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Every Company want to grow and make their company one of the well known to everyone. For this they
need to create a best way to knock their mind. The best way to do this is advertisement. Now a day every
company have contacts with one or more advertising agencies for the flawless implementation of their
television commercial or advertisement. It’s an Film Logic that has been performing such action for
Grameenphone, Airtel, Banglalink, Pran, Qubee, Golden Harvest. Film Logic is an advertising agency
that is specialized in making TV commercials , Drama Etc. It’s the 4th
largest advertising agencies in
Bangladesh. Film logic always came up with the interesting ideas and unique concept in the market and
they make it successful most of the time. They are specialize in make a funny commercials which
connects with the viewer easily. Recently they make a very successful commercial for BLOOP, Which is
a Golden Harvests’ product. BLOOP is the most recent product came in Bangladesh. It is an Ice cream
product which came in the market in this summer 2015. BLOOP is the 3rd
Ice cream product got huge
market in a very short time after kwality and Igloo.
Company Name:
• Golden Harvest
Dessert provider
Ad Agency:
• Film Logic
“Every company is trying to make communication through TVC, Billboard, Online marketing and many
more. Different people have different likings. But every people have something in common that is fun.
We try to make the funniest creative for a product in a decent way. Because decent fun is the good fun.
And this fun attracts the people and knock the people while making a buying decision. If a commercial
make a creative fun with the product and show the benefits of using that product market buy that product
- Anit Kumar
Executive Producer, Film Logic
Recent Successful Campaign:
The most successful recent campaign done by Film Logic was -
BLOOP – Guest
IMC Objectives:
The main goal of the campaign was to design an unique approach to clutter while making it possible for
the TG to instantly relate to it. The campaign was focused on a concept that doesn’t happen normally
which we do things in unconscious mind with a different view. The campaign faced some challenges with
the ethics. Normally we see from the biggest company and the brand Ambassador of their companys’
famous campaign mottos. BLOOP just copied the concept with a totally opposite point of view. This
made them laugh but created in a way that people can recall Bloop very easily. They used a reporter in the
TVC which makes a sense that the way it presented is should be in News headline. This process they
catch the customers and tried to make it popular. The agency sat a vast number of consumer bought to
get the taste.
Awareness The company wanted to create 70% awareness by next 1 year through teaser,
Ad, Television advertisement.
Knowledge The company wanted to create 55% knowledge by next 1 year through
Billboards and posters
Liking The company wanted to create 80% of liking within a year by focusing on
giving a different flavor with a real taste
Preference A target preference of 40% was to create by the company by arranging various
events targeted for the youths.
Conviction In order to increase conviction by 15% with 6 month among the flavor likers’
the agency arranged online promos, Youtube videos, and Google ads.
Purchase The company wanted to increase purchase by 35% within 1 year using
magazines and Newspaper ads.
IMC Tools:
• Television: Through television the agency used telefilms, telefilm promos to promote the
• Radio: Sponsoring the FM shows, and other on-air musical shows.
• Digital: Flash image and youtube videos were used as digital media to promote the campaign.
• Print: The agency used newspaper ads to the product promotion.
• OOH: Lots of creative billboards like X Banner, Roman Banner and mini billboards for
proportioning campaign.
Their Marketing policy:
• Interactive marketing: The company used lots of interactive tools to stay connected with the
customers. They were used facebook pages, Twitter, Instagram, own website etc.
• Sales Promotion: BLOOP is very new in the market they haven’t offered any proportioning offer
for their product.
• Publicity: They wanted to create a mind acceptance by creating a prank of some popular brand
like Grameenphone, Lux, Fair and lovely.
Positioning :
They wanted to create a positioning that giving a good flavor is not everything. Different flavor with a
refreshing taste and bring fun to it is their main motto.
Major Selling ideas:
‘Bloop – Guest’ campaign is mainly designed to attract the people who wanted to being visited by their
relatives or friends. Those who want that their house will be full of visitor this campaign is fully for them.
