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Endocrine Physiology
Body control and
• In the brain:
• Hypothalamus
• Pituitary gland
• Pineal gland
• Adrenal gland
• Pancreas
• Ovary
• Testis
Endocrine action
 Endocrine system controls
physiology via chemical signals from
one part of the body to another
 Target cell undergoes a biological
Cell to Cell Signaling
Cell to Cell Signaling
Cell to Cell Signaling
 Neurocrine - neural
cells that release
chemical signals into
the bloodstream
Cell to Cell Signaling
Fashions of cellular Signaling
Figure 18.1
The Endocrine System
1. Regulate metabolic processes
2. Regulate rate of chemical reactions
3. Transport of substances thru membrane
4. Regulate water and electrolyte balance, blood
5. Vital roles in reproduction, development, growth
Classification of Hormones
1. Based upon chemical nature
2. Based upon function
Chemical Nature of Hormones
Hormones are
Amino Acid Derivatives
Chemical Classification of Hormones
1. Amino hormones
-derived from tyrosine
2. Peptide and protein hormones
- Made up of peptide
3. Steroid hormones
– derived from cholesterol
Proteins & polypeptides
Pituitary, Pancreas, Parathyroid.
b. Steroids
Adrenal cortex and Sex hormones.
c. Amino acid derivatives
Adrenal Medulla, Thyroid hormones.
Classification of hormones
Functional classifications
1. Releasing hormones
2. tropic (or Stimulating) hormones
3. Non-tropic hormones
Pituitary gland
Releasing hormones
Peripheral endocrine glands
Stimulating hormones
Hormonal axis
Peripheral organs
Hormone types
1. Polar:
• Most hormones.
• Bind to receptor protein on plasma
2.Lipophilic (non polar):
• Cross plasma membrane, act inside target
• Steroid hormones and thyroid hormones.
Mechanism of Action
Second messengers
Second messengers include
– cAMP or cGMP
– phospholipids diacylglycerol and inositol
triphosphate (DAG and IP3)
– calcium
pathway of-cAMP
Lipophilic hormones
- Inside cell: bind to nuclear hormone
Transcription factors
• Transcription:
DNA is transcribed into messenger
This mRNA will then be translated
(by ribosomes) into proteins!
Regulation of receptor
1. Down regulation (desensitization):
when hormone production is
2. Up regulation: when hormone
production is decreasing
Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis
– Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Thyroid axis (HPT)
– Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal axis (HPA)
– Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal axis
Control of Hormone Secretion
1. Negative Feedback mechanism
2. Positive Feedback mechanism
Negative Feedback Loop
Positive Feedback Control
Parturition and suckling
Pituitary Gland
Anterior and posterior pituitary glands.
Hormones of the anterior lobe
The Anterior Lobe
Anterior pituitary cells and hormones
Cell type Pituitary
Product Target
Corticotroph 15-20% ACTH Adrenal gland
Thyrotroph 3-5% TSH Thyroid gland
Gonadotroph 10-15% LH, FSH Gonads
Somatotroph 40-50% GH All tissues, liver
Lactotroph 10-15% PRL Breasts
Hormones of the Anterior Pituitary
1. Growth hormone (GH)
2. Prolactin
3. Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
- also called thyrotropin
- stimulates milk production
- one of the growth promoting hormones
Hormones of the Anterior Pituitary con’t
4. Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH)
5. Leutinizing hormone (LH)
6. Follicular stimulating hormone (FSH)
- stimulates follicular development
- promotes ovulation
- also called corticotropin
Hypothalamic Control of the Anterior Pituitary
GH or Somatotropin
Secreted by somatotropes
Done indirectly – liver produces –
somatomedins or IGF’s – insulin growth
GH-IGF actions
1.Protein synthesis
• GH enhances amino acid transport into cells
• Ensures protein anabolism
• Suppresses protein catabolism
• Protein sparing effect
2.Lipid metabolism
• Release free fatty acids and glycerol
• FFA’s used for energy
• Provides energy
•3.Carbohydrate metabolism
• Glucose sparing effect
Physiological function of GH (somatotropin) :
↑Plasma FFA
↑Plasma glucose
↓Plasma amino acids
↓ Plasma urea
↑Amino acid uptake
↑Protein synthesis
↑DNA,RNA synthesis
↑Chondroitin sulfate
↑Cell size and number
↑Linear growth
↓ Glucose uptake
↑Amino acid uptake
↑ Protein synthesis
↑Lean body mass
Adipose tissue
↓Glucose uptake
↓ adiposity
Kidney, pancreas, intestine, islets,
parathyroids, connective tissue,
bone, heart, lungs
↑Protein synthesis
↑DNA,RNA synthesis
↑Cell size and number
↑Organ size
↑Organ function
Control of GH secretion
Target tissue
Somatostatin: SS
Somatotropin: GH
Somatomedin: IGF-1
Regulation of Growth Hormone
• GH secretion controlled primarily by
hypothalamic GHRH stimulation and
somatostatin inhibition
Control of GH secretion
Abnormalities of GH secretion :
– Pituitary dwarfs are a result of
hyposecretion of GH
– Gigantism results from juvenile
– Acromegaly results from adult
hypersecretion of GH
Posterior lobe
Hypothalamic Control of Posterior Pituitary
Posterior lobe
• Produces No Hormones .
• Stores and releases OT and ADH
posterior lobe (neurohypophysis)
 Neurons of the supraoptic nucleus manufacture
antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
1. Decreases the amount of water lost at the kidneys
2. Elevates blood pressure
posterior lobe (neurohypophysis)
 Neurons of the paraventricular nucleus
manufacture oxytocin
1. Stimulates contractile cells in mammary glands
2. Stimulates smooth muscle cells in uterus
Physiological effects of ADH :
1. The retention of water in excess of
solute by the kidney
2. In large doses, vasopressin elevates
arterial blood pressure
ADH (antidiuretic hormone):
• Stimulates fusion of aquaporin (water channel)
vesicles in the collecting duct.
• Results in (increased permeability to H20 and )
increased reabsorption of water.
Mechanism of Vasopressin Action
Figure 20-6: The mechanism of action of vasopressin
Regulation of ADH
• The two major stimuli of ADH secretion:
1. Changes in plasma fluid volume
2. changes in Plasma osmolarity.
• Hypovolemia sensitizes the ADH response
to hyperosmolarity.
Secretion of ADH
Neuroendocrine reflexes
• release hormones – nervous system signal
1. dehydration > osmolarity of blood – osmoreceptors
detect – ADH released = water conservation
2. >BP –stimulates stretch receptors in heart & certain
arteries – inhibits ADH release, > urine output, < BP
Diabetis insipidus
1.Neurogenic Diabetes insipidus
2. Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
Clinical implications of ADH:
Diabetes Insipidus - clinical features:
• polyuria- 3-15 L/day
• SG < 1.005
• urine osmolality <200 mOsm/kg
• plasma osmolality > 287 mOsm/kg
• polydipsia
1.In uterus during parturition
2.In mammary gland during lactation
“Positive feedback loop”
Oxytocin receptor
1. Childbirth – labor contractions – smooth muscle –
2. Lactating mothers – milk let-down effect
3. Surges –sexual arousal and orgasm – m & f
4. Feelings sexual satisfaction and emotional bonding
Control of oxytocin secretion
• Stimuli:
• Stimulation of the “touch receptor”
1. Around the nipples Milk let-down or
“milk ejection reflex”
2. Genital tract stimulation
Neuroendocrine reflexes
• Infant suckling – hypothalamus – release OT = milk
• Cerebral cortex – trigger neuroendocrine reflexes
• Examples – lactating mother hears baby cry = milk
ejection reflex
Thyroid Gland
 found in neck region
Weighs about 15-25gm &has rich blood
supply (4-6ml/gm/min).
Made up of multiple acini / follicles.
