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CMC and
Sarah Guth
Francesca Helm

Workshop at Adama
University, Ethiopia, 1 November
2                        01/11/2012

What do we mean by CMC?
 «communication      that takes place
  between human beings via the
  instrumentality of computers» (S. Herring
  1996: 1)
 «all those activities in which the computer
  is used for distance communication:
  access to and transfer of
  information, thematic conferencing via e-
  mail, audio- and video
  communication, etc. » (Trentin & Benigno
  1997)                        CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                                                       Francesca Helm
3                            01/11/2012

 “instantaneous   electronic communication
 isn‟t just a way in which news and
 information is conveyed more quickly. Its
 existence alters the very texture of our
    Giddens   1999
 CMC  will probably soon be more frequent
 than F2F communication for many people
    David   Crystal 2001
                                CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                                                      Francesca Helm
4                               01/11/2012

   “A pedagogy of networked computers must therefore take a
    broad view, not only examining the role of information
    technology in language learning, but also the role of
    language learning in the information technology society. If
    our goal is to help students enter into new authentic discourse
    communities, and if those discourse communities are
    increasingly located online, then it seems appropriate to
    incorporate online activities for their social utility as well as for
    their perceived particular pedagogical value.”
          Warschauer 2000

                                                       CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                                                                             Francesca Helm
5                            01/11/2012

             CMC for Language
   Written production
       Synchronous: text chat
       Asynchronous: email, blogs, wikis, forums
   Spoken production
       Synchronous: Voip (Skype), video conferencing
       Asynchronous: Audio-blogging, podcasting
   Multiple modes – written, spoken, visual
   One to one, one to many, many to many
   Different degrees of anonymity
   Local or global networks

                                     CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                                                           Francesca Helm
6                            01/11/2012

Language Production for CMC
   New   „genres‟ important in their own right
   No longer make comparison to traditional
    written or spoken language
   Multimodal language production
   Multiple meaning making resources
   Different rules for different

                              CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                                                    Francesca Helm
7                            01/11/2012

Interaction and reflection
 CMC   has the unique characteristic of
 merging both «the interactional and
 reflective aspects of language» (1997, p.
 472) in a single medium since online users
 can now socialize, interact, exchange
 ideas as well as share, store, revise and
 edit content by means of written or
 spoken CMC.

                           CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                                                 Francesca Helm
8                            01/11/2012

Some examples of
   CMC tasks

            CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                                  Francesca Helm
9                            01/11/2012

 Aswe look at the following tasks, we will
 discuss pre- and post-task activities,
 remembering what we have been
 discussing these last two days.

                            CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                                                  Francesca Helm
10                             01/11/2012

Collaborative writing
   Project Description
       Your final project for this short, but intense, exchange will be to
        create a collage of images, pictures, idioms, cartoons, etc. that
        represent to the members of each group what it means to be a
        global citizen who has intercultural communicative
        competence, i.e. can effectively communicate with foreigners
        in a foreign language.

   Pre-Session Tasks
       Although we have the saying “A picture is worth a thousand
        words”, sometimes the picture is not necessarily easily
        understood by all, so we‟d also like to ask you to create a sort of
        „transcript‟ of your collage indicating the motivation behind
        choosing particular images.

                                               CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                                                                     Francesca Helm
11                            01/11/2012

     CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                           Francesca Helm
12                            01/11/2012

     CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                           Francesca Helm
13                            01/11/2012

   Synchronous text chat
Story writing
     Students are given the beginning of a story and they
      take it in turns to develop the story (Handa‟s surprise)

     Handa put 7 delicious fruits in a basket for her best
      friend Akeyo …

                                      CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                                                            Francesca Helm
14                            01/11/2012

Discussion forum
 Topicsare chosen for students to have a
  debate on (these could be chosen
  through a survey)
 Forum is set up with prompts from Internet
 Students write their opinions on the topic,
  commenting on each others‟ opinions

                             CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                                                   Francesca Helm
15                            01/11/2012

     CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                           Francesca Helm
16                            01/11/2012


 Students design and carry out a survey
 using a tool such as Google Forms or
 Survey Monkey, e.g.
    Word Association
    Situation Reactions
    Sentence Completions

                             CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                                                   Francesca Helm
17                            01/11/2012

Blog writing

 Asindividuals, or in groups, students
 create and maintain a blog on a topic of
 their interest

