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Adventure – Assignment
Jack Hurst
I picked the film Moana.
Equilibrium – Moana has to find Maui to go on the voyage with her.
New Equilibrium – Moana has to
persuade Maui to teach her how to
sail and to join her on restoring the
heart of Te Fiti.
Recognition – Moana realises she is
trapped in the cave as she hears Maui
sailing away.
Disruption – Maui blocks Moana in a
cave to steal her boat and to get rid of
Attempt to repair – Moana climbs a
statue and escapes out of a hole in the
cave and then jumps into the sea
which then lifts her onto the boat with
her special powers.
Equilibrium – Moana is being forced to become leader of the island.
New Equilibrium – Moana has to find
Maui to go on the voyage with her as
she is allowed to go on the voyage.
Recognition – Moana’s father realises
Moana is wanting to go beyond the
reefs as she knows about the past
Disruption – Moana’s grandma is
telling Moana about the stories which
distracts her about becoming leader of
the island as it is her father that wants
her to become leader.
Attempt to repair – Moana’s father
threatens to burn the ships down so
she can’t go on a voyage to restore the
heart of Te Fiti
Equilibrium – Moana has to persuade Maui to teach her how to sail and to join her.
New Equilibrium – Maui doesn’t have
his hook which means he can’t change
into different animals.
Recognition – They are being fired at
with arrows and ropes.
Disruption – They are being attacked
by Kakamora (the coconut pirates)
who are trying to steal the heart of
Te Fiti.
Attempt to repair – They fight back
and steal back the heart of Te Fiti as
the pirates took it.
Equilibrium - Maui doesn’t have his hook so he can’t change into different animals.
New Equilibrium – Moana and Maui
find Te Fiti and try to restore the
Recognition – Maui knew Tamatoa
before as he steals all the shiny items.
Disruption – Tamatoa the crab has
Maui’s hook.
Attempt to repair – They go to
Tamatoa’s cave and work together to
get Maui’s hook back.
Equilibrium – Moana and Maui find Te Fiti and try to restore the heart.
New Equilibrium – Maui’s hook is
damaged so he leaves her by herself in
the middle of the ocean.
Recognition – Moana saw a better
path for them to go.
Disruption – Moana thought they
couldn’t make it to where they were
Attempt to repair – Moana takes them
that way but Te Fiti strikes at them.
Equilibrium – Maui’s hook is damaged so he leaves her.
New Equilibrium – Moana has to find
Te Fiti again.
Recognition – Grandma Tala realises
Moana is struggling so she appears as
a sting ray.
Disruption – Moana wants to give up
on her voyage so the ocean takes the
heart back.
Attempt to repair – Grandma Tala
helps Moana gain courage and
confidence to carry on with the
voyage. Moana swims to the bottom
of the ocean to get the heart of Te Fiti.
Equilibrium – Moana has to find Te Fiti again.
New Equilibrium – Moana has to
restore the heart of Te Fiti.
Recognition – She doesn’t find this a
problem as she has just seen her
Disruption – She is by herself and had
to sail to Te Fiti.
Attempt to repair – She uses her
sailing skills to guide her way to Te Fiti
and gets ready to
Equilibrium – Moana has to restore the heart of Te Fiti.
New Equilibrium – The End.
Recognition – Moana realises that the
island is where Te Fiti lies, not where
the heart goes.
Disruption – The heart of Te Fiti
doesn’t go where Moana thought it
Attempt to repair – Moana holds the
heart up so Te Fiti can come towards
her and she can restore the heart of
Te Fiti.
Character Type How they appear in your chosen film.
The Hero The hero is Moana as she reacts to all the other characters and is the only one on the main adventure.
The Villain The villains are Chief Tui as he doesn’t want Moana to go beyond the reefs which means she wouldn’t be able to
go on the adventure. Maui is also a villain as he traps Moana in a cave so she couldn’t go on the adventure and he
could steal her boat. Another villain is Tamatoa the giant crab because he stops them from having Maui’s hooks
which is needed to fight against Te Fiti.
The Helper The helpers are Hei Hei the chicken as he saves the stone from falling into the sea and Pua the pig who has made
Moana feel safer than she would if she was by herself. Another helper is Grandma Tala as a stingray as she helps
Moana to keep going when she wants to quit.
The Donor The donor is Grandma Tala as she gives Moana the heart of Te Fiti just before she dies that night. She also tells
Moana about the voyagers and the boats as the generations above her kept them secret. If Grandma Tala didn’t
give this information then Moana wouldn’t have gone on her adventure.
The Dispatcher The dispatcher is Grandma Tala as she is the person who told Moana about what adventure she needs to go on
and Sina, her mother, helped her pack as Moana’s dad didn’t want Moana to go.
The Princess or prize The prize in Moana is the heart of Te Fiti as it is the only thing that could stop the damage Te Fiti is causing.
The Princess’ Father The princess’ father is Maui as Moana needs to persuade him to give up the heart of Te Fiti so everything can be
back to normal, harvesting the food and catching the fish.
The False Hero The false hero is Maui as he is the one character that thinks everything he does is correct and everyone loves him.
He also wanted to take the credit for restoring the heart of Te Fiti but after the journey he had changed and didn’t
want to block Moana out.
Who Moana, Grandma Tala, Chief Tui, Sina, Maui, Te Fiti, Tamatoa, Hei Hei, Pua, Villagers.
What The start of the film shows Moana growing up and her becoming head of the island. Moana is then sent
on an adventure to restore the heart of Te Fiti but first she needs to find Maui who stole the heart of Te
Fiti in the first place. He takes lots of persuading to get him to join her. Once she gets Maui’s help, they
sail across the sea to find Te Fiti and had to try and find where the heart of Te Fiti goes. Moana discovers
that the heart of Te Fiti belongs on the chest of Te Fiti and then places the stone in Te Fiti and she turns
back into flowers and grass. Moana then sails back home where the island is gaining back nature that had
died before she left.
Where Moana is in the islands of Polynesia – Hawaii, Tonga, Tahiti.
When The film is set around 3000 years ago.
Why Moana needed to restore the heart of Te Fiti as nature was being killed and the fish were dying. This
meant that humans didn’t have any food to harvest or catch.
How Moana travels across the sea on a boat and Maui has a hook that enables him to change animals.
Initial Ideas
Idea 1
Who A prince who is the hero. A princess who is the prize. A dispatcher who is the prince’s father. A helper which is a
small alien. A false hero who is from Pluto. A villain who is the princess’ father.
What All of the planets in the solar system look after certain stars and own what they have earnt, however Pluto doesn’t
have any stars as it has destroyed and lost them all. The prince from Jupiter wants to save and marry the princess
from Pluto so is sent on the mission of saving her by his father who wants him to bring her back to Jupiter.
However, on his way to Pluto his transport crashes on to Neptune so he goes on an adventure to find a working
mode of transport. Once he finds the transport, he lands on Pluto, sneaks the princess out and flew away back to
Where In space on Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto.
When Happens in the future when everyone is living on the planets.
Why Pluto wants to take all of the stars so they are in control as Pluto doesn’t have any more stars left. The rest of the
solar system have to work together to keep the sky looking as magical as it does.
How The prince uses the dome cars to take himself and the ‘helper’, his pet alien, to Pluto and back.
Idea 2
Who 3 friends, 1 is the hero, 1 is the princess and the other is the false hero. There is also a villain in the game that the
dispatcher/donor/helper gets them to play.
What There is a group of friends that go to Tokyo for a holiday and on their way back to their hotel from a meal out, they
are stopped by a man who needs their help. The man persuades them to help him as he is stuck in a real life game
as he can’t complete it. Once they are in the game, they have to run away from the villain and find a trophy to win
the game. However, the players have trails of neon colours following them for 2 metres which makes the game a
lot harder. The man gives the main friend a magical item which helps him to win the game setting all of them free.
After they win, the ‘princess’ falls in love with the ‘hero’ as he has liked him for a while, but the ‘false hero’ is trying
to claim he won and the ‘princess’ should be giving him attention. They go back to their hotel and the ‘false hero’
leaves Tokyo early. The others set up their own real life video game company.
Where Tokyo Japan on the streets.
When They are on a group holiday in 2050 as they wanted to try the safer real life games.
Why They wanted to go to Japan to try out the real life games to develop them into different countries instead of game
How The group of friends were trying different games that were safer but after their meal they got dragged into a
dangerous game.
Idea 3
Who A cat is the hero. A mouse is the dispatcher and donor. The humans are the villains. The mouse’s sister is the
character that needs rescuing.
What The cat who lives in a sweetshop sees a mouse which she chases and the cat gets stuck down the tunnel so the cat
and the mouse eventually become friends with each other. The mouse then needs help from the cat to go find his
sister who has gone missing after she went on a wonder. The cat and the mouse go on an adventure to find out
where his sister has gone, but the humans are stopping them get anywhere as they are scared of mice. After
searching through the night, they decide to sneak into Buckingham Palace and have a look in there. In the
basement they find the sister sleeping in all the old dusty blankets left in the boxes. After climbing to the correct
shelves they get her to go home with them back to the mice’s home, the cat goes back to the sweetshop where
she lives. A few time a week the mice and the cat go on more adventures around London without coming into
contact with any humans.
Where In London, a sweetshop, the tunnels, the streets and Buckingham Palace
When In 1899 when there weren’t many cars or people around.
Why The cat wanted to attack the mouse as she hadn’t caught one for years being in the sweetshop but ended up going
on lots of adventures with him.
How They travelled through tunnels, through the streets when it was dark to miss all the humans.
Mind Map – Story
Mind Map – The Film Package
Mood Board
Exposure technique for my poster. I am going to use
these for trails coming off the characters on the game.
These 3 pictures are inspiration for the backgrounds
to my poster and advertisement pieces.
Here is some clothes ideas for if I used female character. I like the all black look with baggy
trousers for a runner game at night at it will be more comfortable and easier to hide.
Here is some clothes ideas for if I used male character. I like the all black look
with baggy trousers for a runner game at night at it will be more comfortable
and easier to hide. I also like the baggy jackets and loose chains/belts.
Existing Product – VOGUE Magazine
I have chosen this VOGUE magazine cover as it has a neon theme which will give me ideas for my work.
This cover has been produced in a studio setting as the photograph is a portrait photo with the subject facing straight on with the
camera. The editing of the cover has enabled them to increase the amount of neon added. As the model is holding the middle star,
the editors have added the other 4 stars that get larger as they go out and added fading and coloured shadows to make them look
like neon lights.
The lighting is bright with neon tints which are reflected on her top and her glasses. The neon lighting has also been added to the
central star that the model is holding to create a focus point. The photograph is a portrait photo as the magazine is about beauty
and fashion which this magazine has gone for a neon theme. The model is wearing a sequin dress as it reflects the lights better to
create a shine and a glow. They have used this top as the black contrast from the bright lights and the orange and yellow colours are
added the top as well creating a boarder. The photographer has added these reflective glasses to emphases the brightness of the
neon and to add the neon theme to her face without using loads of makeup. The makeup artist has used neutral skin makeup with
pink lipstick which compliments the theme and her nails as they are pink as well. They have tied her hair back, so it creates the
smooth look that doesn’t distract from the composition. The colours are the standard neon colours you see on signs, blue, green,
pink and purple all bright colours to add lighting effects. In post-production, they have used a bright matt yellow to contrast from
the bright glowing colours below and to work with the yellow at the bottom. VOGUE always has its signature font with every letter
as a capital and uses the same or similar font but in lower case for the subheadings or information. This is done to keep the
uniformity on the page and between magazines as it you know where the font is from.
I think the meaning behind this cover is that the light you carry is reflected to other people and influences them.
This research has helped me as I have looked at the neon styles and colours which is what I am wanting to use in my project. I have
also seen that the little amount of information on the front cover is more effective than having more information.
Existing Product – Pac-Man
I have chosen the game Pac Man as it is the most well-known pixel art game and is the best game to help me for my work.
The Game: I am going to talk about the characters, how the game is played, the screen layout, the rewards/punishments, the cut
scenes and the menu. Characters – the characters are simple designs that you can see are made of pixels, so they look quite boxy
around the edges. Both Pac-Man and the ghosts have been animated to move when they aren’t stationary which makes the game
look more realistic for a pixel game. Pac-Man also has simple movements which makes the animation easier as game development
was as developed then. Game Play – The game is very easy to understand as it’s a simple concept with easy controls. The game is
quite basic so there aren’t loads of rules or features you need to learn about. The concept is to eat the circles for points whilst
dodging the ghosts, but you could get the power up to eat the ghosts and score more points. Screen Layout – the layout of the
screen is a portrait rectangle with a maze style game in the middle. There is the high score at the top of the screen and the lives and
rewards at the bottom of the screen. This creates a basic layout but an addictive game to play. Rewards/Punishment – you would
gain extra points if you ate the ghosts and the fruits (cherries, strawberries and peaches etc.) However, if you got caught by a ghost
you would loose one of your 5 lives until you run out of lives and the game would end. Cut Scene – The first cut scene is showing
how the game works with simple animations. It also has the high score on that device, the character/nicknames of the ghosts and
what points are awarded for what action. The second cut scene is when you have eaten all the circles in the maze as it resets the
game but keeps the same score. This is again a simple animation of Pac-Man running away. Menu – the menu is a simple design that
has the play option, the controls and the credits. There is also the title in Pac-Man style and the line of ghosts and Pac-Man.
Audio: There is an intro/theme tune for Pac-Man and a few sound effects when playing the game. Sound Effects – there is a sound
effect for eating the circles, getting rewards, when ghosts are near by, when Pac-Man gains a power up and then when he eats the
ghosts. These are all short, simple sound effects as the game does become very quick so lots could happen at once mixing the sound
effects if they were any longer. Intro/Theme Tune – this song is quick and sounds like it is building tension up like the game would
the further you go into it. This song is also very repetitive which reflects the game as you do the same task every time trying to get a
higher score. This song is also simple which compliments the rest of the game as nothing has been over complicated. I also think this
song could make the player more competitive making them play loads building up anger.
This research has helped me with my ideas for my game as I want to make it a simpler game with a menu, cut scene, song and game
play that all compliments each other to produce a high-quality product.
Existing Product – Pixels
I have chosen to use Pixel as one of my research products as it is like my film as they are fighting against characters from games.
For all these posters they have had the photograph taken on a greenscreen or in the actual location and then had lots of editing
added to it after to create the high-quality posters. The subject in each poster has been positioned to the lower half of the poster
making more room for the post-production effects as they are bigger than the humans in the film. The editing has been used to add
the main characters from Pac-Man, Centipede and Donkey Kong as those are the main games attacking in the film. This works well
as it shows more about the film and what happens with no text on the poster.
For the top poster which tells you the most about the film, you can see that they have used bright lighting and neon glows/trails to
give that extra effect of being in a game rather than being in real life. In the lower half of the poster the characters are getting ready
for fighting against Pac-Man, Centipede, Donkey Kong and more. You can see they have guns which are for breaking down the pixels
when a group of pixels are hit which slows down the pixel characters. All the characters are in natural, causal clothing as this
happens suddenly, so they must drop everything and go. Pixels is set in a few cities around the world as shown on the posters. In the
top poster the colours are mainly blue on the guns, in the sky and the tile which could infer there isn’t any anger about having to
fight the pixels, they are doing what they must to save the cities. The other main colour is yellow as Pac-Man is so big in the
background. This shows that Pac-Man is the biggest game in the 1980s when it was released.
For the other 2 posters, they both use natural lighting as they are pictures of cities which would be hard to replicate in a studio.
Then the other 2 main game characters (after Pac-Man) which are Centipede and Donkey Kong, have been added and shown playing
their game on earth to a large scale. Both use the blue font that is blocky to replicate being made up of pixels, they have used the
same font and style in all 3 posters to keep the theme of the prints the same. Centipede has a hint of pink in the sky to brighten the
pink used in the game and Donkey Kong has a pink sky which compliments him and the brown barrel.
This research has helped me with thinking about the colour scheme and how the different colours compliment each other. It has
also made me think about creating a few ideas for the different advertisement products I will be creating soon.
Existing Product – Nerve
I have chosen Nerve as it has a similar idea of playing a game and being trapped until you win and has similar colours.
For the first poster the photographs are taken in a studio and at a location for the street photo, which is the street used for one of
the dares. The portrait photos are close ups of the actors faces which could foreshadow that they will do anything to win the game.
In editing, the close-up shots have been merged/faded onto the street photo and into the other photo to be able to have all the
main aspects from the film. The title has been added with the letters being vertical and in the center of the poster separating the 2
characters. I would say the pink has been used to act as a contrast from the faces that have been tinted blue and teal. Also, in the
middle of the poster in the title, they have added the motorbike scene which is the main dare Vee and Ian/Sam complete.
