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Table of Contents
FOREWORD........................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Introduction...........................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
The Concept of Environment...................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Environment.......................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
WATER...................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
All Organisms Depend on Water..........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Water is the Source of all Vegetation:..................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Water is the Cause of the Diversification of Vegetation on Earth ...........Error! Bookmark not defined.
Water is a Source of Sustenance..........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Water is a Source of Drinking...............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Water Helps us Remember Allah..........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Water: Promises and Threats...............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Water is a Source of Fear and Hope .....................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Water is a Source of Food Water.........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Quran Says All Life Createdwith and Dependent on Water...................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Water heralds Glad Tidings, Mercy, Cleanliness andis a Source of Life for Mankind.... Error! Bookmark
not defined.
WATER POLLUTION.................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Physical parameters............................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Chemical parameters:.........................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Biological parameters:.........................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Sources of water pollution ......................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
ISLAMIC VIEWPOINT...............................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Quranic Verses on Preservation of the Environment.................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
ISLAMIC APPROACH TOWARDS CONTROLLING POLLUTION.......................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Islamic Life and the Environment.........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Trusteeship of resources:.................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Al-akhira (Hereafter)........................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Hadiths concerning the attitude to water.............................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Conclusion .............................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Main objective of this report is to tell the reader about the modern day environmental problem i.e
water pollution and how Islam teaches us how to avoid from this problem. Content is taken from
HOLY QURAN, HADITH, SUNNAH and historical book relating to water management system.
In this report, we shall trace the historical developments by way of contextualizing sacred texts
and delineating the developments relating to the utilization of water. Thus, this chapter aims at
understanding what these sacred texts as well as auxiliary texts have to say on these issues on the
one hand, as also tracing their historical evolution, on the other. Hence, the crux is to relate how
the people in different epochs solved their problems of getting adequate water and its efficient
utilization and safe disposal of waste.
Life, food and water form one closely knit circular continuum. We could also visualize life to be
balanced on a tripod of ‘air, water and food’, for it is only in water or with water that life
processes can go on or sustained. Hence, clean potable water forms an indispensable component
simultaneously; there is the output of waste products which are flushed out of organisms through
water medium. These complex phenomena have given rise to studies such as Ecology and Water
The Concept of Environment
Environment is defined as the sphere or context where human beings live. This includes all
the natural and human phenomena that affect humans and are affected by them and from which
they get their means of subsistence such as food, clothing, medicine and shelter and wherein they
exercise their relations with their human and non-human fellow creatures.
In a prominent environmentalist’s view:
”The environment is a set of conditions, substances and interactions taking place in any
sphere where life exists. - Conditions include such climate elements as temperature, humidity,
and light as well as cosmic states such as gravity.”
Substances comprise the earth and what is related to it like rock constituents, running water in
rivers which fills the seas, and such life products as paper, fruits, wood, fur, meat and the like.
The environment is looked at as a functional system which operates in a comprehensive manner
via mutual relations between its organic and non-organic components. The environmental system
has its inputs—carrying and storing—and its outputs such as energy and basic products, all of
which operate in natural conditions. When the environmental system is upset by human beings, it
tends to reorganize itself at first. Through the act of recurrence, plants tend to constitute a stable
plant community according to the principle of flowing energy. Stability in ecological systems
implies a dynamic balance between the input and the output of energy and matter.
1)Michael Allaby, A Dictionary of Environment. London: Macmillan , 1981.
2) Mohammed Sayyid Jamil, Addimoghrafia fittarbiyya Assukkania Cairo : Dar Gharib Littiba’a wannashr, 1987.
3) L.P. Manners, Perspectives of Environment, Association of American Geographers, pub. N° 13, Washington D.
C. 1974.
4)Muhammad Asharnubi, Al’insan wal Bi’a, (Cairo : Al-Maktaba Al-‘anglosaxonia, 1976), p. 70.
In Islamic point of view water is the considered as the most important element on the earth.
This system comprises water in its three states: gas, liquid, and solid, and as it exists in the air,
on the surface of the earth, or underground. Water is mentioned in the Qur’an in 63 places, which
are classified under the following categories: Water was the first thing to have ever existed.
Allah said in His Book:
“And His throne was over water—that He might try you, which of you is best in
conduct.” (Hud 7).
The Prophet PBUH said:
“Allah was and there was nothing prior to Him; His Throne was over water; then He
created earth and the heavens, and has everything written in His Book” (reported by At-tirmidh).
All Organisms Depend on Water
Allah said:
“We made from water every living thing” (Anbiyya’ 30)
Research has shown that 70 % of the constituents of the human body are from water. When this
percentage diminishes, the human body is exposed to diseases. If it loses 20 %, the person in
question will die(11). The origin of human beings is from water.Allah said in his Holy Book: “It
is He who has created man from water. Then has He established relationships of lineage and
marriage: For thy Lord Has power (over all things)” (Furqan 54).
Water is the Source of all Vegetation:
Allah said:
”It is He who sendeth down rain from the skies: with it we produce vegetation of all
kinds” (An’am 99)
“ We send down rain from the sky, and produce on the earth every kind of noble
creature, in pairs” (Luqman 10).
1) Imam Muslim Ibn Al Hajaj, Sahih Muslim, exegesis of Naouaoui, edited by Abdellah Ahmed Abou
Zina : Shab publications, Kitab Shaab, first volume, Kitab Tahar, Cairo, p.530.
2) Youssef Abdelmaid fayed, Weather and Climate - Book research, reference book on environment for
public education – ISESCO
Water is the Cause of the Diversification of Vegetation on Earth
Allah said:
“Seest thou not that God sends down rain from the sky? With it we then bring out
produce of various colors” (Fatir 27)
Water is a Source of Sustenance
God said:
”He sends down rain, and brought forth therewith fruits for your sustenance”(Baqara
Water is a Source of Drinking
Allah said:
“See ye the water which ye drink? Do ye bring it down (in rain) from the cloud or do
we? Were it our will, we could make it salt (and unpalatable): Then why do ye not give thanks?»
(Waqi’a 68-70)
Water Helps us Remember Allah
Allah said:
“and when harm touches upon the sea, those you call upon vanish from you except
Hi” (Israa’ 27)
“and the dwellers of the Fire call to the dwellers of the paradise : pour on us some
water” (A’araf 50).