                           CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                                                 Francesca Helm
18                                  01/11/2012
Group Blog Project
 Aims of blog project:
       to read, listen and write in English on a topic of interest to you and also related
        to your studies.
       to develop online literacies, such as evaluating websites, selecting sources, re-
        presenting and paraphrasing information, writing for an audience, developing
        critical thinking skills
   For this project you will have to create a blog in groups of max. 4 people.
   Choose a topic that you are interested in, and also relates somehow to your
    studies. It could be a particular area or country, it could be an area of
    European policy, it could be a cause you feel strongly about and want to
    write about and even campaign for, such as public goods (like
    water...), racism, poverty, media, it could be an aspect of life in Italy or
    Europe, or how Italy or another country is viewed by the international press
    (here's an Italian version).
   Each group member should post at least one entry a week. Your posts can be
    a personal commentary or reflection on the topic, a summary of information
    from other sources (with links to these), applications of what we do in class to
    the topic you are writing about.
   Your posts can contain links to other websites, embedded videos and photos.
   Make sure you do not use images with copyright. If you want to include a
    picture on your blog, this is a good site but remember
    to select Creative Commons Licence.
   Here's some advice on writing blog posts:
   Every week one group member will give a 2-3 minute presentation to the class
    on the group's blog
   Every week each group member should post at least one comment on
    another group's blog.
   Your blogs should be up and running by next week: 29th October.
   ONE member of each group should send a comment to this post with a short
    description of the blog, the URL of the blog andCALLing on group members.
                                                       names of Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                                                                                Francesca Helm
19                            01/11/2012

     CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                           Francesca Helm
20                            01/11/2012

Recording conversations

 Students record a conversation together
 in the lab using Skype and a Skype
    Based on a prompt such as: «The
     government has suggested raising the
     drinking age in Italy to 18. Discuss your
     thoughts on this, why it is being done, if it
     will work or won‟t work, alternatives, etc.»
                                  CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                                                        Francesca Helm
21                              01/11/2012


 Students record a list of words that have
 similar sounds.

 plane       could    fought             His/he’s
 Train       Would    Taught             Ship
 Fame        Should   Bought             Sheep
 Spain       Wood     Caught             Hit
 came        Good     Thought            Heat
             Book     Ought              Mit
             cook                        Meat
                               CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                                                     Francesca Helm
22                            01/11/2012

Online Intercultural

                   CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                                         Francesca Helm
23                            01/11/2012

What is Online Intercultural
In language learning contexts, OIE/telecollaboration is:
     internet-based intercultural exchange
     between two or more groups of language learners
      from different cultural/national backgrounds
     set up in an institutional context
     with the aim of developing both language skills
      and intercultural communicative competence (as
      defined by Byram 1997) through structured tasks
      (Belz 2003; Belz & Thorne 2006; O„Dowd 2006,

                                    CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                                                         Francesca Helm
24                             01/11/2012

Different models of OIE
Bilateral, bicultural, bilingual exchanges
 eTandem Learning
 eTwinning
 CULTURA (developed by MIT)
Lingua franca, global, topical exchanges
 Guatemala Padova
 Soliya Connect Program
OIE «in the wild»
 International discussion fora (Hanna and de Nooy 2003)
 Gaming, fanfiction, (Thorne 2010)

                                       CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                                                            Francesca Helm
25                            01/11/2012

     CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                           Francesca Helm
26                            01/11/2012

     CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                           Francesca Helm
27                            01/11/2012

     CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                           Francesca Helm
28                            01/11/2012

     CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                           Francesca Helm
29                            01/11/2012

     CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                           Francesca Helm
30                            01/11/2012

     CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                          Francesca Helm
31                              01/11/2012

Soliya Connect Program
   What is it? A telecollaboration project which involves students in the West
    and in the Arab and Muslim World.
   What are the aims? “To provide a new intercultural generation of young
    adults with the skills, knowledge and relationships they need to develop a
    nuanced understanding of the issues that divide them.”
   Who takes part? Designed for students in media studies, international
    relations and conflict resolution. English as a foreign language students in
    France and in Italy have also participated in the program as part of their
    language courses.
   Tasks:
     Weekly synchronous discussions between students in Soliya‟s
       multimodal environment
     Individual blog writing and commenting on peers‟ blogs
     Assignment 1: individual video editing project
     Assignment 2: final reflective paper