Bloops’ ads is different from each flavor. Different flavor with a different concept which appeals joy,
Happiness, excitement and madness.
Individual’s self-related feelings Individual’s group related feelings
* Joy
* Happiness
* Excitement
* Affection
* Involvement
* Conflict
* Affiliation
* Stimulation
They used a family affiliation, young generations, adults everyone in their TVCs’. They mainly want to
give attention on family normal activities by which they need to get Bloop for their own sake.
‘’Don’t make a complicated life, bring peace in it’’
Execution style:
This is almost 57 seconds TVC, here they want to show a little humor how bloop helps to come guest in
the house. They bring a fun to it. They tried to show unbelievable things could happen if they have bloop.
They also bring a reporter that reporting about that unbelievable fact happen having bloop. Which make
sense that any important things happen in this region need to go to head line of the news.
Factors of the TVC:
• Massage is clear
• To the point
• Fun
• 1.7 lac selling in 2 months
• Most successful campaign in digital market (Facebook Generation)
• 1,533 views; 10,063 subscriber of the channel; more then 300 comments which represents how
successful the campaign is.
Process of Developing the communication:
Almost 6 team works for the campaign. 1 team worked for the creative, I team worked for production, 1
team worked for videography, choreography and execution and other team worked for jingle, editing
lighting, model resource etc. They bring model depends on the target audience. They study how to
influence while decision making process. They fix the chennels when and where and how the commercial
need to be on air. Because this affects a person and knock the person to buy the product.
As mentioned earlier that they haven’t yet went for any promotioning campaign. They are new in the
market. They want to go for promotioning campaigning after 1 year.
Budget Allocation for Bloop- Guest:
Cost Name Budget (Tk)
• Director
• Production
• Cost and timing estimation
• Wardrobes
• Casting
• Audio selection and recording
• Set construction
- 2,000,000
- 1,000,000
- 85,000
- 25,000
- 1,000,000
- 75,000
- 60,000
Actual Shoot:
• Camera C300
• Lights
• Crew
• Location rent, Props & set designing
- 100,000
- 30,000
- 100,000
- 150,000
• Edit
• Music
• Sound studio
• Voice over
• Output
• Food and conveyance
- 85,000
- 80,000
- 50,000
- 20,000
- 85,000
- 30,000
Media Cost:
• Digital Media
• Print Media
• Other Media
- 2,000,000
- 350,000
- 100,000
TOTAL = 7,425,000 Tk
Result of the campaigning:
1. Brand image increased to 21 to 24
2. Average TRP is 4.2
3. TOMA increased to 18 to 22
Opinion: They need to bring more effective way to communicate. They are not active in Facebook
promotioning. They need to bring promotioning style to keep the sell up. People are now very loyal to a
brand. As it is new in market they need to execute the promotion more beyond then other.
"Unsuccessful Campaign"
"Pran Treat Chocolate Bar"
In this TVC, the agency used 1 young Boy and 1 Girl as central character, this TVC tried to
focus their first date.
The tvc shows us The ad actually try to show us that if we eat the chocolate, we will forget the
worst moment.
Execution Style:
This tvc revolves around the story of 2 young people (one boy and one girl) getting together.
They didn't see each other, they are friend via Facebook. one day they made up a plan for a
date. one the day thy boy was waiting for the girl with a specific dress-code. But accidently the
boy and the girl getting bashed, but then they couldn't recognize each-other. The girl insulted
him badly but after sometime, she could realize that she came here to meet the boy. When the
girl was insulting him in that time he was eating the Pran Treat Chocolate Bar thats why he
didn't listen the girl's words as loving word instead of insulting words.
mainly four execution
• Slice of life
• Imaginary
• Dramatization
• Comparison
List of Factors Contributing to the Failure of the communication (Treat chocolate Bar):
• The story of the TVC was so clear enough to reach customer mind. As customers had a
lacking of proper knowledge about the product so the imperfect execution of the tvc
customers more puzzled
• In this tvc they showed lots of irrelevant things.
