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Clover Carroll
Brand Storytelling
Master Class
Our Team
Clover Carroll, CEO
Director, Producer, Writer, Digital
Marketing Strategist
Rachel Carroll, Co-founder
Writer, Producer, Director, Digital
Marketing Strategist
Mike Ciesiensky, CTO
Business website design and
development, Digital Marketing
My Story
Clover Carroll, CEO
Clover Carroll is the CEO of New Story Media, an award-winning marketing agency. He has filmed and produced for
large networks such as National Geographic, Investigate Discovery and Discovery Channel as well as hosted his
own television show. His 15 years of experience in film brought him to the realization that many businesses have a
hard time telling their story, so he created a storytelling process that helps businesses clarify their message, create
powerful marketing material, engage their customers and grow their business. Clover specializes in Inbound
Marketing, and enjoys helping businesses tell their story.
Inbound Marketing versus Outbound Marketing.
Today, technology has changed how people obtain
information and consequently, marketing has undergone a
massive transformation. Outbound marketing tactics, like
television and radio advertising, are not as effective as they
once were. Now comes the age of inbound marketing, driven
by the Internet and social media.
Outbound Marketing
Outbound marketing is just another name for “traditional
advertising methods” it is devised to contrast with the newer
“inbound marketing”.
The basic idea is that advertisers use mass media tools to push
their message and products out to the public. The hope is that if
enough people who are in your target audience hear the message,
they will respond.
Inbound Marketing
Today’s customers are really savvy. No one wants to sit
through a sales pitch, and people today have become really
good at avoiding them.
● People can skip TV ads by recording their favorite shows and fast-forwarding
through the commercials and with so many online streaming services, TVs
don’t even get that many viewers anymore.
● Digital music and satellite radio makes it easy for people to avoid radio
● People get their news from the Internet, so no one sees the print advertising
in the newspapers any more.
● Online banner ads are blocked by ad blockers. Even if they don’t get blocked,
they have very low visibility due to a symptom called banner blindness.
Inbound Marketing
Inbound marketing refers to marketing strategies that focus
on pulling audiences in instead of going out to get prospects’
attention. Inbound marketing pulls visitors in, increases brand
exposure, and creates brand authority through the creation of
valuable content.
Inbound Marketing
The bottom line is: Traditional advertising channels are just
not getting the job done anymore. Technology has advanced
and marketing strategies and tactics have also evolved to
keep up with it.
Why Story
Story is the most effective means of human communication.
There are three main reasons why telling a strong story is the
best way to achieve your goals:
● Story leads behavior-Emotions play a huge role in
directing human behavior and story is the strongest way
to move our audience.
Why Story
● Lets Us Be a Witness. We’re bombarded by nearly 5,000
ads per day telling us what we need, how to feel, and
what to do. Story cuts through the noise by inviting
viewers on a journey and allowing them to come to their
own conclusions.
● Story transports us to another world. The scientific term is
narrative transportation and it refers to a story’s ability to
immerse viewers so that their surroundings disappear.
Narrative transportation is highly correlated with the action
the viewer takes once they’re done watching.
Why Story
● Age old story: For thousands of years stories have been
told around the campfire. Humans seemed to be pre-
programed for story. Russell Brunson of DotCom Secrets
calls it the “Star, Story, Solution” script. Others call the
central character the Hero, and refer to the Hero’s
The DNA of story
● Hero’s Journey: central character sets off on a journey, in
which he overcomes obstacles and returns a changed
The DNA of story
● People: central character sets off on a journey, in which
he overcomes obstacles and returns a changed person
● Place: Gives authenticity to the character
● Purpose: The clear message of your project
● Plot: The way you structure your story
The 4 pillars of story
5 Keywords
Character Briefs
Storyboard or Shotlist
Creative Brief
How we tell stories
● The lens to filter every decision for your project
5 keywords
● What is the most inspiring thing about the story?
● What makes the story different?
● Who is the audience for the story?
● How do you want the audience to feel?
● What do you want the audience to do?
5 keywords
The Hero of the story needs to have the 3 Big Things:
● Uniqueness
● Desire
● Complexity
Character Brief
Storyboard or Shot list
● A graphical representation of what the video will look like.
