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Marketing Communication Mix
• The communications mix involves all the tools you use to communicate
with your customers or potential customers. This could be through
advertising, social media, product packaging, direct marketing, websites,
events, exhibitions – the list goes on!
• Successful campaigns consider all elements of the communications mix.
To see even better results, you must effectively use all areas to create an
integrated multi-channel or omni-channel campaign.
What’s the difference between the marketing communications mix and
the marketing mix?
• They may both include mix in their names, and they do link together – but
they are actually very different tools.
• On one hand, the Marketing Mix is used to shape brand strategies through
factors unique to each business (the 7 Ps – product, price, promotion,
place, physical evidence, people and process).
• On the other hand, the Communications Mix defines the ways you
communicate with your customers, i.e. the tools you use.
• We are very well with the impact that advertising has on our purchase
behavior. Advertising may be in many forms but the three most common
forms are ATL advertising which includes television, radio and print and the
other type is BTL advertising which majorly includes out of home advertising
(OOH) & Third one is TTL advertising which includes social media & events.
• Advertising is strongly used by brands who have deep pockets or who have
a lot of competitors in the market. Advertising requires that you have a
unique advertising message as well. The more unique and impactful the
message, the more is the connect between the brand which is advertising
and the consumers.
• Advertising covers all avenues where a business pays for their message to
be broadcast.
• Television has mostly been confined to brands with deep pockets. However,
with the digital age came more affordable online tools such as social media
• Successful advertising campaigns can be emotive, creative, eye-
catching, catchy, musical, or even intentionally annoying (anything to
grab attention!)
• Advertisements play a major role in business. The business world is
competitive, and advertising is used to introduce a business, build a
brand and position a company, product or service against the
competition. Advertising delivers strategic messaging and elevates
awareness within the given market.
Sale! 50% off selected lines!
• Using various online and offline outlets, sales promotion creates limited time deals or
promotions on products or services in order to increase short-term sales.
When conducting a sales promotion, it's important to consider:
• how much it costs and whether the volume of sales will make up for the lost revenue
• whether it will build loyalty or just attract one-off purchasers
• if the promotion fits with the brand's image
• Loyalty cards are a more recent addition to the sales promotion sphere,
adding important elements such as customer retention and brand loyalty. Discounts or
special offers reward loyal and repeat purchasers. It's also a great way to gather
valuable customer data on purchasing habits and behavior.
• Personal selling is face-to-face selling in which a seller attempts to persuade a buyer
to make a purchase. It occurs where an individual salesperson sells a product, service
or solution to a client. Salespeople match the benefits of their offering to the specific
needs of a client. Today, personal selling involves the development of longstanding
client relationships.
• Using their experience, specialist knowledge and communication skills, their aim is to
inform and encourage customers to buy or try a product or service.
• Personal selling is also an effective tool adopted by companies and it include setting
sales appointments and meetings, making presentations and any type of one-to-one
communication to reach targeted customers and strengthen company’s relationship
with customers. Personal selling also allows companies to get for feedback and make
adjustments. This is Relationship-oriented approach. Targeted buyers become more
attentive and Sales force represents a long-term commitment. This is also most
expensive of the promotional mix tools.
Personal Selling Process
• Public Relation is a Strategic Communication process that builds mutually beneficial
relationships between organizations and their publics.
• Public relations turns brand messages into stories that appeal to the media and its target
audiences. It amplifies news, strategies and campaigns to create a positive view of a
company through partnerships with newspapers, journalists and other relevant
• Some of the main goals of public relations are to create, maintain, and protect the
organization's reputation, enhance its prestige, and present a favorable image.
Different types of PR?
• Strategic communications. Every action that is undertaken by a PR professional should fall
under strategic communication. ...
• Media relations. ...
• Community relations. ...
• Internal communications. ...
• Crisis communications. ...
• Public Affairs. ...
• Online and social media communications.
• Direct marketing is a form of advertising that specifically targets a person or
company to generate new business, raise the profile of an organisation or product,
or make a sale. Direct mail, telemarketing and email marketing are all popular types of
direct marketing.
