lack of long-range planning, overbooking of resources is common
while some important activities do not receive enough attention. Also, survival pres-
sures make “hacking” the product to satisfy the needs of initial customers a tempting
idea, usually to the detriment of the product architecture [5]. A solution, release
management, has been discussed from various perspectives, such as those of the
development process [1], architecture and reuse [2], [15] and product requirements
[3], [4]. There is little context-specific guidance available for connecting feature and
release cycle planning to business planning for small software product companies.
These, however, are in our experience often the most pressing issue for small com-
panies. Also, they also face the challenge of coherently expressing and communicat-
ing such plans both internally and to various stakeholders such as venture capitalists
and potential customers.
In this paper we present an approach to planning and communicating release
contents, timing and roles together with product architecture for small software
product businesses. We also present our experiences from applying the model in
three such companies. First, we discuss the role of roadmapping in managing prod-
uct releases. Second, we present an approach consisting of a product roadmap and a
process outline for creating and maintaining such maps. Third, we present our ex-
periences from the approach from three case companies. Finally, we round up with
discussion and implications for further work.
2 Product Roadmapping in Software Product Business
Roadmapping is a popular metaphor for planning and portraying the use of scientific
and technological resources, elements and their structural relationships over a period
of time. The process of roadmapping identifies, evaluates and selects strategic alter-
natives that can be used to achieve desired objectives [12], and the resulting road-
maps summarise and communicate the results of key business decisions [8]. Product
roadmapping is a ”disciplined, focused, multiyear approach to product planning”,
with the roadmap’
s implementability viewed as important as its strategic value [12].
Software products typically evolve in releases, with each release including new
and improved functionality intended for keeping the vendor ahead of the competitors
[16]. Planning the contents and roles for future releases in product roadmapping
consists of defining business requirements, prioritising them and then responding
with features. Wiegers uses the notion of business requirements to represent the
needs customers have for the product [20]. Bosch defines software requirements as
By small companies we mean those having less than 50 developers
consisting of functional requirements and quality attributes, with the term feature
referring to a group of related software requirements [2]. Thus, business require-
ments are addressed in the product as features, with many-to-many –relationships
possible. As a release gets closer, its content is elaborated from the level of business
requirements and features to functional requirements and quality attributes. When
product roadmapping is used in time-to-market -driven development, moving fea-
tures and their parts between releases should be based on the relative importance of
the business requirements in question. It must be noted here that in practice it is not
possible to specify a system using features only because they depend on each other in
complex ways [3], [4].
In software product business, the software itself is not the only component – it is
often combined with services. Moore’
s concept of whole product [13] implies that
the delivery of the core benefit the customer is buying can be enhanced by either
modifying the way it is packaged, or by complementing it with services. For the
product vendor, however, incorporating and managing services can be challenging.
Nambisan has identified three significant issues product vendors face when introduc-
ing services to their portfolios: the trade-off between process flexibility and newly
required efficiency at the customer interface, changes in the nature of customer rela-
tionships, and the observation that synergies between the product and the services do
not realise automatically [14]. Hoch et. al provide an example in [10] where prob-
lems in balancing development resources between product development and provid-
ing services caused serious delays in product development schedules, contributing to
the downfall of the company.
Restricting product and release planning to product features only limits the view
on what has to be achieved in order to put together a compelling offer. For small
companies in the product business, failure to recognise the resource implications of
new services is likely to lead to a crisis. We therefore think that product roadmap-
ping must cover the whole product, not only the software component of it. Seen this
way, whole product roadmapping is essentially about defining and managing the
competitive advantage of the company through positioning in the customer value
3 A Model for Product Roadmapping
Our approach to practicing product roadmapping in small software businesses con-
sists of a model for visualising product roadmaps, and a process outline for creating
and updating such roadmaps based on the strategic mission and vision of the com-
pany. The roadmap visualisation communicates the plans intuitively, as well as en-
forces a degree of accuracy through the use of formal notation. The aim of the proc-
ess is to define and concretise the company’
s plans for technology and product de-
velopment. Using the process should result in an understanding of the current and
future situation and an overview of the objectives and needs for new product releases
and directions for extending and further developing the technological basis.
3.1 Product Roadmap Visualisation
The product roadmap visualisation, shown in Fig. 1 expresses the release and devel-
opment schedules for the product(s), the composition of individual releases, changes
to the underlying technology, services requiring attention from product development
and planned resource usage. The roadmap consists of five layers, with the four top-
most depicting the development of various parts of the whole product as activities,
and the bottom layer showing the estimate of human resources required at a given
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Basic training UI, Sales (Sales takes over here)
3.0 UI, Core
4.0 UI, Core
5.0 UI, Core
Product components
UI, Core
WebUI Dev kit UI UI
WAP UI Dev kit UI
Mobile (G3) UI Dev kit UI
PDA UI Dev kit UI
DigiTV UI Dev kit
Documentation UI, Writ.
