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- Introduction to Agile –Scrum and Kanban
- After this presentation you will have the knowledge to start practicing Agile in your development projects.
Marianne Rimbark 2018-03-01 4G/5G Development
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
— Started as developer 1995 with TDMA/2G products
— Technical Coordinator
— Project Manager for SW product development and product deployment
— Manager for developers (PLEX, Erlang, Java, C, C++)
— Strategy execution
— Operational excellence
— Auditor/Assessor
— Change leader
— Impediment and Improvement driver
— Coach & Mentor
— Today 20+ years of experience of telecommunications, Research and
Development for 2G / 3G / 4G and 5G products
— Married, two children, 3 cats, live in Huddinge, Stockholm
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
23,700 55,000
1 billion
managed by us
Services professionals EmployeesR&D Employees
Patents 201,3 B. SEK Net Sales
Full year 2017 figures
Highly scalable, modular
platforms offering lowest
total cost of ownership,
best user experience in
4G and leadership
in 5G
Digital Services
Digitalize service
providers through cloud
and automation, providing
cost efficient cloud native
solutions in Core and
Managed Services
Long lasting cost
efficient performance
through smart
automation, analytics
and business
Emerging business
Innovating new
sources of revenue
for our customers,
e.g. in IoT and new
partnership based
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
Baseband Enclosure Backhaul Small Cell
Radio Power Fronthaul Site
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
New behaviors
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
Change in almost everything:
— Big projects to Decoupled development and flexible releases
— System-design-test silo organization to cross functional teams
— Individual offices to team spaces
— Narrow & specialized competences to broader competences and continuous
— Individual accomplishment to team success
— Following a defined and detailed process to scrum framework
— Top down control to more people initiative and self organization
— Modular and more flexible product architecture
Challenges (Waterfall):
— Not meeting customer requirements, lack of flexibility
— Long lead-time, delivery pace twice a year
— Quality, not built in
— People do not feel empowered
— Insight: No longer competitive ways of working
Pre Feasibility Execution TestWaterfall:
Product Development
• Less detailed level planning leading to less initial predictability and control
• Execution starts earlier with shorter development lead-times
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
Iterative = don’t expect to get it all right the first time
Incremental = build in ”vertical” slices (features) rather than ”horizontal” (layers)
Monolithic development - Waterfall
Incremental development
2 3
Maybe we don’t
even need to
build the rest!
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Pilot Framework
Framework Deployment
Flow optimization Product Mgmt & Level 4
Flow optimization cross Level 4
Continuous evolvement
Continuous Delivery
Optimize the whole
Continuous improvements
— Lead-time decreased with 50%
— Customer value increased 4 times
— Improved Quality enabling Continuous Delivery every second week
— Team empowerment via fast feedback loops
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
— Lean (theory)
— Widely applicable for any kind of production
— Scaled SW development
— Agile (theory)
— Is Lean
— Scrum (methodology)
— Is a planning method
— Exercise: Paper plane production
— Kanban (methodology)
— A planning philosophy
— XP (methodology)
— Team specific values and practices
— High performing teams
— Summary
Scrum / Kanban
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
— Lean (theory)
— Widely applicable for any kind of production
— Scaled SW development
— Agile (theory)
— Is Lean
— Scrum (methodology)
— Is a planning method
— Exercise: Paper plane production
— Kanban (methodology)
— A planning philosophy
— XP (methodology)
— Team specific values and practices
— High performing teams
— Summary
Scrum / Kanban
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
— FLOW and THROUGHPUT are essential parts of
Lean philosophy, i.e optimize the whole
— Pillars of Lean thinking
Theory of constraints ref. Dr. Eliyahu M. Goldratt
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
— Lean (theory)
— Widely applicable for any kind of production
— Agile (theory)
— Is Lean
— Scrum (methodology)
— Is a planning method
— Exercise: Paper plane production
— Kanban (methodology)
— A planning philosophy
— XP (methodology)
— Team specific values and practices
— High performing teams
— Summary
Scrum / Kanban
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
Origins:17peoplemetatSnowbirdskiresort inWasatchmountain,Utah,inFebruary2001
Developed for small scale SW development. Embracing existing SW engineering methods & practices (Scrum, XP, etc)
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
1. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.
2. Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer's
competitive advantage.
3. Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the
shorter timescale.
4. Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.
5. Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them
to get the job done.
6. The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-
face conversation.
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
7. Working software is the primary measure of progress.
8. Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to
maintain a constant pace indefinitely.
9. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.
