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{Day TWO Conference Programme} Wednesday 28 July

                                                                                        Parkside Ballroom B, Level 1

                                                                                                {Keynote Chair}
                              Regan Yan
                              Managing Director, DIGITAL ALCHEMY

                               Regan founded Digital Alchemy in 2003, as Australia’s first dedicated Database
                               Marketing Service Provider. Under his leadership, Digital Alchemy has grown to become
                               Australia’s largest provider of outsourced database marketing solutions, and is the largest
                               Unica implementer in Asia Pacific.
                               Prior to this, Regan was CEO of Persona Asia; an infomediary aimed at delivering
                               permission based marketing solutions to online clients. Earlier in his career, Regan
                               was the Managing Director of Multinet, a leading company in data mining and
                               sophisticated database marketing. Prior to joining Multinet, Regan was responsible for
                               Customer Analytics, customer profitability system as well as introduction of analytical
                                marketing at Westpac.
     Regan is a recognised subject matter expert in the area of Analytical Database Marketing and Customer
     Relationship Marketing, speaking regularly at Australian and international events.

   TIME                 SESSION

   8.45 am              Let’s Get Social: Business Justification of Social Media
                        Olivier Blanchard, Principal and Senior Strategist, THE BRAND BUILDER

   9.25 am              Engaging a Mass Audience through Innovation Insights and Strategy
                        Meaghan K. Burdick, Direct Marketing Director, OBAMA FOR AMERICA

   10.05 am             Leveraging Customer Attention through Customer Response Behaviour
                        Aaron Tellier, Director – CRM Strategy, MERRILL LYNCH

               Follow the Twitter backchannel #admaf


                               LET’S GET SOCIAL: BUSINESS JUSTIFICATION
                               OF SOCIAL MEDIA

                               Olivier Blanchard
                               Principal and Chief Strategist, THE BRAND BUILDER

As BrandBuilder Marketing‘s Principal and Senior
Strategist, Olivier helps companies develop, build,           KEY LEARNINGS:
                                                              5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION:
integrate, manage and measure Social Media Programs.
He also helps companies manage their reputations online       1.	 First, understand that R.O.I. (Return on Investment) is 	
and offline, and establish leadership in their markets.       	   a business measurement, not a media measurement. 	
Olivier trains company executives and project teams in all    	In other words, R.O.I. doesn't change whether you are
matters of social media management and measurement,           	   looking at Social Media, capital expenditures or 		
and then helps them build and integrate effective             	   advertising budgets
programs into every facet of their business, from public
                                                              2.	The currency of R.O.I. is neither variable nor abstract:
relations, business development and market research
                                                              	  Whatever currency was used to calculate the 	
to human resources and customer support. Olivier
                                                              	  investment must be the same as the currency with 		
has 15+ years of marketing management experience.
                                                              	  which you calculate the return. (Typically, a monetary
Broken down into specific categories: Marketing project
                                                              	  value.) In other words, if the investment is calculated in
management, social media programme management,
                                                              	  dollars, the return cannot be calculated in 		
strategic branding, brand management, online
                                                              	  conversations or sentiment. It must also be calculated 	
reputation management, product launch management,
                                                              	  in dollars
marketing communications management, community
development, business development, and product design         3.	In order to calculate the R.O.I. of Social Media, you
ideation experience. He has worked in government,             	   have to be able to tie Social Media activities to some 	
manufacturing, energy, fashion, retail, event management      	   type of financial outcome
and business services sectors, and just spent a year          4. 	There is a difference between financial outcomes and 	
learning how to help software resellers and IT shops better   	   non-financial outcomes. (Non-financial outcomes are 	
engage with small and mid-sized businesses in the US.         	   not R.O.I. Financial outcomes are.)
Olivier holds an International Baccalaureate degree from
                                                              5.	Non-financial outcomes (new followers,
the International School of Brussels and a BA degree from
                                                              	  click-throughs, web traffic, retweets, peer-to-peer 		
Furman University.
                                                              	  recommendations) often lead to financial outcomes. 	
                                                              	Each can be a step, a precursor to a transaction. They 	
Current Chairs and Boards:
                                                              	  help you connect the dots between investment, 		
SmartBrief Social Media Advisory Board, Social Media
                                                              	  activity, impact, and financial return
Club – Greenville, Linking The Upstate.
                                                              6.	In order for an investment to yield results (yes, even in
                                                              	Social Media), it must have a specific set of objectives. 	
                                                              	   Before investing into a program, know what needles 	
     Connect                                                  	   you want it to move for your business
                                                              7.	Social Media programs are not free. They require 	
      Web           	  qualified manpower, adequate technology, a lot of time 	
                                                              	  and real focus. Businesses that overlook this always fail 	
      Twitter                 	  in this space
      LinkedIn		                        8.	Take Social Media as seriously as you do any other 		
      		        olivierblanchard                              	  channel in your business: Hire professionals. Have a 	
      Blog	       www.thebrandbuilder.                        	  plan. Know what to measure and how
                                                              9.	Social Media should support business objectives, not 	
                                                              	  just Social Media objectives.
                                                              10.	Popularity is irrelevant if it doesn't generate more 		
                                                              	   business for you

86                                                                                                                                   87

                              ENGAGING A MASS AUDIENCE THROUGH
                              INNOVATION INSIGHTS AND STRATEGY

                              Meaghan K.Burdick
                              Direct Marketing Director, OBAMA FOR AMERICA

Earning respect and recognition as a marketing
fundraising expert with noted experience in fast-paced     KEY LEARNINGS:
                                                           5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION:
political environments, Meaghan Burdick served as
Director of Direct Marketing for Obama for America. In     1.	Timing is everything. Make sure your materials are 		
this capacity, Meaghan directed the organisation's daily   	 hitting their inboxes, mail boxes, phones, etc. right
direct marketing fundraising operations and oversaw the    	 on time. Right when the news is hot!
fundraising of over $400 million. Meaghan has acquired
                                                           2.	One method is the ‘not only’ method any more.
extensive marketing experience on the political front as
                                                           	Take advantage of all of the direct marketing and
evidenced by her tenure in the Democratic Congressional
                                                           	 social media tools that are available to speak to your 		
Campaign Committee (DCCC) as Director of Marketing
                                                           	 customers today.
and Online Services. She held responsibility for growing
the DCCC’s online program from $1 million raised in        3.	 Make sure the message is consistent no matter how 	
the 2004 cycle to $6.6 million raised in the 2006 cycle.   	 your customers are hearing it. Whatever you're sending 	
Additionally, Meaghan has also attained leadership         	 to your customer's inboxes should be consistent to the 	
experience in the Democratic Senatorial Campaign           	 mail they’re reading and the text they’re receiving.
Committee and EMILY’s List. Meaghan received a BA in       4.	You’re building a relationship - not a one time 		
Government from Georgetown University in 1998.             	 transaction. Spend the time and money letting 		
                                                           	 your customers get to know you and giving them the 		
                                                           	 opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas with you.
                                                           5.	Don’t be afraid to try new things. If you don’t take
                                                           	 the risk, you’ll never get the reward.



88                                                                                                                             89

                                LEVERAGING CUSTOMER ATTENTION THROUGH
                                CUSTOMER RESPONSE BEHAVIOUR

                                Aaron Tellier
                                Director – CRM Strategy, MERRILL LYNCH

Aaron Tellier is the Director of CRM Strategy and Analytics
for Merrill Lynch Global Wealth Management. In this           KEY LEARNINGS:
                                                              5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION:
position, he is responsible for the strategy, processes,
analytics and technology platform that support intelligent    1.	A valuable relationship requires investment
multi-channel customer interactions across multiple           	Think about your personal relationships and extend
lines of business. Previously, Aaron managed the direct       	 the same concepts to your customers. You wouldn’t 	
marketing function for DLJdirect, and early online            	 rush into a deep friendship, so don’t be pushy with your
brokerage. When the company was purchased by the              	 customers. Be truly interested in their needs, listen 	
Bank of Montreal, Aaron’s role expanded to include            	 to their preferences and act appropriately. Like
the customer integration strategy for online brokerage,       	 superficial friendships, customer relationships based 	
advisory services, retail banking and private banking for     	 on transactions can easily dissolve.
the bank’s US franchise, The Harris. Aaron is a graduate of
the US Naval Academy and Yale School of Management.           2.	It’s all about the customer AND you
                                                              	 Of course we all WANT to be customer centric, but
                                                              	 don’t forget that customer interactions must ultimately 	
                                                              	 provide value to the organization. Too many marketing 	
     Connect                                                  	 and sales programs ignore this simple truth. If your 	
                                                              	 program doesn’t pay off, the finance department will 		
                                                              	 eventually find out and shut you down. How does 	
      Web                                                     	 that benefit the customer? Search hard to find                                              	 win – win opportunities.
      LinkedIn                                                3.	Be open to interaction                     	Interaction is the lifeblood of social media and can 		
      0/aaa/5b4                                               	 make or break a campaign. Don’t disable options for 		
                                                              	 comments or remarks on your social media profiles
                                                              	 if nothing else, these pointers will help to tailor
                                                              	 postings so that they move closer to achieving social 		
                                                              	 media goals.
                                                              4.	Give something back
                                                              	Social media is community-based, and like most 		
                                                              	 communities, it’s expected that you give something
                                                              	 back. Don’t simply bombard your Twitter feeds with 	
                                                              	 sales posts or your blog with marketing messages — 		
                                                              	 entice and encourage repeat visitors and followers 		
                                                              	 by offering something in return. The most successful 	
                                                              	 companies use their social media outlets to give 		
                                                              	 exclusive discount codes, special offers, or previews of 	
                                                              	 new products before they hit the mainstream.
                                                              5.	Network
                                                              	In addition to replying to questions and comments as a
                                                              	 way of building a physical network of fans and 		
                                                              	 followers, network your various social media profiles.
                                                              	Prospective clients are also more likely to check their 		
                                                              	 own social networking pages more often than your 		
                                                              	 website, so it’s a great way to keep in touch.

90                                                                                                                                 91
{Day TWO Conference Programme} Wednesday 28 July

                  Photography, Styling
                                                                                                                                                                                                        {STREAM A}
                     & Retouching                                                                            SPONSORED BY                              {MULTI-CHANNEL MASTeRY AND MEASUREMENT}
                                                                                                                                                                                           Parkside Ballroom A, Level 1

                                                                                                                                                                                                     {STREAM Chair}
       Creative Services
                                                                                                                                  Graham Plant
       & On-site Studios                                                                                                           Executive General Manager, PACIFIC MICROMARKETING/PMP DIGITAL

                                                                                                                                   Graham is responsible for managing and driving the development, commercial
                                                                                                                                   performance and growth of Pacific Micromarketing, Dimension Studios and PMP Digital
                                                                                                                                   in Australia. Graham joined PMP Print in 2003, holding senior management positions in
                                                                                                                                   the Print business prior to heading up Pacific Micromarketing and PMP Digital.
                                                                                                                                    Graham Plant is a direct and database marketing professional having held senior
                                                                                                                                    management positions from a wide range of industries and businesses including IT,
                                                                                                                                    Telecommunications, Postal and Mailing, Logistics, Printing, Financial Services, Sales
                                                                                                                                    and Marketing and Creative Services.
                                                                                                                                    A strong business strategist, Graham is experienced in leading change and
               Multi-site                                                                                                           driving business benefits through developing business strategies and innovative
              Catalogue &                                                                                                           marketing solutions.
            Magazine Printing

                                                                                                  TIME                      SESSION

                                                                                                  11.30 am                  The Rise of Multi-Channel Marketing in a Retail World
                                                                                                                            Graham Plant, Executive General Manager, PACIFIC MICROMARKETING/PMP DIGITAL

                                                                                                  12.05 pm                  Initiating a Longer Term Offline Strategy to Support and Engage Online
                                Consumer Targeting                                                                          Roger Sharp, Corporate Affairs Director – Pacific, CADBURY
                                                                                Mass & Targeted
                                                                                                                            Jeff Richardson, Chief Executive Officer, THE ONLINE CIRCLE
                                   & Analytics                                     Letterbox
                                                                                                  1.30 pm                   Multi-Channel Insights to Maximise Success in Insurance, Retail and Travel

Your customer. At the core of everything we do.
                                                                                                                            Michael Kustreba, Vice President, ANZ, EPSILON INTERNATIONAL

