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Renewable Energy
  ATTRA                                 Opportunities on the Farm
   A Publication of ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service • 1-800-346-9140 •

By Cathy Svejkovsky                     Renewable energy represents an important option for agricultural producers. This publication introduces
NCAT Energy                             three renewable energy resources that can be attractive and economically feasible for the farm: solar,
Specialist                              wind, and renewable fuels. This is not a technical guide for designing or installing renewable energy
© 2006 NCAT                             systems but, instead, an overview that provides information on wind, solar, and renewable fuel technolo-
                                        gies, cost and savings, site planning, and financial incentives. A list of resources follows the narrative.
Parts of this Consumer’s Guide
are based on Get Your Power
from the Sun (DOE/GO-102003-

                                                                                                                                                     Photos courtesy of NREL.
1844); Small Wind Electric Sys-
tems: A U.S. Consumer’s Guide
(DOE/GO-102005-2095); and
Biofuels for Your State (DOE/
GO- 02001-1434), all produced
by the National Renewable
Energy Laboratory (NREL), a
DOE national laboratory.

Introduction ..................... 1
Solar Energy ..................... 2
Wind Energy..................... 9
Renewable Fuels
for Transportation ........ 14          Introduction
Resources ........................ 18
                                        Renewable energy——such as solar, wind,
                                        and biofuels——can play a key role in cre-
                                        ating a clean, reliable energy future. The
                                        benets are many and varied, including a
                                        cleaner environment. Electricity is often
                                        produced by burning fossil fuels such as
                                        oil, coal, and natural gas. The combustion
                                        of these fuels releases a variety of pollutants
                                        into the atmosphere, such as carbon diox-             would reduce CO2 emissions by 4.3 million
Funding for the development             ide (CO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and nitro-           tons per year, the equivalent of removing
of this publication was provided        gen oxide (NOx), which create acid rain and           850,000 cars from the road.
by the USDA Risk Management
Agency.                                 smog. Carbon dioxide from burning fossil
                                        fuels is a signicant component of green-             Equally important, renewable energy tech-
                                        house gas emissions. These emissions could            nologies contribute signicantly to local
                                        signicantly alter the world’’s environment           economies, creating jobs and keeping
ATTRA—National Sustainable
                                        and contribute to global warming.                     energy dollars in the local economy.
Agriculture Information Ser-
vice is managed by the National
Center for Appropriate Technol-         Renewable energy, on the other hand, can              This guide will introduce you to solar, wind,
ogy (NCAT) and is funded under
                                        be a clean energy resource. Using renew-              and renewable fuel technologies. Note that
a grant from the United States
Department of Agriculture’s             ables to replace conventional fossil fuels            it is not a technical guide for designing or
Rural Business- Cooperative
                                        can prevent the release of pollutants into            installing renewable energy systems. For
Service. Visit the NCAT Web site
(                     the atmosphere and help combat global                 that information, consult a professional who
html) for more informa-
tion on our sustainable
                                        warming. For example, using solar energy              will have detailed technical specications
agriculture projects.                   to supply a million homes with energy                 and other necessary information.
This is also not intended to      To make the best use of your solar energy
                                        be a complete guide to all of     system, the modules must have a clear
                                        the renewable energy oppor-       ““view”” of the sun for most or all of the
                                        tunities available to agricul-    day——unobstructed by trees, roof gables,
                                        tural producers. Among the        chimneys, buildings, and other features
                                        options not covered here are      of your home and the surrounding land-
                                        hydro-electric generators,        scape. Some potential sites for your sys-
                                        geothermal energy, meth-          tem may be bright and sunny during cer-
                                        ane digesters, and various        tain times of the day, but shaded during
                                        other ““biomass”” energy sys-     other times. Such shading may substan-
Photo courtesy of NREL.
                                        tems. For more information        tially reduce the amount of energy that
                                        on digesters, see the ATTRA       your system will produce.
                          publication Anaerobic Digestion of Animal
                          Wastes: Factors to Consider.

                          Solar Energy
                          Throughout the United States, people are
Related ATTRA             showing increased interest in capturing
Publications              the sun’’s energy for their farm operations,
                          homes, and businesses. These systems
Biodiesel—A Primer        allow you to produce your own electricity
Biodiesel:                and heat water with no noise and no air
The Sustainability        pollution while using a clean, renewable
Dimensions                resource——the sun.
Ethanol Opportunities                                                     Photovoltaic (PV) shingles are an attractive solar
and Questions             Is My Site Suitable for Solar Energy?           option, since they look much like ordinary roofing
                                                                          shingles, but they also generate electricity.
                          A well-designed solar energy system needs       Photo courtesy of NREL.
Electric Systems for      clear and unobstructed access to the sun’’s
Homes, Farms, and         rays for most or all of the day, throughout
Ranches: Resources        the year. Most farms and ranches have roof-
                                                                          In the United States, the sun is always in
                          tops or open, sunny locations that are well-
Solar-Powered                                                             the southern half of the sky but is higher
                          suited to solar energy, and you can make
Livestock Watering
                          an initial assessment yourself. If the loca-    in the summer and lower in the win-
Systems                                                                   ter. Usually, the best location for a solar
                          tion looks promising, your solar installer or
Freeze Protection         equipment dealer can determine whether          energy system is a south-facing roof, but
for Solar-powered         your home or business can effectively use a     roofs that face east or west may also be
Livestock Watering        solar energy system.                            acceptable. Flat roofs also work well for
Systems                                                                   solar electric systems, because solar mod-
Solar Greenhouses
                          The orientation of your system (the compass     ules can be mounted at on the roof facing
                          direction that your system faces) affects its
                                                                          the sky or bolted on frames tilted toward
                                                                          the south at an optimal angle. They can
                                                                          also be attached directly to the roof as
In general, the sun
should be unob-
                                                                          ““PV shingles.””
structed from 9
                                                                          If a rooftop can’’t be used, your solar mod-
a.m. to 3 p.m. for
solar collectors.                                                         ules can also be placed on the ground,
PV applications                                                           either on a fixed mount or a ““track-
are more sensi-                                                           ing”” mount that follows the sun to orient
tive to minor solar
obstructions than
                                                                          the modules. Other options include
solar thermal                                                             mounting structures that create covered
applications.                                                             parking, or that provide shade as win-
NCAT Illustration.                                                        dow awnings.