Types of direct marketing
• Direct mail. Direct mail is posted mail that advertises your business and its products
and services. ...
• Telemarketing. ...
• Email marketing. ...
• Text (SMS) marketing. ...
• Leaflet marketing using letterbox drops and handouts. ...
• Social media marketing
• In the last few years, Digital marketing was giving tough competition to television
advertising as well as newspaper advertising. As of end quarter of 2016, digital
marketing has practically overtaken Television advertising and has a major spend
amongst all media.
• Off course, the benefit of digital advertising is that even small businesses can get
involved and it is not as costly as Television advertising. As a result, the overall
revenue generated from digital advertising is much more then television or newspaper.
But even then, not only small businesses, even top brands take part in digital
marketing because it helps the brand in reaching the end consumer.
• The key attraction of digital marketing is the personal connect that the brand makes
with the consumer. Your email box, your facebook wall, your twitter feed are your
private space and via social marketing, brands can enter this private space and make
a connection. The brand which really does good campaigns can actually walk away
with a large population of digital followers.
Channels of Sales Promotion
Sales Promotion Definition:
• Sales promotion is a marketing strategy where the product is promoted using short-term attractive initiatives to stimulate its
demand and increase its sales.
• This strategy is usually brought to use in the following cases –
• To introduce new products.
• To sell out existing inventories.
• To attract more customers.
• To lift sales temporarily.
Importance of Sales Promotion:
• Sales promotion is a handy technique to fulfil the short term sales goals by persuading potential customers to buy the product. It is
an important promotional strategy to Spread information about the brand to new customers or new market.
• Stabilize sales volume and fulfil short-term sales goals.
• Stimulate demand for a short term by making the product look like a great deal.
Sales Promotion Strategies:
• Sales promotion strategies can be divided into three broad types.
• Pull Strategy :The pull strategy attempts to get the customers to ‘pull’ the products from the company. It involves making use of
marketing communication and initiatives like seasonal discounts, financial schemes, etc.
• Push Strategy :The push strategy attempts to push the product away from the company to the customers. It involves convincing
the intermediary channels to push the product from the distribution channels to the final consumers using promotional and
personal selling efforts. This strategy involves making use of tactics developed especially for resellers, merchants, dealers,
distributors, and agents.
• Hybrid Strategy :A hybrid sales promotion strategy makes use of both the pull and push strategy to sell the product with the least
resistance possible. It involves attracting the customers using special coupons and also providing incentives to the merchants to
sell the brand’s products.
• Coupons
• Price-off deals
• Premiums
• Contests/sweepstakes
• Samples/trial offers
• Product placement
• Refunds
• Rebate
• Frequency programs
• Point-of-purchase displays
• Incentives
• Allowances
• Trade shows
• Cooperative advertising
• Advantages:
• Some consumer respond to price incentives
• Coupon users are likely brand switchers
• Manufacturer controls timing of drop
• Repeat—coupon chain build brand loyalty
• Induce users to try upscale model
• Disadvantages:
• Current users use coupons, reducing profits
• High cost of administering coupon program
• Fraudulent use of coupons
• False redemption by consumers and retailers
• 10-25% price reduction incentive
• Comes out of manufacturer’s pocket
• Regular users often stock up on product
• Products offered free as premium
• Products inserted inside other products
• Free Printer with laptop purchase
• Products exchanged for proof of purchase
• Might be an additional amount of same product
• Useful for new products
• Existing products with weak market shares in specific geographic areas
• Types of Sampling:
• 1. In-store sampling
• 2. Door-to-door — newspaper insertion
• 3. Mail sampling — targeted zip codes
• 4. On-package sampling — shampoo to conditioner
• 5.Mobile sampling —
• 6. Trial offers — free for a limited time
• Products inserted into movies and TV
• Started with Reese’s Pieces in ET
• Firms specialize in product placements
• Reality TV, Sitcoms, Film, Sports
• Stimulating trial purchase
• E.g., Free trial product / Coupons
• Stimulating repeat purchases E.g., Frequent flyer / Hotel rewards programs
• Stimulating larger purchases E.g., Two-for-one price reduction
• Introducing a new brand E.g., Trials inserted into newspapers
• Combating competitor’s strategy
• Discount response to competitor’s product launch
• Merchandise allowances
• Free product
• Can reward retailer for featuring display
• 3. Slotting fees: direct cash to stock item
• . Distribution Channels
A set of interdependent organizations (intermediaries) involved in the process of making a
product or service available for use or consumption
• Nature and Importance of Distribution Channels
Distribution channels is the circulatory system of a hospitality company
Competition, a global marketplace, electronic distribution techniques have increased the
importance of distribution.
