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A Common Sense Approach

  To Sound Nutrition
     And Wellness
First, a few questions:
1. What are your goals for your physical health?
First, a few questions:
1. What are your goals for your physical health?
     (Did you have any before you saw that question?)
First, a few questions:
1. What are your goals for your physical health?
     (Did you have any before you saw that question?)
2. On a scale of 1 to 10, how important is your physical
First, a few questions:
1. What are your goals for your physical health?
     (Did you have any before you saw that question?)
2. On a scale of 1 to 10, how important is your physical
3. On the same scale, how much of your
     time/energy/financial resources do you spend on it?
First, a few questions:
1. What are your goals for your physical health?
     (Did you have any before you saw that question?)
2. On a scale of 1 to 10, how important is your physical
3. On the same scale, how much of your
     time/energy/financial resources do you spend on it?
4. How much money do you spend, on average, per day
     on things you eat or drink that you know are not
     improving your health (coffee, soda, donuts,
     desserts, fast food, unhealthy snacks, etc.)?
How does your daily diet compare
                             to what your body needs?

                                              The USDA spent about a
                                              zillion dollars to figure out
                                              the minimum of what our

                                              bodies need. The New
                                              Food Pyramid can be a bit
                                              confusing, but let’s simplify
                                              it and answer the question

       Following are the requirements for a hypothetical active 35-year-old
       woman. If you’re male, you’ll need a bit more. If you’re sedentary or
       an older adult, you’ll need a little less.
6 oz. per day    2½ cups per day
6 - 9 servings        4 servings
                    Furthermore, you should vary your
                    veggies each week as follows:

FRUITS              Dark Green Vegetables = 3 cups weekly
                    Orange Vegetables = 2 cups weekly
2 cups per day      Dry Beans & Peas = 3 cups weekly
                    Starchy Vegetables = 3 cups weekly
3 - 4 servings      Other Vegetables = 6 1/2 cups weekly

MILK             MEAT & BEANS
3 cups per day     5½ oz. per day
3 servings          2 - 3 servings
OILS & FATS                   SUGARS
                                 6 tsp. per day                 Mostly in
                                                             your dreams
Note that these should Fats & sugars combined, 265 calories per day
be “good” fats, and that (less than in one 2-oz. Snickers bar, or about
you’re already getting
                             the same as one small serving of fries)
some of these fats in
your meat and dairy
                                     Who eats like this?
   What’s a Serving?
   Bread, cereals, pasta, rice, starchy vegetables            Milk, yogurt, cheese
   - 1/2 cup whole grain cereal, pasta, rice, corn, potato    - 1 cup milk or yogurt
   - 1 slice whole grain bread                                - 1/2 cup cottage cheese
   Fruit                                                      Dry beans, eggs, fish, meat, nuts
   - 1 whole fresh fruit                                      - 2-3 oz. fresh lean meat, poultry, fish
   - 1/2 cup chopped fresh fruit                              - 1/2 cup dried beans
   Vegetables                                                 - 1 egg
   - 1 cup raw, leafy vegetable (iceberg lettuce does not     Fats, oils, sweets - use sparingly
   count)                                                     - Salad dressing, mayonnaise, margarine, butter,
   - 1/2 cup chopped vegetable                                oil, pie, cake, cookies, ice cream
Inadequate Nutrient Intake

The Anarem Report reveals that not
a single person out of the 21,500+
people surveyed consumed 100% of
the DV for even any one of the
following ten nutrients:

• Protein        • Thiamin
• Calcium        • Riboflavin        Fiber:
• Iron           • Vitamin B-6       The American Cancer Soc., Nat’l.
                                     Cancer Inst., and American Heart
• Vitamin A      • Vitamin B-12      Assn. all recommend a daily fiber
                                     intake of 20 – 35 grams. The average
• Vitamin C      • Magnesium         American gets 7-10 grams per day.
The Myth of the Well-Balanced Diet

Close to nature, organic;   fresh = picked that day
The Myth of the Well-Balanced Diet

Dinner today. Far from nature; fresh = never canned, maybe frozen
  13,000-15,000 chemicals added to our food (9-12 lbs./yr./person-USDA)
The Nutrients We Expect May Not Be There
                    % more (less) in organic vs. commercial produce
                       Wheat              Sweet corn        Overall average

Calcium                120%               1800%                   63%
Iron                   (15%)                160%                  59%
Magnesium              430%                 300%                 138%
Phosphorus             240%                 210%                      91%
Potassium              360%                 280%                 125%
Zinc                    80%                  90%                      60%
Lead (unfavorable)      (65%)                  0%                (29%)
Organic Foods vs. Supermarket Foods: Element Levels, by Doctor’s Data Inc.
Published in Journal of Applied Nutrition, Vol. 45, No. 1, 1993
Their conclusion was that organic foods contained, on average, twice the
elemental concentration (of the favorable elements) as commercial foods.

•The USDA food tables show a dramatic decrease in the nutritional
content of produce over the last 40 years. They offer no explanation
or concern. LE Magazine, March, 2001
And Today, Our Need Is Greater
Nutrient Antagonist       Nutrients Depleted
Stress                    B’s, C, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium,
                          Protein, Zinc
Sugar                     A, B’s, C, Potassium, Copper, Zinc, Protein
                          Magnesium, Chromium, Iron, Phosphorus
Caffeine                  A, B’s, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium
Birth Control Pills       B’s, C, E, Copper, Protein, Zinc, Magnesium
Aspirin                   C, Phosphorus
Smoking                   A, B’s, C
Chlorine                  E

--The Nutrition Almanac
Our Increasingly Toxic World
  Pollution (air, water, food)               A, B’s, C, E, Protein, Selenium, Antioxidants
  (over 2100 contaminants have been found in US public drinking water –Center for Responsive Law)

•If you take a breath as you get off a bus and it is
pulling away, leaving a cloud of exhaust behind,
you’ve been exposed to more free radicals in
that one breath than your grandparents were
exposed to in their entire lifetime.
Stephen Cherniski, MS, author of The DHEA
Breakthrough and The Metabolic Plan
•10% of the women studied were found to
have levels of mercury so high as to cause fetal
brain damage. CDC study

•“Of the 287 chemicals we detected in umbilical cord blood, we know that 180
cause cancer in humans or animals, 217 are toxic to the brain and nervous system,
and 208 cause birth defects or abnormal development in animal tests.”
BodyBurden: The Pollution in Newborns, 2007 study, Environmental Work Group
Our Health: A Most Valuable Asset
1900: Infectious Diseases
Attacked from outside
•Small Pox