For the top poster, the lighting has been used to add colour to the dark theme as the neon links back to the film as there are lots of
bright neon lights used. The lighting has also been used to reflect of the road to highlight the blurry image as it looks like it is raining.
As the close ups are used for the portrait pictures, you can’t see the costumes or hair which would keep your focus on the name of
the film, so it becomes better known. When thinking about the colours, the editor has gone for an analogous colour scheme as they
have used blue and blue-green/teal for the tints on the actor’s faces. They have also used pink and white to contrast from the blue
and teal to make the key information stand out such as the title, the date and the actors names. The text is all in capitals and is all in
the same font which keeps an equal look from top to bottom.
For the second poster, the photo has been taken in a studio and it looks like Vee is about to play the game. Again, the shot is a close-
up and makes the audience feel like they are in the phone and are watching her decided to play the game. In post-production, they
have added text and shapes to recreate the menu for the game Nerve and reversed it to give the effect of being in the phone.
To keep the theme the same between posters, they have used the same fonts and colours and again they have used an analogous
colour scheme of blue-green and green as the green is neon so it stands out against the teal, showing Vee will play the game. They
have used teal for Vee in both posters rather than swapping between a few colours to make the posters more recognisable if a
viewer seems them separately.
This research has helped me to see the use of different colour schemes such as the analogous colour scheme which is a possible
addition to my idea. I have also learnt that adding layers is also an effective technique for adding more information with out over
crowding the poster.
Research Summary
What have you learned from your research?
I have learnt that to create a professional package you need to keep the theme and style the same as they are more recognisable. To keep
the style the same you could use the same colours, fonts, layouts, key aspects from the film and/or the game. I have also learnt that it is a
good idea to have a couple of posters for the film so you can show more detail about the film with less text. Linking to that I also think that
less text is more effective on a magazine cover and a film poster as films are visual with little to no text. Another thing I have learnt about is
the use of colours and colour schemes in films as you must think about how the colours work individually and together. The main thing I
learnt about video games is that simpler concepts are more effective as it means anyone can play it and it is easy to learn.
What aspects of the research will you include within your work?
I will be using all the above as I have found the best aspects from each section and putting these together will create a high-
quality package for Screen Yorkshire.
Anon. (2016). Nerve. Available: Last accessed 24th Nov 2020.
Anon. (2019). Pac-Man. Available: Last accessed 24th Nov 2020.
Anon. (2015). Pixels. Available: Last accessed 24th Nov 2020.
Anon. (2018). Vogue beauty. Available:
2018. Last accessed 24th Nov 2020.
Style Sheet
Colours and inspiration:
For the poster, the advertisement and the videogame, I will be using blue, blue/green and green for
the trails and I will use red and orange for the first background accessory colours. I have done this as
the blue and greens are in a analogous colour scheme and then the red and oranges are in a split
compliment and/or complimentary colour scheme. This means the colours are next to each other and
then the colour groups are opposite meaning they work well with each other. Above I have shown
some inspiration for the designs and colours, I have shown the idea for the trail, the colours used in
Tokyo and the colour schemes from Google and Adobe Colour.
When watching Jumanji I
saw an idea that would work
well in my videogame and
advertisement. I will use this
for some adverts to highlight
dates, names and any more
key information. I could also
use this for my videogame
menu screen or game over
page as it is easily created
out of pixels.
I like how the colours are
changed depending on the
character which is
something I could show for
my characters when the
player is deciding what
colour to pick.
Video Game:
I am going to create a side on, 2D pixel art game to link to my film
idea as it is a simpler concept with simpler designs available to do
rather than a 3D with depth. I am going to make a game like the
top picture with the neon colours like the middle picture. It will
look pixelated as the game could be zoomed out a bit more like
the bottom picture for adding more detail.
Magazine and Advert Layouts
These layouts are for film posters and
magazine covers. I have drawn the basic
aspects of my idea but I am going for a
minimalistic theme so it will be simple
drawings. I really like the colour choices as
they compliment each other creating a more
professional design. I have decided to try with
the title at the bottom and at the top of the
page as I wasn’t sure but looking at them now,
I prefer the title at the top so that what I will
do for my final design. I will also change the
order of the trails to go with the colour wheel,
I will go blue for the left character, blue/green
for the middle character and green for the
right character.
These layouts are for film posters and portrait
advertisement products such as bus stop
posters. This is a second idea for a poster as
from my research earlier, I have seen that a
few posters are made for the film. I have
made this poster simple with the characters
the main focus. I like the gradient of colours as
you go down the poster and that the title of
the film is vertical as well. I could add the red
and orange into the poster by the writing and
adding a glow like a neon sign. Again I have
tried the information at the top and the
bottom of the poster and prefer the
information at the bottom. I could add some
buildings in the background to show Tokyo.
These layouts are for bus advertisements as they are longer than a
usual landscape page. I thought linking this to the other film poster will
help to create a type of uniform for these advertising piece and create
a signature style. I have used the gradient for the trails to keep the
same order from the colour wheel which means the colours work best
in that order. I had an idea to create the title, names and dates in the
style shown above to make it look like a pixel menu to link to the video
game for the whole package to work better. I would say that the
information looks better on the right of the poster which also gives the
public more time to read the bus as it is the last thing on the bus.
Here are some colours for
the accessory colours.
(and white)
Magazine and Advert Layouts
I need 3 outfits for my magazine cover and for
my advertisements as there are 3 different
characters. I am going to use all black clothing
with the same shoes, socks and gloves to create
a uniform look. For my first outfit I am going to
wear black jeans with a belt, a black long-sleeved
thermal and a black beanie. For my second outfit
I am going to wear black cargo trousers with a
belt, a black short-sleeved top, a black body
warmer and a black bandana. For my final outfit I
am going to wear black joggers, a long-sleeved
black top and a pair of dark round sunglasses.
I am going to take the photos at
home as I will cut round the figure
and trail in Photoshop, to be able to
add them to my background when
I’ve drawn it. This will mean I can
edit the trails individually and add
tints to resemble the neon lights.
To create the trails, I am going to
change my exposure to around 8
seconds on my camera to catch the
light as it is moved away from the
What font should I use? - Calibri Light (Body)
What font should I use? - Arial Nova Cond Light
What font should I use? - Arial Nova Cond
What font should I use? - Arial Nova
What font should I use? - Arial Nova Light
What font should I use? - Arial Narrow
What font should I use? - Arial Black
What font should I use? – Bahnschrift
What font should I use? - Bahnschrift Light
What font should I use? - Bahnschrift Condensed
What font should I use? - Bahnschrift SemiCondensed
What font should I use? Bahnschrift Light Condensed
What font should I use? - Georgia
What font should I use? – Georgia Pro Black
What font should I use? Georgia Pro Light
What font should I use? - Georgia Pro Cond
What font should I use? - Georgia Pro Cond Light
I have found 3 different fonts and found different variations
to show what the options are with them. My favourite font is
Bahnschrift as there are many options to choose from.
Bahnschrift and Ariel are very similar but for a poster I would
just use one font.
Video Game Layout
Here is a drawing for part of my videogame level in Japan. The main aim of this game is to jump over the holes in the road as you
run down the street away from the Japanese soldier to try and find the trophy. I’ve used pictures from Google to get inspiration
for the buildings, sky and colours. In Japan there are lots of colours used for the neon lights, so I have decided to use 2 colours in
each level, for the first level I have chosen red and orange lights as shown above.
Script – Game 1
This whole speech is from the narrator.
“Hello and welcome to Neon Dash”
“The aim of Neon Dash is to jump over the holes. At the end of each
street, you can collect a trophy which adds 100 points to your
score. Fall in a hole and it is game over. The more streets you run
through, the higher your score is. If you see a white symbol, it is a
power up”
“To control your crew mate, use the space bar to jump over the
gaps. To collect a trophy run into the trophy as you leave the street
and it will be added to your score.”
“Have fun and good luck!”
Animation with the script.
For each section, the narrator is talking about, that section will be
highlighted and have a simple animation to support it.
I wanted to keep the script short as the game is simple and I don’t
want to over complicate it.
Name of the game
Script – Game 2
This whole speech is from the narrator.
“Hello and welcome to Neon Fall”
“The aim of Neon Fall is to dodge the platforms. Each platform
dodge, you gain 100 points. If you grab a coin, you gain 200 points.
The gradient background shows you how much of the level you
have left. Unlock characters to expand the game.”
“To control your crew mate, use the left and right arrows. To collect
a coin, fall through it on your way down and it will be added to your
“Have fun and good luck!”
Menu Screen
For each section, the narrator is talking about, that section will be
highlighted and have a simple animation to support it.
I wanted to keep the script short as the game is simple and I don’t
want to over complicate it.
Name of the game
Sound Effects
Sound Effect Needed – Game 1 How I Will Create This Sound
Starting the game. 3 2 1 Go I will use Beepbox for all of my sound effects as it is a
simple software to use and does what I need to create
the sounds.
Collecting the trophy.
Activating a power up.
Game Over.
Sound Effect Needed – Game 2 How I Will Create This Sound
Starting to fall. I will use Beepbox for all of my sound effects as it is a
simple software to use and does what I need to create
the sounds.
Collecting coins.
Hitting a platform
Level completed.
New character unlocked.
Actor Role Location For Recording
Myself The 1st boy Home.
Myself The 2nd boy (younger boy) Home.
Myself The 3rd boy Home.
I will be using the 3 main characters from my film to create the posters and advertisement so I will take 3 pictures
with the exact same background but I will change my outfit and my location in shot. I will then edit the 3 pictures
onto 1 page so they are all running together.
I will be using 3 outfits to make the characters varied and distinguishable from each other but the outfits will all be
linked for the game.
I decided to not use other actors as it would create more problems with COVID and I also don’t have to rely on other
people as it could effect my schedule.
Band Name Track Name Link
I will be making my own music for the menu screen, the cut screen and the game.
I will use Beep Box for these soundtracks as I want simple music so the music doesn’t become distracting from the
game. From my research about Pac-Man I have learnt that a simpler game and soundtrack work well together as the
game becomes more playable and addictive.
Contingency Plan
What Could Go Wrong? What Could You Do To Prevent This? What Could You Do If It Does?
As I have made my project slightly simpler, there isn’t much that could go wrong as lots of the project is on the computer.
I could loose my work – PowerPoints and
I will save after each section is completed
or save before you leave your computer.
I will have to type it up again as my notes
are on paper.
The lights could run out of battery
because they won’t be plugged in.
I will charge the batteries before using
them and I will turn off the lights
between shots.
I would have to recharge them again and
do the other section at another time.
The camera battery could run out of
I will fully charge the battery before using
the camera and will turn the camera off
when changing outfits.
I will have to borrow another battery.
The camera could move slightly effecting
the final shot.
I will make sure everyone will keep away
from the tripod and to not apply
pressure when changing the camera
I will have to restart the photography
I could run out of time for the animation
and soundtracks
I will make my game to have a simpler
concept and simpler soundtracks.
I will have to focus on the main parts of
the project to get done.
Risk Assessment
What could be a risk to you, others or the equipment? How can you make sure that doesn’t happen? What will
you do if it does?
As I have made my project slightly simpler, there isn’t much that could go wrong as lots of the project is on the
The camera could be dropped when setting up the shot. Hold the camera still and twist the tripod instead of the
camera meaning less movement for the camera.
The lights could be dropped. Hold the lights on the bracket as you need the other
hand for turning the lights on and off.
I have added my prints into my blog as they do not show up well when the PowerPoint is embedded.
Neon Dash
In 2050, college graduates MARTY OWENS, ADAN SMITH and FRANKIE CARTER are on a quest to experience the new technology called ‘Become The Player’ which is
developed in Tokyo. Their experience does not go to plan.
MARTY OWENS, the man who understands videogame development more than anyone else, has just graduated from college with his two best friends, ADAN SMITH and
FRANKIE CARTER (they all specialise in videogame development). The three are getting ready to go to Tokyo as there is brand new videogame technology called ‘Become
the Player’ which has gained the most interest by MARTY as he wants to develop more of these games. All three of them fly to Tokyo and begin to try out the games one
at a time. They analyse the 15 games they play to see what to improve and how they can adapt them. All 15 games are shown, 10 of them are shown when the three are
leaving after they played the game, the other five are shown when the three are playing the game. Showing five games creates a contrast to Neon Dash as Neon Dash is
the only unsafe game to play. Showing the five games also creates a contrast as Neon Dash is the only dark game which foreshadows the danger. On their last night they
go out for a meal as a reward for their efforts.
On their way back to the hotel, they get stopped by a man who wants their help. The man who is called CHAD LEE has got himself stuck in a game called Neon Dash. Neon
Dash is a game set in the streets of Tokyo which are covered in neon lights. The aim of Neon Dash is to collect the trophy whilst being chased by a Japanese soldier, but
the players have a neon trail behind them making it harder to hide. He tricks the other three to help him, but he does not tell them that this version of Neon Dash is
dangerous. After being told how to play the game and what does not work, the four begin to play. The more they play the game, the more MARTY, ADAN and FRANKIE
realise what danger they are in. The first attempt to grab the trophy is made by MARTY but the trophy disappears as the game has become glitch from a loose wire in the
electrics. After they are playing for about 10 minutes, the soldier glitches and smashes into a building which sends shock waves down the street, forcing a building to fall
on to FRANKIE. To save FRANKIE, CHAD distracts the soldier whilst MARTY and ADAN pull FRANKIE from the rubble. Now that CHAD is being chased, the other three must
help but luckily CHAD finds a power up and throws it to MARTY. MARTY uses this to become invisible which means the soldier cannot see him, so he has more routes to
the trophy. Just before his power up disables itself, MARTY grabs the trophies which stops the hole game and removes the soldier who was inches away from catching
Now they had won, CHAD was free from Neon Dash after being stuck in there for a few months. As their adrenalin becomes weaker, they all realise how much danger the
game puts you in and go straight to the headquarters to get it removed before anyone else gets stuck. Once the game was removed, they all go back to their hotel and
start talking to CHAD who is also a videogame developer and wants to work on real life videogames.
Skipping 10 years into the future, the four men have created the biggest Become the Player technology company in the UK and are growing their company every day.
Their most popular game is called Neon Dash.
Final Products – Magazine Cover
Final Products – Film Poster
Final Products – Bus Advert
Final Products – Billboard
Final Products – Film Production Company
Here I have create a film production brand with some contact products, some mock ups to show work spaces and some products for the
merch of all the movies that the company produces (bags and tags).
Final Products – Merchandise
Here I have created some merch for Neon Dash which also shows my film production company.
If My Products Were Actually Made1
My Film
If my film was developed and produced I would
change a few things. Firstly I would change one
of the male characters to be a female character
which wasn’t possible to do for my prints
because of the COVID rules. I had to be the
three characters as I couldn’t use any other
people that were not in my household. At the
start of the movie I would show them playing
more of the 15 games that they play when in
Tokyo before coming across Neon Dash. This
would help to create a contrast between them
as all the games should be safe. I would also
add flashbacks to their childhood, showing
them together playing some of the 15 games to
show how much they love games and that they
have been wanting to do this for years. Finally, I
would show the characters in the future
together working on their company for real life
games. There will be scenes that are the same
as the start but them grown up such as the
three main characters walking out their houses
and meeting each other on the street.
Neon Dash
If Neon Dash was developed and created as a
real game, I would like to add coins to be able
to buy new characters if they aren’t unlocked
already. You could also unlock a new character
once you get to a certain level or collect
enough symbols of some kind. I would develop
a range of characters to go with the Tokyo
theme to make the game more varied and
suitable for more interests. As the game is an
endless running game, I would like to have a
range of streets and colour combinations for
the accent colours. The character could run
through all the tourist areas and even to a
different city. I could also make a version of
Neon Dash where you are in levels and each
level is a different city around the world.
Finally, I would add platforms so the character
could jump up them to a new area where there
are loads of coins and powerups but it is more
risky meaning the game could end sooner.
Neon Fall
If Neon Fall was developed and created as a
real game, I would add more levels with
different colours each time for the gradient
background and the platforms. I would want to
make each level slightly different but once I
have used all the combinations, I will have to
reuse the combinations to keep the levels
going. I would also have new character being
unlocked when certain levels are completed or
when the player has collected enough coins to
buy them. Some character will be more
common than other and there will be some
rare character that are hard to unlock. As the
player completes more levels, the levels would
get longer and longer making them harder to
complete and the platforms will have smaller
gaps meaning the reaction time of the player
will have to be quicker. Neon Fall will be a
mobile game on a portrait screen so the player
has more time to react to the platforms
coming up.
