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HIST101 History Homework help
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Systemfor Session 2015-2016
HIST101 Week 1 Discussion1
The first assignment that you must complete is the Week 1 Forum.
The forum is a critical part of this course since it is through the forums that you will interact with your
classmates. Throughout the course, I will post questions in the forums and you will need to post your
answers to the questions that I ask and make comments to each other.
In this Forum, you will write a bio about yourself, your goals/expectations of the course, and your
favorite historical site that you have visited or would like to visit.
Your introduction must be at least 200-250 words long and you must post your bio by 11:55pm, ET,
Sunday. Additionally, you need to respond to 3 of your classmates' posts by 11:55pm, ET, Sunday.
Additionally, you are required to examine a myth in US History. You can accomplish this by
searching the web using the key words "U.S. History Myths." Specific instructions are located in the
forum. The initial response is due on Friday at 11:55 PM ET. You will need to respond to 3 of your
classmates by Sunday at 11:55 PM ET *Please note that going forward, all initial posts to the
Forums will be due by 11:55 pm, ET, on Friday of the week assigned.
This is a graded requirement from the Director of the History and Military History Programs as well
as the Academic Dean. If you have any questions about this requirement, please feel free to contact
me using the Message Tool.
HIST101 Week 1 Discussion2
After reading your initial response to the forum question, your instructor will ask a follow-up question
intended to make you look a little deeper at the subject. You should post those answers here.
HIST101 Week 2 Discussion1
Choose one of the following questions to answer and respond to at least three other postings. Initial
post 200-250 words/Responses +100 words. Remember that you will need to respond to my follow-
up question as well. It is a separate forum under week 2.
1. The Puritans of Massachusetts Bay had fled an established church and religious persecution in
England. Why, then, did they promptly establish their own church and persecute dissenters?
2. What were the major social and environmental developments that made America a new world for
both Europeans and Indians?
3. What impact did the Industrial Revolution in England have on the American colonies?
4. Why did the colonists object to the new taxes in 1764 and again in 1765? What arguments did
they use? How did these conflicts turn into a constitutional crisis?
5. What was the British policy of salutary neglect? Why did the British follow this policy? What
consequences did it have for the British colonies in North America?
6. In what ways were the lives of women and men in New England similar? In what ways were they
HIST101 Week 2 Discussion2
After reading your initial response to the forum question, your instructor will ask a follow-up question
intended to make you look a little deeper at the subject. You should post those answers here.
HIST101 Week 3 Discussion
You have been divided into two groups. For this forum, Group A (Last name A-M) will assume the
role of an individual who supported the American Revolution (a Patriot or Whig), while Group B (Last
name N-Z) will argue against it as Loyalist or Tory citizens.
Loyalist James Chalmers, under the pseudonym of Candidus, wrote Plain Truth in response to
Thomas Paine’s famous pamphlet Common Sense. You can click on the enclosed link to read
Thomas Paine at Gutenberg Project. Then read the excerpted text from Chalmers below, shaping
your statement in support or in opposition to Chalmer’s argument.
Your submission should be a minimum of 200 words in length. Try not to make assumptions.
Instead, assume the historical role of someone who lived in the colonies in the period up to, and
including, the American Revolution. You could be a Colonial politician, a merchant, a farmer, a shop
owner, or even a Southern plantation owner. Be creative.
After your initial submission, you are then required to continue the debate by responding to three of
your classmates. Your responses should be a minimum of 100 words, and should contribute to the
dialogue. Your initial response is due by 11:55pm, ET, Friday and your responses to 3 other
students by 11:55pm, ET, Sunday.
