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Sustainable Agroforestry, zero-carbon footprint, zero
waste. Organic Farming Revolution
Dear Sir/Madam
I am pleased to introduce our company to you which is
African Green Developments (Pty) Ltd. (AGD) Project.
Anyone, who sees an opportunity as an investor, JV partner, a
manager, a worker, an adviser and/or a volunteer is welcome
to contact me:
This company was formed with a purpose to offer the world's
first sustainable, zero-carbon footprint, zero waste Organic
Farming Model, Healthcare and Skills Development Centre.
Our main motto for start is:
Maximum involvement of Community and Chiefs.
Maximum use of abandoned resource’s: Waste and
Residuals, Land and water.
Maximum use of top range and environmentally clean
technology, fast growing plants, animals and insects.
Only ORGANIC food and feedstock production.
Maximum use of Carbon sequestering, Offset
opportunities and Biocert.
Main steps to start this projects are as follows:
 Finish 100% mapping of 200 000 ha of project land with
We need to start cleaning land before we start plantation of
200,000 of Ha. The waste from cleaning the land will produce
12.5 ton of Bio-char per ha, 25 ton bio pellets or Wet Mass –
35 MT/Ha. 7 000 000 ton).
We would like to start clearing the first 10 plots, ie. 100 ha
each. First 1000 ha of Plantation land. First 10
Residual/Waste-to-energy Generation from clearing land will
produce: Bio pellets and Bio briquettes from land clearing and
plantation biomass production. First 35 000 ton biomass, from
first 1000 ha is estimated at 22 500 ton of bio briquettes.
This means that we will sell the above products from the onset
when land is prepared for
 Iron Cast Stows supply with Bio briquettes, on lease
contracts, for heating houses, cooking food, have a hot water
from internal boiler and have an electricity generator as
backup or for rural areas, what is do not have electricity
connection. To prevent poisoning by smoke, TB and prevent
people die in houses fire. With discount (60% down from any
another energy fuel).
[First product and first sale in day ONE after start lease contracts]
 Organic insects and insects protein/oil Production,
Processing and Packaging:
Communities’, as a members of
“Community/Company/Cooperative” (“CCC”), start
collecting fall fruits and vegetables, grass residuals, abattoir
waste, feedstock waste and manure from farms. From first 10
Chiefs territories and unconditional fruits/vegetables from
neighbouring farms and waste from neighbouring abattoirs.
Start from 10 units, 10 ton each, 100 ton per day, and only
75% price from Fish/Chicken/Pig meal.
Not only BSF. [
insects-bugs] [
With South East Asia Tutors and technologies. First product
and first sale in day 45 after ‘CCC’ start.
Feed conversion ratio (FCR) do you observe in scaling up
production of BSF grown off of food scrap waste?
The optimal food scrap loading rate was determined by
measuring BSFL yields taking into account loading rates
ranging from less than 5 to as much as 30 Kg per day per
square meter. At loading rates in excess of ~ 5 Kg per day per
square meter we observed that the larvae fell behind in their
ability to keep up with the food scrap loaded into the bins.
They handle all of the food scrap presented to the bins at
loading rates of ~5 Kg per day per square meter or
Feed conversion ratio (FCR) for Cricket’s: On a wet weight
basis cricket’s yield is about 3500% of the weight of
feedstock. Cricket growth rates, biomass accumulation
(p<0.001), and population viability were strongly determined
by the food substrate composition. Populations fed the PF
treatment, experienced a 4574% gain in biomass (fresh
weight, with moisture content (MC) = 71.9 ± 0.4 %)
The below compares insects to other types of protein:
1.0kg of feed produces:
0.1kg of beef, or
0.3kg bacon, or
0.5kg chicken, or
0.9kg crickets.
