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An Analysis Of Hillary Rodham Clinton
Sen. Bernie Sanders, who has spoken to Vermont as a free in the House and Senate for about 25 years, has given Hillary Rodham Clinton a challenger
for the Democratic assignment for president. In his trademark come to the heart of the matter style, Sanders not long ago skirted a formal
announcement of application – he had implied at it for a considerable length of time – and rather recognized standard working Americans as the reason
he is running. "This nation today has more genuine emergencies than whenever since the Great Depression of the 1930s," Sanders, 73, said in
comments enduring under five minutes. "For most Americans, their existence is they're working longer hours for bring down wages. In expansion
balanced salary, they're... Show more content on ...
He made a beeline for Vermont in the wake of moving on from the University of Chicago with a four year certification in political science. While in
school, he walked for social equality. Sanders, a coordinator for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, was a piece of an unexpected of
understudies from Chicago who went by transport in 1963 to the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. He was chosen leader of
Burlington the first run through by 10 votes. After that 1981 challenge, he went ahead to win three more terms. This nearby achievement took
after fizzled offers for Senate and representative in the 1970s. He once talked on the Senate floor for eight hours in a row. It was December 2010,
and he was attempting to fix what he considered tax cuts for the rich. He records 18 needs on his Senate site. They incorporate common freedoms,
dental care, war and peace, and ladies' rights. His more seasoned sibling, Larry, is running for a seat in the UK's Parliament. An occupant of Oxford
since 1969, Larry Sanders is a Green Party hopeful in the May 7 decision for Oxford West/Abingdon yet is given minimal possibility of unseating
Conservative Party officeholder Nicola Claire Blackwood. He imparts to a few preservationists a profound doubt of government dangers to security.
Truth be told, Politico noted, on that theme Sanders some of the time sounds much like Sen. Rand Paul, R–Ky.,
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Hillary Trump Biography
Biography of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton
Donald trump: was born June 14,1946 trump was the 4th out of 5 children when he became 13 his parents sent him to military academy. In 1977, he
married Ivana Zelnickova Winklmayr.
She was a new york fashion model and olympic skier, together they had 3 children, on march 22 1992 donald trump and ivana got divorced. Trump
married 2 more times and has a total of 5 children out of the 3 wives he married. On june 16th, 2015 trump announced he was running for president as a
republican, he made the announcement at the trump tower in new york city. On july 18th, 2015 trump set off another media firestorm when he said
that john mccain, a former republican nominee was not a hero. July 21st,2016 trump accepted the presidential nomination at the national convention. ...
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She became democrat in 1968, in 1980 hillary and bill had a daughter named chelsea, in july of 2016 clinton accepted her party's nomination for
Good and bad quotes from Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton
Good quotes from trump: "sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war"
"When somebody challenges you, fight back, be brutal, be tough."
Bad quotes from trump: "(Obama) doesn't have a birth certificate, he may have one, but there's something on that, maybe religion, maybe it says he is a
Good quotes from hillary:"if i want to knock a story off the front page, i just changed my my hairstyle."
Bad quotes from clinton:"no. We just can't trust the american people to make those types of choices... government has to make those choices for the
Donald trump and hillary clinton's economy
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The Pros And Cons Of Hillary Rodham Clinton
After one of the most unprecedented campaigns, the polls declared Donald Trump as the forty fifth president of the United States leaving the glass
ceiling within the javits center intact. Donald Trump's victory concludes one of the most bitter election the country has ever experienced. How did a
man with no political background defeat a candidate with years of experiences such as being the first lady, holding a spot in the senate, and being
former secretary of state appointed by president Obama. There are countless reasons to why Clinton lost and why Trump won throughout after the bitter
two year campaign but, Hillary Rodham Clinton campaign as not for nothing. She did not shatter the glass ceiling but left a big enough crack to allow
the light through.... Show more content on ...
Women's and Gender studies gives people in other social environment the opportunity to resolve gender–related issues by creating a common
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Hillary Rodham Clinton Immigration Policy Analysis
contributed to the evolution of America, becoming "central to the whole American faith" (Myers and Pitkin). Kennedy adds, "Immigration gave
every old American a standard by which to judge how far he had come and every new American a realization of how far he might go. It reminded
every American, old and new, that change is the essence of life, and that American society is a process, not a conclusion" (Myers and Pitkin).
According to the Office of the Press Secretary, "Since the beginning of his Administration, President Obama has made clear that we are stronger as a
nation when we welcome immigrants and refugees into our communities and harness their entrepreneurial spirit". Speaking at Rancho High School in
Las Vegas in May of 2015, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton voices her perspective on immigration and its effect on
America, by "embracing the full path to citizenship rather than proposing a second class of Americans who can work in the United States but not enjoy
the protection of ... Show more content on ...
Clinton supports immigrants and assimilation, stating "They never feel they belong or have allegiance...that is a recipe for divisiveness and even
disintegration... we are a nation of immigrants". In "Obama's Next Act: Immigration Reform", Chris Farrell substantiates Clinton's sentiments, "The
larger effect of eliminating uncertainty for these immigrants is creating incentives for them to make long–term investments in careers,
entrepreneurship, education, homes, and community" (qtd Farrell 442). Logical thinking, as if one is able to contribute more of themselves and feel as
if the country is investing in them as an equal, one will be more inclined to invest in the country. Furthermore Clinton believes that, "comprehensive
immigration reform "strengthens families, strengthens our economy, and strengthens our country" (Avila, Marshall and
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John Trump Biography
Donald John Trump was born in queens new york. He has 4 siblings. His parents are Frederick C. and Mary MacLeod Trump. Trump was a very
active child and because of that he was sent to the New York Military Academy at age 13, hoping the discipline of the school would channel his
energy in a positive manner. He graduated in 1964 and became a rising star athlete and student leader. Trump had applied to and got accepted by
Fordham University and two years later transferred to Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania, he graduated with a degree in
economics in 1968. Shortly after trump followed his father into real estate development. Trump, as a student worked with his father during the summer
and then joined his father's company. In 2004 Trump appeared in the NBC show "The Apprentice" and also the "Celebrity Apprentice" shortly after.
Years later in 2015 he turned to politics and then announced he was a Republican candidacy forpresident of the United states. Trump became the
official Republican candidate for president on July 19, 2016. ... Show more content on ...
Clinton was raised in Park Ridge, Illinois, suburb located 15 miles northwest of downtown Chicago. She was the eldest daughter of Hugh Rodham, a
prosperous fabric store owner, and Dorothy Emma Howell Rodham. Clinton has two younger brothers, Hugh jr. and Anthony. When hillary was a
young woman she was very active in young Republican
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Essay about Hillary Rodham Clinton: A Presidential...
As time passes, rumors concerning Hillary Clinton's decision to run for president have been soaring. Ever since she stepped down from her position as
Secretary of State in 2013, Clinton has faced question after question about her plans for the future and her opinion on the presidency.
Hillary Diane Rodham was born on October 26, 1947; she was born in Chicago, Illinois and was raised in the nearby town of Park Ridge. Throughout
high school and college, she began her politically activity by working on several presidential campaigns and holding a variety of impressive summer
jobs. While studying at Yale Law School, she met William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton, the man who she would later marry. Following her graduation,
Hillary taught at the ... Show more content on ...
Since the announcement of her campaign, Hillary was the top presidential candidate for the Democratic Party. It seemed that her victory was
inevitable. The excitement of potentially having a women president excited much of the female population, and the Clintons' experience in politics
had gained Hillary respect. "The polls showed her the favorite of 41 percent of Democrats, giving her more than double the support of any of her
potential rivals." (Balz 1) Among these rivals were Tom Vilsack, John Edwards, Sen. Bill Richardson, Sen. Joseph Biden, and Sen. Christopher Dodd.
However, Clinton's main competition within her own party was Senator Barack Obama of Illinois. For a while, Clinton kept a firm grip as the front
runner of the Democratic Party, yet a series of events and mistakes caused that position to slip from her grasp.
One of Hillary's many mistakes involved her her decision to participate in the Iowa caucuses, despite warnings from Mike Henry. Henry, deputy
campaign manager for Hillary Clinton's 2007 presidential campaign, predicted that the Iowa Caucasus would might drain. millions of dollars from the
campaign while giving it very little momentum (Kuhn 2). As it turned out, Henry's prediction was all too accurate, and the campaign began to fall
behind, especially financially.
Another one of Clinton's campaigning mistakes was trying to secure an older generation of voters by creating an offline campaign that
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How Did Hillary Clinton Impact The World
"You have to be true to yourself" (BrainyQuote). This is a quote by Hillary Rodham Clinton, a very important woman in the decade of the 1990s.
Many events occurred in the 1990s that still impact the entire world today.
One important public figure in the 1990s was Hillary Rodham Clinton. Hillary Clinton is a politician. She is most well known for being the First Lady
of the United States and Bill Clinton's wife. While she was the First Lady, she brought attention to the issues of women and children. Over Clinton's
time in the political world, she has won various awards. These awards include the Freedom Medal, Margaret Sanger Award, Arkansas Woman of the
Year, Philippine Legion of Honor (Rob Nagel). She wis also in the National Women's Hall... Show more content on ...
These events of protest occurred in 1999. Protesters around the world gathered in places like Seattle, India, and all over Europe p rallied against
capitalism. At these events, people asked for a peaceful change from capitalism to communism. Even though these places stayed capitalist, many
people still believe that there should be governments using the communist ways. Although these protests didn't reach their goal, the debate is still
fought over(Patricia Levy). In the 1990's, an invention was created that is now used in everyday life, The World Wide Web also known as the WWW.
In the year of 1990, Tim Berners–Lee created the World Wide Web.It was invented in the United States and was later released to the public in 1991.
The World Wide Web has become very important and people could not imagine a life without it. Overall, the World Wide Web has become very
important to the world (Tim Berners–Lee). During the 1990's Beanie Babies were all the craze for teenage girls. Within the first three years after
being released, more than 100 million Beanie Babies were sold. Beanie Babies were stuffed animals with plastic beans given with names and
birthdates. They mainly appealed to teenage girls. Today, Beanie Babies aren't as popular as the used to be , but they are still bought all the time.
Beanie Babies overall were a very crazed object the everyone wanted (George
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Hillary Rodham vs Michelle Obama Essay
Compare and Contrast Essay
Brian L. Marone
Excelsior College English 101
Instructor: BK Harvey
16 January 2013
Hillary Clinton Vs Michelle Obama Many people usually spend the majority their time comparing the past and present presidents against each other.
They always talk about the things the presidents have accomplished leaving behind a great legacy, but they never consider the great women behind the
man. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama are both very different accomplished First Ladies. Both women had different
college career paths. Hillary first attracted national attention in 1969 for her remarks as the first student commencement speaker at Wellesley College....
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Michelle served as an associate at the Chicago office of the law firm Sidley Austin. At the firm, she worked on marketing and intellectual property. In
1991, she held public sector positions in the Chicago city government as an Assistant to the Mayor and as Assistant Commissioner of Planning and
Development. In 1993, she became Executive Director for the Chicago office of Public Allies, a non–profit organization encouraging young people to
work on social issues in nonprofit groups and government agencies. She worked there nearly four years and set fundraising records for the
organization that still stood 12 years after she left. Hillary and Michelle both have contributed differently to the nation as First Lady. In January 1993,
Hillary Clinton headed a Task Force on National Health Care Reform known as the Clinton health care plan, a proposal that required employers to
provide health coverage to their employees through individual health maintenance organizations. Hillary supported the passage of the State Children's
Health Insurance Program in 1997, and promoted nationwide immunization against childhood illnesses and encouraged older women to seek a
mammogram to detect breast cancer, with coverage provided by Medicare. Hillary inspired various medical improvements throughout all areas of
medical care and treatment. Michelle supported the economic stimulus bill in visits to the United
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Hillary Clinton Research Paper
Hillary Clinton backstage at a festival in Northern Florida a week before election day
Hillary Clinton, a fun–loving twenty something from New Orleans, Louisiana, is quick to point out that she was not named after Hillary Rodham
"I am from Louisiana, she was the first lady of Arkansas," Clinton says, referring to when she was born.
Not surprisingly, her Louisiana parents hadn't heard of the other Hillary Clinton at the time.
Her father, Phillip, not Phil, Clinton, confirmed to us that her name is indeed a coincidence.
Shortly after Hillary Rodham Clinton moved into the White House in 1993, Hillary's mother wrote to the first lady about her namesake. "How
interesting to learn of another Hillary Clinton!" The first lady wrote back, "Perhaps ... Show more content on ...
Trump picked up the phone to ask Dr. Trump for a favor. The son of a close friend of his was hoping to get into a clinical trial at the Roswell Park
Cancer Institute in Buffalo, where Dr. Trump was working at the time.
"I'm happy to say that neither Mr. Trump nor I had any impact on that decision. That process and the entry of the young man on the clinical trial was
well underway when I received the call," Dr. Trump told CNN during an interview at the Inova Schar Cancer Institute in Virginia, where he now serves
as CEO and Executive Director.
Never one to miss an opportunity, Dr. Trump used the contact from Mr. Trump to tell him about some of the work performed at Roswell Park and
explained to him that they would soon be holding a "Bald for Bucks" fundraiser.
The Donald politely declined to part with his famous locks, but sent a video message wishing Roswell Park well and made a "generous donation," Dr.
Trump said.
Sometime after the fundraiser, the two Donalds met at Trump Tower in New York. Dr. Trump described Mr. Trump as engaging, and interested in the
doctor's work.
The doctor hinted at Mr. Trump's braggadocio, but said he wasn't as flamboyant as he is on the campaign trail. He was "clearly successful and wasn't
unhappy to make sure I knew he was successful," Dr. Trump
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Hillary Rodham Clinton for President
Hillary Rodham Clinton for President Hillary Clinton is known for many things, from her trip to Africa and her Grammy award winning book "it
takes a village". Hillary Rodham Clinton is a well known activist who spent most of her time helping her husband former United States President
William Jefferson Clinton with issues that involved the United States. She was her husband's pick to run the Children's Heath insurance Program in
1993. Clinton has taken a major part in government history by becoming the first lady to ever be elected into senate in 2000. Hillary Rodham Clinton
will make a good president because she had an 8–year experience living in the White House as the first lady and now is currently the United States
Senator of New ... Show more content on ...