Training material Writ., Core
GUI-Tool engine
Generation 1 Core
Generation 2 Core
Resource requirements
3 UI UI UI UI, Writ. UI, Writ UI UI
2 UI, Writ. UI, Core UI, Core Core Sales, CoreSales, CoreSales, Core
1 Core Core Writ, Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core
2001 2002 2003
3.8.2001 21.1.2002 3/2002
Fig. 1. A product roadmap.
Activities and their planned schedules and effort estimates are presented as
horizontal bars in the product roadmap. Possible activity types are performing
services, preparing releases and developing product components and platforms. A
product platform in this context is a core software asset on top of which the product
is built and expanded on, and may be generic enough to be used in other products as
well. The definition is in line with the one given by Clements and Northrop in [5]
and was also thought of as most descriptive by the case companies even though they
do not practice a product-line approach in the strict sense.
Product components are business requirements translated as software, meaning
relatively independent (groups of) features. The related business requirements, as
well as more detailed information on the functionality should be kept in the require-
ments management system. Documentation, whether internal or intended for the
end-user, is depicted as product components when necessary. This is a logical choice,
since associated documentation is usually defined ‘
software’as well [18].
Preparing a product release consists of integrating the related product compo-
nents and platform(s), doing system testing and error correction, as well as perform-
ing other product release activities. In the notation there are three kinds of possible
releases: major releases, minor releases and patches. The first diamond in a new
release activity denotes a major release, and subsequent diamonds and circles mark
minor and patch releases, respectively. Only releases on the release layer are visible
to customers.
The services a company offers are classified and dealt with based on the kind of
attention they need from product development. The classification consists of product
accessories, customer-specific development services and other services. Product
accessories are a one-time effort requiring product development resources to fulfil a
need common to many customers. Typically, they are initially developed for a spe-
cific customer, but are to be included as part of the standard offering. Product acces-
sories are expressed in the product roadmap as regular product components inte-
grated into a future release of the product. Customer-specific development services
require resources from product development, but their outcome is limited to the cus-
tomer receiving the service. They are depicted on the service layer. Other services
refer to services that at the moment do not appear to require attention from product
development. We currently think that it is not necessary to include these kinds of
services into the product roadmap.
The thicker an activity is in the visualisation, the more resources are allocated for
the period indicated. In our case companies, different people or teams work on the
platform and product components. To help in balancing resources, textual notation is
used inside the activities to denote the allocated resource type(s). Resource informa-
tion is also summed to the bottom layer of the visualisation.
Arrows going from one activity to another denote composition and timing for in-
tegrating the activities’ outputs and may, depending on the context, imply reuse.
Thus, the product roadmap visualisation contains information of the product archi-
tecture over time, specifically, the relationships between product releases, compo-
nents and platforms, and how and when they are composed of each other. As no
exhaustive rules exist for discriminating between ‘
plain’technologies, product plat-
forms and product components for roadmapping purposes, a reasonable conceptual
structure must be resolved case-by-case.
The example roadmap of Fig. 1 shows the plans regarding a toolkit for rapid crea-
tion of web-based user interfaces. The only service currently identified to require
product development attention is the one-day basic training per license sold, pro-
vided starting from the major release 5.0 in 8/2002. Preparing materials for the
training is depicted as a product component. The other product components are add-
in modules for various terminal devices, and end-user documentation to be shipped
with the product starting from a minor release in 8/2001. On the platform layer, the
roadmap shows two generations of the toolkit ‘
, with the second generation to
be used starting from 5.0.
3.2 A Process Outline for Product Roadmapping
We used a four-step process for creating and updating product roadmaps. The proc-
ess can also be thought as a checklist for what practitioners should take into consid-
eration when conducting long-term release planning. The steps in the process should
be performed periodically to adjust the roadmap to new information and changing
market situations, and smaller updates should be done to ensure the roadmaps always
hold current information. Tabrizi and Walleigh present an example in [19] in which
senior management of a technology-intensive company updates the company’
s prod-
uct roadmaps bimonthly, and redraws them completely every six months. Our proc-
ess is summarised in Table 1.
Table 1. Steps in creating and updating product roadmaps
Step Objective
Define strategic mission and vision.
Outline product vision.
Clarify and communicate what business the company
is in
Scan the environment Choose position and focus, assess the realism of the
product vision and examine what technologies should
be used
Revise and distil the product vision as
product roadmaps.
Establish release cycle, objectives for releases and
allocate resources. Record decision rationale with
business requirements
Estimate product life cycle and evaluate
the mix of development efforts planned
Check sanity. Assess whether the planned develop-
ment is parallel to the product vision
The first step is to define (or revise) and analyse the strategic mission and vision
of the company. All companies, no matter how small, should have an idea of their
purpose and desired future clear enough to be written down before they plan their
operations in more detail. Often some kind of product vision exists even if the com-
s mission and vision are not explicitly defined. Mission and vision should act
as the guideline for shaping the product vision and choosing between strategic alter-
The second step is to identify major trends in the general environment. This en-
compasses looking at potential customers, competitors, the industry and develop-
ments in relevant technology. Many well-known models and techniques, such as
s five forces, strategic group analysis and competitor profiling [9] can be used
to steer the management’
s attention. This should result in an understanding of the
desired focus and position for the company and its products as well as guide in tech-
nology selection.
