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MARCH 2012, 11.59 PM
Stay Foolish, Stay Hungry.
-Steve Jobs-
Local Committee University of Malaya
LCUM1213 Applicant Booklet
Please where applicable.(Double click on the box and select ‘checked‘ in the default value.)
Local Committee President (LCP)
Vice President (VP)
Please whichever is applicable (maximum two [2])
Finance & Administration
Marketing & Communications
Corporate Relations
External Relations
Non-Corporate Relations
Talent Management
Youth Development
Project Management
NRIC/Passport Number : <privacy>
Mobile Number : <privacy>
University : University of Malaya
Student ID Number : <privacy>
Semester : <privacy>
Program : <privacy>
Email Address ( :
Please provide details of your academic background in chronological order
YEAR Academic Background Location
July 2010 - Oct 2014 Bachelor of Mechanical
Engineering (CGPA 3.59)
University of Malaya
May 2009 - 2010 April Matrikulasi (CGPA 4.00) Johor Matriculation College,
Tangkak, Johor
January 2004 – December 2008 Taken PMR (7A, 1B) &
SPM (9 A1, 1 A2, 2 B3)
Chung Ling High School,
Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
January 1998 - December 2003 Taken UPSR (6A, 1B) S.J.K (C) Han Chiang
Local Committee University of Malaya
LCUM1213 Applicant Booklet
Please give details of all relevant practical and professional experience in chronological
Organization Title Responsibility Duration
ASTAR [MPA] (First
Residential College’s
Gala Dinner)
Committee President
Ensure the Gala
Dinner is successfully
November 2011 –
21th April 2012
First College’s UM
Cares Squad
Vice President Assisting President
and the squad to
implement green
initiatives and
September 2011 –
September 2012
Greenergy Seminar
Head of Marketing
To raise sponsorships
so that the seminar
has enough fund to
November 2011 -
March 2012
AIESEC Vice President of
Outgoing Exchange
To achieve the
realization goals set
July 2011 – July 2012
Community Service
& Educational
Programmes held
under Penang
Committee President
To ensure the
community service is
31th October 2010 –
June 2011
List all aspects of your AIESEC experience (leadership positions, conferences, etc) in
chronological order.
Year Experience Brief Description Location Duration
2012 Mid-National Conference
To review and refine
functional area’s future
UKM 5th
- 12th
2011 Regional Leadership
Development Seminar
Delegate UMNC November
2011 National Train the Trainer
Delegate Fern Lodge,
Skuadai, Johor
August 2011
2011 National Conference
To set goal for the our new
UPM June 2011
Local Committee University of Malaya
LCUM1213 Applicant Booklet
2011 Vice President of OGX Achieve realization goals set UM July 2011 –
July 2012
2010 MyLDS UTM December
Global Competency Model Score
Emotional Intelligence 3.2 Global Competency Model Score
Entrepreneurial Outlook 4.0 Proactive Learning 4.0
Social Responsibility 4.0 Global Mindset 3.0
Please give a short description about yourself (not more than 500 words)
I am an ambitious person, who seeks to challenge status quo. I do not prefer doing things in the
conventional ways. It is part of my nature to always troubleshoot the source of problems and
seek for ways/suggestions to improve the current state. People who work with me think that I am
a hardworking and determined person. Sometimes, my stubbornness could ruin the relationship
with people. The main reason I am stubborn is because I think that I am doing the right things.
However, as time goes by, I learnt that sometimes it is not about doing the right thing, but is
about doing the right way. Doing things the right way includes taking care others’ opinions and
feelings. I can be indecisive at times as I tend to over-think certain matters. That is also the time
when people feel that I am so serious because I am thinking and weighing the pros and cons. I
like to portray myself as a strategic thinker. I feel appreciated when my suggestions are given
consideration by my team.
Local Committee University of Malaya
LCUM1213 Applicant Booklet
There are 15 questions for LCP applicants and 10 questions for VP candidates. Kindly answer
ALL questions accordingly.
1. What is your leadership style? How do you think people can best work with you?
In many ways, I won the title as inspiring leader, a person good at motivating others.