(Gordon, Clinton on education para.8). Clinton also wants to increase teacher salaries, because she believes that they will not carry on to teach unless
they receive what they earn. (Gordon, Clinton on education para.15). Clinton also has some concerns about Families she says that governments cannot
love a child but they can help families and men should take full responsibility in raising a child and she wants to change what children see when
watching television. Clinton also believes that children should not be considered minors but as child citizens, she believes that children should have all
rights under the constitution. Clinton says " I want to be the voice for American's children" ( Gordon Clinton on families and children para.8). Clinton
is also a very strong supporter on the no child left behind act, she believes that no child in America should be left behind in the 21st century and parents
should put their children first. Clinton still believes that it takes a village. (Gordon Clinton on families and children para.1) The other issue that Clinton
strongly supports is health care. When the Clinton administration had failed to attempt take the nation's health care system, Clinton said that it taught
her about bipartism. (Gordon, Clinton on health care para.1) Clinton was planning to get about five million children enrolled. (Gordon, Clinton on
health care para.1) Clinton also
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Hillary : A Great Amount Of Courage
All it takes is strength, courage, confidence and determination to become anything you desire to be. Being able to stand up for what is right, no
matter what the consequences could be takes a great amount of courage. Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton was born in Chicago, Illinois on October 26,
1947. Daughter of Hugh Rodham and Dorothy Rodham, with two younger siblings Hugh Rodham and Anthony Rodham ("First Lady Biography").
Hillary grew up in a middle class home. Her father was a World War II Navy Veteran and owner of a small
–business. Hillary's mother was abandoned
by her parents and had a tough childhood but she attained a job as a housekeeper and baby sitter to start her future. Hillary attended a public school
and was a raised a Methodist. As a child she got inspired by Martin Luther King Jr. on what she wanted to do for her future (Hillary's Story). Hillary
attended Wellesley College once graduated she started attending Yale Law School. She was always active in student politics, was well known, and
graduated with honors. As a college student she held various jobs that would be beneficial for her career. She went to Washington, D.C to work on U.S
Senator Walter Mondale's sub–committee on migrant worker. She also worked in the campaign of Democratic presidential nominee George McGovern.
Through out the years, she became a member of the presidential impeachment in inquiry staff during the Watergate Scandal. She then became a faculty
member of the University of Arkansas Law
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Hillary Clinton Role Model
Hillary Rodham Clinton, one of the most influential women made her mark especially in the world of politics. She was the runner–up Democratic
nominee in the 2008 election, and was the Democratic nominee for the 2016 election; however she fell short of becoming president to Republican
nominee Donald Trump. Still, she was the first woman to top the presidential ticket of an major party. Previously, Hillary Clinton was the senator of
New York from 2001 to 2009 She was also the Secretary of State under President Obama's administration 2009 to 2013. She is not a stranger to these
high positions. To add onto to her success in these strenuous positions, she has been in the White House before underBill Clinton's administration from
1993 to 2001. ... Show more content on ...
This period was known as the Baby Boomers where the United States helped rebuild devastated Europe as well as Japan, which was negatively
affected by the atomic bomb. This was a great time for many people because the men came back from the war, and started a family. This lasted
from 1946 to 1964. Hillary parents had a huge impact in her life because they portrayed that there is a positive to every negative situation. Hugh,
her father, graduated from Pennsylvania State University in the height of the Great Depression, which took the United States as well as part of the
world by storm. Dorothy portrayed her toughness and her keen intelligence in another way. She did not graduate from college; however Hillary
always admired her mother's intelligence and her wanting of her children to reach their apex in terms of potential. Being brought up by hard working
parents taught Hillary many values. Subsequently, Hillary might have been a conservative growing up because her father was a goldwater
conservative, and the town she mostly grew up in was very conservative. However, her mother was a democrat who might have had some sort of
influence in her before she got to Wellesley. Hillary used to sneak out downtown with her to join a group of Republicans investigating about the stolen
election. The assassination of Martin Luther King moved her because she admired his fervor and
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Hillary Clinton Discrimination
On July 28, 2016, history was made in a monumental way that even the Framers of the Constitution most likely wouldn't have predicted. Now that
eventful day will also be known as the day that Hillary Rodham Clinton accepted the nomination from the Democratic Party to run for President.
What makes this situation an integral part of history is that Mrs. Clinton is the first female to be nominated for President and come November 8,
2016 there is possibility that she can making history by becoming the first female President. Being the first female to make such a speech could've
been a factor of anxiety that Hillary had to encounter. Aside from these major implications that occurred on July 28, 2016, former Secretary Hillary
Clinton gave a speech... Show more content on ...
Though Clinton presented several good plans, a fair amount of the promises made can be called far–fetched and unrealistic. People are sure to be
behind plans that will help the American people pursue the prosperous life they desire, but the people will not stand with a candidate that promises
plans that are highly unlikely. For example creating a Constitutional amendment to stop Citizens United would be a difficult task as the process to pass
a Constitutional Amendment would make it difficult as a there isn't an issue with bipartisan agreement. Making implausible vows can hurt Hillary
Clinton during the campaign because she will have an increasing amount of skeptics questioning the honesty and validity of her plans. The people's
trust in candidate Clinton can diminish if the people feel her ideas won't be fulfilled. If there is one thing that voters dislike, it's a candidate that
promises great success that cannot be achieved. It seems that . This mistake made by former Secretary Clinton is very detrimental and can be used as
point against her as she moves on to attempt to become the
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Hillary Clinton Achievements
Hillary Clinton
President of the United States, the highest office in our nation. A respected title, a praiseworthy title, an honorable title, but some may ask why anyone
would want to be President. For the fame or power? Well, that is how most people think the candidate, Hillary Clinton, thinks of it. Trump, Cruz,
Kasich, Clinton, and Sanders are the remaining candidates still in the race for the presidency. All candidates have their faults, but Hillary's biggest
fault is how she is campaigning. When people listen to her presidential campaigns, they are not hearing politics or how she is going to improve our
country; what they hear, is Hillary attacking her fellow candidates, trying to make them appear weak. Our President should not conduct ... Show more
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Both, Obama and Clinton were against same sex marriage until voting commenced; as a result, people considered the sudden change of mind to
be a political move. She was interviewed by Terry Gross, who wanted to find out if her ideas had evolved since she last ran in the 90's. However,
Clinton never gave detailed answers, she stated, "We have all evolved," and became angry when Gross repetitively asked. She complained, stating
Terry was," playing with my words." She also went on to say how proud of herself she was for what she has done for this issue, however, Mrs.
Clinton never quite specified what she did ("Hillary Clinton"). In another interview, Clinton answered questions from various women and indicated
she wanted to focus on children and education, however, throughout the interview she spoke about her hair style and a new brand of milk she
found. The women also asked her why she desired to be President, yet she did not give an answer ("Hillary Talks"). Clinton believes after having an
African American President in office for two consecutive terms, we now want a female President. However, voters call her a clumsy campaigner
because of the questions her staff gave the audience before a speaking event in her last Presidential run, hence, some voters believe this could happen
again (Malcolm Andrew). Clinton continues to be baffled by how little her voters know about her and that it
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Barack Obama 's Legacy At The State Department
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Schoeller, Martin. Hillary Clinton. Digital image. Bloomberg Business., 10 Jan. 2013. Web. 18 Apr. 2015. <
Linsey Downing
MGT–1010 900 "Hillary Diane Rodham was born on October 26, 1947 in Chicago, Illinois. Hillary was the eldest daughter of Hugh Rodham, a
prosperous fabric store owner, and Dorothy Emma Howell Rodham, a homemaker. She has two younger brothers, Hugh Jr. and Anthony. As a young
woman, Hillary was active in young Republican groups and campaigned for Republican presidential nominee Barry Goldwater in 1964. She was
inspired to work in some form of public service after hearing a ... Show more content on ...
After her graduation, she served as an advisor to the Children's Defense Fund in Cambridge. She later moved to Arkansas where Bill was starting a
political career, and they got married in 1975. In Arkansas, Hillary became a very notable and influential lawyer, while Bill's political career flourished
(Ohebsion)." Hillary Rodham Clinton and Bill Clinton had a daughter, Chelsea Victoria Clinton, on February 27, 1980. Chelsea gave birth to a
daughter, Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky, in September 2014, making the Clintons first–time grandparents. Hillary Rodham Clinton has been involved in
politics from the time she attended Maine East High School to now. She has served as president of the Wellesley Young Republicans, president of
the Wellesley College Government Association, served on the editorial board of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action, the first lady of
Arkansas, the first lady of the United States, Senator of New York, United States Secretary of State, and now she is running for the 2016 presidency.
When Hillary was decisively elected to the U.S. Senate, "it was the first time ever that a woman was elected Senator of New York, and the first time
ever that a First Lady went on to hold public office (Ohebsion)." When it comes to Hillary Rodham Clinton, there are many leadership traits that she
possess. The traits that she holds that pushes her
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Who Was Hillary Clinton A Feminist?
On September 5, 1995 Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke at the U.N.'s Fourth World Conference for Women. Here she said, "If there is one message that
echoes forth from this conference, let it be that human rights are women's rights and women's rights are human rights, once and for all." These words
have followed her throughout the rest of her career in public service and has become the epitome of her ideals. Countless arguments and debates about
Hillary have been posed throughout her 40 years in the public sphere, some are still talked about today. This is the case with the question of Hillary
and her role in the Women's Movement. The biggest question is whether Hillary Clinton was or was not a feminist? This poses another interesting
question, if... Show more content on ...
Out of all three, liberal feminism is the most widely known and is often what most think of when they think of feminism. This kind of moderate,
mainstream feminism contemplates the public sphere, on legal, political, and institutional struggle for the rights of individuals. This was a time
when women really wanted to stop feeling pressured by all those around them. Third Wave feminist wanted freedom from interference by the state,
but most importantly from the bonds of custom and prejudice imposed to them by society. They argued the idea of sameness and favored the idea
that men and women were simply equal. This led to them simply wanting reforms to work towards this equality as opposed to the Marxist idea of
revolution. When it comes to radical feminism there is a rejection of the more liberal idea of assimilating women into areas of activity associated
with men. Instead they focus on women's own oppression as women in a social order dominated by men and the fact that they are oppressed as
women and not as members of other groups or social
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Rhetorical Analysis Of Women's Rights Are Human Rights By...
On September 5, 1995, Hillary Rodham Clinton delivered a speech at the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women entitled, "Women's
Rights Are Human Rights", which addressed the wrongdoings inflicted upon women and girls while advocating on their behalf for the greater–good. In
doing so, Clinton hoped to achieve equal rights and opportunities for the female sex by using rhetorical appeals to express her desires of women being
actively involved in world advancement and development. Clinton firmly believed that women, as a whole, played a significant role in humanity and
should have received equal treatment, just like any other human being. Although her speech heavily swings towards solely feminism, her argument
never becomes imperious... Show more content on ...
Often times, Clinton used "we" and "our" to refer to women and gave the impression that she had seen and familiarized herself with all the women
present in the room. She pretended to personally know each individual and consequently, made a strong emotional connection to the crowd. As a matter
of fact, Clinton inserted empathetic imagery, stating that women come together as a unit "Whether it is while playing with our children in the park or
washing clothes in a river, or taking a break at the office water cooler". Because many women could identify with this vision, Clinton enabled herself to
create a powerful relationship with the females in the congregation. She adds that women from all types of culture, ethnicity, race, etc., and herself
"come together in fields and in factories...we(they) share a common future...we(they) are here to find common ground". With this in mind, the former
secretary of state and senator implies that everyone present at the event has joined forces with one another to discover solutions for assisting women.
In other words, they assemble as one team with one specific vision and one objective: better the lives of
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Compare Donald Trump And Hillary Clinton
Aryenna Ramirez
Mrs. Funk
English 11
18 November 20
Presidential Election Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are two opposite electoral candidates. Donald Trump is a democrat and Hillary Clinton is a
republican. In this paper I will be discussing Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton's views on crime/justice and health care. These two candidates have
opposite opinions on each of these topics. Hillary Diane Rodham was born on October 26, 1947 in Chicago, Illinois. She was eldest daughter of Hugh
Rodham and Dorothy Emma Howell Rodham. In 1971, she first came to Washington D.C to work with the U.S Senator Walter Mondale's
sub–committee on migrant workers. In the spring of 1947 Clinton became a member of the presidential impeachment inquiry staff, ... Show more
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Clinton mentions Donald Trump not caring about women's health at all. Hillary Clinton discussed her position about fetus's having constitutional
rights "the unborn person does not have constitutional rights." Clinton feels like it is an assault on women's health, she states, abortion is like the
morning after pill for unintended pregnancies. She also says that abortion is a tragic decision made by many women. The fact is, the best way to
reduce the murder is to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies in the first place. The unborn victims of violence act of 2004, which recognized
an unborn child as a legal victim and made it a crime to commit an act of violence against an unborn child. It became a law on April 1, 2004.
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Hillary Clinton
Hillary Rodham was born on October 26, 1947 to her father, Hugh Rodham and her mother, Dorothy Rodham. She was born in Chicago, Illinois, and
was raised in Park Ridge, Illinois. Hugh Rodham was a firefighter and a retired Navy officer. Dorothy taught Sunday school at the Methodist Church
the family attended. Hillary was raised to believe that she should always stand up for herself. Her mother taught her self–reliance. In an article
published by Newsweek Magazine Hillary stated: "My mother, who had had to make her own way in life, believed that she would do everything she
could do give us, a good start in life and protect us and prepare us, but at the end of the day, life was unpredictable, you never knew what was going to
happen, you had... Show more content on ...
Since the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, Hillary has helped to secure the funds New York needed to recover and rebuild. She fought to
provide compensation to families of the victims, grants for hard–hit small businesses, and health care for front line workers at Ground Zero. She has
worked to protect our food supply system from bioterrorism.
Hillary Rodham Clinton is the first New York Senator to ever serve on the Senate Armed Forces Committee. She has visited troops in Iraq and
Afghanistan, as well as military bases in the United States. She worked to pass legislation to track the health status of United States troops in order to
avoid instances such as Gulf War syndrome to go undetected.