If My Products Were Actually Made
Neon Jump
I have been thinking about different games I
could make to link to my film and keep the
neon theme throughout them all. My first idea
is called Neon Jump where you have to jump up
platforms to reach the top platform. It is like
the reverse of Neon Fall which is why it will
have the same aesthetics as Neon Fall. There
will be coins and powerups to collect to help
the player. There will be similar characters to
my other games and I could add smaller aspects
to link them together such as the menu screens
and level completed pages.
Neon Slide
I have been thinking about different games I
could make to link to my film and keep the
neon theme throughout them all. My second
idea was a game called Neon Slide where you
are launched into the air and have to slide
down hills to gain speed and be projected
further over the hill until you come back down
to slide on another hill. The higher you can fly,
the more points you gain and the higher you go
the more coins there are to be collected. The
main aim is to keep the momentum going as it
is easily lost if the player hits the hill too early it
too late as they can’t slide. The background of
my game would be Tokyo's streets but the
higher you go the darker the background gets
to make it look like the character will be closer
to space.
If my prints were developed and created to the
actual sizes, I would present them on the
products shown before. I would also like to
make more pieces of advertisement such as
social media posts and web adverts as many
people use screens which is the most common
way they see products and films. I then would
like to create a few versions to the posters and
adverts such as different sections of Neon Dash
and the characters playing different games or
the characters running with aspects from a few
games in the background to link the film into
one picture.
If my company was developed and made I
would create more products for the workspaces
when creating film ideas. I would also create
more products for the merchandise such as
branded packaging to keep advertising the
company for more viewers.
To start my research, I did some experiments with the software needed for this project. I used Photoshop to make some poster ideas with some photos I had
taken before. The first thing I learnt was adding special layers which meant I could edit the composition by changing aspects such as blacks, whites and the
saturation. Experimenting with these effects meant I could change the looks of my pictures which I used for my neon trails as I used a teal colour and then
editing it to green and to blue. I then experimented with some tools such as the marque tool which meant I could change some effects in a selected area
instead of the whole page. Doing this meant I could edit some of the characters on my prints as I didn’t want to change the background. Once I had edited my
composition, I was able to experiment with text and layouts for a poster. I used some effects I found in this experiment in my print work such as the shadows
for the title on my magazine cover. I also learnt about what didn’t work for the layout of the text which saved me time when designing my prints as I had
already made the mistakes. I had learnt that the text needs to be in the same font and to have space for it to breathe. After the print experiments, I started to
experiment with Beepbox for my soundtrack and sound effects. Using Beepbox was easy to learn and easy to experiment with as I could change the patterns
very easily. Experimenting with Beepbox enabled me to create a simple soundtrack as I knew the controls and effects. My last experiment was on pixel art for
my videogame. I started with a website which worked well as you could see the last frame making it easy to draw the next frame for a smooth animation. I
then experimented with Photoshop which worked better than the website as you could do loads more with it. I started by experimenting with a shape to
animate it across the page to gain the basic skills of Photoshop animation. I then moved on to a simple design to practise the process needed for my
videogame. I designed a background and then used the tween tool to make it move. My experiments on pixel art design were the most helpful as I learnt the
basics for animation on Photoshop which enabled me to create a long sequence. Overall, my experiments helped me to learn the basics needed for this project
and I didn’t need to experiment on anything else. Whatever I didn’t know, I researched to how to do it, I didn’t experiment these things as I didn’t realise that I
would need the more complicated tools such as the lasso tool.
After my experiments, I started to research existing products and evaluate how they work as a product and how this can help me with my products. My
research as a whole helped me to think about how each aspect of the product works together and then how the products work as a package. I was able to talk
about different aspects in my research such as colours, lighting and font which helped to develop my understanding of thinking about each detail before
creating the product.
I first started off with analysing a magazine cover from VOUGE with a neon theme. This product helped me to develop an idea with what neon colours work
well together and what colours to use. It helped me to develop my neon trial to have a glow and a fade to make it more realistic. It helped me to understand
print more as everything used on the page has been thought about and there is a reason for everything. It has helped me to develop an understanding of
different layout options and how effective fonts and text sizes are for the product. This analysis has helped me to develop a high-quality magazine cover with a
colour scheme and space for the text to breathe.
I then analysed ‘Pac-Man’ for my videogame and audio product which has a retro theme as it is a pixel art game. This product helped me to come up with a
minimalistic design and idea for my games as I didn’t want to over complicate it to the point where the whole game looses the effect I wanted. This product
has helped me to tone done the animation as simple ideas can be the best ideas, this saved lots of time and stress as I would have struggled to develop the
game to be more arty and detailed. This product has helped me to come up with darker games and then add the colour into it with the characters and some
background detail, this made specific features stand out more such as the signs in Neon Dash. This product helped me to link all my sections together as they
all flow to make the sequence. I did this by having the same background, font and colours.
I then analysed the film poster for the film ‘Pixels’ to help me with my prints. This product helped me with designing a theme for my collection of prints and to
come up with a colour scheme for my package as a whole. This product helped me to develop a range of ideas for my prints as there are three film posters
with different designs for pixels. I also decided on some extra prints such as the bus advert. This product helped me to show the main sections of the movie in
the design, I chose to use the three characters playing Neon Dash to gain people’s attention.
Finally, I analysed another two film posters for the film ‘Nerve’ which helped me expand on my print ideas and my colour schemes. This product helped me to
develop an analogous colour scheme for my prints and games which helped make it look more aesthetically pleasing. This product helped me to learn different
layouts possible for prints as the title is vertical and the text is at the bottom which splits the poster up for the faces.
However, I could have looked in more detail about why those aspects have been added and done that why to develop my understanding of these products.
I could have then looked at a package of adverts for a film to develop an idea of what a package should look like. Finally I could have looked at a range of
magazine covers to understand the different layout ideas there are.
The next stage was to plan my ideas and products. I was able to see my ideas coming together and to see how they could work together instead of trying to
imagine how they would work. I was also able to experiment and try different ideas without effecting the final product which really helped as I could try
anything, I tried a range of colours and scripts etc. Using this planning section, helped me to know how all the aspects would be and how they could be
developed too which helped me as I knew how everything would look. I would say I couldn’t have developed my planning as I got all my ideas and inspiration.
If I found any new ideas, they would have been randomly found when looking for inspiration later on they would randomly pop into my head.
My first stage of planning was to come up with a style sheet for colours, inspiration and links to other product such as Jumanji for me. This helped me as I
found some Tokyo streets covered in neon lights at night which is the aesthetic I am going for. This also helped me as I was able to learn about different colour
schemes and then develop them for my products. I then found inspiration for my neon trail with the long exposure lighting effect as that was my main idea for
the package. Finally I remembered a scene in Jumanji where they have these cool screens that come up which is what I wanted to use and I did use it for my
videogame ‘Game Over’ sign. That helped me as I was not sure what to do for that page as my ideas didn’t link to the theme enough, so this neon design
worked perfectly. However, I could have looked at more pixel art games as that wasn’t really covered as I struggled to find 2D pixel art games but after
speaking to some people, I know some more that I can compare to later in my evaluation.
Next I planned what colour combination to use for the three neon trails. I started off by taking photos of different coloured trails and then experimenting with
a range of combinations. In the end I decided to use blue, teal and green as it is a analogous colour scheme and they work the best for my overall package.
Doing this section for my planning helped me to see what would work the best so I could develop my other ideas with the correct colour schemes.
I then started to plan the layout for my prints and videogame which helped with sorting my ideas out. I started with drawing my ideas out as it was the
quickest way for me which also meant I could change something if needed. I drew my poster and bus advert and then separated the text from the image so I
could swap them around to try different layouts which helped as I liked the changed version better. This section could have been done better if I had more
skills at drawing by hand or on the computer as I could have added a more detailed design in the background and on the characters. I then started to designs
some outfits from the black clothes I have at home as the clothing will be all black for the late-night game. I used different accessories to develop the outfit to
be slightly different from the other but to keep a uniformed look, I used the same gloves and shoes. This helped as I had planned a smaller aspect but it saved
me time when I was producing the prints. Finally, I experimented with different fonts and planned what font I could use and to see if they had a range of
effects such as SemiBold. I did find a range of fonts but ended up using a different font for my print as I hadn’t learnt that there are more option in Photoshop.
I then moved onto my videogame layout which helped me to see how my game could look and how I need to adjust the scale of all the aspects. I could have
developed the design if I had better drawing skills but for the plan I think it worked really well.
The next aspect to plan was my script for Neon Dash, I then created one for Neon Fall when I decided on a second game. This helped me as I could also plan
my cutscene as I knew what the narrator would say, but if I needed I could easily change the script. In the end I ended up reducing the script as the cutscene
was too long. In this section I also designed my menu screen and decided on the different sub headings needed for the game which helped as I was able to add
the extra parts to my script to link the cutscene sections together to make the sequence flow from the menu screen to when the game begins.
After this, I needed to make a list of the sound effects needed for the games which helped me as I had to think about how the games would work and if there
are any special feature such as the power ups and coin collection. I decided to use Beepbox for this as it had a range of instruments.
I then had to create a contingency plan which helped me as I was able to prevent the problems that could be caused when producing the products which as
the battery running out. In the end some of these weren’t a problem as I had changed my plan or understood the process better such as, I didn’t need to have
a specific background for my characters as I was cutting around them anyway. However, I did nearly run out of battery on my camera because I was
experimenting with angles and lighting to make the environment look natural on the characters.
My final section of the planning process was creating a risk assessment which was helpful as I was able to prevent any accidents. Luckily I was able to do the
photoshoot at home so I didn’t have the risk of dropping the camera on the floor or knocking the lights over onto a hard surface. This meant that my risk
assessment made me think about what could go wrong when producing the photos which meant I didn’t cause any accidents.
Other Documents
I have produced a Proposal, a Synopsis, a Diary and a Production Log to support my work through the whole project.
First I started with a proposal which made me think about what audience will like this package and what my target audience needs to be. I decided to go for
13-25 year olds as it has different aspects for each age group. I also had to think about how I can plan my production to use the skills I have now, but also to
develop and gain new skills that I can use for the rest of college. So I planned to used Photoshop and Premiere Pro so I could develop my knowledge on them,
which I did. I learnt how to animate and use the magnetic lasso tool for Photoshop and for Premiere Pro, I learnt how to edit audio for the first time as for the
music video project, we used a soundtrack already made. I could have talked about my second game in my proposal but I didn’t plan to do two games for my
package. Overall, I am happy with how the proposal has helped my work to be a higher standard.
Next I produced a synopsis which showed what my film would be like if it was developed and produced as a whole film. This helped me to come up with ideas
for the whole story which made my ideas more clear as I could link it to other parts of the film in my head. Creating the synopsis also helped as I created some
names for the characters which I used for the actors names on my film poster. I am sure there are ways to develop my synopsis and film idea but I am happy
with what I have produces as it has the basics and the main details for the film.
The next three documents were made simultaneously as they all link together.
I started with my tasks list which was added to before my production log so I could expand on the sections in my production log. Adding to my tasks list before
my production log made my production log easier to create as I could break down the process a lot more. I started making this document into a diary but It
didn’t work as it wasn’t in the correct form so I developed this into a pre-production log document.
Next I created my production log which is the process and evaluation of my production as I create my products. I was able to evaluate my production as I went
on which meant I could improve things if needed and see where my weakness were so I could develop them for the rest of the production time. I added
screenshots of every step I made to support my evaluation, however, I could have expanded on my evaluation as I feel that I needed to comment more on my
work rather than the actual process.
Finally, I created a diary for my production process. This helped me to see where I can improve on my work like I do with my production log. It also helps me to
plan what I needed to do next time so I can get on with my work instead of figuring out the next step. My diary could have been better if I started it earlier but
I wasn’t sure of the proper format for a while. If I had started my diary before, I could have found some more things to improve and be ready for my next work
Time Management
I wanted to use my time as effectively as possible as I knew there was lots to do. To start with we only had three weeks of production which felt like a tight
time frame but because we are now online, we got more time for production. I did think I was going to be behind in production as my background for Neon
Dash was the more time consuming aspect of my whole package as it took me hours to do but was worth it in the end. With the extra time I was able to finish
my package early so I decided to create another pixel art game with a different concept to Neon Dash but it still has the same theme. As I had completed all
the products and then had enough time to make another video game in the last week or two, I would say I managed my time very well. I took a risk by starting
a new product that has more than seven aspects as I could have run out of time but I knew that I could make the game simpler and I would be quicker at
creating the game due to my skills gained from Neon Dash. I do feel that I could have managed the order of my time better, for example, I would do a chunk of
production and then organise my tasks sheet and production log which would mean I would be doing one thing for a long period of time instead of spreading it
out. This could have meant, I wouldn’t add the smaller details in my production log as that step is in my mind. On the other hand, I think the way I did I worked
as I took many screenshots of the production process and then adding some notes next to the screenshot to explain what has been done since the last
screenshot. Using this way meant I could do all my production for a product and then still add the detail in my production log to keep that to a high standard.
If I had more time, I would spread it out but mainly use it to create more products. Firstly, I would spend more time on my research and inspiration for the
products I have made but also for some new products I would like to make. I would then spend some time on planning the new products so I know how to
create the product to its high standard like the rest of the package. Next, Whilst I was creating the product, I would experiment and learn new skills on
Photoshop and Premiere Pro such as how to create a background from multiple pictures. Once I had created the extra products, I would spend some time on
presenting the product on mock ups or adding it to YouTube if it is a video style product. Finally I would spend some more time creating some more advanced
audio for the soundtrack and theme song, but I also think what I have is effective as it is simple but repetitive which works for a repetitive game.
The other products that I could make are some more adverts for the advertisement package, I could make some interactive media for the film such as a short
advert with special effects that are probably done on Adobe After Effects which is something I would like to learn about. Another option for the interactive
media is to create a short advert for the Neon Dash merchandise with special background and animation such as neon trails around the products. One of my
other ideas would be to create some adverts for Neon Dash and Neon Fall and even Neon Jump and Neon Slide if they were created.
Technical Qualities
Here I am going to compare my work to this film magazine cover. Both magazines have cut around the
characters or used a greenscreen to be able to add layers to the print. Both magazines have used a
glow for some aspect in the background as it creates a look of speed and actual lighting in the area.
However, the Avengers magazine cover is more technically advanced than mine as they have used a
greenscreen for the characters. They have also used more characters to fill the space and to show
more about the movie in one image. This makes the film look more interesting as the page tells you
more so the public are more likely to pick it up. Finally the Avengers cover has more advanced effects
such as the faded shield in the background, the glows and fire which are all around the page.
I have tried to add more technically advance aspects into my project this time as I have used Photoshop as well as Premiere Pro.
For my print I have used the magnetic lasso tool to cut around the characters which takes lots of time and practise as it is a complicated tool to use. I have
learnt the shortcuts and tools to use it to make it more effective with time and accuracy. Next I have used the gaussian blur with three extra layers to create
that glow for the neon trails which helps to add a sense of speed. I have then also used the marque tool with the feather setting 200 pixels, which enable the
trail to fade out to the background instead of it being a harsh transition. Using these technical aspects has created a realistic neon trail that smoothly fades
away to emphasise the speed needed for Neon Dash.
For my videogame, I have used some technical aspects on top of the basic technical skills needed. I started off with the layers for the animation as it could all
go wrong with getting them mixed up with the frames. I have then used the layers and frames to animate the game which can get very technical as I had 15-20
layers being used in the game. Once the animation was completed, I had to remember the export settings for the image size and export files which were then
transferred to Premiere Pro which was also technically advanced. Firstly I had to create audio for the game which I did using Beepbox and Google translate
which isn’t technically advance. I didn’t have time to try a new software or way of creating more technically advance audio. Personally, I think the way I created
my audio worked for what I wanted so I didn’t need to over complicate it. I didn’t uses any foley methods as I hadn't heard about that before so it is something
I could try if needed in a future project. Then I had to add the audio to Premiere Pro and I also had to be able to edit that which was my first doing so I learnt
about the volume and then fading.
Technical Qualities
Here I am going to compare my work to this film poster. Both magazines have cut around the characters or used a
greenscreen to be able to add layers to the print. Both posters have used a glow for some aspect in the background as it
creates a look of speed and actual lighting in the area. Both posters have a colour scheme that has been thought out as it
flows down the poster with the title being the most eye-catching aspect. However, in the Avengers poster, there is a more
edited and well designed background than mine because I couldn’t get any pictures due to COVID. On my poster there is
extra text such as the actors names which isn’t on the Avengers poster. I would say there are more posters with text but the
one selected is a poster to put on your walls. As a whole the Avengers poster is of course a higher technical product of as
the effects look realistic and the layout works well.
