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Dr. Odette Leh Caragos
Aiza Glor J. Saburnido
Being part of the graduate school program proved to be a
courageous step in creating a holistic and resilience version of myself.
Thankfully, we are empowered by our dedicated set of mentors who are
willing to exert extra effort in delivering quality of learning in
acknowledgement of CU’s appreciation of the practical realities and
therefor, more inclined towards fortifying our experience portfolio.
Indeed, fulfilling the promise of the university to mold students
into holistic individuals and total persons’ continues to be a constant
reminder to us to contribute our part in this reform. Besides, this vision
should entail the cooperation of the entire CU family and it should not be
the sole responsibility of our mentors.
With constant learning process, our course in Project Management
explores and emerge the different areas of the subject. Resiliency and
resourcefulness was taught into our course by our vibrant and dynamic
professor in order for us to understand our subject matter. Through
enough, we were immersed into real world learnings. Making impossible
things to possible and have a faith that as long as we believed in our
selves we can ace a project that other thinks it is impossible to achieve.
The journey of this subject is mind blowing but it was essential in our
pursuit of the university’s vision.
In the end, every student was a living proof of the university’s culture,
passion and future.
I would like to express my gratitude to my professor Doc. Odette Leh
Caragos for providing support and guidance. I got to learn a lot more about this
project especially the essence of being a Teacher. Teaching is all about sharing,
imparting knowledge, and experience to your students in enhancing and
unleashing potentials in every individual possess.
I would also like to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to my
friend Andrei one of the class adviser in business department, Sir Dante,
the school principal, academic personnel, and the student of business
administration department of Misamis Oriental Institute of Science and
Technology. I am very grateful for their support and guidance in
completing this project.
I am thankful to my parents as well. I was able to successfully
complete this project with the help of their guidance and support. Above
all, to our Almighty God, for being my compass and guide in every
endeavor of my life I honor your name in everything that I do!
The Project 8
Initiation 11
Project Planning 13
Execution 16
Control and Report 17
Project or Phase Close 20
Project Title 22
Participants 22
Amount Allocated 23
Date of Implementation 23
Rationale 23
Objectives 24
Expected Output 24
Program Content 25
Budget Requirements 27
Recommendation 27
Allocation of Resources 28
Monitoring and Control Method 29
Action Plan 30
Project Closure 33
Appendix A. Webinar Poster and Program 38
Appendix B. Certification of Speaker 39
Appendix C. Certification of Participants 40
Appendix D. Documentation during the Webinar 41
a. The Project Process
There are 5 process of project management namely:
Initiating process- This is the first stage where you compose an abstract
idea into a meaningful goal. You need to identify and clarify the project
goal and project scopes, who are the audience that play role in the
project. This part is very important stage in the project process because
you need to establish and clarifying the goal of the project for this will
serve as a guide in the direction of project success.
Planning process- This process requires diligence as it lay out the
project road map. It requires you to identify technical requirements,
developing a detailed project schedule, and creating a communication
plan. The project should be SMART specific, measurable, attainable,
realistic and timely.
Executing process- From the word executing this stage is the
implementing process and stages where your team does the actual
work. In executing my project this stage really requires carefully
monitoring the progress of the project by the means of cooperation and
collaboration of the people involved in the project. This ensures that
everyone stays on the same page and the project runs smoothly
without any issues.
Monitoring and controlling process- This stage where you need to ensure
that objective and project deliverables are met. In monitoring and
controlling process of my project, It requires to track the performance,
the effort and cost during the process. To ensure that the project
remains within the budget and to take a necessary action plan if
Closing process- This is the final process which indicates the end of the
project after the final delivery. The final task of this phase is to revive
the entire project complete a detailed report that covers every aspect of
the project. The PAHE technique is very helpful in this process you
need to plan, address, help and evaluate all necessary aspect in closing
the project in order to foresee necessary things that you need to
prevent to your next project and what are those technique and
strategies that you can apply also for your next project.
b. The Importance of Project Management Process
The importance of project management process is this process
will serve as your compass in achieving project success. Through this
process you are guided and directed in what to do to attain the goals
and objective of your project. However the success of project depends
on the accuracy of your plan. As long as you believe you can achieve it
“YOU CAN” by the means of cooperation and collaboration of each team
member project will surely achieve its goal.
c. Project Definition
A project is a sequence of task that you need to complete in order
to reach a specific outcome. And as project manager it’s your task to
delegate and empower your people to achieve that common goal. And it
can also define as a set of inputs and outputs required to achieve a
particular goal.
d. Project Management Definition
A project management on the other hand is the application of
methods, process, knowledge, skills and experience to attain specific
project objectives within agreed parameters according to the project
acceptance criteria. Project management have a finite timescale and
budget and has a constrained final deliverables.
a. Project Criticality
In doing the project there are certain challenges and risk that
you encounter along the process in implementing your project. As a
project manager you are responsible to manage how to prevent,
navigate and solve certain circumstances to ensure that the project is
completed within an agreed deadline to manage the duration of the
b. Project Type (Complexity)
Project complexity defined as factors that affect the standard
response or action taken to achieve the project outcomes. And there
are four type of complexity structural, technical, temporal, and
directional complexity this factors help to best understand and prevent
projects from failure.