Hillary introduced legislation to tie Congressional salary increases to an increase in minimum raise, incorporating her belief that if American workers
do not deserve a raise, than neither does Congress. She supported tax cuts such like marriage penalty relief, property tax relief, reduction to the
Alternative Minimum Tax, and she supports fiscally responsible pay–as–you–go budget rules. Hillary also helped pass legislation that encouraged
investment to create jobs in struggling communities through the Renewal Communities Program and championed legislation to bring broadband
Internet access to rural America.
As senator, Hillary has sponsored legislation to increase America's commitment to fighting the
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Biography Of Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton was an influential advocate during two thousand sixteen election year. On October 26, 1947 Clinton was born in Chicago, Illinois to her
parents Hugh Rodham and Dorothy Howell Rodham. Clinton was a successful student during high school where she attended in illinois from
1961–1965. "She also succeeded academically, becoming a National Honor Society member, joining a debating society, and being elected to student
council and as the junior class vice president," (National First Ladies' Library). As Senior Class President, Clinton was the first student speaker at
graduation where her speech made national news. Hillary Clinton later became an impact on America by fighting for women's rights, child health care,
and provided leadership on National Security Issues.... Show more content on ...
Although with her education experience that gave her good choices at law firms in Washington and New York she followed her heart and moved to
Fayetteville, Arkansas. " Although her education, legal and professional experience led to her being given a number of choices at well–paying and
established New York and Washington law firms, she decided to instead "follow my heart" and go to the small
–town of Fayetteville, Arkansas" They
had a one daughter born on February 27, 1980 named Chelsea Victoria Clinton. One year after being married Hillary Clinton worked for a law firm in
Little Rock, Arkansas. Later she became the state's' First Lady when Bill Clinton was elected Governor of
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The First Woman President Of The United States Essay
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton vs. Condoleeza Rice
I believe that Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton has the better chance of becoming the first woman president of the United States. She is a former First
Lady and has had input in the decisions of the Clinton Administration. She worked hand in hand with former President Bill Clinton. She is very smart, a
firm believer in her causes such as, helping everyday people, the underprivileged and minorities, etc. Hillary is very outspoken and her voice is heard.
She has always believed in advancing the cause civil rights. (Listening to the Media)
Hillary Clinton became a resident of New York and ran for and won a seat in the Senate in November 2000.... Show more content on ...
She won many admirers for her faithful support for women around the world and her commitment to children's issues. Those that know her really feel
good about her. Her issues are something the public really cares about. People admire her public service. (Article in, USA TODAY)
Born in Chicago, Illinois on October 26, 1947, she is the daughter of Dorothy Rodham and the late Hugh Rodham. She grew up in Park Ridge,
Illinois and attended public school there. She attended Wellesley College and graduated from Yale Law School in 1973. Hillary is married to former
President Bill Clinton and they have one daughter, Chelsea. (Biography of Hillary Clinton from, The White House)
Hillary has the experience and respect to become the first woman president of the United States. She was a strong part of the 1992 campaign for her
husband, Bill Clinton. She is a strong candidate and her performance in office as Senator has proved that. Some believe that her husband's popularity,
or much of it, might well be transferred to her. (Article in, The Washington Times) She is a strong fighter and very ambitious.
I do not believe that Condoleeza Rice has a good chance of becoming the first woman President of the United States. She has never run for public
office and it is rare that anyone without electoral record could win a presidential nomination. (Article in, The Washington Times) Although she is very
smart and is able to do the job it is unlikely that she would be elected as the
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Hillary Clinton Biography
Hillary Clinton, born as Hillary Diane Rodham, was born on October 26, 1947. She was raised in the suburb of Chicago, Illinois. When Hillary
turned three years old, her parents moved to Park Ridge. She is the oldest daughter of Dorothy and Hugh Rodham. Hillary was a very young
educated scholar. She had dreams of becoming an astronaut. Hillary's dream took a turn when she was rejected due to her gender as a female.
That is when Hillary decided, she needed a voice. Her educational career path after high school begin at Wellesley College where she graduated in
1969. She continued her schooling at Yale Law School where she earned her doctor of law degree and graduated in 1973. During her terms at Yale, she
also met the soon to be love of her life,... Show more content on ...
In 2016, Clinton became the first woman presidential nominee. Although many issues have developed, she has never stood down. It was rumored
that she experienced cases of the Benghazi Flu, and she was also hospitalized for blood clots from prolonged concussions. Those incidents
occurred but they still did not break her. Hillary says that she wants to be "the female hero for our country" and I believe she will be just that. She
aims her focus toward educating children, lowering student debt, reforming the justice system, and letting women be able to have a voice. Hillary
Clinton portrays herself as a lady. When the opposing team tries to criticize her, it does not get under her skin and that impresses me. That shows me
that she does not fold under pressure. For example, during the debate, the only card that Donald Trump could pull were about her emails. She politely
smiled, omitted the issue, and continued to discuss ways that she would better our country. Hillary Clinton is a strong, mature, well spoken, educated,
and disciplined individual. She is also a perfect example of what should be the voice and the "show face" for our country. That is why she is the
candidate of my
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Hillary Clinton's Life And Accomplishments
Hillary Clinton was born October 26, 1947 in Chicago Illinois. She was raised in Park Ridge Illinois, about 15 miles outside of downtown Chicago.
She was raised by a mother and father who had a great impact on her life. Her father was named Hugh E. Rodham and her mother Dorothy Howell
Rodham. Hillary also has two brothers named Tony Rodham and Hugh Rodham who was named after his Father. Hillary is currently married toBill
Clinton and has a daughter by the name of Chelsea Clinton.
Hillary went to Wellesley College and graduated. She excelled in her schooling and decided to study at Yale Law School. She met Bill Clinton at Yale
and they eventually got married. Hillary is also our former Secretary of State. Hillary has many hobbies and interests.
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Hillary Rodham Clinton: The Most Influential Women
Over the years Hillary Rodham Clinton has set many examples for people all around the country, including being the first lady of the united states.
Hillary's journey has been nothing short of easy. Hillary Clinton could be thought of to be one of the most influential women because of her
commitment and dedication to help others succeed. Despite other people's opinions on Hillary, she has become very inspirational to many men and
women, and she has helped pave the way for women equality. Hillary Rodham Clinton was born in to hugh and Dorothy in a suburb south of Chicago.
Hillary was your average middle glass girl. She attended a public school and was also a brownie member for the girl scouts of America. Hillary was
raised up being a Methodist. She really ... Show more content on ...
At this college Hillary was the first student to be elected from classmates as the student speaker. When Hillary finished college at Wesley she decided
to go onto Yale law school. She was one of the twenty–seven girls in her graduating class. While in Law school she met and started dating Bill Clinton.
When she completed law school she decided to go work for the children defense fund instead of going to work for a big law firm where she could
have been more successful. At this new position, she went door to door listening to countless stories of people about the lack of schooling for
children with disabilities. By Hillary helping gather this information she was a big part of the passage that required states to provide quality education
for children with disabilities. Hillary then later went on and served on the congressional committee and helped in the investigation of president Nixon.
Hillary then decided to move to Arkansas. In Arkansas, she confounded Arkansas advocates for children and families, in which was one of the first
advocacy groups. Hillary was also influenced to help other from the stories that her mom Dorothy had encountered since her childhood was harsh and
didn't have a guardian
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Jane Rodham Research Paper
Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton "was born on October 26, 1947, at Edgewater Hospital in Chicago, Illinois". She was raised in a family that was
United Methodist. Rodham's family first lived in Chicago, Illinois in which her father Hugh Rodham made a small successful textile business. As
for her mother, she was a homemaker. Her father was of English and Welsh descent while her mother was "from Dutch, English, French Canadian,
Scottish and Welsh Descent". During young Rodhams life, she was generally liked by her teachers at the Park Ridge school which she attended.
While in school she participated in swimming and softball in which she won plenty of badges. While "on a trip to Chicago with her youth ministry
Rodham had the chance to see Martin Luther King Jr. speak which sparked her lifelong passion for social justice." In her early years, she was
interested in the Space Race, she sent a letter to NASA asking them what... Show more content on ...
While in college she became for interested in social justice activism. In college, she majored in political science. Rodham "had become a prominent
student leader–she was elected by her peers to be the first ever student speaker at Wellesley commencement ceremony" according to Hillary Clinton's
website. She supported elections of Republicans like "John Lindsay to Mayor New York City and Massachusetts Attorney General Edward Brooke to
the United States Senate"(Brock 1996, pp. 12–1). In her junior year in college Rodham was elected for the "presidential nomination campaign of
Democrat Eugene McCarthy" according to New York Times article by Mark Leibovich. After Martin Luther King Junior's death "Rodham organized a
two–day student strike and worked with Wellesley's black student to recruit more black student and faculty"(Leibovich, 2007). When Rodham got fired
from the Mount McKinley National Park washing dishes she striked about the unhealthy conditions in which it ran and got shut down
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A Rhetorical Analysis Of Hillary Rodham Clinton
Presidential nominee, Hillary Rodham Clinton, in a recent speech at a private fundraising event geared toward LGBT rights supporters, addressed her
political opponent, Donald J. Trump and his supporters. The fundraiser was hosted by singer and actress, Barbra Streisand and her wealthy
counterparts. The former Secretary of State argued that half of Donald Trump's supporters can be put into a "basket of deplorable" and alluded that the
other half are simply anti–government. Clinton supported her assertion by using logical fallacies by making hasty generalizations, faulty cause and
effect, and bandwagon appeals. She also solidified her reasoning by stating, the supporters in the "basket of deplorable" are racists, sexists, xenophobic,
and many ... Show more content on ...
She has lost all credibility due to recent scandals. I believe she is unfit to become president, both physically and politically. Although FDR was ill
as president and propelled the nation in a desperate time, we as a country are not desperate enough to elect a president that is not healthy. She may
be the candidate with more political experience, but with recent revelations about the Clintons, it makes her the worse candidate. My background
and heritage may make me an unlikely Trump supporter, but that proves just how I little trust I have for HRC. This speech did not cause any
change on my views or beliefs, as a matter of fact, it just confirmed my views. In her intent to humor her wealthy crowd, she really made a case for
all supporters of Donald Trump by making these heinous remarks. Her comment opened the floodgates and allowed for criticism about her
hypocritical stance on issues. Hillary Clinton did exactly what the media, politicians, and her own team accuse Trump and his supporters of doing;
making insensitive and politically incorrect comments. The Trump team is taking advantage of this horrific comment and spinning it as if it was a
scarlet letter, with the sole purpose of spiting Clinton. The word deplorable has gone as far as being printed on baseball caps, t–shirts, and even
bumper stickers. Fortunately for them, supporters are responding positively. This comment was poor judgement
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How Did Hillary Clinton Influence Women
Many women need a female role model in a society that is dominated by men. This is exactly what Hillary Clinton has been. Senator Clinton has
served in politics for many years. She helped women and families in many different ways. Her work today inspires women all over. Hillary Clinton
makes an impact on society by paving the way for women in politics. Hillary Clinton has had a very full and eventful life. She was born on October
26, 1947 as Hillary Diane Rodham ( Editors). She grew up in Park Ridge, Illinois, with her parents, Hugh and Dorothy Rodham, where
she was very active in youth programs at her church and in the Republican party group in her community ("The Choice 2016"). After graduating high
school, she attended Wellesley... Show more content on ...
This still shines through her work today. For example, "she played a leading role in the development of the State Children's Health Insurance
Program, which provides the much needed state support for children whose parents cannot afford nor provide them with adequate health care
coverage" (Denson). Another way Clinton helped families is through her help with the Adoption and Safe Families Act which "clarifies that the
health and safety of children served by child welfare agencies must be their paramount concern and aims to move children in foster care more
quickly into more permanent homes" ( Editors). She also played a key role in the Foster Care Independence Act which ages
children out of the foster care system ("Foster Care Independence act of 1999"). Senator Clinton helped women by creating the office on Violence
Against Women, which helps women all over the United States (Denson). At the U.N. conference, she declared that "women's rights are human
rights." This was a lot more controversial than it would be today (French). Sarah Hartshore wrote "The fact that she not only withstood it but rose
above showed me that being a woman didn't mean you had to hide in the background" (Hartshore). She also promoted reproductive rights, equal pay,
and paid family leave
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Hillary Rodham-Clinton Debate
The Presidential Debate that took place on October 9, 2016 between Donald J. Trump and Hillary Rodham–Clinton is a debate that I will always
remember. This was the debate that followed the infamous leak of the misogynistic video of Donald Trump talking about sexually assaulting women.
During the debates, I would watch and tweet throughout. A tweet that I read during this debate has stayed with me for months. A youngwoman had
tweeted, "Trump might grab my butt, but Hillary would leave me in a foreign country to die." Although the blatant overgeneralization made about
Hillary Clinton's role and overall fault in Benghazi was upsetting, it was not that part of the tweet that stuck with me. I could not help but think to
myself, are we as women
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Hillary Rodham Clinton: Case Study Questions
Hillary Rodham Clinton: Case study Q1. Identify at least one example of each of the types of role conflict (intra–role, inter–role, interpersonal role,
and ethic role) as described above. What did Hillary do to solve the situations? Intra–role conflict results when there is a conflict between the role
perception of the individual and others' perceptions of her role: in the case of Hillary during her husband's 1992 campaign, there was a perception
that a candidate's wife should confine herself to relatively 'safe,' nonpolitical statements. When Hillary aggressively defended her status as a career
woman by saying she didn't stay home and bake cookies, she was forced to publically atone for her feminism by sharing her cookie recipe with a
women's magazine and had to be shown baking with her daughter in campaign photos (15). Inter–role conflict is when the demands made of the
specific role are incompatible (16). This occurred when Hillary assumed the role of First Lady, a role that is supposed to represent 'ideal' American
womanhood. She was castigated when she attempted to take an involved role in politics regarding healthcare reform; yet feminists also complained
when she seemed to be taking an overly domestic role and downplaying her professional success. On an interpersonal level, such a conflict occurs
when there is controversy over who should occupy a specific role in the group. Many people were angry when Hillary took on political issues such as
healthcare and
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Hilary Clinton Essay
Hillary Rodham Clinton, born on October 26, 1946, is currently the 67th United States Secretary of State working under Barack Obamas presidency.
