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EDLD 5352 Instructional Leadership: The Technology Link

Week 4 Assignment: Due at the end of Week 4.
Last week, you engaged in an analysis and wrote a report describing the use of technology and
information systems to enrich campus curriculum, enhance teaching and learning, and generally
integrate technology into our campus improvement plans to effectively integrate technology and
instructional leadership. Your analysis and report should provide the necessary background for
the Week 4 major assignment – developing an action plan for gathering, analyzing, and using
data from a variety of sources for informed campus decision making focusing on integrating
technology, instructional leadership, professional development and organizational leadership.
As a result of this week’s assignments, you will be able to:
   •   Examine and assess procedures for gathering, analyzing, and using data from a variety
       of sources for informed decision making regarding the integration of technology,
       instructional and organizational leadership (SBEC Principal Competency 7 indicator);
   •   Design and apply skills for monitoring and evaluating change and making needed
       adjustments to achieve the campus vision and goals, including the integration of
       technology as described above (SBEC Principal Competency 7 indicator).
Both of these outcomes are elements of Domain II, Instructional Leadership.
In writing your Week 4 action plan, use your interviews, your readings, including campus and
district improvement plans as well as any technology plans, and your Week 3 report to make
sure the action plan:
   •   Identifies data gathering sources;
   •   Provides a description of an organizational chart describing decision making
       responsibilities regarding the integration of technology from central office personnel to
       campus leadership and staff;
   •   Describes comprehensive professional development activities to achieve your action
       plan (this may utilize information from the previous three weeks of readings and
   •   Includes an evaluation plan to assess the progress and success of the action plan.
Students will be asked to post their action plan on the Discussion Board and each student must
review and comment on at least one other action plan focusing on organizational leadership
designed to maximize the use of technology in data gathering and decision making.
Submit your assignment by 11:59 PM on the seventh day of Week 4.

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EDLD 5352 Instructional Leadership: The Technology Link

  Use the following Rubric to guide your work on the Week 4 Assignment.

      Tasks                                                                                           Not Meeting
                          Accomplished                Proficient             Progressing
                                                                                                     Expectations

Action plan           Student completes the       Student completes     Student provides a        Student does not
includes an           organizational flow         the organizational    partial organizational    complete the
organizational        chart identifying key       chart with some       chart that does not       organizational chart or
chart identifying     personnel from the          identification of     include all key           description of roles and
key stakeholders in   district administration     district and          stakeholders, and         responsibilities.
integrating           through campus              campus                does not describe the     (0 points)
technology and        implementation              personnel, but        roles and
district and          responsible for             does not address      responsibilities of key
campus                integrating technology      the roles and         personnel.
organizational        and instructional and       responsibilities of   (1 point)e
leadership            organizational              personnel in
                      leadership. Chart must      integrating and
                      identify personnel titles   implementing
                      responsible for this        technology,
                      integration and             instructional and
                      implementation, and a       organizational
                      brief description of the    leadership.
                      role and responsibilities   (2 points)
                      of all personnel.
                      (Maximum 3 points)

Comprehensive         Student describes a         Student provides a    Student provides a        Student fails to develop
professional          professional                professional          professional              a professional
development           development plan or         development           development plan(s)       development plan(s).
plan(s) designed to   activities designed to      plan(s) that          that addresses only
                                                                        one of the three          (0 points)
achieve the action    achieve the action plan     address two of the
plan of integrating   of integrating              three bulleted        bulleted items from the
technology with       technology with             items from the        Accomplished column.
instructional and     instructional and           Accomplished
organizational        organizational              column.               (1 points)
leadership.           leadership. To achieve      (2 points)
                      maximum credit, the
                      development plan(s)
                      •   Reference analysis
                          and lessons
                          learned about the
                          technology needs
                          from the Week 3
                      •   Addresses

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EDLD 5352 Instructional Leadership: The Technology Link

                         designed to
                         improve the
                         gathering, analysis
                         and use of data
                         from a variety of
                     •   Includes
                         development to
                         improve decision
                         making in the
                         integration of
                         technology with
                         instructional and
                     (Maximum 3 points)