c. Scope Statement
A scope statement is a tool used to describe the deliverables of a
project including the key milestones, requirements, assumptions, and
constraints. It provides the documented basis for making all project
decisions and is used to direct the project effort and communicate the
d. SMART Objectives
SMART objective is defined as a Specific, Measurable, Attainable,
Realistic and Timely. It helps in goal setting of your project to put in
place by parameters that bring structure and tractability of your
e. Project Charter
Project charter is a formal short document that describes your
project in it’s entirely. Project charter helps your project define your
project objective, how it should be carried out who are your
stakeholders. And it is a crucial ingredient in planning your project
because it is used throughout the project lifecycle.
f. Sponsors
Those are the group of people who provide support and resources
of the project. This people play a significant role in achieving the
success of my project.
g. Stakeholders
Those are the people that are impacted by the outcome of your
project. It can be within or outside the organization that have the same
interest in the success of the project. Stakeholders help your project to
understand where to invest your resources to ensure the you’re talking
to the right people, at the right time.
h. Requirements
These are the condition or a group of task that you need to
accomplish to finish the project successfully. Requirements help my
project in aligning the project resources with its objective and it provide
a clear picture of the task that needs to be done.
a. Project Planning Checklist
Project planning checklist identifies all project
requirements. Dividing each requirement into component
deliverables. Outlining all tasks required to complete
deliverables. Estimating the time required to complete each task.
b. Kick-Off Meeting
A project kick-off meeting is the first meeting with the project team
and the client of the project where applicable. This meeting is the time to
establish common goals and the purpose of the project. Your kick-off is
an opportunity to orient the team to the work at hand, decide how
everyone will work together, and establish common project goals and
check-ins. Think about discussing things like how you’ll communicate,
how often you’ll meet, what the timeline is, and what could slow the
project down and how to avoid that.
c. Work-Breakdown Structure
A method for completing a complex multi-step project. It’s a way
of divide and conquers large projects to get things done faster and more
efficient. This is very important in implementing the project for a
reason this will plan the schedule of your project and it provides an
overall plan so that the project manager can see how the project should
progress and manage the workflow appropriately.
d. Network Diagram
It is a flowchart that illustrates the order in which you perform
project activities. Network diagram helps in planning process of my
project by giving me chance to try out different strategies and before
performing the project. It encompasses the time you need for a project
the sequence and the duration.
e. Gantt chart
A Gantt chart is a project management tool assisting in the
planning and scheduling of projects of all sizes, although they are
particularly useful for simplifying complex projects. The Gantt chart
helps to monitor the progress of my project.
f. Managing Risks
As a project manager when you
start planning the process for a
project one of the first things you
need to consider is the “RISK” along
the journey. You need to identify,
analyzed and respond to any risk
that arises over the life cycle of a project. Three things to consider
prevent, navigate and solve. How are you going to prevent risk along
the process, how to navigate the risk from spreading and lastly how to
solve the risk this help the project remain on track and meet its goal.
g. Teams
The project team is the group of people responsible for executing
the tasks and producing deliverables outlined in the project plan and
Schedule. Your project team will be you’re allied in accomplishing the
project. Through team works everything works as the saying says.
Through cooperation and collaboration of your project team everything is
possible to achieve the project success.
a. Conflicts
A conflict is a situation when the interests, needs, goals or values
of the project stakeholders interfere with one another. As project
manager it is very essential to see conflict that arises along
implementing my project and think it is as opportunities to grow and to
move the project forward toward delivery.
b. Managing Changes in Projects
Nothing is constant in this world except change. There are
certain situations beyond our control and all we have to do is to move
along with it. In managing changes in projects resiliency and
communication is the key. Proper communication of delegating
changes to your team members should be observe and as leader of the
team you need to be resilient be open about changes go outside the
status que.
c. Resistance to Change
There is no such a perfect organization and we need to accept that not
All the people working in the organization are welling to adopt change.
In addressing those people who are resistant to change you need to
identify the reason behind those resistances and provide a solution.
When people don’t understand the process they usually assume
something bad educate them let them be inform and understand the
benefits of the changes of the project.
d. How to Influence Others?
For me, you need to practice what you preach and you should
lead with example. As a person we have principles and value that
shape us of we are today. You need to stand of the principles that you
believe in no matter what circumstances that comes along way. And
lastly in order to empower people you should have a wide ear to listen.
You should listen to your people not to reply but to understand.
a. Communication
Communication plays a vital rule in achieving the project
success. As a project manager you need to create an open
communication environment in achieving the project success of the
organization. Communicating relevant information is essential in using
controls effectively. To help improve the process of the project
remembers to evaluate the quality of information and communication
system it should be reliable, must be identified, documented and
shared for a significant activity or process.
b. Listening
As they say a good leader is also a good listener. In doing the
project it is very important to learn how to be an empathic listener or
active listener in order to develop better relationship to your team
member, get the root of issues effectively and win people trust and
c. Reporting
Reporting refers to providing a high-level overview that offers the
critical data the project generates in a simple, easy-to-use format. In
implementing my project it is very essential to project management
success since it provides a window into what's happening and what to do
about it for the entire team like in how to track current progress of the
project and compare it against the original plan. You will able to identify
the risk early on and take corrective action.
d. Managing Delays
Project delays can lead to project failure and this is the most
common problems in implementing your project. In managing delays in
your project you need to communicate and strategize in addressing the
causes of delays, you need to prioritize task to accomplish and lastly
set new deadlines to overcome the delayed project.
e. Escalation
There are certain circumstances that beyond our control the best
thing to do is avoid getting personal and refrain from finger pointing.
Instead take an action to solve the problem first is being prepared,
assess and qualify the risk, communicate the escalation and follow up.