So, insects = 9x more
efficient than cows (per kg
feedstock) at food
 Beef Cattle = 24 months
 Broiler Chicken = 7 weeks
 Cricket = 4.5 weeks
 Beef Catt le = 1 steer/acre
 Broiler Chicken = 20 birds
(40kg)/sq m
 Cricket = 64kg/cu m
Comparing the end product,
per kg (i.e. crickets versus
70% less calories and fat
40% more protein
100% more calcium
Comparing the end product, per
kg (i.e. crickets versus beef):
70% less calories and fat
40% more protein
100% more calcium
300% more iron 300% more iron
Market Demand: Unseasoned Canned Cicada Eggs; Canned
Weaver Ants Eggs; Canned Waxworms with Salt; Canned
Salted Firewood Larvae; Canned Rhino Beetle Larvae; Fried
Edible Silk Moth Pupae; Canned Mealworms with Salt;
Canned Grasshoppers with Salt; Canned Sago Worms with
Salt; Silk Moth Pupae Pasta - Gluten Free; Cricket Pasta -
Gluten Free; Dehydrated Squash Bugs; Dehydrated Sago
Worm Larvae; Dehydrated Queen Weaver Ants; Dehydrated
Termite Alates; Dehydrated Acheta Domestica Crickets;
Dehydrated Silkworm Pupae; Dehydrated Gryllus
Bimaculatus Crickets.
 The list below
illustrates some of the products and services our
sustainable farm provides, independent of weather patterns
and season.
Animal Feed Production
Year-round production of barley feed for the country's
livestock and wildlife will be made available to:
 Dairy & Meat Producing Farms
 Chicken Farms
 Equestrian Estates
 Zoos, Parks and Game reserves.
 Hydroponics Production: Livestock & Fish Feed
 Planned Tons per annum: 5,800
– Barley Fodder
– Algae Feed – Feed Pellets/Feed Cakes
 Organic Animal Feed stock production. African Green
Developments (AGD) is also proud to also announce our
Emergency Animal Sustenance Assurance Program (EASAP).
The program will provide life-sustaining feed to all varieties
of livestock & wildlife when their regular sources are
unavailable due to extreme drought, flooding, wildfire and
related events. Our mobile feed production units can be
delivered onsite to function within 24-hours, producing as
many tons per day as are needed within 7 days.
Feed, barley fodder, sprouts, can be supply for cost.
4b. Algae (Micro and Micro) be deploy from year one,
from 10 Farm-1500 MT/day; 45 000 MT/month;
540 000 MT/year, of Biomass, Feedstock, and Food
Supplements Algae Production: Algae-derived Nutritional
Supplements & Oils, Colorants and Bio Plastic. Supplements
 Production: 200 tons per annum
– Spirulina nutrition supplements
– Chlorella nutrition supplements
 Production: 200 tons per annum
– Algae Oil (high in Omega3/EPA)
– Algae Oil (low or no Omega3/EPA)
 Production: 200 000 tons per annum
– Watercress and Duckweed (Food and Feedstock, raw
materials for Vegetable Protein)
Duck-weed product example: for direct human
In fact, duck-weed is already eaten in smaller amounts, by
humans in SE Asia, so is unlikely to be detrimental as a
feedstock to a cricket. There are three main streams of duck-
weed, each of which is currently under trial by APC in
Thailand. It’s recently started to receive more widespread
attention as a protein substance for humans
HOWEVER: whilst humans are migrated to the use of
duckweed (there are many strains, and several are indigenous
to Limpopo), we strongly propose cultivating duckweed for
use as insect food. These insects are far more efficient as
protein converters than cows, pigs or poultry.
To test the hypothesis, Limpopo can start at a smaller scale
(i.e. aquaculture ponds), but then expand that (i.e. reservoirs)
to become a major exporter of protein. Ironically, Limpopo
can "feed the world".
 One tonne of coal = today in SA: USD 68
 One tonne of protein = today in SA: USD 1 500
Organic Nutritional Supplements Production from Moringa,
Mushrooms, Herbs
 Organic Food Production, Processing and Packaging
 Free Healthcare Services and free Agricultural College
 Skills Development on Farming & Healthcare Services
Our Main part of project located in Limpopo on 200 000
ha and include Agro forestry and Self Sustainable
To show Project, we present small part of project:
Using today's most advanced sustainable farming methods on
a 16-20 hectare plot of non-arable land in Limpopo, our
integrated system is capable of producing an unprecedented
volume of organic food & animal feed - approximately 16,000
tons per annum; part of which will be donated as a food-aid
serving South African schools, orphanages, hospitals and
Below illustrates some of the products and services our
sustainable farm provides, independent of weather patterns
and season.