Evaluation plan to   The action plan must      Student provides      Student provides an       Student fails to include
assess the           also include an           an evaluation plan    evaluation plan that      an evaluation plan in
progress and         evaluation plan that      that addresses        addresses only one of     the Week 4 action
success of the       provides measurable       two of the bulleted   the bulleted items from   plan.
action plan.         outcomes designed to      items from the        the Accomplished          (0 points)
                     address the following:    Accomplished          column.
                     •   Uses data and                               (1 point)
                         other analysis from   (2 points)
                         the Week 3 report,
                         including using the
                         campus and district
                         plans, and local or
                         state technology
                     •   Provides
                         and/or monitoring
                         reports measuring
                         designed to use
                         technology to
                         improve the
                         gathering, analysis
                         and use of data
                         from a variety of
                     •   Provides

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EDLD 5352 Instructional Leadership: The Technology Link

                          and/or monitoring
                          development to
                          improve decision
                          making in the
                          integration of
                          technology with
                          instructional and
                      (Maximum 3 points)

Posting action plan   Student posts their         Student posts their   Student posts their      Student does not post
on the Discussion     action plan on the          action plan on the    action plan on the       on the Discussion
Board and on their    Discussion Board and        Discussion Board      Discussion Board and     Board or on their blog.
blog, and provides    on their blog and           and on their blog     on their blog but does
evidence of           provides evidence,          and provides          not provide any
reviewing and         through written             evidence, through     comments or              (0 points)
commenting on         comments, of reviewing      written comments,     reflections on the
action plans of       and reflecting on at        of reviewing and      action plans of other
other students.       least two other             reflecting on one     students.
                      student’s action plan.      other student’s
                      (Maximum 3 points)          action plan.
                                                                        (1 point)

                                                  (2 points)

Assignment            Responses are relevant      Responses are         Responses are            Responses do not
Mechanics             to course content;          relevant to course    relevant to course       reflect knowledge of
                      student uses correct        content; one or       content; more than       course content, lack
                      APA writing mechanics;      two errors in         three errors in          clarity and depth,
                      no errors in grammar,       grammar, spelling,    grammar, spelling, or    and/or include multiple
                      spelling, or punctuation.   or punctuation,       punctuation including    errors in grammar,
                                                  including APA         APA writing              spelling, and
                      (Maximum 3 points)                                mechanics Needs
                                                  writing mechanics.                             punctuation, including
                                                  (2 points)            (1                       APA errors.
                                                                        point)Improvement        (0 points)

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EDLD 5352 Instructional Leadership: The Technology Link

The following four parts to the Week 4 assignments should help you complete an
action plan that incorporates all four elements of the assignment, including
posting your action plan and commenting and reflecting on the action plans
shared by fellow students.

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EDLD 5352 Instructional Leadership: The Technology Link

Week 4 Assignment, Part 1: Development of an organization chart integrating
Using the campus and district improvement plans, and any suggested technology
improvements, develop an organization chart that includes the following:

    •     Identify by title or job description all personnel/stakeholders responsible for integrating
          technology and instructional and organization leadership from the district office to the
          campus and classroom;
    •     Provide a brief description of the role and responsibilities of all identified personnel in
          your organizational chart;
    •     Discuss the role of the principal in making sure the organizational chart is implemented
          and monitored.

                                                   Director of
                                                 Mary Ann Beseda

                                 Patricia De La Torre

                                                                              Programmer/ Analyst
                   Network Engineer
                                                                                 Brian Batchelor
                      Chris Kent

                   Network Manager                                 Projects Clerk
                    James Watson                                   Theresa Kettle

  Network/ Web     Network/Telecomm                                                           Classroom Specialist
                                         Telecomm Specialist         PC Specialist
    Specialist         Specialist                                                               Renee’ Newman
                                              Wes Craig               Steve Bell
   Jeff Brossett     Joel McCotter                                                             Edwing Schuessler

                                Campus Network                                      Technical Assistant
                                  Specialists                                        Sandy McGuire

                                                                                                      Help Desk
                                                                                                      Kathy Platt


                                                                                                                               Computer Liaisons

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EDLD 5352 Instructional Leadership: The Technology Link