Proper communication will reduce misunderstanding and important
thing to do is to create an action plan to resolve the escalation.
f. Negotiating Rational Delays
The best way to handle project delays is to see them coming before
they actually do happen, tackling the cause and avoiding interruptions.
Although this is sadly easier said than done, you can still anticipate
"expected" delays and do something about them at the planning stage.
The project delays are inevitable. They can happen for a number of
reasons, but the important thing is not why they occur – it's how you
handle them and keep your project on course.
g. Team Meetings
A project meeting is an effective way to disseminate
information and communicate with the project team and stakeholders.
The purpose of the project meeting is to arrive at decisions that result in
completed projects that meet their requirements and goals, on time and
The Project Closure Phase is the fourth and last phase in the
project life cycle. Project Closure involves handing over the deliverables
to your customer, passing the documentation to the business, cancelling
supplier contracts, releasing staff and equipment, and informing
stakeholders of the closure of the project. And this are the things that
you need to do in bringing you project to closure. You plan for a
successful project completion. You handle administrative issues. You
provide a smooth transition for team members and lastly you need to do
the post project evaluation. This technique will bring success to your
project closure.
Chapter II: The Project
I. Project Title: “A LEADER IN ME webinar”
Imagine, Inspire, and Lead.
Unleashing leadership potentials
among Business Students of
III. Amount Allocated: Free Webinar
IV. Date of Implementation: January 04, 2022
V. Rationale:
Leadership is about the art of motivating, influencing, and
directing people so that they work together to achieve the goals of a team
or broader organization. It’s important for students to experience
leadership opportunities during their schooling, to learn the art of
building relationships within teams, defining identities, and achieving
tasks effectively. It also provides an opportunity to learn to identify and
display effective communication and interpersonal skills.
A LEADER IN ME webinar empower student with the leadership
and life skills they need to thrive in the 21st century. It will teach the
students learn how to become self-reliant, take initiative, plan ahead, set
and track goals, do their homework, prioritize their time, manage their
emotions, be considerate of others, express their viewpoint persuasively,
resolve conflicts, find creative solutions, value differences, and live a
balanced life. The process helps students develop the skills and self-
confidence they need to lead their lives and succeed in school and
These students of Business Administration Department of Misamis
Oriental Institute of Science and Technology are the future leaders of or
society it is very vital for their young age to educate and empower
leadership skills. For it is a skill for life, and we ensure all students have
regular opportunities to be involved and strengthen their skills. For each
one of us possesses uniqueness and has the ability to be a leader.
VI. Objectives:
The webinar adheres to the following objectives:
a. The participants will be able to learned and develop best practices
of being a leader.
b. The participants will be able to learn life skills such as leadership,
responsibility, accountability, problem solving, adaptability and
effective communication.
c. Empower students and develop better understanding about
leadership skills and confidence they need to lead their lives and
succeed in school and beyond.
VII. Expected Output:
The following are the expected output after the event:
a. To gather business administration students in Misamis Oriental
Institute of Science and Technology to participate in “A Leader in
Me” webinar.
b. The participants understand and learn how to apply their
knowledge to motivate, guide and influence other people, their co-
students and create a common language and culture within the
c. A Leader in Me webinar started to impact the life of students, their
families and the community at large. A key ingredient to
successfully creating positive change in a school.
VIII. Program Content:
Target Date: January 4, 2022
Location: Online
A two hours webinar about leadership in titled “A Leader in Me” Imagine,
Inspire and lead. Unleashing Leadership Potential among Business
Students in Misamis Oriental Institute of Science and Technology.
Activity Ven
Time Materials
Expected Output Person
Part I:
TBA 9:00-
 Prayer & National
 Opening
 Introduction of
the speaker
Part II:
n and
TBA 10:00
 Presentation and
Discussion of the
 Q&A The
participant is
allowed to asked
question about
the topic
discussed in the
 Leadership
Part III:
TBA 10:30
 Awarding of
 Closing remarks
 Picture taking
IX. Budget Requirement:
Free Webinar
X. Recommendation:
Every child possesses unique strengths and has the ability to be a
leader which shapes the views, values that develop the wholeness of a
person. As a facilitator of learning it’s our responsibility to help students
to see what they don’t see in themselves, by unleashing the leadership
potential that each individual possess. By the help of the principal, the
faculty and staff, the dean and instructor of the Misamis Oriental
Institute of Science and Technology with their approval and support we
empower future leaders to unleash their leadership skills and potential
to lead in our future generation.
Project Name Project
Project start Date Project End Date
“A LEADER IN ME webinar”
Imagine, Inspire, and Lead.
Unleashing leadership potentials
among business Students of
25 January 4, 2022 January 4, 2022
Task Description Task Duration Start dates End Dates
1 Submission and Approval of
Project Proposed
3 December 11, 2021 December 14, 2021
2 Information Dissemination 10 December 15, 2021 December 25, 2021
3 Implementation of the project 1 January 4, 2022 January 4, 2022
4 Collecting data and
documentation of the project.
2 January 4, 2022 January 6, 2022
A Leader in Me Webinar
a. The participants will be able to learned and develop best practices of being a leader.
b. The participants will be able to learn life skills such as leadership, responsibility, accountability, problem
solving, adaptability and effective communication.
c. Empower students and develop better understanding about leadership skills and confidence they need to lead
their lives and succeed in school and beyond.