The third step is to revise the product vision(s) based on the analysis conducted,
and distil these as product roadmaps taking internal factors of the company such as
human and financial resources, competencies and infrastructure into account. Con-
struction of the product roadmaps should start from defining the major and minor
release cycles and continue with defining the business requirements and expectations
for the upcoming releases. By including business requirements and their objectives
explicitly into the requirements repository and keeping track of their history, the
rationale behind roadmap evolution becomes visible.
The final step is to state expectations regarding the life cycles and financial impli-
cations of product releases, components and platforms, and consider the mix of
planned development activities from the business objectives’perspective [17]. This
acts as a financial sanity check and evaluates whether the planned development is
parallel to product and company vision.
4 Experiences from Applying the Model
We have developed and applied our model in co-operation with three small software
companies, which we call ToolCo, TeamCo and MobAppsCo. ToolCo specialises in
the development of applications and software development tools for Internet-, intra-
net- and extranet environments. TeamCo offers mobile operators, service providers
and enterprises solutions that facilitate group interaction. MobAppsCo provides
mobile business solutions and professional services for mobile operators and enter-
prises. At the start of this study in 6/2001, ToolCo had 14 employees, and both
TeamCo and MobAppsCo were standing at roughly 40. Some common denominators
for the three companies are the sizes of their product development organisations,
product-orientation in their current (or desired) business models, and relative inexpe-
rience in planning new product development. Below we summarise the experiences
and lessons learned from the cases.
4.1 Conducting Roadmapping at ToolCo
When we started working with ToolCo in the spring of 2001, the company had envi-
sioned a product concept based on its software toolkit for rapid creation of browser-
enabled user interfaces and managing the presentation of information to users. Put-
ting together a toolkit to help in performing the project work, the main source of
revenue at the time, had been a conscious effort since 1997, but its commercialisa-
tion stems from late 1999.
Roadmapping for the product was conducted in 4-7/2001. The work was mainly
carried out by the CEO, and required about one man-month of effort. The most im-
portant results of creating the initial roadmap were a clearer understanding of what
had to be achieved in order to launch the product, and realising the schedule and
timing implications of sales, marketing and other aspects not directly related to de-
velopment. This involved planning the release cycle, the schedules for the major
releases and their contents, and considering what whole-product issues needed to be
taken into account along the way. ToolCo got a more complete view on what they
had at the moment, what was missing, and what would be a realistic schedule for
launching and subsequently improving on the product. Especially schedules were
revised during the process. The CEO was positive he would use a similar approach
in the future for product and release planning.
Concerning the roadmapping process, estimating the life cycles and financial im-
plications of products, components and platforms was seen both important and chal-
lenging. Also, identifying and analysing the competition was found difficult. How-
ever, the moral of the exercise is in forcing the management to think ahead and
coercing them to state their current expectations, rather than in obtaining accurate
forecasts of future cash flow or competitors’strengths, weaknesses and plans.
The visualisation was found extremely helpful because it showed the development
of the product, its parts and the resource allocation over time in one picture. These
issues had previously been found difficult to express and communicate. The pilots’
feedback on the visualisation resulted in several changes, with the most important
ones being the introduction of the service layer, including explicit resource types,
and simplifying the notation for minor releases and release composition.
4.2 Discussing the Approach at TeamCo and MobAppsCo
At TeamCo, we used our notation and process to discuss product roadmapping as
applied to the company’
s products, but did not carry out the roadmapping process in
co-operation with company management. At the start of the study in 6/2001,
TeamCo had just released a major version of their product, GroupMaster, and the
exact schedule, content or role of the next release had not yet been planned. Based on
the discussions with TeamCo’
s managers, we prepared an example roadmap to dem-
onstrate the use of the model with TeamCo’
s own plans. However, neither these, nor
any other plans regarding future releases expressed at that point were followed. This
was partly due to the fact that key development resources were caught up servicing
the current customers, for example installing the system, doing systems integration,
customer-specific tailoring, consulting and training.
The most interesting finding of the TeamCo case was the need for product concep-
tualisation before the roadmap visualisation could be used. This means finding a
common language to refer to the components of the software and their relationship to
the envisioned product. This had taken place at ToolCo when the initial version of
our model was being developed. The two cases suggest that a common conceptual
view of the product required for product and release planning may be lacking even
when the organisation is small.
At MobAppsCo, our study was intentionally limited to discussing our model and
the company’
s practices in the area of release and product planning. MobAppsCo
usually launches product development projects based on the needs of some pilot
customer, and the end result is integrated back to the product. The platform is altered
according to the functional and non-functional requirements encountered in these
projects. As long as the correct focus in selecting the projects can be maintained, this
practice is a good example of utilising synergies between the product and services, in
this case, to share risk. However, this is not possible when developing a completely
new kind of solution because customer feedback is not available from the start.