“Any others that they call upon besides hear them no more than if they were to stretch
forth their hands for water to reach their mouths. But it reaches them not” (Ra’ad 14).
Water: Promises and Threats
Allah said:
“Say (O Muhammad) : Tell me ? if (all) your water were to sink away, who then can
supply you with flowing water”(Mulk 30).
“And We send down water from the sky according to (due) measure, and We cause it
to soak in the soil; and We are certainly able to drain it off (with ease)” (Al Mu’minun 18)
Water is a Source of Fear and Hope
Allah said:
“It is He who doth show you the lightning, by way both of fear and of hope: it is He
who doth raise up the clouds, heavy with (fertilizing) rain!”(Ra’d 12).
“And among His signs, he shows you the lightning. By way both of fear and of hope,
and He sends down rain from the sky and with it gives life to the earth after it is dead” (Rum 24).
Water is a Source of Food Water
Allah said in His Book:
“Lawful to you is the pursuit of water-game and its use for food—for the benefit of
yourselves”(Ma’ida 96).
“Nor are the two bodies of flowing water alike,- the one palatable, sweet, and
pleasant to drink. And the other, salt and bitter. Yet from each (kind of water) do ye eat flesh
fresh and tender, and ye extract ornaments to wear” (Fatir 12).
Quran Says All Life Created with and Dependent on Water
Quran is replete with references to the bounty bestowed on His Creation by sending rains…In
the first instance, let’s see two verses: ‘God has created every animal from water....’ (24:45).
This verse is followed by another which adumbrates that ‘It is He who has created man from
water…’ (25:54). This is followed by a third verse, which speaks about plants. It is stated that ‘It
is He who sends down water from the skies; you drink thereof, and the plants also are satiated,
on which you pasture your livestock, [and] by virtue of this, He causes crops to grow for you,…’
(16:10 and 11)
Water heralds Glad Tidings, Mercy, Cleanliness and is a Source of Life for Mankind.
Allah said:
“And He who sends the winds as heralds of glad tidings, going before His mercy,
and We send down pure water from the sky” (Furqan 48).
“He caused rain to descend on you from heaven to clean you therewith” (Anfal 11)
In the Qaf Surat Allah said :
“And We send down from the sky rain charged with blessings, And We produced
therewith gardens and grain for harvest” (Qaf: 9).
“Water pollution may be defined as the contamination of streams, lakes, seas, underground water
or oceans by substances, which are harmful for living beings. Industrialization and population
explosion are two important factors for water pollution .”
Water may be called polluted when the following parameters stated below reach beyond a
specified concentration in water.
i) Physical parameters.
Colour, odour, turbidity, taste, temperature and electrical conductivity constitute the
physical parameters and are good indicators of contamination. For instance, colour and
turbidity are visible evidences of polluted water while an offensive odour or a bitter and
difference than normal taste also makes water unfit for drinking.
ii) Chemical parameters:
These include the amount of carbonates, sulphates, chlorides, fluorides, nitrates, and
metal ions. These chemicals form the total dissolved solids, present in water.
iii) Biological parameters:
The biological parameters include matter like algae, fungi, viruses, protozoa and
bacteria. The life forms present in water are affected to a good extent by the presence of
pollutants. The pollutants in water may cause a reduction in the population of both lower
and higher plant and animal lives. Thus, the biological parameters give an indirect
indication of the amount of pollution in water.
(1) Olaniran,Environment and Health,(1995)
Sources of water pollution
Water pollution is generally induced by humans. It results from actions of humans carried
on to better self. These could be treated under the various activities that man engages in, that lead
to pollution. The growth of human population, industrial and agricultural practices is the major
causes of pollution .Water pollution become worse as a result of overcrowding in urban areas.
Agricultural, domestic and industrial wastes are the major pollutants of agnatic habitats. Sewage
is the biggest pollutant of fresh water when discharged into them. Sewage is the waterborne
waster of society and the discharge of untreated sewage into a river is very enormous and
unhealthy. The striking consequence is a substantial and immediate drop in the amount of
dissolved oxygen in the water. This happens because organic matter stimulates decomposers
especially bacteria which break down suspended solids in the sewage. As they respire, the
decomposers use up dissolved oxygen (O2) and the Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) reduces.
The flora and fauna of the rivers experience change and reduction in number due to death
by suffocation. Highly polluted rivers have obnoxious smell and contain little or no flora or
fauna. Another source of water pollution is the discharge of hot water from cooling engines in
the industries. This increases water temperature and lowers the metabolic rate of organisms. This
then raises their oxygen demand. The effects of pollution are greater in shallow, enclosed or slow
flowing streams. Excess fertilizer, herbicides and pesticides when washed by rain into rivers
causes serious danger to life. Excess phosphorus in fertilizer cause serious entroplication. Apart
from fertilizers, detergent are also very toxic to marine life when washed International Letters of
Natural Sciences 3 (2014) 1-6 3 into water.
Chemical pollutants from distaffs have been found to be animal carcinogens. The dyeing
industries in Nigeria (tie and dye) produce chemicals such as zinc sulphate and copper salts
which are non-biodegradable, when they are discharged into rivers; they produce devastating
effects on aquatic environments. Pollution poses a serious risk to life especially when the water
is a source of drinking and for domestic purposes for humans polluted waters are potent agents of
diseases such as cholera, typhoid and tuberculosis. A major water pollutants has been oil spilled
in large quantities from tankers of broken oil pipes from oil industries which kills sea weeds,
mollusks, marine birds, crustaceans, fishes and other sea organisms that serve as food for
humans. This leads to calcium deficiencies in our diet. Some insecticides like DDT are
particularly dangerous when allowed into bodies of water because its concentration increases
along the food chain. Oysters for an example can accumulate DDT to a concentration. 70,000
times that of DDT in sea water.(1)
The effects of water pollution in some areas has been to an extent of irreversibly
changing aquatic ecosystems. This is dangerous to plants and animals including humans. Since
water pollution has direct consequences on human well beings, an effective teaching strategy in
the formal education sector is essential for a better understanding so as to develop the right
attitude towards water. This is why the guided discovery approach is a teaching strategy which
when adequately utilized and combined with other methods of science teaching will leave lasting
impression on the learner as well as help him solve the problems of his immediate environment.