 Between follicles “C cells/parafollicular cells ”
are present Calcitonin.
 Each follicle contains proteinaceous material
called colloid which contains Thyroglobulin.
Follicular cells secrete T4 & T3.
Bio-synthesis of thyroid hormones:
Synthesis of thyroglobulin on ribosome of ER.
i. Iodide trapping (NIS)
 Trapping is brought by active transport (Iodide
pump) and Na+-K+-ATPase
 TSH stimulates both iodide pump Na+-K+-
iii. Oxidation of iodide ion:
Iodide converted to oxidized form of iodine
iv. Iodination of tyrosine & formation of thyroid
hormones .
Binding of iodide with thyroglobulin is called
“organification of thyroglobulin”.
MIT + DIT  T3
DIT + DIT  T4
Thyroid peroxidase is probably involved in coupling
& Iodination.
Storage of thyroglobulin (Tg):
Tg  30 T4 + few T3 molecules.
Large amount of thyroid hormones are stored in
this form which is sufficient for 2-3 months.
Secretion of Thyroid Hormones
 Stimulated by TSH
 Endocytosis of colloid on apical membrane
 Coupling of MIT & DIT residues
 Catalyzed by TPO (thyroid peroxidase)
 Hydrolysis of Thyroglobulin
 Release of T3, T4
 the T4:T3 ratio is as high as 20:1
Transport of thyroid hormones
 Majority of circulating hormone is T4
 98.5% T4
 1.5% T3
 Total Hormone load is influenced by serum
binding proteins (TBG, Albumin, TBPA)
 Thyroid Binding Globulin (TBG) 70%
 Albumin 15%
 Thyroid Binding PreAlbumin (TBPA) 10%
 Regulation is based on the free component of
thyroid hormone
Activation and Degradation of Thyroid
 T3 and T4 bind to the same nuclear receptor but T3 binds with
10 times more affinity than T4.
 Thus, because it has greater affinity for the receptor, T3 is the
more active form of thyroid hormone.
 Many target tissues can regulate the conversion of T4 to either
T3 or rT3, thereby locally controlling hormone activity.
 Most of the circulating T3 is derived from the peripheral
conversion of T4 into T3 and its release again into the
circulation (e.g., liver, kidney, and skeletal muscle).
Actions of Thyroid hormones
 Metabolic actions
On various systems
On Growth
 Interaction with Catecholamines
1. Metabolic Actions :
A. Calorigenic
 Increases O2 consumption & heat production by
stimulating Na+-K+-ATPase
 Increases BMR.
 Heat sensitivity in Hyperthyroidism.
 Some of calorigenic actions are due to lipolytic effect
B. Carbohydrate Metabolism :
 Increase rate of reabsorption of glucose from GIT
 Increases glycogenolysis in liver, muscle.
 Increase gluconeogenesis.
 Reduces secretion of insulin & accelerates its
 promotes Diabetes.
C. Fat metabolism :
Promotes cholesterol synthesis , but also promotes
hepatic breakdown & biliary excretion of cholesterol.
Increases fecal excretion of cholesterol.
Reduction in plasma cholesterol levels.
Causes lipolysis, promotes fatty acid oxidation
by the cells.
i.e. breakdown > synthesis.
 Therapeutically used to lower cholesterol levels
D. Protein metabolism :
 stimulate both structural and functional protein
2. On Various systems :
a.Blood :
Stimulates erythropoiesis.
Hypo anemia.
b. Cardio Vascular System :
c. Respiration :
Rate of metabolism
Utilization of O2 & formation of Co2
Rate & Depth of respiration.
d. GIT :
Increases appetite & food intake.
Increases motility & secretions.
 Hyper food intake motility  Diarrhoea.
 Hypo food intake motility  Constipation.
e. On Skin :
Hyper  Excess heat
Sweat production.
Cutaneous vasodilation.
Skin is soft , warm & wet.
Hypo skin is coarse, dry, scaly, cold & puffy.
Hypersensitive to cold.
f. On CNS :
Essential for normal development &growth of CNS.
In adult brain TH’s stimulate :
Branching of dendrites.
Increases no. of synapses.
In fetus & newborn stimulate growth of brain.
3. On growth :
Required for normal growth & differentiation
from the 1st day of newborn.
GH requires thyroxine to exert its full effect.
T3 has direct growth promoting effect .
4. Interaction with Catecholamines :
 TH’s sensitizes the tissues to catecholamines
by increasing no. of receptors on cells.
 Produced by Hypothalamus
 Down regulated by T4, T3
 Travels through portal venous system to
 Stimulates TSH formation
 Produced by Adenohypophysis Thyrotrophs
 Upregulated by TRH
 Downregulated by T4, T3
 Stimulates several processes
 Iodine uptake
 Colloid endocytosis
 Growth of thyroid gland
Wolff-Chaikoff Effect
 Increasing doses of I- increase hormone synthesis
initially but higher doses cause cessation of
hormone formation.
 Symptoms – fatigability, coldness, weight gain,
 Signs – Cool skin, dry skin
 Newborn – Retardation, short stature, possible
 Types of Hypothyroidism
 Primary – Thyroid gland failure
 Secondary – Pituitary failure
 Tertiary – Hypothalamic failure
Causes :
1.Congenital deficiency of the gland.
2. Iodine deficiency in mother during pregnancy.
3. Administration of Anti-Thyroid drugs during
Hashimoto thyroiditis
 Hypothyroidism is most commonly caused by,
an autoimmune disease
 autoimmunity destroys the gland rather than
stimulates it
 Symptoms – Palpitations, nervousness, fatigue,
diarrhea, sweating, heat intolerance
Graves disease
 Most common cause of hyperthyroidism
 It is autoimmune disease
 Thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin (TSI) binds
with the same receptors that bind with TSH
Changes in Feedback Relationships in Several
Calcium Regulation
Parathyroid gland
 Required for muscle contraction,
intracellular messenger systems,
hemostasis, membrane excitation,
excitation secretion process of hormone &
 Exists in free (ionized) and bound states
 Albumin (40% total calcium)
 Phosphate and Citrate (10% total calcium)
 Concentration of Ca2+ mediated by
 Parathyroid gland
 Parafollicular C cells of thyroid gland
 Kidney & Bone.
Calcium Distribution in the Body
Parathyroid gland
Parathyroid Gland
Parathyroid glands contains chief cells which
secrete parathyroid hormone (PTH).
Its primary function is to keep the Ca2+ conc. In
ECF & ICF nearly constant level.
Actions :
1.On Bones :
 Increases plasma calcium & decreases plasma
phosphate conc. by osteolytic effect.
 increases Osteoclast size, no. of osteoclast nuclei
& osteoclast proliferation.
 Hydrolyzes the organic bone matrix.
2. On Kidneys :
Increases Ca2+ reabsorption from DCT.
Decreases Ca2+ excretion in urine.
Decreases reabsorption of phosphate from PCT &
increases its excretion in DCT.
Promotes conversion of 25 HCC to 1,25 DHCC by
activating 1 hydroxylase.
3. On GIT :
Enhances both Ca2+ & PO4
- absorption by
increasing production of 1,25 DHCC.
Regulation :
Stimulation of parathyroid
Mobilization of Ca2+
from bones
Normal serum Ca2+
Serum Ca2+
2. Serum phosphate
Serum Ca2+
3. 1,25 DHCC inhibits PTH
•It regulates calcium level in the blood
•Secreted from “C cells/ parafollicular cells” of
thyroid gland.
Actions :
 Decreases plasma Ca2+ & PO4
- conc.
 Inhibits Osteoclast activity& its number.
 Decreases renal formation of 1,25 DHCC.
 Inhibits intestinal absorption of Ca2+ & PO4
- .
Regulation :
Plasma PO4
- concentration
•Result of Vit-D deficiency.