Task 1
Submission and
Approval of project
Task 2
Task 3
Implementation of the project
Task 4
Collecting data and
documentation of
the project.
Task 1.1
Crafting of project
Task 1.2
Submission of the
project proposal for
validation and
Task 2.1
Dissemination of
Information to the
participant and
school personnel.
Using social media
platforms like
Task 3.1
 Opening
 Discussion
and Q&A of
the topic
 Closing
Task 4.1
Collecting the data
of the participant
and documentation
of the project.
Task Person
Start date Due date Required resource Potential
1. Submission and approval of project proposal
Creating of the project
proposal, revising,
budgeting. Aiza Glor J.
11, 2021
14, 2021
Laptop and Internet
Disapproval of
the professor
and multiplicity
of methodology.
Submission of the project
to the school principal,
dean of the college of
business administration
and school personnel for
College of
faculty and
staff of Misamis
Institute of
Science and
11, 2021
14, 2021
Laptop and Internet
Disapproval of
the professor
and multiplicity
of methodology.
2. Information Dissemination
Disseminating of
information to the school
principal, dean of the College of
Bus. Ad
December December Laptop, Internet
college of business
administration and school
- Posting of
Information through
social media.
Facebook, email,
poster etc.
Faculty and
Staff of MOIST
15, 2021 25, 2021 Cellphone problem and
3. Implementation of the project
Opening Program
- Prayer and national
- Opening Remarks
- Introduction of the
Maris Jorgen
January 4,
Headset, Laptop, and
internet connection
problem due to
bad weather and
number of
Discussion and Question
and Answer Portion
- Motivational Video
- Lead in photo
towards topic
- Presentation and
Aiza Glor J.
January 4,
Headset, Laptop, and
internet connection
problem due to
bad weather and
number of
discussion of the
- Question and Answer
regarding on the
topic of webinar.
- Leadership Activity
Closing Program
- Awarding of
- Closing remarks
- Picture taking
Maris Jorgen
January 4,
Headset, Laptop, and
internet connection
problem due to
bad weather and
number of
4. Collecting data and documentation of the project.
Collecting data from the
participant and
documentation for the
record of the school.
Aiza Glor J.
January 4,
January 6,
Google Forms Participants
Unable to
Project Name: “A LEADER IN ME webinar” Imagine, Inspire, and
Lead. Unleashing leadership potentials among
Date: JANUARY 4, 2022
The purpose of the Project closure documents is to confirm
completion of the project and authorize the handoff from project
1. Project Description
A two hours webinar about leadership in titled “A Leader in Me”
Imagine, Inspire and lead. Unleashing Leadership Potential among
Business Students in Misamis Oriental Institute of Science and
2. Scope Statement
The project was expected to:
a. To gather business administration students in Misamis
Oriental Institute of Science and Technology to participate in
“A Leader in Me” webinar.
b. The participants understand and learn how to apply their
knowledge to motivate, guide and influence other people,
their co-students and create a common language and culture
within the school.
c. A Leader in Me webinar started to impact the life of students,
their families and the community at large. A key ingredient
to successfully creating positive change in a school.
3. Project Accomplishments
The project is expected to accomplish the following:
a. The participants will be able to learned and develop best
practices of being a leader.
b. The participants will be able to learn life skills such as
leadership, responsibility, accountability, problem solving,
adaptability and effective communication.
c. Empower students and develop better understanding about
leadership skills and confidence they need to lead their lives
and succeed in school and beyond.
4. Project Milestones
5. Financial Summary
Free Webinar
6. Lesson Learned
In the formulation and implementation of the project, the
following lesson, as a form of evaluation can be noted:
Milestone Target Date Completed Date
1. Submission and Approval
of Project Proposed
December 11,
December 14,
2. Information
December 15,
December 25,
3. Implementation of the
January 4,
January 4, 2022
4. Collecting data and
documentation of the
January 4,
January 6, 2022
a. Proper communication with the project implementer and
respective individual who plays important role on
implementing the project.
b. Any changes of the format, date and process of the project
should communicate directly to avoid conflicts.
c. Consider the stability of the internet access of the
participant their maybe some unpredictable circumstance
may arise like bad weather condition.
d. Conducting webinar especially during this pandemic is one
of the safest effective ways to educate and convey
information to your audience.
7. Project Manager Comments
Knowledge will never be a power if not imparted and shared to
others. As a facilitator of learning it was an honor and a privilege to
impart the learnings that I gain throughout the years and shared an
experience that will help other people in their respective in devours
in life as well.
Due to the pandemic that we are experiencing right now
technology creates an essay and accessible way to interact and
convey information to your learners. Through this project it helps us
to be more innovative and creative to think outside of the status que
without limitation.
There may be challenges and trials that I encounter
throughout this project but I highly believed that this project will
help young generation and future leaders in our nation in
unleashing their potential and set of skills to become a leader that
will contribute growth and prosperity in our country.