It is the blueprint for the project that helps all stakeholders
stay true to the vision for the project.
Creative Brief
Story Brand Script
● The Hero
● Villain
● Guide
● Plan
● Call To Action
● Leads To Success
● Avoids Failure
● Hero Is Transformed
Why Video
● Video communicates faster. According to Vidyard, video
communicates 600,000 faster than text.
● Video allows us to create emotion. It allows us to set the
emotional hook.
● Video is a perfect medium for Branded Content, blurring
the lines between entertainment and advertising.
● Video allows a deeper analysis of engagement. Who’s
watching, who long they’re watching, and where they are
Video Funnels
Implementing video at each level of your sales funnel brings
higher engagement in your offerings.
Brand Story, Founder
Story, Explainer Videos,
Promotional Videos
On Boarding Video, How
To Videos, Webinars,
Special Promotions
Personal Videos (Soapbox
or GoVideo), Thank You
Customer Case Study,
Customer Testimonials,
Product or Service Videos,
About Us, Culture Videos
Tell people about your brand through videos that appear in
targeted searches and social media ads. In the interest phase
your potential customers have a problem and you have the just haven’t found each other yet.
How to deliver these videos? Social Media, Targeted Video
Marketing, or even SEO-driven videos (ones that answer or
explain a commonly searched for question or problem) can
help you reach the right audiences.
What is the key metric? View Count
In the awareness/interest stage, you're casting a wide net,
establishing an audience, and aiming for maximum exposure.
Use the metric of video view count to measure success in this
Potential customers are aware of the problem they want to
solve and are researching solutions. You want to help them
with their decision process, but now's not the time to be
Sample videos here would be:
Product or Service Videos
Sample videos here would be:
Case Studies or Client Testimonials
Sample videos here would be:
About Us or Culture Videos
Key Metric: Time Spent Watching
For your potential customers, the conversion stage is
decision time. They've done the research, grown more
knowledgeable about your offerings (and those of your
competitors), and they're ready to sign up.
Samples of video content here would be: Culture Capture
Videos and Story Driven Client Testimonials.
Once a customer signs up and uses your product you want to
make sure they stay a customer, as you are always adding
value to your products and services.
In the retention stage, you can help customers enjoy their
journey with your product or service by sending them on-
boarding videos, how to videos, and even a personal video
(like Soapbox or Viewedit (now GoVideo)
Higher Ground
Higher Ground
Higher Ground
Higher Ground
Final results from a one month splash campaign:
Performance Data
Total Impressions 42,417
Total Videos Views 38,482
Total Clicks To Client Website: 261
Drive-Over Chock
Drive-Over Chock
Higher Ground
Final results from a one month splash campaign:
Performance Data
Total Impressions 22,607
Total Videos Views 18,565
Total Clicks To Client Website: 757
Thank you for your time
Our Goal
To clarify your message so customers listen.
The fact is pretty websites don’t sell things, words sell things.
And if we haven’t clarified our message our customers won’t
So what’s your message?
Can your entire company repeat your companies message in
such a way that it is compelling?
Have new hires been given talking points they can use to
describe what your company offers and why a prospective
customer should buy it?
The mistakes many brands make.
● They don’t focus on the aspects of their offer that will help
people survive and thrive.
● They cause their customers to burn too many calories in
an effort to understand their offer. The brain is programed
to burn the least amount of calories
I. Create a one liner
Communicate your one liner on your website
Communicate your one liner in your social marketing channels
Communicate your one liner in targeted video marketing campaigns.
I. Create a lead generator
II. Create an automated email drip campaign
III.Collect and tell stories of transformation
IV.Invite happy customers to become evangelists for your
Overview of the Inbound Marketing Road Map
A clear repeatable statement that allows potential customers
to find themselves in the story a company is telling. You
simply want a statement that communicates 4 ideas:
Who is your customer?
What is their Problem?
What is your plan to help them?
What will their life look like after you do?
One Liner
The Character: (The Hero) Customers need to be able to
say,”That’s me” when they hear your one liners
The Character
Stories hinge on conflict. Defining the problem triggers the
thought in your customers mind, “Yeah I do struggle with that.
