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9Round NOVA Communications Plan
September 2016 – January 2018
Developed by Margot Smirniotopoulos
Table of Contents
Executive Summary……………………………………….….. 1
Background….…………………………………………………. 4
Situation Analysis………………………………………….….. 15
Goal…………………………………………………….………. 16
Objectives……………………………………………..……….. 16
Key Publics………………………………………..…………… 17
Brand Positioning and Framing……………………………... 21
Messages…………………………………..………………….. 22
Strategies and Tactics….…………………………………….. 24
Calendar and Budget……………………………………….… 31
Measurement and Evaluation……………………………….. 36
AppendixA: SWOT…………………………………………... 38
AppendixB: Creative Examples…………………….……..... 39
AppendixC: Original Research………………….………...... 48
AppendixD: Bibliography and References……….…….…. 69
“…when [clients and
paid staff] are able to
validate and endorse
the brand, potential
clients are more likely
to pay attention.”
Believing in your product, and convincing others to believe in it, are fundamental in
building a successful brand. But excelling in one does not guarantee the success of the
other. It’s important for 9Round NOVA leadership to realize personal financial and
emotional investments do not inherently resonate with clients, or even paid staff. The
brand must still prove its credibility to these two key publics. And when these audiences
are able to validate and endorse the brand, potential clients are then more likely to pay
Compared to local competitors, including kickboxing-
style gyms and cult-favorites such as Orangetheory
Fitness and CrossFit, 9Round NOVA has a genuinely
unique product. It’s vital to capitalize on the selling-
points of its flexible fitness solution compared to these
brands, and form closer relationships with audiences
who are already familiar with the 9Round NOVA
Currently, 9Round NOVA spends most its energy and resources on the important
logistics of opening and maintaining a new business. The reality of the local gym and
fitness industry, however, necessitates a need to invest in communications efforts to
remain competitive and relevant. 9Round NOVA’s branches exist in an overly-saturated
and highly-competitive arena of marketing-savvy competitors, and even more savvy
consumers who know when they’re being marketed-to. In this landscape, third party
validation is the most compelling form of marketing. When people see others endorsing
a product, it comes across as authentic and viable. Audiences know when a business
pays for their attention, and when a business truly earns their attention.
9Round NOVA must first strengthen its brand among the audiences who have already
invested in it. This is to say, its staff and existing clients must have an understanding of
the product and perceive the brand as being worthy of their loyalty. This can be
“It’s vital to hold off on starting
any new communications efforts
before consolidating 9Round
NOVA’s disparate presence on
its websites and social media
accomplished through simple strategies and tactics, and will not require as much of an
outside cost as appealing to another important group: potential clients.
Once the “bought-in” audiences have a strong and unified perception of the 9Round
NOVA brand, they can help inform audiences who do not yet have a relationship with
the brand. And this is where leadership will see the most return on investment in terms
of a marketing budget: increasing awareness, casting a wide net amongst potential
audiences through events and online advertising, will be strengthened by strong
endorsements from existing audiences.
It’s vital to hold off on starting new
communications efforts before consolidating
9Round NOVA’s disparate presence on its
websites and social media platforms. Currently,
audiences do not know which source of
communication is the “real” 9Round NOVA.
And leadership must prioritize creating authoritative sources of information. While the
website, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts are being consolidated, it’s
important to get existing audiences on the same page in regard to brand-perception.
This means attention must be paid to trainers, who are often the only representation of
the brand to existing and potential clients. This will be accomplished through simple
tactics that demonstrate trainers are valued and listened-to by leadership. Engaging
existing clients is a next step; modern gym-goers expect more than a workout, they
want a community. The strategies in this plan solve for this need.
And finally, this plan calls for casting a wide net to reach potential audiences. 9Round
NOVA has little to no brand awareness in Northern Virginia, mostly because of its
limited advertising budget. However, a lot can be done to overcome a modest budget by
way of free social media efforts. This plan leans heavily on such tactics, and is able to
do so confidently because of how much its key publics rely on such platforms.
This 16-month plan can be implemented within a $6,700 budget.
This plan uses original survey data to garner insights into the habits and perceptions of
each key public. This, coupled with the experience of 9Round NOVA leadership and
trainers, has helped inform each strategy and subsequent tactic. There is not “shot-in-
the-dark” tactic, and each tactic is modestly-priced.
The plan is slated to begin in September, as the annual Back to School promotion
comes to a close. It runs through early 2018 to account for a full year of strategies and
tactics, and subsequent measurement and evaluation of these efforts. It is
recommended that once the full-year of strategic planning has been executed, this plan
is updated to create a 2018 plan. 9Round NOVA is expected to allocate $5,000 a year
(so $416 per month) toward its communications efforts beginning this year.
External Environment
State of health
Americans have ever-increasing access to information regarding the health risks
associated with being overweight. A combination of government, nonprofit, and private-
sector programs have launched in recent years seeking to inform audiences of healthy
lifestyles, or attract them to participate in related initiatives. For example, First Lady
Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! campaign launched in February 2010 seeking to combat
childhood obesity and encourage healthy lifestyles in younger generations.i This is a
huge endorsement from the highest levels of government. However, this initiative
ignores Generation X (36-51).ii
Private sector organizations are also doing their part to incentivize audiences to become
more active by offering health stipends and partnering with nearby gyms to offer group
discounts for employees. And in spite of an increasing number of health initiatives, and
associated marketing efforts, a 2015 study by the United Health Foundation reports
more than two-thirds of U.S. adults as being overweight or obese, in addition to 10
percent of the population self-reporting having diabetes.iii
Economy Slowly Improving, Increased Disposable Income
Within the 30 months following the Great Recession (beginning November 2008), Pew
Research reported the new culture of frugality having impacted household spending on
vacations and gym memberships.iv People were saving money for essentials (i.e.
investing more in savings). Now, as the economy continues to slowly rebound,
Americans who were forced to cut what they considered to be non-essential expenses
at the time are able to reintroduce such spending into their budget.
And while the increasing number of public health campaigns has yet to impact the rates
of obesity, the attention to healthy lifestyles has begun to position health and fitness-
related expenses as a vital part of household budgets.
Time Crunched
Nearly half (48 percent) of Americans report feeling they don’t have enough time in the
day.v The 9am to 5pm workday coupled with increased perception of employee-
availability after work hours (largely due to the popularization of smartphones and
staying connected to e-mail 24/7) limits the perceived amount of free time during a
given day.
Businesses in a variety of industries leverage this “time-saving” mindset to offer
products that give customers some time back by way of completing tasks for them (i.e.
clothing curators like StitchFix which send items to your home, eliminating the need to
even shop online, much less visit a store).
Competitive and growing
The U.S. industry for “Gym, Health and Fitness Clubs” is defined as operating fitness
and recreational sports facilities offering physical fitness activities and programs. The
market is competitive and experiencing record growth. “BISWorld reports that the
industry experienced annual growth of 2.5% between 2011 and 2016, and is expected
to continue to grow at a rate of 3.1% through 2021, eventually bringing gaining an
annual $35.3 billion in The number of health clubs and fitness centers
continues to increase, with accelerated growth beginning in 2012. At that time there
were an estimated 30,500 health clubs and fitness centers in the U.S., which has grown
to 36,180 through 2015.vii The number of gym memberships has grown along with it
(50.2 million in 2012 and 55 million in 2015viii), proving both healthy supply and demand
of related services. And this demand for services reaches across both large and niche
The busiest time of the year for this industry is after the New Year, in January and
February.ix However, many “resolution-triggered” sign-ups rarely become loyal
members, which is already difficult to accomplish given the oversaturated market. And
many gyms suffer a one-two punch by offering low or no cancellation fees.
Traditionally, the industry has marketed toward audiences between the ages of 18 and
35, but recent numbers prove the participating demographic to be much wider: between
the ages of 20 and 64.x This presents both business and communications challenges,
as it is difficult to provide a single solution to such a diverse set of clientele. It’s also
difficult to market products toward multiple audiences whom digest information
Boutique Gyms Surpass Globo Gyms
IBISWorld reports consumers are moving away from large, all-inclusive gyms and
toward options with less expensive memberships. “Gyms, health and fitness clubs earn
more in revenue ($25.27 billion in 2012) than either personal trainers ($7.31 billion) or
pilates and yoga studios ($6.85 billion).”xiIn fact, low-cost gyms with sparse amenities
have faired well through 2016, indicating both a demand for both budget and time-
conscious services.
The emergence of contract-free services
such as ClassPass, which allows customers
to “try out” a variety of gyms for a flat rate
with no need to commit to one gym, introduces a unique challenge to this industry which
depends on memberships. On one hand, partnering with a service like ClassPass,
increases brand awareness of a given organization. But the business enters this
partnership with an understanding that it is directly competing with ClassPass’ other
partners because a potential client is basically touring gyms without any stipulation to
Unique Value Proposition
9Round’s workouts are unique for two reasons: first, a high-intensity workout is provided
in a mere 30 minutes, compared to most hour-long fitness classes offered by
competitors and in the fitness industry, generally. Second, because clients essentially
walk themselves through the nine rounds, there is no start time. This means clients
have no fear of being late; it is truly the most flexible group or trainer-style workout
offered in the market.
Website Analysis
The brand’s online presence is scarce. All 9Round branches are required to work within
the corporate website template where the “above the fold” content is uniform across
different locations. There is an opportunity to provide customized content for the
individual gyms “below the fold”. Currently, this space is underutilized and there is no
indication that 9Round NOVA’s four branches are connected when a user is on an
individual branch’s page. The quality of the customized content varies across the four
gyms’ websites, though each of the photos and copy suffer from low-quality control (i.e.
random capitalization of words, low-resolution photographs of the gym).xiiixivxvxvi
Social Media Analysis - Facebook
Each gym’s unique website links to a single Facebook channel, “9Round NOVA”. The
contact information for this page is 9Round NOVA’s Courthouse location, which doesn’t
reflect the other branches in the portfolio.xvii As of June 2016, this main page has 593
followers (or “likes”) and 184 check-ins. The organization posts at least twice a day, and
the majority of content is not original, typically posting photos or memes relating to
reaching fitness goals. Engagement is low, at most receiving two likes and/or shares
per post. And the majority of the shares comes from another 9Round NOVA social
media handle: “9Round Penrose”.xviii
As of June 2016 the 9Round Penrose Facebook page has 49 followers and 29 check-
ins. The majority of the posts are text-only quotes which receive little to no engagement
(i.e. one “like” from a consecutive 27 posts). This page posts more frequently than the
main page, roughly four to five times a day. Finally, there is an unofficial page for the
Falls Church location, “9round Falls Church” (with a lowercase “r”) which has nine
followers and 68 check-insxix This hasn’t been claimed or managed by a 9Round
employee, but is rather frequently “tagged”, namely by the brand’s main handle. It
appears to be driven by one 9Round NOVA trainer, and is probably the best example of
engaging content from any of the other channels (i.e. using photos and inviting people
to work out with the trainer).
Social Media Analysis - Twitter
There are three Twitter handles associated with the brand. The first, @9Round_NOVA
launched in February 2016 and has two tweets; presumably this was abandoned.xx
Then there’s @9RndCourthouse also called “9Round NOVA” with 118 followers, which
is low for the platform especially when compared with the higher Facebook following.xxi
The account is linked to Facebook, tweeting an update whenever something is added to
Facebook with something as generic as, “I’ve posted a new photo on Facebook” along
with a link. Finally there is a @9RoundPenrose account with 157 followers, more than
the “main” handle. This, however, is not because the content strategy is different. Like
the main handle, the posts are generated from an automatic update from Facebook.
There is little to zero engagement on Twitter; a scan back through January 2016 fails to
yield more than a one-off “share” or “like”.
Social Media Analysis - Instagram
The organization's presence on Instagram is set up as a location, versus a brand
profile.xxii This means its branding is generated by users, and internal stakeholders have
little control over maintenance or messaging.
9Round NOVA “Location” 9Round’s Official Account
E-mail Analysis
9Round NOVA sends e-mails to its members from “9Round - Arlington, VA” on an as-
needed basis, typically in regards to changes in hours, holidays, etc. Headquarters
sends mass e-mails to its members either as “9Round Fitness” or “9Round Nutrition”
about once a week. Content from the former provides updates on fitness challenges or
new merchandise, while the latter demonstrates thought-leadership in health overall, but
supplementing fitness with insights and tips on nutrition. This might be an opportunity to
prioritize resources given tight budgets; if headquarters is already creating periodic
touch points with audiences, 9Round NOVA can forgo e-mail communication in favor of
social media engagement.
While 9Round NOVA’s unique value is obvious to those who have experienced it in
contrast with other group or trainer-style workouts, it suffers a perceived lack of brand
awareness in Northern Virginia.xxiii Anecdotal reports from management indicate high
conversion rates once a potential client has taken part in their first (free) workout. The
Courthouse Yelp! reviews indicate as much, with audiences averaging a 4.5 out of 5
star rating and overall positive write-in commentary. xxivData from the industry analysis
also show 9Round NOVA facing the widely-shared challenge of trying to stand out in an
oversaturated and highly-competitive market.
Building brand awareness is a long-term process, requiring a keen eye on how 9Round
NOVA communicates both internally and externally. If its internal stakeholders are not in
sync with the brand, that instability is amplified to external stakeholders. Interaction with
the trainers are a client’s (both existing and potential) first and sometimes only
association with the brand. If even one trainer is not acting as an appropriate brand
ambassador for the organization, the ripple effect could skew an audience’s
understanding of, and trust in, the brand.
Management has anecdotally indicated discounted-membership promotions as being
very successful for sign-ups, but they do not impact how long a member stays with a
gym. In addition to one free workout per new client, 9Round NOVA offers two annual
promotions. The most recent promotion (as of June 2016) is its Summer Slimdown,
which offers eight week of unlimited workouts for a discounted rate, with free or
discounted boxing gloves thrown in to sweeten the deal. The second annual promotion
is its Back to School special, which offers similar rates as the above, in addition to a
student discount with a valid student ID. So there is no relation between promotions and
keeping a member signed-up for any length of time passed the end of the promotion.
The organization has not invested much in the way of paid advertising, and depends
largely on earned media, out-of-home signage near each location, and earned media.
The brand advertises in a local online news hub, Arlington Now, and has placed at
least four stories in the publication. The Washington Post also wrote about the brand in
late 2014; the article quoted both internal stakeholders and actual gym members, which
is a great best practice.xxv
Market Share
As of July 2016, 9Round NOVA earns a $30,000/month profit across all four gyms, or
$0.36 M a year. A Mergent Intellect report notes one 9Round NOVA branch earning
$0.05 M, which puts that branch in the bottom-ten revenue-generating fitness locations
in that area.xxviThe same report identifies 31 fitness centers within a one-mile radius of
9Round NOVA’s primary Courthouse location.xxvii
In a recent survey of Northern Virginians, seven percent
of respondents recognized 9Round NOVA as a brand.
The same survey shows 30 percent of respondents
recognizing Title Boxing.xxviii Title Boxing has three
locations in Northern Virginia, the newest of which is located in Falls Church and is a
direct competitor to 9Round NOVA’s Falls Church branch. The gym faces similar
challenges in terms of creating a cohesive online presence. Its Springfield, Fairfax
location owns both the website and Facebook presence for each of the Northern
Virginia branches. The Facebook page has 1,848 followers (“likes”) and 1,829 check-
ins, and its posts garner more engagement than any of 9Round’s accounts (between 3-
15 “likes” per post).xxix This is likely because its content is original (i.e. custom memes,
photos of members working out with their kids). However, it is not clear how the brand
communicates audiences interested in the Falls Church branch. Title Boxing also hosts
events for members to attend outside of the gym including potluck dinners. It’s engaging
audiences holistically, and provides them additional opportunities to build relationships
with the brand.
I Love Kickboxing, Alexandria is also an upcoming
competitor to keep an eye on for 9Round NOVA’s Penn
Quarter location. The soon-to-be-launched brand
already has a robust e-mail campaign (at least one e-
mail a week to its listerve) despite still not having
opened its
However, it still has not created a presence on social media; this gives 9Round NOVA
and opportunity to engage with waiting-audiences within the platforms they frequently
132016 Northern Virginia – Fitness Industry Survey
Two secondary competitors to note are Orangetheory
Fitness and CrossFit. Both offer marginally similar
products (instructor-lead, group-environment, some
form of HIIT workout), but have built very different brands. Orangetheory Fitness has a
large budget (whether that’s nationally or by branch is unknown) and is able to hyper-
target social media users by their location. The advertising and posts are always
consistent in terms of tone and color palette (which is easy enough as the color is in the
name), which creates strong brand recognition. The Rosslyn branch (which is the
closest to 9Round NOVA’s Courthouse and Ballston locations) has limited promotions,
so there’s no way to save on memberships. It’s most advertised promotion is for brides-
to-be who can enter into a raffle to win a package of free classes.
Finally, today’s fitness industry cannot be observed
without acknowledging CrossFit. Each box brands itself
differently, and hosts a variety of friendly competitions,
workouts honoring gym members, and holidays. While
there is a CrossFit “culture”, it is easy to define one box from another; this is primarily
accomplished through social media and in-person events. Because the product (hour-
long sessions with a focus on training and group workouts) demands such intimate
engagement, it is natural for a client to get attached and loyal to a brand. It’s important
to note no communications or rebranding efforts will change the nature of a brand’s
product, and so it is important to put an emphasis on highlighting 9Round NOVA’s
product, rather than trying to build a similar culture to a secondary competitor.