"I have just heard the news of a small group of ruffians who have dumped a large amount of tea into
the Boston Harbor. The initial report was that this group was a roving band of Indians. I refuse to b e
influenced by the underground rebellious press that continues to feed us with false reports and
slanted view points that support a rebellion against the Crown. I and many loyal Colonists have
found the truth to this report. The ruffians were actually a group of men , most of them are
associated with the secret societv of Masons. The event demonstrates a useless destruction of
property against the East India Company. I am writing to inform you that the tea which was
destroyed was sent to the Colonies to be sold at a very competitive price as the East India Tea
Company has a surplus of tea. King George has authorized the sale of this tea to benefit the
Colonies. This tea would have also helped the financial state of the East India Tea Company of
which we certainly hope would stay solvent. We have also found information alluding to the tea
smuggling operations of John Hancock and other of the rebellion supporters. Could it be that the tea
in Boston Harbor was destroyed to prevent competitive pricing of tea? (are we merely changing tax
collectors?) Why do we continue to anger King George by useless acts of property damage?
I urge you all to consider the price we would pay for rebellion against the Crown. Some of our
Colonists call this revolution but you must realize that this is a huge mistake, any actions against the
Crown represent a mere rebellion.[1]
[1] Excerpt taken from: Drake, Allison Stark. Headlines From History: The Boston Massacre
Five Colonists Killed By British Soldiers. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., 2001
HIST101 Week 4 Discussion1
Chose one of the questions below and respond to it with a 200-250 word response.
1. Without the French alliance, would the American rebellion have succeeded? Why or why not?
2. According to the nationalists, what were the central problems of the Articles of Confederation?
How did the delegates to the Philadelphia convention address them?
3. Was the War of 1812 “necessary?” If so, why? If not, why did it occur?
D 4. Describe the different types of cities that emerged in the United States in the first half of the
nineteenth century. How do you explain the differences in their development?
4. 5. What were Andrew Jackson’s policies on banking and tariffs? Did they hurt or help the
American economy? Why?
6. 6. Why did Protestant Christianity and protestant women emerge as forces for social change?
HIST101 Week 4 Discussion2
After you have posted your National Archives Experience project in the Assignments’ folder, post an
additional copy in this forum by 11:55pm, ET, on Sunday. BY the following Sunday, at 11:55pm, ET,
you should have also responded to three submissions from your classmates. Be sure that your
responses are of an historical nature that addresses some aspect of their presentation.
HIST101 Week 4 Discussion3
Post response to follow-up questions here
After reading your initial response to the forum question, your instructor will ask a follow-up question
intended to make you look a little deeper at the subject. You should post those answers here.
HIST101 Week 5 Discussion2
Post response to follow-up questions here
After reading your initial response to the forum question, your instructor will ask a follow-up question
intended to make you look a little deeper at the subject. You should post those answers here.
HIST101 Week 7 Discussion1
Choose one of the following questions below to answer. Initial post 200-250 words/Responses
+100 words.
1. Why did the North win the war?
2. Why did the ex-slaves’ struggle for land result in the sharecropping system?
3. Do you believe that the failure of Reconstruction was primarily a failure of leadership? Or, do you
think that the outcome might have been different had Lincoln lived, or had chosen a different vice
4. What ideas did the term Manifest Destiny reflect? Did it cause historical events, or was it merely a
description of events? What were those events?
5. Why did President Polk go to war with Mexico? Why did the war become so divisive in Congress
and the country?
6. What prompted Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation? What were the reasons for the
HIST101 Week 7 Discussion2
Week 7 Follow-
Post response to follow-up questions here
After reading your initial response to the forum question, your instructor will ask a follow-up question
intended to make you look a little deeper at the subject. You should post those answers here.
HIST101 Week 8 Discussion2
course Wrap-Up / Take Aways
Guidance for the Final Forum Posting
In this forum I want you to provide me with your concluding thoughts about the topics you learned
during the course. I do not want you to focus on all that you learned, but on at least 2 issues that you
found of interest.
HIST101Assignment 1
For this assignment, you need to visit the National Archives Experience. Historians typically use two
types of materials, secondary source, and primary source documents. Secondary sources are
typically books and articles written on a particular historical event, well after the fact. Primary source
documents are usually generated by first-hand participants. Good historians rely heavily on original
materials created at the time of the event. For this reason, historians spend a good deal of time at
the archives. There are many types of archives, but by far, the largest in the United States, is the
National Archives in Washington, D.C.