In the global economic market, companies should create innovative ways to approach to new
and existing markets
• Information
Gathering and distributing marketing research and intelligence information about the marketing
• Promotion
Developing and spreading persuasive communications about an offer
• Contact
Finding and communicating with prospective buyers
• Matching
Shaping and fitting the offer to the buyer’s needs, including such activities as manufacturing,
grading, assembling, and packaging.
•Types of Appeals
• Advertising appeals are communication strategies that marketing and advertising
professionals use to grab attention and persuade people to buy or act.
• You (or your communication) appealed to people because you were credible, you
affected their emotions, or you made logical sense.
• The idea was that, if you can establish yourself as credible (ethos), for example, you are
more likely to persuade people.
• How do ads always manage to tug on our heartstrings or provoke some kind of
feeling that makes us want to take action? It’s all about the types of advertising
appeals used to grab the viewer’s attention.
• There are two main categories of advertising appeals for you to incorporate into
incorporate into your designs –
1. Emotional Appeals
2. Rational Appeals
• Appealing to your aaudience's emotions can be achieved through strong imagery, impactful
text or powerful music. An emotional advertising appeal depends more on feelings and
perceptions than logic or reason to provoke action.
• Types of emotional Ad Appeals
• Personal Appeal ° Music Appeal
• Social Appeal ° Youth Appeal
• Humor Appeal ° Brand Appeal
• Popularity Appeal
• The Personal Appeal, also known as the Emotional Appeal, is one of roughly advertising
strategy that marketing professionals use to persuade people to buy a product, pay for a
service, donate to a cause, or otherwise be persuaded.
• For Example
For your safety the best Appealing
concern to deliver you the
Safety message can be seen in this
This example
• The Social Appeal attracts audiences to a product or service by giving them a sense of
social acceptance.
• Encourages people to buy a product or service because everyone
else is doing it.
For Example
Tata Tea Jaago Ry Campaign
Peruvian Cancer Foundation
• Youth appeal is apparent in ads that offer medications aimed at older adults, adult diapers,
erectile dysfunction solutions, hearing aids, dentures, emergency call buttons, living
community centres and other products or services for the elderly.
• For Example
• Snickers
• Addidas Break Free Campaign
• Celebrities, athletes and big-name influencers are used quite often to endorse
products in order to stir popularity despite having nothing (or little) to do with their
creation, direction or knowledge of the industry.
• For Example
• Sprite The Spark
• Companies often place their logos all over their clothing or disposable products (like Starbucks
coffee cups) to help showcase just how popular their products are.
• Buzz is particularly helpful for increasing brand awareness and creating anticipation and
excitement for the product or service you offer
• Example
• Pepsi Black
• The music here makes the user feel excited and
inspired to imagine what the product could do in his or
her life. The right music can add to the emotion of an
ad and encourage a faster purchase decision.
• For Example
• Kohlers TV
• The snappy music that backs this Kohler TV commercial
adds a happy energy that wouldn’t have been achieved
by bright colors and quick shot transitions alone.
• On the other side of the advertising spectrum lie rational appeals. Many ad approaches are based
on objective facts, logic and reasoning.
• Rational appeals can be very useful even with emotional subjects, helping target audiences identify
the value of a product in an indisputable way.