9Round NOVA employs 14 staff members, most of whom are not dedicated to a single
gym but for three managers; one each for Ballston, Courthouse and Penrose. There is
no set cadence for communicating with staff outside of the initial onboarding process.
And while 9Round NOVA Trainer survey shows the onboarding process as being well-
received, anecdotal feedback notes a lack of organization and attention to
administrative-teachings (i.e. how to manage the phone system and billing). The same
survey indicates 75 percent of trainers see their relationship with management as being
average or below average. Alternatively, 100 percent of respondents indicated their
relationship with other trainers as being average and above above.xxxiThis could speak
toward a lack of perceived accessibility or open-communication between different hiring-
The organization doesn’t employ anyone dedicated to managing communications or
social media, so any marketing tactics are launched by the goodwill of one employee or
another. There are 521 active members as of June 3, 2016; 218 at Courthouse (being
the oldest branch), 88 at Penrose, 49 at Falls Church and 16 at Ballston.
Market Research
The 2010 Census reports Northern Virginia being home to the top three wealthiest
areas in the country, each of which have a median annual household income between
$104,000 and $113,000: Falls Church City, Loudoun County and Fairfax County.xxxiiAnd
they’re continuing to grow; Arlington County, the city of Alexandria and the city of Falls
Church have experienced growths of 9.6, 9.1 and 18.8 percent, respectively.xxxiii
Northern Virginia is also one of the best-employed areas in the country, with an
unemployment rate nearly three percent lower than that of the rest of the country.xxxiv
What’s more is the Washington, D.C. area continuously ranks as being one of the most-
fit areas in the country.xxxv So this area is ripe with audiences who are strapped for time,
have a larger disposable income, and a greater desire to stay fit than the majority of the
Where are we now? 9Round NOVA has a fragmented brand suffering from a lack
of organized, strategic communication with key publics. Staff feel disconnected
from leadership and from one another, which prevents them from becoming trusted
advocates and weakens the integrity of the brand. This lack of cohesiveness
damages the perception of the brand for current and potential members alike.
9Round NOVA also struggles to compete with longstanding businesses in the local
fitness industry despite offering a more cost-effective and time-saving product.
This is symptomatic of low levels of awareness within potential audience groups.
What could get in the way of success? In order to unify and strengthen its
brand, 9Round NOVA must first ensure cohesiveness within existing audience
groups. Low employee moral, combined with lack of engagement with clients, puts
this stabilization at risk. If leadership wants to expand to potential audiences before
improving relationships with existing audiences, it will have a difficult time proving
Another risk to success would be the continued lack of digital engagement,
especially because this will be the most cost-effective way to organize disparate
communications efforts. Existing and potential audiences already approach online
platforms to get information, and the fact that there’s a disjointed presence from
9Round NOVA shows a lack of understanding and/or effort to reach people where
they want to be reached.
Given the high-levels of employment, it can be interpreted a large percent of Northern
Virginians fall within the “working age range” of 25-54. And in fact, a 2015 report from
Fairfax County indicates the top-three largest demographics falling within this range,
totaling 43.9 percent of those surveyed.xxxvi
Situation Analysis
To position 9Round NOVA as the most flexible fitness solution in Northern
Virginia by unifying the brand within existing stakeholder groups.
Core Problem and Opportunity
9Round NOVA’s lack of brand cohesion stymies its ability to build awareness with key
publics, which negatively impacts its business goals. If the organization is unable to
unify its brand, it will never be able to tell its story and will fail to differentiate itself within
the Northern Virginia fitness industry.
1. Increase staff-understanding of the science behind 9Round NOVA’s unique
fitness solution from 63 percent to 93 percent by September 2017.
 Using survey data from original research, “9Round NOVA Trainer Survey”
“On a scale of 1-5 (1 being "I don't get it at all", 5 being "I completely understand"), rate
your understanding of the science behind the fitness program/work outs.”
2. Increase the percentage of existing clients who say they would recommend
9Round NOVA to a friend from 75 percent to 95 percent by September 2017.
 Using survey data from primary research “9Round NOVA Existing Client
“On a scale of 1-5 (1 being “Not at all”, 5 being “Absolutely or I already have”), rate how
likely you are to recommend 9Round NOVA to a friend.”
3. Increase the percentage of people who report having heard or seen
promotions/advertisements from 9Round NOVA from seven percent to 15
percent by September 2017.
 Using survey data from primary research “Northern Virginia - Fitness
Industry” survey
“In the last year, where have you seen promotions/advertisements for 9Round Fitness?”
Key Publics
9Round NOVA trainers
Communicating with existing and potential 9Round NOVA trainers will help accomplish
Objective #1. According to the 9Round NOVA Trainer Survey, 100 percent of staff
indicate being younger than 46 years old. This is a beneficial demographic makeup
when communicating with Key Public #3 (Northern Virginians ages 25-54), as staff
should be the first line of validation and endorsement of a brand. It can be perceived,
then, that trainers consume information and share similar values in terms of fitness and
careers, as their potential-client counterparts.
For example, the majority of Instagram
users (53 percent) are Millennials. This
needs to be taken into consideration
when planning for who will manage this
platform and what messaging should be
used here (thinking in the mindset of
recent graduates, young families) versus
Facebook which can serve the larger
Recent data indicates the majority (75 percent) of surveyed trainers feel comfortable
engaging with a new client, but 88 percent report not being consistently informed when
a new client is coming in.xxxvii This could result in an over-burdened trainer not paying as
much attention to a new client and potentially losing business for a reason that has
nothing to do with their interactions, or demonstration of the brand.
2016 9Round NOVA – Trainer Survey
2016 9Round NOVA – Trainer Survey
Once trainers go through the
onboarding process, there is no
formal cadence or process to
refreshing best practices or new
techniques. This lack of touch-
points causes this key public to
feel less involved with a brand,
and less loyal to it. Oftentimes a
trainer sees him/herself as solely
leading branding efforts for
9Round NOVA which feels
overwhelming and at times, useless. In terms of understanding the 9Round product, 63
percent of trainers respond they “completely understand” the science behind the fitness
Existing 9Round NOVA members
The current crop of 9Round NOVA members will help accomplish Objective #2. Most
members are loyal to one gym, rather than to the 9Round NOVA brand as a whole. And
they choose the gym that is closest to them. Anecdotal information from management
indicates that, for example, a lot of members from the Courthouse location live in the
adjacent building. The Courthouse location has the highest number of clients, and the
strongest brand position in part because of its location and its longer time in the market.
The clients are more familiar with the brand and are more likely to become active brand
Data from the 9Round NOVA Client Survey indicates the majority of audiences within
this key public are not planning on canceling their membership in the next six
months.xxxviii This audience also works out at 9Round multiple times a week, and have
interacted with up to three different trainers. They use the website less than once a
month, which means efforts to communicate or share information on this platform will
not greatly impact understanding or sentiment from within this key public. It also might
2016 9Round NOVA – Client Survey
indicate this audience prefers real-time content as they’re already invested and
understands information that might be commonly found on a website such as
membership pricing. It will be smart
to emphasize social media
communications, rather than
maintaining the website. Finally,
those surveyed indicate they use
Instagram more than Facebook or
Twitter. This is an opportunity for
growth, as 9Round NOVA has little
organized presence on Instagram
and a clear need from this
25-54 Year Old Northern Virginians (Potential Clients)
The last key public is made up of 25-54 year old Northern Virginians, or likely potential
clients. They will help accomplish Objective #3. This group is comprised of working-
aged people near 9Round gyms, who need flexible solutions to fit fitness into their busy
schedules. This covers two generations: Millennials and Generation X. While Baby
Boomers are retiring and will certainly need to be informed of fitness solutions, they’re
not as time-crunched as working-aged people. Millennials and Generation Xers are
most-likely to consume information online, versus in-print or in-person.xxxix Furthermore,
Millennials are more likely to consume content from their mobile devices while
Generation Xers are more likely to use their desktops or laptops. Gen Xers and
Millennials list quizzes as one of their five least favorite content types. And both
generations prefer short-form content including: Blogs, images and comments (versus,
for example, podcasts, webinars or white papers). Internet-using adults: 72 percent use
Facebook, while 28 percent use Instagram and 23 percent use Twitter.xl xliThese social
media preferences indicate a need to prioritize 9Round’s social media channels in the
following order: Facebook, Instagram, then Twitter.
2016 Northern Virginia – Fitness Industry Survey
In terms of brand-awareness,
9Round NOVA is relatively low
on this groups’ radar, which is a
great opportunity to position the
brand in a strategic way. Data
from the Northern Virginia Fitness
Industry Survey indicate 91
percent of those surveyed are
“not at all familiar with 9Round
Fitness”, and 96 percent have “never seen advertisements/promotions for 9Round” -
which is likely a direct result of the organization’s limited marketing efforts up until this
point.xlii Three percent have seen advertisements/promotions on one of 9Round NOVA’s
social media pages - this is important to note given the amount of time and effort behind
the existing social media usage mentioned in the Landscape Analysis above. Because
these efforts are unorganized, they’re not making an impact and are bluntly - a waste of
Brand Positioning and Framing
To staff and existing clientele, 9Round NOVA is known as being a “no-fuss” brand that
gets clients in and out. This is a good foundation to build upon, both with existing and
potential audiences. The organization can take this a step further and reposition itself as
“the most flexible” option, which is a nod to its truly unique product.
To potential clients, or Northern Virginians between the ages of 25-54, there is nearly no
awareness of the 9Round NOVA brand. This is actually a great opportunity to plan for
the organization's first real impression it could make on this audience.
The brand will grow into this new position using an “attributes” frame, and rally around
the unique selling points of the product and differentiating its offerings from the current
choices in the market.xliv To work toward this elevated position, three framing cues will
be used throughout each strategy and subsequent tactic:
1. Uniqueness of the product in that it is the sole option allowing audiences to stick to
their own schedules, which relieves stress from the time-crunched, and still get a
full workout.
2. Credibility established by the workout results, consistency of its members and
know-how of its trainers. The frequency its members use the gym (multiple times a
week) is also credit to its flexibility and ability to work into anyone’s busy schedule.
3. Interaction in a group-style environment that gets clients face-to-face with trainers.
This relieves the stress of navigating one’s own workout regime, and allows
audiences to be social without getting distracted or feeling self-conscious.
#1: Never miss a workout with 9Round NOVA. Our flexible, jump-in-anytime
schedule ensures you’re always on time.
#1: We want to tap into your knowledge and experience. Share your best
practices/success stories with each other.
#2: 9Round NOVA values you as an employee. Know that we take your
feedback and ideas seriously, and you’re important to us.
#1: We care about your entire well-being. Engage with us
outside of the gym.
All Key Publics
 9Round NOVA is the only gym offering 30-minute trainer-lead, group exercise classes
where you can jump in any time the gym is open.
 89 percent of 9Round NOVA members workout multiple times a week because
of the gym’s flexibility.xlv
 The majority of trainers (63 percent) have at least one other job; there’s a wealth of best
practices to uncover.xlv i
 The majority of trainers (75 percent) have prior experience in the fitness industry.xlvii
 We’re conducting our first staff retreat in [TBD] 2016.
 We want to hear your ideas about how to represent our brand on social media.
Existing Clients
 Our nutritional e-mails give you tips to round out your healthy lifestyle.
 Staff socialize outside of the gym at charity and fitness events.
#2: Group workouts are better with friends. Recommend 9Round NOVA to a
friend, neighbor or colleague.
#1: You can get fit in a shorter amount of time. Try 9Round NOVA’s 30
minute workouts.
#2: You can work fitness into your busy schedule. Show up to 9Round
NOVA at your own start time.
 9Round NOVA will give you ten percent off your next month of membership fees for
each friend you bring in
 Working out with a fitness buddy or partner makes you more likely to stick with the
program and reach your fitness goals.xlv iii
25-54 Year Old Northern Virginians (Potential Clients)
 It only takes 30 minutes to practice and hone nine different movements.
 Nine different movements will challenge your body and mind, always serving up a
different workout.
 The workouts start every three minutes, you’ll never be late.
 Trainers are always on-site and help you train at each of the nine stations.
Strategy #1: Take control of all 9Round NOVA-branded digital platforms and tools to
streamline communications.
Strategiesand Tactics
The following strategies and tactics must be managed by either a dedicated social
media manager (part-time/freelancer) OR one or more trainers with social media
experience, whose job descriptions have been revised to include these new
All Key Publics
Tactic #1: Dedicate a single person responsible for managing the organization of
9Round NOVA’s digital presence
● This person should be given explicit permission to task other employees with certain
○ I.e. Tasking the owner of @9roundNOVA to take the Twitter handle down
○ Leadership must decide what amount of time/resources is appropriate for a
given staff member to dedicate to this effort
■ I.e. Up to one hour/week per employee? Will this be a new task during
gym “down times”, like cleaning the gym or re-writing signage? Is this
an overtime opportunity?
Tactic #2: Consolidate disparate Facebook and Twitter accounts
● If different branches want to different themselves, they can use different hashtags
while posting from the main 9Round NOVA Page/handles (i.e. “9Round NOVA has a
two-for-one special for #9RoundPENROSE now through the end of the month!”)
● Social media manager is responsible for maintaining and socializing the list of
hashtags, handles and posting-permissions if applicable
Tactic #3: Organize websites and update content and social media links
● Audit lower-half content on each branch’s website and task trainers at different gyms
with contributing to defining how they stand out from one another
● Organize the phone system
Strategy #2: Demonstrate an investment of overall wellness by bringing the community
together through a “Knock It Out” event.
○ Phone numbers don’t go to the right gyms, sometimes go to peoples’ cell
Tactic #4: Create “9Round NOVA Digital Brand Guidelines”
● Make a living document (consider Google Docs) with separate sections on standards
for posting on social media, sending e-mails, how often to update the website, how to
get posts approved, etc.
Tactic #1: Secure a space, whether the largest gym or a public space with a lot of foot
traffic (i.e. Courthouse Plaza or the equivalent near one of the other locations).
● Aim for a Monday/Tuesday so people are fresh from the weekend
Tactic #2: Draft and socialize Run of Show/logistics with staff
● Event will be managed by one staff-member, and will need the participation of each
trainer to support planning and to be on-site at some point in the day
○ Consider using shifts the day-of so employees don’t have to be “on” for the
full event
● Identify which pieces of equipment can be used in addition to the number of
gloves/wraps can be available for passersby
○ Identify what computers/iPads and payment systems can be brought along
for people who want to sign up/get on an e-mail listerve
● Try to create a full 9Round workout that can be done in this space and invite existing
● Allot one or more pieces of equipment on which audiences can use a permanent
marker to write what they want to “Knock Out” before their workout (i.e. boring
mornings, bad attitudes at work, etc.)
● Identify or hire a professional photographer to document the full event including set-
○ To use for a Thank You for staff later
Tactic #3: Create and purchase “Knock It Out” branded items
● T-shirts/tanks for staff
● Signage (banners, standalones and flyers) for the event and each of the gym
branches to promote the event ahead of time
● Either (or both) a heavy bag and speed bag for audiences to write on with a
permanent marker
Tactic #4: Create and implement promotional toolkits
● Social media toolkit including a series of promotional posts on Facebook and
● Web updates
● E-mail blasts
○ First: Announcement, six weeks out
○ Second: Update about the event (i.e. Existing members who bring a non-
member will receive 10% off next month’s membership, ensure you sign up
on the tablet with one of the trainers), three weeks out.
○ Third and Fourth: One week out, and the day before as a reminder
● Flyers and signage
○ At each of the gyms
○ Community-areas (i.e. Flyer boards at grocery stores, any of the local
employers that partner with 9Round NOVA for incentive programs and group
Tactic #5: Follow up with all audiences post-event
● Thank trainers for their time and effort - consider some funded-evening out
● Thank existing clients for their participation and follow up with those who brought
friends to ensure they receive whatever incentive is decided upon
● Reach out to potential clients via direct e-mails discussing next steps and how
9Round NOVA can help them Knock Out their fitness goals, in just 30 minutes
Strategy #1: Reconnect staff with 9Round NOVA’s brand by hosting annual
staff retreats.
Strategy #2: Instill a sense of pride in working for 9Round NOVA through an employee
appreciation campaign on social media and e-mail [See Mock Up for sample social media
Tactic #1: Create agenda [See Mock Up]
Tactic #2: Schedule the retreat and reserve an off-site space
● Send a Doodle poll to find the best time to host the event, for the majority of the
● Plan for a 4 hour retreat off-site space
● Compensate meals/travel
Tactic #3: Hold retreat
Tactic #4: Send follow up Survey [See Evaluation]
Tactic #1: Solicit quick bullet points/anecdotal comments on the unique value of each
staff member, from other staff and existing clients
Tactic #2: Solicit quick bio and photo from each trainer to pair with the third-party
feedback from above
● Consider getting a professional photographer for photos
Tactic #3: Draft and publish monthly posts for Facebook and Instagram
● Compile materials into Google Folders, one for each staff-member, to prepare for
● Work into social media editorial calendar as a high-priority item, giving it the best
days/times and enough space to make it a real highlight
Strategy #1: Raise awareness of the refer-a-friend promotion by underscoring the
benefits of working out with a friend on social media and e-mail.