Webinar Poster Program
Certification of the Speaker
Certification of Participants
Documentation during the Webinar

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A LEADER IN ME Webinar A Project Management Final Output

  • 1. 1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT CLASS SUBMITTED TO: Dr. Odette Leh Caragos Professor SUBMITTED BY: Aiza Glor J. Saburnido DM-1
  • 2. 2 FOREWORD Being part of the graduate school program proved to be a courageous step in creating a holistic and resilience version of myself. Thankfully, we are empowered by our dedicated set of mentors who are willing to exert extra effort in delivering quality of learning in acknowledgement of CU’s appreciation of the practical realities and therefor, more inclined towards fortifying our experience portfolio. Indeed, fulfilling the promise of the university to mold students into holistic individuals and total persons’ continues to be a constant reminder to us to contribute our part in this reform. Besides, this vision should entail the cooperation of the entire CU family and it should not be the sole responsibility of our mentors. With constant learning process, our course in Project Management explores and emerge the different areas of the subject. Resiliency and resourcefulness was taught into our course by our vibrant and dynamic professor in order for us to understand our subject matter. Through enough, we were immersed into real world learnings. Making impossible things to possible and have a faith that as long as we believed in our selves we can ace a project that other thinks it is impossible to achieve. The journey of this subject is mind blowing but it was essential in our pursuit of the university’s vision.
  • 3. 3 In the end, every student was a living proof of the university’s culture, passion and future.
  • 4. 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my gratitude to my professor Doc. Odette Leh Caragos for providing support and guidance. I got to learn a lot more about this project especially the essence of being a Teacher. Teaching is all about sharing, imparting knowledge, and experience to your students in enhancing and unleashing potentials in every individual possess. I would also like to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to my friend Andrei one of the class adviser in business department, Sir Dante, the school principal, academic personnel, and the student of business administration department of Misamis Oriental Institute of Science and Technology. I am very grateful for their support and guidance in completing this project. I am thankful to my parents as well. I was able to successfully complete this project with the help of their guidance and support. Above all, to our Almighty God, for being my compass and guide in every endeavor of my life I honor your name in everything that I do!
  • 5. 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 4 CHAPTER I: PROJECT CYCLE The Project 8 Initiation 11 Project Planning 13 Execution 16 Control and Report 17 Project or Phase Close 20 CHAPTER II: THE PROJECT Project Title 22 Participants 22 Amount Allocated 23 Date of Implementation 23 Rationale 23 Objectives 24 Expected Output 24 Program Content 25 Budget Requirements 27 Recommendation 27 Allocation of Resources 28 Monitoring and Control Method 29 Action Plan 30
  • 6. 6 Project Closure 33 APPENDICES Appendix A. Webinar Poster and Program 38 Appendix B. Certification of Speaker 39 Appendix C. Certification of Participants 40 Appendix D. Documentation during the Webinar 41
  • 8. 8 CHAPTER I: PROJECT CYCLE 1. THE PROJECT a. The Project Process There are 5 process of project management namely: Initiating process- This is the first stage where you compose an abstract idea into a meaningful goal. You need to identify and clarify the project goal and project scopes, who are the audience that play role in the project. This part is very important stage in the project process because you need to establish and clarifying the goal of the project for this will serve as a guide in the direction of project success. Planning process- This process requires diligence as it lay out the project road map. It requires you to identify technical requirements, developing a detailed project schedule, and creating a communication
  • 9. 9 plan. The project should be SMART specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. Executing process- From the word executing this stage is the implementing process and stages where your team does the actual work. In executing my project this stage really requires carefully monitoring the progress of the project by the means of cooperation and collaboration of the people involved in the project. This ensures that everyone stays on the same page and the project runs smoothly without any issues. Monitoring and controlling process- This stage where you need to ensure that objective and project deliverables are met. In monitoring and controlling process of my project, It requires to track the performance, the effort and cost during the process. To ensure that the project remains within the budget and to take a necessary action plan if needed. Closing process- This is the final process which indicates the end of the project after the final delivery. The final task of this phase is to revive the entire project complete a detailed report that covers every aspect of the project. The PAHE technique is very helpful in this process you need to plan, address, help and evaluate all necessary aspect in closing
  • 10. 10 the project in order to foresee necessary things that you need to prevent to your next project and what are those technique and strategies that you can apply also for your next project. b. The Importance of Project Management Process The importance of project management process is this process will serve as your compass in achieving project success. Through this process you are guided and directed in what to do to attain the goals and objective of your project. However the success of project depends on the accuracy of your plan. As long as you believe you can achieve it “YOU CAN” by the means of cooperation and collaboration of each team member project will surely achieve its goal. c. Project Definition A project is a sequence of task that you need to complete in order to reach a specific outcome. And as project manager it’s your task to delegate and empower your people to achieve that common goal. And it can also define as a set of inputs and outputs required to achieve a particular goal. d. Project Management Definition
  • 11. 11 A project management on the other hand is the application of methods, process, knowledge, skills and experience to attain specific project objectives within agreed parameters according to the project acceptance criteria. Project management have a finite timescale and budget and has a constrained final deliverables. 2. INITIATION a. Project Criticality In doing the project there are certain challenges and risk that you encounter along the process in implementing your project. As a project manager you are responsible to manage how to prevent, navigate and solve certain circumstances to ensure that the project is completed within an agreed deadline to manage the duration of the task. b. Project Type (Complexity) Project complexity defined as factors that affect the standard response or action taken to achieve the project outcomes. And there are four type of complexity structural, technical, temporal, and directional complexity this factors help to best understand and prevent projects from failure. c. Scope Statement
  • 12. 12 A scope statement is a tool used to describe the deliverables of a project including the key milestones, requirements, assumptions, and constraints. It provides the documented basis for making all project decisions and is used to direct the project effort and communicate the project. d. SMART Objectives SMART objective is defined as a Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely. It helps in goal setting of your project to put in place by parameters that bring structure and tractability of your project. e. Project Charter Project charter is a formal short document that describes your project in it’s entirely. Project charter helps your project define your project objective, how it should be carried out who are your stakeholders. And it is a crucial ingredient in planning your project because it is used throughout the project lifecycle. f. Sponsors Those are the group of people who provide support and resources of the project. This people play a significant role in achieving the