Here I am going to compare my work to this billboard. Both billboards have the characters to the left and the text
to the right to separate them to show the key information. Both billboards have a clear colour scheme that links
to other products in the package which makes them more recognisable. The key information on these billboards
are the title of the film and the release date to give people time to buy the tickets. However, even though the
characters on both billboards, there is more action in the Avengers billboard than in my billboard as the
characters are arranged to look ready for a fight and also the background has glows and lighting to make the
design more realistic. The Avengers billboard has more depth and technical qualities as there are characters
overlapping and some larger faces next to smaller characters to show the depth of the scene.
Both adverts have a clear colour scheme as the background and characters/texts are in the same colour or next to them on
the colour wheel. Another similarity between the adverts is that both have the date of when the film will be released.
However, the avenger advert has created more depth with the design as the characters are more staggered and overlapping
which looks more realistic than my design where they are in a line. What also helps the Avengers advert which I don’t have is
a edited background which breaks up the design and creates a more action looking film.
Here I am going to compare my work to this bus advert. Both adverts
have the characters on the left and the text on the right as it means the
public have more time to view it as the bus passes them.
Technical Qualities
Here I have got my two games and I will compare them to Space Invaders.
Neon Dash and Space Invaders:
Both games use movement on the menu screen to select headings, but Neon Dash has
more movement with the running characters. Both games have sperate game over
pages that appear when the player dies, however, Space Invaders has lives so that is a
separate piece of animation. I would say that Neon Dash has more technical animations
as there are a wider range of animations. For example, Space Invader has the shooter
moving left and right with animations for the explosions, but in Neon Dash has an
animation for jumping, falling, collecting a trophy and using a power up. Space Invader
has added another aspect which would mean more technical problems as they use three
lives so the game has to restart with the same background as before.
Neon Fall and Space Invaders:
Both games have the character moving left and right as the only controls. This means
that the animation is easier to make as it is simpler than Neon Dash, but Neon Fall has
the character’s body changing when moving left or right so that is a more technical
aspect over Space Invaders. Both games also have game over pages for when the
character dies, Space Invaders has lives so the background will be kept the same as it still
the same game whereas Neon Fall will restart the game. Both of these games will be
able to copy and paste the animation from the last section as Space Invaders can keep
the background but input the same coding for the character. Neon Fall has a more
technical aspect as there are multiple levels with different background and also new
characters so more animation would be needed as the games are shorter. I would have
said that Space Invaders would be able to use the same coding for the game as it is a
longer playing game so less change would be needed.
Overall, I would Space Invaders is more technical than my games as it would have been
coded so there is lots of knowledge behind the pixels where I used a app to draw mine.
Aesthetic Qualities
For the aesthetics of my package, I wanted to keep a theme to link each product together, making the package work. I started by deciding on a colour scheme
which was a dark blue background, with blue, green and white text. Deciding on these colours ensured I could keep the theme the same by using the eyedrop
tool for the exact colour. I then needed to decided on fonts which I had planned in my planning, but once I went onto Photoshop, the font was there but I
couldn’t find the other variations on it such as SemiBold. I then decided to use Ariel as my font which looked very neat and clean making it easy to read. By the
end of my print production, I found that you can change the letters to lowercase and that the variations of the fonts are in another menu so I could have used
my original font. For my next prints, I will definitely be able to have more options for my text with upper and lowercase with bold too. Once I had decided on my
colours and fonts, I needed a layout style for my images and text which was done by experimenting. Once I found my wanted layout, I used it across the other
adverts but resized them for the scale of each advert. With all these aspects, the aesthetics of my products are a high standard but still could be improved.
My film poster is aesthetically pleasing as it has a smooth flow down the page and a clean colour scheme. I have used
glows and gradient to add to the background slightly but would say it is slightly blank from above the text so I would need
a more edited background to make it better.
Both designs have the characters in the middle with the text below to bring your eyes down to the key information about
the film. I also like how the posters have the colours from the images in the text which helps the aesthetics of the designs.
However, I would say that the Avengers design is more aesthetically pleasing as the background adds to the design rather
than having blank space, which could be effective but not in this design.
My magazine cover is aesthetically pleasing as I have spaced everything out evenly so it is readable and not too much so it
ruins the design. I have used the text on the left for when in the shops, I have used colours to make aspects stand out. I
could have added a bit more to the background like the Avengers design.
Both magazine covers have used a colour scheme to point the key information out by using white text and then adding
the accent colour for the film name etc. Both magazine covers have added glows to make the them more aesthetically
pleasing as it brightens the design and layout. However, the Avengers magazine cover has the image in the middle with
text around the edge but having the characters behind the film tile, creates the focus point on the title. The layouts are
slightly different but as the Avengers magazine cover has the edited background and the image tell the reader more, I
would say the Avengers magazine cover is more aesthetically pleasing.
Aesthetic Qualities
My billboard has been done in this aesthetics to expand the aesthetics of the package. I have used all the same
aspects but resized and arranged them to fit this page.
Both designs have the image on the left and the text on the right to separate them so it doesn’t become too
much. However, the Avengers billboard has a very full image but a more simple text side which contrast each
other making a balanced design. My design is a simple design on both which could be less effective as compared
to the other design, mine is looking a bit blank. I could add to the background to add some action to the design.
Overall, I would say that the Avengers design is more aesthetically pleasing.
Large so I need to make it eye-catching. Again, the thing that would make my bus advert more aesthetically pleasing is
having a more detailed background to tell the public more about the film.
Both adverts have used larger text to present the key information as this advert needs minimal text. These prints have kept
the same theme throughout the products to keep the theme for the public to recognise. Both adverts have used the same
images and texts from other designs which links them to other products again. However, the Avengers advert has a more
detailed background so it creates a more aesthetically pleasing design. The other difference is that my design is a
super side advert, whereas the Avengers design is a T-Side meaning they could add height to their design.
My bus advert has the same aesthetic as the other products. I have used
the same colours and aspects to keep the theme across them all. I have
made the title and characters to be larger as the bus advert will be very
My film production company logo is simple and aesthetically pleasing as the logo links to the
name and has a line drawing. This logo can easily be used in multiple situations.
Both these logos have a minimal design which makes them easy to remember as there isn’t
an unusual aspect such as a detailed drawing. I like how my design could be the text and
image or just the image or just the text and it still would make sense. I also like how the PIXAR
logo has the characters from the films they have made surrounding their logo. Doing this
helps to piece the films and company together. This is something I would do if my film
company was created. I would say that both logos are aesthetically pleasing as they are
simple and easily remember.
Aesthetic Qualities
For both of my games, I would say they are aesthetically pleasing as they have dark backgrounds with contrasting accent
colours. They both link to the prints with the same colour scheme and title. I have designed Neon Dash first, so Neon Fall
was designed to link to Neon Dash. The main thing I could have improved was having a more defined gradient
background in Neon Dash. I have shown to the left what I could have created if I used this improvement. Unfortunately I
had finished Neon Dash before discovering the more defined gradient when I was designing my prints. This would have
made the products link better as they all have the same gradient. I would also have added more detail to the characters
in both games as I have used a simple design to go with the backgrounds and soundtrack.
The main change for Neon Fall would be using a portrait screen so the player has more time to react and plan the route.
Neon Dash and Space Invaders:
Both of these designs, have a neon theme which is a main aspect for retro games in pixel
art. Having the neon theme means they stand out better and will be know as pixel art
games. Another similarity is having the darker backgrounds with the bright accent
colours to create a strong contrast. However, Neon Dash has a slight gradient which
creates late-night sky look for the game which is the time of day the game is set in. I think
Neon Dash is more aesthetically pleasing than Space Invaders as there are a wider range
of colours and the background changes so it isn’t a solid colour.
Neon Fall and Space Invaders:
Again, both games have a neon theme with a darker background, Neon Fall has a
gradient which flows into the main neon colour. This contrast is aesthetically pleasing as
each aspect is clearly visible for the viewer. However, Neon Fall has more aspects and
neon colours as there are character pages, level completed pages and the colour scheme
is constants from the top to the bottom of the level. I would say Neon Fall is more
aesthetically pleasing than Space Invaders due to the range of colour and gradient
background compared to the solid colour for Space Invaders.
Aural Qualities
As a whole, I would say that the audio for my games work for my ideas and package. The audio works together to create the retro feel to compliment the retro
game design. I have created all my audio on Beepbox and then used Google Translate for my narrator as I could add the voice effect later. I also used the
theme song and sound track from Neon Dash in Neon Fall as I wanted them to link as much as possible to show they are for the film. I would say I was creative
with my audio as I found simple ways to get the audio needed without the equipment at college such as a microphone.
Firstly, the theme song for the games which is used for the menu screen and cutscene is repetitive but is slower than the soundtrack as I wanted a more
relaxed start to the game before it gets intense with the games. I would say that the theme song doesn’t get annoying because there is the narrator speaking
at the same time so you are focused more on the narrator. I decided not to add sound effects to the cutscene as I wanted to keep them separate for the game
and not to add too much with the narrator. If I did change my theme song, I would use a more advance piece of software to be able to develop it further.
Then I added the narrator over the theme song. The narrator has a robot effect to create the retro style I wanted to compliment the theme song. I have
created a simple script for games as I didn’t want the player to get confused as the game is meant to be simple. However, I would have liked the narrator to be
more clear with the pronunciation of the words as some aren’t clear. To do this I could record the script with a microphone instead of recording Google
Translate on my phone which meant it was a bit off when listening back. The robot effect could have also disturb how clear the narrator is.
Next, is the soundtrack for the games which is repetitive but also has a breaker to reduce the repetitiveness that would end up ruining the game. I have made
the soundtrack quicker than the theme song as I wanted to create the tension and contrast between the section. It also helps the player to get more into the
game and making them play it for longer and even come back to it. Using the speed to exaggerate the game helps as it could even mean the player get into a
pattern for completing the game. On the other hand, having the soundtrack quicker, could make the game seem faster than it actual is so it could be
distracting the player and making them fail. However, I would say as I have only animated the game and not playef it, the soundtrack could be quicker to
match the speed of the character when running.
Aural Qualities
My final pieces of audio was adding the sound effects. I had four sound effects for Neon Dash and then five sound effects for Neon Fall.
Neon Dash:
Jumping – This is a quick sound as I didn’t want it to overlap with anything else or another jump as the character runs quickly. I went for a higher pitch
sound as I wanted to create the sense of jumping as much as I could as a lower sound would create a sense of falling.
Power Up – I decided to use a longer sound that fades out instead of cutting off. The fade carries on until the end of the power up to frame the action
that has just happened. This sound also creates a sense of celebration as it is a reward to help keep the game going. However, I think that this sound
could have been made a bigger thing to create a sense of importance when collecting a powerup.
Trophy – This sound isn’t heard much so I wanted to make it a longer sound which carries on until the ‘+100’ disappears. I have made it a happy
sound to celebrate the completion of a street as it also means you get more points. However, as the longer you play, the quicker the jumps appear so
the trophy sound could over lap with the jump sound which I am not sure how that will work. If I got that far, I would make the trophy sound fade
out under the jump noise.
Falling – The final sound effect for Neon Dash is the falling sound. I have used a deeper sound to create a sense of sadness as the player’s hard work
as come to an end, especially if they past loads of streets. I also really like that the narrator’s voice is deeper at the end when saying ‘Game Over’ as it
compliments the deep sound effect for falling in the whole.
Neon Fall:
Jumping off – I have started off with using a spring type sound as it exaggerates the character jumping off the starting platform. I like how different
this sound is as it is the first sound effect of the game and each level. However, I feel that it could have been made a bigger effect as it is the first one
of the level. I could have done this by changing the audio gain to higher, but then I wouldn’t want the effect to effect the soundtrack.
Coin Collection – I would say that this sound could be similar to a UFO when they are sucking someone up from the ground. This sound works with the
retro design as it exaggerates the collection as it is automatic.
Landing – This is a quick sound that works well with the quick landing of the character. I would say it could have been exaggerated with a louder
sound effect as the character lands so quickly as it has gained speed when falling.
Game Over – This sound effect sort of sounds like the character flopping over like it has gone to jelly which works well as it compliments the action.
This sound effect is then followed by the narrator saying ‘Game Over’ which could have been deeper to match the Neon Dash ‘Game Over’.
New Character - The final sound effect is when you unlock a new character. I decided to go for a higher pitch noise as it replicates the celebration of
the accomplishment. The sound lasts the whole time the page is visible which emphasises the reward.
Audience Appel
When I started this project, I waned to decide on a target audience to add the smaller details for. I decided to go for 13-25 year olds as my target audience.
The whole package – I would say as a package, the target audience was correct for my idea. I have chosen the colour to ensure it isn’t childish as it would give
the wrong impression to the viewer. I also really like that I added the theme as for the teenagers, it helps to make the name/style more recognisable.
Film – The concept is easy to follow and I would use games that exist so it makes the audience feel more involved. Even though the idea is simple, I would add
lots of action and possibly a scary section for the horror fans.
Magazine Cover – For my magazine cover, I went for a simple design with the aspects spaced out to show that there isn't much for a teenager to read. Having
less text would make the reader more likely to pick one up as it wouldn’t need much to see what the magazine is about.
Film Poser – For my film poster, I went for a larger image with spaced out text to have the image as the main focus. I would say with teenagers and young
adults, the images are the most important as the reading would follow if there are interested in the image. This is like thumbnails in YouTube which are the
thing that gain the most clicks as the images are seen first.
Bus advert and Billboard – For my bus advert and my billboard, I went for large images as these are the largest prints out of the package so they needed to fill
as much space as possible. I also added the key information for the film in as little text as possible so the viewer is more likely to read it. I also needed a limited
amount of text as my target audience would be seeing these adverts in the car (with their family or driving) or when walking through town as a bus passes
Neon Dash and Neon Fall – For my games, I went for a simpler concept which works with my target audience for when they are waiting on the bus or for an
appointment etc. The audio also works for my game as it isn’t childish and it is a simple pattern that repeats itself like lots of the modern songs. However, I
would say that these game concepts are possibly more for younger children as they are so simple and will be on a tablet or phone. I would say that to create a
game for this target audience, the best idea would to create a game where you go round the real life game section in Tokyo and play the games where you
have tasks and different story lines. This game would be on a console as it is the main game platform teenagers and young adults are using.
Overall strengths and weaknesses of the final package.
As a whole, I would say that the package works really well as everything links together and has the same aesthetics.
Strengths for my package:
The main aspect that links my products together is the signature Neon Dash title as it is the exact same on all of them. I have also kept Neon Fall to be in the
same style to link the change. Another key aspect that helps the package to work is the background for all the products are there is a slight gradient, however,
Neon Dash doesn’t have the same gradient as the rest as it was too late to change it. As I created two games, I needed them to link and work in the package,
so I used Neon Dash as my inspiration. I used the same menu screen, the cutscenes was in the same style, I used the same theme song and soundtrack, I used
a similar character design and finally, I used the exact same colours from Neon Dash. All of these linked the games to be recognised as ‘sister’ games. My next
strengths are with the design of my prints. I wanted to use the them of the package across all my prints which is what I did. I used the same colours, the same
text which was coloured for key information, I used the same layouts and I used the same characters for the images. Making these decisions meant that the
whole package worked as one. My final strength was my production studio logo and merch. I decided to create some merch by using mock up products with
my designs on for if this film was made. Creating this logo helped to create this brand I wanted as an idea for what I could do on a larger scale. Once I had the
prints and logo, I combined them to create this merch for the film whilst promoting the production company.
Weaknesses for my package:
My main weakness was not being able to create a more eye-catching background for the prints as
I have seen from my evaluation that mine was looking a bit to simple. Sometimes having a simpler
design works but I would say my design was slightly too simple. The reasoning for not creating a
more detailed background was because I couldn't go and take any picture that I wanted and we
were also at home so it was slightly harder to learn new skills on Photoshop. I decided to use a
gradient background as it added something as you can see from my two menu screens on the
left. Even though I added the gradients, I should probably have added more of a contrast as it
hasn’t shown up as much as I wanted. Another weakness is that I because I couldn’t create any
backgrounds, I couldn’t create multiple ideas as I had planned when researching at the start. I
had a few ideas to create some extra prints but there weren’t full ideas and I didn’t have the right
opportunity for them
Overall, I am very happy with how the whole project went and especially how the whole package looked at the end. All of the other documents have helped
me to work on my main documents and production as I had planned everything and was evaluating as I went along to improve my next steps.