•Causes : Inadequate intake of vit-D, Inadequate
exposure to sun, kidney failure, liver dysfunction,
defect in target cell receptors.
•Pathology : Deficiency in deposition of Ca2+ salts in
bones, process of Ossification is abnormal.
 Adult rickets.
 Inadequate absorption of Ca2+ due to deficiency
of vit-D & Ca2+ in diet.
 Serum Ca2+ is low , 6-7mg/dl.
 Mostly seen in females after multiple pregnancies.
Regulation of Calcium and phosphate
Adrenal Glands
organs that
cap the
Each: outer
cortex and
Synthesis of steroid hormones
Adrenal cortex
Adrenal cortex:
- stimulated by ACTH
- secretes corticosteroids
- different regions secrete different hormones.
- all made from cholesterol.
Adrenal Cortex
Corticosteroids include:
- mineralocorticoids:
- glucocorticoids
- gonadocorticoids
Adrenal Cortex
- aldosterone
- targets kidneys
- affects Na+ and K+ balance
- stimulates transcription of Na+/K+ ATPase
- more aldosterone -> more Na+, water in body
- stress -> CRH -> ACTH -> aldosterone ->
retain fluid -> high blood pressure!
Adrenal Cortex
- cortisol
- metabolism, more glucose in blood
- stress -> large increase in glucocorticoides
Adrenal Cortex
-sex steroids
- include DHEA (precursor for estrogen,
Cortisol Actions :
 Metabolic actions
On various systems
Anti-inflammatory & Anti-immunity
Stress adaptation
Anti-growth effects
Permissive actions
1.Metabolic actions :
Carbohydrate metabolism :
glucose sparing hormone, anti-insulin effects.
Increases hepatic glycogenolysis 6-10 fold.
Decreases rate of glucose utilization.
 Adrenal Diabetes
Fat metabolism :
Lipolytic .
Increases plasma FFA by promoting mobilization
of fatty acids from adipose tissue.
Enhances oxidation of fatty acids in the cells.
Protein metabolism :
Reduces protein stores
Electrolyte & H20 metabolism :
Actions similar to Aldosterone, less potent.
Retention of Na+ & Cl-.
Excretion of K+ .
Maintains ECF volume, provides adequate GFR
2. On various Systems :
1.CVS :
Required for maintenance of normal BP.
Improves myocardial performance by blocking Na+-
Ca++ exchanger.
Permissive action to catecholamine's & A-II
Cortisol stimulates erythropoietin synthesis
2.GIT :
Promotes peptic ulcer formation (mediated
stimulation of gastric acid and pepsin secretion)
Promotes absorption of water insoluble fats .
exerts a trophic effect on the GI mucosa
Stimulates appetite, hypercortisolism is
frequently associated with weight gain
3.Muscle :
Maintains the contractility & work performance
skeletal and cardiac muscle.
Increases ß adrenergic receptors in myocardium.
When cortisol levels are excessive, muscle
weakness and pain are common symptoms
(excessive proteolysis)
4. Connective tissue :
Inhibits collagen synthesis and produces thinning
of skin and walls of capillaries.
5.Bone :
Increases bone resorption .
decrease intestinal Ca++ absorption and renal
Ca++ reabsorption, Antagonizes the action of Vit-D.
inhibit osteoblast bone-forming functions
6. On Foetus :
Facilitates inutero maturation of CNS, retina, skin,
GIT & lungs.
Increases rate of development of alveoli, increases
surfactant synthesis.
3. Anti-inflammatory & anti-immunity action :
4. Stress adaptation
Stress  ACTH  Cortisol
5. Permissive actions : (Glucagon & catecholamines)
Permissive actions of cortisol include
1. Glucagon & catecholamines to exert
calorigenic effects.
2. Catecholamines to exert lipolytic effects
3. Catecholamines to produce pressor response
& bronchodilation.
6. Anti-growth Effect :
antagonize action of vit-D
1.Decreases Ca++ reabsorption
2.Inhibit mitosis of fibroblasts
3.Cause degradation of collagen
Delays wound healing
Regulation of Cortisol secretion :
Cushing syndrome
Hypercortisolism regardless of origin, including
chronic glucocorticoid therapy
It is a clinical disorder which results from
the exposure of body tissues to sustained
supraphysiological blood levels of cortisol.
Causes of hypercortisolism
1. Primary hypercortisolism (adrenal source)
 ACTH independent
Cortisol elevated, ACTH depressed
Adenomas or carcinomas of adrenal cortex
2. Secondary hypercortisolism (pituitary vs. ectopic source)
ACTH dependent
Elevated ACTH, cortisol, adrenal androgen
Benign or malignant ACTH secreting tumors.
Ectopic ACTH syndrome:
° Most frequently in patients with small cell carcinoma of the
lung (Greater secretion of ACTH)
Cushing’s Syndrome symptoms
– Thin skin, easy bruising
– Osteoporosis
– Diabetes
– Excess hair growth
– Irregular periods
– Problems in conceiving
– High blood pressure
– Fluid retention
 changes in protein and
fat metabolism
 changes in sex
 salt and water retention
Produced in the zona glomerulosa
of the adrenal cortex
Aldosterone actions
1.Na+ & H2O reabsorption  on CD & late DCT.
2. K+ secretion with Na+ reaborption.
3. H+ secretion with Na+ reaborption.
3. Infusion of small doses causes increase BP.
4. Enhances Na+ absorption especially in colon,
which prevents loss of Na+ in stools.
Actions of Aldosterone
Control of Aldosterone
 K+
Renin Substrate
Angiotensin I
Angiotensin II
decrease BP
 Δ Na+
 K+
Aldosterone Syndromes
Over production
Conn’s Syndrome
Addison’s Syndrome
Primary Aldosteronism :Conn’s Syndrome
 It is a condition in which there is prolonged
excessive secretion of aldosterone from an
adrenocortical adenoma .
Features :
Hypernatremia, Hypokalemia, Hypervolemia,
Secondary Aldosteronism :
 It is a condition in which oversecretion of
Aldosterone is brought about by extra adrenal
Adrenal cortex Insufficiency
 Destruction of adrenal cortex
Eg: Addison disease.
 Diminished secretion of ACTH due to
Adenohypophyseal or Hypothalamic failure
 Congenital failure of Cortisol secretion due
to defects in the enzymes responsible for its
Addison’s disease :
• Chronic deficiency of both Mineralocorticoids
and Glucocorticoids due to destruction of
adrenal cortex.
Features :
Hypoglycemia, Hypovolemia, Hypotension.
Resistance to stress & infection
Disturbed electrolyte balance.
Sometimes Vitiligo, change in pigmentation of
Adrenal Medulla
Adrenal medulla:
Derived from embryonic neural crest
ectoderm (same tissue that produces the
sympathetic ganglia).
Controlled by preganglionic sympathetic
(is like a postganglionic neuron!)
Secretes adrenaline ( epinephrine >90%)
(also secretes norepenephrine <10%)
Actions :
1.Intracellular actions :
• Adrenaline & NA produce different effects
depending on type of Adrenergic receptors
alpha & beta.
Effector organ Receptor Response
1.Eyeradial muscle contraction
Ciliary muscle ß Relaxation.
2. Metabolic actions :
•Both stimulates Gluconeogenesis, Glycogenolysis,
Muscle Glycogenolysis i.e. Hyperglycemic.
Adrenaline is more potent than NA.
•Both are lipolytic . NA is more potent than
3. On CVS :
•Both increase force & rate of contraction of heart.
•Increases myocardial excitability.
•NA produces vasoconstriction in most organs but
Adrenaline dilates blood vessels in skeletal muscles
& liver.
4. On Skeletal muscle :
•Adrenaline increases muscular blood flow.
•Increases force of contraction.
5. Other effects :
•Inhibits GI motor activity.
•Relaxation of bronchioles to improve gas exchange.
•Dilatation of pupils.
