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Management thesis.





                       Submitted by:

                     Enrl No 7NBBD002
                         INC, Bidar

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem    1
Management thesis.





                           Submitted by:

                     Enrl No.7NBBD002
                         MBA III SEM
                          INC, Bidar

   A report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of
                      THE MBA PROGRAM
                        (The class of 2009)
                  INC ICFAI National College


Mahananda.B. MBA III sem          2
Management thesis.

       This is to certify that Management thesis – I titled “a study on
performance management of Mahindra and Mahindra in Bidar”
Submitted by Miss. Mahananda.B, Enrollment no: 7NBBD002 during
semester – III of the PG Program (The Class of 2009) embodies
original work done by her.

Signature of Faculty Supervisor
Name                      : Mr. Donald Johansson
Designation               : Faculty member (Soft Skill)
Campus                    : INC, Bidar


Mahananda.B. MBA III sem           3
Management thesis.

       This is to certify that Management thesis – I titled “a study on
performance management of Mahindra and Mahindra in bidar”
Submitted by Miss. Mahananda.B, enrollment No. 7NBBD002during
semester – III of the PG Program (Class of 2009) embodies original
work done by her.

Signature of Center Head

Name                  : PROF. DONALD JHONSON
Designation           : Centre Head
Centre                : INC, Bidar


Mahananda.B. MBA III sem             4
Management thesis.

        It has been a great privilege to carry out the project work “A
  AND MAHINDRA IN BIDAR” I want to avail this opportunity to
  express sincere thanks to Mr. Donald Jonson Principal, ICFAI
  national College, Bidar.

        I would also like to thank Mr. (Company Guide), Mahindra and
  Mahindra Prudential, Prof. Donald Johnson (Faculty Guide), ICFAI
  national College, BIDAR for giving me an opportunity and valuable
  advice and guidance in this project.

                                            Enroll No. 7NBBD002

                  Title and Synopsis Approval Form
                The MBA Program (The Class of 2009)
                                 Part – A
INC Campus             I N C B I D A R

  Mahananda.B. MBA III sem           5
Management thesis.

Enrollment No.          7     N        B       B   D   0    0   2

Name of the Student     MAHANANDA.B
                        Semester III                   Semester IV
                        1. CONSUMER                    5. SERVICE
                           BEHAVIOUR                      MARKETING
                        2. RETAIL MANAGEMENT           6. SALES AND
                        3. PERFORMANCE
                           MAEASUREMENT AND            7. STRATEGIC HRM
Electives                  PEWARD SYSTEMS              8.    LEADERSHIP
                        4.   CORPRATE                       SKILLS AND
                             CUMMUNICATION                  CHANGE

SIP Details             Sector: Print media. “Outlook publishing”
                        SIP Title: To generate business of Rs. 75000 for
                        four months.
                        Product / Function: Magazine.

Name of the Faculty     Prof. Donald Johnson

Functional Area         Marketing

Rationale for Proposed Research Project (min 500 words) – (Enclose
Separate sheets): The student should write about the relevance of the
topic in current business environment, placement opportunities based
on the topic under study, its relation to the electives chosen by the
student, etc

                                   Part B

   Mahananda.B. MBA III sem                6
Management thesis.

                    “A STUDY ON PERFOEMANCE
Thesis              MAHINDRA IN BIDAR”

Functional Area            Human Resources Management
1.     Synopsis of the Management Thesis (1500 words) – (Enclose
       Separate Sheets): The synopsis of the Management Thesis should
       provide an introduction giving an overview of the topic and its
       importance, problem definition stating the objectives and scope of
       work, proposed methodology for achieving the objectives of the
       research project, probable sources of literature review, sampling
       plan, etc.
2.     Weekly plan for implementation of Management Thesis includes
       literature survey, research methods, design of questionnaire,
       sampling plan, collection of data, analysis of data, tabulation,
       research findings, conclusion, etc. (Enclose Separate Sheets)

     Date:                                     Signature of the Student

                           (For Office Use Only)
     Review by Faculty Supervisor (Detailed comments of Faculty
     Supervisor on the synopsis and the title are documented here.)
     (Enclose separate sheets if necessary)

     Faculty Supervisor

     Campus Head

     Date:                                                Date:

     Mahananda.B. MBA III sem        7
Management thesis.

Appendix B
               (Certificate from Faculty Supervisor)


This is to certify that the Management Thesis titled “A STUDY


MAHINDRA IN BIDAR” submitted by Mahananda.B Enroll No:

7NBBD002 during Semester III of the MBA Program (The Class

of 2009) embodies original work done by him/her.

Signature of the Faculty Supervisor

Name                    : Prof. DONALD JOHNSON

Designation             : Coordinator

Campus                  : INC Bidar

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem         8
Management thesis.

                       TABLE OF CONTENTS:

                                            Page no.
Acknowledgement                                  vii
List of tables and Graphs                         11

Summary:- Questionnaire                       12

1)Introduction                                 13
1.1Need of the study                            42
1.2 Objectives                                  43

2) Profile

2.1Company profile                              47

3.1 Research design (Analysis)                  52
3.2 Findings                                   71
3.3 Suggestions                                 72
3.4 Conclusions                                73
4)Bibliography                                74
5)Annexure:-                                  75
Annexure 1
Annexure 2
Annexure 3
Annexure 4

List of table and graphs:-

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem         9
Management thesis.

      Five tables and one graph is used.

1. HR: Human Resources, or Humane Resources
2. 360 Degree Feedback.
4. Score for the behavior (graph).

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem        10
Management thesis.


Topic of the management thesis:


        The management thesis focuses on Human resource study on
performance management with reference to Mahindra and Mahindra.
In the management thesis the information on the performance
management is collected. The information about this is collected by
the Show room which is located in Bidar as well as by the internet

        I prepared a questionnaire to collect information from them.
The main aim of the questionnaire is to collect the information of
theory is practiced in practical or not. The questionnaire also helped
me collect the information. It helped me to understand whether the
employees are aware of the performance management or not.

        I study that Successful organizations are embracing a new
model of corporate performance management (CPM) – one that relies
heavily on understanding data to improve future performance.

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem         11
Management thesis.



What is performance management?

       In their definitive text upon which this factsheet is based,
Armstrong and Baron define performance management as 'a process
which contributes to the effective management of individuals and
teams in order to achieve high levels of organizational performance.
As such, it establishes shared understanding about what is to be
achieved and an approach to leading and developing people which
will ensure that it is achieved'. They go on to stress that it is 'a
strategy which relates to every activity of the organization set in the
context of its human resource policies, culture, style and
communications systems. The nature of the strategy depends on the
organizational   context   and    can   vary   from    organization    to

In other words performance management should be:

   •   Strategic - it is about broader issues and longer-term goals.
   •   Integrated - it should link various aspects of the business,
       people management, and individuals and teams.

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem           12
Management thesis.

It should incorporate:

   •   Performance improvement - throughout the organization, for
       individual, team and organizational effectiveness.
   •   Development - unless there is continuous development of
       individuals and teams, performance will not improve.
   •   Managing behavior - ensuring that individuals are encouraged
       to behave in a way that allows and fosters better working

       Armstrong and Baron Stress that at its best performance
management is a tool to ensure that managers manage effectively;
that they ensure the people or team they manage:

   •   know and understand what is expected of them
   •   have the skills and ability to deliver on these expectations
   •   are supported by the organization to develop the capacity to
       meet these expectations are given feedback on their
   •   Have the opportunity to discuss and contribute to individual
       and team aims and objectives.

       It is also about ensuring that managers themselves are aware of
the impact of their own behavior on the people they manage and are
encouraged to identify and exhibit positive behaviors.

       So performance management is about establishing a culture in
which individuals and groups take responsibility for the continuous
improvement of business processes and of their own skills, behavior
and contributions.

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem           13
Management thesis.

      It is about sharing expectations. Managers can clarify what
they expect individual and teams to do; likewise individuals and
teams can communicate their expectations of how they should be
managed and what they need to do their jobs. It follows that
performance management is about interrelationships and about
improving the quality of relationships - between managers and
individuals, between managers and teams, between members of teams
and so on, and is therefore a joint process. It is also about planning -
defining expectations expressed as objectives and in business plans -
and about measurement; the old dictum is 'If you can't measure it,
you can't manage it'. It should apply to all employees, not just
managers, and to teams as much as individuals. It is a continuous
process, not a one-off event. Last but not least, it is holistic and
should pervade every aspect of running an organization.

How does performance management work?

      Because performance management is (or should be) so all-
pervasive, it needs structures to support it. These should provide a
framework to help people operate, and to help them to help others to
operate. But it should not be a rigid system; there needs to be a
reasonable degree of flexibility to allow people freedom to operate.
Performance management is a process, not an event. It operates as a
continuous cycle. Corporate strategic goals provide the starting point
for business and departmental goals, followed by agreement on
performance and development, leading to the drawing up of plans
between individuals and managers, with continuous monitoring and
feedback supported by formal reviews.

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem          14
Management thesis.


      It is impossible to go into details of each of the tools used by
performance management, so the following paragraphs simply
provide an outline.

   1. Performance and development reviews

        Many organizations without performance management
systems operate 'appraisals' in which an individual's manager
regularly (usually annually) records performance, potential and
development needs in a top-down process - see our factsheet on
performance appraisal for more information on this topic.

What is performance appraisal?

         Performance appraisal is an important part of performance
management. In itself it is not performance management, but it is one
of the ranges of tools that can be used to manage performance.
Because it is most usually carried out by line managers rather than
HR professionals, it is important that they understand their role in
performance management and how performance appraisal contributes
to the overall aims of performance management - see our factsheet
on performance management for more information on that topic.

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem         15
Management thesis.

      The performance appraisal or review is essentially an
opportunity for the individual and those concerned with their
performance – most usually their line manager - to get together to
engage   in   a   dialogue   about        the   individual’s   performance,
development and the support required from the manager. It should not
be a top down process or an opportunity for one person to ask
questions and the other to reply. It should be a free flowing
conversation in which a range of views are exchanged.

         Performance appraisals usually review past behavior and so
provide an opportunity to reflect on past performance. But to be
successful they should also be used as a basis for making
development and improvement plans and reaching agreement about
that should be done in the future.

           The performance appraisal is often the central pillar of
performance management and the CIPD performance management
survey1 carried out in 2004 found that 65 per cent of organizations
used individual annual appraisal, 27 per cent used twice-yearly
appraisals and 10 percent used rolling appraisal.

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem             16
Management thesis.

      However, it is a common mistake to assume that if
organizations   implement     performance    appraisals,   they   have
performance management. This is not the case. Performance
management is a holistic process bringing together many activities
which collectively contribute to the effective management of
individuals and teams in order to achieve high levels of organizational
performance. Performance management is strategic in that it is about
broader issues and long term goals and integrated in that it links
various aspects of the business, people management, individuals and
         Performance appraisal on the other hand is operational, short
to medium term and concerned only with the individual and their
performance and development. It is one of the tools of performance
management and the data produced can feed into other elements of
performance management but in itself can never be performance

      CIPD research2 stresses the importance of a positive
relationship between individuals and line managers. Carried out
sensitively, the performance appraisal is an important vehicle in
developing and maintaining this relationship.

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem          17
Management thesis.

How to conduct a performance appraisal?
The five key elements of the performance appraisal are:

   1. Measurement – assessing performance against agreed targets
      and objectives.
   2. Feedback – providing information to the individual on their
      performance and progress.
   3. Positive reinforcement – emphasizing what has been done
      well and making only constructive criticism about what might
      be improved.
   4. Exchange of views – a frank exchange of views about what
      has happened, how appraises can improve their performance,
      the support they need from their managers to achieve this and
      their aspirations for their future career.
   5. Agreement – jointly coming to an understanding by all parties
      about what needs to be done to improve performance generally
      and overcome any issues raised in the course of the discussion.

      There is no one right way to conduct an appraisal. Some
companies develop an appraisal form with space for appraisers to rate
appraises on aspects of their work such as their contribution to the
team, role development, effectiveness, etc. The approach will depend
on the nature of the business and the people involved. However as a
minimum it is helpful to have a form to collect consistent information
on the appraisal. This may be in the form of a free dialogue from
appraisers with the opportunity for appraises to reply and comment.

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem          18
Management thesis.

As a general rule it is helpful to have some information on the

   1. Objectives - whether they were achieved and if not the reasons
   2. Competence – whether individuals are performance below,
      within or above the requirements of the role.
   3. Training – what training the individual has received in the
      review period and what training or development they would
      like to receive in the future?
   4. Actions – a note of any actions that need to be carried out by
      the individual or the appraiser.

      There is a view that the content of appraisal discussions should
be confidential to the individual and the appraiser. But increasing
pressure to provide information to assess the contribution of people to
organizational value makes it desirable that performance data be
recorded and stored in such a way that it can be used to feel into
indicators of human capital value.

      Increasingly organizations are putting more emphasis on the
kind of behavior they want their employees to exhibit. Behavior,
particularly management behavior, has been identified as a significant
source of value. They are therefore not solely concerned with the
achievement of objectives but how these were achieved. Some
organizations are identifying a set of positive management behaviors
for example and then rating against them. Others are identifying the
behaviors associated with excellent service and rating against these in
the appraisal process.

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem             19
Management thesis.

       Again the design of the process will depend on what is
important to the particular business and the achievement of their
business objectives and will therefore be influenced by the wider
performance management process. It is important that people don’t
achieve their objectives at the expense of their colleague’s morale.

Preparing for the meeting

       Both parties should prepare for the meeting beforehand if a
successful outcome is to be delivered. The person conducting the
meeting or the appraiser should:

   •   Consider how well the individual has performed since the last
   •   Consider to what extent any agreed development plans from
       the last meeting have been implemented.
   •   Think about the feedback to be given at the meeting and the
       evidence that will be used to support it.
   •   Review the factors that have affected performance both those
       within and outside the individual’s control.
   •   Consider the points for discussion on the possible actions that
       can be taken by both parties to develop or improve
   •   Consider possible directions the individual’s career might take.
   •   Consider possible objectives for the next review period.

The individual or appraise should consider the following points:

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem           20
Management thesis.

   •   What they have achieved during the review period, with
       examples and evidence.
   •   Any examples of objectives not achieved with explanations.
   •   What they most enjoy about the job and how they might want
       to develop the role.
   •   Any aspect of the work in which improvement is required and
       how this might be achieved.
   •   Their learning and development needs with arguments to
       support their case for specific training.
   •   What level of support and guidance they require from their
   •   Their aspirations for the future both in the current role and in
       possible future roles.
   •   Objectives for the next review period.


       In some instances it may be helpful to guide appraises through
a self-assessment process encouraging them to assess and analyze
their own performance as a basis for discussion and action. This can
improve the quality of the appraisal discussion because an individual
feel actively involved in the process and is encourages them to work
through the points above beforehand. This can be particularly useful
with more junior staff or those not used to appraisals. However, self
assessment can only work if individuals have clear targets and
standards against which to assess them. It can also only be effective
in a climate of trust where individuals believe their appraisers will not
take advantage of an open self-assessment.

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem           21
Management thesis.

What a good appraisal looks like

A good and constructive appraisal meeting is one in which:

   •   Appraises do most of the talking.
   •   Appraisers listen actively to what they say.
   •   There is scope for reflection and analysis.
   •   Performance is analyzed not personality.
   •   The whole period is reviewed and not just recent or isolated
   •   Achievement is recognized and reinforced.
   •   Ends positively with agreed action plans.

A bad appraisal meeting:

   •   Focuses on a catalogue of failures and omissions.
   •   Is controlled by the appraiser.
   •   Ends with disagreement between appraisers and appraise.

Appraisal skills:

       All managers expected to carry out performance appraisal
should have some training. Ideally this should not just be on the skills
of performance appraisal – the ‘how’ to do it, but also on the reasons
for performance appraisal the ‘why’ we do it. Managers should
understand how it fits into the wider strategic process of performance
management and how the information and data generated contributes
to understanding of the capacity of the human capital of the
organization to contribution to business strategy and value.

       A basic requirement is that appraisers have the skills to carry
out an effective appraisal as described above. This means they ask the
right questions, listen actively and provide feedback.

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem           22
Management thesis.

Asking the right questions

       The two main issues are to ensure that appraisers ask open and
probing questions.

       Open questions are general rather than specific; they enable
people to decide how they should be answered and encourage them to
talk freely.

       Examples include:

   •   How do you feel things have been going?
   •   How do you see the job developing?
   •   How do you feel about that?
   •   Tell me, why do you think that happened?

       Probing questions dig deeper for more specific information on
what happened or shy. They can should support for the individual’s
answer and encourage them to provide more information about their
feelings and attitudes and they can also be used to reflect back to the
individual and check information. Examples would be:

   •   That’s very interesting. Tell me more about ….?
   •   To what extent do you think that …?
   •   Have I got the right impression? Do you mean that ….?


Good listeners:

   •   Concentrate on the speakers and are aware of behavior, body
       language and nuances that supplement what is being said.
   •   Respond quickly when necessary but don’t interrupt.
   •   Ask relevant questions to clarify meaning.

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem             23
Management thesis.

   •   Comment on points to demonstrate understanding but keep them short
       and do not inhibit the flow of the speaker.

Giving feedback

       Feedback should be based on facts not subjective opinion and
should always be backed up with evidence and examples. The aim of
feedback should be to promote the understanding of the individual so
that they are aware of the impact of their actions and behavior. It may
require corrective action where the feedback indicates that something
has gone wrong. However, wherever possible feedback should be
used positively to reinforce the good and identify opportunities for
further positive action. Giving feedback is a skill and those with no
training should be discouraged from giving feedback.

Feedback will work best when the following conditions are met:

   •   Feedback is built in with individuals being given access to
       readily available information on their performance and
   •   Feedback is related to actual events, observed behaviors or
   •   Feedback describes events without judging them.
   •   Feedback is accompanies by questions soliciting             the
       individual’s opinion why certain things happened.
   •   People are encouraged to come to their own conclusions about
       what happened and why.
   •   There is understanding about what things went wrong and an
       emphasis on putting them right rather than censuring past

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem          24
Management thesis.

      It can be argued that the perceived defects of appraisal systems
(that line managers regarded them as irrelevant, involving form-
filling to keep the personnel department happy, and not as a normal
process of management) led to the development of more rounded
concepts of performance management. Nevertheless, organizations
with performance management systems need to provide those
involved with the opportunity to reflect on past performance as a
basis for making development and improvement plans, and the
performance and development review meeting (note the terminology;
it is not appraisal) provides this chance. The meeting must be
constructive, and various techniques can be used to conduct the sort
of open, free-flowing and honest meeting needed, with the reviewer
doing most of the talking.

Learning and development

      Employee development is the main route followed by most
organizations to improved organizational performance, which in turn
requires an understanding of the processes and techniques of
organizational, team and individual learning. Performance reviews
can be regarded as learning events, in which individuals can be
encouraged to think about how and in which ways they want to
develop. This can lead to the drawing up of a personal development
plan (PDP) setting out the actions they propose to take (with the help
of others, not least their managers) to develop themselves. To keep
development separate from performance and salary discussions,
development reviews may be held at other times, for example, on
the anniversary of joining an organization.

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem          25
Management thesis.

      Increasing emphasis on talent management also means that
many organizations are re-defining performance management to align
it to the need to identify, nurture and retain talent. Development
programmes are reflecting the needs of succession plans and seeking
to foster leadership skills. However, too much of an emphasis on
talent management may be damaging to overall development needs
and every effort needs to be made to ensure that development is
inclusive, accessible and focused on developing organizational


      Coaching is an important tool in learning and development.
Coaching is developing a person's skills and knowledge so that their
job   performance    improves,   leading   to the    achievement    of
organizational objectives. Coaching is increasingly recognized as a
significant responsibility of line managers, and can play an important
part in a PDP. They will take place during the review meetings, but
also and more importantly should be carried out throughout the year.
For some managers coaching comes naturally, but for many they may
not and training may be needed to improve their skills. See our
factsheet on coaching for more information.

Objectives and performance standards:-

      Objectives (some organizations prefer to use 'goals') describe
something to be accomplished by individuals, departments and
organizations over a period of time. They can be expressed as targets
to be met (such as sales) and tasks to be completed by specified dates.
Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 26
Management thesis.

They can be work-related, referring to the results to be attained, or
personal, taking the form of developmental objectives for individuals.
Objectives need to be defined and agreed. They will relate to the
overall purpose of the job and define performance areas - all the
aspects of the job that contribute to achieving its overall purpose.
Targets then need to be set for each performance area, for example,
increase 'sales by x per cent', 'reduce wastage by y per cent' …

      Alongside objectives are performance standards. They are used
when it is not possible to set time-based targets, or when there is a
continuing objective which does not change significantly from one
review period to the next and is a standing feature of the job. These
should be spelled out in quantitative terms if possible, for example,
speed of response to requests or meeting defined standards of

Competences and competencies

      Some organizations, but by no means all, use competences and
competencies    as   components        of   performance   management.
Competences describe what people need to be able to do to perform a
job well (the descriptions in National Vocational Qualifications are
examples of competences).

       Competencies (more helpfully, 'behavioral competencies') are
defined as the dimensions of behavior that lie behind competent
performance. Though the language used does not help in making the
distinction, to perform well it is necessary both to be able to do a job
at a technically competent level and to have behaviors that reinforce
those technical skills; an obvious example of behavior is the surgeon

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem          27
Management thesis.

who needs a good bedside manner and to be able to communicate
with colleagues, in addition to surgical skills.

      There are various techniques for measuring competence (some
organizations prefer to use 'capability') and once an analysis has been
made, it provides a tool for measuring performance and, of course, for
providing development activities to help people meet the required
standards. For more information, see our competencies factsheet.


      To improve performance, you need to know what current
performance is. Measurement provides the basis for providing and
generating feedback, and thus can build the platform for further
success or identify where things are going less well so that corrective
action can be taken. But what gets measured? Measure the wrong
things, perhaps simply because they are easy to measure, and an
entire performance management system can fall into disrepute. Use
too many measures and you can't see the wood for the trees.

      For measuring performance, the achievement of objectives,
levels of competency, standards of performance, and work outputs are
used but the emphasis varies according to categories of staff - for
example, a senior manager would be mainly measured by meeting
objectives, but a production worker mainly by achieving outputs.
Increasingly organizations are using more sophisticated measuring
techniques such as balanced scorecards or ROI (return on

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem            28
Management thesis.

        Individual and team performance needs to be capable of being
linked in an understandable manner to organizational performance,
and there are various approaches to this. They include the 'balanced
scorecard', a set of measures that looks at the business from customer,
internal, learning and financial perspectives; the European Foundation
for Quality Management, which indicates that customer satisfaction,
employee satisfaction, and impact on society are achieved through
leadership; and other economic measures, including traditional
financial measures. Measures used will depend on the organization;
for example, public service organizations are likely to use different
measures from private companies.


        Performance management is often linked with performance-
related pay (PRP), although by no means all organizations claiming
to use performance management have PRP. Nevertheless, PRP is an
important element in many performance management schemes
because it is believed to motivate; it is said to deliver the message that
performance and competence are important, and it is thought to be
fair to reward people according to their performance, contribution or
competence. Others, though, believe that other factors are more
important than PRP in motivation; that it is usually based on
subjective assessments of performance, that it inhibits teamwork
because of its individualistic nature, and that it leads to 'short-
termism'. See our factsheet for more information on performance pay.

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem           29
Management thesis.

      An alternative to PRP is competence-related pay, which
provides for pay progression to be linked to levels of competence that
people have achieved, using a competence profile or framework. The
difficulty here is measuring competence, and some organizations use
a mix of PRP and competence-related pay. Further possible pay
systems are team-based pay, a kind of PRP for teams; and
contribution-related pay which means paying for results plus
competence, and for past performance and future success.

      Performance may be used to determine all or some aspects of
pay. In many instances only non-consolidated bonus payments are
linked to performance which tend to reflect organizational, team and
individual performance whilst salary progression is linked to service,
market rates and pay scales. Many organizations believe that when
performance management is linked to pay the quality of performance
discussions will inevitably deteriorate.


      Team working has become an important part of life in many
organizations, and where teams are permanent or for longstanding
projects, measures can be based on team performance. They will
mainly be concerned with output, activity levels (eg speed of
servicing), customer service and satisfaction, and financial results.
Indeed, team measures are not very different from those for
individuals, and of course team members need to agree their
objectives and receive feedback in the same way as if they were part
of a team. Other team members can contribute towards this, in a
process of peer review.

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem           30
Management thesis.

360 degree feedback

      360 degree feedback became increasingly talked about in the
1990s, if not widely used. It consists of performance data generated
from a number of sources, who can include the person to whom the
individual being assessed reports, people who report to them, peers
(team colleagues or others in the organization), and internal and
external customers. It can also include self-assessment. 360 degree
feedback is used mainly as part of a self-development or management
development programme, and is felt to provide a more rounded view
of people, with less bias than if an assessment is conducted by one
individual. See our factsheet on 360 feedbacks for more information.

Performance problem solving:-

      Performance management is a positive process, and good
systems will create a culture in which success is applauded.
Nevertheless, poor performance will exist. It may be a result of
inadequate leadership, bad management or defective systems of work,
and if so, remedies (often involving learning and development) can be
put in place. But individuals may under-perform and improvements
can be achieved through continuing feedback and joint discussion
between them and their managers, involving analyzing and
identifying the problem, establishing the reasons for the shortfall, and
deciding and agreeing the action to be taken. If all this fails,
disciplinary action may need to be taken, as in any organization.

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem          31
Management thesis.

CIPD viewpoint:-

       Performance management is difficult to implement. It is about
ownership by everyone in the organization, and especially line
managers - it is emphatically not about guardianship by personnel
departments. Surveys suggest that individuals and managers in
organizations with performance management systems quite like it,
and especially its emphasis on personal development, although
performance-rating (often linked to PRP) often provokes hostility.
Schemes can be over-detailed and require too much form-filling, and
there can be a lack of definition in terms of what is meant by
performance and how to achieve it. Schemes can be less successful
than they might be because of lack of training, especially at the

       The keys to the successful introduction and application of
performance management are:

   •   Being clear about what is meant by performance.
   •   Understanding what the organization is and needs to be in its
       performance culture.
   •   Being very focused on how individual employees will benefit
       and play their part in the process.
   •   Understanding that it is a tool for line managers and its success
       will depend on their ability to use it effectively.

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem           32
Management thesis.

       Performance management is the systematic process by which
an agency involves its employees, as individuals and members of a
group,    in   improving     organizational   effectiveness    in   the
accomplishment of agency mission and goals.

       Employee performance management includes:

   •   Planning work and setting expectations,
   •   Continually monitoring performance,
   •   Developing the capacity to perform,
   •   Periodically rating performance in a summary fashion, and
   •   Rewarding good performance.

       The revisions made in 1995 to the Government wide
performance appraisal and awards regulations support sound
management principles. Great care was taken to ensure that the
requirements those regulations establish would complement and not
conflict with the kinds of activities and actions practiced in effective
organizations as a matter of course.

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem          33
Management thesis.

        In an effective organization, work is planned out in advance.
Planning means setting performance expectations and goals for
groups and individuals to channel their efforts toward achieving
organizational objectives. Getting employees involved in the planning
process will help them understand the goals of the organization, what
needs to be done, why it needs to be done, and how well it should be

        The   regulatory    requirements    for   planning    employees'
performance include establishing the elements and standards of their
performance appraisal plans. Performance elements and standards
should be measurable, understandable, verifiable, equitable, and
achievable.    Through     critical   elements,   employees    are   held
accountable as individuals for work assignments or responsibilities.
Employee performance plans should be flexible so that they can be
adjusted for changing program objectives and work requirements.
When used effectively, these plans can be beneficial working
documents that are discussed often, and not merely paperwork that is
filed in a drawer and seen only when ratings of record are required.

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem              34
Management thesis.

         In an effective organization, assignments and projects are
monitored      continually.   Monitoring        well   means   consistently
measuring performance and providing ongoing feedback to
employees and work groups on their progress toward reaching their

         Regulatory requirements for monitoring performance include
conducting progress reviews with employees where their performance
is compared against their elements and standards. Ongoing
monitoring provides the opportunity to check how well employees are
meeting predetermined standards and to make changes to unrealistic
or   problematic      standards.   And     by     monitoring   continually,
unacceptable performance can be identified at any time during the
appraisal period and assistance provided to address such performance
rather than wait until the end of the period when summary rating
levels are assigned

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem            35
Management thesis.

      In an effective organization, employee developmental needs
are evaluated and addressed. Developing in this instance means
increasing the capacity to perform through training, giving
assignments that introduce new skills or higher levels of
responsibility, improving work processes, or other methods.
Providing employees with training and developmental opportunities
encourages good performance, strengthens job-related skills and
competencies, and helps employees keep up with changes in the
workplace, such as the introduction of new technology.

      Carrying out the processes of performance management
provides an excellent opportunity to identify developmental needs.
During planning and monitoring of work, deficiencies in performance
become evident and can be addressed. Areas for improving good
performance also stand out, and action can be taken to help successful
employees improve even further

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem         36
Management thesis.

      From time to time, organizations find it useful to summarize
employee performance. This can be helpful for looking at and
comparing performance over time or among various employees.
Organizations need to know who their best performers are.

      Within    the   context     of        formal   performance    appraisal
requirements,    rating   means        evaluating     employee     or   group
performance against the elements and standards in an employee's
performance plan and assigning a summary rating of record. The
rating of record is assigned according to procedures included in the
organization's appraisal program. It is based on work performed
during an entire appraisal period. The rating of record has a bearing
on various other personnel actions, such as granting within-grade pay
increases and determining additional retention service credit in a
reduction in force.

      Note: Although group performance may have an impact on an
employee's summary rating, a rating of record is assigned only to an
individual, not to a group.
Mahananda.B. MBA III sem               37
Management thesis.

         In an effective organization, rewards are used well.
Rewarding means recognizing employees, individually and as
members of groups, for their performance and acknowledging their
contributions to the agency's mission. A basic principle of effective
management is that all behavior is controlled by its consequences.
Those consequences can and should be both formal and informal and
both positive and negative.

      Good    performance     is recognized    without    waiting   for
nominations for formal awards to be solicited. Recognition is an
ongoing, natural part of day-to-day experience. A lot of the actions
that reward good performance — like saying "Thank you" — don't
require a specific regulatory authority. Nonetheless, awards
regulations provide a broad range of forms that more formal rewards
can take, such as cash, time off, and many nonmonetary items. The
regulations also cover a variety of contributions that can be rewarded,
from suggestions to group accomplishments.

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem          38
Management thesis.

      Managing       Performance      Effectively.   In    effective
organizations, managers and employees have been practicing good
performance management naturally all their lives, executing each key
component process well. Goals are set and work is planned routinely.
Progress toward those goals is measured and employees get feedback.
High standards are set, but care is also taken to develop the skills
needed to reach them. Formal and informal rewards are used to
recognize the behavior and results that accomplish the mission. All
five component processes working together and supporting each other
achieve natural, effective performance management.

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem        39
Management thesis.


  • Here the need for the study is that I want to see the theory in
     practical. How it is practiced in the Mahindra and Mahindra.
  • The second need is to complete the MT-I successfully.
  • MT-I is the curriculum pattern of our MBA.
  • Who should be involved in the performance management
  • What should be measured?
  • What standards should be used or set, and how?
  • How is quality improvement efforts carried out?
     How is progress reported for use in decision making?

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem         40
Management thesis.


  • To know about the performance management in the
  • To know about the performance management effects on the
  • To know the performance management program.
  • To know what are the different tools and techniques
     implemented for performance management program.
  • To know the purpose and importance of performance
     management and its effect on employee performance.
  • To know the benefits of performance management as per view
     of the employees as well as organization.

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem        41
Management thesis.


  •   To gain a practical knowledge about the performance
      management needs and process from referents who really
      undergone realistic practice.
  • The best way of managing and making understood about the
      performance management.
  • To know about the actual and well development of manpower
      by the human resource management of organization.
  •   To know about the importance of performance management
      towards the success of an organization.

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem          42
Management thesis.


  • Data analysis is bit complicated as compared to other


  • The study was time consuming.

  •   Available data was limited.

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem            43
Management thesis.


        The information requirements for solving a problem are
identified in the problem formation stage. In this stage, the sources
from which information can be found are identified. Data for a
research can be collected from two sources. Primary data and
secondary data.

1. Primary data:-
       Surveying the sampling units or the elements of the sampling
units collects Primary data. Primary data is the first hand information
gathered to solve the research need. It is collected using research
instruments like questionnaires, mailers, telephonic interviews etc.

2. Secondary data:-
       Secondary data is collected from already available sources
such as published papers, journals, magazines, reports, company
literature etc. compared to Primary data, the collection of secondary
data is cheaper and less time consuming.

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem           44
Management thesis.



         Mahindra & Mahindra Limited is part of the US $6.7 billion
Mahindra Group, an automotive, farm equipment, financial services,
trade and logistics, automotive components, after-market, IT and
infrastructure conglomerate. The company was set up in 1945 as
Mahindra & Mohammed.[ Later, after the partition of India, Mr.
Ghulam Mohammad migrated to Pakistan and became that nation's
first finance minister. Hence, the name was changed from Mahindra
& Mohammed to Mahindra & Mahindra in 1948.

            Initially set up to manufacture general-purpose utility
vehicles, Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) was first known for
assembly of the iconic Jeep in India. The company later branched out
into manufacture of light commercial vehicles (LCVs) and
agricultural tractors agricultural tractors, rapidly growing from being
a manufacturer of army vehicles and tractors to an automobile major
with a growing global market. At present, M&M is the leader in the
utility vehicle (UV) segment in India with its flagship UV, the
Scorpio (known as the Mahindra Goa in Italy).

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem          45
Management thesis.


           Mahindra & Mahindra grew from being a maker of army
vehicles to a major automobile and tractor manufacturer. It has
acquired plants in China and the United Kingdom and has three
assembly plants in the USA. M&M has partnerships with
international companies like Renault SA, France and International
Truck and Engine Corporation, USA.

         M&M has a global presence and its products are exported to
several countries..Its global subsidiaries include Mahindra Europe Srl.
based in Italy, Mahindra USA Inc., Mahindra South Africa and
Mahindra (China) Tractor Co. Ltd.

      M&M is the third largest tractor company in the world. It is
also the largest manufacturer of tractors in India with sustained
market leadership of around 25 years. It designs, develops,
manufactures and markets tractors as well as farm implements.
Mahindra (China) Tractor Co. Ltd. manufactures tractors for the
growing Chinese market and is a hub for tractor exports to the USA
and other western nations. M&M has a 100% subsidiary, Mahindra
USA, which assembles products for the American market.

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem           46
Management thesis.

       M&M made its entry into the passenger car segment with the
Logan in April 2007 under the Mahindra Renault joint venture. M&M
will make its maiden entry into the heavy trucks segment with
Mahindra International, the joint venture with International Truck,

       M&M's automotive division makes a wide range of vehicles
including MUVs, LCVs and three wheelers. It offers over 20 models
including new generation multi-utility vehicles like the Scorpio and
the Bolero.

       At the recent Delhi Auto Show, Mahindra executives said the
company is pursuing an aggressive product expansion program that
will see the launch of several new platforms and vehicles over the
next three years, including an entry-level SUV designed to seat five
passengers and powered by a small turbo diesel engine. Later in 2008,
it will unveil the all-new Ingenio SUV, which will be joined in 2009
by a pickup derivative. In early 2008, Mahindra commenced its first
overseas CKD operations with the launch of the Mahindra Scorpio in
Egypt, in partnership with the Bavarian Auto Group. This was soon
followed by assembly facilities in Brazil. Vehicles assembled at the
Plant in Bramont, Manaus, include Scorpio Pik Ups in single and
double cab pick-up body styles as well as sports utility.

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem           47
Management thesis.

       The US based Reputation Institute recently ranked Mahindra
among the top 10 Indian companies in its 'Global 200: The World's
Best Corporate Reputations' list. Mahindra is also gearing up to sell
the Scorpio SUV and pickup next year in North America, through an
independent distributor, Global Vehicles USA, based in Alpharetta,


   1. Bombay Chamber Good Corporate Citizen Award for 2006-07
   2. Business world FICCI-SEDF Corporate Social Responsibility

       Award – 2007
   3. Deming Application Prize
   4. Japan Quality Medal in 2007.


   •   Mahindra Thar
   •   Mahindra Bolero
           o   Mahindra Bolero Camper
   •   Mahindra Scorpio
           o   Mahindra Scorpio Getaway
   •   Mahindra Legend
   •   Mahindra-Renault Logan (in cooperation with Renault)
   •   Mahindra Axe.

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem         48
Management thesis.


Core Business Activities

  •   Automotive
  •   Farm Equipment
  •   Systech
  •   Trade & Financial Service
  •   Information Technology
  •   Infrastructure Development

Community Initiatives

  •   Mahindra United World College of India
  •   Mahindra United, a football club based in Mumbai,
  •   Mahindra Foundation
  •   K. C. Mahindra Education Trust: Nanhi Kali

Type                               Conglomerate
Founded                            1945
Headquarters                       Mumbai
Key people                         Keshub Mahindra (Chairman),
                                   Anand G.Mahindra (Vice-
                                   Chairman & Managing Director)
Industry                           Automotive
Revenue                            US$ 6.7 billion (2008)
Employees                          65,000 plus

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem          49
Management thesis.

                    IV. RESEARCH AND DESING


                                    A company is as good as its
                                    employees. To rephrase this truth, a
                                    company’s image and success is, and
                                    should    be,    a     reflection   of   the
                                    collective      well     being      of   its
                                    employees. Mahindra & Mahindra, as
a good corporate citizen with a growing global presence and customer
base, has always put Wellness Quotient high up in its workplace

      Says Mr. Rajeev Dubey, President, HR & Corporate Services and
Member of the Group Management Board, “The fundamental challenge
is to create an organization          that is characterized by extreme
performance and extreme care. This involves simultaneously looking in
and looking out: creating the inner calm, strength and resilience in the
individual, and managing certain critical institutional factors in the realm
of action (Karma). Hence a holistic multi-pronged approach is required,
which must ultimately embrace all employees and pervade every action
in the organization.”

   Mahananda.B. MBA III sem           50
Management thesis.

       So the question is: How does a US$ 3.2 billion industrial
powerhouse with a clear strategy and goal to “outperform” in every one
of its sectors manage to keep its team of 25,000 and growing employees
in fine fettle?
M&M strives to achieve this with a fine Wellness Matrix in place, which
combines performance management, work life balance, and an effective
employee satisfaction process. Besides, every company in the Group has
its own set of creative initiatives in place to monitor and tackle wellness.


       Innovation has been a tradition in M&M. It has helped us grow as
an organization, and is now helping us stay together as a family despite
the immense pressure to outperform in the marketplace. The stress
matrix is a three pronged method that M&M employees have the option
of using to beat the mental and physical demands of work pressure –
Yoga, Seva and Karma

   Mahananda.B. MBA III sem           51
Management thesis.

      Opines Mr.Dubey, “Stress is a phenomenon faced by everyone
working in an organization that seeks to create competitive advantage in
today’s marketplace, both domestically and globally. There is creative
stress, which is desirable. But we need to continually combat the
tendency for stretch goals to create destructive stress or distress, which
destroys the organization’s value-creation ability and its human beings.
An innovative combination of initiatives involving yoga, community
service and the workings of the performance-cum-time management
process is being deployed by us to tackle this issue.”


      A “Holistic Stress Management” Program was initiated in
Mumbai on December 21, ‘05 for employees. Swami Rajeshkumarji,
M.Sc. (Applied Yogic Science), a Wellness expert from the world-
famous Bihar School of Yoga, has designed the program and is unrolling
it in Worli and Kandivili, to begin with. He has several years of rich
experience teaching Stress Management in organizations and in the
public domain alike. The approach is holistic i.e. wellness at mental,
physical and emotional levels. He has already provided valuable Yoga
lessons to participants of residential training programs at MMDC, Bodhi
Vriksha, Nashik and has been widely appreciated.

   Mahananda.B. MBA III sem           52
Management thesis.

Swami Rajeshkumarji conducting a yoga session.

A yoga session in progress

   Mahananda.B. MBA III sem       53
Management thesis.

      These classes take place every Tuesday and Thursday at Worli,
and every Wednesday and Friday at the Kandivili plant between 5:00
p.m. and 6:00 p.m., and have received an enthusiastic response from
numerous employees who have participated and benefited from them so
far. Seeing the enthusiastic response, it has been decided that such
wellness classes would be initiated at other locations in the country.
Another avenue being explored is Ayurveda treatment. A Mahindra Life
space has a unique arrangement with the famous Kerala Vaidyashala
wherein employees can avail of medical treatment like massages and
other herbal treatment. Mahindra Life spaces employees get a special
package under the arrangement with Kerala Vaidyashala.


      It is not only Yoga but Seva also that helps bust stress. It is by far
the most innovative option M&M has given its employees by way of
enhancing wellness. ESOPs or Employee Social Options is a term that
has become iconic after it was first proposed during the inauguration of
M&M’s 60th year celebrations. M&M decided to unleash the Seva
power of its 25,000-strong workforce by enabling employees to donate
thousands of human hours for various social projects. The vision is to
have a Mahindra employee contributing to society somewhere in India
on any given day of the year.

   Mahananda.B. MBA III sem           54
Management thesis.

      Seva enables employees to look beyond the work-day constraints
of self, family and profession. It helps relax the mind by freeing it of
personal goals and self-centeredness where stress and worry reside.
Social service and selfless activity also help employees enhance their
creativity and innovation. Imagine working with needy girl children as
part of a vacation activity, or teaching poor school kids during a
weekend. One refreshes not only one’s mind, but also one’s whole

Shramdaan at BMC Hindi Shala Girls School, Kandivili in progress.

      M&M employees have been involved in a host of community
activities both as contribution to the Group CSR activities and their own
departmental programmes. For instance, on April 9, M&M employees
across all Sectors performed Shramdaan at the BMC Hindi Shala,
Kandivli, Mumbai. Scraping the iron grills in preparation of a fresh coat
of paint, cleaning the compound, whitewashing the corridors, no job was
too small, no designation too big to deter Mahindraites from performing

   Mahananda.B. MBA III sem          55
Management thesis.

Says Ms. Yasmin Menon of Club Mahindra,

      “We at Club Mahindra find great joy in giving, and such activities
significantly work towards creating the balance required in our lives as
Mahindra employees.”
Club Mahindra holds blood donation camps and spends time with people
who live in foster homes. The feedback from employees is that delving
into problems of the needy has helped spiritually mitigate their own
issues. Club Mahindra employees recently raised funds to sponsor 120
Nanhi Kalis.
   Hard work never killed anyone, sloth can. Nowhere is this axiom
better demonstrated than at M&M. Karma is the third arrow in M&M’s
quiver of stress management initiatives and its most dynamic one. As the
title suggests, this aspect has two dimensions – managing performance
and managing time.

   Says Mr. Rajeev Dubey, “At its most fundamental level, stress comes
from fear, which in turn is strongly related to uncertainty and inaction.
Fear of failure, fear of ridicule and humiliation, fear of non-acceptance
or rejection by peers/superiors/subordinates and family members, fear of
not being able to meet targets and timelines. Reducing the element of
uncertainty, and using time most productively through ACTION
(Karma), is a time-tested stress buster. We are trying to use the
Performance Management System to achieve this goal. It must be noted
that communication and listening are a critical part of this process, which

   Mahananda.B. MBA III sem           56
Management thesis.

must result in a continual dialogue across levels to mutually support the
achievement of targets.”


             This is an aspect of managing stress that is tackled at two levels
   at M&M – individual and organizational. Are we using time most
   effectively? At the individual level, employees are encouraged to
   prioritize work by clearly identifying roles, responsibilities and
   targets. Being a methodical worker helps optimize inputs allowing
   time to relax or pursue activities that enhance skills.
             Where the organizational support comes is in terms of
   managing meetings and setting targets. Are meetings planned to give
   maximum deliverables in the shortest time? Are time limits and
   deliverables clearly defined and adhered to? Do meetings begin and
   end on time, and do they adhere to the pre-defined purpose and
   agenda? The Auto Sector, for example, has a system in place wherein
   persons responsible for delaying
   A meeting would be fined and the money collected would go in to
   fund employee wellness activities.
              Apart from harnessing time and performance management to
   optimize work output, many departments have, or are in the process
   of considering, Open House forums to discuss work-life balance and

   Mahananda.B. MBA III sem              57
Management thesis.


Some ideas:-
• Not being compelled to work on weekends and holidays

• Manage meetings effectively with regard to agenda, purpose and time
limits. Enforce stricter timings

• Avoid slotting meetings on weekends, holidays and post-lunch on
• Prioritization of work by way of clearly identifying roles and

             Apart from harnessing time and performance management to
   optimize work output, many departments have, or are in the process
   of considering, Open House forums to discuss work-life balance and
   Mahindra Life spaces have an interesting option in place for wellness
   – paternity leave. Employees are entitled to 4 days of paternity leave
   for not more than two occasions.


             JOSH, the Annual Confluence of the HR Fraternity of the
   M&M Group, took place on Friday, February 24, 2006. The
   programmer had over 150 IR and HR executives from across the
   Group sharing their thoughts.

   Mahananda.B. MBA III sem           58
Management thesis.

  In one of the sessions during the day, it was decided to take up burning
  issues at the Workplace and do Group work on those issues. Using the
  modern tool of “Open Space Technology”, six Workgroups were
  formed who organized and empowered themselves to ideate,
  brainstorm, confabulate, converge and present their findings on such
  topical issues as:

 Work–life balance Humor and fun at the workplace enhancing bottom-
 up communication.


  Mahananda.B. MBA III sem          59
Management thesis.


 — Organization to develop a family Satisfaction Index to determine
 how satisfied Employees’ families are, as far as attention to Family
 time goes.
 — No meetings to be normally scheduled beyond regular working
 — Web-conferencing to become ubiquitous and replace physical
 — Laughter therapy to be used during morning meetings to liven up
 the atmosphere.
 — HODs to advocate non-working on weekends and Holidays – he
 should discourage and keep a check.
 — Should question the concerned persons, if this becomes a regular
 Genuine appreciation of work, at the end of the day, would act as
 great motivator.
 — Interiors of office should be made more lively using bright colors.
 — Usage of Fun and motivational posters and smileys all over to de-
 stress employees.
 — Policy that no manager can coerce an employee to work on
 Holidays and weekends.

 Mahananda.B. MBA III sem          60
Management thesis.


        “Josh stress can be defined as the harmful physical and
  emotional responses that occur when the requirements of the job do
  not match the capabilities, resources, or needs of the worker. Job
  stress can lead to poor health and even injury.”
          [Stress at work, (United States National Institute of
  Occupational Safety and Health, Cincinnati, 1999.]

  Mahananda.B. MBA III sem          61
Management thesis.

HR: Human Resources, or Humane Resources

  Mahananda.B. MBA III sem    62
Management thesis.

Your problem

What M&M Human
Resources does for

You are feeling
overloaded. You feel
you are dumped with
an amount of work or
type of work that is
beyond your capacity.

Make sure employees
understand what they
have to do and how to
do it. Meet training
needs Consider
whether working
flexible hours would
help employees to
manage demands.

You feel disaffected
and perform poorly.
You have no say over
how and when you do

Involve employees in
the way work is
carried out.
Consult employees
about decisions. MBA III sem
  Mahananda.B.                 63
Management thesis.


The data is collected with the help of questionnaire which I have
shown in the questionnaire section. The person has to give the number
from 0 to 10 to their employee performance. On this bases the below
data is interpreted.

                 360 Degree Feedback For 32 Employees of
           Mahindra and Mahindra automotive industry From Bidar.
S.                         Direct    Indirect            External
No    Name     Boss Peers reports    report              customer    Overall
  1   ASHISH       0     5         5                 0           0          10
  2   SATISH       1     2         3                 1           0           7
  3   KARTIK       0     2         9                 4           0          17
  4   KARAN        0     5         3                 4           0          12
  5   HEMANT       1     4         6                 4          10          25
  6   RAGHU        0    10         8                 3           0          37
  7   DAVID        1     1         3                 3           0           8
  8   SHIV         1     6        12                 2           0          21
  9   GAURAV       2     5         1                 2           0          29
 10   SANTOSH      1     6         5                 6           0          18
 11   FEROZ        1     9        12                11           0          33
 12   SRIKANT      1     3         3                 2           0          51
 13   VINAY        1     2         8                 4           0          15
 14   VIKAS        0     8         8                 9           0          25
 15   BHARAT       0     4        10                 2           0          40
 16   ABHISEKH     1     1         3                 3           0           8
 17   KIRAN        2     3         2                 3           3          13
 18   RAVI         1     2         2                             0          21
 19   SUBHASH      2     3         3                 5           4          17
 20   RAKESH       0     5         9                 2           4          20
 21   RAMESH       1     2         8                 1           0          37
 22   KAMESH       1     3         6                 3           4          17
 23   FEDOL        1     4         8                 5           4          22
 24   NANNU        2     0         9                 5           0          39
Mahananda.B. MBA III sem           64
Management thesis.

 25   KESHAV            2       8           8           1              0      19
 26   VISHAL            3       2           4           4             13      26
 27   RAHUL             2       3           5           1              0      45
 28   SUNIL             0       1           7           3              3      14
 29   SACHIN            2       3           7           3             11      26
 30   OMKAR             2       3           5           0              0      40
 31   NATH S.           2       2           2           2              6      14
 32   ANAND             2       2          13           1             10      28
      overall          36     119         197          36             72     754

                                     360 DELEGATION
Sr.                                               Average % highest % lowest %
No. Indicator of delegation                       score      score     score
    1 He generally prepares his
      juniors to wait for his return                      19        98        0
      than take decisions in his absence.
   2 He does not leave routine
     decisions entirely to the                        28         18          0
     lower levels.
   3 Generally his in-tray piles up
     with files and papers when                       22         95          0
     he goes away on tour.
   4 He is cautious and does not
     let his subordinates take                        17         95          0
     even minor risks.
   5 He spends time on activities
     and problems that he was handling
     before his last promotion/or his previous        18         70          0

   6 he prefers his subordinates
     to check with him whenever
                                                      55        100          0
     a problem arises in an
     on-going project or assignment
   7 He likes to keep himself fully
     involved in everything being                     32         80          0
     handled by his subordinates.
   8 He likes to be consulted
     even on matters where a                          24         95          0
     rule or precedent already exists.
   9 We often wish he would not
     spend time doing work which                      17         81          0
     we can easily handle.
  10 He is often rushing to meet
                                                      29         58          0

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem                 65
Management thesis.

                       Overall                        790         261         8

                      Scores for the behavior

                                                                  Hig score
                                                                  Low score
                                                                  Average score

The above pie chart which is given is a score chart for the employee.
In blue color the high score is given. The high score is 790. In pink
color the lower score is give. The lower score is 261. In yellow color
the average score is given. The average number is 0. In pie chart the
average is not shown because it is zero. This is called 360 degree

                                 HIGH SCORING BEHAVIOR
s.                                                                      Highest %
No.     Behavior dimensions         Average % score   Lowest % score    score
      1 Clear and persuasive
        communication rather
        than unclear and long             85                68               100
        winded communication
      2 Active rather than
                                          85                57               100
      3 Takes positive
        approach rather than              84                70               95
        negative approach
   4 Change oriented rather
                                          83                63               97
     than status quo oriented
   5 Encouraging rather
                                          83                70               97
     than discouraging

                     TOTAL                420               328             489

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem                 66
Management thesis.

 Here one more method is used to measure the performance of the
employee because the 360 degree appraisal was not enough. So that the
360 delegation is used.
The data is given above table you can see here.

                         LOWEST SCORING FIVE BEHAVIOR
S.                                                                   Highest %
No   Behavior Quality             Average % Score   Lowest % Score   Score

     Empathetic rather than
     corrective (68% score
     indicating that they could
 1   be 32% corrective)                       68               46                87
     Participative rather than
 2   authoritarian                            69               36                92
     Calm and composed rather
 3   than irritable                           71               33            100
     Patient and accepting
     than impatient and
 4   intolerable.                             71               48            100
     Proactive rather than
 5   reactive                                 71               43                90

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem              67
Management thesis.

    • The approach is holistic i.e. wellness at mental, physical and
      emotional levels.
    •   Their mission is to maintain the stress of their employees.
    • The holistic method is used to manage the performance of the
    •   Time Management.
    • Yoga has been used to performance management.
    • Karma used here.
    • The employees are evaluated with the help of 360 degree
    • They are role model for the other organization.

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem         68
Management thesis.

  • They should continue the innovativeness.
  • They should use other tool to manage the performance of the

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem       69
Management thesis.


There is a great degree of variation in the effective performance of
roles, styles, delegation and qualities. This indicates the need for 360
degree feedback as a tool to create more self awareness.

They are not yet taking direct responsibility for developing others as
leaders. They seem to do little to inspire and develop their juniors.
While, they are good at articulating their vision communicating the
same to their juniors, the impact of this gets limited. They are not able
to teach others about hw to make the organization successful.

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem           70
Management thesis.


  • Web site search engine Google has been used.
  • Performance management books.
  • Magazines which are printed be the mahindra automotive.
  • Help of other person From Mahindra.

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem      71
Management thesis.


  Question No-1

        Name of
  1     Boss
  2     Peers
  3     Direct Reporters
  4     Indirect Reporters
  5     External Customers

   Question No-2

            Sr. No. Indicator of delegation          % score
                  1 He generally prepares his
                    juniors to wait for his return
                    than take decisions in his
                  2 He does not leave routine
                    decisions entirely to the
                    lower levels.
                  3 Generally his in-tray piles up
                    with files and papers when
                    he goes away on tour.
                  4 He is cautious and does not
                    let his subordinates take
                    even minor risks.

  Mahananda.B. MBA III sem                  72
Management thesis.

             5 He spends time on activities
               and problems that he was
               handling before his last
               promotion/or his previous job.

             6 He prefers his subordinates
               to check with him whenever
               a problem arises in an
               on-going project or assignment

             7 He likes to keep himself fully
               involved in everything being
               handled by his subordinates.

             8 He likes to be consulted
               even on matters where a
               rule or precedent already exists.
             9 We often wish he would not
               spend time doing work which
               we can easily handle.

            10 He is often rushing to meet

Question No-3

      No.    Behavior dimensions            % score
          clear and persuasive
          communication rather
          than unclear and long
        1 winded communication
          Active rather than
        2 passive

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem               73
Management thesis.

              Takes positive
              approach rather than
            3 negative approach
              Change oriented rather
            4 than status quo oriented
              Encouraging rather
            5 than discouraging

Question No-4

      S.       Behavior Quality                  % Score
        1      Empathetic rather than
               corrective (68% score
               indicating that they could
               be 32% corrective)
       2       Participative rather than

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem                    74
Management thesis.

           3    Calm and composed rather
                than irritable
           4    Patients and accepting
                than impertinent and
           5    Proactive rather than


         Week                                      Activity

1st week (30th July)        To decide title of MT & to prepare synopsis

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem                75
Management thesis.

2nd week (3rd Aug )           Collecting the information which is required for the MT

3rd week (10th Aug)           Preparation of questionnaire to collect data from
                              customers as well as proprietor.
4th week (24th Aug)           Collecting data from proprietor of ICICI Prudential Life
                              Insurance Company Limited
5th week (31st Aug)           No work on this week because of exams

6th week (7th Sep)            Preparing for interim report

7th week (21st Sep)           Collecting more information about MT

8th week (28th Sep)           Collecting information from employees

9th week (5th Oct)            Collecting information from employees

10th week (12th Oct)          Analyzing the collected data

11th week (19th -21 st Oct)   Preparing required charts and graphs which are related to
                              the topic & Preparation of the final thesis

12th week (22nd -23 rd        submission of final thesis

Mahananda.B. MBA III sem                  76

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A study on perfoemance management of mahindra and mahindra in bidar

  • 2. Management thesis. A THESIS ON “A STUDY ON PERFOEMANCE MANAGEMENT OF MAHINDRA AND MAHINDRA IN BIDAR” Submitted by: MAHANANDA BABURAO Enrl No.7NBBD002 MBA III SEM INC, Bidar A report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of THE MBA PROGRAM (The class of 2009) INC ICFAI National College CERTIFICATE Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 2
  • 3. Management thesis. This is to certify that Management thesis – I titled “a study on performance management of Mahindra and Mahindra in Bidar” Submitted by Miss. Mahananda.B, Enrollment no: 7NBBD002 during semester – III of the PG Program (The Class of 2009) embodies original work done by her. Signature of Faculty Supervisor Name : Mr. Donald Johansson Designation : Faculty member (Soft Skill) Campus : INC, Bidar CERTIFICATE Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 3
  • 4. Management thesis. This is to certify that Management thesis – I titled “a study on performance management of Mahindra and Mahindra in bidar” Submitted by Miss. Mahananda.B, enrollment No. 7NBBD002during semester – III of the PG Program (Class of 2009) embodies original work done by her. Signature of Center Head Name : PROF. DONALD JHONSON Designation : Centre Head Centre : INC, Bidar ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 4
  • 5. Management thesis. It has been a great privilege to carry out the project work “A STUDY ON PERFOEMANCE MANAGEMENT OF MAHINDRA AND MAHINDRA IN BIDAR” I want to avail this opportunity to express sincere thanks to Mr. Donald Jonson Principal, ICFAI national College, Bidar. I would also like to thank Mr. (Company Guide), Mahindra and Mahindra Prudential, Prof. Donald Johnson (Faculty Guide), ICFAI national College, BIDAR for giving me an opportunity and valuable advice and guidance in this project. MAHANANDA.B Enroll No. 7NBBD002 Title and Synopsis Approval Form The MBA Program (The Class of 2009) Part – A INC Campus I N C B I D A R Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 5
  • 6. Management thesis. Enrollment No. 7 N B B D 0 0 2 Name of the Student MAHANANDA.B Semester III Semester IV 1. CONSUMER 5. SERVICE BEHAVIOUR MARKETING 2. RETAIL MANAGEMENT 6. SALES AND DISTRIBUTION 3. PERFORMANCE MAEASUREMENT AND 7. STRATEGIC HRM Electives PEWARD SYSTEMS 8. LEADERSHIP 4. CORPRATE SKILLS AND CUMMUNICATION CHANGE MANAGEMENT SIP Details Sector: Print media. “Outlook publishing” SIP Title: To generate business of Rs. 75000 for four months. Product / Function: Magazine. Name of the Faculty Prof. Donald Johnson Supervisor Functional Area Marketing Rationale for Proposed Research Project (min 500 words) – (Enclose Separate sheets): The student should write about the relevance of the topic in current business environment, placement opportunities based on the topic under study, its relation to the electives chosen by the student, etc Part B Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 6
  • 7. Management thesis. “A STUDY ON PERFOEMANCE Title of Management MANAGEMENT OF MAHINDRA AND Thesis MAHINDRA IN BIDAR” Functional Area Human Resources Management 1. Synopsis of the Management Thesis (1500 words) – (Enclose Separate Sheets): The synopsis of the Management Thesis should provide an introduction giving an overview of the topic and its importance, problem definition stating the objectives and scope of work, proposed methodology for achieving the objectives of the research project, probable sources of literature review, sampling plan, etc. 2. Weekly plan for implementation of Management Thesis includes literature survey, research methods, design of questionnaire, sampling plan, collection of data, analysis of data, tabulation, research findings, conclusion, etc. (Enclose Separate Sheets) Date: Signature of the Student (For Office Use Only) Review by Faculty Supervisor (Detailed comments of Faculty Supervisor on the synopsis and the title are documented here.) (Enclose separate sheets if necessary) Faculty Supervisor Campus Head Date: Date: Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 7
  • 8. Management thesis. Appendix B (Certificate from Faculty Supervisor) CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the Management Thesis titled “A STUDY ON PERFOEMANCE MANAGEMENT OF MAHINDRA AND MAHINDRA IN BIDAR” submitted by Mahananda.B Enroll No: 7NBBD002 during Semester III of the MBA Program (The Class of 2009) embodies original work done by him/her. Signature of the Faculty Supervisor Name : Prof. DONALD JOHNSON Designation : Coordinator Campus : INC Bidar Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 8
  • 9. Management thesis. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Page no. Acknowledgement vii List of tables and Graphs 11 Summary:- Questionnaire 12 1)Introduction 13 1.1Need of the study 42 1.2 Objectives 43 2) Profile 2.1Company profile 47 3)Analysis 3.1 Research design (Analysis) 52 3.2 Findings 71 3.3 Suggestions 72 3.4 Conclusions 73 4)Bibliography 74 5)Annexure:- 75 Annexure 1 Annexure 2 Annexure 3 Annexure 4 List of table and graphs:- Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 9
  • 10. Management thesis. Five tables and one graph is used. 1. HR: Human Resources, or Humane Resources 2. 360 Degree Feedback. 3. 360 DELEGATIONS. 4. Score for the behavior (graph). Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 10
  • 11. Management thesis. Summary:- Topic of the management thesis: “A STUDY ON PERFOEMANCE MANAGEMENT OF MAHINDRA AND MAHINDRA IN BIDAR” The management thesis focuses on Human resource study on performance management with reference to Mahindra and Mahindra. In the management thesis the information on the performance management is collected. The information about this is collected by the Show room which is located in Bidar as well as by the internet also. I prepared a questionnaire to collect information from them. The main aim of the questionnaire is to collect the information of theory is practiced in practical or not. The questionnaire also helped me collect the information. It helped me to understand whether the employees are aware of the performance management or not. I study that Successful organizations are embracing a new model of corporate performance management (CPM) – one that relies heavily on understanding data to improve future performance. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 11
  • 12. Management thesis. CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION: What is performance management? In their definitive text upon which this factsheet is based, Armstrong and Baron define performance management as 'a process which contributes to the effective management of individuals and teams in order to achieve high levels of organizational performance. As such, it establishes shared understanding about what is to be achieved and an approach to leading and developing people which will ensure that it is achieved'. They go on to stress that it is 'a strategy which relates to every activity of the organization set in the context of its human resource policies, culture, style and communications systems. The nature of the strategy depends on the organizational context and can vary from organization to organization.' In other words performance management should be: • Strategic - it is about broader issues and longer-term goals. • Integrated - it should link various aspects of the business, people management, and individuals and teams. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 12
  • 13. Management thesis. It should incorporate: • Performance improvement - throughout the organization, for individual, team and organizational effectiveness. • Development - unless there is continuous development of individuals and teams, performance will not improve. • Managing behavior - ensuring that individuals are encouraged to behave in a way that allows and fosters better working relationships. Armstrong and Baron Stress that at its best performance management is a tool to ensure that managers manage effectively; that they ensure the people or team they manage: • know and understand what is expected of them • have the skills and ability to deliver on these expectations • are supported by the organization to develop the capacity to meet these expectations are given feedback on their performance • Have the opportunity to discuss and contribute to individual and team aims and objectives. It is also about ensuring that managers themselves are aware of the impact of their own behavior on the people they manage and are encouraged to identify and exhibit positive behaviors. So performance management is about establishing a culture in which individuals and groups take responsibility for the continuous improvement of business processes and of their own skills, behavior and contributions. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 13
  • 14. Management thesis. It is about sharing expectations. Managers can clarify what they expect individual and teams to do; likewise individuals and teams can communicate their expectations of how they should be managed and what they need to do their jobs. It follows that performance management is about interrelationships and about improving the quality of relationships - between managers and individuals, between managers and teams, between members of teams and so on, and is therefore a joint process. It is also about planning - defining expectations expressed as objectives and in business plans - and about measurement; the old dictum is 'If you can't measure it, you can't manage it'. It should apply to all employees, not just managers, and to teams as much as individuals. It is a continuous process, not a one-off event. Last but not least, it is holistic and should pervade every aspect of running an organization. How does performance management work? Because performance management is (or should be) so all- pervasive, it needs structures to support it. These should provide a framework to help people operate, and to help them to help others to operate. But it should not be a rigid system; there needs to be a reasonable degree of flexibility to allow people freedom to operate. Performance management is a process, not an event. It operates as a continuous cycle. Corporate strategic goals provide the starting point for business and departmental goals, followed by agreement on performance and development, leading to the drawing up of plans between individuals and managers, with continuous monitoring and feedback supported by formal reviews. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 14
  • 15. Management thesis. TOOLS OF PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT:- It is impossible to go into details of each of the tools used by performance management, so the following paragraphs simply provide an outline. 1. Performance and development reviews Many organizations without performance management systems operate 'appraisals' in which an individual's manager regularly (usually annually) records performance, potential and development needs in a top-down process - see our factsheet on performance appraisal for more information on this topic. What is performance appraisal? Performance appraisal is an important part of performance management. In itself it is not performance management, but it is one of the ranges of tools that can be used to manage performance. Because it is most usually carried out by line managers rather than HR professionals, it is important that they understand their role in performance management and how performance appraisal contributes to the overall aims of performance management - see our factsheet on performance management for more information on that topic. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 15
  • 16. Management thesis. The performance appraisal or review is essentially an opportunity for the individual and those concerned with their performance – most usually their line manager - to get together to engage in a dialogue about the individual’s performance, development and the support required from the manager. It should not be a top down process or an opportunity for one person to ask questions and the other to reply. It should be a free flowing conversation in which a range of views are exchanged. Performance appraisals usually review past behavior and so provide an opportunity to reflect on past performance. But to be successful they should also be used as a basis for making development and improvement plans and reaching agreement about that should be done in the future. The performance appraisal is often the central pillar of performance management and the CIPD performance management survey1 carried out in 2004 found that 65 per cent of organizations used individual annual appraisal, 27 per cent used twice-yearly appraisals and 10 percent used rolling appraisal. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 16
  • 17. Management thesis. However, it is a common mistake to assume that if organizations implement performance appraisals, they have performance management. This is not the case. Performance management is a holistic process bringing together many activities which collectively contribute to the effective management of individuals and teams in order to achieve high levels of organizational performance. Performance management is strategic in that it is about broader issues and long term goals and integrated in that it links various aspects of the business, people management, individuals and teams. Performance appraisal on the other hand is operational, short to medium term and concerned only with the individual and their performance and development. It is one of the tools of performance management and the data produced can feed into other elements of performance management but in itself can never be performance management. CIPD research2 stresses the importance of a positive relationship between individuals and line managers. Carried out sensitively, the performance appraisal is an important vehicle in developing and maintaining this relationship. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 17
  • 18. Management thesis. How to conduct a performance appraisal? The five key elements of the performance appraisal are: 1. Measurement – assessing performance against agreed targets and objectives. 2. Feedback – providing information to the individual on their performance and progress. 3. Positive reinforcement – emphasizing what has been done well and making only constructive criticism about what might be improved. 4. Exchange of views – a frank exchange of views about what has happened, how appraises can improve their performance, the support they need from their managers to achieve this and their aspirations for their future career. 5. Agreement – jointly coming to an understanding by all parties about what needs to be done to improve performance generally and overcome any issues raised in the course of the discussion. There is no one right way to conduct an appraisal. Some companies develop an appraisal form with space for appraisers to rate appraises on aspects of their work such as their contribution to the team, role development, effectiveness, etc. The approach will depend on the nature of the business and the people involved. However as a minimum it is helpful to have a form to collect consistent information on the appraisal. This may be in the form of a free dialogue from appraisers with the opportunity for appraises to reply and comment. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 18
  • 19. Management thesis. As a general rule it is helpful to have some information on the following: 1. Objectives - whether they were achieved and if not the reasons why. 2. Competence – whether individuals are performance below, within or above the requirements of the role. 3. Training – what training the individual has received in the review period and what training or development they would like to receive in the future? 4. Actions – a note of any actions that need to be carried out by the individual or the appraiser. There is a view that the content of appraisal discussions should be confidential to the individual and the appraiser. But increasing pressure to provide information to assess the contribution of people to organizational value makes it desirable that performance data be recorded and stored in such a way that it can be used to feel into indicators of human capital value. Increasingly organizations are putting more emphasis on the kind of behavior they want their employees to exhibit. Behavior, particularly management behavior, has been identified as a significant source of value. They are therefore not solely concerned with the achievement of objectives but how these were achieved. Some organizations are identifying a set of positive management behaviors for example and then rating against them. Others are identifying the behaviors associated with excellent service and rating against these in the appraisal process. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 19
  • 20. Management thesis. Again the design of the process will depend on what is important to the particular business and the achievement of their business objectives and will therefore be influenced by the wider performance management process. It is important that people don’t achieve their objectives at the expense of their colleague’s morale. Preparing for the meeting Both parties should prepare for the meeting beforehand if a successful outcome is to be delivered. The person conducting the meeting or the appraiser should: • Consider how well the individual has performed since the last meeting. • Consider to what extent any agreed development plans from the last meeting have been implemented. • Think about the feedback to be given at the meeting and the evidence that will be used to support it. • Review the factors that have affected performance both those within and outside the individual’s control. • Consider the points for discussion on the possible actions that can be taken by both parties to develop or improve performance. • Consider possible directions the individual’s career might take. • Consider possible objectives for the next review period. The individual or appraise should consider the following points: Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 20
  • 21. Management thesis. • What they have achieved during the review period, with examples and evidence. • Any examples of objectives not achieved with explanations. • What they most enjoy about the job and how they might want to develop the role. • Any aspect of the work in which improvement is required and how this might be achieved. • Their learning and development needs with arguments to support their case for specific training. • What level of support and guidance they require from their manager. • Their aspirations for the future both in the current role and in possible future roles. • Objectives for the next review period. Self-assessment In some instances it may be helpful to guide appraises through a self-assessment process encouraging them to assess and analyze their own performance as a basis for discussion and action. This can improve the quality of the appraisal discussion because an individual feel actively involved in the process and is encourages them to work through the points above beforehand. This can be particularly useful with more junior staff or those not used to appraisals. However, self assessment can only work if individuals have clear targets and standards against which to assess them. It can also only be effective in a climate of trust where individuals believe their appraisers will not take advantage of an open self-assessment. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 21
  • 22. Management thesis. What a good appraisal looks like A good and constructive appraisal meeting is one in which: • Appraises do most of the talking. • Appraisers listen actively to what they say. • There is scope for reflection and analysis. • Performance is analyzed not personality. • The whole period is reviewed and not just recent or isolated events. • Achievement is recognized and reinforced. • Ends positively with agreed action plans. A bad appraisal meeting: • Focuses on a catalogue of failures and omissions. • Is controlled by the appraiser. • Ends with disagreement between appraisers and appraise. Appraisal skills: All managers expected to carry out performance appraisal should have some training. Ideally this should not just be on the skills of performance appraisal – the ‘how’ to do it, but also on the reasons for performance appraisal the ‘why’ we do it. Managers should understand how it fits into the wider strategic process of performance management and how the information and data generated contributes to understanding of the capacity of the human capital of the organization to contribution to business strategy and value. A basic requirement is that appraisers have the skills to carry out an effective appraisal as described above. This means they ask the right questions, listen actively and provide feedback. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 22
  • 23. Management thesis. Asking the right questions The two main issues are to ensure that appraisers ask open and probing questions. Open questions are general rather than specific; they enable people to decide how they should be answered and encourage them to talk freely. Examples include: • How do you feel things have been going? • How do you see the job developing? • How do you feel about that? • Tell me, why do you think that happened? Probing questions dig deeper for more specific information on what happened or shy. They can should support for the individual’s answer and encourage them to provide more information about their feelings and attitudes and they can also be used to reflect back to the individual and check information. Examples would be: • That’s very interesting. Tell me more about ….? • To what extent do you think that …? • Have I got the right impression? Do you mean that ….? Listening:- Good listeners: • Concentrate on the speakers and are aware of behavior, body language and nuances that supplement what is being said. • Respond quickly when necessary but don’t interrupt. • Ask relevant questions to clarify meaning. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 23
  • 24. Management thesis. • Comment on points to demonstrate understanding but keep them short and do not inhibit the flow of the speaker. Giving feedback Feedback should be based on facts not subjective opinion and should always be backed up with evidence and examples. The aim of feedback should be to promote the understanding of the individual so that they are aware of the impact of their actions and behavior. It may require corrective action where the feedback indicates that something has gone wrong. However, wherever possible feedback should be used positively to reinforce the good and identify opportunities for further positive action. Giving feedback is a skill and those with no training should be discouraged from giving feedback. Feedback will work best when the following conditions are met: • Feedback is built in with individuals being given access to readily available information on their performance and progress. • Feedback is related to actual events, observed behaviors or actions. • Feedback describes events without judging them. • Feedback is accompanies by questions soliciting the individual’s opinion why certain things happened. • People are encouraged to come to their own conclusions about what happened and why. • There is understanding about what things went wrong and an emphasis on putting them right rather than censuring past behavior. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 24
  • 25. Management thesis. It can be argued that the perceived defects of appraisal systems (that line managers regarded them as irrelevant, involving form- filling to keep the personnel department happy, and not as a normal process of management) led to the development of more rounded concepts of performance management. Nevertheless, organizations with performance management systems need to provide those involved with the opportunity to reflect on past performance as a basis for making development and improvement plans, and the performance and development review meeting (note the terminology; it is not appraisal) provides this chance. The meeting must be constructive, and various techniques can be used to conduct the sort of open, free-flowing and honest meeting needed, with the reviewer doing most of the talking. Learning and development Employee development is the main route followed by most organizations to improved organizational performance, which in turn requires an understanding of the processes and techniques of organizational, team and individual learning. Performance reviews can be regarded as learning events, in which individuals can be encouraged to think about how and in which ways they want to develop. This can lead to the drawing up of a personal development plan (PDP) setting out the actions they propose to take (with the help of others, not least their managers) to develop themselves. To keep development separate from performance and salary discussions, development reviews may be held at other times, for example, on the anniversary of joining an organization. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 25
  • 26. Management thesis. Increasing emphasis on talent management also means that many organizations are re-defining performance management to align it to the need to identify, nurture and retain talent. Development programmes are reflecting the needs of succession plans and seeking to foster leadership skills. However, too much of an emphasis on talent management may be damaging to overall development needs and every effort needs to be made to ensure that development is inclusive, accessible and focused on developing organizational capability. Coaching Coaching is an important tool in learning and development. Coaching is developing a person's skills and knowledge so that their job performance improves, leading to the achievement of organizational objectives. Coaching is increasingly recognized as a significant responsibility of line managers, and can play an important part in a PDP. They will take place during the review meetings, but also and more importantly should be carried out throughout the year. For some managers coaching comes naturally, but for many they may not and training may be needed to improve their skills. See our factsheet on coaching for more information. Objectives and performance standards:- Objectives (some organizations prefer to use 'goals') describe something to be accomplished by individuals, departments and organizations over a period of time. They can be expressed as targets to be met (such as sales) and tasks to be completed by specified dates. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 26
  • 27. Management thesis. They can be work-related, referring to the results to be attained, or personal, taking the form of developmental objectives for individuals. Objectives need to be defined and agreed. They will relate to the overall purpose of the job and define performance areas - all the aspects of the job that contribute to achieving its overall purpose. Targets then need to be set for each performance area, for example, increase 'sales by x per cent', 'reduce wastage by y per cent' … Alongside objectives are performance standards. They are used when it is not possible to set time-based targets, or when there is a continuing objective which does not change significantly from one review period to the next and is a standing feature of the job. These should be spelled out in quantitative terms if possible, for example, speed of response to requests or meeting defined standards of accuracy. Competences and competencies Some organizations, but by no means all, use competences and competencies as components of performance management. Competences describe what people need to be able to do to perform a job well (the descriptions in National Vocational Qualifications are examples of competences). Competencies (more helpfully, 'behavioral competencies') are defined as the dimensions of behavior that lie behind competent performance. Though the language used does not help in making the distinction, to perform well it is necessary both to be able to do a job at a technically competent level and to have behaviors that reinforce those technical skills; an obvious example of behavior is the surgeon Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 27
  • 28. Management thesis. who needs a good bedside manner and to be able to communicate with colleagues, in addition to surgical skills. There are various techniques for measuring competence (some organizations prefer to use 'capability') and once an analysis has been made, it provides a tool for measuring performance and, of course, for providing development activities to help people meet the required standards. For more information, see our competencies factsheet. Measurement To improve performance, you need to know what current performance is. Measurement provides the basis for providing and generating feedback, and thus can build the platform for further success or identify where things are going less well so that corrective action can be taken. But what gets measured? Measure the wrong things, perhaps simply because they are easy to measure, and an entire performance management system can fall into disrepute. Use too many measures and you can't see the wood for the trees. For measuring performance, the achievement of objectives, levels of competency, standards of performance, and work outputs are used but the emphasis varies according to categories of staff - for example, a senior manager would be mainly measured by meeting objectives, but a production worker mainly by achieving outputs. Increasingly organizations are using more sophisticated measuring techniques such as balanced scorecards or ROI (return on investment). Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 28
  • 29. Management thesis. Individual and team performance needs to be capable of being linked in an understandable manner to organizational performance, and there are various approaches to this. They include the 'balanced scorecard', a set of measures that looks at the business from customer, internal, learning and financial perspectives; the European Foundation for Quality Management, which indicates that customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, and impact on society are achieved through leadership; and other economic measures, including traditional financial measures. Measures used will depend on the organization; for example, public service organizations are likely to use different measures from private companies. Pay:- Performance management is often linked with performance- related pay (PRP), although by no means all organizations claiming to use performance management have PRP. Nevertheless, PRP is an important element in many performance management schemes because it is believed to motivate; it is said to deliver the message that performance and competence are important, and it is thought to be fair to reward people according to their performance, contribution or competence. Others, though, believe that other factors are more important than PRP in motivation; that it is usually based on subjective assessments of performance, that it inhibits teamwork because of its individualistic nature, and that it leads to 'short- termism'. See our factsheet for more information on performance pay. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 29
  • 30. Management thesis. An alternative to PRP is competence-related pay, which provides for pay progression to be linked to levels of competence that people have achieved, using a competence profile or framework. The difficulty here is measuring competence, and some organizations use a mix of PRP and competence-related pay. Further possible pay systems are team-based pay, a kind of PRP for teams; and contribution-related pay which means paying for results plus competence, and for past performance and future success. Performance may be used to determine all or some aspects of pay. In many instances only non-consolidated bonus payments are linked to performance which tend to reflect organizational, team and individual performance whilst salary progression is linked to service, market rates and pay scales. Many organizations believe that when performance management is linked to pay the quality of performance discussions will inevitably deteriorate. Teams Team working has become an important part of life in many organizations, and where teams are permanent or for longstanding projects, measures can be based on team performance. They will mainly be concerned with output, activity levels (eg speed of servicing), customer service and satisfaction, and financial results. Indeed, team measures are not very different from those for individuals, and of course team members need to agree their objectives and receive feedback in the same way as if they were part of a team. Other team members can contribute towards this, in a process of peer review. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 30
  • 31. Management thesis. 360 degree feedback 360 degree feedback became increasingly talked about in the 1990s, if not widely used. It consists of performance data generated from a number of sources, who can include the person to whom the individual being assessed reports, people who report to them, peers (team colleagues or others in the organization), and internal and external customers. It can also include self-assessment. 360 degree feedback is used mainly as part of a self-development or management development programme, and is felt to provide a more rounded view of people, with less bias than if an assessment is conducted by one individual. See our factsheet on 360 feedbacks for more information. Performance problem solving:- Performance management is a positive process, and good systems will create a culture in which success is applauded. Nevertheless, poor performance will exist. It may be a result of inadequate leadership, bad management or defective systems of work, and if so, remedies (often involving learning and development) can be put in place. But individuals may under-perform and improvements can be achieved through continuing feedback and joint discussion between them and their managers, involving analyzing and identifying the problem, establishing the reasons for the shortfall, and deciding and agreeing the action to be taken. If all this fails, disciplinary action may need to be taken, as in any organization. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 31
  • 32. Management thesis. CIPD viewpoint:- Performance management is difficult to implement. It is about ownership by everyone in the organization, and especially line managers - it is emphatically not about guardianship by personnel departments. Surveys suggest that individuals and managers in organizations with performance management systems quite like it, and especially its emphasis on personal development, although performance-rating (often linked to PRP) often provokes hostility. Schemes can be over-detailed and require too much form-filling, and there can be a lack of definition in terms of what is meant by performance and how to achieve it. Schemes can be less successful than they might be because of lack of training, especially at the beginning. The keys to the successful introduction and application of performance management are: • Being clear about what is meant by performance. • Understanding what the organization is and needs to be in its performance culture. • Being very focused on how individual employees will benefit and play their part in the process. • Understanding that it is a tool for line managers and its success will depend on their ability to use it effectively. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 32
  • 33. Management thesis. Performance management is the systematic process by which an agency involves its employees, as individuals and members of a group, in improving organizational effectiveness in the accomplishment of agency mission and goals. Employee performance management includes: • Planning work and setting expectations, • Continually monitoring performance, • Developing the capacity to perform, • Periodically rating performance in a summary fashion, and • Rewarding good performance. The revisions made in 1995 to the Government wide performance appraisal and awards regulations support sound management principles. Great care was taken to ensure that the requirements those regulations establish would complement and not conflict with the kinds of activities and actions practiced in effective organizations as a matter of course. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 33
  • 34. Management thesis. In an effective organization, work is planned out in advance. Planning means setting performance expectations and goals for groups and individuals to channel their efforts toward achieving organizational objectives. Getting employees involved in the planning process will help them understand the goals of the organization, what needs to be done, why it needs to be done, and how well it should be done. The regulatory requirements for planning employees' performance include establishing the elements and standards of their performance appraisal plans. Performance elements and standards should be measurable, understandable, verifiable, equitable, and achievable. Through critical elements, employees are held accountable as individuals for work assignments or responsibilities. Employee performance plans should be flexible so that they can be adjusted for changing program objectives and work requirements. When used effectively, these plans can be beneficial working documents that are discussed often, and not merely paperwork that is filed in a drawer and seen only when ratings of record are required. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 34
  • 35. Management thesis. In an effective organization, assignments and projects are monitored continually. Monitoring well means consistently measuring performance and providing ongoing feedback to employees and work groups on their progress toward reaching their goals. Regulatory requirements for monitoring performance include conducting progress reviews with employees where their performance is compared against their elements and standards. Ongoing monitoring provides the opportunity to check how well employees are meeting predetermined standards and to make changes to unrealistic or problematic standards. And by monitoring continually, unacceptable performance can be identified at any time during the appraisal period and assistance provided to address such performance rather than wait until the end of the period when summary rating levels are assigned Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 35
  • 36. Management thesis. In an effective organization, employee developmental needs are evaluated and addressed. Developing in this instance means increasing the capacity to perform through training, giving assignments that introduce new skills or higher levels of responsibility, improving work processes, or other methods. Providing employees with training and developmental opportunities encourages good performance, strengthens job-related skills and competencies, and helps employees keep up with changes in the workplace, such as the introduction of new technology. Carrying out the processes of performance management provides an excellent opportunity to identify developmental needs. During planning and monitoring of work, deficiencies in performance become evident and can be addressed. Areas for improving good performance also stand out, and action can be taken to help successful employees improve even further Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 36
  • 37. Management thesis. From time to time, organizations find it useful to summarize employee performance. This can be helpful for looking at and comparing performance over time or among various employees. Organizations need to know who their best performers are. Within the context of formal performance appraisal requirements, rating means evaluating employee or group performance against the elements and standards in an employee's performance plan and assigning a summary rating of record. The rating of record is assigned according to procedures included in the organization's appraisal program. It is based on work performed during an entire appraisal period. The rating of record has a bearing on various other personnel actions, such as granting within-grade pay increases and determining additional retention service credit in a reduction in force. Note: Although group performance may have an impact on an employee's summary rating, a rating of record is assigned only to an individual, not to a group. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 37
  • 38. Management thesis. In an effective organization, rewards are used well. Rewarding means recognizing employees, individually and as members of groups, for their performance and acknowledging their contributions to the agency's mission. A basic principle of effective management is that all behavior is controlled by its consequences. Those consequences can and should be both formal and informal and both positive and negative. Good performance is recognized without waiting for nominations for formal awards to be solicited. Recognition is an ongoing, natural part of day-to-day experience. A lot of the actions that reward good performance — like saying "Thank you" — don't require a specific regulatory authority. Nonetheless, awards regulations provide a broad range of forms that more formal rewards can take, such as cash, time off, and many nonmonetary items. The regulations also cover a variety of contributions that can be rewarded, from suggestions to group accomplishments. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 38
  • 39. Management thesis. Managing Performance Effectively. In effective organizations, managers and employees have been practicing good performance management naturally all their lives, executing each key component process well. Goals are set and work is planned routinely. Progress toward those goals is measured and employees get feedback. High standards are set, but care is also taken to develop the skills needed to reach them. Formal and informal rewards are used to recognize the behavior and results that accomplish the mission. All five component processes working together and supporting each other achieve natural, effective performance management. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 39
  • 40. Management thesis. NEED FOR STUDY:- • Here the need for the study is that I want to see the theory in practical. How it is practiced in the Mahindra and Mahindra. • The second need is to complete the MT-I successfully. • MT-I is the curriculum pattern of our MBA. • Who should be involved in the performance management activities? • What should be measured? • What standards should be used or set, and how? • How is quality improvement efforts carried out? How is progress reported for use in decision making? Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 40
  • 41. Management thesis. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY:- • To know about the performance management in the organization. • To know about the performance management effects on the organization. • To know the performance management program. • To know what are the different tools and techniques implemented for performance management program. • To know the purpose and importance of performance management and its effect on employee performance. • To know the benefits of performance management as per view of the employees as well as organization. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 41
  • 42. Management thesis. SCOPE OF THE STUDY:- • To gain a practical knowledge about the performance management needs and process from referents who really undergone realistic practice. • The best way of managing and making understood about the performance management. • To know about the actual and well development of manpower by the human resource management of organization. • To know about the importance of performance management towards the success of an organization. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 42
  • 43. Management thesis. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY:- • Data analysis is bit complicated as compared to other measures. • The study was time consuming. • Available data was limited. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 43
  • 44. Management thesis. RESEARCH AND METHODOLOGY:- The information requirements for solving a problem are identified in the problem formation stage. In this stage, the sources from which information can be found are identified. Data for a research can be collected from two sources. Primary data and secondary data. 1. Primary data:- Surveying the sampling units or the elements of the sampling units collects Primary data. Primary data is the first hand information gathered to solve the research need. It is collected using research instruments like questionnaires, mailers, telephonic interviews etc. 2. Secondary data:- Secondary data is collected from already available sources such as published papers, journals, magazines, reports, company literature etc. compared to Primary data, the collection of secondary data is cheaper and less time consuming. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 44
  • 45. Management thesis. CHAPTER-II COMPANY PROFILE:- Mahindra & Mahindra Limited is part of the US $6.7 billion Mahindra Group, an automotive, farm equipment, financial services, trade and logistics, automotive components, after-market, IT and infrastructure conglomerate. The company was set up in 1945 as Mahindra & Mohammed.[ Later, after the partition of India, Mr. Ghulam Mohammad migrated to Pakistan and became that nation's first finance minister. Hence, the name was changed from Mahindra & Mohammed to Mahindra & Mahindra in 1948. Initially set up to manufacture general-purpose utility vehicles, Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) was first known for assembly of the iconic Jeep in India. The company later branched out into manufacture of light commercial vehicles (LCVs) and agricultural tractors agricultural tractors, rapidly growing from being a manufacturer of army vehicles and tractors to an automobile major with a growing global market. At present, M&M is the leader in the utility vehicle (UV) segment in India with its flagship UV, the Scorpio (known as the Mahindra Goa in Italy). Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 45
  • 46. Management thesis. BUSINESS:- Mahindra & Mahindra grew from being a maker of army vehicles to a major automobile and tractor manufacturer. It has acquired plants in China and the United Kingdom and has three assembly plants in the USA. M&M has partnerships with international companies like Renault SA, France and International Truck and Engine Corporation, USA. M&M has a global presence and its products are exported to several countries..Its global subsidiaries include Mahindra Europe Srl. based in Italy, Mahindra USA Inc., Mahindra South Africa and Mahindra (China) Tractor Co. Ltd. M&M is the third largest tractor company in the world. It is also the largest manufacturer of tractors in India with sustained market leadership of around 25 years. It designs, develops, manufactures and markets tractors as well as farm implements. Mahindra (China) Tractor Co. Ltd. manufactures tractors for the growing Chinese market and is a hub for tractor exports to the USA and other western nations. M&M has a 100% subsidiary, Mahindra USA, which assembles products for the American market. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 46
  • 47. Management thesis. M&M made its entry into the passenger car segment with the Logan in April 2007 under the Mahindra Renault joint venture. M&M will make its maiden entry into the heavy trucks segment with Mahindra International, the joint venture with International Truck, USA. M&M's automotive division makes a wide range of vehicles including MUVs, LCVs and three wheelers. It offers over 20 models including new generation multi-utility vehicles like the Scorpio and the Bolero. At the recent Delhi Auto Show, Mahindra executives said the company is pursuing an aggressive product expansion program that will see the launch of several new platforms and vehicles over the next three years, including an entry-level SUV designed to seat five passengers and powered by a small turbo diesel engine. Later in 2008, it will unveil the all-new Ingenio SUV, which will be joined in 2009 by a pickup derivative. In early 2008, Mahindra commenced its first overseas CKD operations with the launch of the Mahindra Scorpio in Egypt, in partnership with the Bavarian Auto Group. This was soon followed by assembly facilities in Brazil. Vehicles assembled at the Plant in Bramont, Manaus, include Scorpio Pik Ups in single and double cab pick-up body styles as well as sports utility. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 47
  • 48. Management thesis. The US based Reputation Institute recently ranked Mahindra among the top 10 Indian companies in its 'Global 200: The World's Best Corporate Reputations' list. Mahindra is also gearing up to sell the Scorpio SUV and pickup next year in North America, through an independent distributor, Global Vehicles USA, based in Alpharetta, Georgia. AWARD:- 1. Bombay Chamber Good Corporate Citizen Award for 2006-07 2. Business world FICCI-SEDF Corporate Social Responsibility Award – 2007 3. Deming Application Prize 4. Japan Quality Medal in 2007. MODELS:- • Mahindra Thar • Mahindra Bolero o Mahindra Bolero Camper • Mahindra Scorpio o Mahindra Scorpio Getaway • Mahindra Legend • Mahindra-Renault Logan (in cooperation with Renault) • Mahindra Axe. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 48
  • 49. Management thesis. MAHINDRA GROUP:- Core Business Activities • Automotive • Farm Equipment • Systech • Trade & Financial Service • Information Technology • Infrastructure Development Community Initiatives • Mahindra United World College of India • Mahindra United, a football club based in Mumbai, Maharashtra • Mahindra Foundation • K. C. Mahindra Education Trust: Nanhi Kali Type Conglomerate Founded 1945 Headquarters Mumbai Key people Keshub Mahindra (Chairman), Anand G.Mahindra (Vice- Chairman & Managing Director) Industry Automotive Revenue US$ 6.7 billion (2008) Employees 65,000 plus Website Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 49
  • 50. Management thesis. IV. RESEARCH AND DESING WELLNESS QUOTIENT @ M&M A company is as good as its employees. To rephrase this truth, a company’s image and success is, and should be, a reflection of the collective well being of its employees. Mahindra & Mahindra, as a good corporate citizen with a growing global presence and customer base, has always put Wellness Quotient high up in its workplace philosophy Says Mr. Rajeev Dubey, President, HR & Corporate Services and Member of the Group Management Board, “The fundamental challenge is to create an organization that is characterized by extreme performance and extreme care. This involves simultaneously looking in and looking out: creating the inner calm, strength and resilience in the individual, and managing certain critical institutional factors in the realm of action (Karma). Hence a holistic multi-pronged approach is required, which must ultimately embrace all employees and pervade every action in the organization.” Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 50
  • 51. Management thesis. So the question is: How does a US$ 3.2 billion industrial powerhouse with a clear strategy and goal to “outperform” in every one of its sectors manage to keep its team of 25,000 and growing employees in fine fettle? M&M strives to achieve this with a fine Wellness Matrix in place, which combines performance management, work life balance, and an effective employee satisfaction process. Besides, every company in the Group has its own set of creative initiatives in place to monitor and tackle wellness. STRESS MANAGEMENT @ MAHINDRA -- THE HOLISTIC TRIANGLE:- Innovation has been a tradition in M&M. It has helped us grow as an organization, and is now helping us stay together as a family despite the immense pressure to outperform in the marketplace. The stress matrix is a three pronged method that M&M employees have the option of using to beat the mental and physical demands of work pressure – Yoga, Seva and Karma Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 51
  • 52. Management thesis. Opines Mr.Dubey, “Stress is a phenomenon faced by everyone working in an organization that seeks to create competitive advantage in today’s marketplace, both domestically and globally. There is creative stress, which is desirable. But we need to continually combat the tendency for stretch goals to create destructive stress or distress, which destroys the organization’s value-creation ability and its human beings. An innovative combination of initiatives involving yoga, community service and the workings of the performance-cum-time management process is being deployed by us to tackle this issue.” YOGA SESSIONS TO BEAT THE BLUES:- A “Holistic Stress Management” Program was initiated in Mumbai on December 21, ‘05 for employees. Swami Rajeshkumarji, M.Sc. (Applied Yogic Science), a Wellness expert from the world- famous Bihar School of Yoga, has designed the program and is unrolling it in Worli and Kandivili, to begin with. He has several years of rich experience teaching Stress Management in organizations and in the public domain alike. The approach is holistic i.e. wellness at mental, physical and emotional levels. He has already provided valuable Yoga lessons to participants of residential training programs at MMDC, Bodhi Vriksha, Nashik and has been widely appreciated. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 52
  • 53. Management thesis. Swami Rajeshkumarji conducting a yoga session. A yoga session in progress Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 53
  • 54. Management thesis. These classes take place every Tuesday and Thursday at Worli, and every Wednesday and Friday at the Kandivili plant between 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m., and have received an enthusiastic response from numerous employees who have participated and benefited from them so far. Seeing the enthusiastic response, it has been decided that such wellness classes would be initiated at other locations in the country. Another avenue being explored is Ayurveda treatment. A Mahindra Life space has a unique arrangement with the famous Kerala Vaidyashala wherein employees can avail of medical treatment like massages and other herbal treatment. Mahindra Life spaces employees get a special package under the arrangement with Kerala Vaidyashala. SEVA: CARING QUOTIENT TO WELLNESS QUOTIENT:- It is not only Yoga but Seva also that helps bust stress. It is by far the most innovative option M&M has given its employees by way of enhancing wellness. ESOPs or Employee Social Options is a term that has become iconic after it was first proposed during the inauguration of M&M’s 60th year celebrations. M&M decided to unleash the Seva power of its 25,000-strong workforce by enabling employees to donate thousands of human hours for various social projects. The vision is to have a Mahindra employee contributing to society somewhere in India on any given day of the year. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 54
  • 55. Management thesis. Seva enables employees to look beyond the work-day constraints of self, family and profession. It helps relax the mind by freeing it of personal goals and self-centeredness where stress and worry reside. Social service and selfless activity also help employees enhance their creativity and innovation. Imagine working with needy girl children as part of a vacation activity, or teaching poor school kids during a weekend. One refreshes not only one’s mind, but also one’s whole personality. Shramdaan at BMC Hindi Shala Girls School, Kandivili in progress. M&M employees have been involved in a host of community activities both as contribution to the Group CSR activities and their own departmental programmes. For instance, on April 9, M&M employees across all Sectors performed Shramdaan at the BMC Hindi Shala, Kandivli, Mumbai. Scraping the iron grills in preparation of a fresh coat of paint, cleaning the compound, whitewashing the corridors, no job was too small, no designation too big to deter Mahindraites from performing Shramdaan. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 55
  • 56. Management thesis. Says Ms. Yasmin Menon of Club Mahindra, “We at Club Mahindra find great joy in giving, and such activities significantly work towards creating the balance required in our lives as Mahindra employees.” Club Mahindra holds blood donation camps and spends time with people who live in foster homes. The feedback from employees is that delving into problems of the needy has helped spiritually mitigate their own issues. Club Mahindra employees recently raised funds to sponsor 120 Nanhi Kalis. KARMA: PERFORMANCE AND TIME MANAGEMENT:- Hard work never killed anyone, sloth can. Nowhere is this axiom better demonstrated than at M&M. Karma is the third arrow in M&M’s quiver of stress management initiatives and its most dynamic one. As the title suggests, this aspect has two dimensions – managing performance and managing time. Says Mr. Rajeev Dubey, “At its most fundamental level, stress comes from fear, which in turn is strongly related to uncertainty and inaction. Fear of failure, fear of ridicule and humiliation, fear of non-acceptance or rejection by peers/superiors/subordinates and family members, fear of not being able to meet targets and timelines. Reducing the element of uncertainty, and using time most productively through ACTION (Karma), is a time-tested stress buster. We are trying to use the Performance Management System to achieve this goal. It must be noted that communication and listening are a critical part of this process, which Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 56
  • 57. Management thesis. must result in a continual dialogue across levels to mutually support the achievement of targets.” TIME MANAGEMENT:- This is an aspect of managing stress that is tackled at two levels at M&M – individual and organizational. Are we using time most effectively? At the individual level, employees are encouraged to prioritize work by clearly identifying roles, responsibilities and targets. Being a methodical worker helps optimize inputs allowing time to relax or pursue activities that enhance skills. Where the organizational support comes is in terms of managing meetings and setting targets. Are meetings planned to give maximum deliverables in the shortest time? Are time limits and deliverables clearly defined and adhered to? Do meetings begin and end on time, and do they adhere to the pre-defined purpose and agenda? The Auto Sector, for example, has a system in place wherein persons responsible for delaying A meeting would be fined and the money collected would go in to fund employee wellness activities. Apart from harnessing time and performance management to optimize work output, many departments have, or are in the process of considering, Open House forums to discuss work-life balance and stress. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 57
  • 58. Management thesis. SOME OF THE IDEAS THAT HAVE BEEN MOOTED AT VARIOUS HR AND WORK-RELATED MEETINGS INCLUDE ISSUES LIKE:- Some ideas:- • Not being compelled to work on weekends and holidays • Manage meetings effectively with regard to agenda, purpose and time limits. Enforce stricter timings • Avoid slotting meetings on weekends, holidays and post-lunch on Saturdays • Prioritization of work by way of clearly identifying roles and responsibilities Apart from harnessing time and performance management to optimize work output, many departments have, or are in the process of considering, Open House forums to discuss work-life balance and stress. Mahindra Life spaces have an interesting option in place for wellness – paternity leave. Employees are entitled to 4 days of paternity leave for not more than two occasions. JOSH AT THE WORKPLACE:- JOSH, the Annual Confluence of the HR Fraternity of the M&M Group, took place on Friday, February 24, 2006. The programmer had over 150 IR and HR executives from across the Group sharing their thoughts. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 58
  • 59. Management thesis. In one of the sessions during the day, it was decided to take up burning issues at the Workplace and do Group work on those issues. Using the modern tool of “Open Space Technology”, six Workgroups were formed who organized and empowered themselves to ideate, brainstorm, confabulate, converge and present their findings on such topical issues as: Work–life balance Humor and fun at the workplace enhancing bottom- up communication. HR FRATERNITY AT JOSH Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 59
  • 60. Management thesis. SOME OF THE RECOMMENDATIONS BY THE GROUPS ON WORK-LIFE BALANCE AND FUN AT THE WORKPLACE WERE:- — Organization to develop a family Satisfaction Index to determine how satisfied Employees’ families are, as far as attention to Family time goes. — No meetings to be normally scheduled beyond regular working hours. — Web-conferencing to become ubiquitous and replace physical meetings. — Laughter therapy to be used during morning meetings to liven up the atmosphere. — HODs to advocate non-working on weekends and Holidays – he should discourage and keep a check. — Should question the concerned persons, if this becomes a regular phenomenon. Genuine appreciation of work, at the end of the day, would act as great motivator. — Interiors of office should be made more lively using bright colors. — Usage of Fun and motivational posters and smileys all over to de- stress employees. — Policy that no manager can coerce an employee to work on Holidays and weekends. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 60
  • 61. Management thesis. TACKLING STRESS AT M&M:- “Josh stress can be defined as the harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities, resources, or needs of the worker. Job stress can lead to poor health and even injury.” [Stress at work, (United States National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Cincinnati, 1999.] Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 61
  • 62. Management thesis. HR: Human Resources, or Humane Resources Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 62
  • 63. Management thesis. Your problem What M&M Human Resources does for you? You are feeling overloaded. You feel you are dumped with an amount of work or type of work that is beyond your capacity. Make sure employees understand what they have to do and how to do it. Meet training needs Consider whether working flexible hours would help employees to manage demands. You feel disaffected and perform poorly. You have no say over how and when you do work. Involve employees in the way work is carried out. Consult employees about decisions. MBA III sem Mahananda.B. 63
  • 64. Management thesis. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The data is collected with the help of questionnaire which I have shown in the questionnaire section. The person has to give the number from 0 to 10 to their employee performance. On this bases the below data is interpreted. 360 Degree Feedback For 32 Employees of Mahindra and Mahindra automotive industry From Bidar. S. Direct Indirect External No Name Boss Peers reports report customer Overall 1 ASHISH 0 5 5 0 0 10 2 SATISH 1 2 3 1 0 7 3 KARTIK 0 2 9 4 0 17 4 KARAN 0 5 3 4 0 12 5 HEMANT 1 4 6 4 10 25 6 RAGHU 0 10 8 3 0 37 7 DAVID 1 1 3 3 0 8 8 SHIV 1 6 12 2 0 21 9 GAURAV 2 5 1 2 0 29 10 SANTOSH 1 6 5 6 0 18 11 FEROZ 1 9 12 11 0 33 12 SRIKANT 1 3 3 2 0 51 13 VINAY 1 2 8 4 0 15 14 VIKAS 0 8 8 9 0 25 15 BHARAT 0 4 10 2 0 40 16 ABHISEKH 1 1 3 3 0 8 17 KIRAN 2 3 2 3 3 13 18 RAVI 1 2 2 0 21 19 SUBHASH 2 3 3 5 4 17 20 RAKESH 0 5 9 2 4 20 21 RAMESH 1 2 8 1 0 37 22 KAMESH 1 3 6 3 4 17 23 FEDOL 1 4 8 5 4 22 24 NANNU 2 0 9 5 0 39 Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 64
  • 65. Management thesis. 25 KESHAV 2 8 8 1 0 19 26 VISHAL 3 2 4 4 13 26 27 RAHUL 2 3 5 1 0 45 28 SUNIL 0 1 7 3 3 14 29 SACHIN 2 3 7 3 11 26 30 OMKAR 2 3 5 0 0 40 31 NATH S. 2 2 2 2 6 14 32 ANAND 2 2 13 1 10 28 overall 36 119 197 36 72 754 360 DELEGATION Sr. Average % highest % lowest % No. Indicator of delegation score score score 1 He generally prepares his juniors to wait for his return 19 98 0 than take decisions in his absence. 2 He does not leave routine decisions entirely to the 28 18 0 lower levels. 3 Generally his in-tray piles up with files and papers when 22 95 0 he goes away on tour. 4 He is cautious and does not let his subordinates take 17 95 0 even minor risks. 5 He spends time on activities and problems that he was handling before his last promotion/or his previous 18 70 0 job. 6 he prefers his subordinates to check with him whenever 55 100 0 a problem arises in an on-going project or assignment 7 He likes to keep himself fully involved in everything being 32 80 0 handled by his subordinates. 8 He likes to be consulted even on matters where a 24 95 0 rule or precedent already exists. 9 We often wish he would not spend time doing work which 17 81 0 we can easily handle. 10 He is often rushing to meet 29 58 0 deadlines. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 65
  • 66. Management thesis. Overall 790 261 8 Scores for the behavior Hig score Low score Average score The above pie chart which is given is a score chart for the employee. In blue color the high score is given. The high score is 790. In pink color the lower score is give. The lower score is 261. In yellow color the average score is given. The average number is 0. In pie chart the average is not shown because it is zero. This is called 360 degree delegation. HIGH SCORING BEHAVIOR s. Highest % No. Behavior dimensions Average % score Lowest % score score 1 Clear and persuasive communication rather than unclear and long 85 68 100 winded communication 2 Active rather than 85 57 100 passive 3 Takes positive approach rather than 84 70 95 negative approach 4 Change oriented rather 83 63 97 than status quo oriented 5 Encouraging rather 83 70 97 than discouraging TOTAL 420 328 489 Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 66
  • 67. Management thesis. Here one more method is used to measure the performance of the employee because the 360 degree appraisal was not enough. So that the 360 delegation is used. The data is given above table you can see here. LOWEST SCORING FIVE BEHAVIOR S. Highest % No Behavior Quality Average % Score Lowest % Score Score Empathetic rather than corrective (68% score indicating that they could 1 be 32% corrective) 68 46 87 Participative rather than 2 authoritarian 69 36 92 Calm and composed rather 3 than irritable 71 33 100 Patient and accepting rather than impatient and 4 intolerable. 71 48 100 Proactive rather than 5 reactive 71 43 90 Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 67
  • 68. Management thesis. FINDINGS:- • The approach is holistic i.e. wellness at mental, physical and emotional levels. • Their mission is to maintain the stress of their employees. • The holistic method is used to manage the performance of the employees. • Time Management. • Yoga has been used to performance management. • Karma used here. • The employees are evaluated with the help of 360 degree appraisal. • They are role model for the other organization. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 68
  • 69. Management thesis. SUGGESTION:- • They should continue the innovativeness. • They should use other tool to manage the performance of the employees. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 69
  • 70. Management thesis. CONCLUSION:- There is a great degree of variation in the effective performance of roles, styles, delegation and qualities. This indicates the need for 360 degree feedback as a tool to create more self awareness. They are not yet taking direct responsibility for developing others as leaders. They seem to do little to inspire and develop their juniors. While, they are good at articulating their vision communicating the same to their juniors, the impact of this gets limited. They are not able to teach others about hw to make the organization successful. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 70
  • 71. Management thesis. BIBLIOGRAPHY:- • Web site search engine Google has been used. • Performance management books. • Magazines which are printed be the mahindra automotive. • Help of other person From Mahindra. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 71
  • 72. Management thesis. Annexes:- Questionnaire: Question No-1 Name of S.No Evaluator 1 Boss 2 Peers 3 Direct Reporters 4 Indirect Reporters 5 External Customers Question No-2 Sr. No. Indicator of delegation % score 1 He generally prepares his juniors to wait for his return than take decisions in his absence. 2 He does not leave routine decisions entirely to the lower levels. 3 Generally his in-tray piles up with files and papers when he goes away on tour. 4 He is cautious and does not let his subordinates take even minor risks. Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 72
  • 73. Management thesis. 5 He spends time on activities and problems that he was handling before his last promotion/or his previous job. 6 He prefers his subordinates to check with him whenever a problem arises in an on-going project or assignment 7 He likes to keep himself fully involved in everything being handled by his subordinates. 8 He likes to be consulted even on matters where a rule or precedent already exists. 9 We often wish he would not spend time doing work which we can easily handle. 10 He is often rushing to meet deadlines. overall Question No-3 s. No. Behavior dimensions % score clear and persuasive communication rather than unclear and long 1 winded communication Active rather than 2 passive Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 73
  • 74. Management thesis. Takes positive approach rather than 3 negative approach Change oriented rather 4 than status quo oriented Encouraging rather 5 than discouraging Question No-4 S. Behavior Quality % Score No 1 Empathetic rather than corrective (68% score indicating that they could be 32% corrective) 2 Participative rather than authoritarian Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 74
  • 75. Management thesis. 3 Calm and composed rather than irritable 4 Patients and accepting rather than impertinent and intolerable. 5 Proactive rather than reactive SCHEDULE: Week Activity 1st week (30th July) To decide title of MT & to prepare synopsis Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 75
  • 76. Management thesis. 2nd week (3rd Aug ) Collecting the information which is required for the MT 3rd week (10th Aug) Preparation of questionnaire to collect data from customers as well as proprietor. 4th week (24th Aug) Collecting data from proprietor of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited 5th week (31st Aug) No work on this week because of exams 6th week (7th Sep) Preparing for interim report 7th week (21st Sep) Collecting more information about MT 8th week (28th Sep) Collecting information from employees 9th week (5th Oct) Collecting information from employees 10th week (12th Oct) Analyzing the collected data 11th week (19th -21 st Oct) Preparing required charts and graphs which are related to the topic & Preparation of the final thesis 12th week (22nd -23 rd submission of final thesis Oct) Mahananda.B. MBA III sem 76