Page 2        ATTRA                                                       Renewable Energy Opportunities on the Farm
pastures, where electricity from power
                                                  lines is unavailable. PV is often much less
                                                  expensive than the alternative of extend-
                                                  ing power lines into these remote areas.
                                                  Depending on the depth of the well (if any)
                                                  and the volume of water needed, a simple
                                                  pumping system can often be installed
                                                  for as little as $2,500, including the cost
                                                  of a pump especia l ly designed for
                                                  PV power. For more information, see
                                                  the ATTRA publication Solar-Powered
Solar system installed at the Heifer Ranch in     Livestock Watering Systems.
Perryville, Arkansas. Photo courtesy of NREL.
                                                  The basic building block of PV technol-
                                                  ogy is the solar ““cell.”” Multiple PV cells
                                                  are connected to form a PV ““module,””
Photovoltaics                                     the smallest PV component sold commer-
What is a solar electric, or photovoltaic, sys-   cially. Modules range in power output from
tem? Photovoltaic (PV) systems convert sun-       about 10 watts to 300 watts. A PV system
light directly to electricity. They work any      connected or ““tied”” to the utility grid has
time the sun is shining, but more electric-       these components:
ity is produced when the sunlight is more
intense and strikes the PV modules directly           •• One or more PV modules, which are
(as when rays of sunlight are perpendicular              connected to an inverter
to the PV modules). Unlike solar thermal              •• Inverter, which converts the sys-
systems for heating water, PV does not use               tem’’s direct-current (DC) electricity
the sun’’s heat to make electricity. Instead,            to alternating current (AC)
electrons freed by the interaction of sun-            •• Batteries (optional) to provide
light with semiconductor materials in PV                 energy storage or backup power in
cells are captured in an electric current.               case of a power interruption or out-
PV allows you to produce electricity——with-              age on the grid.
out noise or air pollution——from a clean,
renewable resource. A PV system never
runs out of fuel, and it won’’t increase U.S.
oil imports. Many PV system components
are manufactured right here in the United
States. These characteristics could make PV
technology the U.S. energy source of choice
for the 21st century.
Solar electric power comes in very handy
on farms and ranches, and is often the most
cost-effective and low-maintenance solution
at locations far from the nearest utility line.
PV can be used to power lighting, electric
fencing, small motors, aeration fans, gate-
openers, irrigation valve switches, automatic
supplement feeders. Solar electric energy
can even be used to move some sprinkler
irrigation systems.
                                                  AC electricity is compatible with the utility
PV systems are also extremely well-suited         grid. It powers our lights, appliances, com-
for pumping water for livestock in remote         puters, and televisions.                                                                                ATTRA   Page 3
Cost/Savings                                           electric bills up front. Your monthly electric
                           A photovoltaic (PV) system can be a substan-           bills will go down, but the initial expense of
                           tial investment. Cost-effectiveness will depend        PV may be signicant. By  nancing your
                           on system installation cost, system perfor-            PV system, you can spread the cost over
                           mance, and local electric rates. As with any           many years, and rebates can also lighten
                           investment, careful planning will help you             your nancial load.
                           make the right decisions for your farm, home,          The value of your PV system’’s electricity
                           or business. Before you decide to buy a PV             depends on how much you pay for elec-
                           system, there are some things to consider.             tricity now and how much your utility will
                           First, PV produces power intermittently                pay you for any excess power that you gen-
                                                                                  erate. With net metering, the PV system’’s
                           because it works only when the sun is shin-
                                                                                  electricity is metered back to the utility,
                           ing. This is not a problem for PV systems
                                                                                  which offsets the electricity coming from
                           connected to the utility grid, because any
                                                                                  the utility. You can use the calculation box
                           additional electricity required is automati-
                                                                                  on this page to estimate how much electric-
                           cally delivered to you by your utility. In the
                                                                                  ity your PV system will produce and how
                           case of non-grid, or stand-alone, PV sys-
                                                                                  much that electricity will be worth. Actual
                           tems, batteries can be purchased to store
                                                                                  energy production from your PV system will
                           energy for later use. Second, if you live near
                                                                                  vary by up to 20 percent from these gures,
                           existing power lines, PV-generated electric-
                                                                                  depending on your geographic location, the
                           ity is usually more expensive than conven-
                                                                                  angle and orientation of your system, the
                           tional utility-supplied electricity. Although
                                                                                  quality of the components, and the quality
                           PV now costs less than 1 percent of what it
                                                                                  of the installation. Also, you may not get
                           did in the 1970s, the amortized price over
                                                                                  full retail value for excess electricity pro-
                           the life of the system is still about 25 cents
                                                                                  duced by your system on an annual basis,
                           per kilowatt-hour. This is double to qua-
                                                                                  even if your utility does offer net metering.
                           druple what most people pay for electricity
                                                                                  Be sure to discuss these issues with your
                           from their utilities. A solar rebate program
                                                                                  PV provider. Request a written estimate of
                           and net metering can help make PV more
                                                                                  the average annual energy production from
                           affordable, but neither can match today’’s
                                                                                  the PV system. However, even if an esti-
                           price for utility electricity——in most cases.
                                                                                  mate is accurate for an average year, actual
                           Finally, unlike the electricity you purchase           electricity production will uctuate from
                           monthly from a utility, PV power requires              year to year because of natural variations
                           a high initial investment. This means that             in weather and climate.
                           buying a PV system is like paying years of
                                                                                  How Much Does a PV System Cost?
 How much energy will a grid-connected PV system produce?*
                                                                                  No single answer applies in every case.
System Size             1-kW         2-kW        3-kW        4-kW        5-kW     But solar rebates and other incentives
Seattle, WA              970         1940        2910        3880        4850     will always reduce the cost. Your price
Sacramento, CA          1399         2799        4198        5597        6996     depends on a number of factors, includ-
Boulder, CO             1459         2917        4376        5834        7293     ing whether your home is under construc-
                                                                                  tion and whether PV is integrated into the
Minneapolis, MN         1286         2571        3857        5142        6428
                                                                                  roof or mounted on top of an existing roof.
Des Moines, IA          1292         2584        3876        5168        6459     The price also depends on the PV system
Houston, TX             1220         2440        3660        4879        6099     rating, manufacturer, retailer, and installer.
Pittsburgh, PA          1099         2197        3296        4395        5494     The size of your system may be the most
Jacksonville, FL        1286         2571        3857        5142        6428     signicant factor in any measurement of
                                                                                  costs versus benets. A 2-kilowatt system
*Estimated annual output in kWh/year (source: PV WATTS). A typical home           that meets nearly all the needs of a very
uses an average of 9,400 kWh per year. Contact your utility to request a print-   energy-efcient home will likely cost $8 to
out of your last 12 months of electrical energy consumption.
                                                                                  $10 per watt. At the high end, a 5-kilowatt
Page 4        ATTRA                                                               Renewable Energy Opportunities on the Farm
operations that have signi-
        Area of Solar Array Needed in Square Feet                      cant space heating require-
 PV Module                                                             ments. For example, mod-
  Efficiency                   PV Capacity Rating (Watts)                ern pig and poultry farms
      (%)                                                              raise animals in enclosed
                100      250     500 1,000 2,000 4,000 10,000          buildings with carefully
        4        30       75     150     300      600 1,200 3,000      controlled temperatures
        8         15      38      75     150      300   600     1,500  that help maximize animal
                                                                       health and growth. In addi-
       12         10      25      50     100      200   400     1,000
                                                                       tion, these facilities often
       16          8      20      40      80      160   320       800  have high ventilation needs
 For example, to generate 2,000 watts from a 12%-efficient system,     in order to remove moisture,
 you need 200 square feet of roof area.                                toxic gases, odors, and dust.
                                                                       Properly designed solar
system that completely meets the energy space-heating systems can help meet both
needs of a large conventional home can cost of these needs.
$30,000 to $40,000 installed, or $6 to $8
per watt. These prices are rough estimates; Solar Greenhouse Heating
your costs depend on your system’’s congu-
                                                       Solar greenhouses are designed to collect
ration, your equipment options, and other
                                                       solar energy during sunny days and also to
factors. Your local PV dealers can give you
                                                       store heat for use at night or during peri-
more accurate cost information.
                                                       ods when it is cloudy. They can either stand
                                                       alone or be attached to houses or barns. A
  PV works best in an energy-efficient building.         solar greenhouse may be an underground
  So, measures such as adding insulation and           pit, a shed-type structure, or a quonset hut.
  sealing air leaks, as well as purchasing energy-
  efficient lighting, and appliances, are essential
                                                       Large-scale producers use free-standing
  to reduce your building’s overall electricity use    solar greenhouses, while attached structures
  before installing a PV system.                       are primarily used by home-scale growers.
                                                   Solar greenhouses differ from conventional
                                                   greenhouses in the following four ways.
Net Metering                                       Solar greenhouses:
Utilities are required to offer net metering
in 40 states and the District of Columbia. In           •• have glazing oriented to receive
net metering, the customer is billed for the               ma x imum sola r heat dur ing
net electricity purchased from the utility over            the winter
the entire billing period——that is, the differ-         •• use heat-storing materials to retain
ence between the electricity coming from the               solar heat
power grid and the electricity generated by             •• have large amounts of insulation
the PV system. The benets of net meter-                   where there is little or no direct
ing to consumers are especially signicant                 sunlight
in areas with high retail electric rates. Utili-
ties also benet because the solar-generated            •• use glazing material and glazing
energy often coincides with their periods of               installation methods that minimize
““peak”” demand for electricity.                           heat loss
                                                        •• rely primarily on natural ventilation
For state-by-state net metering information,
                                                           for summer cooling
see Net Metering Rules for Energy Ef-
ciency at                         Passive solar greenhouses are often good
                                                   choices for small growers, because they are
Solar Space Heating                                a cost-efcient way for farmers to extend
Solar space-heating systems can be used            the growing season. In colder climates
in livestock, dairy, and other agriculture         or in areas with long periods of cloudy                                                                                     ATTRA   Page 5
weather, solar heating may need to be sup-
                 plemented with a gas or electric heating
                 system to protect plants against extreme
                 cold. Active solar greenhouses use sup-
                 plemental energy to move solar heated air
                 or water from storage or collection areas
                 to other regions of the greenhouse. Use
                 of photovoltaic heating systems for green-
                 houses is generally not cost-effective unless
                 you are producing high-value crops.
                 For more information on greenhouses, see
                 the ATTRA publication Solar Greenhouses.         PV provides year round solar-assisted power to a
                                                                  domestic water-heating system for this residential
                                                                  addition in Rhode Island. Photo courtesy of NREL.
                 Solar Crop Drying
                 Farmers have been using the sun to dry           such as a water-glycol antifreeze mixture,
                 crops for centuries. You can take advantage      in collectors most commonly mounted on
                 of this technology simply by allowing crops      a roof. The heated water is then stored
                 to dry naturally in the eld, or by spread-      in a tank similar to a conventional gas or
                 ing grain and fruit out in the sun after har-    electric water tank. Then, when water is
                 vesting. Today’’s solar dryers are designed      drawn from the water heater, it is replaced
                 to provide protection from insects, rodents,     with the solar-heated water from that tank.
                 birds, as well as weather. A basic solar dyer    Some systems use an electric pump to cir-
                 consists of an enclosure or shed, screened       culate the uid through the collectors.
                 drying trays or racks, and a solar collec-
                                                                  Solar water heaters can operate in any cli-
                 tor. The design of a solar crop drying sys-
                 tem needn’’t be complicated——it can simply       mate. Performance varies depending, in
                 be a glazed box with a dark-colored inte-        part, on how much solar energy is avail-
                 rior to collect solar energy, which heats the    able at the site, but also on the temper-
                 air inside the box. The heated air is then       ature of incoming water. The colder the
                 moved through the crop material either by        water, the more efciently the system oper-
                 natural convection or with a fan.                ates. In almost all climates, you will need a
                                                                  conventional backup system. In fact, many
                 For more information, see Solar Energy           building codes require you to have a con-
                 Applications for Farms and Ranches               ventional water heater as the backup.
                 workplace/farms_ranches/index.cfm/               Types of Solar Water Heaters
                                                                  There are four basic types of solar water-
                                                                  heating systems available. These systems
                 Solar Water Heating                              share three similarities: a glazing (typi-
                 Water heating can account for as much as         cally glass) over a dark surface to gather
                 25 percent of a typical family’’s energy costs   solar heat; one or two tanks to store hot
                 and up to 40 percent of the energy used in       water; and associated plumbing with or
                 a typical dairy operation. A properly sized      without pumps to circulate the heat-trans-
                 solar water-heating system could cut those       fer uid from the tank to the collectors and
                 costs in half. Hot water is also needed for      back again.
                 pen and equipment cleaning and a host of         Draindown systems pump water from the
                 other agricultural uses.                         hot water tank through the solar collectors,
                                                                  where it is heated by the sun and returned
                 Solar Water Heater Basics                        to the tank. Valves automatically drain
                 Solar water heating systems use the sun to       the system when sensors detect freezing
                 heat either water or a heat-transfer uid,       temperatures.
Page 6   ATTRA                                                    Renewable Energy Opportunities on the Farm
Antifreeze closed-loop systems rely on an
                                                   antifreeze solution to operate through cold
                                                   winter months. Antifreeze solutions are sep-
                                                   arated from household water by a double-
                                                   walled heat exchanger.
                                                   Breadbox batch systems are passive sys-
                                                   tems in which the storage tank also func-
                                                   tions as the collector. One or two water
                                                   tanks, painted black, are placed in a well-
                                                   insulated box or other enclosure that has
                                                   a south wall made of clear plastic or glass
                                                   and tilted at the proper angle. This allows
                                                   the sun to shine directly on the tank and
                                                   heat a ““batch”” of
                                                   water. An insulated
                                                   cover can provide
                                                   freeze protection.

                                                   Sizing Your
Draindown solar water system.
Illustration: North Carolina Solar Center.         Just as you have to
                                                   choose a 30, 40-, or
                                                   50-gallon conven-
Drainback systems use a separate plumb-            tional water heater,
ing line,  lled with uid, to gather the sun’’s   you need to deter-
heat. These systems operate strictly on grav-      mine the right size Breadbox batch solar water system.
ity. When the temperature is near freezing,        solar water heater Illustration: North Carolina Solar Center.
the pump shuts off and the transfer uid           to install. Sizing a
drains back into the solar storage tank.           solar water heater involves determining the
                                                   total collector area and the storage volume
                                                   required to provide 100 percent of your
                                                   building’’s hot water during the summer.
                                                   Solar equipment experts use worksheets or
                                                   special computer programs to assist you in
                                                   determining how large a system you need.
                                                   Solar storage tanks are usually 50-, 60-,
                                                   80-, or 120-gallon capacity. A small (50-
                                                   to 60-gallon) system is sufcient for one to
                                                   three people, a medium (80-gallon) sys-
                                                   tem is adequate for a three- or four-person
                                                   household, and a large (120-gallon) system
                                                   is appropriate for four to six people.

                                                   How much does a solar water-heating
                                                   system cost?
                                                   A solar water-heating system can cost
                                                   anywhere from $1,500 to more than
Drainback solar water system.                      $5,000. Cost depends on a number of vari-
Illustration: North Carolina Solar Center.         ables, such as:                                                                                   ATTRA         Page 7
•• the presence or type of freeze            lower the temperature of the hot water you
                        protection                                use reduces the size and cost of your solar
                     •• size of family, business, or agricul-     water heater.
                        tural operation to be served              Good rst steps are installing low-ow show-
                     •• size and type of solar system             erheads or ow restrictors in faucets, insu-
                                                                  lating your current water heater, and insu-
                     •• type of roof on which the collector is
                                                                  lating any hot water pipes that you can see.
                        to be installed
                     •• building code requirements                You’’ll also want to make sure your site has
                                                                  enough available sunshine to meet your
                     •• installation costs                        needs efciently and economically. Your
                 The less expensive solar water-heating sys-      local solar equipment dealer can perform a
                 tems lack freeze protection and are applica-     solar site analysis for you or show you how
                 ble primarily for summer recreation homes.       to do your own.
                 A solar energy supplier or installer in your
                 area can help you determine specic costs          Remember: Local zoning laws or covenants
                                                                    may restrict where you can place your collec-
                 for your system.
                                                                    tors. Check with your city and county to learn
                                                                    about any restrictions.
                 How Much Will I Save?
                 Savings from solar water heating depend
                 on specic climate, conventional fuel costs,
                                                                  Be a Smart Consumer
                 and other factors. However, a study by the       Take the same care in choosing a solar
                 Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) con-          water heater that you would in the purchase
                 cluded that solar water heaters could reduce     of any major appliance. Your best protection
                 water heating costs by as much as 85 per-        is to consider only certied and labeled sys-
                 cent annually, compared to the cost of an        tems. One such label is put on by the Solar
                 electric water heater. Paybacks vary widely,     Rating & Certication Corporation (SRCC),
                 but you can expect a simple payback of four      a nonprot, independent third-party organi-
                 to eight years on a well-designed and prop-      zation formed by the state energy ofcials,
                 erly installed solar water heater. (Simple       and consumer advocates to certify and rate
                 payback is the length of time required to        solar water heaters.
                 recover your investment through reduced or       Find out if the manufacturer offers a
                 avoided energy costs.)                           warranty, and, if so, what the warranty
                 If you are constructing a new building or        covers and for how long. If the dealer you
                 undergoing a major renovation, the econom-       are buying the equipment from goes out
                 ics are even more attractive. The cost of        of business, can you get support and parts
                 including the price of a solar water heater in   from the manufacturer, or from a local
                                                                  plumbing contractor?
                 a new 30-year mortgage is usually between
                 $13 and $20 per month. The portion of            Make sure that the workers who are actually
                 the federal income tax deduction for mort-       installing the system are qualied to do the
                 gage interest attributable to the solar system   work. In many states, an installer of a solar
                 reduces that amount by about $3 to $5 per        water heater must have a plumbing license.
                 month. If your fuel savings are more than        Ask the installation contractor for references
                 $15 per month, the investment in the solar       and check them. When the job is nished,
                 water heater is protable immediately.           have the contractor walk you through the sys-
                                                                  tem so you are familiar with the installation.
                 First Things First                               And be sure that an owner’’s manual with
                 Before investing in any solar energy system,     maintenance instructions is included as part
                                                                  of the package.
                 it is more cost-effective to invest in energy-
                 efficiency measures for your building.           A solar water heater is a long-term invest-
                 Taking steps to use less hot water and to        ment that will save you money and energy
Page 8   ATTRA                                                    Renewable Energy Opportunities on the Farm
for many years. Like other renewable energy      for fuel cells; $200/kW for microturbines;
systems, solar water heaters minimize the        no maximum specied for other technol-
environmental effects of enjoying a comfort-     ogies. (Subject to funding limitations.)
able, modern lifestyle. In addition, they pro-   Effective date: 1/1/2006. Expiration date:
vide a hedge against energy price increases,     12/31/2007.
help reduce our dependence on foreign oil,
and are investments in everyone’’s future.       Renewable Energy Systems
                                                 and Energy Efficiency
Financial Incentives                             Improvements Program
The following information identies federal
 nancial incentives. For more information       resources.html
on these, as well as state incentives, see the   This federal grant program applies to solar
Database of State Incentives for Renewable       water heating, solar space heating, photo-
Energy (DSIRE) at              voltaics, wind, biomass, geothermal elec-
                                                 tric, geothermal heat pumps, hydrogen,
Residential Solar and Fuel Cell                  anaerobic digestion, renewable fuels, and