                                                                                                  2.05 pm                   Understanding and Impressing Tomorrow’s Customer in a Multi-Channel World
                                                                                                                            Sean Ashby, Chief Executive Officer, AUSSIEBUM
At PMP we’re dedicated to increasing return on marketing investment for our customers.
We’ve developed a suite of smart marketing solutions which help our clients create, target        2.40 pm                   Executing an Integrated Multi-Channel Marketing Campaign
                                                                                                                            Mandeep Grover, Marketing Manager ANZ, JOHNSON AND JOHNSON VISION CARE
and deliver effective messages to their key customers. We make it our business to continually
leverage the finest technology to deliver customer-focused, end-to-end solutions to our clients    4.00 pm                   Complementing Traditional Channels with Digital: A Change Management Approach
Australia-wide.                                                                                                             Crispin Tristram, General Manager – Acquisition, OPTUS

                                                                                                  4.35 pm                   Gaining a Connection with Generation Y through Multiple Channels
To find out how PMP Limited can support your marketing program, call us on 1800 032 472                                      Michelle Pilot, Vice President of Marketing – Australasia, MASTERCARD
or visit                                                                                             Julie Dormond, General Manager, MERCERBELL

                                                                                                              Follow the Twitter backchannel #admaf


                               THE RISE OF MULTI-CHANNEL MARKETING
                               IN A RETAIL WORLD

                               Graham Plant, Executive General Manager,
                               PACIFIC MICROMARKETING/PMP DIGITAL

Graham Plant is responsible for managing and driving        3.	Make sure your off-line and on-line communications 	
the development, commercial performance and growth          	 are aligned.
of Pacific Micromarketing, Dimension Studios and            	The way in which your brand is represented and the
PMP Digital in Australia. Graham joined PMP Print in        	 key messages you make should be consistent across 		
2003, holding senior management positions in the Print      	 the spectrum of channels available – including
business prior to heading up Pacific Micromarketing and     	 in-store. Provide a wide range of response channels 		
PMP Digital.                                                	 that are integrated and complementary to enable 		
                                                            	 customers to respond easily to your offer/s.
Graham Plant is a direct and database marketing
professional having held senior management positions        4.	Don't ignore social media - it's part of the mix now!
from a wide range of industries and businesses including    	Valuable customers can be found through social media
IT, Telecommunications, Postal and Mailing, Logistics,      	 activity such as Twitter or Facebook. Consider the 	
Printing, Financial Services, Sales and Marketing           	 role of social media in your marketing program and
and Creative Services.                                      	 the profile of customers who currently or potentially 		
                                                            	 play in this space. Decide on the image you wish 		
A strong business strategist, Graham is experienced
                                                            	 to project and ensure that these communications 		
in leading change and driving business benefits
                                                            	 are consistent with your overall image and brand.
through developing business strategies and innovative
                                                            	Most importantly, appreciate that this is a channel that 	
marketing solutions.
                                                            	 requires transparency, regular content and prompt 	
                                                            	 response times – much like the consumers that
                                                            	 use them.
5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION:                          5.	And above all else, listen and learn all there is to know 	
                                                            	 about your customer - they expect you to know them.
1.	Understand which channels work for each of               	Customers are aware of the relationship they have
	 your customers.                                           	 with your brand and you should be too. Examine how 	
	 Your marketing channels are provide a platform            	 different segments respond, what mediums they 		
	 for consumers to access and relate with your brand.       	 prefer and how an integrated multi-channel marketing 	
	Use transactional, behavioural and other customer 		       	 approach can increase the effectiveness of a campaign.
	 data available to develop an understanding of who 		
	 your key customers really are – or who you want
	 them to be. Consumer insights drive multi-channel 		
	 marketing decisions and investment.
2.	Make it easy for your customer to speak to and buy 		
	 from you - let them use the channel they want.
	 Whilst social media is the new buzzword, not all 	                   Web
	 consumers are created equal and traditional offline 	      
	 methods of communication still play a critical part 		
	 in your retail marketing mix. Analyse sales data and 		
	 response rates to determine which mix will provide 		
	 greater margin and increase average transaction value 	
	 per segment.

94                                                                                                                                 95

                                                           INITIATING A LONGER TERM OFFLINE STRATEGY
                                                           TO SUPPORT AND ENGAGE ONLINE

                                                           Roger Sharp, Corporate Affairs Director –
                                                           Pacific, CADBURY
                                                           Jeff Richardson
                                                           Chief Executive Officer, THE ONLINE CIRCLE

Roger Sharp
                                                                   KEY LEARNINGS:
                                                                   5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION:
Roger has been the Corporate Affairs Director for
Cadbury’s Pacific Business Unit (Australia, New
                                                                   1.	Social Media is not going away. What it is doing is 		
Zealand & Japan) since March 2009. In these markets
                                                                   	 changing every day. Management is not simple but
he has responsibilities for Cadbury’s External and
                                                                   	 it is possible.
Internal Communications, Corporate Responsibility,
Sustainability and Public Affairs work. Roger joined               2.	Social Media need not be scary. Treat it like any other 	
Cadbury from the Australian Industry Group where he was            	Marketing Communications opportunity; with one 		
a Senior Public Policy Advisor, working primarily on IT,           	 strategy, not 100 tactics.
Telecommunications and Climate Change policies. He has             3.	Social Media provides an excellent research 	
also worked extensively throughout Europe, previously              	 opportunity. Users are fast, passionate, and 			
holding the post of Director of Public Affairs at Telefonica       	 (generally) truthful. Monitoring is the start.
Europe, with responsibilities for Government Relations             	 Analysis and interpretation is essential.
and CSR across 5 European Union markets.
                                                                   4.	Social Media means data. All actions leave a trail and 	
In addition to his corporate experience, Roger has worked          	 you can use this data for research and strategy.
as a senior political adviser within the British Government,
                                                                   5.	Getting involved in Social Media means leveraging 		
holding the role of Special Adviser to both the Secretary
                                                                   	 the opportunities but also being ready to meet
of State for Trade & Industry and the Secretary of State of
                                                                   	 the challenges
Culture, Media & Sport within the Blair administration.
During this role he helped lead stakeholder engagement
with the business community, and was involved in three
successful General Election campaigns and the London                                                        Connect
2012 Olympic bid.
Outside work Roger enjoys music and film; he continues to                 Roger Sharp
maintain a passionate interest in politics and is an avid fan             Web
of both the All Blacks and Manchester City Football Club        
Jeff Richardson                                                 
Jeff developed his first web site over 14 years ago and                   LinkedIn
has been involved in Internet Marketing ever since. In          
his late 40s, Jeff has worked in senior marketing roles for
corporations such as Telstra and United Energy. Having                    Jeff Richardson
run boutique consulting and advertising agencies for near                 Web
10 years he has consulted to organisations large and small      
regarding their use of Internet Marketing. Notable clients
have included Cadbury, University of Melbourne, and             
Worksafe Victoria.

96                                                                                                                                      97

                                 MULTI-CHANNEL INSIGHTS TO MAXIMISE
                                 SUCCESS IN INSURANCE, RETAIL AND TRAVEL

                                 Michael Kustreba, Vice President,
                                 Australia and New Zealand, EPSILON

Based in Sydney, Michael is responsible for the overall
business and operations for Australia and New Zealand           KEY LEARNINGS:
                                                                5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION:
(ANZ). Managing a multi-disciplinary team he delivers on
client solutions that drive relevant and high-performing        1.	Customer Experience Marketing: What it means for 	
multichannel marketing programmes through the                   	 your organisation, your relationship with your 		
intelligent use of data and analytics. He is also responsible   	 consumers and the future of your business
for business development in the territory.
                                                                2.	Understand how consumers perceive and interact with 	
Michael has 10 years of experience providing digital            	 marketing communications across channels
marketing solutions to companies in Australia and New
                                                                3.	Leverage the research to help create compelling 		
Zealand. Combined with his proven skills in delivering
                                                                	 differentiation in your brands value proposition
strategic marketing services, he has helped many
companies improve their marketing efficiency, strengthen        4.	Understand what turns customers into advocates
their customer relationships, and drive results and ROI for     5.	Discover how relevant interactions that anticipate
their business. Some of Australia’s household brands that       	 and respond to consumers drive engagement and 		
Michael has been working closely with include Virgin Blue       	 purchases now and in the future
Airlines, Cellarmasters Wines and Dell.
Michael joined Epsilon International through the 2006
acquisition of DoubleClick Email Solutions where he was
Business Development Director. He joined DoubleClick                                                 Connect
in 2001 as Senior Technical Consultant. Prior to this
he worked at Yahoo! Search Marketing and Engage, an
ad serving technology provider which is now part of                      Web
Microsoft Advertising.                                         

98                                                                                                                               99

                               UNDERSTANDING AND IMPRESSING TOMORROW’S
                               CUSTOMER IN A MULTI-CHANNEL WORLD

                               Sean Ashby
                               Chief Executive Officer, AUSSIEBUM

Sean Ashby has come a long way in the four years since
using his life savings to set up men’s swimwear and          KEY LEARNINGS:
                                                             5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION:
clothing business aussieBum. Sean turned to the internet
to promote aussieBum to a global market. It currently has    1.	Being unique offline makes you relevant online
over 200,000 consumers ordering direct via its custom
                                                             2.	If you are doing something wrong, Social Media
built e-commerce site and supplies many of the world’s
                                                             	 will let you know
leading department stores. The company’s sales during
the GFC have grown, as a direct result of its innovative     3.	 Be honest and relevant with your content, it will
product developments and its marketing strategy. It’s this   	 end up everywhere
successful and extremely innovative marketing approach       4.	Approach Social Media, not like a business, but like
that won them the Australian Export Award 2009.              	 an individual
aussieBum promotes their products in non-traditional
venues on the internet, such as blogs, social networking
sites Facebook and MySpace. Sean will share insights at
Forum into the secrets of his success.


100                                                                                                                          101

                               EXECUTING AN INTEGRATED MULTI-CHANNEL
                               MARKETING CAMPAIGN

                               Mandeep Grover
                               Marketing Manager ANZ, JOHNSON AND JOHNSON VISION CARE

Mandeep joined Johnson & Johnson in October 2004
as Regional Professional Marketing Manager with the         KEY LEARNINGS:
                                                            5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION:
responsibility of establishing the B2B marketing function
in Asia Pacific.                                            1.	Define a clear role for each media touch point
In September 2006, Mandeep moved to Sydney to               2.	Understand and optimise the customer journey
head marketing for JJVC Australia and New Zealand.
                                                            3.	 Consistency is king
In June 2008, one of his marketing campaigns, “The
Acuvue® Wink” won the James. E. Burke award, the            4.	Set the right KPIs to measure success
highest recognition for marketing excellence in J&J. This   5.	Document your lessons well
campaign won the 2008 DMA Bronze ECHO award & was
a finalist at the Cannes Lions 2008.
In 2009, Mandeep and his team launched the first iPhone
application for Acuvue® brand contact lenses to drive
consumer engagement and trial. The application broke
into the top 30 within a week of launch and was featured
in the Sydney Morning Herald.                                   Web

102                                                                                                                   103

                                COMPLIMENTING TRADITIONAL CHANNELS
                                WITH DIGITAL: A CHANGE MANAGEMENT APPROACH

                                Crispin Tristram, General Manager –
                                Acquisition, OPTUS

Prior to heading up the Consumer Online team at Optus,
Crispin has worked across Consumer Acquisitions,              KEY LEARNINGS:
                                                              5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION:
Product Marketing and Propositions across a number of
telcos including Orange, O2 and Vodafone back in the UK.      1.	A digital sales and service world doesn’t mean
Accountable for driving the Consumer Online strategy, he      	 you close all your high street stores and shut down
is passionate about creating real, interactive communities    	 your call centres - Digital self serve allows your
with his consumers and is excited by the possibilities that   	 physical channels to offer a new fully integrated
online affords’.                                              	 customer experience.
                                                              2.	The build it and they will come mentality will only 		
                                                              	 get you so far. Digital presence must remain consistent, 	
                                                              	 relevant and appropriate to the customer journey.
                                                              3.	Digital delivers more than simply low cost sales and 	
                                                              	 service - It can optimise lead generation and create 		
                                                              	 new two way interactions with your customer base.
                                                              4.	As your self serve capability moves online so will 		
                                                              	 a greater proportion of your media mix. However, 		
                                                              	 understanding how to maximise offline and online 		
                                                              	 to drive the right segment to the right channel becomes 	
                                                              	 more vital to ongoing success.
                                                              5.	Digital evolution is a lot less painful than digital 		
                                                              	 revolution! Your customers and your organisation will 	
                                                              	 not go digital overnight.