During the summer of 2000, MobAppsCo’
s management practiced roadmapping
by writing a document that described as closely as possible the platform, the set of
applications and their features as a function of time. However, the approach felt too
cumbersome, and the document was not kept up-to-date. Since then, the practice has
been scaled down to having one or two bulleted pages with basically the same infor-
mation but with less detail and a shorter time range. While our approach does not yet
provide any specifics beyond the roadmap visualisation for the format of an actual
roadmap document, such issues have to be considered in the future.
We believe our approach could be used at MobAppsCo to co-ordinate the more
traditional R&D-type work with prioritising, selecting and planning customer-
initiated development projects. We think that depicting ongoing and planned activi-
ties with a product roadmap communicates especially the schedule and resource
implications better.
4.3 Summary
The most important lesson learned from the three cases was that product roadmap-
ping can play an important role in bridging the gap between management, marketing
and product development by forcing management to consider both product position-
ing and development aspects at the same time. We also learned that it is important to
account for services in the product roadmap, and that a common conceptual view of
the product may be lacking even when the development organisation is small. Fur-
thermore, the roadmap helps in making resource allocation trade-offs between prod-
uct and service development. Because a sense of urgency is always present when
dealing with small companies, an incremental and systematic process for roadmap-
ping seems necessary.
5 Conclusion and Directions for Further Work
In this paper we have presented an approach to whole product roadmapping for
small software product companies, and discussed experiences from three cases. We
propose that by providing a long-term view into release management, product road-
mapping can help bring together the perspectives of business management and soft-
ware development. The product roadmap expresses the release and development
schedules for the product, composition of individual releases, changes to the underly-
ing technology, services requiring attention from product development and planned
resource usage, while project management tracks how successfully the roadmap is
being acted on. By addressing these elements, product roadmapping concretises and
communicates the plans so that they can be acted on – or refuted – when necessary.
We believe tracking service development and actual servicing jointly with product
and release planning helps exploit potential synergies between the product and the
services offered.
Currently, we are interested in getting more empirical experience from using our
approach. Specifically, we want to assess the cost and potential payoff of doing prod-
uct roadmapping, in terms of the amount of effort spent versus the kinds of insights
and results gained from the exercise. Toward this end, we are outlining a repeatable
launch and an incremental rollout plan for establishing product roadmapping in
small companies and identifying prerequisites (such as product conceptualisation) for
practicing product roadmapping. Also, the roadmapping process is to be further
tailored to the small business context through identifying and characterising essen-
tial product development decisions in such companies.
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An Approach To Product Roadmapping In Small Software Product Businesses

  • 1. An Approach to Product Roadmapping in Small Software Product Businesses Jarno Vähäniitty, Casper Lassenius and Kristian Rautiainen Helsinki University of Technology, Software Business and Engineering Institute, POB 9600, FIN-02015 HUT, Finland {jvahanii, cls, kqr} Abstract. Success in software product business requires the release of new products and product upgrades with the right amount of features and quality within an open market window. For this, a systematic approach for managing the contents, timing and roles of future product releases as well as the product architecture is needed. In practice, such an approach is often missing, espe- cially in small companies, due to inexperience, unclear priorities, time-to- market pressures, or the lack of suitable process infrastructure. In this paper, we present an approach based on product roadmapping that can aid such com- panies in their product planning. We also discuss initial experiences from us- ing the approach in three small software companies. The product roadmap ex- presses the release and development schedules, composition of individual re- leases, changes to the underlying technology, services requiring attention from product development and the planned resource usage. 1 Introduction In addition to the capability to invent new solutions and realise them as software, success in the software product business requires delivering the right kind of prod- ucts to the market at the right time. Managing contents, timing and roles for future product releases based on the market information available is a prerequisite for timely delivery of good-enough quality [16]. Contents refer to linking product fea- tures to business requirements and market opportunities, and deciding which features to include in which release. Timing is about identifying and exploiting a window of opportunity, making necessary trade-offs between functionality, quality and time-to- market based on assessing the product against its competitors and market needs. Roles refer to the releases’type (major, minor, patch etc.), intended business impli- cations for the company and the planned audience for the release. Successful ap- proaches to software product development, for example those described in [6] and [7], often involve evolving both the individual products and the technologies they are based on at the same time. Thus, planning the product architecture together with future releases is crucial for success.