• The main products was totally different from the tvc also they choose wrong peeople for
• The product was melted and had some chemical problems.
As this tvc was pretty good for young people but not for all. Although with a number of
promotion approaches the tvc failed to grow interest in the viewer's minds as it seemed more like
a amateur attempt at westernized film making. Due to had execution plans the campaign failed to
live up to it's expections.
Awareness Pran company wanted to increase awareness by 80% by the ad
Knowledge Knowledge was planned to be increased by 40% within 6 months
previewing advertisement between telefilms, news in television.
Liking The liking among customers was planned to increase by 40% by
promoting among students of university that the youth could relate
Preference Preference had to be increased by 50% through digital medias, such
as YouTube and facebook sharing within 3 months.
Conviction Pran company was planning to increase conviction by 40% by
arranging a grand premier of the TVC
Liking Liking had to be increased by 60% through the whole ad for 6
IMC Tools:
• Advertising:
Television: television was the main promotion tool for this campaign, ad promos to
promote the Brand products.
Radio: Ad music's broadcasted through radio to promote it.
Digital: Ad teasers, shows and musics to promote the product
Print: Under print media the agency used magazines and Newspaper ads.
OOH: Lots of creative billboard like X banner, roman Bnner and Miniboard etc has been
used during this campaign.
• Interactive Marketing:
the company used lots of interactive tools. To stay connected with the customers they
were used Facebook pages, twitter, Instagram, Own website etc.
• Sales Promotion:
Pran used different sales promotional tools during the campaign. In this campaign the
introduce a new package of the products for the love birds at a charming costs.
• PR/Publicity:
Events: Like the "Treat Chocolate Bar" in Facebook and get a Treat Chocolate Bar free as
well as the gifts chocolates in Schools and Colleges.
In this campaign, they basically worked on accident moment or any clash moment what makes
us angry but some sweet chocolates made our mind changed in those situation.
Pran try to communicate with youth through the ad is an distinctive approach. The ad triggers
stimuli among viewers. It uses emotional appeals such as joy, involvement, love, affections,
Nostalgia, Pleasure, Embarrassment. It could not stimulate significant emotional connection with
its viewers.
Pran always says "EAT DELICIOUS , LIVE HEALTHY". In this campaign they also used this
tagline. But unfortunately the ad itself as well as the products could not earn much appreciation,
and as a result, the whole campaign failed.
Process/Steps to develop the communication:
To communicate effectively with customers, marketers must set their target markets, what it
knows or feel about the company’s product or service, and how to communicate with the
audience to influence the decision-making process. Marketers must also know how the market is
likely to respond to various sources of communication or different types of messages. Before
they make decisions regarding source, message, and channel variables, promotional planners
must understand the potential effects associated with each of these factors.
After knowing the preferences of target audience, the ad agency takes some steps:
1. Brief: First of all, ad agency makes a short brief that how they will run the
2. Debrief: After completing short brief, they arrange debrief. In this part agency makes two
different teams.
(a) Planning Team: this team will determine whichever media to cover for their ad. They will
also determine which channel will be used under ATL.
(b) Creative Team: this team will make big idea and will also select which production house
will be used.
Almost all of the people have television sets at their home today; they can watch different ads on
different channels where this Advertisement of ‘Pran Treat Chocolate Bar’ was telecasted, like-
Ntv, Channel I, Channel 9 etc. This was a good way of Communication. They showed by the
Tvc how yummy and tasty the chocolate bar was. But when people went to try out the product,
the chocolate melted very quickly, and was not tasty as it seemed, and the customers were
disappointed at this. So, as a result, the campaign was judged very poorly.