The National Archives contains more than 10 billion documents, and they have collected over 1,200
of those in the National Archives Experience. After you have opened the above link, click on
“continue” in the bottom right corner. This will take you to the Experience site. Here, you can select
a topic, and collect documents relevant to that aspect of history. The system will then allow you to
create posters, or even a video.
You are allowed to choose your own topic as long as it pertains to the subject of this course. If you
have any questions on the subject matter, please contact your professor. This is your opportunity to
look a little deeper at a subject that interests you.
All information must be cited. You are welcome to use APA, or MLA, but if you are a history major,
you are strongly encouraged to us the Chicago Style format. If you are writing a paper, it must be
double-spaced (Times New Roman, font size 12), and include a cover page with your name, course
number and course title, instructor’s name, and date.
There are a number of ways that you can complete this assignment. Once you have collected your
documents, you can create three posters, a video, a PowerPoint, or use them as evidence for writing
a 2-3 page essay. Naturally, you will need some other information, and you can gather that through
your textbook, the internet, or other books and articles.
You need to pick a topic that is course appropriate - US History up to 1877...
There are a number of ways that you can complete this assignment. Once you have collected your
documents, choose ONE of the FOUR options. You can create three posters, create a video, create
a PowerPoint, or use them as evidence for writing a 2-3 page essay. Naturally, you will need some
other information, and you can gather that through your textbook, the internet, or other books and
Once completed, you should post a copy of your project in the Assignments’ section, as well as the
forum reserved for that. The Project is due on Sunday by 11:55 PM, ET. You are also responsible
for responding to the submissions of three of your classmates by the following Sunday at 11:55 PM,
1. Poster Option: This option allows you to be as creative as you wish. But you still have to have
course content in it.
a. An example would be the Civil War – you could do one poster about the political issues,
one poster about the military issues, and one poster about the cultural issues.
reader to understand what you are pointing out about the issue/event.
formatted in MLA, APA, or Chicago citation style (assignments without references will receive a
grade of 0). You must have at least 2 sources not including images and clips.
needs to be your creation, based on material you have gathered and read.
e National Archives site allows you to create posters. But Power Point is
another option to make the posters in if you do not have access to publishing software
While this option may seem easy, it is actually the hardest because you have to include enough
information (think like a brochure)
ows: lastnamefirstnameHIST101Assign1.
2. Video Option: This option really allows you to be imaginative.
about it.
a. An example would be the Civil War – you would have one section about the political issues,
one section about the military issues, and one section about the cultural issues.
pictures from other sources (that you must cite at the end of
the video)
needs to be your creation, based on material you have gathered and read.
– Inside the National Archives Database site allows you to make
videos, but you can also use MP4, AVI,FLD (flash),WMV (widows Media video - this is probably the
most accessible option), VLC (it has an orange cone a the symbol- It allows you to make, edit, and
watch just about any video file), or MOV (apple operating software)
three focus area of your topic), Conclusion and Reference Page
without references will receive a grade of 0). You must have at least 2 sources not including images
and clips.
3. Power Point Option: This allows you to be somewhat creative, but has templates that are easily
about it.
a. An example would be the Civil War – you would have one section about the political issues,
one section about the military issues, and one section about the cultural issues.
your project
a. Title Page (1 slide)
b. Introduction (1 slide)
c. Body (3 focus areas with 3 slides each = 9 slides )
d. Conclusion (1 slide)
e. References (1 slide)
For a minimum of 13 slides
(assignments without references will receive a grade of 0)
your points
work best
at the bottom – as you are creating your slides, it says “click to add notes”[ you cannot see the notes
in the slideshow) of 50-75 words that summarized the slide and gives the reader more information.