                                                 CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                                                                       Francesca Helm
32                            01/11/2012

     CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                           Francesca Helm
33                           01/11/2012

What is the impact of projects like
Students say:
“Soliya allowed me to open the box that I was living in for a
long time and see the world around me. It taught me never to
judge people according to where they live…It made me
discover my personality all over again.”
                 -female student, University of Jordan, Jordan

    “Exchanging different views with people coming from so different
     backgrounds was tantalizing me. Besides, I was conscious I had
     always to learn more and more in an endless process. We are never
     enough open minded we think we are. We should always improve
     ourselves by facing new challenges and by accepting that our way
     of thinking is not absolute. Our thoughts have to grow up with us
     always by putting them under question. A good way to do it is
     searching conversations and, of course, even some contrasts which
     bring us to reflection. What a better occasion than Soliya?- Sarah Guth and
                                                CALLing on Ethiopia
                                                                     Francesca Helm
                     - Female student, University of Padova, Italy
34                     01/11/2012

Professors say …
“The Soliya program was phenomenal in terms of its impact
on the students' capacity to engage, learn, and quite
frankly, be transformed [...] Across the board, all of the
students displayed a heightened consciousness of the
diversity and multiplicity of perspectives. […] the aim is to
open up minds and spur young people to taking their
responsibilities as global citizens more seriously”
                 -Dr. Junaid S. Ahmad,
                  Lahore University of Management Sciences,

    “It is fine to talk about theories about „engaging the
     other‟ or „increasing understanding across cultures‟, but
     Soliya puts the students on the front lines on intercultural
     relations. They will learn more about themselves and their
     place in the world in the Soliya sessions than in a
     semester in International Relations classes.”
                            -Ambassador Cynthia Schneider, Guth and
                                          CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah
                                                        Francesca Helm
                          Georgetown University, USA
35                      01/11/2012

Benefits of telecollaboration
      For Students: Development of FL
competence, intercultural awareness, electronic
For University Educators: Opening up of classroom
 / Authentic communication and project work /
Developing international network of collaborators

  For Mobility Officers: Preparation for physical
    mobility/ Alternative to physical mobility

     For University Management: „Low cost‟
 internationalisation strategy /CALLing on Ethiopia -up new
                                 Opening Sarah Guth and
              university partnerships                Francesca Helm
36                            01/11/2012

•   Integrating Telecollaborative Networks into Foreign
    Language Higher Education

•   Financed By The European Commission - Lifelong
    Learning Programme

•   Co-ordinated by Robert O‟Dowd at the Universidad de
    Leon, Spain
•   8 European partners (PH Heidelberg, Grenoble III,
    Padova, Czestochowa, Groningen, UA Barcelona, Open
    University UK)

•   October 2011-March 2014
                                      CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                                                            Francesca Helm
37                            01/11/2012

     CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                           Francesca Helm
38                            01/11/2012

Where are partner classes located?

                      CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                                            Francesca Helm
39                            01/11/2012

Afternoon – Day 3
Word Associations and Google Forms
Creating tasks with Hot Potatoes

                              CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                                                    Francesca Helm
40                            01/11/2012

Word association task
-   compare the responses
    -   are they similar or not?
    -   What words appear more frequently in one
        list rather than another?
    -   What words appear only in one list?
    -   Do these words generate positive, negative
        or neutral associations?

                                  CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                                                        Francesca Helm
41            army              01/11/2012

   ITALY        GERMANY        JORDAN              USA          ETHIOPIA
war, nation,    war, Jews     killing          Strong           peace
death           Jews          power            Brave            soldier,
safety,         Conflict      the power of     forceful,        uniform, gun
Afghanistan,    weapons       state            brave            America,
death           Jesus         just a name      money            Afganistan,
violenza        "God's        Liberation       war, killing,    Ethipia,
duty,           chosen        Power            bombs,           lugguage
courage, war    people",      security,        death,           rifle, troops,
today wars      dead sea      border           Overextende      force
are useless     bible         Japan            d                soldier,amunit
War             Jews,         israeli Army                      ion,regement
military,       Muslims,      killing people                    soldier,
organization,   Christians    in Gaza                           military, fight,
war             Jerusalem     War,                              war, occupy,
soldier,war     trouble       power,securit                     defeat,
Error           difficult     y                                 death, fire,
uniform,        subject for                                     wound,.
general         Germans                                         bullet
Danger,                                                         territory,
exploitation                                                    security, unity
necessary                                                       war,
                                               CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                                                                     Francesca Helm
                                                                group of
42   discrimination            01/11/2012