Strategy #2: Incorporate existing clients into the brand story by publishing individual
fitness stories/anecdotes on social media and through e-mail.
○ So plan to keep platforms “quiet” for a full day before, and at least two days
Tactic #4: Draft and send e-mail to existing/potential client listservs
● Always linking back to social media posts
Existing Clients
Tactic #1: Task trainers with identifying pairs or groups of clients who workout with one
Tactic #2: Social Media Manager e-mails identified pairs/groups to both applaud their
combined efforts and present data on how their working out together is more likely to
help them reach their fitness goals. Remind them the refer-a-friend discount still applies
to them for each new friend if they want to grow their group
Tactic #3: Create social media posts either as one-offs or a series (depending on how
many pairs/groups there are) with photos of the friends both at the gym and out in the
real world
Tactic #4: Send promotional e-mails about the refer-a-friend discount once a quarter
Tactic #1: Task trainers with identifying client fitness stories (i.e. what they’ve seen
themselves, what they’ve heard)
Strategy #1: Raise potential clients’ understanding of 9Round NOVA’s flexible fitness
solution through paid social media advertising.
Tactic #2: Solicit stories from the community both on social media and a direct e-mail
Tactic #3: Build out stories with before and after pictures and anecdotes of how
9Round NOVA helped reach an individual’s fitness goals
Tactic #4: Disseminate stories as a series on social media and via direct e-mail
Tactic #5: Consider highlighting the promoted story at the gym in which they frequent
by writing their names on whiteboards and seeding congratulations from staff and other
clients (i.e. “You were so nervous when we first started training together and you’re an
absolute BEAST! Keep it going, it’s such a blast watching you grow!” -- Alex)
24-54 Northern Virginians (Potential Clients)
Tactic #1: Allocate $XX for social media advertising on Facebook, which will also link to
Tactic #2: Draft posts for a “What can you accomplish in 30 minutes?” campaign
● Posts should highlight hectic mornings, crunched lunch breaks and trying to make it
home from the office in time to make dinner -- the majority of gyms require a full hour
not including warm up/cool down and showering. This is where 9Round NOVA
stands out
● Identify tone/messaging for paid social posts, versus posts from the brand’s owned-
Tactic #3: Publish social media posts at least one week ahead of time
Strategy #2: Raise potential clients’ awareness of the brand through third-party validators
and partners.
Tactic #1: Task trainers at each location to identify employers of their clients and gauge
their interest on those businesses forming partnerships with 9Round NOVA (for
potential group discounts, incentive programs, etc.)
Tactic #2: When potential business partners are identified, reach out either via e-mail or
in-person meetings to explain the discounts/packages 9Round NOVA can offer to help
them fulfill employee-benefit needs
Tactic #3: When partners are identified, draft one or two e-mails they can send to their
● This will serve to both position 9Round NOVA as a helpful partner and control the
brand position
Tactic #4: Ask employers to host promotional flyers in common spaces
[Optional] Tactic #5: Create direct e-mail campaign for Class Pass listservs
● Ask them to return for discounted membership rates or consider alternatives that do
not require memberships
○ Since it’s known this audience does not want memberships - this will be the
only way to keep them with the brand. So either invest by adjusting the model
or disregard this audience
Detail Hours
Dedicate a single person responsible
for managing the organization of
9Round NOVA’s digital presence.
Labor hours only 1 n/a
Consolidate disparate Facebook and
Twitter accounts.
Labor hours only 2 n/a
Organize websites and update content
and social media links.
Labor hours only 5 n/a
Create “9Round NOVA Digital Brand
Labor hours only 5 n/a
[Evaluation] Create a baseline
measurement of user engagement. Labor hours only
3 n/a
Strategy #2
Secure a space, whether the largest
gym, a public space with good foot
traffic (i.e. Market Commons,
Clarendon) or public park
Pricing est. based on
Cherry Hill, Falls
Church park, 6 hour
minimum $250/hour
3 $1,500.00
Design and purchase “Knock It Out”
Tshirts/tanks for staff
Tshirts/tanks for 14
staff, pricing from
Custom Ink.
n/a $ 310.00
Book photographer -- this will also be
used to take professional staff-photos
for Trainer Strategy #2.
Pricing est. based on
Smarthoot's 2015
Photographer Pricing
Survey Results
1 $ 800.00
Print "Knock It Out" promotional flyers.
Pricing est. based on
FedEx Sell Sheet. 100
1 $ 60.00
Create and implement promotional
3 n/a
Host "Knock It Out" event.
Estimates lead's full
day, plus at least 4
hours by each staff
60 n/a
[Evaluation] Track conversations on
social media using
2 n/a
89 $2,670.00
2017 2018
Take control of all 9Round NOVA-branded digital platforms and tools to streamline
Demonstrate an investment of overall wellness by bringing the community together
through a "Knock It Out" event.
Key Public: All Key Publics
Cost for All Key Publics
Calendarand Budget
Detail Hours
Create agenda. 2 n/a
Schedule retreat and reserve off-site
Pricing est. from
Washington, DC Cove
spaces, half day
3 $ 800.00
Hold Retreat.
Pricing est. accounts
for transportation
costs, breakfast and
lunches for 14 staff.
Labor hours accounts
for 4 hours for each
staff members.
56 $ 840.00
[Evaluation] Build and send follow up
4 n/a
Strategy #2
Solicit bullet points/anecdotal
comments on the unique value of each
staff member from other staff and
existing clients.
Total hours 2 n/a
Obtain bios and photos from each
trainer (professional photos TK from
Knock It Out event photographer).
Total hours 2 n/a
Draft and publish monthly posts on
Facebook and Instagram.
Estimates one hour a
month for 16 months.
16 n/a
Draft and sent e-mail to
existing/potential client listserves.
Estimates one hour a
month for 16 months.
16 n/a
[Evaluation] Track social media
engagement and opens/click thrus
from the e-mails.
Estimates one hour a
month for 16 months.
16 n/a
117 $1,640.00
2016 2017 2018
Key Public: Trainers
Reconnect staff with 9Round NOVA's brand by hosting annual staff retreats.
Instill a sense of pride in working for 9Round NOVA through an employee
appreciation campaign on social media and e-mail.
Cost for Trainers
Detail Hours
Task trainers to identify pairs or groups
of clients who workout with one
2 hours x 4 trainers 8 n/a
Social Media Manager e-mails
identified clients to applaud efforts and
present research/data on the positive
impact of working out with friends.
Remind them they can still refer a
friend for discounts.
Estimates one hour a
month for 8 months.
8 n/a
Post on social media every other
Estimates one hour a
month for 8 months.
8 n/a
Draft and send promotional e-mails
about the refer-a-friend promotion once
a quarter.
Estimates one hour per
4 n/a
[Evaluation] Document engagement
with identified-clients, metrics on social
media, e-mail opens/clic-thrus and
refer-a-friend sign-ups.
Estimates one hour a
month for 8 months.
8 n/a
Strategy #2
Task trainers to identify client-fitness
2 hours x 4 trainers 8 n/a
E-mail identified clients, asking for their
9Round NOVA fitness stories
2 n/a
Post on social media every other
Estimates one hour a
month for 8 months.
8 n/a
Send direct e-mails with repurposed
content and link to social media
Estimates one hour a
month for 8 months.
8 n/a
Highlight promoted success-story in
their gym by writing a big shout out on
the whiteboard.
Estimates 15 minutes
for 8 months
2 n/a
[Evaluation] Document engagement
with identified-clients, metrics on social
media, e-mail opens/clic-thrus and
refer-a-friend sign-ups.
Estimates one hour a
month for 8 months.
8 n/a
72 $ -
Key Public: Existing Clients
2016 2017
Cost for Existing Clients
Incorporate existing clients into the brand story by publishing individual fitness
stories/anecdotes on social media and through e-mail.
Raise awareness of the refer-a-friend promotion by underscoring the benefits of
working out with a friend on social media and e-mail.
Detail Hours
Allocate portion of annual marketing
budget to social media advertising on
Facebook (which will also link to
advertising, so works
within any budget. This
pricing est. is what's
leftover from $6,666
marketing budget for a
16-month plan, and
can be adjusted as
needed. Labor hours
est. 1 hour/month.
16 $2,296.00
Draft "What can you accomplish in 30
minutes?" campaign package
Two sets of ads
automatically resizes)
and social media
4 n/a
Submit ads and post from social media
toolkit bi-monthly
2 hours/month 32 n/a
[Evaluation] Track analytics through
the advertising-systems, which will
document views and engagement.
2 hours/month 32
Strategy #2
Task trainers at each location to
identify surrounding employers and the
employers of existing clients -- gauge
interest in those businesses forming
partnerships with 9Round NOVA.
2 hours x 4 trainers --
14 n/a
When potential business partners are
identified, reach out either via e-mail or
in-person meetings to explain the
discounts/packages 9Round NOVA
can offer to help them fulfill employee-
benefit needs.
Est. 1 hour per
potential partner -- bi-
200 n/a
Draft two e-mails businesses can send
their employees about 9Round NOVA.
Bi-annually 4 n/a
Print promotional flyers for the gym and
timely events/promotions for
businesses to post in common
Pricing est. based on
FedEx Sell Sheet. 50
4 $ 60.00
[Optional Tactic] Create e-mails for
Class Pass listservs asking them to
return for discounted membership
rates/flexible membership contracts.
Bi-annually 4 n/a
[Evaluation] Document the number of
local businesses willing to partner with
9Round NOVA, how many employees
they anticipate this affecting, sign-ups
from these businesses, how many e-
mails they send to their staff, and if
they come back to 9Round NOVA for
more printed materials to share.
Est. 1 hour data-dive,
per potential partner --
20 n/a
330 $2,356.00
2016 2017 2018
Key Public: 25-54 Year Old Northern Virginians (Potential Clients)
Raise potential clients’ understanding of 9Round NOVA’s flexible fitness solution
through paid social media advertising.
Raise potential clients’ awareness of the brand through third-party validators and
Cost for Potential Clients
Key Public Hours Cost
Cost for All Audiences 89 2,670.00$
Cost for Trainers 117 1,640.00$
Cost for Existing Clients 72 -$
Cost for Potential Clients 330 2,356.00$
Cost for Measurement and Evaluation 27 -$
Total time and cost: 635 6,666.00$
Prepare surveys for clients, staff and
potential audiences
2 hours x each of the 3
6 n/a
Release surveys through the end of the
1 n/a
Evaluate data against the 2016
baseline to evaluate which strategies
and tactics were successful in helping
meet Objectives; revise existing
communications plan as needed
3 hours x each of the 3
surveys + 8 hours to
revise comms plan
17 n/a
Socialize revised communications
strategy and begin implementation via
e-mail and in-person presentation
3 n/a
27 $ -
Measurement and Evaluation Detail Hours
2016 2017 2018
Cost for Measurement and Evaluation
Budget Summary
XI. Evaluation
How each Objective should be measured once the plan is implemented:
1. Increase staff-understanding of the science behind 9Round NOVA’s unique
fitness solution from 63 percent to 93 percent by September 2017.
 Use survey data from primary research “9Round NOVA Trainer Survey”
“On a scale of 1-5 (1 being "I don't get it at all", 5 being "I completely understand"), rate
your understanding of the science behind the fitness program/work outs.”
 Send survey following staff retreat to evaluate their perception of the
i. Anonymous Google Form with open-ended questions on how staff
perceived the retreat, if they felt it would have an impact on their
experience and/or the business, if they’re looking forward to the
next retreat in XX date, what worked well during the retreat, what
they’d want to see more or less of.
2. Increase the percentage of existing clients who say they would recommend
9Round NOVA to a friend from 75 percent to 95 percent by September 2017.
 Use survey data from primary research “9Round NOVA Existing Client
“On a scale of 1-5 (1 being “Not at all”, 5 being “Absolutely or I already have”), rate how
likely you are to recommend 9Round NOVA to a friend.”
3. Increase the percentage of people who report having heard or seen
promotions/advertisements from 9Round NOVA from seven percent to 15
percent by September 2017.
 Use survey data from primary research “Northern Virginia - Fitness
Industry” survey
“In the last year, where have you seen promotions/advertisements for 9Round Fitness?”
 Track Facebook analytics once a week to understand effectiveness of
given posts/series.
Analytics to measure include click-thrus and engagement (i.e. shares, likes and
Moving Forward
Use the consolidated online platforms to create a baseline measurement of user
engagement and track which strategies and tactics are successful in increasing
engagement. Once the Social Media Manager is identified:
1. Activate Facebook Analytics, which can also be linked to Instagram’s analytics.
2. Ensure analytics are trackable on the back end of the website and for e-mail
a. Recommend using Google Analytics and Survey Monkey.
3. Pick a date when all platforms are consolidated and document engagement
metrics; this will be the online engagement “baseline” from which the Social
Media Manager will use to track progress.
4. Social media metrics to track include:
a. Page visits, check-ins, likes, shares and comments
5. Web metrics to track include:
6. Page visits, time on page and conversions (i.e. when they use this space to
“Contact Us”)
7. E-mail analytics include:
a. Opens, click-thrus and unsubscribe
Evaluating the plan’s overall effectiveness
Short Term Long Term
Positive, anecdotal feedback from staff Higher rate of retention with existing
Increase in “refer a friend” free classes
and memberships
Increased engagement and share of voice
on social media
Increase in number of partnerships with
local employers
Closer relationships between staff and
Appendix A. SWOT
 Unique product
 Small enough to be agile and
control the brand
 You staff understand young
clientele communication
 Staff work for other
companies and can share
best practices
 Loyal clients who interact
with the brand multiple times
a week
 Limited resources to
market against competitors
 Lack of formal communications
resources (i.e. a social media manager)
 No established touchpoints for staff to
engage with one another or leadership
 Staff work for other companies and might
negatively compare to 9Round NOVA
 Locations vary in terms of foot-traffic –
requiring a wide range of marketing
 People are investing more in
 Also have a greater need for
time-savings options
 Low levels of competition within
kickboxing-style gyms
 Certain 9Round NOVA locations
get great foot traffic and can
attract audiences who may not
have considered kickboxing
 Few, if any, similar
30-minute products
on the market
 Highly-competitive market –
potential clients have a lot of
 Gyms have an already-high
turnover rate, especially in
dense areas like Arlington and
Falls Church, VA
 ClassPass has created
audiences who don’t see a
need to be loyal to any one
 Young people who can’t
afford gym
memberships might
stick to home or
office gyms
Appendix B. Creative Examples
#1: Updated Copy for Website
Current 9Round NOVA landing page:
Welcome to 9Round NOVA, where you’ll never miss a workout! Our 30 minute kickboxing style
workouts get you fit -- and fast. Our trainers are ready for you during all business hours, and our
workouts start every three minutes. Take a look below to find which location works best for in
Arlington, Falls Church and Penrose Square. And your first workout is on us!
Current 9Round NOVA Falls church landing page (below the fold):
Never miss a workout at 9Round NOVA’s Falls Church location! Our flexible, jump-in-anytime
schedule ensures you’re always on time. 9Round NOVA is the only gym in Northern Virginia
combining group exercise, personal attention from a trainer, and a “jump in any time” class
If you’re curious about what you can get done in just 30 minutes, we’d love to show you by
offering a free workout. Click here to get in touch with one of trainers and find out how easy it is
to work fitness into your busy schedule.
Recommended: 9Round NOVA Trainers promoted on each location’s page
Maurice (the big one on the right).
Just kidding, Rob’s probably bigger than
me. But I’m faster. And I can teach you
how to knock out big guys like our
beloved boss, Rob, in less time than it
takes you to commute to work.
I’ve been a 9Round NOVA trainer and
manager for over three years. This is the
first gym I”ve worked for that truly meets
a need we all want but rarely ask for:
TIME. We want you to live in your bodies,
not spend hours in the gym trying to get
I’m usually coaching at the Courthouse or
Ballston locations in the afternoons --
check out one of our free classes and I
look forward to showing you the ropes!
#2: Social Media Toolkit
9Round NOVA “Flexible Solution” Social Media Toolkit
9Round NOVA Sample Social Media Toolkit | November 2016
9Round NOVA offers a unique value in Northern Virginia, which no other gym can:
flexibility. The following guidelines should be used in conjunction with the paid social
media campaign.
Target Audience
 Working-aged people who live or work near any of the four gyms
 Gym-goers who can’t schedule training-style or group workouts because they
typically take a full hour
 Never miss a workout with 9Round NOVA. Our flexible, jump-in-anytime schedule
ensures you’re always on time.
1. 9Round NOVA is the only gym in Northern Virginia combining group
exercise, personal attention from a trainer, and a “jump in any time” class
2. 9Round NOVA is the only gym offering 30-minute trainer-lead, group
exercise classes.
3. 89 percent of 9Round NOVA members workout multiple times a week
because of the gym’s flexibility.
 You can get fit in a shorter amount of time. Try 9Round NOVA’s 30 minute
1. It only takes 30 minutes to practice and hone nine different movements.
2. Nine different movements will challenge your body and mind, always serving
up a different workout.
