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About Nokia
Nokia envisions a world where
connecting people to what matters
empowers them to make the most
of every moment
There are more than six billion of us on this planet. We are
all different and we value many different things in life. To
some people, what matters is staying in touch and sharing
experiences; others want to provide for their families and
get ahead in their careers; some just want to have fun and
live for the moment. More often than not, what matters to
you is a unique combination of all of these.

At Nokia we increasingly see mobile communications helping
everyone connect to the things that matter most in their
lives. And because that’s important in itself, that means
being connected any time and in any place.

Connecting people in new and exciting ways means giving
everyone the power to choose when and how to stay in
touch with those important things, so that they can make
the most out of every moment. The majority of the people
on this planet already have a mobile device, but we are
entering an age where soon a whole world of smart services
will be a part of each person’s life.

So imagine an entire planet where people, places and infor-
mation are seamlessly connected; where communications
devices and services are such an integral and indispensable
part of our lives, they really do become second nature.

This is how we see the world and the role of communications
in making it happen. On the following pages we hope you’ll
get some idea of how Nokia is making this come to life.

Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo, Nokia CEO
The way we live next
By 2015, we believe that communications          In this new era of mobile communications, each
technology will have totally adapted to          of us will be able to be connected to a universe of
your personal needs, anticipating what           shared experiences that transcend the boundaries
you want to do. The technology will be           of time and geography. Mobile solutions – combining
invisible, the user interface seamless and       devices and services – will be aware of our social
intuitive. This means you won’t need to          network and lifestyle, and sensing our location,
learn about the technology to get the most       purpose and even our mood, will point and lead us
out of your mobile device or service. In fact,   to people, places and information that are uniquely
your communications tools and services           relevant to us.
will learn from you.                                Being connected to the people and things that
   Nokia is developing highly personalized       matter most to us is fast becoming a natural and
and contextually relevant solutions that         essential part of our everyday lives.
will connect you to wherever you want to
be, whenever you want to be there.                                                                     5
   These innovative solutions will provide
the intuition and power to share our
feelings and experiences as they happen.

    Turning future ideas into reality
    You find yourself in Barcelona, Spain…
    You come across a beautiful building, an object like nothing else you have ever seen.
    Naturally, you want to find out more. You could break the moment and use your device
    to browse the internet, or you could simply point your device at the building and let
    the technology find the information for you, almost like live TV.
       The same could go for a movie poster. You point your device at the poster, and it
    instantly plays you the movie trailer, checks seat availability at the nearest movie
    theatres, and lets you buy tickets. It also tells you which of your friends or family are
    nearby, and helps you purchase tickets for them too.
       These are just two examples of how mobile solutions will soon make your life easier
    and more fun, made possible when your mobile device combines your social contacts
    with your physical location. We call this Social Location, or SoLo for short. And it’s just
    around the corner.
       Think of it as your mobile phone, the internet and PC coming together to form one
    easy-to-use whole – working together as a kind of sixth sense.

                                                        Why live in different worlds?
                                                        Many of us regularly tap into three different digital worlds: the
                                                        PC, the web and the mobile world. Nokia is working to remove
                                                        the artificial barriers that have long existed between them.
                                                           Imagine you want to travel somewhere new. You may go
Smart services                                          online, download a map and print out a hard copy to take
SoLo, combined with micro-blogging tools, allows        with you. But wouldn’t it be simpler just to let your mobile
you to socialize and share by letting your friends      device call up the map and have its navigation system give
know where you are, how you are feeling and what        you turn-by-turn directions on how to get there? Your mobile
you’re doing. This is just one possibility that comes   device knows what you want to do, and combines all the
from combining the real world dimension with the        relevant information to help you do it. You will soon be able
virtual world of the internet, digital maps and the     to apply this approach to all walks of life.
contacts in your phone.                                    Nokia is helping to create a world where you can do this
   Whatever you do, you will always be in control.      wherever you are, whenever. Forget the constraints of your
You will be able to modify, engage or stop these        PC and time-consuming internet searches. Welcome to the
features at will. You decide.                           freedom of your truly mobile computer.