This information must be cited just as you would a paper. If you fail to do this then you have
plagiarized your project.
ed as well.
formats will not be accepted
4. Paper Option: This is the tradition assignment.
The directions to this assignment are pretty specific, so make sure you follow them very carefully.
Find a picture, image, or video (yes YouTube is acceptable) with historical significance that you find
interesting and relevant and that falls into the scope of this course. In 750-1000 words (2 to 3
pages) you need to do the following:
ackground (ie, if it is
a pic of the Boston Tea Party, you need to briefly explain what lead up to the incident).
caused it, what it caused, what it affected. Did it cause anything to change? Or did is shake up
anything? You must show some critical thinking and analysis here. It is not enough just to retell the
history. You need to analyze how whatever you choose to write about is important. It is not good
enough just to state that it is and then write a biography of the person or the event. Papers that do
not show development, analysis, or any critical thinking will not receive a grade above a C.
. Also, include the picture
with your paper if you can.
citations styles. Please refer to the Plagiarism Power point and the contract you signed for
information about citations.
common knowledge) need to be cited. You do this with paraphrases and direct quotes. You can use
either MLA, APA, or Chicago Turabian citations, but which ever citation style you use, you must stick
to one style.
Remember: You must have intext citations and a reference page. Having a reference page without
any citations inside the paper and vice versa, is plagiarism.
nclude a cover page with your name, course number and course
title, instructor's name, and date. While composing your paper, use proper English. Do not use
abbreviations, contractions, passive voice, or first/ second person (I, you, we, our, etc). Before
submitting your paper, check your grammar and use spell check. Remember, the way you talk is not
the way you write a paper.
HIST101Assignment 2
This is a shortened version of a research paper. This paper will allow you to demonstrate your
research and analytical thinking skills. The paper needs to be on something that we will or have
covered in class, and should be 4-6 pages long and needs to include an arguable thesis with body
paragraphs that support and help you prove your point. You need to have at least 3 academic
sources (no wikis, no encyclopedias) Academic papers are not book reports, biographies or a
retelling of historic events. The introduction should state a position you have concerning a topic (like
the reasons the North won the Battle of Gettysburg) and the body should show those reasons,
backed up with support from academic sources. Papers that do not do this will receive grades of D
or lower. If you need help in coming up with a topic or an arguable point, please let me know and I
will be glad to help you.
The paper needs to be turned in through the assignment section for grading. If you use any of the
information from your sources word-for-word, or if you paraphrase the material, you must cite the
source by using intext citations (parenthetical citations/endnotes or footnotes) and a reference page.
You must have citations in your paper and a reference/bibliography page. Having one without the
other is plagiarism. Papers with any plagiarized material, even by mistake, will receive a grade of 0
and may be turned over to the admissions office at the discretion of the instructor.
The paper must include a cover page with your name, course number and course title, instructor's
name, and date. While composing your paper, use proper English. Do not use abbreviations,
contractions, passive voice, or first/ second person (I, you, we, our, etc). Before submitting your
paper, check your grammar and use spell check. Remember, the way you talk is not the way you
write a paper. Please label your paper as follows: lastnamefirstnameHIST101Paper.
The paper needs to be double-spaced pages of text (Times New Roman, font size 12) and you must
consult a minimum of two academically credible sources. Bibliographies and citations will be in MLA,
APA or the Chicago Manual of Style format. You can use any of these citation styles, but you have
to stick to one. Papers that use multiple styles will receive a 0 for citations.
HIST101Plagiarism Awareness Contract
You must watch the associated Power Point and then sign and submit this acknowledgement before
ANY of you written work can be graded. This is not worth any points, but you must complete this
Watch the PowerPoint below, then sign and submit the contract:
Download the file labeled Plagiarism Awareness Contract.
Read it and "sign" the bottom
Save and upload it to the assignment section.