• Types of Rational Ad Appeals
• Scarcity Appeals
• Contrasting Appeals
• Status Appeal
• Beauty Appeal
• Transparent Appeal
• Apartments, furniture stores, fashion brands and many other
companies also lean on a level of status to appeal to consumers
concerned about where they are at, how they are viewed, and where
they are headed.
• For Example
• There is no question that these nice, patent-leather work shoes were
chosen for a reason: status. The point of this ad was to get the viewer
to identify the product with a certain class.
• While the manufacturer (BMW) is actually selling a car, classy shoes
(clearly abused by a love for the acceleration pedal) give a status
appeal that is somewhat subliminal in its messaging.
• Contrast can be a subtle way to prove your
brand is a level or two above the
• For Example
• In this IKEA Ad, there is a clear contrast
between those who “unboxed” their
balconies with IKEA style products and the
neighbours surrounding them
• Not everything about your brand is ideal.
Transparency can help show a realness to your
brand that appeals to customers because it is
• Example
• Volkswagen caught people’s attention in the
Netherlands when they showed the flaws in one
of their car models in order to advertise a new
option. Stunt doubles were suspended behind the
car to show the additional room that the new
Tiguan All space could offer.
Scarcity increases the feeling of value and
makes the customer but on impulse.
• For Example
• Coke boosted their brand appeal with a
limited time campaign that personalized
bottles with names and titles. People rushed
out looking for the names of their family and
friends to keep, photograph or gift.
• It defines how much to spend on advertising.
• It is one of an important decision.
• It will not be same for every companies & industries.
Factors to consider whole setting advertising budget:
• Stages in the product life cycle: New product have to spend more on
advertising than existing products.
• Market share and consumer base: Companies which have high market
share usually require less for advertising. eg: Apple products.
• Advertising frequency: Number of repetitions needed to put.
• Competition: A product which facing high competition have to spend more on
• Product substitutability: Commodities like beer, soft drinks, cigarettes etc
require heavy advertising to establish a different image.
What is an advertising budget?
We Proposed the below mediums for the spread of this Campaign.
• National TV Channels
• Radio spots
• Print & E- Mag (Sunday Times, Weekend, Social Diaries, Paparazzi, OK Pakistan, Grazia,
FHM, etc.)
• OOH Campaigns Targeting main metro cities of Pakistan
• Strong PR Activation with Bloggers to create word of mouth in Society
• Campaign Activation at Store Levels (Fashion Meet up with Bloggers and Celebrities)
• Social Media Activations with Teaser Campaigns and Grid shots (Instagram, Facebook &
• You tube (Bumper adds & Skip able Adds)
• Email Marketing
Winter Launch 2021
Last Year 2020
Last Year 2020
2021 Proposed
Creative 50,00,000 48,00,000 60,00,000
Print Magazines 500,000 485,000 650,000
E-Magazines 300,000 245,000 400,000
Electronic Media 70,00,000 61,00,000 80,00,000
Radio Channels 30,00,000 28,00,000 35,00,000
OOH 45,00,000 44,98,000 55,00,000
In store:
Category Heads / Danglers 380,000 310,000 450,000
Shelf Talkers
110,000 140,000 224,600
Vertical & Horizontal
Crystal Slim Signs 84,450 65,000 92,000
Shop Lifestyles 1,550,633 1,450,000 17,68,000
Plotter Cuttings 670,000 650,000 775,000
SMS 300,000 300,000 350,000
Digital Media 500,000 500,000 800,000
Total 23,895,083 22,343,000 28,509,600
Target (4th
Nov – 29th
Jan) 989,169,016

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Advertising & promotion

  • 3. • The communications mix involves all the tools you use to communicate with your customers or potential customers. This could be through advertising, social media, product packaging, direct marketing, websites, events, exhibitions – the list goes on! • Successful campaigns consider all elements of the communications mix. To see even better results, you must effectively use all areas to create an integrated multi-channel or omni-channel campaign. MARKETING THEORIES – THE COMMUNICATIONS MIX
  • 4. What’s the difference between the marketing communications mix and the marketing mix? • They may both include mix in their names, and they do link together – but they are actually very different tools. • On one hand, the Marketing Mix is used to shape brand strategies through factors unique to each business (the 7 Ps – product, price, promotion, place, physical evidence, people and process). • On the other hand, the Communications Mix defines the ways you communicate with your customers, i.e. the tools you use. MARKETING THEORIES – THE COMMUNICATIONS MIX