    Nokia N97                                               Nokia E71
    The Nokia N97 instantly became a new benchmark          The Nokia E71 is an impressive performer,
    for our industry. This mobile computer integrates our   which last year drove shipments of the whole
    Ovi services with many unrivalled features, including   Eseries range over the 10 million unit mark.
    32 GB of onboard storage, a high resolution 3.5-inch    The Nokia E63 continues with the same
    touch screen and a fully customizable homescreen.       slender form factor and is available globally
                                                            for the equivalent of less than €200. With
                                                            IBM Lotus Notes Traveler and Microsoft Mail
                                                            for Exchange, Nokia Eseries devices connect
                                                            to 90 percent of the world’s corporate email
                                                            systems without the need for additional
                                                            middleware. Nokia Messaging provides
                                                            the best connection to the world’s leading
                                                            consumer email products.
Innovations that
                             take us into tomorrow                                                                       9

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic                                   Ovi, the consumer brand for Nokia internet services, brings
                                                         together your online world, your mobile device and your
The Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, our first mass-market
                                                         PC into an easy-to-use and consistent experience. With Ovi
touchscreen device sold more than one million
                                                         you can easily manage, sync and share your personal files
units in just a few months after it went on sale in
                                                         or information, as well as access Nokia services in media
selected markets. Making the most of touchscreen
                                                         sharing, maps, games, music and messaging.
technology, the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic delivers
easy and fast access to all music, video and photos
                                                         Mobile solutions
through a one-touch ‘Media Bar’ menu. The Media
                                                         Nokia is connecting people to what matters most to them
Bar also offers a direct link to the web and to online
                                                         most by seamlessly integrating devices and smart services.
media sharing.
                                                         You will no longer need to worry about whether different
                                                         features fit together, or when, where and how they can be
                                                         used. All that’s left is an irresistible consumer experience;
                                                         a new and exciting way to connect people to what matters.
Since its foundation way back in 1865, Nokia has
     always steered a course based on a clear vision
     and strategy. The company has a long history
     of technological innovations and a leading role
     in enabling people to maximize the social and
     economic benefits from mobile communications.
     This led to mobile communications being the
     fastest-growing technology in mankind.
        We are proud of our heritage and the values
     that guide our thinking and everyday actions.
     They are the foundation of Nokia’s success.

         Our way of
         doing business

         Truly global
         Our innovations and understanding of people’s needs are based
         on studies of more than 100,000 consumers in almost 30 countries.
         These studies represent an unparalleled amount of insight, some
         12 billion data points to be exact. But we don’t just look at data.
         Our designers and anthropologists go out into the real world to see
         exactly how people are using mobile and Internet technology as part
         of their everyday lives. All this quantitative and qualitative data are
         fed directly back into our portfolio management and design, so that
         our products and services are as inclusive and useful to people as possible.
            Our employees – from design engineers and software programmers
         to product line specialists and sales staff – can be found across the globe.
         We know we can only fully understand the wide diversity of people’s
         needs, and work to meet them, by being close to our customers.
            Local presence on a worldwide scale means we can offer our
         customers a broad portfolio of devices and services. Our assets include
         a worldwide distribution network, flexibility and efficiency in logistics
         and the trust that comes from one of the world’s leading brands.
Connecting over a billion people every day
The global four billion mobile subscriber milestone was reached in
early 2009, according to the GSM Association, an industry trade group.
   More than one billion people place their trust in Nokia devices and
services each and every day. In fact, Nokia was ranked the fifth best
brand in the world by Interbrand in 2008, for the second consecutive year.
   ‘Connecting People’ is at the heart of the Nokia brand. This increas-
ingly means connecting people to what matters most, to give them
the power to make the most of every moment.