Tax Credit                                       fuel cells in commercial and agricultural               solar water
Enacted by the Energy Policy Act of 2005         applications. Grants amount to 25 percent               heater is a
(Section 1335), this credit applies to solar     of eligible project costs; guaranteed loans             long-term
water heating, photovoltaics, and fuel cells.    are 50 percent of eligible project costs
                                                                                                 investment that will
Incentive amount is 30 percent, with max-        (pending). Maximums are $500,000 per
                                                 renewable-energy project for grants, and        save you money and
imums of $2,000 for photovoltaics and
                                                 $10 million for guaranteed loans. (Sub-         energy for many
solar water heating and $500 per 0.5 kW
for fuel cells. (Subject to funding limita-      ject to funding limitations.) Effective date:   years.
tions.) Effective date: 1/1/2006. Expiration     10/5/2004. Expiration date: 10/1/2007.
Date: 12/31/2007. For more information on
the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and what it        Wind Energy
means to you, visit the American Council         More and more people are considering
for an Energy Efcient Economy (ACEEE)           wind energy as they look for affordable and
at For a      reliable sources of electricity. Small wind
summary of energy efciency tax incentives       electric systems can make a significant
in the Energy Policy Act of 2005, click on       contribution to our nation’’s energy needs.         Although wind turbines large enough to
                                                 provide a signicant portion of the elec-
Business Energy Tax Credit                       tricity needed by the average U.S. farm or
Enacted by the Energy Policy Act of 2005         home generally require one acre of prop-
(Section 1336 - 1337), this credit applies       erty or more, approximately 21 million
                                                 U.S. homes are built on one-acre and larger
to renewables including solar water heat-
                                                 sites, and 24 percent of the U.S. population
ing, solar space heating, solar thermal elec-
                                                 lives in rural areas. Many of these rural
tric, solar thermal process heat, geothermal
                                                 areas, particularly in the western U.S.,
electric, fuel cells, and solar hybrid light-
                                                 also have sufcient wind speeds to make
ing for commercial and industrial applica-
                                                 wind an attractive alternative.
tions. The industrial tax credit is currently
10 percent for geothermal electric and           This section will provide you with basic
solar; from January 1, 2006, until Decem-        information about small wind electric sys-
ber 31, 2007, the credit is 30 percent for       tems to help you decide if wind energy will
solar, solar hybrid lighting, and fuel cells,    work for you. Note that this discussion only
and 10 percent for microturbines. The            covers small-scale wind electric systems.
geothermal credit remains at 10 percent.         Two other options, not covered here, are of
Maximum incentive is $550 per 0.5 kW             great importance to agricultural producers:                                                                               ATTRA        Page 9
First, landowners in windy locations often                lower your electricity bill, help you avoid
                             lease farmland to developers who want to                  the high costs of having utility power lines
                             install large wind turbines or wind farms.                extended to remote locations, prevent power
                             These ““turnkey”” operations, where the                   interruptions, and it is non-polluting.
                             landowner receives an annual payment,
                             can generate an attractive income stream                  How Do Wind Turbines Work?
                             while often allowing farming and livestock
                                                                                       Wind is created by the unequal heating of
                             grazing to continue in close proximity to the
                                                                                       the Earth’’s surface by the sun. Wind tur-
                             wind turbines. For information about sit-
                                                                                       bines convert the kinetic energy in wind
                             ing large-scale wind turbines on your land,
                                                                                       into mechanical power that runs a genera-
                             see Electricity from the Wind: What Land-
                                                                                       tor to produce clean electricity. Today’’s tur-
                             owners Should Know. (
                                                                                       bines are versatile modular sources of elec-
                                                                                       tricity. Their blades are aerodynamically
                                                                                       designed to capture the maximum energy
                             Second, farmers in some parts of the coun-                from the wind. The wind turns the blades,
                             try have formed cooperatives, pooling their               which spin a shaft connected to a generator
                              nancial resources in order to purchase                  that makes electricity.
                             and operate their own large wind turbines.
                             For more information, see Community Wind
                             Financing, a handbook from the Environ-
                             mental Law & Policy Center. (

                                                                                       Wind turbines operate in harmony with farming and
                                                                                       ranching. Photo courtesy of NREL.

                                                                                       Is Wind Energy Practical for Me?
                                                                                       A small wind energy system can provide
                                                                                       you with a practical and economical source
                                                                                       of electricity if:
                                                                                            •• your property has a good wind
                                                                                            •• your farm, home, or business is
                                                                                               located on at least one acre of land
                                                                                               in a rural area
Homeowners, ranchers, and small businesses can use wind-generated electricity
to reduce their utility bills. This grid-connected system installed in Norman, Okla-        •• your local zoning codes or covenants
homa, reduces the owner’s utility bill by $100 per month. Photo courtesy of NREL.              allow wind turbines
                                                                                            •• your average electricity bills are
                                                                                               $150 per month or more
                             Why Should I Choose Wind?                                      •• your property is in a remote loca-
                             Under certain circumstances, wind energy                          tion that does not have easy access
                             systems can be a cost-effective renewable                         to utility lines
                             energy system. Depending on your wind                          •• you are comfortable with long-term
                             resource, a small wind energy system can                          investments