(1)Nzewi U., STAN Journal Environmental Education Series (2) (1998) 31-34.
The Muslim economists have so far made relatively insignificant contribution to the subject
of environment. Most of them have only discussed the moral aspect of the subject in general
terms. In fact, there are very few studies which have approached the problem systematically.
Even those few studies have not worked out the practical ways and means for ensuring
environmental security.
Akbar(1) notes that technological progress is responsible for disturbing the equilibrium in
nature. He says, “The present ecological crisis is an outward manifestation of a crisis of mind
and spirit”. He underlines the importance of changing beliefs and traditions so that human beings
live responsibly with the rest of the creation. In this setting, he presents an Islamic viewpoint and
then compares it with the Western viewpoint. While describing the roots of Islamic
environmental ethics, he mentions the principles of unity, trusteeship, and accountability.
Chapra(2) traces the ethical foundations for the protection of environment under the
principle of ‘No Injury’. According to this principle, Muslims are prohibited from harming
others. He contends that the environmental degradation harms both the present and future
generations. Therefore, it is an obligation of an individual and a society to protect it. Nasr(3)
holds a similar viewpoint. He says that in Islam, man and cosmos are in a state of unity,
harmony, and complimentarity. He maintains that planting trees, treating animals gently,
avoiding pollution in water are as good deeds as feeding the poor and attending the sick.
Moreover, he emphasizes the spiritual significance of nature. For the solution of the
environmental problem, he specifically suggests expansion of general awareness regarding
shari’ah’s teachings about the ethical treatment of the environment. He does not assign any role
to the Islamic state for the promotion of the environment.
The Islamic perspective on the environment rests on the belief that Allah (swt) is the
Creator and Sustainer of the universe. The whole universe along with all of its factors has been
created with perfect wisdom (hikmah). The number, quantity, and quality of these factors is
precisely determined by the divine plan. Each factor plays its ordained role. Everything created
by Allah has a just purpose which must be fulfilled. Moreover, nothing is permanent here;
everything exists for a fixed period.
(1)Akbar, Khalid Farooq (1992), vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 23-29.
(2) Chapra, M. Umer (1993), p. 7.
(3) Nasr, S.H (1990), vol. 6, pp. 32-51.
The Holy Quran, shedding light on this point, says:
“We created not the heavens and the earth and all between them but for just ends,
and for a term appointed: but those who reject Faith turn away from that whereof they are
For the sustenance of His creation, Allah has placed a measured quantity of the
environmental resources which matches the total demand of the resources in the universe. This
implies the existence of environmental balance in the natural ecosystem. Hence, Islam looks at
the environment from the standpoint of balance. It envisions the environmental balance as a part
of the universal ‘grand balance’. The Quran describes the notion of environmental balance in
various terms like ‘adl’, ‘qadar’ and ‘mouzoon’. The term ‘adl’ literally means acting justly,
rightly, or equitably. While explaining the meaning of ‘adl’, one interpreter of the Quran has
observed that the universe has been created in balanced form.(1) Similarly, most of the early
interpreters interpret the term, ‘mizaan’ in the meaning of ‘adl’. (2) Additionally, some other
terms ‘haq’ and ‘qist’ have also been interpreted to have the same meaning. All of these terms,
therefore, support the notion of environmental balance. The Quranic term ‘qadar’ gives even
more direct meaning of the environmental balance. The literal meaning of ‘qadar’ is a specified
measure or amount either of quantities or qualities.
This term corroborates the notion of balance in the following ayah:
“Verily all things We have created in proportion and measure.” (al-Qamar)
The above ayah makes a general statement about the existence of equilibrium in
everything. The process of creation and growth of all things follows the principle of balance
which, in the above ayah, has been referred to as ‘proportion and measure. They have observed
that in certain cases the balance is maintained through a negative relationship between the rate of
reproduction of the organisms and their age. The organisms having excessive rate of
reproduction have shorter age.(3)
The notion of environmental balance is further supported by another term ‘mouzoon’
which occurs in the first of the following ayahs:
“And the earth We have spread out, set therein mountains firm and immovable and
produced therein all kinds of things in due balance. And We have provided therein means of
sustenance for you and for those whose sustenance you are not responsible.”(al-Hijr :19-20)
(1)Maududi,Abu Al Ala, Tafheem-ul-Quran, vol. 5, p. 251.
(2) Tafseer-e-Usmani, p. 689. 14 Quran: 54:59.
(3) TafseerFi Zilal-al-Quran (Urdu) vol. 9, pp. 576-585.
Quranic Verses on Preservation of the Environment
Based on scholars’ observations, there is no specific verse that pertains directly to actions related
to the preservation of the environment. However, there are 16 Quranic verses which have been
identified and could be understood to be in line with the meaning of preserving the environment.
These verses were chosen based on the terms or words that forbid human beings from causing
damages (‫ساد‬ ‫ف‬ ,(call for actions to make the universe. prosperous (‫عمر‬ ‫ت‬ ‫س‬ ‫ا‬ ,(and forbid human
beings from being arrogant in this universe (‫مرحا‬ .(All of these words can be used in association
with the preservation of the environment. The distribution of the verses in the Quran is described
in the following table.
Based on the table above, it can be seen that there are 16 verses in the Quran which have
been identified and could be understood to be statements that relate to the preservation of the
environment. Nevertheless, as mentioned previously, these verses do not specifically explain
about preservation of the environment. They can only be interpreted in an explicit manner.
Therefore, to search for the implicit meanings, the manuscript of Tafsir al-Misbah and other
main references for interpretation will be used to decipher these verses. Other than that, there are
many verses that are recurring, as can be seen from the table. Thus, only several verses will be
used as samples to study the Quranic verses that relate to the preservation of the environment.
In this section, we present the Islamic approach for the environmental balance in the light
of the preceding arguments. The approach basically visualizes an Islamic society, the
socioeconomic and political behavior of which is consistent with the environmental balance.
This society maintains the environmental balance with the help of two institutions: the Islamic
way of life and the Islamic state. The first institution delineates the role of the individuals and the
second demonstrates the role of the Islamic state in the environmental sector.