            Title                                Job Description
Director                        Reports all technology data and information directly to
                                the Superintendent. Manager over the whole technology
Network Engineer                Designs the district network system.
Network Manager                 Maintains the District network.
Programmer/Analyst              District computer programmer and system analyst.
Network/Web Specialist          District web designer, and helps maintain the network.
Classroom Specialist            Trains teachers on district technologies.
PC Specialist                   Works on computers that are broken or malfunctioning.
Network/Telecomm Specialist     Works with the telephone networking system for the
Telecomm Specialist             Works with the telephone District telephone system.
Technical Assistant             Assists the specialist and help desk with any technical
Help Desk                       Answers questions sent in by district personnel on issues
                                employees are having with their technology.
Secretary                       Assists the Director with daily duties.
Projects Clerk                  Organizes district technology projects.
Campus Network Specialist       Set-up and maintain campus networks
Computer Technicians            Works on computers that need fixing, add computer
                                programs, and help setup computers in the schools.
Computer Liaisons               Teachers who work with other teachers to help them
                                setup technologies in their classrooms. Also considered
                                to be the campus trainer.

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EDLD 5352 Instructional Leadership: The Technology Link

Week 4 Assignment, Part 2: Professional Development Planning
Using the campus and district improvement plans, and any suggested technology
improvements, develop professional development activities that include the following:

•   Reference analysis and lessons learned about the technology needs from the Week 3
•   Addresses professional development designed to improve the gathering, analysis and use
    of data from a variety of sources;
•   Includes professional development to improve decision making in the integration of
    technology with instructional and organizational leadership.

Goal: To ensure that teachers are trained in order to properly integrate technology into

      Activity                    Person Responsible                Timeline
Have a meet and greet at        Computer Liaisons, Curriculum    At the beginning of
the beginning of the year       and Instruction Associate        each school year.
to inform teachers of all       Principal, New teacher
the technologies available.     coordinator
Survey teachers (District       Computer Liaisons, Classroom     At the beginning, and
as well as Star) to             specialist, Data Specialist      midterm of each
determine what technology                                        school year.
trainings they need and the
type they would be most
comfortable with.
Design training pods that       Classroom specialist, Computer   The summer before
fit the needs of the teachers   Liaison, Computer Technicians    the year of
(i.e face to face or                                             implementation.
nontraditional trainings).
This is based on the
finding from Week 3’s
Construct a Professional        Curriculum and Instruction       Throughout the whole
Learning community to           Associate Principal, Whisper     year.
discuss how the                 Coordinator, Leadership team
technologies are being
implemented and how well
they are working with the
students. This will take
place during Thursday’s
Early professional learning
time. Groups will be setup
to meet in departments and
cross curricular.

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EDLD 5352 Instructional Leadership: The Technology Link

Week 4 Assignment, Part 3: Evaluation Planning for Action Plan
The technology action plan integrating instructional an organizational leadership must include
evaluation components that provide measurable outcomes designed to address the following:

•   Uses data and other analysis from the Week 3 report, including using the campus and
    district improvement plans, and local or state technology plans;
•   Provides assessments and/or monitoring reports measuring professional development
    designed to use technology to improve the gathering, analysis and use of data from a
    variety of sources;
•   Provides assessments and/or monitoring evaluating professional development to improve
    decision making in the integration of technology with instructional and organizational

Goal: To evaluate the technology action plan to ensure that all technologies are
      properly implemented and student learning is maximize.

     Activities                       Person                              Timeline
Collect data from the           Computer Liaison, classroom      Yearly
teachers’ surveys (STAR         specialist, Data specialist
and district made) to
ensure that the types of
developments that are
provided will be
beneficial to the

Have teachers who are           Computer Liaison, Classroom      Throughout the course of the
completing non-                 Specialist,                      year whenever teachers
traditional technology                                           complete a module.
developments complete
a proficiency test before
they are given the
authority to use the
technology and awarded
the training hours.

Perform walk-throughs to Administrative and                      Throughout the year.
ensure that the teachers

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EDLD 5352 Instructional Leadership: The Technology Link

are integrating the              Leadership team.
technology and using it

Gather data from the             Data Specialist, Curriculum   Throughout the year
formative, common, and           and Instruction Associate     whenever an assessment is
the state assessments to         Principal, and Leadership     given comparative data
gage whether                     team.                         should gathered.
classrooms in which
technologies are properly
integrated have affects
on student performance

Page 10 – Revised October 2009
EDLD 5352 Instructional Leadership: The Technology Link