Today: Degenerative Diseases
Decaying from within
•Heart Disease
The US is #1 in Degenerative Disease
•Once the least, the US now has the most people with degenerative
      disease per 1000 in the world. 1
•Death rate from heart attack in the US:
          1926: 1 in 20,883 2
          1940: 1 in 2,114 3
          Present: 1 in 2 4 (world’s highest)
•US cancer rate:
         1950: 1 in 80 5
         1970: 1 in 6 5
         1990: 1 in 3 5
         Present: 1 in 2 6 (world’s highest)
1. US Dept of HEW and OECD Health Data 2007. 2. JAMA 113, 563, 1939. 3. British Medical Journal 2, 782, 1946.
4. American Heart Association. 5. Center for Alternative Cancer Research. 6. National Cancer Institute, 8/07.
•Life Expectancy: US ranks 23rd out of the 30 industrialized
nations in the world.    OECD Health Data 2007

•1 in 3 men and 1 in 6 women in the US can be expected to die of
heart disease or stroke before the age of 60.
                American Cancer Society – world’s highest rate

•Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer worldwide, but
once it is contracted, women are more likely to die of it in the US than
in African nations. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, March/April 2005
•Percentage of Americans who are overweight or obese (BMI=25+):
      1960-62       24.3%
      1971-74       25.0%
      1988-91       33.3% All 3 above from Journal of the Amer. Medical Assn.
      2004          66.3% from NHANES data – world’s highest, by far
•A greater proportion of our life is spent in ill health. For every one
year increase in life expectancy, four are ill.
                New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 318, No. 7, pp. 414-18
Our Children Are At Risk
•As many as one in every 3 pregnancies now ends in miscarriage.
  Newsweek – world’s highest
•More US children age 3-14 now die of cancer than any other
 disease. Am. Inst. for Cancer Research – world’s highest
•Two-thirds of US children are above the recommended
 cholesterol of 150. Dr. W.H. Dietz, Tufts Univ. School of Medicine
                                    •The rate of overweight children
                                    more than tripled in the 25 years
                                    from 1980 to 2004.
                                    NHANES – world’s highest

                                    •The current generation of young
                                    adults and children may be the first
                                    generation that will be less healthy
                                    and have a shorter life expectancy
                                    than their parents.
                                    Surgeon General Carmona to Congress, 3/2004
                                    See also NEJM 352:1138, March 17, 2005
In America, Normal is not Healthy
“Nearly 4 out of 5 people in the US have some sort of disease; not serious enough
to warrant medical attention, but neither can they boast of good health.” --USDA
•Tired, fatigue                •Constipation/diarrhea
•Irritability                  •Back pain/leg pain
•Headaches                     •Joint pain or inflammation
•Nervousness                   •Digestive disorders
•Depression                    •Heartburn
•Sinus trouble                 •Dandruff
•Insomnia                      •Muscle cramping
•Unhealthy hair, skin, nails   •Need caffeine/sugar
•Allergies, asthma             •Anemia
•Bleeding gums                 •Slow healing/scarring
•Weak immunity                 •Inability to conceive
•Circulation, varicose veins   •Abnormal blood sugar
•Menstrual problems            •PMS, hormonal problems

                                                             Photo courtesy of Successories, Inc.
                                                             Concept from Dr. Stephen R. Covey
In America, Normal is not Healthy
“Nearly 4 out of 5 people in the US have some sort of disease; not serious enough
to warrant medical attention, but neither can they boast of good health.” --USDA
•Tired, fatigue                •Constipation/diarrhea
•Irritability                  •Back pain/leg pain
•Headaches                     •Joint pain or inflammation
•Nervousness                   •Digestive disorders
•Depression                    •Heartburn
•Sinus trouble                 •Dandruff
•Insomnia                      •Muscle cramping
•Unhealthy hair, skin, nails   •Need caffeine/sugar
•Allergies, asthma             •Anemia
•Bleeding gums                 •Slow healing/scarring
•Weak immunity                 •Inability to conceive
•Circulation, varicose veins   •Abnormal blood sugar
•Menstrual problems            •PMS, hormonal problems

Disease is not caused by a shortage of
medications. Treat the causes, not the                       Photo courtesy of Successories, Inc.
symptoms.                                                    Concept from Dr. Stephen R. Covey
In America, Normal is not Healthy
“Nearly 4 out of 5 people in the US have some sort of disease; not serious enough
to warrant medical attention, but neither can they boast of good health.” --USDA
•Tired, fatigue                •Constipation/diarrhea
•Irritability                  •Back pain/leg pain
•Headaches                     •Joint pain or inflammation
•Nervousness                   •Digestive disorders
•Depression                    •Heartburn
•Sinus trouble                 •Dandruff
•Insomnia                      •Muscle cramping
•Unhealthy hair, skin, nails   •Need caffeine/sugar
•Allergies, asthma             •Anemia
•Bleeding gums                 •Slow healing/scarring
•Weak immunity                 •Inability to conceive
•Circulation, varicose veins   •Abnormal blood sugar
•Menstrual problems            •PMS, hormonal problems

Disease is not caused by a shortage of
medications. Treat the causes, not the                       Photo courtesy of Successories, Inc.
symptoms.                                                    Concept from Dr. Stephen R. Covey

The average American fills 12.4 prescriptions per year.
            Kaiser Family Foundation, 2005
“There no longer can be any doubt about the
 link between diet and disease.” US Surgeon General
“The major causes of illness and death in the US are related to what
we eat… including heart disease… cancer, hypertension, diabetes,
obesity, and other chronic problems.”
  Dr. D. Mark Hegsted, Harvard School of Public Health

“Today we’re finding that the chronic illnesses plaguing Americans
are greatly influenced by our environment: what we breathe, drink,
and eat.” Dr. Elizabeth Bowmen,
Physicians for Social Responsibility

“The top 5 causes of mortality
have a nutritional association.”
  National Center for Health Statistics, CDC
The Good News—You Can Do So Much!
“If the public would just eat up to the low RDA’s, 450,000 deaths
per year would be prevented from heart disease, stroke, and
cancer. There would be dramatic improvements in 19 major
health problems.” USDA
“The average US physician receives 2.5 hours training in nutrition
during four years of medical school.” John A. McDougall, MD
“You can do more for your health than your doctor can.”
       90% you, 10% medical care system CDC
“Every $1 spent on nutrient
supplements will save $28 in health
care costs.” Dr. Ranjit Kurnar Chandra, MD,
pediatrician & immunologist, University of
Newfoundland, from NY Times, 8/21/2001
Build a Healthy You

         Continually being Body functions are so intertwined that
         replaced, repaired,  one missing nutrient can affect the
         and renewed…        absorption and utilization of others.
         300,000,000 new
         cells per day                       “The nutritional
Cells                microenvironment of our body cells
                      is crucially important to our health,
                     and deficiencies in this environment
                     constitute a major cause of disease.”
                          2-time Nobel Laureate Dr. Linus Pauling, MD
                               and Roger J. Williams, PhD, discoverer of
                                         Pantothenic Acid (a B vitamin)
Build a Healthy You