10. Simplicity--the art of maximizing the amount of work not done--is essential.
11. The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.
12. At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
1. Satisfy the customer by delivering valuable software
2. Welcome changing requirements
3. Deliver working software frequently
4. Business people and developers work together
5. Trust motivated individuals
6. Face-to-face conversation
7. Working software is the primary measure of progress
8. Promote sustainable development
9. Technical excellence and good design
10. Simplicity is essential
11. Self-organizing teams
12. Team reflection and adjustment
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
Respect for people
Optimize the whole
Continuous improvements
Individuals & interactions over processes & tools
Working Product over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
— Lean (theory)
— Widely applicable for any kind of production
— Agile (theory)
— Is Lean
— Scrum (methodology)
— Is a planning method
— Exercise: Paper plane production
— Kanban (methodology)
— A planning philosophy
— XP (methodology)
— Team specific values and practices
— High performing teams
— Summary
Scrum / Kanban
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
— First public appearance in 1995 when Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber paper describing Scrum
— Scrum is a simple "inspect and adapt" framework that has three roles, three ceremonies, and three
artifacts designed to deliver working software in Sprints, usually 30-day iterations.
— Roles : Product Owner, Scrum Master, Team;
— Ceremonies/Events : Sprint Planning, Sprint Review (Demo), Sprint Retrospective and Daily Scrum
— Artifacts : Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, and Increment
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
The Team
•Defines features and release dates
•Responsible for Return of Investment (ROI)
•Prioritizes features by business value
•Accepts or rejects work
•Ensures team is functioning and productive
•Removes barriers (impediments)
•Shields team from external interference
•Ensures the process is followed
•Facilitates planning, not a traditional Project Manager
•Cross functional, 7 +/-2 members
•Self directed
•Organizes itself and assign tasks
•Commits to Sprint and Demos to Product Owner
The Scrum Team
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
Sprint Planning Meeting
— Review Product Backlog
— Estimate Sprint Backlog
— Commit
The team
Product Owner
Scrum Master
Daily Scrum Meetings
› Done since last meeting
› Plan for today
› What is blocking us
Sprint Review (Demo) Meeting
› Demo features to all
Product Backlog
Time boxed “Sprint” Cycles
Sprint Backlog
› Work Items assigned
to a Sprint
› Estimated by the team
› Team Commitment
Working Code Ready
for Deployment
Sprint Burndown
Release Burndown
Sprint Retrospective
› Adjustments
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
— Review Product Backlog
— Estimate Sprint Backlog
— Commit
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
— A user story describes functionality that will be valuable to an user
— depending of context, the user might be an human user, another subsystem, a customer, a stakeholder, …
— It consists of one or more sentences in the everyday or business language of the user that captures
what the user wants to achieve
— Represents customer requirements rather than document them
— As opposed to requirements (which are something the system must do) user stories are brief
statements of intent that describes something the system needs to do for the user.
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
1. The product shall have a gasoline-powered engine.
2. The product shall have four wheels.
a) The product shall have a rubber tire mounted to each wheel.
3. The product shall have a steering wheel.
4. The product shall have a steel body.
Give me your offer!
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
1. The product makes it easy and fast for me to mow my lawn.
2. I am comfortable while using the product.
Do you want to change your offer?
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
Each user story is composed of three aspects:
1. Written description of the story, used for planning and as a reminder.
2. Conversations about the story that serve to flesh out the details of the
3. Tests that convey and document details that can be used to determine
when a story is complete
The three Cs
Reference: Mike Cohn, User Stories Applied
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
Backlog Item #1
SMS Message size
As a SMS user I want to send bigger messages,
so that receiver won’t get two messages
Acceptance Criteria
1)" Write a big message
2)" Send it to another phone
3)" Read the message on the other phone
4)" Check it’s only one message
As a <role>
I want to <what>
so that <why>
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
— If possible. Dependencies leads to prioritization and planning problems
— It is not a written contract or requirement, but negotiated in conversation
— Valuable to user/customer. Avoid stories only valued by developers.
— Enough information for developers to be able to estimate. is required.
— Makes estimation and planning easier. Large stories can be split, and too small
stories can be combined
— If not, how do we know when done?
Reference: Mike Cohn, User Stories Applied
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
— Team’s commitment to the product owner:
... we will do everything in our power, to reach the sprint goal and complete the stories,
... we will work on stories in priority order,
... we will display our progress and status on a daily basis and keep you informed,
... every story that we do deliver is complete.
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
“No changes” during a sprint!
•What the team commits to – and
what the product owner agrees to –
during sprint planning, should be
what is delivered.
The team commits to delivering
some amount of functionality –
forecasting what
The product owner commits to
leave priorities alone during the
However keep in mind that:
•We start with vague requirements
•Our understanding of those
requirements is refined during the
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
— Progress visibility (team + individual, i.e nobody can hide
— Raise issues early
Daily Meeting Agenda
— Max 15 min. Other interesting discussions have to be
stopped. Plan another meeting with the parties concerned.
(Make a note on the task board)
— Gather the team in front of the task-board. Attendees have
to stand up.
— One after the other answers the following three questions:
— What did you complete yesterday?
— What will you complete today?
— What obstacles are in your way?
— Move yellow post-it tasks and update remaining time.
— The team updates the burndown chart
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
— Team presents what it accomplished during the sprint
— Focus on ready stories (“Done Done”)
— Whole team participates
— Invite the world!