Hydroponics Production from one Farm: Fresh Vegetables,
Fruits and Herbs
 Planned tons per annum: 9,200
– Lettuce, Spinach, Tomatoes
– Green/Red/Yellow Peppers
– Zucchini/Baby Marrow and Brussel Sprouts
– Strawberries, Raspberries, Blueberries
– Edible Sprouts and Herbs
Aquaculture Production: Seafood Production
 Planned tons per annum: 435
– Red Tilapia
– Shrimp/Prawns
Food Processing and Packaging
We take % of our Biocert and Offset for reinvestment in Free
Health Care, Free Education and many more Community
Social Development activity, like “CCC” Community
Company Cooperatives.
Free Healthcare Services. Provide 30,000 healthcare
treatments per annum at our healthcare centre or remotely,
and provide the skills development program.
Our skills development centre will provide a training program
(free of charge) to 600 students per year. This program will be
funded though offset programs whereby students will receive
information and training on best practices related to running
& managing an integrated zero-waste farming system; i.e.:
 Aquaponic systems
 Algae (micro and macro) cultivation & processing
 Renewable energy technologies
 Adapting commercial-scale farming techniques &
technologies to smaller-scale farms
 Carbon offset programs
 Healthcare training program
 Business development training
Renewable Energy (RE) Generation
All our Farms, Healthcare and Skills Development Centre will
be powered by a 4.5 megawatt waste-to-renewable energy
systems with gas turbine power generation. (We be develop
10 Tribal Farms) One Farm the equivalent of:
 850,000 tons of CO2 per annum,
 17,300 tons of Methane per annum
 1.35 billion calories per annum
 Avoid the use of 1.6 million cubic meters of freshwater per
Please take a look for our Agro Forestry, Bamboo: Bio
Pellets/Briquettes, Biomass for energy cogeneration, Pulp for
textile and Paper, Charcoal and Bio char, Organic Food and
Feedstock, Building materials, Oil, Bio fuel, food
Supplements and more. Our project is real green for
sustainable humanity and Green Earth. Activated carbon and
biomass pellets is bonus. Our project has very good potential
income from 2016. Intercropping model, design in unique
approach for our plantation, for maximum land protection and
restoration, underground water purification, conservation and
prevention soil running by rain water, humidity control and
development of ‘Green House’ effect.
In 3 years, firs plantation of very fast growing bamboo’s, and
another plants, start be harvesting (say first 50 000 ha –
1,750,000 MT Biomass).
Let’s take a look at the Bamboo Revolution
Our bamboo, and other plantation, is absolutely sustainable,
after 3 years, you can get biomass supply till 50-80 year
Whatever there are at least 9 options how to get product from
the bamboo;
Biomass Power: Bio Charcoal Pellet/ Charcoal / Activated
Carbon : Bio Pellets/Briquettes: Diesel Oil Refinery : Bio
Gas : : Bamboo Powder : Bamboo Paper/Textile: Sweet
Shoot : Seedling Branch Stock : Carbon Credit :
We have team of more than 500 foreign professionals/tutors
and volunteers, ready to start ASAP.
There are over 1500 documented uses for bamboo which
 Charcoal and bio char, furniture, flooring, musical
instruments, crafts, scaffolding, pulp and paper making,
sports equipment such as skateboards bicycles, textiles,
food in the form of young bamboo shoots, International
trade in bamboo shoots from China is now worth more than
USD 150 million per year medicinal uses, and energy, 
Structural: Bamboo exceeds strength of construction wood by
several times. It is durable, resilient and long-lasting. 
Aesthetic Bamboo has a tradition dating back thousands of
years because it is considered a beautiful material with such a
luxurious ambiance.
In 2006, roughly 10 million USD worth of bamboo textiles
were sold in the US and 50 million USD worth worldwide.
The stores range from small, high-end designer clothing to
mega-chains such as Wall-mart and Bed, Bath & Beyond.