In addition, I got a real knack in providing direction and identifying areas to be
improved at works. Some people perceive me as authoritative because of my
delivery method; some find me easy to work with as I am straightforward in telling
them what are the things need to improve. Generally, I like working with people who
is strategy-minded and reliable.
2. What is your motivation and what do you want to achieve personally by running for
Executive Board 2012/2013?
Last year, my motivation to run for VP was that I wanted to grow in AIESEC. This
year, I am running for LCP with the intention to grow AIESEC
3. Justify and comment on your Global Competency Score. (Not more than 400 words.)
I scored full marks for Entrepreneurial Outlook, Proactive Learning & Social
Responsibility whereas 3.0 and 3.2 for Global Mindset & Emotional Intelligence. The
marks obtained are describing me as I am a keen learner. For the things that I have
learnt, I always relate it to how I can help the society and how to expand certain
industries which have corresponded to Social Responsibility and Entrepreneurial
Outlook respectively. As I am not a good at listening, thus this has affected my
Emotional Intelligence. In addition, I also think that it I am not really interested in
knowing other races’ cultures. Thus, this reflects my lower marks I got for Global
4. Contact one person that you have been working closely with and ask them to name
3 of your weaknesses; and briefly elaborate how you plan to overcome them. (Provide
contact details for verification purposes.)
Weaknesses Elaboration Ways to Overcome
Poor listening skill I tend to lost
concentration when I am
listening to someone’s
Listen attentively by
asking relevant questions.
Local Committee University of Malaya
LCUM1213 Applicant Booklet
Lengthy in speech I tend to talk too much
during a meeting
Have different persons to
lead certain session while I
sit back to listen and give
comments necessarily
Stubborn I tend to be over defensive
of my own ideas
Be more open to criticism
and be more considerate
of others’ feeling
Kum Mun Yoke, 013-202 9898.
5. Name 1 achievement and 1 failure in AIESEC so far, and elaborate. What did you
learn from them? (Not more than 400 words.)
Achievement Failure
High Members’ Retention Rate. Members
are passionate and interested in doing
what they are doing in AIESEC. The
recent synergy between OGX-COMM-TM
has shown people from different
departments can work together achieve
common LC goal. This is really
motivating, and you won’t feel tired nor
alone working all day long. I learnt that to
really make everyone stays in AIESEC is to
do things together, I mean really
together. The results must be tangible so
that each other knows you are
contributing and doing things together.
Lack of tracking system such as in OGX,
there is no proper use of EP Matching
Tracking sheet, no EP Payment Tracker
and no obvious synergy in correspond to
other AIESEC phases such as TMP/TLP,
6. Predict 3 of the biggest challenges you think you’ll face if elected.
Challenge 1: Communication Problem among EB team.
I might not be able to understand my teammates well enough yet. But I believe if we
all make an effort to understand each others’ working style, this problem would
soon be resolved.
Challenge 2: Lacking understanding towards MC’s planning
Local Committee University of Malaya
LCUM1213 Applicant Booklet
I have to admit that when I was J.E and even when rose to VP, I don’t really put an
effort to understand things from MC’s perspective. MC’s planning only shown twice
in a year, which is during NatCon and Mid-Natcon.
Challenge 3: Lack of understanding towards certain functional areas.
I am coming from OGX background and I have a good understanding to certain
departments such as COMM, TM, ER and PM but lack the understanding towards FA,
CR & NCR. I afraid I would divert my attention from FA, CR & NCR. If I were to be
elected, I must ensure the VPs from last term have a proper transition with the VP
7. Which political, social, environmental or economic movement in Malaysia has made
the biggest impact on you over the past year? Why and how is it relevant to AIESEC
in Malaysia?
The widening economic gap between the rich and the poor is always a trouble to all.
This has to do with government’s transparency and efficiency in solving this problem.
We all know a country is defined by its people, with the government representing
the hope and aspiration of the people. AIESEC in Malaysia could play a vital role in
educating, inspiring and nurturing all the young people in Malaysia so that they
become great leaders in future. AIESEC in Malaysia upholds its motto: To engage and
develop every person in the world (in Malaysia, as for in this context). We want to
produce and replicate leaders through AIESEC ways, through AIESEC Experience
Programmes, and through AIESEC leadership position.