Page 10       ATTRA                                                                    Renewable Energy Opportunities on the Farm
Is There Enough Wind at My Site?                caution should be used because local ter-
                                                rain inuences and other factors may cause
Does the wind blow hard and consistently
                                                the wind speed recorded at an airport to
enough at my site to make a small wind
turbine system economically worthwhile?         be different from your particular location.
That is a key question and not always eas-      Airport wind data are generally measured
ily answered. The wind resource can vary        at heights about 20––33 feet (6––10 meters)
signicantly over an area of just a few miles   above ground.
because of local terrain inuences on the       Average wind speeds increase with height
wind ow. Yet, there are steps you can take     and may be 15––25 percent greater at a
that will go a long way towards answering       typical small wind turbine hub-height of
the above question.                             80 feet (24 meters) than those measured at
As a rst step, consult resources such as the   airport anemometer heights. The National
National Wind Technology Center website at      Climatic Data Center collects data from air- and DOE’’s Wind Power-        ports in the United States and makes wind
ing America website at     data summaries available for purchase.
windandhydro/windpoweringamerica to esti-       Summaries of wind data from almost
mate the wind resource in your region. The      1,000 U.S. airports also are included in
highest average wind speeds in the United       Wind Energy Resource Atlas of the United
States are generally found along seacoasts,     States, available online at http://rredc.nrel.
on ridgelines, and on the Great Plains;         gov/wind/pubs/atlas.
however, many areas have wind resources         Another useful indirect measurement of the
strong enough to power a small wind tur-        wind resource is the observation of an area’’s
bine economically.                              vegetation. Trees, especially conifers or
Another way to indirectly quantify the wind     evergreens, can be permanently deformed
resource is to obtain average wind speed        by strong winds. This deformity, known as
information from a nearby airport. However,     ““agging,”” has been used to estimate the                                                                               ATTRA   Page 11
average wind speed for an area. For more              may be able to obtain information on the
                            information on agging, you may want to               annual output of the system and also wind
                            obtain A Siting Handbook for Small Wind               speed data if available.
                            Energy Conversion Systems, by H. Wegley,
                            J. Ramsdell, M. Orgill & R. Drake, Report             Zoning Issues
                            No. PNL-2521, available from National
                                                                                  Agricultural producers generally have
                            Technical Information Service at www.ntis.
                                                                                  greater freedom than residential homeown-
                            gov or 703-605-6585.
                                                                                  ers in what they do on their own, agricul-
                                                                                  turally-zoned land. Nonetheless, before you
                                                                                  invest in a wind energy system, you should
                                                                                  research potential obstacles. Some jurisdic-
                                                                                  tions, for example, restrict the height of the
                                                                                  structures permitted in residentially zoned
                                                                                  areas, although variances are often obtain-
                                                                                  able. Most zoning ordinances have a height
                                                                                  limit of 35 feet. You can nd out about the
                                                                                  zoning restrictions in your area by calling
                                                                                  the local building inspector, board of super-
                                                                                  visors, or planning board. They can tell you
                                                                                  if you will need to obtain a building permit
                                                                                  and provide you with a list of requirements.
                                                                                  In addition to zoning issues, your neighbors
                                                                                  might object to a wind machine that blocks
                                                                                  their view, or they might be concerned
                                                                                  about noise. Most zoning and aesthetic con-
                                                                                  cerns can be addressed by supplying objec-
                                                                                  tive data. For example, the ambient noise
                                                                                  level of most modern residential wind tur-
                                                                                  bines is around 52 to 55 decibels. This
Flagging, the effect of strong winds on area vegetation, can help determine area   means that while the sound of the wind tur-
wind speeds.                                                                      bine can be picked out of surrounding noise
                                                                                  if a conscious effort is made to hear it, a
                                                                                  residential sized wind turbine is no noisier
                            Direct monitoring by a wind resource mea-             than your average refrigerator.
                            surement system at a site provides the
                            clearest picture of the available resource.
                                                                                  What Size Wind Turbine Do I Need?
                            A good overall guide on this subject is the
                            Wind Resource Assessment Handbook, which              The size of the wind turbine you need
                            is available online at             depends on your application. Small tur-
                            legosti/fy97/22223.pdf. Wind measure-                 bines range in size from 100 watts to 100
                            ment systems are available for costs as low           kilowatts. The smaller or ““micro”” (100––
                            as $600 to $1,200. This expense may or                500-watt) turbines are used in a variety of
                            may not be hard to justify, depending on              applications such as charging batteries for
                            the exact nature of the proposed small wind           recreational vehicles and sailboats. One- to
                            turbine system. The measurement equip-                10-kW turbines can be used in applications
                            ment must be set high enough to avoid tur-            such as pumping water. Wind energy has
                            bulence created by trees, buildings, and              been used for centuries to pump water and
                            other obstructions. The most useful read-             grind grain. Although mechanical windmills
                            ings are those taken at hub-height, the ele-          still provide a sensible, low-cost option for
                            vation at the top of the tower where the wind         pumping water in low-wind areas, farmers
                            turbine is going to be installed. If there is a       and ranchers are nding that wind-electric
                            small wind turbine system in your area, you           pumping is a little more versatile and they
Page 12       ATTRA                                                               Renewable Energy Opportunities on the Farm
can pump twice the volume for the same                    Grid-Connected Systems
initial investment. In addition, mechanical
                                                          In grid-connected systems, the only addi-
windmills must be placed directly above the
                                                          tional equipment required is a power con-
well, which may not take the best advantage
                                                          ditioning unit (inverter) that makes the tur-
of available wind resources. Wind-electric
                                                          bine output electrically compatible with
pumping systems can be placed where the
                                                          the utility grid. Usually, batteries are not
wind resource is the best and connected to
                                                          needed. Small wind energy systems can
the pump motor with an electric cable.
                                                          be connected to the electricity distribution
Turbines used in residential applications                 system and are called grid-connected sys-
can range in size from 400 watts to 100 kW                tems. A grid-connected wind turbine can
(100 kW for very large loads), depending on               reduce your consumption of utility-supplied
the amount of electricity you want to gener-              electricity for lighting, appliances, and
ate. For residential applications, you should             electric heat. If the turbine cannot deliver
establish an energy budget to help de ne                 the amount of energy you need, the utility
the size of turbine you will need. Because                makes up the difference. When the wind
energy efciency is usually less expensive                system produces more electricity than the
than energy production, making your house                 household requires, the excess is sent or sold
more energy-efcient  rst will probably be               to the utility. Grid-connected systems can be
more cost-effective and will reduce the size              practical if the following conditions exist:
of the wind turbine you need. Wind turbine
                                                                •• You live in an area with average
manufacturers can help you size your sys-
                                                                   annual wind speed of at least 10
tem based on your electricity needs and the
                                                                   mph (4.5 m/s)
specics of local wind patterns.
                                                                •• Utility-supplied electricity is expen-
Wind Turbine Sizes                                                 sive in your area (about 10 to 15
      Size             Height            Diameter                  cents per kilowatt-hour).
      1 kW            30-100 ft.             4-8 ft.            •• The utility’’s requirements for con-
     10 kW            60-120 ft.          23-25 ft.                necting your system to its grid are
                                                                   not prohibitively expensive.
    100 kW            80-120 ft.          56-60 ft.
Examples. Specific component sizes vary by manufacturer.
                                                                •• There are good incentives for the
                                                                   sale of excess electricity or for the
A typical home uses approximately 9,400                            purchase of wind turbines.
kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity per year              Federal regulations (specically, the Pub-
(about 780 kWh per month). Depending on                   lic Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978,
the average wind speed in the area, a wind                or PURPA) require utilities to connect with
                                                          and purchase power from small wind energy
turbine rated in the range of 5 to 10 kilo-
                                                          systems. However, you should contact your
watts (kW) would be required to make a
                                                          utility before connecting to their distribu-
signicant contribution to this energy need.
                                                          tion lines to address any power quality and
The manufacturer can provide you with the
expected annual energy output of the tur-
bine as a function of annual average wind
speed. The manufacturer will also provide
information on the maximum wind speed
at which the turbine is designed to operate
safely. Most turbines have automatic over-
speed-governing systems to keep the rotor
from spinning out of control in very high
winds. This information, along with your
local wind speed and your energy budget,
will help you decide which size turbine will
best meet your electricity needs.                         A grid-connected wind turbine can reduce your consumption of utility-supplied electricity.                                                                                                      ATTRA            Page 13
safety concerns. Your utility can provide      This federal grant program applies to solar
                          you with a list of requirements for connect-   water heating, solar space heating, photovol-
                          ing your system to the grid. The American      taics, wind, biomass, geothermal electric,
                          Wind Energy Association (         geothermal heat pumps, hydrogen, anaer-
                          is another good source for information on      obic digestion, renewable fuels, and fuel
                          utility interconnection requirements.          cells in commercial and agricultural appli-
                                                                         cations. Grants amount to 25 percent of eli-
                          What Do Wind Systems Cost?                     gible project costs; guaranteed loans are 50
                          A small turbine can cost anywhere from         percent of eligible project costs (pending).
                          $3,000 to $35,000 installed, depending         Maximums are $500,000 per renewable-
                          on size, application, and service agree-       energy project for grants, and $10 million
                          ments with the manufacturer. A general         for guaranteed loans. (Subject to funding
                          rule of thumb for estimating the cost of a     limitations.) Effective date: 10/5/2004.
                          residential turbine is $3,000 per kilowatt     Expiration date: 2007.
                          for systems up to 10 kW. Smaller wind
                          systems are more costly per kilowatt of        Wind Energy Production Tax Credit
                          installed capacity. Wind energy becomes        The Energy Policy Act of 2005 extends the
                          more cost-effective as the size of the tur-    tax credit for wind energy systems. The tax
                          bine’’s rotor increases. Although small tur-   credit amounts to 1.9 cents-per-kilowatt-
                          bines cost less in initial outlay, they are    hour (kWh) tax credit for electricity gener-
                          proportionally more expensive. The cost of     ated with wind turbines over the  rst ten
                          an installed residential wind energy system    years of a project’’s operations. (Subject
                          that comes with an 80-foot tower, batteries,   to funding limitations.) Expiration date:
                          and inverter, typically ranges from $13,000    12/31/2007.
                          to $40,000 for a 3- to 10-kW wind turbine.
                          Although wind energy systems involve a sig-
                          nicant initial investment, they can be com-
                                                                         Renewable Fuels for
                          petitive with conventional energy sources      Transportation
                          when you account for a lifetime of reduced     Transportation accounts for 65 percent of
                          or avoided utility costs. The length of the    U.S. oil consumption and is the predomi-
                          payback period——the time before the savings    nant source of air pollution. However, there
                          resulting from your system equal the cost      are safe, environmentally friendly alter-
                          of the system itself——depends on the system    native fuels that can substitute for gaso-
                          you choose, the wind resource on your site,    line and diesel or be blended with them to
                          electricity costs in your area, and how you    reduce toxic air emissions. Using renewable
                                  use your wind system.                  fuels also reduces greenhouse gas buildup,
Photo courtesy of NREL.
                                                                         dependence on imported oil, and trade de-
                                 Financial Incentives                    cits, while supporting local agriculture and
                                 The following information identi-       rural economies.
                                 fies federal financial incentives.
                                 For more information on these,          What are renewable fuels?
                                 as well as state incentives, see the    Renewable fuels are not petroleum-based,
                                 Database of State Incentives for        so they’’re cleaner burning. Renewable
                                 Renewable Energy (DSIRE) at             fuels include:
                                                                         Biodiesel –– a low-polluting diesel alterna-
                                 Renewable Energy Systems                tive fuel made from vegetable oils, animal
                                 and Energy Efficiency                     fats, and even recycled cooking greases.
                                 Improvements Program                    Ethanol –– an alcohol-based fuel derived
                               from crops, usually corn, barley, and wheat.
                                 9006resources.html                      Ethanol can be blended with gasoline in
Page 14      ATTRA                                                       Renewable Energy Opportunities on the Farm
varying concentrations. E85, for example,         heavy-duty AFV applications include tran-
is a blend of 85 percent ethanol and 15           sit buses, airport shuttles, delivery trucks
percent gasoline.                                 and vans, school buses, refuse haulers, and
                                                  street sweepers.
The Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct)
requires state and federal government eets
to purchase renewable fuel vehicles for three-    AFV Types
quarters of their new light-duty vehicle pur-     Flex-Fuel Vehicles can be fueled with gaso-
chases. Additionally, renewable fuel provider     line or, depending on the vehicle, with either
eets covered by EPAct are required to pur-       methanol (M85) or ethanol (E85). The vehi-
chase renewable fuel vehicles for 90 percent      cles have one tank and can accept any mix-
of their new vehicle purchases. Local govern-     ture of gasoline and the alternative fuel.
ment and private eets are not covered by this    Bi-fuel or Dual-Fuel Vehicles have two
rule, but the U.S. Department of Energy has       tanks——one for gasoline and one for either
the authority to include them at a future date.   natural gas or propane, depending on the
Ethanol is an excellent renewable fuel (the       vehicle. The vehicles can switch between
standard is E85, a blend of 85 percent eth-       the two fuels.
anol and 15 percent gasoline). Flexible-fuel      Dedicated Vehicles are designed to be fueled
vehicles designed to use E85 or other gaso-       only with an alternative fuel. Electric vehicles
line mixtures include modied oxygen sen-         are a special type of dedicated vehicle.
sors and different seals in the fuel system.
Because ethanol has less energy per gal-          Hybrid Vehicles combine the best features of
lon than gasoline, E85 vehicles also need         two different energy sources, one of which is
larger fuel tanks to keep the same range.         electric power. Until alternative fuels really
E85 ex-fuel vehicles qualify as alternative      catch on, hybrids can be a good choice.
fuel vehicles and Daimler-Chrysler, Ford,
and General Motors all offer several mod-         Fueling
els designed to use E85 or gasoline for the       Alternative fuel stations are becoming
same price as gasoline-only models. Today,        increasingly popular across the country, as
92 state and alternative fuel provider eets      more consumers and agencies turn to clean
use E85 ex-fuel vehicles to help them meet       fuels. Find out where these stations are
their EPAct requirements.                         using DOE’’s Alternative Fuel Station Loca-
                                                  tor at
Alternative-Fuel Vehicles
Alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) can use          Ethanol and Local Resources
renewable fuel instead of gasoline or
                                                  From Corn: In the United
diesel fuel. AFVs range in size and shape,
                                                  States, ethanol, also known as
from small commuter cars to large 18-
                                                  grain alcohol, is made from the
wheeler trucks. A number of automobile
                                                  starch in kernels of eld corn.
manufacturers offer light-duty vehicles for
                                                  (Field corn is otherwise predom-
personal transportation.
                                                  inantly used as animal feed; in
AFVs are well-suited for eets in certain         2005 ethanol production used
““niche”” markets. Taxi eets, for example,       15 percent of the feed corn
are high-mileage vehicles that drive fairly       crop). Modern fuel ethanol tech-
centralized routes and may benet from            nology is highly sophisticated
using a less expensive alternative fuel such      and efcient, and the process
as natural gas or propane. Local delivery         is similar to making alcoholic
eets with low mileage, and high-use vehi-        beverages. Starch is converted
cles that frequently idle in trafc or must       into sugars, the sugars are
often start and stop, may be good candi-          fermented to a ““beer,”” and then
dates for electric vehicles. Medium- and          the beer is distilled to make        Photo courtesy of NREL.                                                                                    ATTRA      Page 15
pure ethanol. Of U.S.         blended in one of out every eight gallons of
                                                corn ethanol production,      gasoline for pollution reduction.
                                                about half is in wet-mill
                                                                              Ethanol made from corn is slightly more
                                                plants and half is in dry-
                                                                              expensive than gasoline. To encourage eth-
                                                mill plants. The former
                                                                              anol use, however, the federal government
                                                are typically large opera-
                                                                              exempts 5.3 cents per gallon of 10percent
                                                tions that produce etha-
                                                                              ethanol blend (53 cents per gallon of etha-
                                                nol along with a slate of
                                                                              nol) of the 18.3 cents per gallon federal
                                                food products such as
                                                                              fuel excise tax. In effect since 1979, this
                                                corn sweeteners, corn
                                                                              exemption makes ethanol competitive for
                                                syrup, corn oil, and glu-
                                                                              fuel additive use. Several states also pro-
Corn is a common feedstock for ethanol, provid- ten feed. The latter are
                                                                              vide additional incentives. The federal sub-
ing an economic boon for agricultural states.   typically smaller facili-
Photo courtesy of NREL.                                                       sidy, however, is more than offset by reduced
                                                ties that produce ethanol
                                                                              agricultural price support payments, and
                                                as their primary product
                                                                              increased employment taxes for an estimated
                                                and a high-protein ani-
                                                                              net taxpayer savings of about $3.6 billion per
                            mal feed known as distillers dried grains as
                                                                              year. The U.S. Department of Agriculture
                            a co-product. The dry-mill plants are typi-
                                                                              credits the sale of corn for ethanol produc-
                            cally located in rural communities and often
                                                                              tion——about 600 million bushels per year——
                            farmer-owned, which make them an excellent
                                                                              with increasing corn prices by 25 to 30 cents
                            way to develop the local economy. In 2005,
                                                                              per bushel. (The typical price range of eld
                            more than 80 U.S. ethanol plants produced
                                                                              corn is $1.80 to $2.30 per bushel.)
                            about four billion gallons of ethanol. While
                            ethanol accounts for about three percent of       From Other Starch or Sugar: Even
                            automotive fuel use in the United States, it is   states with a small corn crop can benet

Page 16      ATTRA                                                            Renewable Energy Opportunities on the Farm
from building ethanol plants. Conventional      reasons related to economics, air quality,
ethanol technology can process any starch       and health. B100 (straight biodiesel) can
or sugar source. While corn certainly pre-      cut carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, partic-
dominates, U.S. plants are currently mak-       ulates, and other pollutant emissions in half
ing ethanol from barley, milo, wheat starch,    while reducing the cancer-risk contribution
potato waste, cheese whey, and brewery and      of diesel by about 90 percent. Emission
beverage waste.                                 reductions with B20 are roughly propor-
                                                tional. Biodiesel will even reduce the smelly
From Cellulose and Hemicellulose:               oily smoke that makes it so frustrating to
Starches and sugars constitute only a small     get caught behind a truck, tractor, or bus.
portion of plant matter. The bulk of most       Since it is biodegradable, biodiesel is far
plants consists of cellulose, hemicellu-        more benign than petroleum-based diesel
lose, and lignin. Cellulose and hemicellu-      fuels, should it be spilled on the ground.
lose, though, are made of chains of sugars.
Advanced bioethanol technology can break        From Fats or Oils: Fatty acid methyl
these chains down into their component sug-     ester, commonly known as biodiesel, is
ars, and then ferment them to ethanol. This     made by bonding alcohol (com-
makes it possible to produce ethanol from       monly methanol) to oils or fats
virtually any biomass material. In the near-    (even animal fats or used cook-
term, ethanol will probably be made from        ing oil). The process is relatively
low- or negative-cost opportunity feedstocks    routine, but must consistently
such as municipal waste, wood process-          achieve prescribed standards
ing waste, sugarcane bagasse, rice hulls, or    adopted by the American Soci-
rice straw. In the mid-term, ethanol sources    ety for Testing and Materials to
will include agricultural and forestry resi-    minimize the risk of damaging
dues such as corn stover——a huge potential      expensive diesel engines.
source——or wood chips.                          From a Growing Industry:
In the long-term, farmers may grow dedi-        Biodiesel popularity is grow-
cated energy crops, such as switchgrass or      ing rapidly. According to the
fast-growing trees, just for fuel production.   Nat iona l Biodiesel Board,
Because it requires sophisticated conversion    biodiesel production reached 75
technology, making ethanol from cellulosic      million gallons in 2005, com-
biomass is currently more expensive than        pared to 25 million gallons in
making it from corn grain——especially when      2004. As of April 2006, there
using waste or residue feedstocks. However,     are 65 commercial biodiesel Soybeans can be made into biodiesel
                                                                                  to fuel any vehicle currently running
cellulosic feedstocks would be inexpensive,     production plants in the United biodiesel with little to no conversion of
so experts expect equal or lower costs in the   States, with a combined annual the vehicle. Photo courtesy of NREL.
long run. Advanced bioethanol technology        production capacity of 395 mil-
will supplement rather than replace corn-       lion gallons per year. Another
grain ethanol by greatly expanding the poten-   50 plants are scheduled to be online by the
tial feedstock supply and making ethanol        end of 2007 and several plants are expand-
production an option outside the Cornbelt.      ing, which will have a combined annual
The U.S. Department of Energy National          capacity of 713 million gallons.
Biofuels Program is spearheading the effort     Also, the detergent and fatty acid industries,
to improve advanced bioethanol technology.      which supply methyl esters to the biodiesel
For more information, see the ATTRA publi-      industry and can provide extra supplies
cation Ethanol Opportunities and Questions.     when demand grows quickly, could provide
                                                another 30-50 million gallons of capacity, if
Biodiesel—Easily Produced                       needed to meet demand.
Many agricultural producers are taking          When purchased from commercial sup-
a hard look at biodiesel these days, for        pliers, biodiesel is generally more expen-                                                                                  ATTRA        Page 17
sive than diesel fuel, but B20 typically         The Energy Policy Act of 2005 will provide
                       costs only 8 to 20 cents more than reg-          a federal excise tax credit for biodiesel as a
                       ular diesel. Although usually used by            tax incentive for petroleum distributors who
                       centrally fueled eets, biodiesel is becom-      blend biodiesel with diesel fuel into both
                       ing increasingly available at retail service     on-road and off-road markets. The incen-
                       stations across the country.                     tive equates to $1.00 per gallon of biodiesel
                                                                        made from virgin vegetable oils (like soy)
                       For information on biodiesel distribu-
                                                                        and animal fats, and $0.50 per gallon for
                       tors, suppliers, and retailers, see ““Buying
                                                                        biodiesel made from recycled oils (subject
                       Biodiesel”” at
                                                                        to funding appropriation.)
                                                                        Newly purchased, qualied electric vehi-
                       Farmers in some parts of the country are
                                                                        cles and clean-fuel vehicles (including gaso-
                       also successfully making their own biodie-       line/electric hybrids) are eligible for federal
                       sel from waste oil, often collected from local   income tax incentives:
                       restaurants. The cost of this ““home-brewed””
                       biodiesel is often far lower than the cost of         •• Purchasers of hybrid and advanced

