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8/12/2022 1
Dr. Sabona Lemessa (Assistant professor in pediatrics and child health, JUMC)
8/12/2022 2
Definition of ARF
Clinical manifestation and diagnosis
ARF in Neonate
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 Sudden deterioration in renal function
It results in the inability of the kidneys to maintain fluid and electrolyte homeostasis.
Also results in a decline in GFR, retention of urea and other nitrogenous waste products
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 Occurs in 2-3% of children admitted to pediatric tertiary care centers and in as many as 8% of
infants in NICU.
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Pathophysiology of AKI
Three major factors that may account for the development of AKI:
Renal hemodynamics
nephronal factors
metabolic/cellular factors
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Renal hemodynamics
Insult to the renal tubular epithelium results in release of vasoactive compounds
increase cortical vascular resistance causing decreased RBF
Release of vasoconstrictive compounds may then diminish GFR by constricting afferent and
efferent arterioles
thereby causing diminished urine output, or oliguria
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Nephronal factors:
proximal tubule injury leading to epithelial necrosis and loss of tubular integrity and
impacted cellular debris
Back leak of solute/fluid and tubule obstruction which further lead to diminished GFR and
tubule flow
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Cellular and metabolic mechanisms
Oxygen free radical production contributing to an ischemic insult
Calcium accumulation in tissues which has undergone necrosis contributing to renal cell injury:
 uncouples oxidative phosphorylation
 activation of membrane bound phospholipases
activation of intracellular proteases
inhibition of Na/K-ATPase
Direct effect on intracellular pH.
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Depletion of tissue adenine nucleotide levels which is a source of energy and concomitant
increase in nucleosides, adenosine and inosine.
These are responsible for renal vasoconstriction following an ischemic insult.
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Etiology of ARF
The causes and mechanisms of AKI can be classified based on the anatomic location of the initial
Vascular – Blood from the renal arteries is delivered to the glomeruli. Interruption of perfusion to
the kidneys results in prerenal AKI
Glomeruli – Ultrafiltration occurs at the glomeruli forming an ultrafiltrate, which subsequently
flows into the renal tubules
Renal tubule – Reabsorption and secretion of solute and/or water from the ultrafiltrate occurs
within the tubules
Urinary tract – cause postrenal AKI
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1. Prerenal ARF also called prerenal azotemia
• Due to diminished effective circulating arterial volume → inadequate renal perfusion and a
decreased GFR.
• Evidence of kidney damage is absent
• If the underlying cause of the renal hypoperfusion is reversed promptly renal function
returns to normal.
• If hypoperfusion is sustained, intrinsic renal parenchymal damage can develop
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2. Intrinsic renal ARF
• renal parenchymal damage, including sustained hypoperfusion and ischemia.
• Many forms of glomerulonephritis can cause ARF
• Ischemic/hypoxic injury and nephrotoxic insults are the most common causes of intrinsic AKI
in the United States
• recovery in 1-2 weeks
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Three phases of intrinsic renal failure
 Initiation phase- GFR ↓because of decreased glomerular pressure, obstructed flow by casts, necrotic
debris and back leak of filtrate through injured epithelium.
Maintenance phase(1-2wks)
 renal cell injury is established
 GFR remains relatively low for several days
 UOP will be lowest
 uremic complications start to appear
Recovery phase:
 Renal parenchymal cell repair & regeneration
 GFR starts to increase
 retained salt and water will be excreted
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Postrenal ARF
It includes a variety of disorders characterized by obstruction of the urinary tract
Obstruction must be bilateral to result in AKI
Relief of the obstruction usually results in recovery of renal function except in patients with
associated renal dysplasia or prolonged urinary tract obstruction.
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Causes of ARF
Prerenal Intrinsic Renal Postrenal
Cardiac failure
Renal artery stenosis
• poststreptococcal
• Lupus erythematosus
• Membranoproliferative
• Anti– GBM
Hemolytic-uremic syndrome
Acute tubular necrosis
Cortical necrosis
Renal vein thrombosis
Acute interstitial nephritis
Tumor infiltration
Tumor lysis syndrome
Posterior urethral valves
Ureteropelvic junction obstruction
Ureterovesicular junction obstruction
Hemorrhagic cystitis
Neurogenic bladder
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Clinical manifestation and diagnosis
A carefully taken history is critical in defining the cause of ARF
Thorough physical examination is a must
Careful attention to volume status!
• Tachycardia, dry mucous membranes, and poor peripheral perfusion
• Peripheral edema, rales, and a cardiac gallop
• rash and arthritis might indicate systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE)
• Palpable flank masses – Renal vein thrombosis, Tumor, Urinary tract obstruction
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Laboratory and Imaging
Serum creatinine
Serologic testing for streptococcal infection
Uric acid
Renal ultrasound
Renal biopsy
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The sensitivity and specificity of urine sodium of <20 in differentiating prerenal azotemia
from ATN are 90% and 82%, respectively.
Fractional excretion of sodium is :
• urine to plasma (U/P) of sodium divided by U/P of creatinine × 100.