Up until this year, she was the United States Senator for the state of New York, starting in 2001. Before becoming the Senator for New York, she
served as the First Lady of the United States for 8 years, which came to an end in 2001 when her husband, Bill, had completed his second term as
President. Hillary acted as the leading candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in the 2008 election, falling short to Barack Obama.
Although Hillary didn't succeed in her bid for presidency, she still managed to accomplish many things in the various highly respected positions she
was granted the ... Show more content on ...
All of these little accomplishments provided her with a greater knowledge of politics and what it like is to be such a highly respected authoritarian.
All of this lead up to the first time she was given national attention which was in 1969 because she was the first student to give the commencement
address at Wellesley College. After this she was interview on multiple talk shows as well as featured in many articles published throughout well known
magazines. After she had graduated from college, she would go on to attend and graduate from Yale Law School. Once she had marriedBill Clinton and
he was elected
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Hillary Rodham Clinton
Hillary Clinton is one of the most well known politicians of our time but what is her story? Hillary Clinton was under the name Hillary Rodham on
October 26, 1947, at Edgewater Hospital in Chicago, Illinois. Raised under a Methodist family, she would first live in Chicago but then, at the age of
three, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Her family would consist of her father, Hugh Ellsworth Rodham, a manager of a successful small business in the textile
industry. Her mother, Dorothy Emma Howell, and her two younger brothers, Hugh and Tony. Hillary Rodham'sEducation began in the public schools
of Park Ridge where She participated in swimming and baseball, and earned numerous awards in after school groups as a Brownie and as a Girl Scout.
She would later ... Show more content on ...
After her enrollment, she would become a member of the editorial board of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action. During her second year,
working as an assistant, she did work for the Yale Child Study Center and learned about the new research on early childhood brain developm. In
1973, She received a Juris Doctor degree from Yale after her graduation. She had decided to stay on an extra year in Yale to be with Clinton, also a
student of Yale, whom of which she had been dating since spring, 1971. Clinton first proposed marriage to Rodham after her graduation but she
declined, she unsure to if she wanted to tie her future to his. In the summer of 1975, Hillary Rodham and Bill Clinton bought a house in Fayetteville. It
was then that Hillary Rodham decided to marry Clinton. Their wedding took place in their living room in October 11, 1975, as in according to a
Methodist Ceremony, Hillary Rodham though decided to keep her Last name. This decision was made to keep the couple's professional lives
separated and to avoid conflicts of interest as well. According to a friend of her's, as quoted, she said it was because, "it showed that I was still me.".
This changed in 1982. For Bill Clinton's campaign, Rodham began calling herself Hillary Clinton and sometimes even "Mrs. Bill Clinton" to get more
voter approval specifically in Arkansas. In 2009 Hillary Clinton became secretary of state, She would
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Hillary Clinton : Candidate For President 2016
Mrs. Hillary Clinton: Candidate for President 2016 Born October 26, 1947, in Chicago, IL; daughter of Hugh Ellsworth and Dorothy Rodham; married
Bill Clinton (U.S. president), October 11, 1975; children: Chelsea Victoria. Education: Wellesley College, B.A. (with high honors), 1969; Yale
University, J.D., 1973. Politics: Democrat. Religion: Methodist. Memberships: American Bar Association (chair of commission of women in the
profession, 1987–91); Arkansas Bar Association, NationalDemocratic Party. Ms. Clinton is a politician, diplomat, lawyer, and writer. She has served
as U.S. District Court of Arkansas, U.S. Court of Appeals, 1973, admitted to the bar of the U.S. Supreme Court, 1975; Judiciary Committee of the U.S.
House of Representatives, Washington, DC, U.S. District Court of Arkansas; First Lady of Arkansas, 1983
–92; First Lady of the United States,
Washington, DC, 1993–2001, and an active political partner of her husband, U.S. President Bill Clinton; U.S. Senator for state of New York, 2001–09;
U.S. Secretary of State, 2009–13 in the first President Barack Obama administration; Among many awards and also author of Handbook on Legal
Rights for Arkansas Women and It Takes a Village: And Other Lessons Children Teach Us, which focuses on the problems facing children and families
in modern American society. Liberals have heraldedHillary Rodham Clinton as a champion of women 's and children 's rights, an attorney of great
capabilities and energy (Clinton). Compassion and
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Hillary Trump Research Paper
SECTION I. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump's biographies
Hillary's Bio: On October 26, 1947, in Chicago ,Illinois, Hillary Rodham Clinton was born. She had two younger brothers, Hugh Jr (1950) and
Anthony (1954), Her parents were fabric store owner Hugh Rodham Dorothy Rodham. Later in her life as a young woman, she worked in public
service and became a democrat after hearing Martin Luther King Jr's speech in Chicago in 1968. Clinton worked at various jobs during her summers
as a College student and she would enroll at Yale law school...there she met future POTUS and husband,Bill Clinton. The two eventually got married
and had a daughter named Chelsea Clinton, Bill Clinton at the time was the Governor of Arkansas while Hillary became a successful ... Show more
content on ...
His father was at the time, owner of the family company in real estate and made quite a name for his name. Trump was eventually sent to the NYC
Military Academy to help discipline and channel his energy positively. During his school years and in the Academy, Trump was doing very well but
during his time at college, He secured several medical deferments to not go to the Vietnam War in 1968. Trump would eventually inherit his father's
career and his business where he would begin his own business empire and renamed his company to the "Trump Organization" in 1971. From that
point on, Trump earned much success but this wasn't flawless, he would of course run into several problems that left his company bankrupt 4 times.
In the Early 2000's, Trump eventually started to get into the political world first running for president for the Reform party before dropping out due to
low points, in 2011 he questioned President Obama's legitimacy as president and started a birther movement to force him to show his birth certificate
to see if he was born in the united states. In the ending years of 2015 as the new election started to arise, Trump announced at his company building
that he would run for POTUS and he successfully claimed the Republican nomination but at the cost of dividing the Republican Party due to his
rhetoric and stances, in 2016 he now comes face to face with his opponent, the Democratic Nominee Hillary Clinton. (
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Rhetorical Analysis of Hillary Clinton's Speech, Women’s...
On September 5, 1995, Hillary Clinton delivered an influential speech at The Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing. Clinton expresses general
concern over escalating violence toward women, in other word's gendercide. "Gendercide refers to the systematic elimination of a specific gender
group, normally female. It's most common in India, China, and other regions in Southeast Asia" (GirlsKind Foundation). Crimes, such as bride
trafficking, infanticide, abandonment, and dowry related murder; often take place within private households, going unnoticed and not even
acknowledged. "Tragically, women are most often the ones whose human rights are violated. Even now, in the late 20th century, the rape of women
continues to be used as an ... Show more content on ...
Hillary relates to them by listing responsibilities that women uphold. "I have met women in South Africa who helped lead the struggle to end
apartheid and are now helping to build a new democracy. I have met women in India and Bangladesh who are taking out small loans to buy milk cows,
or rickshaws, or thread to create a livelihood for them themselves and their families" (Clinton 2). Using repetition, she starts the accounts with "I have
met women in......." to show credibility, she has met women in different positions. By doing so Clinton, allows the audience immediately to know what
women are capable of doing, despite unfair treatment.
Pathos is important in this speech when you are trying to change others views on women's rights. Hillary uses emotional appeals to the audience when
she describes them as wives, mothers, sisters, and daughters; referring them to women in our own lives; evoking the listener to imagine if their loved
one were in the same position. Clinton talks about the appalling desecrations such as gendercide. Clinton states the demands of women that remain
silent. By using repetitive language, she starts all the statements with "It is a violation of human rights when....".All eight statements are relevant
examples of different scenarios that happen to women around the world. "It is a violation of human rights
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The Pros And Cons Of Hillary Rodham Clinton
Hillary Rodham Clinton might become the first female President of the USA–formerly being the First Lady, a senator, and the Secretary of State–as
she is running for president in the 2016 presidential election. We as Americans need to determine if she is a corrupt politician and should be able to
be our next leader of the USA. From her numerous scandals, her acceptance of campaign money from lobbyists and corporations, and her lying to the
general public on a regular basis, I believe Hillary Rodham Clinton should not be elected as President of the USA.
If one types "Hillary Clinton scandals" in any search engine such as Google, the most popular search engine on the Internet, one will find countless
articles on her decades of scandals even the ones that are happening now, such as the FBI investigation on her private email server as Secretary of
State and her Clinton Foundation misdealings with money. Though Clinton is yet to be charged with several criminal offenses, her countless
scandals do not make her look good and also makes her ratings go down and her chances of getting elected drop big time. She is a lawyer and she
should know how to avoid the justice system. Some of the most famous scandals she has been involved in are: mishandling the attack on the US
consulate in ... Show more content on ...
Even though she has been the First Lady, the Secretary of State, and a New York state senator, this does not mean she is electable. In fact, she has had
a string of scandals attributed to her throughout her political career, she accepts huge sums of money from lobbyists and corporations, and she has lied
on record to the American public countless times. We cannot overlook her corrupt and lying behavior, especially when she is being currently
investigated by the FBI for her mishandling of classified information on her private email server and for her Clinton Foundation financial
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Hilary Clinton's Lifespan and Personality Essay
Hillary Clinton's Lifespan Development and Personality PSY 300 Spring, 2012 Hillary Rodham Clinton's Lifespan Development and Personality
United States Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was born in Chicago, Illinois, on October 26, 1947. She is the daughter of Hugh and
Dorothy Rodham and is the older of two brothers. She was raised... Show more content on ...
Hillary seemed to weather this storm extraordinarily well. She pulled herself through this dark time with much dignity and confidence while appearing
to be a source of support to her husband. Even after being defeated in the 2008 presidential campaign, she kept her focus to succeed and was appointed
the sixty–seventh Secretary of State. Hillary Clinton not only strives to create a legacy for herself through her accomplishments, but she is also
concerned with the future and well–being of others as well. She has performed tireless work for the benefit of children and their future and expresses
a genuine concern the wellbeing of others. If one were to look at each aspect of her life, it would be easy to see she has made enormous strides as a
mother, a wife, and a woman in general. There are obvious factors that may have influenced Hillary Clinton's emotional development. The genetic
influences seem to be apparent when one takes her parents characteristics into consideration. Her father was a successful businessman, while her
mother prevailed over adversity in her childhood to pursue her education, using any available resource. Although her mother did not have the most
desirable role models or circumstances in her youth, she still had an intuitive sense
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Hillary Clinton Is Not The Right Choice
Hillary Clinton
President of the United States, the highest office in our nation. A respected title, a praiseworthy title, an honorable title, but some may ask why anyone
would want to be President.
For the fame or power? Well, that is how most people think the candidate, Hillary Clinton, thinks of it. Trump, Cruz, Kasich, Clinton, and Sanders are
the remaining candidates still in the race for the presidency. All candidates have their faults, but Hillary's biggest fault is how she is campaigning.
When people listen to her presidential campaigns, they are not hearing politics or how she is going to improve our countryНѕ they are hearing Hillary
attacking her competitors, trying to make her fellow candidates look weak. Our President should not behave in that way, their actions reflects on us, the
people of the United States. Hillary Clinton is not the right choice to be our upcoming President of the United States.
Hillary Rodham Clinton was born on October 26, 1947, she is the daughter of Hugh
Rodham, owner of a fabric store, and Dorothy Rodham, an uneducated stay at home mother.
Clinton is the oldest of her two brothers and grew up in Park Ridge, a suburb in Chicago, Illinois.
She did very well in school and wanted to make a change in children's rights, Clinton made her own fundraisers, such as a small circus and sporting
events, to benefit children living in poverty.
Clinton was a member of Student Council, Class President of her high school, a member of
National Honors
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Argumentative Essay On Hillary Clinton
Lets Vote Smarter, Not Harder In 2016, on the second Tuesday in November, this nation must pull together and vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton. In
many ways, Mrs. Clinton is the only choice to advance this nation into a progressive more open minded country. Hillary along with her husband Bill
Clinton have helped many people with their charity organizations and with a helping hand and full heart from their many supporters. The remaining
portion of this paper is not necessarily for the majority of the public that is already voting for Hillary, but mainly for the ones that have yet to be
persuaded. I will lead the readers through Mrs. Clintons life, give examples of her magnificent achievements, and give everlasting proof of why she
should be the next president of these United States of America.... Show more content on ...
The majority of us will trickle into the polls from early mourning when they open, to making that last minute appearance and getting in our say, but
what matters in not how one votes, or the time one votes, its who is checked on their ballot. For so many, such as myself, Hillary will be the only
choice, but for the ones that are sitting on the proverbial fence, I have some information to share with you. According to Vanessa De Luca, author of
Hillary's Promise, "while on the campaign trail in Las Vegas, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton sat down with ESSENCE to discuss
the issues that matter to us most and why she hopes to earn Black women's votes." Hillary is proof of constant determination and success of her
passed bills and changes to equal rights that are constantly making them more equal. Finally according to an article named Hillary Clinton for
President, "The nation endorses Hillary Clinton for president and believes that a substantial victory by her in November is essential to advance issues
we have long
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Hillary Clinton Research Paper
I have numerous reasons why I would love to attend this trip but, here are a few. The first reason is I would love to see Hillary Clinton in person.
Secondly, Hillary Clinton is an inspiration to me, and I would love to hear the speech she has prepared for us. Thirdly, I would really enjoy to hear
more about Hillary and the election of our new president. Lastly, it would be marvelous to be there and be with such important people that inspire
me to be a future female leader. This essay discusses why I would love to to take part in this trip, my opinion on what life choices prepared Hillary
Clinton to run for president, and how are my life choices preparing me to reach my life goals. I will give a handful of reasons for each paragraph. Hope
you... Show more content on ...
There are so many things that I think prepared Hillary Clinton to become president. Firstly, she was elected to the United States Senate in 2001–2009.
Secondly, "Hillary Clinton became the 67th United States secretary of state from 2009 to 2013." Thirdly, Hillary Clinton when to an amazing
school Yale Law school where she got a great education. Lastly, Hillary Clinton became the first woman to become the presidential nominee of a
major political party in 2016. You need a transition sentence here that explains how you, like Hilary Clinton, have a plan for how to prepare for your
future leadership role. To sum up I'd like to say, I would love to meet my role modelHillary Rodham Clinton.