  • 2. Especially small1 companies in the product business risk extensive rework and market failure due to shortcomings in product and release planning. A systematic approach is often missing because of inexperience, time-to-market pressures [2], or the lack of process infrastructure such as requirements management [11]. In our experience from working with several small software product companies, key per- sonnel often have truly cross-functional roles, ranging from architecting to installing the system, systems integration, consulting and sales. Combined with unclear priori- ties caused by lack of long-range planning, overbooking of resources is common while some important activities do not receive enough attention. Also, survival pres- sures make “hacking” the product to satisfy the needs of initial customers a tempting idea, usually to the detriment of the product architecture [5]. A solution, release management, has been discussed from various perspectives, such as those of the development process [1], architecture and reuse [2], [15] and product requirements [3], [4]. There is little context-specific guidance available for connecting feature and release cycle planning to business planning for small software product companies. These, however, are in our experience often the most pressing issue for small com- panies. Also, they also face the challenge of coherently expressing and communicat- ing such plans both internally and to various stakeholders such as venture capitalists and potential customers. In this paper we present an approach to planning and communicating release contents, timing and roles together with product architecture for small software product businesses. We also present our experiences from applying the model in three such companies. First, we discuss the role of roadmapping in managing prod- uct releases. Second, we present an approach consisting of a product roadmap and a process outline for creating and maintaining such maps. Third, we present our ex- periences from the approach from three case companies. Finally, we round up with discussion and implications for further work. 2 Product Roadmapping in Software Product Business Roadmapping is a popular metaphor for planning and portraying the use of scientific and technological resources, elements and their structural relationships over a period of time. The process of roadmapping identifies, evaluates and selects strategic alter- natives that can be used to achieve desired objectives [12], and the resulting road- maps summarise and communicate the results of key business decisions [8]. Product roadmapping is a ”disciplined, focused, multiyear approach to product planning”, with the roadmap’ s implementability viewed as important as its strategic value [12]. Software products typically evolve in releases, with each release including new and improved functionality intended for keeping the vendor ahead of the competitors [16]. Planning the contents and roles for future releases in product roadmapping consists of defining business requirements, prioritising them and then responding with features. Wiegers uses the notion of business requirements to represent the needs customers have for the product [20]. Bosch defines software requirements as 1 By small companies we mean those having less than 50 developers
  • 3. consisting of functional requirements and quality attributes, with the term feature referring to a group of related software requirements [2]. Thus, business require- ments are addressed in the product as features, with many-to-many –relationships possible. As a release gets closer, its content is elaborated from the level of business requirements and features to functional requirements and quality attributes. When product roadmapping is used in time-to-market -driven development, moving fea- tures and their parts between releases should be based on the relative importance of the business requirements in question. It must be noted here that in practice it is not possible to specify a system using features only because they depend on each other in complex ways [3], [4]. In software product business, the software itself is not the only component – it is often combined with services. Moore’ s concept of whole product [13] implies that the delivery of the core benefit the customer is buying can be enhanced by either modifying the way it is packaged, or by complementing it with services. For the product vendor, however, incorporating and managing services can be challenging. Nambisan has identified three significant issues product vendors face when introduc- ing services to their portfolios: the trade-off between process flexibility and newly required efficiency at the customer interface, changes in the nature of customer rela- tionships, and the observation that synergies between the product and the services do not realise automatically [14]. Hoch et. al provide an example in [10] where prob- lems in balancing development resources between product development and provid- ing services caused serious delays in product development schedules, contributing to the downfall of the company. Restricting product and release planning to product features only limits the view on what has to be achieved in order to put together a compelling offer. For small companies in the product business, failure to recognise the resource implications of new services is likely to lead to a crisis. We therefore think that product roadmap- ping must cover the whole product, not only the software component of it. Seen this way, whole product roadmapping is essentially about defining and managing the competitive advantage of the company through positioning in the customer value hierarchy. 3 A Model for Product Roadmapping Our approach to practicing product roadmapping in small software businesses con- sists of a model for visualising product roadmaps, and a process outline for creating and updating such roadmaps based on the strategic mission and vision of the com- pany. The roadmap visualisation communicates the plans intuitively, as well as en- forces a degree of accuracy through the use of formal notation. The aim of the proc- ess is to define and concretise the company’ s plans for technology and product de- velopment. Using the process should result in an understanding of the current and future situation and an overview of the objectives and needs for new product releases and directions for extending and further developing the technological basis.