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Adventure - Assignment

  • 2. I picked the film Moana. Equilibrium – Moana has to find Maui to go on the voyage with her. New Equilibrium – Moana has to persuade Maui to teach her how to sail and to join her on restoring the heart of Te Fiti. Recognition – Moana realises she is trapped in the cave as she hears Maui sailing away. Disruption – Maui blocks Moana in a cave to steal her boat and to get rid of her. Attempt to repair – Moana climbs a statue and escapes out of a hole in the cave and then jumps into the sea which then lifts her onto the boat with her special powers. Equilibrium – Moana is being forced to become leader of the island. New Equilibrium – Moana has to find Maui to go on the voyage with her as she is allowed to go on the voyage. Recognition – Moana’s father realises Moana is wanting to go beyond the reefs as she knows about the past voyagers. Disruption – Moana’s grandma is telling Moana about the stories which distracts her about becoming leader of the island as it is her father that wants her to become leader. Attempt to repair – Moana’s father threatens to burn the ships down so she can’t go on a voyage to restore the heart of Te Fiti
  • 3. Equilibrium – Moana has to persuade Maui to teach her how to sail and to join her. New Equilibrium – Maui doesn’t have his hook which means he can’t change into different animals. Recognition – They are being fired at with arrows and ropes. Disruption – They are being attacked by Kakamora (the coconut pirates) who are trying to steal the heart of Te Fiti. Attempt to repair – They fight back and steal back the heart of Te Fiti as the pirates took it. Equilibrium - Maui doesn’t have his hook so he can’t change into different animals. New Equilibrium – Moana and Maui find Te Fiti and try to restore the heart. Recognition – Maui knew Tamatoa before as he steals all the shiny items. Disruption – Tamatoa the crab has Maui’s hook. Attempt to repair – They go to Tamatoa’s cave and work together to get Maui’s hook back.
  • 4. Equilibrium – Moana and Maui find Te Fiti and try to restore the heart. New Equilibrium – Maui’s hook is damaged so he leaves her by herself in the middle of the ocean. Recognition – Moana saw a better path for them to go. Disruption – Moana thought they couldn’t make it to where they were going. Attempt to repair – Moana takes them that way but Te Fiti strikes at them. Equilibrium – Maui’s hook is damaged so he leaves her. New Equilibrium – Moana has to find Te Fiti again. Recognition – Grandma Tala realises Moana is struggling so she appears as a sting ray. Disruption – Moana wants to give up on her voyage so the ocean takes the heart back. Attempt to repair – Grandma Tala helps Moana gain courage and confidence to carry on with the voyage. Moana swims to the bottom of the ocean to get the heart of Te Fiti.
  • 5. Equilibrium – Moana has to find Te Fiti again. New Equilibrium – Moana has to restore the heart of Te Fiti. Recognition – She doesn’t find this a problem as she has just seen her grandma. Disruption – She is by herself and had to sail to Te Fiti. Attempt to repair – She uses her sailing skills to guide her way to Te Fiti and gets ready to Equilibrium – Moana has to restore the heart of Te Fiti. New Equilibrium – The End. Recognition – Moana realises that the island is where Te Fiti lies, not where the heart goes. Disruption – The heart of Te Fiti doesn’t go where Moana thought it goes. Attempt to repair – Moana holds the heart up so Te Fiti can come towards her and she can restore the heart of Te Fiti.
  • 6. Character Type How they appear in your chosen film. The Hero The hero is Moana as she reacts to all the other characters and is the only one on the main adventure. The Villain The villains are Chief Tui as he doesn’t want Moana to go beyond the reefs which means she wouldn’t be able to go on the adventure. Maui is also a villain as he traps Moana in a cave so she couldn’t go on the adventure and he could steal her boat. Another villain is Tamatoa the giant crab because he stops them from having Maui’s hooks which is needed to fight against Te Fiti. The Helper The helpers are Hei Hei the chicken as he saves the stone from falling into the sea and Pua the pig who has made Moana feel safer than she would if she was by herself. Another helper is Grandma Tala as a stingray as she helps Moana to keep going when she wants to quit. The Donor The donor is Grandma Tala as she gives Moana the heart of Te Fiti just before she dies that night. She also tells Moana about the voyagers and the boats as the generations above her kept them secret. If Grandma Tala didn’t give this information then Moana wouldn’t have gone on her adventure. The Dispatcher The dispatcher is Grandma Tala as she is the person who told Moana about what adventure she needs to go on and Sina, her mother, helped her pack as Moana’s dad didn’t want Moana to go. The Princess or prize The prize in Moana is the heart of Te Fiti as it is the only thing that could stop the damage Te Fiti is causing. The Princess’ Father The princess’ father is Maui as Moana needs to persuade him to give up the heart of Te Fiti so everything can be back to normal, harvesting the food and catching the fish. The False Hero The false hero is Maui as he is the one character that thinks everything he does is correct and everyone loves him. He also wanted to take the credit for restoring the heart of Te Fiti but after the journey he had changed and didn’t want to block Moana out.
  • 7. WWWWWH Who Moana, Grandma Tala, Chief Tui, Sina, Maui, Te Fiti, Tamatoa, Hei Hei, Pua, Villagers. What The start of the film shows Moana growing up and her becoming head of the island. Moana is then sent on an adventure to restore the heart of Te Fiti but first she needs to find Maui who stole the heart of Te Fiti in the first place. He takes lots of persuading to get him to join her. Once she gets Maui’s help, they sail across the sea to find Te Fiti and had to try and find where the heart of Te Fiti goes. Moana discovers that the heart of Te Fiti belongs on the chest of Te Fiti and then places the stone in Te Fiti and she turns back into flowers and grass. Moana then sails back home where the island is gaining back nature that had died before she left. Where Moana is in the islands of Polynesia – Hawaii, Tonga, Tahiti. When The film is set around 3000 years ago. Why Moana needed to restore the heart of Te Fiti as nature was being killed and the fish were dying. This meant that humans didn’t have any food to harvest or catch. How Moana travels across the sea on a boat and Maui has a hook that enables him to change animals.
  • 9. Idea 1 Who A prince who is the hero. A princess who is the prize. A dispatcher who is the prince’s father. A helper which is a small alien. A false hero who is from Pluto. A villain who is the princess’ father. What All of the planets in the solar system look after certain stars and own what they have earnt, however Pluto doesn’t have any stars as it has destroyed and lost them all. The prince from Jupiter wants to save and marry the princess from Pluto so is sent on the mission of saving her by his father who wants him to bring her back to Jupiter. However, on his way to Pluto his transport crashes on to Neptune so he goes on an adventure to find a working mode of transport. Once he finds the transport, he lands on Pluto, sneaks the princess out and flew away back to Jupiter. Where In space on Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto. When Happens in the future when everyone is living on the planets. Why Pluto wants to take all of the stars so they are in control as Pluto doesn’t have any more stars left. The rest of the solar system have to work together to keep the sky looking as magical as it does. How The prince uses the dome cars to take himself and the ‘helper’, his pet alien, to Pluto and back.
  • 10. Idea 2 Who 3 friends, 1 is the hero, 1 is the princess and the other is the false hero. There is also a villain in the game that the dispatcher/donor/helper gets them to play. What There is a group of friends that go to Tokyo for a holiday and on their way back to their hotel from a meal out, they are stopped by a man who needs their help. The man persuades them to help him as he is stuck in a real life game as he can’t complete it. Once they are in the game, they have to run away from the villain and find a trophy to win the game. However, the players have trails of neon colours following them for 2 metres which makes the game a lot harder. The man gives the main friend a magical item which helps him to win the game setting all of them free. After they win, the ‘princess’ falls in love with the ‘hero’ as he has liked him for a while, but the ‘false hero’ is trying to claim he won and the ‘princess’ should be giving him attention. They go back to their hotel and the ‘false hero’ leaves Tokyo early. The others set up their own real life video game company. Where Tokyo Japan on the streets. When They are on a group holiday in 2050 as they wanted to try the safer real life games. Why They wanted to go to Japan to try out the real life games to develop them into different countries instead of game consoles. How The group of friends were trying different games that were safer but after their meal they got dragged into a dangerous game.
  • 11. Idea 3 Who A cat is the hero. A mouse is the dispatcher and donor. The humans are the villains. The mouse’s sister is the character that needs rescuing. What The cat who lives in a sweetshop sees a mouse which she chases and the cat gets stuck down the tunnel so the cat and the mouse eventually become friends with each other. The mouse then needs help from the cat to go find his sister who has gone missing after she went on a wonder. The cat and the mouse go on an adventure to find out where his sister has gone, but the humans are stopping them get anywhere as they are scared of mice. After searching through the night, they decide to sneak into Buckingham Palace and have a look in there. In the basement they find the sister sleeping in all the old dusty blankets left in the boxes. After climbing to the correct shelves they get her to go home with them back to the mice’s home, the cat goes back to the sweetshop where she lives. A few time a week the mice and the cat go on more adventures around London without coming into contact with any humans. Where In London, a sweetshop, the tunnels, the streets and Buckingham Palace When In 1899 when there weren’t many cars or people around. Why The cat wanted to attack the mouse as she hadn’t caught one for years being in the sweetshop but ended up going on lots of adventures with him. How They travelled through tunnels, through the streets when it was dark to miss all the humans.
  • 12. Mind Map – Story
  • 13. Mind Map – The Film Package
  • 14. Mood Board Exposure technique for my poster. I am going to use these for trails coming off the characters on the game. These 3 pictures are inspiration for the backgrounds to my poster and advertisement pieces. Here is some clothes ideas for if I used female character. I like the all black look with baggy trousers for a runner game at night at it will be more comfortable and easier to hide. Here is some clothes ideas for if I used male character. I like the all black look with baggy trousers for a runner game at night at it will be more comfortable and easier to hide. I also like the baggy jackets and loose chains/belts.
  • 16. Existing Product – VOGUE Magazine I have chosen this VOGUE magazine cover as it has a neon theme which will give me ideas for my work. This cover has been produced in a studio setting as the photograph is a portrait photo with the subject facing straight on with the camera. The editing of the cover has enabled them to increase the amount of neon added. As the model is holding the middle star, the editors have added the other 4 stars that get larger as they go out and added fading and coloured shadows to make them look like neon lights. The lighting is bright with neon tints which are reflected on her top and her glasses. The neon lighting has also been added to the central star that the model is holding to create a focus point. The photograph is a portrait photo as the magazine is about beauty and fashion which this magazine has gone for a neon theme. The model is wearing a sequin dress as it reflects the lights better to create a shine and a glow. They have used this top as the black contrast from the bright lights and the orange and yellow colours are added the top as well creating a boarder. The photographer has added these reflective glasses to emphases the brightness of the neon and to add the neon theme to her face without using loads of makeup. The makeup artist has used neutral skin makeup with pink lipstick which compliments the theme and her nails as they are pink as well. They have tied her hair back, so it creates the smooth look that doesn’t distract from the composition. The colours are the standard neon colours you see on signs, blue, green, pink and purple all bright colours to add lighting effects. In post-production, they have used a bright matt yellow to contrast from the bright glowing colours below and to work with the yellow at the bottom. VOGUE always has its signature font with every letter as a capital and uses the same or similar font but in lower case for the subheadings or information. This is done to keep the uniformity on the page and between magazines as it you know where the font is from. I think the meaning behind this cover is that the light you carry is reflected to other people and influences them. This research has helped me as I have looked at the neon styles and colours which is what I am wanting to use in my project. I have also seen that the little amount of information on the front cover is more effective than having more information.
  • 17. Existing Product – Pac-Man I have chosen the game Pac Man as it is the most well-known pixel art game and is the best game to help me for my work. The Game: I am going to talk about the characters, how the game is played, the screen layout, the rewards/punishments, the cut scenes and the menu. Characters – the characters are simple designs that you can see are made of pixels, so they look quite boxy around the edges. Both Pac-Man and the ghosts have been animated to move when they aren’t stationary which makes the game look more realistic for a pixel game. Pac-Man also has simple movements which makes the animation easier as game development was as developed then. Game Play – The game is very easy to understand as it’s a simple concept with easy controls. The game is quite basic so there aren’t loads of rules or features you need to learn about. The concept is to eat the circles for points whilst dodging the ghosts, but you could get the power up to eat the ghosts and score more points. Screen Layout – the layout of the screen is a portrait rectangle with a maze style game in the middle. There is the high score at the top of the screen and the lives and rewards at the bottom of the screen. This creates a basic layout but an addictive game to play. Rewards/Punishment – you would gain extra points if you ate the ghosts and the fruits (cherries, strawberries and peaches etc.) However, if you got caught by a ghost you would loose one of your 5 lives until you run out of lives and the game would end. Cut Scene – The first cut scene is showing how the game works with simple animations. It also has the high score on that device, the character/nicknames of the ghosts and what points are awarded for what action. The second cut scene is when you have eaten all the circles in the maze as it resets the game but keeps the same score. This is again a simple animation of Pac-Man running away. Menu – the menu is a simple design that has the play option, the controls and the credits. There is also the title in Pac-Man style and the line of ghosts and Pac-Man. Audio: There is an intro/theme tune for Pac-Man and a few sound effects when playing the game. Sound Effects – there is a sound effect for eating the circles, getting rewards, when ghosts are near by, when Pac-Man gains a power up and then when he eats the ghosts. These are all short, simple sound effects as the game does become very quick so lots could happen at once mixing the sound effects if they were any longer. Intro/Theme Tune – this song is quick and sounds like it is building tension up like the game would the further you go into it. This song is also very repetitive which reflects the game as you do the same task every time trying to get a higher score. This song is also simple which compliments the rest of the game as nothing has been over complicated. I also think this song could make the player more competitive making them play loads building up anger. This research has helped me with my ideas for my game as I want to make it a simpler game with a menu, cut scene, song and game play that all compliments each other to produce a high-quality product.
  • 18. Existing Product – Pixels I have chosen to use Pixel as one of my research products as it is like my film as they are fighting against characters from games. For all these posters they have had the photograph taken on a greenscreen or in the actual location and then had lots of editing added to it after to create the high-quality posters. The subject in each poster has been positioned to the lower half of the poster making more room for the post-production effects as they are bigger than the humans in the film. The editing has been used to add the main characters from Pac-Man, Centipede and Donkey Kong as those are the main games attacking in the film. This works well as it shows more about the film and what happens with no text on the poster. For the top poster which tells you the most about the film, you can see that they have used bright lighting and neon glows/trails to give that extra effect of being in a game rather than being in real life. In the lower half of the poster the characters are getting ready for fighting against Pac-Man, Centipede, Donkey Kong and more. You can see they have guns which are for breaking down the pixels when a group of pixels are hit which slows down the pixel characters. All the characters are in natural, causal clothing as this happens suddenly, so they must drop everything and go. Pixels is set in a few cities around the world as shown on the posters. In the top poster the colours are mainly blue on the guns, in the sky and the tile which could infer there isn’t any anger about having to fight the pixels, they are doing what they must to save the cities. The other main colour is yellow as Pac-Man is so big in the background. This shows that Pac-Man is the biggest game in the 1980s when it was released. For the other 2 posters, they both use natural lighting as they are pictures of cities which would be hard to replicate in a studio. Then the other 2 main game characters (after Pac-Man) which are Centipede and Donkey Kong, have been added and shown playing their game on earth to a large scale. Both use the blue font that is blocky to replicate being made up of pixels, they have used the same font and style in all 3 posters to keep the theme of the prints the same. Centipede has a hint of pink in the sky to brighten the pink used in the game and Donkey Kong has a pink sky which compliments him and the brown barrel. This research has helped me with thinking about the colour scheme and how the different colours compliment each other. It has also made me think about creating a few ideas for the different advertisement products I will be creating soon.
  • 19. Existing Product – Nerve I have chosen Nerve as it has a similar idea of playing a game and being trapped until you win and has similar colours. For the first poster the photographs are taken in a studio and at a location for the street photo, which is the street used for one of the dares. The portrait photos are close ups of the actors faces which could foreshadow that they will do anything to win the game. In editing, the close-up shots have been merged/faded onto the street photo and into the other photo to be able to have all the main aspects from the film. The title has been added with the letters being vertical and in the center of the poster separating the 2 characters. I would say the pink has been used to act as a contrast from the faces that have been tinted blue and teal. Also, in the middle of the poster in the title, they have added the motorbike scene which is the main dare Vee and Ian/Sam complete. For the top poster, the lighting has been used to add colour to the dark theme as the neon links back to the film as there are lots of bright neon lights used. The lighting has also been used to reflect of the road to highlight the blurry image as it looks like it is raining. As the close ups are used for the portrait pictures, you can’t see the costumes or hair which would keep your focus on the name of the film, so it becomes better known. When thinking about the colours, the editor has gone for an analogous colour scheme as they have used blue and blue-green/teal for the tints on the actor’s faces. They have also used pink and white to contrast from the blue and teal to make the key information stand out such as the title, the date and the actors names. The text is all in capitals and is all in the same font which keeps an equal look from top to bottom. For the second poster, the photo has been taken in a studio and it looks like Vee is about to play the game. Again, the shot is a close- up and makes the audience feel like they are in the phone and are watching her decided to play the game. In post-production, they have added text and shapes to recreate the menu for the game Nerve and reversed it to give the effect of being in the phone. To keep the theme the same between posters, they have used the same fonts and colours and again they have used an analogous colour scheme of blue-green and green as the green is neon so it stands out against the teal, showing Vee will play the game. They have used teal for Vee in both posters rather than swapping between a few colours to make the posters more recognisable if a viewer seems them separately. This research has helped me to see the use of different colour schemes such as the analogous colour scheme which is a possible addition to my idea. I have also learnt that adding layers is also an effective technique for adding more information with out over crowding the poster.