In addition, the social issues such as baby dumping, misuse of drugs, domestic
violence, discrimination against women, children and sexual orientation, are
overwhelming our endeared country. What is far more serious than all these
problems is most of the youths today lack the sensitivity and awareness to the
societal problems. AIESEC in Malaysia, could play even greater role in this context by
collaborate with the existing NGO or governmental bodies to educate youths.
Next, AIESEC members engage with wide spectrum of people at their early years,
they could easily identify the social demand, social problems and so on. AIESEC
members are energized and inspired to carry out a series of roadshow, programmes,
talks, seminars, projects etc. AIESEC members wish to be part of the solutions to
these social problems. Thus, they are indirectly learning social entrepreneurship and
leadership. At the end of their involvement, they have what the country needs to
make changes to our current state.
With that, AIESEC in Malaysia is still relevant and its capacity could grow so much
8. What is your vision and focus for your Local Committee for term 2012/2013? (Elaborate
with a rough timeline in terms of 4 quarters.)
I wish there are more synergies to be devised among the departments. The synergy
should be devised based on each AIESEC phase. So far, we only have synergy for
Local Committee University of Malaya
LCUM1213 Applicant Booklet
GCDP and GIP. Other phases such as TMP and TLP are still awaiting proper synergy to
be formed. I also wish to see the members are effective users of and
Google Doc. We have workshops to improve students’ knowledge on how to use all
these important softwares/technology to boost our LC’s performance. In addition, I
want to see our LC reserves top the rest of the LC. Money always matter the most.
When we have enough funding, we can initiative beneficial projects. Projects are a
form of investment in the sense that people will get to know about us through their
involvement in projects.
My vision for LC is that AIESEC in UM is known by all students in the campus as an
international student organization that keen on leadership, management,
entrepreneurship and world issues.
My focus is on synergy, how more synergies can be established to achieve end
results. Technology/Softwares as the tool to assist our tracking, monitoring and
sharing of information.
9. Analyze AIESEC in UM in its current state. (Maximum 1 page, you may use SWOT analysis, Keep-Stop-Start
or any other relevant method of analysis. VP applicants may focus more on their functional area of choice.)
Department Keep Stop Start
FA Strong relationship
with HEP
Having too little JDs
for members.
Members lost
learning curves
PM Awareness projects
such as Love and Life
Road show
Project expansion
ER Motivating members
to try calling up new
kinds of companies
Relying on family
relationship to get
framework. Raising
Learning partners as
OGX The current
Partnership with LCs.
Better Reintegration,
as Reintegration can
be a way to sell
CR Securing companies Proper
documentation of
visa application
Local Committee University of Malaya
LCUM1213 Applicant Booklet
NCR Raise more interns Proper
documentation of
visa application
COMM Brand checking
Collecting testimony
& survey form from
returned EPs
TM Monitor system Collecting
membership fees in
Set more strict
membership criteria.
10. State initiatives you’d like to drive down to leverage or mitigate from what has been
analyzed from the question above.
Synergy Plans
1. As LCP you have to work with many stakeholders including AI, MC, LCPs, LCs,
partners, students, university and members. How would you prioritize stakeholders?
List 3 most important in ascending order and justify.
Partners, Members, LCs (most important)
LC which represents AIESEC as a whole also reflects AI’s ambition as well. LC’s term
goals and focuses should be given priority. MC’s plans are usually defined by LC’s
aspiration as well. So by taking care of LC’s goals and focuses, one can safely assume
that the rest are taken care too.
Next, members who are still new to AIESEC needs to be given attention so that they
could be empowered. Members are AIESEC Ambassador. If they see relevance and
love being part of AIESEC, they will influence people around them to at least learn
more about AIESEC, if not joining us right away. Members are also regarded as
invaluable assets to AIESEC’s future pipeline sustainability.
Partners are the next important stakeholder right after Members. There are two
kinds of partners: 1. Learning partners (which is more on TM’s concern) 2.
Networking Partners (which is of ER’s concern)
Local Committee University of Malaya
LCUM1213 Applicant Booklet
In the context of Exchange Management (includes Youth Development, Corporate
Relation & Non-Corporate Relation), partnership between our LC and another LC is
another noteworthy topic.