• The sensitivity and specificity of FENa of <1% in differentiating prerenal azotemia from
ATN are 96% and 95%, respectively
Biomarkers of AKI - serum Cr is often a delayed and imprecise test
NGAL, KIM-1, and IL-18 show promise in both their diagnostic and prognostic utility
may allow for early intervention prior to the onset of SCr rise, severe metabolic
derangements and fluid overload
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Acute Renal Failure in neonate
sudden impairment in renal function
Lead to an inability of the kidneys to excrete nitrogenous waste
Although the criteria for neonatal ARF have varied among studies, a consensus definition is a
serum creatinine level of more than 1.5 mg/dL
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Classified as:
Oliguric:- urine flow rate of <1 mL/kg/hr
Nonoliguric:- urine flow rate >1ml/kg/hr.
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Most reports estimate the incidence of ARF in the hospitalized neonatal population to be 6%
to 8%
although some estimates reach as high as 23%
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Causes of ARF in Neonate
Prerenal Renal Postrenal
Necrotizing enterocolitis
Congestive heart failure
Drugs: ACEI, indomethacin,
amphotericin, tolazoline
Acute tubular necrosis
Renal dysplasia
Polycystic kidney disease
Renal venous thrombosis
Uric acid nephropathy
Transient acute renal
insufficiency of the newborn
Posterior urethral valves
Bilateral ureteropelvic
junction obstruction
Bilateral ureterovesical
junction obstruction
Neurogenic bladder
Obstructive nephrolithiasis
8/12/2022 26
Clinical presentation
Failure to void for longer than 48 hours may suggest impairment of renal function and should
prompt further investigation
Oliguria, systemic hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia
evidence of fluid overload or dehydration
decreased activity, seizure, vomiting and anorexia
8/12/2022 27
A neonate with a history of hydronephrosis seen on prenatal ultrasound studies and a
palpable bladder most likely has congenital urinary tract obstruction, probably related to
posterior urethral valves.
perinatal asphyxia, the pre- or postnatal administration of potentially nephrotoxic drugs
Family history of renal disease.
P/E should focus on
 signs of volume depletion or volume overload
abdomen, genitalia and search for other congenital anomalies
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Laboratory finding
In general, each doubling of the serum creatinine level represents an approximately 50%
reduction in GFR
elevated serum creatinine and BUN, hyperkalemia, metabolic acidosis, hypocalcemia,
 Accurate estimate of GFR can be calculated as:-
8/12/2022 29
Diagnostic Indexes in Acute Renal Failure
BUN/Cr ratio (mg/mg) >30 <20
FENa (%) ≤2.5 ≥3.0
Urinary Na (mEq/L) ≤20 ≥50
Urinary Osm (mOsm/kg) ≥350 ≤300
Urinary specific gravity >1.012 <1.014
Ultrasonography Normal May be abnormal
Response to volume challenge UO > 2 mL/kg/h No increase in UO
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Management of ARF
Specific treatment of the underlying cause
Fluid management
Electrolyte management
Nutritional support
Adjustment of drug dosing
Renal replacement therapy
Specific pharmacologic therapies
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Fluid Management
Hypovolemia:- IV fluid therapy given as a NS bolus (10 to 20 mL/kg over 30 minutes, repeated
twice as needed)
attempt to restore renal function
prevent the progression of prerenal AKI to intrinsic AKI
hypovolemic patients generally void within 2 hr
Failure to do so suggests intrinsic or postrenal AKI
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Euvoluemia:- Ongoing fluid losses should be balanced
 Insensible fluid [300 to 500 mL/m 2 per day]
 higher in febrile patients and lower for ventilated patients
urine , blood loss and gastrointestinal losses should be replaced
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Child with signs of fluid overload (edema, heart failure and pulmonary edema) requires fluid
removal and/or fluid restriction
omitting the replacement of insensible fluid losses, urine output, and extrarenal losses to
diminish the expanded intravascular volume
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Diuretic therapy :- Only after the adequacy of the circulating blood volume has been established
 Furosemide (2-4 mg/kg)
Bumetanide (0.1 mg/kg) may be given as an alternative to furosemide
mannitol (0.5 g/kg) may be administered as a single IV dose
If urine output is not improved, then a continuous diuretic infusion (0.1 to 0.3 mg/kg per
hour) may be started
To increase renal cortical blood flow, many clinicians administer dopamine (2-3 μg/kg/min) in
conjunction with diuretic therapy
There is little evidence that diuretics or dopamine can prevent AKI hasten recovery
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Electrolyte management
Hyperkalemia:- (K+ > 6 mEq/L)
Lead to cardiac arrhythmia, cardiac arrest, and death
 Exogenous potassium restriction
 Resin therapy :- 1 g/kg orally or by retention enema
- A single dose expected to lower the serum K+ level by about 1 mEq/L
- can be repeated after 2hrs
When it is >7mEq/L, it requires emergency measures
• Calcium gluconate 10% solution, 1.0 mL/kg IV, over 3–5 min
• Sodium bicarbonate, 1–2 mEq/kg IV, over 5–10 min
• Regular insulin, 0.1 U/kg, with glucose 50% solution, 1 mL/kg, over 1 hr
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Metabolic Acidosis
because of the retention of hydrogen ions, phosphate, and sulfate
but it rarely requires treatment
 treat if acidosis is severe (arterial pH < 7.15; serum bicarbonate < 8 mEq/L) or
If contributes to significant hyperkalemia
the intravenous route, generally by giving enough bicarbonate to raise the arterial pH to 7.20
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- most commonly a dilutional disturbance that must be corrected by fluid restriction rather
than sodium chloride administration.