Week 4 Assignment, Part 4: Posting your Action Report and Responding to Other
Students’ action plans
   Using the discussion board and the blog that you have developed, please write and post
   your action plan, and be sure to:

       •   Read and review at least two other action plans

       •   Respond to other action plans by posting your comments and reflections

   The purpose of the action report is to provide you with recommended procedures for
   gathering, analyzing, and using data from a variety of sources for informed campus decision
   making focusing on the effective integration of technology in curriculum, instruction,
   assessment and professional development. Students may wish to use this action plan as
   one of your school improvement projects for your Electronic Portfolio. You may also use the
   Week 3 and Week 4 assignments as campus supervised hours for your internship logs. As
   indicated these two weeks fall under Domain II, Instructional Leadership, and address
   elements of Competencies 4, 5 and 7.

Page 11 – Revised October 2009

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Action Plan Assignment

  • 1. EDLD 5352 Instructional Leadership: The Technology Link Week 4 Assignment: Due at the end of Week 4. Overview Last week, you engaged in an analysis and wrote a report describing the use of technology and information systems to enrich campus curriculum, enhance teaching and learning, and generally integrate technology into our campus improvement plans to effectively integrate technology and instructional leadership. Your analysis and report should provide the necessary background for the Week 4 major assignment – developing an action plan for gathering, analyzing, and using data from a variety of sources for informed campus decision making focusing on integrating technology, instructional leadership, professional development and organizational leadership. As a result of this week’s assignments, you will be able to: • Examine and assess procedures for gathering, analyzing, and using data from a variety of sources for informed decision making regarding the integration of technology, instructional and organizational leadership (SBEC Principal Competency 7 indicator); • Design and apply skills for monitoring and evaluating change and making needed adjustments to achieve the campus vision and goals, including the integration of technology as described above (SBEC Principal Competency 7 indicator). Both of these outcomes are elements of Domain II, Instructional Leadership. In writing your Week 4 action plan, use your interviews, your readings, including campus and district improvement plans as well as any technology plans, and your Week 3 report to make sure the action plan: • Identifies data gathering sources; • Provides a description of an organizational chart describing decision making responsibilities regarding the integration of technology from central office personnel to campus leadership and staff; • Describes comprehensive professional development activities to achieve your action plan (this may utilize information from the previous three weeks of readings and activities); • Includes an evaluation plan to assess the progress and success of the action plan. Students will be asked to post their action plan on the Discussion Board and each student must review and comment on at least one other action plan focusing on organizational leadership designed to maximize the use of technology in data gathering and decision making. Submit your assignment by 11:59 PM on the seventh day of Week 4. Page 1 – Revised October 2009
  • 2. EDLD 5352 Instructional Leadership: The Technology Link Rubric Use the following Rubric to guide your work on the Week 4 Assignment. Tasks Not Meeting Accomplished Proficient Progressing  Expectations Action plan Student completes the Student completes Student provides a Student does not includes an organizational flow the organizational partial organizational complete the organizational chart identifying key chart with some chart that does not organizational chart or chart identifying personnel from the identification of include all key description of roles and key stakeholders in district administration district and stakeholders, and responsibilities. integrating through campus campus does not describe the (0 points) technology and implementation personnel, but roles and district and responsible for does not address responsibilities of key campus integrating technology the roles and personnel. organizational and instructional and responsibilities of (1 point)e leadership organizational personnel in leadership. Chart must integrating and identify personnel titles implementing responsible for this technology, integration and instructional and implementation, and a organizational brief description of the leadership. role and responsibilities (2 points) of all personnel. (Maximum 3 points) Comprehensive Student describes a Student provides a Student provides a Student fails to develop professional professional professional professional a professional development development plan or development development plan(s) development plan(s). plan(s) designed to activities designed to plan(s) that that addresses only one of the three (0 points) achieve the action achieve the action plan address two of the plan of integrating of integrating three bulleted bulleted items from the technology with technology with items from the Accomplished column. instructional and instructional and Accomplished organizational organizational column. (1 points) leadership. leadership. To achieve (2 points) maximum credit, the professional development plan(s) must: • Reference analysis and lessons learned about the technology needs from the Week 3 report • Addresses professional Page 2 – Revised October 2009