1. Islamic Life and the Environment
Islamic behavior covers all aspects of human life. It produces balanced personalities
by simultaneously catering their spiritual and material needs. The pri- mary goal of the
‘Islamic man’ is to seek the pleasure of Allah.(2) Shari’ah provides guidance and
incentives for living such a life. The goal of ‘pleasing Allah’ profoundly affects the
psychological and mental make-up of the individuals and makes them spiritually strong.
Equipped with this strength, they are able to focus on their goal by resisting worldly
temptations. Pursuance of this goal produces love and affection among them because
man’s attitude towards his fellow-beings is closely connected with his attitude towards
Allah. Three aspects of Islamic life: environmental consciousness, simplicity, and fellow-
feeling have important bearing for the maintenance of environmental balance. Before
demonstrating their role, it is essential to discuss the conceptual basis of the Islamic life.
This life rests on the three fundamental principles: tawhid, khilafah and al-akhira. These
principles provide theme and substance to the concept of Islamic life
(1) Maududi, Islamic Tahzeeb,vol 1,pp(156)
2. Trusteeship of resources:
Allah is the actual owner of all resources. Man is required to use them in right
ways. After their acquisition, he is supposed to act as a trustee, benefiting from them
according to the terms of the trust.22 He cannot waste resources in any case.
3. Al-akhira (Hereafter)
Al-akhira is one of the fundamental beliefs of Islam. It implies Islamic doctrine of
accountability which is wider than the counterpart secular concept of accountability. A
Muslim has to believe that every atom’s weight of good and every atom’s weight of evil
will be weighed in al-akhira. 23 This belief broadens his vision. He evaluates the likely
impact of his worldly choices on his life in the Hereafter before making decisions.
Practically, this belief acts as a monitoring system inside the mind and heart of a Muslim
and thus helps him to do good deeds and avoid bad deeds.
4. Hadiths concerning the attitude to water
In “Sahih Bukhari” hadiths that are dedicated water resources and water use are not
so many. Other hadiths concerning water are scattered over all volumes of this collection.The
text of this hadith is translated as follows:
“(While Allah’s Apostle, Peace Be Upon Him, came in Medina, here there
was not another source of water except the Ruma Well), and He said, “For anyone who will
purchase the Ruma Well and use its water jointly with other Muslims a wonderful place in the
Garden of Eden will be prepared. Then Uthman, may Allah forgives him, bought it (the well)”. It
is obvious that Uthman has bought the well and given it to Muslims of Medina for use. However,
the significance of this hadith consists in the fact that afterwards it became the legal base for
developing a diversity of Shariah’s laws.
A hadith narrated by Urwa bin Az-Zubair:
“Az-Zubair told me that he quarreled with an Ansari man who had
participated in (the battle of) Badr in front of Allah’s Apostle about a water stream which both of
them used for irrigation. Allah’s Apostle said to Az-Zubair, “O Zubair! Irrigate (your garden)
first, and then let the water flow to your neighbor.” The Ansari became angry and said, “O
Allah’s Apostle! Is it because he is your cousin?” On that the complexion of Allah’s Apostle
changed (because of anger) and said (to Az-Zubair), “I irrigate (your garden) and then withhold
the water till it reaches the walls (surrounding the palms).” So, Allah’s Apostle gave Az-Zubair
his full right. Before that Allah’s Apostle had given a generous judgment beneficial for Az-
Zubair and the Ansari, but when the Ansan irritated Allah’s Apostle he gave Az-Zubair his full
right according to the evident law. Az-Zubair said, “By Allah! I think the following Verse was
revealed concerning that case: “But no by your Lord They can have No faith Until they make
you judge In all disputes between them.” (4.65). Apparently, Ansari himself asked the Prophet to
be the judge for this dispute, and when he uttered his opinion regarding the dispute Ansari has
shown his displeasure to Allah’s Apostle. Afterwards this hadith also became the legal base for
some Shariah’s laws. For example, a queue of water applications in the fields located along an
irrigation canal from its head to its end – first, the fields closer to water along the head section of
the canal are irrigated and then sequentially other fields. At the same time, when dozens of water
users take water from a single water source, water availability in the source may be insufficient
to meet water demands of all water users at once, and in this case, it is necessary to put the water
rotation method into practice. This hadith was the fundamental one under introducing the water
rotation method known to our ancestors from time immemorial.
Water is a source of food and beverages that are important to humans, animals and
plants. A hadith following describes the practices that need to practice for water cleanliness.
‫عن‬ ،‫يرة‬‫ر‬‫ه‬ ‫أيب‬ ‫عن‬ ‫ين‬‫ري‬‫س‬ ‫ابن‬ ‫عن‬ ‫هشام‬ ‫عن‬ ‫ير‬‫ر‬‫ج‬ ‫حدثنا‬ ،‫حرب‬ ‫ابن‬ ‫زهري‬ ‫وحدثين‬
،‫وسلم‬ ‫عليه‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫صلى‬ ‫النيب‬:‫قال‬‫منه‬ ‫يغتسل‬ ‫مث‬ ‫الدائم‬ ‫املاء‬ ‫يف‬ ‫أحدكم‬ ‫لن‬‫و‬‫يب‬ ‫ال‬
Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him)
said: None amongst you should urinate in standing water, and then wash in
it. (Narrated by Muslim)
In another Hadith, Holy Prophet (S.A.W) narrated that;
“Do not waste water even if you were at a running stream “
– Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
Sunan Ibn Majah 425
Conclusion The environment is one of Allah’s blessings to human beings and He entrusted
them with a role to preserve the environment so that the balance of this universe can be
maintained. Furthermore, the Quran also emphasizes the function and purpose of why humans
are created on this earth. As the ultimate reference to humans, the Quran has outlined several
steps through its verses to guide human beings in their efforts towards preserving the
environment and preventing themselves from causing destruction and ruination on the earth.
Nevertheless, all efforts to preserve and sustain the environment start from the Mahmudah
(praised) characteristics in humans, such as being grateful, humble, and never lose themselves in
all the luxuries that are given by Allah. Such characteristics will make them realize that
everything that Allah has provided to them is a loan from Him and it is a responsibility that they
need to fulfill. Therefore, as a Muslim-majority country in which the Quran is the primary
guidance for the Muslims, Malaysia should be able to handle environmental issues and reduce
the environmental destruction more effectively.