                           Our vision of the world is already becoming
                           a reality. We are providing the gateway for
                           people to join this connected world through
                           popular services such as Ovi Maps, Ovi Mail
                           and Comes with Music.
                              And if you wish to use your Nokia device
                           to access other navigation, email, social net-
                           work, photo-sharing and other sites, you can.
                           Corporate email inboxes are also on the
                           device menu with ninety per cent of clients
                           (Microsoft Mail for Exchange and IBM Lotus
                           Notes Traveller) being fully compatible and
                           easy to set up.
Solid foundations
          Nokia continues to invest in its own research and development
          while championing the use of open systems. We see our role
          as a catalyst for innovation. That is why we moved to establish
          the Symbian Foundation, one of the biggest contributions to
          an open community that our industry has ever made.

     Developing this
     mobile future

A healthy and vibrant community
We believe that the greatest innovations come from having a
strong community of partners. That’s why we are committed to
working closely with our users, developers, operators and other
partners. A healthy community of partners will bring innovations
to the market much faster than companies working on their own.
Some of these innovations are inspired by our own research into
how people use mobile and Internet technology.

                 Excellence outside, excellence inside
                 The innovations of a strong partner community then feed into our
                 research and development teams which in turn drive product design.
                 We then work with the leading operators in the world to help bring
                 these products to market and to tailor them to specific needs.

                                  4 million minds and counting
                                  Nokia’s global developer program, Forum Nokia connects developers
                                  to tools, technical information, support, and distribution channels
                                  that they can use to build and market applications around the globe.
                                  With more than 4 million registered developers in the Forum Nokia
                                  community, Nokia actively supports taking the tools, building upon
                                  them and innovating on Nokia platforms for a host of new services
                                  and content types.
                                     One innovative and potentially lucrative distribution channel for
                                  content providers and developers is the Ovi Store, a scalable media
                                  distribution network.
A billion positive changes every
     day with the Power of We
     The economic and social benefits of mobility are
     irrefutable. With more than four billion people
                                                             Thinking inside and outside the box
     already connected, of whom more than a billion
     using Nokia devices, we have both the potential         We consider the environment by deploying
     and the responsibility to make a big difference in      a range of environmental practices across
     the world. Small steps taken by a billion people        all our operations. These include:
     adds up to a huge impact. The best way for Nokia        •	 Phasing	out	the	use	of	materials	like	PVC	
     to be a good corporate citizen is therefore to ensure   •	 Reducing	charger	no	load	power	
     that we continue to develop mobile communications           consumption by up to 95%
     products and services for everyone and ensure that      •	 Adding	alerts	to	remind	you	to	unplug	
     we consider environmental and social issues in              your charger once the battery is full
     everything we do. This commitment is extended           •	 Making	up	to	80%	of	Nokia	devices	
     further by asking our countless partners and                recyclable
     suppliers to show a similar concern for the planet      •	 Creating	eco	services	to	inspire	more	
     and its inhabitants.                                        sustainable behavior
Committed to a
sustainable future                                              15

                     Leading change
                     In 2008, we led the development of
                     an industry-wide energy ranking for
                     chargers, thereby helping consumers to
                     choose the most efficient chargers and
                     encouraging the industry as a whole to
                     further increase energy efficiency.
                        We are also creating environmentally-
                     themed services and applications that
                     will help you use your mobile device
                     to make informed and sustainable
Our culture, our values
     Bringing together talent, vision and shared principles
     A flat, networked organization, as well as speed and flexibility in decision-making,
     characterize our way of working, which we call the Nokia Way. Openness towards
     people and new ideas, as well as integrity, are key qualities we encourage at all times.
     We look for innovative ways to create and introduce our products and solutions to
     the market and so provide the people that work in our company with a platform for
     personal growth in a challenging and dynamic environment.