                           Continually being Body functions are so intertwined that
                           replaced, repaired,  one missing nutrient can affect the
                           and renewed…        absorption and utilization of others.
                           300,000,000 new
                           cells per day                       “The nutritional
            Cells                           microenvironment of our body cells
                                             is crucially important to our health,
              Vitamins, minerals,           and deficiencies in this environment
              protein, phytonutrients,      constitute a major cause of disease.”
              antioxidants, water,             2-time Nobel Laureate Dr. Linus Pauling, MD
              essential fatty acids, etc.           and Roger J. Williams, PhD, discoverer of
Nutrients                                                     Pantothenic Acid (a B vitamin)
Build a Healthy You
       Dependent on
  the healthy function
       of healthy cells

                             Continually being Body functions are so intertwined that
                             replaced, repaired,  one missing nutrient can affect the
                             and renewed…        absorption and utilization of others.
                             300,000,000 new
                             cells per day                       “The nutritional
            Cells                             microenvironment of our body cells
                                               is crucially important to our health,
                Vitamins, minerals,           and deficiencies in this environment
                protein, phytonutrients,      constitute a major cause of disease.”
                antioxidants, water,             2-time Nobel Laureate Dr. Linus Pauling, MD
                essential fatty acids, etc.           and Roger J. Williams, PhD, discoverer of
Nutrients                                                       Pantothenic Acid (a B vitamin)
Build a Healthy You
       Dependent on
  the healthy function
       of healthy cells

                             Organs                     Body
                             Continually being Body functions are so intertwined that
                             replaced, repaired,  one missing nutrient can affect the
                             and renewed…        absorption and utilization of others.
                             300,000,000 new
                             cells per day                       “The nutritional
            Cells                             microenvironment of our body cells
                                               is crucially important to our health,
                Vitamins, minerals,           and deficiencies in this environment
                protein, phytonutrients,      constitute a major cause of disease.”
                antioxidants, water,             2-time Nobel Laureate Dr. Linus Pauling, MD
                essential fatty acids, etc.           and Roger J. Williams, PhD, discoverer of
Nutrients                                                       Pantothenic Acid (a B vitamin)
Build a Healthy You
       Dependent on
  the healthy function
       of healthy cells

                             Organs                     Body                       You
                             Continually being Body functions are so intertwined that
                             replaced, repaired,  one missing nutrient can affect the
                             and renewed…        absorption and utilization of others.
                             300,000,000 new
                             cells per day                       “The nutritional
            Cells                             microenvironment of our body cells
                                               is crucially important to our health,
                Vitamins, minerals,           and deficiencies in this environment
                protein, phytonutrients,      constitute a major cause of disease.”
                antioxidants, water,             2-time Nobel Laureate Dr. Linus Pauling, MD
                essential fatty acids, etc.           and Roger J. Williams, PhD, discoverer of
Nutrients                                                       Pantothenic Acid (a B vitamin)
Which Direction Are You Heading?
Which Direction Do You Want to Be Heading?
           If you take care of you, the body creates health..
                   if you don’t, the body degenerates.
•Pain and suffering                                •Proper Diet
•Money                                             •Supplementation
•Emotional distress                                •Exercise
•Time                                              •Rest and relaxation
•More money                                        •Positive attitude
•Nursing home                                      •Healthy relationships
•Oxygen and wheelchairs                            •Strong spiritual life
•Even more money                                   •Good lifestyle choices

                 You get to choose, every day…
Which Direction Are You Heading?
Which Direction Do You Want to Be Heading?
            If you take care of you, the body creates health..
                    if you don’t, the body degenerates.
 •Pain and suffering                                •Proper Diet
 •Money                                             •Supplementation
 •Emotional distress                                •Exercise
 •Time                                              •Rest and relaxation
 •More money                                        •Positive attitude
 •Nursing home                                      •Healthy relationships
 •Oxygen and wheelchairs                            •Strong spiritual life
 •Even more money                                   •Good lifestyle choices

Disease and
Death                              ?                             Optimum
                  You get to choose, every day…
Today, Supplementation is Necessary
•“We have enough data for physicians to suggest that their patients
take supplements.”
    Jeffrey Blumberg, PhD, USDA’s Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts Univ.

•“…it appears prudent for all adults to take
vitamin supplements.”
    Journal of the American Medical Association, June, 2002

•“The Editorial Board of The Wellness Letter…
has been reluctant to recommend supplementary
vitamins on a broad scale for healthy people
eating healthy diets. But the accumulation of
research in recent years has caused us to change our minds….”
   The Wellness Letter, University of California at Berkeley, Jan. 1994

•“The needs of different human beings for some vitamins have
been shown to differ by as much as 20-fold, or even, in some cases,
as much as 100-fold.” Linus Pauling, PhD and Roger J. Williams, PhD
Good Nutrients Make a Difference
Good Nutrients Make a Difference

Environmental & Nutritional Connections to Learning & Behavior: LD, ADD/ADHD --Karen M. Craig, Ed.D.
The Three Types of Supplements
           Michael Pazdon, Organic Research, Univ. of New Hampshire

Synthetic: Most drug/health food store brands
         Manufactured from chemicals, not food
         No enzymes
         Can legally be labeled “natural”
The Three Types of Supplements
            Michael Pazdon, Organic Research, Univ. of New Hampshire

Synthetic: Most drug/health food store brands
         Manufactured from chemicals, not food
         No enzymes
         Can legally be labeled “natural”

Crystallized: Often labeled “whole food”
         Chemical or heat extraction (dead)
         Weak enzymes at best
         Questionable absorption/bioavailability
The Three Types of Supplements
            Michael Pazdon, Organic Research, Univ. of New Hampshire

Synthetic: Most drug/health food store brands
         Manufactured from chemicals, not food
         No enzymes
         Can legally be labeled “natural”

Crystallized: Often labeled “whole food”
         Chemical or heat extraction (dead)
         Weak enzymes at best
         Questionable absorption/bioavailability

Lyophilized: Shaklee food supplements
         Cool, no chemical process (alive)
         Strong enzymatic action
         Balanced, from whole, healthy food
         Nourishes the cells
Synthetic vs. Natural
       Chemically Similar, Biochemically Very Different

   Natural              Synthetic             Natural              Shaklee
  Vitamin C             Vitamin C            Vitamin C            Vitamin C
                        (most vitamin        with BHA
                        supplements)         (a preservative)

“The research literature contains numerous reports which suggest that natural
vitamin C, for example, has been found to be more effective than synthetic ascorbic
acid. This fact has been recognized for a long time. In 1954, for example, it was
reported that cases of scurvy failed to respond to doses of synthetic vitamin C. A
cure was effected when individuals suffering from scurvy were given a natural food
substance containing vitamin C.” Consumers’ Research magazine
Who’s Looking Out for Us?
“Supplements don’t get the same pre-market safety and efficacy evaluations that
drugs get, nor does the FDA set standards to ensure that labels accurately reflect
contents.” Time, July 31, 2000
8 of 21 brands of ginseng tested were found to contain high levels of pesticides.
Many also contained high levels of lead. website
“The USDA tested ginseng products, and they found that 39 of 43 ginseng-labeled
products on the shelves in health food stores had no ginseng in them.”
  UDSA radio report, Sept. 17, 1998
“Out of 13 brands of probiotics bought over the counter, only two matched their
labeled microbiological specifications qualitatively and quantitatively.”
   British Medical Journal 312 (7022): 55-6