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A study on water pollution 1

  • 2. Table of Contents FOREWORD........................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Introduction...........................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. The Concept of Environment...................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Environment.......................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. WATER...................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. All Organisms Depend on Water..........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Water is the Source of all Vegetation:..................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Water is the Cause of the Diversification of Vegetation on Earth ...........Error! Bookmark not defined. Water is a Source of Sustenance..........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Water is a Source of Drinking...............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Water Helps us Remember Allah..........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Water: Promises and Threats...............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Water is a Source of Fear and Hope .....................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Water is a Source of Food Water.........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Quran Says All Life Createdwith and Dependent on Water...................Error! Bookmark not defined. Water heralds Glad Tidings, Mercy, Cleanliness andis a Source of Life for Mankind.... Error! Bookmark not defined. WATER POLLUTION.................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Physical parameters............................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Chemical parameters:.........................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Biological parameters:.........................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Sources of water pollution ......................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. ISLAMIC VIEWPOINT...............................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Quranic Verses on Preservation of the Environment.................................Error! Bookmark not defined. ISLAMIC APPROACH TOWARDS CONTROLLING POLLUTION.......................Error! Bookmark not defined. Islamic Life and the Environment.........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Trusteeship of resources:.................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Al-akhira (Hereafter)........................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Hadiths concerning the attitude to water.............................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Conclusion .............................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. FOREWORD
  • 3. Main objective of this report is to tell the reader about the modern day environmental problem i.e water pollution and how Islam teaches us how to avoid from this problem. Content is taken from HOLY QURAN, HADITH, SUNNAH and historical book relating to water management system. In this report, we shall trace the historical developments by way of contextualizing sacred texts and delineating the developments relating to the utilization of water. Thus, this chapter aims at understanding what these sacred texts as well as auxiliary texts have to say on these issues on the one hand, as also tracing their historical evolution, on the other. Hence, the crux is to relate how the people in different epochs solved their problems of getting adequate water and its efficient utilization and safe disposal of waste.
  • 4. Introduction Life, food and water form one closely knit circular continuum. We could also visualize life to be balanced on a tripod of ‘air, water and food’, for it is only in water or with water that life processes can go on or sustained. Hence, clean potable water forms an indispensable component simultaneously; there is the output of waste products which are flushed out of organisms through water medium. These complex phenomena have given rise to studies such as Ecology and Water pollution. The Concept of Environment
  • 5. Environment is defined as the sphere or context where human beings live. This includes all the natural and human phenomena that affect humans and are affected by them and from which they get their means of subsistence such as food, clothing, medicine and shelter and wherein they exercise their relations with their human and non-human fellow creatures. In a prominent environmentalist’s view: ”The environment is a set of conditions, substances and interactions taking place in any sphere where life exists. - Conditions include such climate elements as temperature, humidity, and light as well as cosmic states such as gravity.” Substances comprise the earth and what is related to it like rock constituents, running water in rivers which fills the seas, and such life products as paper, fruits, wood, fur, meat and the like. The environment is looked at as a functional system which operates in a comprehensive manner via mutual relations between its organic and non-organic components. The environmental system has its inputs—carrying and storing—and its outputs such as energy and basic products, all of which operate in natural conditions. When the environmental system is upset by human beings, it tends to reorganize itself at first. Through the act of recurrence, plants tend to constitute a stable plant community according to the principle of flowing energy. Stability in ecological systems implies a dynamic balance between the input and the output of energy and matter. . 1)Michael Allaby, A Dictionary of Environment. London: Macmillan , 1981. 2) Mohammed Sayyid Jamil, Addimoghrafia fittarbiyya Assukkania Cairo : Dar Gharib Littiba’a wannashr, 1987. 3) L.P. Manners, Perspectives of Environment, Association of American Geographers, pub. N° 13, Washington D. C. 1974. 4)Muhammad Asharnubi, Al’insan wal Bi’a, (Cairo : Al-Maktaba Al-‘anglosaxonia, 1976), p. 70. WATER
  • 6. In Islamic point of view water is the considered as the most important element on the earth. This system comprises water in its three states: gas, liquid, and solid, and as it exists in the air, on the surface of the earth, or underground. Water is mentioned in the Qur’an in 63 places, which are classified under the following categories: Water was the first thing to have ever existed. Allah said in His Book: “And His throne was over water—that He might try you, which of you is best in conduct.” (Hud 7). The Prophet PBUH said: “Allah was and there was nothing prior to Him; His Throne was over water; then He created earth and the heavens, and has everything written in His Book” (reported by At-tirmidh). All Organisms Depend on Water Allah said: “We made from water every living thing” (Anbiyya’ 30) Research has shown that 70 % of the constituents of the human body are from water. When this percentage diminishes, the human body is exposed to diseases. If it loses 20 %, the person in question will die(11). The origin of human beings is from water.Allah said in his Holy Book: “It is He who has created man from water. Then has He established relationships of lineage and marriage: For thy Lord Has power (over all things)” (Furqan 54). Water is the Source of all Vegetation: Allah said: ”It is He who sendeth down rain from the skies: with it we produce vegetation of all kinds” (An’am 99) “ We send down rain from the sky, and produce on the earth every kind of noble creature, in pairs” (Luqman 10). . 1) Imam Muslim Ibn Al Hajaj, Sahih Muslim, exegesis of Naouaoui, edited by Abdellah Ahmed Abou Zina : Shab publications, Kitab Shaab, first volume, Kitab Tahar, Cairo, p.530. 2) Youssef Abdelmaid fayed, Weather and Climate - Book research, reference book on environment for public education – ISESCO Water is the Cause of the Diversification of Vegetation on Earth