Will your brand help me be able to overcome it?”
The Problem
You won't be able to spell out your entire plan in your one
liner, but you must hint at it.
The Plan
Paint a picture of what life could look like after your customer
uses your service.
The Success
1) Once you have your one liner, MEMORIZE IT!
1) Now it’s time to get your team to own the one liner- everyone from the CEO to the Engineers.
If every team member can repeat the one liner you will have converted your staff into a viral
salesforce. Print the one liner on the walls, on coffee mugs, mouse pads.
1) Include it on your website: Bold and legible so that it becomes one of the obvious statements
you want viewers to read.
1) Repeat your one-liner: Repeat your one-liner in every piece of marketing collateral possible.
Use your one liner until it becomes borderline excessive. Your customers aren’t going to read
every one one of your emails or visit your webpage everyday. The more opportunities your
customers have to hear or read your one liner, the more likely they will be to understand how
you can make their lives better. Print your one liner on your business cards, social media bios,
on your packaging, email signatures, repeat it over and over to increase the chance your
customers will read it.
Keep editing your one liner until it works.
Create lead generator to
collect emails
An email account is one of the most powerful avenues to reach your customers.
We are not talking about getting people to sign up for a newsletter. Nobody wants
to sign up to stay in the loop. This kind of offer doesn’t promise anything of value;
the only thing it implies is spam. You need to establish VALUE. So how do we get
people to sign up to our email list? We offer them something valuable in return.
Something more valuable than the vague offer of a newsletter.This something is a
LEAD GENERATOR. This is our transitional call to action.
1) Provide enormous value for your customers
1) Establish you as an authority in your field
Your LEAD GENERATOR must provide two
New Story creates lead generators for each revenue
stream our company offers. This allows us to segment our
customers by their interest and offer different products to
solve their various problems.
We want to offer valuable information and services in
exchange for an email address.
5 types of LEAD GENERATORS for all types
of businesses:
1. Downloadable Guide: inexpensive way to generate
a. Start with a Downloadable PDF (least expensive). We have one of our
Copywriters interview you on your area(s) of expertise and he will then flesh out
the content. We then send the final draft to our designers to layout.
a. Keep it to about 3 pages of valuable content
a. Give away the Why: Why a potential customer would need to address or be aware
of a certain issue. Then you sell the How. Offer a tool or teach customers how to
follow through step by step.
a. Offer your lead generator on your website through a 10 second delay popup.
Statistics show these types of pop ups perform better. This pop up is a “Gateway”
The customer has to sign up in order to get the free valuable content.
2. Online Course or Webinar:
3. Software Demos or a Free Trial:
4. Free Samples:
5. Live Events:
Gather Lead Generators that are working for other
Create an automated email drip
This is a prewritten sequence of messages that
trigger once a person is added to your list. You are
inviting people into a narrative that leads to a sale
even while you sleep.
1. Every month your customers need to be reminded of
the reason you exist. Every time your customers see
your logo and name on collateral even without opening
or even if they are deleting it or throwing it away your
logo will be flashing across their eyes. There is great
power in reminding customers that you exist on a
regular basis. Your customers may not need your
services today or tomorrow but there will be a time
when they need your services, and your drip campaign
keeps you at the top of their minds when the need
2. 20% open rate is industry average. Anything above
that is performing well.
3. Even if the person sees and deletes the email the goal
has been accomplished. You are branding yourself into
their universe.
4. Unsubscribes are good things. They aren’t your
customer and it reduces the administration of your list
5. Start with a Nurturing Campaign: a simple regular
email that offers your subscribers valuable information as
it relates to your product or services.
E-mail #1: Nurturing e-mail 7 day wait
E-mail #2: Nurturing e-mail 7 day wait
E-mail #3: Nurturing e-mail 7 day wait
E-mail #4: Sales e-mail with a call to action
Nurturing Email: simple helpful advice to a customer.
i. Talk about a problem
i. Explain a plan to solve a problem
i. Describe how life can look for the reader once
the problem is solved.
i. Include a post scripts
Offer and Call To Action Email: Every fourth email in a
nurturing campaign should offer a product or service to a
customer. Be direct. Clearly make an offer
i. Talk about a problem
i. Describe a product you offer that solves this
i. Describe what life can look like for the customer
once the problem is solved.
i. Call the customer to a direct action leading to a
Collect and tell stories of transformation-
Get client testimonials of when Cameron Management went
above and beyond. Few things are more compelling in a story
than the transformation of the hero. Why? Because
transformation is a core desire for every human being.