“Some pills had 10 or 20 times as much active ingredient as others.”
    Consumer Reports, after analyzing 10 brands of ginseng
“One of every four supplements we’ve tested had some problem.”
  Tod Cooperman, MD, President, ConsumerLab
  Over the years, ConsumerLab has tested over 1900 dietary supplements for quality
  and purity.
The Shaklee Difference
                         1915 – Dr. Forrest C. Shaklee
                         creates Vitalized Minerals, the
                         world’s first multivitamin
                         1956 – Dr. Shaklee founds a company based on
                         living in harmony with nature and on the
                         Golden Rule: Shaklee Corporation
1960 – Shaklee introduces Basic H, one of the first nontoxic,
biodegradable cleaners (biodegradable is not yet a word in the dictionary)

2000 – Shaklee becomes the first company in the world to
obtain Climate Neutral certification, totally offsetting its CO2 emissions
and achieving a net zero impact on the environment
The Shaklee Difference
•Over 100 clinical studies published in peer-reviewed
scientific journals such as the American Journal of
Clinical Nutrition, Journal of Applied Physiology,and
the Journal of the American Medical Association.
                        •Over $250 million invested in research,
                        development, and testing, resulting in cutting-
                        edge scientific breakthroughs and patents in
                        nutrition, skin care, environmentally-friendly
                        household products, etc.
•Shaklee’s Scientific Advisory Board, internationally
recognized physicians and scientists in the fields of
nutrition, medicine, immunology, cardiovascular
health, etc., provide expert advice and direction.
They are prohibited from endorsing Shaklee.
The Shaklee Difference
•Shaklee’s standards are far stricter than
organic standards. They require purity in the
end product, not just adherence to steps in
the production of raw materials.
•Shaklee performs over 83,000 quality tests
per year (yes, they counted them) on all raw materials and every
significant step of every production run, including every final batch.
That’s 1 test every 6 minutes, 24/7. They don’t have to do recalls.
                          •Many of the raw materials Shaklee tests,
                          they reject. Having been rejected by
                          Shaklee, those contaminated and/or
                          deficient raw materials are then sold by the
                          distributor to other manufacturers.
The Shaklee Difference
          Proof         (Pub. in Nutrition Journal, Oct. 24, 2007)

      In 2007, a landmark study conducted by
      the UC Berkeley School of Public Health
      determined that people who took
      Shaklee supplements had markedly
      better health than people who took
      either no supplements or another brand
      of multivitamin.
      Here are two dramatic examples of
      those results. What is not clear in the
      charts, however, is that none of the
      Shaklee subjects in the test group had
      abnormal levels in either of these two
                      Want to be healthier?
The Shaklee Difference
                       The Daedelus Project, which set the record for
                       human-powered flight (72 miles)—the
                       equivalent energy expenditure of running three
                       consecutive marathons

Will Steger’s three record-setting polar
expeditions, which included the first trans-
Antarctic crossing without re-supply

                          8 of Time-Life’s 25 Greatest Adventures of All
                          Time were powered by Shaklee, as was the
                          first American ascent of Mt. Everest without
© Time-Life

                          supplemental oxygen
The Shaklee Difference
                               The Guarantee
                     When your products are this good, you can stand
                     behind them absolutely. This gold seal can be
                     found on Shaklee products, and it represents our
                     guarantee—the products are pure, safe, free from
                     contaminants, and true to the label’s claims. They
                     have unsurpassed bioavailability and performance.

If you are dissatisfied with any Shaklee product*, for any reason, we
will gladly refund your money. It’s just another
example of Shaklee’s integrity and philosophy.
When you’re committed to the Golden Rule,
you have to do the right thing, even if it costs
money, time and frustration. And Shaklee
does it all with a smile.
               *AirSource and BestWater units are warrantied
So How Do I Begin?
How about starting with 80 bio-optimized nutrients clinically
proven to create a foundation for a longer, healthier life;
                     •based on 12 published clinical studies;
                     •protected by 12 patents, 2 more pending;
                     •dispersed through the body by the S.M.A.R.T.
                     system—the most advanced delivery system
                     available today that puts the right nutrients in
                     the right place at the right time;
                     •conceived and created by a company with
                     over 50 years of history of creating good
                     health—the number one natural
                     nutrition company in the
                     •all in convenient daily
                     bubble strips—
                     does that sound reasonable?
Shaklee – The Original Wellness Company
    Physical          Environmental     Financial
      -Weight management
Shaklee – The Original Wellness Company
    Physical             Environmental   Financial
      -Weight management
•Look Good
      -Personal care products
Shaklee – The Original Wellness Company
    Physical              Environmental   Financial
       -Weight management
•Look Good
       -Personal care products
       -Household products
Shaklee – The Original Wellness Company
    Physical              Environmental   Financial
       -Weight management
•Look Good
       -Personal care products
       -Household products
•Water and Air
       -Purification systems
Shaklee – The Original Wellness Company
    Physical             Environmental   Financial
       -Weight management
•Look Good
       -Personal care products
       -Household products
•Water and Air
       -Purification systems
•Clinical Research
       -Peer-reviewed journals
Shaklee – The Original Wellness Company
    Physical             Environmental   Financial
       -Weight management
•Look Good
       -Personal care products
       -Household products
•Water and Air
       -Purification systems
•Clinical Research
       -Peer-reviewed journals
•Save Money
       -Concentrated products
       -Member discounts
Shaklee – The Original Wellness Company
    Physical             Environmental                 Financial
               Most                             Many
•Healthy                         •Help Others
       -Weight management
•Look Good
       -Personal care products
       -Household products
•Water and Air
       -Purification systems
•Clinical Research
       -Peer-reviewed journals
•Save Money
       -Concentrated products
       -Member discounts
Shaklee – The Original Wellness Company
    Physical             Environmental              Financial
               Most                          Many
•Healthy                         •Help Others
       -Nutrition                •Free Products
       -Weight management
•Look Good
       -Personal care products
       -Household products
•Water and Air
       -Purification systems
•Clinical Research
       -Peer-reviewed journals
•Save Money
       -Concentrated products
       -Member discounts
Shaklee – The Original Wellness Company
    Physical             Environmental               Financial
               Most                           Many
•Healthy                         •Help Others
       -Nutrition                •Free Products
       -Weight management
                                 •Extra Cash: $200 - $2000/mth
•Look Good
       -Personal care products
       -Household products
•Water and Air
       -Purification systems
•Clinical Research
       -Peer-reviewed journals
•Save Money
       -Concentrated products
       -Member discounts
Shaklee – The Original Wellness Company
    Physical             Environmental                Financial
               Most                            Many
•Healthy                         •Help Others
       -Nutrition                •Free Products
       -Weight management
                                 •Extra Cash: $200 - $2000/mth
•Look Good
       -Nutrition                •Vacation paid for
       -Personal care products
       -Household products
•Water and Air
       -Purification systems
•Clinical Research
       -Peer-reviewed journals
•Save Money
       -Concentrated products
       -Member discounts
Shaklee – The Original Wellness Company
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A Common Sense Approach Electronic