  • 7. Allah said: “Seest thou not that God sends down rain from the sky? With it we then bring out produce of various colors” (Fatir 27) Water is a Source of Sustenance God said: ”He sends down rain, and brought forth therewith fruits for your sustenance”(Baqara 22) Water is a Source of Drinking Allah said: “See ye the water which ye drink? Do ye bring it down (in rain) from the cloud or do we? Were it our will, we could make it salt (and unpalatable): Then why do ye not give thanks?» (Waqi’a 68-70) Water Helps us Remember Allah Allah said: “and when harm touches upon the sea, those you call upon vanish from you except Hi” (Israa’ 27) “and the dwellers of the Fire call to the dwellers of the paradise : pour on us some water” (A’araf 50). “Any others that they call upon besides hear them no more than if they were to stretch forth their hands for water to reach their mouths. But it reaches them not” (Ra’ad 14). Water: Promises and Threats Allah said: “Say (O Muhammad) : Tell me ? if (all) your water were to sink away, who then can supply you with flowing water”(Mulk 30). “And We send down water from the sky according to (due) measure, and We cause it to soak in the soil; and We are certainly able to drain it off (with ease)” (Al Mu’minun 18) Water is a Source of Fear and Hope
  • 8. Allah said: “It is He who doth show you the lightning, by way both of fear and of hope: it is He who doth raise up the clouds, heavy with (fertilizing) rain!”(Ra’d 12). “And among His signs, he shows you the lightning. By way both of fear and of hope, and He sends down rain from the sky and with it gives life to the earth after it is dead” (Rum 24). Water is a Source of Food Water Allah said in His Book: “Lawful to you is the pursuit of water-game and its use for food—for the benefit of yourselves”(Ma’ida 96). “Nor are the two bodies of flowing water alike,- the one palatable, sweet, and pleasant to drink. And the other, salt and bitter. Yet from each (kind of water) do ye eat flesh fresh and tender, and ye extract ornaments to wear” (Fatir 12). Quran Says All Life Created with and Dependent on Water Quran is replete with references to the bounty bestowed on His Creation by sending rains…In the first instance, let’s see two verses: ‘God has created every animal from water....’ (24:45). This verse is followed by another which adumbrates that ‘It is He who has created man from water…’ (25:54). This is followed by a third verse, which speaks about plants. It is stated that ‘It is He who sends down water from the skies; you drink thereof, and the plants also are satiated, on which you pasture your livestock, [and] by virtue of this, He causes crops to grow for you,…’ (16:10 and 11) Water heralds Glad Tidings, Mercy, Cleanliness and is a Source of Life for Mankind. Allah said: “And He who sends the winds as heralds of glad tidings, going before His mercy, and We send down pure water from the sky” (Furqan 48). “He caused rain to descend on you from heaven to clean you therewith” (Anfal 11) In the Qaf Surat Allah said : “And We send down from the sky rain charged with blessings, And We produced therewith gardens and grain for harvest” (Qaf: 9). WATER POLLUTION
  • 9. “Water pollution may be defined as the contamination of streams, lakes, seas, underground water or oceans by substances, which are harmful for living beings. Industrialization and population explosion are two important factors for water pollution .” Water may be called polluted when the following parameters stated below reach beyond a specified concentration in water. i) Physical parameters. Colour, odour, turbidity, taste, temperature and electrical conductivity constitute the physical parameters and are good indicators of contamination. For instance, colour and turbidity are visible evidences of polluted water while an offensive odour or a bitter and difference than normal taste also makes water unfit for drinking. ii) Chemical parameters: These include the amount of carbonates, sulphates, chlorides, fluorides, nitrates, and metal ions. These chemicals form the total dissolved solids, present in water. iii) Biological parameters: The biological parameters include matter like algae, fungi, viruses, protozoa and bacteria. The life forms present in water are affected to a good extent by the presence of pollutants. The pollutants in water may cause a reduction in the population of both lower and higher plant and animal lives. Thus, the biological parameters give an indirect indication of the amount of pollution in water. . (1) Olaniran,Environment and Health,(1995) Sources of water pollution
  • 10. Water pollution is generally induced by humans. It results from actions of humans carried on to better self. These could be treated under the various activities that man engages in, that lead to pollution. The growth of human population, industrial and agricultural practices is the major causes of pollution .Water pollution become worse as a result of overcrowding in urban areas. Agricultural, domestic and industrial wastes are the major pollutants of agnatic habitats. Sewage is the biggest pollutant of fresh water when discharged into them. Sewage is the waterborne waster of society and the discharge of untreated sewage into a river is very enormous and unhealthy. The striking consequence is a substantial and immediate drop in the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water. This happens because organic matter stimulates decomposers especially bacteria which break down suspended solids in the sewage. As they respire, the decomposers use up dissolved oxygen (O2) and the Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) reduces. The flora and fauna of the rivers experience change and reduction in number due to death by suffocation. Highly polluted rivers have obnoxious smell and contain little or no flora or fauna. Another source of water pollution is the discharge of hot water from cooling engines in the industries. This increases water temperature and lowers the metabolic rate of organisms. This then raises their oxygen demand. The effects of pollution are greater in shallow, enclosed or slow flowing streams. Excess fertilizer, herbicides and pesticides when washed by rain into rivers causes serious danger to life. Excess phosphorus in fertilizer cause serious entroplication. Apart from fertilizers, detergent are also very toxic to marine life when washed International Letters of Natural Sciences 3 (2014) 1-6 3 into water. Chemical pollutants from distaffs have been found to be animal carcinogens. The dyeing industries in Nigeria (tie and dye) produce chemicals such as zinc sulphate and copper salts which are non-biodegradable, when they are discharged into rivers; they produce devastating effects on aquatic environments. Pollution poses a serious risk to life especially when the water is a source of drinking and for domestic purposes for humans polluted waters are potent agents of diseases such as cholera, typhoid and tuberculosis. A major water pollutants has been oil spilled in large quantities from tankers of broken oil pipes from oil industries which kills sea weeds, mollusks, marine birds, crustaceans, fishes and other sea organisms that serve as food for humans. This leads to calcium deficiencies in our diet. Some insecticides like DDT are particularly dangerous when allowed into bodies of water because its concentration increases along the food chain. Oysters for an example can accumulate DDT to a concentration. 70,000 times that of DDT in sea water.(1)