- Hypertonic (3%) saline for symptomatic hyponatremia (seizures, lethargy) or those with a
serum sodium level <120 mEq/L
- Acute correction of the serum sodium to 125 mEq/L(mmol/L) should be accomplished
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 primarily treated by lowering the serum phosphorus level
Calcium should not be given intravenously, except in cases of tetany, to avoid deposition of
calcium salts into tissues
 Due to hypertensive encephalopathy, hyponatremia, hypocalcemia, cerebral hemorrhage,
cerebral vasculitis, and uremic state
 Benzodiazepines are the most effective agents in acutely controlling seizures
 subsequent therapy should be directed toward the precipitating cause
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Due to hyperreninemia and expansion of the ECF volume
most common in AKI patients with AGN or HUS
Salt and water restriction is critical
Children with severe symptomatic hypertension (hypertensive urgency or emergency)
- continuous infusions of nicardipine (0.5-5.0 μg/kg/min)
- sodium nitroprusside (0.5-10.0 μg/kg/min)
- labetalol (0.25-3.0 mg/kg/hr), or esmolol (150-300 μg/kg/min
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Anemia:- usually mild (Hgb 9-10g/dl) and due to hemodilution
Transfuse with packed RBC in children with HUS, SLE, active bleeding or Prolonged AKI and
Hgb <7g/dl
Slow (4-6 hr) transfusion with packed RBC(10 mL/kg) diminishes the risk of hypervolemia
In the presence of severe hypervolemia or hyperkalemia, blood transfusions are most safely
administered during dialysis or ultrafiltration.
8/12/2022 41
 Anuria/oliguria
Volume overload with evidence of hypertension and/or pulmonary edema refractory
to diuretic therapy
Persistent hyperkalemia
Severe metabolic acidosis unresponsive to medical management
Uremia (encephalopathy, pericarditis, neuropathy)
 BUN >100-150 mg/dL (or lower if rapidly rising)
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depends entirely on the nature of the underlying disease process rather than on the renal failure
AKI caused by a renal-limited condition such as postinfectious AGN have a very low mortality rate
Those with AKI related to multiorgan failure have a very high mortality rate (>50%)
Recovery of renal function is likely after AKI resulting from prerenal causes, ATN, acute interstitial
nephritis, or TLS
Complete recovery of renal function is unusual when AKI results from most types of rapidly
progressive glomerulonephritis, bilateral renal vein thrombosis, or bilateral cortical necrosis
8/12/2022 43
In neonates
Mortality rates range from 14% to 73%.
In general, those infants with prerenal ARF who receive prompt treatment for renal
hypoperfusion have an excellent prognosis
Infants with postrenal ARF related to congenital urinary tract obstruction have a variable
outcome, which depends on the degree of associated renal dysplasia
long-term sequelae seen in survivors of neonatal ARF include HTN, an impaired capacity for
urinary concentration, renal tubular acidosis (RTA), and impaired renal growth
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Beth A. Vogt Katherine MacRae Dell Ira D. Davis, Fanaroff
Devarajan P. Acute kidney injury: Nat Rev Nephrol . 2017, 21st edition Nelson
KDIGO Guidelines on AKI Professor Alan Cass, Director Menzies School of Health Research
President-Elect ANZ Society of Nephrology
Rajasree Sreedharan . Prasad Devarajan . Scott K. Van Why, 6th edition of pediatric Nephrology
Robert H Squires, Jr, MD, FAAP, Oct 2013
8/12/2022 45
8/12/2022 46
Thank you

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Acute kidney injury in children.pptx

  • 2. ACUTE RENAL FAILURE IN CHILDREN Dr. Sabona Lemessa (Assistant professor in pediatrics and child health, JUMC) 8/12/2022 2
  • 3. Outline Introduction Definition of ARF Pathophysiology Etiology Clinical manifestation and diagnosis ARF in Neonate Complication Management Prognosis Reference 8/12/2022 3
  • 5. ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY Definition  Sudden deterioration in renal function It results in the inability of the kidneys to maintain fluid and electrolyte homeostasis. Also results in a decline in GFR, retention of urea and other nitrogenous waste products 8/12/2022 5
  • 7. Prevalence  Occurs in 2-3% of children admitted to pediatric tertiary care centers and in as many as 8% of infants in NICU. 8/12/2022 7
  • 8. Pathophysiology of AKI Three major factors that may account for the development of AKI: Renal hemodynamics nephronal factors metabolic/cellular factors 8/12/2022 8
  • 9. cont… Renal hemodynamics Insult to the renal tubular epithelium results in release of vasoactive compounds increase cortical vascular resistance causing decreased RBF Release of vasoconstrictive compounds may then diminish GFR by constricting afferent and efferent arterioles thereby causing diminished urine output, or oliguria 8/12/2022 9
  • 10. Cont… Nephronal factors: proximal tubule injury leading to epithelial necrosis and loss of tubular integrity and impacted cellular debris Back leak of solute/fluid and tubule obstruction which further lead to diminished GFR and tubule flow 8/12/2022 10