That’s why so many stories are of the hero being transformed
into somebody better.
1. What was the problem you were having before you
discovered our product?
2. What did the frustration feel like as you tried to solve
that problem?
3. What was different about our product?
4. Take us to the moment when you realized our product
was actually working to solve your problem.
5. Tell us what life looks like now that your problem is
solved or being solved.
Invite happy customers to become
evangelists for your brand, and create a
system that invites and incentivizes them to
spread the word
Create a PDF or video that might be of value to your client’s network
that you automatically send to existing clients along with an email that
communicates something similar to:
“Dear Friend,
Thanks for doing business with us. A number of our clients have wanted to tell their friends
about how we help customers, but they aren’t sure how to do so. We’ve put together a little
video that will help your friends solve X problem. If you have any friends with X problem, feel
free to send it along. We’d be happy to follow up with any of them, and we’ll be sure to let you
know whether we could help. We know you value your relationships and so do we. If your
friends are experiencing a problem we’ve helped you solve, we’d love to help them too. If
there’s anything else we can do, please let us know.
P.S. X Problem can be frustrating. If you’d rather introduce us to your friend in person, just let
us know. We are more than happy to meet with them in their place of business or at our
1. Offer a reward- Offer a reward to existing clients who
refer their friends or colleagues.
a. Start an affiliate program. A 10% commission on customers they bring to you.
a. Automate the sequence. “The easiest, fastest referral system can be
automated using Active Campaign, or any other e-mail marketing system.
Simply include any customer who places one or two orders in an automated
campaign that offers them an educational video or PDF they can pass on, an
added value for telling their friends about you, or a bonus or even a
commission. Make sure the system opts customers out after placing several
orders so you don’t hit every customer every time they order with another
sales pitch. We don’t want to risk annoying people.”
Brand Storytelling Master Class - Clover Carroll, New Story Media

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Brand Storytelling Master Class - Clover Carroll, New Story Media

  • 1. Clover Carroll CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, NEW STORY MEDIA HOUSTON, TX ~ JUNE 6 - 7, 2018 | DIGIMARCONSOUTH.COM #DigiMarConSouth Brand Storytelling Master Class MASTERCLASS
  • 2. Our Team Clover Carroll, CEO Director, Producer, Writer, Digital Marketing Strategist Rachel Carroll, Co-founder Writer, Producer, Director, Digital Marketing Strategist Mike Ciesiensky, CTO Business website design and development, Digital Marketing Strategist
  • 3. My Story Clover Carroll, CEO Clover Carroll is the CEO of New Story Media, an award-winning marketing agency. He has filmed and produced for large networks such as National Geographic, Investigate Discovery and Discovery Channel as well as hosted his own television show. His 15 years of experience in film brought him to the realization that many businesses have a hard time telling their story, so he created a storytelling process that helps businesses clarify their message, create powerful marketing material, engage their customers and grow their business. Clover specializes in Inbound Marketing, and enjoys helping businesses tell their story.
  • 5. Inbound Marketing versus Outbound Marketing. Today, technology has changed how people obtain information and consequently, marketing has undergone a massive transformation. Outbound marketing tactics, like television and radio advertising, are not as effective as they once were. Now comes the age of inbound marketing, driven by the Internet and social media.
  • 6.
  • 7. Outbound Marketing Outbound marketing is just another name for “traditional advertising methods” it is devised to contrast with the newer “inbound marketing”. The basic idea is that advertisers use mass media tools to push their message and products out to the public. The hope is that if enough people who are in your target audience hear the message, they will respond.