Partnership, disregard to its size and types, all contribute to the mutual growth in
terms of finance, degree of influence, brand positioning (COMM’s concern) and
finally catalyze the process of achieving term goals.
2. Name three relevant and concrete insights or GCPs from the international network
in any functional area which would you like to implement in AIESEC in UM?
Good Case Practice by AI Justification
New interface Ease exchange management. Members
ought to be taught step-by-step on the
ways to use effectively
The lah-Troop (a form of ambassadorship
Brand the EPs from Malaysia so that
Malaysian EPs can be easily noticed by
AIESEC members from other countries.
National Sales Team cultures Reflect AIESEC members are interested
in management and selling. This will
boost the number of realization for
exchange context and stabilize financial
health of a LC.
3. What are your views on the refreshed AIESEC Experience? Please specify 1 Benefit
and 1 Threat for each of these: EwA, TMP, TLP, GCDP, GIP, and LLC.
AIESEC Experience Benefit Threat
EwA Exposure to non-AIESEC members. No synergy is defined so
TMP Enough JDs for team members. Loose members criteria.
We should set an
expectation setting with
the potential members.
Warning letters should be
issued to members who
are slacking.
TLP Experience leadership experience
Functional area
knowledge is not easy to
be picked up by any
outsiders. The fear for no
Local Committee University of Malaya
LCUM1213 Applicant Booklet
pipeline exists.
GCDP Good experience No segmentation is
performed. No obvious
long term partnership is
formed among LCs and
our LC
GIP Good experience Lack of TN opportunities.
Strict visa application in
certain countries
discourages the prospect.
4. What is your proposed Executive Board structure for term 2012/2013? How will this
contribute to your vision and focus?
OGX will be divided into AIESEC Experience Sales Team and Expansion team.
TM will have Learning, HR and Alumni Engagement sub-team.
Local Committee University of Malaya
LCUM1213 Applicant Booklet
ER will be promoting Y2B; Marketing & Communication will have internal and external
communication unit. CR and NCR have no changes from the previous structures.
Local Committee University of Malaya
LCUM1213 Applicant Booklet
Information Management is a good initiative as all the documentations from each
department can be compiled and kept together for future reference. The
information gathered also would help the board in making a better decision.
PM will be having three projects at hand, and the projects can be increased
depending on capacity.
OGX and CR/NCR can be a great duo in boosting each other realization goals. As
CR/NCR outsources for LCs in other countries for OGX, OGX in returns promoting the
projects held by our LC through virtual platform such as email and SKYPE.
OGX offers AIESEC Experience programmes as in GCDP and GIP. As we all know, GIP
usually favours applicants who had AIESEC leadership experiences in AIESEC before.
Local Committee University of Malaya
LCUM1213 Applicant Booklet
In addition, by re-adjusting the price of GCDP for COMMITTEED AIESEC members,
students in university would see AIESEC an internship provider while the existing
members of AIESEC would be able to enjoy the privilege for being AIESEC members.
TM can sell TMP and TLP easily by inserting these interesting selling points inside.
5. Briefly describe the functional synergy of all functional areas based on the proposed
structure in the question above. How do you think the synergy you’ve described can
advance the LC?
Synergy Structure which consists of OGX, COMM and TM will be continued from
previous term. TM plays a vital role too for other departments, especially for PM.
AIESEC in UM can expand its presence by having more recruitments for projects held
under AIESEC in UM. Types of project can be related to entrepreneurial
seminar/workshop, HIV/AIDS road show & environmental movement activities. To
boost AIESEC’s presence even more, we can have ER to raise organizing partners.