  • 11. cont… Cellular and metabolic mechanisms Oxygen free radical production contributing to an ischemic insult Calcium accumulation in tissues which has undergone necrosis contributing to renal cell injury:  uncouples oxidative phosphorylation  activation of membrane bound phospholipases activation of intracellular proteases inhibition of Na/K-ATPase Direct effect on intracellular pH. 8/12/2022 11
  • 12. Cont… Depletion of tissue adenine nucleotide levels which is a source of energy and concomitant increase in nucleosides, adenosine and inosine. These are responsible for renal vasoconstriction following an ischemic insult. 8/12/2022 12
  • 13. Etiology of ARF The causes and mechanisms of AKI can be classified based on the anatomic location of the initial injury:- Vascular – Blood from the renal arteries is delivered to the glomeruli. Interruption of perfusion to the kidneys results in prerenal AKI Glomeruli – Ultrafiltration occurs at the glomeruli forming an ultrafiltrate, which subsequently flows into the renal tubules Renal tubule – Reabsorption and secretion of solute and/or water from the ultrafiltrate occurs within the tubules Urinary tract – cause postrenal AKI 8/12/2022 13
  • 14. Cont… 1. Prerenal ARF also called prerenal azotemia • Due to diminished effective circulating arterial volume → inadequate renal perfusion and a decreased GFR. • Evidence of kidney damage is absent • If the underlying cause of the renal hypoperfusion is reversed promptly renal function returns to normal. • If hypoperfusion is sustained, intrinsic renal parenchymal damage can develop 8/12/2022 14
  • 15. Cont… 2. Intrinsic renal ARF • renal parenchymal damage, including sustained hypoperfusion and ischemia. • Many forms of glomerulonephritis can cause ARF • Ischemic/hypoxic injury and nephrotoxic insults are the most common causes of intrinsic AKI in the United States • recovery in 1-2 weeks 8/12/2022 15
  • 16. Cont… Three phases of intrinsic renal failure  Initiation phase- GFR ↓because of decreased glomerular pressure, obstructed flow by casts, necrotic debris and back leak of filtrate through injured epithelium. Maintenance phase(1-2wks)  renal cell injury is established  GFR remains relatively low for several days  UOP will be lowest  uremic complications start to appear Recovery phase:  Renal parenchymal cell repair & regeneration  GFR starts to increase  retained salt and water will be excreted 8/12/2022 16
  • 17. cont... Postrenal ARF It includes a variety of disorders characterized by obstruction of the urinary tract Obstruction must be bilateral to result in AKI Relief of the obstruction usually results in recovery of renal function except in patients with associated renal dysplasia or prolonged urinary tract obstruction. 8/12/2022 17
  • 18. Causes of ARF Prerenal Intrinsic Renal Postrenal Dehydration Hemorrhage Sepsis Hypoalbuminemia Cardiac failure Renal artery stenosis Glomerulonephritis: • poststreptococcal • Lupus erythematosus • HSP • Membranoproliferative • Anti– GBM Hemolytic-uremic syndrome Acute tubular necrosis Cortical necrosis Renal vein thrombosis Rhabdomyolysis Acute interstitial nephritis Tumor infiltration Tumor lysis syndrome Posterior urethral valves Ureteropelvic junction obstruction Ureterovesicular junction obstruction Ureterocele Tumor Urolithiasis Hemorrhagic cystitis Neurogenic bladder 8/12/2022 18
  • 19. Clinical manifestation and diagnosis A carefully taken history is critical in defining the cause of ARF Thorough physical examination is a must Careful attention to volume status! • Tachycardia, dry mucous membranes, and poor peripheral perfusion • Peripheral edema, rales, and a cardiac gallop • rash and arthritis might indicate systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE) • Palpable flank masses – Renal vein thrombosis, Tumor, Urinary tract obstruction 8/12/2022 19
  • 20. Laboratory and Imaging Serum creatinine Urinalysis CBC Serologic testing for streptococcal infection Uric acid Renal ultrasound Renal biopsy 8/12/2022 20
  • 22. Cont… The sensitivity and specificity of urine sodium of <20 in differentiating prerenal azotemia from ATN are 90% and 82%, respectively. Fractional excretion of sodium is : • urine to plasma (U/P) of sodium divided by U/P of creatinine × 100. • The sensitivity and specificity of FENa of <1% in differentiating prerenal azotemia from ATN are 96% and 95%, respectively Biomarkers of AKI - serum Cr is often a delayed and imprecise test NGAL, KIM-1, and IL-18 show promise in both their diagnostic and prognostic utility may allow for early intervention prior to the onset of SCr rise, severe metabolic derangements and fluid overload 8/12/2022 22
  • 23. Acute Renal Failure in neonate sudden impairment in renal function Lead to an inability of the kidneys to excrete nitrogenous waste Although the criteria for neonatal ARF have varied among studies, a consensus definition is a serum creatinine level of more than 1.5 mg/dL 8/12/2022 23
  • 24. Cont… Classified as: Oliguric:- urine flow rate of <1 mL/kg/hr Nonoliguric:- urine flow rate >1ml/kg/hr. 8/12/2022 24
  • 25. Cont… Prevalence Most reports estimate the incidence of ARF in the hospitalized neonatal population to be 6% to 8% although some estimates reach as high as 23% 8/12/2022 25