My life choices right now are going to affect me later on in life. What I mean is that when I grow up I want to become a medical scientist, so the
life choices I making right now will affect me later on. For example, if I choose not to study right now, not to do my homework, or not to do the
easy things, imagine me later on in college. I would not complete my homework assignments because I got that habit from where I am right now.
But if I do everything on time, if I do my homework, if I do my projects, when I'm in college I will be prepared, and after that I can show that I made it
in what I wanted to do and
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An Analysis Of Hillary Rodham Clinton

  • 1. An Analysis Of Hillary Rodham Clinton Sen. Bernie Sanders, who has spoken to Vermont as a free in the House and Senate for about 25 years, has given Hillary Rodham Clinton a challenger for the Democratic assignment for president. In his trademark come to the heart of the matter style, Sanders not long ago skirted a formal announcement of application – he had implied at it for a considerable length of time – and rather recognized standard working Americans as the reason he is running. "This nation today has more genuine emergencies than whenever since the Great Depression of the 1930s," Sanders, 73, said in comments enduring under five minutes. "For most Americans, their existence is they're working longer hours for bring down wages. In expansion balanced salary, they're... Show more content on ... He made a beeline for Vermont in the wake of moving on from the University of Chicago with a four year certification in political science. While in school, he walked for social equality. Sanders, a coordinator for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, was a piece of an unexpected of understudies from Chicago who went by transport in 1963 to the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. He was chosen leader of Burlington the first run through by 10 votes. After that 1981 challenge, he went ahead to win three more terms. This nearby achievement took after fizzled offers for Senate and representative in the 1970s. He once talked on the Senate floor for eight hours in a row. It was December 2010, and he was attempting to fix what he considered tax cuts for the rich. He records 18 needs on his Senate site. They incorporate common freedoms, dental care, war and peace, and ladies' rights. His more seasoned sibling, Larry, is running for a seat in the UK's Parliament. An occupant of Oxford since 1969, Larry Sanders is a Green Party hopeful in the May 7 decision for Oxford West/Abingdon yet is given minimal possibility of unseating Conservative Party officeholder Nicola Claire Blackwood. He imparts to a few preservationists a profound doubt of government dangers to security. Truth be told, Politico noted, on that theme Sanders some of the time sounds much like Sen. Rand Paul, R–Ky., ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Hillary Trump Biography Biography of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Donald trump: was born June 14,1946 trump was the 4th out of 5 children when he became 13 his parents sent him to military academy. In 1977, he married Ivana Zelnickova Winklmayr. She was a new york fashion model and olympic skier, together they had 3 children, on march 22 1992 donald trump and ivana got divorced. Trump married 2 more times and has a total of 5 children out of the 3 wives he married. On june 16th, 2015 trump announced he was running for president as a republican, he made the announcement at the trump tower in new york city. On july 18th, 2015 trump set off another media firestorm when he said that john mccain, a former republican nominee was not a hero. July 21st,2016 trump accepted the presidential nomination at the national convention. ... Show more content on ... She became democrat in 1968, in 1980 hillary and bill had a daughter named chelsea, in july of 2016 clinton accepted her party's nomination for president. Good and bad quotes from Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Good quotes from trump: "sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war" "When somebody challenges you, fight back, be brutal, be tough." Bad quotes from trump: "(Obama) doesn't have a birth certificate, he may have one, but there's something on that, maybe religion, maybe it says he is a muslim." Good quotes from hillary:"if i want to knock a story off the front page, i just changed my my hairstyle." Bad quotes from clinton:"no. We just can't trust the american people to make those types of choices... government has to make those choices for the people" Donald trump and hillary clinton's economy ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Pros And Cons Of Hillary Rodham Clinton After one of the most unprecedented campaigns, the polls declared Donald Trump as the forty fifth president of the United States leaving the glass ceiling within the javits center intact. Donald Trump's victory concludes one of the most bitter election the country has ever experienced. How did a man with no political background defeat a candidate with years of experiences such as being the first lady, holding a spot in the senate, and being former secretary of state appointed by president Obama. There are countless reasons to why Clinton lost and why Trump won throughout after the bitter two year campaign but, Hillary Rodham Clinton campaign as not for nothing. She did not shatter the glass ceiling but left a big enough crack to allow the light through.... Show more content on ... Women's and Gender studies gives people in other social environment the opportunity to resolve gender–related issues by creating a common ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Hillary Rodham Clinton Immigration Policy Analysis contributed to the evolution of America, becoming "central to the whole American faith" (Myers and Pitkin). Kennedy adds, "Immigration gave every old American a standard by which to judge how far he had come and every new American a realization of how far he might go. It reminded every American, old and new, that change is the essence of life, and that American society is a process, not a conclusion" (Myers and Pitkin). According to the Office of the Press Secretary, "Since the beginning of his Administration, President Obama has made clear that we are stronger as a nation when we welcome immigrants and refugees into our communities and harness their entrepreneurial spirit". Speaking at Rancho High School in Las Vegas in May of 2015, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton voices her perspective on immigration and its effect on America, by "embracing the full path to citizenship rather than proposing a second class of Americans who can work in the United States but not enjoy the protection of ... Show more content on ... Clinton supports immigrants and assimilation, stating "They never feel they belong or have allegiance...that is a recipe for divisiveness and even disintegration... we are a nation of immigrants". In "Obama's Next Act: Immigration Reform", Chris Farrell substantiates Clinton's sentiments, "The larger effect of eliminating uncertainty for these immigrants is creating incentives for them to make long–term investments in careers, entrepreneurship, education, homes, and community" (qtd Farrell 442). Logical thinking, as if one is able to contribute more of themselves and feel as if the country is investing in them as an equal, one will be more inclined to invest in the country. Furthermore Clinton believes that, "comprehensive immigration reform "strengthens families, strengthens our economy, and strengthens our country" (Avila, Marshall and ... Get more on ...
  • 5. John Trump Biography Donald John Trump was born in queens new york. He has 4 siblings. His parents are Frederick C. and Mary MacLeod Trump. Trump was a very active child and because of that he was sent to the New York Military Academy at age 13, hoping the discipline of the school would channel his energy in a positive manner. He graduated in 1964 and became a rising star athlete and student leader. Trump had applied to and got accepted by Fordham University and two years later transferred to Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania, he graduated with a degree in economics in 1968. Shortly after trump followed his father into real estate development. Trump, as a student worked with his father during the summer and then joined his father's company. In 2004 Trump appeared in the NBC show "The Apprentice" and also the "Celebrity Apprentice" shortly after. Years later in 2015 he turned to politics and then announced he was a Republican candidacy forpresident of the United states. Trump became the official Republican candidate for president on July 19, 2016. ... Show more content on ... Clinton was raised in Park Ridge, Illinois, suburb located 15 miles northwest of downtown Chicago. She was the eldest daughter of Hugh Rodham, a prosperous fabric store owner, and Dorothy Emma Howell Rodham. Clinton has two younger brothers, Hugh jr. and Anthony. When hillary was a young woman she was very active in young Republican ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Essay about Hillary Rodham Clinton: A Presidential... As time passes, rumors concerning Hillary Clinton's decision to run for president have been soaring. Ever since she stepped down from her position as Secretary of State in 2013, Clinton has faced question after question about her plans for the future and her opinion on the presidency. Hillary Diane Rodham was born on October 26, 1947; she was born in Chicago, Illinois and was raised in the nearby town of Park Ridge. Throughout high school and college, she began her politically activity by working on several presidential campaigns and holding a variety of impressive summer jobs. While studying at Yale Law School, she met William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton, the man who she would later marry. Following her graduation, Hillary taught at the ... Show more content on ... Since the announcement of her campaign, Hillary was the top presidential candidate for the Democratic Party. It seemed that her victory was inevitable. The excitement of potentially having a women president excited much of the female population, and the Clintons' experience in politics had gained Hillary respect. "The polls showed her the favorite of 41 percent of Democrats, giving her more than double the support of any of her potential rivals." (Balz 1) Among these rivals were Tom Vilsack, John Edwards, Sen. Bill Richardson, Sen. Joseph Biden, and Sen. Christopher Dodd. However, Clinton's main competition within her own party was Senator Barack Obama of Illinois. For a while, Clinton kept a firm grip as the front runner of the Democratic Party, yet a series of events and mistakes caused that position to slip from her grasp. One of Hillary's many mistakes involved her her decision to participate in the Iowa caucuses, despite warnings from Mike Henry. Henry, deputy campaign manager for Hillary Clinton's 2007 presidential campaign, predicted that the Iowa Caucasus would might drain. millions of dollars from the campaign while giving it very little momentum (Kuhn 2). As it turned out, Henry's prediction was all too accurate, and the campaign began to fall behind, especially financially. Another one of Clinton's campaigning mistakes was trying to secure an older generation of voters by creating an offline campaign that ... Get more on ...
  • 7. How Did Hillary Clinton Impact The World "You have to be true to yourself" (BrainyQuote). This is a quote by Hillary Rodham Clinton, a very important woman in the decade of the 1990s. Many events occurred in the 1990s that still impact the entire world today. One important public figure in the 1990s was Hillary Rodham Clinton. Hillary Clinton is a politician. She is most well known for being the First Lady of the United States and Bill Clinton's wife. While she was the First Lady, she brought attention to the issues of women and children. Over Clinton's time in the political world, she has won various awards. These awards include the Freedom Medal, Margaret Sanger Award, Arkansas Woman of the Year, Philippine Legion of Honor (Rob Nagel). She wis also in the National Women's Hall... Show more content on ... These events of protest occurred in 1999. Protesters around the world gathered in places like Seattle, India, and all over Europe p rallied against capitalism. At these events, people asked for a peaceful change from capitalism to communism. Even though these places stayed capitalist, many people still believe that there should be governments using the communist ways. Although these protests didn't reach their goal, the debate is still fought over(Patricia Levy). In the 1990's, an invention was created that is now used in everyday life, The World Wide Web also known as the WWW. In the year of 1990, Tim Berners–Lee created the World Wide Web.It was invented in the United States and was later released to the public in 1991. The World Wide Web has become very important and people could not imagine a life without it. Overall, the World Wide Web has become very important to the world (Tim Berners–Lee). During the 1990's Beanie Babies were all the craze for teenage girls. Within the first three years after being released, more than 100 million Beanie Babies were sold. Beanie Babies were stuffed animals with plastic beans given with names and birthdates. They mainly appealed to teenage girls. Today, Beanie Babies aren't as popular as the used to be , but they are still bought all the time. Beanie Babies overall were a very crazed object the everyone wanted (George ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Hillary Rodham vs Michelle Obama Essay Compare and Contrast Essay Brian L. Marone Excelsior College English 101 Instructor: BK Harvey 16 January 2013 Hillary Clinton Vs Michelle Obama Many people usually spend the majority their time comparing the past and present presidents against each other. They always talk about the things the presidents have accomplished leaving behind a great legacy, but they never consider the great women behind the man. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama are both very different accomplished First Ladies. Both women had different college career paths. Hillary first attracted national attention in 1969 for her remarks as the first student commencement speaker at Wellesley College.... Show more content on ... Michelle served as an associate at the Chicago office of the law firm Sidley Austin. At the firm, she worked on marketing and intellectual property. In 1991, she held public sector positions in the Chicago city government as an Assistant to the Mayor and as Assistant Commissioner of Planning and Development. In 1993, she became Executive Director for the Chicago office of Public Allies, a non–profit organization encouraging young people to work on social issues in nonprofit groups and government agencies. She worked there nearly four years and set fundraising records for the organization that still stood 12 years after she left. Hillary and Michelle both have contributed differently to the nation as First Lady. In January 1993, Hillary Clinton headed a Task Force on National Health Care Reform known as the Clinton health care plan, a proposal that required employers to provide health coverage to their employees through individual health maintenance organizations. Hillary supported the passage of the State Children's Health Insurance Program in 1997, and promoted nationwide immunization against childhood illnesses and encouraged older women to seek a mammogram to detect breast cancer, with coverage provided by Medicare. Hillary inspired various medical improvements throughout all areas of medical care and treatment. Michelle supported the economic stimulus bill in visits to the United ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Hillary Clinton Research Paper Hillary Clinton backstage at a festival in Northern Florida a week before election day Hillary Clinton, a fun–loving twenty something from New Orleans, Louisiana, is quick to point out that she was not named after Hillary Rodham Clinton. "I am from Louisiana, she was the first lady of Arkansas," Clinton says, referring to when she was born. Not surprisingly, her Louisiana parents hadn't heard of the other Hillary Clinton at the time. Her father, Phillip, not Phil, Clinton, confirmed to us that her name is indeed a coincidence. Shortly after Hillary Rodham Clinton moved into the White House in 1993, Hillary's mother wrote to the first lady about her namesake. "How interesting to learn of another Hillary Clinton!" The first lady wrote back, "Perhaps ... Show more content on ... Trump picked up the phone to ask Dr. Trump for a favor. The son of a close friend of his was hoping to get into a clinical trial at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, where Dr. Trump was working at the time. "I'm happy to say that neither Mr. Trump nor I had any impact on that decision. That process and the entry of the young man on the clinical trial was well underway when I received the call," Dr. Trump told CNN during an interview