•Increases renin release from kidneys.
•Enhances thyroid hormone secretion.
Some Actions of Catecholamine Hormones
Regulation of Adrenomedullary secretion :
• a tumor of chromaffin tissue that produces excessive
quantities of catecholamines
• It may be extra-adrenal pheochromocytomas of
sympathetic ganglia located primarily within the abdomen
and that secrete norepinephrine.
• Symptoms include:
– Main feature is hypertension
– diaphoresis,
– palpitations, and anxiety
– Increased metabolic rate
– hyperglycemia
Located in the curve of duodenum
Has both Exocrine & Endocrine function
Secretes major hormones:
Pancreatic polypeptide
Four types of cells , ß, D, F cells.
 cells Glucagon
 ß cells  Insulin
 Delta cells  Somatostatin
 F or PP cells Pancreatic polypeptide
•Polypeptide containing two chains ( &ß)
linked by disulfide bridges.
•A chain21aa’s & B chain 30aa’s.
Biosynthesis :
• Synthesized in ER of ß cells.
•Pre proinsulin Pro insulinInsulin
Tissues that require insulin for effective uptake of
• Adipose tissue
• Resting skeletal muscle?
• Liver
Tissues in which glucose uptake is not affected by
• Nervous tissue
• Kidney tubules
• Intestinal mucosa
• Red blood cells
• β-cells of pancreas
Mechanism of Insulin secretion
Insulin secretion :
Increased Decreased
glucose .
Keto acids , FFA.
K+, Ca++
Gastric Inhibitory Peptide.
Secretin, Cholecystokinin.
Vagal activity, Ach.
 Leptin.
K+ depletion.
Insulin Receptor
• The portion of the insulin receptor that
faces externally has the hormone-binding
• The portion of the insulin receptor that
faces the cytosol has tyrosine kinase
• When occupied by insulin, the receptor
phosphorylates itself and other proteins.
Insulin Mechanism of Action :
Actions :
1.Metabolic actions : Carbohydrate metabolism
On liver On muscle On adipose
glycogenesis &
glycogenolysis &
transport of glucose
into cells.
Increase muscle
blood flow
transport of glucose
into adipose tissue.
Glucose is
converted into
& fatty acids
Fat metabolism :
On liver On muscle On adipose tissue
Lipogenic & Anti-
Glucose converted
to fatty acids
Favours Cholesterol
Inhibits FFA
Sensitive Lipase.
Stimulates use
of keto acids
deposition of fat
into adipose
Protein metabolism :
•Anabolic hormone.
•Stimulates Na+dependent transport of
neutral aa’s across cell membrane in muscle.
•Increases gene transcription.
•Contributes to body growth by stimulating
synthesis of macromolecules in bone,
cartilage & stimulates transcription of growth
factors such as IGF-I
Insulin decreases: Triglyceride breakdown (lipolysis) in adipose tissue
by decreasing the activity of hormone-sensitive lipase.
This enzyme is activated by stress hormones (i.e., cortisol, growth
hormone, epinephrine, glucagon).
Insulin decreases: Triglyceride breakdown (lipolysis) in adipose tissue by
decreasing the activity of hormone-sensitive lipase. This enzyme is
activated by stress hormones (i.e., cortisol, growth hormone, epinephrine,
The Adipose Cell
Electrolyte metabolism :
•Stimulates uptake of K+, Po4
-, Mg++ by cells.
•Regulates K+ balance.
•Increases renal reabsorption of K+, Po4
-, Mg++.
2. On CNS :
Selected areas of brain (hypothalamus)
requires insulin.
Injection of insulin into cerebral ventricles
decreases food intake.
Continuous insulin excess increase body
wt.& adipose mass  increase leptin levels 
induces satiety.
3. On blood vessels :
 Overall vasodilator effect  mediated by
increase in NO synthesis.
4. Autocrine effects :
ß cells also possess insulin receptors.
Essential for development of normal size islets
and for glucose stimulated insulin release.
5. On Growth :
• Essential for growth of an animal as GH is.
•Insulin & GH acts synergistically to promote
growth, each performing a specific function.
Regulation of Insulin secretion
1. Substrate stimulation :by a feedback
relationship with exogenous nutrient supply.
2. Hormonal control :
 GI hormones  Glucagon, Secretin, CCK,
 Glucagon.
 Growth hormone.
 Cortisol.
 Thyroid hormones.
 Human Placental Lactogen.
3. Electrolytes :
 K+ & Ca++.
 Mg++ has a modulatory effect.
4. Neural control :
 Parasympathetic Increases secretion.
 Sympathetic  Decreases secretion.
To windup Metabolic actions of insulin
A clinical state which is associated
with flow of sugar in urine which is due
to deficiency of Insulin /unresponsive to
Causes :
Insulin deficiency.
Increase in levels of antagonistic hormones
(GH, Glucagon, Catecholamines, Cortisol).
Hereditary, Age, Obesity
Signs & Symptoms :
•Loss of weight.
•Poor resistance to infections.
is a peptide hormone
secreted by the α-cells of the pancreatic
 Promotes mobilization rather than storage
of fuels, especially glucose.
Has opposite action to insulin.
Actions :
Have no influence on glucose uptake by
peripheral tissues.
Increases glycogenolysis & gluconeogenesis
in liver.
Lipolytic & Ketogenic hormone.
Inhibits storage of Tg’s in liver.
Have calorigenic action.
Regulation of Glucagon secretion
Stimulators Inhibitors
Amino acids
CCK, Gastrin
Beta adrenergic
FFA, Ketones.
Alpha adrenergic
Glucagon secretion
Other Hormones Involved In Energy Balance And
 produced in adipose tissue
• decreases hypothalamic neuropeptide Y (NPY)….
Which is Potent activator of feeding (orexigenic)
• Leptin, inhibiting NPY synthesis promotes satiety
• increases energy expenditure, in part by
increasing fatty acid oxidation, and it decreases fat
• Lack of and/or resistance to leptin causes obesity
Other Hormones Involved In Energy Balance
And Appetite cont…
 produced in adipose tissue
 increases insulin sensitivity and tissue fat
 Prevents obesity??????
Other Hormones Involved In Energy Balance And
Appetite cont…
 produced by stomach cells
• reduced in response to a meal and highest in the
fasting state
• activates hypothalamic NPY neurons…. potent
orexigenic hormone
• stimulates the release of growth hormone (GH)
• Ghrelin levels are decreased in obese individuals
• elevated by low calorie diets, strenuous exercise
Overall View of Glucose Counterregulation

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  • 2. Human Endocrine Glands • In the brain: • Hypothalamus • Pituitary gland • Pineal gland • Adrenal gland • Pancreas • Ovary • Testis
  • 3. Endocrine action  Endocrine system controls physiology via chemical signals from one part of the body to another  Target cell undergoes a biological response
  • 4. Cell to Cell Signaling AUTOCRINE
  • 5. Cell to Cell Signaling AUTOCRINE PARACRINE
  • 7.  Neurocrine - neural cells that release chemical signals into the bloodstream Cell to Cell Signaling
  • 10. FUNCTIONS 1. Regulate metabolic processes 2. Regulate rate of chemical reactions 3. Transport of substances thru membrane 4. Regulate water and electrolyte balance, blood pressure 5. Vital roles in reproduction, development, growth
  • 11. Classification of Hormones 1. Based upon chemical nature 2. Based upon function
  • 12. Chemical Nature of Hormones Hormones are Peptides Steroid Amino Acid Derivatives
  • 13. Chemical Classification of Hormones 1. Amino hormones -derived from tyrosine 2. Peptide and protein hormones - Made up of peptide 3. Steroid hormones – derived from cholesterol
  • 14. Proteins & polypeptides Pituitary, Pancreas, Parathyroid. b. Steroids Adrenal cortex and Sex hormones. c. Amino acid derivatives Adrenal Medulla, Thyroid hormones. Classification of hormones
  • 15. Functional classifications 1. Releasing hormones 2. tropic (or Stimulating) hormones 3. Non-tropic hormones
  • 16. Hypothalamus Pituitary gland Releasing hormones Peripheral endocrine glands Stimulating hormones Hormonal axis Hormones Peripheral organs BRAIN
  • 17. Hormone types 1. Polar: • Most hormones. • Bind to receptor protein on plasma membrane. 2.Lipophilic (non polar): • Cross plasma membrane, act inside target cells. • Steroid hormones and thyroid hormones.