  • 26. Causes of ARF in Neonate Prerenal Renal Postrenal Dehydration Hemorrhage Sepsis Necrotizing enterocolitis Congestive heart failure Drugs: ACEI, indomethacin, amphotericin, tolazoline Acute tubular necrosis Renal dysplasia Polycystic kidney disease Renal venous thrombosis Uric acid nephropathy Transient acute renal insufficiency of the newborn Posterior urethral valves Bilateral ureteropelvic junction obstruction Bilateral ureterovesical junction obstruction Neurogenic bladder Obstructive nephrolithiasis 8/12/2022 26
  • 27. Clinical presentation Failure to void for longer than 48 hours may suggest impairment of renal function and should prompt further investigation Oliguria, systemic hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia evidence of fluid overload or dehydration decreased activity, seizure, vomiting and anorexia 8/12/2022 27
  • 28. Evaluation History A neonate with a history of hydronephrosis seen on prenatal ultrasound studies and a palpable bladder most likely has congenital urinary tract obstruction, probably related to posterior urethral valves. perinatal asphyxia, the pre- or postnatal administration of potentially nephrotoxic drugs Family history of renal disease. P/E should focus on  signs of volume depletion or volume overload abdomen, genitalia and search for other congenital anomalies 8/12/2022 28
  • 29. Laboratory finding In general, each doubling of the serum creatinine level represents an approximately 50% reduction in GFR elevated serum creatinine and BUN, hyperkalemia, metabolic acidosis, hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia  Accurate estimate of GFR can be calculated as:- 8/12/2022 29
  • 30. Diagnostic Indexes in Acute Renal Failure TEST PRERENAL ARF INTRINSIC ARF BUN/Cr ratio (mg/mg) >30 <20 FENa (%) ≤2.5 ≥3.0 Urinary Na (mEq/L) ≤20 ≥50 Urinary Osm (mOsm/kg) ≥350 ≤300 Urinary specific gravity >1.012 <1.014 Ultrasonography Normal May be abnormal Response to volume challenge UO > 2 mL/kg/h No increase in UO 8/12/2022 30
  • 31. Management of ARF Specific treatment of the underlying cause Fluid management Electrolyte management Nutritional support Adjustment of drug dosing Renal replacement therapy Specific pharmacologic therapies 8/12/2022 31
  • 32. Fluid Management Hypovolemia:- IV fluid therapy given as a NS bolus (10 to 20 mL/kg over 30 minutes, repeated twice as needed) attempt to restore renal function prevent the progression of prerenal AKI to intrinsic AKI hypovolemic patients generally void within 2 hr Failure to do so suggests intrinsic or postrenal AKI 8/12/2022 32
  • 33. Cont… Euvoluemia:- Ongoing fluid losses should be balanced  Insensible fluid [300 to 500 mL/m 2 per day]  higher in febrile patients and lower for ventilated patients urine , blood loss and gastrointestinal losses should be replaced 8/12/2022 33
  • 34. Cont… Hypervolemia Child with signs of fluid overload (edema, heart failure and pulmonary edema) requires fluid removal and/or fluid restriction omitting the replacement of insensible fluid losses, urine output, and extrarenal losses to diminish the expanded intravascular volume 8/12/2022 34
  • 35. Cont… Diuretic therapy :- Only after the adequacy of the circulating blood volume has been established  Furosemide (2-4 mg/kg) Bumetanide (0.1 mg/kg) may be given as an alternative to furosemide mannitol (0.5 g/kg) may be administered as a single IV dose If urine output is not improved, then a continuous diuretic infusion (0.1 to 0.3 mg/kg per hour) may be started To increase renal cortical blood flow, many clinicians administer dopamine (2-3 μg/kg/min) in conjunction with diuretic therapy There is little evidence that diuretics or dopamine can prevent AKI hasten recovery 8/12/2022 35
  • 36. Electrolyte management Hyperkalemia:- (K+ > 6 mEq/L) Lead to cardiac arrhythmia, cardiac arrest, and death  Exogenous potassium restriction  Resin therapy :- 1 g/kg orally or by retention enema - A single dose expected to lower the serum K+ level by about 1 mEq/L - can be repeated after 2hrs When it is >7mEq/L, it requires emergency measures • Calcium gluconate 10% solution, 1.0 mL/kg IV, over 3–5 min • Sodium bicarbonate, 1–2 mEq/kg IV, over 5–10 min • Regular insulin, 0.1 U/kg, with glucose 50% solution, 1 mL/kg, over 1 hr 8/12/2022 36
  • 37. Cont… Metabolic Acidosis because of the retention of hydrogen ions, phosphate, and sulfate but it rarely requires treatment  treat if acidosis is severe (arterial pH < 7.15; serum bicarbonate < 8 mEq/L) or If contributes to significant hyperkalemia the intravenous route, generally by giving enough bicarbonate to raise the arterial pH to 7.20 8/12/2022 37
  • 38. Cont… Hyponatremia: - most commonly a dilutional disturbance that must be corrected by fluid restriction rather than sodium chloride administration. - Hypertonic (3%) saline for symptomatic hyponatremia (seizures, lethargy) or those with a serum sodium level <120 mEq/L - Acute correction of the serum sodium to 125 mEq/L(mmol/L) should be accomplished 8/12/2022 38
  • 39. Cont… Hypocalcemia  primarily treated by lowering the serum phosphorus level Calcium should not be given intravenously, except in cases of tetany, to avoid deposition of calcium salts into tissues Seizures  Due to hypertensive encephalopathy, hyponatremia, hypocalcemia, cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral vasculitis, and uremic state  Benzodiazepines are the most effective agents in acutely controlling seizures  subsequent therapy should be directed toward the precipitating cause 8/12/2022 39