 You can work fitness into your busy schedule. Show up to 9Round NOVA at your
own start time.
1. The workouts start every three minutes, you’ll never be late.
2. Trainers are always on-site and help you train at each of the nine stations.
Suggested Posts
 “Watch your body thank you when you give up the couch for 30 minutes, and get
ripped! Check out trainer @Alex’s favorite #9RoundNOVA location and get started”
 “Don’t stress about missing your next workout! Come to #9RoundNOVA any time
we’re open and get trained on your own schedule -- no reservations or waitlists
 “90% of #9RoundNOVA members workout multiple times a week - but we bet
they’re less strapped for time than you’d think. Come check out our 30 minute
workouts that start every 3 minutes - you’ll never miss a class!”
 Get fit then get on with your day. #9RoundNOVA’s @Maurice can get you there in
30 minutes - flat!
Facebook and
9Round NOVA
#3: Staff Retreat Agenda
9Round NOVA Staff Retreat
10 a.m. - Coffee and ice breakers
 Where else do you work?
 Why did you come to the Northern Virginia area?
 Where’s your favorite place to travel?
 What sports/exercise do you get into outside of 9Round?
11 a.m. - State of Affairs from Rob and Dan
 Facts of the business, what’s working well (and calling out specific names
for specific activities) and what needs to be improved.
 Share leadership’s ideas on how to improve, then open the floor for input
from the group
 Reiterating the mission and the vision for the future of the company
12 p.m. - Employee Impact
 “This is what we learned from the staff survey, here’s what leadership has
heard and here’s our plan on how to improve”
 Get input from staff on how to improve
1 p.m. - Working lunch
 Open dialogue on what staff want out of working with 9Round, outside of
salary discussions, how can 9Round NOVA shape itself into a positive and
productive career value-add for current and potential staff?
 How can we improve onboarding, training and sharing best-practices?
2 p.m. - Community Involvement
 Brainstorm ways to better interact with existing clients
 Brainstorm ways to get involved with the community in ways that are
authentic to 9Round’s brand
#4: “Knock It Out” Event Flyer
#5: E-mail to local businesses
Subject: Local Gym Introduction by [employee/client name]
Hi [xx],
Nice to virtually meet you. My name is Dan Albrant, I’m COO of 9Round NOVA - the kickboxing-
style gym about a block away from your building. [Your employee] is a member of our gym and
recommended I reach out to you regarding a group-discount opportunity for your firm. Being
new in the area, we’re working hard to get involved with the community and are offering
customized, discounted group packages to local employers. If this is something your
company would be interested in, I’d love to take you out for a coffee nearby. In the
meantime, feel free to read more about the flexibility our gyms offer, below.
9Round NOVA Overview
 Effective fitness, fast.
o 9Round NOVA is the only gym in Northern Virginia combining group exercise,
personal attention from a trainer, and a “jump in any time” class schedule.
 9Round NOVA workouts will save your employees time
o It only takes 30 minutes to practice and hone nine different movements.
o Nine different movements will challenge the body and mind, always serving up a
different workout.
 The workouts fit into the work day.
o Show up to 9Round NOVA at your own start time. Because the workouts start
every three minutes, you’ll never be late.
 Four gyms throughout Arlington, Falls Church and Penrose Square give employees the
option to workout before, during or after work.
o Our Falls Church location is .03 miles from [potential partner name].
 We care about our members, both in and outside of the gym.
o Trainers are on-site and ready to jump into work with you during all open gym
o We provide clients with well-rounded health support by way of virtual nutrition
Thank you,
Dan Albrant
9Round NOVA [linked to main website]
Follow us on Twitter and Instagram [linked social media handles]
#6: Surveyquestions for each key public
9Round NOVA - Key Public Survey Questions
9Round NOVA - Trainer Survey
 At which location(s) do you work? Check all that apply.
 How long have you worked at 9Round NOVA?
 How did you first hear about your position 9Round NOVA?
 Did you coach/train in a similar role before you became a trainer at 9Round NOVA?
 On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being very poor, 5 being excellent), rate your employee onboarding
 In a few words, what did you enjoy/benefit most from the onboarding process?
 In a few words, how would you recommend improving the onboarding process?
 On a scale of 1-5 (1 being "I don't get it at all", 5 being "I completely understand"), rate your
understanding of the science behind the fitness program/work outs.
 Do you have another job(s)?
 How often do you interact with MANAGEMENT either online, on the phone or in person?
 Rate your relationship with 9Round NOVA MANAGEMENT.
 How often do you interact with TRAINERS from other gyms either online, on the phone or in
 Rate your relationship with the other 9Round NOVA TRAINERS.
 On a scale of 1-5 (1 being "not at all prepared, uncomfortable" to "very prepared, confident"),
how prepared to you feel to train a potential client and sell them on a membership?
 Are you made aware when a potential client is coming in to try a new class during your shift?
 Do you feel your contributions make an IMPACT on the 9Round NOVA gym(s)/business?
 Do you feel your contributions are ACKNOWLEDGED and/or APPRECIATED by
 What is your age?
 What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed? If currently enrolled,
please select the highest degree in-progress.
 What social media channels do you use on your own time?
9Round NOVA - Client Survey
 How long have you been a member at 9Round NOVA?
 How often do you work out with 9Round NOVA?
 At which location(s) do you work out?
 How did you first learn about 9Round NOVA?
 Do you belong to any gyms other than 9Round?
 Which gym(s) you have been a member of in the last year?
 Who do you believe creates your gym's daily workouts?
 Do you feel the science and programming behind the program (i.e. why we use nine rounds)
has been adequately explained to you?
 On a scale of 1-5 (1 being "I don't get it at all", 5 being "I completely understand"), rate your
understanding of the science behind the fitness program/work outs.
 In a few words, what would you like to learn more about, as it relates to 9Round's
 On a scale of 1-5 (1 being "Inconsistent", 5 being "Consistent"), how consistent is your
workout experience across the different trainers?
 On a scale of 1-5 (1 being "Not at all likely", 5 being "Very likely/ I already have"), how likely
are you to recommend 9Round NOVA to a friend/family member?
 Are you planning to cancel your membership in the next six months?
 Which of the following social media channels do you use?
 How often do you receive e-mail notifications from 9Round?
 How often do you visit the 9Round NOVA website?
 What is your age?
 What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed? If currently enrolled,
please select the highest degree in-progress.
Northern Virginia - Fitness SurveyQuestions
 What is your age?
 Do you currently belong to one or more gyms (outside of a home-gym)?
 If you answered "yes" to the last question - how long have you been a member of your
current gym(s)? If you belong to more than one, select the membership you've held the longest.
 Are you considering leaving your current gym(s) in the next six months?
 How often do you work out?
 What is your preferred duration (length of time) for a CARDIO workout?
 Have you practiced kickboxing, either for sport or as part of an exercise routine?
 When you think of gyms/fitness centers around your area, what brands come to mind?
 Which of the following brands have you seen either in-person or online (i.e. on social media,
their websites, advertisements), in the last three months? Check all that apply.
 How familiar are you with 9Round Fitness?
 In the last year, where have you seen promotions/advertisements for 9Round Fitness?
Check all that apply.
 Do you currently live in any of the following areas?
 What is your total annual household income?
 Have you tried Class Pass?
Appendix C. OriginalResearch
Northern Virginia – Fitness Industry SurveySummary of Responses
9Round NOVA Trainer SurveySummary of Responses
9Round NOVA Client SurveySummary of Responses
References (endnotes) and Bibliography
1 "9Round Fitness." Review . Yelp!Accessed August 04, 2016.
2 "9Round NOVA - Arlington, VA - Ballston."
3 "9Round NOVA - Arlington, VA - Penrose Sq/Pentagon."
4 "9Round NOVA - Courthouse Facebook Page." 2016.
5 "9Round NOVA - Falls Church Facebook Page." 2016.
6 "9Round NOVA - Falls Church, VA."
7 "9Round NOVA - Penrose FacebookPage." 2016.
8 "America's Health Rankings AnnualReport." December 10, 2015. Accessed June 2016.
9 "Let's Move!" 2016. http://w
10 "Title Boxing Club, Falls Church Facebook Page." 2016.
11 “9Round NOVA - Arlington, VA - Courthouse.”
12 “ClassPass - Washington DC.” 2016.
13 “I Love Kickboxing - Alexandria VA.”
14 “Like Millennials, Generation X loves Facebook. Unlike Millennials, they’re far less interested in any other socialnetw ork.
Forty-eight percent of Generation X is on Tw itter, but less than half of them call themselves active users. This group is even
less interested in Instagram (19 percent, w ith 8 percent actively using).” Patterson, Michael. “Social Media Demographics to
Inform a Better Segmentation Strategy.” May 4, 2015. -social-media-
15 “The region is now home to 2.6 million people, reflecting a 23.9% increasing during one decade.” Update fromthe 2010
Census - Population Change in Northern Virginia. n.p.: George Mason University Center for Regional Analysis, n.d.
16 9Round NOVA - Courthouse, Tw itter account. 2016.
17 9Round NOVA, Instagram location. 2016.
18 9Round NOVA, Tw itter account. 2016.
19 Alex. Informal Interview w ith Courthouse Trainers. (2016).
20 Duggan, Maeve. The Demographics of Social Media Users. n.p.: Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech, 2015.
21 Fry, Richard. Millennials Surpass Gen Xers as the Largest Generation in U.S. Labor Force. (Pew Research Center), May 11,
22 Hallett, Vicky. "Don’t Need to Punch the Clock at 9Round, a Kickboxing Franchise in Arlington." The Washington Post,
November 18, 2014.
23 Holahan, Megan. "The Healthiest City in America Is..." May 18, 2016. Accessed August 2016.
24 IBISWorld. U.S. fitness industry revenue by sector in 2012 (in billion U.S. dollars). (accessed June 10, 2016).
25 IHRSA. Number of health clubs & fitness centers* in the U.S. from2008 to 2015. (accessed June 10, 2016).
26 IHRSA. Total number of memberships at fitness centers / health clubs in the U.S. from2000 to 2015 (in millions). (accessed June 10, 2016).
27 Jones, Kerry. “The Generational Content Gap: How Different Age Groups Consume Content.” August 18, 2015.
28 Khaja, Fatima, Anne Pickford Cahill, Erik Hovland, Laura Meehan, and Khamthakone Betts. Demographic Reports 2015
County of Fairfax, Virginia. Report. County of Fairfax, Virginia. January 2016.
29 New port, Frank. Americans’Perceived Time Crunch No Worse Than in Past. n.p.: Gallup, 2015. Poll.
30 Smirniotopoulos, Margot. “Fitness and Recreational Sports Centers Within a One-Mile Radius of 9Round NOVA
Courthouse.” Mergent Intellect. n.p., 2016.
31 Smirniotopoulos, Margot. 9Round NOVA Client Survey. n.p., 2016. Google Forms. ceZLiYZVq3ch8lf1.
32 Smirniotopoulos, Margot. 9Round NOVA Trainer Survey. n.p., 2016. Google Forms.
33 Smirniotopoulos, Margot. Northern Virginia - Fitness Industry Survey. n.p., 2016. Google Forms.
34 Taylor, Paul. “How the Great Recession Has Changed Life in America.” IV. The new frugality. n.p.: Pew Research Center’s
Social & Demographic Trends Project, 2010.
35 Turk, Sarah. Gym, Health & Fitness Clubs in the US. IBISWorld, May 2016. AccessedJune 1, 2016.
36 Wagner, Gina DeMillo. “Strength in Numbers: The Importance of Fitness Buddies.” September 2010.
37 Wang, Annie. "Best Places in Virginia for Job Seekers - NerdWallet." NerdWallet. October 06, 2013. Accessed August 04,
End Notes
"Let's Move!" 2016.
Fry, Richard. Millennials Surpass Gen Xers as the Largest Generation in U.S. Labor Force.
(Pew Research Center), May 11, 2015.
"America's Health Rankings Annual Report." December 10, 2015. Accessed June 2016.
Taylor, Paul. “How the Great Recession Has Changed Life in America.” IV. The new frugality.
n.p.: Pew Research Center’s Social & Demographic Trends Project, 2010.
Newport, Frank. Americans’Perceived Time Crunch No Worse Than in Past. n.p.: Gallup,
2015. Poll.
v i
Sarah. Gym, Health & Fitness Clubs in the US. IBISWorld, May 2016. Accessed June 1, 2016.
v ii
IHRSA. Number of health clubs & fitness centers* in the U.S. from 2008 to 2015. (accessed June
10, 2016).
v iii
IHRSA. Total number of memberships at fitness centers / health clubs in the U.S. from 2000
to 2015 (in millions).
memberships/ (accessed June 10, 2016).
Turk, Sarah. Gym, Health & Fitness Clubs in the US. IBISWorld, May 2016. Accessed June 1,
Ibid. Turk, Sarah. Gym, Health & Fitness Clubs in the US.
IBISWorld. U.S. fitness industry revenue by sector in 2012 (in billion U.S. dollars). (accessed June
10, 2016).
“ClassPass - Washington DC.” 2016.
“9Round NOVA - Arlington, VA - Courthouse.”
"9Round NOVA - Falls Church, VA."
"9Round NOVA - Arlington, VA - Penrose Sq/Pentagon."
xv i
"9Round NOVA - Arlington, VA - Ballston."
xv ii
"9Round NOVA - Courthouse Facebook Page." 2016.
xv iii
"9Round NOVA - Penrose Facebook Page." 2016.
"9Round NOVA - Falls Church Facebook Page." 2016.
9Round NOVA, Twitter account. 2016.
9Round NOVA - Courthouse, Twitter account. 2016.
9Round NOVA, Instagram location. 2016.
Smirniotopoulos, Margot. Northern Virginia - Fitness Industry Survey. n.p., 2016. Google
"9Round Fitness." Review. Yelp! Accessed August 04, 2016.
Hallett, Vicky. "Don’t Need to Punch the Clock at 9Round, a Kickboxing Franchise in Arlington." The
Washington Post, November 18, 2014.
xxv i
Smirniotopoulos, Margot. “Fitness and Recreational Sports Centers Within a One-Mile
Radius of 9Round NOVA Courthouse.” Mergent Intellect. n.p., 2016.
xxv ii
Smirniotopoulos, Margot. “Fitness and Recreational Sports Centers Within a One-Mile
Radius of 9Round NOVA Courthouse.” Mergent Intellect. n.p., 2016.
xxv iii
Smirniotopoulos, Margot. Northern Virginia - Fitness Industry Survey. n.p., 2016. Google
"Title Boxing Club, Falls Church Facebook Page." 2016.
“I Love Kickboxing - Alexandria VA.”
Smirniotopoulos, Margot. 9Round NOVA Trainer Survey. n.p., 2016. Google Forms.
“The region is now home to 2.6 million people, reflecting a 23.9% increasing during one
decade.” Update from the 2010 Census - Population Change in Northern Virginia. n.p.: George
Mason University Center for Regional Analysis, n.d.
Ibid. Update from the 2010 Census - Population Change in Northern Virginia.
Wang, Annie. "Best Places in Virginia for Job Seekers - NerdWallet." NerdWallet. October 06, 2013.
Accessed August 04, 2016.
Holahan, Megan. "The Healthiest City in America Is..." May 18, 2016. Accessed August
xxxv i
Khaja, Fatima, Anne Pickford Cahill, Erik Hovland, Laura Meehan, and Khamthakone Betts.
Demographic Reports 2015 County of Fairfax, Virginia. Report. County of Fairfax, Virginia. January 2016.
xxxv ii
Smirniotopoulos, Margot. 9Round NOVA Trainer Survey. n.p., 2016. Google Forms.
Jones, Kerry. “The Generational Content Gap: How Different Age Groups Consume
Content.” August 18, 2015.
Duggan, Maeve. The Demographics of Social Media Users. n.p.: Pew Research Center:
Internet, Science & Tech, 2015.
“Like Millennials, Generation X loves Facebook. Unlike Millennials, they’re far less interested
in any other social network. Forty-eight percent of Generation X is on Twitter, but less than half
of them call themselves active users. This group is even less interested in Instagram (19
percent, with 8 percent actively using).” Patterson, Michael. “Social Media Demographics to
Inform a Better Segmentation Strategy.” May 4, 2015.
Smirniotopoulos, Margot. Northern Virginia - Fitness Industry Survey. n.p., 2016. Google
Smirniotopoulos, Margot. Northern Virginia - Fitness Industry Survey. n.p., 2016. Google
Smirniotopoulos, Margot. 9Round NOVA Client Survey. n.p., 2016. Google Forms.
xlv i
Smirniotopoulos, Margot. 9Round NOVA Trainer Survey. n.p., 2016. Google Forms.
xlv ii
Ibid. Smirniotopoulos, Margot. 9Round NOVA Trainer Survey.
xlv iii
Wagner, Gina DeMillo. “Strength in Numbers: The Importance of Fitness Buddies.”
September 2010.