— Get feedback
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
— Continuous improvement and learning (fast feedback loops)
— Performed after every sprint
— Time boxed (30 minutes to 1 hour)
— Whole team participates: Scrum Master, Team, Product Owner
(optional), Possible customer and others (by invitation of team)
Retrospect (example)
— What did we do well?
— What did we learn?
— What should we do different the next time?
What could be changed that makes the next iteration more
enjoyable and productive. Write down suitable actions and vote
— What still puzzles us?
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
— Done must be clearly defined
— Strive for “No Work Left”
— It might take some time, maybe years
— Understand what your present Done really means
— What work is left before shipment?
— When will that work be done?
— Done Done
— 1st Done = up to a clearly defined step
— 2nd Done = All work ready!
— You are not done if your are not Done!
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
P D SPlanning Development Stabilization
Undone Undon
Scrum project with incomplete or variable “Done”
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
Unit Test
Cases written
Unit tests
Work is
Work is
Feature tests
tests passed
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
— Lean (theory)
— Widely applicable for any kind of production
— Agile (theory)
— Is Lean
— Scrum (methodology)
— Is a planning method
— Exercise: Paper plane production
— Kanban (methodology)
— A planning philosophy
— XP (methodology)
— Team specific values and practices
— High performing teams
— Summary
Scrum / Kanban
Paper plane production
an exercise
Now, this model
would take some
time to construct!
Purpose to exercise Sprint:
• Planning
• Execution
• Demo
• Retrospective
And we will run 2 sprints
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
2. Sprint Planning Meeting - 3 minutes
The team
Product Owner
= Customer
Scrum Master
4. Sprint Review (Demo) Meeting – 3 minutes
• Demo all your produced flying planes
Both lead-time and throughput will be measured:
• Time until first paper plane is accepted by
customer (scrum master keeping time)
• Number of planes accepted by customer (each
group keeps their own count).
5. Sprint Retrospective – 5 minutes
› Adjustments
1. Product Backlog
• Construct as many paper planes as
possible during a time period of 3 minutes
• Each plane has to pass the acceptance
test, i.e. fly across the taped distance.
3. Sprint - 3 minutes
• Only one plane at a time can be
brought to acceptance test by
each group
• Each plane can be tried up to 3
times in acceptance test – if yet
not flying, it shall be discarded
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
Time until first
paper plane is
accepted by
Throughput Chosen
Time until first
paper plane is
accepted by
Throughput Reflection of
exercise, next
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Sprint 2Sprint 1
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
— Lean (theory)
— Widely applicable for any kind of production
— Agile (theory)
— Is Lean
— Scrum (methodology)
— Is a planning method
— Exercise: Paper plane production
— Kanban (methodology)
— A planning philosophy
— XP (methodology)
— Team specific values and practices
— High performing teams
— Summary
Scrum / Kanban
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
— Visualize the workflow
— Split the work into pieces, write each item on a card and put on the wall.
— Use named columns to illustrate where each item is in the workflow.
— Limit Work in Progress (WIP)
— assign explicit limits to how many items may be in progress at each workflow state
— Pull value through the system
— Only start work when the need is created by the system
— Measure the lead time and optimize to reduce leadtime
The word Kan means "visual" in Japanese and the word "ban" means "card". So Kanban refers to "visual
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
— WIP limited indirectly (per sprint) by
time boxed iterations.
— A sprint backlog and a Scrum board is
owned by one specific team.
It is reset between each sprint.
— Prescribes:
— 3 roles
— 3 artifacts
— 4 ceremonies
— Uses Velocity as default metric
— Typically used for development in
cross functional teams
— WIP limited directly (per workflow
state). No time boxing.
— A kanban board may be shared by:
multiple teams or individuals
…and is persistent
— Does not prescribe any roles, artifacts
or ceremonies
— Uses Lead-time as default metric
— Typically used for maintenance and
— For overview on “program” levels
Experiences of usage scenarios
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
— Lean (theory)
— Widely applicable for any kind of production
— Agile (theory)
— Is Lean
— Scrum (methodology)
— Is a planning method
— Exercise: Paper plane production
— Kanban (methodology)
— A planning philosophy
— XP (methodology)
— Team specific values and practices
— High performing teams
— Summary
Scrum / Kanban
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
1. Fine scale feedback
› Pair programming
› Planning game
› Test driven development
› Whole team
2. Continuous process
› Continuous integration
› Design improvement/Refactoring
› Small releases
3. Shared understanding
› Coding standard
› Collective code ownership
› Simple design
› System metaphor
4. Programmer welfare
› Sustainable pace
More emphasis on coding / programming techniques
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
— Lean (theory)
— Widely applicable for any kind of production
— Agile (theory)
— Is Lean
— Scrum (methodology)
— Is a planning method
— Exercise: Paper plane production
— Kanban (methodology)
— A planning philosophy
— XP (methodology)
— Team specific values and practices
— High performing teams
— Summary
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
Background: In 1965, Bruce Tuckman developed a simple four-stage model of team development
that has become an accepted part of thinking about how teams develop. In his article,
"Developmental Sequence in Small Groups," Tuckman outlines four stages of team development:
Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing. A successful team knows which stage they are in, and
manages transitions between the different stages adeptly.