  • 40. Cont… Hypertension:- Due to hyperreninemia and expansion of the ECF volume most common in AKI patients with AGN or HUS Salt and water restriction is critical Children with severe symptomatic hypertension (hypertensive urgency or emergency) - continuous infusions of nicardipine (0.5-5.0 μg/kg/min) - sodium nitroprusside (0.5-10.0 μg/kg/min) - labetalol (0.25-3.0 mg/kg/hr), or esmolol (150-300 μg/kg/min 8/12/2022 40
  • 41. Cont… Anemia:- usually mild (Hgb 9-10g/dl) and due to hemodilution Transfuse with packed RBC in children with HUS, SLE, active bleeding or Prolonged AKI and Hgb <7g/dl Slow (4-6 hr) transfusion with packed RBC(10 mL/kg) diminishes the risk of hypervolemia In the presence of severe hypervolemia or hyperkalemia, blood transfusions are most safely administered during dialysis or ultrafiltration. 8/12/2022 41
  • 42. Dialysis Indications  Anuria/oliguria Volume overload with evidence of hypertension and/or pulmonary edema refractory to diuretic therapy Persistent hyperkalemia Severe metabolic acidosis unresponsive to medical management Uremia (encephalopathy, pericarditis, neuropathy)  BUN >100-150 mg/dL (or lower if rapidly rising) 8/12/2022 42
  • 43. Prognosis depends entirely on the nature of the underlying disease process rather than on the renal failure itself AKI caused by a renal-limited condition such as postinfectious AGN have a very low mortality rate (<1%) Those with AKI related to multiorgan failure have a very high mortality rate (>50%) Recovery of renal function is likely after AKI resulting from prerenal causes, ATN, acute interstitial nephritis, or TLS Complete recovery of renal function is unusual when AKI results from most types of rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis, bilateral renal vein thrombosis, or bilateral cortical necrosis 8/12/2022 43
  • 44. Cont… In neonates Mortality rates range from 14% to 73%. In general, those infants with prerenal ARF who receive prompt treatment for renal hypoperfusion have an excellent prognosis Infants with postrenal ARF related to congenital urinary tract obstruction have a variable outcome, which depends on the degree of associated renal dysplasia long-term sequelae seen in survivors of neonatal ARF include HTN, an impaired capacity for urinary concentration, renal tubular acidosis (RTA), and impaired renal growth 8/12/2022 44
  • 45. Reference Beth A. Vogt Katherine MacRae Dell Ira D. Davis, Fanaroff Devarajan P. Acute kidney injury: Nat Rev Nephrol . 2017, 21st edition Nelson KDIGO Guidelines on AKI Professor Alan Cass, Director Menzies School of Health Research President-Elect ANZ Society of Nephrology Rajasree Sreedharan . Prasad Devarajan . Scott K. Van Why, 6th edition of pediatric Nephrology Robert H Squires, Jr, MD, FAAP, Oct 2013 8/12/2022 45

Editor's Notes

  1. Anatomy of kidney It is a retroperitoneal organ Lies above the level of the umbilicus. It has an outer layer the cortex, which contains the glomeruli, proximal and distal tubules, and collecting ducts An inner layer the medulla, which contains the straight portions of the tubules, the loops of Henle, the vasa recta and the terminal collecting ducts. Blood supply: Consists of a main renal artery that arises from the aorta Receive 20% of cardiac out put Each kidney consists of approximately 1 million nephrons (glomeruli and associated tubules). The glomerular network of specialized capillaries serves as the filtering mechanism of the kidney.
  2. Furosemide — A trial of furosemide may be attempted to induce a diuresis and convert AKI from an oliguric to a non-oliguric form, thereby simplifying fluid and nutritional management. However, loop diuretic therapy does not significantly alter the natural course of AKI. The dissociation between increasing the urine output and not affecting the course of AKI with diuretic therapy probably reflects the ability of the diuretic to enhance the urine output in those few nephrons that are still functioning. However, there is no effect on nonfunctioning nephrons, and as a result, there is no effect on the course of the renal failure. (See "Possible prevention and therapy of postischemic (ischemic) acute tubular necrosis", section on 'Diuretics' .) If a trial of furosemide is used, it should be given as a single high-dose bolus (2 to 5 mg/kg/dose) to children in the early stages of oliguric AKI with hypervolemia (ie, oliguria of less than 24 hours’ duration). If the diuretic bolus is effective, a continuous infusion of furosemide (0.1 to 0.3 mg/kg per hour) may be started. Furosemide should be promptly discontinued if the bolus doses do not result in a diuretic response within two hours of bolus administration. The risk of ototoxicity and renal toxicity from furosemide use in this setting is significant due to potential elevated serum levels. Care should also be taken to avoid hypotension from overuse of diuretic therapy as this might result in further kidney injury and in some cases, increase mortality. Loop diuretics should not be used as prolonged therapy for established AKI, but given for a short length of time for volume control in responsive patients because of the risk of adverse effects.