  • 8. Inbound Marketing Today’s customers are really savvy. No one wants to sit through a sales pitch, and people today have become really good at avoiding them. ● People can skip TV ads by recording their favorite shows and fast-forwarding through the commercials and with so many online streaming services, TVs don’t even get that many viewers anymore. ● Digital music and satellite radio makes it easy for people to avoid radio advertising. ● People get their news from the Internet, so no one sees the print advertising in the newspapers any more. ● Online banner ads are blocked by ad blockers. Even if they don’t get blocked, they have very low visibility due to a symptom called banner blindness.
  • 9. Inbound Marketing Inbound marketing refers to marketing strategies that focus on pulling audiences in instead of going out to get prospects’ attention. Inbound marketing pulls visitors in, increases brand exposure, and creates brand authority through the creation of valuable content.
  • 10. Inbound Marketing The bottom line is: Traditional advertising channels are just not getting the job done anymore. Technology has advanced and marketing strategies and tactics have also evolved to keep up with it.
  • 11. Why Story Story is the most effective means of human communication. There are three main reasons why telling a strong story is the best way to achieve your goals: ● Story leads behavior-Emotions play a huge role in directing human behavior and story is the strongest way to move our audience.
  • 12. Why Story ● Lets Us Be a Witness. We’re bombarded by nearly 5,000 ads per day telling us what we need, how to feel, and what to do. Story cuts through the noise by inviting viewers on a journey and allowing them to come to their own conclusions.
  • 13. ● Story transports us to another world. The scientific term is narrative transportation and it refers to a story’s ability to immerse viewers so that their surroundings disappear. Narrative transportation is highly correlated with the action the viewer takes once they’re done watching. Why Story
  • 14. ● Age old story: For thousands of years stories have been told around the campfire. Humans seemed to be pre- programed for story. Russell Brunson of DotCom Secrets calls it the “Star, Story, Solution” script. Others call the central character the Hero, and refer to the Hero’s Journey. The DNA of story
  • 15. ● Hero’s Journey: central character sets off on a journey, in which he overcomes obstacles and returns a changed person. The DNA of story
  • 16. ● People: central character sets off on a journey, in which he overcomes obstacles and returns a changed person ● Place: Gives authenticity to the character ● Purpose: The clear message of your project ● Plot: The way you structure your story The 4 pillars of story
  • 17. 5 Keywords Character Briefs Storyboard or Shotlist Creative Brief How we tell stories
  • 18. ● The lens to filter every decision for your project 5 keywords
  • 19. ● What is the most inspiring thing about the story? ● What makes the story different? ● Who is the audience for the story? ● How do you want the audience to feel? ● What do you want the audience to do? 5 keywords
  • 20. The Hero of the story needs to have the 3 Big Things: ● Uniqueness ● Desire ● Complexity Character Brief
  • 22.
  • 23. ● A graphical representation of what the video will look like. It is the blueprint for the project that helps all stakeholders stay true to the vision for the project. Creative Brief
  • 24.
  • 25.
  • 26.
  • 27. Story Brand Script ● The Hero ● Villain ● Guide ● Plan ● Call To Action ● Leads To Success ● Avoids Failure ● Hero Is Transformed
  • 28. Why Video ● Video communicates faster. According to Vidyard, video communicates 600,000 faster than text. ● Video allows us to create emotion. It allows us to set the emotional hook. ● Video is a perfect medium for Branded Content, blurring the lines between entertainment and advertising. ● Video allows a deeper analysis of engagement. Who’s watching, who long they’re watching, and where they are located.
  • 29. Video Funnels Implementing video at each level of your sales funnel brings higher engagement in your offerings.
  • 30. Brand Story, Founder Story, Explainer Videos, Promotional Videos On Boarding Video, How To Videos, Webinars, Special Promotions Personal Videos (Soapbox or GoVideo), Thank You Videos Customer Case Study, Customer Testimonials, Product or Service Videos, About Us, Culture Videos
  • 31. Interest/Awareness Tell people about your brand through videos that appear in targeted searches and social media ads. In the interest phase your potential customers have a problem and you have the just haven’t found each other yet.
  • 32. Interest/Awareness How to deliver these videos? Social Media, Targeted Video Marketing, or even SEO-driven videos (ones that answer or explain a commonly searched for question or problem) can help you reach the right audiences.