  • 3. EDLD 5352 Instructional Leadership: The Technology Link development designed to improve the gathering, analysis and use of data from a variety of sources • Includes professional development to improve decision making in the integration of technology with instructional and organizational leadership. (Maximum 3 points) Evaluation plan to The action plan must Student provides Student provides an Student fails to include assess the also include an an evaluation plan evaluation plan that an evaluation plan in progress and evaluation plan that that addresses addresses only one of the Week 4 action success of the provides measurable two of the bulleted the bulleted items from plan. action plan. outcomes designed to items from the the Accomplished (0 points) address the following: Accomplished column. column. • Uses data and (1 point) other analysis from (2 points) the Week 3 report, including using the campus and district improvement plans, and local or state technology plans; • Provides assessments and/or monitoring reports measuring professional development designed to use technology to improve the gathering, analysis and use of data from a variety of sources • Provides Page 3 – Revised October 2009
  • 4. EDLD 5352 Instructional Leadership: The Technology Link assessments and/or monitoring evaluating professional development to improve decision making in the integration of technology with instructional and organizational leadership. . (Maximum 3 points) Posting action plan Student posts their Student posts their Student posts their Student does not post on the Discussion action plan on the action plan on the action plan on the on the Discussion Board and on their Discussion Board and Discussion Board Discussion Board and Board or on their blog. blog, and provides on their blog and and on their blog on their blog but does evidence of provides evidence, and provides not provide any reviewing and through written evidence, through comments or (0 points) commenting on comments, of reviewing written comments, reflections on the action plans of and reflecting on at of reviewing and action plans of other other students. least two other reflecting on one students. student’s action plan. other student’s (Maximum 3 points) action plan. (1 point) (2 points) Assignment Responses are relevant Responses are Responses are Responses do not Mechanics to course content; relevant to course relevant to course reflect knowledge of student uses correct content; one or content; more than course content, lack APA writing mechanics; two errors in three errors in clarity and depth, no errors in grammar, grammar, spelling, grammar, spelling, or and/or include multiple spelling, or punctuation. or punctuation, punctuation including errors in grammar, including APA APA writing spelling, and (Maximum 3 points) mechanics Needs writing mechanics. punctuation, including (2 points) (1 APA errors. point)Improvement (0 points) Page 4 – Revised October 2009
  • 5. EDLD 5352 Instructional Leadership: The Technology Link The following four parts to the Week 4 assignments should help you complete an action plan that incorporates all four elements of the assignment, including posting your action plan and commenting and reflecting on the action plans shared by fellow students. Page 5 – Revised October 2009
  • 6. EDLD 5352 Instructional Leadership: The Technology Link Week 4 Assignment, Part 1: Development of an organization chart integrating technology Using the campus and district improvement plans, and any suggested technology improvements, develop an organization chart that includes the following: • Identify by title or job description all personnel/stakeholders responsible for integrating technology and instructional and organization leadership from the district office to the campus and classroom; • Provide a brief description of the role and responsibilities of all identified personnel in your organizational chart; • Discuss the role of the principal in making sure the organizational chart is implemented and monitored. Director of Technology Mary Ann Beseda Secretary Patricia De La Torre Programmer/ Analyst Network Engineer Brian Batchelor Chris Kent Network Manager Projects Clerk James Watson Theresa Kettle Network/ Web Network/Telecomm Classroom Specialist Telecomm Specialist PC Specialist Specialist Specialist Renee’ Newman Wes Craig Steve Bell Jeff Brossett Joel McCotter Edwing Schuessler Campus Network Technical Assistant Specialists Sandy McGuire Help Desk Kathy Platt Computer Technicians Computer Liaisons Page 6 – Revised October 2009
  • 7. EDLD 5352 Instructional Leadership: The Technology Link Title Job Description Director Reports all technology data and information directly to the Superintendent. Manager over the whole technology department. Network Engineer Designs the district network system. Network Manager Maintains the District network. Programmer/Analyst District computer programmer and system analyst. Network/Web Specialist District web designer, and helps maintain the network. Classroom Specialist Trains teachers on district technologies. PC Specialist Works on computers that are broken or malfunctioning. Network/Telecomm Specialist Works with the telephone networking system for the District. Telecomm Specialist Works with the telephone District telephone system. Technical Assistant Assists the specialist and help desk with any technical issues. Help Desk Answers questions sent in by district personnel on issues employees are having with their technology. Secretary Assists the Director with daily duties. Projects Clerk Organizes district technology projects. Campus Network Specialist Set-up and maintain campus networks Computer Technicians Works on computers that need fixing, add computer programs, and help setup computers in the schools. Computer Liaisons Teachers who work with other teachers to help them setup technologies in their classrooms. Also considered to be the campus trainer. Page 7 – Revised October 2009