104                                                                                                                                105

                                                           GAINING A CONNECTION WITH GENERATION Y
                                                           THROUGH MULTIPLE CHANNELS

                                                           Michelle Pilot, Vice President of Marketing –
                                                           Australasia, MASTERCARD
                                                           Julie Dormond, General Manager,

Michael Pilot
Michelle has worked with MasterCard since May 2004,                KEY LEARNINGS:
                                                                   5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION:
and from 2005 has held the position of Vice President,
Marketing for Australia & New Zealand. In that role                1.	With a parity product your marketing campaign can 		
she has overall responsibility for brand marketing,                	 work to create a real point of difference.
sponsorships, customer marketing and consumer PR.
                                                                   2.	Time spent researching and understanding our target
Michelle’s experience spans 20 years in the advertising
                                                                   	 audience was crucial in developing a strategy that 		
and marketing industry, including the role of Senior Vice
                                                                   	 resonated with our customers.
President with McCann- Erickson New York, working on
MasterCard business in Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America         3.	 Identifying a platform, i.e. music allowed us to engage 	
and Japan.                                                         	 with our audience in a relevant, compelling and
During her 11 years at McCann, she gained experience               	 credible way.
within the FMCG, IT, luxury goods and apparel categories.
                                                                   4.	Moving from one off campaigns to a longer term 		
Prior to McCann, Michelle held Account Management
                                                                   	 engagement strategy of ‘Priceless Music Experiences’ 	
positions at Clemenger BBDO, The Campaign Palace
and Ogilvy & Mather across a wide selection of                     	 allowed us to build momentum to continually drive 		
business categories.                                               	 persuasive brand awareness.

Julie Dormond
Julie is a Direct and Digital marketing professional working
at MercerBell. She has been at MercerBell for 8 years,                                                      Connect
starting out as Account Director and now acting on the
Management Team as General Manager.
Responsibilities include all client management and                        Michelle Pilot
strategy, staff retention and development as well as                      Web
internal agency policies. Her experience spans across           
many industry sectors including B2B and B2C.
With 15 years experience, Julie has held previous roles                   Julie Dormond
agency side at Lowe Lintas as well as client side in the
UK working for leading financial services organizations                   Web
in roles spanning product development, launches and             
communication strategies.                                                 LinkedIn

106                                                                                                                                      107
{Day TWO Conference Programme} Wednesday 28 July

                                                                                                                                                          {STREAM B}
                                                                     SPONSORED BY                              {CUSTOMER GROWTH AND RELATIONSHIPS}
                                                                                                                                              Parkside G04, Ground Level

                                                                                                                                                       {STREAM Chair}
                                                                                Chris Lowther
                                                                                General Manager, PORTRAIT SOFTWARE ASIA PACIFIC

                                                                                For over 22 years Chris has been fascinated by technology-enablers behind advances in
                                                                                marketing and building strong customer relationships.
                                                                                    Combining an MBA in Marketing and International Business with experience gained
                                                                                    across the globe with ICL (now Fujitsu), Fiserv, Misys and Portrait Software, Chris is a
                                                                                    strong advocate of the ‘appropriate’ technology to improve the customer experience.
                                                                                    His role in Portrait Software centres on assisting clients to apply insight and intelligent
                                                                                    decisioning at the point of customer interaction to deliver great customer service; which
                                                                                    in turn dramatically improves customer revenues, profitability and loyalty.

                                                   TIME                 SESSION

                                                   11.30 am             Customer Centricity Boot Camp for Marketers
                                                                        Paul Downes, Consultant

                                                   12.05 pm             Creating a Clearer Picture of Your Online Customer
                                                                        Martin Bradbury, International Client Services Director, CALLCREDIT GROUP

                                                   1.30 pm              A New Model for Pharmaceutical Advertising: Re-Defining ROI
                                                                        Marc Cheah, Senior Brand Manager – Viagra, PFIZER

                                                   2.05 pm              Social Media: Making it Work for You
                                                                        Jill Colvin, Head of Marketing, SYDNEY FESTIVAL

                                                   2.40 pm              Customer Relationship and Loyalty – A Flight to Understanding
                                                                        Phil Hawkins, General Manager, LOYALTY PACIFIC (FLYBUYS)

                                                   4.00 pm              Moving from Monolog to Dialog: Strategies to Enhance Your Brand
                                                                        Jacqueline Johnson, Chief Executive Officer, THE BUZZ

                                                   4.35 pm              What NFP’s Can Learn from Big Business and Visa Versa for Gaining Customers
                                                                        Cameron Watson, Former Head of Marketing, WORLD VISION
                                                                        Currently National Manager, Marketing and Channels, LANDMARK

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                               CUSTOMER CENTRICITY BOOT CAMP
                               FOR MARKETERS

                               Paul Downes, Consultant

Paul brings a unique blend of business acumen, people       3.	Design and build from the outside in:
insight, hands-on technology knowledge and frontline        	Most processes today are designed from the inside 		
customer service experience to encourage and guide          	 out and are aimed at ensuring intra-departmental 		
successful corporate customer relationship initiatives.     	 efficiencies. Turn this around; take a customer 	
For over twenty years Paul’s matter-of-fact approach        	 perspective, make your company easy to do business 	
has ensured a singular focus on the customer and            	 with by designing and building processes and your 	
getting the fundamentals correct as a solid basis for       	 customer capabilities from the outside in. Move 	
customer engagement.                                        	 beyond managing customers on a transaction level 		
                                                            	 only, to managing the customer experience.
Paul’s broad career involving research and development,
human resources, technology, call centre and retail         4.	Measure and Reward systems:
allows Paul to understand, interpret and leverage inter-    	Review and upgrade what you measure and how you 	
departmental synergies to benefit the customer. Most        	 reward staff. For example, Average Call Handling Time 	
recently CIO at RAC of WA overseeing the customer           	 is a measure of how quickly staff can move through 		
relationship initiative, Paul draws on knowledge and        	 calls and this coupled with the Number of Sales per 		
experience from Australian and overseas organisations at    	 operator is a measure of staff capabilities. However, 		
the forefront of relationship management to highlight the   	 if you are truly to be Customer Centric you should 		
drivers of excellent customer experience and how to avoid   	 link staff measures to the improvement in customer 		
‘corporate stupids’.                                        	 lifetime value, improved customer data quality or the		
                                                            	 increased propensity of a customer to purchase again
                                                            	 as a result of the prior interaction. Do not 			
                                                            	 underestimate the considerable time and negotiation 	
5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION:                          	 required in order to change these measures and agree 	
                                                            	 on the rewards.
1.	Assess your company’s desire:
                                                            5.	Technology is not the driver:
	Make a thorough assessment of your company’s 		
                                                            	It’s called Customer Centric for a reason; - the customer 	
	 preparedness to become Customer Centric. 		
                                                            	 is at the centre, not the technology. Failure to observe 	
	Not doing this assessment is where most programs fail.
                                                            	 this positioning will see your program fail. If more of 	
	Customer centricity is grounded in your business
                                                            	 your efforts are being directed toward the technology, 	
	 strategy. Your business strategy must refer to this 		
                                                            	 if most of your meetings are about the technology, if 	
	 centricity and your departmental business plans must 	
                                                            	 technologists are leading your project then you will 		
	 clearly focus on the customer.
                                                            	 most likely be hurtling toward failure. Businesses are 		
2.	Culture and Structure:                                   	 littered with great technology solutions but in many of
	 Becoming Customer Centric is a program of work            	 those businesses, little if any change has occurred 		
	 and is difficult to achieve without some hard decisions   	 toward truly becoming Customer Centric.
	 being made. If your company has a history of late or
	 failed delivery on projects then examine why this is 	
	 the case and address accordingly. Moving to a 	
	Customer Centric organization requires cultural 		
	 change, total staff involvement, structural changes 		
	 organized around the customer and most importantly, 	
	 full, active and demonstrable support from your CEO, 	
	 not just “lip service”.

110                                                                                                                              111

                               CREATING A CLEARER PICTURE OF
                               YOUR ONLINE CUSTOMERS

                               Dr. Martin Bradbury
                               International Client Services Director, CALLCREDIT GROUP

Dr. Bradbury’s present responsibilities include managing
the research, construction and implementation              KEY LEARNINGS:
                                                           5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION:
of consumer segmentation systems and modelling
software for international markets, and advising           1.	Learn how to maximise customer relationships, 		
on their usage by clients from a broad range of            	 especially important at this time of market uncertainty
commercial and governmental sectors. He retains
                                                           2.	Avoid common mistakes. Embrace new technologies 	
a close working relationship with a large number of
                                                           	 and innovative channels with your eyes wide open!
international businesses.
                                                           3.	Discover how marketers can identify just who they
                                                           	 are communicating with, exemplified with a powerful 	
                                                           	 case study



112                                                                                                                          113

                               A NEW MODEL FOR PHARMACEUTICAL
                               ADVERTISING: RE-DEFINING ROI

                               Marc Cheah, Senior Brand Manager –
                               Viagra, PFIZER

Marc Cheah has been working in marketing for
over 10 years, with his career taking him across a           KEY LEARNINGS:
                                                             5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION:
number of diverse markets and brands, some more
controversial than others. Marc’s has worked in industries   1.	Moving from a TV led to a content led model
such as tobacco, snacks, consumer durables, and              	 •	A person’s health is a high involvement category – 		
pharmaceuticals, and has developed insights into the         		 patients want to find out as much information
challenges faced in how to interact with consumers across    		 as possible.
with varying levels of interest and involvement.             	 •	The communications role is not to build a brand but 	
                                                             		 raise awareness and provide guidance.
                                                             	 • There’s a lot of (mis)-information out there – and 		
                                                             		 therefore there is a need to “control” as much 		
      Connect                                                		 information as possible.
                                                             	 • It is important to make sure all gatekeepers in the 		
       Web                                                   		 process are aware of your activities (e.g. GP’s, Nurses                                     		 and Pharmacists).
                                                             2.	Re-defining ROI
                                                             	 •	The role of public communications is for the disease 	
                                                             		 state, and not just your brand.
                                                             	 •	Once prescribed, a patient may use your drug for 		
                                                             		 lengthy periods of time – not just returns within the 	
                                                             		 financial year.
                                                             3.	Managing internal stakeholders in the new age
                                                             	 of communication
                                                             	 •	Pharmaceutical companies are, by their nature, 		
                                                             		 conservative beasts.
                                                             	 •	There are multiple stakeholders involved in the 		
                                                             		 process who need to taken on the journey.
                                                             	 •	Need to paint a real-life picture of your patients and 	
                                                             		 their journey.
                                                             4.	Pushing the envelope while staying within
                                                             	 the guidelines set by Medicines Australia
                                                             	 •	Pharmaceutical companies are constantly under 		
                                                             		 attack from industry critics, and abide strictly to an 	
                                                             		 industry code.
                                                             	 •	There’s a lot of information out there –and finding out 	
                                                             		 what’s wrong isn’t often at the top of people’s agenda.
                                                             	 •	Need to evolve our communications in line with how 	
                                                             		 society is moving – more people are self-diagnosing.