  • 13. 13 success of my project. g. Stakeholders Those are the people that are impacted by the outcome of your project. It can be within or outside the organization that have the same interest in the success of the project. Stakeholders help your project to understand where to invest your resources to ensure the you’re talking to the right people, at the right time. h. Requirements These are the condition or a group of task that you need to accomplish to finish the project successfully. Requirements help my project in aligning the project resources with its objective and it provide a clear picture of the task that needs to be done. 3. PROJECT PLANNING a. Project Planning Checklist Project planning checklist identifies all project requirements. Dividing each requirement into component deliverables. Outlining all tasks required to complete deliverables. Estimating the time required to complete each task. b. Kick-Off Meeting
  • 14. 14 A project kick-off meeting is the first meeting with the project team and the client of the project where applicable. This meeting is the time to establish common goals and the purpose of the project. Your kick-off is an opportunity to orient the team to the work at hand, decide how everyone will work together, and establish common project goals and check-ins. Think about discussing things like how you’ll communicate, how often you’ll meet, what the timeline is, and what could slow the project down and how to avoid that. c. Work-Breakdown Structure A method for completing a complex multi-step project. It’s a way of divide and conquers large projects to get things done faster and more efficient. This is very important in implementing the project for a reason this will plan the schedule of your project and it provides an overall plan so that the project manager can see how the project should progress and manage the workflow appropriately. d. Network Diagram It is a flowchart that illustrates the order in which you perform project activities. Network diagram helps in planning process of my project by giving me chance to try out different strategies and before performing the project. It encompasses the time you need for a project
  • 15. 15 the sequence and the duration. e. Gantt chart A Gantt chart is a project management tool assisting in the planning and scheduling of projects of all sizes, although they are particularly useful for simplifying complex projects. The Gantt chart helps to monitor the progress of my project. f. Managing Risks As a project manager when you start planning the process for a project one of the first things you need to consider is the “RISK” along the journey. You need to identify, analyzed and respond to any risk that arises over the life cycle of a project. Three things to consider prevent, navigate and solve. How are you going to prevent risk along the process, how to navigate the risk from spreading and lastly how to solve the risk this help the project remain on track and meet its goal. g. Teams The project team is the group of people responsible for executing the tasks and producing deliverables outlined in the project plan and
  • 16. 16 Schedule. Your project team will be you’re allied in accomplishing the project. Through team works everything works as the saying says. Through cooperation and collaboration of your project team everything is possible to achieve the project success. 4. EXECUTION a. Conflicts A conflict is a situation when the interests, needs, goals or values of the project stakeholders interfere with one another. As project manager it is very essential to see conflict that arises along implementing my project and think it is as opportunities to grow and to move the project forward toward delivery. b. Managing Changes in Projects Nothing is constant in this world except change. There are certain situations beyond our control and all we have to do is to move along with it. In managing changes in projects resiliency and communication is the key. Proper communication of delegating changes to your team members should be observe and as leader of the team you need to be resilient be open about changes go outside the status que. c. Resistance to Change
  • 17. 17 There is no such a perfect organization and we need to accept that not All the people working in the organization are welling to adopt change. In addressing those people who are resistant to change you need to identify the reason behind those resistances and provide a solution. When people don’t understand the process they usually assume something bad educate them let them be inform and understand the benefits of the changes of the project. d. How to Influence Others? For me, you need to practice what you preach and you should lead with example. As a person we have principles and value that shape us of we are today. You need to stand of the principles that you believe in no matter what circumstances that comes along way. And lastly in order to empower people you should have a wide ear to listen. You should listen to your people not to reply but to understand. 5. CONTROL AND REPORT a. Communication Communication plays a vital rule in achieving the project success. As a project manager you need to create an open
  • 18. 18 communication environment in achieving the project success of the organization. Communicating relevant information is essential in using controls effectively. To help improve the process of the project remembers to evaluate the quality of information and communication system it should be reliable, must be identified, documented and shared for a significant activity or process. b. Listening As they say a good leader is also a good listener. In doing the project it is very important to learn how to be an empathic listener or active listener in order to develop better relationship to your team member, get the root of issues effectively and win people trust and confidence. c. Reporting Reporting refers to providing a high-level overview that offers the critical data the project generates in a simple, easy-to-use format. In implementing my project it is very essential to project management success since it provides a window into what's happening and what to do about it for the entire team like in how to track current progress of the project and compare it against the original plan. You will able to identify
  • 19. 19 the risk early on and take corrective action. d. Managing Delays Project delays can lead to project failure and this is the most common problems in implementing your project. In managing delays in your project you need to communicate and strategize in addressing the causes of delays, you need to prioritize task to accomplish and lastly set new deadlines to overcome the delayed project. e. Escalation There are certain circumstances that beyond our control the best thing to do is avoid getting personal and refrain from finger pointing. Instead take an action to solve the problem first is being prepared, assess and qualify the risk, communicate the escalation and follow up. Proper communication will reduce misunderstanding and important thing to do is to create an action plan to resolve the escalation. f. Negotiating Rational Delays The best way to handle project delays is to see them coming before they actually do happen, tackling the cause and avoiding interruptions. Although this is sadly easier said than done, you can still anticipate "expected" delays and do something about them at the planning stage. The project delays are inevitable. They can happen for a number of
  • 20. 20 reasons, but the important thing is not why they occur – it's how you handle them and keep your project on course. g. Team Meetings A project meeting is an effective way to disseminate information and communicate with the project team and stakeholders. The purpose of the project meeting is to arrive at decisions that result in completed projects that meet their requirements and goals, on time and onbudget. 6. PROJECT OR PHASE CLOSE The Project Closure Phase is the fourth and last phase in the project life cycle. Project Closure involves handing over the deliverables to your customer, passing the documentation to the business, cancelling supplier contracts, releasing staff and equipment, and informing stakeholders of the closure of the project. And this are the things that you need to do in bringing you project to closure. You plan for a successful project completion. You handle administrative issues. You provide a smooth transition for team members and lastly you need to do the post project evaluation. This technique will bring success to your project closure.