The Forming stage involves the introduction of team members, either at the initiation of the team, or
as members are introduced subsequently. Members are likely to be influenced by the expectations
and desires they bring with them, and will be keen to understand how the group will operate. In
particular, they will be keen to understand how the leadership is likely to operate, in terms of style and
character. This is a stage of transition from a group of individuals to a team.
As team members grow more confident, the team are likely to enter the Storming phase. Team
members will have different opinions as to how the team should operate. There may be anxious
about conflict arising, the storming phase is a difficult one for the team. The best teams will
understand the conflict, actively listen to each other, and navigate an agreed way forwards. Other
teams may disintegrate as they bolster their own opinions to weather the storms of the group.
As the teams emerge with an agreed method of operating, the team enters the Norming phase.
Team members have signed up to a common working method, and everyone is usually willing to
share in this. During this phase, team members are able to reconcile their own opinions with the
greater needs of the team. Co-operation and collaboration replace the conflict and mistrust of the
previous phase.
Finally the team reaches the final phase, Performing. The emphasis is now on reaching the team
goals, rather than working on team process. Relationships are settled, and team members are likely
to build loyalty towards each other. The team is able to manage more complex tasks, and cope with
greater change. The performing stage can either lead onto :
a return to the forming stage as group membership changes,
a new "dorming" stage as the group gets complacent or
"adjourning" as the group successfully reaches its goal and completes its work.
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
Discussinpairsfor acoupleofminutes
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
Kickstart with a kick-off:
Purpose to create a common understanding around:
— WHEN – deadline?
— Knowledge about yourself
— Knowledge about your team members
— Culture/Values
— “We are punctual to our meetings”
— “When we work we focus on tasks to be achieved”
— “We respect each other by listening and ask clarifying
— Learning environment
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
— The coloring of types in the book is the same as
DISC: Dominance-Influence-Steadiness-
Conscientiousness ( )
I am “red”:
— how can I improve my communication to fullfill
the needs of other colours? Purpose: Improve
speed and quality of the tasks at hand.
— How can I invite “blue” to speak his/her mind?
— How can I get “yellow” to liste more?
— How can I learn to listen even if I do not win?
— What traits do I have that will help us succeed?
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
Personalitytypes freepersonalitytest
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
— Lean (theory)
— Widely applicable for any kind of production
— Agile (theory)
— Is Lean
— Scrum (methodology)
— Is a planning method
— Exercise: Paper plane production
— Kanban (methodology)
— A planning philosophy
— XP (methodology)
— Team specific values and practices
— High performing teams
— Summary
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
Lean (theory) • Widely applicable for any kind of production
• Scaled SW development
• Respect for people
• FLOW and THROUGHPUT are essential parts of Lean
philosophy, i.e optimize the whole
• Continuous improvements
Agile (theory) • Is Lean Agile manifesto:
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan
Scrum (methodology) • Is a planning method
• Typically used for development in cross
functional teams
• 3 Roles,
• 4 ceremonies/events
• 3 artifacts
Kanban (methodology) • A planning method
• Typically used for maintenance and support
• For overview on “program” levels
XP (methodology) • Team specific values and practices
• More emphasis on coding / programming
• Pair programming
• Test driven development
High performing teams Common understanding around:
• Knowledge about yourself / your team members
• Culture/Values
• Learning environment
Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
Feedback, have we fulfilled the purpose:
1 = No, need much more information/training
2 = Partially, need specific information/training
3 = Yes, I am willing to give this a try
4 = Yes, I feel confident and can support my colleagues
- Introduction to Agile –Scrum and Kanban
- I have the knowledge to start practicing Agile in mine/our development projects.