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9Round Fitness Communications Plan August 2016

  • 1. 9Round NOVA Communications Plan September 2016 – January 2018 Developed by Margot Smirniotopoulos
  • 2. Table of Contents Executive Summary……………………………………….….. 1 Background….…………………………………………………. 4 Situation Analysis………………………………………….….. 15 Goal…………………………………………………….………. 16 Objectives……………………………………………..……….. 16 Key Publics………………………………………..…………… 17 Brand Positioning and Framing……………………………... 21 Messages…………………………………..………………….. 22 Strategies and Tactics….…………………………………….. 24 Calendar and Budget……………………………………….… 31 Measurement and Evaluation……………………………….. 36 AppendixA: SWOT…………………………………………... 38 AppendixB: Creative Examples…………………….……..... 39 AppendixC: Original Research………………….………...... 48 AppendixD: Bibliography and References……….…….…. 69
  • 3. 1 “…when [clients and paid staff] are able to validate and endorse the brand, potential clients are more likely to pay attention.” ExecutiveSummary Believing in your product, and convincing others to believe in it, are fundamental in building a successful brand. But excelling in one does not guarantee the success of the other. It’s important for 9Round NOVA leadership to realize personal financial and emotional investments do not inherently resonate with clients, or even paid staff. The brand must still prove its credibility to these two key publics. And when these audiences are able to validate and endorse the brand, potential clients are then more likely to pay attention. Compared to local competitors, including kickboxing- style gyms and cult-favorites such as Orangetheory Fitness and CrossFit, 9Round NOVA has a genuinely unique product. It’s vital to capitalize on the selling- points of its flexible fitness solution compared to these brands, and form closer relationships with audiences who are already familiar with the 9Round NOVA product. Currently, 9Round NOVA spends most its energy and resources on the important logistics of opening and maintaining a new business. The reality of the local gym and fitness industry, however, necessitates a need to invest in communications efforts to remain competitive and relevant. 9Round NOVA’s branches exist in an overly-saturated and highly-competitive arena of marketing-savvy competitors, and even more savvy consumers who know when they’re being marketed-to. In this landscape, third party validation is the most compelling form of marketing. When people see others endorsing a product, it comes across as authentic and viable. Audiences know when a business pays for their attention, and when a business truly earns their attention. 9Round NOVA must first strengthen its brand among the audiences who have already invested in it. This is to say, its staff and existing clients must have an understanding of the product and perceive the brand as being worthy of their loyalty. This can be
  • 4. 2 “It’s vital to hold off on starting any new communications efforts before consolidating 9Round NOVA’s disparate presence on its websites and social media platforms.” accomplished through simple strategies and tactics, and will not require as much of an outside cost as appealing to another important group: potential clients. Once the “bought-in” audiences have a strong and unified perception of the 9Round NOVA brand, they can help inform audiences who do not yet have a relationship with the brand. And this is where leadership will see the most return on investment in terms of a marketing budget: increasing awareness, casting a wide net amongst potential audiences through events and online advertising, will be strengthened by strong endorsements from existing audiences. It’s vital to hold off on starting new communications efforts before consolidating 9Round NOVA’s disparate presence on its websites and social media platforms. Currently, audiences do not know which source of communication is the “real” 9Round NOVA. And leadership must prioritize creating authoritative sources of information. While the website, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts are being consolidated, it’s important to get existing audiences on the same page in regard to brand-perception. This means attention must be paid to trainers, who are often the only representation of the brand to existing and potential clients. This will be accomplished through simple tactics that demonstrate trainers are valued and listened-to by leadership. Engaging existing clients is a next step; modern gym-goers expect more than a workout, they want a community. The strategies in this plan solve for this need. And finally, this plan calls for casting a wide net to reach potential audiences. 9Round NOVA has little to no brand awareness in Northern Virginia, mostly because of its limited advertising budget. However, a lot can be done to overcome a modest budget by way of free social media efforts. This plan leans heavily on such tactics, and is able to do so confidently because of how much its key publics rely on such platforms.
  • 5. 3 This 16-month plan can be implemented within a $6,700 budget. This plan uses original survey data to garner insights into the habits and perceptions of each key public. This, coupled with the experience of 9Round NOVA leadership and trainers, has helped inform each strategy and subsequent tactic. There is not “shot-in- the-dark” tactic, and each tactic is modestly-priced. The plan is slated to begin in September, as the annual Back to School promotion comes to a close. It runs through early 2018 to account for a full year of strategies and tactics, and subsequent measurement and evaluation of these efforts. It is recommended that once the full-year of strategic planning has been executed, this plan is updated to create a 2018 plan. 9Round NOVA is expected to allocate $5,000 a year (so $416 per month) toward its communications efforts beginning this year.
  • 6. 4 Background External Environment State of health Americans have ever-increasing access to information regarding the health risks associated with being overweight. A combination of government, nonprofit, and private- sector programs have launched in recent years seeking to inform audiences of healthy lifestyles, or attract them to participate in related initiatives. For example, First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! campaign launched in February 2010 seeking to combat childhood obesity and encourage healthy lifestyles in younger generations.i This is a huge endorsement from the highest levels of government. However, this initiative ignores Generation X (36-51).ii Private sector organizations are also doing their part to incentivize audiences to become more active by offering health stipends and partnering with nearby gyms to offer group discounts for employees. And in spite of an increasing number of health initiatives, and associated marketing efforts, a 2015 study by the United Health Foundation reports more than two-thirds of U.S. adults as being overweight or obese, in addition to 10 percent of the population self-reporting having diabetes.iii Economy Slowly Improving, Increased Disposable Income Within the 30 months following the Great Recession (beginning November 2008), Pew Research reported the new culture of frugality having impacted household spending on vacations and gym memberships.iv People were saving money for essentials (i.e. investing more in savings). Now, as the economy continues to slowly rebound, Americans who were forced to cut what they considered to be non-essential expenses at the time are able to reintroduce such spending into their budget. And while the increasing number of public health campaigns has yet to impact the rates of obesity, the attention to healthy lifestyles has begun to position health and fitness- related expenses as a vital part of household budgets.
  • 7. 5 Time Crunched Nearly half (48 percent) of Americans report feeling they don’t have enough time in the day.v The 9am to 5pm workday coupled with increased perception of employee- availability after work hours (largely due to the popularization of smartphones and staying connected to e-mail 24/7) limits the perceived amount of free time during a given day. Businesses in a variety of industries leverage this “time-saving” mindset to offer products that give customers some time back by way of completing tasks for them (i.e. clothing curators like StitchFix which send items to your home, eliminating the need to even shop online, much less visit a store). Industry Competitive and growing The U.S. industry for “Gym, Health and Fitness Clubs” is defined as operating fitness and recreational sports facilities offering physical fitness activities and programs. The market is competitive and experiencing record growth. “BISWorld reports that the industry experienced annual growth of 2.5% between 2011 and 2016, and is expected to continue to grow at a rate of 3.1% through 2021, eventually bringing gaining an annual $35.3 billion in The number of health clubs and fitness centers continues to increase, with accelerated growth beginning in 2012. At that time there were an estimated 30,500 health clubs and fitness centers in the U.S., which has grown to 36,180 through 2015.vii The number of gym memberships has grown along with it (50.2 million in 2012 and 55 million in 2015viii), proving both healthy supply and demand of related services. And this demand for services reaches across both large and niche gyms. The busiest time of the year for this industry is after the New Year, in January and February.ix However, many “resolution-triggered” sign-ups rarely become loyal members, which is already difficult to accomplish given the oversaturated market. And many gyms suffer a one-two punch by offering low or no cancellation fees.
  • 8. 6 Demographics Traditionally, the industry has marketed toward audiences between the ages of 18 and 35, but recent numbers prove the participating demographic to be much wider: between the ages of 20 and 64.x This presents both business and communications challenges, as it is difficult to provide a single solution to such a diverse set of clientele. It’s also difficult to market products toward multiple audiences whom digest information differently. Boutique Gyms Surpass Globo Gyms IBISWorld reports consumers are moving away from large, all-inclusive gyms and toward options with less expensive memberships. “Gyms, health and fitness clubs earn more in revenue ($25.27 billion in 2012) than either personal trainers ($7.31 billion) or pilates and yoga studios ($6.85 billion).”xiIn fact, low-cost gyms with sparse amenities have faired well through 2016, indicating both a demand for both budget and time- conscious services. The emergence of contract-free services such as ClassPass, which allows customers to “try out” a variety of gyms for a flat rate with no need to commit to one gym, introduces a unique challenge to this industry which depends on memberships. On one hand, partnering with a service like ClassPass, increases brand awareness of a given organization. But the business enters this partnership with an understanding that it is directly competing with ClassPass’ other partners because a potential client is basically touring gyms without any stipulation to commit.xii
  • 9. 7 Client Unique Value Proposition 9Round’s workouts are unique for two reasons: first, a high-intensity workout is provided in a mere 30 minutes, compared to most hour-long fitness classes offered by competitors and in the fitness industry, generally. Second, because clients essentially walk themselves through the nine rounds, there is no start time. This means clients have no fear of being late; it is truly the most flexible group or trainer-style workout offered in the market. Website Analysis The brand’s online presence is scarce. All 9Round branches are required to work within the corporate website template where the “above the fold” content is uniform across different locations. There is an opportunity to provide customized content for the individual gyms “below the fold”. Currently, this space is underutilized and there is no indication that 9Round NOVA’s four branches are connected when a user is on an individual branch’s page. The quality of the customized content varies across the four gyms’ websites, though each of the photos and copy suffer from low-quality control (i.e. random capitalization of words, low-resolution photographs of the gym).xiiixivxvxvi
  • 10. 8 Social Media Analysis - Facebook Each gym’s unique website links to a single Facebook channel, “9Round NOVA”. The contact information for this page is 9Round NOVA’s Courthouse location, which doesn’t reflect the other branches in the portfolio.xvii As of June 2016, this main page has 593 followers (or “likes”) and 184 check-ins. The organization posts at least twice a day, and the majority of content is not original, typically posting photos or memes relating to reaching fitness goals. Engagement is low, at most receiving two likes and/or shares per post. And the majority of the shares comes from another 9Round NOVA social media handle: “9Round Penrose”.xviii As of June 2016 the 9Round Penrose Facebook page has 49 followers and 29 check- ins. The majority of the posts are text-only quotes which receive little to no engagement (i.e. one “like” from a consecutive 27 posts). This page posts more frequently than the main page, roughly four to five times a day. Finally, there is an unofficial page for the Falls Church location, “9round Falls Church” (with a lowercase “r”) which has nine followers and 68 check-insxix This hasn’t been claimed or managed by a 9Round employee, but is rather frequently “tagged”, namely by the brand’s main handle. It appears to be driven by one 9Round NOVA trainer, and is probably the best example of engaging content from any of the other channels (i.e. using photos and inviting people to work out with the trainer).
  • 11. 9 Social Media Analysis - Twitter There are three Twitter handles associated with the brand. The first, @9Round_NOVA launched in February 2016 and has two tweets; presumably this was abandoned.xx Then there’s @9RndCourthouse also called “9Round NOVA” with 118 followers, which is low for the platform especially when compared with the higher Facebook following.xxi The account is linked to Facebook, tweeting an update whenever something is added to Facebook with something as generic as, “I’ve posted a new photo on Facebook” along with a link. Finally there is a @9RoundPenrose account with 157 followers, more than the “main” handle. This, however, is not because the content strategy is different. Like the main handle, the posts are generated from an automatic update from Facebook. There is little to zero engagement on Twitter; a scan back through January 2016 fails to yield more than a one-off “share” or “like”. Social Media Analysis - Instagram The organization's presence on Instagram is set up as a location, versus a brand profile.xxii This means its branding is generated by users, and internal stakeholders have little control over maintenance or messaging. 9Round NOVA “Location” 9Round’s Official Account
  • 12. 10 E-mail Analysis 9Round NOVA sends e-mails to its members from “9Round - Arlington, VA” on an as- needed basis, typically in regards to changes in hours, holidays, etc. Headquarters sends mass e-mails to its members either as “9Round Fitness” or “9Round Nutrition” about once a week. Content from the former provides updates on fitness challenges or new merchandise, while the latter demonstrates thought-leadership in health overall, but supplementing fitness with insights and tips on nutrition. This might be an opportunity to prioritize resources given tight budgets; if headquarters is already creating periodic touch points with audiences, 9Round NOVA can forgo e-mail communication in favor of social media engagement. Product/Service/Issue While 9Round NOVA’s unique value is obvious to those who have experienced it in contrast with other group or trainer-style workouts, it suffers a perceived lack of brand awareness in Northern Virginia.xxiii Anecdotal reports from management indicate high conversion rates once a potential client has taken part in their first (free) workout. The Courthouse Yelp! reviews indicate as much, with audiences averaging a 4.5 out of 5 star rating and overall positive write-in commentary. xxivData from the industry analysis also show 9Round NOVA facing the widely-shared challenge of trying to stand out in an oversaturated and highly-competitive market. Building brand awareness is a long-term process, requiring a keen eye on how 9Round NOVA communicates both internally and externally. If its internal stakeholders are not in sync with the brand, that instability is amplified to external stakeholders. Interaction with the trainers are a client’s (both existing and potential) first and sometimes only association with the brand. If even one trainer is not acting as an appropriate brand ambassador for the organization, the ripple effect could skew an audience’s understanding of, and trust in, the brand.
  • 13. 11 Promotions Management has anecdotally indicated discounted-membership promotions as being very successful for sign-ups, but they do not impact how long a member stays with a gym. In addition to one free workout per new client, 9Round NOVA offers two annual promotions. The most recent promotion (as of June 2016) is its Summer Slimdown, which offers eight week of unlimited workouts for a discounted rate, with free or discounted boxing gloves thrown in to sweeten the deal. The second annual promotion is its Back to School special, which offers similar rates as the above, in addition to a student discount with a valid student ID. So there is no relation between promotions and keeping a member signed-up for any length of time passed the end of the promotion. The organization has not invested much in the way of paid advertising, and depends largely on earned media, out-of-home signage near each location, and earned media. The brand advertises in a local online news hub, Arlington Now, and has placed at least four stories in the publication. The Washington Post also wrote about the brand in late 2014; the article quoted both internal stakeholders and actual gym members, which is a great best practice.xxv Market Share As of July 2016, 9Round NOVA earns a $30,000/month profit across all four gyms, or $0.36 M a year. A Mergent Intellect report notes one 9Round NOVA branch earning $0.05 M, which puts that branch in the bottom-ten revenue-generating fitness locations in that area.xxviThe same report identifies 31 fitness centers within a one-mile radius of 9Round NOVA’s primary Courthouse location.xxvii
  • 14. 12 Competition In a recent survey of Northern Virginians, seven percent of respondents recognized 9Round NOVA as a brand. The same survey shows 30 percent of respondents recognizing Title Boxing.xxviii Title Boxing has three locations in Northern Virginia, the newest of which is located in Falls Church and is a direct competitor to 9Round NOVA’s Falls Church branch. The gym faces similar challenges in terms of creating a cohesive online presence. Its Springfield, Fairfax location owns both the website and Facebook presence for each of the Northern Virginia branches. The Facebook page has 1,848 followers (“likes”) and 1,829 check- ins, and its posts garner more engagement than any of 9Round’s accounts (between 3- 15 “likes” per post).xxix This is likely because its content is original (i.e. custom memes, photos of members working out with their kids). However, it is not clear how the brand communicates audiences interested in the Falls Church branch. Title Boxing also hosts events for members to attend outside of the gym including potluck dinners. It’s engaging audiences holistically, and provides them additional opportunities to build relationships with the brand. I Love Kickboxing, Alexandria is also an upcoming competitor to keep an eye on for 9Round NOVA’s Penn Quarter location. The soon-to-be-launched brand already has a robust e-mail campaign (at least one e- mail a week to its listerve) despite still not having opened its However, it still has not created a presence on social media; this gives 9Round NOVA and opportunity to engage with waiting-audiences within the platforms they frequently use.
  • 15. 132016 Northern Virginia – Fitness Industry Survey Two secondary competitors to note are Orangetheory Fitness and CrossFit. Both offer marginally similar products (instructor-lead, group-environment, some form of HIIT workout), but have built very different brands. Orangetheory Fitness has a large budget (whether that’s nationally or by branch is unknown) and is able to hyper- target social media users by their location. The advertising and posts are always consistent in terms of tone and color palette (which is easy enough as the color is in the name), which creates strong brand recognition. The Rosslyn branch (which is the closest to 9Round NOVA’s Courthouse and Ballston locations) has limited promotions, so there’s no way to save on memberships. It’s most advertised promotion is for brides- to-be who can enter into a raffle to win a package of free classes. Finally, today’s fitness industry cannot be observed without acknowledging CrossFit. Each box brands itself differently, and hosts a variety of friendly competitions, workouts honoring gym members, and holidays. While there is a CrossFit “culture”, it is easy to define one box from another; this is primarily accomplished through social media and in-person events. Because the product (hour- long sessions with a focus on training and group workouts) demands such intimate engagement, it is natural for a client to get attached and loyal to a brand. It’s important to note no communications or rebranding efforts will change the nature of a brand’s product, and so it is important to put an emphasis on highlighting 9Round NOVA’s product, rather than trying to build a similar culture to a secondary competitor.