  • 4. 3.1 Product Roadmap Visualisation The product roadmap visualisation, shown in Fig. 1 expresses the release and devel- opment schedules for the product(s), the composition of individual releases, changes to the underlying technology, services requiring attention from product development and planned resource usage. The roadmap consists of five layers, with the four top- most depicting the development of various parts of the whole product as activities, and the bottom layer showing the estimate of human resources required at a given moment. Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Services Basic training UI, Sales (Sales takes over here) Releases GUI-Tool 3.0 UI, Core 4.0 UI, Core 5.0 UI, Core Product components UI, Core Patches WebUI Dev kit UI UI WAP UI Dev kit UI Mobile (G3) UI Dev kit UI PDA UI Dev kit UI DigiTV UI Dev kit Documentation UI, Writ. Training material Writ., Core Platforms GUI-Tool engine Generation 1 Core Generation 2 Core Resource requirements 8 7 UI UI 6 UI UI 5 4 3 UI UI UI UI, Writ. UI, Writ UI UI 2 UI, Writ. UI, Core UI, Core Core Sales, CoreSales, CoreSales, Core 1 Core Core Writ, Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core 2001 2002 2003 3.8.2001 21.1.2002 3/2002 Fig. 1. A product roadmap. Activities and their planned schedules and effort estimates are presented as horizontal bars in the product roadmap. Possible activity types are performing services, preparing releases and developing product components and platforms. A product platform in this context is a core software asset on top of which the product is built and expanded on, and may be generic enough to be used in other products as well. The definition is in line with the one given by Clements and Northrop in [5] and was also thought of as most descriptive by the case companies even though they do not practice a product-line approach in the strict sense. Product components are business requirements translated as software, meaning relatively independent (groups of) features. The related business requirements, as well as more detailed information on the functionality should be kept in the require-
  • 5. ments management system. Documentation, whether internal or intended for the end-user, is depicted as product components when necessary. This is a logical choice, since associated documentation is usually defined ‘ software’as well [18]. Preparing a product release consists of integrating the related product compo- nents and platform(s), doing system testing and error correction, as well as perform- ing other product release activities. In the notation there are three kinds of possible releases: major releases, minor releases and patches. The first diamond in a new release activity denotes a major release, and subsequent diamonds and circles mark minor and patch releases, respectively. Only releases on the release layer are visible to customers. The services a company offers are classified and dealt with based on the kind of attention they need from product development. The classification consists of product accessories, customer-specific development services and other services. Product accessories are a one-time effort requiring product development resources to fulfil a need common to many customers. Typically, they are initially developed for a spe- cific customer, but are to be included as part of the standard offering. Product acces- sories are expressed in the product roadmap as regular product components inte- grated into a future release of the product. Customer-specific development services require resources from product development, but their outcome is limited to the cus- tomer receiving the service. They are depicted on the service layer. Other services refer to services that at the moment do not appear to require attention from product development. We currently think that it is not necessary to include these kinds of services into the product roadmap. The thicker an activity is in the visualisation, the more resources are allocated for the period indicated. In our case companies, different people or teams work on the platform and product components. To help in balancing resources, textual notation is used inside the activities to denote the allocated resource type(s). Resource informa- tion is also summed to the bottom layer of the visualisation. Arrows going from one activity to another denote composition and timing for in- tegrating the activities’ outputs and may, depending on the context, imply reuse. Thus, the product roadmap visualisation contains information of the product archi- tecture over time, specifically, the relationships between product releases, compo- nents and platforms, and how and when they are composed of each other. As no exhaustive rules exist for discriminating between ‘ plain’technologies, product plat- forms and product components for roadmapping purposes, a reasonable conceptual structure must be resolved case-by-case. The example roadmap of Fig. 1 shows the plans regarding a toolkit for rapid crea- tion of web-based user interfaces. The only service currently identified to require product development attention is the one-day basic training per license sold, pro- vided starting from the major release 5.0 in 8/2002. Preparing materials for the training is depicted as a product component. The other product components are add- in modules for various terminal devices, and end-user documentation to be shipped with the product starting from a minor release in 8/2001. On the platform layer, the roadmap shows two generations of the toolkit ‘ engine’ , with the second generation to be used starting from 5.0.
  • 6. 3.2 A Process Outline for Product Roadmapping We used a four-step process for creating and updating product roadmaps. The proc- ess can also be thought as a checklist for what practitioners should take into consid- eration when conducting long-term release planning. The steps in the process should be performed periodically to adjust the roadmap to new information and changing market situations, and smaller updates should be done to ensure the roadmaps always hold current information. Tabrizi and Walleigh present an example in [19] in which senior management of a technology-intensive company updates the company’ s prod- uct roadmaps bimonthly, and redraws them completely every six months. Our proc- ess is summarised in Table 1. Table 1. Steps in creating and updating product roadmaps Step Objective Define strategic mission and vision. Outline product vision. Clarify and communicate what business the company is in Scan the environment Choose position and focus, assess the realism of the product vision and examine what technologies should be used Revise and distil the product vision as product roadmaps. Establish release cycle, objectives for releases and allocate resources. Record decision rationale with business requirements Estimate product life cycle and evaluate the mix of development efforts planned Check sanity. Assess whether the planned develop- ment is parallel to the product vision The first step is to define (or revise) and analyse the strategic mission and vision of the company. All companies, no matter how small, should have an idea of their purpose and desired future clear enough to be written down before they plan their operations in more detail. Often some kind of product vision exists even if the com- pany’ s mission and vision are not explicitly defined. Mission and vision should act as the guideline for shaping the product vision and choosing between strategic alter- natives. The second step is to identify major trends in the general environment. This en- compasses looking at potential customers, competitors, the industry and develop- ments in relevant technology. Many well-known models and techniques, such as Porter’ s five forces, strategic group analysis and competitor profiling [9] can be used to steer the management’ s attention. This should result in an understanding of the desired focus and position for the company and its products as well as guide in tech- nology selection. The third step is to revise the product vision(s) based on the analysis conducted, and distil these as product roadmaps taking internal factors of the company such as human and financial resources, competencies and infrastructure into account. Con- struction of the product roadmaps should start from defining the major and minor release cycles and continue with defining the business requirements and expectations for the upcoming releases. By including business requirements and their objectives explicitly into the requirements repository and keeping track of their history, the rationale behind roadmap evolution becomes visible.