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  • 7. • We are very well with the impact that advertising has on our purchase behavior. Advertising may be in many forms but the three most common forms are ATL advertising which includes television, radio and print and the other type is BTL advertising which majorly includes out of home advertising (OOH) & Third one is TTL advertising which includes social media & events. • Advertising is strongly used by brands who have deep pockets or who have a lot of competitors in the market. Advertising requires that you have a unique advertising message as well. The more unique and impactful the message, the more is the connect between the brand which is advertising and the consumers. • Advertising covers all avenues where a business pays for their message to be broadcast. • Television has mostly been confined to brands with deep pockets. However, with the digital age came more affordable online tools such as social media advertising.
  • 8. • Successful advertising campaigns can be emotive, creative, eye- catching, catchy, musical, or even intentionally annoying (anything to grab attention!) • Advertisements play a major role in business. The business world is competitive, and advertising is used to introduce a business, build a brand and position a company, product or service against the competition. Advertising delivers strategic messaging and elevates awareness within the given market.
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  • 11. Sale! 50% off selected lines! • Using various online and offline outlets, sales promotion creates limited time deals or promotions on products or services in order to increase short-term sales. When conducting a sales promotion, it's important to consider: • how much it costs and whether the volume of sales will make up for the lost revenue • whether it will build loyalty or just attract one-off purchasers • if the promotion fits with the brand's image • Loyalty cards are a more recent addition to the sales promotion sphere, adding important elements such as customer retention and brand loyalty. Discounts or special offers reward loyal and repeat purchasers. It's also a great way to gather valuable customer data on purchasing habits and behavior.
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  • 15. • Personal selling is face-to-face selling in which a seller attempts to persuade a buyer to make a purchase. It occurs where an individual salesperson sells a product, service or solution to a client. Salespeople match the benefits of their offering to the specific needs of a client. Today, personal selling involves the development of longstanding client relationships. • Using their experience, specialist knowledge and communication skills, their aim is to inform and encourage customers to buy or try a product or service. • Personal selling is also an effective tool adopted by companies and it include setting sales appointments and meetings, making presentations and any type of one-to-one communication to reach targeted customers and strengthen company’s relationship with customers. Personal selling also allows companies to get for feedback and make adjustments. This is Relationship-oriented approach. Targeted buyers become more attentive and Sales force represents a long-term commitment. This is also most expensive of the promotional mix tools.
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  • 18. • Public Relation is a Strategic Communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics. • Public relations turns brand messages into stories that appeal to the media and its target audiences. It amplifies news, strategies and campaigns to create a positive view of a company through partnerships with newspapers, journalists and other relevant organisations. • Some of the main goals of public relations are to create, maintain, and protect the organization's reputation, enhance its prestige, and present a favorable image. Different types of PR? • Strategic communications. Every action that is undertaken by a PR professional should fall under strategic communication. ... • Media relations. ... • Community relations. ... • Internal communications. ... • Crisis communications. ... • Public Affairs. ... • Online and social media communications.