Bamboo fabric is widely available in China, India, and
Japan. Footprint provides socks made of 95% bamboo to offer
“antibacterialand moisture-wicking properties and superior
comfort”. London-based Bamboo Clothing supplies a range of
bamboo clothes for men and women that stay naturally cooler
in the summer and hotter in the winter, like Merino wool.
 According to textile classification so called bamboo is
standard viscose, abbreviation CV.
The resulting bamboo viscose fibre is very soft to the touch.
The Swiss company Litrax claims to use a more natural way
of processing the bamboo into fibre.
This bast fibre is then spun into yarn. The same
manufacturing process is used to produce linen fabric from
flax or hemp. Bamboo fabric made from this process is
sometimes called bamboo linen. Plantations can be
intercropped for the first two years. This will aid the growth
of young bamboo plants.
RES projects combine the following: Social Responsibility:
Achieve compliance Enterprise Development: Sustainable
agriculture and manufacturing enterprises
Environmental Responsibility: Phyto-remediation of soil and
Carbon sequestering / offset opportunities; Renewable energy
options; Biomass Gasification: Alternative fuel for boilers and
dryers; Fast pyrolysis oil: Replacement for No2 Bunker oil in
boilers; Captive Gasification Co and Tri-generation;
Bituminous Coal replacement; Pellet fuel for home cooking,
hot water building boiler and heating ; Sustainable low cost
bio-diesel; Renewable consumer products; Timber
Steel roofing replacement; Edible oil; Food fortification
products’ Animal feeds
Organic Nitrogen Fertilizer; Soil amendment; all from single
project design.
A very well planned and managed effort is required as it will
dictate the way forward.
Carbon project registration
Food & Trees – Bamboo Verified Carbon Standard
Registration with INBAR.
Thank you,
Best Regards,
Leon-Valeri Eremin
African Green Developments (Pty)Ltd.
Skype: badajozinv
"Complete Solution for Clean Environment"

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! !! AGD_Limpopo offer and Introduction1 05102015 _8_ in LINKEDIN

  • 1. My sincere apology for my Russian English! I hope, you understand. If not, ask me, call me, send me questions! Or delete and forget! Sustainable Agroforestry, zero-carbon footprint, zero waste. Organic Farming Revolution Dear Sir/Madam I am pleased to introduce our company to you which is African Green Developments (Pty) Ltd. (AGD) Project.
  • 2. Anyone, who sees an opportunity as an investor, JV partner, a manager, a worker, an adviser and/or a volunteer is welcome to contact me: This company was formed with a purpose to offer the world's first sustainable, zero-carbon footprint, zero waste Organic Farming Model, Healthcare and Skills Development Centre. Our main motto for start is: Maximum involvement of Community and Chiefs. Maximum use of abandoned resource’s: Waste and Residuals, Land and water. Maximum use of top range and environmentally clean technology, fast growing plants, animals and insects. Only ORGANIC food and feedstock production. Maximum use of Carbon sequestering, Offset opportunities and Biocert. Main steps to start this projects are as follows:  Finish 100% mapping of 200 000 ha of project land with ESRI, use LiDAR/GIS. We need to start cleaning land before we start plantation of 200,000 of Ha. The waste from cleaning the land will produce 12.5 ton of Bio-char per ha, 25 ton bio pellets or Wet Mass – 35 MT/Ha. 7 000 000 ton). We would like to start clearing the first 10 plots, ie. 100 ha each. First 1000 ha of Plantation land. First 10 Chiefs/Communities.
  • 3. Residual/Waste-to-energy Generation from clearing land will produce: Bio pellets and Bio briquettes from land clearing and plantation biomass production. First 35 000 ton biomass, from first 1000 ha is estimated at 22 500 ton of bio briquettes. This means that we will sell the above products from the onset when land is prepared for plantations.  Iron Cast Stows supply with Bio briquettes, on lease contracts, for heating houses, cooking food, have a hot water from internal boiler and have an electricity generator as backup or for rural areas, what is do not have electricity connection. To prevent poisoning by smoke, TB and prevent people die in houses fire. With discount (60% down from any another energy fuel).