  3. PREVENTION OF ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (AKI) Proven measures — General measures to prevent AKI include: Fluid administration in some settings, such as hypovolemia Avoidance of hypotension by providing inotropic support in critically-ill children following adequate volume repletion (see "Initial management of shock in children", section on 'Early goal-directed therapy' ) Readjustment of nephrotoxic medications based on close monitoring of renal function and drug levels Fluid administration — Fluid administration in the following settings has successfully prevented AKI: Pre-renal AKI due to hypovolemia – In children with a history and physical findings consistent with hypovolemia, administration of an intravenous fluid bolus with normal saline (10 to 20 mL/kg over 30 minutes) may prevent more severe intrinsic AKI. The bolus can be repeated twice if necessary, until urine output is re-established. Fluid challenge is contraindicated in patients with obvious volume overload or heart failure. At-risk patients for AKI – Volume expansion has been successful in preventing AKI in patients at-risk for AKI with the following conditions (see "Possible prevention and therapy of postischemic (ischemic) acute tubular necrosis", section on 'Optimizing volume status' ). Hemoglobinuria and myoglobinuria (see "Prevention and treatment of heme pigment-induced acute kidney injury (acute renal failure)" ) Administration of potential nephrotoxins, such as aminoglycosides, amphotericin B , radiocontrast media, cisplatin , and intravenous acyclovir (see "Pathogenesis and prevention of aminoglycoside nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity", section on 'Prevention' and "Amphotericin B nephrotoxicity", section on 'Prevention' and "Prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy", section on 'Prevention' and "Cisplatin nephrotoxicity", section on 'Prevention' and "Acyclovir: An overview", section on 'Acute renal failure' ) Tumor lysis syndrome (see "Tumor lysis syndrome: Prevention and treatment", section on 'Prevention' ) Surgical procedures, in which there is a reduction in the intravascular volume during either the intraoperative or postoperative period (see "Intraoperative fluid management", section on 'Hypovolemia and reduced tissue perfusion' and "Pathogenesis and etiology of postischemic (ischemic) acute tubular necrosis", section on 'Surgery' ) Nephrotoxin management — The impact of nephrotoxic drugs on the development of AKI in children was illustrated in a retrospective single center study of 1660 noncritical-ill hospitalized children [ 9 ]. Children who developed AKI as defined by the serum creatinine-based pRIFLE criteria ( table 1 ) were more likely to be exposed to one or more nephrotoxic medications than patients without AKI (odd ratio [OR] 1.7; 95% CI 1.04-2.9). The RIFLE criteria consists of three graded levels of injury (Risk, Injury, and Failure) based upon either the magnitude of elevation in serum creatinine or urine output, and two outcome measures (Loss and End-stage renal disease). Both increasing dose and duration of nephrotoxin use were associated with increased development of AKI. As a result, monitoring serum creatinine (ie, measure of kidney function) and drug level (if possible) is important as it enables appropriate adjustment of drug dosing based on the knowledge of altered pharmacokinetics in early AKI [ 10 ]. In addition, clinicians should also monitor drug efficacy and toxicity. However, readjustment of drugs is often challenging as renal function changes and if drug monitoring is not available, as discussed below. (See 'Drug management' below.) Unproven pharmacologic agents — Several pharmacologic agents including mannitol , loop diuretics, low-dose dopamine, fenoldopam , atrial natriuretic peptide, and N- acetylcysteine have been studied in the prevention of AKI. However, none of these agents have been shown to be of proven benefit. (See "Possible prevention and therapy of postischemic (ischemic) acute tubular necrosis" .) Mannitol — Experimental animal studies suggested that mannitol might be protective by causing a diuresis (thereby minimizing intratubular cast formation) and by acting as a free radical scavenger (thereby minimizing cell injury). In the clinical setting, the efficacy of mannitol for prevention of AKI is inconclusive, and its use can result in significant side effects including volume expansion, hyperosmolality, pulmonary edema and AKI. Its use for prevention of AKI is not recommended. (See "Complications of mannitol therapy", section on 'Complications' .) Loop diuretics — Loop diuretics such as furosemide induce a diuresis by reducing active NaCl transport in the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle. It has been proposed that the ensuing decrease in energy requirement may be protective of renal tubule cells, which may be faced with a decrease in energy delivery due to renal hypoperfusion or injury. However, the available evidence from adult clinical studies does not support the routine use of diuretics as a preventive measure for AKI, and in some settings, diuretic use was associated with an increase in serum creatinine. As a result, the routine use of loop diuretics to prevent AKI is not recommended. (See "Possible prevention and therapy of postischemic (ischemic) acute tubular necrosis", section on 'Diuretics' .) Dopamine — The use of low “renal-dose” of the inotropic agent dopamine (0.5 to 3 mg/kg/min) is common in the critical care setting due to its renal vasodilatory and natriuretic effects [ 5 ]. However, prospective randomized