  • 1. A Common Sense Approach To Sound Nutrition And Wellness
  • 2. First, a few questions: 1. What are your goals for your physical health?
  • 3. First, a few questions: 1. What are your goals for your physical health? (Did you have any before you saw that question?)
  • 4. First, a few questions: 1. What are your goals for your physical health? (Did you have any before you saw that question?) 2. On a scale of 1 to 10, how important is your physical health?
  • 5. First, a few questions: 1. What are your goals for your physical health? (Did you have any before you saw that question?) 2. On a scale of 1 to 10, how important is your physical health? 3. On the same scale, how much of your time/energy/financial resources do you spend on it?
  • 6. First, a few questions: 1. What are your goals for your physical health? (Did you have any before you saw that question?) 2. On a scale of 1 to 10, how important is your physical health? 3. On the same scale, how much of your time/energy/financial resources do you spend on it? 4. How much money do you spend, on average, per day on things you eat or drink that you know are not improving your health (coffee, soda, donuts, desserts, fast food, unhealthy snacks, etc.)?
  • 7. How does your daily diet compare to what your body needs? The USDA spent about a zillion dollars to figure out the minimum of what our U.S.D.A., bodies need. The New Food Pyramid can be a bit confusing, but let’s simplify it and answer the question above. Following are the requirements for a hypothetical active 35-year-old woman. If you’re male, you’ll need a bit more. If you’re sedentary or an older adult, you’ll need a little less.
  • 8. GRAINS VEGETABLES 6 oz. per day 2½ cups per day 6 - 9 servings 4 servings Furthermore, you should vary your veggies each week as follows: FRUITS Dark Green Vegetables = 3 cups weekly Orange Vegetables = 2 cups weekly 2 cups per day Dry Beans & Peas = 3 cups weekly Starchy Vegetables = 3 cups weekly 3 - 4 servings Other Vegetables = 6 1/2 cups weekly MILK MEAT & BEANS 3 cups per day 5½ oz. per day 3 servings 2 - 3 servings
  • 9. OILS & FATS SUGARS 6 tsp. per day Mostly in your dreams Note that these should Fats & sugars combined, 265 calories per day be “good” fats, and that (less than in one 2-oz. Snickers bar, or about you’re already getting the same as one small serving of fries) some of these fats in your meat and dairy foods. Who eats like this? What’s a Serving? Bread, cereals, pasta, rice, starchy vegetables Milk, yogurt, cheese - 1/2 cup whole grain cereal, pasta, rice, corn, potato - 1 cup milk or yogurt - 1 slice whole grain bread - 1/2 cup cottage cheese Fruit Dry beans, eggs, fish, meat, nuts - 1 whole fresh fruit - 2-3 oz. fresh lean meat, poultry, fish - 1/2 cup chopped fresh fruit - 1/2 cup dried beans Vegetables - 1 egg - 1 cup raw, leafy vegetable (iceberg lettuce does not Fats, oils, sweets - use sparingly count) - Salad dressing, mayonnaise, margarine, butter, - 1/2 cup chopped vegetable oil, pie, cake, cookies, ice cream
  • 10. Inadequate Nutrient Intake The Anarem Report reveals that not a single person out of the 21,500+ people surveyed consumed 100% of the DV for even any one of the following ten nutrients: • Protein • Thiamin • Calcium • Riboflavin Fiber: • Iron • Vitamin B-6 The American Cancer Soc., Nat’l. Cancer Inst., and American Heart • Vitamin A • Vitamin B-12 Assn. all recommend a daily fiber intake of 20 – 35 grams. The average • Vitamin C • Magnesium American gets 7-10 grams per day.
  • 11. The Myth of the Well-Balanced Diet Close to nature, organic; fresh = picked that day
  • 12. The Myth of the Well-Balanced Diet Dinner today. Far from nature; fresh = never canned, maybe frozen 13,000-15,000 chemicals added to our food (9-12 lbs./yr./person-USDA)
  • 13. The Nutrients We Expect May Not Be There % more (less) in organic vs. commercial produce Wheat Sweet corn Overall average Calcium 120% 1800% 63% Iron (15%) 160% 59% Magnesium 430% 300% 138% Phosphorus 240% 210% 91% Potassium 360% 280% 125% Zinc 80% 90% 60% Lead (unfavorable) (65%) 0% (29%) Organic Foods vs. Supermarket Foods: Element Levels, by Doctor’s Data Inc. Published in Journal of Applied Nutrition, Vol. 45, No. 1, 1993 Their conclusion was that organic foods contained, on average, twice the elemental concentration (of the favorable elements) as commercial foods. •The USDA food tables show a dramatic decrease in the nutritional content of produce over the last 40 years. They offer no explanation or concern. LE Magazine, March, 2001
  • 14. And Today, Our Need Is Greater Nutrient Antagonist Nutrients Depleted Stress B’s, C, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Protein, Zinc Sugar A, B’s, C, Potassium, Copper, Zinc, Protein Magnesium, Chromium, Iron, Phosphorus Caffeine A, B’s, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium Birth Control Pills B’s, C, E, Copper, Protein, Zinc, Magnesium Aspirin C, Phosphorus Smoking A, B’s, C Chlorine E --The Nutrition Almanac
  • 15. Our Increasingly Toxic World Pollution (air, water, food) A, B’s, C, E, Protein, Selenium, Antioxidants (over 2100 contaminants have been found in US public drinking water –Center for Responsive Law) •If you take a breath as you get off a bus and it is pulling away, leaving a cloud of exhaust behind, you’ve been exposed to more free radicals in that one breath than your grandparents were exposed to in their entire lifetime. Stephen Cherniski, MS, author of The DHEA Breakthrough and The Metabolic Plan •10% of the women studied were found to have levels of mercury so high as to cause fetal brain damage. CDC study •“Of the 287 chemicals we detected in umbilical cord blood, we know that 180 cause cancer in humans or animals, 217 are toxic to the brain and nervous system, and 208 cause birth defects or abnormal development in animal tests.” BodyBurden: The Pollution in Newborns, 2007 study, Environmental Work Group
  • 16. Our Health: A Most Valuable Asset 1900: Infectious Diseases Attacked from outside •Pneumonia •Tuberculosis •Diphtheria •Small Pox Today: Degenerative Diseases Decaying from within •Heart Disease •Cancer •Diabetes •Stroke
  • 17. The US is #1 in Degenerative Disease •Once the least, the US now has the most people with degenerative disease per 1000 in the world. 1 •Death rate from heart attack in the US: 1926: 1 in 20,883 2 1940: 1 in 2,114 3 Present: 1 in 2 4 (world’s highest) •US cancer rate: 1950: 1 in 80 5 1970: 1 in 6 5 1990: 1 in 3 5 Present: 1 in 2 6 (world’s highest) 1. US Dept of HEW and OECD Health Data 2007. 2. JAMA 113, 563, 1939. 3. British Medical Journal 2, 782, 1946. 4. American Heart Association. 5. Center for Alternative Cancer Research. 6. National Cancer Institute, 8/07.
  • 18. •Life Expectancy: US ranks 23rd out of the 30 industrialized nations in the world. OECD Health Data 2007 •1 in 3 men and 1 in 6 women in the US can be expected to die of heart disease or stroke before the age of 60. American Cancer Society – world’s highest rate •Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer worldwide, but once it is contracted, women are more likely to die of it in the US than in African nations. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, March/April 2005 •Percentage of Americans who are overweight or obese (BMI=25+): 1960-62 24.3% 1971-74 25.0% 1988-91 33.3% All 3 above from Journal of the Amer. Medical Assn. 2004 66.3% from NHANES data – world’s highest, by far •A greater proportion of our life is spent in ill health. For every one year increase in life expectancy, four are ill. New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 318, No. 7, pp. 414-18