  • 19.
  • 21.
  • 22. Second messengers Second messengers include – cAMP or cGMP – phospholipids diacylglycerol and inositol triphosphate (DAG and IP3) – calcium
  • 25. Lipophilic hormones - Inside cell: bind to nuclear hormone receptors.
  • 26. Transcription factors • Transcription: DNA is transcribed into messenger RNA. This mRNA will then be translated (by ribosomes) into proteins!
  • 27.
  • 28. Regulation of receptor 1. Down regulation (desensitization): when hormone production is increasing 2. Up regulation: when hormone production is decreasing
  • 30. Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis – Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Thyroid axis (HPT) – Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal axis (HPA) – Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal axis (HPG)
  • 31. Control of Hormone Secretion 1. Negative Feedback mechanism 2. Positive Feedback mechanism
  • 32.
  • 36. Anterior and posterior pituitary glands.
  • 37. Hormones of the anterior lobe
  • 39. Anterior pituitary cells and hormones Cell type Pituitary population Product Target Corticotroph 15-20% ACTH Adrenal gland Adipocytes Melanocytes Thyrotroph 3-5% TSH Thyroid gland Gonadotroph 10-15% LH, FSH Gonads Somatotroph 40-50% GH All tissues, liver Lactotroph 10-15% PRL Breasts gonads
  • 40. Hormones of the Anterior Pituitary 1. Growth hormone (GH) 2. Prolactin 3. Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) - also called thyrotropin - stimulates milk production - one of the growth promoting hormones
  • 41. Hormones of the Anterior Pituitary con’t 4. Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) 5. Leutinizing hormone (LH) 6. Follicular stimulating hormone (FSH) - stimulates follicular development - promotes ovulation - also called corticotropin
  • 42. Hypothalamic Control of the Anterior Pituitary
  • 43.
  • 44. GH or Somatotropin Secreted by somatotropes Done indirectly – liver produces – somatomedins or IGF’s – insulin growth factors
  • 45. GH-IGF actions 1.Protein synthesis • GH enhances amino acid transport into cells • Ensures protein anabolism • Suppresses protein catabolism • Protein sparing effect
  • 46. 2.Lipid metabolism • Release free fatty acids and glycerol • FFA’s used for energy • Provides energy •3.Carbohydrate metabolism • Glucose sparing effect
  • 47. Physiological function of GH (somatotropin) : ↑Plasma FFA ↑Plasma glucose ↓Plasma amino acids ↓ Plasma urea Metabolism Condrocytes ↑Amino acid uptake ↑Protein synthesis ↑DNA,RNA synthesis ↑Chondroitin sulfate ↑Cell size and number ↑Linear growth Muscle ↓ Glucose uptake ↑Amino acid uptake ↑ Protein synthesis ↑Lean body mass Adipose tissue ↓Glucose uptake ↑Lipolysis ↓ adiposity Kidney, pancreas, intestine, islets, parathyroids, connective tissue, bone, heart, lungs ↑Protein synthesis ↑DNA,RNA synthesis ↑Cell size and number ↑Organ size ↑Organ function Growth hormone
  • 48. Control of GH secretion SS GHRH GH IGF-1 Target tissue ⊕ ○ - ⊕ ⊕ - ○ Somatostatin: SS Somatotropin: GH Somatomedin: IGF-1
  • 49. Regulation of Growth Hormone Secretion • GH secretion controlled primarily by hypothalamic GHRH stimulation and somatostatin inhibition
  • 50. Control of GH secretion
  • 51.
  • 52. Abnormalities of GH secretion : – Pituitary dwarfs are a result of hyposecretion of GH – Gigantism results from juvenile hypersecretion – Acromegaly results from adult hypersecretion of GH
  • 54. Hypothalamic Control of Posterior Pituitary (ADH) (Oxy)
  • 55.
  • 56. Posterior lobe • Produces No Hormones . • Stores and releases OT and ADH
  • 57. posterior lobe (neurohypophysis)  Neurons of the supraoptic nucleus manufacture antidiuretic hormone (ADH) 1. Decreases the amount of water lost at the kidneys 2. Elevates blood pressure
  • 58. posterior lobe (neurohypophysis)  Neurons of the paraventricular nucleus manufacture oxytocin 1. Stimulates contractile cells in mammary glands 2. Stimulates smooth muscle cells in uterus
  • 59. ADH
  • 60. Physiological effects of ADH : 1. The retention of water in excess of solute by the kidney 2. In large doses, vasopressin elevates arterial blood pressure
  • 61. ADH (antidiuretic hormone): • Stimulates fusion of aquaporin (water channel) vesicles in the collecting duct. • Results in (increased permeability to H20 and ) increased reabsorption of water.
  • 62. Mechanism of Vasopressin Action Figure 20-6: The mechanism of action of vasopressin
  • 63.
  • 64.
  • 66. • The two major stimuli of ADH secretion: 1. Changes in plasma fluid volume 2. changes in Plasma osmolarity. • Hypovolemia sensitizes the ADH response to hyperosmolarity. Secretion of ADH
  • 68. Neuroendocrine reflexes • release hormones – nervous system signal 1. dehydration > osmolarity of blood – osmoreceptors detect – ADH released = water conservation 2. >BP –stimulates stretch receptors in heart & certain arteries – inhibits ADH release, > urine output, < BP
  • 69. Diabetis insipidus 1.Neurogenic Diabetes insipidus 2. Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus Clinical implications of ADH:
  • 70. Diabetes Insipidus - clinical features: • polyuria- 3-15 L/day • SG < 1.005 • urine osmolality <200 mOsm/kg • plasma osmolality > 287 mOsm/kg • polydipsia
  • 71.
  • 72. 1.In uterus during parturition 2.In mammary gland during lactation Oxytocin
  • 74.
  • 75. Oxytocin 1. Childbirth – labor contractions – smooth muscle – uterus 2. Lactating mothers – milk let-down effect 3. Surges –sexual arousal and orgasm – m & f 4. Feelings sexual satisfaction and emotional bonding
  • 76. Control of oxytocin secretion • Stimuli: • Stimulation of the “touch receptor” 1. Around the nipples Milk let-down or “milk ejection reflex” 2. Genital tract stimulation
  • 77. Neuroendocrine reflexes • Infant suckling – hypothalamus – release OT = milk ejection • Cerebral cortex – trigger neuroendocrine reflexes • Examples – lactating mother hears baby cry = milk ejection reflex
  • 78. Thyroid Gland  found in neck region Weighs about 15-25gm &has rich blood supply (4-6ml/gm/min). Made up of multiple acini / follicles.  Between follicles “C cells/parafollicular cells ” are present Calcitonin.
  • 79.
  • 80.  Each follicle contains proteinaceous material called colloid which contains Thyroglobulin. Follicular cells secrete T4 & T3.
  • 82. Synthesis of thyroglobulin on ribosome of ER. i. Iodide trapping (NIS)  Trapping is brought by active transport (Iodide pump) and Na+-K+-ATPase  TSH stimulates both iodide pump Na+-K+- ATPase
  • 83.
  • 84. iii. Oxidation of iodide ion: Iodide converted to oxidized form of iodine
  • 85. iv. Iodination of tyrosine & formation of thyroid hormones . Binding of iodide with thyroglobulin is called “organification of thyroglobulin”. Tyrosine Iodinase MIT & DIT MIT + DIT  T3 DIT + DIT  T4 Coupling reactions Thyroid peroxidase is probably involved in coupling & Iodination.