  • 16. 14 Resources 9Round NOVA employs 14 staff members, most of whom are not dedicated to a single gym but for three managers; one each for Ballston, Courthouse and Penrose. There is no set cadence for communicating with staff outside of the initial onboarding process. And while 9Round NOVA Trainer survey shows the onboarding process as being well- received, anecdotal feedback notes a lack of organization and attention to administrative-teachings (i.e. how to manage the phone system and billing). The same survey indicates 75 percent of trainers see their relationship with management as being average or below average. Alternatively, 100 percent of respondents indicated their relationship with other trainers as being average and above above.xxxiThis could speak toward a lack of perceived accessibility or open-communication between different hiring- levels. The organization doesn’t employ anyone dedicated to managing communications or social media, so any marketing tactics are launched by the goodwill of one employee or another. There are 521 active members as of June 3, 2016; 218 at Courthouse (being the oldest branch), 88 at Penrose, 49 at Falls Church and 16 at Ballston. Market Research The 2010 Census reports Northern Virginia being home to the top three wealthiest areas in the country, each of which have a median annual household income between $104,000 and $113,000: Falls Church City, Loudoun County and Fairfax County.xxxiiAnd they’re continuing to grow; Arlington County, the city of Alexandria and the city of Falls Church have experienced growths of 9.6, 9.1 and 18.8 percent, respectively.xxxiii Northern Virginia is also one of the best-employed areas in the country, with an unemployment rate nearly three percent lower than that of the rest of the country.xxxiv What’s more is the Washington, D.C. area continuously ranks as being one of the most- fit areas in the country.xxxv So this area is ripe with audiences who are strapped for time, have a larger disposable income, and a greater desire to stay fit than the majority of the country.
  • 17. 15 Where are we now? 9Round NOVA has a fragmented brand suffering from a lack of organized, strategic communication with key publics. Staff feel disconnected from leadership and from one another, which prevents them from becoming trusted advocates and weakens the integrity of the brand. This lack of cohesiveness damages the perception of the brand for current and potential members alike. 9Round NOVA also struggles to compete with longstanding businesses in the local fitness industry despite offering a more cost-effective and time-saving product. This is symptomatic of low levels of awareness within potential audience groups. What could get in the way of success? In order to unify and strengthen its brand, 9Round NOVA must first ensure cohesiveness within existing audience groups. Low employee moral, combined with lack of engagement with clients, puts this stabilization at risk. If leadership wants to expand to potential audiences before improving relationships with existing audiences, it will have a difficult time proving credibility. Another risk to success would be the continued lack of digital engagement, especially because this will be the most cost-effective way to organize disparate communications efforts. Existing and potential audiences already approach online platforms to get information, and the fact that there’s a disjointed presence from 9Round NOVA shows a lack of understanding and/or effort to reach people where they want to be reached. Given the high-levels of employment, it can be interpreted a large percent of Northern Virginians fall within the “working age range” of 25-54. And in fact, a 2015 report from Fairfax County indicates the top-three largest demographics falling within this range, totaling 43.9 percent of those surveyed.xxxvi Situation Analysis
  • 18. 16 To position 9Round NOVA as the most flexible fitness solution in Northern Virginia by unifying the brand within existing stakeholder groups. Core Problem and Opportunity 9Round NOVA’s lack of brand cohesion stymies its ability to build awareness with key publics, which negatively impacts its business goals. If the organization is unable to unify its brand, it will never be able to tell its story and will fail to differentiate itself within the Northern Virginia fitness industry. Goal Objectives 1. Increase staff-understanding of the science behind 9Round NOVA’s unique fitness solution from 63 percent to 93 percent by September 2017.  Using survey data from original research, “9Round NOVA Trainer Survey” “On a scale of 1-5 (1 being "I don't get it at all", 5 being "I completely understand"), rate your understanding of the science behind the fitness program/work outs.” 2. Increase the percentage of existing clients who say they would recommend 9Round NOVA to a friend from 75 percent to 95 percent by September 2017.  Using survey data from primary research “9Round NOVA Existing Client Survey” “On a scale of 1-5 (1 being “Not at all”, 5 being “Absolutely or I already have”), rate how likely you are to recommend 9Round NOVA to a friend.” 3. Increase the percentage of people who report having heard or seen promotions/advertisements from 9Round NOVA from seven percent to 15 percent by September 2017.  Using survey data from primary research “Northern Virginia - Fitness Industry” survey “In the last year, where have you seen promotions/advertisements for 9Round Fitness?”
  • 19. 17 Key Publics 9Round NOVA trainers Communicating with existing and potential 9Round NOVA trainers will help accomplish Objective #1. According to the 9Round NOVA Trainer Survey, 100 percent of staff indicate being younger than 46 years old. This is a beneficial demographic makeup when communicating with Key Public #3 (Northern Virginians ages 25-54), as staff should be the first line of validation and endorsement of a brand. It can be perceived, then, that trainers consume information and share similar values in terms of fitness and careers, as their potential-client counterparts. For example, the majority of Instagram users (53 percent) are Millennials. This needs to be taken into consideration when planning for who will manage this platform and what messaging should be used here (thinking in the mindset of recent graduates, young families) versus Facebook which can serve the larger audience. Recent data indicates the majority (75 percent) of surveyed trainers feel comfortable engaging with a new client, but 88 percent report not being consistently informed when a new client is coming in.xxxvii This could result in an over-burdened trainer not paying as much attention to a new client and potentially losing business for a reason that has nothing to do with their interactions, or demonstration of the brand. 2016 9Round NOVA – Trainer Survey
  • 20. 18 2016 9Round NOVA – Trainer Survey Once trainers go through the onboarding process, there is no formal cadence or process to refreshing best practices or new techniques. This lack of touch- points causes this key public to feel less involved with a brand, and less loyal to it. Oftentimes a trainer sees him/herself as solely leading branding efforts for 9Round NOVA which feels overwhelming and at times, useless. In terms of understanding the 9Round product, 63 percent of trainers respond they “completely understand” the science behind the fitness programming/workouts”. Existing 9Round NOVA members The current crop of 9Round NOVA members will help accomplish Objective #2. Most members are loyal to one gym, rather than to the 9Round NOVA brand as a whole. And they choose the gym that is closest to them. Anecdotal information from management indicates that, for example, a lot of members from the Courthouse location live in the adjacent building. The Courthouse location has the highest number of clients, and the strongest brand position in part because of its location and its longer time in the market. The clients are more familiar with the brand and are more likely to become active brand ambassadors. Data from the 9Round NOVA Client Survey indicates the majority of audiences within this key public are not planning on canceling their membership in the next six months.xxxviii This audience also works out at 9Round multiple times a week, and have interacted with up to three different trainers. They use the website less than once a month, which means efforts to communicate or share information on this platform will not greatly impact understanding or sentiment from within this key public. It also might
  • 21. 19 2016 9Round NOVA – Client Survey indicate this audience prefers real-time content as they’re already invested and understands information that might be commonly found on a website such as membership pricing. It will be smart to emphasize social media communications, rather than maintaining the website. Finally, those surveyed indicate they use Instagram more than Facebook or Twitter. This is an opportunity for growth, as 9Round NOVA has little organized presence on Instagram and a clear need from this audience. 25-54 Year Old Northern Virginians (Potential Clients) The last key public is made up of 25-54 year old Northern Virginians, or likely potential clients. They will help accomplish Objective #3. This group is comprised of working- aged people near 9Round gyms, who need flexible solutions to fit fitness into their busy schedules. This covers two generations: Millennials and Generation X. While Baby Boomers are retiring and will certainly need to be informed of fitness solutions, they’re not as time-crunched as working-aged people. Millennials and Generation Xers are most-likely to consume information online, versus in-print or in-person.xxxix Furthermore, Millennials are more likely to consume content from their mobile devices while Generation Xers are more likely to use their desktops or laptops. Gen Xers and Millennials list quizzes as one of their five least favorite content types. And both generations prefer short-form content including: Blogs, images and comments (versus, for example, podcasts, webinars or white papers). Internet-using adults: 72 percent use Facebook, while 28 percent use Instagram and 23 percent use Twitter.xl xliThese social media preferences indicate a need to prioritize 9Round’s social media channels in the following order: Facebook, Instagram, then Twitter.
  • 22. 20 2016 Northern Virginia – Fitness Industry Survey In terms of brand-awareness, 9Round NOVA is relatively low on this groups’ radar, which is a great opportunity to position the brand in a strategic way. Data from the Northern Virginia Fitness Industry Survey indicate 91 percent of those surveyed are “not at all familiar with 9Round Fitness”, and 96 percent have “never seen advertisements/promotions for 9Round” - which is likely a direct result of the organization’s limited marketing efforts up until this point.xlii Three percent have seen advertisements/promotions on one of 9Round NOVA’s social media pages - this is important to note given the amount of time and effort behind the existing social media usage mentioned in the Landscape Analysis above. Because these efforts are unorganized, they’re not making an impact and are bluntly - a waste of time.xliii
  • 23. 21 Brand Positioning and Framing To staff and existing clientele, 9Round NOVA is known as being a “no-fuss” brand that gets clients in and out. This is a good foundation to build upon, both with existing and potential audiences. The organization can take this a step further and reposition itself as “the most flexible” option, which is a nod to its truly unique product. To potential clients, or Northern Virginians between the ages of 25-54, there is nearly no awareness of the 9Round NOVA brand. This is actually a great opportunity to plan for the organization's first real impression it could make on this audience. Framing The brand will grow into this new position using an “attributes” frame, and rally around the unique selling points of the product and differentiating its offerings from the current choices in the market.xliv To work toward this elevated position, three framing cues will be used throughout each strategy and subsequent tactic: 1. Uniqueness of the product in that it is the sole option allowing audiences to stick to their own schedules, which relieves stress from the time-crunched, and still get a full workout. 2. Credibility established by the workout results, consistency of its members and know-how of its trainers. The frequency its members use the gym (multiple times a week) is also credit to its flexibility and ability to work into anyone’s busy schedule. 3. Interaction in a group-style environment that gets clients face-to-face with trainers. This relieves the stress of navigating one’s own workout regime, and allows audiences to be social without getting distracted or feeling self-conscious.
  • 24. 22 #1: Never miss a workout with 9Round NOVA. Our flexible, jump-in-anytime schedule ensures you’re always on time. #1: We want to tap into your knowledge and experience. Share your best practices/success stories with each other. #2: 9Round NOVA values you as an employee. Know that we take your feedback and ideas seriously, and you’re important to us. #1: We care about your entire well-being. Engage with us outside of the gym. Messages All Key Publics  9Round NOVA is the only gym offering 30-minute trainer-lead, group exercise classes where you can jump in any time the gym is open.  89 percent of 9Round NOVA members workout multiple times a week because of the gym’s flexibility.xlv Trainers  The majority of trainers (63 percent) have at least one other job; there’s a wealth of best practices to uncover.xlv i  The majority of trainers (75 percent) have prior experience in the fitness industry.xlvii  We’re conducting our first staff retreat in [TBD] 2016.  We want to hear your ideas about how to represent our brand on social media. Existing Clients  Our nutritional e-mails give you tips to round out your healthy lifestyle.  Staff socialize outside of the gym at charity and fitness events.
  • 25. 23 #2: Group workouts are better with friends. Recommend 9Round NOVA to a friend, neighbor or colleague. #1: You can get fit in a shorter amount of time. Try 9Round NOVA’s 30 minute workouts. #2: You can work fitness into your busy schedule. Show up to 9Round NOVA at your own start time.  9Round NOVA will give you ten percent off your next month of membership fees for each friend you bring in  Working out with a fitness buddy or partner makes you more likely to stick with the program and reach your fitness goals.xlv iii 25-54 Year Old Northern Virginians (Potential Clients)  It only takes 30 minutes to practice and hone nine different movements.  Nine different movements will challenge your body and mind, always serving up a different workout.  The workouts start every three minutes, you’ll never be late.  Trainers are always on-site and help you train at each of the nine stations.
  • 26. 24 Strategy #1: Take control of all 9Round NOVA-branded digital platforms and tools to streamline communications. Strategiesand Tactics The following strategies and tactics must be managed by either a dedicated social media manager (part-time/freelancer) OR one or more trainers with social media experience, whose job descriptions have been revised to include these new responsibilities. All Key Publics Tactic #1: Dedicate a single person responsible for managing the organization of 9Round NOVA’s digital presence ● This person should be given explicit permission to task other employees with certain tasks ○ I.e. Tasking the owner of @9roundNOVA to take the Twitter handle down ○ Leadership must decide what amount of time/resources is appropriate for a given staff member to dedicate to this effort ■ I.e. Up to one hour/week per employee? Will this be a new task during gym “down times”, like cleaning the gym or re-writing signage? Is this an overtime opportunity? Tactic #2: Consolidate disparate Facebook and Twitter accounts ● If different branches want to different themselves, they can use different hashtags while posting from the main 9Round NOVA Page/handles (i.e. “9Round NOVA has a two-for-one special for #9RoundPENROSE now through the end of the month!”) ● Social media manager is responsible for maintaining and socializing the list of hashtags, handles and posting-permissions if applicable Tactic #3: Organize websites and update content and social media links ● Audit lower-half content on each branch’s website and task trainers at different gyms with contributing to defining how they stand out from one another ● Organize the phone system
  • 27. 25 Strategy #2: Demonstrate an investment of overall wellness by bringing the community together through a “Knock It Out” event. ○ Phone numbers don’t go to the right gyms, sometimes go to peoples’ cell phones Tactic #4: Create “9Round NOVA Digital Brand Guidelines” ● Make a living document (consider Google Docs) with separate sections on standards for posting on social media, sending e-mails, how often to update the website, how to get posts approved, etc. Tactic #1: Secure a space, whether the largest gym or a public space with a lot of foot traffic (i.e. Courthouse Plaza or the equivalent near one of the other locations). ● Aim for a Monday/Tuesday so people are fresh from the weekend Tactic #2: Draft and socialize Run of Show/logistics with staff ● Event will be managed by one staff-member, and will need the participation of each trainer to support planning and to be on-site at some point in the day ○ Consider using shifts the day-of so employees don’t have to be “on” for the full event ● Identify which pieces of equipment can be used in addition to the number of gloves/wraps can be available for passersby ○ Identify what computers/iPads and payment systems can be brought along for people who want to sign up/get on an e-mail listerve ● Try to create a full 9Round workout that can be done in this space and invite existing staff ● Allot one or more pieces of equipment on which audiences can use a permanent marker to write what they want to “Knock Out” before their workout (i.e. boring mornings, bad attitudes at work, etc.) ● Identify or hire a professional photographer to document the full event including set- up/break-down ○ To use for a Thank You for staff later
  • 28. 26 Tactic #3: Create and purchase “Knock It Out” branded items ● T-shirts/tanks for staff ● Signage (banners, standalones and flyers) for the event and each of the gym branches to promote the event ahead of time ● Either (or both) a heavy bag and speed bag for audiences to write on with a permanent marker Tactic #4: Create and implement promotional toolkits ● Social media toolkit including a series of promotional posts on Facebook and Instagram ● Web updates ● E-mail blasts ○ First: Announcement, six weeks out ○ Second: Update about the event (i.e. Existing members who bring a non- member will receive 10% off next month’s membership, ensure you sign up on the tablet with one of the trainers), three weeks out. ○ Third and Fourth: One week out, and the day before as a reminder ● Flyers and signage ○ At each of the gyms ○ Community-areas (i.e. Flyer boards at grocery stores, any of the local employers that partner with 9Round NOVA for incentive programs and group discounts) Tactic #5: Follow up with all audiences post-event ● Thank trainers for their time and effort - consider some funded-evening out ● Thank existing clients for their participation and follow up with those who brought friends to ensure they receive whatever incentive is decided upon ● Reach out to potential clients via direct e-mails discussing next steps and how 9Round NOVA can help them Knock Out their fitness goals, in just 30 minutes