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  • 22. • Direct marketing is a form of advertising that specifically targets a person or company to generate new business, raise the profile of an organisation or product, or make a sale. Direct mail, telemarketing and email marketing are all popular types of direct marketing. Types of direct marketing • Direct mail. Direct mail is posted mail that advertises your business and its products and services. ... • Telemarketing. ... • Email marketing. ... • Text (SMS) marketing. ... • Leaflet marketing using letterbox drops and handouts. ... • Social media marketing
  • 23. • In the last few years, Digital marketing was giving tough competition to television advertising as well as newspaper advertising. As of end quarter of 2016, digital marketing has practically overtaken Television advertising and has a major spend amongst all media. • Off course, the benefit of digital advertising is that even small businesses can get involved and it is not as costly as Television advertising. As a result, the overall revenue generated from digital advertising is much more then television or newspaper. But even then, not only small businesses, even top brands take part in digital marketing because it helps the brand in reaching the end consumer. • The key attraction of digital marketing is the personal connect that the brand makes with the consumer. Your email box, your facebook wall, your twitter feed are your private space and via social marketing, brands can enter this private space and make a connection. The brand which really does good campaigns can actually walk away with a large population of digital followers.
  • 24. Channels of Sales Promotion
  • 25. Sales Promotion Definition: • Sales promotion is a marketing strategy where the product is promoted using short-term attractive initiatives to stimulate its demand and increase its sales. • This strategy is usually brought to use in the following cases – • To introduce new products. • To sell out existing inventories. • To attract more customers. • To lift sales temporarily. Importance of Sales Promotion: • Sales promotion is a handy technique to fulfil the short term sales goals by persuading potential customers to buy the product. It is an important promotional strategy to Spread information about the brand to new customers or new market. • Stabilize sales volume and fulfil short-term sales goals. • Stimulate demand for a short term by making the product look like a great deal. Sales Promotion Strategies: • Sales promotion strategies can be divided into three broad types. • Pull Strategy :The pull strategy attempts to get the customers to ‘pull’ the products from the company. It involves making use of marketing communication and initiatives like seasonal discounts, financial schemes, etc. • Push Strategy :The push strategy attempts to push the product away from the company to the customers. It involves convincing the intermediary channels to push the product from the distribution channels to the final consumers using promotional and personal selling efforts. This strategy involves making use of tactics developed especially for resellers, merchants, dealers, distributors, and agents. • Hybrid Strategy :A hybrid sales promotion strategy makes use of both the pull and push strategy to sell the product with the least resistance possible. It involves attracting the customers using special coupons and also providing incentives to the merchants to sell the brand’s products.
  • 26. MAJOR SALES PROMOTION TOOLS • Coupons • Price-off deals • Premiums • Contests/sweepstakes • Samples/trial offers • Product placement • Refunds • Rebate • Frequency programs • Point-of-purchase displays • Incentives • Allowances • Trade shows • Cooperative advertising
  • 27. COUPONS • Advantages: • Some consumer respond to price incentives • Coupon users are likely brand switchers • Manufacturer controls timing of drop • Repeat—coupon chain build brand loyalty • Induce users to try upscale model • Disadvantages: • Current users use coupons, reducing profits • High cost of administering coupon program • Fraudulent use of coupons • False redemption by consumers and retailers
  • 28. PRICE-OFF & PREMIUMS • 10-25% price reduction incentive • Comes out of manufacturer’s pocket • Regular users often stock up on product • Products offered free as premium • Products inserted inside other products • Free Printer with laptop purchase • Products exchanged for proof of purchase • Might be an additional amount of same product
  • 29. SAMPLING AND TRIAL OFFERS • Useful for new products • Existing products with weak market shares in specific geographic areas • Types of Sampling: • 1. In-store sampling • 2. Door-to-door — newspaper insertion • 3. Mail sampling — targeted zip codes • 4. On-package sampling — shampoo to conditioner • 5.Mobile sampling — • 6. Trial offers — free for a limited time
  • 30. PRODUCT PLACEMENT • Products inserted into movies and TV • Started with Reese’s Pieces in ET • Firms specialize in product placements • Reality TV, Sitcoms, Film, Sports
  • 31. OBJECTIVES FOR CONSUMER SALES PROMOTION • Stimulating trial purchase • E.g., Free trial product / Coupons • Stimulating repeat purchases E.g., Frequent flyer / Hotel rewards programs • Stimulating larger purchases E.g., Two-for-one price reduction • Introducing a new brand E.g., Trials inserted into newspapers • Combating competitor’s strategy • Discount response to competitor’s product launch
  • 32. ALLOWANCES • Merchandise allowances • Free product • Can reward retailer for featuring display • 3. Slotting fees: direct cash to stock item
  • 33. DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL • . Distribution Channels A set of interdependent organizations (intermediaries) involved in the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption • Nature and Importance of Distribution Channels Distribution channels is the circulatory system of a hospitality company Competition, a global marketplace, electronic distribution techniques have increased the importance of distribution. In the global economic market, companies should create innovative ways to approach to new and existing markets
  • 34. DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL FUNCTIONS • Information Gathering and distributing marketing research and intelligence information about the marketing environment. • Promotion Developing and spreading persuasive communications about an offer • Contact Finding and communicating with prospective buyers • Matching Shaping and fitting the offer to the buyer’s needs, including such activities as manufacturing, grading, assembling, and packaging.