114                                                                                                                                115

                                 SOCIAL MEDIA:
                                 MAKING IT WORK FOR YOU

                                 Jill Colvin
                                 Head of Marketing, SYDNEY FESTIVAL

Jill Colvin is Head of Marketing, Communications &               3.	Our customers are changing behaviour so we need
Digital Strategy at Sydney Festival, Australia's largest         	 to adapt
annual arts event, with more than one million people             	 •	 Growth in social media resulting in people spending 	
taking part in the ticketed and free program each summer.        		 more time in the social space
Jill has been part of the Festival team for 10 years, starting   	 •	 Need to be where the audience is hanging out so you 	
in the Business Development department in 2000 before            		 can be part of that conversation
moving to Marketing the following year.                          	 •	 These conversations go on the public record - 		
                                                                 		 permanently - and can be easily found thanks
For the 2011 Festival, Jill’s role has been expanded to
                                                                 		 to Google
explore ways of maximising the Festival's use of digital
technology to increase the event’s reach - both nationally       4.	A good community online will give you heads up
and internationally - through Marketing, Programming             	 on issues – without paying for expensive social
and Business Development initiatives. The ongoing                	 media tools
integration of social media channels will play a key role        	 •	 A great community of self-selecting fans can be 		
in this. Prior to escaping to the arts, Jill worked in the       		 your best word of mouth for when things go right – 	
publishing and banking sectors, including five years at          		 your advocates, your champions
Citibank where she was part of the Total Quality Team            	 •	 They can also be your best line of defence when
before a stint in Mortgage Marketing.                            		 things go wrong – your eyes and ears, your defenders
                                                                 5.	Give out and you will get back
                                                                 	 •	 Online communities are like any other – they want to 	
                                                                 		 share, to interact, to engage
5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION:                               	 •	 Give value through your social media – share things 	
                                                                 		 people want to hear, pass on things that are relevant 	
1.	Social media isn’t what the media has been hyping - 	         		 and interesting to them
	 it’s about understanding and then working to meet 		           	 •	 Do this in a genuine way and you will be more than a 	
	 customer needs                                                 		 brand you will be a friend
	 •	 Listen to what people are saying
	 •	 Respond when you need to - quickly - if only to buy 	
		 you some time
	 •	 Ask questions – and act in response                                                                Connect
2.	It’s not free - it takes a big investment of time and
	 care but it’s worth it                                              Web
	 •	 Takes time to build up your social media profile - and 
		 a group of people who care about what you’re doing
	 •	 Make sure to check various sites each day
	 •	 Anything worthwhile takes time and effort but
		 the rewards can be more personally rewarding                       LinkedIn
	 •	 Have senior people – or empowered people – on the 	
		 social media frontline – need people with power
		 to act quickly                                                     Facebook

116                                                                                                                                  117

                               CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP AND LOYALTY –
                               A FLIGHT TO UNDERSTANDING

                               Phil Hawkins
                               General Manager, LOYALTY PACIFIC (FLYBUYS)

A recognised global practitioner in coalition loyalty
programs, Phil Hawkins is General Manager of Loyalty       KEY LEARNINGS:
                                                           5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION:
Pacific, which manages and operates FlyBuys, Australia’s
largest shopping rewards program. Holding an Honours       1.	Engage consumers with your brand by means of active 	
degree in Mathematical Sciences and an MBA, Phil has       	 listening and co-creation
worked in the Australian loyalty and card market over
                                                           2.	Align the culture of your team to deliver on the 	
the past 16 years, and his experience is also drawn from
                                                           	 promise - driving commitment to innovation-		
research, marketing and operational roles with Shell and
National Australia Bank.
                                                           3.	 Utilise all channels including social media - skills, 		
                                                           	 leadership required
                                                           4.	Differentiate between "selling" and letting the 		
                                                           	 customers "buy"
                                                           5.	Always measure the success of each engagement



118                                                                                                                             119

                                MOVING FROM MONOLOG TO DIALOG:
                                STRATEGIES TO ENHANCE YOUR BRAND

                                Jacqueline Johnson
                                Chief Executive Officer, THE BUZZ

Jacki Johnson is an Executive with the Insurance Australia
Group one of Australia and New Zealand’s largest listed       KEY LEARNINGS:
                                                              5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION:
insurers. Jacki is currently CEO of the newly launched on
line insurer, The Buzz. Jacki has been with IAG since 2001    1.	Trigger marketing provides a great means
in a variety of roles including CEO Business Partnerships     	 for transforming rich customer data into
where she was responsible for the Workers Compensation        	 meaningful communication
and Third Party Distribution businesses, Group Strategy
                                                              2.	Coalition loyalty programs provide a cost-effective, 		
and leading through the integration of CGU and Zurich
                                                              	 customer embracing loyalty solution
businesses into IAG . Jacki has over 20 years experience in
financial services. Before joining IAG she has held senior    3.	Social media provide a great means for economical, 		
positions with Allianz Insurance, HIH Insurance and IRS       	 low-risk marketing activity
Total Injury Management. Starting life as an Occupational     4.	Explore creative means for eliciting email addresses 		
Therapist at Westmead Hospital has meant Jacki brought        	 rather than using simple “bribes”
a different skill set and perspective to her roles within
                                                              5.	Employ a robust contact strategy but closely monitor 	
the Finance Sector. The customer experience and
                                                              	 changing customer channel preferences
harnessing the right culture and technology to deliver
this is a key passion.
Jacki has a B App Sc. (Occupational Therapy) , Grad Dip
Safety Science and and EMBA (AGSM)
Jacki is also a former director of NSW Workcover
Authority, Personal Injury Education Foundation, MCGI
and a current Director of Community First Credit Union,
a previous member of Community First Board Audit
and Risk Committee and current member of the Board                LinkedIn
Corporate Governance Committee.                         

120                                                                                                                              121

                               WHAT NFP’S CAN LEARN FROM BIG BUSINESS AND
                               VISA VERSA FOR GAINING CUSTOMERS

                               Cameron Watson
                               Former Head of Marketing, WORLD VISION
                               Currently National Manager, Marketing and Channels, LANDMARK

Cameron has recently moved to be the new National
Manager for Marketing and Channels at Landmark.              KEY LEARNINGS:
                                                             5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION:
Cameron brings a wealth of experience in creative
marketing, strategic marketing analysis and development.     1.	Almost every marketer should spend some time 		
Earlier this year, Cameron was Head of Marketing at World    	 working with an NFP to sharpen their craft
Vision Australia, where he lead the fundraising non profit
                                                             2.	Sharp, concise call-to-action is absolute king and needs 	
organisation in Australia. He previously worked at Telstra
                                                             	 to be consistent across all channels
as General Manager of Strategy, Planning and Analysis;
and at ANZ Banking Group as Marketing Manager of             3.	If you can’t answer the ‘why me? Why now?’ questions, 	
Corporate Ecommerce. He was also the marketing               	 don’t bother
manager of the first ASX-listed company and has      4.	Stop at nothing in reaching new places to reinforce 		
established his own e-commerce company.                      	 your message to customers
                                                             5.	Learn to use detailed channel analysis and economics 	
                                                             	 to drive your business, but not a tool for beginners!



122                                                                                                                                123
{Day TWO Conference Programme} Wednesday 28 July

                                                                                                 {STREAM C}
                                           SPONSORED BY                           {DATA AND ANALYTICS}
                                                                                    Parkside Ballroom B, Level 1

                                                                                              {STREAM Chair}
                          Regan Yan
                          Managing Director, Digital Alchemy

                           Regan founded Digital Alchemy in 2003, as Australia’s first dedicated Database
                           Marketing Service Provider. Under his leadership, Digital Alchemy has grown to become
                           Australia’s largest provider of outsourced database marketing solutions, and is the largest
                           Unica implementer in Asia Pacific.
                           Prior to this, Regan was CEO of Persona Asia; an infomediary aimed at delivering
                           permission based marketing solutions to online clients. Earlier in his career, Regan
                           was the Managing Director of Multinet, a leading company in data mining and
                           sophisticated database marketing. Prior to joining Multinet, Regan was responsible for
                           Customer Analytics, customer profitability system as well as introduction of analytical
                            marketing at Westpac.
  Regan is a recognised subject matter expert in the area of Analytical Database Marketing and Customer
  Relationship Marketing, speaking regularly at Australian and international events.

TIME                SESSION

11.30 am            Driving Business Outcomes: How CRM Capabilities have been Developed within GE
                    Philip Wickenden, Vice President of CRM, GE MONEY

12.05 pm            Providing a Greater Understanding of a Single Customer View (SCV)
                    Steve Nicholls, Senior Manager CK and CRM, HSBC AUSTRALIA

1.30 pm             Keeping in Touch With Your Customer: Should You Follow Your Instinct or Use Data to Predict,
                    Track and Adapt to their Changing Behaviour?
                    Julian Peterson, Marketing and Online Director, TIME OUT

2.05 pm             Turning Data into Strategy
                    Ed Falconer, National Manager, Customer Loyalty and Engagement, MYER

2.40 pm             Delivering Multi-Channel Campaigns to Draw Customers in
                    Drew Guttadore, Director CRM Business Capabilities, FOXTEL

4.00 pm             Gaining a 360 Multi-Channel View of Your Customer: A Cutting Edge Approach
                    Karen Ganschow, Executive Director Relationship Marketing and Online, TELSTRA

4.35 pm             Multi-Channel Retail and what it means for Marketing Strategy and Execution
                    Daniel Roberts, Head of Online, WOOLWORTHS

           Follow the Twitter backchannel #admaf



Philip Wickenden
Vice President of CRM, GE MONEY

Phil first joined GE in 1996 as the Database Marketing
Leader. In 1998 Risk & DBM where combined into                                   Connect
Portfolio Management where Philip was Portfolio
Manager for Cards responsibility for both the Risk & CRM.
Philip left GE for 3 years in 1999 to ANZ Bank. At ANZ he
created their Customer Management function & played a
leadership role in strategic CRM based project called CVM
(Customer Value Management).
Philip re-joining GE in 2002 as Senior Portfolio Manager
for GE Money Direct business responsible for both
Loans & Mortgages businesses. In 2005 Philip’s current
role of Vice President CRM was created which includes
CRM analytics across GE Money, plus Risk & CRM Infra
(including Scorecard development). Since this time the
role has evolved to cover all the GE Capital business,
and drive a range of strategic CRM, BI & Channel Infra
initiatives for GE Capital.
Prior to joining GE Philip worked for Experian, Pacific
Micro Marketer in Australia & AA in the UK, in various
analytics & client management roles. Philip holds a
Bachelor of Science (Hons) from Sheffield University
majoring in Systems Modeling and is green belt
certified. He is married to Dallas and has son Aidan
and daughter Freya.

126                                                                                              127

                               PROVIDING A GREATER UNDERSTANDING OF
                               A SINGLE CUSTOMER VIEW (SCV)

                               Steve Nicholls
                               Senior Manager CK and CRM, HSBC AUSTRALIA

Steve Nicholls has worked with HSBC Banking Group for
twenty years. Roles have included Sale, Credit, Technology   KEY LEARNINGS:
                                                             5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION:
and Marketing in the UK, Canada, the Asia Pacific region
and in Australia for the last six years. His current role    1.	Find out everything you can about your customers 		
is Senior Manager, Customer Knowledge and CRM                	 behaviour and make sure you develop a single
responsible for customer research and analytics for          	 customer view.
HSBC Australia.
                                                             2.	Integrate a range of sources of data and information to 	
                                                             	 optimise customer knowledge
                                                             3.	 Leverage this information to optimise your marketing 	
                                                             	 strategies and activities
                                                             4.	 Use integrated information to maximise channel 		
                                                             	 interaction with the customers



128                                                                                                                               129

                                KEEPING IN TOUCH WITH YOUR CUSTOMER: SHOULD
                                YOU FOLLOW YOUR INSTINCT OR USE DATA TO PREDICT,
                                TRACK AND ADAPT TO THEIR CHANGING BEHAVIOUR?
                                Julian Peterson
                                Marketing and Online Director, TIME OUT

Julian is Marketing and Online Director at Time Out
Sydney – Sydney’s most respected arts, entertainment,                                        Connect
nightlife and food website and magazine.
Time Out Sydney has recently achieved a Google                 Web
PageRank of 7 through implementing strategy and      
good practice, site traffic is up 300% in 2009, a weekly       Twitter
newsletter is sent to 30,000 people with a click through
rate of over 50% plus paid subscriptions to the printed
magazine are up 400% since Julian’s arrival. Time Out
Sydney is one of the first Time Out’s to start feeding
content to Nokia’s Ovi maps and is currently producing
what will be Sydney’s most popular entertainment
iPhone app.
Before moving to Sydney, Julian spent 2 years in Singapore
as Marketing and Online Development Director at Time
Out Singapore as part of the launch team. Julian had
responsibility for all online, in store, street level, event
and partnership marketing and the launch of Time Out’s
website and quick growth to 135,000 users per month.
Julian’s earlier career included more than 50 appearances
before committees and at Court including representing
clients in contested hearings.

130                                                                                                          131

                                TURNING DATA INTO STRATEGY

                                Ed Falconer, National Manager,
                                Customer Loyalty and Engagement, MYER

Ed is the Head of Loyalty, responsible for Myer’s loyalty
program – MYER one - which has over 3.5 million             KEY LEARNINGS:
                                                            5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION:
members and is recognised as the leading loyalty
program in Australia. Ed has 18 years experience in the     1.	Always have an objective and a plan - analysis for
development of customer loyalty through CRM activity        	 the sake of analysis is pointless
and database marketing.
                                                            2.	Marry your research goals with your database
                                                            	 analysis goals - knowing why someone is behaving
                                                            	 in a particular way will help you respond better to
                                                            	 their needs
                                                            3.	 Have metrics of success - both short and long term - 		
                                                            	 measurement is the key to understanding whether you 	
                                                            	 are having impact
                                                            4.	Don't be afraid to fail - knowing what doesn't work
                                                            	 is as important as knowing what does
                                                            5.	It's not rocket science - better to have a simple
                                                            	 analysis that delivers insight than complex analysis
                                                            	 that delivers confusion.