  • 20. Research Summary What have you learned from your research? I have learnt that to create a professional package you need to keep the theme and style the same as they are more recognisable. To keep the style the same you could use the same colours, fonts, layouts, key aspects from the film and/or the game. I have also learnt that it is a good idea to have a couple of posters for the film so you can show more detail about the film with less text. Linking to that I also think that less text is more effective on a magazine cover and a film poster as films are visual with little to no text. Another thing I have learnt about is the use of colours and colour schemes in films as you must think about how the colours work individually and together. The main thing I learnt about video games is that simpler concepts are more effective as it means anyone can play it and it is easy to learn. What aspects of the research will you include within your work? I will be using all the above as I have found the best aspects from each section and putting these together will create a high- quality package for Screen Yorkshire.
  • 21. Bibliography Anon. (2016). Nerve. Available: Last accessed 24th Nov 2020. Anon. (2019). Pac-Man. Available: Last accessed 24th Nov 2020. Anon. (2015). Pixels. Available: Last accessed 24th Nov 2020. Anon. (2018). Vogue beauty. Available: 2018. Last accessed 24th Nov 2020.
  • 23. Style Sheet Colours and inspiration: For the poster, the advertisement and the videogame, I will be using blue, blue/green and green for the trails and I will use red and orange for the first background accessory colours. I have done this as the blue and greens are in a analogous colour scheme and then the red and oranges are in a split compliment and/or complimentary colour scheme. This means the colours are next to each other and then the colour groups are opposite meaning they work well with each other. Above I have shown some inspiration for the designs and colours, I have shown the idea for the trail, the colours used in Tokyo and the colour schemes from Google and Adobe Colour. Graphics: When watching Jumanji I saw an idea that would work well in my videogame and advertisement. I will use this for some adverts to highlight dates, names and any more key information. I could also use this for my videogame menu screen or game over page as it is easily created out of pixels. I like how the colours are changed depending on the character which is something I could show for my characters when the player is deciding what colour to pick. Video Game: I am going to create a side on, 2D pixel art game to link to my film idea as it is a simpler concept with simpler designs available to do rather than a 3D with depth. I am going to make a game like the top picture with the neon colours like the middle picture. It will look pixelated as the game could be zoomed out a bit more like the bottom picture for adding more detail.
  • 24.
  • 25. Magazine and Advert Layouts These layouts are for film posters and magazine covers. I have drawn the basic aspects of my idea but I am going for a minimalistic theme so it will be simple drawings. I really like the colour choices as they compliment each other creating a more professional design. I have decided to try with the title at the bottom and at the top of the page as I wasn’t sure but looking at them now, I prefer the title at the top so that what I will do for my final design. I will also change the order of the trails to go with the colour wheel, I will go blue for the left character, blue/green for the middle character and green for the right character. These layouts are for film posters and portrait advertisement products such as bus stop posters. This is a second idea for a poster as from my research earlier, I have seen that a few posters are made for the film. I have made this poster simple with the characters the main focus. I like the gradient of colours as you go down the poster and that the title of the film is vertical as well. I could add the red and orange into the poster by the writing and adding a glow like a neon sign. Again I have tried the information at the top and the bottom of the poster and prefer the information at the bottom. I could add some buildings in the background to show Tokyo. These layouts are for bus advertisements as they are longer than a usual landscape page. I thought linking this to the other film poster will help to create a type of uniform for these advertising piece and create a signature style. I have used the gradient for the trails to keep the same order from the colour wheel which means the colours work best in that order. I had an idea to create the title, names and dates in the style shown above to make it look like a pixel menu to link to the video game for the whole package to work better. I would say that the information looks better on the right of the poster which also gives the public more time to read the bus as it is the last thing on the bus. Here are some colours for the accessory colours. (and white)
  • 26. Magazine and Advert Layouts Clothes: I need 3 outfits for my magazine cover and for my advertisements as there are 3 different characters. I am going to use all black clothing with the same shoes, socks and gloves to create a uniform look. For my first outfit I am going to wear black jeans with a belt, a black long-sleeved thermal and a black beanie. For my second outfit I am going to wear black cargo trousers with a belt, a black short-sleeved top, a black body warmer and a black bandana. For my final outfit I am going to wear black joggers, a long-sleeved black top and a pair of dark round sunglasses. Location: I am going to take the photos at home as I will cut round the figure and trail in Photoshop, to be able to add them to my background when I’ve drawn it. This will mean I can edit the trails individually and add tints to resemble the neon lights. Trails: To create the trails, I am going to change my exposure to around 8 seconds on my camera to catch the light as it is moved away from the person. Fonts: What font should I use? - Calibri Light (Body) What font should I use? - Arial Nova Cond Light What font should I use? - Arial Nova Cond What font should I use? - Arial Nova What font should I use? - Arial Nova Light What font should I use? - Arial Narrow What font should I use? - Arial Black What font should I use? – Bahnschrift What font should I use? - Bahnschrift Light What font should I use? - Bahnschrift Condensed What font should I use? - Bahnschrift SemiCondensed What font should I use? Bahnschrift Light Condensed What font should I use? - Georgia What font should I use? – Georgia Pro Black What font should I use? Georgia Pro Light What font should I use? - Georgia Pro Cond What font should I use? - Georgia Pro Cond Light I have found 3 different fonts and found different variations to show what the options are with them. My favourite font is Bahnschrift as there are many options to choose from. Bahnschrift and Ariel are very similar but for a poster I would just use one font.
  • 27. Video Game Layout Here is a drawing for part of my videogame level in Japan. The main aim of this game is to jump over the holes in the road as you run down the street away from the Japanese soldier to try and find the trophy. I’ve used pictures from Google to get inspiration for the buildings, sky and colours. In Japan there are lots of colours used for the neon lights, so I have decided to use 2 colours in each level, for the first level I have chosen red and orange lights as shown above.
  • 28. Script – Game 1 This whole speech is from the narrator. “Hello and welcome to Neon Dash” “The aim of Neon Dash is to jump over the holes. At the end of each street, you can collect a trophy which adds 100 points to your score. Fall in a hole and it is game over. The more streets you run through, the higher your score is. If you see a white symbol, it is a power up” “To control your crew mate, use the space bar to jump over the gaps. To collect a trophy run into the trophy as you leave the street and it will be added to your score.” “Have fun and good luck!” Animation with the script. For each section, the narrator is talking about, that section will be highlighted and have a simple animation to support it. I wanted to keep the script short as the game is simple and I don’t want to over complicate it. Name of the game Play Controls Objective Credits
  • 29. Script – Game 2 This whole speech is from the narrator. “Hello and welcome to Neon Fall” “The aim of Neon Fall is to dodge the platforms. Each platform dodge, you gain 100 points. If you grab a coin, you gain 200 points. The gradient background shows you how much of the level you have left. Unlock characters to expand the game.” “To control your crew mate, use the left and right arrows. To collect a coin, fall through it on your way down and it will be added to your score.” “Have fun and good luck!” Menu Screen For each section, the narrator is talking about, that section will be highlighted and have a simple animation to support it. I wanted to keep the script short as the game is simple and I don’t want to over complicate it. Name of the game Play Controls Objective Credits
  • 30. Sound Effects Sound Effect Needed – Game 1 How I Will Create This Sound Starting the game. 3 2 1 Go I will use Beepbox for all of my sound effects as it is a simple software to use and does what I need to create the sounds. Jumping. Collecting the trophy. Activating a power up. Game Over. Sound Effect Needed – Game 2 How I Will Create This Sound Starting to fall. I will use Beepbox for all of my sound effects as it is a simple software to use and does what I need to create the sounds. Collecting coins. Hitting a platform Landing Level completed. New character unlocked.
  • 31. Actor/Locations Actor Role Location For Recording Myself The 1st boy Home. Myself The 2nd boy (younger boy) Home. Myself The 3rd boy Home. I will be using the 3 main characters from my film to create the posters and advertisement so I will take 3 pictures with the exact same background but I will change my outfit and my location in shot. I will then edit the 3 pictures onto 1 page so they are all running together. I will be using 3 outfits to make the characters varied and distinguishable from each other but the outfits will all be linked for the game. I decided to not use other actors as it would create more problems with COVID and I also don’t have to rely on other people as it could effect my schedule.
  • 32. Music Band Name Track Name Link I will be making my own music for the menu screen, the cut screen and the game. I will use Beep Box for these soundtracks as I want simple music so the music doesn’t become distracting from the game. From my research about Pac-Man I have learnt that a simpler game and soundtrack work well together as the game becomes more playable and addictive.
  • 33. Contingency Plan What Could Go Wrong? What Could You Do To Prevent This? What Could You Do If It Does? As I have made my project slightly simpler, there isn’t much that could go wrong as lots of the project is on the computer. I could loose my work – PowerPoints and Photoshop. I will save after each section is completed or save before you leave your computer. I will have to type it up again as my notes are on paper. The lights could run out of battery because they won’t be plugged in. I will charge the batteries before using them and I will turn off the lights between shots. I would have to recharge them again and do the other section at another time. The camera battery could run out of charge. I will fully charge the battery before using the camera and will turn the camera off when changing outfits. I will have to borrow another battery. The camera could move slightly effecting the final shot. I will make sure everyone will keep away from the tripod and to not apply pressure when changing the camera settings. I will have to restart the photography process. I could run out of time for the animation and soundtracks I will make my game to have a simpler concept and simpler soundtracks. I will have to focus on the main parts of the project to get done.
  • 34. Risk Assessment What could be a risk to you, others or the equipment? How can you make sure that doesn’t happen? What will you do if it does? As I have made my project slightly simpler, there isn’t much that could go wrong as lots of the project is on the computer. The camera could be dropped when setting up the shot. Hold the camera still and twist the tripod instead of the camera meaning less movement for the camera. The lights could be dropped. Hold the lights on the bracket as you need the other hand for turning the lights on and off.
  • 35. Production I have added my prints into my blog as they do not show up well when the PowerPoint is embedded.
  • 36. Neon Dash In 2050, college graduates MARTY OWENS, ADAN SMITH and FRANKIE CARTER are on a quest to experience the new technology called ‘Become The Player’ which is developed in Tokyo. Their experience does not go to plan. MARTY OWENS, the man who understands videogame development more than anyone else, has just graduated from college with his two best friends, ADAN SMITH and FRANKIE CARTER (they all specialise in videogame development). The three are getting ready to go to Tokyo as there is brand new videogame technology called ‘Become the Player’ which has gained the most interest by MARTY as he wants to develop more of these games. All three of them fly to Tokyo and begin to try out the games one at a time. They analyse the 15 games they play to see what to improve and how they can adapt them. All 15 games are shown, 10 of them are shown when the three are leaving after they played the game, the other five are shown when the three are playing the game. Showing five games creates a contrast to Neon Dash as Neon Dash is the only unsafe game to play. Showing the five games also creates a contrast as Neon Dash is the only dark game which foreshadows the danger. On their last night they go out for a meal as a reward for their efforts. On their way back to the hotel, they get stopped by a man who wants their help. The man who is called CHAD LEE has got himself stuck in a game called Neon Dash. Neon Dash is a game set in the streets of Tokyo which are covered in neon lights. The aim of Neon Dash is to collect the trophy whilst being chased by a Japanese soldier, but the players have a neon trail behind them making it harder to hide. He tricks the other three to help him, but he does not tell them that this version of Neon Dash is dangerous. After being told how to play the game and what does not work, the four begin to play. The more they play the game, the more MARTY, ADAN and FRANKIE realise what danger they are in. The first attempt to grab the trophy is made by MARTY but the trophy disappears as the game has become glitch from a loose wire in the electrics. After they are playing for about 10 minutes, the soldier glitches and smashes into a building which sends shock waves down the street, forcing a building to fall on to FRANKIE. To save FRANKIE, CHAD distracts the soldier whilst MARTY and ADAN pull FRANKIE from the rubble. Now that CHAD is being chased, the other three must help but luckily CHAD finds a power up and throws it to MARTY. MARTY uses this to become invisible which means the soldier cannot see him, so he has more routes to the trophy. Just before his power up disables itself, MARTY grabs the trophies which stops the hole game and removes the soldier who was inches away from catching CHAD. Now they had won, CHAD was free from Neon Dash after being stuck in there for a few months. As their adrenalin becomes weaker, they all realise how much danger the game puts you in and go straight to the headquarters to get it removed before anyone else gets stuck. Once the game was removed, they all go back to their hotel and start talking to CHAD who is also a videogame developer and wants to work on real life videogames. Skipping 10 years into the future, the four men have created the biggest Become the Player technology company in the UK and are growing their company every day. Their most popular game is called Neon Dash. Synopsis
  • 37. Final Products – Magazine Cover
  • 38. Final Products – Film Poster
  • 39. Final Products – Bus Advert
  • 40. Final Products – Billboard
  • 41. Final Products – Film Production Company Here I have create a film production brand with some contact products, some mock ups to show work spaces and some products for the merch of all the movies that the company produces (bags and tags).
  • 42. Final Products – Merchandise Here I have created some merch for Neon Dash which also shows my film production company.
  • 43. If My Products Were Actually Made1 My Film If my film was developed and produced I would change a few things. Firstly I would change one of the male characters to be a female character which wasn’t possible to do for my prints because of the COVID rules. I had to be the three characters as I couldn’t use any other people that were not in my household. At the start of the movie I would show them playing more of the 15 games that they play when in Tokyo before coming across Neon Dash. This would help to create a contrast between them as all the games should be safe. I would also add flashbacks to their childhood, showing them together playing some of the 15 games to show how much they love games and that they have been wanting to do this for years. Finally, I would show the characters in the future together working on their company for real life games. There will be scenes that are the same as the start but them grown up such as the three main characters walking out their houses and meeting each other on the street. Neon Dash If Neon Dash was developed and created as a real game, I would like to add coins to be able to buy new characters if they aren’t unlocked already. You could also unlock a new character once you get to a certain level or collect enough symbols of some kind. I would develop a range of characters to go with the Tokyo theme to make the game more varied and suitable for more interests. As the game is an endless running game, I would like to have a range of streets and colour combinations for the accent colours. The character could run through all the tourist areas and even to a different city. I could also make a version of Neon Dash where you are in levels and each level is a different city around the world. Finally, I would add platforms so the character could jump up them to a new area where there are loads of coins and powerups but it is more risky meaning the game could end sooner. Neon Fall If Neon Fall was developed and created as a real game, I would add more levels with different colours each time for the gradient background and the platforms. I would want to make each level slightly different but once I have used all the combinations, I will have to reuse the combinations to keep the levels going. I would also have new character being unlocked when certain levels are completed or when the player has collected enough coins to buy them. Some character will be more common than other and there will be some rare character that are hard to unlock. As the player completes more levels, the levels would get longer and longer making them harder to complete and the platforms will have smaller gaps meaning the reaction time of the player will have to be quicker. Neon Fall will be a mobile game on a portrait screen so the player has more time to react to the platforms coming up.
  • 44. If My Products Were Actually Made Neon Jump I have been thinking about different games I could make to link to my film and keep the neon theme throughout them all. My first idea is called Neon Jump where you have to jump up platforms to reach the top platform. It is like the reverse of Neon Fall which is why it will have the same aesthetics as Neon Fall. There will be coins and powerups to collect to help the player. There will be similar characters to my other games and I could add smaller aspects to link them together such as the menu screens and level completed pages. Neon Slide I have been thinking about different games I could make to link to my film and keep the neon theme throughout them all. My second idea was a game called Neon Slide where you are launched into the air and have to slide down hills to gain speed and be projected further over the hill until you come back down to slide on another hill. The higher you can fly, the more points you gain and the higher you go the more coins there are to be collected. The main aim is to keep the momentum going as it is easily lost if the player hits the hill too early it too late as they can’t slide. The background of my game would be Tokyo's streets but the higher you go the darker the background gets to make it look like the character will be closer to space. Prints If my prints were developed and created to the actual sizes, I would present them on the products shown before. I would also like to make more pieces of advertisement such as social media posts and web adverts as many people use screens which is the most common way they see products and films. I then would like to create a few versions to the posters and adverts such as different sections of Neon Dash and the characters playing different games or the characters running with aspects from a few games in the background to link the film into one picture. If my company was developed and made I would create more products for the workspaces when creating film ideas. I would also create more products for the merchandise such as branded packaging to keep advertising the company for more viewers.