  • 36. WHAT IS AD APPEALS? • Advertising appeals are communication strategies that marketing and advertising professionals use to grab attention and persuade people to buy or act. • You (or your communication) appealed to people because you were credible, you affected their emotions, or you made logical sense. • The idea was that, if you can establish yourself as credible (ethos), for example, you are more likely to persuade people.
  • 37. TYPES OF APPEALS • How do ads always manage to tug on our heartstrings or provoke some kind of feeling that makes us want to take action? It’s all about the types of advertising appeals used to grab the viewer’s attention. • There are two main categories of advertising appeals for you to incorporate into incorporate into your designs – 1. Emotional Appeals 2. Rational Appeals
  • 38. EMOTIONAL AD APPEALS • Appealing to your aaudience's emotions can be achieved through strong imagery, impactful text or powerful music. An emotional advertising appeal depends more on feelings and perceptions than logic or reason to provoke action. • Types of emotional Ad Appeals • Personal Appeal ° Music Appeal • Social Appeal ° Youth Appeal • Humor Appeal ° Brand Appeal • Popularity Appeal
  • 39. PERSONAL APPEAL • The Personal Appeal, also known as the Emotional Appeal, is one of roughly advertising strategy that marketing professionals use to persuade people to buy a product, pay for a service, donate to a cause, or otherwise be persuaded. • For Example For your safety the best Appealing concern to deliver you the Safety message can be seen in this This example
  • 40. SOCIAL APPEAL • The Social Appeal attracts audiences to a product or service by giving them a sense of social acceptance. • Encourages people to buy a product or service because everyone else is doing it. For Example Tata Tea Jaago Ry Campaign Peruvian Cancer Foundation
  • 41. YOUTH APPEAL • Youth appeal is apparent in ads that offer medications aimed at older adults, adult diapers, erectile dysfunction solutions, hearing aids, dentures, emergency call buttons, living community centres and other products or services for the elderly. • For Example • Snickers • Addidas Break Free Campaign • •
  • 42. ENDORSEMENT APPEAL • Celebrities, athletes and big-name influencers are used quite often to endorse products in order to stir popularity despite having nothing (or little) to do with their creation, direction or knowledge of the industry. • For Example • Sprite The Spark
  • 43. POPULARITY APPEAL • Companies often place their logos all over their clothing or disposable products (like Starbucks coffee cups) to help showcase just how popular their products are. • Buzz is particularly helpful for increasing brand awareness and creating anticipation and excitement for the product or service you offer • Example • Pepsi Black •
  • 44. MUSIC APPEAL • The music here makes the user feel excited and inspired to imagine what the product could do in his or her life. The right music can add to the emotion of an ad and encourage a faster purchase decision. • For Example • Kohlers TV • The snappy music that backs this Kohler TV commercial adds a happy energy that wouldn’t have been achieved by bright colors and quick shot transitions alone.