at the Inova Schar Cancer Institute in Virginia, where he now serves as CEO and Executive Director. Never one to miss an opportunity, Dr. Trump used the contact from Mr. Trump to tell him about some of the work performed at Roswell Park and explained to him that they would soon be holding a "Bald for Bucks" fundraiser. The Donald politely declined to part with his famous locks, but sent a video message wishing Roswell Park well and made a "generous donation," Dr. Trump said. Sometime after the fundraiser, the two Donalds met at Trump Tower in New York. Dr. Trump described Mr. Trump as engaging, and interested in the doctor's work. The doctor hinted at Mr. Trump's braggadocio, but said he wasn't as flamboyant as he is on the campaign trail. He was "clearly successful and wasn't unhappy to make sure I knew he was successful," Dr. Trump ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Hillary Rodham Clinton for President Hillary Rodham Clinton for President Hillary Clinton is known for many things, from her trip to Africa and her Grammy award winning book "it takes a village". Hillary Rodham Clinton is a well known activist who spent most of her time helping her husband former United States President William Jefferson Clinton with issues that involved the United States. She was her husband's pick to run the Children's Heath insurance Program in 1993. Clinton has taken a major part in government history by becoming the first lady to ever be elected into senate in 2000. Hillary Rodham Clinton will make a good president because she had an 8–year experience living in the White House as the first lady and now is currently the United States Senator of New ... Show more content on ... (Gordon, Clinton on education para.8). Clinton also wants to increase teacher salaries, because she believes that they will not carry on to teach unless they receive what they earn. (Gordon, Clinton on education para.15). Clinton also has some concerns about Families she says that governments cannot love a child but they can help families and men should take full responsibility in raising a child and she wants to change what children see when watching television. Clinton also believes that children should not be considered minors but as child citizens, she believes that children should have all rights under the constitution. Clinton says " I want to be the voice for American's children" ( Gordon Clinton on families and children para.8). Clinton is also a very strong supporter on the no child left behind act, she believes that no child in America should be left behind in the 21st century and parents should put their children first. Clinton still believes that it takes a village. (Gordon Clinton on families and children para.1) The other issue that Clinton strongly supports is health care. When the Clinton administration had failed to attempt take the nation's health care system, Clinton said that it taught her about bipartism. (Gordon, Clinton on health care para.1) Clinton was planning to get about five million children enrolled. (Gordon, Clinton on health care para.1) Clinton also ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Hillary : A Great Amount Of Courage All it takes is strength, courage, confidence and determination to become anything you desire to be. Being able to stand up for what is right, no matter what the consequences could be takes a great amount of courage. Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton was born in Chicago, Illinois on October 26, 1947. Daughter of Hugh Rodham and Dorothy Rodham, with two younger siblings Hugh Rodham and Anthony Rodham ("First Lady Biography"). Hillary grew up in a middle class home. Her father was a World War II Navy Veteran and owner of a small –business. Hillary's mother was abandoned by her parents and had a tough childhood but she attained a job as a housekeeper and baby sitter to start her future. Hillary attended a public school and was a raised a Methodist. As a child she got inspired by Martin Luther King Jr. on what she wanted to do for her future (Hillary's Story). Hillary attended Wellesley College once graduated she started attending Yale Law School. She was always active in student politics, was well known, and graduated with honors. As a college student she held various jobs that would be beneficial for her career. She went to Washington, D.C to work on U.S Senator Walter Mondale's sub–committee on migrant worker. She also worked in the campaign of Democratic presidential nominee George McGovern. Through out the years, she became a member of the presidential impeachment in inquiry staff during the Watergate Scandal. She then became a faculty member of the University of Arkansas Law ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Hillary Clinton Role Model Hillary Rodham Clinton, one of the most influential women made her mark especially in the world of politics. She was the runner–up Democratic nominee in the 2008 election, and was the Democratic nominee for the 2016 election; however she fell short of becoming president to Republican nominee Donald Trump. Still, she was the first woman to top the presidential ticket of an major party. Previously, Hillary Clinton was the senator of New York from 2001 to 2009 She was also the Secretary of State under President Obama's administration 2009 to 2013. She is not a stranger to these high positions. To add onto to her success in these strenuous positions, she has been in the White House before underBill Clinton's administration from 1993 to 2001. ... Show more content on ... This period was known as the Baby Boomers where the United States helped rebuild devastated Europe as well as Japan, which was negatively affected by the atomic bomb. This was a great time for many people because the men came back from the war, and started a family. This lasted from 1946 to 1964. Hillary parents had a huge impact in her life because they portrayed that there is a positive to every negative situation. Hugh, her father, graduated from Pennsylvania State University in the height of the Great Depression, which took the United States as well as part of the world by storm. Dorothy portrayed her toughness and her keen intelligence in another way. She did not graduate from college; however Hillary always admired her mother's intelligence and her wanting of her children to reach their apex in terms of potential. Being brought up by hard working parents taught Hillary many values. Subsequently, Hillary might have been a conservative growing up because her father was a goldwater conservative, and the town she mostly grew up in was very conservative. However, her mother was a democrat who might have had some sort of influence in her before she got to Wellesley. Hillary used to sneak out downtown with her to join a group of Republicans investigating about the stolen election. The assassination of Martin Luther King moved her because she admired his fervor and ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Hillary Clinton Discrimination On July 28, 2016, history was made in a monumental way that even the Framers of the Constitution most likely wouldn't have predicted. Now that eventful day will also be known as the day that Hillary Rodham Clinton accepted the nomination from the Democratic Party to run for President. What makes this situation an integral part of history is that Mrs. Clinton is the first female to be nominated for President and come November 8, 2016 there is possibility that she can making history by becoming the first female President. Being the first female to make such a speech could've been a factor of anxiety that Hillary had to encounter. Aside from these major implications that occurred on July 28, 2016, former Secretary Hillary Clinton gave a speech... Show more content on ... Though Clinton presented several good plans, a fair amount of the promises made can be called far–fetched and unrealistic. People are sure to be behind plans that will help the American people pursue the prosperous life they desire, but the people will not stand with a candidate that promises plans that are highly unlikely. For example creating a Constitutional amendment to stop Citizens United would be a difficult task as the process to pass a Constitutional Amendment would make it difficult as a there isn't an issue with bipartisan agreement. Making implausible vows can hurt Hillary Clinton during the campaign because she will have an increasing amount of skeptics questioning the honesty and validity of her plans. The people's trust in candidate Clinton can diminish if the people feel her ideas won't be fulfilled. If there is one thing that voters dislike, it's a candidate that promises great success that cannot be achieved. It seems that . This mistake made by former Secretary Clinton is very detrimental and can be used as point against her as she moves on to attempt to become the ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Hillary Clinton Achievements Hillary Clinton President of the United States, the highest office in our nation. A respected title, a praiseworthy title, an honorable title, but some may ask why anyone would want to be President. For the fame or power? Well, that is how most people think the candidate, Hillary Clinton, thinks of it. Trump, Cruz, Kasich, Clinton, and Sanders are the remaining candidates still in the race for the presidency. All candidates have their faults, but Hillary's biggest fault is how she is campaigning. When people listen to her presidential campaigns, they are not hearing politics or how she is going to improve our country; what they hear, is Hillary attacking her fellow candidates, trying to make them appear weak. Our President should not conduct ... Show more content on ... Both, Obama and Clinton were against same sex marriage until voting commenced; as a result, people considered the sudden change of mind to be a political move. She was interviewed by Terry Gross, who wanted to find out if her ideas had evolved since she last ran in the 90's. However, Clinton never gave detailed answers, she stated, "We have all evolved," and became angry when Gross repetitively asked. She complained, stating Terry was," playing with my words." She also went on to say how proud of herself she was for what she has done for this issue, however, Mrs. Clinton never quite specified what she did ("Hillary Clinton"). In another interview, Clinton answered questions from various women and indicated she wanted to focus on children and education, however, throughout the interview she spoke about her hair style and a new brand of milk she found. The women also asked her why she desired to be President, yet she did not give an answer ("Hillary Talks"). Clinton believes after having an African American President in office for two consecutive terms, we now want a female President. However, voters call her a clumsy campaigner because of the questions her staff gave the audience before a speaking event in her last Presidential run, hence, some voters believe this could happen again (Malcolm Andrew). Clinton continues to be baffled by how little her voters know about her and that it ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Barack Obama 's Legacy At The State Department Hillary Rodham Clinton Schoeller, Martin. Hillary Clinton. Digital image. Bloomberg Business., 10 Jan. 2013. Web. 18 Apr. 2015. < /articles/2013–01–10/hillary–clinton–business–legacy–at–the–state–department>. Linsey Downing MGT–1010 900 "Hillary Diane Rodham was born on October 26, 1947 in Chicago, Illinois. Hillary was the eldest daughter of Hugh Rodham, a prosperous fabric store owner, and Dorothy Emma Howell Rodham, a homemaker. She has two younger brothers, Hugh Jr. and Anthony. As a young woman, Hillary was active in young Republican groups and campaigned for Republican presidential nominee Barry Goldwater in 1964. She was inspired to work in some form of public service after hearing a ... Show more content on ... After her graduation, she served as an advisor to the Children's Defense Fund in Cambridge. She later moved to Arkansas where Bill was starting a political career, and they got married in 1975. In Arkansas, Hillary became a very notable and influential lawyer, while Bill's political career flourished (Ohebsion)." Hillary Rodham Clinton and Bill Clinton had a daughter, Chelsea Victoria Clinton, on February 27, 1980. Chelsea gave birth to a daughter, Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky, in September 2014, making the Clintons first–time grandparents. Hillary Rodham Clinton has been involved in politics from the time she attended Maine East High School to now. She has served as president of the Wellesley Young Republicans, president of the Wellesley College Government Association, served on the editorial board of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action, the first lady of Arkansas, the first lady of the United States, Senator of New York, United States Secretary of State, and now she is running for the 2016 presidency. When Hillary was decisively elected to the U.S. Senate, "it was the first time ever that a woman was elected Senator of New York, and the first time ever that a First Lady went on to hold public office (Ohebsion)." When it comes to Hillary Rodham Clinton, there are many leadership traits that she possess. The traits that she holds that pushes her ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Who Was Hillary Clinton A Feminist? On September 5, 1995 Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke at the U.N.'s Fourth World Conference for Women. Here she said, "If there is one message that echoes forth from this conference, let it be that human rights are women's rights and women's rights are human rights, once and for all." These words have followed her throughout the rest of her career in public service and has become the epitome of her ideals. Countless arguments and debates about Hillary have been posed throughout her 40 years in the public sphere, some are still talked about today. This is the case with the question of Hillary and her role in the Women's Movement. The biggest question is whether Hillary Clinton was or was not a feminist? This poses another interesting question, if... Show more content on ... Out of all three, liberal feminism is the most widely known and is often what most think of when they think of feminism. This kind of moderate, mainstream feminism contemplates the public sphere, on legal, political, and institutional struggle for the rights of individuals. This was a time when women really wanted to stop feeling pressured by all those around them. Third Wave feminist wanted freedom from interference by the state, but most importantly from the bonds of custom and prejudice imposed to them by society. They argued the idea of sameness and favored the idea that men and women were simply equal. This led to them simply wanting reforms to work towards this equality as opposed to the Marxist idea of revolution. When it comes to radical feminism there is a rejection of the more liberal idea of assimilating women into areas of activity associated with men. Instead they focus on women's own oppression as women in a social order dominated by men and the fact that they are oppressed as women and not as members of other groups or social ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Rhetorical Analysis Of Women's Rights Are Human Rights By... On September 5, 1995, Hillary Rodham Clinton delivered a speech at the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women entitled, "Women's Rights Are Human Rights", which addressed the wrongdoings inflicted upon women and girls while advocating on their behalf for the greater–good. In doing so, Clinton hoped to achieve equal rights and opportunities for the female sex by using rhetorical appeals to express her desires of women being actively involved in world advancement and development. Clinton firmly believed that women, as a whole, played a significant role in humanity and should have received equal treatment, just like any other human being. Although her speech heavily swings towards solely feminism, her argument never becomes imperious... Show more content on ... Often times, Clinton used "we" and "our" to refer to women and gave the impression that she had seen and familiarized herself with all the women present in the room. She pretended to personally know each individual and consequently, made a strong emotional connection to the crowd. As a matter of fact, Clinton inserted empathetic imagery, stating that women come together as a unit "Whether it is while playing with our children in the park or washing clothes in a river, or taking a break at the office water cooler". Because many women could identify with this vision, Clinton enabled herself to create a powerful relationship with the females in the congregation. She adds that women from all types of culture, ethnicity, race, etc., and herself "come together in fields and in factories...we(they) share a common future...we(they) are here to find common ground". With this in mind, the former secretary of state and senator implies that everyone present at the event has joined forces with one another to discover solutions for assisting women. In other words, they assemble as one team with one specific vision and one objective: better the lives of ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Compare Donald Trump And Hillary Clinton Aryenna Ramirez Mrs. Funk English 11 18 November 20 Presidential Election Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are two opposite electoral candidates. Donald Trump is a democrat and Hillary Clinton is a republican. In this paper I will be discussing Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton's views on crime/justice and health care. These two candidates have opposite opinions on each of these topics. Hillary Diane Rodham was born on October 26, 1947 in Chicago, Illinois. She was eldest daughter of Hugh Rodham and Dorothy Emma Howell Rodham. In 1971, she first came to Washington D.C to work with the U.S Senator Walter Mondale's sub–committee on migrant workers. In the spring of 1947 Clinton became a member of the presidential impeachment inquiry staff, ... Show more content on ... Clinton mentions Donald Trump not caring about women's health at all. Hillary Clinton discussed her position about fetus's having constitutional rights "the unborn person does not have constitutional rights." Clinton feels like it is an assault on women's health, she states, abortion is like the morning after pill for unintended pregnancies. She also says that abortion is a tragic decision made by many women. The fact is, the best way to reduce the murder is to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies in the first place. The unborn victims of violence act of 2004, which recognized an unborn child as a legal victim and made it a crime to commit an act of violence against an unborn child. It became a law on April 1, 2004. ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Hillary Clinton Hillary Rodham was born on October 26, 1947 to her father, Hugh Rodham and her mother, Dorothy Rodham. She was born in Chicago, Illinois, and was raised in Park Ridge, Illinois. Hugh Rodham was a firefighter and a retired Navy officer. Dorothy taught Sunday school at the Methodist Church the family attended. Hillary was raised to believe that she should always stand up for herself. Her mother taught her self–reliance. In an article published by Newsweek Magazine Hillary stated: "My mother, who had had to make her own way in life, believed that she would do everything she could do give us, a good start in life and protect us and prepare us, but at the end of the day, life was unpredictable, you never knew what was going to happen, you had... Show more content on ... Since the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, Hillary has helped to secure the funds New York needed to recover and rebuild. She fought to provide compensation to families of the victims, grants for hard–hit small businesses, and health care for front line workers at Ground Zero. She has worked to protect our food supply system from bioterrorism. Hillary Rodham Clinton is the first New York Senator to ever serve on the Senate Armed Forces Committee. She has visited troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as military bases in the United States. She worked to pass legislation to track the health status of United States troops in order to avoid instances such as Gulf War syndrome to go undetected. Hillary introduced legislation to tie Congressional salary increases to an increase in minimum raise, incorporating her belief that if American workers do not deserve a raise, than neither does Congress. She supported tax cuts such like marriage penalty relief, property tax relief, reduction to the Alternative Minimum Tax, and she supports fiscally responsible pay–as–you–go budget rules. Hillary also helped pass legislation that encouraged investment to create jobs in struggling communities through the Renewal Communities Program and championed legislation to bring broadband Internet access to rural America. As senator, Hillary has sponsored legislation to increase America's commitment to fighting the ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Biography Of Hillary Clinton Hillary Clinton was an influential advocate during two thousand sixteen election year. On October 26, 1947 Clinton was born in Chicago, Illinois to her parents Hugh Rodham and Dorothy Howell Rodham. Clinton was a successful student during high school where she attended in illinois from 1961–1965. "She also succeeded academically, becoming a National Honor Society member, joining a debating society, and being elected to student council and as the junior class vice president," (National First Ladies' Library). As Senior Class President, Clinton was the first student speaker at graduation where her speech made national news. Hillary Clinton later became an impact on America by fighting for women's rights, child health care, and provided leadership on National Security Issues.... Show more content on ... Although with her education experience that gave her good choices at law firms in Washington and New York she followed her heart and moved to Fayetteville, Arkansas. " Although her education, legal and professional experience led to her being given a number of choices at well–paying and established New York and Washington law firms, she decided to instead "follow my heart" and go to the small –town of Fayetteville, Arkansas" They had a one daughter born on February 27, 1980 named Chelsea Victoria Clinton. One year after being married Hillary Clinton worked for a law firm in Little Rock, Arkansas. Later she became the state's' First Lady when Bill Clinton was elected Governor of ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The First Woman President Of The United States Essay Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton vs. Condoleeza Rice I believe that Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton has the better chance of becoming the first woman president of the United States. She is a former First Lady and has had input in the decisions of the Clinton Administration. She worked hand in hand with former President Bill Clinton. She is very smart, a firm believer in her causes such as, helping everyday people, the underprivileged and minorities, etc. Hillary is very outspoken and her voice is heard. She has always believed in advancing the cause civil rights. (Listening to the Media) Hillary Clinton became a resident of New York and ran for and won a seat in the Senate in November 2000.... Show more content on ... She won many admirers for her faithful support for women around the world and her commitment to children's issues. Those that know her really feel good about her. Her issues are something the public really cares about. People admire her public service. (Article in, USA TODAY) Born in Chicago, Illinois on October 26, 1947, she is the daughter of Dorothy Rodham and the late Hugh Rodham. She grew up in Park Ridge, Illinois and attended public school there. She attended Wellesley College and graduated from Yale Law School in 1973. Hillary is married to former President Bill Clinton and they have one daughter, Chelsea. (Biography of Hillary Clinton from, The White House) Hillary has the experience and respect to become the first woman president of the United States. She was a strong part of the 1992 campaign for her husband, Bill Clinton. She is a strong candidate and her performance in office as Senator has proved that. Some believe that her husband's popularity, or much of it, might well be transferred to her. (Article in, The Washington Times) She is a strong fighter and very ambitious. I do not believe that Condoleeza Rice has a good chance of becoming the first woman President of the United States. She has never run for public office and it is rare that anyone without electoral record could win a presidential nomination. (Article in, The Washington Times) Although she is very smart and is able to do the job it is unlikely that she would be elected as the ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Hillary Clinton Biography Hillary Clinton, born as Hillary Diane Rodham, was born on October 26, 1947. She was raised in the suburb of Chicago, Illinois. When Hillary turned three years old, her parents moved to Park Ridge. She is the oldest daughter of Dorothy and Hugh Rodham. Hillary was a very young educated scholar. She had dreams of becoming an astronaut. Hillary's dream took a turn when she was rejected due to her gender as a female. That is when Hillary decided, she needed a voice. Her educational career path after high school begin at Wellesley College where she graduated in 1969. She continued her schooling at Yale Law School where she earned her doctor of law degree and graduated in 1973. During her terms at Yale, she also met the soon to be love of her life,... Show more content on ... In 2016, Clinton became the first woman presidential nominee. Although many issues have developed, she has never stood down. It was rumored that she experienced cases of the Benghazi Flu, and she was also hospitalized for blood clots from prolonged concussions. Those incidents occurred but they still did not break her. Hillary says that she wants to be "the female hero for our country" and I believe she will be just that. She aims her focus toward educating children, lowering student debt, reforming the justice system, and letting women be able to have a voice. Hillary Clinton portrays herself as a lady. When the opposing team tries to criticize her, it does not get under her skin and that impresses me. That shows me that she does not fold under pressure. For example, during the debate, the only card that Donald Trump could pull were about her emails. She politely smiled, omitted the issue, and continued to discuss ways that she would better our country. Hillary Clinton is a strong, mature, well spoken, educated, and disciplined individual. She is also a perfect example of what should be the voice and the "show face" for our country. That is why she is the candidate of my ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Hillary Clinton's Life And Accomplishments Hillary Clinton was born October 26, 1947 in Chicago Illinois. She was raised in Park Ridge Illinois, about 15 miles outside of downtown Chicago. She was raised by a mother and father who had a great impact on her life. Her father was named Hugh E. Rodham and her mother Dorothy Howell Rodham. Hillary also has two brothers named Tony Rodham and Hugh Rodham who was named after his Father. Hillary is currently married toBill Clinton and has a daughter by the name of Chelsea Clinton. Hillary went to Wellesley College and graduated. She excelled in her schooling and decided to study at Yale Law School. She met Bill Clinton at Yale and they eventually got married. Hillary is also our former Secretary of State. Hillary has many hobbies and interests. ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Hillary Rodham Clinton: The Most Influential Women Over the years Hillary Rodham Clinton has set many examples for people all around the country, including being the first lady of the united states. Hillary's journey has been nothing short of easy. Hillary Clinton could be thought of to be one of the most influential women because of her commitment and dedication to help others succeed. Despite other people's opinions on Hillary, she has become very inspirational to many men and women, and she has helped pave the way for women equality. Hillary Rodham Clinton was born in to hugh and Dorothy in a suburb south of Chicago. Hillary was your average middle glass girl. She attended a public school and was also a brownie member for the girl scouts of America. Hillary was raised up being a Methodist. She really ... Show more content on ... At this college Hillary was the first student to be elected from classmates as the student speaker. When Hillary finished college at Wesley she decided to go onto Yale law school. She was one of the twenty–seven girls in her graduating class. While in Law school she met and started dating Bill Clinton. When she completed law school she decided to go work for the children defense fund instead of going to work for a big law firm where she could have been more successful. At this new position, she went door to door listening to countless stories of people about the lack of schooling for children with disabilities. By Hillary helping gather this information she was a big part of the passage that required states to provide quality education for children with disabilities. Hillary then later went on and served on the congressional committee and helped in the investigation of president Nixon. Hillary then decided to move to Arkansas. In Arkansas, she confounded Arkansas advocates for children and families, in which was one of the first advocacy groups. Hillary was also influenced to help other from the stories that her mom Dorothy had encountered since her childhood was harsh and didn't have a guardian ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Jane Rodham Research Paper Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton "was born on October 26, 1947, at Edgewater Hospital in Chicago, Illinois". She was raised in a family that was United Methodist. Rodham's family first lived in Chicago, Illinois in which her father Hugh Rodham made a small successful textile business. As for her mother, she was a homemaker. Her father was of English and Welsh descent while her mother was "from Dutch, English, French Canadian, Scottish and Welsh Descent". During young Rodhams life, she was generally liked by her teachers at the Park Ridge school which she attended. While in school she participated in swimming and softball in which she won plenty of badges. While "on a trip to Chicago with her youth ministry Rodham had the chance to see Martin Luther King Jr. speak which sparked her lifelong passion for social justice." In her early years, she was interested in the Space Race, she sent a letter to NASA asking them what... Show more content on ... While in college she became for interested in social justice activism. In college, she majored in political science. Rodham "had become a prominent student leader–she was elected by her peers to be the first ever student speaker at Wellesley commencement ceremony" according to Hillary Clinton's website. She supported elections of Republicans like "John Lindsay to Mayor New York City and Massachusetts Attorney General Edward Brooke to the United States Senate"(Brock 1996, pp. 12–1). In her junior year in college Rodham was elected for the "presidential nomination campaign of Democrat Eugene McCarthy" according to New York Times article by Mark Leibovich. After Martin Luther King Junior's death "Rodham organized a two–day student strike and worked with Wellesley's black student to recruit more black student and faculty"(Leibovich, 2007). When Rodham got fired from the Mount McKinley National Park washing dishes she striked about the unhealthy conditions in which it ran and got shut down ... Get more on ...
  • 26. A Rhetorical Analysis Of Hillary Rodham Clinton Presidential nominee, Hillary Rodham Clinton, in a recent speech at a private fundraising event geared toward LGBT rights supporters, addressed her political opponent, Donald J. Trump and his supporters. The fundraiser was hosted by singer and actress, Barbra Streisand and her wealthy counterparts. The former Secretary of State argued that half of Donald Trump's supporters can be put into a "basket of deplorable" and alluded that the other half are simply anti–government. Clinton supported her assertion by using logical fallacies by making hasty generalizations, faulty cause and effect, and bandwagon appeals. She also solidified her reasoning by stating, the supporters in the "basket of deplorable" are racists, sexists, xenophobic, and many ... Show more content on ... She has lost all credibility due to recent scandals. I believe she is unfit to become president, both physically and politically. Although FDR was ill as president and propelled the nation in a desperate time, we as a country are not desperate enough to elect a president that is not healthy. She may be the candidate with more political experience, but with recent revelations about the Clintons, it makes her the worse candidate. My background and heritage may make me an unlikely Trump supporter, but that proves just how I little trust I have for HRC. This speech did not cause any change on my views or beliefs, as a matter of fact, it just confirmed my views. In her intent to humor her wealthy crowd, she really made a case for all supporters of Donald Trump by making these heinous remarks. Her comment opened the floodgates and allowed for criticism about her hypocritical stance on issues. Hillary Clinton did exactly what the media, politicians, and her own team accuse Trump and his supporters of doing; making insensitive and politically incorrect comments. The Trump team is taking advantage of this horrific comment and spinning it as if it was a scarlet letter, with the sole purpose of spiting Clinton. The word deplorable has gone as far as being printed on baseball caps, t–shirts, and even bumper stickers. Fortunately for them, supporters are responding positively. This comment was poor judgement ... Get more on ...