  • 4.
  • 5. [First product and first sale in day ONE after start lease contracts]
  • 6.  Organic insects and insects protein/oil Production, Processing and Packaging: Communities’, as a members of “Community/Company/Cooperative” (“CCC”), start collecting fall fruits and vegetables, grass residuals, abattoir waste, feedstock waste and manure from farms. From first 10 Chiefs territories and unconditional fruits/vegetables from neighbouring farms and waste from neighbouring abattoirs. Start from 10 units, 10 ton each, 100 ton per day, and only 75% price from Fish/Chicken/Pig meal. [ a-new-player-in-aquaculture-feed/] [ maker-AgriProtein-says-logic-will-win-out-in-the-EU] Not only BSF. [ insects-bugs] [ edible-insects] With South East Asia Tutors and technologies. First product and first sale in day 45 after ‘CCC’ start. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) do you observe in scaling up production of BSF grown off of food scrap waste? The optimal food scrap loading rate was determined by measuring BSFL yields taking into account loading rates ranging from less than 5 to as much as 30 Kg per day per square meter. At loading rates in excess of ~ 5 Kg per day per square meter we observed that the larvae fell behind in their ability to keep up with the food scrap loaded into the bins. They handle all of the food scrap presented to the bins at loading rates of ~5 Kg per day per square meter or
  • 7. less.( yields-scale-up) Feed conversion ratio (FCR) for Cricket’s: On a wet weight basis cricket’s yield is about 3500% of the weight of feedstock. Cricket growth rates, biomass accumulation (p<0.001), and population viability were strongly determined by the food substrate composition. Populations fed the PF treatment, experienced a 4574% gain in biomass (fresh weight, with moisture content (MC) = 71.9 ± 0.4 %) The below compares insects to other types of protein: 1.0kg of feed produces: 0.1kg of beef, or 0.3kg bacon, or 0.5kg chicken, or 0.9kg crickets. So, insects = 9x more efficient than cows (per kg feedstock) at food conversion  Beef Cattle = 24 months  Broiler Chicken = 7 weeks  Cricket = 4.5 weeks  Beef Catt le = 1 steer/acre (545kg/acre)  Broiler Chicken = 20 birds (40kg)/sq m  Cricket = 64kg/cu m Comparing the end product, per kg (i.e. crickets versus beef): 70% less calories and fat 40% more protein 100% more calcium Comparing the end product, per kg (i.e. crickets versus beef): 70% less calories and fat 40% more protein 100% more calcium
  • 8. 300% more iron 300% more iron Market Demand: Unseasoned Canned Cicada Eggs; Canned Weaver Ants Eggs; Canned Waxworms with Salt; Canned Salted Firewood Larvae; Canned Rhino Beetle Larvae; Fried Edible Silk Moth Pupae; Canned Mealworms with Salt; Canned Grasshoppers with Salt; Canned Sago Worms with Salt; Silk Moth Pupae Pasta - Gluten Free; Cricket Pasta - Gluten Free; Dehydrated Squash Bugs; Dehydrated Sago Worm Larvae; Dehydrated Queen Weaver Ants; Dehydrated Termite Alates; Dehydrated Acheta Domestica Crickets; Dehydrated Silkworm Pupae; Dehydrated Gryllus Bimaculatus Crickets.