  • 19. Our Children Are At Risk •As many as one in every 3 pregnancies now ends in miscarriage. Newsweek – world’s highest •More US children age 3-14 now die of cancer than any other disease. Am. Inst. for Cancer Research – world’s highest •Two-thirds of US children are above the recommended cholesterol of 150. Dr. W.H. Dietz, Tufts Univ. School of Medicine •The rate of overweight children more than tripled in the 25 years from 1980 to 2004. NHANES – world’s highest •The current generation of young adults and children may be the first generation that will be less healthy and have a shorter life expectancy than their parents. Surgeon General Carmona to Congress, 3/2004 See also NEJM 352:1138, March 17, 2005
  • 20. In America, Normal is not Healthy “Nearly 4 out of 5 people in the US have some sort of disease; not serious enough to warrant medical attention, but neither can they boast of good health.” --USDA •Tired, fatigue •Constipation/diarrhea •Irritability •Back pain/leg pain •Headaches •Joint pain or inflammation •Nervousness •Digestive disorders •Depression •Heartburn •Sinus trouble •Dandruff •Insomnia •Muscle cramping •Unhealthy hair, skin, nails •Need caffeine/sugar •Allergies, asthma •Anemia •Bleeding gums •Slow healing/scarring •Weak immunity •Inability to conceive •Circulation, varicose veins •Abnormal blood sugar •Menstrual problems •PMS, hormonal problems Photo courtesy of Successories, Inc. Concept from Dr. Stephen R. Covey
  • 21. In America, Normal is not Healthy “Nearly 4 out of 5 people in the US have some sort of disease; not serious enough to warrant medical attention, but neither can they boast of good health.” --USDA •Tired, fatigue •Constipation/diarrhea •Irritability •Back pain/leg pain •Headaches •Joint pain or inflammation •Nervousness •Digestive disorders •Depression •Heartburn •Sinus trouble •Dandruff •Insomnia •Muscle cramping •Unhealthy hair, skin, nails •Need caffeine/sugar •Allergies, asthma •Anemia •Bleeding gums •Slow healing/scarring •Weak immunity •Inability to conceive •Circulation, varicose veins •Abnormal blood sugar •Menstrual problems •PMS, hormonal problems Disease is not caused by a shortage of medications. Treat the causes, not the Photo courtesy of Successories, Inc. symptoms. Concept from Dr. Stephen R. Covey
  • 22. In America, Normal is not Healthy “Nearly 4 out of 5 people in the US have some sort of disease; not serious enough to warrant medical attention, but neither can they boast of good health.” --USDA •Tired, fatigue •Constipation/diarrhea •Irritability •Back pain/leg pain •Headaches •Joint pain or inflammation •Nervousness •Digestive disorders •Depression •Heartburn •Sinus trouble •Dandruff •Insomnia •Muscle cramping •Unhealthy hair, skin, nails •Need caffeine/sugar •Allergies, asthma •Anemia •Bleeding gums •Slow healing/scarring •Weak immunity •Inability to conceive •Circulation, varicose veins •Abnormal blood sugar •Menstrual problems •PMS, hormonal problems Disease is not caused by a shortage of medications. Treat the causes, not the Photo courtesy of Successories, Inc. symptoms. Concept from Dr. Stephen R. Covey The average American fills 12.4 prescriptions per year. Kaiser Family Foundation, 2005
  • 23. “There no longer can be any doubt about the link between diet and disease.” US Surgeon General “The major causes of illness and death in the US are related to what we eat… including heart disease… cancer, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and other chronic problems.” Dr. D. Mark Hegsted, Harvard School of Public Health “Today we’re finding that the chronic illnesses plaguing Americans are greatly influenced by our environment: what we breathe, drink, and eat.” Dr. Elizabeth Bowmen, Physicians for Social Responsibility “The top 5 causes of mortality have a nutritional association.” National Center for Health Statistics, CDC
  • 24. The Good News—You Can Do So Much! “If the public would just eat up to the low RDA’s, 450,000 deaths per year would be prevented from heart disease, stroke, and cancer. There would be dramatic improvements in 19 major health problems.” USDA “The average US physician receives 2.5 hours training in nutrition during four years of medical school.” John A. McDougall, MD “You can do more for your health than your doctor can.” 90% you, 10% medical care system CDC “Every $1 spent on nutrient supplements will save $28 in health care costs.” Dr. Ranjit Kurnar Chandra, MD, pediatrician & immunologist, University of Newfoundland, from NY Times, 8/21/2001
  • 25. Build a Healthy You Continually being Body functions are so intertwined that replaced, repaired, one missing nutrient can affect the and renewed… absorption and utilization of others. 300,000,000 new cells per day “The nutritional Cells microenvironment of our body cells is crucially important to our health, and deficiencies in this environment constitute a major cause of disease.” 2-time Nobel Laureate Dr. Linus Pauling, MD and Roger J. Williams, PhD, discoverer of Pantothenic Acid (a B vitamin)
  • 26. Build a Healthy You Continually being Body functions are so intertwined that replaced, repaired, one missing nutrient can affect the and renewed… absorption and utilization of others. 300,000,000 new cells per day “The nutritional Cells microenvironment of our body cells is crucially important to our health, Vitamins, minerals, and deficiencies in this environment protein, phytonutrients, constitute a major cause of disease.” antioxidants, water, 2-time Nobel Laureate Dr. Linus Pauling, MD essential fatty acids, etc. and Roger J. Williams, PhD, discoverer of Nutrients Pantothenic Acid (a B vitamin)
  • 27. Build a Healthy You Dependent on the healthy function of healthy cells Organs Continually being Body functions are so intertwined that replaced, repaired, one missing nutrient can affect the and renewed… absorption and utilization of others. 300,000,000 new cells per day “The nutritional Cells microenvironment of our body cells is crucially important to our health, Vitamins, minerals, and deficiencies in this environment protein, phytonutrients, constitute a major cause of disease.” antioxidants, water, 2-time Nobel Laureate Dr. Linus Pauling, MD essential fatty acids, etc. and Roger J. Williams, PhD, discoverer of Nutrients Pantothenic Acid (a B vitamin)
  • 28. Build a Healthy You Dependent on the healthy function of healthy cells Organs Body Continually being Body functions are so intertwined that replaced, repaired, one missing nutrient can affect the and renewed… absorption and utilization of others. 300,000,000 new cells per day “The nutritional Cells microenvironment of our body cells is crucially important to our health, Vitamins, minerals, and deficiencies in this environment protein, phytonutrients, constitute a major cause of disease.” antioxidants, water, 2-time Nobel Laureate Dr. Linus Pauling, MD essential fatty acids, etc. and Roger J. Williams, PhD, discoverer of Nutrients Pantothenic Acid (a B vitamin)