132                                                                                                                             133

                              DELIVERING MULTI-CHANNEL CAMPAIGNS
                              TO DRAW CUSTOMERS IN

                              Drew Guttadore
                              Director of CRM Business Capabilities, FOXTEL

Drew Guttadore is currently the Director of CRM
& Business Intelligence Capabilities at Foxtel and        KEY LEARNINGS:
                                                          5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION:
is leading initiatives that create/improve Business
Analytics, Channel Functionality, Data Quality, and       1.	CRM/Business Intelligence is a journey and we all have 	
related processes. Previously he has held similar roles   	 to crawl before we walk
at Telstra and in Europe and the US implementing
                                                          2.	The Analytical process has to be top notch before
Business Intelligence and Multi-Channel Marketing
                                                          	 the operational process can begin
projects in multiple companies and industries. His
fondest achievement was convincing 6 companies in 5       3.	 Customer Contact Strategy and Channel 			
countries in 4 languages to adopt one common campaign     	 Development starts with Campaign Management 		
management tool within 3 months.                          	System Implementation
                                                          4.	Don’t feel bad, Real Time Sales Interactions is the
                                                          	Holy Grail, and very few actually do it, let alone well!
                                                          5.	Develop your network to include practitioners in all 		
                                                          	 areas so that you can help each other along the way



134                                                                                                                           135

                                                            GAINING A 360 MULTI-CHANNEL VIEW OF
                                                            YOUR CUSTOMER: A CUTTING EDGE APPROACH

                                                            Christian Bartens
                                                            Managing Director, DATALICIOUS
                                                            Karen Ganschow
                                                            Executive Director Relationship
                                                            Marketing and Online, TELSTRA

Christian Bartens
                                                                   KEY LEARNINGS:
                                                                   5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION:
Christian Bartens is passionate about the power of data
and how it can help shape effective marketing strategies.
                                                                   1.	Use online insights to drive offline campaigns
After having worked in digital marketing in Australia and
overseas for many years, he established Datalicious in             2.	Profile customers and prospects across the line
2007, a new breed of agency that strives to make data              3.	 Identify and communicate with influencers
accessible to non-analysts and provides actionable
insights to marketers.                                             4.	Develop a targeting matrix and communication dialogue
                                                                   5.	Establish the true impact of online advertising
As a data evangelist and pioneer in digital marketing
and web analytics, Christian is chairing the ADMA
Data & Analytics Council and has spoken at various
conferences about the power of data in optimising
marketing communications including ADMA Data Day.                                                         Connect
He works closely with leading industry bodies and solution
providers and regularly gets invited to industry councils,                 Christian Bartens
customer advisory boards and beta testing programs to                      Web
help shape industry best practice.                               
Karen Ganschow                                                   
Karen has been with Telstra for over six years. She is                     LinkedIn
responsible for Customer Relationship, Digital and               
Online Marketing managing Retention and Growth
programs across Home Phone, Mobile, Internet and Pay             
TV with a customer base of over 10 million customers.
Karen is also lecturing in the Master of Business and
Marketing program at the Macquarie Graduate School of                      Karen Ganschow
Management. In 2007, she was recognised as the ADMA                        Web
Direct Marketer of the year and is now Vice Chairman of          
the Board of the Australian Direct Marketing Association.                  Twitter
Karen has a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering and holds a
Master in Business Administration.                                         LinkedIn
She is married with two boys and two dogs and enjoys
playing in a Mum’s soccer team.