    ITALY        GERMANY          JORDAN            USA           ETHIOPIA
loneliness,      blacks,        Bush           blacks and        outcasting
ingiustizia      attack,        awful          whites            black,white,p
North, South     segregation    very bad       Acts of           oor
racism,violenc   habits,        thing          hatred            HIV, BLACK
e                tradition,     Destruction    bad,              AND WHITE,
ignorance        rights         USA, Israel    unnecessary       MALE AND
prejudice        prejudice      black,         immigration,      FEMALE
Racism-Sexual    happens to     Muslims        Colombia          aparthied,
apartheid        often          black and      police, anti-     racism,
racism           mobbing,       white          semitism,         segregation
immigrants       prejudices     United         genocide          racism,color,r
age,             being gay/     Nations        unjust            eligious
nationality      women          the worst                        race, color,
gender           Nazi regime,   thing----bad                     oppress,
immigrants,      Martin         people -----                     stigmatise,
women            Luther King    vanity-                          bias,
social and       stupid,                                         inequality,
economic one     understandi                                     differenciatio
Stadium          ng                                              n
Women Blacks                                                     conflict,
Weak                                                             injustice,
                                                CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
                                                                 bias,Francesca Helm
                                                                 women, HIV-
43   individualism             01/11/2012

     ITALY            GERMANY              JORDAN                USA               ETHIOPIA
solitude            extraordinary,       good               being original        selfishness
identity,own        strange              not bad            very good             America, Europe
ideas               moral, society,      it causes bad      Uniqueness            selfish,
community           freedom              imprestion         creative              american, no
loneliness no joy   fake                 every one do       searching,            culture, hard
Solitude-Mind       personal             what he or she     finding,              work
egoismo             characteristics      want               believing             egocentrism,
selfishness         character            self-reliance      me, personality       greed, hoard
loneliness          freedom              Bad                Autonomy              egoism,selfishlne
what I want to      important            freedom,                                 ss,personality
be                  uniqueness           selfishness                              selfishness,
ideologia libertà   being myself,        myself                                   rudeness,
Independent,        being friends with   no cooperation                           unfriendly,
social position     myself               isolation, grief                         competition
autonomy,indep      identity, variety,                                            modernization,
endence             important not to                                              educatio
Evil                lose                                                          loss of culture,
our society         self-confidence,                                              greediness,
makes problems      doing whatever                                                selfishness,
freedom,            you want                                                      greed
choose              important                                                     self-centerdness,
modern society      freedom, choice,                                              unsociable, etc
                                                        CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and
West                otherness                                                     selfishness,greed
                                                                              Francesca Helm
Widespread          ambition,                                                     y
Downfall            originality                                                   selfishness,
                                                                                  capitalism, rich,