  • 45. RATIONAL ADVERTISING APPEAL • On the other side of the advertising spectrum lie rational appeals. Many ad approaches are based on objective facts, logic and reasoning. • Rational appeals can be very useful even with emotional subjects, helping target audiences identify the value of a product in an indisputable way. • Types of Rational Ad Appeals • Scarcity Appeals • Contrasting Appeals • Status Appeal • Beauty Appeal • Transparent Appeal
  • 46. STATUS APPEAL • Apartments, furniture stores, fashion brands and many other companies also lean on a level of status to appeal to consumers concerned about where they are at, how they are viewed, and where they are headed. • For Example • BMW • There is no question that these nice, patent-leather work shoes were chosen for a reason: status. The point of this ad was to get the viewer to identify the product with a certain class. • While the manufacturer (BMW) is actually selling a car, classy shoes (clearly abused by a love for the acceleration pedal) give a status appeal that is somewhat subliminal in its messaging.
  • 47. CONTRAST APPEAL • Contrast can be a subtle way to prove your brand is a level or two above the alternative. • For Example • In this IKEA Ad, there is a clear contrast between those who “unboxed” their balconies with IKEA style products and the neighbours surrounding them
  • 48. TRANSPARENT APPEAL • Not everything about your brand is ideal. Transparency can help show a realness to your brand that appeals to customers because it is authentic. • Example • Volkswagen caught people’s attention in the Netherlands when they showed the flaws in one of their car models in order to advertise a new option. Stunt doubles were suspended behind the car to show the additional room that the new Tiguan All space could offer.
  • 49. SCARCITY APPEAL Scarcity increases the feeling of value and makes the customer but on impulse. • For Example • Coke boosted their brand appeal with a limited time campaign that personalized bottles with names and titles. People rushed out looking for the names of their family and friends to keep, photograph or gift.
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  • 51. • It defines how much to spend on advertising. • It is one of an important decision. • It will not be same for every companies & industries. Factors to consider whole setting advertising budget: • Stages in the product life cycle: New product have to spend more on advertising than existing products. • Market share and consumer base: Companies which have high market share usually require less for advertising. eg: Apple products. • Advertising frequency: Number of repetitions needed to put. • Competition: A product which facing high competition have to spend more on advertising. • Product substitutability: Commodities like beer, soft drinks, cigarettes etc require heavy advertising to establish a different image. What is an advertising budget?
  • 52. We Proposed the below mediums for the spread of this Campaign. • National TV Channels • Radio spots • Print & E- Mag (Sunday Times, Weekend, Social Diaries, Paparazzi, OK Pakistan, Grazia, FHM, etc.) • OOH Campaigns Targeting main metro cities of Pakistan • Strong PR Activation with Bloggers to create word of mouth in Society • Campaign Activation at Store Levels (Fashion Meet up with Bloggers and Celebrities) • Social Media Activations with Teaser Campaigns and Grid shots (Instagram, Facebook & Snapchat) • You tube (Bumper adds & Skip able Adds) • Email Marketing ADVERTISING PLAN
  • 53. Winter Launch 2021 Last Year 2020 Proposed Last Year 2020 Consumed 2021 Proposed Creative 50,00,000 48,00,000 60,00,000 ATL: Print Magazines 500,000 485,000 650,000 E-Magazines 300,000 245,000 400,000 Electronic Media 70,00,000 61,00,000 80,00,000 Radio Channels 30,00,000 28,00,000 35,00,000 OOH 45,00,000 44,98,000 55,00,000 In store: Category Heads / Danglers 380,000 310,000 450,000 Shelf Talkers 110,000 140,000 224,600 Vertical & Horizontal Crystal Slim Signs 84,450 65,000 92,000 Marketing: Shop Lifestyles 1,550,633 1,450,000 17,68,000 Plotter Cuttings 670,000 650,000 775,000 SMS 300,000 300,000 350,000 Digital Media 500,000 500,000 800,000 Total 23,895,083 22,343,000 28,509,600 Target (4th Nov – 29th Jan) 989,169,016 0.67 ADVERTISING BUDGETS ALLOCATION