  • 29. 27 Strategy #1: Reconnect staff with 9Round NOVA’s brand by hosting annual staff retreats. Strategy #2: Instill a sense of pride in working for 9Round NOVA through an employee appreciation campaign on social media and e-mail [See Mock Up for sample social media toolkit]. Trainers Tactic #1: Create agenda [See Mock Up] Tactic #2: Schedule the retreat and reserve an off-site space ● Send a Doodle poll to find the best time to host the event, for the majority of the workforce ● Plan for a 4 hour retreat off-site space ● Compensate meals/travel Tactic #3: Hold retreat Tactic #4: Send follow up Survey [See Evaluation] Tactic #1: Solicit quick bullet points/anecdotal comments on the unique value of each staff member, from other staff and existing clients Tactic #2: Solicit quick bio and photo from each trainer to pair with the third-party feedback from above ● Consider getting a professional photographer for photos Tactic #3: Draft and publish monthly posts for Facebook and Instagram ● Compile materials into Google Folders, one for each staff-member, to prepare for publishing ● Work into social media editorial calendar as a high-priority item, giving it the best days/times and enough space to make it a real highlight
  • 30. 28 Strategy #1: Raise awareness of the refer-a-friend promotion by underscoring the benefits of working out with a friend on social media and e-mail. Strategy #2: Incorporate existing clients into the brand story by publishing individual fitness stories/anecdotes on social media and through e-mail. ○ So plan to keep platforms “quiet” for a full day before, and at least two days afterward Tactic #4: Draft and send e-mail to existing/potential client listservs ● Always linking back to social media posts Existing Clients Tactic #1: Task trainers with identifying pairs or groups of clients who workout with one another Tactic #2: Social Media Manager e-mails identified pairs/groups to both applaud their combined efforts and present data on how their working out together is more likely to help them reach their fitness goals. Remind them the refer-a-friend discount still applies to them for each new friend if they want to grow their group Tactic #3: Create social media posts either as one-offs or a series (depending on how many pairs/groups there are) with photos of the friends both at the gym and out in the real world Tactic #4: Send promotional e-mails about the refer-a-friend discount once a quarter Tactic #1: Task trainers with identifying client fitness stories (i.e. what they’ve seen themselves, what they’ve heard)
  • 31. 29 Strategy #1: Raise potential clients’ understanding of 9Round NOVA’s flexible fitness solution through paid social media advertising. Tactic #2: Solicit stories from the community both on social media and a direct e-mail request Tactic #3: Build out stories with before and after pictures and anecdotes of how 9Round NOVA helped reach an individual’s fitness goals Tactic #4: Disseminate stories as a series on social media and via direct e-mail Tactic #5: Consider highlighting the promoted story at the gym in which they frequent by writing their names on whiteboards and seeding congratulations from staff and other clients (i.e. “You were so nervous when we first started training together and you’re an absolute BEAST! Keep it going, it’s such a blast watching you grow!” -- Alex) 24-54 Northern Virginians (Potential Clients) Tactic #1: Allocate $XX for social media advertising on Facebook, which will also link to Instagram Tactic #2: Draft posts for a “What can you accomplish in 30 minutes?” campaign ● Posts should highlight hectic mornings, crunched lunch breaks and trying to make it home from the office in time to make dinner -- the majority of gyms require a full hour not including warm up/cool down and showering. This is where 9Round NOVA stands out ● Identify tone/messaging for paid social posts, versus posts from the brand’s owned- handles Tactic #3: Publish social media posts at least one week ahead of time
  • 32. 30 Strategy #2: Raise potential clients’ awareness of the brand through third-party validators and partners. Tactic #1: Task trainers at each location to identify employers of their clients and gauge their interest on those businesses forming partnerships with 9Round NOVA (for potential group discounts, incentive programs, etc.) Tactic #2: When potential business partners are identified, reach out either via e-mail or in-person meetings to explain the discounts/packages 9Round NOVA can offer to help them fulfill employee-benefit needs Tactic #3: When partners are identified, draft one or two e-mails they can send to their employees ● This will serve to both position 9Round NOVA as a helpful partner and control the brand position Tactic #4: Ask employers to host promotional flyers in common spaces [Optional] Tactic #5: Create direct e-mail campaign for Class Pass listservs ● Ask them to return for discounted membership rates or consider alternatives that do not require memberships ○ Since it’s known this audience does not want memberships - this will be the only way to keep them with the brand. So either invest by adjusting the model or disregard this audience
  • 33. 31 Detail Hours Max. Cost Strategy #1 SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN Dedicate a single person responsible for managing the organization of 9Round NOVA’s digital presence. Labor hours only 1 n/a Consolidate disparate Facebook and Twitter accounts. Labor hours only 2 n/a Organize websites and update content and social media links. Labor hours only 5 n/a Create “9Round NOVA Digital Brand Guidelines”. Labor hours only 5 n/a [Evaluation] Create a baseline measurement of user engagement. Labor hours only 3 n/a Strategy #2 Secure a space, whether the largest gym, a public space with good foot traffic (i.e. Market Commons, Clarendon) or public park Pricing est. based on Cherry Hill, Falls Church park, 6 hour minimum $250/hour 3 $1,500.00 Design and purchase “Knock It Out” Tshirts/tanks for staff Tshirts/tanks for 14 staff, pricing from Custom Ink. n/a $ 310.00 Book photographer -- this will also be used to take professional staff-photos for Trainer Strategy #2. Pricing est. based on Smarthoot's 2015 Photographer Pricing Survey Results 1 $ 800.00 Print "Knock It Out" promotional flyers. Pricing est. based on FedEx Sell Sheet. 100 flyers 1 $ 60.00 Create and implement promotional toolkits. 3 n/a Host "Knock It Out" event. Estimates lead's full day, plus at least 4 hours by each staff member 60 n/a [Evaluation] Track conversations on social media using #9RoundKnockItOut 2 n/a 89 $2,670.00 2017 2018 Tactics 2016 Take control of all 9Round NOVA-branded digital platforms and tools to streamline communications. Demonstrate an investment of overall wellness by bringing the community together through a "Knock It Out" event. Tactics Key Public: All Key Publics Cost for All Key Publics Calendarand Budget
  • 34. 32 Detail Hours Max. Cost Strategy #1 SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN Create agenda. 2 n/a Schedule retreat and reserve off-site space. Pricing est. from Washington, DC Cove spaces, half day 3 $ 800.00 Hold Retreat. Pricing est. accounts for transportation costs, breakfast and lunches for 14 staff. Labor hours accounts for 4 hours for each staff members. 56 $ 840.00 [Evaluation] Build and send follow up Survey. 4 n/a Strategy #2 Solicit bullet points/anecdotal comments on the unique value of each staff member from other staff and existing clients. Total hours 2 n/a Obtain bios and photos from each trainer (professional photos TK from Knock It Out event photographer). Total hours 2 n/a Draft and publish monthly posts on Facebook and Instagram. Estimates one hour a month for 16 months. 16 n/a Draft and sent e-mail to existing/potential client listserves. Estimates one hour a month for 16 months. 16 n/a [Evaluation] Track social media engagement and opens/click thrus from the e-mails. Estimates one hour a month for 16 months. 16 n/a 117 $1,640.00 2016 2017 2018 Key Public: Trainers Reconnect staff with 9Round NOVA's brand by hosting annual staff retreats. Tactics Instill a sense of pride in working for 9Round NOVA through an employee appreciation campaign on social media and e-mail. Cost for Trainers Tactics
  • 35. 33 Detail Hours Max. Cost Strategy #1 SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN Task trainers to identify pairs or groups of clients who workout with one another. 2 hours x 4 trainers 8 n/a Social Media Manager e-mails identified clients to applaud efforts and present research/data on the positive impact of working out with friends. Remind them they can still refer a friend for discounts. Estimates one hour a month for 8 months. 8 n/a Post on social media every other month Estimates one hour a month for 8 months. 8 n/a Draft and send promotional e-mails about the refer-a-friend promotion once a quarter. Estimates one hour per quarter 4 n/a [Evaluation] Document engagement with identified-clients, metrics on social media, e-mail opens/clic-thrus and refer-a-friend sign-ups. Estimates one hour a month for 8 months. 8 n/a Strategy #2 Task trainers to identify client-fitness stories. 2 hours x 4 trainers 8 n/a E-mail identified clients, asking for their 9Round NOVA fitness stories 2 n/a Post on social media every other month Estimates one hour a month for 8 months. 8 n/a Send direct e-mails with repurposed content and link to social media Estimates one hour a month for 8 months. 8 n/a Highlight promoted success-story in their gym by writing a big shout out on the whiteboard. Estimates 15 minutes for 8 months 2 n/a [Evaluation] Document engagement with identified-clients, metrics on social media, e-mail opens/clic-thrus and refer-a-friend sign-ups. Estimates one hour a month for 8 months. 8 n/a 72 $ - 2018 Key Public: Existing Clients 2016 2017 Cost for Existing Clients Incorporate existing clients into the brand story by publishing individual fitness stories/anecdotes on social media and through e-mail. Raise awareness of the refer-a-friend promotion by underscoring the benefits of working out with a friend on social media and e-mail. Tactics Tactics
  • 36. 34 Detail Hours Max. Cost Strategy #1 SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN Allocate portion of annual marketing budget to social media advertising on Facebook (which will also link to Instagram). Pay-for-play advertising, so works within any budget. This pricing est. is what's leftover from $6,666 marketing budget for a 16-month plan, and can be adjusted as needed. Labor hours est. 1 hour/month. 16 $2,296.00 Draft "What can you accomplish in 30 minutes?" campaign package Two sets of ads (Facebook automatically resizes) and social media toolkit 4 n/a Submit ads and post from social media toolkit bi-monthly 2 hours/month 32 n/a [Evaluation] Track analytics through the advertising-systems, which will document views and engagement. 2 hours/month 32 Strategy #2 Task trainers at each location to identify surrounding employers and the employers of existing clients -- gauge interest in those businesses forming partnerships with 9Round NOVA. 2 hours x 4 trainers -- bi-annually 14 n/a When potential business partners are identified, reach out either via e-mail or in-person meetings to explain the discounts/packages 9Round NOVA can offer to help them fulfill employee- benefit needs. Est. 1 hour per potential partner -- bi- annually 200 n/a Draft two e-mails businesses can send their employees about 9Round NOVA. Bi-annually 4 n/a Print promotional flyers for the gym and timely events/promotions for businesses to post in common spaces. Pricing est. based on FedEx Sell Sheet. 50 flyers 4 $ 60.00 [Optional Tactic] Create e-mails for Class Pass listservs asking them to return for discounted membership rates/flexible membership contracts. Bi-annually 4 n/a [Evaluation] Document the number of local businesses willing to partner with 9Round NOVA, how many employees they anticipate this affecting, sign-ups from these businesses, how many e- mails they send to their staff, and if they come back to 9Round NOVA for more printed materials to share. Est. 1 hour data-dive, per potential partner -- bi-annually 20 n/a 330 $2,356.00 2016 2017 2018 Key Public: 25-54 Year Old Northern Virginians (Potential Clients) Raise potential clients’ understanding of 9Round NOVA’s flexible fitness solution through paid social media advertising. Raise potential clients’ awareness of the brand through third-party validators and partners. Cost for Potential Clients Tactics Tactics
  • 37. 35 Key Public Hours Cost Cost for All Audiences 89 2,670.00$ Cost for Trainers 117 1,640.00$ Cost for Existing Clients 72 -$ Cost for Potential Clients 330 2,356.00$ Cost for Measurement and Evaluation 27 -$ Total time and cost: 635 6,666.00$ SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN Prepare surveys for clients, staff and potential audiences 2 hours x each of the 3 surveys 6 n/a Release surveys through the end of the month 1 n/a Evaluate data against the 2016 baseline to evaluate which strategies and tactics were successful in helping meet Objectives; revise existing communications plan as needed 3 hours x each of the 3 surveys + 8 hours to revise comms plan 17 n/a Socialize revised communications strategy and begin implementation via e-mail and in-person presentation 3 n/a 27 $ - Measurement and Evaluation Detail Hours Max. Cost 2016 2017 2018 Tactics Cost for Measurement and Evaluation Budget Summary
  • 38. 36 XI. Evaluation How each Objective should be measured once the plan is implemented: 1. Increase staff-understanding of the science behind 9Round NOVA’s unique fitness solution from 63 percent to 93 percent by September 2017.  Use survey data from primary research “9Round NOVA Trainer Survey” “On a scale of 1-5 (1 being "I don't get it at all", 5 being "I completely understand"), rate your understanding of the science behind the fitness program/work outs.”  Send survey following staff retreat to evaluate their perception of the effort. i. Anonymous Google Form with open-ended questions on how staff perceived the retreat, if they felt it would have an impact on their experience and/or the business, if they’re looking forward to the next retreat in XX date, what worked well during the retreat, what they’d want to see more or less of. 2. Increase the percentage of existing clients who say they would recommend 9Round NOVA to a friend from 75 percent to 95 percent by September 2017.  Use survey data from primary research “9Round NOVA Existing Client Survey” “On a scale of 1-5 (1 being “Not at all”, 5 being “Absolutely or I already have”), rate how likely you are to recommend 9Round NOVA to a friend.” 3. Increase the percentage of people who report having heard or seen promotions/advertisements from 9Round NOVA from seven percent to 15 percent by September 2017.  Use survey data from primary research “Northern Virginia - Fitness Industry” survey “In the last year, where have you seen promotions/advertisements for 9Round Fitness?”  Track Facebook analytics once a week to understand effectiveness of given posts/series. Analytics to measure include click-thrus and engagement (i.e. shares, likes and comments)
  • 39. 37 Moving Forward Use the consolidated online platforms to create a baseline measurement of user engagement and track which strategies and tactics are successful in increasing engagement. Once the Social Media Manager is identified: 1. Activate Facebook Analytics, which can also be linked to Instagram’s analytics. 2. Ensure analytics are trackable on the back end of the website and for e-mail distribution. a. Recommend using Google Analytics and Survey Monkey. 3. Pick a date when all platforms are consolidated and document engagement metrics; this will be the online engagement “baseline” from which the Social Media Manager will use to track progress. 4. Social media metrics to track include: a. Page visits, check-ins, likes, shares and comments 5. Web metrics to track include: 6. Page visits, time on page and conversions (i.e. when they use this space to “Contact Us”) 7. E-mail analytics include: a. Opens, click-thrus and unsubscribe Evaluating the plan’s overall effectiveness Short Term Long Term Positive, anecdotal feedback from staff Higher rate of retention with existing clients Increase in “refer a friend” free classes and memberships Increased engagement and share of voice on social media Increase in number of partnerships with local employers Closer relationships between staff and leadership
  • 40. 38 Appendix A. SWOT STRENGTHS  Unique product  Small enough to be agile and control the brand  You staff understand young clientele communication preferences  Staff work for other companies and can share best practices  Loyal clients who interact with the brand multiple times a week WEAKNESSES  Limited resources to market against competitors  Lack of formal communications resources (i.e. a social media manager)  No established touchpoints for staff to engage with one another or leadership  Staff work for other companies and might negatively compare to 9Round NOVA  Locations vary in terms of foot-traffic – requiring a wide range of marketing tactics OPPORTUNITIES  People are investing more in fitness  Also have a greater need for time-savings options  Low levels of competition within kickboxing-style gyms  Certain 9Round NOVA locations get great foot traffic and can attract audiences who may not have considered kickboxing  Few, if any, similar 30-minute products on the market THREATS  Highly-competitive market – potential clients have a lot of options  Gyms have an already-high turnover rate, especially in dense areas like Arlington and Falls Church, VA  ClassPass has created audiences who don’t see a need to be loyal to any one brand  Young people who can’t afford gym memberships might stick to home or office gyms
  • 41. 39 Appendix B. Creative Examples #1: Updated Copy for Website Current 9Round NOVA landing page: Recommended: Welcome to 9Round NOVA, where you’ll never miss a workout! Our 30 minute kickboxing style workouts get you fit -- and fast. Our trainers are ready for you during all business hours, and our workouts start every three minutes. Take a look below to find which location works best for in Arlington, Falls Church and Penrose Square. And your first workout is on us! Current 9Round NOVA Falls church landing page (below the fold): Recommended: Never miss a workout at 9Round NOVA’s Falls Church location! Our flexible, jump-in-anytime schedule ensures you’re always on time. 9Round NOVA is the only gym in Northern Virginia combining group exercise, personal attention from a trainer, and a “jump in any time” class schedule. If you’re curious about what you can get done in just 30 minutes, we’d love to show you by offering a free workout. Click here to get in touch with one of trainers and find out how easy it is to work fitness into your busy schedule. Recommended: 9Round NOVA Trainers promoted on each location’s page
  • 42. 40 Maurice (the big one on the right). Just kidding, Rob’s probably bigger than me. But I’m faster. And I can teach you how to knock out big guys like our beloved boss, Rob, in less time than it takes you to commute to work. I’ve been a 9Round NOVA trainer and manager for over three years. This is the first gym I”ve worked for that truly meets a need we all want but rarely ask for: TIME. We want you to live in your bodies, not spend hours in the gym trying to get there. I’m usually coaching at the Courthouse or Ballston locations in the afternoons -- check out one of our free classes and I look forward to showing you the ropes!