  • 9.  The list below illustrates some of the products and services our
  • 10. sustainable farm provides, independent of weather patterns and season. Animal Feed Production Year-round production of barley feed for the country's livestock and wildlife will be made available to:  Dairy & Meat Producing Farms  Chicken Farms  Equestrian Estates  Zoos, Parks and Game reserves.  Hydroponics Production: Livestock & Fish Feed  Planned Tons per annum: 5,800 – Barley Fodder – Algae Feed – Feed Pellets/Feed Cakes  Organic Animal Feed stock production. African Green Developments (AGD) is also proud to also announce our Emergency Animal Sustenance Assurance Program (EASAP). The program will provide life-sustaining feed to all varieties of livestock & wildlife when their regular sources are unavailable due to extreme drought, flooding, wildfire and related events. Our mobile feed production units can be delivered onsite to function within 24-hours, producing as many tons per day as are needed within 7 days. Feed, barley fodder, sprouts, can be supply for cost. 4b. Algae (Micro and Micro) be deploy from year one, from 10 Farm-1500 MT/day; 45 000 MT/month;
  • 11. 540 000 MT/year, of Biomass, Feedstock, and Food Supplements Algae Production: Algae-derived Nutritional Supplements & Oils, Colorants and Bio Plastic. Supplements Production  Production: 200 tons per annum – Spirulina nutrition supplements – Chlorella nutrition supplements  Production: 200 tons per annum – Algae Oil (high in Omega3/EPA) – Algae Oil (low or no Omega3/EPA)  Production: 200 000 tons per annum – Watercress and Duckweed (Food and Feedstock, raw materials for Vegetable Protein) Duck-weed product example: for direct human consumption In fact, duck-weed is already eaten in smaller amounts, by humans in SE Asia, so is unlikely to be detrimental as a feedstock to a cricket. There are three main streams of duck- weed, each of which is currently under trial by APC in Thailand. It’s recently started to receive more widespread attention as a protein substance for humans (see
  • 14. HOWEVER: whilst humans are migrated to the use of duckweed (there are many strains, and several are indigenous to Limpopo), we strongly propose cultivating duckweed for use as insect food. These insects are far more efficient as protein converters than cows, pigs or poultry. To test the hypothesis, Limpopo can start at a smaller scale (i.e. aquaculture ponds), but then expand that (i.e. reservoirs) to become a major exporter of protein. Ironically, Limpopo can "feed the world".  One tonne of coal = today in SA: USD 68  One tonne of protein = today in SA: USD 1 500 Organic Nutritional Supplements Production from Moringa, Mushrooms, Herbs  Organic Food Production, Processing and Packaging  Free Healthcare Services and free Agricultural College  Skills Development on Farming & Healthcare Services Our Main part of project located in Limpopo on 200 000 ha and include Agro forestry and Self Sustainable Farming. To show Project, we present small part of project: Using today's most advanced sustainable farming methods on a 16-20 hectare plot of non-arable land in Limpopo, our integrated system is capable of producing an unprecedented volume of organic food & animal feed - approximately 16,000 tons per annum; part of which will be donated as a food-aid serving South African schools, orphanages, hospitals and CANSA.
  • 15. Below illustrates some of the products and services our sustainable farm provides, independent of weather patterns and season. Hydroponics Production from one Farm: Fresh Vegetables, Fruits and Herbs  Planned tons per annum: 9,200 – Lettuce, Spinach, Tomatoes – Green/Red/Yellow Peppers – Zucchini/Baby Marrow and Brussel Sprouts – Strawberries, Raspberries, Blueberries – Edible Sprouts and Herbs Aquaculture Production: Seafood Production  Planned tons per annum: 435 – Red Tilapia – Shrimp/Prawns Food Processing and Packaging We take % of our Biocert and Offset for reinvestment in Free Health Care, Free Education and many more Community Social Development activity, like “CCC” Community Company Cooperatives. Free Healthcare Services. Provide 30,000 healthcare treatments per annum at our healthcare centre or remotely, and provide the skills development program.