COMM functions as supportive role in promoting the events/activities held under
LC : Local Committee
LCP : Local Committee President
MC : Member Committee
AI : AIESEC International
MT : Management Team
GCP : Good Case Practice
TMP : Team Member Program
TLP : Team Leader Program
GCDP : Global Community
Development Program
GIP : Global Internship Program
EwA : Engagement with AIESEC
LLC : Life Long Connection

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AIESEC_LCP Applicant Booklet

  • 2. Local Committee University of Malaya LCUM1213 Applicant Booklet 2 SECTION I POSITION APPLIED: Please where applicable.(Double click on the box and select ‘checked‘ in the default value.) Local Committee President (LCP) Vice President (VP) FIELD OF INTEREST Please whichever is applicable (maximum two [2]) Finance & Administration Marketing & Communications Corporate Relations External Relations Non-Corporate Relations Talent Management Youth Development Project Management PERSONAL INFORMATION Full Name : LEE CHIA CHUN NRIC/Passport Number : <privacy> Mobile Number : <privacy> University : University of Malaya Student ID Number : <privacy> Semester : <privacy> Program : <privacy> Email Address ( : ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE Please provide details of your academic background in chronological order YEAR Academic Background Location July 2010 - Oct 2014 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (CGPA 3.59) University of Malaya May 2009 - 2010 April Matrikulasi (CGPA 4.00) Johor Matriculation College, Tangkak, Johor January 2004 – December 2008 Taken PMR (7A, 1B) & SPM (9 A1, 1 A2, 2 B3) Chung Ling High School, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia January 1998 - December 2003 Taken UPSR (6A, 1B) S.J.K (C) Han Chiang
  • 3. Local Committee University of Malaya LCUM1213 Applicant Booklet 3 WORKING EXPERIENCE Please give details of all relevant practical and professional experience in chronological order. Organization Title Responsibility Duration Malam Penganugerahan ASTAR [MPA] (First Residential College’s Gala Dinner) Organizing Committee President Ensure the Gala Dinner is successfully held November 2011 – 21th April 2012 First College’s UM Cares Squad Vice President Assisting President and the squad to implement green initiatives and activities September 2011 – September 2012 Greenergy Seminar by ASHRAE Head of Marketing Department To raise sponsorships so that the seminar has enough fund to run November 2011 - 10th March 2012 AIESEC Vice President of Outgoing Exchange To achieve the realization goals set July 2011 – July 2012 Community Service & Educational Programmes held under Penang Undergraduates Association Organizing Committee President To ensure the community service is successfully conducted 31th October 2010 – 5th June 2011 AIESEC EXPERIENCE List all aspects of your AIESEC experience (leadership positions, conferences, etc) in chronological order. Year Experience Brief Description Location Duration 2012 Mid-National Conference (MNC) To review and refine functional area’s future planning UKM 5th - 12th Feb 2012 2011 Regional Leadership Development Seminar Delegate UMNC November 2011 2011 National Train the Trainer (NTtT) Delegate Fern Lodge, Skuadai, Johor August 2011 2011 National Conference (NatCon) To set goal for the our new term UPM June 2011
  • 4. Local Committee University of Malaya LCUM1213 Applicant Booklet 4 2011 Vice President of OGX Achieve realization goals set UM July 2011 – July 2012 2010 MyLDS UTM December 2010 Global Competency Model Score Emotional Intelligence 3.2 Global Competency Model Score Entrepreneurial Outlook 4.0 Proactive Learning 4.0 Social Responsibility 4.0 Global Mindset 3.0 Please give a short description about yourself (not more than 500 words) I am an ambitious person, who seeks to challenge status quo. I do not prefer doing things in the conventional ways. It is part of my nature to always troubleshoot the source of problems and seek for ways/suggestions to improve the current state. People who work with me think that I am a hardworking and determined person. Sometimes, my stubbornness could ruin the relationship with people. The main reason I am stubborn is because I think that I am doing the right things. However, as time goes by, I learnt that sometimes it is not about doing the right thing, but is about doing the right way. Doing things the right way includes taking care others’ opinions and feelings. I can be indecisive at times as I tend to over-think certain matters. That is also the time when people feel that I am so serious because I am thinking and weighing the pros and cons. I like to portray myself as a strategic thinker. I feel appreciated when my suggestions are given consideration by my team.