  • 86. Storage of thyroglobulin (Tg): Tg  30 T4 + few T3 molecules. Large amount of thyroid hormones are stored in this form which is sufficient for 2-3 months.
  • 87. Secretion of Thyroid Hormones  Stimulated by TSH  Endocytosis of colloid on apical membrane  Coupling of MIT & DIT residues  Catalyzed by TPO (thyroid peroxidase)  Hydrolysis of Thyroglobulin  Release of T3, T4  the T4:T3 ratio is as high as 20:1
  • 88. Transport of thyroid hormones  Majority of circulating hormone is T4  98.5% T4  1.5% T3  Total Hormone load is influenced by serum binding proteins (TBG, Albumin, TBPA)  Thyroid Binding Globulin (TBG) 70%  Albumin 15%  Thyroid Binding PreAlbumin (TBPA) 10%  Regulation is based on the free component of thyroid hormone
  • 89.
  • 90. Activation and Degradation of Thyroid Hormone  T3 and T4 bind to the same nuclear receptor but T3 binds with 10 times more affinity than T4.  Thus, because it has greater affinity for the receptor, T3 is the more active form of thyroid hormone.  Many target tissues can regulate the conversion of T4 to either T3 or rT3, thereby locally controlling hormone activity.  Most of the circulating T3 is derived from the peripheral conversion of T4 into T3 and its release again into the circulation (e.g., liver, kidney, and skeletal muscle).
  • 91.
  • 92.
  • 93. Actions of Thyroid hormones  Metabolic actions On various systems On Growth  Interaction with Catecholamines
  • 94. 1. Metabolic Actions : A. Calorigenic  Increases O2 consumption & heat production by stimulating Na+-K+-ATPase  Increases BMR.  Heat sensitivity in Hyperthyroidism.  Some of calorigenic actions are due to lipolytic effect
  • 95. B. Carbohydrate Metabolism : Hyperglycemic.  Increase rate of reabsorption of glucose from GIT  Increases glycogenolysis in liver, muscle.  Increase gluconeogenesis.  Reduces secretion of insulin & accelerates its breakdown.  promotes Diabetes.
  • 96. C. Fat metabolism : Promotes cholesterol synthesis , but also promotes hepatic breakdown & biliary excretion of cholesterol. Increases fecal excretion of cholesterol. Reduction in plasma cholesterol levels. Causes lipolysis, promotes fatty acid oxidation by the cells. i.e. breakdown > synthesis.  Therapeutically used to lower cholesterol levels
  • 97. D. Protein metabolism :  stimulate both structural and functional protein synthesis.
  • 98. 2. On Various systems : a.Blood : Stimulates erythropoiesis. Hyperpolycythemia. Hypo anemia.
  • 99. b. Cardio Vascular System :
  • 100. c. Respiration : Rate of metabolism Utilization of O2 & formation of Co2 Rate & Depth of respiration.
  • 101. d. GIT : Increases appetite & food intake. Increases motility & secretions.  Hyper food intake motility  Diarrhoea.  Hypo food intake motility  Constipation.
  • 102. e. On Skin : Hyper  Excess heat Sweat production. Cutaneous vasodilation. Skin is soft , warm & wet. Hypo skin is coarse, dry, scaly, cold & puffy. Hypersensitive to cold.
  • 103. f. On CNS : Essential for normal development &growth of CNS. In adult brain TH’s stimulate : Branching of dendrites. Myelination. Increases no. of synapses. In fetus & newborn stimulate growth of brain.
  • 104. 3. On growth : Required for normal growth & differentiation from the 1st day of newborn. GH requires thyroxine to exert its full effect. T3 has direct growth promoting effect . 4. Interaction with Catecholamines :  TH’s sensitizes the tissues to catecholamines by increasing no. of receptors on cells.
  • 106. TRH  Produced by Hypothalamus  Down regulated by T4, T3  Travels through portal venous system to adenohypophysis  Stimulates TSH formation
  • 107. TSH  Produced by Adenohypophysis Thyrotrophs  Upregulated by TRH  Downregulated by T4, T3  Stimulates several processes  Iodine uptake  Colloid endocytosis  Growth of thyroid gland
  • 108. Wolff-Chaikoff Effect  Increasing doses of I- increase hormone synthesis initially but higher doses cause cessation of hormone formation.
  • 109. Hypothyroidism  Symptoms – fatigability, coldness, weight gain, constipation,  Signs – Cool skin, dry skin  Newborn – Retardation, short stature, possible deafness  Types of Hypothyroidism  Primary – Thyroid gland failure  Secondary – Pituitary failure  Tertiary – Hypothalamic failure
  • 110. Causes : 1.Congenital deficiency of the gland. 2. Iodine deficiency in mother during pregnancy. 3. Administration of Anti-Thyroid drugs during pregnancy. Cretinism
  • 111. Hashimoto thyroiditis  Hypothyroidism is most commonly caused by, an autoimmune disease  autoimmunity destroys the gland rather than stimulates it
  • 112. Hyperthyroidism  Symptoms – Palpitations, nervousness, fatigue, diarrhea, sweating, heat intolerance
  • 113. Graves disease  Most common cause of hyperthyroidism  It is autoimmune disease  Thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin (TSI) binds with the same receptors that bind with TSH
  • 114. Changes in Feedback Relationships in Several Disorders
  • 116. Calcium  Required for muscle contraction, intracellular messenger systems, hemostasis, membrane excitation, excitation secretion process of hormone & enzymes.  Exists in free (ionized) and bound states  Albumin (40% total calcium)  Phosphate and Citrate (10% total calcium)  Concentration of Ca2+ mediated by  Parathyroid gland  Parafollicular C cells of thyroid gland  Kidney & Bone.
  • 119. Parathyroid Gland Parathyroid glands contains chief cells which secrete parathyroid hormone (PTH). Its primary function is to keep the Ca2+ conc. In ECF & ICF nearly constant level.
  • 120.
  • 121.
  • 122. Actions : 1.On Bones :  Increases plasma calcium & decreases plasma phosphate conc. by osteolytic effect.  increases Osteoclast size, no. of osteoclast nuclei & osteoclast proliferation.  Hydrolyzes the organic bone matrix.
  • 123. 2. On Kidneys : Increases Ca2+ reabsorption from DCT. Decreases Ca2+ excretion in urine. Decreases reabsorption of phosphate from PCT & increases its excretion in DCT. Promotes conversion of 25 HCC to 1,25 DHCC by activating 1 hydroxylase.
  • 124. 3. On GIT : Enhances both Ca2+ & PO4 - absorption by increasing production of 1,25 DHCC.
  • 125.
  • 126. Regulation : Stimulation of parathyroid PTH Mobilization of Ca2+ from bones Normal serum Ca2+ Serum Ca2+ 1.
  • 127. 2. Serum phosphate PTH Serum Ca2+ 3. 1,25 DHCC inhibits PTH secretion
  • 128. calcitonin •It regulates calcium level in the blood •Secreted from “C cells/ parafollicular cells” of thyroid gland.
  • 129. Actions :  Decreases plasma Ca2+ & PO4 - conc.  Inhibits Osteoclast activity& its number.  Decreases renal formation of 1,25 DHCC.  Inhibits intestinal absorption of Ca2+ & PO4 - .
  • 132. rickets •Result of Vit-D deficiency. •Causes : Inadequate intake of vit-D, Inadequate exposure to sun, kidney failure, liver dysfunction, defect in target cell receptors. •Pathology : Deficiency in deposition of Ca2+ salts in bones, process of Ossification is abnormal.