  • 16. Our skills development centre will provide a training program (free of charge) to 600 students per year. This program will be funded though offset programs whereby students will receive information and training on best practices related to running & managing an integrated zero-waste farming system; i.e.:  Aquaponic systems  Algae (micro and macro) cultivation & processing  Renewable energy technologies  Adapting commercial-scale farming techniques & technologies to smaller-scale farms  Carbon offset programs  Healthcare training program  Business development training Renewable Energy (RE) Generation All our Farms, Healthcare and Skills Development Centre will be powered by a 4.5 megawatt waste-to-renewable energy systems with gas turbine power generation. (We be develop 10 Tribal Farms) One Farm the equivalent of:  850,000 tons of CO2 per annum,  17,300 tons of Methane per annum  1.35 billion calories per annum  Avoid the use of 1.6 million cubic meters of freshwater per annum, Please take a look for our Agro Forestry, Bamboo: Bio Pellets/Briquettes, Biomass for energy cogeneration, Pulp for textile and Paper, Charcoal and Bio char, Organic Food and Feedstock, Building materials, Oil, Bio fuel, food
  • 17. Supplements and more. Our project is real green for sustainable humanity and Green Earth. Activated carbon and biomass pellets is bonus. Our project has very good potential income from 2016. Intercropping model, design in unique approach for our plantation, for maximum land protection and restoration, underground water purification, conservation and prevention soil running by rain water, humidity control and development of ‘Green House’ effect. In 3 years, firs plantation of very fast growing bamboo’s, and another plants, start be harvesting (say first 50 000 ha – 1,750,000 MT Biomass). Let’s take a look at the Bamboo Revolution Our bamboo, and other plantation, is absolutely sustainable, after 3 years, you can get biomass supply till 50-80 year onward. Whatever there are at least 9 options how to get product from the bamboo; Biomass Power: Bio Charcoal Pellet/ Charcoal / Activated Carbon : Bio Pellets/Briquettes: Diesel Oil Refinery : Bio Gas : : Bamboo Powder : Bamboo Paper/Textile: Sweet Shoot : Seedling Branch Stock : Carbon Credit : We have team of more than 500 foreign professionals/tutors and volunteers, ready to start ASAP. There are over 1500 documented uses for bamboo which includes:  Charcoal and bio char, furniture, flooring, musical instruments, crafts, scaffolding, pulp and paper making, sports equipment such as skateboards bicycles, textiles,
  • 18. food in the form of young bamboo shoots, International trade in bamboo shoots from China is now worth more than USD 150 million per year medicinal uses, and energy,  Structural: Bamboo exceeds strength of construction wood by several times. It is durable, resilient and long-lasting.  Aesthetic Bamboo has a tradition dating back thousands of years because it is considered a beautiful material with such a luxurious ambiance. In 2006, roughly 10 million USD worth of bamboo textiles were sold in the US and 50 million USD worth worldwide. The stores range from small, high-end designer clothing to mega-chains such as Wall-mart and Bed, Bath & Beyond. Bamboo fabric is widely available in China, India, and Japan. Footprint provides socks made of 95% bamboo to offer “antibacterialand moisture-wicking properties and superior comfort”. London-based Bamboo Clothing supplies a range of bamboo clothes for men and women that stay naturally cooler in the summer and hotter in the winter, like Merino wool.  According to textile classification so called bamboo is standard viscose, abbreviation CV. The resulting bamboo viscose fibre is very soft to the touch. The Swiss company Litrax claims to use a more natural way of processing the bamboo into fibre. This bast fibre is then spun into yarn. The same manufacturing process is used to produce linen fabric from flax or hemp. Bamboo fabric made from this process is sometimes called bamboo linen. Plantations can be
  • 19. intercropped for the first two years. This will aid the growth of young bamboo plants. RES projects combine the following: Social Responsibility: Achieve compliance Enterprise Development: Sustainable agriculture and manufacturing enterprises Environmental Responsibility: Phyto-remediation of soil and water Carbon sequestering / offset opportunities; Renewable energy options; Biomass Gasification: Alternative fuel for boilers and dryers; Fast pyrolysis oil: Replacement for No2 Bunker oil in boilers; Captive Gasification Co and Tri-generation; Bituminous Coal replacement; Pellet fuel for home cooking, hot water building boiler and heating ; Sustainable low cost bio-diesel; Renewable consumer products; Timber replacement Steel roofing replacement; Edible oil; Food fortification products’ Animal feeds Organic Nitrogen Fertilizer; Soil amendment; all from single project design. A very well planned and managed effort is required as it will dictate the way forward. Carbon project registration Food & Trees – Bamboo Verified Carbon Standard Registration with INBAR. Thank you,
  • 20. Best Regards, Leon-Valeri Eremin COO African Green Developments (Pty)Ltd. +27(0)112387809 +27(0)822647781 Skype: badajozinv "Complete Solution for Clean Environment"