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Agile presentation @ KTH

  • 1. Agile Purpose: - Introduction to Agile –Scrum and Kanban - After this presentation you will have the knowledge to start practicing Agile in your development projects. Marianne Rimbark 2018-03-01 4G/5G Development
  • 2. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 WhoamI — Started as developer 1995 with TDMA/2G products — Technical Coordinator — Project Manager for SW product development and product deployment — Manager for developers (PLEX, Erlang, Java, C, C++) — Strategy execution — Operational excellence — Auditor/Assessor — Change leader — Impediment and Improvement driver — Coach & Mentor — Today 20+ years of experience of telecommunications, Research and Development for 2G / 3G / 4G and 5G products — Married, two children, 3 cats, live in Huddinge, Stockholm
  • 3. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 Ericssonataglance 42,000 23,700 55,000 1 billion 100,735 Subscribers managed by us Services professionals EmployeesR&D Employees Patents 201,3 B. SEK Net Sales Full year 2017 figures Networks Highly scalable, modular platforms offering lowest total cost of ownership, best user experience in 4G and leadership in 5G Digital Services Digitalize service providers through cloud and automation, providing cost efficient cloud native solutions in Core and OSS/BSS Managed Services Long lasting cost efficient performance through smart automation, analytics and business practice Emerging business Innovating new sources of revenue for our customers, e.g. in IoT and new partnership based services
  • 4. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 Baseband Enclosure Backhaul Small Cell Radio Power Fronthaul Site Software SW EricssonRadioSystem
  • 6. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 Change in almost everything: — Big projects to Decoupled development and flexible releases — System-design-test silo organization to cross functional teams — Individual offices to team spaces — Narrow & specialized competences to broader competences and continuous learning — Individual accomplishment to team success — Following a defined and detailed process to scrum framework — Top down control to more people initiative and self organization — Modular and more flexible product architecture Challenges (Waterfall): — Not meeting customer requirements, lack of flexibility — Long lead-time, delivery pace twice a year — Quality, not built in — People do not feel empowered — Insight: No longer competitive ways of working WhydidEricssongofromWaterfall developmenttoLeanandAgile Pre -pre Pre Feasibility Execution TestWaterfall: Agile: Pre -pre Release verification Product Development pre- Study SPRINT • Less detailed level planning leading to less initial predictability and control • Execution starts earlier with shorter development lead-times
  • 7. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 Agile-ScrumisaIterative,incrementalmethodology UEH O&M BB RNH C Iterative = don’t expect to get it all right the first time Incremental = build in ”vertical” slices (features) rather than ”horizontal” (layers) Monolithic development - Waterfall 1 2 3 4 1 Incremental development 2 3 Maybe we don’t even need to build the rest! C UEH O&M BB RNH
  • 8. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 Transformationoverview 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Scattered experiments Pilot Framework Framework Deployment Flow optimization Product Mgmt & Level 4 Flow optimization cross Level 4 2016 Continuous evolvement Continuous Delivery 2017 Agile: Scrum/Kanban/Scrumban Lean: Optimize the whole Continuous improvements Outcome: — Lead-time decreased with 50% — Customer value increased 4 times — Improved Quality enabling Continuous Delivery every second week — Team empowerment via fast feedback loops
  • 9. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 — Lean (theory) — Widely applicable for any kind of production — Scaled SW development — Agile (theory) — Is Lean — Scrum (methodology) — Is a planning method — Exercise: Paper plane production — Kanban (methodology) — A planning philosophy — XP (methodology) — Team specific values and practices — High performing teams — Summary Agenda Lean Agile Scrum / Kanban XP
  • 10. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 — Lean (theory) — Widely applicable for any kind of production — Scaled SW development — Agile (theory) — Is Lean — Scrum (methodology) — Is a planning method — Exercise: Paper plane production — Kanban (methodology) — A planning philosophy — XP (methodology) — Team specific values and practices — High performing teams — Summary Agenda Lean Agile Scrum / Kanban XP
  • 11. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 — FLOW and THROUGHPUT are essential parts of Lean philosophy, i.e optimize the whole — Pillars of Lean thinking LEAN Origins:ToyotaProductionsystemandLeanProduction Theory of constraints ref. Dr. Eliyahu M. Goldratt
  • 12. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 — Lean (theory) — Widely applicable for any kind of production — Agile (theory) — Is Lean — Scrum (methodology) — Is a planning method — Exercise: Paper plane production — Kanban (methodology) — A planning philosophy — XP (methodology) — Team specific values and practices — High performing teams — Summary Agenda Lean Agile Scrum / Kanban XP
  • 13. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 AGILE–TheAgilemanifesto Origins:17peoplemetatSnowbirdskiresort inWasatchmountain,Utah,inFebruary2001 Source: Developed for small scale SW development. Embracing existing SW engineering methods & practices (Scrum, XP, etc)
  • 14. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 PrinciplesbehindtheManifesto1(2) 1. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software. 2. Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer's competitive advantage. 3. Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale. 4. Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project. 5. Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done. 6. The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to- face conversation.
  • 15. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 PrinciplesbehindtheManifesto2(2) 7. Working software is the primary measure of progress. 8. Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely. 9. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility. 10. Simplicity--the art of maximizing the amount of work not done--is essential. 11. The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams. 12. At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.