  • 133. Osteomalacia  Adult rickets.  Inadequate absorption of Ca2+ due to deficiency of vit-D & Ca2+ in diet.  Serum Ca2+ is low , 6-7mg/dl.  Mostly seen in females after multiple pregnancies.
  • 134. Regulation of Calcium and phosphate
  • 136. Adrenal Glands Paired organs that cap the kidneys. Each: outer cortex and inner medulla.
  • 137.
  • 138. Synthesis of steroid hormones
  • 139. Adrenal cortex Adrenal cortex: - stimulated by ACTH - secretes corticosteroids - different regions secrete different hormones. - all made from cholesterol.
  • 140. Adrenal Cortex Corticosteroids include: - mineralocorticoids: - glucocorticoids - gonadocorticoids
  • 141. Adrenal Cortex Mineralocorticoids: - aldosterone - targets kidneys - affects Na+ and K+ balance - stimulates transcription of Na+/K+ ATPase pump! - more aldosterone -> more Na+, water in body - stress -> CRH -> ACTH -> aldosterone -> retain fluid -> high blood pressure!
  • 142. Adrenal Cortex Glucocorticoids - cortisol - metabolism, more glucose in blood - stress -> large increase in glucocorticoides
  • 143. Adrenal Cortex Gonadocorticoids: -sex steroids - include DHEA (precursor for estrogen, testosterone)
  • 144. Cortisol Actions :  Metabolic actions On various systems Anti-inflammatory & Anti-immunity Stress adaptation Anti-growth effects Permissive actions
  • 145. 1.Metabolic actions : Carbohydrate metabolism : glucose sparing hormone, anti-insulin effects. Increases hepatic glycogenolysis 6-10 fold. Decreases rate of glucose utilization.  Adrenal Diabetes
  • 146. Fat metabolism : Lipolytic . Increases plasma FFA by promoting mobilization of fatty acids from adipose tissue. Enhances oxidation of fatty acids in the cells. Protein metabolism : catabolic Reduces protein stores
  • 147.
  • 148. Electrolyte & H20 metabolism : Actions similar to Aldosterone, less potent. Retention of Na+ & Cl-. Excretion of K+ . Maintains ECF volume, provides adequate GFR
  • 149. 2. On various Systems : 1.CVS : Required for maintenance of normal BP. Improves myocardial performance by blocking Na+- Ca++ exchanger. Permissive action to catecholamine's & A-II Cortisol stimulates erythropoietin synthesis
  • 150. 2.GIT : Promotes peptic ulcer formation (mediated stimulation of gastric acid and pepsin secretion) Promotes absorption of water insoluble fats . exerts a trophic effect on the GI mucosa Stimulates appetite, hypercortisolism is frequently associated with weight gain
  • 151. 3.Muscle : Maintains the contractility & work performance skeletal and cardiac muscle. Increases ß adrenergic receptors in myocardium. When cortisol levels are excessive, muscle weakness and pain are common symptoms (excessive proteolysis) 4. Connective tissue : Inhibits collagen synthesis and produces thinning of skin and walls of capillaries.
  • 152. 5.Bone : Increases bone resorption . decrease intestinal Ca++ absorption and renal Ca++ reabsorption, Antagonizes the action of Vit-D. inhibit osteoblast bone-forming functions (osteoporosis) 6. On Foetus : Facilitates inutero maturation of CNS, retina, skin, GIT & lungs. Increases rate of development of alveoli, increases surfactant synthesis.
  • 153. 3. Anti-inflammatory & anti-immunity action :
  • 154. 4. Stress adaptation Stress  ACTH  Cortisol 5. Permissive actions : (Glucagon & catecholamines) Permissive actions of cortisol include 1. Glucagon & catecholamines to exert calorigenic effects. 2. Catecholamines to exert lipolytic effects 3. Catecholamines to produce pressor response & bronchodilation.
  • 155. 6. Anti-growth Effect : antagonize action of vit-D 1.Decreases Ca++ reabsorption 2.Inhibit mitosis of fibroblasts 3.Cause degradation of collagen Osteoporosis Delays wound healing
  • 156. Regulation of Cortisol secretion :
  • 157.
  • 158. Cushing syndrome Hypercortisolism regardless of origin, including chronic glucocorticoid therapy It is a clinical disorder which results from the exposure of body tissues to sustained supraphysiological blood levels of cortisol.
  • 159. Causes of hypercortisolism 1. Primary hypercortisolism (adrenal source)  ACTH independent Cortisol elevated, ACTH depressed Adenomas or carcinomas of adrenal cortex 2. Secondary hypercortisolism (pituitary vs. ectopic source) ACTH dependent Elevated ACTH, cortisol, adrenal androgen Benign or malignant ACTH secreting tumors. Ectopic ACTH syndrome: ° Most frequently in patients with small cell carcinoma of the lung (Greater secretion of ACTH)
  • 160. Cushing’s Syndrome symptoms – Thin skin, easy bruising – Osteoporosis – Diabetes – Excess hair growth – Irregular periods – Problems in conceiving – High blood pressure – Fluid retention  changes in protein and fat metabolism  changes in sex hormones  salt and water retention
  • 161. Aldosterone Produced in the zona glomerulosa of the adrenal cortex
  • 162. Aldosterone actions 1.Na+ & H2O reabsorption  on CD & late DCT. 2. K+ secretion with Na+ reaborption. 3. H+ secretion with Na+ reaborption. 3. Infusion of small doses causes increase BP. 4. Enhances Na+ absorption especially in colon, which prevents loss of Na+ in stools.
  • 163.
  • 165. Control of Aldosterone Release ADRENAL CORTEX Aldosterone ECV  K+ Renin Renin Substrate (Angiotensinogen) Angiotensin I Angiotensin II decrease BP  Δ Na+ Macula Densa ACE ACTH  K+
  • 166. Aldosterone Syndromes Over production Conn’s Syndrome Underproduction Addison’s Syndrome
  • 167. Primary Aldosteronism :Conn’s Syndrome  It is a condition in which there is prolonged excessive secretion of aldosterone from an adrenocortical adenoma . Features : Hypernatremia, Hypokalemia, Hypervolemia, Hypertension.
  • 168. Secondary Aldosteronism :  It is a condition in which oversecretion of Aldosterone is brought about by extra adrenal factors.
  • 169. Adrenal cortex Insufficiency  Destruction of adrenal cortex Eg: Addison disease.  Diminished secretion of ACTH due to Adenohypophyseal or Hypothalamic failure  Congenital failure of Cortisol secretion due to defects in the enzymes responsible for its synthesis.
  • 170. Addison’s disease : • Chronic deficiency of both Mineralocorticoids and Glucocorticoids due to destruction of adrenal cortex.
  • 171. Features : Hypoglycemia, Hypovolemia, Hypotension. Resistance to stress & infection Disturbed electrolyte balance. Sometimes Vitiligo, change in pigmentation of skin.
  • 172. Adrenal Medulla Adrenal medulla: Derived from embryonic neural crest ectoderm (same tissue that produces the sympathetic ganglia). Controlled by preganglionic sympathetic innervations (is like a postganglionic neuron!) Secretes adrenaline ( epinephrine >90%) (also secretes norepenephrine <10%)
  • 174.
  • 175. Actions : 1.Intracellular actions : • Adrenaline & NA produce different effects depending on type of Adrenergic receptors alpha & beta. Effector organ Receptor Response 1.Eyeradial muscle contraction Ciliary muscle ß Relaxation.
  • 176. 2. Metabolic actions : •Both stimulates Gluconeogenesis, Glycogenolysis, Muscle Glycogenolysis i.e. Hyperglycemic. Adrenaline is more potent than NA. •Both are lipolytic . NA is more potent than adrenaline.
  • 177.
  • 178. 3. On CVS : •Both increase force & rate of contraction of heart. •Increases myocardial excitability. •NA produces vasoconstriction in most organs but Adrenaline dilates blood vessels in skeletal muscles & liver.