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American public university system hist101 history

  • 1. American Public University System HIST101 History Homework help Get help for AmericanPublicUniversitySystemHIST223 HistoryHomeworkhelp. We provide assignment, homework, discussions and case studies help for all subject AmericanPublicUniversity Systemfor Session 2015-2016 HIST101 Week 1 Discussion1 The first assignment that you must complete is the Week 1 Forum. The forum is a critical part of this course since it is through the forums that you will interact with your classmates. Throughout the course, I will post questions in the forums and you will need to post your answers to the questions that I ask and make comments to each other. In this Forum, you will write a bio about yourself, your goals/expectations of the course, and your favorite historical site that you have visited or would like to visit. Your introduction must be at least 200-250 words long and you must post your bio by 11:55pm, ET, Sunday. Additionally, you need to respond to 3 of your classmates' posts by 11:55pm, ET, Sunday. Additionally, you are required to examine a myth in US History. You can accomplish this by searching the web using the key words "U.S. History Myths." Specific instructions are located in the forum. The initial response is due on Friday at 11:55 PM ET. You will need to respond to 3 of your classmates by Sunday at 11:55 PM ET *Please note that going forward, all initial posts to the Forums will be due by 11:55 pm, ET, on Friday of the week assigned. This is a graded requirement from the Director of the History and Military History Programs as well as the Academic Dean. If you have any questions about this requirement, please feel free to contact me using the Message Tool.
  • 2. assignment-that-y-30557 HIST101 Week 1 Discussion2 After reading your initial response to the forum question, your instructor will ask a follow-up question intended to make you look a little deeper at the subject. You should post those answers here. reading-your-initial-30560 HIST101 Week 2 Discussion1 Choose one of the following questions to answer and respond to at least three other postings. Initial post 200-250 words/Responses +100 words. Remember that you will need to respond to my follow- up question as well. It is a separate forum under week 2. 1. The Puritans of Massachusetts Bay had fled an established church and religious persecution in England. Why, then, did they promptly establish their own church and persecute dissenters? 2. What were the major social and environmental developments that made America a new world for both Europeans and Indians? 3. What impact did the Industrial Revolution in England have on the American colonies? 4. Why did the colonists object to the new taxes in 1764 and again in 1765? What arguments did they use? How did these conflicts turn into a constitutional crisis?
  • 3. 5. What was the British policy of salutary neglect? Why did the British follow this policy? What consequences did it have for the British colonies in North America? 6. In what ways were the lives of women and men in New England similar? In what ways were they different? of-the-following-30575 HIST101 Week 2 Discussion2 After reading your initial response to the forum question, your instructor will ask a follow-up question intended to make you look a little deeper at the subject. You should post those answers here. your-initial-30578 HIST101 Week 3 Discussion You have been divided into two groups. For this forum, Group A (Last name A-M) will assume the role of an individual who supported the American Revolution (a Patriot or Whig), while Group B (Last name N-Z) will argue against it as Loyalist or Tory citizens. Loyalist James Chalmers, under the pseudonym of Candidus, wrote Plain Truth in response to Thomas Paine’s famous pamphlet Common Sense. You can click on the enclosed link to read Thomas Paine at Gutenberg Project. Then read the excerpted text from Chalmers below, shaping your statement in support or in opposition to Chalmer’s argument. Your submission should be a minimum of 200 words in length. Try not to make assumptions. Instead, assume the historical role of someone who lived in the colonies in the period up to, and including, the American Revolution. You could be a Colonial politician, a merchant, a farmer, a shop owner, or even a Southern plantation owner. Be creative.