136                                                                                                                                 137
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  • 1. {Day TWO Conference Programme} Wednesday 28 July {KEYNOTE} SPONSORED BY {DRIVING INNOVATION THROUGH INSIGHTS AND STRATEGY} Parkside Ballroom B, Level 1 {Keynote Chair} Regan Yan Managing Director, DIGITAL ALCHEMY Regan founded Digital Alchemy in 2003, as Australia’s first dedicated Database Marketing Service Provider. Under his leadership, Digital Alchemy has grown to become Australia’s largest provider of outsourced database marketing solutions, and is the largest Unica implementer in Asia Pacific. Prior to this, Regan was CEO of Persona Asia; an infomediary aimed at delivering permission based marketing solutions to online clients. Earlier in his career, Regan was the Managing Director of Multinet, a leading company in data mining and sophisticated database marketing. Prior to joining Multinet, Regan was responsible for Customer Analytics, customer profitability system as well as introduction of analytical marketing at Westpac. Regan is a recognised subject matter expert in the area of Analytical Database Marketing and Customer Relationship Marketing, speaking regularly at Australian and international events. TIME SESSION 8.45 am Let’s Get Social: Business Justification of Social Media Olivier Blanchard, Principal and Senior Strategist, THE BRAND BUILDER 9.25 am Engaging a Mass Audience through Innovation Insights and Strategy Meaghan K. Burdick, Direct Marketing Director, OBAMA FOR AMERICA 10.05 am Leveraging Customer Attention through Customer Response Behaviour Aaron Tellier, Director – CRM Strategy, MERRILL LYNCH Follow the Twitter backchannel #admaf 85
  • 2. {SPEAKER PROFILE} {NOTES} LET’S GET SOCIAL: BUSINESS JUSTIFICATION OF SOCIAL MEDIA Olivier Blanchard Principal and Chief Strategist, THE BRAND BUILDER As BrandBuilder Marketing‘s Principal and Senior Strategist, Olivier helps companies develop, build, KEY LEARNINGS: 5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION: integrate, manage and measure Social Media Programs. He also helps companies manage their reputations online 1. First, understand that R.O.I. (Return on Investment) is and offline, and establish leadership in their markets. a business measurement, not a media measurement. Olivier trains company executives and project teams in all In other words, R.O.I. doesn't change whether you are matters of social media management and measurement, looking at Social Media, capital expenditures or and then helps them build and integrate effective advertising budgets programs into every facet of their business, from public 2. The currency of R.O.I. is neither variable nor abstract: relations, business development and market research Whatever currency was used to calculate the to human resources and customer support. Olivier investment must be the same as the currency with has 15+ years of marketing management experience. which you calculate the return. (Typically, a monetary Broken down into specific categories: Marketing project value.) In other words, if the investment is calculated in management, social media programme management, dollars, the return cannot be calculated in strategic branding, brand management, online conversations or sentiment. It must also be calculated reputation management, product launch management, in dollars marketing communications management, community development, business development, and product design 3. In order to calculate the R.O.I. of Social Media, you ideation experience. He has worked in government, have to be able to tie Social Media activities to some manufacturing, energy, fashion, retail, event management type of financial outcome and business services sectors, and just spent a year 4. There is a difference between financial outcomes and learning how to help software resellers and IT shops better non-financial outcomes. (Non-financial outcomes are engage with small and mid-sized businesses in the US. not R.O.I. Financial outcomes are.) Olivier holds an International Baccalaureate degree from 5. Non-financial outcomes (new followers, the International School of Brussels and a BA degree from click-throughs, web traffic, retweets, peer-to-peer Furman University. recommendations) often lead to financial outcomes. Each can be a step, a precursor to a transaction. They Current Chairs and Boards: help you connect the dots between investment, SmartBrief Social Media Advisory Board, Social Media activity, impact, and financial return Club – Greenville, Linking The Upstate. 6. In order for an investment to yield results (yes, even in Social Media), it must have a specific set of objectives. Before investing into a program, know what needles Connect you want it to move for your business 7. Social Media programs are not free. They require Web qualified manpower, adequate technology, a lot of time and real focus. Businesses that overlook this always fail Twitter in this space LinkedIn 8. Take Social Media as seriously as you do any other olivierblanchard channel in your business: Hire professionals. Have a Blog www.thebrandbuilder. plan. Know what to measure and how 9. Social Media should support business objectives, not just Social Media objectives. 10. Popularity is irrelevant if it doesn't generate more business for you 86 87
  • 3. {SPEAKER PROFILE} {NOTES} ENGAGING A MASS AUDIENCE THROUGH INNOVATION INSIGHTS AND STRATEGY Meaghan K.Burdick Direct Marketing Director, OBAMA FOR AMERICA Earning respect and recognition as a marketing fundraising expert with noted experience in fast-paced KEY LEARNINGS: 5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION: political environments, Meaghan Burdick served as Director of Direct Marketing for Obama for America. In 1. Timing is everything. Make sure your materials are this capacity, Meaghan directed the organisation's daily hitting their inboxes, mail boxes, phones, etc. right direct marketing fundraising operations and oversaw the on time. Right when the news is hot! fundraising of over $400 million. Meaghan has acquired 2. One method is the ‘not only’ method any more. extensive marketing experience on the political front as Take advantage of all of the direct marketing and evidenced by her tenure in the Democratic Congressional social media tools that are available to speak to your Campaign Committee (DCCC) as Director of Marketing customers today. and Online Services. She held responsibility for growing the DCCC’s online program from $1 million raised in 3. Make sure the message is consistent no matter how the 2004 cycle to $6.6 million raised in the 2006 cycle. your customers are hearing it. Whatever you're sending Additionally, Meaghan has also attained leadership to your customer's inboxes should be consistent to the experience in the Democratic Senatorial Campaign mail they’re reading and the text they’re receiving. Committee and EMILY’s List. Meaghan received a BA in 4. You’re building a relationship - not a one time Government from Georgetown University in 1998. transaction. Spend the time and money letting your customers get to know you and giving them the opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas with you. 5. Don’t be afraid to try new things. If you don’t take the risk, you’ll never get the reward. Connect Web 88 89
  • 4. {SPEAKER PROFILE} {NOTES} LEVERAGING CUSTOMER ATTENTION THROUGH CUSTOMER RESPONSE BEHAVIOUR Aaron Tellier Director – CRM Strategy, MERRILL LYNCH Aaron Tellier is the Director of CRM Strategy and Analytics for Merrill Lynch Global Wealth Management. In this KEY LEARNINGS: 5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION: position, he is responsible for the strategy, processes, analytics and technology platform that support intelligent 1. A valuable relationship requires investment multi-channel customer interactions across multiple Think about your personal relationships and extend lines of business. Previously, Aaron managed the direct the same concepts to your customers. You wouldn’t marketing function for DLJdirect, and early online rush into a deep friendship, so don’t be pushy with your brokerage. When the company was purchased by the customers. Be truly interested in their needs, listen Bank of Montreal, Aaron’s role expanded to include to their preferences and act appropriately. Like the customer integration strategy for online brokerage, superficial friendships, customer relationships based advisory services, retail banking and private banking for on transactions can easily dissolve. the bank’s US franchise, The Harris. Aaron is a graduate of the US Naval Academy and Yale School of Management. 2. It’s all about the customer AND you Of course we all WANT to be customer centric, but don’t forget that customer interactions must ultimately provide value to the organization. Too many marketing Connect and sales programs ignore this simple truth. If your program doesn’t pay off, the finance department will eventually find out and shut you down. How does Web that benefit the customer? Search hard to find win – win opportunities. LinkedIn 3. Be open to interaction Interaction is the lifeblood of social media and can 0/aaa/5b4 make or break a campaign. Don’t disable options for comments or remarks on your social media profiles if nothing else, these pointers will help to tailor postings so that they move closer to achieving social media goals. 4. Give something back Social media is community-based, and like most communities, it’s expected that you give something back. Don’t simply bombard your Twitter feeds with sales posts or your blog with marketing messages — entice and encourage repeat visitors and followers by offering something in return. The most successful companies use their social media outlets to give exclusive discount codes, special offers, or previews of new products before they hit the mainstream. 5. Network In addition to replying to questions and comments as a way of building a physical network of fans and followers, network your various social media profiles. Prospective clients are also more likely to check their own social networking pages more often than your website, so it’s a great way to keep in touch. 90 91
  • 5. {Day TWO Conference Programme} Wednesday 28 July Photography, Styling {STREAM A} & Retouching SPONSORED BY {MULTI-CHANNEL MASTeRY AND MEASUREMENT} Parkside Ballroom A, Level 1 {STREAM Chair} Creative Services Graham Plant & On-site Studios Executive General Manager, PACIFIC MICROMARKETING/PMP DIGITAL Graham is responsible for managing and driving the development, commercial performance and growth of Pacific Micromarketing, Dimension Studios and PMP Digital in Australia. Graham joined PMP Print in 2003, holding senior management positions in the Print business prior to heading up Pacific Micromarketing and PMP Digital. Graham Plant is a direct and database marketing professional having held senior management positions from a wide range of industries and businesses including IT, Telecommunications, Postal and Mailing, Logistics, Printing, Financial Services, Sales and Marketing and Creative Services. A strong business strategist, Graham is experienced in leading change and Multi-site driving business benefits through developing business strategies and innovative Catalogue & marketing solutions. Magazine Printing TIME SESSION 11.30 am The Rise of Multi-Channel Marketing in a Retail World Graham Plant, Executive General Manager, PACIFIC MICROMARKETING/PMP DIGITAL 12.05 pm Initiating a Longer Term Offline Strategy to Support and Engage Online Consumer Targeting Roger Sharp, Corporate Affairs Director – Pacific, CADBURY Mass & Targeted Jeff Richardson, Chief Executive Officer, THE ONLINE CIRCLE & Analytics Letterbox Distribution 1.30 pm Multi-Channel Insights to Maximise Success in Insurance, Retail and Travel Your customer. At the core of everything we do. Michael Kustreba, Vice President, ANZ, EPSILON INTERNATIONAL 2.05 pm Understanding and Impressing Tomorrow’s Customer in a Multi-Channel World Sean Ashby, Chief Executive Officer, AUSSIEBUM At PMP we’re dedicated to increasing return on marketing investment for our customers. , We’ve developed a suite of smart marketing solutions which help our clients create, target 2.40 pm Executing an Integrated Multi-Channel Marketing Campaign Mandeep Grover, Marketing Manager ANZ, JOHNSON AND JOHNSON VISION CARE and deliver effective messages to their key customers. We make it our business to continually leverage the finest technology to deliver customer-focused, end-to-end solutions to our clients 4.00 pm Complementing Traditional Channels with Digital: A Change Management Approach Australia-wide. Crispin Tristram, General Manager – Acquisition, OPTUS 4.35 pm Gaining a Connection with Generation Y through Multiple Channels To find out how PMP Limited can support your marketing program, call us on 1800 032 472 Michelle Pilot, Vice President of Marketing – Australasia, MASTERCARD or visit Julie Dormond, General Manager, MERCERBELL Follow the Twitter backchannel #admaf 93
  • 6. {SPEAKER PROFILE} {NOTES} THE RISE OF MULTI-CHANNEL MARKETING IN A RETAIL WORLD Graham Plant, Executive General Manager, PACIFIC MICROMARKETING/PMP DIGITAL Graham Plant is responsible for managing and driving 3. Make sure your off-line and on-line communications the development, commercial performance and growth are aligned. of Pacific Micromarketing, Dimension Studios and The way in which your brand is represented and the PMP Digital in Australia. Graham joined PMP Print in key messages you make should be consistent across 2003, holding senior management positions in the Print the spectrum of channels available – including business prior to heading up Pacific Micromarketing and in-store. Provide a wide range of response channels PMP Digital. that are integrated and complementary to enable customers to respond easily to your offer/s. Graham Plant is a direct and database marketing professional having held senior management positions 4. Don't ignore social media - it's part of the mix now! from a wide range of industries and businesses including Valuable customers can be found through social media IT, Telecommunications, Postal and Mailing, Logistics, activity such as Twitter or Facebook. Consider the Printing, Financial Services, Sales and Marketing role of social media in your marketing program and and Creative Services. the profile of customers who currently or potentially play in this space. Decide on the image you wish A strong business strategist, Graham is experienced to project and ensure that these communications in leading change and driving business benefits are consistent with your overall image and brand. through developing business strategies and innovative Most importantly, appreciate that this is a channel that marketing solutions. requires transparency, regular content and prompt response times – much like the consumers that use them. KEY LEARNINGS: 5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION: 5. And above all else, listen and learn all there is to know about your customer - they expect you to know them. 1. Understand which channels work for each of Customers are aware of the relationship they have your customers. with your brand and you should be too. Examine how Your marketing channels are provide a platform different segments respond, what mediums they for consumers to access and relate with your brand. prefer and how an integrated multi-channel marketing Use transactional, behavioural and other customer approach can increase the effectiveness of a campaign. data available to develop an understanding of who your key customers really are – or who you want them to be. Consumer insights drive multi-channel marketing decisions and investment. Connect 2. Make it easy for your customer to speak to and buy from you - let them use the channel they want. Whilst social media is the new buzzword, not all Web consumers are created equal and traditional offline methods of communication still play a critical part in your retail marketing mix. Analyse sales data and response rates to determine which mix will provide greater margin and increase average transaction value per segment. 94 95
  • 7. {SPEAKER PROFILE} {NOTES} INITIATING A LONGER TERM OFFLINE STRATEGY TO SUPPORT AND ENGAGE ONLINE Roger Sharp, Corporate Affairs Director – Pacific, CADBURY Jeff Richardson Chief Executive Officer, THE ONLINE CIRCLE Roger Sharp KEY LEARNINGS: 5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION: Roger has been the Corporate Affairs Director for Cadbury’s Pacific Business Unit (Australia, New 1. Social Media is not going away. What it is doing is Zealand & Japan) since March 2009. In these markets changing every day. Management is not simple but he has responsibilities for Cadbury’s External and it is possible. Internal Communications, Corporate Responsibility, Sustainability and Public Affairs work. Roger joined 2. Social Media need not be scary. Treat it like any other Cadbury from the Australian Industry Group where he was Marketing Communications opportunity; with one a Senior Public Policy Advisor, working primarily on IT, strategy, not 100 tactics. Telecommunications and Climate Change policies. He has 3. Social Media provides an excellent research also worked extensively throughout Europe, previously opportunity. Users are fast, passionate, and holding the post of Director of Public Affairs at Telefonica (generally) truthful. Monitoring is the start. Europe, with responsibilities for Government Relations Analysis and interpretation is essential. and CSR across 5 European Union markets. 4. Social Media means data. All actions leave a trail and In addition to his corporate experience, Roger has worked you can use this data for research and strategy. as a senior political adviser within the British Government, 5. Getting involved in Social Media means leveraging holding the role of Special Adviser to both the Secretary the opportunities but also being ready to meet of State for Trade & Industry and the Secretary of State of the challenges Culture, Media & Sport within the Blair administration. During this role he helped lead stakeholder engagement with the business community, and was involved in three successful General Election campaigns and the London Connect 2012 Olympic bid. Outside work Roger enjoys music and film; he continues to Roger Sharp maintain a passionate interest in politics and is an avid fan Web of both the All Blacks and Manchester City Football Club Twitter Jeff Richardson Jeff developed his first web site over 14 years ago and LinkedIn has been involved in Internet Marketing ever since. In his late 40s, Jeff has worked in senior marketing roles for corporations such as Telstra and United Energy. Having Jeff Richardson run boutique consulting and advertising agencies for near Web 10 years he has consulted to organisations large and small regarding their use of Internet Marketing. Notable clients LinkedIn have included Cadbury, University of Melbourne, and Worksafe Victoria. Facebook Email 96 97