                       conventional diesel fuel. For more informa-              lean-burn diesel vehicles can receive
        iodiesel is    tion on making biodiesel, see the ATTRA                  a federal tax credit of up to $3,400.
        becoming       publication Biodiesel –– a Primer.                       This will be capped at 60,000
        increasingly                                                            vehicles per manufacturer and will
available at retail                                                             expire in 2014. For medium and
                       Financial Incentives                                     heavy hybrid trucks the tax credit
service stations       The following information identies federal              will expire in 2009, and for lean-
across the country.     nancial incentives. For more information               burn diesel vehicles, the tax credit
                       on these, as well as state incentives, see the           will expire in 2010.
                       Database of State Incentives for Renewable
                                                                             •• Electric vehicles are eligible for a
                       Energy (DSIRE) at
                                                                                one-time tax credit of 10 percent of
                       The Federal government exempts offers a                  the vehicle cost, up to $4,000 per
                       53 cents per gallon incentive to encourage               vehicle. The credit will be reduced
                       ethanol use. A 10-percent ethanol blend                  to $1,000 in 2006 and will expire
                       fuel receives an exemption of 5.3 cents                  at the end of that year. For more
                       from the federal fuel excise tax (currently              information, visit www.fueleconomy.
                       18.3 cents per gallon).                                  gov/feg/tax_afv.shtml.

American Solar Energy Society                              DOE Vehicle Buyers Guide                                     
American Wind Energy Association                           DOE Wind and Hydropower Technologies Program                                     
DOE Biomass Program
                                                           EERE Information Center
DOE Clean Cities Program        Florida Solar Energy Center
DOE’’s Ofce of Energy Efciency and Renewable
Energy (EERE)                                                                  
Page 18     ATTRA                                                       Renewable Energy Opportunities on the Farm
Interstate Renewable Energy Council
National Biodiesel Board
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
National Sustainable Agriculture Information
Renewable Energy Access

Notes                             ATTRA   Page 19
Renewable Energy Opportunities on the Farm
                  By Cathy Svejkovsky
                  NCAT Energy Specialist
                  © 2006 NCAT
                  Paul Driscoll, Editor
                  Amy Smith, Production
                  This publication is available on the Web at:
                  Slot 299
                  Version 080107

Page 20   ATTRA

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Agricultural Renewable Energy Opportunities