                                                          Values for everyday business
                                                          As with every other company, our company values set us
                                                          apart by how well they are reflected in everything we do.
                                                          We’re proud of our values because they have made us
                                                          what we are today. They provide direction for consistent
                                                          behaviour, as employees and citizens of the world, and
                                                          towards our transformation into an internet company. To
                                                          better reflect our changing business environment and new
                                                          direction, we recently renewed our values through a process
                                                          that gave our employees a leading role in articulating our
                                                          culture and how we act. These values are the foundation for
                                                          our evolving culture and the basis of our operational mode.
                                                          Living them every day is our shared philosophy.
Our values defined
                                                        Passion for innovation
Engaging you                Achieving together                                      Very human
                                                        We are at our most
At every step of the way,   We can all achieve on our                               This applies to what we
                                                        innovative when we
we need to engage all our   own, we can do things                                   offer customers, how we
                                                        tap into people’s desires
stakeholders, including     together, but doing                                     do business and the
                                                        to live their dreams,
employees, in what the      both – in other words                                   impact of our actions and
                                                        releasing the courage
company stands for in       succeeding through                                      behavior on people and
                                                        to make the leap into
the world and how we        collaboration and                                       the environment. It is
                                                        the future through new
meet the needs of our       partnership – shows the                                 about being very human in
                                                        and improved ways
customers.                  true potential of Nokia.                                the world – making things
                                                        and through a better        simple, respecting and
                                                        understanding of the        caring for people, even in
                                                        world around us.            tough business situations.

Our strategy
Mobility and the internet continue to converge. As
a truly consumer-led company, we create value by
combining smart services and the best devices to
deliver irresistible solutions, while growing our
high-volume product business.

            Our strategic objectives are:
            •	 Irresistible	solutions	and	vibrant	ecosystems
            •	 Direct	and	continuous	consumer	relationships
            •	 Best	devices
            •	 Smart	services

To achieve our vision, we will strengthen our
trusted consumer relationships by moving from
discrete transactions to a dynamic dialogue with
the consumer. We are committed to building direct
and continuous consumer relationships.
   We will drive for continued growth in our
devices business and our goal is to broaden our
geographic reach and to address all price points
by creating the best devices. Our broad device
base will be the bedrock of our growing Services
   We will invest in creating relevant, personalized
services that blend the dimensions of people and
places. Our target is to have 300 million people
using our smart services by 2012.
   With our devices and services, we will be able
to deliver irresistible solutions with seamless and
delightful consumer experiences thereby connecting
people to what matters most in their lives.
Group Executive Board



                                        Corporate Development Office

                                              Corporate Functions

     Organized for success

     The world is changing, so are we                                         The right combination
     Continuous transformation is part of today’s business life.              Serving the devices and
     Throughout its history, Nokia has adapted and made constant              services business, Nokia has
     changes to its operations to respond to the needs of the market.         four	units:	Devices,	Services,	
     We are currently transforming and shaping our business operations        Markets and the Corporate
     to reflect the evolving nature and structure of a converging mobile      Development	Office.	These	
     and internet world.                                                      units work together to execute
     	 Nokia	currently	has	three	reportable	segments:	Devices	&	Services,	    Nokia’s devices and services
     NAVTEQ, and Nokia Siemens Networks.                                      strategy and explore future
        To achieve business success in a long-term, sustainable way, it       growth opportunities.
     is vital that we continue the transformation of the company into
     an internet company.
The right acquisitions
Among other acquisitions in 2008,
the Nokia family was expanded
with NAVTEQ, a leading provider
of digital map information for
navigation and mapping systems.
This strategic acquisition is a
key enabler for our concept of
‘Social Location’ and our range         21
of location-based services.

The right network
Nokia Siemens Networks was
formed on April 1, 2007, and
combined our former Networks
business group with Siemens’
carrier-related operations for
fixed and mobile networks. Nokia
Siemens Networks is jointly owned
by Nokia and Siemens and
consolidated by Nokia. Nokia
Siemens Networks has five business
units:	Radio	Access;	Converged	Core;	
Broadband Connectivity Solutions;
Operations and Business Software;
and Services.
Vital statistics
     The 10 markets in which Nokia generated the greatest
     net sales in 2008 were (in order of magnitude) China,
     India,	the	UK,	Germany,	Russia,	Indonesia,	the	US,	
     Brazil, Italy and Spain.