  • 29. Build a Healthy You Dependent on the healthy function of healthy cells Organs Body You Continually being Body functions are so intertwined that replaced, repaired, one missing nutrient can affect the and renewed… absorption and utilization of others. 300,000,000 new cells per day “The nutritional Cells microenvironment of our body cells is crucially important to our health, Vitamins, minerals, and deficiencies in this environment protein, phytonutrients, constitute a major cause of disease.” antioxidants, water, 2-time Nobel Laureate Dr. Linus Pauling, MD essential fatty acids, etc. and Roger J. Williams, PhD, discoverer of Nutrients Pantothenic Acid (a B vitamin)
  • 30. Which Direction Are You Heading? Which Direction Do You Want to Be Heading? If you take care of you, the body creates health.. if you don’t, the body degenerates. •Pain and suffering •Proper Diet •Money •Supplementation •Emotional distress •Exercise •Time •Rest and relaxation •More money •Positive attitude •Nursing home •Healthy relationships •Oxygen and wheelchairs •Strong spiritual life •Even more money •Good lifestyle choices ? You get to choose, every day…
  • 31. Which Direction Are You Heading? Which Direction Do You Want to Be Heading? If you take care of you, the body creates health.. if you don’t, the body degenerates. •Pain and suffering •Proper Diet •Money •Supplementation •Emotional distress •Exercise •Time •Rest and relaxation •More money •Positive attitude •Nursing home •Healthy relationships •Oxygen and wheelchairs •Strong spiritual life •Even more money •Good lifestyle choices Disease and Death ? Optimum Health You get to choose, every day…
  • 32. Today, Supplementation is Necessary •“We have enough data for physicians to suggest that their patients take supplements.” Jeffrey Blumberg, PhD, USDA’s Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts Univ. •“…it appears prudent for all adults to take vitamin supplements.” Journal of the American Medical Association, June, 2002 •“The Editorial Board of The Wellness Letter… has been reluctant to recommend supplementary vitamins on a broad scale for healthy people eating healthy diets. But the accumulation of research in recent years has caused us to change our minds….” The Wellness Letter, University of California at Berkeley, Jan. 1994 •“The needs of different human beings for some vitamins have been shown to differ by as much as 20-fold, or even, in some cases, as much as 100-fold.” Linus Pauling, PhD and Roger J. Williams, PhD
  • 33. Good Nutrients Make a Difference
  • 34. Good Nutrients Make a Difference Environmental & Nutritional Connections to Learning & Behavior: LD, ADD/ADHD --Karen M. Craig, Ed.D.
  • 35. The Three Types of Supplements Michael Pazdon, Organic Research, Univ. of New Hampshire Synthetic: Most drug/health food store brands Manufactured from chemicals, not food No enzymes Can legally be labeled “natural”
  • 36. The Three Types of Supplements Michael Pazdon, Organic Research, Univ. of New Hampshire Synthetic: Most drug/health food store brands Manufactured from chemicals, not food No enzymes Can legally be labeled “natural” Crystallized: Often labeled “whole food” Chemical or heat extraction (dead) Weak enzymes at best Imbalanced Questionable absorption/bioavailability
  • 37. The Three Types of Supplements Michael Pazdon, Organic Research, Univ. of New Hampshire Synthetic: Most drug/health food store brands Manufactured from chemicals, not food No enzymes Can legally be labeled “natural” Crystallized: Often labeled “whole food” Chemical or heat extraction (dead) Weak enzymes at best Imbalanced Questionable absorption/bioavailability Lyophilized: Shaklee food supplements Cool, no chemical process (alive) Strong enzymatic action Balanced, from whole, healthy food Nourishes the cells
  • 38. Synthetic vs. Natural Chemically Similar, Biochemically Very Different Natural Synthetic Natural Shaklee Vitamin C Vitamin C Vitamin C Vitamin C (most vitamin with BHA supplements) (a preservative) “The research literature contains numerous reports which suggest that natural vitamin C, for example, has been found to be more effective than synthetic ascorbic acid. This fact has been recognized for a long time. In 1954, for example, it was reported that cases of scurvy failed to respond to doses of synthetic vitamin C. A cure was effected when individuals suffering from scurvy were given a natural food substance containing vitamin C.” Consumers’ Research magazine
  • 39. Who’s Looking Out for Us? “Supplements don’t get the same pre-market safety and efficacy evaluations that drugs get, nor does the FDA set standards to ensure that labels accurately reflect contents.” Time, July 31, 2000 8 of 21 brands of ginseng tested were found to contain high levels of pesticides. Many also contained high levels of lead. website “The USDA tested ginseng products, and they found that 39 of 43 ginseng-labeled products on the shelves in health food stores had no ginseng in them.” UDSA radio report, Sept. 17, 1998 “Out of 13 brands of probiotics bought over the counter, only two matched their labeled microbiological specifications qualitatively and quantitatively.” British Medical Journal 312 (7022): 55-6 “Some pills had 10 or 20 times as much active ingredient as others.” Consumer Reports, after analyzing 10 brands of ginseng “One of every four supplements we’ve tested had some problem.” Tod Cooperman, MD, President, ConsumerLab Over the years, ConsumerLab has tested over 1900 dietary supplements for quality and purity.
  • 40. The Shaklee Difference Heritage 1915 – Dr. Forrest C. Shaklee creates Vitalized Minerals, the world’s first multivitamin supplement 1956 – Dr. Shaklee founds a company based on living in harmony with nature and on the Golden Rule: Shaklee Corporation 1960 – Shaklee introduces Basic H, one of the first nontoxic, biodegradable cleaners (biodegradable is not yet a word in the dictionary) 2000 – Shaklee becomes the first company in the world to obtain Climate Neutral certification, totally offsetting its CO2 emissions and achieving a net zero impact on the environment
  • 41. The Shaklee Difference Science •Over 100 clinical studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals such as the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Journal of Applied Physiology,and the Journal of the American Medical Association. •Over $250 million invested in research, development, and testing, resulting in cutting- edge scientific breakthroughs and patents in nutrition, skin care, environmentally-friendly household products, etc. •Shaklee’s Scientific Advisory Board, internationally recognized physicians and scientists in the fields of nutrition, medicine, immunology, cardiovascular health, etc., provide expert advice and direction. They are prohibited from endorsing Shaklee.
  • 42. The Shaklee Difference Purity •Shaklee’s standards are far stricter than organic standards. They require purity in the end product, not just adherence to steps in the production of raw materials. •Shaklee performs over 83,000 quality tests per year (yes, they counted them) on all raw materials and every significant step of every production run, including every final batch. That’s 1 test every 6 minutes, 24/7. They don’t have to do recalls. •Many of the raw materials Shaklee tests, they reject. Having been rejected by Shaklee, those contaminated and/or deficient raw materials are then sold by the distributor to other manufacturers.