" Budget allocation for ‘Pran Treat Chocolate Bar"
Cost Name Budget (Tk)
• Director
• Production
• Cost and timing estimation
• Wardrobes
• Casting
• Audio selection and recording
• Set construction
- 2,000,000
- 1,000,000
- 75,000
- 25,000
- 800,000
- 40,000
- 60,000
Actual Shoot:
• Camera C300
• Lights
• Crew
• Location rent, Props & set designing
- 100,000
- 30,000
- 80,000
- 100,000
• Edit
• Music
• Sound studio
• Voice over
• Output
• Food and conveyance
- 80,000
- 80,000
- 50,000
- 20,000
- 35,000
- 30,000
Media Cost:
• Digital Media
• Print Media
• Other Media
- 1,800,000
- 300,000
- 80,000
TOTAL = 6,785,000 Tk
Evaluation in terms of company's ROI
This advertisement was totally unsuccessful. The way they introduced it was not perfect.
Customer did not even have the basic knowledge about the product. In this campaign they did
not mention any benefits of the product. As the customer did not have the knowledge about the
product, they were unable to create awareness and preference as well as people didn't get the
actual product they see in advertisement. So we can say that was failed to create awareness of
their new product as the advertisement was an unsuccessful one.
At last we can say that ‘Bloop-Guest’ campaign was success because they communicated the
massage very well and they executed the product in such a way that people its seems funny,
looks like it could make a negative impact on consumer buying behavior. But it make a huge
impact on customers mind that people are unconsciously remembering the product as it make
pranks of biggest company’s like Grameenphone, Lux, Fair & lovely. On the other hand, ‘Treat
Chocolate Bar’ in an unsuccessful campaign because they had started the campaigning, gave
huge advertisement on TV channels, Radio, printed ads etc. but they can’t bring the product in
the market as they manufactured in a way that it was started to melting during the transportation
to the shops. So, the owners was not interested to keep their products in the fridge because they
can’t assure the product will be fine till then the consumer buy. Another thing is the
advertisement they make for the campaign looks like they are doing a TVC of a something else.
Execution was wrong because they haven’t show much about a product they have shown about
making a funny TVC. Everything don’t go with a funny way. From that they have realized it. My
Suggestion is to Film Logic Product should have highlight more than a fun way take all the

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ad agency reports. MKT337

  • 1. Introduction: Every Company want to grow and make their company one of the well known to everyone. For this they need to create a best way to knock their mind. The best way to do this is advertisement. Now a day every company have contacts with one or more advertising agencies for the flawless implementation of their television commercial or advertisement. It’s an Film Logic that has been performing such action for Grameenphone, Airtel, Banglalink, Pran, Qubee, Golden Harvest. Film Logic is an advertising agency that is specialized in making TV commercials , Drama Etc. It’s the 4th largest advertising agencies in Bangladesh. Film logic always came up with the interesting ideas and unique concept in the market and they make it successful most of the time. They are specialize in make a funny commercials which connects with the viewer easily. Recently they make a very successful commercial for BLOOP, Which is a Golden Harvests’ product. BLOOP is the most recent product came in Bangladesh. It is an Ice cream product which came in the market in this summer 2015. BLOOP is the 3rd Ice cream product got huge market in a very short time after kwality and Igloo. Company Name: • Golden Harvest Dessert provider Ad Agency: • Film Logic “Every company is trying to make communication through TVC, Billboard, Online marketing and many more. Different people have different likings. But every people have something in common that is fun. We try to make the funniest creative for a product in a decent way. Because decent fun is the good fun. And this fun attracts the people and knock the people while making a buying decision. If a commercial make a creative fun with the product and show the benefits of using that product market buy that product most.’’ - Anit Kumar Executive Producer, Film Logic
  • 2. Clients: Recent Successful Campaign: The most successful recent campaign done by Film Logic was - BLOOP – Guest IMC Objectives:
  • 3. The main goal of the campaign was to design an unique approach to clutter while making it possible for the TG to instantly relate to it. The campaign was focused on a concept that doesn’t happen normally which we do things in unconscious mind with a different view. The campaign faced some challenges with the ethics. Normally we see from the biggest company and the brand Ambassador of their companys’ famous campaign mottos. BLOOP just copied the concept with a totally opposite point of view. This made them laugh but created in a way that people can recall Bloop very easily. They used a reporter in the TVC which makes a sense that the way it presented is should be in News headline. This process they catch the customers and tried to make it popular. The agency sat a vast number of consumer bought to get the taste. Awareness The company wanted to create 70% awareness by next 1 year through teaser, Ad, Television advertisement. Knowledge The company wanted to create 55% knowledge by next 1 year through Billboards and posters Liking The company wanted to create 80% of liking within a year by focusing on giving a different flavor with a real taste Preference A target preference of 40% was to create by the company by arranging various events targeted for the youths. Conviction In order to increase conviction by 15% with 6 month among the flavor likers’ the agency arranged online promos, Youtube videos, and Google ads. Purchase The company wanted to increase purchase by 35% within 1 year using magazines and Newspaper ads. IMC Tools: • Television: Through television the agency used telefilms, telefilm promos to promote the campaign. • Radio: Sponsoring the FM shows, and other on-air musical shows. • Digital: Flash image and youtube videos were used as digital media to promote the campaign. • Print: The agency used newspaper ads to the product promotion. • OOH: Lots of creative billboards like X Banner, Roman Banner and mini billboards for proportioning campaign. Their Marketing policy: • Interactive marketing: The company used lots of interactive tools to stay connected with the customers. They were used facebook pages, Twitter, Instagram, own website etc. • Sales Promotion: BLOOP is very new in the market they haven’t offered any proportioning offer for their product.
  • 4. • Publicity: They wanted to create a mind acceptance by creating a prank of some popular brand like Grameenphone, Lux, Fair and lovely. Positioning : They wanted to create a positioning that giving a good flavor is not everything. Different flavor with a refreshing taste and bring fun to it is their main motto. Major Selling ideas: ‘Bloop – Guest’ campaign is mainly designed to attract the people who wanted to being visited by their relatives or friends. Those who want that their house will be full of visitor this campaign is fully for them. Appeals: Bloops’ ads is different from each flavor. Different flavor with a different concept which appeals joy, Happiness, excitement and madness. Appeals Emotional Individual’s self-related feelings Individual’s group related feelings * Joy * Happiness * Excitement * Affection * Involvement * Conflict * Affiliation * Stimulation Source: They used a family affiliation, young generations, adults everyone in their TVCs’. They mainly want to give attention on family normal activities by which they need to get Bloop for their own sake. Massage: ‘’Don’t make a complicated life, bring peace in it’’
  • 5. Execution style: This is almost 57 seconds TVC, here they want to show a little humor how bloop helps to come guest in the house. They bring a fun to it. They tried to show unbelievable things could happen if they have bloop. They also bring a reporter that reporting about that unbelievable fact happen having bloop. Which make sense that any important things happen in this region need to go to head line of the news. Factors of the TVC: • Massage is clear • To the point • Fun • 1.7 lac selling in 2 months • Most successful campaign in digital market (Facebook Generation) • 1,533 views; 10,063 subscriber of the channel; more then 300 comments which represents how successful the campaign is. Process of Developing the communication: Almost 6 team works for the campaign. 1 team worked for the creative, I team worked for production, 1 team worked for videography, choreography and execution and other team worked for jingle, editing lighting, model resource etc. They bring model depends on the target audience. They study how to influence while decision making process. They fix the chennels when and where and how the commercial need to be on air. Because this affects a person and knock the person to buy the product. As mentioned earlier that they haven’t yet went for any promotioning campaign. They are new in the market. They want to go for promotioning campaigning after 1 year.