  • 11. The effects of water pollution in some areas has been to an extent of irreversibly changing aquatic ecosystems. This is dangerous to plants and animals including humans. Since water pollution has direct consequences on human well beings, an effective teaching strategy in the formal education sector is essential for a better understanding so as to develop the right attitude towards water. This is why the guided discovery approach is a teaching strategy which when adequately utilized and combined with other methods of science teaching will leave lasting impression on the learner as well as help him solve the problems of his immediate environment. . (1)Nzewi U., STAN Journal Environmental Education Series (2) (1998) 31-34. ISLAMIC VIEWPOINT
  • 12. The Muslim economists have so far made relatively insignificant contribution to the subject of environment. Most of them have only discussed the moral aspect of the subject in general terms. In fact, there are very few studies which have approached the problem systematically. Even those few studies have not worked out the practical ways and means for ensuring environmental security. Akbar(1) notes that technological progress is responsible for disturbing the equilibrium in nature. He says, “The present ecological crisis is an outward manifestation of a crisis of mind and spirit”. He underlines the importance of changing beliefs and traditions so that human beings live responsibly with the rest of the creation. In this setting, he presents an Islamic viewpoint and then compares it with the Western viewpoint. While describing the roots of Islamic environmental ethics, he mentions the principles of unity, trusteeship, and accountability. Chapra(2) traces the ethical foundations for the protection of environment under the principle of ‘No Injury’. According to this principle, Muslims are prohibited from harming others. He contends that the environmental degradation harms both the present and future generations. Therefore, it is an obligation of an individual and a society to protect it. Nasr(3) holds a similar viewpoint. He says that in Islam, man and cosmos are in a state of unity, harmony, and complimentarity. He maintains that planting trees, treating animals gently, avoiding pollution in water are as good deeds as feeding the poor and attending the sick. Moreover, he emphasizes the spiritual significance of nature. For the solution of the environmental problem, he specifically suggests expansion of general awareness regarding shari’ah’s teachings about the ethical treatment of the environment. He does not assign any role to the Islamic state for the promotion of the environment. The Islamic perspective on the environment rests on the belief that Allah (swt) is the Creator and Sustainer of the universe. The whole universe along with all of its factors has been created with perfect wisdom (hikmah). The number, quantity, and quality of these factors is precisely determined by the divine plan. Each factor plays its ordained role. Everything created by Allah has a just purpose which must be fulfilled. Moreover, nothing is permanent here; everything exists for a fixed period. . (1)Akbar, Khalid Farooq (1992), vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 23-29. (2) Chapra, M. Umer (1993), p. 7. (3) Nasr, S.H (1990), vol. 6, pp. 32-51. The Holy Quran, shedding light on this point, says:
  • 13. “We created not the heavens and the earth and all between them but for just ends, and for a term appointed: but those who reject Faith turn away from that whereof they are warned.”(al-Ahqaf:3) For the sustenance of His creation, Allah has placed a measured quantity of the environmental resources which matches the total demand of the resources in the universe. This implies the existence of environmental balance in the natural ecosystem. Hence, Islam looks at the environment from the standpoint of balance. It envisions the environmental balance as a part of the universal ‘grand balance’. The Quran describes the notion of environmental balance in various terms like ‘adl’, ‘qadar’ and ‘mouzoon’. The term ‘adl’ literally means acting justly, rightly, or equitably. While explaining the meaning of ‘adl’, one interpreter of the Quran has observed that the universe has been created in balanced form.(1) Similarly, most of the early interpreters interpret the term, ‘mizaan’ in the meaning of ‘adl’. (2) Additionally, some other terms ‘haq’ and ‘qist’ have also been interpreted to have the same meaning. All of these terms, therefore, support the notion of environmental balance. The Quranic term ‘qadar’ gives even more direct meaning of the environmental balance. The literal meaning of ‘qadar’ is a specified measure or amount either of quantities or qualities. This term corroborates the notion of balance in the following ayah: “Verily all things We have created in proportion and measure.” (al-Qamar) The above ayah makes a general statement about the existence of equilibrium in everything. The process of creation and growth of all things follows the principle of balance which, in the above ayah, has been referred to as ‘proportion and measure. They have observed that in certain cases the balance is maintained through a negative relationship between the rate of reproduction of the organisms and their age. The organisms having excessive rate of reproduction have shorter age.(3) The notion of environmental balance is further supported by another term ‘mouzoon’ which occurs in the first of the following ayahs: “And the earth We have spread out, set therein mountains firm and immovable and produced therein all kinds of things in due balance. And We have provided therein means of sustenance for you and for those whose sustenance you are not responsible.”(al-Hijr :19-20) . (1)Maududi,Abu Al Ala, Tafheem-ul-Quran, vol. 5, p. 251. (2) Tafseer-e-Usmani, p. 689. 14 Quran: 54:59. (3) TafseerFi Zilal-al-Quran (Urdu) vol. 9, pp. 576-585. Quranic Verses on Preservation of the Environment
  • 14. Based on scholars’ observations, there is no specific verse that pertains directly to actions related to the preservation of the environment. However, there are 16 Quranic verses which have been identified and could be understood to be in line with the meaning of preserving the environment. These verses were chosen based on the terms or words that forbid human beings from causing damages (‫ساد‬ ‫ف‬ ,(call for actions to make the universe. prosperous (‫عمر‬ ‫ت‬ ‫س‬ ‫ا‬ ,(and forbid human beings from being arrogant in this universe (‫مرحا‬ .(All of these words can be used in association with the preservation of the environment. The distribution of the verses in the Quran is described in the following table. Based on the table above, it can be seen that there are 16 verses in the Quran which have been identified and could be understood to be statements that relate to the preservation of the