  • 4. After your initial submission, you are then required to continue the debate by responding to three of your classmates. Your responses should be a minimum of 100 words, and should contribute to the dialogue. Your initial response is due by 11:55pm, ET, Friday and your responses to 3 other students by 11:55pm, ET, Sunday. "I have just heard the news of a small group of ruffians who have dumped a large amount of tea into the Boston Harbor. The initial report was that this group was a roving band of Indians. I refuse to b e influenced by the underground rebellious press that continues to feed us with false reports and slanted view points that support a rebellion against the Crown. I and many loyal Colonists have found the truth to this report. The ruffians were actually a group of men , most of them are associated with the secret societv of Masons. The event demonstrates a useless destruction of property against the East India Company. I am writing to inform you that the tea which was destroyed was sent to the Colonies to be sold at a very competitive price as the East India Tea Company has a surplus of tea. King George has authorized the sale of this tea to benefit the Colonies. This tea would have also helped the financial state of the East India Tea Company of which we certainly hope would stay solvent. We have also found information alluding to the tea smuggling operations of John Hancock and other of the rebellion supporters. Could it be that the tea in Boston Harbor was destroyed to prevent competitive pricing of tea? (are we merely changing tax collectors?) Why do we continue to anger King George by useless acts of property damage? I urge you all to consider the price we would pay for rebellion against the Crown. Some of our Colonists call this revolution but you must realize that this is a huge mistake, any actions against the Crown represent a mere rebellion.[1] ________________________________________ [1] Excerpt taken from: Drake, Allison Stark. Headlines From History: The Boston Massacre Five Colonists Killed By British Soldiers. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., 2001 been-divided-into-two-30611 HIST101 Week 4 Discussion1 Chose one of the questions below and respond to it with a 200-250 word response. 1. Without the French alliance, would the American rebellion have succeeded? Why or why not?
  • 5. 2. According to the nationalists, what were the central problems of the Articles of Confederation? How did the delegates to the Philadelphia convention address them? 3. Was the War of 1812 “necessary?” If so, why? If not, why did it occur? D 4. Describe the different types of cities that emerged in the United States in the first half of the nineteenth century. How do you explain the differences in their development? 4. 5. What were Andrew Jackson’s policies on banking and tariffs? Did they hurt or help the American economy? Why? 6. 6. Why did Protestant Christianity and protestant women emerge as forces for social change? of-the-questions-b-30619 HIST101 Week 4 Discussion2 After you have posted your National Archives Experience project in the Assignments’ folder, post an additional copy in this forum by 11:55pm, ET, on Sunday. BY the following Sunday, at 11:55pm, ET, you should have also responded to three submissions from your classmates. Be sure that your responses are of an historical nature that addresses some aspect of their presentation. have-posted-your-N-30634 HIST101 Week 4 Discussion3
  • 6. Post response to follow-up questions here After reading your initial response to the forum question, your instructor will ask a follow-up question intended to make you look a little deeper at the subject. You should post those answers here. response-to-follow-up-30636 HIST101 Week 5 Discussion2 Post response to follow-up questions here After reading your initial response to the forum question, your instructor will ask a follow-up question intended to make you look a little deeper at the subject. You should post those answers here. response-to-follow-up-30648 HIST101 Week 7 Discussion1 Choose one of the following questions below to answer. Initial post 200-250 words/Responses +100 words. 1. Why did the North win the war? 2. Why did the ex-slaves’ struggle for land result in the sharecropping system? 3. Do you believe that the failure of Reconstruction was primarily a failure of leadership? Or, do you think that the outcome might have been different had Lincoln lived, or had chosen a different vice president? 4. What ideas did the term Manifest Destiny reflect? Did it cause historical events, or was it merely a description of events? What were those events?