  • 6. Budget Allocation for Bloop- Guest: Cost Name Budget (Tk) Preproduction: • Director • Production • Cost and timing estimation • Wardrobes • Casting • Audio selection and recording • Set construction - 2,000,000 - 1,000,000 - 85,000 - 25,000 - 1,000,000 - 75,000 - 60,000 Actual Shoot: Equipment: • Camera C300 • Lights • Crew • Location rent, Props & set designing - 100,000 - 30,000 - 100,000 - 150,000 Post-Production: • Edit • Music • Sound studio • Voice over • Output • Food and conveyance - 85,000 - 80,000 - 50,000 - 20,000 - 85,000 - 30,000 Media Cost: • Digital Media • Print Media • Other Media - 2,000,000 - 350,000 - 100,000 TOTAL = 7,425,000 Tk Result of the campaigning: 1. Brand image increased to 21 to 24 2. Average TRP is 4.2
  • 7. 3. TOMA increased to 18 to 22 Opinion: They need to bring more effective way to communicate. They are not active in Facebook promotioning. They need to bring promotioning style to keep the sell up. People are now very loyal to a brand. As it is new in market they need to execute the promotion more beyond then other. "Unsuccessful Campaign" "Pran Treat Chocolate Bar" In this TVC, the agency used 1 young Boy and 1 Girl as central character, this TVC tried to focus their first date. Message: The tvc shows us The ad actually try to show us that if we eat the chocolate, we will forget the worst moment. Execution Style: This tvc revolves around the story of 2 young people (one boy and one girl) getting together. They didn't see each other, they are friend via Facebook. one day they made up a plan for a date. one the day thy boy was waiting for the girl with a specific dress-code. But accidently the boy and the girl getting bashed, but then they couldn't recognize each-other. The girl insulted him badly but after sometime, she could realize that she came here to meet the boy. When the girl was insulting him in that time he was eating the Pran Treat Chocolate Bar thats why he didn't listen the girl's words as loving word instead of insulting words. mainly four execution • Slice of life • Imaginary • Dramatization • Comparison List of Factors Contributing to the Failure of the communication (Treat chocolate Bar): • The story of the TVC was so clear enough to reach customer mind. As customers had a lacking of proper knowledge about the product so the imperfect execution of the tvc customers more puzzled
  • 8. • In this tvc they showed lots of irrelevant things. • The main products was totally different from the tvc also they choose wrong peeople for casting • The product was melted and had some chemical problems. As this tvc was pretty good for young people but not for all. Although with a number of promotion approaches the tvc failed to grow interest in the viewer's minds as it seemed more like a amateur attempt at westernized film making. Due to had execution plans the campaign failed to live up to it's expections. Awareness Pran company wanted to increase awareness by 80% by the ad Knowledge Knowledge was planned to be increased by 40% within 6 months previewing advertisement between telefilms, news in television. Liking The liking among customers was planned to increase by 40% by promoting among students of university that the youth could relate too. Preference Preference had to be increased by 50% through digital medias, such as YouTube and facebook sharing within 3 months. Conviction Pran company was planning to increase conviction by 40% by arranging a grand premier of the TVC Liking Liking had to be increased by 60% through the whole ad for 6 months. IMC Tools: • Advertising:
  • 9. Television: television was the main promotion tool for this campaign, ad promos to promote the Brand products. Radio: Ad music's broadcasted through radio to promote it. Digital: Ad teasers, shows and musics to promote the product Print: Under print media the agency used magazines and Newspaper ads. OOH: Lots of creative billboard like X banner, roman Bnner and Miniboard etc has been used during this campaign. • Interactive Marketing: the company used lots of interactive tools. To stay connected with the customers they were used Facebook pages, twitter, Instagram, Own website etc. • Sales Promotion: Pran used different sales promotional tools during the campaign. In this campaign the introduce a new package of the products for the love birds at a charming costs. • PR/Publicity: Events: Like the "Treat Chocolate Bar" in Facebook and get a Treat Chocolate Bar free as well as the gifts chocolates in Schools and Colleges. Positioning: In this campaign, they basically worked on accident moment or any clash moment what makes us angry but some sweet chocolates made our mind changed in those situation. Appeals: Pran try to communicate with youth through the ad is an distinctive approach. The ad triggers stimuli among viewers. It uses emotional appeals such as joy, involvement, love, affections, Nostalgia, Pleasure, Embarrassment. It could not stimulate significant emotional connection with its viewers. Theme:
  • 10. Pran always says "EAT DELICIOUS , LIVE HEALTHY". In this campaign they also used this tagline. But unfortunately the ad itself as well as the products could not earn much appreciation, and as a result, the whole campaign failed. Process/Steps to develop the communication: To communicate effectively with customers, marketers must set their target markets, what it knows or feel about the company’s product or service, and how to communicate with the audience to influence the decision-making process. Marketers must also know how the market is likely to respond to various sources of communication or different types of messages. Before they make decisions regarding source, message, and channel variables, promotional planners must understand the potential effects associated with each of these factors. After knowing the preferences of target audience, the ad agency takes some steps: 1. Brief: First of all, ad agency makes a short brief that how they will run the communication. 2. Debrief: After completing short brief, they arrange debrief. In this part agency makes two different teams. (a) Planning Team: this team will determine whichever media to cover for their ad. They will also determine which channel will be used under ATL. (b) Creative Team: this team will make big idea and will also select which production house will be used. Almost all of the people have television sets at their home today; they can watch different ads on different channels where this Advertisement of ‘Pran Treat Chocolate Bar’ was telecasted, like- Ntv, Channel I, Channel 9 etc. This was a good way of Communication. They showed by the Tvc how yummy and tasty the chocolate bar was. But when people went to try out the product, the chocolate melted very quickly, and was not tasty as it seemed, and the customers were disappointed at this. So, as a result, the campaign was judged very poorly.
  • 11. " Budget allocation for ‘Pran Treat Chocolate Bar" Cost Name Budget (Tk) Preproduction: • Director • Production • Cost and timing estimation • Wardrobes • Casting • Audio selection and recording • Set construction - 2,000,000 - 1,000,000 - 75,000 - 25,000 - 800,000 - 40,000 - 60,000 Actual Shoot: Equipment: • Camera C300 • Lights • Crew • Location rent, Props & set designing - 100,000 - 30,000 - 80,000 - 100,000
  • 12. Post-Production: • Edit • Music • Sound studio • Voice over • Output • Food and conveyance - 80,000 - 80,000 - 50,000 - 20,000 - 35,000 - 30,000 Media Cost: • Digital Media • Print Media • Other Media - 1,800,000 - 300,000 - 80,000 TOTAL = 6,785,000 Tk Evaluation in terms of company's ROI This advertisement was totally unsuccessful. The way they introduced it was not perfect. Customer did not even have the basic knowledge about the product. In this campaign they did not mention any benefits of the product. As the customer did not have the knowledge about the product, they were unable to create awareness and preference as well as people didn't get the actual product they see in advertisement. So we can say that was failed to create awareness of their new product as the advertisement was an unsuccessful one. Conclusion:
  • 13. At last we can say that ‘Bloop-Guest’ campaign was success because they communicated the massage very well and they executed the product in such a way that people its seems funny, looks like it could make a negative impact on consumer buying behavior. But it make a huge impact on customers mind that people are unconsciously remembering the product as it make pranks of biggest company’s like Grameenphone, Lux, Fair & lovely. On the other hand, ‘Treat Chocolate Bar’ in an unsuccessful campaign because they had started the campaigning, gave huge advertisement on TV channels, Radio, printed ads etc. but they can’t bring the product in the market as they manufactured in a way that it was started to melting during the transportation to the shops. So, the owners was not interested to keep their products in the fridge because they can’t assure the product will be fine till then the consumer buy. Another thing is the advertisement they make for the campaign looks like they are doing a TVC of a something else. Execution was wrong because they haven’t show much about a product they have shown about making a funny TVC. Everything don’t go with a funny way. From that they have realized it. My Suggestion is to Film Logic Product should have highlight more than a fun way take all the attraction.