  • 46. Research To start my research, I did some experiments with the software needed for this project. I used Photoshop to make some poster ideas with some photos I had taken before. The first thing I learnt was adding special layers which meant I could edit the composition by changing aspects such as blacks, whites and the saturation. Experimenting with these effects meant I could change the looks of my pictures which I used for my neon trails as I used a teal colour and then editing it to green and to blue. I then experimented with some tools such as the marque tool which meant I could change some effects in a selected area instead of the whole page. Doing this meant I could edit some of the characters on my prints as I didn’t want to change the background. Once I had edited my composition, I was able to experiment with text and layouts for a poster. I used some effects I found in this experiment in my print work such as the shadows for the title on my magazine cover. I also learnt about what didn’t work for the layout of the text which saved me time when designing my prints as I had already made the mistakes. I had learnt that the text needs to be in the same font and to have space for it to breathe. After the print experiments, I started to experiment with Beepbox for my soundtrack and sound effects. Using Beepbox was easy to learn and easy to experiment with as I could change the patterns very easily. Experimenting with Beepbox enabled me to create a simple soundtrack as I knew the controls and effects. My last experiment was on pixel art for my videogame. I started with a website which worked well as you could see the last frame making it easy to draw the next frame for a smooth animation. I then experimented with Photoshop which worked better than the website as you could do loads more with it. I started by experimenting with a shape to animate it across the page to gain the basic skills of Photoshop animation. I then moved on to a simple design to practise the process needed for my videogame. I designed a background and then used the tween tool to make it move. My experiments on pixel art design were the most helpful as I learnt the basics for animation on Photoshop which enabled me to create a long sequence. Overall, my experiments helped me to learn the basics needed for this project and I didn’t need to experiment on anything else. Whatever I didn’t know, I researched to how to do it, I didn’t experiment these things as I didn’t realise that I would need the more complicated tools such as the lasso tool.
  • 47. Research After my experiments, I started to research existing products and evaluate how they work as a product and how this can help me with my products. My research as a whole helped me to think about how each aspect of the product works together and then how the products work as a package. I was able to talk about different aspects in my research such as colours, lighting and font which helped to develop my understanding of thinking about each detail before creating the product. I first started off with analysing a magazine cover from VOUGE with a neon theme. This product helped me to develop an idea with what neon colours work well together and what colours to use. It helped me to develop my neon trial to have a glow and a fade to make it more realistic. It helped me to understand print more as everything used on the page has been thought about and there is a reason for everything. It has helped me to develop an understanding of different layout options and how effective fonts and text sizes are for the product. This analysis has helped me to develop a high-quality magazine cover with a colour scheme and space for the text to breathe. I then analysed ‘Pac-Man’ for my videogame and audio product which has a retro theme as it is a pixel art game. This product helped me to come up with a minimalistic design and idea for my games as I didn’t want to over complicate it to the point where the whole game looses the effect I wanted. This product has helped me to tone done the animation as simple ideas can be the best ideas, this saved lots of time and stress as I would have struggled to develop the game to be more arty and detailed. This product has helped me to come up with darker games and then add the colour into it with the characters and some background detail, this made specific features stand out more such as the signs in Neon Dash. This product helped me to link all my sections together as they all flow to make the sequence. I did this by having the same background, font and colours. I then analysed the film poster for the film ‘Pixels’ to help me with my prints. This product helped me with designing a theme for my collection of prints and to come up with a colour scheme for my package as a whole. This product helped me to develop a range of ideas for my prints as there are three film posters with different designs for pixels. I also decided on some extra prints such as the bus advert. This product helped me to show the main sections of the movie in the design, I chose to use the three characters playing Neon Dash to gain people’s attention. Finally, I analysed another two film posters for the film ‘Nerve’ which helped me expand on my print ideas and my colour schemes. This product helped me to develop an analogous colour scheme for my prints and games which helped make it look more aesthetically pleasing. This product helped me to learn different layouts possible for prints as the title is vertical and the text is at the bottom which splits the poster up for the faces. However, I could have looked in more detail about why those aspects have been added and done that why to develop my understanding of these products. I could have then looked at a package of adverts for a film to develop an idea of what a package should look like. Finally I could have looked at a range of magazine covers to understand the different layout ideas there are.
  • 48. Planning The next stage was to plan my ideas and products. I was able to see my ideas coming together and to see how they could work together instead of trying to imagine how they would work. I was also able to experiment and try different ideas without effecting the final product which really helped as I could try anything, I tried a range of colours and scripts etc. Using this planning section, helped me to know how all the aspects would be and how they could be developed too which helped me as I knew how everything would look. I would say I couldn’t have developed my planning as I got all my ideas and inspiration. If I found any new ideas, they would have been randomly found when looking for inspiration later on they would randomly pop into my head. My first stage of planning was to come up with a style sheet for colours, inspiration and links to other product such as Jumanji for me. This helped me as I found some Tokyo streets covered in neon lights at night which is the aesthetic I am going for. This also helped me as I was able to learn about different colour schemes and then develop them for my products. I then found inspiration for my neon trail with the long exposure lighting effect as that was my main idea for the package. Finally I remembered a scene in Jumanji where they have these cool screens that come up which is what I wanted to use and I did use it for my videogame ‘Game Over’ sign. That helped me as I was not sure what to do for that page as my ideas didn’t link to the theme enough, so this neon design worked perfectly. However, I could have looked at more pixel art games as that wasn’t really covered as I struggled to find 2D pixel art games but after speaking to some people, I know some more that I can compare to later in my evaluation. Next I planned what colour combination to use for the three neon trails. I started off by taking photos of different coloured trails and then experimenting with a range of combinations. In the end I decided to use blue, teal and green as it is a analogous colour scheme and they work the best for my overall package. Doing this section for my planning helped me to see what would work the best so I could develop my other ideas with the correct colour schemes. I then started to plan the layout for my prints and videogame which helped with sorting my ideas out. I started with drawing my ideas out as it was the quickest way for me which also meant I could change something if needed. I drew my poster and bus advert and then separated the text from the image so I could swap them around to try different layouts which helped as I liked the changed version better. This section could have been done better if I had more skills at drawing by hand or on the computer as I could have added a more detailed design in the background and on the characters. I then started to designs some outfits from the black clothes I have at home as the clothing will be all black for the late-night game. I used different accessories to develop the outfit to be slightly different from the other but to keep a uniformed look, I used the same gloves and shoes. This helped as I had planned a smaller aspect but it saved me time when I was producing the prints. Finally, I experimented with different fonts and planned what font I could use and to see if they had a range of effects such as SemiBold. I did find a range of fonts but ended up using a different font for my print as I hadn’t learnt that there are more option in Photoshop. I then moved onto my videogame layout which helped me to see how my game could look and how I need to adjust the scale of all the aspects. I could have developed the design if I had better drawing skills but for the plan I think it worked really well.
  • 49. Planning The next aspect to plan was my script for Neon Dash, I then created one for Neon Fall when I decided on a second game. This helped me as I could also plan my cutscene as I knew what the narrator would say, but if I needed I could easily change the script. In the end I ended up reducing the script as the cutscene was too long. In this section I also designed my menu screen and decided on the different sub headings needed for the game which helped as I was able to add the extra parts to my script to link the cutscene sections together to make the sequence flow from the menu screen to when the game begins. After this, I needed to make a list of the sound effects needed for the games which helped me as I had to think about how the games would work and if there are any special feature such as the power ups and coin collection. I decided to use Beepbox for this as it had a range of instruments. I then had to create a contingency plan which helped me as I was able to prevent the problems that could be caused when producing the products which as the battery running out. In the end some of these weren’t a problem as I had changed my plan or understood the process better such as, I didn’t need to have a specific background for my characters as I was cutting around them anyway. However, I did nearly run out of battery on my camera because I was experimenting with angles and lighting to make the environment look natural on the characters. My final section of the planning process was creating a risk assessment which was helpful as I was able to prevent any accidents. Luckily I was able to do the photoshoot at home so I didn’t have the risk of dropping the camera on the floor or knocking the lights over onto a hard surface. This meant that my risk assessment made me think about what could go wrong when producing the photos which meant I didn’t cause any accidents.
  • 50. Other Documents I have produced a Proposal, a Synopsis, a Diary and a Production Log to support my work through the whole project. First I started with a proposal which made me think about what audience will like this package and what my target audience needs to be. I decided to go for 13-25 year olds as it has different aspects for each age group. I also had to think about how I can plan my production to use the skills I have now, but also to develop and gain new skills that I can use for the rest of college. So I planned to used Photoshop and Premiere Pro so I could develop my knowledge on them, which I did. I learnt how to animate and use the magnetic lasso tool for Photoshop and for Premiere Pro, I learnt how to edit audio for the first time as for the music video project, we used a soundtrack already made. I could have talked about my second game in my proposal but I didn’t plan to do two games for my package. Overall, I am happy with how the proposal has helped my work to be a higher standard. Next I produced a synopsis which showed what my film would be like if it was developed and produced as a whole film. This helped me to come up with ideas for the whole story which made my ideas more clear as I could link it to other parts of the film in my head. Creating the synopsis also helped as I created some names for the characters which I used for the actors names on my film poster. I am sure there are ways to develop my synopsis and film idea but I am happy with what I have produces as it has the basics and the main details for the film. The next three documents were made simultaneously as they all link together. I started with my tasks list which was added to before my production log so I could expand on the sections in my production log. Adding to my tasks list before my production log made my production log easier to create as I could break down the process a lot more. I started making this document into a diary but It didn’t work as it wasn’t in the correct form so I developed this into a pre-production log document. Next I created my production log which is the process and evaluation of my production as I create my products. I was able to evaluate my production as I went on which meant I could improve things if needed and see where my weakness were so I could develop them for the rest of the production time. I added screenshots of every step I made to support my evaluation, however, I could have expanded on my evaluation as I feel that I needed to comment more on my work rather than the actual process. Finally, I created a diary for my production process. This helped me to see where I can improve on my work like I do with my production log. It also helps me to plan what I needed to do next time so I can get on with my work instead of figuring out the next step. My diary could have been better if I started it earlier but I wasn’t sure of the proper format for a while. If I had started my diary before, I could have found some more things to improve and be ready for my next work day.
  • 51. Time Management I wanted to use my time as effectively as possible as I knew there was lots to do. To start with we only had three weeks of production which felt like a tight time frame but because we are now online, we got more time for production. I did think I was going to be behind in production as my background for Neon Dash was the more time consuming aspect of my whole package as it took me hours to do but was worth it in the end. With the extra time I was able to finish my package early so I decided to create another pixel art game with a different concept to Neon Dash but it still has the same theme. As I had completed all the products and then had enough time to make another video game in the last week or two, I would say I managed my time very well. I took a risk by starting a new product that has more than seven aspects as I could have run out of time but I knew that I could make the game simpler and I would be quicker at creating the game due to my skills gained from Neon Dash. I do feel that I could have managed the order of my time better, for example, I would do a chunk of production and then organise my tasks sheet and production log which would mean I would be doing one thing for a long period of time instead of spreading it out. This could have meant, I wouldn’t add the smaller details in my production log as that step is in my mind. On the other hand, I think the way I did I worked as I took many screenshots of the production process and then adding some notes next to the screenshot to explain what has been done since the last screenshot. Using this way meant I could do all my production for a product and then still add the detail in my production log to keep that to a high standard. If I had more time, I would spread it out but mainly use it to create more products. Firstly, I would spend more time on my research and inspiration for the products I have made but also for some new products I would like to make. I would then spend some time on planning the new products so I know how to create the product to its high standard like the rest of the package. Next, Whilst I was creating the product, I would experiment and learn new skills on Photoshop and Premiere Pro such as how to create a background from multiple pictures. Once I had created the extra products, I would spend some time on presenting the product on mock ups or adding it to YouTube if it is a video style product. Finally I would spend some more time creating some more advanced audio for the soundtrack and theme song, but I also think what I have is effective as it is simple but repetitive which works for a repetitive game. The other products that I could make are some more adverts for the advertisement package, I could make some interactive media for the film such as a short advert with special effects that are probably done on Adobe After Effects which is something I would like to learn about. Another option for the interactive media is to create a short advert for the Neon Dash merchandise with special background and animation such as neon trails around the products. One of my other ideas would be to create some adverts for Neon Dash and Neon Fall and even Neon Jump and Neon Slide if they were created.
  • 52. Technical Qualities Here I am going to compare my work to this film magazine cover. Both magazines have cut around the characters or used a greenscreen to be able to add layers to the print. Both magazines have used a glow for some aspect in the background as it creates a look of speed and actual lighting in the area. However, the Avengers magazine cover is more technically advanced than mine as they have used a greenscreen for the characters. They have also used more characters to fill the space and to show more about the movie in one image. This makes the film look more interesting as the page tells you more so the public are more likely to pick it up. Finally the Avengers cover has more advanced effects such as the faded shield in the background, the glows and fire which are all around the page. I have tried to add more technically advance aspects into my project this time as I have used Photoshop as well as Premiere Pro. For my print I have used the magnetic lasso tool to cut around the characters which takes lots of time and practise as it is a complicated tool to use. I have learnt the shortcuts and tools to use it to make it more effective with time and accuracy. Next I have used the gaussian blur with three extra layers to create that glow for the neon trails which helps to add a sense of speed. I have then also used the marque tool with the feather setting 200 pixels, which enable the trail to fade out to the background instead of it being a harsh transition. Using these technical aspects has created a realistic neon trail that smoothly fades away to emphasise the speed needed for Neon Dash. For my videogame, I have used some technical aspects on top of the basic technical skills needed. I started off with the layers for the animation as it could all go wrong with getting them mixed up with the frames. I have then used the layers and frames to animate the game which can get very technical as I had 15-20 layers being used in the game. Once the animation was completed, I had to remember the export settings for the image size and export files which were then transferred to Premiere Pro which was also technically advanced. Firstly I had to create audio for the game which I did using Beepbox and Google translate which isn’t technically advance. I didn’t have time to try a new software or way of creating more technically advance audio. Personally, I think the way I created my audio worked for what I wanted so I didn’t need to over complicate it. I didn’t uses any foley methods as I hadn't heard about that before so it is something I could try if needed in a future project. Then I had to add the audio to Premiere Pro and I also had to be able to edit that which was my first doing so I learnt about the volume and then fading.
  • 53. Technical Qualities Here I am going to compare my work to this film poster. Both magazines have cut around the characters or used a greenscreen to be able to add layers to the print. Both posters have used a glow for some aspect in the background as it creates a look of speed and actual lighting in the area. Both posters have a colour scheme that has been thought out as it flows down the poster with the title being the most eye-catching aspect. However, in the Avengers poster, there is a more edited and well designed background than mine because I couldn’t get any pictures due to COVID. On my poster there is extra text such as the actors names which isn’t on the Avengers poster. I would say there are more posters with text but the one selected is a poster to put on your walls. As a whole the Avengers poster is of course a higher technical product of as the effects look realistic and the layout works well. Here I am going to compare my work to this billboard. Both billboards have the characters to the left and the text to the right to separate them to show the key information. Both billboards have a clear colour scheme that links to other products in the package which makes them more recognisable. The key information on these billboards are the title of the film and the release date to give people time to buy the tickets. However, even though the characters on both billboards, there is more action in the Avengers billboard than in my billboard as the characters are arranged to look ready for a fight and also the background has glows and lighting to make the design more realistic. The Avengers billboard has more depth and technical qualities as there are characters overlapping and some larger faces next to smaller characters to show the depth of the scene. Both adverts have a clear colour scheme as the background and characters/texts are in the same colour or next to them on the colour wheel. Another similarity between the adverts is that both have the date of when the film will be released. However, the avenger advert has created more depth with the design as the characters are more staggered and overlapping which looks more realistic than my design where they are in a line. What also helps the Avengers advert which I don’t have is a edited background which breaks up the design and creates a more action looking film. Here I am going to compare my work to this bus advert. Both adverts have the characters on the left and the text on the right as it means the public have more time to view it as the bus passes them.