  • 43. The Shaklee Difference Proof (Pub. in Nutrition Journal, Oct. 24, 2007) In 2007, a landmark study conducted by the UC Berkeley School of Public Health determined that people who took Shaklee supplements had markedly better health than people who took either no supplements or another brand of multivitamin. Here are two dramatic examples of those results. What is not clear in the charts, however, is that none of the Shaklee subjects in the test group had abnormal levels in either of these two analyses. Want to be healthier?
  • 44. The Shaklee Difference Performance The Daedelus Project, which set the record for human-powered flight (72 miles)—the equivalent energy expenditure of running three consecutive marathons Will Steger’s three record-setting polar expeditions, which included the first trans- Antarctic crossing without re-supply 8 of Time-Life’s 25 Greatest Adventures of All Time were powered by Shaklee, as was the first American ascent of Mt. Everest without © Time-Life supplemental oxygen
  • 45. The Shaklee Difference The Guarantee When your products are this good, you can stand behind them absolutely. This gold seal can be found on Shaklee products, and it represents our guarantee—the products are pure, safe, free from contaminants, and true to the label’s claims. They have unsurpassed bioavailability and performance. If you are dissatisfied with any Shaklee product*, for any reason, we will gladly refund your money. It’s just another example of Shaklee’s integrity and philosophy. When you’re committed to the Golden Rule, you have to do the right thing, even if it costs money, time and frustration. And Shaklee does it all with a smile. *AirSource and BestWater units are warrantied
  • 46. So How Do I Begin? How about starting with 80 bio-optimized nutrients clinically proven to create a foundation for a longer, healthier life; •based on 12 published clinical studies; •protected by 12 patents, 2 more pending; •dispersed through the body by the S.M.A.R.T. system—the most advanced delivery system available today that puts the right nutrients in the right place at the right time; •conceived and created by a company with over 50 years of history of creating good health—the number one natural nutrition company in the country… •all in convenient daily bubble strips— does that sound reasonable?
  • 47. Shaklee – The Original Wellness Company Physical Environmental Financial Most •Healthy -Nutrition -Weight management
  • 48. Shaklee – The Original Wellness Company Physical Environmental Financial Most •Healthy -Nutrition -Weight management •Look Good -Nutrition -Personal care products
  • 49. Shaklee – The Original Wellness Company Physical Environmental Financial Most •Healthy -Nutrition -Weight management •Look Good -Nutrition -Personal care products •Environment -Household products
  • 50. Shaklee – The Original Wellness Company Physical Environmental Financial Most •Healthy -Nutrition -Weight management •Look Good -Nutrition -Personal care products •Environment -Household products •Water and Air -Purification systems
  • 51. Shaklee – The Original Wellness Company Physical Environmental Financial Most •Healthy -Nutrition -Weight management •Look Good -Nutrition -Personal care products •Environment -Household products •Water and Air -Purification systems •Clinical Research -Peer-reviewed journals
  • 52. Shaklee – The Original Wellness Company Physical Environmental Financial Most •Healthy -Nutrition -Weight management •Look Good -Nutrition -Personal care products •Environment -Household products •Water and Air -Purification systems •Clinical Research -Peer-reviewed journals •Save Money -Concentrated products -Member discounts
  • 53. Shaklee – The Original Wellness Company Physical Environmental Financial Most Many •Healthy •Help Others -Nutrition -Weight management •Look Good -Nutrition -Personal care products •Environment -Household products •Water and Air -Purification systems •Clinical Research -Peer-reviewed journals •Save Money -Concentrated products -Member discounts
  • 54. Shaklee – The Original Wellness Company Physical Environmental Financial Most Many •Healthy •Help Others -Nutrition •Free Products -Weight management •Look Good -Nutrition -Personal care products •Environment -Household products •Water and Air -Purification systems •Clinical Research -Peer-reviewed journals •Save Money -Concentrated products -Member discounts
  • 55. Shaklee – The Original Wellness Company Physical Environmental Financial Most Many •Healthy •Help Others -Nutrition •Free Products -Weight management •Extra Cash: $200 - $2000/mth •Look Good -Nutrition -Personal care products •Environment -Household products •Water and Air -Purification systems •Clinical Research -Peer-reviewed journals •Save Money -Concentrated products -Member discounts
  • 56. Shaklee – The Original Wellness Company Physical Environmental Financial Most Many •Healthy •Help Others -Nutrition •Free Products -Weight management •Extra Cash: $200 - $2000/mth •Look Good -Nutrition •Vacation paid for -Personal care products •Environment -Household products •Water and Air -Purification systems •Clinical Research -Peer-reviewed journals •Save Money -Concentrated products -Member discounts
  • 57. Shaklee – The Original Wellness Company Physical Environmental Financial Most Many •Healthy •Help Others -Nutrition •Free Products -Weight management •Extra Cash: $200 - $2000/mth •Look Good -Nutrition •Vacation paid for -Personal care products •Retirement •Environment -Household products •Water and Air -Purification systems •Clinical Research -Peer-reviewed journals •Save Money -Concentrated products -Member discounts
  • 58. Shaklee – The Original Wellness Company Physical Environmental Financial Most Many •Healthy •Help Others -Nutrition •Free Products -Weight management •Extra Cash: $200 - $2000/mth •Look Good -Nutrition •Vacation paid for -Personal care products •Retirement •Environment •Tax Benefits -Household products •Water and Air -Purification systems •Clinical Research -Peer-reviewed journals •Save Money -Concentrated products -Member discounts
  • 59. Shaklee – The Original Wellness Company Physical Environmental Financial Most Many •Healthy •Help Others -Nutrition •Free Products -Weight management •Extra Cash: $200 - $2000/mth •Look Good -Nutrition •Vacation paid for -Personal care products •Retirement •Environment •Tax Benefits -Household products •Career earning: •Water and Air -Purification systems $2000 - $10,000 - $50,000+/mth •Clinical Research -Peer-reviewed journals •Save Money -Concentrated products -Member discounts
  • 60. Shaklee – The Original Wellness Company Physical Environmental Financial Most Many •Healthy •Help Others -Nutrition •Free Products -Weight management •Extra Cash: $200 - $2000/mth •Look Good -Nutrition •Vacation paid for -Personal care products •Retirement •Environment •Tax Benefits -Household products •Career earning: •Water and Air -Purification systems $2000 - $10,000 - $50,000+/mth •Clinical Research •Lifestyle -Peer-reviewed journals -Freedom •Save Money -Independence -Concentrated products -Member discounts -More time