  • 8. EDLD 5352 Instructional Leadership: The Technology Link Week 4 Assignment, Part 2: Professional Development Planning Using the campus and district improvement plans, and any suggested technology improvements, develop professional development activities that include the following: • Reference analysis and lessons learned about the technology needs from the Week 3 report; • Addresses professional development designed to improve the gathering, analysis and use of data from a variety of sources; • Includes professional development to improve decision making in the integration of technology with instructional and organizational leadership. Goal: To ensure that teachers are trained in order to properly integrate technology into instruction. Activity Person Responsible Timeline Have a meet and greet at Computer Liaisons, Curriculum At the beginning of the beginning of the year and Instruction Associate each school year. to inform teachers of all Principal, New teacher the technologies available. coordinator Survey teachers (District Computer Liaisons, Classroom At the beginning, and as well as Star) to specialist, Data Specialist midterm of each determine what technology school year. trainings they need and the type they would be most comfortable with. Design training pods that Classroom specialist, Computer The summer before fit the needs of the teachers Liaison, Computer Technicians the year of (i.e face to face or implementation. nontraditional trainings). This is based on the finding from Week 3’s assignment. Construct a Professional Curriculum and Instruction Throughout the whole Learning community to Associate Principal, Whisper year. discuss how the Coordinator, Leadership team technologies are being implemented and how well they are working with the students. This will take place during Thursday’s Early professional learning time. Groups will be setup to meet in departments and cross curricular. Page 8 – Revised October 2009
  • 9. EDLD 5352 Instructional Leadership: The Technology Link Week 4 Assignment, Part 3: Evaluation Planning for Action Plan The technology action plan integrating instructional an organizational leadership must include evaluation components that provide measurable outcomes designed to address the following: • Uses data and other analysis from the Week 3 report, including using the campus and district improvement plans, and local or state technology plans; • Provides assessments and/or monitoring reports measuring professional development designed to use technology to improve the gathering, analysis and use of data from a variety of sources; • Provides assessments and/or monitoring evaluating professional development to improve decision making in the integration of technology with instructional and organizational leadership. Goal: To evaluate the technology action plan to ensure that all technologies are properly implemented and student learning is maximize. Activities Person Timeline Responsible Collect data from the Computer Liaison, classroom Yearly teachers’ surveys (STAR specialist, Data specialist and district made) to ensure that the types of professional developments that are provided will be beneficial to the teachers. Have teachers who are Computer Liaison, Classroom Throughout the course of the completing non- Specialist, year whenever teachers traditional technology complete a module. professional developments complete a proficiency test before they are given the authority to use the technology and awarded the training hours. Perform walk-throughs to Administrative and Throughout the year. ensure that the teachers Page 9 – Revised October 2009
  • 10. EDLD 5352 Instructional Leadership: The Technology Link are integrating the Leadership team. technology and using it proficiently. Gather data from the Data Specialist, Curriculum Throughout the year formative, common, and and Instruction Associate whenever an assessment is the state assessments to Principal, and Leadership given comparative data gage whether team. should gathered. classrooms in which technologies are properly integrated have affects on student performance Page 10 – Revised October 2009
  • 11. EDLD 5352 Instructional Leadership: The Technology Link Week 4 Assignment, Part 4: Posting your Action Report and Responding to Other Students’ action plans Using the discussion board and the blog that you have developed, please write and post your action plan, and be sure to: • Read and review at least two other action plans • Respond to other action plans by posting your comments and reflections The purpose of the action report is to provide you with recommended procedures for gathering, analyzing, and using data from a variety of sources for informed campus decision making focusing on the effective integration of technology in curriculum, instruction, assessment and professional development. Students may wish to use this action plan as one of your school improvement projects for your Electronic Portfolio. You may also use the Week 3 and Week 4 assignments as campus supervised hours for your internship logs. As indicated these two weeks fall under Domain II, Instructional Leadership, and address elements of Competencies 4, 5 and 7. Page 11 – Revised October 2009