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A Story Of My Family
Every family has their fair share of stories to tell with each generation. My grandparents told my sister and me some interesting stories and my parents
passed them on to my sister and I. Through all the experiences that they have shared with us, it felt as if we were with them and shared that moment
together. With all the stories that 'exist' it was inevitable that there were a few stories that intrigued us or stuck with us wherever we go.
One story that interested me was about the eventful time that my family had leading up to my parents' wedding on October 27, 1999. A week before
the wedding there was a festival known as Diwali so everybody on mom's side met to have some fun. Everybody was playing cards in the house as
it was raining outside. Around 10 pm the power went out, and in India, the power going out when there is heavy raining is nothing out of the
ordinary. They continued to play cards in the light of a few candles, and around 12 it began to get windy and even at this point, nobody realized that
anything bad was going on. It continued to get worse outside eventually, it got bad enough that the windows began to break and the wind began to rush
through the ventilators. This caught their attention because the houses in India are made of concrete and the doors are made of iron. The storm was
steadily increasing in strength and water began to rush into the house. As the night progressed, they began to see trees fall down by the dozens.
Grandma and Grandpa began to
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A Story Of Rob Kardashian's Family
Rob Kardashian was given an ultimatum by his sisters, to get rid of Blac Chyna or they would disown him. Radar Online, April 7, 2016 reported that
the Kardashian and Jenner sisters are not happy with his choice of a future wife and his happiness does not enter into it.
According to a source, "It's the worst betrayal ever, especially since Blac has badmouthed the family so many times. The family thinks Rob's doing this
to piss everyone off because he's so angry."
Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna have been dating for about two months and he surprised everyone when he asked Blac Chyna t marry him and then
gave her a 7–caret diamond ring worth around $325,000.
Rob and Blac Chyna announced their engagement on Monday, but Rob's family has been unusually quiet about the news of a new soon to be
sister–in–law. Just before the news was announced, they Kris Jenner took all her daughters on a surprise ski vacation in Colorado. It was rumored that
she broke the news to them when they arrived at their vacation spot. ... Show more content on ...
However, according to Us Weekly, Rob's family is congratulating him quietly, but they are concerned that he is moving too fast in this
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My Family: A Story Of An Immigrant
I was born in Chin State,in a small city called Ngalang.We were a big family.We had a hard time making a living because my dad came to
Malaysia already.It was only my mom who served us.She will pickyback my little brother while she crop.I was around 13 or 14.I always followed
my mom.I would watch her crop.I couldn't go to school because we couldn't afford to buy school uniforms.Everyday whenever we go to the farm
and she will crop and I saw her sweating come out of her body.I wanted to whipe it for her,but she wouldn't let me.She thought I might get hurt if I
get too close to her.I would go and sit by the tree.I would cry and when ever my mom call me.I would whipe my tear quickly as fast as I could and go
to her.One day I was sitting and I
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The Stereotypical Story Of A Family Dog
is a short humorous atypical story about a man and his kids dog . Getting off on the wrong foot, he hates this dog who he never calls by the same
name twice Hansen Writes " We got off on the wrong foot. Whining in his pen those first nights. My squirt gun in his face and him blinking from the
water. The so–called accidents in the house" (Bedford 244) Right from the start there is a clear understanding of the relationship between the two.
However, the dog that he claims to despise dies at age ten, unfortunately for the rest of the family, and he, the owner goes through great lengths to bury
and defend the pets honor. There is nothing funny about a family dog's death. The author portrays humor in the situation by adding how badly the dog
behaves around him and how loving the dog is around his family .When Hansen writes, " When pushed to the brink I shouted, "I'll cut your face off
and show it to you," and the small–brained mammal just stared at me. ... Show more content on ...
(Bedford 472) It shows how annoyed and bothered he is . If there is anything likeable about the narrator, it would be the stubborn love he has ,
since he would do anything for his family, and tries to do the right thing by his morals in the way of disposing the dog. He considers what the best
way to go about dealing with the dead dog so that he can deal with least amount of drama from his family as possible. The author uses
characterization in this story as a means of revealing how the dad feels about the dog and how he shows stubborn love towards it. The readers start to
learn that he in fact does care for the dog
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The Writer In The Family Short Story
In John Updike's "A&P," and E.L. Doctorow's "The Writer in The Family," two boys take part in a journey of their early lives and find the words they
need to be advocate for themselves. Both Sammy and Jonathan defy an adult authoritative figure; nevertheless, they handle their rebellion differently.
Despite these differences, their experiences lead them both on a similar path of self discovery. The opposition and determination these characters
demonstrate throughout each story shows the struggles that come with growing up and accepting oneself as an independent person.
The first similarity these boys face is an adult authority figure. In "A&P," Sammy works a job and lives a life he does not want because his parents
are expecting him to go down the same path as they did. Sammy does what is considered normal for someone his age. He describes looking outside
and seeing "about twenty–seven old freeloaders tearing up Central Street because the sewer broke again. It's not as if we're on the Cape; we're north
of Boston and there's people in this town haven't seen the ocean for twenty years." (Updike.) In "The Writer in the Family," Aunt Francis is asking
Jonathan to complete difficult tasks repeatedly for selfish reasons. After his father dies, Jonathan is made to write letters to his grandma so that she
won't be distressed over the news. His Aunt bullies him into doing this so that she can feel closer to her late brother, not caring about what pain it may
cause Jonathan.
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Kingston's Family Story
The third function of cultural legacies, such as family stories allows for bonding like the second and the first functions, but it provides family members
to teach each other coping strategies outside of the family. Kingston and her mother have opposite coping strategies, her mother copes with death by
forgetting and moving on with daily tasks as soon as possible, but Kingston copes through death by talking about the issues to process and handle the
situation. Kingston's mother dealt with the aunt's suicide without sorrow, viewing the entire ordeal as an annoyance instead of a cry for help from the
aunt, and it seems as if she believed the aunt caused an issue instead of the problem is her suicide. The mother reacts harshly to the aunt's death ... Show
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My family story focuses on how my aunt and mother came together after a tragedy in their family. When my mother was sixteen years old, her
brother died in a car accident due to a truck driver running through a red light late at night which crushed my uncles small Volkswagen Beetle. This
devastating event was hard for my mother to handle but at the same time, many of her family members were moving away due to separation and
my aunt starting college in California which was across the country from my mother who needed support. My mother had a hard time being at
home because she was still mourning so she would go dancing in her school's studio every day so that she could focus on something else. She
learned ballet, modern, tap, and lyrical dance but concentrated on ballet and modern and she would occasionally skip classes to use the studio. It
was after my mom arriving home at midnight multiple nights in a row, grades dropping, and getting classes from missing class that my grandfather
called my aunt to ask her to come home to help my mom mourn. My aunt made the hard decision to put her life on hold and go back to New York
to live with my mom and help her adjust. The returning of my aunt helped my mother tremendously she felt like she was not alone and had a reason
to come home and complete her work. She wished to make her brother proud and go to colleges and achieve her goals because her sister shared with
her that she did the same. My aunt and mother took time in adjusting and would spend time together for bigger things and little activities like listening
to James Brown on my aunt's record player in their living room when their mother was at work. Coming together in hard times is a common occurring
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Family Secret Short Story
The Family Secret
"I hate them!" he expressed, furious with his family. Why do I get in trouble for nothing? he thought as he wandered into the dark forest. His brothers
were the cause and somehow, he ended up in the midst. Of course, when his parents intervened, they only saw the damage and wouldn't listen. The
three, off to bed without supper! The littlest looked around hoping to find something as his stomach began to growl. The plan, never go home, ever
again. How could he? His parents were liars! Always speaking of family and watching out for each other; they were just as selfish as the villagers
that he was warned about. They would be happy he was gone! His wandering thoughts rushed back as he saw a glimmer of hope for a morsel. He was
careful, as his papa taught, not to be seen. He waited, peering, hiding from the unsuspecting prey! Two of them; adrenalin pumped through his veins.
The two passed around trees, weaving back and forth, on the worn path without the slightest knowledge of impending doom. Desire was at its peak; he
could control his lust for food no longer. He ascended from his hiding spot as a rush of wind gained the attention of his prey that was caused by his
less than magnificent wings. The youngling let out a horrific screech that terrified the villagers. One froze with fear, the other in terror ran for his life.
The dragon leapt upon the youth that remained consuming his whole body with one gulp having the boy slither down his gullet
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My Family Story
When I was a young girl my Uncle Brian passed, his death leaving a drastic impact on my family. But the thing that affected my family the most was
that his wife took away all we had left of my uncle, my younger cousin. Family relationships have always been a very significant part of my childhood
and having one of our own taken from us, added just another hardship to our lives. But on July 26, 2016, my family finally felt whole again. Towards
the end of the summer, we decided to spend our last few weeks of summer in New York, our hometown. The day prior to leaving for our vacation,
my mom decided to try one last time to reach out to Melonie, hoping to finally see my cousin after eleven years. Her message read, "Hello
Melonie, we are coming to New York this week and would love to see Brian after all this time". Within minutes we received her response of yes! It
was like a dream come true, we could not wrap our minds around the fact that we were going to finally reconnect with the piece we have been missing
for so long.
After acquiring such a joyous message, we finally set off for our trip to New York. The beginning of the car ride started off pretty smooth, everyone
just relaxing doing our own things...Til about seven o'clock, and boy did I speak too soon. I woke up to "Mom, I'm hungry!" my little sister
complained. "Brianna come on, it's only seven in the morning" My mom responded in an annoyed voice. But of course we had to stop anyway. We
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The Lynch Family: A Short Story
The night was cold and wet, but in the small living room of Phoenix valley, Sweden. The police, and the lynch family were at home. "When do u
remember seeing him?" said the police officer "was it in the morning or evening."
"It was a cold weekend in July, I only saw him before he left to work, please find him!" pleaded Mrs. Lynch.
The Lynch family had recently lost their beloved father, Peter lynch. Peter Lynch had been missing for over a month. The lynch family had been
really affect by the death of their father especially their youngest daughter, Annabelle. Anna and her dad had a very good bond together, her dad being
missing was a very depressing time.
"How does he looks like?" said the police
"He has a copper colored eyes, chestnut ... Show more content on ...
Inside the Recreational Vehicle stood a small kitchen with 1 bedroom and just a little washroom. The bus had a huge speaker and a very big flat screen
"Do u have everything you need," asked MS lynch
"Yes," said the two kids excitedly. "We are here kids," said misses lynch in an excitement The family set up their tent and brought out all the stuff in
there R .V. They brought all the food and put it on the designated food area. Benjamin and Annabelle went to the forest looking for some wood to set
up the campfire.
"Mom me and Benjamin brought some stick for the campfire," said Anna
"Thank you, can u kids please set it up," miss lynch said while cleaning up the tent
As they were done setting up the campfire. The two pleasant kids played tag, soccer, and football, etc... just to keep them busy. The family gathered
around the campfire roasting marshmallow while telling a haunted story and singing old school campfire songs.
"Guys there is a shooting star right over there," Benjamin "Make a wish Anna," he
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A Short Story : The Family Of Roe's Story
As a poor boy in a poor village of Rocanam, Roe grew up with little to nothing. He's had to work hard his whole life. Whether it was aiding his
widowed mother in putting food on the table, or taking care of the family farm, he's always possessed a great deal of responsibility. Winter in
Rocanam was always a time of struggle and hardship. The harvest was poor, and it was very cold. Nearly, one fourth of the poor population died
during the winter. For the Royal Family of Rocanam, also known as the RFR, winter was a time of festivity. The majority of the crops produced by
lower class farmers, like Roe and his mother, was hoarded by the RFR. As winter arrived, Amaro's mother fell ill. He spent most of his time looking
after his feeble mother. One day, while cleaning his mother's bed, Amaro asked his mother a question.
"Mother?" said Roe. "Yes?" she said quietly. Roe was a nickname given to him by his mother. "I want to know about my father," he said. The
subject of his father was Roe's favorite. What was he like? Who was he? How did he die? Roe had many questions for his mother but he knew
better than to ask her. She always became upset when the subject of his father was brought up. "Your father was a good man," she said. A tear
streamed down her face and onto the mud floor of their hut. "He was strong and powerful. He was gentle and kind, however, one day..." His mother
paused. When she went to open her mouth to speak again, nothing came out. She reached for her son but her arm
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The Story Of A Family
The next morning, Gene found his granddaughter on the front porch with Hannah on her hip while she watched Brody play on the ancient tire swing in
the front year.
"I'm not sure how safe that swing is," Gene said, as he came to stand beside her taking a sip of his coffee.
"I didn't have the heart to tell him no. Figured he probably didn't weigh enough for it to even register," Charlie replied. Trading the baby for his coffee
"You're going to be a great mom."
Charlie laughed. "How can you be so sure?" she asked looking over at him.
"You raised Danny didn't you?"
"That's different. We had Dad and Maggie," Charlie choked, thinking about herfamily.
"And now they have you," Gene replied, cupping his granddaughters cheek with a ... Show more content on ...
"I mean your Mom and Miles aren't even back from Wichita yet."
"Which means that it's perfect timing," Charlie smiled as she turned to him. "I couldn't have done this without you, Grandpa. Thank you."
"I'm going to miss you and these little ones," Gene replied, pulling her in for a hug. Kissing her forehead, he pressed a kiss to Hannah's crown, before
bending down to Brody, pulling a package out of his pocket. "Here's treat for the train. You be a good boy for your mama, okay?"
"I will Grandpa," Brody nodded as he eyed the brown bag in his hand.
Smiling, Gene stood as the train horn blew. "Time to go," he said hugging Charlie one last time. "You can do this," he reminded her as she took Brody
by the hand and handed him off to the porter who helped him up the stairs to the car. Waving goodbye to Gene, Charlie followed with Hannah in her
Helping Brody down the steps that the conductor had placed on the platform, Charlie heaved a tired sigh as she shuffled Hannah to her other hip.
Shielding her eyes, she looked up and down the platform before seeing the soldier standing off to the side. Gathering the children, she made her way to
him. "Hello, I'm Charlie Matheson."
If the soldier had any thoughts about her showing up with two children, he wisely kept them to
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Short Story The Writer In The Family
In the short story "The Writer in the Family" Jonathan, the narrator is a second generation of the family. He seems to be same his father care people
beside him. Therefore, his aunt's Frances wants Jonathan to use his dead father's voice to write the letter with the content of the family situation to
grandmother know. Consequently, Jonathan who decides to write a letter to lie his grandma is his aunt idea of success and image have affected
characters such as Jonathan and Jack, also wants to tell his grandma the critical sense of himself in the last letter.
The place that takes the main character Jonathan to decide to write the letter is Jack forced to do because of his family expectation, and it affects
Jonathan to do in the same way by his father. His aunt Frances says his father has much faith in him wants him to be the family writer. Therefore,
he and his aunt are going to cover his elderly grandmother that his father has died while they do not shock his grandmother and kill her by this
news. Also, Jonathan does not want his grandma feels disappointed about his father unsuccessful in financial and wants her to feel proud of Jack's
her son. For example, Jonathan says "my grandmother was bragging to her cronies about her son's new life in the dry air of the desert" (Doctorow 3).
It is evidence to show that Jack's mother is very caring about his son's new life in Arizona. Although Jonathan knows that does not look good behavior
to lie, he is unwilling to write the letter for
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The Story Of A Family : A Short Story
Each generation of a family has their story. Each family member has gone through different experiences that have helped shape them. These
experiences are part of their life. Everybody has a story that made them who they are. Opportunities can come your way and shape your life for the
better. Sometimes, bad events occur that shape us, but those events can make us stronger. Families face both good times and hardships, this is what
helps shape the stories of a family. One story I always remembered hearing is when my Grandpa Darrell had trained a trick horse so well that if you
didn't know better you would think it was a circus horse. My grandpa loved horses and he was always trading one horse and bringing home a different
horse. One day he brought home a cutting and penning horse named Silver. Silver was a silver–dapple colored gelding with a short, clean coat and a
long, glossy mane. My grandpa loved to train horses and teach them new tricks to surprise my dad. My grandpa taught Silver how to count to ten
with his hooves. It's something I wished I could have been alive to see. My grandpa also taught Silver to rear up on command. Silvers' special trick
was that he could run up and jump onto a hay rack on command. My dad was in awe when he saw Silver take long strides and leap with all of his
heart onto that old, wooden hayrack beside the barn. Silver was also very beneficial because he could work with cattle calmly. Silver was able to
separate a cow from a herd and keep
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The Family Tree Short Story
The Family Tree
Our story begins in Greece, many years ago. A baby was born in the city of Athens. Her name was Oakley. Oakley had brown, long hair with big hazel
eyes. Her parents adored her.
Eighteen years passed by and there was a big riot going on in Athens in protest of Zeus letting Hades capture Persephone. Zeus wanted to teach the
citizens of Athens a lesson by sending them terrible storms. Innocent Oakley didn't know about the threats from Zeus, but her parents did.
Her parents didn't want Oakley to fear of the storm coming their way, so they didn't tell her. Her parents also didn't want to leave Athens
themselves, they knew they didn't have the energy to do so. In result, they had to try and get Oakley to move by herself, without letting her know
of the great dangers ahead. Oakley was in her room, sewing a new blanket for her bed. Her mother called for her to come downstairs. So of course,
she made her way downstairs and saw her parents sitting on the couch, with a depressed look on their face. "What's wrong?" said Oakley. "Honey,
we have some news for you. We are sending you off to Corfu." said her mother. Oakleys face turned red. She seemed like she had smoke coming
out of her ears. "Are you trying to get rid of me?" said Oakley. "What did I ever do to you?" "Nothing, nothing," said her father. "This is for your
own safety darling." "What is going on? I'm completely happy here in Athens! You must tell me why you are shipping me off to another city!" said
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Family Story And Origin Of A New Environment
Every family story and origin is unique to the members of the immediate group, while including the traditions passed from generation to generation.
From the scent of their house and clothes, special holidays, vacation spots, memories, what they eat and how it is served; all of these elements of life
are distinct to a family. These elements are incorporated into what is viewed as normal life in a way that we don't see how our lives differ from those
around us, until we are faced with a situation where things are done differently than us. Many families contain multi – cultural backgrounds, therefore
providing generations with traditions that include folklore from different origins. One of the biggest elements of culture how dishes are served and
prepared. If you ever travel, one of the biggest attractions to a new environment is the food that is served in that area. Some food traditions are
difficult to explain and don't make sense to outsiders, but to the family or local group it is a sense of definition and unity through foodways. In
Louisiana especially, with Cajun culture, we see many festivals and events that are food based, and the pride in the locals that serve it. My family, all
born and raised in the South, participate in the spicy food, crawfish boils, jambalaya sales, gumbo cooking events that this culture offers. From a young
age I can remember waking up on a Saturday morning in the fall, feeling the crisp air flow through the house as we had the windows open,
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Parenthood Is The Story Of The Buckman Family
Parenthood is the story of the Buckman family and their friends and how they attempt to bring up their children. They suffer and enjoy all the different
aspects of life including estranged relatives, the "black sheep" of the family, the eccentrics, the skeletons in the closet, and the rebellious teenagers. The
Buckman family is a typical midwestern family dealing with the basic tribulations of their lives, relatives, raising children, pressures of the job, and
learning to be a good parent and spouse.
Gil Buckman, the main character, is a 35 year–old father of three living in a typical suburban setting. He works as a sales executive while his wife,
Karen, is a stay–at–home mom, caring for their eldest son Kevin, daughter Taylor, and toddler son Justin. Gil is constantly struggling to find balance
between his family and career. At work, his ethics are often overlooked and inner office politics seem to favor those with younger personalities over
those who work hard. At home, he deals with the strains of parenthood and sometimes admits he sees himself as a failure of a father when they start
having problems with his son Kevin. His main priority is to avoid being the type of father his dad was, unavailable and distant. Karen, meanwhile, tries
to remain calm and supportive.
Gil 's older sister, Helen, is a divorcee whose ex–husband wants nothing to do with her or their two children, Julie, and Garry. Julie is your average
rebellious teenager spending most of time concerned with
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My Crazy Family: A Short Story
Hi my names Karlee Haase and I'm going to tell you about my crazy family.In my family I have a mom and dad a brother named Jarrod and a sister
named Sophie, Jarrod's 16 and Sophie's 10. I'm going to tell you a story about when my siblings,cousins and I had a sleepover at our grandmas.It was
Saturday night and our grandma was letting us sleep over. That night we were all chilling watching a movie and eating popcorn then my cousin Ezra
came out of the garage "OH YEAH LOOK WHAT I FOUND" He said he was carrying a thing of pop.we all jumped up and got some, after drinking the
pop we were all super hyper. My brother and cousin Ezra went to the back room, the girls stayed in the living room ,and my grandma went to bed. My
cousin Abby and I were way to hyper to go to bed so we decided to have a dance party. It was great till we realized it was 1:00 and our grandma came
and yelled at us, she was super mad and we felt really bad. The boys felt bad to. I felt like someone had just slammed my heart with a hemmer cause I
hat making my grandma mad or sad. So we all decided to make her a card and write a song for her, we didn't end up going to bed till about 3:00 in the
morning. Then the next day we had to get up at 8:00to get ready for church we were all like zombies and our grandma wasn't mad anymore she
thought it was funny were all tired and we gave her our card. Once the church service ended we all raced down the stairs to get the cookies, after we
got them, like the socially
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Telling Family Story : A Short Story
Telling family stories is the basis of family dinners in my house; whenever we all gather around my dining room table I know I'm going to hear
interesting stories from my parents lives. Growing up the person, besides my parents, that had the biggest influence on my life was my Grandpa
Dave. He was my dads adopted father, and he played a major role in my childhood. Everytime I visited he always had stories to tell about my dad
and what he was like as a child. My favorite story that he ever told me was about the time that he and my father went camping. "Your dad was
really excited to go, especially do to the fact that he was missing school for it. When he was packing his bag he was jumping all over the place, full
of excitement, I didn't think anyhting could ever ruin his good mood," my grandfather said with a slight smile on his face, recalling the old
memory. "We left off on our hike to the camping spot a little earlier than usual because I knew that he would get distracted by the view on the way
up," I could see the happiness in my grandfathers eyes as he told the story. "When we got to the camping spot your father gasped as he took in the
sites around him. He had the biggest smile that I've ever seen on his face, and it somehow got bigger when he noticed the river passing through our
land, back then the apple orchid in the back yard went even further, but that was before I got to old to tend to it. Anyways the boy asked me, 'Can
we go fishing?' and I couldn't tell him 'No'," My grandpas wife came outside just then and brought us drinks. My grandpa took a long drink from
his glass before setting it down and sighing, he started to tell the story again. "I got his pole ready for him as he searched for bait at the shore of
the river. 'Come and get it Rob', I called to the child. He excitedly ran towards me with his hands cupped together. 'Its ready for you all you have to
do is put some bait on it and then you are good to go'. He grinned at me before opening his hands up to me, 'I got a big one, its huge." He took the
pole from my hands and quickly, but tightly put his worm onto the hook. I started to set up the tents as he continued to fish, and a few minutes later I
heard a loud cheer
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My Family Story
As Asalamalakim and I were making our way towards my new, old house I began to think of how much I have changed and how it's been years
since I last saw my family. Last time I saw my mother, I was on my way to college and leaving this town. Here I am back again, but this time I
wanted to be here. Seeing all the traditional things my mother had ,and at the end of the day, I would hopefully be bringing some back with me.
Before Asalamalakim could get out of the car, I set out my foot before him. I chose this beautiful dress to wear today, it didn't really fit the weather,
but it was such an engaging dress and I decided on wearing it. The dress was loose, bright yellow, and bright orange. I had on gold earrings that hung
down to my ... Show more content on ...
This was my favorite time of day, when the sun was going down, yet it was still early and you had time to do anything you pleased. The sunset was
about to come out soon and the temperature was just about right, I appreciated a lot of the things I have around this time. We ate dinner and I was
very pleased with the food my mother had made. I feel as if she had gotten better, or maybe I just missed her cooking and it tasted extra delicious
Lastly, I had finished dinner and I got up from my chair. I went to end of my mother's bed and went through the trunk. As I started to dig, I found
exactly what I was looking for. The whole point of coming back to my house, was so that I could look for antiques in the house. My husband and I
planned on hanging, whatever we got from my mother, on the wall. "Mama, can I have these old quilts?", I asked her. "I promised to give those
quilts to Maggie, for when she marries John Thomas", momma told me. I gasped loudly as if I was somehow running out of breath to breath.
Maggie would never be able to appreciate these quilts like I would. Momma and I argued about how Maggie would most likely ruin the quilts before
they could turn five years old. "You just don't understand," I said while she looked at weirdly "Your heritage." I guess I didn't care as much as I
thought because after I said that I turned around and put my sunglasses that covered everything above the tip of my nose and chin. With that, I left my
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Native American Family Stories
One of the most memorable campfire stories I can think of when I look back on being a kid. Is by a man named Rich the one that I will always
remember is the one about the Native American shape shifters. I think that the main reason I remember it the most is that how it scared me, but at
the same time intrigued me. The Native American shapeshifters can come in many different forms varying in beliefs from tribe to tribe. Although
I cannot recall what particular tribe rich was from he told a story of back n the 1800's as the white man continued to push west. In fear for the
safety of their land and people 70 special babies were born. Moreover, these children were born very gifted and with a mission, and that were to
protect and look out over their tribes land. They were gifted in such ways of being able to shapeshift into any animal so they could be in plain sight
looking over their land and never be figured out. They... Show more content on ...
At least that is what it seemed to be it was circling the man's house around and around. Then disappeared after it went he decided to investigate he
started to study and found footprints leading to the man's house. I know what you are thinking footprints what is so special abut that. Although they
were footprints, they were not shoe prints they were barefoot prints from someone without shoes. His grandpa soon after had heard some very, very
disturbing noises almost like screams from the man next door. With no one being home he decided to investigate what the noise from the neighbor's
property was exactly. So he started to walk over to his neighbor's property being a young man and curious as we all are. Also, what he found was
something so disturbing and gruesome that he did not tell us what he found because it was just so horrible. Even though I am not 100 percent sure
myself how much I believe it I found it enjoyable as can
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My Family Story : A Grandmother's Tale
A Grandmother's Tale
As I am listening on the phone to my family history learning where and who I come from, I suddenly realize why I am the way I am. I could
imagine my grandmother looking out over the plantation at the sugarcane and soybean fields telling me about all the generations that grew up there.
She was painting a clearer image of my ancestors as the minutes passed. The land has changed with time, as the lives of the many women who have
lived there; however, their love for the land has endured. That love and passion has shaped my family into who we are today. Owning the Riverlake
Plantation over the generations has given my family a chance to raise strong, independent people who will grow up to do something extraordinary with
their life.
It all started with a woman named Mary Ann Flynn and a man named Charles Wilson. Mary Ann and Charles both lived in Ireland where they met
and fell in love, which caused an unsolvable problem. He was Protestant and she was Catholic. Charles' family would never allow him to marry Mary
Ann because Catholics were considered the "lower class." Mary Ann and Charles both decided that they could not bear to break up, so they left
everyone and everything behind and immigrated to America. Charles became a successful contractor, leaving the household in Mary Ann's care.
Charles and Mary Ann eventually had a son, Alexander, who grew up to own a sugar plantation called Highland. He married my great–great–great
grandmother, Nora Hogan. The
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My Family : A Short Story
Growing up, my family was ideal. My sisters and I were all very happy and very coddled by my father, he was my hero in my early years, he would
always be the fun and loving parent when my mom would yell. My dad was into welding, fishing, and playing guitar, I thought that no dad could
possibly be more outstanding or influential than my own, he was impeccably intelligent and resourceful. My family and I had not spent a holiday apart,
the amount of love that took place in our home was uncomparable. While growing up in my household, I had not faced many issues with myself
and my family, we had always felt secure with one another and spent our days happily together, just us five. Until one day that five became a four.
As I had gotten a little older, my parents started losing their love for each other, I was incredibly naive as a girl and felt as if this was temporary, as
if were to stop at any moment and would end and we could somehow seem to not acknowledge what took place the previous night as all of us sat in
our diningroom and devoured our breakfast in uncomforting silence. In every family you will encounter an argument between parents, but to me it
was as if the world had plunged into a vortex. I never imagined them separating, I knew my sisters and I would not be able to handle that and we
would slowly and mentally separate ourselves as well. I could not handle the heartbreak any longer so I eventually asked my mom a simple question, I
asked her where her love had
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The Oppression Of Family Stories
Throughout the trimester the stories we have read in class all have pressures from others that affect the way the characters in them react to the
situations they find themselves in. Having class discussions about the way characters act in these stories gives me a better understanding of why
people respond to life in the way they do. These stories give my peers and I the ability look at life through different perspectives. Brief encounters,
pressures, or dreams that parents, peers, or our community put on us can make us behave in positive and/or negative ways outside our norm.
When I attend family gatherings the question I get asked the most, after being asked by my Aunt Linda what my love life is like, is what do I have
planned for my
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Family And Love : A Short Story
"The most important thing in the world is family and love." At least that's what John Wooden said. That quote alone could make people ponder deeply
about family, but for my brother Jared, and I that was a whole different story. Since the beginning, my brother and I have always been unfair, and
unkind to each other. From getting into little fights over the smallest things to getting on the ground wrestling each other; my brother and I haven't
always gotten along. We would always say we were going to start being nicer, but it would never work out until him, and I had amind changing
experience with a small story and dream. Ultimately, my brother and I aren't like your stereotypical goody–two–shoes brothers, but in the end, we were
able to overcome that hatred and replace it with love and friendship.
From as far back as I can remember my brother and I have always been almost polar opposites. It would sometimes get so bad that our
disagreements would get out of hand, and our parents would have to break us apart from our whirlwind of a fight. Very recently my brother had a
dream about him, and I during one of our fights. The whole night of the dream he was rustling in his blue sheet covered bed until he finally decided
to wake me up and tell me what he dreamed. In the dream, he said very mean things to me, picking on me, and calling me names to the point where I
started crying. In the dream, he noticed what he had done, and had remorse for the actions he had made. "You know I
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My Immigration Story : The Story Of My Family Immigration
My family immigration story involves a lot of typical topics and a few hardships which people may not expect. By my generation, we have become
accepted as White. However, both of my grandmothers had mixed ancestry.
On my father's side, my grandfather's grandfather moved to the United States in the late 1800's from Germany. This was just before the federal
government took over the immigration process. An American company had advertised in his town that they should move to theUnited States. Fishman,
and a large amount of people from his town moved to Beloit, Wisconsin.1 Wisconsin has a high German population to this day. I imagine that they all
had to pass the strict inspectors of Ellis Island. He stayed in Wisconsin and married a German woman. His son stayed in Wisconsin and married a
German woman. That son was my grandfather's father. My grandmother was a Mexican–American, born in East Los Angeles. Her mother came from
Guadalajara, Mexico. I do not know why she chose to migrate.
My grandfather was born in Wisconsin during the Great Depression. He moved back and forth between Chicago, Illinois and Beloit, Wisconsin growing
up. His household was impoverished. While culturally German, his family lived in the Polish neighborhood of Chicago. At this time, racial tensions
between different Europeans in the United States was still high. "During this time we saw, for example, the Irish "become" white and the "heathen"
Asians transformed into model minorities."2 Carl grew up fast,
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My Family Story
The stories from our parents and grandparents always hold a special place in our hearts, for just an instance we get to see what the world was like
from a more mature individual's perspective, we get to live the days they did through the stories they share. My grandma, or what she is to me; my
meme, has shared a variety of stories from her childhood that has allowed me to see some of the challenges and opportunities she had faced growing
up. My favorite story she has shared with me would be about the time my memes parents decided to move states. The story tells about the trip on the
way to move, the short amount of time they stayed, and lastly, the decision to moving back, to where they previously resided. My meme grew up in a
little... Show more content on ...
She said the girls were the Indians and the boys the cowboys. In these new outfits, the girls who were the Indians found a red clay wall, and
"what's an Indian without some red clay" she would always say, put red clay all over themselves! After the game began the boys then decided they
too want to be Indians and covered themselves in clay! "Oh boy were we in trouble" she said. Around 3 months of living in Illinois memes dad
didn't want to live there anymore. He wanted to go back home he said. Just in time for the start of school the got back home. My meme explained
how most people wouldn't consider moving to somewhere such as Illinois as an exciting childhood memory, but for her growing up in a small
town, it was the best thing in the world! She considered the world to be small as she was growing up, and then told me about the car they had at
the time. A station wagon and no seat belt laws, and how there wasn't even a car seat for her baby brother. They then would lean the seats down
and nap and play. My meme has had a pretty amazing life growing up from what she tells me. I always enjoy hearing stories about the past, because
it allows me to see the world in different views. Something so little to us now, was the world to people back in the day, our generation takes
advantage of things we should be thankful for, and in hearing stories I become more thankful each day for the family
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My Family 's Story Of Immigration
While every immigrant story is unique to the places they've come from, their personal narratives, and their integration, many share commonalities
within the American immigrant experience. My family is no exception to this fact as they highlight many of the theories of migration outlined in
sociology. By examining my family's story of immigration through these different lenses, I hope to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for
those who ultimately brought me into America. Around 85 years ago, my great uncle's first impression of the Gold Mountain arrived on the hopeful
lips of men in a time of Chinese turmoil. He came in the late 1940's from a small village in Southern China as a paper son aboard a ship under the last
name Kong ... Show more content on ...
A few years later, he sent for his sister (my grandmother and her family). Since there was no opportunity in China after the revolution, they saw
America as a chance for them to have a better life. My grandma, mother, and two of her siblings (they left three of their siblings behind because
they were over 18 and could not procure their separate visas at the time) moved to the United States in 1980 after the US formally recognized
diplomatic ties with China. One year before the big move, the four of them moved from their small village in Guangzhou to the hustle and bustle
of Hong Kong. They spent a year in limbo, while waiting for their visas and my great uncle to officially send for them. When their papers finally
arrived, they boarded a Pan AM flight with their three small suitcases bound for Los Angeles. Their reason for moving was primarily driven by the
New Economics of Labor Migration and World Systems Theory as China was going through a massive overhaul at the time. The country was still
rebuilding and restructuring after The Great Leap forward and the Great Famine had left China in shambles. This left little to no opportunity for
women in the large cities, let alone villages living in poverty. So when my great uncle sent for the rest of his family, they saw it as a chance for their
family to diversify their portfolio (to have my grandfather and older aunts and uncles stay in China while
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Family Bullies Short Story
Family Bullies by Keith berry and Toney E. Adams
To begin their article, the authors first explain their topic and how they did their research. They defined bullying as something that has many
definitions. However, they did identify two main aspects of bullying: it happens more than once and is one person acting negatively towards another.
With this in mind, they then turned their lens toward bullying with in families. They began by looking at two personal stories about bullying with in
In the first story, Victoria was bullied by her sister, Lily. Victoria explains that her sister was always trying to make her feel bad, irritate her, or cause
her pain. She claimed Lily liked making her feel bad and would leave the conversation if she showed no affect. Victoria also noted that Lily did it with
the whole family, and that Lily was always a little bit off the family rhythm. Through their childhood, Victoria grew to hate Lily and survive their
interactions. More recently, Victoria has begun to think how she treated Lily in reaction to the bullying was also a form of bullying. The relationship
between the two sisters is beginning to start again, Victoria says, but she is also cautious. The personal story ends with Victoria saying the bitterness
between them is leaving and the work on a friendship has begun.
The second personal story was about a boy named Tony and his cousin. His cousin bullied him by physically and emotionally hurting him. Whenever
the boys would be
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My Family Story
This is a story about my sister Autumn having a baby boy named Steven. She lived in Jonesboro Arkansas with us all at home. Just her, my sister
Breanna, my baby sister Jasmine, mom and dad. My mom is very kindhearted, enthusiastic, sweet, grateful, and caring. She is there to help us through
everything. My dad is also as outstanding as my mom because he is very kind–hearted, courageous, strong, skillful, and extremely amusing. He is also
there for everyone; makes the family smile, laughs, and cheering when we are down. He provides the truth through us even if it is not what we
really want to hear, but that's how our parents are, and always will be. But, besides our family, we lived in a big white house that didn't have a
really big yard, three bedrooms, a kitchen, bathroom, and living room. And on the outside of the house in Jonesboro, it is really busy and lots of
traffic but most of the traffic is at five o'clock rush hour. It is a really busy town and a big town. But It has always just been us and that is just the
way we have always lived. I had my own room, my sister Breanna and Autumn shared a room because my sister Autumn decides she was going to
be moving out soon, and my parents shared a room. And my baby sister put her stuff in there room to but my baby sister slept where ever she passed
out at. Also, we would all just hang around have fun at the house and everything but then one day My oldest sister said she needed to talk to us that
night so we all were in the
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Daddy And Pap A Story Of A Homosexual Family
Daddy and Papa, is a documentary of a couple of Homosexual families adopting children to have a family and all the struggles they go through. By
adopting a kid comes with a lot of responsibilities. However by adopting a child and having a family comes with a lot more love and experiences.
The story goes on talking about how they face the struggles of becoming better parents for their kid(s). One person was even single raising two bodys
and he told us how difficult it was. The physical and mental components about being a homosexual parent weren't the only difficult thing to face it was
also the social change and political standings that came along with it.
The family is generally regarded as a major social institution and a locus of much of
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Unflattering Family Stories
Stories of your parent's childhood are always entertaining. They are especially so when it is something that is embarrassing. These stories are usually
well guarded, but will be willingly told by anyone else, because of the hilarity. The only thing that makes such stories better, is a common theme. After
interviewing family members, I have found some stories that are somewhat unflattering, and all involve my Uncle and some sort of bike. A long
time ago, in a town not so far from here, my mother and her family lived in a medium sized house in Washington. The house had a full basement
that was unfinished, and the adjacent abandoned lot was a favourite place to ride bikes in the summer. Once winter rolled around, they were
allowed to move the bikes inside to the basement, where it was much warmer, and ride in circles on the dirt floor. My uncle one of his friends
were engaged in such an activity one winter day. They soon tired of riding in the same path over and over, and decided to look around. My
grandfather was fermenting some homemade beer at the time, and this was noticed by the two teenagers. They decided to try it out, and went through
quite a bit of it. Now, a quick class on brewing. When it is stored a balloon is placed on the neck of the bottle, and the risingyeast causes it to inflate.
Once the balloon goes back down, the fermentation is done. My uncle and his friend were not aware of this process. They consumed the beverage when
the balloon was completely
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The John Wright Family: A Short Story
One day the John Wright family goes to a limited time buffet/restaurant called iApple. They have all sorts of apple food. They have apple pie,
apple bread, apple croissants, apple juice, apple crisp, apple cobbler, apple butter for the apple bread, apple chips, apple sauce, apple cider and
many more. Suddenly, a man yells to the dad, "Hey! You took the last piece of Apple Crisp!" then that man threw the apple croissants at him. The
dad has MAJOR anger issues, so he throws the apple pie at the man. "It's just apple crisp! I thought I had anger issues!" the dad continued to yell and
throw apple pies. "You are ridiculous!" yelled the dad multiple times, as he threw one more apple pie. "O. M. G! Did you just kill five apple pies by
throwing them?... Show more content on ...
They took the dad away to the car and said " What you've done today is UNHEARD of. But we have no room in the jails due to so many people
eating two banana splits. TWO! I mean I was SUPER SURPRISED. You're only allowed to have one! You and those people have just gone insane!"
after he finished yelling at the man, he let him go. "Don't go to anymore buffets! Oh, and don't be getting into anymore trouble!" After a long day at
iApple they decided to go to Applebee's. When eating their meal they were thinking and feeling the grief of killing an apple pie. When they got home
they all went straight to bed annoyed about the food fight. They were even more annoyed when they thought about who threw the apple croissants.
Suddenly they thought, Wait. Who did throw the apple pie? Tomorrow I will secretly sneak out and find him and serve him a fresh slice of apple
justice! The only problem was– they ALL thought
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Family Story
The story of Aiden and Jayla is a long and eventful one. They are an interracial couple who worked hard in life for themselves and each other. They
had many problems in their lives and relationship yet they always managed to come out of the chaos unscathed. Jayla had a difficult childhood that
kept her busy. She was an African American girl living with a working classfamily. She had problems with her family which even increased when her
parents refused to buy her vegetarian meals. She just didn't like the taste of meat. She had a child at 16 and was forced to raise the child on her own.
It was an untimely pregnancy like 88% of teen births in the US. When she was 14, she thought she had found the love of her life in a classmate of hers
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They got married two and a half years after they started dating. This early marriage is quite rare nowadays. Their gender roles in the family skewed
some from traditional views. Both of them helped raised the children, worked for a living, and took care of the trailer. The fact that both of the
parents worked made it unlike a monolithic family. Jayla wanted to extend the family early because she wanted to have children while she had
healthy eggs and have more energy to keep up with them. Her fertility was better because she was a vegetarian so it increased by eating proteins from
plants and not animals. Eleven months after they were married Jayla gave birth to her second child, a baby boy named Kyle.
Their relationship didn't come without its share of problems. A while into their relationship they noticed people border patrolling against them.
People were treating them like they were abnormal just because they were an interracial couple. Their relationship seemed even more abnormal
because it was a white man with a black woman. Later on, Aiden was arrested for assault on Jayla's supervisor for sexually harassing her. Her
supervisor was not charged with anything because harassment is in the eye of the beholder and co–workers saw no harm in what the supervisor was
doing. They just believed that Aiden was overreacting. Even worse, he lost his job as a researcher at a local university because of that. Fortunately,
Jayla had completed her GED a
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Lemp's Story: A Brief Story Of A Tragic Family
Back in the 1800s, a tragic family business began. There was William Lemp Sr, Lillian Lemp, William Jr, Charles, Frederick, and Edwin Lemp.
William Sr expanded his father's brewery in St. Louis, MO in 1864. The brewery became very popular and continued to expand until it eventually
took up 8 blocks of St. Louis. William Lemp bought a newly built house by his father–in–law for his family, and immediately began renovating it.
During all this success, Frederick Lemp died of heart failure, then William Sr's best friend, Frederick Pabst, died, leaving William devastated. He
committed suicide on February 13, 1904.
William Jr, then took over the brewing company. He married Lillian Lemp, who soon after, began to spend his inheritance. He never
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My Family Story
My parents have been divorced since I was a kid and they have their own separate lives and families. It was only me and my older brother until one
day when I was 15 we learned that we were going to have a little sister. My Father and his girlfriend ended up having a girl, Alicia, named after my
late Grandmother. They lived together for a short while until they ended up having many issues from financial to legal issues, like getting kicked out
of their house, and broke up. They were uncertain about who would take Alicia and tried passing off a baby to their friends for short times then to
other friends and then family. They did not want to give Alicia to her Grandmother because her and her Mother always fought about everything. But
they finally allowed Alicia's grandparents to take her. She was only supposed to stay there for a short time but one thing led to another and now her
parents have supervised visits. They have separate times and can only see Alicia on Sundays. Her grandparents, Deborah and John, have taken care of
her for 4 years now by giving her everything she needs.
Deborah and John, at first, were surprised by how my Brother and myself cared so much about our sister. They were a couple that were obviously
well off and well educated. They have a huge house and have a lot of space for a child to grow up. They would stay to themselves and focus on
taking care of Alicia. They had no contact with us until we reached out to them to see our sister. They allowed us to
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The Story Of A Kitchen Night In My Family
This is the story of how my brother, Cole, got impaled by a kitchen night in his rear end. The plot began during a family gathering at my house with
my grandpa, grandma, aunt, my parents and of course, Cole, my brother, on March 6th 2016. We were celebrating my grandpas– who knows how old
– birthday by playing a few games of cards, enjoying a nice home cooked meal and talking with each other about new and fascinating things that
were happening in our lives. After we had all finished eating, it was my and my brother's job to clean off the table, do all the dishes and make sure
the kitchen was spotless like we are to do every night after our meal. As we were tidying up the kitchen, my family was still chatting amongst
themselves at the dining room table. Cole and I usually like to play around in the kitchen, and we joke around with one another all of the time.
This is where our playing choices started to get a little bit dangerous, even though what we were doing seemed to be harmless. We were doing
small turn, bickering about who was going to do what, and pretending we were ninjas. We knew, which is common sense that you shouldn't play
rough in a kitchen, so we figured out the idea to pretend like we were doing so. As I was pretending to karate chop him, and the two of us were
acting like five year olds, I kicked my foot out while holding onto a few plates, my brother laughing and having a good time. He jumped backwards,
thinking I was actually going to kick him, and right
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My Family Story
Sitting with my aunt Alning and cousin Vincent is a pleasant reprieve from the bustle inside the house. A slight breeze cuts the air as I overlook the
balcony. Rice fields stretch out past the horizon. Coconut trees, that my grandfather planted, stand tall with ripe coconuts waiting to be butchered open.
Smoke from an outdoor cooking pit thickens the air–– a warning the farewell feast is well on its way.
It's been thirteen years since I've been back in the Philippines and the first time I've visited it as an adult. To learn more about my mother'sfamily I
decided to interview my aunts and uncles–– Tita's and Tito's–– about past memories. Growing up, I knew my mother's family was very poor, but also
very close. In the beginning of my mother's life, she, her six brothers, and four sisters lived in a mud hut and walked miles to get to school. My
grandfather was a farmer and eventually moved his family on decent land where he grew rice to support his family. Coming back to the Philippines
I wanted to learn more about my maternal family. My ambition was to one day keep a written record of my maternal family's legacy to pass down to
future generations so they wouldn't lose sight of who they are and where they came from especially if I decided to marry someone who wasn't Filipino.
On that balcony my first interview was with Tita Alning. Her son––my cousin–– Vincent–– or as I like to call him Manong Vincent–– sat beside her.
Manong is used to show respect to an older male brother or cousin. He sat there somewhat of an interpreter. Tita Alning knows how to speak English,
but there are just some words she may not know how to cross over well from Tagalog to English, hence, Manong Vincent being our interpreter.
"Thanks for doing this Tita Alning," I said as I whipped out my iPhone and turned on the Voice Memo App. "My first question is, what is a memory
you have of grandpa and grandma? Something that stands out?" Manong Vincent and I watch her as she tries to think of a memory. Vincent tries to
rephrase my question so she can answer it.
"Ah! I have something I remember!" she exclaims.
Part of her story involves her conflict between moving to Mindanao or Manila, two different cities on two different islands.
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A Family Divided: A Short Story
One day while at the pulpit in an empty church filled with thoughts was a priest who was pondering and meditating on his next step in helping a
new family in town defeat an evil entity in their home whom they believe has taken over the poor soul of their 9 years old daughter. The family
has already been through a lot the father, who was a former electrician had just been laid off from his recent job and was in the midst for over a
month now looking into a new one. A poor mom, who did not have to work and was a stay home mom, dread them waking up one night without any
electric on and or enough food to feed their daughter. And now with the daughter being what they believed "possessed" their at their wits end on what
to do next. Before all of
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My Family Story
My parents have been separated for a couple years now. My mother wasn't happy with our family so, she went away. She isn't there that much for my
family and I. I have three siblings which, all happen to be younger than I am. I'm only 11 years old. So everything is very hard without a mother
figure. One day, we got to see her but, not in the way I'd want to.
It was a Saturday afternoon of a summer day. My mom and I are at a graduation party. I'm sitting there peacefully alone looking around the
backyard. Unexpectedly, I get a phone call. I answer it, it's my dad. He asks for the address of the house. I thought he was picking me up but, when
he came he dropped off my siblings and got into a huge argument with my mom on the front lawn. I just peaceful stood there and watched. I had no
idea what to do or say in that situation so I stood there in shock. My dad then drove off and left.
My siblings and I then spent the time with my mom. I had no idea of my mom's living situation so we got in the car and left. We got to a house that
looked very familiar to me. When my parents were together and first started having problems, my mom came to this house a couple times. It hit me so
hard. The whole time, my mother was secretly seeing someone else. The separation was put full fault of my dad but in reality, it was my mom. This
whole time I spent confused and upset, I was blaming the wrong parent. I felt so confused where I had a long thought about everything.
The day had gone by and
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A Story Of My Family

  • 1. A Story Of My Family Every family has their fair share of stories to tell with each generation. My grandparents told my sister and me some interesting stories and my parents passed them on to my sister and I. Through all the experiences that they have shared with us, it felt as if we were with them and shared that moment together. With all the stories that 'exist' it was inevitable that there were a few stories that intrigued us or stuck with us wherever we go. One story that interested me was about the eventful time that my family had leading up to my parents' wedding on October 27, 1999. A week before the wedding there was a festival known as Diwali so everybody on mom's side met to have some fun. Everybody was playing cards in the house as it was raining outside. Around 10 pm the power went out, and in India, the power going out when there is heavy raining is nothing out of the ordinary. They continued to play cards in the light of a few candles, and around 12 it began to get windy and even at this point, nobody realized that anything bad was going on. It continued to get worse outside eventually, it got bad enough that the windows began to break and the wind began to rush through the ventilators. This caught their attention because the houses in India are made of concrete and the doors are made of iron. The storm was steadily increasing in strength and water began to rush into the house. As the night progressed, they began to see trees fall down by the dozens. Grandma and Grandpa began to ... Get more on ...
  • 2. A Story Of Rob Kardashian's Family Rob Kardashian was given an ultimatum by his sisters, to get rid of Blac Chyna or they would disown him. Radar Online, April 7, 2016 reported that the Kardashian and Jenner sisters are not happy with his choice of a future wife and his happiness does not enter into it. According to a source, "It's the worst betrayal ever, especially since Blac has badmouthed the family so many times. The family thinks Rob's doing this to piss everyone off because he's so angry." Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna have been dating for about two months and he surprised everyone when he asked Blac Chyna t marry him and then gave her a 7–caret diamond ring worth around $325,000. Rob and Blac Chyna announced their engagement on Monday, but Rob's family has been unusually quiet about the news of a new soon to be sister–in–law. Just before the news was announced, they Kris Jenner took all her daughters on a surprise ski vacation in Colorado. It was rumored that she broke the news to them when they arrived at their vacation spot. ... Show more content on ... However, according to Us Weekly, Rob's family is congratulating him quietly, but they are concerned that he is moving too fast in this ... Get more on ...
  • 3. My Family: A Story Of An Immigrant I was born in Chin State,in a small city called Ngalang.We were a big family.We had a hard time making a living because my dad came to Malaysia already.It was only my mom who served us.She will pickyback my little brother while she crop.I was around 13 or 14.I always followed my mom.I would watch her crop.I couldn't go to school because we couldn't afford to buy school uniforms.Everyday whenever we go to the farm and she will crop and I saw her sweating come out of her body.I wanted to whipe it for her,but she wouldn't let me.She thought I might get hurt if I get too close to her.I would go and sit by the tree.I would cry and when ever my mom call me.I would whipe my tear quickly as fast as I could and go to her.One day I was sitting and I ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Stereotypical Story Of A Family Dog is a short humorous atypical story about a man and his kids dog . Getting off on the wrong foot, he hates this dog who he never calls by the same name twice Hansen Writes " We got off on the wrong foot. Whining in his pen those first nights. My squirt gun in his face and him blinking from the water. The so–called accidents in the house" (Bedford 244) Right from the start there is a clear understanding of the relationship between the two. However, the dog that he claims to despise dies at age ten, unfortunately for the rest of the family, and he, the owner goes through great lengths to bury and defend the pets honor. There is nothing funny about a family dog's death. The author portrays humor in the situation by adding how badly the dog behaves around him and how loving the dog is around his family .When Hansen writes, " When pushed to the brink I shouted, "I'll cut your face off and show it to you," and the small–brained mammal just stared at me. ... Show more content on ... (Bedford 472) It shows how annoyed and bothered he is . If there is anything likeable about the narrator, it would be the stubborn love he has , since he would do anything for his family, and tries to do the right thing by his morals in the way of disposing the dog. He considers what the best way to go about dealing with the dead dog so that he can deal with least amount of drama from his family as possible. The author uses characterization in this story as a means of revealing how the dad feels about the dog and how he shows stubborn love towards it. The readers start to learn that he in fact does care for the dog ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Writer In The Family Short Story In John Updike's "A&P," and E.L. Doctorow's "The Writer in The Family," two boys take part in a journey of their early lives and find the words they need to be advocate for themselves. Both Sammy and Jonathan defy an adult authoritative figure; nevertheless, they handle their rebellion differently. Despite these differences, their experiences lead them both on a similar path of self discovery. The opposition and determination these characters demonstrate throughout each story shows the struggles that come with growing up and accepting oneself as an independent person. The first similarity these boys face is an adult authority figure. In "A&P," Sammy works a job and lives a life he does not want because his parents are expecting him to go down the same path as they did. Sammy does what is considered normal for someone his age. He describes looking outside and seeing "about twenty–seven old freeloaders tearing up Central Street because the sewer broke again. It's not as if we're on the Cape; we're north of Boston and there's people in this town haven't seen the ocean for twenty years." (Updike.) In "The Writer in the Family," Aunt Francis is asking Jonathan to complete difficult tasks repeatedly for selfish reasons. After his father dies, Jonathan is made to write letters to his grandma so that she won't be distressed over the news. His Aunt bullies him into doing this so that she can feel closer to her late brother, not caring about what pain it may cause Jonathan. ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Kingston's Family Story The third function of cultural legacies, such as family stories allows for bonding like the second and the first functions, but it provides family members to teach each other coping strategies outside of the family. Kingston and her mother have opposite coping strategies, her mother copes with death by forgetting and moving on with daily tasks as soon as possible, but Kingston copes through death by talking about the issues to process and handle the situation. Kingston's mother dealt with the aunt's suicide without sorrow, viewing the entire ordeal as an annoyance instead of a cry for help from the aunt, and it seems as if she believed the aunt caused an issue instead of the problem is her suicide. The mother reacts harshly to the aunt's death ... Show more content on ... My family story focuses on how my aunt and mother came together after a tragedy in their family. When my mother was sixteen years old, her brother died in a car accident due to a truck driver running through a red light late at night which crushed my uncles small Volkswagen Beetle. This devastating event was hard for my mother to handle but at the same time, many of her family members were moving away due to separation and my aunt starting college in California which was across the country from my mother who needed support. My mother had a hard time being at home because she was still mourning so she would go dancing in her school's studio every day so that she could focus on something else. She learned ballet, modern, tap, and lyrical dance but concentrated on ballet and modern and she would occasionally skip classes to use the studio. It was after my mom arriving home at midnight multiple nights in a row, grades dropping, and getting classes from missing class that my grandfather called my aunt to ask her to come home to help my mom mourn. My aunt made the hard decision to put her life on hold and go back to New York to live with my mom and help her adjust. The returning of my aunt helped my mother tremendously she felt like she was not alone and had a reason to come home and complete her work. She wished to make her brother proud and go to colleges and achieve her goals because her sister shared with her that she did the same. My aunt and mother took time in adjusting and would spend time together for bigger things and little activities like listening to James Brown on my aunt's record player in their living room when their mother was at work. Coming together in hard times is a common occurring ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Family Secret Short Story The Family Secret "I hate them!" he expressed, furious with his family. Why do I get in trouble for nothing? he thought as he wandered into the dark forest. His brothers were the cause and somehow, he ended up in the midst. Of course, when his parents intervened, they only saw the damage and wouldn't listen. The three, off to bed without supper! The littlest looked around hoping to find something as his stomach began to growl. The plan, never go home, ever again. How could he? His parents were liars! Always speaking of family and watching out for each other; they were just as selfish as the villagers that he was warned about. They would be happy he was gone! His wandering thoughts rushed back as he saw a glimmer of hope for a morsel. He was careful, as his papa taught, not to be seen. He waited, peering, hiding from the unsuspecting prey! Two of them; adrenalin pumped through his veins. The two passed around trees, weaving back and forth, on the worn path without the slightest knowledge of impending doom. Desire was at its peak; he could control his lust for food no longer. He ascended from his hiding spot as a rush of wind gained the attention of his prey that was caused by his less than magnificent wings. The youngling let out a horrific screech that terrified the villagers. One froze with fear, the other in terror ran for his life. The dragon leapt upon the youth that remained consuming his whole body with one gulp having the boy slither down his gullet ... Get more on ...
  • 8. My Family Story When I was a young girl my Uncle Brian passed, his death leaving a drastic impact on my family. But the thing that affected my family the most was that his wife took away all we had left of my uncle, my younger cousin. Family relationships have always been a very significant part of my childhood and having one of our own taken from us, added just another hardship to our lives. But on July 26, 2016, my family finally felt whole again. Towards the end of the summer, we decided to spend our last few weeks of summer in New York, our hometown. The day prior to leaving for our vacation, my mom decided to try one last time to reach out to Melonie, hoping to finally see my cousin after eleven years. Her message read, "Hello Melonie, we are coming to New York this week and would love to see Brian after all this time". Within minutes we received her response of yes! It was like a dream come true, we could not wrap our minds around the fact that we were going to finally reconnect with the piece we have been missing for so long. After acquiring such a joyous message, we finally set off for our trip to New York. The beginning of the car ride started off pretty smooth, everyone just relaxing doing our own things...Til about seven o'clock, and boy did I speak too soon. I woke up to "Mom, I'm hungry!" my little sister complained. "Brianna come on, it's only seven in the morning" My mom responded in an annoyed voice. But of course we had to stop anyway. We ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Lynch Family: A Short Story The night was cold and wet, but in the small living room of Phoenix valley, Sweden. The police, and the lynch family were at home. "When do u remember seeing him?" said the police officer "was it in the morning or evening." "It was a cold weekend in July, I only saw him before he left to work, please find him!" pleaded Mrs. Lynch. The Lynch family had recently lost their beloved father, Peter lynch. Peter Lynch had been missing for over a month. The lynch family had been really affect by the death of their father especially their youngest daughter, Annabelle. Anna and her dad had a very good bond together, her dad being missing was a very depressing time. "How does he looks like?" said the police "He has a copper colored eyes, chestnut ... Show more content on ... Inside the Recreational Vehicle stood a small kitchen with 1 bedroom and just a little washroom. The bus had a huge speaker and a very big flat screen TV. "Do u have everything you need," asked MS lynch "Yes," said the two kids excitedly. "We are here kids," said misses lynch in an excitement The family set up their tent and brought out all the stuff in there R .V. They brought all the food and put it on the designated food area. Benjamin and Annabelle went to the forest looking for some wood to set up the campfire. "Mom me and Benjamin brought some stick for the campfire," said Anna "Thank you, can u kids please set it up," miss lynch said while cleaning up the tent As they were done setting up the campfire. The two pleasant kids played tag, soccer, and football, etc... just to keep them busy. The family gathered around the campfire roasting marshmallow while telling a haunted story and singing old school campfire songs. "Guys there is a shooting star right over there," Benjamin "Make a wish Anna," he ... Get more on ...
  • 10. A Short Story : The Family Of Roe's Story As a poor boy in a poor village of Rocanam, Roe grew up with little to nothing. He's had to work hard his whole life. Whether it was aiding his widowed mother in putting food on the table, or taking care of the family farm, he's always possessed a great deal of responsibility. Winter in Rocanam was always a time of struggle and hardship. The harvest was poor, and it was very cold. Nearly, one fourth of the poor population died during the winter. For the Royal Family of Rocanam, also known as the RFR, winter was a time of festivity. The majority of the crops produced by lower class farmers, like Roe and his mother, was hoarded by the RFR. As winter arrived, Amaro's mother fell ill. He spent most of his time looking after his feeble mother. One day, while cleaning his mother's bed, Amaro asked his mother a question. "Mother?" said Roe. "Yes?" she said quietly. Roe was a nickname given to him by his mother. "I want to know about my father," he said. The subject of his father was Roe's favorite. What was he like? Who was he? How did he die? Roe had many questions for his mother but he knew better than to ask her. She always became upset when the subject of his father was brought up. "Your father was a good man," she said. A tear streamed down her face and onto the mud floor of their hut. "He was strong and powerful. He was gentle and kind, however, one day..." His mother paused. When she went to open her mouth to speak again, nothing came out. She reached for her son but her arm ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Story Of A Family The next morning, Gene found his granddaughter on the front porch with Hannah on her hip while she watched Brody play on the ancient tire swing in the front year. "I'm not sure how safe that swing is," Gene said, as he came to stand beside her taking a sip of his coffee. "I didn't have the heart to tell him no. Figured he probably didn't weigh enough for it to even register," Charlie replied. Trading the baby for his coffee cup. "You're going to be a great mom." Charlie laughed. "How can you be so sure?" she asked looking over at him. "You raised Danny didn't you?" "That's different. We had Dad and Maggie," Charlie choked, thinking about herfamily. "And now they have you," Gene replied, cupping his granddaughters cheek with a ... Show more content on ... "I mean your Mom and Miles aren't even back from Wichita yet." "Which means that it's perfect timing," Charlie smiled as she turned to him. "I couldn't have done this without you, Grandpa. Thank you." "I'm going to miss you and these little ones," Gene replied, pulling her in for a hug. Kissing her forehead, he pressed a kiss to Hannah's crown, before bending down to Brody, pulling a package out of his pocket. "Here's treat for the train. You be a good boy for your mama, okay?" "I will Grandpa," Brody nodded as he eyed the brown bag in his hand. Smiling, Gene stood as the train horn blew. "Time to go," he said hugging Charlie one last time. "You can do this," he reminded her as she took Brody
  • 12. by the hand and handed him off to the porter who helped him up the stairs to the car. Waving goodbye to Gene, Charlie followed with Hannah in her arms. Xxx Helping Brody down the steps that the conductor had placed on the platform, Charlie heaved a tired sigh as she shuffled Hannah to her other hip. Shielding her eyes, she looked up and down the platform before seeing the soldier standing off to the side. Gathering the children, she made her way to him. "Hello, I'm Charlie Matheson." If the soldier had any thoughts about her showing up with two children, he wisely kept them to ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Short Story The Writer In The Family In the short story "The Writer in the Family" Jonathan, the narrator is a second generation of the family. He seems to be same his father care people beside him. Therefore, his aunt's Frances wants Jonathan to use his dead father's voice to write the letter with the content of the family situation to grandmother know. Consequently, Jonathan who decides to write a letter to lie his grandma is his aunt idea of success and image have affected characters such as Jonathan and Jack, also wants to tell his grandma the critical sense of himself in the last letter. The place that takes the main character Jonathan to decide to write the letter is Jack forced to do because of his family expectation, and it affects Jonathan to do in the same way by his father. His aunt Frances says his father has much faith in him wants him to be the family writer. Therefore, he and his aunt are going to cover his elderly grandmother that his father has died while they do not shock his grandmother and kill her by this news. Also, Jonathan does not want his grandma feels disappointed about his father unsuccessful in financial and wants her to feel proud of Jack's her son. For example, Jonathan says "my grandmother was bragging to her cronies about her son's new life in the dry air of the desert" (Doctorow 3). It is evidence to show that Jack's mother is very caring about his son's new life in Arizona. Although Jonathan knows that does not look good behavior to lie, he is unwilling to write the letter for ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Story Of A Family : A Short Story Each generation of a family has their story. Each family member has gone through different experiences that have helped shape them. These experiences are part of their life. Everybody has a story that made them who they are. Opportunities can come your way and shape your life for the better. Sometimes, bad events occur that shape us, but those events can make us stronger. Families face both good times and hardships, this is what helps shape the stories of a family. One story I always remembered hearing is when my Grandpa Darrell had trained a trick horse so well that if you didn't know better you would think it was a circus horse. My grandpa loved horses and he was always trading one horse and bringing home a different horse. One day he brought home a cutting and penning horse named Silver. Silver was a silver–dapple colored gelding with a short, clean coat and a long, glossy mane. My grandpa loved to train horses and teach them new tricks to surprise my dad. My grandpa taught Silver how to count to ten with his hooves. It's something I wished I could have been alive to see. My grandpa also taught Silver to rear up on command. Silvers' special trick was that he could run up and jump onto a hay rack on command. My dad was in awe when he saw Silver take long strides and leap with all of his heart onto that old, wooden hayrack beside the barn. Silver was also very beneficial because he could work with cattle calmly. Silver was able to separate a cow from a herd and keep ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Family Tree Short Story The Family Tree Our story begins in Greece, many years ago. A baby was born in the city of Athens. Her name was Oakley. Oakley had brown, long hair with big hazel eyes. Her parents adored her. Eighteen years passed by and there was a big riot going on in Athens in protest of Zeus letting Hades capture Persephone. Zeus wanted to teach the citizens of Athens a lesson by sending them terrible storms. Innocent Oakley didn't know about the threats from Zeus, but her parents did. Her parents didn't want Oakley to fear of the storm coming their way, so they didn't tell her. Her parents also didn't want to leave Athens themselves, they knew they didn't have the energy to do so. In result, they had to try and get Oakley to move by herself, without letting her know of the great dangers ahead. Oakley was in her room, sewing a new blanket for her bed. Her mother called for her to come downstairs. So of course, she made her way downstairs and saw her parents sitting on the couch, with a depressed look on their face. "What's wrong?" said Oakley. "Honey, we have some news for you. We are sending you off to Corfu." said her mother. Oakleys face turned red. She seemed like she had smoke coming out of her ears. "Are you trying to get rid of me?" said Oakley. "What did I ever do to you?" "Nothing, nothing," said her father. "This is for your own safety darling." "What is going on? I'm completely happy here in Athens! You must tell me why you are shipping me off to another city!" said ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Family Story And Origin Of A New Environment Every family story and origin is unique to the members of the immediate group, while including the traditions passed from generation to generation. From the scent of their house and clothes, special holidays, vacation spots, memories, what they eat and how it is served; all of these elements of life are distinct to a family. These elements are incorporated into what is viewed as normal life in a way that we don't see how our lives differ from those around us, until we are faced with a situation where things are done differently than us. Many families contain multi – cultural backgrounds, therefore providing generations with traditions that include folklore from different origins. One of the biggest elements of culture how dishes are served and prepared. If you ever travel, one of the biggest attractions to a new environment is the food that is served in that area. Some food traditions are difficult to explain and don't make sense to outsiders, but to the family or local group it is a sense of definition and unity through foodways. In Louisiana especially, with Cajun culture, we see many festivals and events that are food based, and the pride in the locals that serve it. My family, all born and raised in the South, participate in the spicy food, crawfish boils, jambalaya sales, gumbo cooking events that this culture offers. From a young age I can remember waking up on a Saturday morning in the fall, feeling the crisp air flow through the house as we had the windows open, ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Parenthood Is The Story Of The Buckman Family Parenthood is the story of the Buckman family and their friends and how they attempt to bring up their children. They suffer and enjoy all the different aspects of life including estranged relatives, the "black sheep" of the family, the eccentrics, the skeletons in the closet, and the rebellious teenagers. The Buckman family is a typical midwestern family dealing with the basic tribulations of their lives, relatives, raising children, pressures of the job, and learning to be a good parent and spouse. Gil Buckman, the main character, is a 35 year–old father of three living in a typical suburban setting. He works as a sales executive while his wife, Karen, is a stay–at–home mom, caring for their eldest son Kevin, daughter Taylor, and toddler son Justin. Gil is constantly struggling to find balance between his family and career. At work, his ethics are often overlooked and inner office politics seem to favor those with younger personalities over those who work hard. At home, he deals with the strains of parenthood and sometimes admits he sees himself as a failure of a father when they start having problems with his son Kevin. His main priority is to avoid being the type of father his dad was, unavailable and distant. Karen, meanwhile, tries to remain calm and supportive. Gil 's older sister, Helen, is a divorcee whose ex–husband wants nothing to do with her or their two children, Julie, and Garry. Julie is your average rebellious teenager spending most of time concerned with ... Get more on ...
  • 18. My Crazy Family: A Short Story Hi my names Karlee Haase and I'm going to tell you about my crazy family.In my family I have a mom and dad a brother named Jarrod and a sister named Sophie, Jarrod's 16 and Sophie's 10. I'm going to tell you a story about when my siblings,cousins and I had a sleepover at our grandmas.It was Saturday night and our grandma was letting us sleep over. That night we were all chilling watching a movie and eating popcorn then my cousin Ezra came out of the garage "OH YEAH LOOK WHAT I FOUND" He said he was carrying a thing of pop.we all jumped up and got some, after drinking the pop we were all super hyper. My brother and cousin Ezra went to the back room, the girls stayed in the living room ,and my grandma went to bed. My cousin Abby and I were way to hyper to go to bed so we decided to have a dance party. It was great till we realized it was 1:00 and our grandma came and yelled at us, she was super mad and we felt really bad. The boys felt bad to. I felt like someone had just slammed my heart with a hemmer cause I hat making my grandma mad or sad. So we all decided to make her a card and write a song for her, we didn't end up going to bed till about 3:00 in the morning. Then the next day we had to get up at 8:00to get ready for church we were all like zombies and our grandma wasn't mad anymore she thought it was funny were all tired and we gave her our card. Once the church service ended we all raced down the stairs to get the cookies, after we got them, like the socially ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Telling Family Story : A Short Story Telling family stories is the basis of family dinners in my house; whenever we all gather around my dining room table I know I'm going to hear interesting stories from my parents lives. Growing up the person, besides my parents, that had the biggest influence on my life was my Grandpa Dave. He was my dads adopted father, and he played a major role in my childhood. Everytime I visited he always had stories to tell about my dad and what he was like as a child. My favorite story that he ever told me was about the time that he and my father went camping. "Your dad was really excited to go, especially do to the fact that he was missing school for it. When he was packing his bag he was jumping all over the place, full of excitement, I didn't think anyhting could ever ruin his good mood," my grandfather said with a slight smile on his face, recalling the old memory. "We left off on our hike to the camping spot a little earlier than usual because I knew that he would get distracted by the view on the way up," I could see the happiness in my grandfathers eyes as he told the story. "When we got to the camping spot your father gasped as he took in the sites around him. He had the biggest smile that I've ever seen on his face, and it somehow got bigger when he noticed the river passing through our land, back then the apple orchid in the back yard went even further, but that was before I got to old to tend to it. Anyways the boy asked me, 'Can we go fishing?' and I couldn't tell him 'No'," My grandpas wife came outside just then and brought us drinks. My grandpa took a long drink from his glass before setting it down and sighing, he started to tell the story again. "I got his pole ready for him as he searched for bait at the shore of the river. 'Come and get it Rob', I called to the child. He excitedly ran towards me with his hands cupped together. 'Its ready for you all you have to do is put some bait on it and then you are good to go'. He grinned at me before opening his hands up to me, 'I got a big one, its huge." He took the pole from my hands and quickly, but tightly put his worm onto the hook. I started to set up the tents as he continued to fish, and a few minutes later I heard a loud cheer ... Get more on ...
  • 20. My Family Story As Asalamalakim and I were making our way towards my new, old house I began to think of how much I have changed and how it's been years since I last saw my family. Last time I saw my mother, I was on my way to college and leaving this town. Here I am back again, but this time I wanted to be here. Seeing all the traditional things my mother had ,and at the end of the day, I would hopefully be bringing some back with me. Before Asalamalakim could get out of the car, I set out my foot before him. I chose this beautiful dress to wear today, it didn't really fit the weather, but it was such an engaging dress and I decided on wearing it. The dress was loose, bright yellow, and bright orange. I had on gold earrings that hung down to my ... Show more content on ... This was my favorite time of day, when the sun was going down, yet it was still early and you had time to do anything you pleased. The sunset was about to come out soon and the temperature was just about right, I appreciated a lot of the things I have around this time. We ate dinner and I was very pleased with the food my mother had made. I feel as if she had gotten better, or maybe I just missed her cooking and it tasted extra delicious tonight. Lastly, I had finished dinner and I got up from my chair. I went to end of my mother's bed and went through the trunk. As I started to dig, I found exactly what I was looking for. The whole point of coming back to my house, was so that I could look for antiques in the house. My husband and I planned on hanging, whatever we got from my mother, on the wall. "Mama, can I have these old quilts?", I asked her. "I promised to give those quilts to Maggie, for when she marries John Thomas", momma told me. I gasped loudly as if I was somehow running out of breath to breath. Maggie would never be able to appreciate these quilts like I would. Momma and I argued about how Maggie would most likely ruin the quilts before they could turn five years old. "You just don't understand," I said while she looked at weirdly "Your heritage." I guess I didn't care as much as I thought because after I said that I turned around and put my sunglasses that covered everything above the tip of my nose and chin. With that, I left my ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Native American Family Stories One of the most memorable campfire stories I can think of when I look back on being a kid. Is by a man named Rich the one that I will always remember is the one about the Native American shape shifters. I think that the main reason I remember it the most is that how it scared me, but at the same time intrigued me. The Native American shapeshifters can come in many different forms varying in beliefs from tribe to tribe. Although I cannot recall what particular tribe rich was from he told a story of back n the 1800's as the white man continued to push west. In fear for the safety of their land and people 70 special babies were born. Moreover, these children were born very gifted and with a mission, and that were to protect and look out over their tribes land. They were gifted in such ways of being able to shapeshift into any animal so they could be in plain sight looking over their land and never be figured out. They... Show more content on ... At least that is what it seemed to be it was circling the man's house around and around. Then disappeared after it went he decided to investigate he started to study and found footprints leading to the man's house. I know what you are thinking footprints what is so special abut that. Although they were footprints, they were not shoe prints they were barefoot prints from someone without shoes. His grandpa soon after had heard some very, very disturbing noises almost like screams from the man next door. With no one being home he decided to investigate what the noise from the neighbor's property was exactly. So he started to walk over to his neighbor's property being a young man and curious as we all are. Also, what he found was something so disturbing and gruesome that he did not tell us what he found because it was just so horrible. Even though I am not 100 percent sure myself how much I believe it I found it enjoyable as can ... Get more on ...
  • 22. My Family Story : A Grandmother's Tale A Grandmother's Tale As I am listening on the phone to my family history learning where and who I come from, I suddenly realize why I am the way I am. I could imagine my grandmother looking out over the plantation at the sugarcane and soybean fields telling me about all the generations that grew up there. She was painting a clearer image of my ancestors as the minutes passed. The land has changed with time, as the lives of the many women who have lived there; however, their love for the land has endured. That love and passion has shaped my family into who we are today. Owning the Riverlake Plantation over the generations has given my family a chance to raise strong, independent people who will grow up to do something extraordinary with their life. It all started with a woman named Mary Ann Flynn and a man named Charles Wilson. Mary Ann and Charles both lived in Ireland where they met and fell in love, which caused an unsolvable problem. He was Protestant and she was Catholic. Charles' family would never allow him to marry Mary Ann because Catholics were considered the "lower class." Mary Ann and Charles both decided that they could not bear to break up, so they left everyone and everything behind and immigrated to America. Charles became a successful contractor, leaving the household in Mary Ann's care. Charles and Mary Ann eventually had a son, Alexander, who grew up to own a sugar plantation called Highland. He married my great–great–great grandmother, Nora Hogan. The ... Get more on ...
  • 23. My Family : A Short Story Growing up, my family was ideal. My sisters and I were all very happy and very coddled by my father, he was my hero in my early years, he would always be the fun and loving parent when my mom would yell. My dad was into welding, fishing, and playing guitar, I thought that no dad could possibly be more outstanding or influential than my own, he was impeccably intelligent and resourceful. My family and I had not spent a holiday apart, the amount of love that took place in our home was uncomparable. While growing up in my household, I had not faced many issues with myself and my family, we had always felt secure with one another and spent our days happily together, just us five. Until one day that five became a four. As I had gotten a little older, my parents started losing their love for each other, I was incredibly naive as a girl and felt as if this was temporary, as if were to stop at any moment and would end and we could somehow seem to not acknowledge what took place the previous night as all of us sat in our diningroom and devoured our breakfast in uncomforting silence. In every family you will encounter an argument between parents, but to me it was as if the world had plunged into a vortex. I never imagined them separating, I knew my sisters and I would not be able to handle that and we would slowly and mentally separate ourselves as well. I could not handle the heartbreak any longer so I eventually asked my mom a simple question, I asked her where her love had ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Oppression Of Family Stories Throughout the trimester the stories we have read in class all have pressures from others that affect the way the characters in them react to the situations they find themselves in. Having class discussions about the way characters act in these stories gives me a better understanding of why people respond to life in the way they do. These stories give my peers and I the ability look at life through different perspectives. Brief encounters, pressures, or dreams that parents, peers, or our community put on us can make us behave in positive and/or negative ways outside our norm. When I attend family gatherings the question I get asked the most, after being asked by my Aunt Linda what my love life is like, is what do I have planned for my ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Family And Love : A Short Story "The most important thing in the world is family and love." At least that's what John Wooden said. That quote alone could make people ponder deeply about family, but for my brother Jared, and I that was a whole different story. Since the beginning, my brother and I have always been unfair, and unkind to each other. From getting into little fights over the smallest things to getting on the ground wrestling each other; my brother and I haven't always gotten along. We would always say we were going to start being nicer, but it would never work out until him, and I had amind changing experience with a small story and dream. Ultimately, my brother and I aren't like your stereotypical goody–two–shoes brothers, but in the end, we were able to overcome that hatred and replace it with love and friendship. From as far back as I can remember my brother and I have always been almost polar opposites. It would sometimes get so bad that our disagreements would get out of hand, and our parents would have to break us apart from our whirlwind of a fight. Very recently my brother had a dream about him, and I during one of our fights. The whole night of the dream he was rustling in his blue sheet covered bed until he finally decided to wake me up and tell me what he dreamed. In the dream, he said very mean things to me, picking on me, and calling me names to the point where I started crying. In the dream, he noticed what he had done, and had remorse for the actions he had made. "You know I ... Get more on ...
  • 26. My Immigration Story : The Story Of My Family Immigration My family immigration story involves a lot of typical topics and a few hardships which people may not expect. By my generation, we have become accepted as White. However, both of my grandmothers had mixed ancestry. On my father's side, my grandfather's grandfather moved to the United States in the late 1800's from Germany. This was just before the federal government took over the immigration process. An American company had advertised in his town that they should move to theUnited States. Fishman, and a large amount of people from his town moved to Beloit, Wisconsin.1 Wisconsin has a high German population to this day. I imagine that they all had to pass the strict inspectors of Ellis Island. He stayed in Wisconsin and married a German woman. His son stayed in Wisconsin and married a German woman. That son was my grandfather's father. My grandmother was a Mexican–American, born in East Los Angeles. Her mother came from Guadalajara, Mexico. I do not know why she chose to migrate. My grandfather was born in Wisconsin during the Great Depression. He moved back and forth between Chicago, Illinois and Beloit, Wisconsin growing up. His household was impoverished. While culturally German, his family lived in the Polish neighborhood of Chicago. At this time, racial tensions between different Europeans in the United States was still high. "During this time we saw, for example, the Irish "become" white and the "heathen" Asians transformed into model minorities."2 Carl grew up fast, ... Get more on ...
  • 27. My Family Story The stories from our parents and grandparents always hold a special place in our hearts, for just an instance we get to see what the world was like from a more mature individual's perspective, we get to live the days they did through the stories they share. My grandma, or what she is to me; my meme, has shared a variety of stories from her childhood that has allowed me to see some of the challenges and opportunities she had faced growing up. My favorite story she has shared with me would be about the time my memes parents decided to move states. The story tells about the trip on the way to move, the short amount of time they stayed, and lastly, the decision to moving back, to where they previously resided. My meme grew up in a little... Show more content on ... She said the girls were the Indians and the boys the cowboys. In these new outfits, the girls who were the Indians found a red clay wall, and "what's an Indian without some red clay" she would always say, put red clay all over themselves! After the game began the boys then decided they too want to be Indians and covered themselves in clay! "Oh boy were we in trouble" she said. Around 3 months of living in Illinois memes dad didn't want to live there anymore. He wanted to go back home he said. Just in time for the start of school the got back home. My meme explained how most people wouldn't consider moving to somewhere such as Illinois as an exciting childhood memory, but for her growing up in a small town, it was the best thing in the world! She considered the world to be small as she was growing up, and then told me about the car they had at the time. A station wagon and no seat belt laws, and how there wasn't even a car seat for her baby brother. They then would lean the seats down and nap and play. My meme has had a pretty amazing life growing up from what she tells me. I always enjoy hearing stories about the past, because it allows me to see the world in different views. Something so little to us now, was the world to people back in the day, our generation takes advantage of things we should be thankful for, and in hearing stories I become more thankful each day for the family ... Get more on ...
  • 28. My Family 's Story Of Immigration While every immigrant story is unique to the places they've come from, their personal narratives, and their integration, many share commonalities within the American immigrant experience. My family is no exception to this fact as they highlight many of the theories of migration outlined in sociology. By examining my family's story of immigration through these different lenses, I hope to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for those who ultimately brought me into America. Around 85 years ago, my great uncle's first impression of the Gold Mountain arrived on the hopeful lips of men in a time of Chinese turmoil. He came in the late 1940's from a small village in Southern China as a paper son aboard a ship under the last name Kong ... Show more content on ... A few years later, he sent for his sister (my grandmother and her family). Since there was no opportunity in China after the revolution, they saw America as a chance for them to have a better life. My grandma, mother, and two of her siblings (they left three of their siblings behind because they were over 18 and could not procure their separate visas at the time) moved to the United States in 1980 after the US formally recognized diplomatic ties with China. One year before the big move, the four of them moved from their small village in Guangzhou to the hustle and bustle of Hong Kong. They spent a year in limbo, while waiting for their visas and my great uncle to officially send for them. When their papers finally arrived, they boarded a Pan AM flight with their three small suitcases bound for Los Angeles. Their reason for moving was primarily driven by the New Economics of Labor Migration and World Systems Theory as China was going through a massive overhaul at the time. The country was still rebuilding and restructuring after The Great Leap forward and the Great Famine had left China in shambles. This left little to no opportunity for women in the large cities, let alone villages living in poverty. So when my great uncle sent for the rest of his family, they saw it as a chance for their family to diversify their portfolio (to have my grandfather and older aunts and uncles stay in China while ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Family Bullies Short Story Family Bullies by Keith berry and Toney E. Adams To begin their article, the authors first explain their topic and how they did their research. They defined bullying as something that has many definitions. However, they did identify two main aspects of bullying: it happens more than once and is one person acting negatively towards another. With this in mind, they then turned their lens toward bullying with in families. They began by looking at two personal stories about bullying with in families. In the first story, Victoria was bullied by her sister, Lily. Victoria explains that her sister was always trying to make her feel bad, irritate her, or cause her pain. She claimed Lily liked making her feel bad and would leave the conversation if she showed no affect. Victoria also noted that Lily did it with the whole family, and that Lily was always a little bit off the family rhythm. Through their childhood, Victoria grew to hate Lily and survive their interactions. More recently, Victoria has begun to think how she treated Lily in reaction to the bullying was also a form of bullying. The relationship between the two sisters is beginning to start again, Victoria says, but she is also cautious. The personal story ends with Victoria saying the bitterness between them is leaving and the work on a friendship has begun. The second personal story was about a boy named Tony and his cousin. His cousin bullied him by physically and emotionally hurting him. Whenever the boys would be ... Get more on ...