  • 16. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 Agile–thePrinciples 1. Satisfy the customer by delivering valuable software 2. Welcome changing requirements 3. Deliver working software frequently 4. Business people and developers work together 5. Trust motivated individuals 6. Face-to-face conversation 7. Working software is the primary measure of progress 8. Promote sustainable development 9. Technical excellence and good design 10. Simplicity is essential 11. Self-organizing teams 12. Team reflection and adjustment
  • 17. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 LeanandAgile,agoodfit Lean Agile Respect for people Optimize the whole Continuous improvements Individuals & interactions over processes & tools Working Product over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan
  • 18. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 — Lean (theory) — Widely applicable for any kind of production — Agile (theory) — Is Lean — Scrum (methodology) — Is a planning method — Exercise: Paper plane production — Kanban (methodology) — A planning philosophy — XP (methodology) — Team specific values and practices — High performing teams — Summary Agenda Lean Agile Scrum / Kanban XP
  • 19. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 Scrum — First public appearance in 1995 when Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber paper describing Scrum at OOPSLA. — Scrum is a simple "inspect and adapt" framework that has three roles, three ceremonies, and three artifacts designed to deliver working software in Sprints, usually 30-day iterations. — Roles : Product Owner, Scrum Master, Team; — Ceremonies/Events : Sprint Planning, Sprint Review (Demo), Sprint Retrospective and Daily Scrum Meeting; — Artifacts : Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, and Increment
  • 20. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 The Team 3RolesandResponsibilities Product Owner •Defines features and release dates •Responsible for Return of Investment (ROI) •Prioritizes features by business value •Accepts or rejects work Scrum Master •Ensures team is functioning and productive •Removes barriers (impediments) •Shields team from external interference •Ensures the process is followed •Facilitates planning, not a traditional Project Manager •Cross functional, 7 +/-2 members •Self directed •Organizes itself and assign tasks •Commits to Sprint and Demos to Product Owner The Scrum Team
  • 21. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 Scrumflow-4events Sprint Planning Meeting — Review Product Backlog — Estimate Sprint Backlog — Commit The team Product Owner Scrum Master Daily Scrum Meetings › Done since last meeting › Plan for today › What is blocking us Sprint Review (Demo) Meeting › Demo features to all Product Backlog Time boxed “Sprint” Cycles Time-boxed Test/Develop Sprint Backlog › Work Items assigned to a Sprint › Estimated by the team › Team Commitment Working Code Ready for Deployment Sprint Burndown Release Burndown Sprint Retrospective › Adjustments Increment
  • 22. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 Sprintplanningmeeting Purpose: — Review Product Backlog — Estimate Sprint Backlog — Commit
  • 23. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 Whatisauserstory? — A user story describes functionality that will be valuable to an user — depending of context, the user might be an human user, another subsystem, a customer, a stakeholder, … — It consists of one or more sentences in the everyday or business language of the user that captures what the user wants to achieve — Represents customer requirements rather than document them — As opposed to requirements (which are something the system must do) user stories are brief statements of intent that describes something the system needs to do for the user.
  • 24. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 Myrequest 1. The product shall have a gasoline-powered engine. 2. The product shall have four wheels. a) The product shall have a rubber tire mounted to each wheel. 3. The product shall have a steering wheel. 4. The product shall have a steel body. Give me your offer!
  • 25. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 Myrequest 1. The product makes it easy and fast for me to mow my lawn. 2. I am comfortable while using the product. Do you want to change your offer?
  • 26. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 WhatIwanted?
  • 27. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 Auserstoryhas3aspects Each user story is composed of three aspects: 1. Written description of the story, used for planning and as a reminder. 2. Conversations about the story that serve to flesh out the details of the story 3. Tests that convey and document details that can be used to determine when a story is complete The three Cs Reference: Mike Cohn, User Stories Applied
  • 28. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 UserstoryCARD Backlog Item #1 Importance SMS Message size 20Description Estimate As a SMS user I want to send bigger messages, so that receiver won’t get two messages 3 Acceptance Criteria Value 1)" Write a big message 2)" Send it to another phone 3)" Read the message on the other phone 4)" Check it’s only one message As a <role> I want to <what> so that <why> 8
  • 29. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 INVESTinGoodStories Independent — If possible. Dependencies leads to prioritization and planning problems Negotiable — It is not a written contract or requirement, but negotiated in conversation Valuable — Valuable to user/customer. Avoid stories only valued by developers. Estimatable — Enough information for developers to be able to estimate. is required. Small — Makes estimation and planning easier. Large stories can be split, and too small stories can be combined Testable — If not, how do we know when done? Reference: Mike Cohn, User Stories Applied
  • 30. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 Thesprintcommitment — Team’s commitment to the product owner: ... we will do everything in our power, to reach the sprint goal and complete the stories, ... we will work on stories in priority order, ... we will display our progress and status on a daily basis and keep you informed, ... every story that we do deliver is complete.
  • 31. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 Mutalcommitments “No changes” during a sprint! •What the team commits to – and what the product owner agrees to – during sprint planning, should be what is delivered. The team commits to delivering some amount of functionality – forecasting what The product owner commits to leave priorities alone during the sprint However keep in mind that: •We start with vague requirements •Our understanding of those requirements is refined during the sprint
  • 32. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 Dailyscrummeeting Purpose: — Progress visibility (team + individual, i.e nobody can hide — Raise issues early Daily Meeting Agenda — Max 15 min. Other interesting discussions have to be stopped. Plan another meeting with the parties concerned. (Make a note on the task board) — Gather the team in front of the task-board. Attendees have to stand up. — One after the other answers the following three questions: — What did you complete yesterday? — What will you complete today? — What obstacles are in your way? — Move yellow post-it tasks and update remaining time. — The team updates the burndown chart
  • 33. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 Thesprintreview-demo Purpose: — Team presents what it accomplished during the sprint — Focus on ready stories (“Done Done”) — Whole team participates — Invite the world! — Get feedback
  • 34. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 SprintRetrospective Purpose: — Continuous improvement and learning (fast feedback loops) — Performed after every sprint — Time boxed (30 minutes to 1 hour) — Whole team participates: Scrum Master, Team, Product Owner (optional), Possible customer and others (by invitation of team) Retrospect (example) — What did we do well? — What did we learn? — What should we do different the next time? What could be changed that makes the next iteration more enjoyable and productive. Write down suitable actions and vote — What still puzzles us?