  • 8. {SPEAKER PROFILE} {NOTES} MULTI-CHANNEL INSIGHTS TO MAXIMISE SUCCESS IN INSURANCE, RETAIL AND TRAVEL Michael Kustreba, Vice President, Australia and New Zealand, EPSILON Based in Sydney, Michael is responsible for the overall business and operations for Australia and New Zealand KEY LEARNINGS: 5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION: (ANZ). Managing a multi-disciplinary team he delivers on client solutions that drive relevant and high-performing 1. Customer Experience Marketing: What it means for multichannel marketing programmes through the your organisation, your relationship with your intelligent use of data and analytics. He is also responsible consumers and the future of your business for business development in the territory. 2. Understand how consumers perceive and interact with Michael has 10 years of experience providing digital marketing communications across channels marketing solutions to companies in Australia and New 3. Leverage the research to help create compelling Zealand. Combined with his proven skills in delivering differentiation in your brands value proposition strategic marketing services, he has helped many companies improve their marketing efficiency, strengthen 4. Understand what turns customers into advocates their customer relationships, and drive results and ROI for 5. Discover how relevant interactions that anticipate their business. Some of Australia’s household brands that and respond to consumers drive engagement and Michael has been working closely with include Virgin Blue purchases now and in the future Airlines, Cellarmasters Wines and Dell. Michael joined Epsilon International through the 2006 acquisition of DoubleClick Email Solutions where he was Business Development Director. He joined DoubleClick Connect in 2001 as Senior Technical Consultant. Prior to this he worked at Yahoo! Search Marketing and Engage, an ad serving technology provider which is now part of Web Microsoft Advertising. Twitter LinkedIn 98 99
  • 9. {SPEAKER PROFILE} {NOTES} UNDERSTANDING AND IMPRESSING TOMORROW’S CUSTOMER IN A MULTI-CHANNEL WORLD Sean Ashby Chief Executive Officer, AUSSIEBUM Sean Ashby has come a long way in the four years since using his life savings to set up men’s swimwear and KEY LEARNINGS: 5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION: clothing business aussieBum. Sean turned to the internet to promote aussieBum to a global market. It currently has 1. Being unique offline makes you relevant online over 200,000 consumers ordering direct via its custom 2. If you are doing something wrong, Social Media built e-commerce site and supplies many of the world’s will let you know leading department stores. The company’s sales during the GFC have grown, as a direct result of its innovative 3. Be honest and relevant with your content, it will product developments and its marketing strategy. It’s this end up everywhere successful and extremely innovative marketing approach 4. Approach Social Media, not like a business, but like that won them the Australian Export Award 2009. an individual aussieBum promotes their products in non-traditional venues on the internet, such as blogs, social networking sites Facebook and MySpace. Sean will share insights at Forum into the secrets of his success. Connect Web Twitter LinkedIn Blog sean_ashby_aussiebum Facebook 100 101
  • 10. {SPEAKER PROFILE} {NOTES} EXECUTING AN INTEGRATED MULTI-CHANNEL MARKETING CAMPAIGN Mandeep Grover Marketing Manager ANZ, JOHNSON AND JOHNSON VISION CARE Mandeep joined Johnson & Johnson in October 2004 as Regional Professional Marketing Manager with the KEY LEARNINGS: 5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION: responsibility of establishing the B2B marketing function in Asia Pacific. 1. Define a clear role for each media touch point In September 2006, Mandeep moved to Sydney to 2. Understand and optimise the customer journey head marketing for JJVC Australia and New Zealand. 3. Consistency is king In June 2008, one of his marketing campaigns, “The Acuvue® Wink” won the James. E. Burke award, the 4. Set the right KPIs to measure success highest recognition for marketing excellence in J&J. This 5. Document your lessons well campaign won the 2008 DMA Bronze ECHO award & was a finalist at the Cannes Lions 2008. In 2009, Mandeep and his team launched the first iPhone application for Acuvue® brand contact lenses to drive Connect consumer engagement and trial. The application broke into the top 30 within a week of launch and was featured in the Sydney Morning Herald. Web Twitter LinkedIn 102 103
  • 11. {SPEAKER PROFILE} {NOTES} COMPLIMENTING TRADITIONAL CHANNELS WITH DIGITAL: A CHANGE MANAGEMENT APPROACH Crispin Tristram, General Manager – Acquisition, OPTUS Prior to heading up the Consumer Online team at Optus, Crispin has worked across Consumer Acquisitions, KEY LEARNINGS: 5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION: Product Marketing and Propositions across a number of telcos including Orange, O2 and Vodafone back in the UK. 1. A digital sales and service world doesn’t mean Accountable for driving the Consumer Online strategy, he you close all your high street stores and shut down is passionate about creating real, interactive communities your call centres - Digital self serve allows your with his consumers and is excited by the possibilities that physical channels to offer a new fully integrated online affords’. customer experience. 2. The build it and they will come mentality will only get you so far. Digital presence must remain consistent, relevant and appropriate to the customer journey. 3. Digital delivers more than simply low cost sales and service - It can optimise lead generation and create new two way interactions with your customer base. 4. As your self serve capability moves online so will a greater proportion of your media mix. However, understanding how to maximise offline and online to drive the right segment to the right channel becomes more vital to ongoing success. 5. Digital evolution is a lot less painful than digital revolution! Your customers and your organisation will not go digital overnight. Connect Web LinkedIn 104 105
  • 12. {SPEAKER PROFILE} {NOTES} GAINING A CONNECTION WITH GENERATION Y THROUGH MULTIPLE CHANNELS Michelle Pilot, Vice President of Marketing – Australasia, MASTERCARD Julie Dormond, General Manager, MERCERBELL Michael Pilot Michelle has worked with MasterCard since May 2004, KEY LEARNINGS: 5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION: and from 2005 has held the position of Vice President, Marketing for Australia & New Zealand. In that role 1. With a parity product your marketing campaign can she has overall responsibility for brand marketing, work to create a real point of difference. sponsorships, customer marketing and consumer PR. 2. Time spent researching and understanding our target Michelle’s experience spans 20 years in the advertising audience was crucial in developing a strategy that and marketing industry, including the role of Senior Vice resonated with our customers. President with McCann- Erickson New York, working on MasterCard business in Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America 3. Identifying a platform, i.e. music allowed us to engage and Japan. with our audience in a relevant, compelling and During her 11 years at McCann, she gained experience credible way. within the FMCG, IT, luxury goods and apparel categories. 4. Moving from one off campaigns to a longer term Prior to McCann, Michelle held Account Management engagement strategy of ‘Priceless Music Experiences’ positions at Clemenger BBDO, The Campaign Palace and Ogilvy & Mather across a wide selection of allowed us to build momentum to continually drive business categories. persuasive brand awareness. Julie Dormond Julie is a Direct and Digital marketing professional working at MercerBell. She has been at MercerBell for 8 years, Connect starting out as Account Director and now acting on the Management Team as General Manager. Responsibilities include all client management and Michelle Pilot strategy, staff retention and development as well as Web internal agency policies. Her experience spans across many industry sectors including B2B and B2C. With 15 years experience, Julie has held previous roles Julie Dormond agency side at Lowe Lintas as well as client side in the UK working for leading financial services organizations Web in roles spanning product development, launches and communication strategies. LinkedIn julie-dormand/1/388/848 106 107
  • 13. {Day TWO Conference Programme} Wednesday 28 July {STREAM B} SPONSORED BY {CUSTOMER GROWTH AND RELATIONSHIPS} Parkside G04, Ground Level {STREAM Chair} Chris Lowther General Manager, PORTRAIT SOFTWARE ASIA PACIFIC For over 22 years Chris has been fascinated by technology-enablers behind advances in marketing and building strong customer relationships. Combining an MBA in Marketing and International Business with experience gained across the globe with ICL (now Fujitsu), Fiserv, Misys and Portrait Software, Chris is a strong advocate of the ‘appropriate’ technology to improve the customer experience. His role in Portrait Software centres on assisting clients to apply insight and intelligent decisioning at the point of customer interaction to deliver great customer service; which in turn dramatically improves customer revenues, profitability and loyalty. TIME SESSION 11.30 am Customer Centricity Boot Camp for Marketers Paul Downes, Consultant 12.05 pm Creating a Clearer Picture of Your Online Customer Martin Bradbury, International Client Services Director, CALLCREDIT GROUP 1.30 pm A New Model for Pharmaceutical Advertising: Re-Defining ROI Marc Cheah, Senior Brand Manager – Viagra, PFIZER 2.05 pm Social Media: Making it Work for You Jill Colvin, Head of Marketing, SYDNEY FESTIVAL 2.40 pm Customer Relationship and Loyalty – A Flight to Understanding Phil Hawkins, General Manager, LOYALTY PACIFIC (FLYBUYS) 4.00 pm Moving from Monolog to Dialog: Strategies to Enhance Your Brand Jacqueline Johnson, Chief Executive Officer, THE BUZZ 4.35 pm What NFP’s Can Learn from Big Business and Visa Versa for Gaining Customers Cameron Watson, Former Head of Marketing, WORLD VISION Currently National Manager, Marketing and Channels, LANDMARK Follow the Twitter backchannel #admaf Visit Portrait Software at ADMA Expo - stand 325 02 9276 2728 | 109
  • 14. {SPEAKER PROFILE} {NOTES} CUSTOMER CENTRICITY BOOT CAMP FOR MARKETERS Paul Downes, Consultant Paul brings a unique blend of business acumen, people 3. Design and build from the outside in: insight, hands-on technology knowledge and frontline Most processes today are designed from the inside customer service experience to encourage and guide out and are aimed at ensuring intra-departmental successful corporate customer relationship initiatives. efficiencies. Turn this around; take a customer For over twenty years Paul’s matter-of-fact approach perspective, make your company easy to do business has ensured a singular focus on the customer and with by designing and building processes and your getting the fundamentals correct as a solid basis for customer capabilities from the outside in. Move customer engagement. beyond managing customers on a transaction level only, to managing the customer experience. Paul’s broad career involving research and development, human resources, technology, call centre and retail 4. Measure and Reward systems: allows Paul to understand, interpret and leverage inter- Review and upgrade what you measure and how you departmental synergies to benefit the customer. Most reward staff. For example, Average Call Handling Time recently CIO at RAC of WA overseeing the customer is a measure of how quickly staff can move through relationship initiative, Paul draws on knowledge and calls and this coupled with the Number of Sales per experience from Australian and overseas organisations at operator is a measure of staff capabilities. However, the forefront of relationship management to highlight the if you are truly to be Customer Centric you should drivers of excellent customer experience and how to avoid link staff measures to the improvement in customer ‘corporate stupids’. lifetime value, improved customer data quality or the increased propensity of a customer to purchase again as a result of the prior interaction. Do not underestimate the considerable time and negotiation KEY LEARNINGS: 5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION: required in order to change these measures and agree on the rewards. 1. Assess your company’s desire: 5. Technology is not the driver: Make a thorough assessment of your company’s It’s called Customer Centric for a reason; - the customer preparedness to become Customer Centric. is at the centre, not the technology. Failure to observe Not doing this assessment is where most programs fail. this positioning will see your program fail. If more of Customer centricity is grounded in your business your efforts are being directed toward the technology, strategy. Your business strategy must refer to this if most of your meetings are about the technology, if centricity and your departmental business plans must technologists are leading your project then you will clearly focus on the customer. most likely be hurtling toward failure. Businesses are 2. Culture and Structure: littered with great technology solutions but in many of Becoming Customer Centric is a program of work those businesses, little if any change has occurred and is difficult to achieve without some hard decisions toward truly becoming Customer Centric. being made. If your company has a history of late or failed delivery on projects then examine why this is the case and address accordingly. Moving to a Customer Centric organization requires cultural change, total staff involvement, structural changes organized around the customer and most importantly, full, active and demonstrable support from your CEO, not just “lip service”. 110 111
  • 15. {SPEAKER PROFILE} {NOTES} CREATING A CLEARER PICTURE OF YOUR ONLINE CUSTOMERS Dr. Martin Bradbury International Client Services Director, CALLCREDIT GROUP Dr. Bradbury’s present responsibilities include managing the research, construction and implementation KEY LEARNINGS: 5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION: of consumer segmentation systems and modelling software for international markets, and advising 1. Learn how to maximise customer relationships, on their usage by clients from a broad range of especially important at this time of market uncertainty commercial and governmental sectors. He retains 2. Avoid common mistakes. Embrace new technologies a close working relationship with a large number of and innovative channels with your eyes wide open! international businesses. 3. Discover how marketers can identify just who they are communicating with, exemplified with a powerful case study Connect Web 112 113
  • 16. {SPEAKER PROFILE} {NOTES} A NEW MODEL FOR PHARMACEUTICAL ADVERTISING: RE-DEFINING ROI Marc Cheah, Senior Brand Manager – Viagra, PFIZER Marc Cheah has been working in marketing for over 10 years, with his career taking him across a KEY LEARNINGS: 5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION: number of diverse markets and brands, some more controversial than others. Marc’s has worked in industries 1. Moving from a TV led to a content led model such as tobacco, snacks, consumer durables, and • A person’s health is a high involvement category – pharmaceuticals, and has developed insights into the patients want to find out as much information challenges faced in how to interact with consumers across as possible. with varying levels of interest and involvement. • The communications role is not to build a brand but raise awareness and provide guidance. • There’s a lot of (mis)-information out there – and therefore there is a need to “control” as much Connect information as possible. • It is important to make sure all gatekeepers in the Web process are aware of your activities (e.g. GP’s, Nurses and Pharmacists). 2. Re-defining ROI • The role of public communications is for the disease state, and not just your brand. • Once prescribed, a patient may use your drug for lengthy periods of time – not just returns within the financial year. 3. Managing internal stakeholders in the new age of communication • Pharmaceutical companies are, by their nature, conservative beasts. • There are multiple stakeholders involved in the process who need to taken on the journey. • Need to paint a real-life picture of your patients and their journey. 4. Pushing the envelope while staying within the guidelines set by Medicines Australia • Pharmaceutical companies are constantly under attack from industry critics, and abide strictly to an industry code. • There’s a lot of information out there –and finding out what’s wrong isn’t often at the top of people’s agenda. • Need to evolve our communications in line with how society is moving – more people are self-diagnosing. 114 115