studies of adult patients at risk for AKI have not shown a beneficial renoprotective effect of “low-dose” dopamine. In addition, there are significant side effects of dopamine therapy including tachycardia, arrhythmias, myocardial ischemia, and intestinal ischemia. Therefore, the routine use of dopamine for prevention of AKI is not recommended. (See "Possible prevention and therapy of postischemic (ischemic) acute tubular necrosis", section on 'Dopamine' .) Fenoldopam — Fenoldopam is a potent, short-acting, selective dopamine A-1 receptor agonist that increases renal blood flow and decreases systemic vascular resistance [ 11 ]. Data are limited in the use of this agent in children at-risk for AKI. In a small retrospective study of 13 critically-ill children receiving fenoldopam , a significant increase in urine output and a reduction in BUN within 24 hours were noted [ 12 ]. In a small, prospective, single-center randomized, double-blind, controlled trial of 80 children undergoing cardiac surgery requiring cardiopulmonary bypass, patients who received fenoldopam compared with those treated with placebo had lower urinary neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin and cystatin C levels (AKI biomarkers) at the end of surgery, and 12 hours after admission into the pediatric intensive care unit [ 13 ]. There was also a reduction in the use of diuretics ( furosemide ) and vasodilators ( phentolamine ) in the fenoldopam group (OR 0.22; 95% CI 0.07-0.7). Similar results have been reported in adults. However, because of the heterogeneity amongst studies and inability to verify changes in glomerular filtration rate, the benefits of fenoldopam must be confirmed in large randomized, controlled trials prior to routine recommendation of this agent for the prevention of AKI. (See "Possible prevention and therapy of postischemic (ischemic) acute tubular necrosis", section on 'Fenoldopam' .) Natriuretic peptides — Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and b-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) block tubular reabsorption of sodium and vasodilate the afferent arteriole. The renoprotective effects of these agents have been evaluated primarily in trials of adults undergoing cardiac surgery. (See "Possible prevention and therapy of postischemic (ischemic) acute tubular necrosis", section on 'Atrial natriuretic peptide' .) Pediatric data for the renoprotective effects of natriuretic peptides are limited. In a small retrospective study of 20 children with decompensated heart failure, recombinant human b-type natriuretic peptide ( nesiritide ) resulted in increased urine output and decreased serum creatinine concentrations [ 14 ]. Because of the paucity of data, the routine use of natriuretic peptides for prophylaxis against AKI is not recommended. N-acetylcysteine — N- acetylcysteine (NAC) is a free radical scavenger antioxidant agent that counteracts the deleterious effects of reactive oxygen species in the generation of tubular injury and also has vasodilatory properties. In adults, several meta-analyses have demonstrated NAC did not provide any additional benefit to placebo in the prevention of AKI in adults following surgery. Although data regarding the use of oral NAC in prevention of contrast-nephropathy in adults are equivocal, NAC is often administered to high-risk patients undergoing a radiologic study that requires the administration of radiocontrast media as it is a well tolerated drug with minimal side effects. (See "Possible prevention and therapy of postischemic (ischemic) acute tubular necrosis", section on 'N-acetylcysteine' and "Prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy", section on 'Acetylcysteine' .) While NAC is commonly used in children for treatment of acetaminophen toxicity and other forms of acute liver failure, there are no data for its renoprotective effects in the pediatric population. The routine use of NAC for AKI prophylaxis in children is therefore not recommended, with the possible exception of judicious use in children at high-risk for contrast-induced nephropathy.
  4. Critically-ill children — In critically-ill children, the degree of fluid overload is an independent risk factor for mortality, irrespective of severity of illness [ 15,16 ]. This was illustrated in a study of 297 children who received continuous renal replacement therapy from the Prospective Pediatric Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (ppCRRT) Registry Group [ 15 ]. Mortality rates for patients who developed fluid overload greater than 20 percent, between 10 and 20 percent, and less than 10 percent were 66, 43, and 29 percent, respectively. After adjusting for severity of illness and intergroup differences, there was a 3 percent increase in mortality for each 1 percent increase in severity of fluid overload. As discussed above, in children with AKI, the fluid status should be determined. We utilize the equation from the 2007 updated American College of Critical Care Medicine Clinical Guidelines for Hemodynamic Support of Neonates and Children with Septic Shock as follows [ 17 ]: Percent fluid overload = [total fluid in (Liters) – fluid out (Liters)]/admission weight (kg) x 100 Renal replacement therapy (RRT) should be strongly considered for critically-ill children with AKI who are not expected to recover kidney function expeditiously when fluid overload exceeds 10 percent and is performed for those with fluid overload greater than 15 percent. (See "Pediatric acute kidney injury: Indications, timing, and choice of modality for renal replacement therapy (RRT)", section on 'Fluid overload' .)