  • 22. 22 Chapter II: The Project I. Project Title: “A LEADER IN ME webinar” Imagine, Inspire, and Lead. Unleashing leadership potentials among Business Students of MISAMIS ORIENTAL INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. II. Participants: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION STUDENTS OF MISAMIS ORIENTAL INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
  • 23. 23 III. Amount Allocated: Free Webinar IV. Date of Implementation: January 04, 2022 V. Rationale: Leadership is about the art of motivating, influencing, and directing people so that they work together to achieve the goals of a team or broader organization. It’s important for students to experience leadership opportunities during their schooling, to learn the art of building relationships within teams, defining identities, and achieving tasks effectively. It also provides an opportunity to learn to identify and display effective communication and interpersonal skills. A LEADER IN ME webinar empower student with the leadership and life skills they need to thrive in the 21st century. It will teach the students learn how to become self-reliant, take initiative, plan ahead, set and track goals, do their homework, prioritize their time, manage their emotions, be considerate of others, express their viewpoint persuasively, resolve conflicts, find creative solutions, value differences, and live a balanced life. The process helps students develop the skills and self- confidence they need to lead their lives and succeed in school and beyond.
  • 24. 24 These students of Business Administration Department of Misamis Oriental Institute of Science and Technology are the future leaders of or society it is very vital for their young age to educate and empower leadership skills. For it is a skill for life, and we ensure all students have regular opportunities to be involved and strengthen their skills. For each one of us possesses uniqueness and has the ability to be a leader. VI. Objectives: The webinar adheres to the following objectives: a. The participants will be able to learned and develop best practices of being a leader. b. The participants will be able to learn life skills such as leadership, responsibility, accountability, problem solving, adaptability and effective communication. c. Empower students and develop better understanding about leadership skills and confidence they need to lead their lives and succeed in school and beyond. VII. Expected Output: The following are the expected output after the event:
  • 25. 25 a. To gather business administration students in Misamis Oriental Institute of Science and Technology to participate in “A Leader in Me” webinar. b. The participants understand and learn how to apply their knowledge to motivate, guide and influence other people, their co- students and create a common language and culture within the school. c. A Leader in Me webinar started to impact the life of students, their families and the community at large. A key ingredient to successfully creating positive change in a school. VIII. Program Content: Target Date: January 4, 2022 Location: Online Description: A two hours webinar about leadership in titled “A Leader in Me” Imagine, Inspire and lead. Unleashing Leadership Potential among Business Students in Misamis Oriental Institute of Science and Technology.
  • 26. 26 Activity Ven ue Time Materials Needed Expected Output Person /s Involv ed Part I: Opening Program TBA 9:00- 9:30  Prayer & National Anthem  Opening Remarks  Introduction of the speaker TBA Part II: Discussio n and Question and Answer Portion TBA 10:00 - 10:30  Presentation and Discussion of the Topic.  Q&A The participant is allowed to asked question about the topic discussed in the webinar.  Leadership Activity TBA Part III: Closing Program TBA 10:30 - 11:00  Awarding of Certificates  Closing remarks  Picture taking TBA
  • 27. 27 IX. Budget Requirement: Free Webinar X. Recommendation: Every child possesses unique strengths and has the ability to be a leader which shapes the views, values that develop the wholeness of a person. As a facilitator of learning it’s our responsibility to help students to see what they don’t see in themselves, by unleashing the leadership potential that each individual possess. By the help of the principal, the faculty and staff, the dean and instructor of the Misamis Oriental Institute of Science and Technology with their approval and support we empower future leaders to unleash their leadership skills and potential to lead in our future generation. .
  • 28. ALLOCATION OF RESOURCES Project Name Project duration Project start Date Project End Date “A LEADER IN ME webinar” Imagine, Inspire, and Lead. Unleashing leadership potentials among business Students of MISAMIS ORIENTAL INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 25 January 4, 2022 January 4, 2022 Task ID No. Task Description Task Duration Start dates End Dates 1 Submission and Approval of Project Proposed 3 December 11, 2021 December 14, 2021 2 Information Dissemination 10 December 15, 2021 December 25, 2021 3 Implementation of the project 1 January 4, 2022 January 4, 2022 4 Collecting data and documentation of the project. 2 January 4, 2022 January 6, 2022
  • 29. 29 MONITORING AND COTROL METHOD WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE for A Leader in Me Webinar OBJECTIVES a. The participants will be able to learned and develop best practices of being a leader. b. The participants will be able to learn life skills such as leadership, responsibility, accountability, problem solving, adaptability and effective communication. c. Empower students and develop better understanding about leadership skills and confidence they need to lead their lives and succeed in school and beyond. Task 1 Submission and Approval of project proposal Task 2 Information Dissemination Task 3 Implementation of the project Task 4 Collecting data and documentation of the project. Task 1.1 Crafting of project proposal Task 1.2 Submission of the project proposal for validation and approval Task 2.1 Dissemination of Information to the participant and school personnel. Using social media platforms like Facebook. Task 3.1  Opening program  Discussion and Q&A of the topic  Closing program Task 4.1 Collecting the data of the participant and documentation of the project.