  • 43. 41 #2: Social Media Toolkit 9Round NOVA “Flexible Solution” Social Media Toolkit 9Round NOVA Sample Social Media Toolkit | November 2016 Background 9Round NOVA offers a unique value in Northern Virginia, which no other gym can: flexibility. The following guidelines should be used in conjunction with the paid social media campaign. Target Audience  Working-aged people who live or work near any of the four gyms  Gym-goers who can’t schedule training-style or group workouts because they typically take a full hour Messaging  Never miss a workout with 9Round NOVA. Our flexible, jump-in-anytime schedule ensures you’re always on time. 1. 9Round NOVA is the only gym in Northern Virginia combining group exercise, personal attention from a trainer, and a “jump in any time” class schedule. 2. 9Round NOVA is the only gym offering 30-minute trainer-lead, group exercise classes. 3. 89 percent of 9Round NOVA members workout multiple times a week because of the gym’s flexibility.  You can get fit in a shorter amount of time. Try 9Round NOVA’s 30 minute workouts. 1. It only takes 30 minutes to practice and hone nine different movements. 2. Nine different movements will challenge your body and mind, always serving up a different workout.  You can work fitness into your busy schedule. Show up to 9Round NOVA at your own start time. 1. The workouts start every three minutes, you’ll never be late. 2. Trainers are always on-site and help you train at each of the nine stations. Suggested Posts  “Watch your body thank you when you give up the couch for 30 minutes, and get ripped! Check out trainer @Alex’s favorite #9RoundNOVA location and get started”  “Don’t stress about missing your next workout! Come to #9RoundNOVA any time we’re open and get trained on your own schedule -- no reservations or waitlists required”  “90% of #9RoundNOVA members workout multiple times a week - but we bet they’re less strapped for time than you’d think. Come check out our 30 minute workouts that start every 3 minutes - you’ll never miss a class!”  Get fit then get on with your day. #9RoundNOVA’s @Maurice can get you there in 30 minutes - flat! Platforms Facebook and Instagram: /9RoundNOVA Hashtags: #FitIn30 #9RoundNOVA Staff: @Dan @Rob @Alex Website: 9Round NOVA Main
  • 44. 42 #3: Staff Retreat Agenda 9Round NOVA Staff Retreat 10 a.m. - Coffee and ice breakers  Where else do you work?  Why did you come to the Northern Virginia area?  Where’s your favorite place to travel?  What sports/exercise do you get into outside of 9Round? 11 a.m. - State of Affairs from Rob and Dan  Facts of the business, what’s working well (and calling out specific names for specific activities) and what needs to be improved.  Share leadership’s ideas on how to improve, then open the floor for input from the group  Reiterating the mission and the vision for the future of the company 12 p.m. - Employee Impact  “This is what we learned from the staff survey, here’s what leadership has heard and here’s our plan on how to improve”  Get input from staff on how to improve 1 p.m. - Working lunch  Open dialogue on what staff want out of working with 9Round, outside of salary discussions, how can 9Round NOVA shape itself into a positive and productive career value-add for current and potential staff?  How can we improve onboarding, training and sharing best-practices? 2 p.m. - Community Involvement  Brainstorm ways to better interact with existing clients  Brainstorm ways to get involved with the community in ways that are authentic to 9Round’s brand
  • 45. 43 #4: “Knock It Out” Event Flyer
  • 46. 44 #5: E-mail to local businesses Subject: Local Gym Introduction by [employee/client name] Hi [xx], Nice to virtually meet you. My name is Dan Albrant, I’m COO of 9Round NOVA - the kickboxing- style gym about a block away from your building. [Your employee] is a member of our gym and recommended I reach out to you regarding a group-discount opportunity for your firm. Being new in the area, we’re working hard to get involved with the community and are offering customized, discounted group packages to local employers. If this is something your company would be interested in, I’d love to take you out for a coffee nearby. In the meantime, feel free to read more about the flexibility our gyms offer, below. 9Round NOVA Overview  Effective fitness, fast. o 9Round NOVA is the only gym in Northern Virginia combining group exercise, personal attention from a trainer, and a “jump in any time” class schedule.  9Round NOVA workouts will save your employees time o It only takes 30 minutes to practice and hone nine different movements. o Nine different movements will challenge the body and mind, always serving up a different workout.  The workouts fit into the work day. o Show up to 9Round NOVA at your own start time. Because the workouts start every three minutes, you’ll never be late.  Four gyms throughout Arlington, Falls Church and Penrose Square give employees the option to workout before, during or after work. o Our Falls Church location is .03 miles from [potential partner name].  We care about our members, both in and outside of the gym. o Trainers are on-site and ready to jump into work with you during all open gym hours. o We provide clients with well-rounded health support by way of virtual nutrition forums. Thank you, Dan Albrant 9Round NOVA [linked to main website] Follow us on Twitter and Instagram [linked social media handles]
  • 47. 45 #6: Surveyquestions for each key public 9Round NOVA - Key Public Survey Questions 9Round NOVA - Trainer Survey  At which location(s) do you work? Check all that apply.  How long have you worked at 9Round NOVA?  How did you first hear about your position 9Round NOVA?  Did you coach/train in a similar role before you became a trainer at 9Round NOVA?  On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being very poor, 5 being excellent), rate your employee onboarding process.  In a few words, what did you enjoy/benefit most from the onboarding process?  In a few words, how would you recommend improving the onboarding process?  On a scale of 1-5 (1 being "I don't get it at all", 5 being "I completely understand"), rate your understanding of the science behind the fitness program/work outs.  Do you have another job(s)?  How often do you interact with MANAGEMENT either online, on the phone or in person?  Rate your relationship with 9Round NOVA MANAGEMENT.  How often do you interact with TRAINERS from other gyms either online, on the phone or in person?  Rate your relationship with the other 9Round NOVA TRAINERS.  On a scale of 1-5 (1 being "not at all prepared, uncomfortable" to "very prepared, confident"), how prepared to you feel to train a potential client and sell them on a membership?  Are you made aware when a potential client is coming in to try a new class during your shift?  Do you feel your contributions make an IMPACT on the 9Round NOVA gym(s)/business?  Do you feel your contributions are ACKNOWLEDGED and/or APPRECIATED by management?  What is your age?  What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed? If currently enrolled, please select the highest degree in-progress.  What social media channels do you use on your own time? 9Round NOVA - Client Survey  How long have you been a member at 9Round NOVA?  How often do you work out with 9Round NOVA?  At which location(s) do you work out?
  • 48. 46  How did you first learn about 9Round NOVA?  Do you belong to any gyms other than 9Round?  Which gym(s) you have been a member of in the last year?  Who do you believe creates your gym's daily workouts?  Do you feel the science and programming behind the program (i.e. why we use nine rounds) has been adequately explained to you?  On a scale of 1-5 (1 being "I don't get it at all", 5 being "I completely understand"), rate your understanding of the science behind the fitness program/work outs.  In a few words, what would you like to learn more about, as it relates to 9Round's programming?  On a scale of 1-5 (1 being "Inconsistent", 5 being "Consistent"), how consistent is your workout experience across the different trainers?  On a scale of 1-5 (1 being "Not at all likely", 5 being "Very likely/ I already have"), how likely are you to recommend 9Round NOVA to a friend/family member?  Are you planning to cancel your membership in the next six months?  Which of the following social media channels do you use?  How often do you receive e-mail notifications from 9Round?  How often do you visit the 9Round NOVA website?  What is your age?  What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed? If currently enrolled, please select the highest degree in-progress. Northern Virginia - Fitness SurveyQuestions  What is your age?  Do you currently belong to one or more gyms (outside of a home-gym)?  If you answered "yes" to the last question - how long have you been a member of your current gym(s)? If you belong to more than one, select the membership you've held the longest.  Are you considering leaving your current gym(s) in the next six months?  How often do you work out?  What is your preferred duration (length of time) for a CARDIO workout?  Have you practiced kickboxing, either for sport or as part of an exercise routine?  When you think of gyms/fitness centers around your area, what brands come to mind?  Which of the following brands have you seen either in-person or online (i.e. on social media,
  • 49. 47 their websites, advertisements), in the last three months? Check all that apply.  How familiar are you with 9Round Fitness?  In the last year, where have you seen promotions/advertisements for 9Round Fitness? Check all that apply.  Do you currently live in any of the following areas?  What is your total annual household income?  Have you tried Class Pass?
  • 50. 48 Appendix C. OriginalResearch Northern Virginia – Fitness Industry SurveySummary of Responses
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  • 58. 56 9Round NOVA Trainer SurveySummary of Responses
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  • 66. 64 9Round NOVA Client SurveySummary of Responses
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  • 71. 69 References (endnotes) and Bibliography Bibliography 1 "9Round Fitness." Review . Yelp!Accessed August 04, 2016. 2 "9Round NOVA - Arlington, VA - Ballston." 3 "9Round NOVA - Arlington, VA - Penrose Sq/Pentagon." 4 "9Round NOVA - Courthouse Facebook Page." 2016. 5 "9Round NOVA - Falls Church Facebook Page." 2016. Church/1762420713977744?fref=ts. 6 "9Round NOVA - Falls Church, VA." 7 "9Round NOVA - Penrose FacebookPage." 2016. 8 "America's Health Rankings AnnualReport." December 10, 2015. Accessed June 2016. 9 "Let's Move!" 2016. http://w 10 "Title Boxing Club, Falls Church Facebook Page." 2016. 11 “9Round NOVA - Arlington, VA - Courthouse.” 12 “ClassPass - Washington DC.” 2016. 13 “I Love Kickboxing - Alexandria VA.” 14 “Like Millennials, Generation X loves Facebook. Unlike Millennials, they’re far less interested in any other socialnetw ork. Forty-eight percent of Generation X is on Tw itter, but less than half of them call themselves active users. This group is even less interested in Instagram (19 percent, w ith 8 percent actively using).” Patterson, Michael. “Social Media Demographics to Inform a Better Segmentation Strategy.” May 4, 2015. -social-media- demographics/#instagram. 15 “The region is now home to 2.6 million people, reflecting a 23.9% increasing during one decade.” Update fromthe 2010 Census - Population Change in Northern Virginia. n.p.: George Mason University Center for Regional Analysis, n.d. 16 9Round NOVA - Courthouse, Tw itter account. 2016. 17 9Round NOVA, Instagram location. 2016. 18 9Round NOVA, Tw itter account. 2016. 19 Alex. Informal Interview w ith Courthouse Trainers. (2016). 20 Duggan, Maeve. The Demographics of Social Media Users. n.p.: Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech, 2015. 21 Fry, Richard. Millennials Surpass Gen Xers as the Largest Generation in U.S. Labor Force. (Pew Research Center), May 11, 2015. force/. 22 Hallett, Vicky. "Don’t Need to Punch the Clock at 9Round, a Kickboxing Franchise in Arlington." The Washington Post, November 18, 2014. kickboxing-franchise-in-arlington/. 23 Holahan, Megan. "The Healthiest City in America Is..." May 18, 2016. Accessed August 2016. 24 IBISWorld. U.S. fitness industry revenue by sector in 2012 (in billion U.S. dollars). (accessed June 10, 2016). 25 IHRSA. Number of health clubs & fitness centers* in the U.S. from2008 to 2015. (accessed June 10, 2016).
  • 72. 70 26 IHRSA. Total number of memberships at fitness centers / health clubs in the U.S. from2000 to 2015 (in millions). (accessed June 10, 2016). 27 Jones, Kerry. “The Generational Content Gap: How Different Age Groups Consume Content.” August 18, 2015. 28 Khaja, Fatima, Anne Pickford Cahill, Erik Hovland, Laura Meehan, and Khamthakone Betts. Demographic Reports 2015 County of Fairfax, Virginia. Report. County of Fairfax, Virginia. January 2016. 29 New port, Frank. Americans’Perceived Time Crunch No Worse Than in Past. n.p.: Gallup, 2015. Poll. 30 Smirniotopoulos, Margot. “Fitness and Recreational Sports Centers Within a One-Mile Radius of 9Round NOVA Courthouse.” Mergent Intellect. n.p., 2016. 31 Smirniotopoulos, Margot. 9Round NOVA Client Survey. n.p., 2016. Google Forms. ceZLiYZVq3ch8lf1. 32 Smirniotopoulos, Margot. 9Round NOVA Trainer Survey. n.p., 2016. Google Forms. 33 Smirniotopoulos, Margot. Northern Virginia - Fitness Industry Survey. n.p., 2016. Google Forms. 34 Taylor, Paul. “How the Great Recession Has Changed Life in America.” IV. The new frugality. n.p.: Pew Research Center’s Social & Demographic Trends Project, 2010. 35 Turk, Sarah. Gym, Health & Fitness Clubs in the US. IBISWorld, May 2016. AccessedJune 1, 2016. http://clients1.ibisw 36 Wagner, Gina DeMillo. “Strength in Numbers: The Importance of Fitness Buddies.” September 2010. 37 Wang, Annie. "Best Places in Virginia for Job Seekers - NerdWallet." NerdWallet. October 06, 2013. Accessed August 04, 2016. End Notes i "Let's Move!" 2016. ii Fry, Richard. Millennials Surpass Gen Xers as the Largest Generation in U.S. Labor Force. (Pew Research Center), May 11, 2015. tank/2015/05/11/millennials-surpass-gen-xers-as-the-largest-generation-in-u-s-labor-force/. iii "America's Health Rankings Annual Report." December 10, 2015. Accessed June 2016. iv Taylor, Paul. “How the Great Recession Has Changed Life in America.” IV. The new frugality. n.p.: Pew Research Center’s Social & Demographic Trends Project, 2010. v Newport, Frank. Americans’Perceived Time Crunch No Worse Than in Past. n.p.: Gallup, 2015. Poll. past.aspx. v i Sarah. Gym, Health & Fitness Clubs in the US. IBISWorld, May 2016. Accessed June 1, 2016. =1655. v ii IHRSA. Number of health clubs & fitness centers* in the U.S. from 2008 to 2015. (accessed June 10, 2016).
  • 73. 71 v iii IHRSA. Total number of memberships at fitness centers / health clubs in the U.S. from 2000 to 2015 (in millions). memberships/ (accessed June 10, 2016). ix Turk, Sarah. Gym, Health & Fitness Clubs in the US. IBISWorld, May 2016. Accessed June 1, 2016. ?entid=1655. Industry x Ibid. Turk, Sarah. Gym, Health & Fitness Clubs in the US. xi IBISWorld. U.S. fitness industry revenue by sector in 2012 (in billion U.S. dollars). (accessed June 10, 2016). xii “ClassPass - Washington DC.” 2016. xiii “9Round NOVA - Arlington, VA - Courthouse.” x4474. xiv "9Round NOVA - Falls Church, VA." xv "9Round NOVA - Arlington, VA - Penrose Sq/Pentagon." xv i "9Round NOVA - Arlington, VA - Ballston." x5565. xv ii "9Round NOVA - Courthouse Facebook Page." 2016. xv iii "9Round NOVA - Penrose Facebook Page." 2016. xix "9Round NOVA - Falls Church Facebook Page." 2016. xx 9Round NOVA, Twitter account. 2016. xxi 9Round NOVA - Courthouse, Twitter account. 2016. xxii 9Round NOVA, Instagram location. 2016. xxiii Smirniotopoulos, Margot. Northern Virginia - Fitness Industry Survey. n.p., 2016. Google Forms. xxiv "9Round Fitness." Review. Yelp! Accessed August 04, 2016. arlington. xxv Hallett, Vicky. "Don’t Need to Punch the Clock at 9Round, a Kickboxing Franchise in Arlington." The Washington Post, November 18, 2014. need-to-punch-the-clock-at-9round-a-kickboxing-franchise-in-arlington/. xxv i Smirniotopoulos, Margot. “Fitness and Recreational Sports Centers Within a One-Mile Radius of 9Round NOVA Courthouse.” Mergent Intellect. n.p., 2016. xxv ii Smirniotopoulos, Margot. “Fitness and Recreational Sports Centers Within a One-Mile Radius of 9Round NOVA Courthouse.” Mergent Intellect. n.p., 2016. xxv iii Smirniotopoulos, Margot. Northern Virginia - Fitness Industry Survey. n.p., 2016. Google Forms. xxix "Title Boxing Club, Falls Church Facebook Page." 2016.
  • 74. 72 xxx “I Love Kickboxing - Alexandria VA.” studio/index.php?id=500&refid=ilkbsite. xxxi Smirniotopoulos, Margot. 9Round NOVA Trainer Survey. n.p., 2016. Google Forms. xxxii “The region is now home to 2.6 million people, reflecting a 23.9% increasing during one decade.” Update from the 2010 Census - Population Change in Northern Virginia. n.p.: George Mason University Center for Regional Analysis, n.d. inia.pdf. xxxiii Ibid. Update from the 2010 Census - Population Change in Northern Virginia. xxxiv Wang, Annie. "Best Places in Virginia for Job Seekers - NerdWallet." NerdWallet. October 06, 2013. Accessed August 04, 2016. virginia-job-seekers/. xxxv Holahan, Megan. "The Healthiest City in America Is..." May 18, 2016. Accessed August 2016. xxxv i Khaja, Fatima, Anne Pickford Cahill, Erik Hovland, Laura Meehan, and Khamthakone Betts. Demographic Reports 2015 County of Fairfax, Virginia. Report. County of Fairfax, Virginia. January 2016. xxxv ii Smirniotopoulos, Margot. 9Round NOVA Trainer Survey. n.p., 2016. Google Forms. xxxix Jones, Kerry. “The Generational Content Gap: How Different Age Groups Consume Content.” August 18, 2015. age-groups-consume-content-138810. xl Duggan, Maeve. The Demographics of Social Media Users. n.p.: Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech, 2015. social-media-users/. xli “Like Millennials, Generation X loves Facebook. Unlike Millennials, they’re far less interested in any other social network. Forty-eight percent of Generation X is on Twitter, but less than half of them call themselves active users. This group is even less interested in Instagram (19 percent, with 8 percent actively using).” Patterson, Michael. “Social Media Demographics to Inform a Better Segmentation Strategy.” May 4, 2015. social-media-demographics/#instagram. xlii Smirniotopoulos, Margot. Northern Virginia - Fitness Industry Survey. n.p., 2016. Google Forms. xliii Smirniotopoulos, Margot. Northern Virginia - Fitness Industry Survey. n.p., 2016. Google Forms. xlv Smirniotopoulos, Margot. 9Round NOVA Client Survey. n.p., 2016. Google Forms. xlv i Smirniotopoulos, Margot. 9Round NOVA Trainer Survey. n.p., 2016. Google Forms. xlv ii Ibid. Smirniotopoulos, Margot. 9Round NOVA Trainer Survey. xlv iii Wagner, Gina DeMillo. “Strength in Numbers: The Importance of Fitness Buddies.” September 2010. fitness-buddies/.