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  • 1. CMC and language learning Sarah Guth Francesca Helm Workshop at Adama University, Ethiopia, 1 November 2012
  • 2. 2 01/11/2012 What do we mean by CMC?  «communication that takes place between human beings via the instrumentality of computers» (S. Herring 1996: 1)  «all those activities in which the computer is used for distance communication: access to and transfer of information, thematic conferencing via e- mail, audio- and video communication, etc. » (Trentin & Benigno 1997) CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and Francesca Helm
  • 3. 3 01/11/2012  “instantaneous electronic communication isn‟t just a way in which news and information is conveyed more quickly. Its existence alters the very texture of our lives”  Giddens 1999  CMC will probably soon be more frequent than F2F communication for many people  David Crystal 2001 CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and Francesca Helm
  • 4. 4 01/11/2012  “A pedagogy of networked computers must therefore take a broad view, not only examining the role of information technology in language learning, but also the role of language learning in the information technology society. If our goal is to help students enter into new authentic discourse communities, and if those discourse communities are increasingly located online, then it seems appropriate to incorporate online activities for their social utility as well as for their perceived particular pedagogical value.” Warschauer 2000 CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and Francesca Helm
  • 5. 5 01/11/2012 CMC for Language Production  Written production  Synchronous: text chat  Asynchronous: email, blogs, wikis, forums  Spoken production  Synchronous: Voip (Skype), video conferencing  Asynchronous: Audio-blogging, podcasting  Multiple modes – written, spoken, visual  One to one, one to many, many to many  Different degrees of anonymity  Local or global networks CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and Francesca Helm
  • 6. 6 01/11/2012 Language Production for CMC  New „genres‟ important in their own right  No longer make comparison to traditional written or spoken language  Multimodal language production  Multiple meaning making resources  Different rules for different contexts/communities CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and Francesca Helm
  • 7. 7 01/11/2012 Interaction and reflection  CMC has the unique characteristic of merging both «the interactional and reflective aspects of language» (1997, p. 472) in a single medium since online users can now socialize, interact, exchange ideas as well as share, store, revise and edit content by means of written or spoken CMC. CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and Francesca Helm
  • 8. 8 01/11/2012 Some examples of CMC tasks CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and Francesca Helm
  • 9. 9 01/11/2012  Aswe look at the following tasks, we will discuss pre- and post-task activities, remembering what we have been discussing these last two days. CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and Francesca Helm
  • 10. 10 01/11/2012 Collaborative writing  Project Description  Your final project for this short, but intense, exchange will be to create a collage of images, pictures, idioms, cartoons, etc. that represent to the members of each group what it means to be a global citizen who has intercultural communicative competence, i.e. can effectively communicate with foreigners in a foreign language.  Pre-Session Tasks  Although we have the saying “A picture is worth a thousand words”, sometimes the picture is not necessarily easily understood by all, so we‟d also like to ask you to create a sort of „transcript‟ of your collage indicating the motivation behind choosing particular images. CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and Francesca Helm
  • 11. 11 01/11/2012 CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and Francesca Helm
  • 12. 12 01/11/2012 CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and Francesca Helm
  • 13. 13 01/11/2012 Synchronous text chat Story writing  Students are given the beginning of a story and they take it in turns to develop the story (Handa‟s surprise)  Handa put 7 delicious fruits in a basket for her best friend Akeyo … CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and Francesca Helm
  • 14. 14 01/11/2012 Discussion forum  Topicsare chosen for students to have a debate on (these could be chosen through a survey)  Forum is set up with prompts from Internet sources.  Students write their opinions on the topic, commenting on each others‟ opinions CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and Francesca Helm
  • 15. 15 01/11/2012 CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and Francesca Helm
  • 16. 16 01/11/2012 Survey  Students design and carry out a survey using a tool such as Google Forms or Survey Monkey, e.g.  Word Association  Situation Reactions  Sentence Completions CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and Francesca Helm
  • 17. 17 01/11/2012 Blog writing  Asindividuals, or in groups, students create and maintain a blog on a topic of their interest CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and Francesca Helm