  • 17. {SPEAKER PROFILE} {NOTES} SOCIAL MEDIA: MAKING IT WORK FOR YOU Jill Colvin Head of Marketing, SYDNEY FESTIVAL Jill Colvin is Head of Marketing, Communications & 3. Our customers are changing behaviour so we need Digital Strategy at Sydney Festival, Australia's largest to adapt annual arts event, with more than one million people • Growth in social media resulting in people spending taking part in the ticketed and free program each summer. more time in the social space Jill has been part of the Festival team for 10 years, starting • Need to be where the audience is hanging out so you in the Business Development department in 2000 before can be part of that conversation moving to Marketing the following year. • These conversations go on the public record - permanently - and can be easily found thanks For the 2011 Festival, Jill’s role has been expanded to to Google explore ways of maximising the Festival's use of digital technology to increase the event’s reach - both nationally 4. A good community online will give you heads up and internationally - through Marketing, Programming on issues – without paying for expensive social and Business Development initiatives. The ongoing media tools integration of social media channels will play a key role • A great community of self-selecting fans can be in this. Prior to escaping to the arts, Jill worked in the your best word of mouth for when things go right – publishing and banking sectors, including five years at your advocates, your champions Citibank where she was part of the Total Quality Team • They can also be your best line of defence when before a stint in Mortgage Marketing. things go wrong – your eyes and ears, your defenders 5. Give out and you will get back • Online communities are like any other – they want to share, to interact, to engage KEY LEARNINGS: 5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION: • Give value through your social media – share things people want to hear, pass on things that are relevant 1. Social media isn’t what the media has been hyping - and interesting to them it’s about understanding and then working to meet • Do this in a genuine way and you will be more than a customer needs brand you will be a friend • Listen to what people are saying • Respond when you need to - quickly - if only to buy you some time • Ask questions – and act in response Connect 2. It’s not free - it takes a big investment of time and care but it’s worth it Web • Takes time to build up your social media profile - and a group of people who care about what you’re doing Twitter • Make sure to check various sites each day • Anything worthwhile takes time and effort but the rewards can be more personally rewarding LinkedIn • Have senior people – or empowered people – on the jill-colvin/8/37A/43B social media frontline – need people with power to act quickly Facebook Blog 116 117
  • 18. {SPEAKER PROFILE} {NOTES} CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP AND LOYALTY – A FLIGHT TO UNDERSTANDING Phil Hawkins General Manager, LOYALTY PACIFIC (FLYBUYS) A recognised global practitioner in coalition loyalty programs, Phil Hawkins is General Manager of Loyalty KEY LEARNINGS: 5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION: Pacific, which manages and operates FlyBuys, Australia’s largest shopping rewards program. Holding an Honours 1. Engage consumers with your brand by means of active degree in Mathematical Sciences and an MBA, Phil has listening and co-creation worked in the Australian loyalty and card market over 2. Align the culture of your team to deliver on the the past 16 years, and his experience is also drawn from promise - driving commitment to innovation- research, marketing and operational roles with Shell and teamwork-governance National Australia Bank. 3. Utilise all channels including social media - skills, leadership required 4. Differentiate between "selling" and letting the customers "buy" 5. Always measure the success of each engagement Connect Web Twitter LinkedIn 118 119
  • 19. {SPEAKER PROFILE} {NOTES} MOVING FROM MONOLOG TO DIALOG: STRATEGIES TO ENHANCE YOUR BRAND Jacqueline Johnson Chief Executive Officer, THE BUZZ Jacki Johnson is an Executive with the Insurance Australia Group one of Australia and New Zealand’s largest listed KEY LEARNINGS: 5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION: insurers. Jacki is currently CEO of the newly launched on line insurer, The Buzz. Jacki has been with IAG since 2001 1. Trigger marketing provides a great means in a variety of roles including CEO Business Partnerships for transforming rich customer data into where she was responsible for the Workers Compensation meaningful communication and Third Party Distribution businesses, Group Strategy 2. Coalition loyalty programs provide a cost-effective, and leading through the integration of CGU and Zurich customer embracing loyalty solution businesses into IAG . Jacki has over 20 years experience in financial services. Before joining IAG she has held senior 3. Social media provide a great means for economical, positions with Allianz Insurance, HIH Insurance and IRS low-risk marketing activity Total Injury Management. Starting life as an Occupational 4. Explore creative means for eliciting email addresses Therapist at Westmead Hospital has meant Jacki brought rather than using simple “bribes” a different skill set and perspective to her roles within 5. Employ a robust contact strategy but closely monitor the Finance Sector. The customer experience and changing customer channel preferences harnessing the right culture and technology to deliver this is a key passion. Jacki has a B App Sc. (Occupational Therapy) , Grad Dip Safety Science and and EMBA (AGSM) Connect Jacki is also a former director of NSW Workcover Authority, Personal Injury Education Foundation, MCGI Web and a current Director of Community First Credit Union, a previous member of Community First Board Audit and Risk Committee and current member of the Board LinkedIn Corporate Governance Committee. jacki-johnson/a/100/a1 120 121
  • 20. {SPEAKER PROFILE} {NOTES} WHAT NFP’S CAN LEARN FROM BIG BUSINESS AND VISA VERSA FOR GAINING CUSTOMERS Cameron Watson Former Head of Marketing, WORLD VISION Currently National Manager, Marketing and Channels, LANDMARK Cameron has recently moved to be the new National Manager for Marketing and Channels at Landmark. KEY LEARNINGS: 5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION: Cameron brings a wealth of experience in creative marketing, strategic marketing analysis and development. 1. Almost every marketer should spend some time Earlier this year, Cameron was Head of Marketing at World working with an NFP to sharpen their craft Vision Australia, where he lead the fundraising non profit 2. Sharp, concise call-to-action is absolute king and needs organisation in Australia. He previously worked at Telstra to be consistent across all channels as General Manager of Strategy, Planning and Analysis; and at ANZ Banking Group as Marketing Manager of 3. If you can’t answer the ‘why me? Why now?’ questions, Corporate Ecommerce. He was also the marketing don’t bother manager of the first ASX-listed company and has 4. Stop at nothing in reaching new places to reinforce established his own e-commerce company. your message to customers 5. Learn to use detailed channel analysis and economics to drive your business, but not a tool for beginners! Connect Web 122 123
  • 21. {Day TWO Conference Programme} Wednesday 28 July {STREAM C} SPONSORED BY {DATA AND ANALYTICS} Parkside Ballroom B, Level 1 {STREAM Chair} Regan Yan Managing Director, Digital Alchemy Regan founded Digital Alchemy in 2003, as Australia’s first dedicated Database Marketing Service Provider. Under his leadership, Digital Alchemy has grown to become Australia’s largest provider of outsourced database marketing solutions, and is the largest Unica implementer in Asia Pacific. Prior to this, Regan was CEO of Persona Asia; an infomediary aimed at delivering permission based marketing solutions to online clients. Earlier in his career, Regan was the Managing Director of Multinet, a leading company in data mining and sophisticated database marketing. Prior to joining Multinet, Regan was responsible for Customer Analytics, customer profitability system as well as introduction of analytical marketing at Westpac. Regan is a recognised subject matter expert in the area of Analytical Database Marketing and Customer Relationship Marketing, speaking regularly at Australian and international events. TIME SESSION 11.30 am Driving Business Outcomes: How CRM Capabilities have been Developed within GE Philip Wickenden, Vice President of CRM, GE MONEY 12.05 pm Providing a Greater Understanding of a Single Customer View (SCV) Steve Nicholls, Senior Manager CK and CRM, HSBC AUSTRALIA 1.30 pm Keeping in Touch With Your Customer: Should You Follow Your Instinct or Use Data to Predict, Track and Adapt to their Changing Behaviour? Julian Peterson, Marketing and Online Director, TIME OUT 2.05 pm Turning Data into Strategy Ed Falconer, National Manager, Customer Loyalty and Engagement, MYER 2.40 pm Delivering Multi-Channel Campaigns to Draw Customers in Drew Guttadore, Director CRM Business Capabilities, FOXTEL 4.00 pm Gaining a 360 Multi-Channel View of Your Customer: A Cutting Edge Approach Karen Ganschow, Executive Director Relationship Marketing and Online, TELSTRA 4.35 pm Multi-Channel Retail and what it means for Marketing Strategy and Execution Daniel Roberts, Head of Online, WOOLWORTHS Follow the Twitter backchannel #admaf 125
  • 22. {SPEAKER PROFILE} {NOTES} DRIVING BUSINESS OUTCOMES: HOW CRM CAPABILITIES HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED WITHIN GE Philip Wickenden Vice President of CRM, GE MONEY Phil first joined GE in 1996 as the Database Marketing Leader. In 1998 Risk & DBM where combined into Connect Portfolio Management where Philip was Portfolio Manager for Cards responsibility for both the Risk & CRM. Web Philip left GE for 3 years in 1999 to ANZ Bank. At ANZ he created their Customer Management function & played a leadership role in strategic CRM based project called CVM (Customer Value Management). Philip re-joining GE in 2002 as Senior Portfolio Manager for GE Money Direct business responsible for both Loans & Mortgages businesses. In 2005 Philip’s current role of Vice President CRM was created which includes CRM analytics across GE Money, plus Risk & CRM Infra (including Scorecard development). Since this time the role has evolved to cover all the GE Capital business, and drive a range of strategic CRM, BI & Channel Infra initiatives for GE Capital. Prior to joining GE Philip worked for Experian, Pacific Micro Marketer in Australia & AA in the UK, in various analytics & client management roles. Philip holds a Bachelor of Science (Hons) from Sheffield University majoring in Systems Modeling and is green belt certified. He is married to Dallas and has son Aidan and daughter Freya. 126 127
  • 23. {SPEAKER PROFILE} {NOTES} PROVIDING A GREATER UNDERSTANDING OF A SINGLE CUSTOMER VIEW (SCV) Steve Nicholls Senior Manager CK and CRM, HSBC AUSTRALIA Steve Nicholls has worked with HSBC Banking Group for twenty years. Roles have included Sale, Credit, Technology KEY LEARNINGS: 5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION: and Marketing in the UK, Canada, the Asia Pacific region and in Australia for the last six years. His current role 1. Find out everything you can about your customers is Senior Manager, Customer Knowledge and CRM behaviour and make sure you develop a single responsible for customer research and analytics for customer view. HSBC Australia. 2. Integrate a range of sources of data and information to optimise customer knowledge 3. Leverage this information to optimise your marketing strategies and activities 4. Use integrated information to maximise channel interaction with the customers Connect Web LinkedIn steve-nicholls/3/71B/B50 128 129
  • 24. {SPEAKER PROFILE} {NOTES} KEEPING IN TOUCH WITH YOUR CUSTOMER: SHOULD YOU FOLLOW YOUR INSTINCT OR USE DATA TO PREDICT, TRACK AND ADAPT TO THEIR CHANGING BEHAVIOUR? Julian Peterson Marketing and Online Director, TIME OUT Julian is Marketing and Online Director at Time Out Sydney – Sydney’s most respected arts, entertainment, Connect nightlife and food website and magazine. Time Out Sydney has recently achieved a Google Web PageRank of 7 through implementing strategy and good practice, site traffic is up 300% in 2009, a weekly Twitter newsletter is sent to 30,000 people with a click through rate of over 50% plus paid subscriptions to the printed LinkedIn magazine are up 400% since Julian’s arrival. Time Out Sydney is one of the first Time Out’s to start feeding content to Nokia’s Ovi maps and is currently producing what will be Sydney’s most popular entertainment iPhone app. Before moving to Sydney, Julian spent 2 years in Singapore as Marketing and Online Development Director at Time Out Singapore as part of the launch team. Julian had responsibility for all online, in store, street level, event and partnership marketing and the launch of Time Out’s website and quick growth to 135,000 users per month. Julian’s earlier career included more than 50 appearances before committees and at Court including representing clients in contested hearings. 130 131
  • 25. {SPEAKER PROFILE} {NOTES} TURNING DATA INTO STRATEGY Ed Falconer, National Manager, Customer Loyalty and Engagement, MYER Ed is the Head of Loyalty, responsible for Myer’s loyalty program – MYER one - which has over 3.5 million KEY LEARNINGS: 5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION: members and is recognised as the leading loyalty program in Australia. Ed has 18 years experience in the 1. Always have an objective and a plan - analysis for development of customer loyalty through CRM activity the sake of analysis is pointless and database marketing. 2. Marry your research goals with your database analysis goals - knowing why someone is behaving in a particular way will help you respond better to their needs 3. Have metrics of success - both short and long term - measurement is the key to understanding whether you are having impact 4. Don't be afraid to fail - knowing what doesn't work is as important as knowing what does 5. It's not rocket science - better to have a simple analysis that delivers insight than complex analysis that delivers confusion. Connect Web Twitter 132 133
  • 26. {SPEAKER PROFILE} {NOTES} DELIVERING MULTI-CHANNEL CAMPAIGNS TO DRAW CUSTOMERS IN Drew Guttadore Director of CRM Business Capabilities, FOXTEL Drew Guttadore is currently the Director of CRM & Business Intelligence Capabilities at Foxtel and KEY LEARNINGS: 5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION: is leading initiatives that create/improve Business Analytics, Channel Functionality, Data Quality, and 1. CRM/Business Intelligence is a journey and we all have related processes. Previously he has held similar roles to crawl before we walk at Telstra and in Europe and the US implementing 2. The Analytical process has to be top notch before Business Intelligence and Multi-Channel Marketing the operational process can begin projects in multiple companies and industries. His fondest achievement was convincing 6 companies in 5 3. Customer Contact Strategy and Channel countries in 4 languages to adopt one common campaign Development starts with Campaign Management management tool within 3 months. System Implementation 4. Don’t feel bad, Real Time Sales Interactions is the Holy Grail, and very few actually do it, let alone well! 5. Develop your network to include practitioners in all areas so that you can help each other along the way Connect Web Facebook LinkedIn andrew-guttadore/0/580/504 134 135
  • 27. {SPEAKER PROFILE} {NOTES} GAINING A 360 MULTI-CHANNEL VIEW OF YOUR CUSTOMER: A CUTTING EDGE APPROACH Christian Bartens Managing Director, DATALICIOUS Karen Ganschow Executive Director Relationship Marketing and Online, TELSTRA Christian Bartens KEY LEARNINGS: 5 KEY LEARNINGS FROM PRESENTATION: Christian Bartens is passionate about the power of data and how it can help shape effective marketing strategies. 1. Use online insights to drive offline campaigns After having worked in digital marketing in Australia and overseas for many years, he established Datalicious in 2. Profile customers and prospects across the line 2007, a new breed of agency that strives to make data 3. Identify and communicate with influencers accessible to non-analysts and provides actionable insights to marketers. 4. Develop a targeting matrix and communication dialogue 5. Establish the true impact of online advertising As a data evangelist and pioneer in digital marketing and web analytics, Christian is chairing the ADMA Data & Analytics Council and has spoken at various conferences about the power of data in optimising marketing communications including ADMA Data Day. Connect He works closely with leading industry bodies and solution providers and regularly gets invited to industry councils, Christian Bartens customer advisory boards and beta testing programs to Web help shape industry best practice. Twitter Karen Ganschow Karen has been with Telstra for over six years. She is LinkedIn responsible for Customer Relationship, Digital and Online Marketing managing Retention and Growth Blog programs across Home Phone, Mobile, Internet and Pay TV with a customer base of over 10 million customers. Karen is also lecturing in the Master of Business and Marketing program at the Macquarie Graduate School of Karen Ganschow Management. In 2007, she was recognised as the ADMA Web Direct Marketer of the year and is now Vice Chairman of the Board of the Australian Direct Marketing Association. Twitter Karen has a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering and holds a Master in Business Administration. LinkedIn She is married with two boys and two dogs and enjoys playing in a Mum’s soccer team. 136 137