  • 1. Renewable Energy ATTRA Opportunities on the Farm A Publication of ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service • 1-800-346-9140 • By Cathy Svejkovsky Renewable energy represents an important option for agricultural producers. This publication introduces NCAT Energy three renewable energy resources that can be attractive and economically feasible for the farm: solar, Specialist wind, and renewable fuels. This is not a technical guide for designing or installing renewable energy © 2006 NCAT systems but, instead, an overview that provides information on wind, solar, and renewable fuel technolo- gies, cost and savings, site planning, and financial incentives. A list of resources follows the narrative. Parts of this Consumer’s Guide are based on Get Your Power from the Sun (DOE/GO-102003- Photos courtesy of NREL. 1844); Small Wind Electric Sys- tems: A U.S. Consumer’s Guide (DOE/GO-102005-2095); and Biofuels for Your State (DOE/ GO- 02001-1434), all produced by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), a DOE national laboratory. Contents Introduction ..................... 1 Solar Energy ..................... 2 Wind Energy..................... 9 Renewable Fuels for Transportation ........ 14 Introduction Resources ........................ 18 Renewable energy——such as solar, wind, and biofuels——can play a key role in cre- ating a clean, reliable energy future. The benets are many and varied, including a cleaner environment. Electricity is often produced by burning fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and natural gas. The combustion of these fuels releases a variety of pollutants into the atmosphere, such as carbon diox- would reduce CO2 emissions by 4.3 million Funding for the development ide (CO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and nitro- tons per year, the equivalent of removing of this publication was provided gen oxide (NOx), which create acid rain and 850,000 cars from the road. by the USDA Risk Management Agency. smog. Carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels is a signicant component of green- Equally important, renewable energy tech- house gas emissions. These emissions could nologies contribute signicantly to local signicantly alter the world’’s environment economies, creating jobs and keeping ATTRA—National Sustainable and contribute to global warming. energy dollars in the local economy. Agriculture Information Ser- vice is managed by the National Center for Appropriate Technol- Renewable energy, on the other hand, can This guide will introduce you to solar, wind, ogy (NCAT) and is funded under be a clean energy resource. Using renew- and renewable fuel technologies. Note that a grant from the United States Department of Agriculture’s ables to replace conventional fossil fuels it is not a technical guide for designing or Rural Business- Cooperative can prevent the release of pollutants into installing renewable energy systems. For Service. Visit the NCAT Web site ( the atmosphere and help combat global that information, consult a professional who html) for more informa- tion on our sustainable warming. For example, using solar energy will have detailed technical specications agriculture projects. to supply a million homes with energy and other necessary information.
  • 2. This is also not intended to To make the best use of your solar energy be a complete guide to all of system, the modules must have a clear the renewable energy oppor- ““view”” of the sun for most or all of the tunities available to agricul- day——unobstructed by trees, roof gables, tural producers. Among the chimneys, buildings, and other features options not covered here are of your home and the surrounding land- hydro-electric generators, scape. Some potential sites for your sys- geothermal energy, meth- tem may be bright and sunny during cer- ane digesters, and various tain times of the day, but shaded during other ““biomass”” energy sys- other times. Such shading may substan- Photo courtesy of NREL. tems. For more information tially reduce the amount of energy that on digesters, see the ATTRA your system will produce. publication Anaerobic Digestion of Animal Wastes: Factors to Consider. Solar Energy Throughout the United States, people are Related ATTRA showing increased interest in capturing Publications the sun’’s energy for their farm operations, homes, and businesses. These systems Biodiesel—A Primer allow you to produce your own electricity Biodiesel: and heat water with no noise and no air The Sustainability pollution while using a clean, renewable Dimensions resource——the sun. Ethanol Opportunities Photovoltaic (PV) shingles are an attractive solar and Questions Is My Site Suitable for Solar Energy? option, since they look much like ordinary roofing shingles, but they also generate electricity. A well-designed solar energy system needs Photo courtesy of NREL. Wind-Powered Electric Systems for clear and unobstructed access to the sun’’s Homes, Farms, and rays for most or all of the day, throughout Ranches: Resources the year. Most farms and ranches have roof- In the United States, the sun is always in tops or open, sunny locations that are well- Solar-Powered the southern half of the sky but is higher suited to solar energy, and you can make Livestock Watering an initial assessment yourself. If the loca- in the summer and lower in the win- Systems ter. Usually, the best location for a solar tion looks promising, your solar installer or Freeze Protection equipment dealer can determine whether energy system is a south-facing roof, but for Solar-powered your home or business can effectively use a roofs that face east or west may also be Livestock Watering solar energy system. acceptable. Flat roofs also work well for Systems solar electric systems, because solar mod- Solar Greenhouses The orientation of your system (the compass ules can be mounted at on the roof facing direction that your system faces) affects its the sky or bolted on frames tilted toward performance. the south at an optimal angle. They can also be attached directly to the roof as In general, the sun should be unob- ““PV shingles.”” structed from 9 If a rooftop can’’t be used, your solar mod- a.m. to 3 p.m. for solar collectors. ules can also be placed on the ground, PV applications either on a fixed mount or a ““track- are more sensi- ing”” mount that follows the sun to orient tive to minor solar obstructions than the modules. Other options include solar thermal mounting structures that create covered applications. parking, or that provide shade as win- NCAT Illustration. dow awnings. Page 2 ATTRA Renewable Energy Opportunities on the Farm
  • 3. pastures, where electricity from power lines is unavailable. PV is often much less expensive than the alternative of extend- ing power lines into these remote areas. Depending on the depth of the well (if any) and the volume of water needed, a simple pumping system can often be installed for as little as $2,500, including the cost of a pump especia l ly designed for PV power. For more information, see the ATTRA publication Solar-Powered Solar system installed at the Heifer Ranch in Livestock Watering Systems. Perryville, Arkansas. Photo courtesy of NREL. The basic building block of PV technol- ogy is the solar ““cell.”” Multiple PV cells are connected to form a PV ““module,”” Photovoltaics the smallest PV component sold commer- What is a solar electric, or photovoltaic, sys- cially. Modules range in power output from tem? Photovoltaic (PV) systems convert sun- about 10 watts to 300 watts. A PV system light directly to electricity. They work any connected or ““tied”” to the utility grid has time the sun is shining, but more electric- these components: ity is produced when the sunlight is more intense and strikes the PV modules directly •• One or more PV modules, which are (as when rays of sunlight are perpendicular connected to an inverter to the PV modules). Unlike solar thermal •• Inverter, which converts the sys- systems for heating water, PV does not use tem’’s direct-current (DC) electricity the sun’’s heat to make electricity. Instead, to alternating current (AC) electrons freed by the interaction of sun- •• Batteries (optional) to provide light with semiconductor materials in PV energy storage or backup power in cells are captured in an electric current. case of a power interruption or out- PV allows you to produce electricity——with- age on the grid. out noise or air pollution——from a clean, renewable resource. A PV system never runs out of fuel, and it won’’t increase U.S. oil imports. Many PV system components are manufactured right here in the United States. These characteristics could make PV technology the U.S. energy source of choice for the 21st century. Solar electric power comes in very handy on farms and ranches, and is often the most cost-effective and low-maintenance solution at locations far from the nearest utility line. PV can be used to power lighting, electric fencing, small motors, aeration fans, gate- openers, irrigation valve switches, automatic supplement feeders. Solar electric energy can even be used to move some sprinkler irrigation systems. AC electricity is compatible with the utility PV systems are also extremely well-suited grid. It powers our lights, appliances, com- for pumping water for livestock in remote puters, and televisions. ATTRA Page 3
  • 4. Cost/Savings electric bills up front. Your monthly electric A photovoltaic (PV) system can be a substan- bills will go down, but the initial expense of tial investment. Cost-effectiveness will depend PV may be signicant. By  nancing your on system installation cost, system perfor- PV system, you can spread the cost over mance, and local electric rates. As with any many years, and rebates can also lighten investment, careful planning will help you your nancial load. make the right decisions for your farm, home, The value of your PV system’’s electricity or business. Before you decide to buy a PV depends on how much you pay for elec- system, there are some things to consider. tricity now and how much your utility will First, PV produces power intermittently pay you for any excess power that you gen- erate. With net metering, the PV system’’s because it works only when the sun is shin- electricity is metered back to the utility, ing. This is not a problem for PV systems which offsets the electricity coming from connected to the utility grid, because any the utility. You can use the calculation box additional electricity required is automati- on this page to estimate how much electric- cally delivered to you by your utility. In the ity your PV system will produce and how case of non-grid, or stand-alone, PV sys- much that electricity will be worth. Actual tems, batteries can be purchased to store energy production from your PV system will energy for later use. Second, if you live near vary by up to 20 percent from these gures, existing power lines, PV-generated electric- depending on your geographic location, the ity is usually more expensive than conven- angle and orientation of your system, the tional utility-supplied electricity. Although quality of the components, and the quality PV now costs less than 1 percent of what it of the installation. Also, you may not get did in the 1970s, the amortized price over full retail value for excess electricity pro- the life of the system is still about 25 cents duced by your system on an annual basis, per kilowatt-hour. This is double to qua- even if your utility does offer net metering. druple what most people pay for electricity Be sure to discuss these issues with your from their utilities. A solar rebate program PV provider. Request a written estimate of and net metering can help make PV more the average annual energy production from affordable, but neither can match today’’s the PV system. However, even if an esti- price for utility electricity——in most cases. mate is accurate for an average year, actual Finally, unlike the electricity you purchase electricity production will uctuate from monthly from a utility, PV power requires year to year because of natural variations a high initial investment. This means that in weather and climate. buying a PV system is like paying years of How Much Does a PV System Cost? How much energy will a grid-connected PV system produce?* No single answer applies in every case. System Size 1-kW 2-kW 3-kW 4-kW 5-kW But solar rebates and other incentives Seattle, WA 970 1940 2910 3880 4850 will always reduce the cost. Your price Sacramento, CA 1399 2799 4198 5597 6996 depends on a number of factors, includ- Boulder, CO 1459 2917 4376 5834 7293 ing whether your home is under construc- tion and whether PV is integrated into the Minneapolis, MN 1286 2571 3857 5142 6428 roof or mounted on top of an existing roof. Des Moines, IA 1292 2584 3876 5168 6459 The price also depends on the PV system Houston, TX 1220 2440 3660 4879 6099 rating, manufacturer, retailer, and installer. Pittsburgh, PA 1099 2197 3296 4395 5494 The size of your system may be the most Jacksonville, FL 1286 2571 3857 5142 6428 signicant factor in any measurement of costs versus benets. A 2-kilowatt system *Estimated annual output in kWh/year (source: PV WATTS). A typical home that meets nearly all the needs of a very uses an average of 9,400 kWh per year. Contact your utility to request a print- energy-efcient home will likely cost $8 to out of your last 12 months of electrical energy consumption. $10 per watt. At the high end, a 5-kilowatt Page 4 ATTRA Renewable Energy Opportunities on the Farm
  • 5. operations that have signi- Area of Solar Array Needed in Square Feet cant space heating require- PV Module ments. For example, mod- Efficiency PV Capacity Rating (Watts) ern pig and poultry farms (%) raise animals in enclosed 100 250 500 1,000 2,000 4,000 10,000 buildings with carefully 4 30 75 150 300 600 1,200 3,000 controlled temperatures 8 15 38 75 150 300 600 1,500 that help maximize animal health and growth. In addi- 12 10 25 50 100 200 400 1,000 tion, these facilities often 16 8 20 40 80 160 320 800 have high ventilation needs For example, to generate 2,000 watts from a 12%-efficient system, in order to remove moisture, you need 200 square feet of roof area. toxic gases, odors, and dust. Properly designed solar system that completely meets the energy space-heating systems can help meet both needs of a large conventional home can cost of these needs. $30,000 to $40,000 installed, or $6 to $8 per watt. These prices are rough estimates; Solar Greenhouse Heating your costs depend on your system’’s congu- Solar greenhouses are designed to collect ration, your equipment options, and other solar energy during sunny days and also to factors. Your local PV dealers can give you store heat for use at night or during peri- more accurate cost information. ods when it is cloudy. They can either stand alone or be attached to houses or barns. A PV works best in an energy-efficient building. solar greenhouse may be an underground So, measures such as adding insulation and pit, a shed-type structure, or a quonset hut. sealing air leaks, as well as purchasing energy- efficient lighting, and appliances, are essential Large-scale producers use free-standing to reduce your building’s overall electricity use solar greenhouses, while attached structures before installing a PV system. are primarily used by home-scale growers. Solar greenhouses differ from conventional greenhouses in the following four ways. Net Metering Solar greenhouses: Utilities are required to offer net metering in 40 states and the District of Columbia. In •• have glazing oriented to receive net metering, the customer is billed for the ma x imum sola r heat dur ing net electricity purchased from the utility over the winter the entire billing period——that is, the differ- •• use heat-storing materials to retain ence between the electricity coming from the solar heat power grid and the electricity generated by •• have large amounts of insulation the PV system. The benets of net meter- where there is little or no direct ing to consumers are especially signicant sunlight in areas with high retail electric rates. Utili- ties also benet because the solar-generated •• use glazing material and glazing energy often coincides with their periods of installation methods that minimize ““peak”” demand for electricity. heat loss •• rely primarily on natural ventilation For state-by-state net metering information, for summer cooling see Net Metering Rules for Energy Ef- ciency at Passive solar greenhouses are often good choices for small growers, because they are Solar Space Heating a cost-efcient way for farmers to extend Solar space-heating systems can be used the growing season. In colder climates in livestock, dairy, and other agriculture or in areas with long periods of cloudy ATTRA Page 5
  • 6. weather, solar heating may need to be sup- plemented with a gas or electric heating system to protect plants against extreme cold. Active solar greenhouses use sup- plemental energy to move solar heated air or water from storage or collection areas to other regions of the greenhouse. Use of photovoltaic heating systems for green- houses is generally not cost-effective unless you are producing high-value crops. For more information on greenhouses, see the ATTRA publication Solar Greenhouses. PV provides year round solar-assisted power to a domestic water-heating system for this residential addition in Rhode Island. Photo courtesy of NREL. Solar Crop Drying Farmers have been using the sun to dry such as a water-glycol antifreeze mixture, crops for centuries. You can take advantage in collectors most commonly mounted on of this technology simply by allowing crops a roof. The heated water is then stored to dry naturally in the eld, or by spread- in a tank similar to a conventional gas or ing grain and fruit out in the sun after har- electric water tank. Then, when water is vesting. Today’’s solar dryers are designed drawn from the water heater, it is replaced to provide protection from insects, rodents, with the solar-heated water from that tank. birds, as well as weather. A basic solar dyer Some systems use an electric pump to cir- consists of an enclosure or shed, screened culate the uid through the collectors. drying trays or racks, and a solar collec- Solar water heaters can operate in any cli- tor. The design of a solar crop drying sys- tem needn’’t be complicated——it can simply mate. Performance varies depending, in be a glazed box with a dark-colored inte- part, on how much solar energy is avail- rior to collect solar energy, which heats the able at the site, but also on the temper- air inside the box. The heated air is then ature of incoming water. The colder the moved through the crop material either by water, the more efciently the system oper- natural convection or with a fan. ates. In almost all climates, you will need a conventional backup system. In fact, many For more information, see Solar Energy building codes require you to have a con- Applications for Farms and Ranches ventional water heater as the backup. at workplace/farms_ranches/index.cfm/ Types of Solar Water Heaters mytopic=30006 There are four basic types of solar water- heating systems available. These systems Solar Water Heating share three similarities: a glazing (typi- Water heating can account for as much as cally glass) over a dark surface to gather 25 percent of a typical family’’s energy costs solar heat; one or two tanks to store hot and up to 40 percent of the energy used in water; and associated plumbing with or a typical dairy operation. A properly sized without pumps to circulate the heat-trans- solar water-heating system could cut those fer uid from the tank to the collectors and costs in half. Hot water is also needed for back again. pen and equipment cleaning and a host of Draindown systems pump water from the other agricultural uses. hot water tank through the solar collectors, where it is heated by the sun and returned Solar Water Heater Basics to the tank. Valves automatically drain Solar water heating systems use the sun to the system when sensors detect freezing heat either water or a heat-transfer uid, temperatures. Page 6 ATTRA Renewable Energy Opportunities on the Farm
  • 7. Antifreeze closed-loop systems rely on an antifreeze solution to operate through cold winter months. Antifreeze solutions are sep- arated from household water by a double- walled heat exchanger. Breadbox batch systems are passive sys- tems in which the storage tank also func- tions as the collector. One or two water tanks, painted black, are placed in a well- insulated box or other enclosure that has a south wall made of clear plastic or glass and tilted at the proper angle. This allows the sun to shine directly on the tank and heat a ““batch”” of water. An insulated cover can provide freeze protection. Sizing Your Draindown solar water system. System Illustration: North Carolina Solar Center. Just as you have to choose a 30, 40-, or 50-gallon conven- Drainback systems use a separate plumb- tional water heater, ing line,  lled with uid, to gather the sun’’s you need to deter- heat. These systems operate strictly on grav- mine the right size Breadbox batch solar water system. ity. When the temperature is near freezing, solar water heater Illustration: North Carolina Solar Center. the pump shuts off and the transfer uid to install. Sizing a drains back into the solar storage tank. solar water heater involves determining the total collector area and the storage volume required to provide 100 percent of your building’’s hot water during the summer. Solar equipment experts use worksheets or special computer programs to assist you in determining how large a system you need. Solar storage tanks are usually 50-, 60-, 80-, or 120-gallon capacity. A small (50- to 60-gallon) system is sufcient for one to three people, a medium (80-gallon) sys- tem is adequate for a three- or four-person household, and a large (120-gallon) system is appropriate for four to six people. Cost/Savings How much does a solar water-heating system cost? A solar water-heating system can cost anywhere from $1,500 to more than Drainback solar water system. $5,000. Cost depends on a number of vari- Illustration: North Carolina Solar Center. ables, such as: ATTRA Page 7
  • 8. •• the presence or type of freeze lower the temperature of the hot water you protection use reduces the size and cost of your solar •• size of family, business, or agricul- water heater. tural operation to be served Good rst steps are installing low-ow show- •• size and type of solar system erheads or ow restrictors in faucets, insu- lating your current water heater, and insu- •• type of roof on which the collector is lating any hot water pipes that you can see. to be installed •• building code requirements You’’ll also want to make sure your site has enough available sunshine to meet your •• installation costs needs efciently and economically. Your The less expensive solar water-heating sys- local solar equipment dealer can perform a tems lack freeze protection and are applica- solar site analysis for you or show you how ble primarily for summer recreation homes. to do your own. A solar energy supplier or installer in your area can help you determine specic costs Remember: Local zoning laws or covenants may restrict where you can place your collec- for your system. tors. Check with your city and county to learn about any restrictions. How Much Will I Save? Savings from solar water heating depend on specic climate, conventional fuel costs, Be a Smart Consumer and other factors. However, a study by the Take the same care in choosing a solar Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) con- water heater that you would in the purchase cluded that solar water heaters could reduce of any major appliance. Your best protection water heating costs by as much as 85 per- is to consider only certied and labeled sys- cent annually, compared to the cost of an tems. One such label is put on by the Solar electric water heater. Paybacks vary widely, Rating & Certication Corporation (SRCC), but you can expect a simple payback of four a nonprot, independent third-party organi- to eight years on a well-designed and prop- zation formed by the state energy ofcials, erly installed solar water heater. (Simple and consumer advocates to certify and rate payback is the length of time required to solar water heaters. recover your investment through reduced or Find out if the manufacturer offers a avoided energy costs.) warranty, and, if so, what the warranty If you are constructing a new building or covers and for how long. If the dealer you undergoing a major renovation, the econom- are buying the equipment from goes out ics are even more attractive. The cost of of business, can you get support and parts including the price of a solar water heater in from the manufacturer, or from a local plumbing contractor? a new 30-year mortgage is usually between $13 and $20 per month. The portion of Make sure that the workers who are actually the federal income tax deduction for mort- installing the system are qualied to do the gage interest attributable to the solar system work. In many states, an installer of a solar reduces that amount by about $3 to $5 per water heater must have a plumbing license. month. If your fuel savings are more than Ask the installation contractor for references $15 per month, the investment in the solar and check them. When the job is nished, water heater is protable immediately. have the contractor walk you through the sys- tem so you are familiar with the installation. First Things First And be sure that an owner’’s manual with Before investing in any solar energy system, maintenance instructions is included as part of the package. it is more cost-effective to invest in energy- efficiency measures for your building. A solar water heater is a long-term invest- Taking steps to use less hot water and to ment that will save you money and energy Page 8 ATTRA Renewable Energy Opportunities on the Farm
  • 9. for many years. Like other renewable energy for fuel cells; $200/kW for microturbines; systems, solar water heaters minimize the no maximum specied for other technol- environmental effects of enjoying a comfort- ogies. (Subject to funding limitations.) able, modern lifestyle. In addition, they pro- Effective date: 1/1/2006. Expiration date: vide a hedge against energy price increases, 12/31/2007. help reduce our dependence on foreign oil, and are investments in everyone’’s future. Renewable Energy Systems and Energy Efficiency Financial Incentives Improvements Program The following information identies federal  nancial incentives. For more information resources.html on these, as well as state incentives, see the This federal grant program applies to solar Database of State Incentives for Renewable water heating, solar space heating, photo- Energy (DSIRE) at voltaics, wind, biomass, geothermal elec- tric, geothermal heat pumps, hydrogen, Residential Solar and Fuel Cell anaerobic digestion, renewable fuels, and A Tax Credit fuel cells in commercial and agricultural solar water Enacted by the Energy Policy Act of 2005 applications. Grants amount to 25 percent heater is a (Section 1335), this credit applies to solar of eligible project costs; guaranteed loans long-term water heating, photovoltaics, and fuel cells. are 50 percent of eligible project costs investment that will Incentive amount is 30 percent, with max- (pending). Maximums are $500,000 per renewable-energy project for grants, and save you money and imums of $2,000 for photovoltaics and $10 million for guaranteed loans. (Sub- energy for many solar water heating and $500 per 0.5 kW for fuel cells. (Subject to funding limita- ject to funding limitations.) Effective date: years. tions.) Effective date: 1/1/2006. Expiration 10/5/2004. Expiration date: 10/1/2007. Date: 12/31/2007. For more information on the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and what it Wind Energy means to you, visit the American Council More and more people are considering for an Energy Efcient Economy (ACEEE) wind energy as they look for affordable and at For a reliable sources of electricity. Small wind summary of energy efciency tax incentives electric systems can make a significant in the Energy Policy Act of 2005, click on contribution to our nation’’s energy needs. Although wind turbines large enough to provide a signicant portion of the elec- Business Energy Tax Credit tricity needed by the average U.S. farm or Enacted by the Energy Policy Act of 2005 home generally require one acre of prop- (Section 1336 - 1337), this credit applies erty or more, approximately 21 million U.S. homes are built on one-acre and larger to renewables including solar water heat- sites, and 24 percent of the U.S. population ing, solar space heating, solar thermal elec- lives in rural areas. Many of these rural tric, solar thermal process heat, geothermal areas, particularly in the western U.S., electric, fuel cells, and solar hybrid light- also have sufcient wind speeds to make ing for commercial and industrial applica- wind an attractive alternative. tions. The industrial tax credit is currently 10 percent for geothermal electric and This section will provide you with basic solar; from January 1, 2006, until Decem- information about small wind electric sys- ber 31, 2007, the credit is 30 percent for tems to help you decide if wind energy will solar, solar hybrid lighting, and fuel cells, work for you. Note that this discussion only and 10 percent for microturbines. The covers small-scale wind electric systems. geothermal credit remains at 10 percent. Two other options, not covered here, are of Maximum incentive is $550 per 0.5 kW great importance to agricultural producers: ATTRA Page 9
  • 10. First, landowners in windy locations often lower your electricity bill, help you avoid lease farmland to developers who want to the high costs of having utility power lines install large wind turbines or wind farms. extended to remote locations, prevent power These ““turnkey”” operations, where the interruptions, and it is non-polluting. landowner receives an annual payment, can generate an attractive income stream How Do Wind Turbines Work? while often allowing farming and livestock Wind is created by the unequal heating of grazing to continue in close proximity to the the Earth’’s surface by the sun. Wind tur- wind turbines. For information about sit- bines convert the kinetic energy in wind ing large-scale wind turbines on your land, into mechanical power that runs a genera- see Electricity from the Wind: What Land- tor to produce clean electricity. Today’’s tur- owners Should Know. ( bines are versatile modular sources of elec- windandhydro/windpoweringamerica/docs/ tricity. Their blades are aerodynamically what_landowners_should_know.doc) designed to capture the maximum energy Second, farmers in some parts of the coun- from the wind. The wind turns the blades, try have formed cooperatives, pooling their which spin a shaft connected to a generator  nancial resources in order to purchase that makes electricity. and operate their own large wind turbines. For more information, see Community Wind Financing, a handbook from the Environ- mental Law & Policy Center. ( Wind turbines operate in harmony with farming and ranching. Photo courtesy of NREL. Is Wind Energy Practical for Me? A small wind energy system can provide you with a practical and economical source of electricity if: •• your property has a good wind resource •• your farm, home, or business is located on at least one acre of land in a rural area Homeowners, ranchers, and small businesses can use wind-generated electricity to reduce their utility bills. This grid-connected system installed in Norman, Okla- •• your local zoning codes or covenants homa, reduces the owner’s utility bill by $100 per month. Photo courtesy of NREL. allow wind turbines •• your average electricity bills are $150 per month or more Why Should I Choose Wind? •• your property is in a remote loca- Under certain circumstances, wind energy tion that does not have easy access systems can be a cost-effective renewable to utility lines energy system. Depending on your wind •• you are comfortable with long-term resource, a small wind energy system can investments Page 10 ATTRA Renewable Energy Opportunities on the Farm
  • 11. Is There Enough Wind at My Site? caution should be used because local ter- rain inuences and other factors may cause Does the wind blow hard and consistently the wind speed recorded at an airport to enough at my site to make a small wind turbine system economically worthwhile? be different from your particular location. That is a key question and not always eas- Airport wind data are generally measured ily answered. The wind resource can vary at heights about 20––33 feet (6––10 meters) signicantly over an area of just a few miles above ground. because of local terrain inuences on the Average wind speeds increase with height wind ow. Yet, there are steps you can take and may be 15––25 percent greater at a that will go a long way towards answering typical small wind turbine hub-height of the above question. 80 feet (24 meters) than those measured at As a rst step, consult resources such as the airport anemometer heights. The National National Wind Technology Center website at Climatic Data Center collects data from air- and DOE’’s Wind Power- ports in the United States and makes wind ing America website at data summaries available for purchase. windandhydro/windpoweringamerica to esti- Summaries of wind data from almost mate the wind resource in your region. The 1,000 U.S. airports also are included in highest average wind speeds in the United Wind Energy Resource Atlas of the United States are generally found along seacoasts, States, available online at http://rredc.nrel. on ridgelines, and on the Great Plains; gov/wind/pubs/atlas. however, many areas have wind resources Another useful indirect measurement of the strong enough to power a small wind tur- wind resource is the observation of an area’’s bine economically. vegetation. Trees, especially conifers or Another way to indirectly quantify the wind evergreens, can be permanently deformed resource is to obtain average wind speed by strong winds. This deformity, known as information from a nearby airport. However, ““agging,”” has been used to estimate the ATTRA Page 11
  • 12. average wind speed for an area. For more may be able to obtain information on the information on agging, you may want to annual output of the system and also wind obtain A Siting Handbook for Small Wind speed data if available. Energy Conversion Systems, by H. Wegley, J. Ramsdell, M. Orgill & R. Drake, Report Zoning Issues No. PNL-2521, available from National Agricultural producers generally have Technical Information Service at www.ntis. greater freedom than residential homeown- gov or 703-605-6585. ers in what they do on their own, agricul- turally-zoned land. Nonetheless, before you invest in a wind energy system, you should research potential obstacles. Some jurisdic- tions, for example, restrict the height of the structures permitted in residentially zoned areas, although variances are often obtain- able. Most zoning ordinances have a height limit of 35 feet. You can nd out about the zoning restrictions in your area by calling the local building inspector, board of super- visors, or planning board. They can tell you if you will need to obtain a building permit and provide you with a list of requirements. In addition to zoning issues, your neighbors might object to a wind machine that blocks their view, or they might be concerned about noise. Most zoning and aesthetic con- cerns can be addressed by supplying objec- tive data. For example, the ambient noise level of most modern residential wind tur- bines is around 52 to 55 decibels. This Flagging, the effect of strong winds on area vegetation, can help determine area means that while the sound of the wind tur- wind speeds. bine can be picked out of surrounding noise if a conscious effort is made to hear it, a residential sized wind turbine is no noisier Direct monitoring by a wind resource mea- than your average refrigerator. surement system at a site provides the clearest picture of the available resource. What Size Wind Turbine Do I Need? A good overall guide on this subject is the Wind Resource Assessment Handbook, which The size of the wind turbine you need is available online at depends on your application. Small tur- legosti/fy97/22223.pdf. Wind measure- bines range in size from 100 watts to 100 ment systems are available for costs as low kilowatts. The smaller or ““micro”” (100–– as $600 to $1,200. This expense may or 500-watt) turbines are used in a variety of may not be hard to justify, depending on applications such as charging batteries for the exact nature of the proposed small wind recreational vehicles and sailboats. One- to turbine system. The measurement equip- 10-kW turbines can be used in applications ment must be set high enough to avoid tur- such as pumping water. Wind energy has bulence created by trees, buildings, and been used for centuries to pump water and other obstructions. The most useful read- grind grain. Although mechanical windmills ings are those taken at hub-height, the ele- still provide a sensible, low-cost option for vation at the top of the tower where the wind pumping water in low-wind areas, farmers turbine is going to be installed. If there is a and ranchers are nding that wind-electric small wind turbine system in your area, you pumping is a little more versatile and they Page 12 ATTRA Renewable Energy Opportunities on the Farm
  • 13. can pump twice the volume for the same Grid-Connected Systems initial investment. In addition, mechanical In grid-connected systems, the only addi- windmills must be placed directly above the tional equipment required is a power con- well, which may not take the best advantage ditioning unit (inverter) that makes the tur- of available wind resources. Wind-electric bine output electrically compatible with pumping systems can be placed where the the utility grid. Usually, batteries are not wind resource is the best and connected to needed. Small wind energy systems can the pump motor with an electric cable. be connected to the electricity distribution Turbines used in residential applications system and are called grid-connected sys- can range in size from 400 watts to 100 kW tems. A grid-connected wind turbine can (100 kW for very large loads), depending on reduce your consumption of utility-supplied the amount of electricity you want to gener- electricity for lighting, appliances, and ate. For residential applications, you should electric heat. If the turbine cannot deliver establish an energy budget to help de ne the amount of energy you need, the utility the size of turbine you will need. Because makes up the difference. When the wind energy efciency is usually less expensive system produces more electricity than the than energy production, making your house household requires, the excess is sent or sold more energy-efcient  rst will probably be to the utility. Grid-connected systems can be more cost-effective and will reduce the size practical if the following conditions exist: of the wind turbine you need. Wind turbine •• You live in an area with average manufacturers can help you size your sys- annual wind speed of at least 10 tem based on your electricity needs and the mph (4.5 m/s) specics of local wind patterns. •• Utility-supplied electricity is expen- Wind Turbine Sizes sive in your area (about 10 to 15 Size Height Diameter cents per kilowatt-hour). 1 kW 30-100 ft. 4-8 ft. •• The utility’’s requirements for con- 10 kW 60-120 ft. 23-25 ft. necting your system to its grid are not prohibitively expensive. 100 kW 80-120 ft. 56-60 ft. Examples. Specific component sizes vary by manufacturer. •• There are good incentives for the sale of excess electricity or for the A typical home uses approximately 9,400 purchase of wind turbines. kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity per year Federal regulations (specically, the Pub- (about 780 kWh per month). Depending on lic Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, the average wind speed in the area, a wind or PURPA) require utilities to connect with and purchase power from small wind energy turbine rated in the range of 5 to 10 kilo- systems. However, you should contact your watts (kW) would be required to make a utility before connecting to their distribu- signicant contribution to this energy need. tion lines to address any power quality and The manufacturer can provide you with the expected annual energy output of the tur- bine as a function of annual average wind speed. The manufacturer will also provide information on the maximum wind speed at which the turbine is designed to operate safely. Most turbines have automatic over- speed-governing systems to keep the rotor from spinning out of control in very high winds. This information, along with your local wind speed and your energy budget, will help you decide which size turbine will best meet your electricity needs. A grid-connected wind turbine can reduce your consumption of utility-supplied electricity. ATTRA Page 13
  • 14. safety concerns. Your utility can provide This federal grant program applies to solar you with a list of requirements for connect- water heating, solar space heating, photovol- ing your system to the grid. The American taics, wind, biomass, geothermal electric, Wind Energy Association ( geothermal heat pumps, hydrogen, anaer- is another good source for information on obic digestion, renewable fuels, and fuel utility interconnection requirements. cells in commercial and agricultural appli- cations. Grants amount to 25 percent of eli- What Do Wind Systems Cost? gible project costs; guaranteed loans are 50 A small turbine can cost anywhere from percent of eligible project costs (pending). $3,000 to $35,000 installed, depending Maximums are $500,000 per renewable- on size, application, and service agree- energy project for grants, and $10 million ments with the manufacturer. A general for guaranteed loans. (Subject to funding rule of thumb for estimating the cost of a limitations.) Effective date: 10/5/2004. residential turbine is $3,000 per kilowatt Expiration date: 2007. for systems up to 10 kW. Smaller wind systems are more costly per kilowatt of Wind Energy Production Tax Credit installed capacity. Wind energy becomes The Energy Policy Act of 2005 extends the more cost-effective as the size of the tur- tax credit for wind energy systems. The tax bine’’s rotor increases. Although small tur- credit amounts to 1.9 cents-per-kilowatt- bines cost less in initial outlay, they are hour (kWh) tax credit for electricity gener- proportionally more expensive. The cost of ated with wind turbines over the  rst ten an installed residential wind energy system years of a project’’s operations. (Subject that comes with an 80-foot tower, batteries, to funding limitations.) Expiration date: and inverter, typically ranges from $13,000 12/31/2007. to $40,000 for a 3- to 10-kW wind turbine. Although wind energy systems involve a sig- nicant initial investment, they can be com- Renewable Fuels for petitive with conventional energy sources Transportation when you account for a lifetime of reduced Transportation accounts for 65 percent of or avoided utility costs. The length of the U.S. oil consumption and is the predomi- payback period——the time before the savings nant source of air pollution. However, there resulting from your system equal the cost are safe, environmentally friendly alter- of the system itself——depends on the system native fuels that can substitute for gaso- you choose, the wind resource on your site, line and diesel or be blended with them to electricity costs in your area, and how you reduce toxic air emissions. Using renewable use your wind system. fuels also reduces greenhouse gas buildup, Photo courtesy of NREL. dependence on imported oil, and trade de- Financial Incentives cits, while supporting local agriculture and The following information identi- rural economies. fies federal financial incentives. For more information on these, What are renewable fuels? as well as state incentives, see the Renewable fuels are not petroleum-based, Database of State Incentives for so they’’re cleaner burning. Renewable Renewable Energy (DSIRE) at fuels include: Biodiesel –– a low-polluting diesel alterna- Renewable Energy Systems tive fuel made from vegetable oils, animal and Energy Efficiency fats, and even recycled cooking greases. Improvements Program Ethanol –– an alcohol-based fuel derived from crops, usually corn, barley, and wheat. 9006resources.html Ethanol can be blended with gasoline in Page 14 ATTRA Renewable Energy Opportunities on the Farm
  • 15. varying concentrations. E85, for example, heavy-duty AFV applications include tran- is a blend of 85 percent ethanol and 15 sit buses, airport shuttles, delivery trucks percent gasoline. and vans, school buses, refuse haulers, and street sweepers. The Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct) requires state and federal government eets to purchase renewable fuel vehicles for three- AFV Types quarters of their new light-duty vehicle pur- Flex-Fuel Vehicles can be fueled with gaso- chases. Additionally, renewable fuel provider line or, depending on the vehicle, with either eets covered by EPAct are required to pur- methanol (M85) or ethanol (E85). The vehi- chase renewable fuel vehicles for 90 percent cles have one tank and can accept any mix- of their new vehicle purchases. Local govern- ture of gasoline and the alternative fuel. ment and private eets are not covered by this Bi-fuel or Dual-Fuel Vehicles have two rule, but the U.S. Department of Energy has tanks——one for gasoline and one for either the authority to include them at a future date. natural gas or propane, depending on the Ethanol is an excellent renewable fuel (the vehicle. The vehicles can switch between standard is E85, a blend of 85 percent eth- the two fuels. anol and 15 percent gasoline). Flexible-fuel Dedicated Vehicles are designed to be fueled vehicles designed to use E85 or other gaso- only with an alternative fuel. Electric vehicles line mixtures include modied oxygen sen- are a special type of dedicated vehicle. sors and different seals in the fuel system. Because ethanol has less energy per gal- Hybrid Vehicles combine the best features of lon than gasoline, E85 vehicles also need two different energy sources, one of which is larger fuel tanks to keep the same range. electric power. Until alternative fuels really E85 ex-fuel vehicles qualify as alternative catch on, hybrids can be a good choice. fuel vehicles and Daimler-Chrysler, Ford, and General Motors all offer several mod- Fueling els designed to use E85 or gasoline for the Alternative fuel stations are becoming same price as gasoline-only models. Today, increasingly popular across the country, as 92 state and alternative fuel provider eets more consumers and agencies turn to clean use E85 ex-fuel vehicles to help them meet fuels. Find out where these stations are their EPAct requirements. using DOE’’s Alternative Fuel Station Loca- tor at Alternative-Fuel Vehicles Alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) can use Ethanol and Local Resources renewable fuel instead of gasoline or From Corn: In the United diesel fuel. AFVs range in size and shape, States, ethanol, also known as from small commuter cars to large 18- grain alcohol, is made from the wheeler trucks. A number of automobile starch in kernels of eld corn. manufacturers offer light-duty vehicles for (Field corn is otherwise predom- personal transportation. inantly used as animal feed; in AFVs are well-suited for eets in certain 2005 ethanol production used ““niche”” markets. Taxi eets, for example, 15 percent of the feed corn are high-mileage vehicles that drive fairly crop). Modern fuel ethanol tech- centralized routes and may benet from nology is highly sophisticated using a less expensive alternative fuel such and efcient, and the process as natural gas or propane. Local delivery is similar to making alcoholic eets with low mileage, and high-use vehi- beverages. Starch is converted cles that frequently idle in trafc or must into sugars, the sugars are often start and stop, may be good candi- fermented to a ““beer,”” and then dates for electric vehicles. Medium- and the beer is distilled to make Photo courtesy of NREL. ATTRA Page 15
  • 16. pure ethanol. Of U.S. blended in one of out every eight gallons of corn ethanol production, gasoline for pollution reduction. about half is in wet-mill Ethanol made from corn is slightly more plants and half is in dry- expensive than gasoline. To encourage eth- mill plants. The former anol use, however, the federal government are typically large opera- exempts 5.3 cents per gallon of 10percent tions that produce etha- ethanol blend (53 cents per gallon of etha- nol along with a slate of nol) of the 18.3 cents per gallon federal food products such as fuel excise tax. In effect since 1979, this corn sweeteners, corn exemption makes ethanol competitive for syrup, corn oil, and glu- fuel additive use. Several states also pro- Corn is a common feedstock for ethanol, provid- ten feed. The latter are vide additional incentives. The federal sub- ing an economic boon for agricultural states. typically smaller facili- Photo courtesy of NREL. sidy, however, is more than offset by reduced ties that produce ethanol agricultural price support payments, and as their primary product increased employment taxes for an estimated and a high-protein ani- net taxpayer savings of about $3.6 billion per mal feed known as distillers dried grains as year. The U.S. Department of Agriculture a co-product. The dry-mill plants are typi- credits the sale of corn for ethanol produc- cally located in rural communities and often tion——about 600 million bushels per year—— farmer-owned, which make them an excellent with increasing corn prices by 25 to 30 cents way to develop the local economy. In 2005, per bushel. (The typical price range of eld more than 80 U.S. ethanol plants produced corn is $1.80 to $2.30 per bushel.) about four billion gallons of ethanol. While ethanol accounts for about three percent of From Other Starch or Sugar: Even automotive fuel use in the United States, it is states with a small corn crop can benet Page 16 ATTRA Renewable Energy Opportunities on the Farm
  • 17. from building ethanol plants. Conventional reasons related to economics, air quality, ethanol technology can process any starch and health. B100 (straight biodiesel) can or sugar source. While corn certainly pre- cut carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, partic- dominates, U.S. plants are currently mak- ulates, and other pollutant emissions in half ing ethanol from barley, milo, wheat starch, while reducing the cancer-risk contribution potato waste, cheese whey, and brewery and of diesel by about 90 percent. Emission beverage waste. reductions with B20 are roughly propor- tional. Biodiesel will even reduce the smelly From Cellulose and Hemicellulose: oily smoke that makes it so frustrating to Starches and sugars constitute only a small get caught behind a truck, tractor, or bus. portion of plant matter. The bulk of most Since it is biodegradable, biodiesel is far plants consists of cellulose, hemicellu- more benign than petroleum-based diesel lose, and lignin. Cellulose and hemicellu- fuels, should it be spilled on the ground. lose, though, are made of chains of sugars. Advanced bioethanol technology can break From Fats or Oils: Fatty acid methyl these chains down into their component sug- ester, commonly known as biodiesel, is ars, and then ferment them to ethanol. This made by bonding alcohol (com- makes it possible to produce ethanol from monly methanol) to oils or fats virtually any biomass material. In the near- (even animal fats or used cook- term, ethanol will probably be made from ing oil). The process is relatively low- or negative-cost opportunity feedstocks routine, but must consistently such as municipal waste, wood process- achieve prescribed standards ing waste, sugarcane bagasse, rice hulls, or adopted by the American Soci- rice straw. In the mid-term, ethanol sources ety for Testing and Materials to will include agricultural and forestry resi- minimize the risk of damaging dues such as corn stover——a huge potential expensive diesel engines. source——or wood chips. From a Growing Industry: In the long-term, farmers may grow dedi- Biodiesel popularity is grow- cated energy crops, such as switchgrass or ing rapidly. According to the fast-growing trees, just for fuel production. Nat iona l Biodiesel Board, Because it requires sophisticated conversion biodiesel production reached 75 technology, making ethanol from cellulosic million gallons in 2005, com- biomass is currently more expensive than pared to 25 million gallons in making it from corn grain——especially when 2004. As of April 2006, there using waste or residue feedstocks. However, are 65 commercial biodiesel Soybeans can be made into biodiesel to fuel any vehicle currently running cellulosic feedstocks would be inexpensive, production plants in the United biodiesel with little to no conversion of so experts expect equal or lower costs in the States, with a combined annual the vehicle. Photo courtesy of NREL. long run. Advanced bioethanol technology production capacity of 395 mil- will supplement rather than replace corn- lion gallons per year. Another grain ethanol by greatly expanding the poten- 50 plants are scheduled to be online by the tial feedstock supply and making ethanol end of 2007 and several plants are expand- production an option outside the Cornbelt. ing, which will have a combined annual The U.S. Department of Energy National capacity of 713 million gallons. Biofuels Program is spearheading the effort Also, the detergent and fatty acid industries, to improve advanced bioethanol technology. which supply methyl esters to the biodiesel For more information, see the ATTRA publi- industry and can provide extra supplies cation Ethanol Opportunities and Questions. when demand grows quickly, could provide another 30-50 million gallons of capacity, if Biodiesel—Easily Produced needed to meet demand. Many agricultural producers are taking When purchased from commercial sup- a hard look at biodiesel these days, for pliers, biodiesel is generally more expen- ATTRA Page 17
  • 18. sive than diesel fuel, but B20 typically The Energy Policy Act of 2005 will provide costs only 8 to 20 cents more than reg- a federal excise tax credit for biodiesel as a ular diesel. Although usually used by tax incentive for petroleum distributors who centrally fueled eets, biodiesel is becom- blend biodiesel with diesel fuel into both ing increasingly available at retail service on-road and off-road markets. The incen- stations across the country. tive equates to $1.00 per gallon of biodiesel made from virgin vegetable oils (like soy) For information on biodiesel distribu- and animal fats, and $0.50 per gallon for tors, suppliers, and retailers, see ““Buying biodiesel made from recycled oils (subject Biodiesel”” at to funding appropriation.) producers_marketers/Supplier_List.pdf Newly purchased, qualied electric vehi- Farmers in some parts of the country are cles and clean-fuel vehicles (including gaso- also successfully making their own biodie- line/electric hybrids) are eligible for federal sel from waste oil, often collected from local income tax incentives: restaurants. The cost of this ““home-brewed”” biodiesel is often far lower than the cost of •• Purchasers of hybrid and advanced B conventional diesel fuel. For more informa- lean-burn diesel vehicles can receive iodiesel is tion on making biodiesel, see the ATTRA a federal tax credit of up to $3,400. becoming publication Biodiesel –– a Primer. This will be capped at 60,000 increasingly vehicles per manufacturer and will available at retail expire in 2014. For medium and Financial Incentives heavy hybrid trucks the tax credit service stations The following information identies federal will expire in 2009, and for lean- across the country.  nancial incentives. For more information burn diesel vehicles, the tax credit on these, as well as state incentives, see the will expire in 2010. Database of State Incentives for Renewable •• Electric vehicles are eligible for a Energy (DSIRE) at one-time tax credit of 10 percent of The Federal government exempts offers a the vehicle cost, up to $4,000 per 53 cents per gallon incentive to encourage vehicle. The credit will be reduced ethanol use. A 10-percent ethanol blend to $1,000 in 2006 and will expire fuel receives an exemption of 5.3 cents at the end of that year. For more from the federal fuel excise tax (currently information, visit www.fueleconomy. 18.3 cents per gallon). gov/feg/tax_afv.shtml. Resources American Solar Energy Society DOE Vehicle Buyers Guide American Wind Energy Association DOE Wind and Hydropower Technologies Program DOE Biomass Program EERE Information Center DOE Clean Cities Program Florida Solar Energy Center DOE’’s Ofce of Energy Efciency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Page 18 ATTRA Renewable Energy Opportunities on the Farm
  • 19. Interstate Renewable Energy Council National Biodiesel Board National Renewable Energy Laboratory National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service/ATTRA Renewable Energy Access Notes ATTRA Page 19
  • 20. Renewable Energy Opportunities on the Farm By Cathy Svejkovsky NCAT Energy Specialist © 2006 NCAT Paul Driscoll, Editor Amy Smith, Production This publication is available on the Web at: or IP304 Slot 299 Version 080107 Page 20 ATTRA