  • 54. Technical Qualities Here I have got my two games and I will compare them to Space Invaders. Neon Dash and Space Invaders: Both games use movement on the menu screen to select headings, but Neon Dash has more movement with the running characters. Both games have sperate game over pages that appear when the player dies, however, Space Invaders has lives so that is a separate piece of animation. I would say that Neon Dash has more technical animations as there are a wider range of animations. For example, Space Invader has the shooter moving left and right with animations for the explosions, but in Neon Dash has an animation for jumping, falling, collecting a trophy and using a power up. Space Invader has added another aspect which would mean more technical problems as they use three lives so the game has to restart with the same background as before. Neon Fall and Space Invaders: Both games have the character moving left and right as the only controls. This means that the animation is easier to make as it is simpler than Neon Dash, but Neon Fall has the character’s body changing when moving left or right so that is a more technical aspect over Space Invaders. Both games also have game over pages for when the character dies, Space Invaders has lives so the background will be kept the same as it still the same game whereas Neon Fall will restart the game. Both of these games will be able to copy and paste the animation from the last section as Space Invaders can keep the background but input the same coding for the character. Neon Fall has a more technical aspect as there are multiple levels with different background and also new characters so more animation would be needed as the games are shorter. I would have said that Space Invaders would be able to use the same coding for the game as it is a longer playing game so less change would be needed. Overall, I would Space Invaders is more technical than my games as it would have been coded so there is lots of knowledge behind the pixels where I used a app to draw mine.
  • 55. Aesthetic Qualities For the aesthetics of my package, I wanted to keep a theme to link each product together, making the package work. I started by deciding on a colour scheme which was a dark blue background, with blue, green and white text. Deciding on these colours ensured I could keep the theme the same by using the eyedrop tool for the exact colour. I then needed to decided on fonts which I had planned in my planning, but once I went onto Photoshop, the font was there but I couldn’t find the other variations on it such as SemiBold. I then decided to use Ariel as my font which looked very neat and clean making it easy to read. By the end of my print production, I found that you can change the letters to lowercase and that the variations of the fonts are in another menu so I could have used my original font. For my next prints, I will definitely be able to have more options for my text with upper and lowercase with bold too. Once I had decided on my colours and fonts, I needed a layout style for my images and text which was done by experimenting. Once I found my wanted layout, I used it across the other adverts but resized them for the scale of each advert. With all these aspects, the aesthetics of my products are a high standard but still could be improved. My film poster is aesthetically pleasing as it has a smooth flow down the page and a clean colour scheme. I have used glows and gradient to add to the background slightly but would say it is slightly blank from above the text so I would need a more edited background to make it better. Both designs have the characters in the middle with the text below to bring your eyes down to the key information about the film. I also like how the posters have the colours from the images in the text which helps the aesthetics of the designs. However, I would say that the Avengers design is more aesthetically pleasing as the background adds to the design rather than having blank space, which could be effective but not in this design. My magazine cover is aesthetically pleasing as I have spaced everything out evenly so it is readable and not too much so it ruins the design. I have used the text on the left for when in the shops, I have used colours to make aspects stand out. I could have added a bit more to the background like the Avengers design. Both magazine covers have used a colour scheme to point the key information out by using white text and then adding the accent colour for the film name etc. Both magazine covers have added glows to make the them more aesthetically pleasing as it brightens the design and layout. However, the Avengers magazine cover has the image in the middle with text around the edge but having the characters behind the film tile, creates the focus point on the title. The layouts are slightly different but as the Avengers magazine cover has the edited background and the image tell the reader more, I would say the Avengers magazine cover is more aesthetically pleasing.
  • 56. Aesthetic Qualities My billboard has been done in this aesthetics to expand the aesthetics of the package. I have used all the same aspects but resized and arranged them to fit this page. Both designs have the image on the left and the text on the right to separate them so it doesn’t become too much. However, the Avengers billboard has a very full image but a more simple text side which contrast each other making a balanced design. My design is a simple design on both which could be less effective as compared to the other design, mine is looking a bit blank. I could add to the background to add some action to the design. Overall, I would say that the Avengers design is more aesthetically pleasing. Large so I need to make it eye-catching. Again, the thing that would make my bus advert more aesthetically pleasing is having a more detailed background to tell the public more about the film. Both adverts have used larger text to present the key information as this advert needs minimal text. These prints have kept the same theme throughout the products to keep the theme for the public to recognise. Both adverts have used the same images and texts from other designs which links them to other products again. However, the Avengers advert has a more detailed background so it creates a more aesthetically pleasing design. The other difference is that my design is a super side advert, whereas the Avengers design is a T-Side meaning they could add height to their design. My bus advert has the same aesthetic as the other products. I have used the same colours and aspects to keep the theme across them all. I have made the title and characters to be larger as the bus advert will be very My film production company logo is simple and aesthetically pleasing as the logo links to the name and has a line drawing. This logo can easily be used in multiple situations. Both these logos have a minimal design which makes them easy to remember as there isn’t an unusual aspect such as a detailed drawing. I like how my design could be the text and image or just the image or just the text and it still would make sense. I also like how the PIXAR logo has the characters from the films they have made surrounding their logo. Doing this helps to piece the films and company together. This is something I would do if my film company was created. I would say that both logos are aesthetically pleasing as they are simple and easily remember.
  • 57. Aesthetic Qualities For both of my games, I would say they are aesthetically pleasing as they have dark backgrounds with contrasting accent colours. They both link to the prints with the same colour scheme and title. I have designed Neon Dash first, so Neon Fall was designed to link to Neon Dash. The main thing I could have improved was having a more defined gradient background in Neon Dash. I have shown to the left what I could have created if I used this improvement. Unfortunately I had finished Neon Dash before discovering the more defined gradient when I was designing my prints. This would have made the products link better as they all have the same gradient. I would also have added more detail to the characters in both games as I have used a simple design to go with the backgrounds and soundtrack. The main change for Neon Fall would be using a portrait screen so the player has more time to react and plan the route. Neon Dash and Space Invaders: Both of these designs, have a neon theme which is a main aspect for retro games in pixel art. Having the neon theme means they stand out better and will be know as pixel art games. Another similarity is having the darker backgrounds with the bright accent colours to create a strong contrast. However, Neon Dash has a slight gradient which creates late-night sky look for the game which is the time of day the game is set in. I think Neon Dash is more aesthetically pleasing than Space Invaders as there are a wider range of colours and the background changes so it isn’t a solid colour. Neon Fall and Space Invaders: Again, both games have a neon theme with a darker background, Neon Fall has a gradient which flows into the main neon colour. This contrast is aesthetically pleasing as each aspect is clearly visible for the viewer. However, Neon Fall has more aspects and neon colours as there are character pages, level completed pages and the colour scheme is constants from the top to the bottom of the level. I would say Neon Fall is more aesthetically pleasing than Space Invaders due to the range of colour and gradient background compared to the solid colour for Space Invaders.
  • 58. Aural Qualities As a whole, I would say that the audio for my games work for my ideas and package. The audio works together to create the retro feel to compliment the retro game design. I have created all my audio on Beepbox and then used Google Translate for my narrator as I could add the voice effect later. I also used the theme song and sound track from Neon Dash in Neon Fall as I wanted them to link as much as possible to show they are for the film. I would say I was creative with my audio as I found simple ways to get the audio needed without the equipment at college such as a microphone. Firstly, the theme song for the games which is used for the menu screen and cutscene is repetitive but is slower than the soundtrack as I wanted a more relaxed start to the game before it gets intense with the games. I would say that the theme song doesn’t get annoying because there is the narrator speaking at the same time so you are focused more on the narrator. I decided not to add sound effects to the cutscene as I wanted to keep them separate for the game and not to add too much with the narrator. If I did change my theme song, I would use a more advance piece of software to be able to develop it further. Then I added the narrator over the theme song. The narrator has a robot effect to create the retro style I wanted to compliment the theme song. I have created a simple script for games as I didn’t want the player to get confused as the game is meant to be simple. However, I would have liked the narrator to be more clear with the pronunciation of the words as some aren’t clear. To do this I could record the script with a microphone instead of recording Google Translate on my phone which meant it was a bit off when listening back. The robot effect could have also disturb how clear the narrator is. Next, is the soundtrack for the games which is repetitive but also has a breaker to reduce the repetitiveness that would end up ruining the game. I have made the soundtrack quicker than the theme song as I wanted to create the tension and contrast between the section. It also helps the player to get more into the game and making them play it for longer and even come back to it. Using the speed to exaggerate the game helps as it could even mean the player get into a pattern for completing the game. On the other hand, having the soundtrack quicker, could make the game seem faster than it actual is so it could be distracting the player and making them fail. However, I would say as I have only animated the game and not playef it, the soundtrack could be quicker to match the speed of the character when running.
  • 59. Aural Qualities My final pieces of audio was adding the sound effects. I had four sound effects for Neon Dash and then five sound effects for Neon Fall. Neon Dash: Jumping – This is a quick sound as I didn’t want it to overlap with anything else or another jump as the character runs quickly. I went for a higher pitch sound as I wanted to create the sense of jumping as much as I could as a lower sound would create a sense of falling. Power Up – I decided to use a longer sound that fades out instead of cutting off. The fade carries on until the end of the power up to frame the action that has just happened. This sound also creates a sense of celebration as it is a reward to help keep the game going. However, I think that this sound could have been made a bigger thing to create a sense of importance when collecting a powerup. Trophy – This sound isn’t heard much so I wanted to make it a longer sound which carries on until the ‘+100’ disappears. I have made it a happy sound to celebrate the completion of a street as it also means you get more points. However, as the longer you play, the quicker the jumps appear so the trophy sound could over lap with the jump sound which I am not sure how that will work. If I got that far, I would make the trophy sound fade out under the jump noise. Falling – The final sound effect for Neon Dash is the falling sound. I have used a deeper sound to create a sense of sadness as the player’s hard work as come to an end, especially if they past loads of streets. I also really like that the narrator’s voice is deeper at the end when saying ‘Game Over’ as it compliments the deep sound effect for falling in the whole. Neon Fall: Jumping off – I have started off with using a spring type sound as it exaggerates the character jumping off the starting platform. I like how different this sound is as it is the first sound effect of the game and each level. However, I feel that it could have been made a bigger effect as it is the first one of the level. I could have done this by changing the audio gain to higher, but then I wouldn’t want the effect to effect the soundtrack. Coin Collection – I would say that this sound could be similar to a UFO when they are sucking someone up from the ground. This sound works with the retro design as it exaggerates the collection as it is automatic. Landing – This is a quick sound that works well with the quick landing of the character. I would say it could have been exaggerated with a louder sound effect as the character lands so quickly as it has gained speed when falling. Game Over – This sound effect sort of sounds like the character flopping over like it has gone to jelly which works well as it compliments the action. This sound effect is then followed by the narrator saying ‘Game Over’ which could have been deeper to match the Neon Dash ‘Game Over’. New Character - The final sound effect is when you unlock a new character. I decided to go for a higher pitch noise as it replicates the celebration of the accomplishment. The sound lasts the whole time the page is visible which emphasises the reward.
  • 60. Audience Appel When I started this project, I waned to decide on a target audience to add the smaller details for. I decided to go for 13-25 year olds as my target audience. The whole package – I would say as a package, the target audience was correct for my idea. I have chosen the colour to ensure it isn’t childish as it would give the wrong impression to the viewer. I also really like that I added the theme as for the teenagers, it helps to make the name/style more recognisable. Film – The concept is easy to follow and I would use games that exist so it makes the audience feel more involved. Even though the idea is simple, I would add lots of action and possibly a scary section for the horror fans. Magazine Cover – For my magazine cover, I went for a simple design with the aspects spaced out to show that there isn't much for a teenager to read. Having less text would make the reader more likely to pick one up as it wouldn’t need much to see what the magazine is about. Film Poser – For my film poster, I went for a larger image with spaced out text to have the image as the main focus. I would say with teenagers and young adults, the images are the most important as the reading would follow if there are interested in the image. This is like thumbnails in YouTube which are the thing that gain the most clicks as the images are seen first. Bus advert and Billboard – For my bus advert and my billboard, I went for large images as these are the largest prints out of the package so they needed to fill as much space as possible. I also added the key information for the film in as little text as possible so the viewer is more likely to read it. I also needed a limited amount of text as my target audience would be seeing these adverts in the car (with their family or driving) or when walking through town as a bus passes them. Neon Dash and Neon Fall – For my games, I went for a simpler concept which works with my target audience for when they are waiting on the bus or for an appointment etc. The audio also works for my game as it isn’t childish and it is a simple pattern that repeats itself like lots of the modern songs. However, I would say that these game concepts are possibly more for younger children as they are so simple and will be on a tablet or phone. I would say that to create a game for this target audience, the best idea would to create a game where you go round the real life game section in Tokyo and play the games where you have tasks and different story lines. This game would be on a console as it is the main game platform teenagers and young adults are using.
  • 61. Overall strengths and weaknesses of the final package. As a whole, I would say that the package works really well as everything links together and has the same aesthetics. Strengths for my package: The main aspect that links my products together is the signature Neon Dash title as it is the exact same on all of them. I have also kept Neon Fall to be in the same style to link the change. Another key aspect that helps the package to work is the background for all the products are there is a slight gradient, however, Neon Dash doesn’t have the same gradient as the rest as it was too late to change it. As I created two games, I needed them to link and work in the package, so I used Neon Dash as my inspiration. I used the same menu screen, the cutscenes was in the same style, I used the same theme song and soundtrack, I used a similar character design and finally, I used the exact same colours from Neon Dash. All of these linked the games to be recognised as ‘sister’ games. My next strengths are with the design of my prints. I wanted to use the them of the package across all my prints which is what I did. I used the same colours, the same text which was coloured for key information, I used the same layouts and I used the same characters for the images. Making these decisions meant that the whole package worked as one. My final strength was my production studio logo and merch. I decided to create some merch by using mock up products with my designs on for if this film was made. Creating this logo helped to create this brand I wanted as an idea for what I could do on a larger scale. Once I had the prints and logo, I combined them to create this merch for the film whilst promoting the production company. Weaknesses for my package: My main weakness was not being able to create a more eye-catching background for the prints as I have seen from my evaluation that mine was looking a bit to simple. Sometimes having a simpler design works but I would say my design was slightly too simple. The reasoning for not creating a more detailed background was because I couldn't go and take any picture that I wanted and we were also at home so it was slightly harder to learn new skills on Photoshop. I decided to use a gradient background as it added something as you can see from my two menu screens on the left. Even though I added the gradients, I should probably have added more of a contrast as it hasn’t shown up as much as I wanted. Another weakness is that I because I couldn’t create any backgrounds, I couldn’t create multiple ideas as I had planned when researching at the start. I had a few ideas to create some extra prints but there weren’t full ideas and I didn’t have the right opportunity for them Overall, I am very happy with how the whole project went and especially how the whole package looked at the end. All of the other documents have helped me to work on my main documents and production as I had planned everything and was evaluating as I went along to improve my next steps.

Editor's Notes

  1. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it- magazine front cover, advert, gameplay video etc. Don’t forget sound tracks. Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Use of sound/ music/ effects Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  2. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it- magazine front cover, advert, gameplay video etc. Don’t forget sound tracks. Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Use of sound/ music/ effects Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  3. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it- magazine front cover, advert, gameplay video etc. Don’t forget sound tracks. Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Use of sound/ music/ effects Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  4. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it- magazine front cover, advert, gameplay video etc. Don’t forget sound tracks. Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Use of sound/ music/ effects Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  5. List all products researched in previous sections. Include anything additional you have watched/read in preparation for production. Alphabetise your list.
  6. What music could you use? This should be copyright free. Explore options online for copyright free/public domain music or make your own on Garage Band
  7. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product? Think about existing products as well as practical experiments
  8. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product? Think about existing products as well as practical experiments
  9. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product? Think about existing products as well as practical experiments
  10. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product? Think about existing products as well as practical experiments
  11. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product? Think about existing products as well as practical experiments
  12. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product? Think about existing products as well as practical experiments
  13. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  14. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  15. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  16. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  17. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Is your work technically detailed/complicated enough? What effects and production techniques have you used? How technically proficient is your animation? How did you create your effects? How did you record your audio? Did you use any foley methods?
  18. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Is your work technically detailed/complicated enough? What effects and production techniques have you used? How technically proficient is your animation? How did you create your effects? How did you record your audio? Did you use any foley methods?
  19. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Is your work technically detailed/complicated enough? What effects and production techniques have you used? How technically proficient is your animation? How did you create your effects? How did you record your audio? Did you use any foley methods?
  20. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences. Consider your game art, your magazine cover and advertising. Is your aesthetically pleasing enough? What effects and techniques have you used? Does your project have a consistent aesthetic style? If not, how can it be improved?
  21. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences. Consider your game art, your magazine cover and advertising. Is your aesthetically pleasing enough? What effects and techniques have you used? Does your project have a consistent aesthetic style? If not, how can it be improved?
  22. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences. Consider your game art, your magazine cover and advertising. Is your aesthetically pleasing enough? What effects and techniques have you used? Does your project have a consistent aesthetic style? If not, how can it be improved?
  23. Does your work sound good? Was it creative? What aspects of your audio do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses
  24. Does your work sound good? Was it creative? What aspects of your audio do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses
  25. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience.