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A Message for Children
    - As Universal Moral Ethics -

                        Hitoshi Tsuchiyama
          Thought (Motivation)
          Instinct & Emotion [Transformed]
          Reason (Compassion)




  Do you know that human beings can’t be happy
only by ‘intelligence’ and ‘money’? As intelligence or
money alone brings suspicion, anxiety, anger, hatred,
jealousy, frustration and extremely competitive
feeling. It means that present education of science
and technology at schools is not enough to make
people happy. If you really want to be happy, you
need ‘compassion’ in addition to intelligence and
money. Because intelligence or money brings us
physical comfort and compassion brings us mental
comfort. And we need both of them in a perfect
harmony. If we practice compassion, we gain calm
mind and normal function of intelligence. But if we
make bad use of intelligence in anger or with hatred,
tragedies such as war and violence occur.

  We can learn intelligence through classes at school,
however we can not learn compassionate mind at
school. Of course, we may learn compassionate mind
spontaneously by developing human relations’ skill

through home training or extracurricular activities
at school. However, if we are not lucky enough to
have such a wonderful opportunity, it is very difficult
to understand the importance of compassion because
today is the times when only material value or
economic value (money) is likely to be welcomed. So,
many people including adults have not learned
compassion yet even though spiritual value or inner
value should be given the top priority in our life.

    Even if we study hard to have excellent academic
background and get snobbish jobs such as an elite
bureaucrat or employee, politician and entrepreneur,
it is impossible to make a true success without
compassion. Those who are intelligent but have not
mastered compassion may succeed at the start but
definitely make a serious mistake sometime after
that. Because the lack of compassion means lack of
inner strength due to lack of self-confidence, and
also means lack of trust due to self-centered attitude.
So there is no way to make success wherever and
whatever one does. How wasteful it is! So, it is very

important for us to master compassion as young as
possible to avoid meaningless efforts in our life.

  Even nowadays many tragedies are occurring all
over the world due to lack of compassion. For
example, dictatorship, terrorism, global financial
crisis and economic depression caused by American
sub-prime loan problems, expanding gap of rich and
poor, and in Japan, more than 30,000 suicides per
year for 13 consecutive years and serious bullying at
schools and power harassment at work. These are
just a part of all tragedies and the real number must
be uncountable. But these are all man-made
problems, so we definitely can solve. I hope this book
will be useful to decrease tragedies and increase

February, 2011
                                 Hitoshi Tsuchiyama



Chapter 1 Purpose of life and how to achieve it 8
    (1)Why were you born? 8
    (2)What is the purpose of life? 9
    (3)What is happiness? 10
    (4)Something really important 11
    (5)What is true happiness? 12
    (6)How to gain calm mind 13

Chapter 2 Structure of our Mind 14
    (1)Break-even point of Mind flow 14
    (2)Reason (Altruism) or Self-centered mind 15
    (3)Calm mind or Destructive emotion 16
    (4)Positive motivation or Negative motivation 17
    (5)Positive karma or Negative karma 18
    (6)Benefit or Negative consequence 18
    (7)Happiness or Suffering 19

Chapter 3 Framework of Mind and Body 20
  (1)Varieties of Mind and its chain 20
  (2)Varieties of Body and its chain 21
  (3)Instinct 22
  (4)Emotion 23
  (5)Reason (Compassion) 24
  (6)Self-centered mind (in case of weak reason) 25
  (7)Thought (Motivation) 26
  (8)Speech 27
  (9)Action 28
  (10)Remedy for self-centered mind -1- 29
  (11)Remedy for self-centered mind -2- 30

Chapter 4 Control of Destructive Emotion 31
  (1)Anger and Hatred 31
  (2)Control of Anger and Hatred 32
  (3)Concrete solutions for Anger and Hatred 33
  (4)Solutions for Serious Tragedy 37
  (5)Other Destructive Emotion 39
  (6)The Miracle Antidote to Fear and Sorrow 40
  (7)How to Control Destructive Emotion 41

Chapter 5 Calm Mind 42
    (1)Importance of Compassion 42
    (2)Human being as Social animal 43
    (3)Definition of Compassion 44
    (4)Notes of Compassion 45
    (5)Practice of Compassion 46
    (6)Effects of Compassion 47
    (7)Varieties of Compassion 50

    (1)Mind Flow 52
    (2)Effect of Compassion 53
    (3)The Ultimate Reality of 'Interdependence' 55


A Message for Children
  - As Universal Moral Ethics -

Chapter 1 Purpose of life and how to achieve it

(1)Why were you born?
    Aren’t you worrying why you were born? It is
natural not to be able to find the answer when you
are young. You don’t have to worry about it. I have
heard a following story; A boy has a memory of prior
to birth. He was asked by someone before he was
born “Which life do you choose, a hard life or an easy
life?” “If you choose a hard life, you learn a lot but
you suffer a lot. If you choose an easy life, you learn
a little but you enjoy your life. ” He thought for a
while and chose a hard life because he felt that
leaning a lot was more valuable than learning a
little. I heard he was born right after that Q&A

(2)What is the purpose of life?
  It may be another difficult question. There must
be a lot of adults who can’t answer to this question.
Let’s think in easy way. Are there any people who
want to suffer? Definitely, not. All of us want to be
happy. There are good people and bad people. But
nobody wants to suffer. Everybody wants to be happy.
I think this is true. Even though the fields of the
study and the work are different, all human beings
are living for the same purpose which is to be happy.
This is the human nature.
  There is also another view. We have no guarantee
for our future. That’s why we need hope for our
survival.   Hope     means        happiness.   Therefore
happiness is our purpose of life. What do you think
will happen if we lose our hope? That mental
attitude will shorten our life.

(3)What is happiness?
  Have you ever thought what is happiness?
Suffering isn’t happiness, is it? Nobody disagrees to
this. How about rich people? Do you think that rich
people are always happy? Do you feel happy if you
graduate from prestigious university and enter an
excellent   company?     How    about    a   famous
professional baseball player or soccer player? You
may feel happy for a short time but you can’t be
really happy only by that.
  If you are very rich, you don’t have to work and
can buy whatever you like and travel all over the
world whenever you want. That’s great, isn’t it? If
you become an elite businessman, you can earn a lot
of money and feel good to see people envy you. If you
become a famous professional sport player, you can
feel great to be a hero. However, these are just
physical matters or artificial social status. Do you
see there are more important things in invisible
mind which you can’t buy by money?

(4)Something really important
  For example, can you buy true love, compassion
and friendship by money? If it is a fake one, you can
buy it but if it is a true one, you can’t buy it by money.
Do you think if you can obtain calm mind or inner
peace because of your healthy body? I don’t think so.
I think you can obtain your healthy body because of
your healthy mind. Do all professional sport players
have calm mind or inner peace, for example? You can
guess that the answer is no because there are
professional sport players who are always irritated
with bloodshot eyes.
  In fact, true love, compassion, friendship, calm
mind and inner peace are important for our
happiness. Even a billionaire can’t be happy because
the person is always full of suspicion, anxiety, anger,
hatred, jealousy and other uncomfortable feelings.
The same thing can be said to a professional sport
player with weak mind.

(5)What is true happiness?
  Let’s summarize what we have analyzed so far. Do
you agree that you need perfect harmony of physical
comfort and mental comfort to feel happy? Physical
comfort means that you have enough material or
economic value such as money and goods for living.
Mental comfort means that you have full of spiritual
value or inner value such as calm mind and genuine
friendship. Even if one of them is lacking, you can’t
feel happy.
  Look at people around you. Do you think they are
really happy? You must see many people working
hard to make money only but seldom see people
making effort to have calm mind and genuine
friendship. Even though they are rich, they are not
happy but suffering. Mercy on them! How silly they
are not to be able to feel happy after hard work and
efforts! You don’t want to be like them, do you? Why
can’t they understand the importance of spiritual
value? Nobody knows the true reason but I guess
they believe only money value.

(6)How to gain calm mind
  If you have full of destructive emotions such as
anger, hatred, jealousy, fear and sorrow, you must be
irritated and insecure. Furthermore, if you link
these destructive emotions directly to thought, you
will have negative motivation. And if you speak or
act based on the negative motivation, violence or
tragedy will occur and your destructive emotions
will be amplified. So, you will have serious damages
both mentally and physically and people around you
will be also disturbed if this vicious circle continues
for a long time.
  How can we control these destructive emotions?
This is the first question. What should we do to gain
calm mind? This is the second question. Because our
mind is invisible, it’s much harder to be understood
than the material value and we can’t take
countermeasures     to   deal   with   it   unless   we
understand the structure of our mind. That’s why we
need to understand the structure of our mind in

Chapter 2 Structure of our Mind

(1)Break-even point of Mind flow
     (Fork of happiness or suffering)
  Let’s check the mind flow first. We can see there
are two main streams in the mind flow by observing
the back cover of this book. One main stream is ‘the
stream to happiness’ on the right and the other main
stream is ‘the stream to suffering’ on the left. And it
depends on whether the person understands the
ultimate reality of ‘Interdependency’ or not to choose
which way to go. By the way, is there anyone who
thinks that living alone is possible? Can you build a
house, produce foods and manufacture clothes from
raw materials? There is nobody on the earth who can
manage everything and be self-sufficient for survival
alone. Therefore, everything on the earth exists by
depending on others. Nobody can survive without
having relation with others. It causes a big
difference to understand this or not, as this is the
fork of happiness or suffering.

(2)Reason (Altruism) or Self-centered mind
  The attitude will be totally opposite whether the
person understands “A human being can’t survive
alone” or not. Those who understand this ultimate
reality respect other people and materials and try to
cooperate with others based on mutual trust. That’s
why they can automatically take altruistic attitude
to others. They always try to treat others with
reason or altruistic attitude such as compassion,
warm-heartedness, gentleness and kindness.
  To the contrary, those who can’t understand the
ultimate reality have an illusion that they can
survive alone and can’t see other people who really
support their survival quite a lot. Therefore their
mind or heart becomes so selfish that they care for
the happiness of themselves only and don’t care for
the happiness of others. So, they take actions with
their self-centered attitude such as attachment,
arrogance and greed.

(3)Calm mind or Destructive emotion
  Mental state will be totally opposite whether the
mind or heart is full of reason or full of selfishness.
Those who always care for the happiness of others
with warm-heartedness and think based on reason
with full of gentleness can enjoy calm mind, peace of
mind and inner peace. Moreover, the practice of
compassion opens our inner door and enables us to
have mutual trust with other people to make
genuine friendship.
  To the contrary, those who have negative mind
occupied with attachment, arrogance and greed
suffer from their destructive emotions. These people
are not satisfied unless everything goes just as they
wanted and always keep destructive emotions such
as anger, hatred, jealousy, fear and sorrow even
though these emotions destroy calm mind of
themselves and other people at the same time.
Destructive emotions do you no good and much

(4)Positive motivation or Negative motivation
  Motivation is created based on our mental state or
emotions. So, it depends on whether we have ‘Calm
mind’ or ‘Destructive emotion’ to create positive
motivation or negative motivation. A motivation
created by our calm mind is always a positive
motivation. It is natural that we create a positive
motivation because the source of our calm mind is
our sense of care for others’ happiness, warm-heart,
gentleness and kindness.
  To the contrary, a motivation created by our
destructive emotions is always a destructive or
negative motivation. It is also natural that we create
a negative motivation because the source of our
destructive emotions is our self-centered selfishness
which means that we care for our happiness only
and don’t care for others’ happiness.

(5)Positive karma or Negative karma
  Karma means action and there are verbal action
and physical action. It depends on whether we have
a ‘Positive motivation’ or a ‘Negative motivation’ to
carry out a positive karma or a negative karma. If
our action is based on our positive motivation, it
automatically becomes a positive karma. And if our
action is based on our negative motivation, it
automatically becomes a negative karma.

(6)Benefit or Negative consequence
  There is a proverb that says “A good cause brings a
good effect and a bad cause brings a bad effect”. It
exactly depends on whether our action is positive or
negative to receive a benefit or negative consequence.
It’s easy to understand that we receive a benefit if
we take a positive action and we get negative
consequences if we take a negative action. Anyway,
the effects return to us right after the cause and in
the long run.

(7)Happiness or Suffering
  It exactly depends on whether we get positive
effects or negative effects to have happiness or
suffering in the end. It is very simple that we feel
happy if we receive benefit and we suffer if we get
negative consequences.
  In this way, there are two main streams in the
mind flow. One main stream is ‘the stream to
happiness’ and the other main stream is ‘the stream
to suffering’. Which main stream do you want to

Chapter 3 Framework of Mind and Body

(1)Varieties of Mind and its chain
  Let’s check the framework of mind and body more
in details for the next step. If you observe the front
cover of this book, you will see there are varieties of
mind and body and also patterns of chain.
  The center of this picture is ‘Spirit’ which I think,
is the source of mind even though it is not clarified
in depth yet. ‘Instinct’ and ‘Emotion’ occur from
Spirit spontaneously. Then we make ‘Reason’ occur
consciously. When instinct or emotion is negative, we
control it by Reason so that it will be transformed to
be positive. Reason is like a water purification

(2)Varieties of Body and its chain
   Then ‘Mind’ links to ‘Thought’ (Motivation). What
if our reason is too weak to control negative instinct
or emotion? Our negative instinct or emotion will be
automatically linked to our thought without being
transformed to be positive. This is dangerous and
risky. Because our Mind will be our Thought and our
Motivation will turn out to be a ‘Speech’ or an
‘Action’. So, our mind will be our motivation through
getting out from inner world to outer world so that
other people may hear and see as speech and action.
  From here, you don’t have to understand the
content well but in fact it is very important. Your
speech, writing and all kinds of actions will be back
to your ‘Spirit’ or ‘Soul’ and influence your mind in
the future. This chain of mind and body is being
found scientifically that it is controlled by the
neurons ordered by our brain. But it is not
completely clarified yet.

  Let’s learn more about the framework of mind. Do
you know what instinct is about? Basic human
instinct is ‘Sleep desire’, ‘Appetite’ and ‘Sexual
desire’ which are very important for our survival. If
we don’t sleep or eat, we will definitely die. So,
instinct spontaneously occurs and we can’t prevent it
from occurring consciously. However we need to
control it consciously by reason once it occurs,
because it may cause a disturbance to others if we
follow our instinct with self-centered attitude. For
example, we must not steal goods displayed at a
  Even if our instinct is satisfied, our satisfaction
does not last for a long time and disappears shortly.
But if we succeed in controlling our instinct by
reason, we can keep our calm mental state for a long

  Emotion also spontaneously occurs and we can’t
prevent it from occurring consciously. Emotion is
divided into positive emotion and destructive
emotion. Positive emotion is emotion such as
‘Liveliness’,   ‘Enthusiasm’,    ‘Spiritedness’    and
‘Eagerness’. And destructive emotion is emotion
such as ‘Anger’, ‘Hatred’, ‘Jealousy’, ‘Fear’ and
‘Sorrow’. Emotion is very important because it
influences our thought and our thought creates our
motivation and influences our speech and action. So,
basically it is necessary for us to reduce or eliminate
our destructive emotion by reason as soon as
possible before it links to our thought. In fact, this
destructive emotion is our real enemy and much
tougher than human enemy. Because it brings us
violence and tragedy if we think, speak and act
based on the destructive emotion. However there
seems to be an exception that anger is tentatively
effective    to protect ourselves   from dangerous

(5)Reason (Compassion)
     Reason means Compassion which cares for others’
happiness and we make it occur consciously. There
are many varieties of reason such as ‘Compassion’,
‘Warm-heart’, ‘Gentleness’, ‘Kindness’, ‘Tolerance’,
‘Forgiveness’, ‘Patience’, ‘‘Self-confidence’ (confidence
to     oneself,   not     pride),    ‘Sincerity’,   ‘Honesty’,
‘Appreciation’,         ‘Respect’,     ‘Trust’,     ‘Modesty’,
‘Non-violence’ (No harm to others).
     Reason is vital to judge good or bad. Good means
something which makes people happy and bad
means something which makes people unhappy.
Don’t forget this. If you have reason, you can judge
what is right. And reason also plays an important
role in controlling negative instinct and emotion.
Reason enables us to prevent destructive emotion
and mind from occurring as much as possible and to
transform them to be positive even if they occur.
     I think ‘Mind’ or ’Heart’ means aggregation of
instinct, emotion and reason.

(6)Self-centered mind (in case of weak reason)
  In case our reason hasn’t been developed to
mature level due to lack of wisdom, there is a risk
that our inner space for reason is dominated by
self-centered mind such as ‘Attachment’, ‘Arrogance’
and ‘Greed’. Wisdom is seeing the ultimate reality of
‘Interdependence’ which means “A human being
can‘t survive alone”. These self-centered minds are
protectors for our survival due to lack of wisdom.
They are dangerous because they will prevent us
from keeping calm mind and seeing the reality by
their exaggeration of the positiveness of the object.
Especially, attachment has artificial warm affection
to yourself and looks respectful; however it turns out
to be the source of anger once you dislike the object.
In fact, immature love is one of attachment. “Love is
blind”. You go straight on once you fall in love, but
your love will change to anger right after you dislike
little things of your partner’s attitude. The purpose
of immature love isn’t for the happiness of your
partner but for yourself. Please refer to (10) & (11) of
this chapter for the remedy of self-centered mind.

(7)Thought (Motivation)
  We also make our thought occur consciously and
our thought has close relation to instinct, emotion
and reason. There are two patterns of linkage.
Direct link of instinct or emotion to thought is one
and indirect link of instinct or emotion to thought
after being controlled by reason is the other. The
former is a case when your instinct or emotion is
positive or your reason is weak. How dangerous it is
to have weak reason! Destructive emotion creates
destructive motivation. If your reason is well
developed and performs control function, it is safe as
all   destructive   instinct   and   emotion   will   be
transformed to be positive before linking to thought.
Positive thought will be a positive motivation to
bring positive speech or action. Speech or action
always appears based on the motivation, so it is
recommendable to ask yourself if your motivation is
positive. If your motivation is negative, you mustn’t
speak or act based on the negative motivation to
avoid harm to others and yourself.

  Speech is an expression of our thought by
language based on our motivation and is not always
equal to our motivation. We sometimes speak
honestly but sometimes indirectly and exactly the
opposite in extreme cases. In any case, we should not
accept other’s speech without analyzing. We should
make sure of other’s motivation or intention if it is
positive (goodwill) or negative (ill will).

  Action is an expression of our thought by act based
on our motivation and is not always equal to our
motivation like speech. We sometimes act honestly
but sometimes differently and exactly the opposite
in extreme cases. That is why we need to be careful
to judge actions also. But action is much easier to
analyze than speech because it finally appears as a
visible act which shows the actor’s real motivation.
We can easily imagine if actor’s motivation is
positive or negative by observing the act. But if the
person speaks beautiful things and acts exactly the
opposite (in case of inconsistency of speech and
action), we must be very careful to such a hypocrite
as the motivation is definitely negative (ill will).
  I think ‘Karma’ means aggregation of thought,
speech and action. And I believe that our growth as
human beings is evolution and elevation of our
whole personality, which means lowering impurity
or raising purity of our spirit or soul which is the
accumulation of our mind and karma.

(10)Remedy for self-centered mind -1-
  Let’s think about the methods of how to transform
our ‘self-centered mind’ to ‘altruistic mind’. In short,
the cause of all negative or dirty minds is ignorance
of the reality which is “A human being can’t survive
alone”. Your self-centered arrogance of “I can survive
alone” causes your self-centered mind or selfishness.
If you are convinced from the bottom of your heart
that your survival entirely depends on the rest of the
community, you will never have self-centered mind.
Instead, you will automatically respect other people
and things and feel like cooperating each other for
all of your survival. Then you come to treat others
with reason such as compassion, warm-heartedness,
gentleness,   kindness.    If   someone    who    can’t
understand this important reality really wants to
master this wisdom, one solution could be a survival
experience at an uninhibited island alone to see the
ultimate reality of ‘Interdependence’. Actually a man
experimented this but he gave up shortly. We are
social animals.

(11)Remedy for self-centered mind -2-
  Because self-centered mind also influences the
thought and the thought influences the speech and
action, it causes tragedy. So, in addition to (10)’s
fundamental antidote, let’s think about another
solution when self-centered mind arises. Reason is
effective to transform your self-centered mind, just
like the case of destructive emotion. When your
self-centered mind arises and unpleasant feeling is
about to develop, that’s the timing to tackle it. Ask
yourself “What use is there if I fully develop anger?”
The answer will be “No use, because too much anger
does me no good and much harm.”
  If your attachment is too strong to be controlled by
reason, you should imagine demerit and undesirable
character of the attached object. And if arrogance
appears, you must reflect your weak point and
imagine your conscience to bring modesty. If you
can’t control your greed, you must remind yourself
that there is a limit in material value. Ask “Why do I
have to make too much money as I can’t spend all?”

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A Message for Children
                  - As Universal Moral Ethics -
      Published on         February 28, 2011

      Author               Hitoshi Tsuchiyama

      Publisher            Hitoshi Tsuchiyama

© Copyright 2011, Hitoshi Tsuchiyama. All rights reserved.

                               Mind flow
                      Reality : Interdependence

                 Ignorance                  Wisdom

(Care for the happiness of yourself only)   (Care for the happiness of others)

    Self-centered mind :                          Reason (Altruism) :
    *Attachment                                   *Compassion
    *Arrogance                                    *Warm-
      reed                                        *Gentleness…

    Destructive emotion :                         Calm mind :
    *Anger, Hatred
    *Anger, Hatred                                *Peace of mind
    *Jealousy                                     *Friendship
    *Fear, Sorrow…
    *Fear, Sorrow…etc.                            *Cooperation…etc.

Negative motivation                           Positive motivation

   Negative karma                                Positive karma

  Negative consequence                                 Benefit

       Suffering                                    Happiness

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A Message for Children - As Universal Moral Ethics -

  • 1. A Message for Children - As Universal Moral Ethics - Hitoshi Tsuchiyama Action Speech Karma Body Thought (Motivation) Instinct & Emotion [Transformed] Reason (Compassion) Mind Emotion Instinct Spirit Smile Controller
  • 2. FOREWORD Do you know that human beings can’t be happy only by ‘intelligence’ and ‘money’? As intelligence or money alone brings suspicion, anxiety, anger, hatred, jealousy, frustration and extremely competitive feeling. It means that present education of science and technology at schools is not enough to make people happy. If you really want to be happy, you need ‘compassion’ in addition to intelligence and money. Because intelligence or money brings us physical comfort and compassion brings us mental comfort. And we need both of them in a perfect harmony. If we practice compassion, we gain calm mind and normal function of intelligence. But if we make bad use of intelligence in anger or with hatred, tragedies such as war and violence occur. We can learn intelligence through classes at school, however we can not learn compassionate mind at school. Of course, we may learn compassionate mind spontaneously by developing human relations’ skill 1
  • 3. through home training or extracurricular activities at school. However, if we are not lucky enough to have such a wonderful opportunity, it is very difficult to understand the importance of compassion because today is the times when only material value or economic value (money) is likely to be welcomed. So, many people including adults have not learned compassion yet even though spiritual value or inner value should be given the top priority in our life. Even if we study hard to have excellent academic background and get snobbish jobs such as an elite bureaucrat or employee, politician and entrepreneur, it is impossible to make a true success without compassion. Those who are intelligent but have not mastered compassion may succeed at the start but definitely make a serious mistake sometime after that. Because the lack of compassion means lack of inner strength due to lack of self-confidence, and also means lack of trust due to self-centered attitude. So there is no way to make success wherever and whatever one does. How wasteful it is! So, it is very 2
  • 4. important for us to master compassion as young as possible to avoid meaningless efforts in our life. Even nowadays many tragedies are occurring all over the world due to lack of compassion. For example, dictatorship, terrorism, global financial crisis and economic depression caused by American sub-prime loan problems, expanding gap of rich and poor, and in Japan, more than 30,000 suicides per year for 13 consecutive years and serious bullying at schools and power harassment at work. These are just a part of all tragedies and the real number must be uncountable. But these are all man-made problems, so we definitely can solve. I hope this book will be useful to decrease tragedies and increase happiness. February, 2011 Hitoshi Tsuchiyama 3
  • 5. CONTENTS FOREWORD 1 Chapter 1 Purpose of life and how to achieve it 8 (1)Why were you born? 8 (2)What is the purpose of life? 9 (3)What is happiness? 10 (4)Something really important 11 (5)What is true happiness? 12 (6)How to gain calm mind 13 Chapter 2 Structure of our Mind 14 (1)Break-even point of Mind flow 14 (2)Reason (Altruism) or Self-centered mind 15 (3)Calm mind or Destructive emotion 16 (4)Positive motivation or Negative motivation 17 (5)Positive karma or Negative karma 18 (6)Benefit or Negative consequence 18 (7)Happiness or Suffering 19 4
  • 6. Chapter 3 Framework of Mind and Body 20 (1)Varieties of Mind and its chain 20 (2)Varieties of Body and its chain 21 (3)Instinct 22 (4)Emotion 23 (5)Reason (Compassion) 24 (6)Self-centered mind (in case of weak reason) 25 (7)Thought (Motivation) 26 (8)Speech 27 (9)Action 28 (10)Remedy for self-centered mind -1- 29 (11)Remedy for self-centered mind -2- 30 Chapter 4 Control of Destructive Emotion 31 (1)Anger and Hatred 31 (2)Control of Anger and Hatred 32 (3)Concrete solutions for Anger and Hatred 33 (4)Solutions for Serious Tragedy 37 (5)Other Destructive Emotion 39 (6)The Miracle Antidote to Fear and Sorrow 40 (7)How to Control Destructive Emotion 41 5
  • 7. Chapter 5 Calm Mind 42 (1)Importance of Compassion 42 (2)Human being as Social animal 43 (3)Definition of Compassion 44 (4)Notes of Compassion 45 (5)Practice of Compassion 46 (6)Effects of Compassion 47 (7)Varieties of Compassion 50 APPENDICES (1)Mind Flow 52 (2)Effect of Compassion 53 (3)The Ultimate Reality of 'Interdependence' 55 AFTERWORD 57 6
  • 8. A Message for Children Children hildre - As Universal Moral Ethics - 7
  • 9. Chapter 1 Purpose of life and how to achieve it (1)Why were you born? Aren’t you worrying why you were born? It is natural not to be able to find the answer when you are young. You don’t have to worry about it. I have heard a following story; A boy has a memory of prior to birth. He was asked by someone before he was born “Which life do you choose, a hard life or an easy life?” “If you choose a hard life, you learn a lot but you suffer a lot. If you choose an easy life, you learn a little but you enjoy your life. ” He thought for a while and chose a hard life because he felt that leaning a lot was more valuable than learning a little. I heard he was born right after that Q&A session. 8
  • 10. (2)What is the purpose of life? It may be another difficult question. There must be a lot of adults who can’t answer to this question. Let’s think in easy way. Are there any people who want to suffer? Definitely, not. All of us want to be happy. There are good people and bad people. But nobody wants to suffer. Everybody wants to be happy. I think this is true. Even though the fields of the study and the work are different, all human beings are living for the same purpose which is to be happy. This is the human nature. There is also another view. We have no guarantee for our future. That’s why we need hope for our survival. Hope means happiness. Therefore happiness is our purpose of life. What do you think will happen if we lose our hope? That mental attitude will shorten our life. 9
  • 11. (3)What is happiness? Have you ever thought what is happiness? Suffering isn’t happiness, is it? Nobody disagrees to this. How about rich people? Do you think that rich people are always happy? Do you feel happy if you graduate from prestigious university and enter an excellent company? How about a famous professional baseball player or soccer player? You may feel happy for a short time but you can’t be really happy only by that. If you are very rich, you don’t have to work and can buy whatever you like and travel all over the world whenever you want. That’s great, isn’t it? If you become an elite businessman, you can earn a lot of money and feel good to see people envy you. If you become a famous professional sport player, you can feel great to be a hero. However, these are just physical matters or artificial social status. Do you see there are more important things in invisible mind which you can’t buy by money? 10
  • 12. (4)Something really important For example, can you buy true love, compassion and friendship by money? If it is a fake one, you can buy it but if it is a true one, you can’t buy it by money. Do you think if you can obtain calm mind or inner peace because of your healthy body? I don’t think so. I think you can obtain your healthy body because of your healthy mind. Do all professional sport players have calm mind or inner peace, for example? You can guess that the answer is no because there are professional sport players who are always irritated with bloodshot eyes. In fact, true love, compassion, friendship, calm mind and inner peace are important for our happiness. Even a billionaire can’t be happy because the person is always full of suspicion, anxiety, anger, hatred, jealousy and other uncomfortable feelings. The same thing can be said to a professional sport player with weak mind. 11
  • 13. (5)What is true happiness? Let’s summarize what we have analyzed so far. Do you agree that you need perfect harmony of physical comfort and mental comfort to feel happy? Physical comfort means that you have enough material or economic value such as money and goods for living. Mental comfort means that you have full of spiritual value or inner value such as calm mind and genuine friendship. Even if one of them is lacking, you can’t feel happy. Look at people around you. Do you think they are really happy? You must see many people working hard to make money only but seldom see people making effort to have calm mind and genuine friendship. Even though they are rich, they are not happy but suffering. Mercy on them! How silly they are not to be able to feel happy after hard work and efforts! You don’t want to be like them, do you? Why can’t they understand the importance of spiritual value? Nobody knows the true reason but I guess they believe only money value. 12
  • 14. (6)How to gain calm mind If you have full of destructive emotions such as anger, hatred, jealousy, fear and sorrow, you must be irritated and insecure. Furthermore, if you link these destructive emotions directly to thought, you will have negative motivation. And if you speak or act based on the negative motivation, violence or tragedy will occur and your destructive emotions will be amplified. So, you will have serious damages both mentally and physically and people around you will be also disturbed if this vicious circle continues for a long time. How can we control these destructive emotions? This is the first question. What should we do to gain calm mind? This is the second question. Because our mind is invisible, it’s much harder to be understood than the material value and we can’t take countermeasures to deal with it unless we understand the structure of our mind. That’s why we need to understand the structure of our mind in detail. 13
  • 15. Chapter 2 Structure of our Mind (1)Break-even point of Mind flow (Fork of happiness or suffering) Let’s check the mind flow first. We can see there are two main streams in the mind flow by observing the back cover of this book. One main stream is ‘the stream to happiness’ on the right and the other main stream is ‘the stream to suffering’ on the left. And it depends on whether the person understands the ultimate reality of ‘Interdependency’ or not to choose which way to go. By the way, is there anyone who thinks that living alone is possible? Can you build a house, produce foods and manufacture clothes from raw materials? There is nobody on the earth who can manage everything and be self-sufficient for survival alone. Therefore, everything on the earth exists by depending on others. Nobody can survive without having relation with others. It causes a big difference to understand this or not, as this is the fork of happiness or suffering. 14
  • 16. (2)Reason (Altruism) or Self-centered mind The attitude will be totally opposite whether the person understands “A human being can’t survive alone” or not. Those who understand this ultimate reality respect other people and materials and try to cooperate with others based on mutual trust. That’s why they can automatically take altruistic attitude to others. They always try to treat others with reason or altruistic attitude such as compassion, warm-heartedness, gentleness and kindness. To the contrary, those who can’t understand the ultimate reality have an illusion that they can survive alone and can’t see other people who really support their survival quite a lot. Therefore their mind or heart becomes so selfish that they care for the happiness of themselves only and don’t care for the happiness of others. So, they take actions with their self-centered attitude such as attachment, arrogance and greed. 15
  • 17. (3)Calm mind or Destructive emotion Mental state will be totally opposite whether the mind or heart is full of reason or full of selfishness. Those who always care for the happiness of others with warm-heartedness and think based on reason with full of gentleness can enjoy calm mind, peace of mind and inner peace. Moreover, the practice of compassion opens our inner door and enables us to have mutual trust with other people to make genuine friendship. To the contrary, those who have negative mind occupied with attachment, arrogance and greed suffer from their destructive emotions. These people are not satisfied unless everything goes just as they wanted and always keep destructive emotions such as anger, hatred, jealousy, fear and sorrow even though these emotions destroy calm mind of themselves and other people at the same time. Destructive emotions do you no good and much harm. 16
  • 18. (4)Positive motivation or Negative motivation Motivation is created based on our mental state or emotions. So, it depends on whether we have ‘Calm mind’ or ‘Destructive emotion’ to create positive motivation or negative motivation. A motivation created by our calm mind is always a positive motivation. It is natural that we create a positive motivation because the source of our calm mind is our sense of care for others’ happiness, warm-heart, gentleness and kindness. To the contrary, a motivation created by our destructive emotions is always a destructive or negative motivation. It is also natural that we create a negative motivation because the source of our destructive emotions is our self-centered selfishness which means that we care for our happiness only and don’t care for others’ happiness. 17
  • 19. (5)Positive karma or Negative karma Karma means action and there are verbal action and physical action. It depends on whether we have a ‘Positive motivation’ or a ‘Negative motivation’ to carry out a positive karma or a negative karma. If our action is based on our positive motivation, it automatically becomes a positive karma. And if our action is based on our negative motivation, it automatically becomes a negative karma. (6)Benefit or Negative consequence There is a proverb that says “A good cause brings a good effect and a bad cause brings a bad effect”. It exactly depends on whether our action is positive or negative to receive a benefit or negative consequence. It’s easy to understand that we receive a benefit if we take a positive action and we get negative consequences if we take a negative action. Anyway, the effects return to us right after the cause and in the long run. 18
  • 20. (7)Happiness or Suffering It exactly depends on whether we get positive effects or negative effects to have happiness or suffering in the end. It is very simple that we feel happy if we receive benefit and we suffer if we get negative consequences. In this way, there are two main streams in the mind flow. One main stream is ‘the stream to happiness’ and the other main stream is ‘the stream to suffering’. Which main stream do you want to choose? 19
  • 21. Chapter 3 Framework of Mind and Body (1)Varieties of Mind and its chain Let’s check the framework of mind and body more in details for the next step. If you observe the front cover of this book, you will see there are varieties of mind and body and also patterns of chain. The center of this picture is ‘Spirit’ which I think, is the source of mind even though it is not clarified in depth yet. ‘Instinct’ and ‘Emotion’ occur from Spirit spontaneously. Then we make ‘Reason’ occur consciously. When instinct or emotion is negative, we control it by Reason so that it will be transformed to be positive. Reason is like a water purification machine. 20
  • 22. (2)Varieties of Body and its chain Then ‘Mind’ links to ‘Thought’ (Motivation). What if our reason is too weak to control negative instinct or emotion? Our negative instinct or emotion will be automatically linked to our thought without being transformed to be positive. This is dangerous and risky. Because our Mind will be our Thought and our Motivation will turn out to be a ‘Speech’ or an ‘Action’. So, our mind will be our motivation through getting out from inner world to outer world so that other people may hear and see as speech and action. From here, you don’t have to understand the content well but in fact it is very important. Your speech, writing and all kinds of actions will be back to your ‘Spirit’ or ‘Soul’ and influence your mind in the future. This chain of mind and body is being found scientifically that it is controlled by the neurons ordered by our brain. But it is not completely clarified yet. 21
  • 23. (3)Instinct Let’s learn more about the framework of mind. Do you know what instinct is about? Basic human instinct is ‘Sleep desire’, ‘Appetite’ and ‘Sexual desire’ which are very important for our survival. If we don’t sleep or eat, we will definitely die. So, instinct spontaneously occurs and we can’t prevent it from occurring consciously. However we need to control it consciously by reason once it occurs, because it may cause a disturbance to others if we follow our instinct with self-centered attitude. For example, we must not steal goods displayed at a shop. Even if our instinct is satisfied, our satisfaction does not last for a long time and disappears shortly. But if we succeed in controlling our instinct by reason, we can keep our calm mental state for a long period. 22
  • 24. (4)Emotion Emotion also spontaneously occurs and we can’t prevent it from occurring consciously. Emotion is divided into positive emotion and destructive emotion. Positive emotion is emotion such as ‘Liveliness’, ‘Enthusiasm’, ‘Spiritedness’ and ‘Eagerness’. And destructive emotion is emotion such as ‘Anger’, ‘Hatred’, ‘Jealousy’, ‘Fear’ and ‘Sorrow’. Emotion is very important because it influences our thought and our thought creates our motivation and influences our speech and action. So, basically it is necessary for us to reduce or eliminate our destructive emotion by reason as soon as possible before it links to our thought. In fact, this destructive emotion is our real enemy and much tougher than human enemy. Because it brings us violence and tragedy if we think, speak and act based on the destructive emotion. However there seems to be an exception that anger is tentatively effective to protect ourselves from dangerous situation. 23
  • 25. (5)Reason (Compassion) Reason means Compassion which cares for others’ happiness and we make it occur consciously. There are many varieties of reason such as ‘Compassion’, ‘Warm-heart’, ‘Gentleness’, ‘Kindness’, ‘Tolerance’, ‘Forgiveness’, ‘Patience’, ‘‘Self-confidence’ (confidence to oneself, not pride), ‘Sincerity’, ‘Honesty’, ‘Appreciation’, ‘Respect’, ‘Trust’, ‘Modesty’, ‘Non-violence’ (No harm to others). Reason is vital to judge good or bad. Good means something which makes people happy and bad means something which makes people unhappy. Don’t forget this. If you have reason, you can judge what is right. And reason also plays an important role in controlling negative instinct and emotion. Reason enables us to prevent destructive emotion and mind from occurring as much as possible and to transform them to be positive even if they occur. I think ‘Mind’ or ’Heart’ means aggregation of instinct, emotion and reason. 24