  • 30. 30 ACTION PLAN Task Person Involved Start date Due date Required resource Potential blockers 1. Submission and approval of project proposal Creating of the project proposal, revising, budgeting. Aiza Glor J. Saburnido December 11, 2021 December 14, 2021 Laptop and Internet connection Disapproval of the professor and multiplicity of methodology. Submission of the project to the school principal, dean of the college of business administration and school personnel for approval. College of Business Administration faculty and staff of Misamis Oriental Institute of Science and Technology. December 11, 2021 December 14, 2021 Laptop and Internet connection Disapproval of the professor and multiplicity of methodology. 2. Information Dissemination Disseminating of information to the school principal, dean of the College of Bus. Ad December December Laptop, Internet connection, Internet connection
  • 31. 31 college of business administration and school personnel. - Posting of Information through social media. Facebook, email, poster etc. Faculty and Staff of MOIST 15, 2021 25, 2021 Cellphone problem and unresponsive target participant. 3. Implementation of the project Opening Program - Prayer and national anthem - Opening Remarks - Introduction of the speaker Florentino Bagtasos Student Maris Jorgen Cadavez MC January 4,2022 January 4, 2022 Headset, Laptop, and internet connection Internet connection problem due to bad weather and number of participant Discussion and Question and Answer Portion - Motivational Video - Lead in photo towards topic - Presentation and Aiza Glor J. Saburnido Speaker January 4,2022 January 4, 2022 Headset, Laptop, and internet connection Internet connection problem due to bad weather and number of
  • 32. 32 discussion of the topic. - Question and Answer regarding on the topic of webinar. - Leadership Activity participant Closing Program - Awarding of certificates - Closing remarks - Picture taking Maris Jorgen Cadavez MC January 4,2022 January 4, 2022 Headset, Laptop, and internet connection Internet connection problem due to bad weather and number of participant 4. Collecting data and documentation of the project. Collecting data from the participant and documentation for the record of the school. Aiza Glor J. Saburnido January 4, 2022 January 6, 2022 Google Forms Participants Unable to provide information
  • 33. PROJECT CLOSURE Project Name: “A LEADER IN ME webinar” Imagine, Inspire, and Lead. Unleashing leadership potentials among Business Students of MISAMIS ORIENTAL INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. Participants: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION STUDENTS OF MISAMIS ORIENTAL INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. Date: JANUARY 4, 2022 Purpose The purpose of the Project closure documents is to confirm completion of the project and authorize the handoff from project operations. 1. Project Description A two hours webinar about leadership in titled “A Leader in Me” Imagine, Inspire and lead. Unleashing Leadership Potential among Business Students in Misamis Oriental Institute of Science and Technology. 2. Scope Statement The project was expected to:
  • 34. 34 a. To gather business administration students in Misamis Oriental Institute of Science and Technology to participate in “A Leader in Me” webinar. b. The participants understand and learn how to apply their knowledge to motivate, guide and influence other people, their co-students and create a common language and culture within the school. c. A Leader in Me webinar started to impact the life of students, their families and the community at large. A key ingredient to successfully creating positive change in a school. 3. Project Accomplishments The project is expected to accomplish the following: a. The participants will be able to learned and develop best practices of being a leader. b. The participants will be able to learn life skills such as leadership, responsibility, accountability, problem solving, adaptability and effective communication. c. Empower students and develop better understanding about leadership skills and confidence they need to lead their lives and succeed in school and beyond.
  • 35. 35 4. Project Milestones 5. Financial Summary Free Webinar 6. Lesson Learned In the formulation and implementation of the project, the following lesson, as a form of evaluation can be noted: Milestone Target Date Completed Date 1. Submission and Approval of Project Proposed December 11, 2021 December 14, 2021 2. Information Dissemination December 15, 2021 December 25, 2021 3. Implementation of the project January 4, 2022 January 4, 2022 4. Collecting data and documentation of the project. January 4, 2022 January 6, 2022
  • 36. 36 a. Proper communication with the project implementer and respective individual who plays important role on implementing the project. b. Any changes of the format, date and process of the project should communicate directly to avoid conflicts. c. Consider the stability of the internet access of the participant their maybe some unpredictable circumstance may arise like bad weather condition. d. Conducting webinar especially during this pandemic is one of the safest effective ways to educate and convey information to your audience. 7. Project Manager Comments Knowledge will never be a power if not imparted and shared to others. As a facilitator of learning it was an honor and a privilege to impart the learnings that I gain throughout the years and shared an experience that will help other people in their respective in devours in life as well. Due to the pandemic that we are experiencing right now technology creates an essay and accessible way to interact and
  • 37. 37 convey information to your learners. Through this project it helps us to be more innovative and creative to think outside of the status que without limitation. There may be challenges and trials that I encounter throughout this project but I highly believed that this project will help young generation and future leaders in our nation in unleashing their potential and set of skills to become a leader that will contribute growth and prosperity in our country.
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