  • 33. Interest/Awareness What is the key metric? View Count In the awareness/interest stage, you're casting a wide net, establishing an audience, and aiming for maximum exposure. Use the metric of video view count to measure success in this stage.
  • 34. Learning/Evaluate/Consideration Potential customers are aware of the problem they want to solve and are researching solutions. You want to help them with their decision process, but now's not the time to be pushy.
  • 35. Learning/Evaluate/Consideration Sample videos here would be: Product or Service Videos
  • 36. Learning/Evaluate/Consideration Sample videos here would be: Case Studies or Client Testimonials
  • 37. Learning/Evaluate/Consideration Sample videos here would be: About Us or Culture Videos
  • 39. Justify/Purchase/Conversion For your potential customers, the conversion stage is decision time. They've done the research, grown more knowledgeable about your offerings (and those of your competitors), and they're ready to sign up.
  • 40. Justify/Purchase/Conversion Samples of video content here would be: Culture Capture Videos and Story Driven Client Testimonials.
  • 41. Retention Once a customer signs up and uses your product you want to make sure they stay a customer, as you are always adding value to your products and services. In the retention stage, you can help customers enjoy their journey with your product or service by sending them on- boarding videos, how to videos, and even a personal video (like Soapbox or Viewedit (now GoVideo)
  • 45. Higher Ground Final results from a one month splash campaign: Performance Data Total Impressions 42,417 Total Videos Views 38,482 Total Clicks To Client Website: 261
  • 48. Higher Ground Final results from a one month splash campaign: Performance Data Total Impressions 22,607 Total Videos Views 18,565 Total Clicks To Client Website: 757
  • 49. Thank you for your time Questions
  • 50. Our Goal To clarify your message so customers listen. The fact is pretty websites don’t sell things, words sell things. And if we haven’t clarified our message our customers won’t listen.
  • 51. So what’s your message? Can your entire company repeat your companies message in such a way that it is compelling? Have new hires been given talking points they can use to describe what your company offers and why a prospective customer should buy it?
  • 52. The mistakes many brands make. ● They don’t focus on the aspects of their offer that will help people survive and thrive. ● They cause their customers to burn too many calories in an effort to understand their offer. The brain is programed to burn the least amount of calories
  • 53. I. Create a one liner Communicate your one liner on your website Communicate your one liner in your social marketing channels Communicate your one liner in targeted video marketing campaigns. I. Create a lead generator II. Create an automated email drip campaign III.Collect and tell stories of transformation IV.Invite happy customers to become evangelists for your Overview of the Inbound Marketing Road Map
  • 54. A clear repeatable statement that allows potential customers to find themselves in the story a company is telling. You simply want a statement that communicates 4 ideas: Who is your customer? What is their Problem? What is your plan to help them? What will their life look like after you do? One Liner
  • 55. The Character: (The Hero) Customers need to be able to say,”That’s me” when they hear your one liners The Character
  • 56. Stories hinge on conflict. Defining the problem triggers the thought in your customers mind, “Yeah I do struggle with that. Will your brand help me be able to overcome it?” The Problem
  • 57. You won't be able to spell out your entire plan in your one liner, but you must hint at it. The Plan
  • 58. Paint a picture of what life could look like after your customer uses your service. The Success
  • 59. 1) Once you have your one liner, MEMORIZE IT! 1) Now it’s time to get your team to own the one liner- everyone from the CEO to the Engineers. If every team member can repeat the one liner you will have converted your staff into a viral salesforce. Print the one liner on the walls, on coffee mugs, mouse pads. 1) Include it on your website: Bold and legible so that it becomes one of the obvious statements you want viewers to read. 1) Repeat your one-liner: Repeat your one-liner in every piece of marketing collateral possible. Use your one liner until it becomes borderline excessive. Your customers aren’t going to read every one one of your emails or visit your webpage everyday. The more opportunities your customers have to hear or read your one liner, the more likely they will be to understand how you can make their lives better. Print your one liner on your business cards, social media bios, on your packaging, email signatures, repeat it over and over to increase the chance your customers will read it. Keep editing your one liner until it works.