  • 30. My Family Story This is a story about my sister Autumn having a baby boy named Steven. She lived in Jonesboro Arkansas with us all at home. Just her, my sister Breanna, my baby sister Jasmine, mom and dad. My mom is very kindhearted, enthusiastic, sweet, grateful, and caring. She is there to help us through everything. My dad is also as outstanding as my mom because he is very kind–hearted, courageous, strong, skillful, and extremely amusing. He is also there for everyone; makes the family smile, laughs, and cheering when we are down. He provides the truth through us even if it is not what we really want to hear, but that's how our parents are, and always will be. But, besides our family, we lived in a big white house that didn't have a really big yard, three bedrooms, a kitchen, bathroom, and living room. And on the outside of the house in Jonesboro, it is really busy and lots of traffic but most of the traffic is at five o'clock rush hour. It is a really busy town and a big town. But It has always just been us and that is just the way we have always lived. I had my own room, my sister Breanna and Autumn shared a room because my sister Autumn decides she was going to be moving out soon, and my parents shared a room. And my baby sister put her stuff in there room to but my baby sister slept where ever she passed out at. Also, we would all just hang around have fun at the house and everything but then one day My oldest sister said she needed to talk to us that night so we all were in the ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Daddy And Pap A Story Of A Homosexual Family Daddy and Papa, is a documentary of a couple of Homosexual families adopting children to have a family and all the struggles they go through. By adopting a kid comes with a lot of responsibilities. However by adopting a child and having a family comes with a lot more love and experiences. The story goes on talking about how they face the struggles of becoming better parents for their kid(s). One person was even single raising two bodys and he told us how difficult it was. The physical and mental components about being a homosexual parent weren't the only difficult thing to face it was also the social change and political standings that came along with it. The family is generally regarded as a major social institution and a locus of much of ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Unflattering Family Stories Stories of your parent's childhood are always entertaining. They are especially so when it is something that is embarrassing. These stories are usually well guarded, but will be willingly told by anyone else, because of the hilarity. The only thing that makes such stories better, is a common theme. After interviewing family members, I have found some stories that are somewhat unflattering, and all involve my Uncle and some sort of bike. A long time ago, in a town not so far from here, my mother and her family lived in a medium sized house in Washington. The house had a full basement that was unfinished, and the adjacent abandoned lot was a favourite place to ride bikes in the summer. Once winter rolled around, they were allowed to move the bikes inside to the basement, where it was much warmer, and ride in circles on the dirt floor. My uncle one of his friends were engaged in such an activity one winter day. They soon tired of riding in the same path over and over, and decided to look around. My grandfather was fermenting some homemade beer at the time, and this was noticed by the two teenagers. They decided to try it out, and went through quite a bit of it. Now, a quick class on brewing. When it is stored a balloon is placed on the neck of the bottle, and the risingyeast causes it to inflate. Once the balloon goes back down, the fermentation is done. My uncle and his friend were not aware of this process. They consumed the beverage when the balloon was completely ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The John Wright Family: A Short Story One day the John Wright family goes to a limited time buffet/restaurant called iApple. They have all sorts of apple food. They have apple pie, apple bread, apple croissants, apple juice, apple crisp, apple cobbler, apple butter for the apple bread, apple chips, apple sauce, apple cider and many more. Suddenly, a man yells to the dad, "Hey! You took the last piece of Apple Crisp!" then that man threw the apple croissants at him. The dad has MAJOR anger issues, so he throws the apple pie at the man. "It's just apple crisp! I thought I had anger issues!" the dad continued to yell and throw apple pies. "You are ridiculous!" yelled the dad multiple times, as he threw one more apple pie. "O. M. G! Did you just kill five apple pies by throwing them?... Show more content on ... They took the dad away to the car and said " What you've done today is UNHEARD of. But we have no room in the jails due to so many people eating two banana splits. TWO! I mean I was SUPER SURPRISED. You're only allowed to have one! You and those people have just gone insane!" after he finished yelling at the man, he let him go. "Don't go to anymore buffets! Oh, and don't be getting into anymore trouble!" After a long day at iApple they decided to go to Applebee's. When eating their meal they were thinking and feeling the grief of killing an apple pie. When they got home they all went straight to bed annoyed about the food fight. They were even more annoyed when they thought about who threw the apple croissants. Suddenly they thought, Wait. Who did throw the apple pie? Tomorrow I will secretly sneak out and find him and serve him a fresh slice of apple justice! The only problem was– they ALL thought ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Family Story The story of Aiden and Jayla is a long and eventful one. They are an interracial couple who worked hard in life for themselves and each other. They had many problems in their lives and relationship yet they always managed to come out of the chaos unscathed. Jayla had a difficult childhood that kept her busy. She was an African American girl living with a working classfamily. She had problems with her family which even increased when her parents refused to buy her vegetarian meals. She just didn't like the taste of meat. She had a child at 16 and was forced to raise the child on her own. It was an untimely pregnancy like 88% of teen births in the US. When she was 14, she thought she had found the love of her life in a classmate of hers ... Show more content on ... They got married two and a half years after they started dating. This early marriage is quite rare nowadays. Their gender roles in the family skewed some from traditional views. Both of them helped raised the children, worked for a living, and took care of the trailer. The fact that both of the parents worked made it unlike a monolithic family. Jayla wanted to extend the family early because she wanted to have children while she had healthy eggs and have more energy to keep up with them. Her fertility was better because she was a vegetarian so it increased by eating proteins from plants and not animals. Eleven months after they were married Jayla gave birth to her second child, a baby boy named Kyle. Their relationship didn't come without its share of problems. A while into their relationship they noticed people border patrolling against them. People were treating them like they were abnormal just because they were an interracial couple. Their relationship seemed even more abnormal because it was a white man with a black woman. Later on, Aiden was arrested for assault on Jayla's supervisor for sexually harassing her. Her supervisor was not charged with anything because harassment is in the eye of the beholder and co–workers saw no harm in what the supervisor was doing. They just believed that Aiden was overreacting. Even worse, he lost his job as a researcher at a local university because of that. Fortunately, Jayla had completed her GED a ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Lemp's Story: A Brief Story Of A Tragic Family Back in the 1800s, a tragic family business began. There was William Lemp Sr, Lillian Lemp, William Jr, Charles, Frederick, and Edwin Lemp. William Sr expanded his father's brewery in St. Louis, MO in 1864. The brewery became very popular and continued to expand until it eventually took up 8 blocks of St. Louis. William Lemp bought a newly built house by his father–in–law for his family, and immediately began renovating it. During all this success, Frederick Lemp died of heart failure, then William Sr's best friend, Frederick Pabst, died, leaving William devastated. He committed suicide on February 13, 1904. William Jr, then took over the brewing company. He married Lillian Lemp, who soon after, began to spend his inheritance. He never ... Get more on ...
  • 36. My Family Story My parents have been divorced since I was a kid and they have their own separate lives and families. It was only me and my older brother until one day when I was 15 we learned that we were going to have a little sister. My Father and his girlfriend ended up having a girl, Alicia, named after my late Grandmother. They lived together for a short while until they ended up having many issues from financial to legal issues, like getting kicked out of their house, and broke up. They were uncertain about who would take Alicia and tried passing off a baby to their friends for short times then to other friends and then family. They did not want to give Alicia to her Grandmother because her and her Mother always fought about everything. But they finally allowed Alicia's grandparents to take her. She was only supposed to stay there for a short time but one thing led to another and now her parents have supervised visits. They have separate times and can only see Alicia on Sundays. Her grandparents, Deborah and John, have taken care of her for 4 years now by giving her everything she needs. Deborah and John, at first, were surprised by how my Brother and myself cared so much about our sister. They were a couple that were obviously well off and well educated. They have a huge house and have a lot of space for a child to grow up. They would stay to themselves and focus on taking care of Alicia. They had no contact with us until we reached out to them to see our sister. They allowed us to ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Story Of A Kitchen Night In My Family This is the story of how my brother, Cole, got impaled by a kitchen night in his rear end. The plot began during a family gathering at my house with my grandpa, grandma, aunt, my parents and of course, Cole, my brother, on March 6th 2016. We were celebrating my grandpas– who knows how old – birthday by playing a few games of cards, enjoying a nice home cooked meal and talking with each other about new and fascinating things that were happening in our lives. After we had all finished eating, it was my and my brother's job to clean off the table, do all the dishes and make sure the kitchen was spotless like we are to do every night after our meal. As we were tidying up the kitchen, my family was still chatting amongst themselves at the dining room table. Cole and I usually like to play around in the kitchen, and we joke around with one another all of the time. This is where our playing choices started to get a little bit dangerous, even though what we were doing seemed to be harmless. We were doing small turn, bickering about who was going to do what, and pretending we were ninjas. We knew, which is common sense that you shouldn't play rough in a kitchen, so we figured out the idea to pretend like we were doing so. As I was pretending to karate chop him, and the two of us were acting like five year olds, I kicked my foot out while holding onto a few plates, my brother laughing and having a good time. He jumped backwards, thinking I was actually going to kick him, and right ... Get more on ...
  • 38. My Family Story Sitting with my aunt Alning and cousin Vincent is a pleasant reprieve from the bustle inside the house. A slight breeze cuts the air as I overlook the balcony. Rice fields stretch out past the horizon. Coconut trees, that my grandfather planted, stand tall with ripe coconuts waiting to be butchered open. Smoke from an outdoor cooking pit thickens the air–– a warning the farewell feast is well on its way. It's been thirteen years since I've been back in the Philippines and the first time I've visited it as an adult. To learn more about my mother'sfamily I decided to interview my aunts and uncles–– Tita's and Tito's–– about past memories. Growing up, I knew my mother's family was very poor, but also very close. In the beginning of my mother's life, she, her six brothers, and four sisters lived in a mud hut and walked miles to get to school. My grandfather was a farmer and eventually moved his family on decent land where he grew rice to support his family. Coming back to the Philippines I wanted to learn more about my maternal family. My ambition was to one day keep a written record of my maternal family's legacy to pass down to future generations so they wouldn't lose sight of who they are and where they came from especially if I decided to marry someone who wasn't Filipino. On that balcony my first interview was with Tita Alning. Her son––my cousin–– Vincent–– or as I like to call him Manong Vincent–– sat beside her. Manong is used to show respect to an older male brother or cousin. He sat there somewhat of an interpreter. Tita Alning knows how to speak English, but there are just some words she may not know how to cross over well from Tagalog to English, hence, Manong Vincent being our interpreter. "Thanks for doing this Tita Alning," I said as I whipped out my iPhone and turned on the Voice Memo App. "My first question is, what is a memory you have of grandpa and grandma? Something that stands out?" Manong Vincent and I watch her as she tries to think of a memory. Vincent tries to rephrase my question so she can answer it. "Ah! I have something I remember!" she exclaims. Part of her story involves her conflict between moving to Mindanao or Manila, two different cities on two different islands. ... Get more on ...
  • 39. A Family Divided: A Short Story One day while at the pulpit in an empty church filled with thoughts was a priest who was pondering and meditating on his next step in helping a new family in town defeat an evil entity in their home whom they believe has taken over the poor soul of their 9 years old daughter. The family has already been through a lot the father, who was a former electrician had just been laid off from his recent job and was in the midst for over a month now looking into a new one. A poor mom, who did not have to work and was a stay home mom, dread them waking up one night without any electric on and or enough food to feed their daughter. And now with the daughter being what they believed "possessed" their at their wits end on what to do next. Before all of ... Get more on ...
  • 40. My Family Story My parents have been separated for a couple years now. My mother wasn't happy with our family so, she went away. She isn't there that much for my family and I. I have three siblings which, all happen to be younger than I am. I'm only 11 years old. So everything is very hard without a mother figure. One day, we got to see her but, not in the way I'd want to. It was a Saturday afternoon of a summer day. My mom and I are at a graduation party. I'm sitting there peacefully alone looking around the backyard. Unexpectedly, I get a phone call. I answer it, it's my dad. He asks for the address of the house. I thought he was picking me up but, when he came he dropped off my siblings and got into a huge argument with my mom on the front lawn. I just peaceful stood there and watched. I had no idea what to do or say in that situation so I stood there in shock. My dad then drove off and left. My siblings and I then spent the time with my mom. I had no idea of my mom's living situation so we got in the car and left. We got to a house that looked very familiar to me. When my parents were together and first started having problems, my mom came to this house a couple times. It hit me so hard. The whole time, my mother was secretly seeing someone else. The separation was put full fault of my dad but in reality, it was my mom. This whole time I spent confused and upset, I was blaming the wrong parent. I felt so confused where I had a long thought about everything. The day had gone by and ... Get more on ...