  • 7. The final step is to state expectations regarding the life cycles and financial impli- cations of product releases, components and platforms, and consider the mix of planned development activities from the business objectives’perspective [17]. This acts as a financial sanity check and evaluates whether the planned development is parallel to product and company vision. 4 Experiences from Applying the Model We have developed and applied our model in co-operation with three small software companies, which we call ToolCo, TeamCo and MobAppsCo. ToolCo specialises in the development of applications and software development tools for Internet-, intra- net- and extranet environments. TeamCo offers mobile operators, service providers and enterprises solutions that facilitate group interaction. MobAppsCo provides mobile business solutions and professional services for mobile operators and enter- prises. At the start of this study in 6/2001, ToolCo had 14 employees, and both TeamCo and MobAppsCo were standing at roughly 40. Some common denominators for the three companies are the sizes of their product development organisations, product-orientation in their current (or desired) business models, and relative inexpe- rience in planning new product development. Below we summarise the experiences and lessons learned from the cases. 4.1 Conducting Roadmapping at ToolCo When we started working with ToolCo in the spring of 2001, the company had envi- sioned a product concept based on its software toolkit for rapid creation of browser- enabled user interfaces and managing the presentation of information to users. Put- ting together a toolkit to help in performing the project work, the main source of revenue at the time, had been a conscious effort since 1997, but its commercialisa- tion stems from late 1999. Roadmapping for the product was conducted in 4-7/2001. The work was mainly carried out by the CEO, and required about one man-month of effort. The most im- portant results of creating the initial roadmap were a clearer understanding of what had to be achieved in order to launch the product, and realising the schedule and timing implications of sales, marketing and other aspects not directly related to de- velopment. This involved planning the release cycle, the schedules for the major releases and their contents, and considering what whole-product issues needed to be taken into account along the way. ToolCo got a more complete view on what they had at the moment, what was missing, and what would be a realistic schedule for launching and subsequently improving on the product. Especially schedules were revised during the process. The CEO was positive he would use a similar approach in the future for product and release planning. Concerning the roadmapping process, estimating the life cycles and financial im- plications of products, components and platforms was seen both important and chal- lenging. Also, identifying and analysing the competition was found difficult. How-
  • 8. ever, the moral of the exercise is in forcing the management to think ahead and coercing them to state their current expectations, rather than in obtaining accurate forecasts of future cash flow or competitors’strengths, weaknesses and plans. The visualisation was found extremely helpful because it showed the development of the product, its parts and the resource allocation over time in one picture. These issues had previously been found difficult to express and communicate. The pilots’ feedback on the visualisation resulted in several changes, with the most important ones being the introduction of the service layer, including explicit resource types, and simplifying the notation for minor releases and release composition. 4.2 Discussing the Approach at TeamCo and MobAppsCo At TeamCo, we used our notation and process to discuss product roadmapping as applied to the company’ s products, but did not carry out the roadmapping process in co-operation with company management. At the start of the study in 6/2001, TeamCo had just released a major version of their product, GroupMaster, and the exact schedule, content or role of the next release had not yet been planned. Based on the discussions with TeamCo’ s managers, we prepared an example roadmap to dem- onstrate the use of the model with TeamCo’ s own plans. However, neither these, nor any other plans regarding future releases expressed at that point were followed. This was partly due to the fact that key development resources were caught up servicing the current customers, for example installing the system, doing systems integration, customer-specific tailoring, consulting and training. The most interesting finding of the TeamCo case was the need for product concep- tualisation before the roadmap visualisation could be used. This means finding a common language to refer to the components of the software and their relationship to the envisioned product. This had taken place at ToolCo when the initial version of our model was being developed. The two cases suggest that a common conceptual view of the product required for product and release planning may be lacking even when the organisation is small. At MobAppsCo, our study was intentionally limited to discussing our model and the company’ s practices in the area of release and product planning. MobAppsCo usually launches product development projects based on the needs of some pilot customer, and the end result is integrated back to the product. The platform is altered according to the functional and non-functional requirements encountered in these projects. As long as the correct focus in selecting the projects can be maintained, this practice is a good example of utilising synergies between the product and services, in this case, to share risk. However, this is not possible when developing a completely new kind of solution because customer feedback is not available from the start. During the summer of 2000, MobAppsCo’ s management practiced roadmapping by writing a document that described as closely as possible the platform, the set of applications and their features as a function of time. However, the approach felt too cumbersome, and the document was not kept up-to-date. Since then, the practice has been scaled down to having one or two bulleted pages with basically the same infor- mation but with less detail and a shorter time range. While our approach does not yet