  • 60. Create lead generator to collect emails An email account is one of the most powerful avenues to reach your customers. We are not talking about getting people to sign up for a newsletter. Nobody wants to sign up to stay in the loop. This kind of offer doesn’t promise anything of value; the only thing it implies is spam. You need to establish VALUE. So how do we get people to sign up to our email list? We offer them something valuable in return. Something more valuable than the vague offer of a newsletter.This something is a LEAD GENERATOR. This is our transitional call to action.
  • 61. 1) Provide enormous value for your customers 1) Establish you as an authority in your field Your LEAD GENERATOR must provide two things:
  • 62. New Story creates lead generators for each revenue stream our company offers. This allows us to segment our customers by their interest and offer different products to solve their various problems. We want to offer valuable information and services in exchange for an email address.
  • 63. 5 types of LEAD GENERATORS for all types of businesses:
  • 64. 1. Downloadable Guide: inexpensive way to generate leads. a. Start with a Downloadable PDF (least expensive). We have one of our Copywriters interview you on your area(s) of expertise and he will then flesh out the content. We then send the final draft to our designers to layout. a. Keep it to about 3 pages of valuable content a. Give away the Why: Why a potential customer would need to address or be aware of a certain issue. Then you sell the How. Offer a tool or teach customers how to follow through step by step. a. Offer your lead generator on your website through a 10 second delay popup. Statistics show these types of pop ups perform better. This pop up is a “Gateway” The customer has to sign up in order to get the free valuable content.
  • 65. 2. Online Course or Webinar: 3. Software Demos or a Free Trial: 4. Free Samples: 5. Live Events: Gather Lead Generators that are working for other companies
  • 66. Create an automated email drip campaign. This is a prewritten sequence of messages that trigger once a person is added to your list. You are inviting people into a narrative that leads to a sale even while you sleep.
  • 67. 1. Every month your customers need to be reminded of the reason you exist. Every time your customers see your logo and name on collateral even without opening or even if they are deleting it or throwing it away your logo will be flashing across their eyes. There is great power in reminding customers that you exist on a regular basis. Your customers may not need your services today or tomorrow but there will be a time when they need your services, and your drip campaign keeps you at the top of their minds when the need
  • 68. 2. 20% open rate is industry average. Anything above that is performing well. 3. Even if the person sees and deletes the email the goal has been accomplished. You are branding yourself into their universe. 4. Unsubscribes are good things. They aren’t your customer and it reduces the administration of your list
  • 69. 5. Start with a Nurturing Campaign: a simple regular email that offers your subscribers valuable information as it relates to your product or services. E-mail #1: Nurturing e-mail 7 day wait E-mail #2: Nurturing e-mail 7 day wait E-mail #3: Nurturing e-mail 7 day wait E-mail #4: Sales e-mail with a call to action
  • 70. Nurturing Email: simple helpful advice to a customer. i. Talk about a problem i. Explain a plan to solve a problem i. Describe how life can look for the reader once the problem is solved. i. Include a post scripts
  • 71. Offer and Call To Action Email: Every fourth email in a nurturing campaign should offer a product or service to a customer. Be direct. Clearly make an offer i. Talk about a problem i. Describe a product you offer that solves this problem i. Describe what life can look like for the customer once the problem is solved. i. Call the customer to a direct action leading to a
  • 72. Collect and tell stories of transformation- Get client testimonials of when Cameron Management went above and beyond. Few things are more compelling in a story than the transformation of the hero. Why? Because transformation is a core desire for every human being. That’s why so many stories are of the hero being transformed into somebody better.
  • 73. 1. What was the problem you were having before you discovered our product? 2. What did the frustration feel like as you tried to solve that problem? 3. What was different about our product? 4. Take us to the moment when you realized our product was actually working to solve your problem.
  • 74. 5. Tell us what life looks like now that your problem is solved or being solved.