     At the end of 2008 Nokia had
     •	 Device	manufacturing	in	9	countries
     •	 Infrastructure	equipment	manufacturing	
        in 4 countries
     •	 Strong	R&D	presence	in	16	countries
     •	 Sales	in	more	than	150	countries

     At the end of 2008 Nokia employed almost
22   126 000 people.
Personnel                         Net sales
Dec.	31,	2008	                    2008
   49% Europe                           37% Europe (% of net sales)
   17% Asia-Pacific                     22% Asia-Pacific
   12% China                            14% Middle East and Africa
   11% Latin America                    13% Greater China
   7% North America                     10% Latin America
   4% Middle East and Africa            4% North America

        Net sales                                                        23
        EUR	million

           2004         2005     2006            2007            2008
          29 371       34 191   41 121          51 058          50 710

        Operating profit
        EUR	million

          2004          2005    2006             2007           2008
          4 326         4 639   5 488            7 985          4 966
Forward-looking statements
                                                                                    Many risks and uncertainties affect whether the forward-looking statements we
                                                                                    make will materialize according to our current expectations. For further information
                                                                                    on these risk factors, please see Nokia’s annual report on Form 20-F for the year
Copyright © 2009. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.                           ended	December	31,	2008,	or	our	periodic	earnings	releases,	all	available	on	Nokia’s	
Nokia and Nokia Connecting People are registered trademarks of Nokia Corporation.   internet pages at