  • 26. (6)Self-centered mind (in case of weak reason) In case our reason hasn’t been developed to mature level due to lack of wisdom, there is a risk that our inner space for reason is dominated by self-centered mind such as ‘Attachment’, ‘Arrogance’ and ‘Greed’. Wisdom is seeing the ultimate reality of ‘Interdependence’ which means “A human being can‘t survive alone”. These self-centered minds are protectors for our survival due to lack of wisdom. They are dangerous because they will prevent us from keeping calm mind and seeing the reality by their exaggeration of the positiveness of the object. Especially, attachment has artificial warm affection to yourself and looks respectful; however it turns out to be the source of anger once you dislike the object. In fact, immature love is one of attachment. “Love is blind”. You go straight on once you fall in love, but your love will change to anger right after you dislike little things of your partner’s attitude. The purpose of immature love isn’t for the happiness of your partner but for yourself. Please refer to (10) & (11) of this chapter for the remedy of self-centered mind. 25
  • 27. (7)Thought (Motivation) We also make our thought occur consciously and our thought has close relation to instinct, emotion and reason. There are two patterns of linkage. Direct link of instinct or emotion to thought is one and indirect link of instinct or emotion to thought after being controlled by reason is the other. The former is a case when your instinct or emotion is positive or your reason is weak. How dangerous it is to have weak reason! Destructive emotion creates destructive motivation. If your reason is well developed and performs control function, it is safe as all destructive instinct and emotion will be transformed to be positive before linking to thought. Positive thought will be a positive motivation to bring positive speech or action. Speech or action always appears based on the motivation, so it is recommendable to ask yourself if your motivation is positive. If your motivation is negative, you mustn’t speak or act based on the negative motivation to avoid harm to others and yourself. 26
  • 28. (8)Speech Speech is an expression of our thought by language based on our motivation and is not always equal to our motivation. We sometimes speak honestly but sometimes indirectly and exactly the opposite in extreme cases. In any case, we should not accept other’s speech without analyzing. We should make sure of other’s motivation or intention if it is positive (goodwill) or negative (ill will). 27
  • 29. (9)Action Action is an expression of our thought by act based on our motivation and is not always equal to our motivation like speech. We sometimes act honestly but sometimes differently and exactly the opposite in extreme cases. That is why we need to be careful to judge actions also. But action is much easier to analyze than speech because it finally appears as a visible act which shows the actor’s real motivation. We can easily imagine if actor’s motivation is positive or negative by observing the act. But if the person speaks beautiful things and acts exactly the opposite (in case of inconsistency of speech and action), we must be very careful to such a hypocrite as the motivation is definitely negative (ill will). I think ‘Karma’ means aggregation of thought, speech and action. And I believe that our growth as human beings is evolution and elevation of our whole personality, which means lowering impurity or raising purity of our spirit or soul which is the accumulation of our mind and karma. 28
  • 30. (10)Remedy for self-centered mind -1- Let’s think about the methods of how to transform our ‘self-centered mind’ to ‘altruistic mind’. In short, the cause of all negative or dirty minds is ignorance of the reality which is “A human being can’t survive alone”. Your self-centered arrogance of “I can survive alone” causes your self-centered mind or selfishness. If you are convinced from the bottom of your heart that your survival entirely depends on the rest of the community, you will never have self-centered mind. Instead, you will automatically respect other people and things and feel like cooperating each other for all of your survival. Then you come to treat others with reason such as compassion, warm-heartedness, gentleness, kindness. If someone who can’t understand this important reality really wants to master this wisdom, one solution could be a survival experience at an uninhibited island alone to see the ultimate reality of ‘Interdependence’. Actually a man experimented this but he gave up shortly. We are social animals. 29
  • 31. (11)Remedy for self-centered mind -2- Because self-centered mind also influences the thought and the thought influences the speech and action, it causes tragedy. So, in addition to (10)’s fundamental antidote, let’s think about another solution when self-centered mind arises. Reason is effective to transform your self-centered mind, just like the case of destructive emotion. When your self-centered mind arises and unpleasant feeling is about to develop, that’s the timing to tackle it. Ask yourself “What use is there if I fully develop anger?” The answer will be “No use, because too much anger does me no good and much harm.” If your attachment is too strong to be controlled by reason, you should imagine demerit and undesirable character of the attached object. And if arrogance appears, you must reflect your weak point and imagine your conscience to bring modesty. If you can’t control your greed, you must remind yourself that there is a limit in material value. Ask “Why do I have to make too much money as I can’t spend all?” 30
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  • 33. A Message for Children Childre hildr - As Universal Moral Ethics - --------------------------------------------------------------------- Published on February 28, 2011 Author Hitoshi Tsuchiyama Publisher Hitoshi Tsuchiyama ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- © Copyright 2011, Hitoshi Tsuchiyama. All rights reserved. 32
  • 34. flow Mind flow Reality : Interdependence Ignorance Wisdom (Care for the happiness of yourself only) (Care for the happiness of others) others) Self- Self-centered mind : Reason (Altruism) : *Attachment *Compassion *Arrogance *Warm- *Warm-heart *Greed… *Greed…etc. reed *Gentleness… *Gentleness…etc. Destructive emotion : Calm mind : *Anger, Hatred *Anger, Hatred *Peace of mind *Jealousy *Friendship *Fear, Sorrow… *Fear, Sorrow…etc. *Cooperation…etc. Cooperation… Negative motivation Positive motivation Negative karma Positive karma Negative consequence Benefit Suffering Happiness