  • 35. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 Theimportanceofdone — Done must be clearly defined — Strive for “No Work Left” — It might take some time, maybe years — Understand what your present Done really means — What work is left before shipment? — When will that work be done? — Done Done — 1st Done = up to a clearly defined step — 2nd Done = All work ready! — You are not done if your are not Done!
  • 36. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 Stabilizationiswhenyoudoallthe undonework P D SPlanning Development Stabilization P P D D D DP P P S Undon e Undon e Undone Undon e Scrum project with incomplete or variable “Done”
  • 37. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 DoD–Overview(example) Progress updated Approved Design Ready Unit Test Cases written Design Reviewed Code Complete Unit tests passed Refactoring done Code Reviewed Work is versioned Work is deliverable Feature tests passed Regression tests passed Test automated Documentation ready Knowledge shared Delivery checks passed
  • 38. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 — Lean (theory) — Widely applicable for any kind of production — Agile (theory) — Is Lean — Scrum (methodology) — Is a planning method — Exercise: Paper plane production — Kanban (methodology) — A planning philosophy — XP (methodology) — Team specific values and practices — High performing teams — Summary Agenda Lean Agile Scrum / Kanban XP
  • 39. Paper plane production an exercise Now, this model would take some time to construct! Purpose to exercise Sprint: • Planning • Execution • Demo • Retrospective And we will run 2 sprints
  • 40. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 2. Sprint Planning Meeting - 3 minutes The team Product Owner = Customer Scrum Master 4. Sprint Review (Demo) Meeting – 3 minutes • Demo all your produced flying planes Both lead-time and throughput will be measured: • Time until first paper plane is accepted by customer (scrum master keeping time) • Number of planes accepted by customer (each group keeps their own count). 5. Sprint Retrospective – 5 minutes › Adjustments 1. Product Backlog • Construct as many paper planes as possible during a time period of 3 minutes • Each plane has to pass the acceptance test, i.e. fly across the taped distance. 3. Sprint - 3 minutes • Only one plane at a time can be brought to acceptance test by each group • Each plane can be tried up to 3 times in acceptance test – if yet not flying, it shall be discarded
  • 41. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 Outcome Time until first paper plane is accepted by customer Throughput Chosen improvement Time until first paper plane is accepted by customer Throughput Reflection of exercise, next improvement Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Sprint 2Sprint 1
  • 42. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 — Lean (theory) — Widely applicable for any kind of production — Agile (theory) — Is Lean — Scrum (methodology) — Is a planning method — Exercise: Paper plane production — Kanban (methodology) — A planning philosophy — XP (methodology) — Team specific values and practices — High performing teams — Summary Agenda Lean Agile Scrum / Kanban XP
  • 43. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 The3rulesofkanban — Visualize the workflow — Split the work into pieces, write each item on a card and put on the wall. — Use named columns to illustrate where each item is in the workflow. — Limit Work in Progress (WIP) — assign explicit limits to how many items may be in progress at each workflow state — Pull value through the system — Only start work when the need is created by the system — Measure the lead time and optimize to reduce leadtime The word Kan means "visual" in Japanese and the word "ban" means "card". So Kanban refers to "visual cards".