  • 18. 18 01/11/2012 Group Blog Project  Aims of blog project:  to read, listen and write in English on a topic of interest to you and also related to your studies.  to develop online literacies, such as evaluating websites, selecting sources, re- presenting and paraphrasing information, writing for an audience, developing critical thinking skills  For this project you will have to create a blog in groups of max. 4 people.  Choose a topic that you are interested in, and also relates somehow to your studies. It could be a particular area or country, it could be an area of European policy, it could be a cause you feel strongly about and want to write about and even campaign for, such as public goods (like water...), racism, poverty, media, it could be an aspect of life in Italy or Europe, or how Italy or another country is viewed by the international press (here's an Italian version).  Each group member should post at least one entry a week. Your posts can be a personal commentary or reflection on the topic, a summary of information from other sources (with links to these), applications of what we do in class to the topic you are writing about.  Your posts can contain links to other websites, embedded videos and photos.  Make sure you do not use images with copyright. If you want to include a picture on your blog, this is a good site but remember to select Creative Commons Licence.  Here's some advice on writing blog posts:   Every week one group member will give a 2-3 minute presentation to the class on the group's blog  Every week each group member should post at least one comment on another group's blog.  Your blogs should be up and running by next week: 29th October.  ONE member of each group should send a comment to this post with a short description of the blog, the URL of the blog andCALLing on group members. names of Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and Francesca Helm
  • 19. 19 01/11/2012 CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and Francesca Helm
  • 20. 20 01/11/2012 Recording conversations  Students record a conversation together in the lab using Skype and a Skype recorder.  Based on a prompt such as: «The government has suggested raising the drinking age in Italy to 18. Discuss your thoughts on this, why it is being done, if it will work or won‟t work, alternatives, etc.» CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and Francesca Helm
  • 21. 21 01/11/2012 Pronunciation  Students record a list of words that have similar sounds. plane could fought His/he’s Train Would Taught Ship Fame Should Bought Sheep Spain Wood Caught Hit came Good Thought Heat Book Ought Mit cook Meat CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and Francesca Helm
  • 22. 22 01/11/2012 Online Intercultural Exchange CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and Francesca Helm
  • 23. 23 01/11/2012 What is Online Intercultural Exchange? In language learning contexts, OIE/telecollaboration is:  internet-based intercultural exchange  between two or more groups of language learners from different cultural/national backgrounds  set up in an institutional context  with the aim of developing both language skills and intercultural communicative competence (as defined by Byram 1997) through structured tasks (Belz 2003; Belz & Thorne 2006; O„Dowd 2006, 2007). CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and Francesca Helm
  • 24. 24 01/11/2012 Different models of OIE Bilateral, bicultural, bilingual exchanges  eTandem Learning  eTwinning  CULTURA (developed by MIT) Lingua franca, global, topical exchanges  Guatemala Padova  iEARN  Soliya Connect Program OIE «in the wild»  International discussion fora (Hanna and de Nooy 2003)  Gaming, fanfiction, (Thorne 2010) CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and Francesca Helm
  • 25. 25 01/11/2012 CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and Francesca Helm
  • 26. 26 01/11/2012 CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and Francesca Helm
  • 27. 27 01/11/2012 CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and Francesca Helm
  • 28. 28 01/11/2012 CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and Francesca Helm
  • 29. 29 01/11/2012 CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and Francesca Helm
  • 30. 30 01/11/2012 CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and Francesca Helm
  • 31. 31 01/11/2012 Soliya Connect Program  What is it? A telecollaboration project which involves students in the West and in the Arab and Muslim World.  What are the aims? “To provide a new intercultural generation of young adults with the skills, knowledge and relationships they need to develop a nuanced understanding of the issues that divide them.”  Who takes part? Designed for students in media studies, international relations and conflict resolution. English as a foreign language students in France and in Italy have also participated in the program as part of their language courses.  Tasks:  Weekly synchronous discussions between students in Soliya‟s multimodal environment  Individual blog writing and commenting on peers‟ blogs  Assignment 1: individual video editing project  Assignment 2: final reflective paper CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and Francesca Helm
  • 32. 32 01/11/2012 CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and Francesca Helm
  • 33. 33 01/11/2012 What is the impact of projects like Soliya? Students say: “Soliya allowed me to open the box that I was living in for a long time and see the world around me. It taught me never to judge people according to where they live…It made me discover my personality all over again.” -female student, University of Jordan, Jordan  “Exchanging different views with people coming from so different backgrounds was tantalizing me. Besides, I was conscious I had always to learn more and more in an endless process. We are never enough open minded we think we are. We should always improve ourselves by facing new challenges and by accepting that our way of thinking is not absolute. Our thoughts have to grow up with us always by putting them under question. A good way to do it is searching conversations and, of course, even some contrasts which bring us to reflection. What a better occasion than Soliya?- Sarah Guth and CALLing on Ethiopia Francesca Helm - Female student, University of Padova, Italy