  • 5. Local Committee University of Malaya LCUM1213 Applicant Booklet 5 SECTION II QUESTIONS & ANSWERS There are 15 questions for LCP applicants and 10 questions for VP candidates. Kindly answer ALL questions accordingly. QUESTIONS FOR VICE PRESIDENT AND LOCAL COMMITTEE PRESIDENT APPLICANTS 1. What is your leadership style? How do you think people can best work with you? In many ways, I won the title as inspiring leader, a person good at motivating others. In addition, I got a real knack in providing direction and identifying areas to be improved at works. Some people perceive me as authoritative because of my delivery method; some find me easy to work with as I am straightforward in telling them what are the things need to improve. Generally, I like working with people who is strategy-minded and reliable. 2. What is your motivation and what do you want to achieve personally by running for Executive Board 2012/2013? Last year, my motivation to run for VP was that I wanted to grow in AIESEC. This year, I am running for LCP with the intention to grow AIESEC 3. Justify and comment on your Global Competency Score. (Not more than 400 words.) I scored full marks for Entrepreneurial Outlook, Proactive Learning & Social Responsibility whereas 3.0 and 3.2 for Global Mindset & Emotional Intelligence. The marks obtained are describing me as I am a keen learner. For the things that I have learnt, I always relate it to how I can help the society and how to expand certain industries which have corresponded to Social Responsibility and Entrepreneurial Outlook respectively. As I am not a good at listening, thus this has affected my Emotional Intelligence. In addition, I also think that it I am not really interested in knowing other races’ cultures. Thus, this reflects my lower marks I got for Global Mindset. 4. Contact one person that you have been working closely with and ask them to name 3 of your weaknesses; and briefly elaborate how you plan to overcome them. (Provide contact details for verification purposes.) Weaknesses Elaboration Ways to Overcome Poor listening skill I tend to lost concentration when I am listening to someone’s Listen attentively by asking relevant questions.
  • 6. Local Committee University of Malaya LCUM1213 Applicant Booklet 6 talking Lengthy in speech I tend to talk too much during a meeting Have different persons to lead certain session while I sit back to listen and give comments necessarily Stubborn I tend to be over defensive of my own ideas Be more open to criticism and be more considerate of others’ feeling Kum Mun Yoke, 013-202 9898. 5. Name 1 achievement and 1 failure in AIESEC so far, and elaborate. What did you learn from them? (Not more than 400 words.) Achievement Failure High Members’ Retention Rate. Members are passionate and interested in doing what they are doing in AIESEC. The recent synergy between OGX-COMM-TM has shown people from different departments can work together achieve common LC goal. This is really motivating, and you won’t feel tired nor alone working all day long. I learnt that to really make everyone stays in AIESEC is to do things together, I mean really together. The results must be tangible so that each other knows you are contributing and doing things together. Lack of tracking system such as in OGX, there is no proper use of EP Matching Tracking sheet, no EP Payment Tracker and no obvious synergy in correspond to other AIESEC phases such as TMP/TLP, EwA LLC. 6. Predict 3 of the biggest challenges you think you’ll face if elected. Challenge 1: Communication Problem among EB team. I might not be able to understand my teammates well enough yet. But I believe if we all make an effort to understand each others’ working style, this problem would soon be resolved. Challenge 2: Lacking understanding towards MC’s planning
  • 7. Local Committee University of Malaya LCUM1213 Applicant Booklet 7 I have to admit that when I was J.E and even when rose to VP, I don’t really put an effort to understand things from MC’s perspective. MC’s planning only shown twice in a year, which is during NatCon and Mid-Natcon. Challenge 3: Lack of understanding towards certain functional areas. I am coming from OGX background and I have a good understanding to certain departments such as COMM, TM, ER and PM but lack the understanding towards FA, CR & NCR. I afraid I would divert my attention from FA, CR & NCR. If I were to be elected, I must ensure the VPs from last term have a proper transition with the VP elects. 