  • 44. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 KANBANBOARD
  • 45. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 Differences SCRUM — WIP limited indirectly (per sprint) by time boxed iterations. — A sprint backlog and a Scrum board is owned by one specific team. It is reset between each sprint. — Prescribes: — 3 roles — 3 artifacts — 4 ceremonies — Uses Velocity as default metric — Typically used for development in cross functional teams KANBAN — WIP limited directly (per workflow state). No time boxing. — A kanban board may be shared by: multiple teams or individuals …and is persistent — Does not prescribe any roles, artifacts or ceremonies — Uses Lead-time as default metric — Typically used for maintenance and support — For overview on “program” levels Experiences of usage scenarios
  • 46. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 — Lean (theory) — Widely applicable for any kind of production — Agile (theory) — Is Lean — Scrum (methodology) — Is a planning method — Exercise: Paper plane production — Kanban (methodology) — A planning philosophy — XP (methodology) — Team specific values and practices — High performing teams — Summary Agenda Lean Agile Scrum / Kanban XP
  • 47. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 XP-12practicesinfourareas 1. Fine scale feedback › Pair programming › Planning game › Test driven development › Whole team 2. Continuous process › Continuous integration › Design improvement/Refactoring › Small releases 3. Shared understanding › Coding standard › Collective code ownership › Simple design › System metaphor 4. Programmer welfare › Sustainable pace More emphasis on coding / programming techniques
  • 48. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 — Lean (theory) — Widely applicable for any kind of production — Agile (theory) — Is Lean — Scrum (methodology) — Is a planning method — Exercise: Paper plane production — Kanban (methodology) — A planning philosophy — XP (methodology) — Team specific values and practices — High performing teams — Summary Agenda
  • 49. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 Background: In 1965, Bruce Tuckman developed a simple four-stage model of team development that has become an accepted part of thinking about how teams develop. In his article, "Developmental Sequence in Small Groups," Tuckman outlines four stages of team development: Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing. A successful team knows which stage they are in, and manages transitions between the different stages adeptly. The Forming stage involves the introduction of team members, either at the initiation of the team, or as members are introduced subsequently. Members are likely to be influenced by the expectations and desires they bring with them, and will be keen to understand how the group will operate. In particular, they will be keen to understand how the leadership is likely to operate, in terms of style and character. This is a stage of transition from a group of individuals to a team. As team members grow more confident, the team are likely to enter the Storming phase. Team members will have different opinions as to how the team should operate. There may be anxious about conflict arising, the storming phase is a difficult one for the team. The best teams will understand the conflict, actively listen to each other, and navigate an agreed way forwards. Other teams may disintegrate as they bolster their own opinions to weather the storms of the group. As the teams emerge with an agreed method of operating, the team enters the Norming phase. Team members have signed up to a common working method, and everyone is usually willing to share in this. During this phase, team members are able to reconcile their own opinions with the greater needs of the team. Co-operation and collaboration replace the conflict and mistrust of the previous phase. Finally the team reaches the final phase, Performing. The emphasis is now on reaching the team goals, rather than working on team process. Relationships are settled, and team members are likely to build loyalty towards each other. The team is able to manage more complex tasks, and cope with greater change. The performing stage can either lead onto : a return to the forming stage as group membership changes, a new "dorming" stage as the group gets complacent or "adjourning" as the group successfully reaches its goal and completes its work. Teamprocess Source:BruceTuckman
  • 50. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 Howdoyoubecomeahighperformingteam? Discussinpairsfor acoupleofminutes
  • 51. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 Kickstart with a kick-off: Purpose to create a common understanding around: — WHY — WHAT — HOW — WHEN – deadline? — Knowledge about yourself — Knowledge about your team members — Culture/Values — “We are punctual to our meetings” — “When we work we focus on tasks to be achieved” — “We respect each other by listening and ask clarifying questions.” — Learning environment — HAVE FUN! And CELEBRATE! Howdoyoubecomeahighperformingteam?
  • 52. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 — The coloring of types in the book is the same as DISC: Dominance-Influence-Steadiness- Conscientiousness ( ) I am “red”: — how can I improve my communication to fullfill the needs of other colours? Purpose: Improve speed and quality of the tasks at hand. — How can I invite “blue” to speak his/her mind? — How can I get “yellow” to liste more? — How can I learn to listen even if I do not win? — What traits do I have that will help us succeed? — It is only TOGETHER WE ARE PERFECT! SurroundedbyIdiots “Omgivenavidioter“,ThomasErikson2014
  • 53. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 Personalitytypes freepersonalitytest
  • 54. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01
  • 55. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 — Lean (theory) — Widely applicable for any kind of production — Agile (theory) — Is Lean — Scrum (methodology) — Is a planning method — Exercise: Paper plane production — Kanban (methodology) — A planning philosophy — XP (methodology) — Team specific values and practices — High performing teams — Summary Agenda
  • 56. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 Summary Lean (theory) • Widely applicable for any kind of production • Scaled SW development • Respect for people • FLOW and THROUGHPUT are essential parts of Lean philosophy, i.e optimize the whole • Continuous improvements Agile (theory) • Is Lean Agile manifesto: Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan Scrum (methodology) • Is a planning method • Typically used for development in cross functional teams • 3 Roles, • 4 ceremonies/events • 3 artifacts Kanban (methodology) • A planning method • Typically used for maintenance and support • For overview on “program” levels XP (methodology) • Team specific values and practices • More emphasis on coding / programming techniques • Pair programming • Test driven development High performing teams Common understanding around: • WHY • WHAT • HOW • WHEN • Knowledge about yourself / your team members • Culture/Values • Learning environment • HAVE FUN! CELEBRATE!
  • 57. Agile at KTH | Ericsson Internal | 2018-03-01 Furtherstudies,lotsofbooksinthisarea…
  • 58. Feedback, have we fulfilled the purpose: 1 = No, need much more information/training 2 = Partially, need specific information/training 3 = Yes, I am willing to give this a try 4 = Yes, I feel confident and can support my colleagues FistofFOUR: - Introduction to Agile –Scrum and Kanban - I have the knowledge to start practicing Agile in mine/our development projects.