  • 34. 34 01/11/2012 Professors say … “The Soliya program was phenomenal in terms of its impact on the students' capacity to engage, learn, and quite frankly, be transformed [...] Across the board, all of the students displayed a heightened consciousness of the diversity and multiplicity of perspectives. […] the aim is to open up minds and spur young people to taking their responsibilities as global citizens more seriously” -Dr. Junaid S. Ahmad, Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan  “It is fine to talk about theories about „engaging the other‟ or „increasing understanding across cultures‟, but Soliya puts the students on the front lines on intercultural relations. They will learn more about themselves and their place in the world in the Soliya sessions than in a semester in International Relations classes.” -Ambassador Cynthia Schneider, Guth and CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Francesca Helm Georgetown University, USA
  • 35. 35 01/11/2012 Benefits of telecollaboration For Students: Development of FL competence, intercultural awareness, electronic literacies For University Educators: Opening up of classroom / Authentic communication and project work / Developing international network of collaborators For Mobility Officers: Preparation for physical mobility/ Alternative to physical mobility For University Management: „Low cost‟ internationalisation strategy /CALLing on Ethiopia -up new Opening Sarah Guth and university partnerships Francesca Helm
  • 36. 36 01/11/2012 INTENT • Integrating Telecollaborative Networks into Foreign Language Higher Education • Financed By The European Commission - Lifelong Learning Programme • Co-ordinated by Robert O‟Dowd at the Universidad de Leon, Spain • 8 European partners (PH Heidelberg, Grenoble III, Padova, Czestochowa, Groningen, UA Barcelona, Open University UK) • October 2011-March 2014 CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and Francesca Helm
  • 37. 37 01/11/2012 CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and Francesca Helm
  • 38. 38 01/11/2012 Where are partner classes located? CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and Francesca Helm
  • 39. 39 01/11/2012 Afternoon – Day 3 Word Associations and Google Forms Creating tasks with Hot Potatoes CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and Francesca Helm
  • 40. 40 01/11/2012 Word association task - compare the responses - are they similar or not? - What words appear more frequently in one list rather than another? - What words appear only in one list? - Do these words generate positive, negative or neutral associations? CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and Francesca Helm
  • 41. 41 army 01/11/2012 ITALY GERMANY JORDAN USA ETHIOPIA war, nation, war, Jews killing Strong peace death Jews power Brave soldier, safety, Conflict the power of forceful, uniform, gun Afghanistan, weapons state brave America, death Jesus just a name money Afganistan, violenza "God's Liberation war, killing, Ethipia, duty, chosen Power bombs, lugguage courage, war people", security, death, rifle, troops, today wars dead sea border Overextende force are useless bible Japan d soldier,amunit War Jews, israeli Army ion,regement military, Muslims, killing people soldier, organization, Christians in Gaza military, fight, war Jerusalem War, war, occupy, soldier,war trouble power,securit defeat, Error difficult y death, fire, uniform, subject for wound,. general Germans bullet Danger, territory, exploitation security, unity necessary war, weapons, CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and camps, Francesca Helm group of people, ration
  • 42. 42 discrimination 01/11/2012 ITALY GERMANY JORDAN USA ETHIOPIA loneliness, blacks, Bush blacks and outcasting ingiustizia attack, awful whites black,white,p North, South segregation very bad Acts of oor racism,violenc habits, thing hatred HIV, BLACK e tradition, Destruction bad, AND WHITE, ignorance rights USA, Israel unnecessary MALE AND prejudice prejudice black, immigration, FEMALE Racism-Sexual happens to Muslims Colombia aparthied, apartheid often black and police, anti- racism, racism mobbing, white semitism, segregation immigrants prejudices United genocide racism,color,r age, being gay/ Nations unjust eligious nationality women the worst race, color, gender Nazi regime, thing----bad oppress, immigrants, Martin people ----- stigmatise, women Luther King vanity- bias, social and stupid, inequality, economic one understandi differenciatio Stadium ng n Women Blacks conflict, Weak injustice, immorality CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and bias,Francesca Helm stereotyping, women, HIV- AIDD
  • 43. 43 individualism 01/11/2012 ITALY GERMANY JORDAN USA ETHIOPIA solitude extraordinary, good being original selfishness identity,own strange not bad very good America, Europe ideas moral, society, it causes bad Uniqueness selfish, community freedom imprestion creative american, no loneliness no joy fake every one do searching, culture, hard Solitude-Mind personal what he or she finding, work egoismo characteristics want believing egocentrism, selfishness character self-reliance me, personality greed, hoard loneliness freedom Bad Autonomy egoism,selfishlne what I want to important freedom, ss,personality be uniqueness selfishness selfishness, ideologia libertà being myself, myself rudeness, Independent, being friends with no cooperation unfriendly, social position myself isolation, grief competition autonomy,indep identity, variety, modernization, endence important not to educatio Evil lose loss of culture, our society self-confidence, greediness, makes problems doing whatever selfishness, freedom, you want greed choose important self-centerdness, modern society freedom, choice, unsociable, etc CALLing on Ethiopia - Sarah Guth and West otherness selfishness,greed Francesca Helm Widespread ambition, y Downfall originality selfishness, capitalism, rich,