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About Nokia

  • 2. Nokia envisions a world where connecting people to what matters empowers them to make the most of every moment
  • 3. There are more than six billion of us on this planet. We are all different and we value many different things in life. To some people, what matters is staying in touch and sharing experiences; others want to provide for their families and get ahead in their careers; some just want to have fun and live for the moment. More often than not, what matters to you is a unique combination of all of these. At Nokia we increasingly see mobile communications helping everyone connect to the things that matter most in their lives. And because that’s important in itself, that means being connected any time and in any place. Connecting people in new and exciting ways means giving everyone the power to choose when and how to stay in touch with those important things, so that they can make the most out of every moment. The majority of the people on this planet already have a mobile device, but we are entering an age where soon a whole world of smart services will be a part of each person’s life. So imagine an entire planet where people, places and infor- mation are seamlessly connected; where communications devices and services are such an integral and indispensable part of our lives, they really do become second nature. This is how we see the world and the role of communications in making it happen. On the following pages we hope you’ll get some idea of how Nokia is making this come to life. Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo, Nokia CEO
  • 4. 4
  • 5. The way we live next By 2015, we believe that communications In this new era of mobile communications, each technology will have totally adapted to of us will be able to be connected to a universe of your personal needs, anticipating what shared experiences that transcend the boundaries you want to do. The technology will be of time and geography. Mobile solutions – combining invisible, the user interface seamless and devices and services – will be aware of our social intuitive. This means you won’t need to network and lifestyle, and sensing our location, learn about the technology to get the most purpose and even our mood, will point and lead us out of your mobile device or service. In fact, to people, places and information that are uniquely your communications tools and services relevant to us. will learn from you. Being connected to the people and things that Nokia is developing highly personalized matter most to us is fast becoming a natural and and contextually relevant solutions that essential part of our everyday lives. will connect you to wherever you want to be, whenever you want to be there. 5 These innovative solutions will provide the intuition and power to share our feelings and experiences as they happen.
  • 6. 6 Turning future ideas into reality You find yourself in Barcelona, Spain… You come across a beautiful building, an object like nothing else you have ever seen. Naturally, you want to find out more. You could break the moment and use your device to browse the internet, or you could simply point your device at the building and let the technology find the information for you, almost like live TV. The same could go for a movie poster. You point your device at the poster, and it instantly plays you the movie trailer, checks seat availability at the nearest movie theatres, and lets you buy tickets. It also tells you which of your friends or family are nearby, and helps you purchase tickets for them too. These are just two examples of how mobile solutions will soon make your life easier and more fun, made possible when your mobile device combines your social contacts with your physical location. We call this Social Location, or SoLo for short. And it’s just around the corner. Think of it as your mobile phone, the internet and PC coming together to form one easy-to-use whole – working together as a kind of sixth sense.
  • 7. 7 Why live in different worlds? Many of us regularly tap into three different digital worlds: the PC, the web and the mobile world. Nokia is working to remove the artificial barriers that have long existed between them. Imagine you want to travel somewhere new. You may go Smart services online, download a map and print out a hard copy to take SoLo, combined with micro-blogging tools, allows with you. But wouldn’t it be simpler just to let your mobile you to socialize and share by letting your friends device call up the map and have its navigation system give know where you are, how you are feeling and what you turn-by-turn directions on how to get there? Your mobile you’re doing. This is just one possibility that comes device knows what you want to do, and combines all the from combining the real world dimension with the relevant information to help you do it. You will soon be able virtual world of the internet, digital maps and the to apply this approach to all walks of life. contacts in your phone. Nokia is helping to create a world where you can do this Whatever you do, you will always be in control. wherever you are, whenever. Forget the constraints of your You will be able to modify, engage or stop these PC and time-consuming internet searches. Welcome to the features at will. You decide. freedom of your truly mobile computer.
  • 8. 8 Nokia N97 Nokia E71 The Nokia N97 instantly became a new benchmark The Nokia E71 is an impressive performer, for our industry. This mobile computer integrates our which last year drove shipments of the whole Ovi services with many unrivalled features, including Eseries range over the 10 million unit mark. 32 GB of onboard storage, a high resolution 3.5-inch The Nokia E63 continues with the same touch screen and a fully customizable homescreen. slender form factor and is available globally for the equivalent of less than €200. With IBM Lotus Notes Traveler and Microsoft Mail for Exchange, Nokia Eseries devices connect to 90 percent of the world’s corporate email systems without the need for additional middleware. Nokia Messaging provides the best connection to the world’s leading consumer email products.