  • 9. provide any specifics beyond the roadmap visualisation for the format of an actual roadmap document, such issues have to be considered in the future. We believe our approach could be used at MobAppsCo to co-ordinate the more traditional R&D-type work with prioritising, selecting and planning customer- initiated development projects. We think that depicting ongoing and planned activi- ties with a product roadmap communicates especially the schedule and resource implications better. 4.3 Summary The most important lesson learned from the three cases was that product roadmap- ping can play an important role in bridging the gap between management, marketing and product development by forcing management to consider both product position- ing and development aspects at the same time. We also learned that it is important to account for services in the product roadmap, and that a common conceptual view of the product may be lacking even when the development organisation is small. Fur- thermore, the roadmap helps in making resource allocation trade-offs between prod- uct and service development. Because a sense of urgency is always present when dealing with small companies, an incremental and systematic process for roadmap- ping seems necessary. 5 Conclusion and Directions for Further Work In this paper we have presented an approach to whole product roadmapping for small software product companies, and discussed experiences from three cases. We propose that by providing a long-term view into release management, product road- mapping can help bring together the perspectives of business management and soft- ware development. The product roadmap expresses the release and development schedules for the product, composition of individual releases, changes to the underly- ing technology, services requiring attention from product development and planned resource usage, while project management tracks how successfully the roadmap is being acted on. By addressing these elements, product roadmapping concretises and communicates the plans so that they can be acted on – or refuted – when necessary. We believe tracking service development and actual servicing jointly with product and release planning helps exploit potential synergies between the product and the services offered. Currently, we are interested in getting more empirical experience from using our approach. Specifically, we want to assess the cost and potential payoff of doing prod- uct roadmapping, in terms of the amount of effort spent versus the kinds of insights and results gained from the exercise. Toward this end, we are outlining a repeatable launch and an incremental rollout plan for establishing product roadmapping in small companies and identifying prerequisites (such as product conceptualisation) for practicing product roadmapping. Also, the roadmapping process is to be further
  • 10. tailored to the small business context through identifying and characterising essen- tial product development decisions in such companies. References 1. Bays, M., E.: Software Release Methodology. Prentice-Hall (1999) 2. Bosch, J.: Design and Use of Software Architectures: Adopting and Evolving a Product- Line Approach. Addison-Wesley (2000) 3. Carlshamre, P., Sandahl, K., Lindvall, M., Regnell, B., Natt och Dag, J.: An Industrial Study of Requirements Interdependencies in Software Product Release Planning. Proc. 5th IEEE Int’ l. Symp. on Requirements Engineering (RE'01) 84–91 4. Carlshamre, P., Regnell, B.: Requirements Lifecycle Management and Release Planning in Market-Driven Requirements Engineering Processes. Proc. 11th Int’ l. Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2000) 961–965 5. Clements, P., Northrop, L.: Software Product Lines: Practices and Patterns, Addison- Wesley (2001) 6. Cusumano, M., Selby, R.: Microsoft Secrets: How the World’ s Most Powerful Software Company Creates Technology, Shapes Markets and Manages People. The Free Press (1995) 7. Cusumano, M., Yoffie, D.: Competing on Internet Time: Lessons from Netscape and its Battle with Microsoft. The Free Press (1998) 8. DeGregorio, G.: Technology management via a Set of Dynamically Linked Roadmaps. Motorola, Inc., Motorola Labs Software and System Engineering Research Laboratory (2000) 9. Hitt, M., Ireland, D., Hoskisson, R.: Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Global- ization: Concepts, 2nd edition. West Publishing Company (1997) 10. Hoch, D., Roeding, C., Purkert, G., Lindner, S., Müller, R.: Secrets of Software Success: Management Insights from 100 Software Firms Around the World. McKinsey & Co. (2000) 11. Kamsties, E., Hörmann, K., Schilch, M.: Requirements Engineering in Small and Me- dium Enterprises. Requirements Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 2. Springer-Verlag (1998) 85– 86 12. Kostoff, R. N., Schaller, R. R.: Science and Technology Roadmaps, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 48 No. 2. IEEE (2001) 132–143 13. Moore, G.: Crossing the Chasm: Marketing and Selling High-Tech Products to Main- stream Customers. HarperCollins Publishers (1991) 14. Nambisan, S.: Why Service Businesses are not Product Businesses. MIT Sloan Manage- ment Review, Summer 2001. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2001) 72–80 15. van Ommering, R.: Roadmapping a Product Population Architecture. Proc. 4th Int’ l. Workshop on Product Family Engineering. European Software Institute (2001) 16. Rautiainen, K., Lassenius, C., Vähäniitty, J., Vanhanen, J., Pyhäjärvi, M.: A Tentative Framework for Managing Software Product Development in Small Companies. Proc. 35th Hawaii Int’ l. Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-35) 17. Smith, E., Wheelwright, S.: The New Product Development Imperative. 9-699-152. Harvard Business School Publishing (1999) 18. Sommerville, I.: Software Engineering, 6th edition. Addison-Wesley / Pearson (2001) 19. Tabrizi, B., Walleigh, R.: Defining Next-Generation Products: An Inside Look. Harvard Business Review. Nov-Dec (1997) 116–124 20. Wiegers, K.: Software Requirements. Microsoft Press (1999)