  • 75. Invite happy customers to become evangelists for your brand, and create a system that invites and incentivizes them to spread the word
  • 76. Create a PDF or video that might be of value to your client’s network that you automatically send to existing clients along with an email that communicates something similar to: “Dear Friend, Thanks for doing business with us. A number of our clients have wanted to tell their friends about how we help customers, but they aren’t sure how to do so. We’ve put together a little video that will help your friends solve X problem. If you have any friends with X problem, feel free to send it along. We’d be happy to follow up with any of them, and we’ll be sure to let you know whether we could help. We know you value your relationships and so do we. If your friends are experiencing a problem we’ve helped you solve, we’d love to help them too. If there’s anything else we can do, please let us know. Sincerely, Nancy P.S. X Problem can be frustrating. If you’d rather introduce us to your friend in person, just let us know. We are more than happy to meet with them in their place of business or at our office.”
  • 77. 1. Offer a reward- Offer a reward to existing clients who refer their friends or colleagues. a. Start an affiliate program. A 10% commission on customers they bring to you. a. Automate the sequence. “The easiest, fastest referral system can be automated using Active Campaign, or any other e-mail marketing system. Simply include any customer who places one or two orders in an automated campaign that offers them an educational video or PDF they can pass on, an added value for telling their friends about you, or a bonus or even a commission. Make sure the system opts customers out after placing several orders so you don’t hit every customer every time they order with another sales pitch. We don’t want to risk annoying people.”

Editor's Notes

  1. Speaker Cover Slide
  2. It includes television and radio advertising, print advertising, telemarketing, direct mail, and outdoor advertising.
  3. Story is a sense-making device When we define the elements of a story as it relates to our brand, we create a map customers can follow to engage our products and services. A concrete formula we can use to garner attention from otherwise distracted customers. Practical steps we can take to make sure people see us, hear us, and understand exactly why they simply must engage our products.
  4. Story is a sense-making device When we define the elements of a story as it relates to our brand, we create a map customers can follow to engage our products and services. A concrete formula we can use to garner attention from otherwise distracted customers. Practical steps we can take to make sure people see us, hear us, and understand exactly why they simply must engage our products.
  5. This is an age old formula, used over and over in marketing, and lots of different people have their version of it. Once upon a time with my children
  6. People: The characters in your story, Make an emotional connect. People connect with people, Place: Gives authenticity to the character. Allows the audience to understand the influences that have shaped him. Purpose: the clear message of your entire piece. Very important to keep this simple and straightforward. If you say too many things you haven’t said anything. Plot: the way you structure your story for maximum impact. For example, at what point you disclose obstacles the hero is facing or relate the purpose of the story.
  7. Uniqueness: what makes the Hero different from other people. Desire: what does the Hero want most. Complexity: what is the why of their desire? What is their motivation?
  8. We help our clients with marketing strategy by creating a story brand script for their business. This helps us clarify their message and broadcast it across all marketing channels.
  9. People don’t read websites they scan them. If someone needs an answer fast they go to youtube.
  10. From initial interest to final sale we love creating funnels that guide your audience through your sales process
  11. Interest AKA Awareness Learn/Evaluate AKA Consideration Justify/Purchase AKA Decision Retention
  12. Show how your product or service works in practice. Focus on the benefits for your audience, answer their most common questions and allow them to imagine using what you offer.
  13. Case study videos are the perfect way to build trust with leads and prove that you care about customers as much as you say you do.
  14. An honest look at how your team works behind-the-scenes helps to humanize your brand and show that your values really do resonate all the way through the business.
  15. You can track this with services like Google Analytics, Wistia, and your CRM.
  16. Michael Gerber says in his book “The E-Myth” sales decisions are ultimately an emotional decision. Since emotion plays such a role in this final part of the funnel it would be most advantageous to use content that elicits a strong emotional connection with your potential customer.
  17. Seal the deal with a strong emotional connection
  18. We are currently still building this client's website. This was a test run to optimize the campaign with some AB testing. Nail it then scale it.
  19. We are currently still building this client's website. This was a test run to optimize the campaign with some AB testing. Nail it then scale it.
  20. I hope I have given you some insight to the power of story and some practical ways to utilize story in your marketing.
  21. Your customers brains are pre-programed to look for information that will quickly help them survive and thrive. When we start with our companies random backstory or internal goals our making our listeners burn too many calories.
  22. Welcome Slide Template