  • 9. Innovations that take us into tomorrow 9 Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Ovi, the consumer brand for Nokia internet services, brings together your online world, your mobile device and your The Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, our first mass-market PC into an easy-to-use and consistent experience. With Ovi touchscreen device sold more than one million you can easily manage, sync and share your personal files units in just a few months after it went on sale in or information, as well as access Nokia services in media selected markets. Making the most of touchscreen sharing, maps, games, music and messaging. technology, the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic delivers easy and fast access to all music, video and photos Mobile solutions through a one-touch ‘Media Bar’ menu. The Media Nokia is connecting people to what matters most to them Bar also offers a direct link to the web and to online most by seamlessly integrating devices and smart services. media sharing. You will no longer need to worry about whether different features fit together, or when, where and how they can be used. All that’s left is an irresistible consumer experience; a new and exciting way to connect people to what matters.
  • 10. Since its foundation way back in 1865, Nokia has always steered a course based on a clear vision and strategy. The company has a long history of technological innovations and a leading role in enabling people to maximize the social and economic benefits from mobile communications. This led to mobile communications being the fastest-growing technology in mankind. We are proud of our heritage and the values that guide our thinking and everyday actions. They are the foundation of Nokia’s success. Our way of doing business 10 Truly global Our innovations and understanding of people’s needs are based on studies of more than 100,000 consumers in almost 30 countries. These studies represent an unparalleled amount of insight, some 12 billion data points to be exact. But we don’t just look at data. Our designers and anthropologists go out into the real world to see exactly how people are using mobile and Internet technology as part of their everyday lives. All this quantitative and qualitative data are fed directly back into our portfolio management and design, so that our products and services are as inclusive and useful to people as possible. Our employees – from design engineers and software programmers to product line specialists and sales staff – can be found across the globe. We know we can only fully understand the wide diversity of people’s needs, and work to meet them, by being close to our customers. Local presence on a worldwide scale means we can offer our customers a broad portfolio of devices and services. Our assets include a worldwide distribution network, flexibility and efficiency in logistics and the trust that comes from one of the world’s leading brands.
  • 11. Connecting over a billion people every day The global four billion mobile subscriber milestone was reached in early 2009, according to the GSM Association, an industry trade group. More than one billion people place their trust in Nokia devices and services each and every day. In fact, Nokia was ranked the fifth best brand in the world by Interbrand in 2008, for the second consecutive year. ‘Connecting People’ is at the heart of the Nokia brand. This increas- ingly means connecting people to what matters most, to give them the power to make the most of every moment. Our vision of the world is already becoming a reality. We are providing the gateway for people to join this connected world through popular services such as Ovi Maps, Ovi Mail and Comes with Music. And if you wish to use your Nokia device to access other navigation, email, social net- 11 work, photo-sharing and other sites, you can. Corporate email inboxes are also on the device menu with ninety per cent of clients (Microsoft Mail for Exchange and IBM Lotus Notes Traveller) being fully compatible and easy to set up.
  • 12. Solid foundations Nokia continues to invest in its own research and development while championing the use of open systems. We see our role as a catalyst for innovation. That is why we moved to establish the Symbian Foundation, one of the biggest contributions to an open community that our industry has ever made. Developing this mobile future 12
  • 13. A healthy and vibrant community We believe that the greatest innovations come from having a strong community of partners. That’s why we are committed to working closely with our users, developers, operators and other partners. A healthy community of partners will bring innovations to the market much faster than companies working on their own. Some of these innovations are inspired by our own research into how people use mobile and Internet technology. Excellence outside, excellence inside 13 The innovations of a strong partner community then feed into our research and development teams which in turn drive product design. We then work with the leading operators in the world to help bring these products to market and to tailor them to specific needs. 4 million minds and counting Nokia’s global developer program, Forum Nokia connects developers to tools, technical information, support, and distribution channels that they can use to build and market applications around the globe. With more than 4 million registered developers in the Forum Nokia community, Nokia actively supports taking the tools, building upon them and innovating on Nokia platforms for a host of new services and content types. One innovative and potentially lucrative distribution channel for content providers and developers is the Ovi Store, a scalable media distribution network.
  • 14. A billion positive changes every 14 day with the Power of We The economic and social benefits of mobility are irrefutable. With more than four billion people Thinking inside and outside the box already connected, of whom more than a billion using Nokia devices, we have both the potential We consider the environment by deploying and the responsibility to make a big difference in a range of environmental practices across the world. Small steps taken by a billion people all our operations. These include: adds up to a huge impact. The best way for Nokia • Phasing out the use of materials like PVC to be a good corporate citizen is therefore to ensure • Reducing charger no load power that we continue to develop mobile communications consumption by up to 95% products and services for everyone and ensure that • Adding alerts to remind you to unplug we consider environmental and social issues in your charger once the battery is full everything we do. This commitment is extended • Making up to 80% of Nokia devices further by asking our countless partners and recyclable suppliers to show a similar concern for the planet • Creating eco services to inspire more and its inhabitants. sustainable behavior
  • 15. Committed to a sustainable future 15 Leading change In 2008, we led the development of an industry-wide energy ranking for chargers, thereby helping consumers to choose the most efficient chargers and encouraging the industry as a whole to further increase energy efficiency. We are also creating environmentally- themed services and applications that will help you use your mobile device to make informed and sustainable decisions.