7. Which political, social, environmental or economic movement in Malaysia has made the biggest impact on you over the past year? Why and how is it relevant to AIESEC in Malaysia? The widening economic gap between the rich and the poor is always a trouble to all. This has to do with government’s transparency and efficiency in solving this problem. We all know a country is defined by its people, with the government representing the hope and aspiration of the people. AIESEC in Malaysia could play a vital role in educating, inspiring and nurturing all the young people in Malaysia so that they become great leaders in future. AIESEC in Malaysia upholds its motto: To engage and develop every person in the world (in Malaysia, as for in this context). We want to produce and replicate leaders through AIESEC ways, through AIESEC Experience Programmes, and through AIESEC leadership position. In addition, the social issues such as baby dumping, misuse of drugs, domestic violence, discrimination against women, children and sexual orientation, are overwhelming our endeared country. What is far more serious than all these problems is most of the youths today lack the sensitivity and awareness to the societal problems. AIESEC in Malaysia, could play even greater role in this context by collaborate with the existing NGO or governmental bodies to educate youths. Next, AIESEC members engage with wide spectrum of people at their early years, they could easily identify the social demand, social problems and so on. AIESEC members are energized and inspired to carry out a series of roadshow, programmes, talks, seminars, projects etc. AIESEC members wish to be part of the solutions to these social problems. Thus, they are indirectly learning social entrepreneurship and leadership. At the end of their involvement, they have what the country needs to make changes to our current state. With that, AIESEC in Malaysia is still relevant and its capacity could grow so much more. 8. What is your vision and focus for your Local Committee for term 2012/2013? (Elaborate with a rough timeline in terms of 4 quarters.) I wish there are more synergies to be devised among the departments. The synergy should be devised based on each AIESEC phase. So far, we only have synergy for
  • 8. Local Committee University of Malaya LCUM1213 Applicant Booklet 8 GCDP and GIP. Other phases such as TMP and TLP are still awaiting proper synergy to be formed. I also wish to see the members are effective users of and Google Doc. We have workshops to improve students’ knowledge on how to use all these important softwares/technology to boost our LC’s performance. In addition, I want to see our LC reserves top the rest of the LC. Money always matter the most. When we have enough funding, we can initiative beneficial projects. Projects are a form of investment in the sense that people will get to know about us through their involvement in projects. My vision for LC is that AIESEC in UM is known by all students in the campus as an international student organization that keen on leadership, management, entrepreneurship and world issues. My focus is on synergy, how more synergies can be established to achieve end results. Technology/Softwares as the tool to assist our tracking, monitoring and sharing of information. 9. Analyze AIESEC in UM in its current state. (Maximum 1 page, you may use SWOT analysis, Keep-Stop-Start or any other relevant method of analysis. VP applicants may focus more on their functional area of choice.) Department Keep Stop Start FA Strong relationship with HEP Having too little JDs for members. Members lost learning curves Information Management PM Awareness projects such as Love and Life Road show Project expansion ER Motivating members to try calling up new kinds of companies Relying on family relationship to get sponsors Systematic sponsorship framework. Raising Learning partners as well. OGX The current processes. Partnership with LCs. Better Reintegration, as Reintegration can be a way to sell TMP/TLP to EPs. CR Securing companies Proper documentation of visa application
  • 9. Local Committee University of Malaya LCUM1213 Applicant Booklet 9 procedures NCR Raise more interns Proper documentation of visa application procedures COMM Brand checking processes Collecting testimony & survey form from returned EPs TM Monitor system Collecting membership fees in 2nd semester Set more strict membership criteria. 10. State initiatives you’d like to drive down to leverage or mitigate from what has been analyzed from the question above. Synergy Plans QUESTIONS FOR LOCAL COMMITTEE PRESIDENT APPLICANTS ONLY 1. As LCP you have to work with many stakeholders including AI, MC, LCPs, LCs, partners, students, university and members. How would you prioritize stakeholders? List 3 most important in ascending order and justify. Partners, Members, LCs (most important) LC which represents AIESEC as a whole also reflects AI’s ambition as well. LC’s term goals and focuses should be given priority. MC’s plans are usually defined by LC’s aspiration as well. So by taking care of LC’s goals and focuses, one can safely assume that the rest are taken care too. Next, members who are still new to AIESEC needs to be given attention so that they could be empowered. Members are AIESEC Ambassador. If they see relevance and love being part of AIESEC, they will influence people around them to at least learn more about AIESEC, if not joining us right away. Members are also regarded as invaluable assets to AIESEC’s future pipeline sustainability. Partners are the next important stakeholder right after Members. There are two kinds of partners: 1. Learning partners (which is more on TM’s concern) 2. Networking Partners (which is of ER’s concern)