  • 27. How Did Hillary Clinton Influence Women Many women need a female role model in a society that is dominated by men. This is exactly what Hillary Clinton has been. Senator Clinton has served in politics for many years. She helped women and families in many different ways. Her work today inspires women all over. Hillary Clinton makes an impact on society by paving the way for women in politics. Hillary Clinton has had a very full and eventful life. She was born on October 26, 1947 as Hillary Diane Rodham ( Editors). She grew up in Park Ridge, Illinois, with her parents, Hugh and Dorothy Rodham, where she was very active in youth programs at her church and in the Republican party group in her community ("The Choice 2016"). After graduating high school, she attended Wellesley... Show more content on ... This still shines through her work today. For example, "she played a leading role in the development of the State Children's Health Insurance Program, which provides the much needed state support for children whose parents cannot afford nor provide them with adequate health care coverage" (Denson). Another way Clinton helped families is through her help with the Adoption and Safe Families Act which "clarifies that the health and safety of children served by child welfare agencies must be their paramount concern and aims to move children in foster care more quickly into more permanent homes" ( Editors). She also played a key role in the Foster Care Independence Act which ages children out of the foster care system ("Foster Care Independence act of 1999"). Senator Clinton helped women by creating the office on Violence Against Women, which helps women all over the United States (Denson). At the U.N. conference, she declared that "women's rights are human rights." This was a lot more controversial than it would be today (French). Sarah Hartshore wrote "The fact that she not only withstood it but rose above showed me that being a woman didn't mean you had to hide in the background" (Hartshore). She also promoted reproductive rights, equal pay, and paid family leave ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Hillary Rodham-Clinton Debate The Presidential Debate that took place on October 9, 2016 between Donald J. Trump and Hillary Rodham–Clinton is a debate that I will always remember. This was the debate that followed the infamous leak of the misogynistic video of Donald Trump talking about sexually assaulting women. During the debates, I would watch and tweet throughout. A tweet that I read during this debate has stayed with me for months. A youngwoman had tweeted, "Trump might grab my butt, but Hillary would leave me in a foreign country to die." Although the blatant overgeneralization made about Hillary Clinton's role and overall fault in Benghazi was upsetting, it was not that part of the tweet that stuck with me. I could not help but think to myself, are we as women ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Hillary Rodham Clinton: Case Study Questions Hillary Rodham Clinton: Case study Q1. Identify at least one example of each of the types of role conflict (intra–role, inter–role, interpersonal role, and ethic role) as described above. What did Hillary do to solve the situations? Intra–role conflict results when there is a conflict between the role perception of the individual and others' perceptions of her role: in the case of Hillary during her husband's 1992 campaign, there was a perception that a candidate's wife should confine herself to relatively 'safe,' nonpolitical statements. When Hillary aggressively defended her status as a career woman by saying she didn't stay home and bake cookies, she was forced to publically atone for her feminism by sharing her cookie recipe with a women's magazine and had to be shown baking with her daughter in campaign photos (15). Inter–role conflict is when the demands made of the specific role are incompatible (16). This occurred when Hillary assumed the role of First Lady, a role that is supposed to represent 'ideal' American womanhood. She was castigated when she attempted to take an involved role in politics regarding healthcare reform; yet feminists also complained when she seemed to be taking an overly domestic role and downplaying her professional success. On an interpersonal level, such a conflict occurs when there is controversy over who should occupy a specific role in the group. Many people were angry when Hillary took on political issues such as healthcare and ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Hilary Clinton Essay Hillary Rodham Clinton, born on October 26, 1946, is currently the 67th United States Secretary of State working under Barack Obamas presidency. Up until this year, she was the United States Senator for the state of New York, starting in 2001. Before becoming the Senator for New York, she served as the First Lady of the United States for 8 years, which came to an end in 2001 when her husband, Bill, had completed his second term as President. Hillary acted as the leading candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in the 2008 election, falling short to Barack Obama. Although Hillary didn't succeed in her bid for presidency, she still managed to accomplish many things in the various highly respected positions she was granted the ... Show more content on ... All of these little accomplishments provided her with a greater knowledge of politics and what it like is to be such a highly respected authoritarian. All of this lead up to the first time she was given national attention which was in 1969 because she was the first student to give the commencement address at Wellesley College. After this she was interview on multiple talk shows as well as featured in many articles published throughout well known magazines. After she had graduated from college, she would go on to attend and graduate from Yale Law School. Once she had marriedBill Clinton and he was elected ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Hillary Rodham Clinton Hillary Clinton is one of the most well known politicians of our time but what is her story? Hillary Clinton was under the name Hillary Rodham on October 26, 1947, at Edgewater Hospital in Chicago, Illinois. Raised under a Methodist family, she would first live in Chicago but then, at the age of three, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Her family would consist of her father, Hugh Ellsworth Rodham, a manager of a successful small business in the textile industry. Her mother, Dorothy Emma Howell, and her two younger brothers, Hugh and Tony. Hillary Rodham'sEducation began in the public schools of Park Ridge where She participated in swimming and baseball, and earned numerous awards in after school groups as a Brownie and as a Girl Scout. She would later ... Show more content on ... After her enrollment, she would become a member of the editorial board of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action. During her second year, working as an assistant, she did work for the Yale Child Study Center and learned about the new research on early childhood brain developm. In 1973, She received a Juris Doctor degree from Yale after her graduation. She had decided to stay on an extra year in Yale to be with Clinton, also a student of Yale, whom of which she had been dating since spring, 1971. Clinton first proposed marriage to Rodham after her graduation but she declined, she unsure to if she wanted to tie her future to his. In the summer of 1975, Hillary Rodham and Bill Clinton bought a house in Fayetteville. It was then that Hillary Rodham decided to marry Clinton. Their wedding took place in their living room in October 11, 1975, as in according to a Methodist Ceremony, Hillary Rodham though decided to keep her Last name. This decision was made to keep the couple's professional lives separated and to avoid conflicts of interest as well. According to a friend of her's, as quoted, she said it was because, "it showed that I was still me.". This changed in 1982. For Bill Clinton's campaign, Rodham began calling herself Hillary Clinton and sometimes even "Mrs. Bill Clinton" to get more voter approval specifically in Arkansas. In 2009 Hillary Clinton became secretary of state, She would ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Hillary Clinton : Candidate For President 2016 Mrs. Hillary Clinton: Candidate for President 2016 Born October 26, 1947, in Chicago, IL; daughter of Hugh Ellsworth and Dorothy Rodham; married Bill Clinton (U.S. president), October 11, 1975; children: Chelsea Victoria. Education: Wellesley College, B.A. (with high honors), 1969; Yale University, J.D., 1973. Politics: Democrat. Religion: Methodist. Memberships: American Bar Association (chair of commission of women in the profession, 1987–91); Arkansas Bar Association, NationalDemocratic Party. Ms. Clinton is a politician, diplomat, lawyer, and writer. She has served as U.S. District Court of Arkansas, U.S. Court of Appeals, 1973, admitted to the bar of the U.S. Supreme Court, 1975; Judiciary Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC, U.S. District Court of Arkansas; First Lady of Arkansas, 1983 –92; First Lady of the United States, Washington, DC, 1993–2001, and an active political partner of her husband, U.S. President Bill Clinton; U.S. Senator for state of New York, 2001–09; U.S. Secretary of State, 2009–13 in the first President Barack Obama administration; Among many awards and also author of Handbook on Legal Rights for Arkansas Women and It Takes a Village: And Other Lessons Children Teach Us, which focuses on the problems facing children and families in modern American society. Liberals have heraldedHillary Rodham Clinton as a champion of women 's and children 's rights, an attorney of great capabilities and energy (Clinton). Compassion and ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Hillary Trump Research Paper SECTION I. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump's biographies Hillary's Bio: On October 26, 1947, in Chicago ,Illinois, Hillary Rodham Clinton was born. She had two younger brothers, Hugh Jr (1950) and Anthony (1954), Her parents were fabric store owner Hugh Rodham Dorothy Rodham. Later in her life as a young woman, she worked in public service and became a democrat after hearing Martin Luther King Jr's speech in Chicago in 1968. Clinton worked at various jobs during her summers as a College student and she would enroll at Yale law school...there she met future POTUS and husband,Bill Clinton. The two eventually got married and had a daughter named Chelsea Clinton, Bill Clinton at the time was the Governor of Arkansas while Hillary became a successful ... Show more content on ... His father was at the time, owner of the family company in real estate and made quite a name for his name. Trump was eventually sent to the NYC Military Academy to help discipline and channel his energy positively. During his school years and in the Academy, Trump was doing very well but during his time at college, He secured several medical deferments to not go to the Vietnam War in 1968. Trump would eventually inherit his father's career and his business where he would begin his own business empire and renamed his company to the "Trump Organization" in 1971. From that point on, Trump earned much success but this wasn't flawless, he would of course run into several problems that left his company bankrupt 4 times. In the Early 2000's, Trump eventually started to get into the political world first running for president for the Reform party before dropping out due to low points, in 2011 he questioned President Obama's legitimacy as president and started a birther movement to force him to show his birth certificate to see if he was born in the united states. In the ending years of 2015 as the new election started to arise, Trump announced at his company building that he would run for POTUS and he successfully claimed the Republican nomination but at the cost of dividing the Republican Party due to his rhetoric and stances, in 2016 he now comes face to face with his opponent, the Democratic Nominee Hillary Clinton. ( ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Rhetorical Analysis of Hillary Clinton's Speech, Women’s... On September 5, 1995, Hillary Clinton delivered an influential speech at The Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing. Clinton expresses general concern over escalating violence toward women, in other word's gendercide. "Gendercide refers to the systematic elimination of a specific gender group, normally female. It's most common in India, China, and other regions in Southeast Asia" (GirlsKind Foundation). Crimes, such as bride trafficking, infanticide, abandonment, and dowry related murder; often take place within private households, going unnoticed and not even acknowledged. "Tragically, women are most often the ones whose human rights are violated. Even now, in the late 20th century, the rape of women continues to be used as an ... Show more content on ... Hillary relates to them by listing responsibilities that women uphold. "I have met women in South Africa who helped lead the struggle to end apartheid and are now helping to build a new democracy. I have met women in India and Bangladesh who are taking out small loans to buy milk cows, or rickshaws, or thread to create a livelihood for them themselves and their families" (Clinton 2). Using repetition, she starts the accounts with "I have met women in......." to show credibility, she has met women in different positions. By doing so Clinton, allows the audience immediately to know what women are capable of doing, despite unfair treatment. Pathos is important in this speech when you are trying to change others views on women's rights. Hillary uses emotional appeals to the audience when she describes them as wives, mothers, sisters, and daughters; referring them to women in our own lives; evoking the listener to imagine if their loved one were in the same position. Clinton talks about the appalling desecrations such as gendercide. Clinton states the demands of women that remain silent. By using repetitive language, she starts all the statements with "It is a violation of human rights when....".All eight statements are relevant examples of different scenarios that happen to women around the world. "It is a violation of human rights ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Pros And Cons Of Hillary Rodham Clinton Hillary Rodham Clinton might become the first female President of the USA–formerly being the First Lady, a senator, and the Secretary of State–as she is running for president in the 2016 presidential election. We as Americans need to determine if she is a corrupt politician and should be able to be our next leader of the USA. From her numerous scandals, her acceptance of campaign money from lobbyists and corporations, and her lying to the general public on a regular basis, I believe Hillary Rodham Clinton should not be elected as President of the USA. If one types "Hillary Clinton scandals" in any search engine such as Google, the most popular search engine on the Internet, one will find countless articles on her decades of scandals even the ones that are happening now, such as the FBI investigation on her private email server as Secretary of State and her Clinton Foundation misdealings with money. Though Clinton is yet to be charged with several criminal offenses, her countless scandals do not make her look good and also makes her ratings go down and her chances of getting elected drop big time. She is a lawyer and she should know how to avoid the justice system. Some of the most famous scandals she has been involved in are: mishandling the attack on the US consulate in ... Show more content on ... Even though she has been the First Lady, the Secretary of State, and a New York state senator, this does not mean she is electable. In fact, she has had a string of scandals attributed to her throughout her political career, she accepts huge sums of money from lobbyists and corporations, and she has lied on record to the American public countless times. We cannot overlook her corrupt and lying behavior, especially when she is being currently investigated by the FBI for her mishandling of classified information on her private email server and for her Clinton Foundation financial ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Hilary Clinton's Lifespan and Personality Essay Hillary Clinton's Lifespan Development and Personality PSY 300 Spring, 2012 Hillary Rodham Clinton's Lifespan Development and Personality United States Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was born in Chicago, Illinois, on October 26, 1947. She is the daughter of Hugh and Dorothy Rodham and is the older of two brothers. She was raised... Show more content on ... Hillary seemed to weather this storm extraordinarily well. She pulled herself through this dark time with much dignity and confidence while appearing to be a source of support to her husband. Even after being defeated in the 2008 presidential campaign, she kept her focus to succeed and was appointed the sixty–seventh Secretary of State. Hillary Clinton not only strives to create a legacy for herself through her accomplishments, but she is also concerned with the future and well–being of others as well. She has performed tireless work for the benefit of children and their future and expresses a genuine concern the wellbeing of others. If one were to look at each aspect of her life, it would be easy to see she has made enormous strides as a mother, a wife, and a woman in general. There are obvious factors that may have influenced Hillary Clinton's emotional development. The genetic influences seem to be apparent when one takes her parents characteristics into consideration. Her father was a successful businessman, while her mother prevailed over adversity in her childhood to pursue her education, using any available resource. Although her mother did not have the most desirable role models or circumstances in her youth, she still had an intuitive sense ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Hillary Clinton Is Not The Right Choice Hillary Clinton President of the United States, the highest office in our nation. A respected title, a praiseworthy title, an honorable title, but some may ask why anyone would want to be President. For the fame or power? Well, that is how most people think the candidate, Hillary Clinton, thinks of it. Trump, Cruz, Kasich, Clinton, and Sanders are the remaining candidates still in the race for the presidency. All candidates have their faults, but Hillary's biggest fault is how she is campaigning. When people listen to her presidential campaigns, they are not hearing politics or how she is going to improve our countryНѕ they are hearing Hillary attacking her competitors, trying to make her fellow candidates look weak. Our President should not behave in that way, their actions reflects on us, the people of the United States. Hillary Clinton is not the right choice to be our upcoming President of the United States. Hillary Rodham Clinton was born on October 26, 1947, she is the daughter of Hugh Rodham, owner of a fabric store, and Dorothy Rodham, an uneducated stay at home mother. Clinton is the oldest of her two brothers and grew up in Park Ridge, a suburb in Chicago, Illinois. She did very well in school and wanted to make a change in children's rights, Clinton made her own fundraisers, such as a small circus and sporting events, to benefit children living in poverty. Clinton was a member of Student Council, Class President of her high school, a member of National Honors ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Argumentative Essay On Hillary Clinton Lets Vote Smarter, Not Harder In 2016, on the second Tuesday in November, this nation must pull together and vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton. In many ways, Mrs. Clinton is the only choice to advance this nation into a progressive more open minded country. Hillary along with her husband Bill Clinton have helped many people with their charity organizations and with a helping hand and full heart from their many supporters. The remaining portion of this paper is not necessarily for the majority of the public that is already voting for Hillary, but mainly for the ones that have yet to be persuaded. I will lead the readers through Mrs. Clintons life, give examples of her magnificent achievements, and give everlasting proof of why she should be the next president of these United States of America.... Show more content on ... The majority of us will trickle into the polls from early mourning when they open, to making that last minute appearance and getting in our say, but what matters in not how one votes, or the time one votes, its who is checked on their ballot. For so many, such as myself, Hillary will be the only choice, but for the ones that are sitting on the proverbial fence, I have some information to share with you. According to Vanessa De Luca, author of Hillary's Promise, "while on the campaign trail in Las Vegas, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton sat down with ESSENCE to discuss the issues that matter to us most and why she hopes to earn Black women's votes." Hillary is proof of constant determination and success of her passed bills and changes to equal rights that are constantly making them more equal. Finally according to an article named Hillary Clinton for President, "The nation endorses Hillary Clinton for president and believes that a substantial victory by her in November is essential to advance issues we have long ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Hillary Clinton Research Paper I have numerous reasons why I would love to attend this trip but, here are a few. The first reason is I would love to see Hillary Clinton in person. Secondly, Hillary Clinton is an inspiration to me, and I would love to hear the speech she has prepared for us. Thirdly, I would really enjoy to hear more about Hillary and the election of our new president. Lastly, it would be marvelous to be there and be with such important people that inspire me to be a future female leader. This essay discusses why I would love to to take part in this trip, my opinion on what life choices prepared Hillary Clinton to run for president, and how are my life choices preparing me to reach my life goals. I will give a handful of reasons for each paragraph. Hope you... Show more content on ... There are so many things that I think prepared Hillary Clinton to become president. Firstly, she was elected to the United States Senate in 2001–2009. Secondly, "Hillary Clinton became the 67th United States secretary of state from 2009 to 2013." Thirdly, Hillary Clinton when to an amazing school Yale Law school where she got a great education. Lastly, Hillary Clinton became the first woman to become the presidential nominee of a major political party in 2016. You need a transition sentence here that explains how you, like Hilary Clinton, have a plan for how to prepare for your future leadership role. To sum up I'd like to say, I would love to meet my role modelHillary Rodham Clinton. My life choices right now are going to affect me later on in life. What I mean is that when I grow up I want to become a medical scientist, so the life choices I making right now will affect me later on. For example, if I choose not to study right now, not to do my homework, or not to do the easy things, imagine me later on in college. I would not complete my homework assignments because I got that habit from where I am right now. But if I do everything on time, if I do my homework, if I do my projects, when I'm in college I will be prepared, and after that I can show that I made it in what I wanted to do and ... Get more on ...