  • 16. Our culture, our values Bringing together talent, vision and shared principles A flat, networked organization, as well as speed and flexibility in decision-making, characterize our way of working, which we call the Nokia Way. Openness towards people and new ideas, as well as integrity, are key qualities we encourage at all times. We look for innovative ways to create and introduce our products and solutions to the market and so provide the people that work in our company with a platform for personal growth in a challenging and dynamic environment. Values for everyday business As with every other company, our company values set us apart by how well they are reflected in everything we do. We’re proud of our values because they have made us what we are today. They provide direction for consistent behaviour, as employees and citizens of the world, and towards our transformation into an internet company. To 16 better reflect our changing business environment and new direction, we recently renewed our values through a process that gave our employees a leading role in articulating our culture and how we act. These values are the foundation for our evolving culture and the basis of our operational mode. Living them every day is our shared philosophy.
  • 17. Our values defined Passion for innovation Engaging you Achieving together Very human We are at our most At every step of the way, We can all achieve on our This applies to what we innovative when we we need to engage all our own, we can do things offer customers, how we tap into people’s desires stakeholders, including together, but doing do business and the to live their dreams, employees, in what the both – in other words impact of our actions and releasing the courage company stands for in succeeding through behavior on people and to make the leap into the world and how we collaboration and the environment. It is the future through new meet the needs of our partnership – shows the about being very human in and improved ways customers. true potential of Nokia. the world – making things and through a better simple, respecting and understanding of the caring for people, even in world around us. tough business situations. 17
  • 18. 18
  • 19. Our strategy Mobility and the internet continue to converge. As a truly consumer-led company, we create value by combining smart services and the best devices to deliver irresistible solutions, while growing our high-volume product business. Our strategic objectives are: • Irresistible solutions and vibrant ecosystems • Direct and continuous consumer relationships • Best devices • Smart services 19 To achieve our vision, we will strengthen our trusted consumer relationships by moving from discrete transactions to a dynamic dialogue with the consumer. We are committed to building direct and continuous consumer relationships. We will drive for continued growth in our devices business and our goal is to broaden our geographic reach and to address all price points by creating the best devices. Our broad device base will be the bedrock of our growing Services business. We will invest in creating relevant, personalized services that blend the dimensions of people and places. Our target is to have 300 million people using our smart services by 2012. With our devices and services, we will be able to deliver irresistible solutions with seamless and delightful consumer experiences thereby connecting people to what matters most in their lives.
  • 20. Group Executive Board Nokia Services Siemens Networks Markets Devices NAVTEQ Corporate Development Office Corporate Functions Organized for success 20 The world is changing, so are we The right combination Continuous transformation is part of today’s business life. Serving the devices and Throughout its history, Nokia has adapted and made constant services business, Nokia has changes to its operations to respond to the needs of the market. four units: Devices, Services, We are currently transforming and shaping our business operations Markets and the Corporate to reflect the evolving nature and structure of a converging mobile Development Office. These and internet world. units work together to execute Nokia currently has three reportable segments: Devices & Services, Nokia’s devices and services NAVTEQ, and Nokia Siemens Networks. strategy and explore future To achieve business success in a long-term, sustainable way, it growth opportunities. is vital that we continue the transformation of the company into an internet company.
  • 21. The right acquisitions Among other acquisitions in 2008, the Nokia family was expanded with NAVTEQ, a leading provider of digital map information for navigation and mapping systems. This strategic acquisition is a key enabler for our concept of ‘Social Location’ and our range 21 of location-based services. The right network Nokia Siemens Networks was formed on April 1, 2007, and combined our former Networks business group with Siemens’ carrier-related operations for fixed and mobile networks. Nokia Siemens Networks is jointly owned by Nokia and Siemens and consolidated by Nokia. Nokia Siemens Networks has five business units: Radio Access; Converged Core; Broadband Connectivity Solutions; Operations and Business Software; and Services.
  • 22. Vital statistics The 10 markets in which Nokia generated the greatest net sales in 2008 were (in order of magnitude) China, India, the UK, Germany, Russia, Indonesia, the US, Brazil, Italy and Spain. At the end of 2008 Nokia had • Device manufacturing in 9 countries • Infrastructure equipment manufacturing in 4 countries • Strong R&D presence in 16 countries • Sales in more than 150 countries At the end of 2008 Nokia employed almost 22 126 000 people.
  • 23. Personnel Net sales Dec. 31, 2008 2008 49% Europe 37% Europe (% of net sales) 17% Asia-Pacific 22% Asia-Pacific 12% China 14% Middle East and Africa 11% Latin America 13% Greater China 7% North America 10% Latin America 4% Middle East and Africa 4% North America Net sales 23 EUR million 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 29 371 34 191 41 121 51 058 50 710 Operating profit EUR million 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 4 326 4 639 5 488 7 985 4 966
  • 24. Forward-looking statements Many risks and uncertainties affect whether the forward-looking statements we make will materialize according to our current expectations. For further information on these risk factors, please see Nokia’s annual report on Form 20-F for the year Copyright © 2009. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. ended December 31, 2008, or our periodic earnings releases, all available on Nokia’s Nokia and Nokia Connecting People are registered trademarks of Nokia Corporation. internet pages at