  • 179. 4. On Skeletal muscle : •Adrenaline increases muscular blood flow. •Increases force of contraction.
  • 180. 5. Other effects : •Inhibits GI motor activity. •Relaxation of bronchioles to improve gas exchange. •Dilatation of pupils. •Increases renin release from kidneys. •Enhances thyroid hormone secretion.
  • 181. Some Actions of Catecholamine Hormones
  • 182.
  • 184. PHEOCHROMOCYTOMAS • a tumor of chromaffin tissue that produces excessive quantities of catecholamines • It may be extra-adrenal pheochromocytomas of sympathetic ganglia located primarily within the abdomen and that secrete norepinephrine. • Symptoms include: – Main feature is hypertension – diaphoresis, – palpitations, and anxiety – Increased metabolic rate – hyperglycemia
  • 185. pancreas Located in the curve of duodenum Has both Exocrine & Endocrine function Secretes major hormones: Insulin Glucagon Somatostatin Pancreatic polypeptide Four types of cells , ß, D, F cells.
  • 186.  cells Glucagon  ß cells  Insulin  Delta cells  Somatostatin  F or PP cells Pancreatic polypeptide
  • 187.
  • 188. Insulin •Polypeptide containing two chains ( &ß) linked by disulfide bridges. •A chain21aa’s & B chain 30aa’s.
  • 189. Biosynthesis : • Synthesized in ER of ß cells. •Pre proinsulin Pro insulinInsulin
  • 190. Tissues that require insulin for effective uptake of glucose • Adipose tissue • Resting skeletal muscle? • Liver Tissues in which glucose uptake is not affected by insulin • Nervous tissue • Kidney tubules • Intestinal mucosa • Red blood cells • β-cells of pancreas
  • 191. Mechanism of Insulin secretion
  • 192.
  • 193. Insulin secretion : Increased Decreased glucose . Proteins. Keto acids , FFA. K+, Ca++ Glucagon. Gastric Inhibitory Peptide. Secretin, Cholecystokinin. Vagal activity, Ach. Fasting Exercise Somatostatin.  Leptin. K+ depletion. Insulin.
  • 194. Insulin Receptor • The portion of the insulin receptor that faces externally has the hormone-binding domain. • The portion of the insulin receptor that faces the cytosol has tyrosine kinase activity. • When occupied by insulin, the receptor phosphorylates itself and other proteins.
  • 195. Insulin Mechanism of Action :
  • 196. Actions : 1.Metabolic actions : Carbohydrate metabolism On liver On muscle On adipose tissue Promotes glycogenesis & glycolysis. Inhibits glycogenolysis & gluconeogenesis Stimulates transport of glucose into cells. Stimulates glycogenesis. Increase muscle blood flow Stimulates transport of glucose into adipose tissue. Glucose is converted into glycerophosphate & fatty acids (minor)
  • 197. Fat metabolism : On liver On muscle On adipose tissue Lipogenic & Anti- ketogenic. Glucose converted to fatty acids Favours Cholesterol synthesis Decreases Apolipoprotein-B synthesis. Suppresses lipoprotein lipase Inhibits lipolysis. Inhibits FFA uptake, Oxidation. Inhibits Hormone Sensitive Lipase. Stimulates use of keto acids Promotes deposition of fat into adipose tissue.
  • 198. Protein metabolism : •Anabolic hormone. •Stimulates Na+dependent transport of neutral aa’s across cell membrane in muscle. •Increases gene transcription. •Contributes to body growth by stimulating synthesis of macromolecules in bone, cartilage & stimulates transcription of growth factors such as IGF-I
  • 199. Insulin decreases: Triglyceride breakdown (lipolysis) in adipose tissue by decreasing the activity of hormone-sensitive lipase. This enzyme is activated by stress hormones (i.e., cortisol, growth hormone, epinephrine, glucagon).
  • 200. Insulin decreases: Triglyceride breakdown (lipolysis) in adipose tissue by decreasing the activity of hormone-sensitive lipase. This enzyme is activated by stress hormones (i.e., cortisol, growth hormone, epinephrine, glucagon). The Adipose Cell
  • 201. Electrolyte metabolism : •Stimulates uptake of K+, Po4 -, Mg++ by cells. •Regulates K+ balance. •Increases renal reabsorption of K+, Po4 -, Mg++.
  • 202. 2. On CNS : Selected areas of brain (hypothalamus) requires insulin. Injection of insulin into cerebral ventricles decreases food intake. Continuous insulin excess increase body wt.& adipose mass  increase leptin levels  induces satiety.
  • 203. 3. On blood vessels :  Overall vasodilator effect  mediated by increase in NO synthesis. 4. Autocrine effects : ß cells also possess insulin receptors. Essential for development of normal size islets and for glucose stimulated insulin release.
  • 204. 5. On Growth : • Essential for growth of an animal as GH is. •Insulin & GH acts synergistically to promote growth, each performing a specific function.
  • 205. Regulation of Insulin secretion 1. Substrate stimulation :by a feedback relationship with exogenous nutrient supply.
  • 206. 2. Hormonal control :  GI hormones  Glucagon, Secretin, CCK, GIP,GLP-I.  Glucagon.  Growth hormone.  Cortisol.  Thyroid hormones.  Human Placental Lactogen.
  • 207. 3. Electrolytes :  K+ & Ca++.  Mg++ has a modulatory effect. 4. Neural control :  Parasympathetic Increases secretion.  Sympathetic  Decreases secretion.
  • 208.
  • 209. To windup Metabolic actions of insulin
  • 210. Diabetes mellitus A clinical state which is associated with flow of sugar in urine which is due to deficiency of Insulin /unresponsive to Insulin
  • 211. Causes : Insulin deficiency. Increase in levels of antagonistic hormones (GH, Glucagon, Catecholamines, Cortisol). Hereditary, Age, Obesity
  • 212. Signs & Symptoms : •Hyperglycemia. •Glycosuria. •Polyuria. •Polydipsia. •Polyphagia. •Dehydration. •Loss of weight. •Ketonuria. •Poor resistance to infections.
  • 213.
  • 214. glucagon is a peptide hormone secreted by the α-cells of the pancreatic islets  Promotes mobilization rather than storage of fuels, especially glucose. Has opposite action to insulin.
  • 215. Actions : Have no influence on glucose uptake by peripheral tissues. Increases glycogenolysis & gluconeogenesis in liver. Lipolytic & Ketogenic hormone. Inhibits storage of Tg’s in liver. Have calorigenic action.
  • 216.
  • 219. Stimulators Inhibitors Amino acids (Glucogenic) CCK, Gastrin Cortisol Exercise Beta adrenergic stimulators Glucose Somatostatin Secretin FFA, Ketones. Insulin. GABA Alpha adrenergic stimulators Glucagon secretion
  • 220. Other Hormones Involved In Energy Balance And Appetite Leptin:  produced in adipose tissue • decreases hypothalamic neuropeptide Y (NPY)…. Which is Potent activator of feeding (orexigenic) • Leptin, inhibiting NPY synthesis promotes satiety (anorexigenic) • increases energy expenditure, in part by increasing fatty acid oxidation, and it decreases fat stores • Lack of and/or resistance to leptin causes obesity
  • 221. Other Hormones Involved In Energy Balance And Appetite cont… Adiponectin:  produced in adipose tissue  increases insulin sensitivity and tissue fat oxidation  Prevents obesity??????
  • 222. Other Hormones Involved In Energy Balance And Appetite cont… Ghrelin:  produced by stomach cells • reduced in response to a meal and highest in the fasting state • activates hypothalamic NPY neurons…. potent orexigenic hormone • stimulates the release of growth hormone (GH) • Ghrelin levels are decreased in obese individuals • elevated by low calorie diets, strenuous exercise
  • 223. Overall View of Glucose Counterregulation