  • 7. 5. Why did President Polk go to war with Mexico? Why did the war become so divisive in Congress and the country? 6. What prompted Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation? What were the reasons for the edict? of-the-following-30654 HIST101 Week 7 Discussion2 Week 7 Follow- Post response to follow-up questions here After reading your initial response to the forum question, your instructor will ask a follow-up question intended to make you look a little deeper at the subject. You should post those answers here. Follow-Post-respo-30657 HIST101 Week 8 Discussion2 course Wrap-Up / Take Aways Guidance for the Final Forum Posting In this forum I want you to provide me with your concluding thoughts about the topics you learned during the course. I do not want you to focus on all that you learned, but on at least 2 issues that you found of interest. Up-Take-Aways-30659
  • 8. HIST101Assignment 1 For this assignment, you need to visit the National Archives Experience. Historians typically use two types of materials, secondary source, and primary source documents. Secondary sources are typically books and articles written on a particular historical event, well after the fact. Primary source documents are usually generated by first-hand participants. Good historians rely heavily on original materials created at the time of the event. For this reason, historians spend a good deal of time at the archives. There are many types of archives, but by far, the largest in the United States, is the National Archives in Washington, D.C. The National Archives contains more than 10 billion documents, and they have collected over 1,200 of those in the National Archives Experience. After you have opened the above link, click on “continue” in the bottom right corner. This will take you to the Experience site. Here, you can select a topic, and collect documents relevant to that aspect of history. The system will then allow you to create posters, or even a video. You are allowed to choose your own topic as long as it pertains to the subject of this course. If you have any questions on the subject matter, please contact your professor. This is your opportunity to look a little deeper at a subject that interests you. All information must be cited. You are welcome to use APA, or MLA, but if you are a history major, you are strongly encouraged to us the Chicago Style format. If you are writing a paper, it must be double-spaced (Times New Roman, font size 12), and include a cover page with your name, course number and course title, instructor’s name, and date. There are a number of ways that you can complete this assignment. Once you have collected your documents, you can create three posters, a video, a PowerPoint, or use them as evidence for writing a 2-3 page essay. Naturally, you will need some other information, and you can gather that through your textbook, the internet, or other books and articles. You need to pick a topic that is course appropriate - US History up to 1877... There are a number of ways that you can complete this assignment. Once you have collected your documents, choose ONE of the FOUR options. You can create three posters, create a video, create a PowerPoint, or use them as evidence for writing a 2-3 page essay. Naturally, you will need some other information, and you can gather that through your textbook, the internet, or other books and articles. Once completed, you should post a copy of your project in the Assignments’ section, as well as the forum reserved for that. The Project is due on Sunday by 11:55 PM, ET. You are also responsible for responding to the submissions of three of your classmates by the following Sunday at 11:55 PM, ET.
  • 9. 1. Poster Option: This option allows you to be as creative as you wish. But you still have to have course content in it. a. An example would be the Civil War – you could do one poster about the political issues, one poster about the military issues, and one poster about the cultural issues. reader to understand what you are pointing out about the issue/event. formatted in MLA, APA, or Chicago citation style (assignments without references will receive a grade of 0). You must have at least 2 sources not including images and clips. needs to be your creation, based on material you have gathered and read. e National Archives site allows you to create posters. But Power Point is another option to make the posters in if you do not have access to publishing software While this option may seem easy, it is actually the hardest because you have to include enough information (think like a brochure) ows: lastnamefirstnameHIST101Assign1. 2. Video Option: This option really allows you to be imaginative. about it. a. An example would be the Civil War – you would have one section about the political issues, one section about the military issues, and one section about the cultural issues. pictures from other sources (that you must cite at the end of the video)
  • 10. needs to be your creation, based on material you have gathered and read. – Inside the National Archives Database site allows you to make videos, but you can also use MP4, AVI,FLD (flash),WMV (widows Media video - this is probably the most accessible option), VLC (it has an orange cone a the symbol- It allows you to make, edit, and watch just about any video file), or MOV (apple operating software) r three focus area of your topic), Conclusion and Reference Page without references will receive a grade of 0). You must have at least 2 sources not including images and clips. 3. Power Point Option: This allows you to be somewhat creative, but has templates that are easily navigated. about it. a. An example would be the Civil War – you would have one section about the political issues, one section about the military issues, and one section about the cultural issues. your project a. Title Page (1 slide) b. Introduction (1 slide) c. Body (3 focus areas with 3 slides each = 9 slides ) d. Conclusion (1 slide) e. References (1 slide) For a minimum of 13 slides (assignments without references will receive a grade of 0) your points work best at the bottom – as you are creating your slides, it says “click to add notes”[ you cannot see the notes