  • 10. Local Committee University of Malaya LCUM1213 Applicant Booklet 10 In the context of Exchange Management (includes Youth Development, Corporate Relation & Non-Corporate Relation), partnership between our LC and another LC is another noteworthy topic. Partnership, disregard to its size and types, all contribute to the mutual growth in terms of finance, degree of influence, brand positioning (COMM’s concern) and finally catalyze the process of achieving term goals. 2. Name three relevant and concrete insights or GCPs from the international network in any functional area which would you like to implement in AIESEC in UM? Good Case Practice by AI Justification New interface Ease exchange management. Members ought to be taught step-by-step on the ways to use effectively The lah-Troop (a form of ambassadorship programme) Brand the EPs from Malaysia so that Malaysian EPs can be easily noticed by AIESEC members from other countries. National Sales Team cultures Reflect AIESEC members are interested in management and selling. This will boost the number of realization for exchange context and stabilize financial health of a LC. 3. What are your views on the refreshed AIESEC Experience? Please specify 1 Benefit and 1 Threat for each of these: EwA, TMP, TLP, GCDP, GIP, and LLC. AIESEC Experience Benefit Threat EwA Exposure to non-AIESEC members. No synergy is defined so far. TMP Enough JDs for team members. Loose members criteria. We should set an expectation setting with the potential members. Warning letters should be issued to members who are slacking. TLP Experience leadership experience in AIESEC. Functional area knowledge is not easy to be picked up by any outsiders. The fear for no
  • 11. Local Committee University of Malaya LCUM1213 Applicant Booklet 11 pipeline exists. GCDP Good experience No segmentation is performed. No obvious long term partnership is formed among LCs and our LC GIP Good experience Lack of TN opportunities. Strict visa application in certain countries discourages the prospect. LLC 4. What is your proposed Executive Board structure for term 2012/2013? How will this contribute to your vision and focus? OGX will be divided into AIESEC Experience Sales Team and Expansion team. TM will have Learning, HR and Alumni Engagement sub-team. LCP OGX AIESEC Exp. EXPANSION TM LEARNING HR ALUMNI
  • 12. Local Committee University of Malaya LCUM1213 Applicant Booklet 12 ER will be promoting Y2B; Marketing & Communication will have internal and external communication unit. CR and NCR have no changes from the previous structures. LCP ER STRATEGIC INTIATIVES (Y2B) MARKETING & COMM INTERNAL COMM EXTERNAL COMM CR
  • 13. Local Committee University of Malaya LCUM1213 Applicant Booklet 13 Information Management is a good initiative as all the documentations from each department can be compiled and kept together for future reference. The information gathered also would help the board in making a better decision. PM will be having three projects at hand, and the projects can be increased depending on capacity. OGX and CR/NCR can be a great duo in boosting each other realization goals. As CR/NCR outsources for LCs in other countries for OGX, OGX in returns promoting the projects held by our LC through virtual platform such as email and SKYPE. OGX offers AIESEC Experience programmes as in GCDP and GIP. As we all know, GIP usually favours applicants who had AIESEC leadership experiences in AIESEC before. OGX CR/NCR Better Partnership Management OGX TM Selling TMP/TLP
  • 14. Local Committee University of Malaya LCUM1213 Applicant Booklet 14 In addition, by re-adjusting the price of GCDP for COMMITTEED AIESEC members, students in university would see AIESEC an internship provider while the existing members of AIESEC would be able to enjoy the privilege for being AIESEC members. TM can sell TMP and TLP easily by inserting these interesting selling points inside. 5. Briefly describe the functional synergy of all functional areas based on the proposed structure in the question above. How do you think the synergy you’ve described can advance the LC? Synergy Structure which consists of OGX, COMM and TM will be continued from previous term. TM plays a vital role too for other departments, especially for PM. AIESEC in UM can expand its presence by having more recruitments for projects held under AIESEC in UM. Types of project can be related to entrepreneurial seminar/workshop, HIV/AIDS road show & environmental movement activities. To boost AIESEC’s presence even more, we can have ER to raise organizing partners. COMM functions as supportive role in promoting the events/activities held under AIESEC in UM. -END OF THE APPLICANT BOOKLET- Key: LC : Local Committee LCP : Local Committee President MC : Member Committee AI : AIESEC International MT : Management Team GCP : Good Case Practice TMP : Team Member Program TLP : Team Leader Program GCDP : Global Community Development Program GIP : Global Internship Program EwA : Engagement with AIESEC LLC : Life Long Connection