  • 15. environment. Nevertheless, as mentioned previously, these verses do not specifically explain about preservation of the environment. They can only be interpreted in an explicit manner. Therefore, to search for the implicit meanings, the manuscript of Tafsir al-Misbah and other main references for interpretation will be used to decipher these verses. Other than that, there are many verses that are recurring, as can be seen from the table. Thus, only several verses will be used as samples to study the Quranic verses that relate to the preservation of the environment. ISLAMIC APPROACH TOWARDS CONTROLLING POLLUTION In this section, we present the Islamic approach for the environmental balance in the light of the preceding arguments. The approach basically visualizes an Islamic society, the socioeconomic and political behavior of which is consistent with the environmental balance. This society maintains the environmental balance with the help of two institutions: the Islamic way of life and the Islamic state. The first institution delineates the role of the individuals and the second demonstrates the role of the Islamic state in the environmental sector. 1. Islamic Life and the Environment Islamic behavior covers all aspects of human life. It produces balanced personalities by simultaneously catering their spiritual and material needs. The pri- mary goal of the ‘Islamic man’ is to seek the pleasure of Allah.(2) Shari’ah provides guidance and incentives for living such a life. The goal of ‘pleasing Allah’ profoundly affects the psychological and mental make-up of the individuals and makes them spiritually strong. Equipped with this strength, they are able to focus on their goal by resisting worldly temptations. Pursuance of this goal produces love and affection among them because man’s attitude towards his fellow-beings is closely connected with his attitude towards Allah. Three aspects of Islamic life: environmental consciousness, simplicity, and fellow- feeling have important bearing for the maintenance of environmental balance. Before demonstrating their role, it is essential to discuss the conceptual basis of the Islamic life. This life rests on the three fundamental principles: tawhid, khilafah and al-akhira. These principles provide theme and substance to the concept of Islamic life . (1) Maududi, Islamic Tahzeeb,vol 1,pp(156) 2. Trusteeship of resources:
  • 16. Allah is the actual owner of all resources. Man is required to use them in right ways. After their acquisition, he is supposed to act as a trustee, benefiting from them according to the terms of the trust.22 He cannot waste resources in any case. 3. Al-akhira (Hereafter) Al-akhira is one of the fundamental beliefs of Islam. It implies Islamic doctrine of accountability which is wider than the counterpart secular concept of accountability. A Muslim has to believe that every atom’s weight of good and every atom’s weight of evil will be weighed in al-akhira. 23 This belief broadens his vision. He evaluates the likely impact of his worldly choices on his life in the Hereafter before making decisions. Practically, this belief acts as a monitoring system inside the mind and heart of a Muslim and thus helps him to do good deeds and avoid bad deeds. 4. Hadiths concerning the attitude to water In “Sahih Bukhari” hadiths that are dedicated water resources and water use are not so many. Other hadiths concerning water are scattered over all volumes of this collection.The text of this hadith is translated as follows: “(While Allah’s Apostle, Peace Be Upon Him, came in Medina, here there was not another source of water except the Ruma Well), and He said, “For anyone who will purchase the Ruma Well and use its water jointly with other Muslims a wonderful place in the Garden of Eden will be prepared. Then Uthman, may Allah forgives him, bought it (the well)”. It is obvious that Uthman has bought the well and given it to Muslims of Medina for use. However, the significance of this hadith consists in the fact that afterwards it became the legal base for developing a diversity of Shariah’s laws. A hadith narrated by Urwa bin Az-Zubair: “Az-Zubair told me that he quarreled with an Ansari man who had participated in (the battle of) Badr in front of Allah’s Apostle about a water stream which both of them used for irrigation. Allah’s Apostle said to Az-Zubair, “O Zubair! Irrigate (your garden) first, and then let the water flow to your neighbor.” The Ansari became angry and said, “O Allah’s Apostle! Is it because he is your cousin?” On that the complexion of Allah’s Apostle changed (because of anger) and said (to Az-Zubair), “I irrigate (your garden) and then withhold the water till it reaches the walls (surrounding the palms).” So, Allah’s Apostle gave Az-Zubair his full right. Before that Allah’s Apostle had given a generous judgment beneficial for Az- Zubair and the Ansari, but when the Ansan irritated Allah’s Apostle he gave Az-Zubair his full right according to the evident law. Az-Zubair said, “By Allah! I think the following Verse was revealed concerning that case: “But no by your Lord They can have No faith Until they make you judge In all disputes between them.” (4.65). Apparently, Ansari himself asked the Prophet to be the judge for this dispute, and when he uttered his opinion regarding the dispute Ansari has shown his displeasure to Allah’s Apostle. Afterwards this hadith also became the legal base for some Shariah’s laws. For example, a queue of water applications in the fields located along an irrigation canal from its head to its end – first, the fields closer to water along the head section of the canal are irrigated and then sequentially other fields. At the same time, when dozens of water users take water from a single water source, water availability in the source may be insufficient to meet water demands of all water users at once, and in this case, it is necessary to put the water
  • 17. rotation method into practice. This hadith was the fundamental one under introducing the water rotation method known to our ancestors from time immemorial. Water is a source of food and beverages that are important to humans, animals and plants. A hadith following describes the practices that need to practice for water cleanliness. ‫عن‬ ،‫يرة‬‫ر‬‫ه‬ ‫أيب‬ ‫عن‬ ‫ين‬‫ري‬‫س‬ ‫ابن‬ ‫عن‬ ‫هشام‬ ‫عن‬ ‫ير‬‫ر‬‫ج‬ ‫حدثنا‬ ،‫حرب‬ ‫ابن‬ ‫زهري‬ ‫وحدثين‬ ،‫وسلم‬ ‫عليه‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫صلى‬ ‫النيب‬:‫قال‬‫منه‬ ‫يغتسل‬ ‫مث‬ ‫الدائم‬ ‫املاء‬ ‫يف‬ ‫أحدكم‬ ‫لن‬‫و‬‫يب‬ ‫ال‬ Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: None amongst you should urinate in standing water, and then wash in it. (Narrated by Muslim) In another Hadith, Holy Prophet (S.A.W) narrated that; “Do not waste water even if you were at a running stream “ – Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Sunan Ibn Majah 425
  • 18. Conclusion The environment is one of Allah’s blessings to human beings and He entrusted them with a role to preserve the environment so that the balance of this universe can be maintained. Furthermore, the Quran also emphasizes the function and purpose of why humans are created on this earth. As the ultimate reference to humans, the Quran has outlined several steps through its verses to guide human beings in their efforts towards preserving the environment and preventing themselves from causing destruction and ruination on the earth. Nevertheless, all efforts to preserve and sustain the environment start from the Mahmudah (praised) characteristics in humans, such as being grateful, humble, and never lose themselves in all the luxuries that are given by Allah. Such characteristics will make them realize that everything that Allah has provided to them is a loan from Him and it is a responsibility that they need to fulfill. Therefore, as a Muslim-majority country in which the Quran is the primary guidance for the Muslims, Malaysia should be able to handle environmental issues and reduce the environmental destruction more effectively.