  • 11. in the slideshow) of 50-75 words that summarized the slide and gives the reader more information. This information must be cited just as you would a paper. If you fail to do this then you have plagiarized your project. ed as well. formats will not be accepted 4. Paper Option: This is the tradition assignment. The directions to this assignment are pretty specific, so make sure you follow them very carefully. Find a picture, image, or video (yes YouTube is acceptable) with historical significance that you find interesting and relevant and that falls into the scope of this course. In 750-1000 words (2 to 3 pages) you need to do the following: ackground (ie, if it is a pic of the Boston Tea Party, you need to briefly explain what lead up to the incident). caused it, what it caused, what it affected. Did it cause anything to change? Or did is shake up anything? You must show some critical thinking and analysis here. It is not enough just to retell the history. You need to analyze how whatever you choose to write about is important. It is not good enough just to state that it is and then write a biography of the person or the event. Papers that do not show development, analysis, or any critical thinking will not receive a grade above a C. . Also, include the picture with your paper if you can. citations styles. Please refer to the Plagiarism Power point and the contract you signed for information about citations. common knowledge) need to be cited. You do this with paraphrases and direct quotes. You can use either MLA, APA, or Chicago Turabian citations, but which ever citation style you use, you must stick to one style. Remember: You must have intext citations and a reference page. Having a reference page without any citations inside the paper and vice versa, is plagiarism.
  • 12. nclude a cover page with your name, course number and course title, instructor's name, and date. While composing your paper, use proper English. Do not use abbreviations, contractions, passive voice, or first/ second person (I, you, we, our, etc). Before submitting your paper, check your grammar and use spell check. Remember, the way you talk is not the way you write a paper. you-need-to-vis-30667 HIST101Assignment 2 This is a shortened version of a research paper. This paper will allow you to demonstrate your research and analytical thinking skills. The paper needs to be on something that we will or have covered in class, and should be 4-6 pages long and needs to include an arguable thesis with body paragraphs that support and help you prove your point. You need to have at least 3 academic sources (no wikis, no encyclopedias) Academic papers are not book reports, biographies or a retelling of historic events. The introduction should state a position you have concerning a topic (like the reasons the North won the Battle of Gettysburg) and the body should show those reasons, backed up with support from academic sources. Papers that do not do this will receive grades of D or lower. If you need help in coming up with a topic or an arguable point, please let me know and I will be glad to help you. The paper needs to be turned in through the assignment section for grading. If you use any of the information from your sources word-for-word, or if you paraphrase the material, you must cite the source by using intext citations (parenthetical citations/endnotes or footnotes) and a reference page. You must have citations in your paper and a reference/bibliography page. Having one without the other is plagiarism. Papers with any plagiarized material, even by mistake, will receive a grade of 0 and may be turned over to the admissions office at the discretion of the instructor. The paper must include a cover page with your name, course number and course title, instructor's name, and date. While composing your paper, use proper English. Do not use abbreviations, contractions, passive voice, or first/ second person (I, you, we, our, etc). Before submitting your paper, check your grammar and use spell check. Remember, the way you talk is not the way you write a paper. Please label your paper as follows: lastnamefirstnameHIST101Paper.
  • 13. The paper needs to be double-spaced pages of text (Times New Roman, font size 12) and you must consult a minimum of two academically credible sources. Bibliographies and citations will be in MLA, APA or the Chicago Manual of Style format. You can use any of these citation styles, but you have to stick to one. Papers that use multiple styles will receive a 0 for citations. version-of-a-res-30668 HIST101Plagiarism Awareness Contract You must watch the associated Power Point and then sign and submit this acknowledgement before ANY of you written work can be graded. This is not worth any points, but you must complete this activity. Watch the PowerPoint below, then sign and submit the contract: Download the file labeled Plagiarism Awareness Contract. Read it and "sign" the bottom Save and upload it to the assignment section. You-must-watch-the-30671